#// Just Brilliant and so much Fun. 👏👏👏
merakiui · 4 months
That was amazing. Angel/Angler was great, especially considering I don't tend to like Azul fics (I'm just not a big Azul fan) but that was amazing. Round of Applause 👏👏👏👏👏
I thought when I read the first entry that this would be an entire fic written in the percpective of the yandere journaling his thoughts (Which would be very interesting by the way), but the cuts between Azul's obsession and Darling's distress was so amazing. And that ending was unexpected, great but unexpected.
You never fail to deliver with your fics. 👍
Thank you so much!!!! \(//∇//)\ this is what two months without writing an Azul fic does to me. The withdrawals were too strong… orz and Kheyy’s brilliant art alongside our chat left me even more inspired. Tako is truly my best muse.
I’m extremely happy to hear you can still enjoy Angel/Angler despite not being a big Azul fan!! I’ve been wanting to write epistolary format with Azul after I did it with Rollo (and Floyd in an unpublished draft). Channeling the characters’ voices through their POV is really fun and provides the opportunity for very chilling admissions that you might not be privy to if it was just telling the story from Reader’s side. I felt like the cuts between Azul’s journaling and Reader’s growing paranoia would be great for the suspense. :D
And the ending!!!! I love it so much even though I had another ending in mind. ^^;;; I wrote most of that first ending and then realized it made the story too convoluted and jarring, so I scrapped it for the one seen in the published version. I really like the idea of using anglerfish symbolism in this way. <3
I also liked writing the sex scene through Azul’s words. Him comparing it to how predators in the wild must feel when they bite down on their prey. All of his deep-sea comparisons… his line of “perhaps I died then and I’m still dead now.” T_T he’s so dramatic and delusional and gross. I loved getting into his head. He’s a freak (lovingly). :)
Thank you again for reading and enjoying the story!!! 💕✨
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rachi-roo · 2 years
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Moriarty the Patriot: To Break a Gargoyle - Act 1
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I'm soooo excited to post this!!!! Me and @giggly-squiggily have teamed up on this fic to make a two-part tale!!! Squiggles you're so cool 😭👏 I had so much fun writing and planning this with you!
Summary: After hoating a successful tea party, William is still sour over Morans betrayal in his time of need and seeks revenge! Only things don't quite go to plan. Lee!William, Ler!Moran.
Act 2 here by the brilliant Giggly-Squiggly!!!
Tw: None.
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It had been a couple of days since the Moriarty household had finished up with hosting the dreaded tea party, and everything had settled down once again. Everything, except the troubles that swirled in William's mind.
The family of three brothers sat enjoying each other's company, along with Fred and Moran whilst Jack was busy elsewhere. William turned the page in his newspaper looking up as Moran stood, pulling his coat over his shoulders.
"Right. I'd best be off then. Got a few errands to run before dinner." He announced, tugging gently on Fred's coat sleeve to get him out of his seat. "Thanks for the tea, Louis. William, Albert." He gave a nod to each brother before turning to leave.
As he did, William stared, an image flashing in his mind. Moran left him. That day, at the tea party. He turned his back and left him to flounder at the mercy of those desperately flirtatious women. He left him. How dare he!
On the surface, William was calm. Composed. He even offered a friendly smile as his friend left to continue his duties, but beneath that cool exterior, a storm was brewing. A plot for revenge. No one betrays William James Moriarty. No one.
Later that same evening, before dinner was prepared, William approached Moran in the hallway, a look of seriousness on his face. "Moran. I have something to discuss with you in my private study if you could meet me there in five minutes, I have something important to discuss." He spoke quietly, earning a professional nod of acknowledgement from the other.
"Am I to bring the others?"
"No. Come alone. This only requires you." William gave a reassuring smile, heading off towards his study to prepare.
Exactly five minutes later, Moran arrived outside William's study, knocking on the door. "William. It's Moran... I'm coming in." He opened the door, seeing William sitting at his desk inside.
"Close the door, please. And have a seat." William ordered, smiling softly as he watched Moran do so. So far, it didn't look like his friend suspected a thing. Why would he? William was his trusted boss and friend.
"So, Moran, I trust that you enjoyed your time at the tea party we hosted a couple of days back?" He asked, standing up once Moran was seated, moving to pour the two of them a drop of whisky. Moran watched him, smiling fondly at the memory of all those lovely ladies gathered in one place, not to mention the few who were fawning over him as he stood in the garden.
"Aye, sir. It was an entertaining affair." He chuckled, taking the drink as William handed it to him. The blonde hummed, taking a sip of his own.
"I'm glad you found it so enjoyable. I do hope the job you were given wasn't too taxing."
"Of course not, William. It was a piece of cake."
William set his drink down, standing behind his tall friend as his tone changed. "Piece of cake, you say? Then, do tell me, friend, why is it that you neglected to assist me in my time of need?"
"Sir?" Moran raised a brow, not quite catching on.
"When that woman was viciously flirting with me during my advice hearing. You saw my suffering and turned your back on me. Did you not?"
Moran froze up. How could he forget. "I-I't wasn't meant to be malicious, sir. I just-"
"Just what? You weren't actually fit to help your boss when required and lied to me about your capabilities? Or is it that you left me to undergo such torment on purpose? Mutiny, essentially." William cracked his knuckles as Moran gulped.
"No sir, I wasn't intending to-"
"You really did turn your back on me, Moran. Which was your first and last mistake!" In a flash, William dove upon Moran's sides, squeezing a massaging his fingers into the well-toned muscle, a wicked grin on his cheeks.
"Now you will-... Wh-?" William's smile faded when he got no reaction from his attack. Not even a flinch? How is he not laughing? It's like he just turned off all his nerve endings. Like he's made of stone or something! "How- Uh!" His blood ran cold when he looked up, seeing Moran's playful, smug grin and vengeful side-eye.
"Oooh, you are a scary one. Ain't ya, Lord of Crime?" He grinned, standing from his chair and calmly leaning over William to put his drink on the desk behind him. "Yep, you sure taught me a lesson."
The smaller blonde took a step back, bumping into his desk as his hitman towered over him. "I-I was only having a laugh, Moran. You know I would never truly be hurt by something so trivial." This was true. Of course William was only playing. But Moran didn't look satisfied with this excuse.
His grin softened as he grabbed Williams's wrists, holding them over his head with ease. "My turn~" He jeered, bringing his free hand to William's stretched-out ribs, starting to lightly pinch up and down his slender frame.
Each squeeze earned a hiccup-like squeak from the Lord of Crime as he flinched and jumped at the tickly zaps that sent shivers down his spine.
"Wait! Mor-Aha! I didn't Hah! Let me explAHAin! Stahap!" He blushed, embarrassed by how easily he was reduced to a giggly mess, with the defence of a wet napkin. He was so glad he shut the door, lest some prying eyes fall upon the scene. "Stahap it, Moran!"
His pleading only seemed to egg the hitman on, switching from small squeezes to continuous drilling between and on the sensitive bone. "Oh come on now, William. You should know better than to try something like that on me."
"I-I'm sahaharry! Ahaha! Nohoho!" Will gasped as he managed to slip his wrists free, making a break for the door. Just too slow. He felt the large hand of his attacker grab his shoulder, pulling him back before wrapping his arms around William's stomach, lifting him clear from the ground with ease.
"Pardon my roughness, Sir. But I can't let you go just yet." Moran grinned, shaking his fingers into William's sides, chucking as he listened to his loud, boyish laughter.
"Wahahait! Oho lord- Ahaha! Mohoran! AHA!" He grabbed and pushed on Moran's python-like grip, desperate to wriggle free from the ticklish prison. It was no use, nothing could escape the gargoyles grasp once you became ensnared in it.
"Plehehease! AHAHA!" His laughter turned to bubbly, chirping, giggling as Moran's hands started shaking into his tummy. "Ehehehe! N-Not thehere!"
"Not there?" Moran raised a brow, shifting his hands further up and sinking into the poor man's underarms instead. "How about here? Is this better, sir?" He teased, gasping as he narrowly missed a kick to the bollocks as William flailed.
"GYAHAHAHA! Nooo! AhahaAHA! P-Plehease! Oh lohord!"
"Tickle, tickle, tickle, William~ To think, you would have me suffering the same if you could. How cruel of you." Morans mocking tone only made things worse for William.
"AHAHAHHAHAAA! P-Please forgihihive meee! HAHA!" That was twice Moran almost had his jewels booted, time to change again. He set William down, quickly straddling his hips, pinning him on his back.
"No! Nononono! Wahait!"
William fought off his hands with his killer precision, but the ghost tickles were too much of a distraction and he was soon under attack again. This time Moran pinned one arm up, clawing mercilessly at the sensitive underarm as William tried in vain to defend himself.
"AAAAH! Moran! I-I'll do anythihing! Plehehease!" The boy's cheeks were red as the roses that bloomed in the garden, and wet with mirthful tears as he howled with laughter.
"Oooh, anything? Hmm... Nah." This man was evil. He just wanted to make William regret trying to attack him. His hands switched back to William's sides, shaking in vigorously as he smirked teasingly.
"Morahahan! Th-This is ridihiculous!"
"You started it!"
"A-Ahalright!" William snorted. "I-I give in! Plehehase!"
"Well, since you asked nicely." Moran smiled, patting William's cheek as he stopped his attack, still sitting upon his boss's lap. "Hehe, look at you." He smirked, referring to William's tangled hair and wrinkled shirt collar.
"I-Ihihi... I'll have to tidy... mysehelf before... Dinner."
Moran nodded, starting to poke at the tired assassin's tummy as he spoke. "Look, William, you know I respect you. Hell, I'd give my life for you. But I'm afraid when it comes to tickling, I just can't let you walk away from an attempt on me like that." He chuckled, watching him twitch and bat at his poking hand.
"Ohokay! Stop, stop... Haha... I'll remember that..." William chuckled, taking Moran's hand as he helped him up.
"There is only one man who knows how to beat me in a war of tickles. And I'm afraid he ain't you. Better luck next time though." The large man grinned, patting his friend's hair before leaving the room, winking as he shut the door behind him.
William thought for a moment. One man who knows how to beat him. Who could that be? The cogs were turning in William's mind again. There was definitely going to be a round two.
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deepperplexity · 2 years
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Prompt: 14. Icy Roads
Pairing: Gruber x Fem!OC
POV: First, OC
Setting: Small village in the English countryside
A/N: I had so much fun writing with an OC for Snape so I thought I’d do another OC, with Hans this time 🥰 Now, I’ll say it right at the beginning here that this will be CONTINUED - tomorrow already actually since the prompts work well for what I have in mind 😂 This is just a meet-cute with instant attraction and I hope you’ll enjoy it, tomorrows prompt will probably be a lot “deeper” but today they meet for the first time and it’s adorable if a tiny bit sad, and there’s a bit of action too. I mean, it’s Hans so there’s gotta be something to set it all off 🙈
And there’s a German word in this fic - if you don’t know it please resist the urge to google it! I promise, it’ll be worth holding out until tomorrow for it as the OC has no idea what it means either and I have a plan for the word! 😂👏
Tags/TW’s: Meet-Cute, Instant Attraction, Near-Car Accident, Mentions Negative Family Relations, Questioning Self-Worth, Taught Negative Behaviour.
Word Count: 2.2k+
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I had bought all the gifts, the food, and the wrapping paper needed. The only thing left was the string I’d forgotten yesterday in the shopping chaos. “I thought I was doing good time-wise, why does every nitwit have to be out at the same bloody time as me?” I sighed, my breath turning to fog, and hurried along, heading for the little gift shop with nick-knacks and trinkets. It was the closest one, so even if it were a bit over-priced that’s where I was headed.
The wind was biting my cheeks, tugging on my long coat and scarf. I much rather would have been home, but of course, nobody else was willing to head out in the freezing cold. “I can’t be arsed,” I grumbled, imitating my sister’s words and pitchy voice from when I’d asked her to go instead of me since I was out nearly all day yesterday. Why she gotta be such a prat? And dad’s no better, always faffing around and bending backwards for his little princess… WHAT ABOUT ME?!
My feet thudded against the slippery sidewalk, frozen mounds of snow and previous slush separating me from the road with little to no traffic - a good thing given the blasted weather. I wiped at my eyes, my knitted gloves (that I’d made as a Christmas gift for myself last year since nobody could ever be bothered to get me anything) rubbing away the snow stuck in my lashes. “I can barely see where I’m putting my feet… This is bonkers,” I sighed and tugged the scarf a little tighter around my neck.
I made it to the little store, got the blasted string, and headed back out into the crazy weather that had somehow managed to pick up its pace in terms of both wind and snowfall. “Bloody brilliant, just wonderful. I’ll be soaked and frozen before I get home.”
With the new snow landing atop the frozen roads, they soon turned slippery, treacherous even. I walked with more care, making an effort to not land on my arse because of some damn string for some stupid gifts.
But, no matter how careful one is, you can’t make up for the way others behave. So, when I wipe my eyes for the millionth time I missed the man walking towards me in a hurry and all it took was a bumping of my shoulder and I was off balance.
“Hey! Watch—” My sentence got cut off as I stumbled against the snow mound. Tripping over it, wobbling about like some deer on ice I stumble out on the road, just barely remaining upright. With my arms out like some bloody scarecrow, I managed to catch my breath and find my balance anew.
I glare after the man whose back disappears into the snowy weather just a few feet away. “Brilliant, what a charming bloke,” I grumbled as I tried to make my way off the slippery road affording my boots no grip whatsoever.
“Are you alright?” a man asked over the wind, his accent quite strange. “What?” “Are you alright?” he asked anew as I peered towards the sidewalk, not really able to make out any of his features but a beard and broad shoulders through the swirling snow. “Fine, people can be so bloody charming!” I called back with a tad too much annoyance in my voice. “And I thought Christmas was the time of kindness and care,” I continued with a huff and the man laughed with a chuckle. The wind distorted it but it sounded quite deep and beautiful.
I took a step forward, gliding half a step further on the ice. This is ridiculous! “Watch out!” the man suddenly shouted and I had just enough time to turn my head to see the oncoming headlights lighting up the falling snow being tossed about by the wind.
My feet found no traction. I tried to get out of the way but I was walking in the same spot as dread filled my stomach. I’m gonna die because of string! “MOVE!” the man screamed as the car began to honk, the driver slamming on the brakes, making the car skid and slide on the road. I closed my eyes on instinct and lost my breath at the impact, throwing me backwards, making me slide along the road until my head hit the snow mound on the other side.
It hurt way less than I would have thought to be hit by a car, I felt almost fine. Perhaps my spine is broken and I can’t feel a thing?
