#moriarty the patriot tickles
rachi-roo · 2 years
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Moriarty the Patriot: To Break a Gargoyle - Act 1
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I'm soooo excited to post this!!!! Me and @giggly-squiggily have teamed up on this fic to make a two-part tale!!! Squiggles you're so cool 😭👏 I had so much fun writing and planning this with you!
Summary: After hoating a successful tea party, William is still sour over Morans betrayal in his time of need and seeks revenge! Only things don't quite go to plan. Lee!William, Ler!Moran.
Act 2 here by the brilliant Giggly-Squiggly!!!
Tw: None.
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It had been a couple of days since the Moriarty household had finished up with hosting the dreaded tea party, and everything had settled down once again. Everything, except the troubles that swirled in William's mind.
The family of three brothers sat enjoying each other's company, along with Fred and Moran whilst Jack was busy elsewhere. William turned the page in his newspaper looking up as Moran stood, pulling his coat over his shoulders.
"Right. I'd best be off then. Got a few errands to run before dinner." He announced, tugging gently on Fred's coat sleeve to get him out of his seat. "Thanks for the tea, Louis. William, Albert." He gave a nod to each brother before turning to leave.
As he did, William stared, an image flashing in his mind. Moran left him. That day, at the tea party. He turned his back and left him to flounder at the mercy of those desperately flirtatious women. He left him. How dare he!
On the surface, William was calm. Composed. He even offered a friendly smile as his friend left to continue his duties, but beneath that cool exterior, a storm was brewing. A plot for revenge. No one betrays William James Moriarty. No one.
Later that same evening, before dinner was prepared, William approached Moran in the hallway, a look of seriousness on his face. "Moran. I have something to discuss with you in my private study if you could meet me there in five minutes, I have something important to discuss." He spoke quietly, earning a professional nod of acknowledgement from the other.
"Am I to bring the others?"
"No. Come alone. This only requires you." William gave a reassuring smile, heading off towards his study to prepare.
Exactly five minutes later, Moran arrived outside William's study, knocking on the door. "William. It's Moran... I'm coming in." He opened the door, seeing William sitting at his desk inside.
"Close the door, please. And have a seat." William ordered, smiling softly as he watched Moran do so. So far, it didn't look like his friend suspected a thing. Why would he? William was his trusted boss and friend.
"So, Moran, I trust that you enjoyed your time at the tea party we hosted a couple of days back?" He asked, standing up once Moran was seated, moving to pour the two of them a drop of whisky. Moran watched him, smiling fondly at the memory of all those lovely ladies gathered in one place, not to mention the few who were fawning over him as he stood in the garden.
"Aye, sir. It was an entertaining affair." He chuckled, taking the drink as William handed it to him. The blonde hummed, taking a sip of his own.
"I'm glad you found it so enjoyable. I do hope the job you were given wasn't too taxing."
"Of course not, William. It was a piece of cake."
William set his drink down, standing behind his tall friend as his tone changed. "Piece of cake, you say? Then, do tell me, friend, why is it that you neglected to assist me in my time of need?"
"Sir?" Moran raised a brow, not quite catching on.
"When that woman was viciously flirting with me during my advice hearing. You saw my suffering and turned your back on me. Did you not?"
Moran froze up. How could he forget. "I-I't wasn't meant to be malicious, sir. I just-"
"Just what? You weren't actually fit to help your boss when required and lied to me about your capabilities? Or is it that you left me to undergo such torment on purpose? Mutiny, essentially." William cracked his knuckles as Moran gulped.
"No sir, I wasn't intending to-"
"You really did turn your back on me, Moran. Which was your first and last mistake!" In a flash, William dove upon Moran's sides, squeezing a massaging his fingers into the well-toned muscle, a wicked grin on his cheeks.
"Now you will-... Wh-?" William's smile faded when he got no reaction from his attack. Not even a flinch? How is he not laughing? It's like he just turned off all his nerve endings. Like he's made of stone or something! "How- Uh!" His blood ran cold when he looked up, seeing Moran's playful, smug grin and vengeful side-eye.
"Oooh, you are a scary one. Ain't ya, Lord of Crime?" He grinned, standing from his chair and calmly leaning over William to put his drink on the desk behind him. "Yep, you sure taught me a lesson."
The smaller blonde took a step back, bumping into his desk as his hitman towered over him. "I-I was only having a laugh, Moran. You know I would never truly be hurt by something so trivial." This was true. Of course William was only playing. But Moran didn't look satisfied with this excuse.
His grin softened as he grabbed Williams's wrists, holding them over his head with ease. "My turn~" He jeered, bringing his free hand to William's stretched-out ribs, starting to lightly pinch up and down his slender frame.
Each squeeze earned a hiccup-like squeak from the Lord of Crime as he flinched and jumped at the tickly zaps that sent shivers down his spine.
"Wait! Mor-Aha! I didn't Hah! Let me explAHAin! Stahap!" He blushed, embarrassed by how easily he was reduced to a giggly mess, with the defence of a wet napkin. He was so glad he shut the door, lest some prying eyes fall upon the scene. "Stahap it, Moran!"
His pleading only seemed to egg the hitman on, switching from small squeezes to continuous drilling between and on the sensitive bone. "Oh come on now, William. You should know better than to try something like that on me."
"I-I'm sahaharry! Ahaha! Nohoho!" Will gasped as he managed to slip his wrists free, making a break for the door. Just too slow. He felt the large hand of his attacker grab his shoulder, pulling him back before wrapping his arms around William's stomach, lifting him clear from the ground with ease.
"Pardon my roughness, Sir. But I can't let you go just yet." Moran grinned, shaking his fingers into William's sides, chucking as he listened to his loud, boyish laughter.
"Wahahait! Oho lord- Ahaha! Mohoran! AHA!" He grabbed and pushed on Moran's python-like grip, desperate to wriggle free from the ticklish prison. It was no use, nothing could escape the gargoyles grasp once you became ensnared in it.
"Plehehease! AHAHA!" His laughter turned to bubbly, chirping, giggling as Moran's hands started shaking into his tummy. "Ehehehe! N-Not thehere!"
"Not there?" Moran raised a brow, shifting his hands further up and sinking into the poor man's underarms instead. "How about here? Is this better, sir?" He teased, gasping as he narrowly missed a kick to the bollocks as William flailed.
"GYAHAHAHA! Nooo! AhahaAHA! P-Plehease! Oh lohord!"
"Tickle, tickle, tickle, William~ To think, you would have me suffering the same if you could. How cruel of you." Morans mocking tone only made things worse for William.
"AHAHAHHAHAAA! P-Please forgihihive meee! HAHA!" That was twice Moran almost had his jewels booted, time to change again. He set William down, quickly straddling his hips, pinning him on his back.
"No! Nononono! Wahait!"
William fought off his hands with his killer precision, but the ghost tickles were too much of a distraction and he was soon under attack again. This time Moran pinned one arm up, clawing mercilessly at the sensitive underarm as William tried in vain to defend himself.
"AAAAH! Moran! I-I'll do anythihing! Plehehease!" The boy's cheeks were red as the roses that bloomed in the garden, and wet with mirthful tears as he howled with laughter.
"Oooh, anything? Hmm... Nah." This man was evil. He just wanted to make William regret trying to attack him. His hands switched back to William's sides, shaking in vigorously as he smirked teasingly.
"Morahahan! Th-This is ridihiculous!"
"You started it!"
"A-Ahalright!" William snorted. "I-I give in! Plehehase!"
