#// Doesn't how many times she goes back to Marie she's still his kid
@storyofwhoiam || Continued from here
          “Cause somebody needs to.” He reached out, helping to steady Allie. She was just a kid, but even if she wasn’t, no one else seemingly cared about her and he couldn’t have her on his conscience if he chose to do nothing. “Ya see those dicks?” he asked, fear of her getting hurt coming out in anger as he pointed at the men who Allie had just been all over. “They’ll bash your fuckin’ teeth in and use you ‘til you’re beggin’ for them to kill ya.”
          He pulled Allie away and towards his car. “Get in the fuckin’ car, Kid.” He pulled open the passenger side door. “I’m not askin’.”
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imtryingbuck · 1 month
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC!Theo
Summary: Bucky has to marry a woman who surprises him more and more as their story goes along.
Word count: 726
Warnings: angst? forced marriage. Bucky's dads the worst.
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Of course Bucky has thought about marriage, dreamt about coming home after a long day at work to his wife cooking dinner or happily playing with the kids, slow dancing with her throughout the house whilst the children are tucked in bed. Sharing his dreams, fears, stories and life with his other half, a wife who he can spoil with gifts and love.
A wife he can hold during the night.
Another dream he's always had, having children, he's not picky about the gender (not like he can control it) as long as they are healthy, and he's happy to have as many as his wife wants.
So yes Bucky has thought about marriage.
The dream of having a wife will be coming true sooner than he anticipated however being forced to marry a complete stranger is something he's very against, all he's ever wanted was to marry for love.
He's furious and feels betrayed by his father who just told him he has to marry one of the daughters of another mafia boss, that in marrying her it will secure an alliance.
Michael Murdock who's notoriously known for being ruthless and cunning. A man who happily gets his hands bloody, a man who rules his empire with an iron fist. From what Bucky knows of the man's family is that he has a wife Eliza and from what he's heard is that she's just as bad as her husband. They have two sons Brandon and Matt, and four daughters Carla, Olivia, Marie and Lucy.
Then there's Theodora, the daughter that he had with a mistress who died after the baby was born. However no one has ever seen her or even heard about her, most people think she's a myth. A story that gossipers had made up to keep people entertained.
The thought of being married to one of Michaels daughters made him feel physically sick. He had seen photos of them in magazines or on the internet of their latest trip to the plastic surgeon, or of their lifestyles.
Don't get him wrong he lives a lavish life but has never once flaunted it and he likes his women more natural.
The idea of being married into the Murdock family and having Michael as his father in law makes his skin crawl despite his father telling him that he'd always be protected.
Reluctantly getting into the car, muttering under his breath as he goes.
"James you need this, you've taken over the business now and you need a wife by your side. Stop acting like a child" his father George speaks from the other side of the Range Rover.
"I don't know her. She's not even going to want this."
"It doesn't matter what she wants son, you are the man of this marriage. Marry her, keep her wallet full, and have your mistresses and if she steps out of line just smack her back into place" he chuckles as he continues to text on his phone.
Instead of responding Bucky pushes himself further into the leather seat.
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As the car pulls up to a huge manor that sits behind large steel fences, the double gates have an 'M' on each sides. Bucky notices that there are many high branded, expensive cars all lined neatly on the grey stone gravel. There's a marbled fountain in the middle that had neatly placed flowers circling around it.
The last time Bucky was nervous was when he was nineteen, it was he first official meeting he was holding on his own. No matter what situation he found himself in he was always calm and confident, but still sitting inside the warm, matte black Range Rover he's doing everything in his power not to be sick.
"Dad is this really necessary?" He tries, he knows it himself that it's pointless but he's still going to try.
"I swear you should have been born a girl with how much you bitch and moan."
"But dad this is my lif-"
"Stop crying it's your wedding day" George smiles sarcastically as the car comes to a stop in front of the many steps.
Bucky, his father and bodyguards are lead up the steps and into the high ceiling hallway, their greeted by Michael, who's standing there with a large grin on his aging face.
"Welcome to my home and family".
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Tags: @sapphirebarnes
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shinyzango · 29 days
So, about that "A Steampunk Carol" graphic novel...
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I totally did not forget to make the post about it like I promised I am so sorry.
For those who are not familiar with it, long story short a while ago I came across a Kickstarter project for what seemed to be a steampunk adaptation of the Nutcracker story and was bummed that I missed out on it and wasn't able to support and secure a copy for myself, but a fella made me aware that it did actually get published in Italy a few years ago, and that it was sold on Amazon. And after discovering that there was literally only one copy left, I bought it on a whim to both read it and to hopefully attract more attention to it for reasons I'll discuss in just a bit.
I'm just going to say that I'm very back at writing reviews so apologies if this doesn't say anything at the end or if you didn't get the answers to your questions dkfjgn
Alright, now for the book itself.
First things first, the story. I won't go into details right now as I do not want to spoil folks in case this does get released in english to a wider public, but I can add a Spoilers section in the future where I explain in detail what happens if I get asked about it.
The story, like I said, is an adaptation of the Nutcracker And The Mouse King, but it is quite different in many elements, and spices things up quite a bit, especially after the introduction.
Sadly it feels quite rushed in its execution imo, I assume it's because they had to fit everything in a single volume. Which is a shame because there are many concepts and ideas that are very fascinating and interesting, both for the plot and for the characters themselves.
Speaking of the characters, they are quite unique and interesting.
The main kid, Caitlin, who is the Clara/Marie of the story, can be a little sassy, but she still feels grounded and has a good balance between putting down her foot and being nervous about the situation. I don't mind her character.
The Nutcracker, who is only called Schiaccia (just a shortened "Schiaccianoci" which is nutcracker in italian. I assume he's called Cracker in english if they kept that logic), feels solid. He's a loyal soldier, skilled but does show hints of insecurities. A good lad.
The mice are great as well, I'm really intrigued by the lore they cooked up for them, and the Mouse King is actually not bad, and I like what they did with his character.
There's also another supporting character, a tin soldier who goes by Sergeant Idle. He is basically a companion to the Nutcracker. He is basically a plot tool, helping with the backstory and moving the story forward, but not in a bad way. He's very enjoyable.
I would have loved to see them all explored further, but like I said it all feels rushed probably because it had to stick all in a single volume. I don't know if the authors ever considered this to become a series or if it's just a one-shot story, but I would honestly love to see this evolve into a series, if only because I love the characters and I would love to know more about the lore they cooked up for it more in detail, letting all the elements have the time to shine.
Moving on to the graphic...
I love Lorenza's art style. It looks very sketchy, with a clean roughness to it if that makes sense. And I really like all the designs of the characters.
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(Apologies for the glares, I tried my hardest to limit them as much as possible. also ngl I'm giggling a little seeing how Schiaccia looks similar to my Hans skdfkjhn)
All in all, I really like this adaptation. It's unique and enjoyable, if only a little rushed.
Like I mentioned before, this was Kickstarted a while ago to get properly published in english. It was successfully funded and as far as I know, they're currently in the process of printing copies if not even shipping them for the backers. I still don't know if the folks at Last Ember Press are planning in making it available to purchase outsite the Kickstart, but I really hope so because I do think this deserves to be available to everyone.
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breckstonevailskier · 9 months
"Jumanji" speculation
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This is the synopsis for the upcoming sixth episode of Gen V (source).
My guesses are that:
"Emma goes to find Sam" - Seems like she probably returns to Godolkin's campus since we last saw her in episode 5 with Sam at the drive-in, calling the others to warn them about Cate.
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"Marie, Jordan and Andre are forced to see things from Cate's perspective." My guess is this will be a limelight episode for Cate with a fair number of extended flashbacks that illustrate just how Cate came into Shetty's control, and also probably give us more Golden Boy as well as tell us just how Brink fits into this all (and why exactly Golden Boy killed him). Since Cate clearly is wracked with guilt about wiping their minds, it would make sense that she'd want to divulge everything she can to regain their trust. There was a preview shot in episode 6 of Cate's eyes looking pretty bloodshot, suggesting she restored all of their memories, not just Andre's.
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"Dr. Cardosa makes a breakthrough with a mysterious virus, and Shetty makes a terrifying request with dire consequences." We're definitely going to be seeing follow-up to the scene that Shetty had with Cardosa in the Woods corridor. Definitely seems like he wants Marie's blood to perfect his virus that can control Supes (which I personally think might also tie in with why Cate was under Shetty's control, given her particular powerset).
