#// It is a Joy to see the Mun on my dash
as-above-is-moving · 10 months
Obligatory reminder;
if I ever draw you something, you are more than welcome to use them as icons, emotes, banners, whatever your heart desires. Credit isn't necessary every time you use it, but having it marked somewhere at least once would be appreciated ♡
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caramel-maveeato · 1 year
ᴋɪꜱꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴍᴀᴋᴇᴜᴘ ♡˚₊。。。
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❧❤ SYNOPSIS: something felt very unsettled with you today, and it shattered So Mun just from thinking of the possibilities… ♡ Pairings/Love interest: So Mun x Fem!reader ♡ Genre: angst, hurt/comfort, angst to fluff, happy ending ♡ TW: suggestive, mentions of cheating, cursing, detailed kissing descriptions, crying, sexual tension but no you two aint gon do the deed, post-ss2 ♡ Word count: 5.1k
Note: All characters originated from “The Uncanny Counter/Amazing Rumor” except for Y/n. (Sorry mom and dad because instead of paying attention during lectures, I wrote this lil silly fic about a man who doesn’t even exist)
English is not my first language!!! Sorry in advance if I make any grammar and vocabulary mistakes.
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Apart from all the evils hunting, So Mun couldn’t recall the last time he had been this anxious. 
Normally, he never held anything against you hanging out with your guy friends. He knew you also have your personal space and it wasn’t necessarily like your entire world needed to revolve around him.  
So Mun trusts you with his own life, he really does. He never once doubted your love for him. But today, something was horribly off.
“Isn’t that Gwan Daehyun from my class?” 
Juyeon habitually pushed her glasses up, vocalizing her thoughts to the friend group. Both Woongmin and So Mun raised their heads at the comment, turning toward the large window.  
“Gwan Daehyun,” or whoever, was a tall and slender-built young man about his age—he presumed. Judging from his figure and his dashing fashion sense, anyone would instantly conclude he was a big catch. But that wasn’t what caught So Mun’s attention the most.  
The man passed by the glass window. Next to him was you, linking arms with him and smiling so cheerfully. 
Even though So Mun wouldn’t admit that something has unpleasantly risen up deep inside his heart upon seeing you being so close to another guy, you were always acting so intimate with him in your relationship, so it was understandable that physical affection was rather a normal way of communicating with you. 
He heard Woongmin’s voice chimming in next to his ear, snapping him out of the trance: “Is that… I’m seeing Y/n, right? Are they friends?” 
“What kind of question is that? If not friends then what are they?” Juyeon cut him off, carefully stealing a glance at So Mun to see if he had any reaction. 
“It was just common sense to ask!”
“Uh-huh, common sense.”
“Hey, what’s with that tone–”
“Guys, we’re in the middle of a cafe, enough with your lover’s quarrel.” A faint smile flashed across So Mun’s face as he tapped his pencil down on the table, trying to get his friends’ attention. He didn’t really care how many friends you have, but seeing such joy radiating from you, he couldn’t help but be curious to know about the man’s identity: “Gwan Daehyun is your classmate?”
Juyeon responded nonchalantly: “In chemistry, but we almost never talked. How did Y/n and he even know each other?”
The typical “I don’t know” hasn’t even slipped out of his mouth, Woongmin was quick to toss him another question: “She didn’t tell you about this?���
So Mun wasn’t quite certain “this” referred to you telling him about the guy specifically or about this entire thing, but he chose to say what felt the most natural: “About hanging out with a friend today? She did.”
His two best friends nodded at the same time, exchanging a subtle look at each other which So Mun was completely unaware of. His concentration was taped on you the entire time, following you as your silhouette slowly melted into the distance. He returned to his sketchbook, throwing all running thoughts behind his head for now. 
This was when it should’ve stopped bothering him. Or he would say, it didn’t actually bother him in the first place. 
Not until he saw what was on your neck. 
At first glance, he confidently supposed it was a mosquito bite. But again, he knew what a mosquito bite looked like, and he even knew better what a hickey looked like on your skin.
On the side of your neck laid a small, reddish stain. As much as he tried to deny the truth flattening in front of him and convinced himself that it was a love bite he'd forgotten he left on you, So Mun knew damn well all the places on your body that he had been marking on, and none of them displayed in such a conspicuous spot. 
Or maybe you just carelessly bumped into something and bruised yourself, or maybe you got burned while using a hair straightener… Yeah, that was probably the reason. He knew you loved him, adored him, even. So why would you ever do such an awful thing behind his back?
“Hey, Y/n.”
You blinked, catching him staring at you from the opposite side of the table with a soft smile: “Hm?”
“How was your day today, I mean, hanging out with your friend?” He asked to start a conversation, already predicting your reply to be positive since the image of you laughing so happily with another man was still imprinted in his mind. 
You smiled in return, acting as casual as possible: “It was pretty nice. We went to get coffee and took pictures and just… you know, the classic friend thing.” 
“Yeah….” He nodded, awkwardness flooded his lungs that it was nearly hard to breathe. As much as he wanted to ask you about the bruise, he was afraid of receiving the answer. What if you think he didn’t trust you?
You gulped and looked down, unintentionally exposing your nervousness. In So Mun’s perspective, you were apparently hiding something from him. He aimed at the bruise again, fighting to conceal how his pupils started burning more and more fiercely on your skin the more he studied it. He hated to jump to conclusions so soon and accuse you of committing something you didn’t do. He knew you loved him. He was fucking sure you loved him. 
Then why did you have to hide it? 
His body ran cold from the way you adjusted your position to excuse yourself, uneasiness enveloped your face when you realized his eyes were fixed on your neck. So Mun watched as his precious placed her elbow down the table with her palm on her cheek, awkwardly building up a cover between his gaze and the love bite that was carved by anyone but him. 
Suddenly, So Mun was launched back to today’s morning, into your warm embrace. You clasped him in a goodbye hug before you both parted ways, whispering an “I love you” like you’ve always done in his ear while he tucked himself into your comfort. You did not have that mark on your neck. 
And now it happened to be a claret, hickey-like stain engraved on you in such a perfect place for an actual hickey to occur, circumstantially right after he caught you hinging arms with a man he’s never seen or heard you talk about. 
Everything crashed. His senses crumpled and his stomach twisted in such a way that he felt physically nauseous.
“What’s that on your neck?” 
Words glided out without thinking. There was no point in hesitating anymore, he just needed to listen to your voice confronting him that he had completely misunderstood the situation, that it was only a discoloration you got by accident, that whatever he was assuming was only an illusion coating his mind. 
“Oh, it’s nothing.”
Your movement stiffened, not too detectable yet, at the same time, not unnoticeable enough to escape his focused stare. Just this small motion of yours was enough to deliver a slap across his face. 
The corners of his lips lifted with no strength, not even sure if it looked convincing to you. He had no clue how to react. It wasn’t like he ever imagined you cheating on him, let alone preparing to face it: “Ah… I see.” 
On your side, you weren’t any better. The forced and bitter smile on his face seized your guts, pouring immense shame down your head. God, you regret the whole thing already. 
“Baby, do you want some water? I’m kinda thirsty.” 
You said, clinging onto the very last piece of your cognition and trying to lighten the mood. The effort went pointless unequivocally as there fell a small pause between you two. So Mun slowly shook his head, silent. 
“Okay, I… I’ll be back in just a min.”