"Well, since you asked nicely." Moran smiled, patting William's cheek as he stopped his attack, still sitting upon his boss's lap. "Hehe, look at you." He smirked, referring to William's tangled hair and wrinkled shirt collar.
"I-Ihihi... I'll have to tidy... mysehelf before... Dinner."
Moran nodded, starting to poke at the tired assassin's tummy as he spoke. "Look, William, you know I respect you. Hell, I'd give my life for you. But I'm afraid when it comes to tickling, I just can't let you walk away from an attempt on me like that." He chuckled, watching him twitch and bat at his poking hand.
"Ohokay! Stop, stop... Haha... I'll remember that..." William chuckled, taking Moran's hand as he helped him up.
"There is only one man who knows how to beat me in a war of tickles. And I'm afraid he ain't you. Better luck next time though." The large man grinned, patting his friend's hair before leaving the room, winking as he shut the door behind him.
William thought for a moment. One man who knows how to beat him. Who could that be? The cogs were turning in William's mind again. There was definitely going to be a round two.
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intheticklecloset · 11 months
Not My Name (Moriarty the Patriot)
Summary: William and Sherlock are finally alone together, but before things can get exciting, they start off learning other things about each other...
A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY @giggly-squiggily!! SURPRISE!! >:D
Thank you for giving me a reason to stick with Tumblr, for fangirling with me about our favorite shows and ships, for giving me the courage to start posting stories again, for being there for me in my darkest moments. I couldn't have asked for a better friend. I'm honored to know you, and I hope your birthday is THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!! 💖💖💖
(Side Note: This is my first and probably only attempt at Moriarty the Patriot, so I gave it everything I had. I hope you all enjoy!)
Word Count: 2,855
Will didn’t typically bring strange men home from bars.
Technically speaking, he still hadn’t brought a strange man home. He’d brought home a man he knew – a man he’d wanted to get involved with for some time, if he was honest. A man Louis would absolutely kill him for bringing into their home if he found out.
Sherlock Holmes let out a snort. “You’re going to waste time with that?”
Will stopped shrugging out of his suit jacket halfway, the sleeves still on his forearms and the collar bunched around his waist. “Would you prefer I didn’t?”
“There’s no need to bother with that.” Sherlock smirked at him suggestively. “We can have plenty of fun with the clothes still on.”
“Call me a perfectionist, but I do prefer to keep my clothes tidy, Mr. Holmes.”
“Still on with that ‘Mr. Holmes’ nonsense, Professor?”
Will couldn’t help but smile at him. “For now.”
Sherlock rolled his eyes and lay back on the mattress in Will’s room, groaning. “I’m literally in your bed, Liam. I think we can be on a first-name basis.”
“And yet, Liam is not my name.”
“Smartass.” Sherlock glared at him. “William.”
Sherlock Holmes saying his first name with that kind of growl did things to Will’s insides that he wasn’t sure he could stand, in the best possible way.
He hiked his suit jacket back up into its proper place, but kept it unbuttoned as he strode to the bed and leaned down so they were face-to-face. “Clothes on, you say?”
Sherlock smirked. “Yeah. Then I can do this.” The detective grabbed onto his tie and yanked him down even further, falling back on the bed so they were sprawled on top of each other.
Will gasped in surprise and braced himself on his elbows above the dark-haired man. “You’re very forward, Holmes.”
“Ah, we’ve dropped the ‘mister,’ I see.”
He kissed him. He couldn’t hold back anymore. Their lips collided like they were always meant to, like they’d been waiting their whole lives for this one, perfect moment.
It didn’t take long for hands to wander – for Will to slide a hand from Sherlock’s hip to his back, trailing along his side and ribs along the way, wanting to feel him, all of him. He pulled him closer as the detective wrapped his arms around his neck, playing with the buttons on the other man’s suit jacket.
“Liam,” Sherlock groaned, pulling away, breathless.
“Not my name,” Will growled back, finally unclasping the buttons and snaking his hands inside, grasping his waist.
Sherlock tensed beneath him, and all of a sudden Will realized what was happening here. He’d taken Sherlock – Sherlock freaking Holmes – home with him after a night at the bar, and they were in his room together, and now…
Had it all been a mistake?
No, Will decided, his eyes roaming over the detective’s form briefly, mind whirring. The man hadn’t been drunk – neither of them were – and he’d consented readily to this exact scenario, even initiated it before either of them could disrobe. So why was he suddenly looking at Will with such apprehension?
“Holmes?” he said gently, carefully removing his hands from the detective’s waist.
Sherlock smirked. “What’s the matter, my lord? Nervous?”
The taunt sparked something in him, and Will pushed Sherlock down onto the mattress, and this time, seeing the other man’s wide-eyed look only spurred him onward. He loosely straddled his hips and murmured, “Nervous? I’ll show you nervous, Mr. Holmes.”
“Not my name,” Sherlock shot back, then shivered when the nobleman started trying to untuck his shirt. He let out a noise that sounded suspiciously like a giggle and clamped his hands down on his arms, stopping him. “N-No need for that. We can do this with our clothes on, can’t we, Liam?”
That’s when it clicked. Will felt everything fall into place, and judging by the panicked look on Sherlock’s features, the detective knew he’d figured it out, too.
“Why, Mr. Holmes,” he said in a low, teasing register, “are you ticklish?”
Sherlock let out a tiny gasp and tried pushing his hands away. “Don’t get any brilliant ideas, now—ack!”
“I deduce that you didn’t want to disrobe due to your high sensitivity, Mr. Holmes,” Will said as he casually began poking along the detective’s waistline. “Would I be correct in that assumption?”
“Bugger off,” Sherlock grumbled, trying to suppress his giggles but failing to hide a wobbly smile.
“That’s not very nice. I should teach you some proper respect for the nobility.”
Will gently grasped his sides and ribs, digging his fingers in gently but consistently, watching with elated satisfaction as the detective first let out a curse, then tried to push him off, then – failing both of those things – covered his mouth with one hand and gripped his assailant’s wrist with the other.
“I know you’re not trying to hide from me,” Will teased menacingly, leaning down to press a kiss to the back of Sherlock’s hand covering his mouth. “I do have other means to get you to open up to me, as it were, Mr. Holmes.”
The look in the detective’s eyes told him he understood what he meant perfectly.
“Buhuhuhuhuhugger off,” Sherlock spat out through helpless giggles as he finally, begrudgingly uncovered his mouth, squirming on the bed beneath Will’s tickling fingers.
Will tsked. “Manners, Holmes. Whatever will I do with you?”
“Lehehehehet me go!”
“Oh, I think not, my dear.” Will grinned down at him and expertly swept up his wrists with one hand, pinning them above him on the pillows. He relished the detective’s useless struggling as he brought his free hand down to poke along his ribs.
Sherlock spasmed and let out a bark of laughter before biting his lip and going back to those adorable giggles, cheeks turning pink as he pressed his face into his arm to try and hide. “Yohohohou nohohohohoble bahahahahastard!”
“You’re not doing yourself any favors calling me names, good sir.”
“Haah!” Sherlock gasped, arching his back as Will darted down to squeeze his hips. “You ahahahahahass! Stohohohohop alreheheheheady!”
William merely smiled at him, digging his fingertips into various ticklish spots sporadically – waist, belly, sides, ribs – gaining a new sound for each new location. He soaked them up eagerly, wanting to learn them all, memorize every spot that got Sherlock giggling and cursing and demanding that he stop.