Edison Cardosa: [Sam] nearly killed my family, Indira! He's far more trouble than he's worth, and Golden Boy is dead anyway. The point is, I'm done with Sam. He's not my problem anymore. I'm tired of babysitting psychopaths. Indira Shetty: Babysitting psychopaths is literally your job. Edison Cardosa: Those kids found out about him! Indira Shetty: Those kids have been handled. They won't be a problem. Edison Cardosa: Come on. You know it's just a matter of time before they find out about everything else we're doing down here. I am this fսcking close to perfecting the virus, a viable way to control them for good. But if they discover that? I'm not paid nearly enough to die for this shit. Indira Shetty: So you want a raise? Edison Cardosa: No, that's not what I... Indira Shetty: So why don't you tell me what it is you do want? Because we both know you're not going anywhere. Cutting up Supes and seeing how they tick is a skill that won't quite shine on your LinkedIn profile. Edison Cardosa: I want the girl. Marie. Her abilities are the rarest I've ever seen. She doesn't understand how powerful she really is. She's the perfect subject, could speed up my timeline. Indira Shetty: She is special. But no. You're not the only one interested in Moreau. She has a benefactor, and because of that, she's strictly off-limits. For now.
This will probably include some explanation as to what Soldier Boy might be doing in this show. But then there's the question of who Marie's benefactor is. It's probably not Shetty herself because I don't see why Shetty would refer to herself in the third person, so it's probably someone else within Vought or associated with Vought. Could be Victoria Neuman (since we will see her in person in one of these episodes), but I like the theory that Marie's benefactor is Stan Edgar. As New Rockstars pointed out, he's got a history of taking interest in orphaned Supes from Red River who accidentally killed their own parents (can't be a coincidence that we actually saw Marie's picture briefly on the computer screen when Hughie was at Red River investigating Victoria's past and uncovered her connection to Edgar; Victoria's and Marie's parents also died in similar fashion); he'd want a new asset in the wake of Victoria's double cross, and seeing as Edgar was the one who signed off on Payback betraying Soldier Boy to replace him with Homelander back in 1985, it would make sense for him to have a contingency plan up his sleeve (and be secretly coordinating with Shetty and the many other insiders he probably still has within Vought).
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It sort of irritates me when people act like Doof is such a great dad. When canon explicitly tells us the opposite.
I don't mean to say Doof doesn't care, he does. Very much so. But just caring doesn't make him a good dad. It just makes him a decent person. Vanessa loves him very much. But love isn't the only thing needed to be a good parent.
I see people cite the Mary McGuffin doll, and him spending years tracking it down as proof of him being a good dad. And it does tell us (and Vanessa) he cares, but it also tells us how out of touch he is with Vanessa's actual wants and needs. Vanessa is 16. She doesn't really want the doll anymore. The doll only has meaning to her because of the effort he put into it. Proof he has actually listened to something she was saying even if it was nearly 10 years ago. Doof has set the bar that low that Vanessa feels so attached to this one gift. In Vanessa's own words he is a substandard dad. She is biased, due to the way he embarasses her, but she's not wrong as often he can't even be bothered to actually listen to her.
He took her to Tokyo instead of Paris for his own interests. He tried to erase Vanessa's memory in order to make himself look better to her. He compared her (or rather Candace's) fashion sense to a clown. He set up a little girl's party when she was 16 and didn't even know she considered herself to be punk.
He tries, oh does he try. But without listening to Vanessa he can't actually do anything for her. His few successes are often facillitated by Perry who does. This lack of listening is at the center of the finale, where it almost causes him to lose her completely. When he finally listens he can finally start connecting with her, and not only that he realizes other things about the way he's been living. And this is something Vanessa, his 16 yr old daughter is telling him. Vanessa is being her dad's therapist and that's not necessarily fair to her.
And in Milo Murphy's Law when he moves in with the Murphys he continues to cross boundaries and not listen to people (particularly the household's teenage girl), acting in many ways more like an overgrown child than a parent himself. And in Vanessa's appearance she's still cleaning up after him and playing couple's therapist with him and Perry.
And don't even get me started on how Doof treats Norm, who recognizes Doof as his father only for Doof to constantly belittle him and refuse to treat him like a son. (Not unlike his own parents). Doof does seem to care for Norm, but that doesn't mean the other stuff he does doesn't exist.
This is especially egregious since PnF and MML have lots of great parents. Lawrence knows about and sometimes goes along with his boys shenanigans and often inspires them. He and Candace may not always be on the same page, but he makes and effort to include her, to try and spend time with her. In regards to Mary McGuffin, Lawrence may have not known Candace still cared about her doll, but he gave her more money than he made off of it to try and make it up to her when he realized that she did.
Martin is someone Milo admires, taught him how to deal with Murphy's Law, who left to give Milo his moment in Athledecamathalon and has otherwise offered his full support to Milo and dedicated time to spend with him. We see less of his interactions with Sara, but he's aparently the one who got her into Dr. Zone, and he understands Murphy's Law can be hard on her too and makes efforts to stay away from her when she needs space. He knows when to cheer his kids on and when to step back.
Dave Grant, Beppo Brown, Richard Chase and Roman Carter are all among the many father characters who seem to have a more healthy relationship with their kids than Doof. Not to mention the grandfathers. None of these parents are necessarily perfect but they are good parents.
I love Doof. He's a great character and a loving father. But he's not a great parent and that's part of what makes him a good character. Makes his interactions with his family fun. The functional dysfunction of it all. He's not simply a good or bad parent. But he's certainly not great.
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knickynoo · 1 year
BTTF: The Animated Series, s01ep02, "A Family Vacation" Review and Commentary
Previous episodes will get linked HERE. (top of page)
I didn't mention in my last post, but I have seen the first season before--about 2 years ago. I have basically no memory of it (I guess my brain was like, "yeah, no, we don't need this" and just dumped it), so this is a lot like watching again for the first time. Never seen the second season, so that'll be all new to me.
In this episode: We travel to England, Doc duels with one of Biff's ancestors, and we meet Marty's goofy relative Harold McFly.
Ok, let's jump in.
Interesting. I thought all these episodes began with Real Doc in his lab, but this one seems to skip that part and goes straight to animation. Christopher Lloyd is narrating, though, which is nice, I suppose. Still not as good as getting to actually see him. Automatic points deducted from this episode for not immediately showing me Doc's face. More Real Doc, less cartoon, please. Thanks.
I am thrilled to announce that we have found Clara! (she did not appear at all in episode 1) She's voiced by none other than Clara herself, Mary Steenburgen.
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As you may be able to tell, she's shed her 1885 attire in favor of modern clothes. And right away, we learn that she's become super tech-savvy as well. The Brown house has many futuristic features to it (either from Doc's travels or his own inventions) and Clara is using two of them here. The device on her leg allows her to work out without actually having to move, and the thing on her finger has some sort of laser feature that allows her to grade school papers on a screen across the room. And I can only wonder how it is that Clara has managed to get a job teaching in a modern school—not so much because of any gaps in knowledge she may have (Clara's super smart, I'm sure she could catch up) but because I'm wondering about the interview process. Surely she must have had to show identification and fill out forms. I can only assume that Doc has gotten forged documentation somehow for his entire family with made up birth years, medical records, etc.
I would have liked an episode about that. Kids would've enjoyed an episode all about Doc creating fake birth records for his wife and kids, right? Right??
Elsewhere in the house, Jules and Verne are busy playing with remote control cars and an elaborate model train set. Hmm...seems like this episode is setting up lots of scenes with technology in preparation to give us the ol' "too much tech is bad for you" lesson.
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Our good buddy Doc is even in on the tech craze. He's busy building robot arms that will turn newspaper pages for him so he doesn't have to do it himself, lol. Unfortunately, this causes a power surge, and all the lights in the house go off. The family is not happy. Doc comes to the realization that they've all become spoiled by technology. He declares that they all need to take a vacation to a time without electricity and ushers them to the DeLorean.
As the car flies off into the sky, Marty and Jennifer are walking down the street.
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Um. That's—that's Jennifer. Yeah. I don't know what happened there. Her design upsets me. Marty is still in his silly letterman jacket. I'm thisclose to photoshopping a denim jacket onto him. Why is he wearing high-waisted jeans?
As they watch the car, Marty tells Jennifer, "I don't guess we'll be borrowing the car tonight." So, apparently, he's allowed to take the DeLorean through time all willy-nilly whenever he wants? That sounds like an absolutely horrible idea.