Getting up to your feet, you wanted nothing more than to sprint to the kitchen and take two glasses of water, no matter if So Mun already refused it. Maybe after a breather and something to soothe your dry throat, the clotted mood would soften and that’s when you could disclose the truth to him. 
Waiting no time for you to take another step, a strong grip tied to your wrist as soon as you stood up, condensed around your skin like cement. You quickly saw darkness towering over your vision as an incredible softness sank onto your lips. 
You froze like a deer in headlights, tackled by the submerging desire when a pair of hands snuck around your waist and your mouth was captured securely, almost leaving no room for a muffled gasp to be heard. So Mun’s eyes fastened into yours before he shut them closed, engulfing your lips through the hunger enraging inside himself once your arms had mutually snaked around his neck. 
So Mun was the personification of “loving” when it came to you. Regardless of how needy he was during your make-out sessions, he always put you as his priority and ensured not to overwhelm you with his rising passion. But at this specific moment, you were dazed by his sudden blast of enthusiasm, though your bewilderment was quick to dissolve into pure fever when he drew his tongue along your bottom lip just as skillful as the artist he was, fondling your flesh between his teeth before alighting his mouth onto yours again. 
Your fingers automatically crimped around his hair, gently tugging his curls in a way you knew he could never get enough of. Your little gesture welcomed a quiet groan from your boyfriend, spawning a tightened grasp on your hips. You didn’t recognize how steamy the kiss had progressed until your back collided with the wall.
The room drowned in your intimate noises. His hand’s location switched from your hip to your chin as he nailed you to the hard surface, angling his digits along your jawline. He feasted on your unorganized breathing, eagerly knocking your lips apart with his own like you were a sumptuous banquet. His sweetness erupted through every smallest gap inside your mouth. Your knees turned wobbly while you gripped onto him to keep your balance, panting and whining for mercy since you were practically devoured for what felt like eternity.
You didn’t mind if So Mun might have misinterpreted your “thirsty” for something else but its literal meaning. He was feeding you full. However, the boiling-hot tension was impotent to replace the previous alarm between you two, now adding to the baffling foreboding you secretly felt. 
Colors flowered chaotically through your closed eyelids. No way you could push him away despite your remained oxygen was already sucked dry. As much as you cherished how intoxicating making out with So Mun was, you were beyond relieved when he finally pulled back and showed your strained mouth some pity. 
Your heart bolted madly inside your chest, both exhilarated and puzzled due to the unforeseen shift of sensation. Both of you chased after your jumbled breaths. So Mun supported your balance with his fingers dug into your waist and let you lean against the wall, still silent. 
A coat of haze smeared over your eyesight after the kiss, you weren’t able to see his face clearly from this angle. But just shortly after, you heard him speak again, barely louder than a mumble: “Love…” 
The familiar term of endearment dripped into your ear, carrying a hint of unusual raspiness. So Mun’s voice was as longing as a prayer pleading for his most revered goddess, yet suffocated in boundless desperation and anguish that made your head numb just from hearing it. 
“Did I… I definitely did something wrong, didn’t I?”
Time stopped. 
Something inside your gut ripped apart, tearing down every single bit that made of you as the eeriness and repentance needled through your bones. 
You saw clouds in his reddened eyes. All So Mun needed to do was blink once and the tears would flood down his cheeks uncontrollably. 
Your roaring heartbeat echoed in your head at the sight of his dark coffee irises, now a hollow void of fog and aggrivement. Your voice splintered in your throat as So Mun grabbed your hands and swaddled them in his own, his slightly calloused hands trembling against your skin: “What did I do wrong? Please tell me, love… Tell me everything you dislike about me, I promise I will change.”
Knowing how good-at-heart you were as a person, there wouldn’t be a chance of you going around and dating different men. That being said, maybe he was the reason you let go of him.
And there it was. The look on his face looked exactly like that one of betrayal when he discovered the murder of his parents two years ago. The only difference was that he didn’t seem to be upset at you, he was upset at himself for failing you, for even allowing a thought of leaving to cross your mind.
This was a look you would rather let twenty knives riddle through your organs than ever see in your life. And now you were the one who caused it. 
You didn’t dare to move. Your veins twinged and screamed and begged for his forgiveness but no sound was brave enough to emerge at the moment. You watched as he pressed his face onto your shoulder, dampening that specific part of your shirt despite his effort to bite back from breaking down.
You stuttered, not yet realizing yourself was on the verge of tears as well: “No, baby, it’s—”
So Mun scanned the purplish hue obscuring itself under your hair and the dim light in the room, resentment swelling behind his chest as he choked back a muffled cry: “Am I not good enough? Is it my personality or the way I look? Did I mess up so badly that… you went for someone else?”
“No! No, it’s not like that. You did nothing wrong!” You hurriedly brushed your fingers over his cheekbones, guiding his face to yours as your vision shielded with unshed mist. His hot tears blurred his own skin, somehow felt dreadfully cold and painful when it hit your touch. 
He hesitated, confused and unconvinced: “If not me, then— Why did you…?”
“It was me, love! I was so stupid. I should’ve known…” You hated yourself for coming up with the plan in the first place. Why didn’t you consider the consequences before starting it? That it could hurt him this terribly thinking you broke his faith?
In front of his stunned eyes, the tip of your fingers aggressively rubbed against that so-called “hickey,” each stroke smudging blush powder and eyeshadow all over your digits.
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One week ago, 1 p.m., at the crime scene in Eonni’s noodle shop.
“What do you mean you dunno? He never got jealous before?!”
You quietly hissed at Juyeon, whose voice was almost too loud it scared a customer at the next table: “What’s so surprising about it? Does he look like the type to get jealous easily?”
You and the girl were chatting about whatever you could think of to kill time while waiting for So Mun to finish his last minutes of individual training. As luck would have it, you stumbled across the topic of relationships, and it eventually centered on your one and only beloved. 
Woongmin looked up from Junhui’s colorful drawings, looking you dead in the eye: “Not gonna lie, he kind of does.”
“Don’t eavesdrop on us, turn away!” The short-haired girl gestured her hand at her boyfriend, making him roll his eyes with sass and unwillingly obey her command. She turned back to you, lowering her voice this time: “It’s not about looks, but I refuse to believe he doesn’t get jealous at all.” 
You tilted your head, thoughtlessly stealing a sip of her latte: “Um-hm…”
“Seriously, you were never curious about it?” 
You shrugged. You got where Juyeon was coming from. Woongmin’s possessiveness thrived pretty easily to begin with (evidently canon from how sulky he became when she complimented a sketch of your enemy Hwang Pilkwang), and it was always so entertaining to see.
You might’ve or might’ve not wondered what kind of expression your man would show when he got jealous, but well, the idea itself was somehow very fascinating. 
The only time you’ve witnessed him show the slightest hint of protectiveness besides the counter-thing was when a customer asked for your phone number—where he would observe your reaction with a sharp glare at the said person, then smirk proudly when you turned the offer down. Still, as two grim reapers, you stuck to each other like glue almost 24/7—ranging from missions and serving to something as simple as eating and walking, not to mention the countless times you have woken up beside each other. Putting it plainly into words, you had no “private life” for jealousy to evolve.
Hearing your explanation (in which you already altered the “grim reaper” part), Juyeon flashed you a hilariously serious look, for some reason very invested in solving your problem: “That makes sense. So do you want me to help you?” 