“Are you alright?” That accented voice asked but it was far closer this time. “Miss? Are you hurt?” the man continued and I blinked my eyes open only to see a man’s face hovering right above mine. “Huh?” “Are you hurt?” he asked with more force and the depth of his voice seemed to send a chill down my spine. The icy blue eyes and thick beard, the rather large but somehow regal nose appeared perfectly suited to his face. I didn’t get hit by the car?
“I’m-, I’m fine. Did you-, did you knock me out of the way? Are you daft?! You could have been hit!” “You would have been, if I hadn’t done that, schnuki,” the man said, the last word spoken in thick German — which explained the accent but not my body warming each time he spoke. Or the way he seemed to actually see me, not just watch me but his eyes… they saw me. “Now, let’s get you up,” he continued and somehow managed to rise up and off me quite elegantly; his long black coat dusted with snow.
He reached out his leather glove covered hand and after a moment of me ogling the man without realising what I was doing I grabbed it and he pulled me up. “Ahh-, bloody hell,” I hissed as my back protested for a bit and snow slid inside my coat, chilling my skin and making me shiver. “Hurt?” “No, no, just-, snow, in my coat,” I said and shivered before brushing off my arms from the white stuff.
I shrugged my entire body to shake myself loose while ha brushed off the arms of his own coat. “Oh, here, let me help.” I reached up and began brushing off the shoulders of his coat and down the front before I noticed what the bloody hell I was doing. My cheeks began to burn as I halted my motion, almost not daring to look up at him, towering a head above me. “I-, umh, I-, sorry,” I stammered out but he merely looked at me.
“We should get off the road. Wouldn’t want another car to come, schnuki,” he said after a moment. I blinked away the snow from my lashes and nodded, unable to get my usually blabbering mouth to function apparently. He was just so different. I couldn’t help but ogle the man a few seconds too long before turning and clumsily climbing over the snow mound on the opposite side of the road to where I had been.
When I looked over my shoulder he simply walked up and over it, as if it were no hindrance to him or the polished Oxford boots he wore. He dressed splendidly, each piece of clothing exuding wealth and quality — unlike my tattered favourite coat and the homemade scarf and mittens I wore. Well, he’s older too so he’s probably had time to get to where he is. I’ll get myself some fancy coat and good shoes eventually too, hopefully, if things work out. Not that I’ll ever leave this godforsaken village. Dad would starve or not have any clean clothes to wear — I don’t even know which he’d hate more. The house would collapse and who would sis blame everything wrong with her life on if I wasn’t there?
“Thoughtful?” the man asked and I shook my head, realising I’d been damn near staring at him while my mind ran rampant. “You appear to think of something, less happy? No?” he asked and I couldn’t help but adore the accent, the way he spoke so differently but with some form of quality, nobody around my little home town spoke like that. Nonetheless, it didn’t help my burning cheeks that he’d caught onto my gloom.
“So, eh, thanks for pushing me-, umh, saving me,” I managed to say in some kind of nearly coherent manner. What is wrong with me? He’s just a man, a pleasant and handsome and cultivated and obviously wealthy one, but still. Ugh, why can’t I talk with him like with any other of the nitwits around here? They don’t call me Blabber Missy for no reason. And look, my mind obviously works just fine, blabbering on. “A pretty woman like you shouldn’t be out in this weather, alone no less.” “Well, dad couldn’t be bothered with string for the gifts and sis just couldn’t be bothered at all. So, yeah, and it was my fault anyway, I was out yesterday but forgot the string. I got everything else, but they didn’t have my favourite caramels left either. So, I guess, apart from the one thing I was gonna get for myself and the string I got everything.”
“Then again, I guess I could have-, oh, sorry, I’m blabbering,” I laughed nervously while avoiding his gaze, moving some snow with the toe of my shoe. But the man chuckled warmly, nearly playfully. “She speaks,” he said with a smile in his voice. “Well, yeah, I talk a lot, sorry, I know it’s annoying.” “Ah, don’t say that, schnuki. You have a sweet voice,” he said and my eyes flew up to his.
“Something the matter?” “Ah, umh, no, just-, just been a while since someone didn’t find me annoying,” I said with a shrug, not really wanting to show him just how long it had been since I hadn’t been shushed, had someone roll their eyes at me, or even been straight up told to ‘shut it, blabber missy’. “But it’s fine, I know I talk a lot, if there’s someone who-, ah, no, never mind. I’ll be going then.” “May I have your name at least? Or is that not something you exchange in England?” “Oh god, I’m sorry, excuse me,” I gasped out while reaching my hand out with haste. “Anna-Louisa Humphrey, but everyone just calls me Lulu.” “Why would anyone shorten such a pretty name to Lulu?” he asked, almost offended by my nickname it seemed. “I suppose they got tired of having to say the entirety of it so often when telling me to be quiet once every third minute when I was little. Lulu is faster to say, easier to say when you’re in a hurry too.” I shrugged, having given up on getting rid of the nickname a long time ago and now not really being bothered by it anymore.
The man took a slightly deeper breath, nearly sighing as he reached his hand out and grasped mine firmly but not too harshly. “Hans Gruber,” he said and the name made perfect sense for him. “It suits you, Mr Gruber.” “You may call me Hans, schnuki. If you so please,” he said with a slight smile framed by that thick beard of his. He was stupidly handsome when he smiled, and silly-handsome when he didn’t. I couldn’t decide which I liked more but my body seemed to go silly over both. At least I wasn’t cold anymore. “Hans, then,” I said and we shook hands. It felt a little strange to get tingly over it now that I knew he had tackled me out of the way and the slight ache in my ribs was from the impact of his body.
“I best be going, it’s getting quite late. Umh, but, thank you again and-, and I’m sorry for being a nuisance and all. I didn’t mean for you to have to get snow all over you to save me. I hope your coat won’t get stains from the road salt,” I rambled out in a rush, feeling like the biggest annoyance to the man ever even if he had not indicated that he felt like that in any way, but they all do. I am a nuisance, an annoying blabbermouth that nobody ever listens to anyway but— “Anna-Louisa,” he said with a slightly harsher voice, interrupting my thoughts, “why would my coat matter more than getting you out of the way of that car?” “It looks like an expensive coat, valuable.” “And you’re not?”
That made me chuckle nervously while getting my hair out of my face, the snowfall turning it wetter by the minute. But he arched a brow at me, as if he demanded me to answer his question. “I best be going,” I simply said as I began to back away, feeling the most horrible ache in my chest while he started to open his mouth, but I continued talking before he had a chance. “It’s late, and you’re getting soggy from the snow, but thank you again, and merry Christmas, Hans,” I said with as wide a smile as I could offer before abruptly turning and bolting away from him — zeroing in my focus on not slipping or falling on my arse while my boots slipped along the sidewalk covered with snow-dusted ice.
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A/N: Are we excited to see where this may go? 👀🙈 And don't worry, for all you waiting on the continuation of prompt 8. To Be Alone that's also a Gruber fic, IT'S COMINg, I sjtu needed to make it fit with the prompts and I'm nearly done with it 🥰
Taglist: @lizlil @snapefiction @darkthought15 @monstreviolet @flowerdementia @marvelschriss @once-upon-an-imagine @ravennight41 @caseydoodles98 @slytherinprincess03 @theconsultingdetectiveswife @grimmyhild @monster-energies @myobscureimaginarium @snowblossomreads @eternal-silvertongued-prince @cherryglossie @setsuna-meiou31 @helena211 @a-queen-and-her-throne @justsaturn0 @turvi @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky  @sunnylikesfrogs @mamawolfsmith16 @dianilaws @snowblossomreads @leah1243 @reinekefoxart @reiketsunomizunomegami @lokisbjchn
Want to be tagged? 💚 You can tag yourself HERE! Or tell me and I’ll gladly tag you! 😍
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lokisgoodgirl · 1 year
This person put the ass in Asgard, she is my soul sister, and person I’m closest to. I’m talking about you, @lokisgoodgirl
I love you so much, I don’t have the words to describe it. I remember when CF started showing up on my feed. I was hooked. I thought I really have to meet this girl. I messaged you and we have been thick as thieves ever since.
You have been there for me through so much and I’m so thankful for you. I honestly don’t know what I would have done without you these past few months.
I wouldn’t send pics of myself in lingerie to anyone else on the internet and I think it’s a testament to our friendship that I expect some back too.
I love your mind. You are such a brilliant writer and your filthy ideas take me out every time. I know we talked about being platonic soulmates before, and I believe it. Like you said all the “Invisble Strings” thing us together are proof of that.
I loved getting to do your birth chart and explaining it to you. And when you have an astrology question you come to me.
It’s probably a good thing we aren’t geographically close, I can only imagine all the chaos we would cause.
You are such a kind soul and so supportive of everyone. I’m so fortunate to have you in my life.
You are the reason I started writing in the first place. I had written the first part of Across the Multiverse and sent it to you and you loved it. But I was still unsure about posting it. A few weeks later, you tagged me in Winter Warmers and I was so inspired the words wouldn’t stop flowing on the paper. I thought what the hell. If this goddess of a woman believes in me, so do I. And the rest is history.
Hostile Fucks is my favorite series. Wetsuit Loki will always live on in my heart and my head when I use my vibrator. That sexy little shit.
Being an absolute whore after reading Hail Commander and giving you all the sexy mental images you needed for writing The Feast was one of my favorite conversations with you. We just kept stacking on the filth.
Size Queen is probably my favorite fic. The best birthday gift I could receive.
Besides knowing I’m going to be slicker than a slip n slide after reading your fics, something I look forward to when you post is my unhinged reblogs. I only do them for you because I know you love them. I always imagine you waking up and doubling over in laughter. I love writing every crazy thought I have while reading and sharing it with you. Finding gifs to match is so fun too.
I love how I’m sync we are with our thoughts. There have been so many times where I’ve messaged you about something, only for you to post the same situation at the same time. Like you said we are kindred sluts.
I’m so thankful to have you in this life.
I love you. ❤️❤️❤️
Girl literally I don't even know what to say😭🤣♥️♥️
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Your energy and love and enthusiasm was a total gamechanger for me. Thank you for opening your heart (and your metaphorical legs) for my Loki...but also for me. (well...🤣)
I adore you to the moon and back my sexy, badass cornbread minx❤️💖 You make me a stronger version of myself👏👑😊
Thank you for being my friend. And you bet your sweet country ass I've saved this for when I need a boost. You're incredible 💕
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cherrygorilla · 24 days
My first impressions of The Outsiders musical (plus my extra notes on your reaction to ✨Starlight Express✨)
As promised, I've compiled all the notes I made whilst I was watching the show you so graciously introduced me to into a neat little post for you to read. I know it's not nearly as exciting as a video, but hopefully you can still enjoy reading through them as much as I enjoyed watching it. It was so cool getting to watch it after knowing how important the story has been to you over the years, and how much it inspired your characters. It felt like I was unlocking new Danelle lore - I loved it 😂 But anyway, enough wasting time! I'll start with my reactions to The Outsiders (the overall show and each song), and then I'll tag on my comments about Starlight at the end. I did them as little bullet point-esque comments as I went along to try to stop myself from rambling too much, but I don't know how successful that was... 😅
The Outsiders:
Okay, first of all, I love that you can hear time period accurate music playing in the theatre before the show starts - I love when productions do that; it adds that extra layer of immersion and helps you get even more excited for the show to start - at least it does for me anyway.
The actor playing Ponyboy has a really unique voice - but I think it works well for the character. It feels really authentic. 
The use of the screens in the set to show the movie scenes at the start was cool - for what sometimes felt like a more limited/sparse set with the sort of scaffolding backdrop, it added an extra element of interest.
The contrast between the Greasers and the Socs in that first number was shown in such a cool way too - with all the Greasers playing around and doing their own thing to reflect their imperfections, but good hearts nonetheless - and then with the Socs being more reserved and putting their jackets all in perfect synchronisation to show how much more 'put together' they are. That's such clever choreography! 
The staging of everything is great too - it feels like such a big set but they use the space so effectively. And all the gravel on the stage is a great touch; it helps set the scene so well! I think I saw actual water in that tire too, which is another really cool feature.
Tulsa '67 - great song to set the scene - sets everything up really well - no notes - fantastic opening number 👏
The car pulling onto the stage was so cool - it reminded me of when I went to go and see the Back to the Future musical last month (which was amazing btw - gave me some very entertaining ideas for a one-shot 👀), because the way they used the delorean in that, and made it drive, was genuinely incredible haha.
Whilst I felt really sorry for poor Ponyboy when he had that run-in with the Socs, the way they did the fight scene (and all the ones that followed) was just brilliant. The way the lighting and the sound design and the way they did the choreography with the slow-motion sections - it was fantastic!! I've genuinely never seen anything like that in a show before - no wonder it won so many Tonys haha. It deserved to after seeing that!
Also - no matter how many fight scenes there were - I still couldn't work out how they got the fake blood all over themselves. Maybe it was just too late at night and I wasn't paying close enough attention - but that felt like genuine magic to me 😂
Grease Got a Hold - fun song to show the brotherhood of the Greasers - very time period accurate too - at least it sounds it to me lol - which works really well to help sell the story - it did a great job at introducing us to the way all the different main characters act too
Runs in the Family - really liked Darrel's character in the show - maybe it's because you made that connection with him being so similar to Miles, and you know how much of a sucker I am for that guy lol - but I also did just genuinely think he was a great character to add an extra layer of conflict - and the actor did a brilliant job of portraying it; I really believed him in the role, and I thought his voice was beautiful.
The scene with Ponyboy and Sodapop talking on the bed definitely gave me Bentley and Royce vibes - especially because they share a room. That moment about the book and how many pages it had got a laugh out of me too - the guy who plays Sodapop acted that bit really well. That whole exchange was just really sweet - they played out that super close brotherly bond so well - I can definitely see how their relationship could have influenced how you wrote the Murphys.
Great Expectations - really moving song that was great for showing off the guy who plays Ponyboy's voice - it was so powerful! I've got to admit I'm not always overly fussed about slower songs/ballads in shows, so I didn't necessarily love this at first - I thought it was a good song, but I don't think I fully appreciated it until I came back to listen to it again and could link it back to the rest of the show; I think it becomes more meaningful once you know the whole story - at least it worked that way for me
The exchange between Dally and Johnny Cade (I can definitely see why you thought August was a good match for him btw) was really sweet - they really sold that chosen family vibe between them. And it was clever how they incorporated the set-up with the switchblade knife too, what with it being so important later on. 
Friday at the Drive-In - nothing really groundbreaking, but it was a fun, catchy song - and I liked the choreography!