Doc takes the fam to England in 1367 because I guess he figures a good dose of dysentery will help put things in perspective for them? Anyway, he uses this high-tech camera thing to "change" all their clothes into Medieval ones. He says it's only an illusion that lasts a few hours, though. Idk, don't think about it too hard. To ensure the family all stays put and "enjoys" the trip, he programs the DeLorean to fly away, back to present day, and return later on to pick them up. There is no way that can possibly go wrong.
Clara is not happy with her husband.
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"Of all the pig-headed, insensitive, macho things you've ever done, this takes the cake," she says. And. Can we just talk about how un-Doc-like those descriptors are? Insensitive? Macho?? OUR DOC? Cartoon Clara and Doc have a weird dynamic in this so far. I don't like the exasperated wife with a bumbling, inconsiderate husband trope.
We soon meet Lord Biffingham, Earl of Tannenshire. If you read my episode 1 review, you know that Thomas F. Wilson voices all Tannens in the show. He's really a bright spot in this series because the guy can do so many fun voices. We'll meet many more Tannen relatives in the show—Biff evidently has family roots all over the globe. Lord Biffingham orders Clara to be kidnapped by his cronies. Uh oh. Doc is also kidnapped. Double uh oh! It's up to Jules and Verne to save the day now.
They soon meet one of Marty's relatives! Harold McFly of the Sussex McFlys. Here they are all hanging upside down in a tree because they got caught in rope traps.
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Those are traps Harold set, btw. He caught himself in his own trap. I love him already. Harold tells the boys that he's vowed revenge against Biffingham for stealing away "his lady" Jennivere (assumed to be one of Jennifer's relatives due to the name and fact she is literally just the Jennifer character from the earlier scene but in Medieval clothing). They team up to try to sneak into Biffingham's castle to rescue Doc, Clara, and Jennivere.
Meanwhile, Lord Biffingham asks Clara to marry him. First, though, he has to kill Doc. Yep. So far, we've had a Civil War episode featuring guns being pointed at Jules and Verne, and now a murder plot. Very fun.
Doc, however, isn't too concerned with his predicament. He's locked in a dungeon, having a grand ol' time identifying various bugs and rodents by their scientific names. And while I can't see Real Doc being quite so calm in such a time of crisis, I can see him taking breaks from his panic to be like, "Oooh, rattus norvegicus." (That's literally just a Brown Rat, btw. Doc is fascinated at seeing it.)
We go back to Marty Harold, Jules, and Verne, who are enacting their plot to infiltrate the castle. Harold sings and says some things to the guards, but I can only understand like a third of the words coming out his mouth because of his exaggerated accent. Harold what are you saying.
Lord Biffingham prepares for a jousting tournament against Doc, during which he plans to "eliminate" Doc. Biffingham has this massive horse, tons of fancy armor, and a huge sword thing. Doc has this:
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I mean. I dunno, I believe in you, Doc.
Jules and Verne show up just in time to rig Doc's pathetic little "horse" with their motorized car that they snuck on the trip, which makes it go super fast. He's able to avoid Biffingham's attacks for a while, but eventually gets captured. Biffingham orders Doc, Jules, Verne, Harold, and even poor Einstein to be executed.
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Doc makes a joke about himself and the boys being the first people to ever die before they were born and I just. I feel like this isn't the time for jokes, Doc? Your children are about to die and also—ALSO!—one of Marty's relatives, thus causing him to never be born in the future. Your vacation is destroying entire family lineages, Doc. This show belongs in the horror genre.
It's Clara who ends up saving the guys just in time! She and Jennivere use a ton of fabric to somehow make a hot air balloon, and they throw ropes down and fly the gang away.
With everyone free, Harold and Jennivere are reunited! He says it isn't safe for them to stay in England but he doesn't know where they can go. Doc suggests *drum roll* Ireland! And there are several things that come to my mind here.
One of Marty's relatives and one of Jennifer's relatives got married in the 1300s, moved to Ireland, and had kids—establishing the McFly family line in Ireland.
According to this, Doc is the one who caused the McFlys to even go there in the first place. So. How did they end up there originally? I guess Harold and Jennivere eventually decided on Ireland as well on their own.
It's Clara who helps to free Jennivere from the castle. Who got her out in the original timeline? Maybe Harold?
Shhh, Nikki, it's a cartoon
Anyway, Harold and Jennivere fly off to Ireland right that very moment in the hot air balloon.
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Byeee! Goodbye Harold and Jennivere! Enjoy life in Ireland, you crazy kids.
I miss Seamus. I wish he was in this cartoon. That would make it better, I think.
Wait, wait. I just got sidetracked looking at the Animated Series wiki, and it turns out the opening live-action segment of Doc from this episode was cut from the DVDs, which is where I'm watching this on. It was apparently of him flying above Hill Valley in a hot air balloon. Why was this stolen from me?
Let's wrap this up. We finally get to see Real Doc! We also get one of my absolute favorite gags in all of media. And that is: when a character falls from a big height or is getting dragged or spun around and it's very obviously a fake, stuffed dummy. I cannot describe how much this gag amuses me. It is the peak of comedy, and more shows and movies should use it. Look.
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It is hysterical. I watched this gif loop upwards of 15 times.
Based on the context I now have regarding the removed opening segment, it appears that Doc fell from his hot air balloon. He recovered from the lethal plummet like a champ. Must be due to the medical overhaul in 2015.
Bill Nye then shows us how to make our own hot air balloon using a plastic bag and hair dryer. That's basically the end of the episode.
Overall, I'd rank this episode as being better than the previous one. I did miss Marty, though; he was only in those 10 seconds at the beginning. But Harold was a fun guy. I like that they're keeping with the "all of Marty's relatives look just like him" thing. (Except for Arthur and George, of course)
Join me next time to see dinosaurs wearing clothes.
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sweetcloverheart · 9 months
Had a weirdly interesting+angsty MLB Fic prompt idea (that I might write later)
Context - Like, do you remember that one two-parter episode of Justice League Unlimited where Batman, Green Lantern, and Wonder Woman are trying to stop this timetraveling villain, and at the end of the first part they end up in the future and GL meets his son, but it's a kid he learns he has with Hawkgirl despite the fact that he's dating Vixen at the moment and causes some angst/guilt with him
I kind of want to do something similar to Adrinette
Like, it's the standard "Emma (or Hugo or Louis, or all three) comes to surprise visit young mom and dad via Bunnix's Burrow and does a poor job hiding her ID" plot (possible set right before S6 but after S5 or after Chrysalis is taken care of) and Marinette is all excited and everything because her son/daughter's here, living breathing proof that everything worked out and that her future with Adrien is finally secure and it's all fun and cute babysitting shenanigans until Marinette slowly realizes that her "future child(ren)"...doesn't really look like her. At first she brushes it off and assumes they just simply took more after Adrien, but as the more time she spends with them passes, the more she realizes they really are nothing like her appearance-wise or in personality, and they tend to stick with Adrien more. Marinette tries to get reassurance clues about what her future as a parent is like and how Adrien and she are doing, but the child is steadfast in not giving anything up (they might've messed up in hiding their identity but they at least remember Aunt Alix's rules about No Spoilers)
And then she's referred to as "Aunt Mari" by habit/mistake, and the child is forced to confess that no, Marinette is not their mother - at some point in the future, she and Adrien break up, and Adrien goes on to marry the child(ren)'s actual mother and have them. Marinette is still good friends with him and happily acts as a surrogate aunt, but that's as far as their relationship goes now (whether Marinette goes on to marry someone else too, has a child of her own, or decides to remain a single pringle is up in the air/to the writer's discretion)
Needless to say, Marinette is upset. Adrien and her don't stay together. After everything they went through, after all the struggling, after fighting against Gabriel, Lila, Chloe, and every single force in the universe seemingly determined to keep them apart, they end up just splitting ways on their own (How did they even break up? Why? Was it because of her Ladybug and Guardian duties? Was it because he got bored of her? Was it because she skipped on too many dates? Did she forget a present, a birthday, an anniversary?). There's no happily ever after, no picket white fence and nice little cottage, no three kids and two hamsters to share in their blissful love and joy with.
And now Marinette has to go back into her life knowing that her and Adrien have an expiration date - and she has no clue when it will happen and how to stop it (or if she can).
(On the opposite end, there's also the idea of the child revealed to be Marinette's but not Adrien's (though still the same situation), with Mari having to struggle with the fact that Adrien and her don't end up lasting and wondering who exactly she actually does end up marrying and feeling even worst with this now on top of everything else she knows about Adrien. Does she keep going with the relationship despite knowing she'll let her heart be moved by another and abandoned him, or just end things now to save them both the heartache?)
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carryoncastiel · 1 year
SPNWIN 1x13 - Season 1 Finale Thoughts
I have avoided all spoilers, let's see how this goes!