You sighed: “I… think?”
“No worries girl, I got you.” She thoughtfully gave you a wink, opening TikTok on her phone as she scrolled down numerous videos, stopping at one to show you: “I was thinking... this. What do you think about a hickey prank?” 
An old-fashioned trick to mess with your significant other, yet always seemed to be effective. You stared at the scene unfolding between two lovers, battling in your mind whether or not you should give it a try: “You have a point, but I doubt he’d believe it. We see each other every day.” 
“Well, all you need to do is pretend to hang out with some guy and come back with a fake hickey.” 
“Damn, that’s genius.” Woongmin’s voice joined you two from afar, one more time getting Juyeon to threaten him with her razor-sharp look. 
“Where am I supposed to find a guy, anyway? My few guy friends either rot away in their schools or aren’t even in the country.” You chuckled at their couple-ly bicker. Speaking of the truth, you found yourself a bit thrilled at the suggestion. You would love to see how adorably pouty So Mun became when he turned possessive. 
Juyeon fancily sipped her coffee: “I know someone who can help. Two days ago, a uni friend of mine coincidentally complained about how badly he wanted to get a reaction out of his black-cat partner who never gets jealous. I guess you both can do each other a favor.”
The plan developed so smoothly. You absolutely could not expect to regret your whole existence just because you surrendered to the heat of the moment: “For real?”
Earning a firm nod from Juyeon, who then gave you her friend’s phone number to further discuss the prank, you mindlessly let yourself loose into the urge. You’ve read somewhere that jealousy can prompt both parties of a romantic relationship to stay connected, which is a good thing. It’s just a small, harmless prank, right? Nothing could go wrong, right?
“We should’ve talked about this during girls’ night, maybe you could pull this prank on Woongmin, too.”
“I can hear you, y’know.”
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Pure silence detonated when your explanation died down.
A sour feeling crawled up your body in monstrous shamefulness. You warily waited for his reaction upon finding out he just got caught up in a hurtful prank. 
“So… the whole thing was… a joke?” A rather wounding joke, to be exact. You held your breath and raised your stained fingers up, carefully analyzing his tone while choosing your own response: “Yeah, this hickey is makeup, as you can see.”
“Right…” Based on how long a pause lingered in each sentence, you could tell he was having a hard time gathering his thoughts together. ‘Lost as hell’ would be an understatement: “...and Gwan Daehyun is just Juyeon’s classmate, he doesn’t have anything to do with you?”
“No, he doesn’t. We have nothing to do with each other.” You answered: “We only met up for the first time today through… uh, yeah.” 
He exhaled agitatedly, muttering in disbelief: “And Juyeon told me she had never talked to him before. That sneaky…”
It was nearly ridiculous to think about where the situation was at the moment. If minutes ago you both were strangled by the thickened bitterness of your own reasons, now the entire ambience has reshaped into an awkward one. Confronted by quietness, you gulped, instinctively feeling like you didn’t really have the right to say these words anymore: “Plus… I would never cheat on you.”
Speechlessness floated like ashes in between you and him. 
In reality, the stiffened air only lasted a few seconds, you were nonetheless certain it felt like hours. So Mun blinked a few times, trying to get rid of the left-over dried tears steamed up over his view. He eventually let out a sigh, mumbling under his breath: “Y/n, you’re… impossible.”
You lowered your head, unable to make eye contact with him: “...I’m sorry.”
“”Sorry” won’t do it.” A scoff vaguely arrived from his direction, embedding in a hint of disappointment and irritation as he wiped the dewed corner of his eye one last time: “I really was convinced you’re bored of me already.” 
You clenched your mouth shut, guilt swallowed your voice.
“You know what else you have to do so I’ll forgive you?”
Although the seriousness hasn’t faltered, you wondered whether or not you were delusional out of the blue because you swore he didn’t sound that serious anymore. Your gaze shot up at him, then looked down again and shook your head when you noticed his expression hadn't lightened up.
“You don’t? I think you do.” His warm hand swept across the side of your face, lifting your chin up. You were greeted by a light raise of So Mun’s eyebrows while he airily tapped on his lips with a casual, yet cunning twinkle in his pupils.
Dumbfounded, you delayed for a second to make sure you weren’t fooled by some kind of hallucination, cautiously examining the implication he just dropped as well as his blooming smile: “You… You’re not mad at me?”
“Oh trust me, I am still very pissed off. But you know I can’t full-on stay mad at you.” So Mun shrugged, booping your nose: “Not when you’re this pouty.” 
The burn behind his eyes had stopped being torturous a moment ago, yet you still felt like a criminal knowing you had created such an unpleasant tint on his scleras. You murmured: “The pouty one was primarily predicted to be you.”
As if your internal self-reproach were audible, he swooped you into his chest, holding you while half-heartedly scolding you: “Just don’t pull these types of pranks on me again. Okay? One more time and I swear, I’m sleeping with Jeokbong-hyung forever.” 
“Yes, I’m really sorry. I didn’t expect it to go this far.” Your arms enclosed him instantly as though they were customized to do so. You nodded against his shoulder, trying to contain a smile when his melodious chuckle filled your ear: “But the sleeping part is up to you. Bunk beds seem pretty cozy.” 
So Mun rolled his eyes playfully, squeezing your cheek between his index finger and thumb: “Is that how you apologize for making your boyfriend cry?”
You cracked up, words unclear by the stretch on your face: “Oh, I’m sorry!”
Laughter echoed through the closed room, which you both preferred this way so much better than the previous heavy and wrenching atmosphere. So Mun nuzzled his nose against yours, whispering flirtatiously: “So what now? Gotta let me forgive you or you’re good?” 
“No I’m not good, so please forgive me.” Heat bursting underneath your skin, tinging a shade of rosiness. You grinned and whispered before tugging blithely on the neckline of his T-shirt. His lips instantly fit onto yours just as perfectly as a puzzle piece. 
A butterfly-like peck expectedly flourished into a hot mess. So Mun’s curls spilled between your fingers, trusting him to perform his magic on you. His scent ghosted your face, sending friction straight up to your mind while your mouth was accompanied by his bewitching wetness, claiming your mouth with impatience to make up for every drop of tears that had rolled off earlier. 
Your body felt weightless when he lifted you off your feet, turning you away from the wall and pushing you to a surface that was much more doughy. Goosebumps enhanced down your body when the soft mattress of your own bed scratched against your back, manipulating a gasp to flee from your throat although the touch was hardly through a layer of fabric, evincing how awfully vulnerable you were in this position. 
Responding to your tiny whimper, So Mun’s chuckle vibrated against your lips. He situated himself between your legs, pinning you flat on the bed and greedily nipping on your bottom lip to get the most reaction out of you. Your delicate flesh laid defenselessly against every stroke and skim of his tongue. It was no argument that he took pride in seeing you so worked up for his affection, and he wasn’t planning to stop until your pantings had stirred into one.  
Your boyfriend only detached his face from yours after a while, beaming happily like it was Christmas morning at the sight of your lips glossy with his essence.
So Mun was one hell of a good kisser in contrast to his innocent face. He knew exactly when to be sugary and when to be spicy. After melting your brain to mud with his hypnotizing techniques, he placed a tender kiss on your cheek, lingering his pinkened lips over the warmth of your skin. He sweetly moved down to your jaw, then your chin as you dreamily threw your head back against the bed sheets.  