But more than that, he wanted to find the spot that would make him absolutely crumble.
“Ahahahahahare you sahahahahatisfied yehehehet?!” Sherlock snapped through high-pitched cackles as the blonde reached back to squeeze his thigh, kicking his legs out into the open air as he struggled.
Will smirked. “Not in the slightest.”
“Nohohohohoble jeheheherk – ahahahahaha!” The detective tossed his head back and fought off a shriek when his assailant returned to his ribs. “You’ll wahahahahahake the hohohohohouse, Liam!”
“I have ways of taking care of your noise if it comes to that, my dear Holmes.”
Sherlock’s cheeks turned pink, though he didn’t appear flustered in the slightest. Well, not from the suggestion, anyway. “Lehehehehehet me gohohohoho already, you ahahahahahasshole!”
“Not my name.” Will shifted his grip on Sherlock’s wrists and finally tried the spot that had been calling to him from nearly the beginning. He scribbled lightly in the detective’s open underarm, and oh, the reaction he got.
Sherlock bucked his hips and let out a screech, frantically trying to hide his face in his arm. “Yohohohohou fuhuhuhuhuck! I’ll wahahahahahake everyone up – dohohohohohohon’t!”
“Aha, the first display of submission,” William chuckled. “What would happen if I were to tickle just a bit harder, hmm, Mr. Holmes?”
“Nohohohohot my nahahahahame, you – AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!”
William switched from light scribbling to purposeful digging, and Sherlock arched and thrashed and laughed beneath him, finally losing his defiance as he dissolved into helpless hysterics.
Will chuckled. “Not my name~”
“That sounds like a you problem.”
William let go of his wrists to dive into both underarms at once, tickling ruthlessly, enjoying Sherlock’s openly laughing face and pink cheeks; the way his hands flew down to grasp his shoulders and try to shove him away with no success whatsoever.
Will took the opportunity to get right up in his personal space, lips brushing his ear as he murmured, “Not. My. Name.”
“WIHIHIHIHIHIHIHILLIAM!! PLEHEHEHEHEASE, STOHOHOHOHOHOP!! PLEASE!!” Sherlock finally submitted, legs kicking wildly as he laughed. “PLEHEHEHEHEASE, WILLIAM!!”
Will finally showed him mercy and stopped, smirking with satisfaction as the detective flopped back onto the bed in a breathless heap, still giggling out leftovers as he covered his eyes with one arm and rasped, “That was the worst…”
“Terribly sorry, Holmes. I couldn’t resist,” Will replied, sounding not at all sorry. His heart was racing both from the exertion and from hearing his name tumbling from Sherlock’s lips so frantically like that. The extra noise had been so worth it.
“Bugger,” Sherlock muttered as he propped himself up on his elbows, still trying to catch his breath.
“You like to use that word a lot, don’t you, Holmes?”
Sherlock chuckled. “Not my name.”
Suddenly Will’s world was spinning in a blur of motion and tangled limbs. By the time everything had settled it still took him a moment to realize their positions had been flipped and he was now the one on his back with the detective looming over him triumphantly.
It didn’t take a genius to deduce what was about to happen.
Will was giggling even before Sherlock cracked his knuckles and wiggled his fingers teasingly.
“Oho? What’s this?” The detective smirked. “Were you just trying to get a rise out of me so I’d tickle you, too?”
“Nohohoho,” Will protested honestly even as the other man started scribbling along his ribs. “I swehehehehear, I dihihihidn’t!”
“Then why do you seem so eager for me to retaliate?”
Sherlock hummed, scanning him with his eyes much in the way Will had at the beginning of the night, making his own conclusions. “Anticipation, hmm? Then what happens if I do this?”
Will’s wrists were pinned together above his head exactly the way Sherlock’s had been just moments before, leaving him no choice but to look up at the detective’s smug features as he used his free hand to wiggle one single finger right in front of his face, gradually moving it closer and closer to his now exposed ribs.
The blonde couldn’t help his reaction; he whined and giggled even though the man wasn’t touching him yet, squirming and shivering the closer he got to touching down. He swore he could feel the ghost of that finger on him already, and he squealed.
Sherlock burst into laughter again, shaking his head. “I’m not even touching you and you’re giggling like a little girl!”
“Plehehehehehease!” Will begged, blushing furiously. “Juhuhuhuhust do it alreheheheheady!”
“Hah! If my lord commands it,” he said, then drilled all five fingers into his ribs at once.
William tossed his head back and shrieked with giggles, doing his best to keep his voice down even as he squirmed, noise after noise being forcefully pulled from his lips. He both loved and hated the way Sherlock was looking at him now, with that triumphant smirk and knowing glint in his eyes.
“You like this, don’t you, Liam?” he teased. “Oh, I’m sorry, William.”
He’d never tried to hide it. Truly, it was impossible to, especially once he got into this position. Will nodded as he cackled, his body reacting on its own even though he wanted nothing more than to stay put and take it.
Sherlock’s responding hum sent shivers down his spine. “Hmm…then what if I were to…?”
The pressure on his wrists lifted, leaving a chill behind that made it clear he’d been released from Sherlock’s grip. Still, he didn’t bring his arms down to stop him. He simply lay there and let out whiny giggles that clearly conveyed how much he was both enjoying and embarrassed by this moment.
“Ooh, interesting,” the detective chuckled, shifting his weight on Will’s hips while simultaneously darting his hands down to squeeze his sides. “What about here – aha! Must be a good spot, eh, Liam?”
Will couldn’t even reply; his giggling shifted into laughter as his arms flew down of their own accord, gripping Sherlock’s wrists loosely. “Plehehehehehehehease!”
“Oh? Please what?”
“Juhuhuhust – plehehehehehease, Hohohohoholmes!”
Sherlock smirked. “If you’d wanted me to tickle you so bad, you could have just asked. No need to come after me first.”
“I dihihihihihidn’t—! It’s nohohohohot lihihihihihike thahahahahahat!” Will arched his back when the detective found a particularly sensitive bundle of nerves along his sides closer to his belly, one hand flying up to cover his mouth.
For a short while, Sherlock contented himself with getting his revenge, tickling all over the blonde’s torso and even reaching back to squeeze his thigh like Will had done to him, but for all of his exploration, he couldn’t seem to find a spot that was particularly ticklish over the others. He hummed, shrugged, and ultimately decided the man must not be overly ticklish like he was. Must be why he liked being tickled – it didn’t wreck his nervous system like it did for Sherlock.
“Now,” the detective murmured after a few minutes of easy tickling, leaning down to withdraw Will’s hand from his mouth and kiss him. “Since we’re already in this position, shall I take the lead?”
Will let out a few extra giggles as he caught his breath and nodded, happy to let the detective do as he pleased with him. He’d been dreaming of this moment for so long, after all. He’d take anything he could get.
Sherlock kissed him with a low growl, and Will wrapped his arms around his neck, pulling him closer as the detective’s kiss grew more and more heated. A hand that had been resting on his side post-tickling slipped around to trail up his spine, pulling him closer—
Will let out a loud gasp and arched into him, away from his touch. For a moment Sherlock seemed confused, the wheels in his head obviously trying to figure out if he’d done something wrong, but then…
It clicked.
Will was giggling again, but with an added bonus this time – begging. “W-Wait, plehehehease wait, Holmes—”
Sherlock flashed him a wicked grin, and Will knew he was screwed.