Oh it starts with the flashback of John coming back from the army
He's just sitting there for hours apparently
John: "Sir, can I help you". He calls him sir! That must be so weird for Dean lol
OMG Dean looks like a sailor! He has a turtleneck!!!
…and he gives John the fated letter from Henry
"We're not supposed to meddle with things, idjit". Oh so it is heaven shenanigans?
I cannot deal with Dean wearing that outfit, it looks so very not him lol
"One last hunt, huh?" "One last hunt." hmmmmmmmmm
Oooh the title card is different. It gets sucked into some interdimensional thingy or something? Well, I like it.
Henry has a lead on "the guy", apparently some hunter named Joan saw him. And Mary doesn't wanna go to that one college. The future without hunting is scary.
John wears the bad red plaid!
If Mary leaves hunting, what does it mean for her and John's relationship? Will we ever find out
Carlos looking at that Dean pic again:"Whoever he is, he is ruggedly handsome" 😏 Everyone has the hots for Dean and who can blame them (gonna be awkward once they find out who he is though…)
So either Dean has to kill the Akrida (since he is "not of this earth") or Ada has to burn her soul with the crystal. Decisions, decisions.
Lata is gonna look for a way to save Ada's soul if she has to use the crystal. My girl is gonna find a way!
So Joan who knows about Dean is also dead(or whatever state they are in)? Or she is some other being. Interesting.
Wait, Joan threw Dean and the Impala through the Akrida portal??? And only John's journal is left? What's going on…
Joan is the queen ooooooh. Now it makes sense.
John, don't stop her monologue, I wanna know more about her being human once!
Joan: "Join me, OR DIE." Girl, that's no choice.
She does the finger snap and is gone. Interesting.
Y'all didn't know Lata is still in the clubhouse that just got raided by the Akrida? Bad oversight.
Lata actually attacking the queen with a knife, breaking her pacifist streak. Sadly it doesn't do anything.
Joan Hopkins lived in 1673, wanted out of hunting and that's why she turned on her own kind.
Joan: "I lost my parents, my brother, all my family to the cause. And then…I lost my William." ALRIGHT ALRIGHT ALRIGHT I SEE
So because there was always more to fight, always a new apokalypse and all, Joan decided mankind is the problem. Because they always need saving and hunters are the ones paying the price….. That's one way to look at it I guess.
The monster essence drove her mad. Don't pump yourself full of monster juice kids!
Carlos having an amazing idea. Use the journal Dean left behind and the Osteum to get Dean back through the portal. Well let's go!
Poor Lata got posessed by the Akrida.
The Akrida were made by an "angry God" as a failsave to wipe out all existence. Yeah, that sounds like Chuck.
Damn, Ada had to use the crystal to save Lata. I mean it was obviously gonna be used but still :(
They can only bring Dean back from the monster world at midnight. Of course.
John, are you really trying to get Mary to stay behind because whoever is gonna face the queen is probably not gonna come back? My dude, this never works.
John:"If we save the world then you're free." Such a meaningful line for this franchise…
So Mary actually does stay behind. Oh well
THEY HAVE SWORDS. SPN definitely needed more hunters using swords!
OH SHIT THE QUEEN ALSO HAS A SWORD. And the Akrida too. So many swords!!!
They really got the Impala through the portal! …but no Dean apparently. Eh, whatever we got the car that is also not of this earth. Vroom vroom bitches
Joan says she wiped out all the MOL. Wait a minute…
BABY TO THE RESCUE. Run her over
…But the Queen opens the portal just in time for Mary to drive the Impala through. Oh nooo
John falling to his knees. I'm sorry I'm getting destiel flashbacks again.
…of course the portal opens up again and Baby comes back. But now with a suspicious figure driving. WHO COULD IT BE
Oh hey Dean. Mary isn't back though. Hmm
No, she was in the Impala for the dramatic reveal. Okay okay.
Dean: "She[Baby] kept us save. Of course, there's not a lot that can tear me apart. I'm already dead" DUN DUN DUN
Dean was stuck in the world between worlds. Like Limbo you mean
Dean was going for a drive in heaven, with a detour through the ~multiverse~. But what was he looking for?
"I was looking for my family." Yeah, we all were during that terrible excuse of a series finale…
"See, I come from a long line of hunters.I guess I was hoping somewhere out there was a earth, that has a version where my family had a shot at a happy ending." So here we have it. That ending was not a happy ending and Dean is looking for a better one.
So the Akrida were one of Chuck's last creations. Shocker.
Dean: "Now that the Akrida are gone, you can chose your own destiny. Write your own story". I wanna see that CW, give me season 2!!!
JACK!!!! OMG IT'S JACK. And Bobby again too.
Bobby: "This is all kinds of weird. Seeing Samuel witha full set of hair" LMAO
Dean is all "Sorry Jack I meddled with world. Guess I don't deserve heaven. I'm definitely not saying you should put me back on earth" lol
So Dean is gonna give other world John his own hunter's journal. THEY CAN USE THAT IN SEASON 2
Dean to Mary: " I know you think about quitting hunting. Believe me I understand. But you need to do me one favor. Keep an eye out for a yellow eyed demon" DEAN JACK SAID NO MEDDLING
He gives her The Colt!?!??! DUDE
Mary: "Your family…did you ever find a world where they had a shot at a happy ending?"
Dean looking at all of them "I think I did."
James Heffield(Hepfield? Jensen stop mumbling!). Is this some significant kind of name Dean is using?
And they are gone. Maybe we'll see them again…
Lata did find a way to restore Ada's soul. The mighty LORE strikes again.
Mary saw every possible version of herself going through the portal but she's gonna find her own path.
John: "Do me a favor?" "Anything." "No Goodbyes"
But one last kiss
John is all sad while the others talk about the next case. But look, Mary is "not leaving here without you" (sorry). She wants John to come with her. ROADTRIP
They are in the car and want some music.
Hepfield was adamant on one thing "Driver picks the music…" Ah the famous line
That was it. Finale of season 1. I really hope we get a second season! I don't want to lose these characters yet :( I'm not entirely sure what to make of the whole Dean bit. On the one hand they did give me "the finale was not a happy ending" but then it's all about blood family again and not even a tiny, subtle mention of anything Cas related. I don't want to be too disappointed, since they gave us destiel parallels again but man I just miss Cas :((( I have to think about it more.
Bobby's face is my face when i saw Dean in that outfit. It weird lmao
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Hey, I just saw your Ryan and min adopt baby hazel au. I just gotta say is SO cute to make one day! My question to this is....how did Ryan and Min adopt hazel. I'm just curious to know. :3
I'm glad you like it, but its not really a fleshed out AU yet, it's more like little cute ideas I think of randomly. The one thing I am certain of is that Ryan and Min still make music and travel,it's just that they visit home more often. Mainly for holidays but sometimes to just chill at their parents place for a week or two. At the start of the AU they're both pretty new to it so Min-Gi's parents and Ryan's sister help a lot.
Min's parents are pretty nervous at first, they're still getting used to him not following the life path they expected him too, but once they see how clearly dedicated he is and how serious he takes being a father they back him up 100%. They're the type of parents to start suggesting those life plans that are supposed to add money to their kid's bank account as they get older and say they should play classical music for her so she's grows up to be just as smart as he is (Their exact words). They smother her just as much as they did with Ryan and Min,Jeong-ja especially. She brags to her friends that she's the first one to have a granddaughter who's learning so fast and takes as many pictures as she can so she can make sure she's there for EVERY big milestone
Ryan's parents are a little less involved, not because they don't want to be but Ryan is just kind of hesitant to go back to his old home and see them. He felt neglected by them as a kid and he's scared Hazel is gonna get lost in the mix of having so many people in the house. But his mother Yuki is trying to get better. Sometimes she struggles since she's not used to focusing on one kid at once but Hazel likes her. Yuki's awkward quiet is a nice break from all the fussing from everyone else so she ends up falling asleep in her arms a lot. Ryan's dad is actually pretty chill, Ryan doesn't really see it but they're a lot alike so Hazel almost instantly clings to him. His little brothers - Michael and David - are in middle school at this point so they don't really deal with her much. Marie - one of his sisters- says they should get babysitting duty eventually but after David tried to put her bottle in the microwave for 10 minutes instead of 1 it was a hard no
Now Joyce and Marie are the ones who are the second most involved in their families. Marie is the more ''mature'' one, at least she thinks so,she tries to be more practical with Hazel. When Ryan and Min aren't home she's in charge of things like bottles and baths,but she's also the aunt that gets their niece fancy baby clothes that they out grow in like a week. She says she doesn't want her niece to be a fashion disaster like Ryan (Her exact words) so she goes all out,not that Hazel notices. She also tries to get Hazel to say 'auntie' as her first word but she's competing with her sister for that
Joyce is basically the responsible but fun aunt,or she tries to be. She doesn't want to admit it but sometimes she does try to compete with Marie as best aunt, its a sister thing. When she's not doing that she's pretty cool, playing with her and taking her places like the park or the beach. She lets her do more ''risky'' things,which really just means playing anywhere where her clothes might get dirty or she might end up with her tripping over herself. Joyce doesn't let her get seriously hurt though,she just doesn't wanna hold Hazel back from exploring. Most of the time when they can't go out she just talks to her. Sometimes Ryan ends up walking in on Hazel just babbling baby talk and Joyce nodding along and listening like they're in a serious debate. It actually helps her learn how to talk faster than other kids, something Joyce brags about whenever she can
I might make another post talking about the actual dynamic between Ryan,Min and Hazel later on when I do come up with something but lemme know what you think so far
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I really love this image you have of Ava, and I'm all here for it.