His gaze fell onto the feeble “love mark” that had virtually faded away by your vigorous smudging, grinning to himself: “You know, if you wanted to show off a hickey right here, you could’ve just asked me to leave a real one on you.”
You giggled with a slightly hoarse voice, cheeks flushing brighter when he stroked his thumb over the spot, encircling the last remaining makeup stain in a gentle yet teasing manner: “I do love to have one there. But imagine all the teasing we're gonna get when the team finds out…” 
“Understandable.” His stare at the fake hickey was no longer flaming with hatred, instead full of hilarity. Leaning downward, So Mun’s curly hair tickled the place under your chin and the heat of his breath fanned your skin. But you were too distracted by another sensation—a delicious softness printing on your neck—to notice it: “I just… still can’t believe it. You want to see me get jealous that bad?”
Your source of air was cut halfway and you closed your eyes in delight. (We all know) You do. Maybe you were too much of a coward to confess but the man in front of you always looked so fucking hot when he was mad: “I mean… I’m just curious?” 
“Good to know. The next time I see someone flirt with you, I’m gonna beat them up.” Mellow kisses gathered around the makeup stain. So Mun closely examined the way your body trembled underneath him while open-mouthed kisses were planted along the line of your neck, testing the waters and looking for your approval. 
This earned a small giggle from you. You brought a hand up to the back of his head, your digits massaging his scalp as you indirectly turned the green light on at whatever he had in store for you: “Yung is gonna beat you up, my dear.” 
“Oh, Yung can’t do anything to me. I’m the pillar and the Ace, remember?” 
You smiled, about to say something before your thoughts were heavily interrupted by a raid of affection on your flesh, right where the fake hickey originally occupied. But this time, it was no longer “fake.” You thanked your lucky star for suppressing your voice on time because only God knows what kind of unholy sound you’d make at the sudden pleasure. 
Exhaling a deep sigh, you were barely able to hide the shakiness in your voice as So Mun dragged his lips over your neck, painting your skin with a lovely shade of red through his teeth: “More like you and your cocky ass…” 
He laughed: “Yeah, me and my cocky ass, any complaints, baby?”  
His hands gently pressed your shoulders, positioning you firmly against the mattress. Every suck and nibble was followed by a trail of kisses admiring your skin. You could almost feel his marks starting to blossom each time he separated his mouth from your flushed flesh, watching it bounce back with a glowing shine.
You gulped unconsciously on behalf of him pulling the collar of your shirt aside, revealing more of your hidden collarbones for what was about to come next: “...No complaints.” 
Screw it. Maybe you should just let the team tease you however they want later. 
The edges of his lips raised in a satisfied smile, one that never failed to hook you in a love spell. So Mun is magnetic. That’s just the way he naturally is. 
Sweeping a hand under your nape, he allowed your head to fall back in a perfect curve and your neck went unsheltered. His enchanting voice bathed in anticipation as he whispered in your ear:  
“Perfect. Now relax and I’ll do all the work for you.”
His devotion exploded like fireworks in the sky, each glimmer landing on the ground meant another kiss perched down on your skin. Your evening ended in So Mun’s embrace, loving you and cuddling you until the night had gone by. 
You resulted in a cycle of wearing turtleneck tops constantly for three weeks straight, whether or not it was chilling outside or you were one step away from passing out in your own pool of sweat during training. To the point the other counters were highkey concerned, like, damn, what if you actually unalive due to overheating? (you won’t.) 
This is all because every time your amazing boyfriend noticed his garden of cherries on your skin had slightly faded away, he’d sneak you into whatever secluded spot he could find and plant a fresh, brand new one on you, right onto the same spots.  
But since it was THE So Mun initiating the act so who’s gonna complain? Not you, obviously.
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Thank you sm for bearing with me til the end i know this fic is long (and OOC) (ノ´∀`*) Hope you enjoyed it!!
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girlfox · 4 months
What people make you happy when you see them on the dash?
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❛ 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓 , : a series of questions for the mun / the person behind the muse(s) .
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OOOOH BOY. okay, is this my chance to love on some of my favorite oomfies? because i am so going to send love their way. keep in mind that everyone i follow brings me a measure of joy; if they didn't, we wouldn't be mutuals! but i'll gush about a couple people i know ooc, as well. just because i wanna spread some love.
@nihilara ( & their other blogs ) brings me legitimately so much joy, i get so excited whenever i see them on my dash. their drawings and rambles and fun interactions with others . . they're amazing. i can't speak enough good things about rhys.
@otlaw is one of my closest friends on here, too, and they're such a pillar of love and support and fun and, i just get like a puppy dog with my tail wagging when they're being active or when they follow me on their 100th new blog HAHAHA. love u leif.
@krosakis YOU DUH? dan you've been one of my favorite oomfies for an ice age at this point. i don't even know what my dash looks like without you on it . . . and i don't wanna know. having you around just feels right, like my dash is complete.
@diveyne because sabrina has been a very long time friend at this point, and has always been supportive and hyped me up like the beautiful goth princess they are. MWWWAH. their writing is also captivating and i just love it whenever it pops up on my feed.
@youthblooms and ALL of their blogs. whenever they pop up, i'm like a goldfish doing a lil happy jump out of my fish bowl bc i just know i'm about to be FED. everything they write is amazing, and i also just love their characters and them as a person in general. nams is the BEST.
@furiaei is a recent friend, but we connected pretty deeply right away and honestly i just adore their enthusiasm and drive for their character. they're also an incredibly kind person, and i'm so glad i met them.
@dvouer because while we're still getting to know each other ooc, they've been relentlessly kind and warm to me, and before we ever even spoke out of character, i've love love loved their original character venus; both them and kiwi are just absolute dolls.
@oriphical is a long time friend at this point too, i just adore bun & its infinite patience with my slow ass replies to dms. pleading emoji @ it right now. but its xiv oc and honestly every other character it writes is always beautifully done, filled with passion, and just so interesting and complex and well thought out. it's also just a very very very kind and fun individual.
@sivrit niran is THE BOMBBBBB. i love every single character he churns out, whether it's the immense love put into the lore and development of their originals, or the total passion put into writing a canon character. he's also just so kind and warm and fun to talk to, and seeing him on my dash makes me so happy.
@eatdivines EDITING THIS BECAUSE HOW DID I NOT ADD IN VAL? my brain is scrambled eggs. but seriously. i love valentine so fucking much it's not even funny; they're adorable, they're kind, they're compassionate, they're sweet and thoughtful. they also have wait more of a back bone than i ever will, and they're someone who will always have your back no matter what. for these reasons alone i love seeing val on my dash. but also? i am enthralled with their writing on ahri and in the past, kagome. their takes are so unique and interesting and god i'm living for it.
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aethergate · 1 month
🌵 x2 ; i'll recommend a canon rp blog !!
@braveparanoiac !! i'm on my gravity falls kick so of course i have to recommend prinnys ford. prinny has that really fine balance of ford being a self righteous bastard who i need to kick into the sun and also a genuinely endearing character who i can feel for down very well. ford and bill are at a constant tie for being my favorite gravity falls characters in my mind so i love that guy and i loveee how prinny writes him. @for-the-better-and-worse words cannot EXPRESS how much i eat up a's writing both in general and of prowl. we've both been through the gauntlet of having to read literally all of the IDW run which i respect hardcore. the amount of nuance applied when they write him is stellar, and it reflects in literally every aspect of his portrayal how deeply they understand him as a character and how much thought goes into writing him. idk how many of my mutuals are into transformers, but if anyone is i highly recommend following them cause they're a SUPER talented writer.