“Not my name,” he said, then used one arm to hold him close in a hug trap while his opposite hand dragged fingers from the top of his spine to the base of it, and the blonde completely lost his mind.
“NOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!” Will screeched, unable even to cover his mouth in this awkward position. “PLEHEHEHEHEASE, HOHOHOHOLMES – AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!”
“Quiet, Liam,” Sherlock teased into his ear, wrapping his legs around him as well to keep him fully immobile. “You’ll wake the house~”
Just then, there was a loud pounding on the door, followed by Louis’ voice. “William! What’s going on? Why are you…laughing?”
“Not to worry, my lord!” Sherlock called on Will’s behalf as the blonde dissolved into silent hysterics as he clawed at the space between his shoulder blades. “He’s in excellent hands! Aren’t you, Liam?”
“Is…is that…Sherlock Holmes in there with you?” Louis’ incredulous voice came from outside. The doorknob rattled but didn’t give; thank goodness Will had locked it behind them.
Will knew he had to speak up, or this could end very poorly. He tried to shoot Sherlock a “stop for a minute!” look, but the detective merely grinned at him and kept tickling, forcing him to laugh-shout, “I’M ALL RIHIHIHIHIHIGHT, LOHOHOHOHOUIS!! I PROHOHOHOMISE – SHIHIHIHIT!!”
Sherlock giggled against his neck as he bit his earlobe again. “Now who needs to learn manners, my lord?”
Louis was quiet for so long Will was sure he’d left, but then his voice called out one last time, “You have some explaining to do in the morning, brother!”
Will didn’t even try to reply; he was gasping for breath laughing so hard at this point, Sherlock’s expert violinist fingers teasing and tickling his spine like a pro – and when had he gotten under his shirt to wiggle against his bare skin?!
Sherlock bit his ear again gently and whispered, “Not my name~”
“Sherly?!” Sherlock laughed along with him as he drilled into the base of his spine and the top of it simultaneously while still biting and kissing his ears. “That’s brilliant, Liam! Please do call me that again.”
William was going to die like this – trapped and tickled and made to scream by Sherlock freaking Holmes, of all people. It would be a gruesome, tickly death, and decades from now when he was nothing but bones archeologists would wonder why his skeleton was smiling so big.
But for now, he didn’t care about any of that.
Sherlock Holmes was in his room. Louis had already figured it out. There was no need to hide anymore.
He gave in and let the detective do as he pleased with him all night long.
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smilingangel582 · 1 year
Hii coming back to yuukoku no moriarty
I enjoyed that so much and also... Next week I'm probably gonna take a break cuz my birthday is coming on 19th this month hehe so I may sneak a few fics here and there
Enjoyyy ps spoilers for moriarty the patriot
Summary: Sherlock enjoys the phrase William always uses when he wants to catch him. But fortunately for him and unfortunately for Will Sherlock has a another thing he desires...
Me? Beg how absurd!
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"Pleease Liam!"
"Just one time... Trust me I won't ask u to say it too much!"
Sighing, William James Moriarty gave him a tired look as he stopped his attempts to grade the papers piled up on his desk. Aparantly a certain childish detective wishes an audience from him and so far he was able to entertain me (undeniably even himself).
So far the phrase 'catch me if u can' Brough some sense of happiness however it doesn't stop there.
When he gives Sherlock an inch he takes a mile.
"For God's sake, I can't beg without a reason Mr. Holmes"
"I know, I know... but it sounds almost as arousing as that line! Please... just once"
"No..." Shaking his head, Will returns to his work, and the detective pouts look a bit immature in his actions.
"Alright fine, I'll make u beg!"
Will shrugs now and notices Sherlock constantly trying to loom over him, perhaps distracting him. "Behave... like a good detective"
"Ugh, fine..." he sits back down, and that made Will chuckle in amusement, seeing how he resembles a child there.
Sherlock thinks harder and attempts to slide a foot over his leg as he thought accidently hitting his leg "Sorry..."
But thats a good idea... he purposefully crosses his legs again and hitting him gently, on purpose.
Will notices this and ignores though it is irritating. Now Sherlock smirks "Oh Liam what's that? Your brow twitched... wanna beg me to stop?"
"Do you think that makes me wanna beg? Mr. Holmes, I expected u to read the situation well, but... ah!" He flinched so hard that the pen drops on the desk. The pointy tip of Sherlock's shoe slides up his shin and that caught his attention unfavourably.
"Something wrong?" He grins now gently sliding up his knee and Will backs off to shrug off the touch "What...? You OK?"
"Crap... Holmes don't-!" He stumbles back again and glares "stop it..."
"My, I haven't seen a look like that, my sweet Liam." he comes forward, "What? You like me to do... this?" He slides his hand up his hips, and Will backs to a corner, suddenly letting a reaction unexpected and something which Sherlock didn't intend to get from him.
"Wait... are you ticklish?"
Blushing Will frowns "No... why?"
Sherlock grins now "I was trying to make u moan but it seems something even better will make u beg..."
"Wait-" he gasped now grabbing his wrists "Don't... hehe uhuh Sheherlock!"
"Oh? This..." squeezing his waist making a giggle slip past his lips, "I don't see why it bothers you, Mr. Not ticklish?"
"Wahahait, sehehriously haha... Sheherlock!" He squeaked now and then Sherlock perked his ears "Was that begging I hear?"
"Nohoho! It's hehehe, a command!" He giggles, sinking back against the wall weak to it already.
Laughing, Sherlock couldn't help but tease. "Bloody hell, Liam, how could the Lord of crimes even be intimidating if you're so giggly and adorable?" He chuckled, now pinching his ribs more prominently, making him cackle back."Is a tickle all that it takes to break you?"
Giggling but nothing to say so Sherlock crawls his fingers up the top ribs. "What's under here~?"
"Ahahaha pl-" he instantly closes his lips, but that doesn't go unnoticed by the detective. He grins like a child. "Oho... was that that I think it was... soooo closee!"
Will squirms now, "Whahatever dihihid you hehehear you mahahahan chihihild?"
Pause, and it was at this moment this professor knew, he messed up.
"Ooof..." he winces playfully at Will's predicament as he tickled his armpits "Didn't see that coming did ya?"
Shaking his head "Oh no sweetheart, you should beg not order... I'm tickling you till you beg for mercy!"
After a while or torturous processing his decision he gave up. Will can never handle tickles and teases, especially from this menace. He cried out desperately "HAHAHA PLEHEHEHASE! STAHAHAP AHAHA MEHEHERCY!"
Fingers stopped and Will gasps for breath, flushed and tired, he didn't look like the calm professor anyone assumed he was before now that... he's well tickled pink.
"Ahaha, gohosh, you're ahaha trickster!" He giggles a bit and notices Sherlock suddenly in awe, "Liam...well..."
"I think I have a kink in listening to you beg like that..." he said it with a blank face and Will frowns with a groan "Huh? My word...surely you jest..."
Grinning, he leaned forward. "That's even more satisfying than that line you used!"
"Whatever... just let me have a break, aha, " he waves a hand and Sherlock grins "what? So that means I can do it again?"
"Ha! Try again? This was unprepared, next time I won't make a single implore!"
"Again? You liked that, didn't you, Liam?"
"Oh hush! I got work, so leave, " but a smile remains as he pushes his face gently.
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gladdygirl18 · 2 years
Moriarty the Ticklish
I recently got into Moriarty the Patriot and OMG! What an anime! It's literally Sherlock Holmes, the anime, and I loved it! If you're a fan of Sherlock Holmes, this is the anime for you! So, this is my first ever fanfic for this anime and my first fanfic of 2023! YAY!