I'm imagining her with the Portuguese corps, working with the ground-based crew, dreaming, desperately, that she would get a dragon but also knowing she would never get one because of her disability.
But despite that, she still loves dragons and she's basically an expert on how to care for so many of them.
And then one day, she reads about the OCS and how their Admiral (Superion) has maybe a bad leg because of a battle and she still rides with a dragon (maybe in present time not anymore because she has important Admiral stuff to do and is always grounded). And then she finds out how Jillian invented/developed equipment to make it easier for Admiral Superion to ride her dragon.
So Ava's thinking, I have to go be part of the OCS and talk to Jillian. She quits her job at the Portuguese corps and just goes to where the OCS is stationed. Unfortunately, everybody's busy, so at first people even turn her away because she can't walk and they think she can't contribute anything to them. But she shows off her dragon knowledge, so it would be silly not to employ her.
At first she doesn't even get to work with the dragon crew. She knows of Shannon, Bea, Lilith, Mary, and Admiral Superion, but they don't know who she is. She also doesn't get a chance to talk to Jillian.
But yes, Mary sees her around, and she's intrigued by the wheelchair-bound kid who seems to know so much about dragons (maybe she even thinks, oh, a nerd like Bea, they'd probs get along), but then they have to go on a mission (the same one that Shannon and Halo doesn't come back from). So that's how Mary knew to let Ava take care of Halo's hatchling.
Then yes, oh, when Avernus imprints on Ava, Ava could hardly dare to believe it, that this little baby dragon that she told puns to when he was an egg has chosen her, above others, and will not accept anyone else. (Wait, Avernus is a 'he' right?)
And I love the idea of Ava working with Bea's dragon's crew at first to learn the ropes. I can imagine Bea's dragon being a bit more mischievous than Temeraire, so he/she loves Ava's jokes. And come on, Celestials love language, so the dragon absolutely adores this girl who makes language jokes. And it would be so jealous of Avernus once Ava can go ride with him.
I can also imagine Avernus loving Bea, because Bea can get on his wavelength the same way Bea can get on Ava's wavelength.
So their dragons will basically just be glaring jealously at each other because Avernus has Ava and Bea's dragon has Bea.
oh yeah i’m imagining ava working with the ground-crews in the Portuguese corps, delicately breaking the rules by talking to all the dragons ESPECIALLY foreign dragons. & one time she sees this gorgeous blue and brown Winchester; obviously a courier, and starts up a conversation. and ofc it’s Yasmine’s dragon and it’s an unusually smart Winchester so she comes out and sees ava trying to show her dragon how she can do a wheelie in her chair and talking about different ideas she has for rigs that would let her be on a dragon as part of the sharpshooters or a signal ensign or anything. & Yas comes over and ALSO talks to ava and she and her Winchester have that slightly authority-optional vibe that Yas gives off & she tells ava about Admiral Superion & how after her dragon died she was badly injured but now she has a midweight who lost her rider and they’re not cap/dragon but MS flies on her & they have a special harness. & jullian is a genius and she’s developing parachutes in case crew fall of their dragon and new harnesses & ‘i bet she could take a look at something for you. i’m headed back tomorrow, actually’ - squints at the sky - ‘oh, sorry, in three hours. but we can carry two, right?’ she winks at her dragon, ‘i mean, if you wanted to come with.’ & ava isn’t enlisted she’s just employed by the corps so she drops everything then & there. Yas gets a dressing down for it but she just shrugs & chews on her endless supply of liquorice sticks & says, ‘hey, my dragon likes you so i’ll say it was worth it.’ 
& ava kind of does just massively impress everyone with her knowledge of dragons & especially their biology. she doesn’t get assigned a crew (she’s on probation) but she assists the surgeons and kind of keeps a general eye on the welfare of the dragons. she sees Shan & Bea & Lil & Mary around and is enraptured by Halo because she’s kind of gold & purple & green & just absolutely gorgeous. Jillian is away for like several weeks and the harness master who is there tells her it’s impossible to fly a dragon with no leg mobility. but Mary has her ear to the ground & she sees thing girl deftly navigating around the dragons while they sleep in the courtyard and she brings them books and talks to them and asks them so many questions. & she’s thinking of getting bea to talk to someone who isn’t a dragon for once in her life but then yeah, mission happens. and when mary washes up half-crazed with grief she puts the egg into ava’s care and that’s that. 
Avernus is a ‘he’! He’s white and gold and has these circular striations on his wings, & totally almost breaks her chair trying to get on her lap after downing two goats hooves and all. gets blood all over her and ava is in love. & they are completely inseparable from the get-go like military protocol be damned Ava gets one of the other dragons to let them camp under his wing (an old heavyweight who just blinks slowly when people argue that it isn’t proper for a captain to sleep outside with their dragon). & then bea returns and she’s devestated and she finds ava teaching her dragon curse-words she learned from international ground-crews. and Jillian works out a harness and they spend weeks and weeks trialing them and when Avernus can take a passenger they get Ava on him and she fucking flies, & bea kind of realises then that this girl is special. that she loves dragons. & bea’s dragon loves her too, which isn’t surprising considering the way that ava has ‘bolstered her vocabulary’ (bea’s dragon is a ‘she’) and asks beatrice like week two if they can ‘have’ ava and beatrice has to explain that ava is going to be a captain. 
& yeah. Ava is kind of immediately taken by this carefully controlled girl who reads in Chinese to her dragon and practices fencing while all the dragons look on and clock their claws together. who looks thoughtful when ava suggests attaching sabres to her chair and goes and gifts her a pistol that she got from her father which has gold lettering and a weird lacquer finish and bea says ‘that’ll chip the first time it sees action, but the mechanism is good. oh, can you shoot? would you allow me to teach you?’ & it takes Ava waaay too long to answer because heart eyes and nobody every bothered to teach her to shoot but she’s fantastic at it. & both dragons dislike 1. that the other dragon has their second favourite human and 2. that people are rude to them, calling bea a ‘legacy handler’ and ava a mistake & together they’re insufferable and basically conspire to try and make ava and bea fall in love, as if they need meddling dragons to help them do that. 
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thesoundofmadness · 2 years
Post confession and grown up Sunny hcs
i just thought of a bunch of hcs so here we go
After the confession, things were.... rough for the group. Kel was the most understanding and the first to forgive Sunny and Basil for what they did.
Both Aubrey and Hero were.... really fucking angry. Mostly because Sunny and Basil had kept it a secret for so long. Hero EXPLODED on Sunny, even worse than when he did Kel, and stormed out afterwards. No one had ever heard him yell like that before. It was awful.
Aubrey was pissed too, but by the time Sunny was released from the hospital and she had some time to think about it, she got over it.
Hero didn't get a chance to apologize before Sunny left, though.
After Sunny moved away, they mostly kept in touch online. LOTS of discord VCs.
Got a proesthic eye. He has various different colored contacts, and likes the hetrochromia look bc Kel told him it was cool.
Sunny got back into school. A few of his teachers couldnt help but notice how frail Sunny looked, and it ended up in social workers being called on his mom. It turns out she was barely home and left little to no food for Sunny to eat.
Because he was almost an adult, they didn't put him in a foster home or anything, but they DID give him a full time caretaker until he moved out on his own. He also got various therapists and other psychological professors to help with his trauma.
That christmas break, he got a chance to go back to Faraway town and visit everyone again. He stayed with Kel and Hero.