🍀x2 - i'll recommend an oc rp blog !!
@manebloom i LOOOOOVE dandie so much!! i love her design, her personality, the threads i've had with her, her verses, literally everything! that and creecher has always been a massive joy to talk to!! the art is stellar, and i love all their oc blogs, even tho i have grabbed dandie for this one. i love her down to earth personality that feels so warm. interacting with dandie feels like sunbeams coming through a window. very personable, very real way to write a character and an absolute JOY to write and interact with! @dreamsofalife i love shy so much. absolute joy to interact with and this perfect balance of being fun and, if i dare say it, quirky, and also very personable and every interaction always feels authentic. i always love anything shy has to contribute to the dash, i love seeing her dynamics evolve, and her interpersonal dramas. dash essentials in my opinion.
✨x2 - i'll recommend a multimuse blog
@quillheel a VERY solid and expansive list of characters with a very defined, amazing writing style! that and captain is a delight to talk to, and i love all our threads together. they have such well thought out in depth takes on characters, which is incredibly impressive considering how many they write! that, and the aesthetics are on point all while still being very easy to read and interact with! @adoranoia another super good blog with a super fun mun to talk to !! i love their selection of characters and how they have so many from different source materials that they've taken and given such a unique spin on, with a lot of extra flavor added in!
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cxncrie-a · 6 months
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Anonymous asked: 💖💖💖💖 pcrplevenom asked: 💖💖💖
send a 💖and the mun will talk about a random mutual they love and appreciate!! || Accepting
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Oh??? Bet ??? 
@fearedelight ;; Honestly was SUPER intimidated by them because they looked SUPER cool but oh my god I ???? adore them to pieces ??? They were just so sweet and friendly when I approached them and the fact they talked to me instantly about a plot idea I just ??? weeps. Also god let me tell you the silly lil threads, crack or not, are a blast. Definitely make my day a lot better bc they genuinely make me laugh. 
@pompedia ;; Love for Pom ?????? you fucking BET. God I was scared of her for a LONG while but I just { grabs and shakes her affectionately } Love her writing and just all the thought and love she puts into muses, she's a BLAST to talk to oocly and has helped me SO MUCH with learning photoshop and photoscape ?? Def glad I met her and I am NOT letting her go until she kicks my ass to the curb LMAO.
@monmuses ;; THIS WHORE RIGHT HERE { affectionate }, one of the few people that helped me get out of my funk along w/ some others and god I cannot be more grateful. She saw me at my worst and stuck with me regardless. Because of her I had help making proper choices when it came to making things better for myself like choices to cut off those who had hurt me. She's super supportive and a WONDERFUL friend. Not to mention her A+ writing { even if she is on semi-hiatus rn }
@demondads ;; SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM, a goofy lad, a fun guy, always livens up the dash whenever he's around with his silly lil fellas. I hold him up like simba, look at him, look at the fella. Never forget Lucifer Harem Applications JKFDGHDFGHJ. But genuinely, he IS a joy with both muses and talking oocly !! 
@xluciifer ;; Luci, a total sweetheart. For as much as I { affectionately } bully them, I think they're a total sweetheart and a joy. Her shenanigans never fail to make me laugh. I LOVE seeing her threads on the dash and just seeing how much love and care she puts into her muse between threads and headcanons I just ??? I don't regret following for a second.
@mghtfall & @pantheon-panic ;; another duo that if one gets something nice then so does the other. Zander and Alastair have been nothing but kind to me, and while I'm still nervous about talking to them I do very much care for them. I love their muses and their writing, it's always very nice to talk to them both on the rare chances I do but I do hope to speak to them more.
@waywardsculs ;; and finally for this one, Ritsu. Absolute dear really, love seeing them on the dash and while I'm still sort of scared to approach { because believe me, I do want to approach and MAYBE ship if I can think abt who to send at you }, I absolutely adore seeing them on my dash even if it's just silly lil things. Also I'm taking that flamethrower away from you ma'am.
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leagueofdccm · 2 months
🍒 for a blog of your choice!
send  me  🍒  +  a  url  and  i  will  write  some  positivity  for  them. || @dollhidden ft [ @h-a-unted ]
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Ladybug : Your passion for your muses is by far very captivating. I mean, whether it's an oc or a canon muse. You can see how much love you have for your muses, and it's always a sight to enjoy. keep screaming on the dash about your muses, because it just shows how much work you've put into them when you're sharing all your hc's or your thoughts over your muses. i love it. i followed you because you can see just how much work you put into your muses, how much life you pour into them. I also followed you because I love your portrayal of your muses as well ! like I don't know many of your muses, but damn reading about them on your dash gives you a better insight and exactly who they are. and of course, your kimiko is chefs kiss. beyond it is. lovely. and I'm excited to write more with you !!!! :') like please. You are a sweetheart, and just a joy to have around, and worth all the follows. Kuroki : another lovely mun I wanna speak about, cause obviously y'all a package deal. so why not pour all the love on you two for how adorable y'all friendship is, like it's those pure moments on the dash that makes me sob. but also sobbing kuroki, we have spoken to each other and lemme just say you are quite a joy 😭 !!! like bye bye ! but also no bye bye ! I enjoy having you on my dash just as much ! like we yelled at each other about that but I MEAN IT ! talking to you Is so much fun and I love how much spunk you got. like, listen I'm glad I followed you, I'm glad I get to enjoy you on my dash and also I'm excited for us to have threads together. you are just a ray of sunshine and it's addicting. keep doing you, keep doing what you are doing because it's lovely. your blog is chefs kiss, along with you. also tbh you make me like firecracker a bit more than I had before xD only cause you make her adorable. so like, you have opened my eyes on that. but that just shows how amazing you are at writing a muse if you can get people to like certain muses who are disliked. like that's power boo boo ! i adore you and I'm excited for all our future interactions, ic and ooc !