I loved getting to meet Cherry for the first time - with her bravery standing up for herself I can definitely see Vivien selling that almost defiant confidence really well. And how she speaks to Ponyboy afterwards - I could so see Vivien acting that out with Bentley. I sometimes forget how close of a bond Vivien and Bentley have because I usually think of them as a trio, or just Vivien with Royce - but I'd love to see them tackle this scene together; I think they'd do a great job. 
Going on from that - I Could Talk To You All Night - such a pretty song that is so enjoyable and easy to listen to - it works so well for the scene, and I think Vivien and Bentley would kill it - BUT, your idea of a one-shot with Miles and Carrie pre-relationship is absolute perfection for this song. It works amazingly - right down to their places in society and everything!! Aaah!!
I loved Cherry sticking up for herself when her boyfriend barged in and started being an asshole too - she's such a strong-willed girl, I'm obsessed with her. I could very much see elements of Carrie and Eric in her and Bob's relationship (unfortunately lol) - especially in TMM. If only Carrie had the same balls Cherry did to actually put herself first lmao.
Runs in the Family reprise - whilst I understand it was a little overkill for Darrel to fly off the handle like he did, I can appreciate his point of view and how he cracked under all the pressure he'd placed on himself. Like you said in your post, it's hard to imagine the Murphy brothers ever arguing like this - but it could be something interesting to play with just as a one off, to see how they would react - especially that element of Darrel talking about all the things he could do with his life if he wasn't tied down to providing for his brothers - I feel like Miles could share at least some of those struggles (I just don't ever think he'd express them lmao - especially not like that). Also - I feel like in this reprise, even more than with the song the first time around - part of the melody reminds me of What'd I Miss from Hamilton. Maybe it's just me though lol 😂
Far Away from Tulsa - what a pretty song! And what a sweet moment between Ponyboy and Johnny Cade - this was such a good way to show how close the characters are. And omg just imagining Bentley and August singing it 🥹 - I couldn't cope
Probably just me watching too much Starlight Express (as usual), but the "you're nobody" part of the following run-in with the Socs was very reminiscent of the "he said nobody, so he's nobody" bit in the show when the other trains are all picking on Rusty. Weird coincidence haha. But again, the staging of this fight was just brilliant - it was like I couldn't look away! And the underwater effects!! That was so cool!!
Run Run Brother - what an exciting end to the first act! Again, the staging of it was brilliant showing their escape - and I loved the song in this one too; I feel like it showed off Dallas' voice really well. 
Justice for Tulsa - this was a really cool opening to the second act - I loved the way they staged it with the interrogation; that was so clever and it set the tone really well how everything is a little darker and more tense compared to the bright and cheery opening of the first act. I really liked the second part of the song too with Cherry sticking up for the Greasers even though everyone else was turning on her because of it - she's definitely feeling like one of my favourite characters at this point. The tone of her voice is so pretty and clear too - you can tell there's a lot of power behind it as well. She's great!
Also - I know it's not really a comical show - but that cut back to Ponyboy after they'd cut and bleached his hair… 😳 Girl. I gasped. That wig. I know the point is that it looks bad but I was still speechless 😂 The poor guy! Wanted as an accessory to murder AND looking like a clown?! He can't catch a break!
Death's At My Door - what a sweet duet - not the most exciting of songs - but it's really heartfelt and showed off the characters' close bond really well. 
Throwing in the Towel - I already had a bit of an idea what this was like from the TV performance of it, but omg seeing it fully staged, and knowing about everything that led up to this point, made it so much better! What a beautiful song! Everyone put so much emotion into it - and then when Ponyboy started singing too to show how they were all thinking of and missing each other despite being apart - ugh, it was so good!! Definitely a stand out song of the show for me. Brilliant vocals, and amazing acting too from all three brothers. I can totally see the similarities to your Murphy brothers as well, which made it all the more enjoyable to watch. The actor who plays Darrell did a particularly great job here, and as an oldest sibling myself, I definitely felt the most connected to him - he's another favourite of mine from the show.
The comedic timing on that "Do I look like Julie Andrews?" line was impeccable - that whole section with them talking about Ponyboy's hair was so good - they delivered the lines so well; it felt so authentic. And Dally's reaction just made it even better.
Soda's Letter - another really pretty song - you could really feel the sentiment behind the lyrics - it felt (at least to me anyway) that even the music itself was showing that internal conflict in Ponyboy: the need to stay safe and loyal to his friends, but also that comforting pull of his family back home. It was really beautiful!
Dally's monologue that followed was really powerful too, with him trying to keep his 'found family' safe - definitely felt like his advice was driven by the fact that he didn't have a choice in his matter of just keeping moving on though, and that he was potentially a little jealous that Ponyboy did have a loving family he could go back to. There felt like there was an element of pride there too - where he felt like their new big brother who could look after them, especially after his talk with Darrell, so he didn't want them to go back and not have them solely relying on/looking up to him anymore. He wants to try to keep that control over them  - maybe because there's nothing else he can control in his life? Idk, maybe I'm reading too much into it lmao.
Hoods Turned Heroes - that whole fire breaking out really took me by surprise, but it was so brave of Ponyboy and Johnny Cade to go save all those kids despite being so weak and tired themselves. No wonder they were deemed heroes! It was a fun song to show off the upswing in luck for the Greasers back home though - and it provided an even starker contrast to the next scene with Dally carrying Johnny Cade like that. That was a really powerful moment.
Hopeless War - another beautiful song showing off Cherry's actress' voice - I'm obsessed with it. She's really great. Definitely gives me turf war vibes that could be used in a throwback one-shot/au or something before the surfers and bikers made up.
The set-up for the rumble had me so nervous ngl - I really appreciated Darrell coming back and trying to help though, even offering to take Ponyboy's place and fight for him (not that Ponyboy was ever going to let that happen, but you know, the sentiment was there haha). Very good big brother energy - very Miles energy too. I liked it haha.
And then the rumble itself: genuinely unbelievable theatre. I know I've said it before, but the way they used the sound, and the lighting, and the choreography of everything - and the rain and the fake blood too - it quite literally took my breath away. Sooooo insanely brilliant. I can't believe how synchronised everything was - it was really, really impressive. 
Little Brother - another seriously powerful song, made even more powerful by that amazing performance by Dally's actor. Omg he totally killed that - the pain and the emotion in his voice - he sounded totally broken, it was such a brilliant performance! And aptly heartbreaking after what happened to poor Johnny Cade - it's just a shame Dally felt so lost and angry that he ended up meeting the same fate.
That conversation between the three brothers centering around Ponyboy and his grief was so emotional and, again, really powerful. They acted it out so well - I could really feel their love and frustration with one another. Again, I could totally see the Murphy brothers acting in a similar way if they were ever in that situation, especially with the way they were talking about their parents and how they're all each other has left. May or may not have helped me a lot with later parts of TMM too hehe 👀
Also - the part with them saying Johnny Cade's mum never showed up to the hospital to collect his things: what the hell! That's so sad! Poor boy deserved so much better 😢
Stay Gold - I've always known about this phrase being linked to The Outsiders in some way because I think you've had it in your bio at some point, but I didn't know the full meaning behind it until I listened to this. And omg what a beautiful song - definitely one of my favourites from the whole show. It's so delicate and heartfelt and pretty - that melody is just so gorgeous. It really feels like Johnny's last way of comforting and reassuring Ponyboy, all wrapped up in a song. Sooooo pretty. I loved the touch of them getting Johnny to be the one to sing it too; it sounds so much more meaningful coming from him. I could totally picture August singing this as well - the lyrics all felt very 'him' with that soft, almost poetic edge and the link to nature. At least that's the vibe I have in my head of August anyway haha.
The way they brought Ponyboy's writing back to end the show with felt so satisfying - it was a great way to tie it all together as one big story and show how their lives had changed, but part of it would always stay the same. A great way to end it with some really nice harmonies!!
So yeah, in case you couldn't already tell, I really loved the show - thank you so much for introducing me to it! I'm so glad I'll finally have an idea of what you're talking about when you bring it up now lmaoooo. And I'm so excited to see your reaction to it, because I feel as though it'll just make me love it even more!
Anyway, speaking of reactions, here are all the things I had to comment on after watching your reaction to Starlight Express. They're in that same sort of bullet point-y style, and I didn't comment on everything because I'd have probably bored you for hours. But here were at least my main things I wanted to share with you! So yeah, thank you again for putting that video together for me; I had such a fun time watching it and seeing you experience the show for the first time. I can't wait to see what ideas it sparks for you in the future (even if they're just new, awesome nail designs 😉)
Starlight Express:
It was so cool hearing you say that you bet you'd have loved the show when you were a kid because that's when I fell in love with it - and how you hoped that there are kids in the audience that fall in love with musical theatre because of the show because that's exactly what happened with me, and is exactly what the musical set out to do. Andrew Lloyd Webber has said many times that Starlight was designed to get kids into theatre and get them excited about going so the fact you picked up on that so early on was so cool! 
I LOOOOVE that you fell in love with Greaseball so early on - Greaseball's always been one of my faves, and this London version just cemented it for me. She's such an icon. I always used to love Dinah because she got to be WITH Greaseball - now I just want to BE Greaseball 🤣
That's so cool that you've seen stuff from the Bochum version (and that you've been learning German?! That's awesome!), and that you can appreciate the costume changes and everything. This video version of the London production might not be the best because the costumes aren't all finished off with the lights on their chest yet - since it was taken during the previews - but I agree that they all still look insanely cool. 
Also - with Dinah being one of my all-time favourite characters in the show - those Dinah inspired nails you got (which I may or may not have clocked in the intro because I'm a freak like that 🤣) are AMAZING! They look so good!! I'd love to see what you get done for Greaseball/The Outsiders if you end up getting them.
I loved your interpretation of the coaches being like the Muses in Hercules - that's such a cool connection; I'd never thought of that before but you're so right! And I loved your comments/analyses on their costumes too - they were so fun to hear. And as someone who LOVES really reading into details - especially when it comes to colours and things - listening to you talk about everything you picked up on was soooo fun. 
You giggling at that moment at the end of Whistle At Me was so cute 🥰
Also, I know you realised by the end of the show, but they definitely do sing AC/DC in Electra's main song - which is cool for both the music connotations, and because of the alternating current/direct current electrical terminology connotations hehe. 
I LOVED your reactions to Pumping Iron because that's one of my favourite songs in the whole show - it's just so FUN - and I had a blast watching you experience it all. Also - the way that your homemade slushie exploding lined up perfectly with Control saying "uh oh" had me cracking up so hard 😂
You picking up on Pearl saying "lovers" in Make Up My Heart was so entertaining too - the characters used to be a lot more romantically motivated in other versions of the show, and carrying songs over without changing the lyrics much (this one in particular) doesn't always work so well 😂
Totally agree with your score for Momma's Blues too - I love Momma as a character, but I always skip that song because it's just so random and unnecessary - genuinely don't know why it was ever included other than to give the Poppa/Momma character something else to sing 😂
I'm OBSESSED with Rusty's voice in this production too - obviously all the other Rustys I've seen have done an amazing job too, but there's something about Jeevan's voice that is just sooo beautiful. It made me appreciate 'Starlight Express' and 'Starlight Sequence' so much more than I used to because of how gorgeous his voice is to listen to. Also, can you believe he was only 17 when he started the show?! Insane!!
Unfortunately Greaseball is always kind of a jerk to Dinah in the shows, which is such a shame because they are so cute together otherwise. I've seen a few different interpretations of it though, like where Greaseball's so hellbent on winning that they don't want any distractions from anyone (no matter who they're from), and their desire to win just completely takes over. But another interpretation I thought was quite cute was that Greaseball is so desperate to look tough in front of their competitors that they have to disregard Dinah so that they don't look weak, because every time they DO properly acknowledge Dinah (like at the end) they're just like putty in her hands haha. 
I'm glad you still liked UNCOUPLED so much too, because as much as I also love it, I feel like it works much better with an American accent. Every other English-speaking version of the show has had Dinah being American, and since that number is so country music inspired, I just think it sounds better with an American accent. Eve's acting definitely helps to sell it though - and the more I listen to it, the more normal it's starting to sound. So maybe it's growing on me after all 😂
Your analysis on the 'money-driven' aspect of Slick's character was really cool too. That's a new aspect for this production too, because usually it's CB in that position just wrecking the trains for shits and giggles because he's a little psycho - but the link to the big oil rigging industry is a great one to make! I kind of wish they did more with Slick's character tbh - I feel like what they show of her is a very base level of her character - I wish we saw more of her desperation and intensity. And like I mentioned with how I imagine Abby would play her, I wish there was more of an element of Slick wanting to help Greaseball because she idolises her, what with their almost identical colour schemes and their joint reliance on oil. I think Wide Smile, High Style kind of falls a little flat because Slick's motives were never really shown up until that moment. But oh well, I suppose the show can only be so long haha. 
That moment after Rusty wrecks in the first version of the final race being Royce and Vivien coded is so true!! I'm so pleased you saw elements of them in those roles like I did!
It was so cute seeing how excited you got about Hydra each time he came on stage too - everyone seems to be really loving him, which is great since he, and all the other fuel trucks, were new additions for this production. He just seems like such a cool, chill guy - he's great. And that musical hook of his is really catchy haha. I'm pleased you could see how I could link him to Ethan lmao.
I love that you enjoyed One Rock and Roll Too Many - that's such a fun number in the show. I wish they'd made it more obvious that the trains had wrecked though, because in other productions they roll out in tattered/falling-apart versions of their costumes, which I think sells it more. But I also understand that that might not have been possible this time around with the way that the costumes are so rigid/plasticy. Either way - it's still a really fun number.
In terms of their makeup too - I've seen some of the cast on tiktok doing videos about their makeup and they have to do it all themselves! I think they were taught how to do their specific looks initially, but they have to do it all themselves every night, which is super impressive.
Also - yes - I totally agree Hydra should have been up there on the podium with Rusty at the end. Pearl didn't even race with him once!! 😂
And your utter confusion with Greaseball's poor spelling 😂 I love Al's portrayal of Greaseball but I don't think she hams up the dopey/dumb and embarrassed aspect of that part where she struggles to spell 'sorry' nearly enough. 
Overall, I absolutely loved your reactions though - getting to introduce people to stuff I love and seeing their reactions is one of my favourite things to do, so getting to watch you experience the show for the first time and fall in love with it was soooooo special. I can't wait to see your reaction to the Outsiders one if you choose to do one for that too!