As soon as Sunny walked through the door, Hero hugged him and apologized for yelling at him while sobbing. Sunny forgave him.
It was a very fun christmas break.
It took Sunny a LONG time to graduate school. Alot longer than everyone else. He missed out so much on the 4 years he isolated himself. Everyone was very supportive and did what they could to help him with his studies
At the suggestion of his therapist, he got involved with the schools orchestra. Everyone was very impressed with his skills on the violin. He managed to make a few friends because of it.
The friend group expanded to include Aubrey's gang and Sunnys new school friends.
He went to college to become a psychologist/therapist due to his own experience with trauma.
Roommates with Basil!!! They have alot of plants and cats. Basil owns his own garden store.
He works in the same hospital as Hero does. He works in the in-patient psychiatric ward as a psychologist and therapist. He doesn't want any kids to feel like he did when he was their age.
He also gives violin lessons on the side, mostly to the kids in the hospital.
Has an absolutely terrible memory and writes everything down. He has SO many notepads scattered around the house.
Sunny is really good with knives (to the point it's concerning) but he isn't allowed near them. Only plastic butterknives.
Kel became a professional basketball player and everyone ALWAYS goes to his games.
Sunny visits Mari's grave on her birthday every year. He likes to give her a bit of a status report whenever he goes. She's very proud of him for moving on and becoming a successful adult.
He still visits Omori and HEADSPACE sometimes. Not nearly as often as he once did, though. Usually whenever he visits Mari's grave.
Omori is the same as ever. Though a little less of a little bitch
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fkevin073 · 1 year
So here is my Dark Alysanne x Dark Aemond idea.
The idea goes - War is stopped from breaking out but Rhaenyra and Alicent do die. No B&C happens. Jace gets through to Aegon who decides to exile himself and Jace assumes the throne.
There is talk of betrothing Jace to Cassandra Baratheon as the bastardy rumours are a bit lesser bcoz Jace has dark blonde hair just like Alysanne but not the Valyrian silver locks.
Alysanne really wants to be Queen and expected she would be one but to avoid The Greens from rising in rebellion again, the Baratheon support is prioritized. There's also talk of betrothing him to Baela to keep Daemon pacified/ distracted enough to not stir shit with wanting to kill The Greens.
Alysanne knows she can't really harm Baela without Daemon finding out but she does decide to harm Cassandra. Get rid of her discreetly eaten by Cannibal or burned or some other way.
No one but Elenda Caron and Baela know that its Alysanne. Elenda can sense that Alysanne's niceness is fake and she was behind this somehow. She can't prove it though. She convinces Borros Baratheon to not betroth Floris or Maris to Jace by deeming it an ill omen or something. Baela ends up witnessing this from afar but Alysanne doesn't realize it. Baela doesn't confirm this to Elenda. But she and Elenda both know they can't fling any accusations around bcoz Alysanne is well loved by all the siblings as she becomes a mother-like figure to the younger ones post Rhaenyra's death and a supportive shoulder for Jace to lean in on. Just like in IKYLAO.
She says "Fuck this" and convinces Rhaenys and Corlys to let her marry Luke and get Driftmark. She knows Daemon can help but she knows Daemon would try to solve it by killing her and it might be transparent that he did it to make Baela the Queen.
Interestingly enough, Aemond suspects Alysanne as well and Elenda and Baela's actions confirm it for him.
Alysanne gets to marry Jace. Now here I am a bit unsure as to what would cause her to grow disenchanted by him. Is it bcoz she is tired of always putting on an act around him? Or Aemond finds a way to drive a wedge between both of them? Say Jace did go to the North at the start when Aegon was coronated. Maybe he had a lil something with Sara Snow or he didn't but they did bond.
When Cregan comes to bend the knee, Sara does too. Aemond is intrigued by Alysanne's dark side and wants to provoke her again to see what she would do. He leads her to believe with anonymous tips that Sara is carrying Jace's bastard. Again, maybe she is or she isn't. That's upto you.
Alysanne is furious. She wants to confront Jace but at the same time she doesn't want any confirmation from him coz she knows he won't be able to lie to her if it's the truth. Or maybe Aemond starts being around more and gets to her about how she has done so much to secure her and Jace's place but all in vain. He reveals to her that he knows she killed Cassandra. And provokes her to kill Sara as well. She tries but somehow it gets botched or she sees Jace with her (platonically). When Aemond comes to taunt her, she kisses him to shut him up and taunts him back how she hasn't lost anything as she still gets to be the Queen.
This starts a delicious dark courting between them too. Aemond fully intends to seduce her so he can ensure that Alysanne's kids are his bastards who get to sit the throne as a final "Fuck you" to the Blacks. Alysanne sees through it but goes along with it regardless as she likes how free and accepted she feels with Aemond.
She decides to cheat on Jace with Aemond and basically the heir, the spare and the spare's spare to the throne are Aemond's children. It isn't that apparent as people believe the Valyrian silver locks skipped a generation.
But the people do keep wondering why a bloodthirsty Aemond has stuck around in the Red Keep for so many years. He hasn't tried to kill any of the Blacks either or attempted a coup. Maybe he won Jace's trust enough to have a seat in the Small Council as well.
Jace figures it out when the fourth child does end up being Jace's kid. He starts wondering why his other children don't have his pug nose or the minute Strong features that people won't notice without a deep look.
He confronts Aemond and Alysanne eventually. He either decides to change the succession so the throne goes to his fourth kid who is a son.
Or say the first kid is a daughter and she was to marry the spare as a consort. Jace decides to break that betrothal and betroth the heir to his son who is the fourth kid.
He does love Alysanne so he promises that he won't reveal about the first three kids being bastards to the public. Maybe he decides to exile Aemond or some way to punish him without being obvious about it.
He plans to reveal this to the change to the Small Council the next day. Alysanne and Aemond kill him coz they know even if Jace doesn't reveal the truth, the change in succession will cause tongues to wag.
And Alysanne does believe that Jace had a bastard and goes to Winterfell regularly to meet him. This may or may not be true. So she wants to have this as a revenge.
They kill him before he can change anything. Alysanne becomes Queen Regent as her heir is still very young. She decides to marry Aemond and have him as Consort or maybe not as that might make it transparent.
So yes. Oof that was huge. If you made it till the bottom, kudos and thanks!!!
If you do decide to do this then I would love to see your spin on it and if you don't then I would love to hear your thoughts on what Alysanne and Aemond can do or won't.
Love 💗
oh this is so wonderful! thanks for being so passionate about IKYLAO.
now, tbh, this is a pretty long prompt, and I like to keep entries for "sacred prayer" relatively short, but I def some ambition for a multi-chapter story if u want to pursue that! there's so many interesting ideas here.
I think Elenda Caron is an OC, or is she in Fire and Blood? I'm not certain, but I'd love to explore Baela more. I wish the show had given her more screen time, and I feel like I've done her a bit of a disservice in my fics too as she's a hard character to crack for me, given her even more severed allegiances in IKYLAO.
Also, tbh, I don't think I can write anymore infidelity stuff, even if it's for dark Alysanne. writing that Jace x alys one shot was fun little escapism , but I def felt like it went against Alysanne (well regular her anyhow) to have her do that given how loyal/devoted she is to people. and also writing infidelity involves a lot of betrayal that, to be honest, I do not have the emotional capability to deliver at this moment.
but alas, let's think about this more! the angst of aemond watching alysanne and Jace raise kids he knows are his. I think he's too possessive for that tbh lol. he would def try and kill Jace at some point.
now, if Jace was just his regular self in this fic, idk that he'd have a full blown affair? maybe he had one with Sara before he got betrothed to alysanne, but tbh I really hope in the show they don't go the Sara snow/Jace route, so that's my own personal bias. but I think if he did have a bastard, he would be upfront with alysanne from the start, though I think he'd try not to have one given his own sensitivity to that status and wouldn't wish that upon a child.
Dark Alysanne as I wrote her in that last prompt is a pretty ambitious/ruthless person, so I can't say she wouldn't potentially murder a husband that got in her way, even if she did once love him. the Cersei vibes lmao. but I do think, even if she was having an affair with aemond or anyone else, she'd make sure that her first born was her husband's because she's not interested in making her mother's mistakes again. I think Dark Alysanne in particular recognizes that in order to gain true power/influence she has to play by the rules a bit instead of discarding them at every turn, even if she wants to. esp bc Jace and Aemond look so different.