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xluciifer · 6 months
send a 💖 and the mun will talk about a random mutual they love and appreciate!! || x ( I'm using a randomizer for urls. )
⸺ ( @spiderslvts ]
Jack! I've thoroughly enjoyed being their friend! I can see the love they hold for Angel Dust and I'm so in love with him! Their writing and portrayal is to die for and I admire it so so much. I cannot fathom how they can balance the different personality types of the muses they've adopted and just do so phenomenally well at all of them! ❤️
⸺ ( @perditicn ]
Hound! I've admired them since their Adam blog, every character they portray is just *chef kiss*, honestly. I remember back at the beginning of this blog, I wanted so badly to roleplay and be friends with them. After a while, they gave me a winning chance and now they're stuck with me but I'm also stuck with them and my punishment? Constantly bullying. I love them with all my heart and hope to roleplay with them more in the future. ❤️
⸺ ( @dvilborn ]
Kita! I haven't gotten a chance to really interact with them as I would like to. But I eat up their writing. It just paints a picture in my little Lucifer mind and I love seeing their writings any time they run into my dash. I hope soon I can get the chance at interacting with them more because they seem like such a joy. ❤️
⸺ ( @outforlve ]
Cottontail! They've been bouncing braincells between their other lovely muses but I love them. They're so funny and kind and I always look forward to an ask or meme from them and even if we don't interact much, I enjoy seeing them around interacting and having fun. ❤️
⸺ ( @clwngasm ]
Violet! Another wonderful soul I haven't spoken to too much yet, but make it a habit to bite them every week. Hehe. I've thoroughly enjoyed their portrayal of Fizz and hear his voice constantly in asks and answered things on the dash. We finally have a little interaction going and I'm super excited to see what kind of relationship we can build. ❤️
⸺ ( @gctchell ]
Red! You're such a joy to talk to and plot threads with! I'm sorry our only actual interactions have just been for fun and the laughs. But I love any time we do interact and I love the love you have for the girls you roleplay. Hopefully soon we can have our Stella and Lucifer interaction. ❤️
If you don't already, please follow these amazing people!!! ❤️👑🐍
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arachnidiots · 7 months
what made you pick up the muse you have? i wanted to try tumblr rp again (i had once in the past but i never stuck with it) and a friend convinced me it wasn’t so scary so i got to thinking well… who can i write and who do i kind of want to write? in my former rpc community, marvel was NOT a hot place… garbage fire actually, and if you were writing a canon it was even more of a dumpster fire. that being said, i really wanted to try my hand at peter parker, and i’d already been writing a lot for him outside of rp for fun. i used to have a little fic type thing that was ic/first pov and it brought me a lot of joy. liam was a test, more than anything. i’m surprised that they’re still a muse i write. they were an oc i made with a friend for fun and i thought why not give it a go and the love has just been so overwhelming that i can’t imagine a blog without liam and peter. they’re a package deal
is there anything you don’t like to write? probably just smut? i don’t think anything else comes to mind
is there anything you really enjoy writing? chaotic and nonsensical threads will always be some of my favorite. often it’s something i can write a lot quicker but also makes me think and try new things. i love when a thread makes me learn. i love learning so also any threads that open my eyes to something or broaden my knowledge about a subject. crossovers are really good for this because i get to explore new shows/movies or revisit loved ones.
how do you come up with your headcanons? something probably happened to me in the moment or i stared at a pinterest board or i heard it in a song
do you write in silence or do you play music? it takes a very specific kind of music to make me write. i either have to be so disinterested and unfamiliar with it or extremely familiar, like know all the words and the pacing. this has led to some embarrassing top five end of year songs
do you plan your replies or wing them? mostly i just wing it but if i get an idea for a future piece of dialogue or concept i will write it down in my notes
do you enjoy shipping? yes, but i don’t think it’s a must or priority! i love it if it happens or if you have any interest in it, but i’m not really always thinking about it
what’s your alias/name? birdie! i’ve had some mutuals call me bird too. i think it’s funny when people use the phrase “a little birdie told me” and i love to see posts with it and laugh to myself about it.
favorite color? red, but i’m not sure what shade
favorite song? i don’t have one but anything by bleachers or florence + the machine i will always love. lately ive been enjoying my kink is karma by chapell roan
last movie you watched? transformers the last knight…
last show you watched? i’m currently making my way through st: enterprise, i’m on s3!
last song you listened to? isimo by bleachers
favorite food? bread. any bread, all bread
favorite season? i suppose spring can be nice but i grew up in a place without seasons so i guess i love the idea of spring
do you have a tumblr best friend? does it count if they’re a best friend i pulled into the tumblr rpc? or a best friend who happens to have a tumblr? no? okay well, i have love and stars in my eyes for every person i meet on here. i make best friends like a six year old during recess. you’re nice? you have a cool shirt? we’re best friends.
tagged by : i stole it from the dash! / tagging: you steal it from me!
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flownintothesun · 11 months
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 ⋆ ✰ ⋆ ───     𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐬𝐡?
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                            ⋆ ✰ ⋆ ─── 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐧. ( @florietiae )
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       𝐎𝐇 𝐆𝐎𝐃, 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐈𝐒 𝐒𝐎 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐃 — the truth is that if I’m following you, then I’m happy to see you on dash! But I am not gonna skirt out of it that easily, am I? So, a disclaimer — I am capping myself at ten people (plus obviously the lovely Hayla herself who is joy and light incarnate!). Of course, I have a lot more than ten mutuals all of whom I admire and adore. I’m just going to take this moment to shout out some lovely humans but by no means all of them :
@batteredoptimist​ : Nonny is the reason almost all of my characters on this blog exist, and definitely to the capacity they do. This is my best friend / partner in crime and writing / most bestest human / absolute joy. They are a lovely human and an incredibly talented writer / worldbuilder / artist. I am so invested and have so much love for Nonny’s characters (and Nonny, too, of course!) and I am just...consistently blown away by their lore and writing and I just want to read a whole book or ten about James. Do I have the honor of writing with him most of the time? YES! Do I want more because I’m greedy? Also yes! And... if I don’t stop myself I’m going to babble for way too long. We’ve written 2.7 million words together in less than two years, and I cherish them and our stories and their muses DEARLY. Thank you for sharing your light and stories with me, Nonny! I am forever grateful.
@smokedanced / @dutyworn​ / @dochaes​ / @waywardfeathered​ : I wouldn’t be on tumblr without Havu. I wouldn’t be who I am now without Havu. They are so passionate about their muses (and also the enneagram and birds and math and science), we share a ton of inside jokes, and it makes me very happy to see them here because them being happy makes me happy too! 11/10 human, comes highly recommended.
@imprvdente​ / @hvbris​ : Chloé is just an all around amazing human being, to be honest. Fish is incredibly thought out, but so are ALL of the characters on the multimuse. Chloé’s writing is phenomenal and will one day be published, I’m sure of it (and Fish super deserves it). Also, she has been nothing but genuinely kind to me and has such a warm presence. I am very grateful to get to write with and enjoy her presence.
@voxvulgi​ : Sara is just a lovely human in all of the ways and when the dash is graced with her presence, all is right with the world. Her writing is exactly the kind that inspires you to give your response your all just because her works are masterpieces that deserve the very best. Her characters thouuuugh, and her writing, and just *gestures* the whole package.
@astremourante​ : Ami has built an amazing character that I am SO excited to write with (I am so angry at my queue right now). Also the vibes for both mun and muse are immaculate. Her posts always bring me joy to see on the dash whether IC or OOC and I am pretty sure I have hit the heart excessively because hello amazing human I think that you’re neat!
@angerworn​ : Zed is a bad influence! (Kidding, mostly!) We haven’t been talking for long, but I have been nothing short of consistently inspired by all of the characters that she brings to the table. Also, my muses are all making the biggest grabby hands and want to learn and explore all of the things. Also, Zed has really a really nice energy and presence and I like that a lot!
@tewwor​ : Ro has been with me for a very long time, and through many hiatuses on both ends. I remember even in the beginning being drawn in to how well she tells a story and somehow even more masterfully brings their characters together. From the first, I have just been immersed and amazed at the talent, and at how kind Ro is as a person, too. Can’t imagine myself not following a Ro blog, tbh.
@ofhope / @yourburningsoul​ : Olivia and I haven’t gotten the chance to write together much, and that’s all right because it’s just so easy to see the passion that she brings to her muses. The first blog I followed her on had me so utterly immersed I was sitting there reading posts even though I didn’t know the original media well! Olivia’s presence on dash is one of kindness, joy and light and I’m just so happy to be in her sphere.