And with that, I think I've got through everything. And to save you from reading through even more of my ramblings, I'll leave it here. Thank you so much for getting through it all if you made it to this point though - you're a real one haha. On a serious note though, the dedication you've put into editing together that video and watching the show purely because you know how much I enjoy it, and going to the trouble of helping me watch The Outsiders, is insane - you've gone above and beyond any of my irl friends with all that, so thank you soooo much. You truly are the best! 🥰
Now, back to TMM! 😂
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vodika-vibes · 1 year
(I know! Talk about trauma! I’m glad I’m not the only one that thought the tube top on Ahsoka was stupid! You can tell no women were involved in that decision! Anyone who’s ever tried to wear anything strapless knows it’s a pain to keep it in place! I’m convinced she would have to always use the force just to keep her top up)
I like how we always reach a good, open stopping point! As always, well done, my dear! You got me in the feels through this whole thing! 👏👏🫶 Beautiful! Brilliant!!
Poor Grain! Who wouldn’t care about this poor sweet baby! As much as I love Grain, the other boys need a turn in this scenario, too.
Next up is Go….
[Go: Accepts medical attention when offered. Eyes sharp, constantly watching the medic, especially if they're not a vod. Preparing for the inevitable betrayal, preparing to defend his vod.]
I try to focus on cleaning up the nasty gash on Go’s arm. I feel his intense stare carefully watching me. “Go, you’re staring.” I sigh and halt what I’m doing to look at him. “I know you don’t trust me and I know you don’t really like me… but you’re making me nervous here. I feel like you’re trying to stare a hole into my head.” I’m intimidated by him but try to not let it show. I frown and look back down at his arm and gently continue to clean his wound. “I’m sorry if this hurts… I’m trying to be as gentle as I can. You’ve lost a lot of blood and this will need stitches before I can put any bacta on it.”
-💋 anon
I just assumed that she had taped her shirt to her body, so she didn't have to focus on keeping her shirt up as well as everything else. It bothered me that no one took one look at this child and asked "where's your armor?". And Grain is soft and sweet, when he wants to be. Go is a little less so.
And now fun facts about Go! He's about 6'7", and is built like a brick house. Solid, broad, and absolutely terrifying if he puts his mind to it. Big men are scary and he can and will use that to his advantage.
Go scowls as your words, "You're right. I don't." Doesn't trust you, at least. Whether or not he likes or dislikes you isn't important. Not when his brothers are sprawled on beds in various states of injured, and the only medic was a volunteer. A civilian volunteer. Though he did suppose that making you nervous wouldn't help the situation at all.
He continues his intense staring, though he does drop his gaze to the wound on his arm, "Just stitch it up and wrap it. Don't worry about bacta. Save it for someone who needs it more." He lifts his gaze again, "I'm not going to hurt you unless you do something stupid."
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starrybluez · 2 years
Hello hello! 🎅🏼
I do apologise, I know it’s been a few days since my previous response. I’m finally getting a breather from school and work, but I hope all is well with you :)
Ah yes, I do get a sense of innocence in some of my favourite musicians also. Whether they show it in interviews or music videos, there’s always something so admirable about seeing younger versions of my faves. It always puts a smile on my face when I see video footage of them acting like absolute goofballs or just simply being darlings. It truly is refreshing to see.
Paul and Linda gave such perfect hippie couple vibes, in my opinion ✨ I love that so much about them ☺️ I think they should’ve been crowned “couple of the decade” in the 70s, when they were most active. They were practically inseparable, they did everything together as a couple and that’s so endearing to see. One can only imagine having the kind of relationship they had 💗
Supertramp is such a brilliant group! And I love Breakfast in America! my favourites off that album other than “Breakfast in America” are “Logical Song”, “Goodbye Stranger” and “Take the Long Way Home.” I also love the album, Even in The Quietest Moments and I especially love “Give a Little Bit” and “Babaji” off that Album. Their album, Crime of the Century is another favourite of mine. My faves off that album are probably “Bloody Well Right”, “Dreamer”, “Rudy” and “School”
And I agree, something about songs with strong bass lines just hit different. I’ve recently been getting back into Zeppelin, a good example of a group with such powerful bass lines in their songs. To be quite honest, I’ve slowly developed an obsession with their bassist, John Paul Jones especially ever since I found out that not only is he an excellent bassist, but he’s also a brilliant multi-instrumentalist and I’m just so fascinated with the way he delivers such mind blowing bass lines and piano solos.
Also not meaning to change topics, and not sure if you celebrate Christmas, but since Christmas is upon us, do you have any favourite Christmas films or Christmas tunes even? I always like the classic holiday films like Home Alone 1-2 and National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. As far as Christmas songs, i’m pretty old-fashioned and I always listen to “Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree” by Brenda Lee and “Jingle Bell Rock” by Bobby Helms to get me hyped for Christmas.
Have a wonderful week and wishing you happy holidays in advance 💙
Hello! No apologies needed, you've been a great Secret Santa! ☺️ Hope all is well with you too 🙂
I love seeing the old interviews too - for all my favorite musicians, but particularly for DD and the Beatles. I tend to think the press was right about the similarities in personalities between the two bands.
Aw yes I agree about Paul & Linda being the couple of the 70's 🥰 They were so perfect together!
Oh I forgot about adding "Goodbye Stranger" as a favorite! I always loved how the guitar just took off at the end. Great driving song, that one. 🚗
Yes John Paul Jones is a musical mastermind. 👏 That keyboard solo on "All My Love" alone is genius - I could get lost in it. One of my favorite Zeppelin songs too. 💕
I think my all-time favorite Christmas movie would be "It's A Wonderful Life". I have that one almost memorized! 😅 And also " Elf", "Rudolph", "The Year Without A Santa Claus", "A Charlie Brown Christmas" and "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas" (the original version). Home Alone and National Lampoon are always fun to watch too. For songs, I tend to enjoy the old carols the most : "It Came Upon A Midnight Clear", "Hark The Herald Angels Sing" and "O Holy Night". And of course the Charlie Brown Christmas album that I mentioned. ☺️
Merry Christmas Eve! 🎄🎅💙 Thanks for the well wishes and great conversation! Hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend! 🎄❤️
0 notes
Well, we lost - as we thought we would, but still a very enjoyable night.
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Arsenal showed so much more passion and fight than on Sunday - still don't understand what happened to them in that Cup Final. Some silly mistakes and annoying errors (that first goal 🤦‍♀️) but Barcelona are truly a step above and obviously deserved to win.
Bit disappointed we didn't score but glad we at least had some chances and played some good football.
Thought Keets, Beth, Cait and Jord were absolute terriers pressing and some excellent tracking back and defending too - especially Keets and Beth, they really worked hard all night long. Some very important defensive work from Jen and Steph - just a shame about a couple of miscues/mistakes really being taken advantage of by Barca. Lesser teams may not have always been able to turn those into goals but no doubt about it with Barca. Another excellent performance by Manu, keeping the goal-line vaguely respectable! She got lots of applause from the crowd at the end and seemed to really appreciate it - even did a wiggly little dance 😂
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The crowd was great - brilliant atmosphere and we cheered them til the end. There didn't seem to be an announcement about the attendance (anyone know what it was?) but for a cold and rainy week night in December it seemed like a pretty good turnout, and it was certainly an engaged crowd throughout.
We may have lost (and resoundedly so) but I'm proud of our girls anyway and I'm not even particularly disappointed. It's weird, it's a very different feeling to Sunday - probably a big part of it is the difference in expectation going in and the performance of the players as well. We know we're not at Barca's level yet but at least the team played like they wanted to win and weren't afraid of them. Plus, unless we cock it up against Hoffenheim (still a possibility tbh) we should get through to the quarters anyway so there wasn't as much to lose.
All credit to Barca, fantastic team and a pleasure to watch, although more so when they're not playing us! Does anyone else get a bit of tunnel vision when they watch their team though? I don't really see/appreciate the other team in the same way I would if I was watching a game as a neutral. Even so, still absolutely appreciated them and Frido's goal was the pick of the bunch 👏
A few random things:
A man on the train on my way saw my scarf and said "You going to the Champions League game? Hope it's a good one!" Things we very much like to see - he knew immediately and didn't for a minute assume it was for the men, visibility is so important!
Frida was obviously looking for someone in the crowd at the end and then there were Maren, Guro, Fran and Erin waving at her! The Chelsea crew there to support their friends on both teams - wonder if they had any flashbacks to last year?!
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Wish I'd got a pic a minute before when they were waving at Frida but I was too busy realising who it was!
Nice as well to see Yanks on Sky Sport on the way out - again, love to see these things!
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All in all a fun night, and definitely a lot more fun than Sunday - but hopefully they'll get their groove (and goals!) back for these last three games before Christmas and then have a well deserved rest!
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imjustwritingg · 2 years
Morgan this chapter is amazing 🤩👏 the suffering fi Hailey her desperation has come all over 🥹 camila and stan are irritating, crazy, but I loved the twist, I knew that jay didn't dream about camila, it was she who sneaked into her apartment but I never thought she'd always been there in the palace. very good Morgan 👏 Ibitter how it was Hailey and alvin who put the pieces together. and hailey finding Jay, telling him to stay awake. I feel the agony and the love she feels for him. i guess when jay wakes up we will have the long awaited reunion and finally they will get back together, because in the tragedy they understood that they cannot get lost .. i loved the way hailey asks him to fight to get back to her because he promised her he wouldn't go away, he would always be by her side. but the part i appreciated more is the one with Will, the fact that he tells her he is a dejavu, lets her know how desperate even jay was to see her hurt by that evil witch of Camila. so as to make her understand once again that even if he left her he did it to protect her. It was heartbreaking but punchy that "it might be her choice this time", and hailey doesn't want to lose it .. and I can't wait to see how they recover and get back together. they are two soul mates 😍 and you are really good, you have brilliant ideas and you put them together neatly. you should do it for a living !! congratulations, I can't wait for next Tuesday 🤩 sorry for the long message but the amazing stories should be appreciated🥰
What a super sweet message. Thank you so much pal!! I’m really happy to hear you enjoyed the new chapter. Definitely lots of chaos and all the emotions with this one.
Camilla and Stan. Oooof. They’re just horrible people and they will be dealt with accordingly soon. And poor Pretty Boy is really going through it, but now comes more healing and then later, the happiness. Hailey’s gonna be right there by his side and they’re gonna get even closer than they already are and I can’t wait for you to see how they end up together again. Lots more sweetness and love ahead for those two.
Hailey and Alvin are such an amazing duo in this chapter (and this whole fic honestly). I’ve had a lot of fun writing those two in this fic. And Will! Comforting Hailey the same way he did Jay. I love a good role reversal situation and I’m so glad you enjoyed that!
I’m beyond excited to share more of this fic with you and I really hope you enjoy what’s coming next. Thank you again so, so much for reading and for loving this fic the way you do. I really appreciate all the love and support you continue to show me. Until next time, stay safe and I hope you enjoy the rest of your week!! 💕
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theflyingfeeling · 3 years
Oooooh we need (more spesifically I need lol 😂) FRIENDS au!! Pretty please? I give you a sunflower 🌻
(I would have done this even without the sunflower, but thanks 🥺)
Actually I can also kinda imagine Olli as Phoebe, but then there'd be no one suitable for the role of Rachel, so...
Aleksi as Phoebe? That's the best I can offer you and I swear I can make it work 😇
Niko as Ross, not as self-centered but just as geeky, lecturing everyone about his favourite movies 🤓
And Joel as Monica, perhaps less of a control-freak but definitely as easily thrown off his course if something doesn't go according to his careful plan 💀
So we have Tommi and Joonas living under the same roof, and Olli and Joel accross the hall, yeah? Aleksi and Niko live close by and are always raiding Tommi and Joonas' fridge, because they know there's only leftover takeout in the other apartment lol
Let's start with Olli, because I loooove Rachel 😂 Rachel!Olli is such a pretty little princess and absolutely clueless about most things, so he couldn't be farther away from doctorate student Niko's type; yet, he can't stop daydreaming about seeing Olli's smile whenever he's on his way to their favourite hangout where Olli works at, a bar called Central Bob
(I tried 🙈)
Ross!Niko will talk anyone's ears off when someone as much as mentions movies, and his friends are trying their best to appear interested, but they've heard him go on and on and fucking on about that one film in particular 🙄 Olli can't say he understands half the things Niko tells him, but his enthusiasm is incredibly endearing 😍
Monica!Joel is a nervous wreck, not least because his dream of ever owning his own record label has never seemed so far. He's stuck working as a mere errand boy in a no-name company that, according to Joel, keeps making all the wrong decisions. He's constantly being brought down by his superiors when he dares to make a suggestion, so he spends most of his days believing he amounts to nothing
Chandler!Tommi wishes Joel could see how brilliant he actually is. Tommi would tell him, but alas, he's a man of few words, unless it's witty remarks to make everyone laugh 😔 The best he can do to support Joel is to provide him with delicious dinners, hoping they'll eventually add up to enough of a love confession
Joey!Joonas sleeps around and makes the most out of his C-list celebrity status (he starred in a tacky reality show once). He keeps saying he's not looking for a serious relationship and that he's fully content with just "having fun". He'd never admit it to anyone that he's always had a bit of a crush on Aleksi
Phoebe!Aleksi entertains his friends by inviting them to his DJ gigs, although they rarely seem to pay much attention to his music selections as much as to dancing and drinking. He is thankful for Joonas though, as he always finds something nice to say about Aleksi's set, even though Aleksi knows the music he plays is not exactly Joonas' cup of tea
Episode titles include such classics as The One With The Pigeons (in which Joel's already bad day is made worse by a pigeon attack and Tommi helps him overcome the trauma), The One With The Almost Proposal (in which Niko takes Olli to the movies for their billionth date and Niko had arranged so that after the end credits, the text Will You Marry Me? would end up on the screen, but Olli falls asleep halfway through the movie and Niko doesn't have the courage to try again for many weeks), The One Where Joonas Gets Sick (he's not actually, just awfully hangover, but he doesn't have the heart to tell Aleksi who keeps taking such good care of him), The One Where Everything Is Cancelled (in which everyone's plans get cancelled due to a snow inferno outside. Hilarity, feelings, and bad (=great) decisions ensue), and The One Where Santeri Quits (in which their mutual friend Santeri is fed up with everyone's shit, quits his job as the janitor of their building, and moves to The Bahamas)
(he sends them a postcard from there though)
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wishful-soda · 2 years
i'm the anon that said that michael might be involved (omg i feel like when spider-man’s identity was revealed lmao). okay so here are my two cents, this part: "(...) He paused so quickly you might of missed it and you could have sworn you saw his brain change trajectory" i think daniel saw how michael and reader were "looking" at each other and that moment when he "paused and changed trajectory" was him trying to let michael know (in the least subtle way possible lol) how reader is taken aka she’s with max so Michael doesn’t stand a chance even tho daniel definitely knew that they’re not partners. I think Daniel’s plan backfired on him because he maybe wasn’t aware of the stranger (who definitely works on red-bull otherwise why would you sit on a table with a bunch of strangers? Lol) who heard everything, so MAYBE I’m thinking: either michael took the picture cause idk (you take random pictures when you’re at a party lol or because he thought reader was pretty) and then the stranger asked him wtf was that (reader storming out the room) about OR… idk, I’m also down with the theory that maybe Michael was asked about it and neither denied it nor confirmed it. I just know Daniel’s intention was just to fuck with her because that’s who he is but it definitely backfired. Thank you for coming to my TED talk lmao.