I guess kind of like Margaery Tyrell - who probably cared about the people to some degree, but definitely over exaggerated that care in public to better her reputation, you know? like flawless PR. Alysanne would be like that, so no one would suspect her when her enemies start dropping like flies.
imagining a world where alysanne would kill Jace is rough though. have to say! she cares about him so much. I think even with aemond in that dark alysanne prompt I wrote she'd either have it happen in battle or have him locked away, though her affection for him in that universe is a lot more perverted/selfish and a manifestation of her own arrogance.
if alysanne did eventually marry aemond in this universe though, I think it would very much turn into an Edward iii, Isabella of France, and Roger mortimer situation, where Edward killed his mother's lover after he ascended the throne because they killed and deposed his father/Roger became too powerful. so maybe it's that fourth son you mentioned that did it?
or, because in this universe Jace unwittingly raised aemond's kids as his own they view him as their real dad and suspect their mom/aemond for his murder. who knows! either way, I'd like to think alysanne ends up in a big castle with a lot of gold lmao, living her best single life bc her kids could never kill her.
thanks sm for this prompt! I'm sorry I (probably) can't deliver on it, but it was super fun to talk about ♥️
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lovecatsys · 10 months
okay since everything except for Uncanny Spider-Man is out now I'm gonna go ahead and give my reviews of Fall of X so far
First off, Immortal and Red continue to be masterpieces, no surprises there, both books however are clearly taking a turn in a different direction and I'm loving it for both of them.
Jean Grey is not what I expected it to be at all, but still an amazing character study of Jean, I expected nothing less from Simonson of course.
Invincible Iron Man and X Men are decent, not a fan of exactly whats going on with Kate, the Emma stuff is great though. Kamala should not be in this book. I hate the avengers by default but I don't exactly hate whats going on between Emma and Tony, though that might change. The "wedding" is going to be exactly what I expected it would be of course. Overall not Duggan's worst writing but I don't love it.
Uncanny Avengers is... meh, so far, Pietro is super OOC which is :/ but maybe he'll get some more focus later on, god I hope he does. But it's frustrating how little effort is going into portraying him as a visible person of color when a much greater effort is going into his sister. Monet used her telepathy which gives me hope for her! I'm down for more of her teaming up with Kwannon tbh, they make a good team.
Astonishing Iceman is a bit of an anomoly to me. It's very good writing so far, I'm loving how Orlando writes Bobby, but I'm really pissed that they've chosen to stick with Romeo as his love interest after he got aged up just to come back and fuck Bobby and for them to throw Christian to the side. No mention of Christian at all at the hellfire gala, Emma is not concerned with where he is like she is with the Cuckoos which :/. I'm honestly afraid he's being dropped as a character which fucking sucks. The thing I hate the most about how Romeo is there is that Christian could literally be in his place and it would be perfect to me. He has a power set that could absolutely work for this situation just how Romeo's is working! Who knows, maybe this relationship will grow on me. We'll see.
Alpha Flight is really good, I haven't delved into the world of AF comics yet but from everything I know it seems perfect. My man was only there for two seconds in the first issue but we'll see if he gets any panel time as it goes on. Even if he doesn't though, yeah I'll be a little pissed but it'll still probably be a good read, and at least he'll have made any appearance at all since Marauders. Oh and Puck making fun of his new codename was funny. Fang really is a dumb name.
X-Force is still garbage, but this weird plot twist with Quentin (whatever it is??) has me gritting my teeth. fucking get your hands off my boy Percy he does not deserve this. Curious to see whats going on with the Colossus plotline, just wish it was happening in a better book.
Children of the Vault is amazing, never cared for Bishop and haven't read much Cable yet but I'm still all in on it. One of those books where you don't have to care much for the characters to recognize its quality. also fun fact: its written by the comic writing mentor of my comic writing mentor. lol
Dark X-Men wasn't as good as I had hoped it would be, but its still good. Though it kinda feels like it has too many characters in it so far, I'm loving the Maddie content and it had some great dark humor in it. LOVED the children of the atom bits, im so curious whats going to go down with Carmen and I'm just glad her friends and her relationship with Buddy got some panel time tbh.
last and the actual best: Realm of X was SO FUCKING GOOD. I've had a little soft spot in my heart for Curse since her story started in X-Men Green, and it seems like she's going to be a huge part of this arc rather than just tagging along as a little kid which is great. Sooraya fucking stole the show, this new take on her power signature is amazing. In general love all these women (Typhoid Mary is growing on me, I'm going to call the awful things she's done that made me want to hate her poor writing choices, especially since shes a survivor of such acts in the first place.) SO curious with what's going on with Yana, and I love how devoted she is to keeping Curse safe. DID NOT expect Saturnyne to be the main villain but im down for it tbh. This book is my favorite already and i just cant wait for hte next issue!
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the-firebird69 · 3 months
So he went into court and said that he lied about it and the court said we found out what the true number is and your numbers don't match either but you're way off very far off he said that he had only two billion in net worth and they found 4.5 billion and it's coming record that he has over 3 billion and he leans over and says I don't care anymore into the microphone not real loud and they did arrest him and they held him for perjury and it said you care now quietly and he said not really good enough to say this you and all your cohorts are dead so they file more charges yeah they did and he's going to go to jail for more than 5 years or 5 months or whatever it is
And this reflects on Donald Trump and he looks like some sort of massive evil scofflaw and he looks like he could have made covid-19 for real on purpose so people are going after him and they are going to seek the justice
You can hear it all over the world get this pervert off him shoot him in hand and burn them in public as many times as necessary and they're saying it too here the pseudo empire is moving in and found this VW code my son was talking about it and they looked at it and said who the hell are you to do this to us and to them and to yourself is spewing and sputtering and he says it's his people this is no is ghwp they're not my people and the guy went nuts and said this is what it is and he keeps trying and it's kind of an idiot and then they got in trouble but it's probably true and they said oh it's still that game there's an end game up to the Saturn he says they said we know about it you stupid a****** this guy is running some sort of plan and you go for it every time I guess in this case you had no choice but that's what you do so they got really mad and they said you're an idiot you're out of her face with this it's less he said go ask mac daddy cuz the back is asking him about g h w b and he recalled it and he said this is what he was doing and he was yelling at the kid a little only a few times but he got it and there was enough commotion around and covered it up but some people remember it and he went around and said he was doing this and this this is my God it's this guy and he's still around and these people had no clue and played the part of Jesus start to finish and they're talking about going and getting him out of there and it's themselves and we don't think they know and all of a sudden he got really mad this morning and said how did you figure that out it took me years with you next door it was impossible and he goes wow that's f***** up explains the fight with Tommy f and it was what do you mean he says I think you got him in the accident and you're in the accident and they put you two in the tomb didn't have to go in the tomb cuz they're both in the back seat and he started to smirk and smile and said wow that blows and guess who she was I think and people are starting to figure it out and he's going it was Sarah and doesn't like the boy but no it was Trump so she's trying to knock him off to be Queen and it wasn't his fault it's the whole clan and JC and he's been free and no wonder all this s***'s happening so he's going back to work and says what a bunch of knuckleheads so there's a whole bunch of stuff going on but Tommy f is very mad because these people were assaulting him and they took his stuff and he got messed up in the accident but not that bad and it's pretty bad and they all are messed up and they're looking at Mac but really it's just their stuff but they found out about the ships and it was the kids and JC and Mary and everyone's shooting their pants cuz I started looking at the records and it was saying that they're acting odd and they're looking at things and they're finding things they touched and and they are finding their prints and it's not JC and Mary now this is what's going on too they're in the wrong place at the wrong time they've always been there so they know exactly where they touch and it's different and things are happening okay this is a huge story
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
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ponyo737 · 2 years
Basically Marinette mothering everyone
It started with Nino and Kim back in kindergarten
If they got hurt, she had band-aids
If they needed a hug, there she was
Nap time, she would do her best to tuck them (most to the teachers' amusement)
Her basically being a mom became a joke between them
She babies her class, more so after she becomes class president
She's not a flustered mess around Adrien and actually acts like a functioning human being around him (or acts like a mother)
When it’s cold, she carries sweaters in the size of the ones she KNOWS will forget theirs (she may sometimes forget hers but never forgets the other's)
She adores babysitting, even if the kids sometimes are little demons, she absolubtly loves it
When it’s time to get scores, she brings cookies and gives those who got 18/20 or more on their exams
Everyone is very jealous of Max and Adrien, who often get high scores in every exam and thus receive cookies every time
Kim and Alix compete a lot and the winner always immediately turns to Mari for praises
Either Adrienette or Lukanette
Adrienette because Adrien getting babied by Mari as Adrien and Chat and even more babied post-reveal and/or post-Hawkmoth
Lukanette because Luka acts like a dad sometimes and Mari acts like a mom so they will smoother the hell out of people
She usually fixes her classmates clothing and no matter how much they insist she doesn't allow them to pay
Her mothering people as Ladybug
After they're akumatized she asks if they're okay
She comforts children after they were akumatized
She coos at little August after they defeat Gigantitan and insists that she can carry him, no Chat, don't take him away from me
She assures Mr.Ramier that it's okay and that he shouldn't blame himself for getting akumatized too much
She comforts people and always lets them know that feeling is okay
When it's someone's birthday, she will make little cute cakes as gifts that everyone loves
She sometimes gets baby fever, which makes her incredibly moody
When after a baby was akumatized while she was feeling baby fever she burst into tears while holding them
Marinette acts like a proud mother A LOT
She has a camera full of pictures of her friends
If the Adrientette is platonic instead of romantic, then Adrien is like, this is my maman now, no, I'm not replacing mom, but Mari is my maman now.