@wehavefoundthestars​ : Eve and I have been writing together for years now, and that’s wild to me. This is one of the rare cases in getting so immersed in threads that your characters end up getting married and starting a family. And then...there’s Westley. Oops. Eve has so much love and compassion for Elio that I much prefer hers to the original and now know only one portrayal.
@innerwar : Tommy and I haven’t had the chance to write yet, but I am admiring from afar and am super impressed at how one person can write so many COMPLEX muses so dang well. Also, Tommy, you wrote a novel and that is AMAZING!? I just want you to know that I like your aesthetic, vibe and writing a lot an that there is definitely a post lurking in my queue for you.
  Can I just... can I list everyone? I have so many more people to say nice things to ;_;.
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lumiiiscorner · 4 months
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positivity for @innerwar from anonymous
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@innerwar TOMMY IS THE BEE'S KNEES. Read their writing and I promise you, you won't be disappointed. The aesthetics, the mun, the muse, it's all a great ride. They even bring Homelander into the mix and make the characterization so... so funny. My dash is a joy whenever I see them on it. FRICKIN EXCITED TO SEE WHAT THEY DO WITH SPN!
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lillyontheborder · 1 year
Hi lovely mun. I think you misunderstood the 🐝  *  ―  𝑺𝑯𝑶𝑼𝑻-𝑶𝑼𝑻𝑺 𝑶𝑭 𝑨𝑾𝑬𝑺𝑶𝑴𝑬𝑵𝑬𝑺𝑺. meme. For all the emojis you got send you have to tag someone else that fit in the said category :3
I can’t believe I did that- I deleted the previous asks and also I’m so so sorry. I never meant to be rude or like- idk- anyways thank you for informing me!
Anyways, I got basically all of them so I’ll just post this and answer them here.
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⭐️ - @hoodedchishiya - does a super good job of portraying chishiya. Chishiyas very monotone and smug and I think that’s portrayed really well by him.
@niragixpsych - Does a super good job portraying Niragi. Very sassy and also rude- but like- in the best way possible. It’s super accurate to his character.
💻 - @niragixpsych - Also an excellent writer. It’s always formatted really well and is really enjoyable to read.
@andromedagarcia - I think the writing is really well done and is very elaborate. I love their writing style.
🌼 - @twentyfourhourtits - always starts new prompts and scenarios for people to interact with and I really appreciate it. It’s always such fun shenanigans that the beach members get into and it’s always very engaging
@your-sweet-cookie - Also starts scenarios and starts rp starters which is think is awesome because it really helps people engage.
@hinataxsunshine - Has such a deep and fully developed character and backstory and it’s really engaging and fun to read about. Interacts with everyone and makes rp more fun and unique.
🎙️- @twentyfourhourtits - one of the nicest people I’ve met in the fandom. Super sweet and engages with everyone.
@hinataxsunshine - is also super kind to everyone and super supportive. Rp’s with everyone and is really funny.
@cheshire-shuntaro - really funny when it comes aib but also I love seeing them talk with everyone else.
📚- @your-sweet-cookie - has a lot of threads and they’re usually really detailed. Seems really passionate.
@hoodedchishiya - has really good threads and they seem very canon.
🎀 - @fluffybrowncat @twentyfourhourtits @hinataxsunshine @kuinaoflight @risa-of-spades - I’ll just add these people for now but everyone I’ve met so far has been super kind
🥇 - @hinataxsunshine - very well developed oc. A lot of art as well as an interesting backstory
@prosopagn0sis - has a really cool oc with a lot of backstory and development, interesting and fun to interact with
😍 - @hoodedchishiya @cheshire-shuntaro @daikichixkarube @niragixpsych @rbbthl - I want to interact more but I’m nervous haha, I think y’all are really good at rp
📌- @twentyfourhourtits @hoodedchishiya @cheshire-shuntaro @niragixpsych @chishiya-of-diamonds @your-sweet-cookie @anemia-rp - Y’all are the ones that appear the most on my dash. I really enjoy seeing your interactions and reading new content from yall ❤️
🏆- Honestly- I can’t choose just one or two people. I’ve had so much fun interacting with everyone and I would honestly recommend checking everyone out. There are so many creative and kind people on here who all love the fandom and seeing everyone’s passion and excitement fills me with joy. I totally recommend all the blogs I’ve tagged here, and even the ones I haven’t included. Thank you for such a wonderful rp community!
I tagged a lot of people so I apologize for that but I really did wanna shout yall out. Stay cool. Stay creative. Take care of yourselves ❤️❤️❤️
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queenharumiura · 4 months
[👌ask the mun what they think about you (the sending mun)] ||Accepting|| @electricea
Hello, Jassi!
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Let's see... where to start? We've been mutuals starting this year but i've known of you for a bit longer than that. I couldn't tell you off the top of my head where i've first seen you, but I'm fairly certain across the various people that I'm mutuals with on other blogs, i've seen your URL around quite a bit.
I've mostly seen you in the replies of those 'post something with [insert emoji here] for your mutuals to say something nice about you because sometimes we need positivity!' things. I'm what you call a nosey person, so I like to look at notes of such posts to see what people have to say. I like to feel happy for other people, so reading the compliments and positivity people have for people brings me joy.
So my first impression of you comes from seeing you in such posts quite often. By sheer coincidence, i'm sure. So I've had the opinion that you seem to be a kind person who likes to spread joy.
I've also noted that you seem to be a friendly person judging by the contents that I see on the blog. I see a lot of promo posts or the 'reblog if you like seeing the person you reblogged from on your dash' variant posts on your blog. So, I feel like you're a supportive and uplifting type of personality. Always lovely to see as we need more of those in this day and age.
We did have a talk before about art and you were very understanding and ready to learn, so that was very relieving for me.
I unfortunately am not a gamer, and I don't know the Persona series, but I followed back because I had good vibes in my jimmies about the blog. All in all, my opinion of you can be summarized as thus:
Jassi is a mun who radiates a kind of positivity and comfort that brings a sense of 'this is how we as a species should be treating each other and can stand to learn a thing or two from this good example' kinda energy. Lots of love and dedication to muses of all kinds, very open and willing to accept people as they are, and more than willing to learn and adapt so as long as you can be civil when coming with an issue.
That's the vibe that I get, anyways.
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roleplay-abiogenesis2 · 4 months
Your writing has the golden touch, you put so much heart into your characters. I love seeing you on my dash, looking forward to more.
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//Thank you nonny! This really means a lot, especially after being in the dumps for a year and just now slowly clawing my way out of the hole my hiatus has created.
It's only thanks to the mutuals who have stuck around and continue to give me all the chances in the world if I was able to resuscitate this blog. So as I thank you for this kindness, I want to thank them as well.
Thanks to everyone who keeps me and my muses breathing in here. I hope I can give you as much fun and joy as you do for me!
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demcnsinmymind · 8 months
🐝  *  ―  let’s bring some more positivity to the rpc by brightening someone’s day ! anonymously or not, send 💕 or ( ‘HEART’ ) for me to randomly pick one of my mutuals and write at least two things about why i love seeing them on my dash, writing with them, talking to them, etc. | OPEN!