Oooh you're cracking the code bestie!! You're the first one to notice Daniel observing the way reader and Michael were looking at each other and how that correlates to the change in his demeanor/plans
I feel like it's a murder LMAO what was the motive 💀 It's so much fun hearing all of your guys' theories I can't even tell you, I'm living for it. A+++ TED talk. Groundbreaking. Astounding. Inventive. Brilliant. 👏👏👏
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mightbewriting · 3 years
Hi! I just wanted to say, I love that the trashmates au is so unapologetically dark. I love seeing so much range in your writing. I think you're brilliant and superb. 👏
thank you so much anon! it's been a really fun journey dipping into a different story telling style and tone from how i started my adventure in fandom! and i'm thrilled that other people are enjoying it too!
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hawkinshightigcrs · 2 years
🌺 Send this to ten blogs you think are wonderful.🌺
Random Kindness /// Always Accepting!  
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Omg Sam,,, Sam, Sam, Sam, lemme just take a minute to gush over you because you are genuinely one of my favorite blogs and I don’t feel like I ever get the chance to tell you enough! 👀👏 So listen,,, you are such an amazing writer, okay? Literally never doubt that ever because I’m always reading your stuff on the dash or our threads in absolute awe because wow!! You got me over here jealous and taking notes because a m a z i n g! 👏👏👏 I’d be out here liking more of your posts on all of your blogs if I wasn’t afraid of being annoying dude omg. All of your characters have so much love put into them and I can see the thought behind all of the, they’re all so dynamic and unique with their own brilliant stories, and I just ahhhh. I always love reading your hc posts/dash games stuff when it comes on my dash cause I adore figuring out more about them omg. And I love chatting with you too, it’s always so much fun and such a joy, you’re super sweet and kind, and if I wasn’t so shy I’d probably pop into your inbox more because you are such a gem omg!! Like I said, your blogs are among my favorites, I love you and your muses sm dude omg 🥺💕💕💕💕✨🍄
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marlaluster · 6 years
Emptying the cliptray on the new phone. ....
1. 1,516 likes azzagristPlenty of colourful characters in this game of chess #MIB #dayout #morocco @zocobodypro @naturaladdiction @chrishemsworth adriano_stna❤️💚💛🇧🇷 janetgrimmetteHot stuff 🔥 noahmac2😍😍🔥🔥👏😂😂 doremifabyChess man is the new chest man ! leisha3I love this shirt of for the boys 🙌🏽 m0npochi😱 I see what you did with them word play, mister~! 👈👈😗 Such a cool bunch as always~ danielsharmanloyalWow! guys those physiques are misplaced for us immortals!⚡🙌 @azzagrist @chrishemsworth @zocobodypro elizabeth_velmarI can see you all day!! 🤤🤤🤤 luxclaudiabut unfortunately not playable ... these characters😂 curseofcreative6 pack in the fridge still? @azzagrist wadeeastwoodGet back to work!!! Ha myriam.chmeleroHandsome! amberjaneroweBoyz 🙄 aprilmunThat’s an album cover there 😉 hemsworths_loverY'all the best🤗😍 mitrokliA little bit of jiz came out. Now I need to hug make wife. gristo161🙌 Boy band wschultz44Missed you last Saturday night for a jar. Hope the Chess is treating you well. monikelgarciaCheck mate. nik_zutshi👌🌟 nik_zutshiI'm going to posting a video copying Chris Hemsworth's voice 🙂🌟I think you'll get a kick out of it @azzagrist analuciabsantos💖💖💖 tillakiz13You got the best chest @chrishemsworth 🔥 maxime_herasSo cool shot guys !! 🔥🔥 OCTOBER 11 ABOUT USSUPPORTPRESSAPIJOBS 2. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo3gBGDH1yq/?hl=en 3. 7,424 likes bobbydazzler84POUT SATURDAY!!! Legends get to the cinema to see Bad Times At The El Royale ASAP!!! It’s such an amazing beautifully shot incredible movie and we had so much fun shooting this in Vancouver.... the big dog @chrishemsworth is brilliant in it, and Drew Goddard has made another masterpiece..... wallop!! #greatmovie #mustsee #boom #epic #thebest #whatmovie #sogood #seeit sullylauWe here need to wait till November 22nd ri__jo95Top pennydouglas_I can only imagine just how fun it was. I am such a fan of Chris!! isaoviedo10¡Tan hermosos! 😍 loledwards73Who’s that bloke next to you Bobby . ? 😁 pamepainepil💕💕👏👏 gillygristLad carolynsexton67Best Picture Nominee...hands down! Awesome movie! aslimosn👍 nachorudi👍👍👏👏👏 jennings_teresaYour both a couple of legends 😉 nicosprideYes...its on my weekend list to do👍 looks great👊💪 belindacatherine@cockadoodlenoodle_ lol. now you mention it, he would be perfect if they ever make a biopic about his life and career... surajsarkar2Wow that's awesome picture beedaly87Where’s the 3rd musketeer 😂😂😂 oviol_albaniQue sexys bablock31Ok, just saw the movie. Was so good. Completely different, refreshingly so. I don't want to give anything away. Was that you in the fight scene? _rosev_SO GOOD! Amazing job guys! 🙌🏻 hooyi@ahlammmll lindsawatsonIt was amazing what a bloody fab film xx bobbydazzler84@_rosev_ you live it? _rosev_@bobbydazzler84 I really did! I didn’t know what to expect, definitely didn’t expect to jump out of my skin so many times. Some incredible performances & the cinematography was amazing! solennechupin👌🏿👌🏿 seawavescalmmysoulWanna meet my fav Chris Hemsworth here in India .. !! Can anything be arranged for his fans here in India to meet him once 😊😍❤️ please!!!! OCTOBER 13 ABOUT 4. https://www.instagram.com/p/BpKvJbUD7lu/?hl=en 5. 5,263 likes bobbydazzler84#Repost @samoanstuntman with @get_repost ・・・ One small mistake or miscommunication during a movie stunt and your life could end or be forever changed. This is @olivia_stunts, one of the all around toughest and most positive women I know. She almost lost her life filming Resident Evil: The final chapter in 2015 because of a negligent mistake that someone else on the production made. Another crew member did loose his life after being crushed against a wall by a Hummer on the same movie. You’d think she and the deceased’s family would be financially compensated or supported by the $1.25 BILLION Dollar franchise for all that they went through, but that’s not the case. I’m reposting this to spread awareness and in support of all stunt performers who put their health and lives on the line for your entertainment, but are often overlooked and sometimes forgotten....especially by the Academy Awards who doesn’t recognize our profession as “Award worthy”. The next time you’re enjoying the popcorn and the movie, remember that the stuff on screen that makes your adrenaline rush is something that a stunt performer actually risked their body for to contribute to the movie. olive you are the biggest hero there ever was... bless your heart and good luck to anyone trying to be ever as tough as you #oscarsforstunts #indemnificationforolivia marielamaneiroOscars for Stunts💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 boxlogojoshFunny that when an Actor/Actress “does their own stunts” its a big deal and are made out to be Gods, yet the amazing work of stuntmen/women goes for the most part unacknowledged! isabel_hems3That’s terrible, with out the stunt performers the films wouldn’t work, most people and brave or tough enough to pull off what you guys do. The Academy Awards need to step up like you do for the films #oscarsforstunts #indemnificationforolivia abby.houghton94Without stunt performers willing to risk their health and most importantly their lives films would be extremely boring to watch. When watching a film you never realise the risks that were involved to make it, we just sit back and enjoy it. For those injured or lost to not be compensated or supported is unbelievable and unacceptable! There needs to be more recognition for stunt performers and what they do!!! #oscarsforstunts mariehadOMG! How horrible & frustrating! Not even compensated or supported?!! I don't understand!!! 🤤😡😠 You guys deserve all the credit for the amazing dangerous crazy things that you do. The success of all those movies stand on your backs. The famous actors memorize their lines & show their pretty faces, then get all the dough & credit (not denying that many are great actors, very strong & we love them). You are athletes, warriors, the soldiers in the dark that constantly train & break your bodies, are courageous enough to do crazy things & endanger your lives for us to enjoy the movies. And also actors who study every behavioural & physical detail of an actor. Acadamy awards for stunts is not enough, there should be that & way more... 😍💖 pusses77Wow this is so sad. No movie is worth losing your life for. If it wasn't for Chris Hemsworth dragging your ass around on IG, I wouldn't know who you are. You are amazing stuntman and there should be more recognition given to you guys. I hope you don't ever suffer unfortunate circumstances. You seem like a really sweet guy 👌😘 lord_hades_of_olympusHoly crap and holy shit man! And I’m a resident Evil fan??? Wtf?? Pay the f-ing family for Christ’s sake !!!!! tom.pr.watsonWell said @bobbydazzler84 . Very well said 🙏 lord_hades_of_olympus#paytheactors instakamranHeartbreaking glitterfly02This is terrible. There should absolutely be more recognition for the work you and others do in this profession. Stunt professionals should also be compensated for injuries and death 100%. Shameful. 💕 for you, Olive. You are beautiful 💙💚💛🧡💜❤️ julie.parmxOmg that is heartbreaking 😢. Stay safe 🙏🏼 bobbilee2015#oscarsforstunts they should receive oscars as well you never hear actors/actresses thank them personally. They should in their speech’s and state that was who they were. #oscar vic_on_the_move@zebedee_management stragranzar@1987lizzy agreed! peavy_angel@boxlogojosh 👏 Couldn’t have said it better! aragon.jjReposted, praying for change soon. shellylee1234OMFG!! I definitely thought these people that had tragic accidents at work would be helped financially. It’s a disgrace they haven’t. Practically swept under the Academy Awards carpet!! sarah_philp@jai_philp rifa1702Just saw her IG 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😭 wow she’s really tough and brave!!!! Incredible. I’d have known this story if it’s not from you. Thank you for sharing. Hope world will value and appreciate you guys more! 🙏🏻 chrixantevinThanks for sharing. Stay safe, @bobbydazzler84 and to all stunt performers. Without your hardworks, the badass scenes in movies won't make it great. Thank you so much katie_j_byrneThis is so wrong how stunt men and women just get forgotten when it comes to the Oscars if it wasn't for you guys there would be no stunts, and it's disgraceful that someone had died on set and someone was really hurt yet they are still disregarded it's so wrong 😪😪 danafay525She is an amazing, talented, determined and still as beautiful as ever woman!!!!💪🏻💕🙏🎬 madison_ukStuntmen and stunt women should be acknowledged better for all they do without you guys they’re would be no films OCTOBER 20 ABOUT USSUPPORTPRESSAPIJOBSPR 6. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpnteo6BwSc/?hl=en 7. 2,446 views azzagristNot much scarier then a man in a cupboard with a half bottle of water. You can see that from these reactions. Trick or treat kids! @zocobodypro @bobbydazzler84 @m4tt3o @luca_vannella @chrishemsworth @danblacklock08 #peekaboo #yourworstnightmare #trickortreat mindi2011Omg!! That was awesome!! 😂😂😂Chris Hemsworth i thoght you said NOBODY could scare you!! When Luke tried scaring you!!???..whats up with that??lol!!! I love you guys ..you guys are so funny!!😁😁😆😆 wyldkat@sachaknock 😂😂😂😂 wyldkatThese are awesome! sachaknock@wyldkat yep chris was the best one 🤣 rosco.in.summerI think the truly scary thing is what have they done to Chris's hair?! abbadidgeBrilliant pam_1321Chris 😂😂😂 tanya_jonesGold!! oweb08new haircut?😂 chrishemsworthindiaNew hairstyle ahsen.dugeroglu😍😍😍 merkin69Where’s the tequila? hemsworths_loverOmg, you really did get Chris their😂 hilarious... I can't Chris was the best one to get scared😂💀 happy Halloween boys😉🤘 chrishemsworth_israelChris😂😂😂😂 majabalog68@azzagrist nice 👏👏👏👏@chrishemsworth 🧟‍♀️🧟‍♀️🧟‍♂️🧟‍♂️🧟‍♂️hehehehe sullylauSo funny 😂😂😂😂 janetgrimmetteI love it!! So funny, 👏👏 bablock31Omg...not....the... water👻 Anything but that💀🎃 ussmissnelson😂😂 Nice phatysquad😂😂😂 fangirlthing_avengersHahahahaha so funny... Chris was the best one.... He freaked out 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 k8wilkoHaha how funny was Chris! juze85Watched it several times! Love this kind of humor! 😄 zainabzahra01Hahaha!! 😂😂😂 3 DAYS AGO ABOUT USSUPPORTPRESSAPIJOBSPRIV 8. https://www.instagram.com/p/BpfIba8niB2/?hl=en 9. 223,855 likes liamhemsworthSeagull and a scary storm wave. araikaralb@speedyaddie I heard she is already in LA🙂 speedyaddie@araikaralb Where did you hear that? I have not heard anything. 🤷🏼‍♀️ araikaralb@speedyaddie well,I saw news fc_massage💥🍔🍎🍏🍏🍏 like back armyofcyrus#wreckingballto1billion armyofcyrus#wreckingballto1billion ❤️ svelbylb night_striker_227Seagull is scarier then that wave. You can avoid the wave. alexandracoursonLove your feed!! :) sunibel2017🔝 staceys_piercings🎃👻💀🎃👻💀 elya11guseynovahey boy : ) bruno_cyruus@carlinhosmaiaof megga514How much would you sell this picture for? I would love to blow it up, and frame it. _nicolehoukHope you’re enjoying the area @liamhemsworth! do.not.read.my.bio7DON'T READ MY NAME! I DON'T WANT YOU TO ‼😱❌ (You may as well like this comment if you did) laurascottbellYou and Miley are corgially invited to my wedding in Mobile,Alabama this December if you guys are still in the area! It's gonna be jammin'! 💎💖 yessotrod@araikaralb i only saw old news from sept 2018 that they returned LA... Nothing new on the internet other than what Liam Posts. fredcarpetnice surf 🤙 geosacordHermosooo😍 dheborahcruz_neres🙌🙌🙌 2022moon❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ do.not.read.my.bio7DON'T LOOK AT MY NAME! 😱❌ (You may as well like this comment if you did) _maksim_dep_Malibu 7 DAYS AGO ABOUT USSUPPORTPRESSAPI 10. https://www.instagram.com/p/BpZiyRfHpJd/?hl=en 11. 750,214 likes liamhemsworthMy massive mate Eddie. He’s laying on my wallet...anyone know how to move a 2500lb bull? caatz__@babzj_ hmmhmhmm achas que quero só um? 