This fic takes place during Season 1 after being introduced to the first five members of the Moriarty group, so there are no spoilers. Enjoy!
Summary: After getting scared to death by Moran, Fred becomes grouchy and pouty. Luckily for Moran, he knows how to get Fred smiling again. However, against their will, the Moriarty Brothers get dragged into their little game, but they're not complaining.
Word Count: 2294
⚠️Warning⚠️: mild swearing
Laughter. An auditory expression of several positive emotional states, such as joy, happiness, or relief. It's common among friends and family, nobles and commoners alike; the Moriarty Brothers and their comrades are no exception.
"Hahaha! That was rich!" Moran laughed, "Oi, you should've seen your face, Fred! Hahaha!"
The young man was standing beside the door, panting as he clutched his chest. It looked like he'd been spooked by a ghost, well, not by a ghost, by Moran. The sharpshooter had hidden in the wardrobe to give the deadpanned young man a scare, and it worked; very well, Moran would add. Now, Moran was laughing his head off as he clutched his stomach.
"Not cool, Moran," Fred said, trying to keep his composure, "I felt like I was going to have a heart attack."
"Oh, lighten up, Freddy!" Moran said, "You're a good kid who works for the Moriarty Brothers. You know the shit they do, and you pledge your allegiance to them anyway. I'm surprised a little jump-scare got you that bad."
Fred breathed out his last pant and glared up at the sharpshooter.
"You're a real pain in the ass; you know that?" Fred asked with a pout.
"Heh, so I've been told." Moran said with a cheeky grin and wink.
Fred scrunched up his face and gagged.
"You are disgusting!" Fred said.
"Hey, I didn't say anything," Moran said, "You're the one who thought of that with your own dirty lil' mind."
Fred groaned and rolled his eyes.
"You are insufferable." Fred muttered.
Moran couldn't help but smile at Fred's annoyed face.
"Oi, Fred. Don't look so gloomy," Moran said, poking the kid's side, "Lighten up!"
Moran's gesture made the young master of disguise inhale sharply and protect his side.
"D-Don't do that!" Fred said, starting to panic, even though his deadpanned expression never left his face.
"Don't do what?" Moran asked, playing dumb, "Don't do this?"
Moran then started poking all over Fred's side and stomach, making the young man snicker and back away from the sharpshooter.
"Y-Yehehes! Don't!" Fred said, letting a giggle escape.
Moran's grin couldn't be more sinister. The sharpshooter took one step toward Fred, making the kid take three steps back.
"What's wrong, kid?" Moran asked, taking another step forward.
"M-Moran, I'm warning you," Fred said, "D-Don't!"
When Fred felt his back against the wall, his heart sank as Moran advanced on him.
"What do I do?" Fred panicked.
When Fred saw that the room's door was wide open, he glanced at Moran to see him getting closer. It was a long shot, but since he was small and agile, Fred could escape Moran's wrath. Fred took a deep breath before bolting towards the door. When Moran reached out his hand to grab to young man's scarf, Fred slid under his arm and ran out of the door.
"You're gonna have to do better than that!" Fred called out.
Moran chuckled to himself, hearing the smile on the kid's face.
"Now, this is gonna be fun!" Moran said, sprinting out of the room.
When Fred arrived in the sitting room, he saw the Moriarty Brothers sitting around drinking tea and reading the paper. William turned to the kid and tilted his head.
"Fred? What's the matter?" William asked, setting the newspaper down, "Why are you so out of breath?"
"It's... It's Moran," Fred panted, "He's trying to..."
"What is he trying to do?" Louis asked, placing his teacup down.
"I need to hide, now!"
The Moriarty Brothers glanced at one another and smirked. They knew Moran's antics well, so they knew what was coming.
"Gotcha!" Moran cried from behind, scooping up the young man.
The master of disguise let out a yelp when he felt a pair of strong arms wrap around him from behind.
"No! Moran, let me go!" Fred panicked, feeling a smile tug on his lips.
"No way! Not until I see a bona fide smile on your face!" Moran said before digging into the young man's sides.
Fred yelped before dissolving into adorable giggles.
"Morahahahahan, you bruhuhuhute!" Fred giggled, "Lemme gohohoho!"
"Ah, there it is!" Moran chuckled, "There's that smile of yours!"
Fred jerked his body left and right but couldn't escape Moran's tickly grip.
"Wihihihilliahaham! Louihihihis!" Fred giggled, "Albehehert! Plehehease, make him stohohohop!"
Fred's giggles escalated when Moran's hands traveled upward, hitting a sensitive spot below the young man's armpit.
"Plehehehase! Moran, plehehehase!" Fred begged.
"Please, what, Fred?" Moran deadpanned, "Please go for your armpits? If you insist, kid!"
When Moran dug into the young man's armpits, Fred wheezed before dropping to the ground, making the other four men chuckle. Moran rolled his eyes and followed the kid down.
"Well, this is certainly a start to the afternoon." Louis commented.
William and Albert agreed as they watched Fred pound his fist against the carpeted floor in ticklish agony.
Moran chuckled as he continued to torment the young master of disguise. A sympathetic look crossed Louis' face before he sighed. Standing up from the couch, he walked over to the pair and grinned.
"Don't worry, Fred, I'll help you." Louis said, walking behind Moran.
To the young man's luck and the sharpshooter's misfortune, Louis started digging into Moran's sides, causing the older man to yelp and let go of Fred.
"Oi, Louihihihihihis! Cut it ohohohout!" Moran giggled.
"I don't see what the problem is, Moran," Louis chuckled, "Since you like tickling others so much, I just thought you'd like getting tickled as well."
Louis' casual teasing made Moran clutch his stomach and let out a deep giggle. Fred panted as he backed away from Moran, not wanting to endure his tickles again.
"Are you alright there, Fred?" Albert asked.
"Y-Yeah... I'll be fine..." Fred panted before standing up, "But I'll be even better getting my revenge!"
Fred dashed over to Louis and Moran and joined the youngest Moriarty Brother in tormenting the sharpshooter.
"Frehehehed! Not you, tohohohohoo!" Moran giggled out, "Come ohohohohon!"
"Payback time, you prick!" Fred said boldly.
Moran growled through his giggle-fit, trying to twist away from the others' hands. With a shred of concentration, Moran reached behind him and started attacking Louis' sides, causing the blonde to stop his assault and laugh.
"No, nohohoho! Plehehehase don't!" Louis giggled, quick to beg.
"Dohohon't like whehehehen it's hahahahappenin' to yoohohou, huh?" Moran questioned, still giggling from Fred's tickles.
To Fred's surprise, the sharpshooter managed to grab both of his hands with one and used his others to torment Louis.
"Morahahahahan! Plehehehase stohohop!" Louis begged, "I'm tohohohoo tihihicklihihish!"
"Works for me, Louis-boy!" Moran chuckled.
Fred struggled to break free from Moran's grip on his wrists, his smile never faltering. The young master of disguise looked at the other Moriarty Brothers to see them watching the scene before them with amused looks.
"Aren't you going to help out Louis?" Fred questioned.
"We will give it time," Albert said, walking up to Fred, "Or, I could just go after you."
Fred's eyes widened when he saw a mischievous glint in Albert's emerald eyes.
"A-Albert, don't you dahahare!" Fred said, giggling nervously.
Fred struggled against Moran's grip, dreading the fact he felt the sharpshooter's grip get tighter.