@badassxbirdy is just such an overall collection of so many things wrapped up in one person/blog : both mun and muse come across as so positive, bubbly, loving, excitable and just overall fun that it's just such a treat and joy to see both on my dash. Extra points for the sheer amount of threads we got going on at the same time, how diverse all of them are, how complex and interesting they are, how long they are and have been going. Really, working on those threads together just feels so effortless and fun on my part, I always get super excited when I see a new reply to either thread, or just see little IC posts and headcanons. I also love how with Tyler and Em, I just never feel like my lengthy writing is bothersome or like a general burden. I just have fun with both and that's so awesome. And the funniest part? We rarely even talk OOC and have barely/not at all plotted any of it! Which comes mostly from the fact that I'm just so terrible at keeping up with OOC chats and cannot really plot anything for the life of me. But with our threads it feels and looks like we've got those super detailed and planned out plots were working through, but we're not! We're just bouncing right off of each other with each reply and that's just my personal definition of a super fun RP experience and amazing RP partner!
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diveyne · 4 months
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@krosakis said: What people make you happy when you see them on the dash? | mun questions.
YAAAAAAAAAAAAY i love gushing about the mootsies omg... dash positivity... my fave... AND WHERE TO START OTHER THANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN...........
@umbane / every one of their blogs. like i don't think it's any secret that R is my favorite person on this site and one of my favorite people ever. i could write you a think piece on why R is so great. LIKE. i rarely use the word favorite when it comes to like . . . portrayals / muse renditions, but it's inescapably unavoidable where R is concerned. their kayn / ezreal / hwei / everyone else are my favorites ever. LIKE. I COULD GO ON FOREVER ABOUT EACH INDIVIDUAL MUSE. THEY'RE PERFECTTTTTTTTTT. they know their muses SO well and i am always so awed by their writing. i love writing with R, and i love talking to them so much, and i love playing league and vampires with them, and dumping 500 tiktoks and tweets in our dms. everything they post is like 👁️👄👁️ ANYWAYS I LOVE R AND SO SHOULD YOU ALL!!!!
@girlfox is another obvious one! LIKE. UGH, QUEEN KAERI. i'm so glad i can call her a friend like, she's someone i've admired for a long time like! her ahri has always been my favorite, and i'm so glad she's one of the core people who've stuck around on this site. kaeri is one of the biggest inspirations to get me to start making graphics like, ugh kaeri's mind is so beautiful. i love seeing her show up with the most extraordinary graphics and it's always such a delight when i notice a change or something new she's made like. kaeri stan FOREVERRRR. her ahri is so, so lovely. she's cultivated ahri so beautifully for so many years. like, she is the hallmark of ahri.
@intone / all of niran's blogs. I THINK I'VE ALSO BEEN FOLLOWING NIRAN FOR YEARS. but it's only in like the recent year that i've gotten to know him better, and i'm so glad that i've had that chance. niran is literally so lovely and an amazing writer, and like, all of his portrayals are so beautifully woven. AND HE'S ALSO SUCH A TALENTED GRAPHIC DESIGNER like omg watching niran blossom and make just absolutely jaw-dropping graphics has been so amazing. he's such a passionate creator on this site and an absolute iconic staple. like, i think his kogami was my introduction to him so long ago. forever the kogami of my heart.
@kalinai is THE akali of all time. my favorite akali ever. i feel like i've known remi for so long. AND IT HAS BEEN A LONG TIME, GENUINELY. i'm so, so, so glad to call remi one of my friends like. they're such a talented writer and i'm so happy they're back on tumblr, because they're such a joy to see on the dash. i literally wouldn't have it any other way. they're an amazing writer, and they'd brighten any one of your dashes, too! like!!! truly, i MEAN IT. AKALI OF ALL. TIME. it makes me so happy to see all my friends around and remi is literally so part of that core experience.
@eatdivines is one of the lights of my life!!!!!! i love val so much!!! val's graphics are also SO FUCKINGGGG beautiful. i've not known her as long as i've known the others, but she's also a beautiful friend who i'm so grateful for, and me, an ahri lover, am so happy to see her writing her rendition of ahri. i am so flushed when i see val on my dash like, val is another one of my favorite people, and i love seeing her beautiful writing and gorgeous graphics on my dash. every muse she's put to hand has been so wonderfully done. VAL MY BELOVEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. I'LL ALSO BE A VAL STAN FOREVER.
@heavenlyprinciples / @decaysate / ALL OF THEM. naminé is SOOOOOOO wonderful. literally i love seeing his posts so much. this world is so small like, it's so nice the way things circle around sometimes. i got to be friends with naminé like, the same time i was acquainted with val!!! i love seeing their posts. their writing just has this magical spark to it that makes me feel lighter, and it's so fun to read. LIKE TRULY all of my friends are so talented it's unreal. his formatting is just so pleasing to the eye and like i'm always so drawn to every post. I ADORE YOU SMMMMMMMMM!
i love my friends so much and it makes me so happy to see you all on my dash. like, truly, i'm so grateful for each and every one of you, because it makes being back on tumblr so much more fun. not just because i get to write with you, but i can see your pretty posts or little ooc posts, everything!! every part of the experience is so worth cherishing, and i'm so glad you're all here.
if you aren't following these people, you should!!!
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cxncrie-a · 7 months
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Anonymous asked: Hey, are there any HH roleplayers you recommend to check out?
Unprompted Asks || Always Accepting
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God a LOT actually. I'll only name a few though so this post doesn't become super long.
@leftrib/@perditicn - Always gonna recommend this person, this is my buddy Hound, and while they're a slow writer their stuff is ALWAYS worth waiting for. They also like to plot and discuss things extensively which is a VERY big bonus for people who like to talk things out on how muses would respond to things / each other and see where things can lead, especially when it comes to plotting, etc etc. They put a lot of thought and love into their characters and writing and it certainly shows.
@shadowzgather - Another instant recommend. I've been writing w/ Tera since joining the ducktales / dwd fandom. Their main two is Pentious and Valentino but they've also recently added a few ocs, Abel, and Alastor. They're a good writer with interesting takes on their characters. 10/10 would recommend. { They also just reminded me that they recently added Stolas, mb }
@xluciifer - goofy fella, does a REALLY good job with Lucifer and puts so much thought into him. They're always a joy to read with their threads, don't let the fact they're mobile bound turn you away ! They put a lot of effort into their blog and the character and it certainly shows.
@demondads - SAM. 10/10 WOULD RECOMMEND SAM. They have another blog too i'm pretty sure its @thestupidmeanone which is Church w/ a HH AU on it. Sam's a JOY to talk to and a joy to watch on the dash and write with. 
@plxgue4two - I haven't seen MUCH thread wise but what I have seen i've enjoyed a LOT. Bug has SO much passion for this OC and she's SO well written and thought out. Just { chefs kiss }
@hellshoard - I've been following them for awhile but I gotta say I'm glad I FINALLY got to start writing with them and I would 100% recommend them as well. The mun's a sweetheart { and chaotic } and the muses are great. 
@fearedelight - Sal is another one I recently followed but they also have some REALLY neat ocs + i love their takes on their canons, especially Mammon. { sorry Sal i've been snooping in your HC's } They're also super nice and easy to talk to.
@vietat0 - I see a lot of eve's around but I think this is probably the first one I've gotten to write with and they've def got an interesting take on her imo. Worth checking out + mun is really nice.
@arachnaemboss - and last but not least, this Zestial, I haven't gotten to write with them but I very much do enjoy the portrayal. I'd recommend checking them out if you haven't yet.
@pompedia - I lied I have one more, pom I have followed for a long time and while she only has charlie and emily she writes them SO well. 10/10 give love
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