💁🏻‍♀️ caroxy_16Food!! __shahriyah__😂😂 angrammar@chiosound quite large yes _naat._Bae😍 karinahidalgo🐮💞 anabelle_averyBama echoxxiiiAsk your brother Thor for assistance 😉 mikamammana2310Me encantas sos un amor!!! Saludos desde Argentinaaaa 💜😍💜 mtheresefredinLol..The redbull sounds like the best solution😊... shwarmamama@janhviprakash ok valebailettib@adrizarateg awww ♥️ jumartinette@cmart394 😄😊 b3thwadeCow sorry bull tipping again lol theplantritionist@vegainzcoach melisanardi😍😍😍😍😍😍 fezentpeazentBullet and a chain saw porummundoveg💚💚 [email protected] wait. Why am I just seeing this? Eddie ❤️❤️ geosacord😱😱😱😅😅😛😍 2022moon🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 pres_play7You are brave i.rameshwariWhere are men like you? minu_mirza😂 OCTOBER 26 ABOUT USSUPPORTPRESSAPIJOBSPRIVACYTERMSDIRECTORYPROFILESHASHTAGSLANGUAGE 12. https://www.reddit.com/r/belgium/comments/7lntd7/syrian_refugee_camps_in_belgium/#thing_t1_drnrmqy 13. View r/belgium in the official Reddit app for the best experience. CONTINUE or go to the mobile site Log in / Register r/belgium Syrian Refugee Camps in Belgium u/helloiambrain Hello guys, I need the name or place (city/region) of Syrian refugee camps in Belgium. What is the biggest one? If it possible I need with population. Thanks. Share11 Comments0 Best Post is archived CXiiiv • 316d I doubt we have centres for specific nationalities. 2 [deleted] • 316d Not any more than we have 'camps'. 6 helloiambrain • 316d I did not know that. However, in my opinion, they check nationalities and save their information at least. So, they can help me? May you give me some places? 1 CXiiiv • 316d https://www.fedasil.be/ Is the national institution that deals with refugees I’m certain they will be able to answer some of your questions. (After the holidays, I doubt many in administration will be active this long weekend) 5 [deleted] • 316d What do you want from Syrian refugees? 2 Kingfisher_ybwE.U. • 316d We’re a civilised country. We don’t have camps. We provide housing for refugees, food and amenities so that these families can have a safe life. If you think that there are refugee camps in Belgium, I fear that you are lacking even the most basic knowledge on the refugee question in our country. Come back with questions when you have studied some more on the issue. 10 CXiiiv • 316d ease up on OP, it seems English isn't his/her first language and probably didn't envision Dachau like places but just didn't know how to name the centres. On an other note, put some fences and towers around some of our summer holiday parks where we keep them in winter and... 3 [deleted] • 315d [deleted] 2 shrekinatorAntwerpen • 315d The fuck are you planning, OP? 1 cptflowerhomoBelgium • 315d Stole some plans from his brown friendos in Germany? Edit: luckily not. Good luck OP 1 MyOldNameSuckedWest-Vlaanderen • 316d The Syrian camps are closer to Syria. We also don't have huge villages filled with African men wanting to hide in a truck to move to the UK like Calais. 2 technocrawl • 312d We all know stories about lost foreign childrens wich the gov doesnt care about.... 1 Share this Link Preparing your link SHARE LINK 14. http://www.infomigrants.net/en/post/7843/belgium-in-a-bind-on-refugees 15. TOP STORIES FEATURES NEWS PERSONAL STORIES UNDERSTANDING EUROPE THE EUROPEAN UNION ABOUT FRANÇAISعربيپښتودری Articles by country: AFGHANISTAN ALBANIA ALGERIA ANDORRA ANGOLA ARMENIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA BANGLADESH BELARUS BELGIUM BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA BRAZIL BULGARIA BURKINA FASO BURUNDI CAMEROON CANADA CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CEUTA & MELILLA CHAD CHINA COLOMBIA CONGO - BRAZZAVILLE CONGO - KINSHASA CÔTE D’IVOIRE CROATIA CYPRUS CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK DJIBOUTI DOMINICAN REPUBLIC EGYPT EQUATORIAL GUINEA ERITREA ESTONIA ETHIOPIA FIJI FINLAND FRANCE FYR MACEDONIA GABON GAMBIA GEORGIA GERMANY GHANA GIBRALTAR GREECE GREENLAND GUINEA GUINEA-BISSAU HONDURAS HUNGARY INDIA INDONESIA IRAN IRAQ IRELAND ISRAEL ITALY JAPAN JORDAN KENYA KOSOVO KUWAIT LEBANON LIBYA LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG MALI MALTA MAURITANIA MEXICO MONTENEGRO MOROCCO MYANMAR (BURMA) NETHERLANDS NIGER NIGERIA NORWAY PAKISTAN PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES PANAMA PERU POLAND PORTUGAL QATAR ROMANIA RUSSIA RWANDA SAUDI ARABIA SENEGAL SERBIA SIERRA LEONE SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SOMALIA SOUTH AFRICA SOUTH SUDAN SPAIN SRI LANKA SUDAN SWEDEN SWITZERLAND SYRIA TAJIKISTAN TANZANIA THAILAND TUNISIA TURKEY UGANDA UNITED KINGDOM UNITED STATES VATICAN CITY VENEZUELA VIETNAM WESTERN SAHARA YEMEN InfoMigrants FEATURES Belgium has become an important transit country for rejected asylum seekers Belgium has become an important transit country for rejected asylum seekers BRUSSELSASYLUM LAWASYLUM SEEKERSINTERNATIONAL LAW Belgium in a bind on refugees Latest update : 2018/03/01 By Aasim Saleem The main headquarters of the European Union, Brussels, is in a bind. The country must fulfill its legal and humanitarian obligations, while also ensuring that it doesn’t become the next European state to be hit by a refugee policy crisis. As the influx of migrants in Belgium increased, its citizens came forward and have been providing shelter to refugees in the harsh European winter. Belgian law allows its citizen to take in refugees. But that may be about to change. 732 percent amounting to 65302 asylum applications were rejected in France last year 73.2 percent, amounting to 65,302 asylum applications were rejected in France last year Legislators in Brussels are now debating measures that would allow police to search private homes of families suspected of sheltering illegal migrants. The proposal was floated by Theo Francken, a Flemish nationalist and Secretary of State for Asylum Policy and Migration. The Federal Government argues that the proposed amendment is necessary in order to enforce existing laws. Protests against government’s tougher policies Over 10,000 people took to the streets of Brussels this weekend, to protest the Belgian government’s refugee policy. Smaller-scale protests have been happening since the beginning of the year. The participants called on the authorities to adopt a more ‘humane’ approach in its migration policy. Symbolically, the rally was held at Brussels’ Maximilien Park in close proximity to the Immigration Department’s office, where refugees have been living in camps since 2015. It was organized by the activist group 'Citizen’s Platform for Refugee Support' and dubbed 'Human Wave for Solidarity and Humanity.' Bild auf Twitter anzeigen Bild auf Twitter anzeigen Elias De Keyser @EliasDeKeyser A human wave of #solidarity for a migration policy that respects #HumanRights in #Brussels today. #MigrAction #Humanity #BXLrefugees #MigrationEU 12:38 - 25. Feb. 2018 5 Weitere Tweets von Elias De Keyser ansehen Twitter Ads Info und Datenschutz British and Belgian police conduct joint operations Meanwhile, as the bill is being debated in Parliament, the government has already introduced stricter measures and policing to limit the influx of refugees as well as to halt their progress into the UK. Raids against human traffickers have increased. According to the UK embassy in Belgium, about 250 Belgian and British police officers conducted over two dozen raids from January to mid-February in both countries to rescue victims of trafficking. The joint operations were aimed at criminal groups suspected of smuggling migrants into the United Kingdom. Khalid Hameed Farooqui, a journalist from Brussels, told InfoMigrants that on February 27, an agreement was reached between the British and Belgian governments to patrol the highways leading to Dover and Calais.” He says the move is aimed at tightening the grip on illegal migration within Europe. Political divide Farooqui explained that the Interior Ministry and the ministry overseeing asylum procedures in Belgium are headed by members of a party which opposed liberal asylum policies in its election campaign. “The New Flemish Alliance (N-VA) argues that Belgium is overpopulated and doesn’t have to resources to deal with a huge influx of refugees,” Farooqui says. He told InfoMigrants that the party has a ‘regionalist and separatist’ agenda and has floated anti-migrant sentiments in Flemish regions and that Theo Francken has been accused of pursuing ‘Nazi’ policies. The Brussels-based analyst also told InfoMigrants that increased unemployment, crime rates and less social cohesion are attributed to migrants across Europe and Theo Francken has simply taken advantage of the existing rhetoric. Hotspot for migrants in transit Amir Naeem, a member of the socialist party in Belgium, told InfoMigrants that the refugees arriving in Belgium are only using the country as a transit point to head to the UK. “They are not applying for asylum here as the moment they file an application, they are caught and put in detention centers, as per the Dublin Regulation,” said Naeem. He added that they are sent to the country they entered Europe from before being deported to Libya where they are traded as slaves, among many other atrocities. According to Amir, this is where the people of Belgium stepped up to help the migrants during the winter season. Ordinary Belgians started giving migrants temporary refuge. “To counter this, the government is pursuing a proposal that would allow police to raid homes of people suspected of lodging an irregular migrant,” said Naeem. British and Belgian police conduct joint operations British and Belgian police conduct joint operations Belgium: major transit country for rejected asylum seekers In 2017, more than 100,400 people applied for asylum in France, according to the Asylum Information Database. Of those, only around 13,000 were granted refugee status. Over 73 percent, or 65,302 asylum applications, were rejected. So, what actually happened to those people? In recent years, Belgium has become an important transit country for rejected asylum seekers from the Netherlands, Germany and France. Asylum seekers rejected in other European states, as well as new migrants who have just entered Europe, often gather in Belgium with the aim of ultimately reaching the UK. The development is noticeable in public places across Belgium, particularly in the capital Brussels. Refugees can be seen strolling around the international bus station at Gare du Nord. Most of these asylum seekers hail from Sudan, a country which was not among the top 10 countries of origin for those applying for asylum in Belgium last year. Being a former colony, Sudan has considerable British influence and Britain too has a sizable Sudanese population. Latest phase in the migration crisis Critics claim that recent developments in Belgium reflect the latest phase in the migration crisis which has been responsible for the disruption of politics in one European country after another. It’s Belgium’s turn this time. The center-right government is confronted with the problem of avoiding large scale migrant camps in the capital while it must also fulfill its legal and humanitarian obligations. As well, the country will hold general elections next year. MORE ARTICLES Cyprus admin court to speed up asylum reject appeals Hungary using starvation tactics against asylum-seekers Wrongful deportation: Afghan asylum-seeker returns to Germany Germany: Mistakenly deported Afghan asylum-seeker to return soon Top stories / Features CONNECT WITH INFOMIGRANTS ON POST YOUR STORY CONTACT US ABOUT LEGAL NOTICE FRANÇAISعربيدریپښتو By continuing to use this site, you agree to the use of cookies or similar technologies to gauge audience usage and to offer you social networking features, related content and customised advertising. Learn more… OK, I agree 16. https://youtu.be/iFYyo3heIXc 17. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qr4O261nlgE 18. Belgium in a bind on refugees www.infomigrants.net belgium refugee from www.infomigrants.net Mar 1, 2018 · As the influx of migrants in Belgium increased, its citizens came forward and have been providing shelter to refugees in the harsh European ... You visited this page on 11/4/18. 9 Facts About Belgium Refugees 19. https://www.google.com.mx/search?q=belgium+refugee&oq=belgium&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j69i59j0l2.4229j0j9&client=ms-android-mpcs-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 20. 9 Facts About Belgium Refugees | The Borgen ... https://borgenproject.org › 9-facts-about-... Jun 7, 2017 · Additionally, the Mayor of the port city of Zeebrugge called for a “camp like Guantanamo ” to house Belgium refugees and told locals... You visited this page on 11/4/18. Asylum in Belgium | Fedasil https://www.fedasil.be › asylum-belgium
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marlaluster · 6 years