"Oh, I dare," Albert said, "For I am the Lord of Crimes!"
Albert grinned before clawing at Fred's ribs, causing the young man to giggle and squirm.
"Nohohoho! Albehehehehert!" Fred giggled, "That's not fahahahair!"
"All's fair in love and war, my dear boy." Albert said.
The sound of laughter bounced off the wallpapered walls.
"MOHOHOHORAAHAHAAN! NOT THEHEHEHERE!" Louis cried when Moran started attacking his stomach.
"That's right! Laugh for me, Moriarty!" Moran declared.
And laugh Louis did. He tried to push himself up, but Moran kept him down with just his hand attacking his worst spot.
"Albert, plehehehase!" Fred pleaded, "I've hahahahad enough for todahahahahay!"
"I highly doubt that," Albert deadpanned, "And besides, you're having fun, aren't you?"
A soft blush appeared on Fred's cheeks. That was enough for Albert.
"Williahahahahaham! Help meheheheee!" Fred cried, still tugging at his wrists.
The elder Moriarty Brother chuckled and shook his head fondly. Though he would never admit it out loud, he loved seeing his friends and brothers like this, smiling and laughing without a care in the world. It reminded him of what he, Albert, and Louis used to do whenever they were alone and weren't interrupted by their parents or brother. Fred's sudden yelp brought the scarlet-eyed killer out of his thoughts.
Albert only chuckled as he attacked the young man's armpits. William dragged out a sigh before standing. He crept over behind Albert before clawing his fingers into his brother's armpits. The emerald-eyed killer yelped before dissolving into handsome giggles. He tried to press his arms to his side, but he was only pushing William's fingers deeper into their target.
"Brotheheheheher, nohohoho!" Albert giggled, twisting from side to side, "Get ohohohohout!"
"I'm afraid I am unable to, brother," William said casually, "You trapped my hands, so I have no choice but to tickle you here. A shame, really."
Albert crumbled and hugged himself, succumbing to his brother's tickles. Fred eventually dislodged his wrists from Moran's grip and decided to help the youngest Moriarty Brother. The young man jumped onto the sharpshooter's back and attacked his lower stomach, causing the sharpshooter to cackle and stop tickling Louis, leaving the other scarlet-eyed killer breathless.
"Fred, yohohohohou little brahahaht!" Moran giggled, "Stohohohop!"
"No way!" Fred said, "Not only did you tickle me, but you held me in place for Albert to do the same!"
"Then you shohohohould be gehehehetting hihihihihim, not mehehehehe!"
"Eh, William's got that covered."
The young master of disguise looked over his shoulder to see Albert curled up into a giggling ball as the elder Moriarty Brother attacked his torso.
"Williahahahaham! Nohohohohoho mohohore!" Albert giggled.
"What was that? Did you want more?" William asked, "Well, since you asked so nicely..."
When William massaged his thumbs into Albert's hips, the emerald-eyed killer bucked and let out handsome and frantic laughter.
"Oi, Louis," Fred called out, halting his assault, "Want to get some revenge on Moran?"
When Louis sat up, Moran shuddered when he saw a glint of mischief in those scarlet eyes.
"Thought you'd never ask." Louis said.
The youngest Moriarty Brother lunged at the sharpshooter, tackling him to the ground. Fred moved back before laughing at Moran's bewildered face.
"Take this!" Louis declared, attacking the sharpshooter's stomach.
Moran yelped before dissolving into deep giggles.
"Louihihihihis, stohohohop!" Moran said, "Plehehehase!"
"Not a chance," Louis said, "Fred, help me out!"
Eager to get his own revenge, Fred rushed over and started attacking the sharpshooter's sides, causing Moran to buck and giggle louder.
"You prihihihihihicks! Stohohohop ihihihit!" Moran cried.
"No way!" Louis chuckled, squeezing Moran's thigh.
The sharpshooter kicked his leg out and cackled.
"Now we're gettin' somewhere!" Fred said.
Cutting back to William and Albert, laughter lurked, but it wasn't Albert's this time.
"Albehehehert! Plehehehehehehase!" William cried from underneath Albert, "Let me uhuhuhuhup!"
"Apologies, dear brother, but I cannot," Albert said, "How does that old saying go again? Ah, yes! Equivalent exchange!"
Albert had straddled his brother when he saw an opening during his torment. William laughed into the carpeted floor, pounding his fists in ticklish agony.
"Enohohohough! Make it stohohohohop!" William begged.
"Not until you're laughing as hard as you made me." Albert said, gently squeezing his brother's calves.
William yelped before letting out high-pitched shrieks and laughter.
"Did you just snort?" Albert asked, utterly amused.
William felt his face grow hot as he buried his face in his hands, utterly embarrassed that he snorted, in front of Albert, no less. William knew he wasn't going to live that moment down. William kicked out his legs to try and shake off Albert, but his attempts were futile.
Cutting back to the other three, Moran managed to turn the tables and take down the other two by attacking their worst spots.
"YOU BASTAHAHAHARD! ENOHOHOHOUGH!" Louis cried, squirming under Moran's touch.
For the next few minutes, the tickle fights went on. To any passerby, this would be a true spectacle, but between the Moriarty gang, this was a regular thing. After what felt like forever, the five men were sprawled out across the floor, panting and giggling softly.
"Hohohow did we come to thihihis?" Louis questioned with a giggle.
"Because of thihihis prihihick." Fred giggled, poking Moran's side.
Moran inhaled sharply before grabbing Fred's hand.
"Nohoho more," Moran said as he released the young man's hand, "For real, this tihihime."
William giggled softly as he ran a hand through his disheveled blonde hair.
"I didn't know you could be so ruthless, Albert." William said.
"Well, I learned from the best." Albert said with a smile.
The scarlet-eyed killer smiled and playfully punched his brother's shoulder.
"I don't know about you, but I am tired." Moran said with a yawn.
"Yeah, all that laughing made me tired as well." Louis said as he removed his glasses.
The other three silently yawned and agreed. After getting comfortable, the five men fell asleep. William rested on Albert's stomach while Albert laid his head on Moran's shoulder. Louis rested his head on Moran's stomach, and Fred rested on his chest. Moran rested his head atop Albert's head with his arms draped over his newfound family. A family. Yeah, that's what these guys were. They weren't a crime consulting organization; they were a family. And they intended to keep it that way.
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Okay, I just watched Moriarty the Patriot recently and been obsessed with them(as I’m sure you can tell considering I liked every fic you had of them😜) Anyway! I was thinking of the reunion. We know William survive, but he lives in Switzerland and we know Sherlock moves out there with him as well. So, the Moriarty brothers, James Bonde(Irene Adler), Fred, Moran, and Jack goes to Switzerland and they see William and Sherlock and after the tears and words that haven’t been said that are finally spoken they have a they have a tickle fight.
{Headcanons to Dabbles: CLOSED!}
JEJRJERJEKJRJKE YESH! I love this so much alrkaejrajkej This kinda turned into "Let's wreck William- the dabble" but like- the tickle fight elements are in there! I hope you like it friend :3
William hadn’t realized how hollow he felt until he was in the arms of his brothers once more.
Louis’ wet voice saying his name, Albert’s arms strong and steady- the dull ache in his chest was finally starting to ease as he breathed them in, barely fighting off his own tears as he squeezed them close. “I’ve missed you…I’ve missed you all so much. Welcome home.”