Gabriel was very confused when one day Adrien started babbling something about a mom (when he finally showed for dinner, that is)
Kagami is very confused when Marinette goes mother hen on her for the first time
"what is happening?" She will whisper to Adrien from where she is leaning her head on Mari's shoulder after fencing practice (Adrien is lying on her lap)
She adopts her friends with parental issues
The class introducing her to others like "This is my mom"
She babies Marc
She often tells him "Do as I say, not as I do" because they're both anxious beans
She absolutley ships Marc and Nath when she notices they both have crushes in each other and wingmans for either of them
Luka recognizes Marinette from those times Juleka mumbles about her and is happy to meet the girl who babies his sister almost as much as he does
She babies the kwami after she becomes guardian
She makes them their favorite snacks
Makes them tiny accessories
Cuddle sessions with all of them and they have turns to sleep with her
They don't call her Master, most call her Mari or Marinette and some even jokingly call her maman from time to time
Some of them have gone through bad holders like Nooroo and Duusu and although it may have been years ago she still comforts them about it
Plagg is one of those who had many abusive holders in the past and Mari smoothers the hell out of Plagg when she sees him (he eats it all up like a stinky pice of camembert)
Plagg is one of those who teasignly calls her maman
She is conflicted on who to give the shovel talk when Alya and Nino start dating because Alya is her BFF but Nino is her childhood friend (she gives it to both of them at the end)
When Lila comes around, the class is actually smart (Marinette raised them better than that)
It starts when it weirds them out when Marinette doesn't baby Lila, sure, Lila may be new, but new classmates have always been mothered by Mari if at least a tiny bit
They start investigating
They do research instead of believing their every word
They fact check
They ask for evidence about the things she has made
They don't really believe what she spills about Mari because it just does not sound like her
You know how Adrien tells Mari about the high road? Here he mentions it but Mari immediately tells him that's wrong and explains why
She learns that children are stupid, and she's not talking about the kids she babysits, she's talking about her classmates
"Alix, no- are you really asking why can't you skate down the stairs?"
"Nath, sweetie, please go home to sleep, you can finish this drawing tomorrow"
She makes pride month accessories for her LGBTTQ+ friends
Mari is very protective of her classmates
More so with:
Adrien, regardless of if it's platonic or romantic, she is very protective of him, she gives him snacks because he doesn't eat enough, she often takes him away from Lila and Chloe if they're hurting him, comforts him about things at home
Chat Noir, she is protective of him as both Mari and Ladybug, as LB, they hold each other close after hard battles if they're free, she hates watching him die in battles, so she too tries to protect him, and she sometimes brings him croissants for after patrol because he looks exhausted and as if he were to pass out, as Mari she feeds him too, he sometimes doesn't eat enough or skips meals (he feels too lonely eating) so they have dinner or breakfast together, she invites him into her room for cuddling, and pets him as both LB and Mari
Rose, in this she already knew about Rose being sick and mother hens her a bit more than the others, it's not too obvious, but she worries a lot about her, she or Juleka are usually the ones that take her to the nurse's office ans they both visit her at the hospital
Nathaniel and Juleka, the two of them are extremely anxious and have gone through a lot by Chloé as years went by just like her, she is always encouraging them and supporting them
Nino and Kim, they have been babyed by her the longest and so she grew protective of them as time went by
Ivan, people are quick to judge him and he had been bullied a lot for his size, she hates it when people are rude at him for no reason or blame him for his looks or the way he seems to act (he may seem rough but he is actually a sweetheart)
She gives them their favorite food
Lots of cuddles
She assures them they can just call her Mari or Marinette and don't need to call her Master and jokingly tells them that they can even call her maman if they want
They call her maman
She has pet names for her classmates and some she uses in general for everyone
Doesn't matter if it's platonic or romantic, Luka is the one that babies Marinette and will do it often
At first Mari is confused because she usually is the one doing the babying and is this what it feels like???
She likes spending time at the Liberty with Luka because they often just snuggle while Luka strums his guitar
Marinette is very touchy, Luka discovered, and she loves cuddling
He makes sure she eats enough and stays hydrated when she's going through a inspirational/creative time where designing is one of her top priorities
He will often call her pet names like my melody, sweetness, baby, sweetheart, honey and sometimes more
When Luka meets Marinette it's almost all like canon except when he calls her "Ma-Ma-Marinette" she just giggles because of how much it sounds like Mama Marinette
(May make more, IDK)
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candlecoo · 2 years
if your still doing Au request and you know this series. A Ranma 1/2 au?
YOU HAVE UNLOCKED A RARE DIALOGUE TREE!!! YES, I know Ranma 1/2 it was the first anime I truly fell in love with. I've read every manga, and seen every episode (even the ova's!!!)
It is in my opinion the perfect action(fighting)/comedy. And honestly I rewatched it recently and thought to myself that the transformations/curses in the show could definitely fit in as quirks in bnha!
this would definitely be more of a comedy than canon bnha is so just keep that in mind
- lzuku's quirk comes in one day on time for a child of his age, there was nothing noteworthy about it other than what the quirk was.
- Izuku had come back home after preschool with no changes quirk wise, him and Inko had dinner together and his mother runs him a bath.
- she leaves to do the dishes and let's him play for a while, a half and hour later she goes to check on her son and and finds not her son sitting in the tub but a little girl!
- turns out Izuku's quirk let's him change swap gender through contact of water of different temperatures. Hot water equals boy, cold water equals girl.
- at first Inko worries about his quirk but Izuku doesn't find an issue with it he still feels like Izuku, but Inko more so worries about what the other kids would say.
- so after alot of thought Inko plans to have Izuku homeschooled or do school online. And it works out wonderfully!(thanks to the money Hisashi sends her and his recommendation for the best tutors)
- Izuku is more worried about his quirk not being good for heroics until it hits him! Undercover work and infiltration!
- he can use his quirk to disguise himself as someone else and be unassuming, like an actor! Or an underground hero from in all those movies! It'd be easy to separate his two forms since only his mom and presumably his dad know his quirk.
- so Izuku agrees to being homeschooled as long as he can take whatever classes/hobbies he wants outside of the house. martial arts, fighting, acting etcetera.
- over the next ten ish years Izuku becomes a master of multiple forms of martial arts, karate, weapons and parkour. As well as improv, acting, dance, and of course cosplay/costume design/fashion (he has to make his characters believable)
- when out and about Izuku is every careful about not transforming and carrots a bunch of stuff to prevent it from happening just in case(for comedic effect) and things to help him change back just in case too! (Like imagine him carrying a Mary Poppins esc bag)
- when he feels ready and talks through his plans with Inko to apply to UA which she agrees to and states how proud she is!
- Izuku fails save Ochako during the entrance exam and makes it into gen Ed instead.
(From there it's a bunch of hijinks and too many love triangle just like in Ranma 1/2! Also Fem!Izuku has white hair instead of green, like how Ranma has black hair but Fem!Ranma has red. Izuku is also rather gender fluid in this au(like hair and dress wise, could go either way) and really doesn't have a preference on pronouns and answer to any no matter what gender he is currently displaying)
- Him and Hitoshi become fast friends and finds out about Izuku's quirk by accident and promises to keep it a secret. He also helps Izuku with his mischief.
- said love triangles(?) I have so far include:
Ochako crushing on the boy who tried to save her.(Izuku)
Monoma falling for the girl who complimented his quirk and said he'd make a wonderful hero.(Fem!Izuku)
Todoroki slowly falling for the boy who helped him with his quirk during the sports festival (Izuku (endgame ship)) and then trying to connect the dots between Izuku and the white haired girl!
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