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1. 2,361 likes bobbydazzler84Just a couple mates having fun@chrishemsworth well he was anyway haha#wallop #barber #chrishemsworth #ouch #haha#aftershave #brutal #neveragain #gettingitdone@cellucor #cellucornation sallynazBest game of Smell My Finger EVER! nicks_fandomsWait are u his stunt double?@bobbydazzler84 cherinjmBeautiful 36_cinthya_36i dont know whats cuter you or chris’s nike shirt🤤 onelilsnowhareintheworldYou can always tell you two have a great time together😁👍🏻Great picture you guys📸😄 chrishemsworthlovelyHaha, you're feeling adventurous chrishemsworthlovely😉😉 spidey_and_hollander_fanHaha looks like ur both having fun 😂 agarwalk663Awesome moments😁👍 dougpaskoHaha friendship goals! Hilarious you goofballs 🤣 thekevinennisI volunteer for the next#hemsworthshave iamericayorkAbsolutely hilarious! 😂😭😂 marymanca@francymanca_ giusto per farti sapere che è a Londra........ puffinpower4He enjoyed that a little too much alyssa.wilson.7777🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💙 chrishemsworthindiaCan I ask you one thing Bobby? Why you're not trying to be lead in your own movie? You look fine. analuciabsantosLoved it 💖 mag_neto_Brothers from another mother sansamour20Just a couple of legends wreaking adorable havoc 😂 mag_neto_@chrishemsworthindia he’s got a real good thing going! Great team and sometimes that’s all you need! _stephford_That wicked smirk!🤣🤣🤣 elisha89_☺️😂 x barry.cook82173Epic!! Always enjoy seeing you guys together! Classic! glitterfly02You guys are too funny 😄. Thanks for making me laugh! ❤️ _eugem_Son tan lindos 😍❤️ prangfishHAHAHAHAA so great. 😊 likemeasiamHero 😍 vishal.sunar😂😂😂😂👏👏🔥🔥 nutmeg9367True bromance right here vishal.sunar@chrishemsworthindia exactly x_impala67_xThat last picture is brilliant 😂😂 luxclaudiayour silly things are glorious 😍😂👏keep it up❤️❤️❤️sweeties 52 MINUTES AGO Instagram Log in|Sign up ABOUT USSUPPORTPRESSAPIJOBSPRIVACYTERMS 2. https://www.instagram.com/chrishemsworthindia/ 3. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bmp6E4kn1Zz/ 4. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bl0h6e0HEcD/ 5. https://www.instagram.com/p/BjP4tUWn-0-/ 6. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bi4Ac7aHCIG/ 7. The devil pretends on one layer of reality hidden from discussion etc that people such as Kisspooh have done a deal w the devil or w Illuminati or something to explain their way into fame n seeming wished/coveted/well appearing status as doing something that seems worthwhile etc. It was saying that Chris was to seem to have done a deal w the devil to get the Thor role. "It's not for the reason you said. It's because I can't be who I am if the people aren't less," the devil said. "But it is something w that they look okay," the devil said. Yeah, i assumed it was the position Thats supposed to be wished n coveted etc, ie that of being a famous figure that everyone sees is talented, knows if, wishes, pays attention to, etc. Thats supposed to seem wished n it's supposed to seem 8. https://marlaluster.tumblr.com/post/177385331915/hmmm-staged-deal-w-the-devil-lets-me-explain 9. Yeah, i assumed it was the position that’s supposed to be wished n coveted etc, ie that of being a famous figure that everyone sees is talented, knows if, wishes, pays attention to, etc. 10. But it is not so as it is made up to be, ie the things to do to make the most of life. There is a bit of a deal made w sex being some way to enjoy your life etc. I had some concern w that. But sex is not really so okay or anything here. 11. That’s supposed to seem wished, ie to be that is supposed to seem wished, n it’s supposed to seem the person is talented. 12. https://marlaluster.tumblr.com/post/177383630750/thor-2009-you-mean-before-the-mirage-n-entrance 13. There was one typo in the post where I was clarifying the topic of the deal w the devil reference in the post just sharing the link from another fan Instagram page for Chris Hemsworth. The reference in my headline is really referring to the date for the photo n the date for what would supposedly be the devil world marriage for Chris Hemsworth n Elsa Pataky. They were to have married in late 2010. "But not," the devil said. "The marriage didn't occur. I have to say," the devil said. That's not been announced in devil land reality here. It still says they're married on their Wikipedia descriptions. 14. There was one typo in the post where I was clarifying the topic of the deal w the devil reference in the post just sharing the link from another fan Instagram page for Chris Hemsworth. The reference in my headline is really referring to the date for the photo n the date for what would supposedly be the devil world marriage for Chris Hemsworth n Elsa Pataky. They were to have married in late 2010. "But not," the devil said. "The marriage didn't occur. I have to say," the devil said. That's not been announced in devil land reality here. It still says they're married on their Wikipedia descriptions. ".... I have to do something that I'm not okay," the devil said after threatening to cut off the phone but it was apparently backing off from threatening or not to be so intently continuing to threaten cutting the phone off. Some thing seeming to be happening towards ending the world. The devil still threatening to cut off the phone. But here is the sentence I wish to correct, it's from this post at this link, n the sentence follows the link. .... Link to post I'm referring to to make both updates ill do in this current post: https://marlaluster.tumblr.com/post/177385331915/hmmm-staged-deal-w-the-devil-lets-me-explain Sentence w typo (really made by the devil): Yeah, i assumed it was the position that’s supposed to be wished n coveted etc, ie that of being a famous figure that everyone sees is talented, knows if *["of" seemingly changed to "if" by the devil]*, wishes, pays attention to, etc. That’s supposed to seem wished, ie to be that is supposed to seem wished, n it’s supposed to seem the person is talented. ----- The other clarification or update or edit concerned a misleading reference using the word deal, which could be considered a colloquialism of this way of speaking in this territory of this country, at least the way I was intending to use it. I was trying to use the term to express that a "big deal" is made about sex in devil land to be a way to like have a full life. There is said like in some magazine stories etc that there are benefits for a person's health n well being for it. There are also to be sexually transmitted diseases here also 15. clarifying a couple details from the preceding where I was trying to clarify the deal w the devil reference for the Thor 2009 post i found on a fan page for Chris Hemsworth. .... 16. But I just wanted to make clear that w the Thor 2009 reference it was made clear that Chris Hemsworth did not meet Pataky before he did the Thor movie. The devil was acting concerned about that being implied that Chris Hemsworth had been doing Marvel movies for a decade or over a decade as said in an Instagram post i shared here once I don't -- but i meant to write DO believe n the devil changed the word to "don't". The devil was trying to hide that Chris Hemsworth had been doing the movies before he was to be dating n marrying (as staged as truly dating n marrying etc here in devil land) Elsa Pataky, a devil nymph/siren/Amazon etc that is a Spanish actress in devil land. Devil nymph is a figure to be something to be w men in devil land. I have posted images of the devil w the nymphs, artwork, it's very interesting how it surfaces in devil land where there is a bit of a fixation on pretty girls n their bodies n dieting etc, n this sense to be made of what a pretty look or face is, it's very much to be resulting in people to be married etc. But the devil is supposed to be like a god of sex n lust n nature n stuff like this. Merry making is something of the devil where people are to act happy in devil land, its supposed to be normal n not normal to be unhappy. Its supposed to be superior to be happy, really normal, though. The nymphs are just something of whats supposed to be a plan of the devil to make its reality work n also something to seem i guess in some light an appeal n success of the devil, it seems celebrated in some artwork of or artwork showing the devil n the devil nymphs. "She has to go, that girl. They can see who she is now is that," the devil said of Elsa Pataky as I was writing here. "I'm Elsa Pataky n i can't go on. They can see here she's not less than to you," the devil said. "Something common fir blacks. It says something somewhere," the devil said of the sexually transmitted diseases I'm supposed to have in devil land, it's herpes. AIDS another disease that's to be common to blacks in devil land. "I have to do something that it's racist here in ways we can't be," the devil said. The devil messing w my memory of my point for the post. It's bad. It was doing it for the preceding post as well w the clarification. But the Instagram post showing Chris Hemsworth in 2009 doing something or rather fitting for related to a costume being built for him to play Thor, this post 17. 61,643 views bobbydazzler84There’s nothing this man can’t do @chrishemsworth 😂😂 wonderful experience and can’t wait for next time 🤔 #well #errrrm #sting#grooming #mensgrooming #getitdone #haha#wallop #mib #legend @m4tt3o @luca_vannella Load more comments spidey_and_hollander_fanI think Chris should stick to acting 😂 lilibst2Lovely❤️😂 carnivaleyes11Neat tool!!! mack_lesley🤣🤣🤣 lokiaephope you enjoyed x_impala67_x@lozzmosis 😂😂😂 d3lzzyHahahaha lozzmosis@x_impala67_x 🤣👍 rfbragKkkk 😀😆😉😍😘👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 ocean363stitchThat Thor has a mighty grip on your head 🤣 iamericayorkThis is fantastic! 😂😂😂 agarwalk663Hehehehe😂😂 pripertusi@nubetss @liviclaver@robertinha_inha dublê do Thor 😉 montalvo42Yo what’s the name of that machine razor?! claudia_sfranciscoSo funny 😂😂😂😝 kat_atonik1You both are too damn sexy!!!! gipao15LoL !!! deeday41😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂💀 hershy.hollandTy smm Bobby! U mean the world! ❤❤ ily! @bobbydazzler84 💜 hershy.hollandAlso we just need tom to notice me lolll @tomholland2013 & @bobbydazzler84 suziepoozie05@em_batch 😂💇🏼‍♂️ sheri_steinmetzLove u guys!! So funny. lovinglionessBobby tell me where these auditions are supposed to be. 😭 us newcomers are trying to take part too @bobbydazzler84 danicrastz11😂😂😂 @chrishemsworth did good Job ..@bobbydazzler84 you are ready 😂😂😂 hadsome🔥 willgabrielactor#loveyaworkday hcritch😂😂😂😂😂😂 emma_8467_22Ha ha 😂 thumbalinna94i couldnt stop watching this. nargizzsh😂😂😂 andylllll0916@kachingmiu 😂 jordanozzI've always wanted to be a stunt double. 💪 kung_zaaaaa🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 alexkittykatWhat a crack up you all are!!! Great team work on set. Do you ever return the ‘favour’? 😉 alexfidgywhen hazardous stunts are matched with bravery and humor 😅✌️ @chrishemsworth#bts 🤙 dyshy12😂😂😂 dyshy12@bobbydazzler84 thats wat you call touch of good friends lol sheri_steinmetzIs that what happened to Thor's beautiful hair??? He was self barbering? gutierrezdiana3This is so funny dougnovato😂😂👏👏👏 jhhall3Very good 😂 hantonjane😆😆😆😆😆😆😆 liviclaver@pripertusi 😍🤩 adeliaadeliaadelia311@clarahsnn idola lu nih 😂😂😂 clarahsnn@adeliaadeliaadelia311 ANJIR GANTENG BANGET1!1!1!1!1!!1 alannamenezes😂😂😂😂😂😂 alexandria_99@judi_b_70 backhurstkatie@louiseemma22 louiseemma22@backhurstkatie babes I will forever love christoff, hunky hunky piece of pumpkin pie 😍🤤💕 2 DAYS AGO Instagram Log in|Sign up ABOUT USSUPPORT 18. https://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2018/08/24/Drought-plagued-Mexican-farmers-sue-Volkswagen-for-chasing-away-rain/5551535126655/?utm_source=mobi&utm_medium=tn_v 19. WORLD NEWS   AUG. 24, 2018 / 12:26 PM Drought-plagued Mexican farmers sue Volkswagen for chasing away rain By Susan McFarland  (0) A lot full of vehicles is seen at Volkswagen's Puebla, Mexico, production plant. Farmers nearby are suing the automaker for using hail cannons that they say chases off rain storms. File Photo by Ulises Ruiz/EPA-EFE Aug. 24 (UPI) -- Farmers in central Mexico have accused Volkswagen of provoking a drought, because they say the automaker uses "hail cannons" to keep storm clouds away from its car lots. The accusation is included in a lawsuit filed this week against the German automaker. The sonic devices claim to disrupt the formation of hail in the atmosphere, but farmers say the controversial technique is also dispersing rain -- aggravating drought conditions. Some farmers have staged protests at Volkswagen's Puebla plant, one of its largest that employs 15,000 workers and produces more than 450,000 vehicles a year. RELATEDGerman prosecutors fine Volkswagen $1.18B for emissions scandal The farmers, who say May is normally the start of rainy season, blame the hail cannons for a drought that led to theloss of about 5,000 acres of crops. They are seeking almost $4 million in compensation. Farmer Gerardo Perez said when the sonic booms are launched, "the sky literally clears and it simply doesn't rain." Volkswagen said it would take the cannons off automatic mode and fire them only when potential hail storms approached. RELATEDVolkswagen names Herbert Diess as new CEO Volkswagen has been under scrutiny for other matters recently, including anemissions cheating scandal that cost the automaker billions and sent some executives to jail. In May, the Department of Justice indicted former Volkswagen AG CEO Martin Winterkorn on conspiracy and and wire fraud charges. The four-count indictment accuses Winterkorn of conspiring with other senior executives to defraud the United States, U.S. customers and violate the Clean Air Act by lying about emissions on diesel-fuel vehicles. Winterkorn is also accused of wire fraud. RELATEDAudi CEO arrested in diesel emissions cheating probe  (0) Ads by Revcontent Around the Web Casinos Will Hate You for Doing This but They Can't Stop You Daily-com 20. http://trc.taboola.com/mobileposse-metroweb/log/3/click?pi=%2F&ri=9bbdfa2ffcbd532d7dde962b1e755c32&sd=v2_bcee224b40aa61dce48e6b925a3a23c4_8eae487f-9f76-4fc5-b556-bed3e54acc65_1535254923_1535255142_CNawjgYQ47M-GOi32aLXLCACKAMw4QE4kaQOQPG-DkjNpRdQkARYAGDYCA&ui=8eae487f-9f76-4fc5-b556-bed3e54acc65&it=photo&ii=~~V1~~-4411008996106157671~~T7hfLK6JJJcxnMFpOM2ickUIDeu4ZGcSxFd8cNkhWz4SO_fFkG-bpaW2-qyqBDD6A2oNFt1ukOTCFTq8EPPgT45sgPFzlH9jjVWjXfEWgWWday_SWnH2zQM8-RPvSlVI5vDeW-o6CUHMsRnihoKEqcONSq7BVXqLDMCu1u7JQvwdZZ0aEgfYDhs17TmkBktH&pt=text&li=rbox-t2m&sig=41dbf8dd4b74944a33fee3cc5505a1a1ba8d3acf7713&redir=http%3A%2F%2Fwmnlife.com%2Flifestyle%2F8-facts-to-keep-in-mind-when-leaving-for-australia%3Futm_source%3Dtaboola%26utm_medium%3Dmobileposse-metroweb%26utm_campaign%3Dleaving-for-australia-mob%26utm_term%3DYou%2527ll%2BUnderstand%2BWhy%2BAustralia%2BIs%2Ba%2BScary%2BPlace%2BAfter%2BYou%2BSee%2BThese%2BPhotos...Yikes%26utm_content%3D%7B%7BAD_ID%7D%7D_http%253A%252F%252Fcdn.taboola.com%252Flibtrc%252Fstatic%252Fthumbnails%252Fea75eb194317bea190b1366af8e33dbb.jpg&vi=1535255141352&p=sunnylol-sc&r=65&ppb=CJEH&cpb=Eg8zMjAtMjE1LVJFTEVBU0UY1wkgnP__________ASoZbGEudGFib29sYXN5bmRpY2F0aW9uLmNvbTIId2F0ZXIyODc4gLDq4QpAkaQOSPG-DlDNpRdYkAQ
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marlaluster · 6 years
emptying clipboard