Around him, he heard movement- Moran barely hiding a sniffle while Bonde bumped him gently, Fred offering his assistance to Sherlock as they carried in bags. Soon though, it was just them once more; three brothers no longer separated.
“Come now- let’s go in before we catch our deaths out here.” Albert was the first to pull away, shivering as the cold air cut through his jacket.
“Have you been well? You’re thinner than last time I’ve seen you.” Louis noted, hand already out and squeezing William’s side. “You’ve been eating, yes?”
“Ah-Yes, yes I ha-have! Louis!” William caught the investigative hand, pulling it away gently from his waist. “Please!”
“Forgive me brother- just worried.” Despite the apology, Louis was smiling, sharing a look with Albert across his shoulder. Oh dear- this wasn’t going to end well.
Sometimes, William hated how right he was.
“L-Louis, really! I’m fine, I promise!” He scooted back further in his seat against the couch, hands held up as his brother approached. “There’s no need to interrogate me further!”
“Who said anything about interrogating? I just haven’t heard you laugh in such a long time. Neither of us had, right Albert?” Louis turned to their eldest brother, nodding once.
“But of course, Louis. I for one missed our dear brother smiling and laughing. The last time we’ve all seen one another- well, you were quite the character.” The brunette moved quickly, snatching up William’s wrists with ease, pulling them up and out of the way. “I don’t fault you for it- but I would prefer my next big memory of you in mirthful tears, not pained ones. Ready?”
“Oh no- don’t you da-ahahhhahahahre!” William all but broke when Louis grabbed his sides, tapping against them with rapid speed. He’d gotten better at tickling in their time apart. “Lohohohoohuis, pleahhahahhahahse!”
“There it is! That’s the look we’ve been longing to see.” Louis giggled softly, easily switching from tapping to pinching and further sending William into giggly hysterics. “It’s so refreshing to hear it, don’t you agree?”
Albert was quiet, watching William laugh with the fondest of expressions. When his voice wouldn’t work, he simply smiled, alternating his grip so he could hold William’s wrists with one hand and tickle him with the other.
“Ah! Nohohohohot youhuohohohu twohohohooho! Alhahhahahahhalbehehehehhert!” William could barely speak, flustered and breathless. He was happy though- it was clear as day on his face as his brothers drew out every once of laughter he buried away for so long.
“What a sight to see, wouldn’t you agree?” Hidden just out of view by  the doorway, Moran grinned at Bonde, arms folded across his chest. “Hadn’t seen that sight in awhile.”
“Yes. It’s lovely.” They nodded, equally moved by the nostalgic sight. For a moment, they stood there taking it all in. Then…
“Shall we go get Fred? Give him a similar treatment?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
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claudemblems · 7 months
Cat's Out of the Bag | Moriarty the Patriot
Summary: It looks like you've been rudely interrupted mid kiss with your (secret) lover. Suffice to say the situation is quite awkward...
Content: SFW. Sherlock being Sherlock. Jokes about some characters reading too much into the situation but there is no mature content going on. Please don't tag this as anything but SFW!
Characters: Sherlock, Louis, John
Notes: Let me kiss them on the foreheads please 🥺
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Sherlock Holmes
Well, this is certainly surprising. Mycroft didn't suspect that his routine "wellness check" (code for his surprise paintball gun fights) would end up with him walking on his brother sharing kisses with a lady
(He was sure he told him to beware of women once...)
And really, in the living room of the flat for anyone to walk in on! It was as if Sherlock would show no shame in being caught (true)
But...Mycroft didn't remember any woman catching his little brother's eye. It seems that this was a well-kept secret indeed
"Sherly, if you are going to show your affections to a woman, there are appropriate places to do so. Out in the middle of the sitting room with the door unlocked is not one of them."
"What do you want?" Sherlock hissed, running a hand through his messy hair. "Why do you always have to show up at the most inopportune times?!"
"Because I care for you, Sherly," Mycroft answered with a smile. Then his gaze drifted over to you, your cheeks growing pink. "My apologies for not properly introducing myself. You may call me Mycroft. I am Sherly’s elder brother."
"No one asked, now get out," Sherlock huffed, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes. "You've spoiled the mood."
"Why didn't you inform me that you had a lover? You'll be needing all the advice I can spare if this relationship is to be maintained. Besides, do you even know basic biology?" Mycroft sighed, shaking his head. "You have a terrible habit of only absorbing information that interests you. It's to be assumed that you have no inclination of the topic of se–"
"All right, that's enough!" Sherlock exclaimed, leaping out of his seat and pushing his brother towards the door. "Please, my dear, darling older brother, do not come back without an invitation. Bye!"
And before Mycroft could formulate a witty response, the door was promptly shut in his face, locked with a key for good measure.
"Don't mind him. He's always this irritating." Sherlock huffed, returning to his spot beside you on the sofa. "I'm sorry if his visit resulted in embarrassment for you. Now you can imagine what I have to go through on a regular basis."
"Pesky older brothers," you laughed. "I suppose it's fortunate I don't have one of my own."
"Truly. If you did, I have a feeling that they'd be grilling me on my reasons for courting you. I don't need any more sibling drama than I have now."
"Well, at least he's gone now, right?"
"And hopefully he won't be back for a long while."
"I'm guessing his display just now is the reason you didn't tell him that we're together?"
"Precisely. Now, I'm afraid we'll have to be careful about him barging in again. He can be quite stubborn in that regard."
"It'll be alright," you said, placing your hand atop Sherlock's. "At least now we know what to expect."
"Well, next time he can 'expect' the nearest object being tossed at his head."
Even Sherlock gets so embarrassed you thought, smiling when you noticed the red tips of his ears. 
“You’re blushing,” you said, unable to resist the urge to tease him. It wasn’t often Sherlock got so flustered, after all.
“I am not.”
“You do realize that you scratch the back of your neck when you’re lying, right?”
Sherlock tsked, playfully rolling his eyes before pulling you into his arms. “You’ve picked up on too many of my tactics. You’ll pay for this!” Your laughter echoed throughout the flat as Sherlock tickled you mercilessly until you confessed to your ‘crime’.
However, a few kisses of recompense bribed your way out of a guilty sentence. Maybe that favoritism made Sherlock guilty, too, but he wasn’t opposed to the two of you being partners in crime. 
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Louis Moriarty
Well, well, well. Who knew sweet and innocent Louis would be caught with lipstick stains on his face?
Moran knew he shouldn't be so delighted at the sight in front of him, but it was almost like...he was seeing a little brother become a man
Besides, Moran didn't count on any of the brothers having a secret relationship. To say this was a surprise was an understatement. Perhaps the others would like to know…
"Sorry, Louis. Was I interrupting something?" Sebastian asked, unable to hide his toothy grin.
"Just what on earth are you doing entering the room without knocking?!!" Louis' glasses weren't enough to hide the blush creeping on his face which grew more and more noticeable by the minute.
"Didn't think you'd be so busy," Moran replied, wriggling an eyebrow. "The evidence of the crime is all over you."
"There was nothing indecent going on here!" Louis his face in his hands, internally plotting a million ways to get rid of Moran without arousing suspicion.
"You shouldn't have to say so if that were the case."
"Okay you two, calm down, all right?" you sighed, trying to salvage the last bit of decency between you and Louis. "If Moran came in here, he probably needs something from us. What can we help you with?”
"Well, I was just dropping by to say that the last mission we discussed is still on. William's already moving forward with the plan. However, if you also need me to get the manor empty for a while, let me know. I can pull a few strings."