2,361 likes bobbydazzler84Just a couple mates having fun@chrishemsworth well he was anyway haha#wallop #barber #chrishemsworth #ouch #haha#aftershave #brutal #neveragain #gettingitdone@cellucor #cellucornation sallynazBest game of Smell My Finger EVER! nicks_fandomsWait are u his stunt double?@bobbydazzler84 cherinjmBeautiful 36_cinthya_36i dont know whats cuter you or chris’s nike shirt🤤 onelilsnowhareintheworldYou can always tell you two have a great time together😁👍🏻Great picture you guys📸😄 chrishemsworthlovelyHaha, you're feeling adventurous chrishemsworthlovely😉😉 spidey_and_hollander_fanHaha looks like ur both having fun 😂 agarwalk663Awesome moments😁👍 dougpaskoHaha friendship goals! Hilarious you goofballs 🤣 thekevinennisI volunteer for the next#hemsworthshave iamericayorkAbsolutely hilarious! 😂😭😂 marymanca@francymanca_ giusto per farti sapere che è a Londra........ puffinpower4He enjoyed that a little too much alyssa.wilson.7777🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💙 chrishemsworthindiaCan I ask you one thing Bobby? Why you're not trying to be lead in your own movie? You look fine. analuciabsantosLoved it 💖 mag_neto_Brothers from another mother sansamour20Just a couple of legends wreaking adorable havoc 😂 mag_neto_@chrishemsworthindia he’s got a real good thing going! Great team and sometimes that’s all you need! _stephford_That wicked smirk!🤣🤣🤣 elisha89_☺️😂 x barry.cook82173Epic!! Always enjoy seeing you guys together! Classic! glitterfly02You guys are too funny 😄. Thanks for making me laugh! ❤️ _eugem_Son tan lindos 😍❤️ prangfishHAHAHAHAA so great. 😊 likemeasiamHero 😍 vishal.sunar😂😂😂😂👏👏🔥🔥 nutmeg9367True bromance right here vishal.sunar@chrishemsworthindia exactly x_impala67_xThat last picture is brilliant 😂😂 luxclaudiayour silly things are glorious 😍😂👏keep it up❤️❤️❤️sweeties 52 MINUTES AGO Instagram Log in|Sign up ABOUT USSUPPORTPRESSAPIJOBSPRIVACYTERMS https://www.instagram.com/chrishemsworthindia/https://www.instagram.com/p/Bmp6E4kn1Zz/https://www.instagram.com/p/Bl0h6e0HEcD/https://www.instagram.com/p/BjP4tUWn-0-/https://www.instagram.com/p/Bi4Ac7aHCIG/The devil pretends on one layer of reality hidden from discussion etc that people such as Kisspooh have done a deal w the devil or w Illuminati or something to explain their way into fame n seeming wished/coveted/well appearing status as doing something that seems worthwhile etc. It was saying that Chris was to seem to have done a deal w the devil to get the Thor role. "It's not for the reason you said. It's because I can't be who I am if the people aren't less," the devil said. "But it is something w that they look okay," the devil said. Yeah, i assumed it was the position Thats supposed to be wished n coveted etc, ie that of being a famous figure that everyone sees is talented, knows if, wishes, pays attention to, etc. Thats supposed to seem wished n it's supposed to seem https://marlaluster.tumblr.com/post/177385331915/hmmm-staged-deal-w-the-devil-lets-me-explain Yeah, i assumed it was the position that’s supposed to be wished n coveted etc, ie that of being a famous figure that everyone sees is talented, knows if, wishes, pays attention to, etc. But it is not so as it is made up to be, ie the things to do to make the most of life. There is a bit of a deal made w sex being some way to enjoy your life etc. I had some concern w that. But sex is not really so okay or anything here. That’s supposed to seem wished, ie to be that is supposed to seem wished, n it’s supposed to seem the person is talented. https://marlaluster.tumblr.com/post/177383630750/thor-2009-you-mean-before-the-mirage-n-entrance There was one typo in the post where I was clarifying the topic of the deal w the devil reference in the post just sharing the link from another fan Instagram page for Chris Hemsworth. The reference in my headline is really referring to the date for the photo n the date for what would supposedly be the devil world marriage for Chris Hemsworth n Elsa Pataky. They were to have married in late 2010. "But not," the devil said. "The marriage didn't occur. I have to say," the devil said. That's not been announced in devil land reality here. It still says they're married on their Wikipedia descriptions. There was one typo in the post where I was clarifying the topic of the deal w the devil reference in the post just sharing the link from another fan Instagram page for Chris Hemsworth. The reference in my headline is really referring to the date for the photo n the date for what would supposedly be the devil world marriage for Chris Hemsworth n Elsa Pataky. They were to have married in late 2010. "But not," the devil said. "The marriage didn't occur. I have to say," the devil said. That's not been announced in devil land reality here. It still says they're married on their Wikipedia descriptions. ".... I have to do something that I'm not okay," the devil said after threatening to cut off the phone but it was apparently backing off from threatening or not to be so intently continuing to threaten cutting the phone off. Some thing seeming to be happening towards ending the world. The devil still threatening to cut off the phone. But here is the sentence I wish to correct, it's from this post at this link, n the sentence follows the link. .... Link to post I'm referring to to make both updates ill do in this current post: https://marlaluster.tumblr.com/post/177385331915/hmmm-staged-deal-w-the-devil-lets-me-explain Sentence w typo (really made by the devil): Yeah, i assumed it was the position that’s supposed to be wished n coveted etc, ie that of being a famous figure that everyone sees is talented, knows if *["of" seemingly changed to "if" by the devil]*, wishes, pays attention to, etc. That’s supposed to seem wished, ie to be that is supposed to seem wished, n it’s supposed to seem the person is talented. ----- The other clarification or update or edit concerned a misleading reference using the word deal, which could be considered a colloquialism of this way of speaking in this territory of this country, at least the way I was intending to use it. I was trying to use the term to express that a "big deal" is made about sex in devil land to be a way to like have a full life. There is said like in some magazine stories etc that there are benefits for a person's health n well being for it. There are also to be sexually transmitted diseases here also clarifying a couple details from the preceding where I was trying to clarify the deal w the devil reference for the Thor 2009 post i found on a fan page for Chris Hemsworth. .... But I just wanted to make clear that w the Thor 2009 reference it was made clear that Chris Hemsworth did not meet Pataky before he did the Thor movie. The devil was acting concerned about that being implied that Chris Hemsworth had been doing Marvel movies for a decade or over a decade as said in an Instagram post i shared here once I don't -- but i meant to write DO believe n the devil changed the word to "don't". The devil was trying to hide that Chris Hemsworth had been doing the movies before he was to be dating n marrying (as staged as truly dating n marrying etc here in devil land) Elsa Pataky, a devil nymph/siren/Amazon etc that is a Spanish actress in devil land. Devil nymph is a figure to be something to be w men in devil land. I have posted images of the devil w the nymphs, artwork, it's very interesting how it surfaces in devil land where there is a bit of a fixation on pretty girls n their bodies n dieting etc, n this sense to be made of what a pretty look or face is, it's very much to be resulting in people to be married etc. But the devil is supposed to be like a god of sex n lust n nature n stuff like this. Merry making is something of the devil where people are to act happy in devil land, its supposed to be normal n not normal to be unhappy. Its supposed to be superior to be happy, really normal, though. The nymphs are just something of whats supposed to be a plan of the devil to make its reality work n also something to seem i guess in some light an appeal n success of the devil, it seems celebrated in some artwork of or artwork showing the devil n the devil nymphs. "She has to go, that girl. They can see who she is now is that," the devil said of Elsa Pataky as I was writing here. "I'm Elsa Pataky n i can't go on. They can see here she's not less than to you," the devil said. "Something common fir blacks. It says something somewhere," the devil said of the sexually transmitted diseases I'm supposed to have in devil land, it's herpes. AIDS another disease that's to be common to blacks in devil land. "I have to do something that it's racist here in ways we can't be," the devil said. The devil messing w my memory of my point for the post. It's bad. It was doing it for the preceding post as well w the clarification. But the Instagram post showing Chris Hemsworth in 2009 doing something or rather fitting for related to a costume being built for him to play Thor, this post 61,643 views bobbydazzler84There’s nothing this man can’t do @chrishemsworth 😂😂 wonderful experience and can’t wait for next time 🤔 #well #errrrm #sting#grooming #mensgrooming #getitdone #haha#wallop #mib #legend @m4tt3o @luca_vannella Load more comments spidey_and_hollander_fanI think Chris should stick to acting 😂 lilibst2Lovely❤️😂 carnivaleyes11Neat tool!!! mack_lesley🤣🤣🤣 lokiaephope you enjoyed x_impala67_x@lozzmosis 😂😂😂 d3lzzyHahahaha lozzmosis@x_impala67_x 🤣👍 rfbragKkkk 😀😆😉😍😘👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 ocean363stitchThat Thor has a mighty grip on your head 🤣 iamericayorkThis is fantastic! 😂😂😂 agarwalk663Hehehehe😂😂 pripertusi@nubetss @liviclaver@robertinha_inha dublê do Thor 😉 montalvo42Yo what’s the name of that machine razor?! claudia_sfranciscoSo funny 😂😂😂😝 kat_atonik1You both are too damn sexy!!!! gipao15LoL !!! deeday41😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂💀 hershy.hollandTy smm Bobby! U mean the world! ❤❤ ily! @bobbydazzler84 💜 hershy.hollandAlso we just need tom to notice me lolll @tomholland2013 & @bobbydazzler84 suziepoozie05@em_batch 😂💇🏼‍♂️ sheri_steinmetzLove u guys!! So funny. lovinglionessBobby tell me where these auditions are supposed to be. 😭 us newcomers are trying to take part too @bobbydazzler84 danicrastz11😂😂😂 @chrishemsworth did good Job ..@bobbydazzler84 you are ready 😂😂😂 hadsome🔥 willgabrielactor#loveyaworkday hcritch😂😂😂😂😂😂 emma_8467_22Ha ha 😂 thumbalinna94i couldnt stop watching this. nargizzsh😂😂😂 andylllll0916@kachingmiu 😂 jordanozzI've always wanted to be a stunt double. 💪 kung_zaaaaa🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 alexkittykatWhat a crack up you all are!!! Great team work on set. Do you ever return the ‘favour’? 😉 alexfidgywhen hazardous stunts are matched with bravery and humor 😅✌️ @chrishemsworth#bts 🤙 dyshy12😂😂😂 dyshy12@bobbydazzler84 thats wat you call touch of good friends lol sheri_steinmetzIs that what happened to Thor's beautiful hair??? He was self barbering? gutierrezdiana3This is so funny dougnovato😂😂👏👏👏 jhhall3Very good 😂 hantonjane😆😆😆😆😆😆😆 liviclaver@pripertusi 😍🤩 adeliaadeliaadelia311@clarahsnn idola lu nih 😂😂😂 clarahsnn@adeliaadeliaadelia311 ANJIR GANTENG BANGET1!1!1!1!1!!1 alannamenezes😂😂😂😂😂😂 alexandria_99@judi_b_70 backhurstkatie@louiseemma22 louiseemma22@backhurstkatie babes I will forever love christoff, hunky hunky piece of pumpkin pie 😍🤤💕 2 DAYS AGO Instagram Log in|Sign up ABOUT USSUPPORT https://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2018/08/24/Drought-plagued-Mexican-farmers-sue-Volkswagen-for-chasing-away-rain/5551535126655/?utm_source=mobi&utm_medium=tn_v WORLD NEWS   AUG. 24, 2018 / 12:26 PM Drought-plagued Mexican farmers sue Volkswagen for chasing away rain By Susan McFarland  (0) A lot full of vehicles is seen at Volkswagen's Puebla, Mexico, production plant. Farmers nearby are suing the automaker for using hail cannons that they say chases off rain storms. File Photo by Ulises Ruiz/EPA-EFE Aug. 24 (UPI) -- Farmers in central Mexico have accused Volkswagen of provoking a drought, because they say the automaker uses "hail cannons" to keep storm clouds away from its car lots. The accusation is included in a lawsuit filed this week against the German automaker. The sonic devices claim to disrupt the formation of hail in the atmosphere, but farmers say the controversial technique is also dispersing rain -- aggravating drought conditions. Some farmers have staged protests at Volkswagen's Puebla plant, one of its largest that employs 15,000 workers and produces more than 450,000 vehicles a year. RELATEDGerman prosecutors fine Volkswagen $1.18B for emissions scandal The farmers, who say May is normally the start of rainy season, blame the hail cannons for a drought that led to theloss of about 5,000 acres of crops. They are seeking almost $4 million in compensation. Farmer Gerardo Perez said when the sonic booms are launched, "the sky literally clears and it simply doesn't rain." Volkswagen said it would take the cannons off automatic mode and fire them only when potential hail storms approached. RELATEDVolkswagen names Herbert Diess as new CEO Volkswagen has been under scrutiny for other matters recently, including anemissions cheating scandal that cost the automaker billions and sent some executives to jail. In May, the Department of Justice indicted former Volkswagen AG CEO Martin Winterkorn on conspiracy and and wire fraud charges. The four-count indictment accuses Winterkorn of conspiring with other senior executives to defraud the United States, U.S. customers and violate the Clean Air Act by lying about emissions on diesel-fuel vehicles. Winterkorn is also accused of wire fraud. RELATEDAudi CEO arrested in diesel emissions cheating probe  (0) Ads by Revcontent Around the Web Casinos Will Hate You for Doing This but They Can't Stop You Daily-com http://trc.taboola.com/mobileposse-metroweb/log/3/click?pi=%2F&ri=9bbdfa2ffcbd532d7dde962b1e755c32&sd=v2_bcee224b40aa61dce48e6b925a3a23c4_8eae487f-9f76-4fc5-b556-bed3e54acc65_1535254923_1535255142_CNawjgYQ47M-GOi32aLXLCACKAMw4QE4kaQOQPG-DkjNpRdQkARYAGDYCA&ui=8eae487f-9f76-4fc5-b556-bed3e54acc65&it=photo&ii=~~V1~~-4411008996106157671~~T7hfLK6JJJcxnMFpOM2ickUIDeu4ZGcSxFd8cNkhWz4SO_fFkG-bpaW2-qyqBDD6A2oNFt1ukOTCFTq8EPPgT45sgPFzlH9jjVWjXfEWgWWday_SWnH2zQM8-RPvSlVI5vDeW-o6CUHMsRnihoKEqcONSq7BVXqLDMCu1u7JQvwdZZ0aEgfYDhs17TmkBktH&pt=text&li=rbox-t2m&sig=41dbf8dd4b74944a33fee3cc5505a1a1ba8d3acf7713&redir=http%3A%2F%2Fwmnlife.com%2Flifestyle%2F8-facts-to-keep-in-mind-when-leaving-for-australia%3Futm_source%3Dtaboola%26utm_medium%3Dmobileposse-metroweb%26utm_campaign%3Dleaving-for-australia-mob%26utm_term%3DYou%2527ll%2BUnderstand%2BWhy%2BAustralia%2BIs%2Ba%2BScary%2BPlace%2BAfter%2BYou%2BSee%2BThese%2BPhotos...Yikes%26utm_content%3D%7B%7BAD_ID%7D%7D_http%253A%252F%252Fcdn.taboola.com%252Flibtrc%252Fstatic%252Fthumbnails%252Fea75eb194317bea190b1366af8e33dbb.jpg&vi=1535255141352&p=sunnylol-sc&r=65&ppb=CJEH&cpb=Eg8zMjAtMjE1LVJFTEVBU0UY1wkgnP__________ASoZbGEudGFib29sYXN5bmRpY2F0aW9uLmNvbTIId2F0ZXIyODc4gLDq4QpAkaQOSPG-DlDNpRdYkAQ
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