"Whenever you speak with William again,” you said through gritted teeth, “can you ask him to teach me how to get away with murder?"
"Oh, that's quite a specific request. Care to elaborate?"
"I'll elaborate when I put you six feet below the ground, Sebastian."
Moran put his hands up in the air in surrender, though the grin never left his face. "I was just joking around. Besides, if Louis gets this embarrassed just kissing you, there's no way he'd be able to–"
Moran jumped as a knife whizzed past him and embedded itself into the wall.
"If you get so caught off guard just by running your mouth, there's no way you'd be prepared for a surprise attack by an enemy."
"Aaand would you look at that, it's half past tea time! Better go help the others with the details of the plan."
You didn't think you'd ever seen Moran run out of a room so quickly.
"Louis, please don't threaten him. I know he's an idiot sometimes but..."
"Nevermind him. Shall we continue where we left off?"
You blinked, taken aback by Louis' sudden boldness. "O-Oh. You...want another kiss?"
Louis' lips turned upwards in a wicked grin. "Put them where your lipstick will be visible. I want Moran to remember how he barely escaped this situation with his life."
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John Watson
Oh, uh…huh. Sherlock didn’t think twice about bursting into his dear friend’s room to excitedly inform him of the success of his new experiment and ended up…well…seeing John mid kiss with a woman he’d never met before
He couldn’t help but stare slack-jawed, completely oblivious to the mortified expressions of his companion and “friend”
But Sherlock had seen far stranger things, so he was able to quickly regain his composure and snap back to his usual self
“John, you should have told me you were going to have a lady friend over! I would have made sure to stay out of the flat for a while.”
“N-No,” John stammered, his tanned face flushing, “I wouldn’t make you leave so that…I…”
“It’s quite all right to want some privacy! Kissing someone is a very intimate affair after all, and I’m not about to ruin my dear Watson’s chances at romance!”
“So, whaddya think of John?” Sherlock asked you with a wink. “He’s quite the catch, isn’t he?”
“Sherlock! I thought you just said you were going to give us some privacy…”
“Oh, I agree,” you replied, leaving John and Sherlock wide-eyed at your honest confession. “To be honest, I didn’t expect John to be so…good at his craft.” You winked back at Sherlock, the two of you exchanging smiles. It seems you were already well on your way to gaining the detective’s approval.
“[Name]!” John cried, burying his face in your shoulder. “Don’t start teasing me, too.”
“But you’re so cute when your face turns all red~” you laughed, lifting up his chin with a finger. “Besides, I can tell you like the fact that I take the lead in this relationship.”
Poor John was going to end up as red as a tomato if you and Sherlock kept on like this.
“Well, I’ll be going now. I’ll return in a couple of hours–got some detective work to do and all. Enjoy your kissing. Goodbye!”
As soon as the door clicked shut, John breathed out a ragged sigh. “I was not expecting all this attention today.”
“Shy are we?”
“Please, I don’t know how much more my poor heart can take.”
You laughed, wrapping your arms around John’s neck. “I’m sorry. You’re just so cute when you’re like this.”
John pouted his lips, pulling you in closer by your waist. “I’m the one who’s supposed to be saying that.”
“Then say it.”
John’s eyes flickered down to your lips and back to your eyes, silently asking for your permission. You answered his question with a nod and smile, and soon enough, his lips were back on yours, bringing you to a state of unending bliss, whispering sweet nothings reserved just for you.
“Yes,” he said against your lips, unable to hide his smile, “you are quite adorable, darling.”
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twistedtummies2 · 1 month
So Then seven fandoms you said...
Twisted Wonderland
Disney (general)
Kung Fu Panda
The Bad Guys
My Hero Academia
Hazbin Hotel
Fullmetal Alchemist ...Name one character from each franchise that you would use as butt pillow
Oooooh, interesting choices...gotta think about this...
You'd probably expect me to say Leona, but I think he's more likely to use my face as a pillow for his butt. >///> I think the one who would tickle my fancy there most would be Jack Howl. I can see him letting an S/O do that while blushing all the while, claiming he's only doing it so they won't bug him...but he secretly enjoys it. Plus, he's canonically got one of the biggest butts at Night Raven, so that helps. XD
Disney on the whole? Oooooh...oh, that's tough...there's so many options, I'm not sure. And I don't want to cheat and use TW again. XD Hmmmmm...I'm gonna saaaaaay...Pete. As in the Mickey Mouse villain. Him being a big smug lummox about some adorable little "pipsqueak" and their kinks, laughing that heavy, mean laugh of his, or maybe even getting flustered himself for comedy's sake...both are yes please. <3
Po. This was the only easy answer. LOL Moving on.
While Mr. Wolf is my favorite crush from "The Bad Guys," I feel I have to say Mr. Shark on pure principle. XD
Oooooh, another toughy...hmmmm...I'm gonna saaaay...Kirishima. Which may seem like an odd choice, especially with the hardening ability, but a.) he doesn't HAVE to use that, after all, and b.) I think he's got the right balance of personality, if that makes sense. My other immediate options would be Midoriya or Bakugou, and one of them is way too innocent and the other...well...FREAKING INSANE. :P Kirishima I think has the right blend of being able to be playful and kink-teasing while also being sweethearted and maybe slightly flustered in his own way as well, which I think fits this type of scenario best.
Ahhh...this is tough, because the thing about Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss is that most of these characters don't really HAVE magnificent rear ends to speak of. The art style is very angular, with the characters having more sharp points and strict lines than major curves. And with all three of my top three biggest crushes for "Hazbin," specifically, the same rule applies...plus, NONE of them seem like they'd be remotely into that. XD I actually don't know with this one. I'm into a lot of characters sitting on me, but allowing my head to just rest on their rear like a pillow? (shrugs) Maybe Husk? Because it would be hilarious for the Grumpy Cat to just be all, "...Seriously? What the Here? -_- " And try to shake someone off with no success. Hey, when in doubt, use comedy. :P
FMA: Brotherhood is SUCH a weird show for me. There are so many characters that SHOULD be kinkable for me, but...well...almost none of them ARE. There's always some kind of caveat involved with them, where I go, "They could be majorly appealing to me EXCEPT...!" There are only two characters who are exceptions, and even they aren't among my STRONGEST crushes: those characters are Greed (both versions of him, pre-and-post-Ling Yao) and Envy. And between the two, Greed seems the most likely to ALLOW that WITHOUT horribly murdering me, so I guess we'll say him. 'XD
And now, SURPRISE EIGHTH FANDOM: "Moriarty the Patriot." I choose William James Moriarty himself. For no other reason than he's my favorite character, my biggest crush, and canonically looks QUITE curvy in several pieces of official artwork. >///>
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bluebellebarrett · 2 years
Charlie’s fun facts
So...I recently finished reading Moriarty the Patriot. And. I had a lot of feelings, a lot feelings generally, but Charles Dickens the homing pigeon is stuck in my mind. Even more specifically, I’ve thinking about the sorts of notes that Mycroft Holmes, Director of Military Intelligence and all-round stern, unflappable superior could have been sending to Albert James Moriarty, former Earl, now languishing in ill repute in the Tower of London. 
The conclusion I’ve come to? Facts about homing pigeons. Hear me out. 
I feel, and maybe this is just me, but I feel that Mycroft is about as emotionally constipated as it is possible to be and still remain upright. He doesn’t want to feel, so he does not. But hey, Albert is charming. Albert is clever. Albert can keep up with Mycroft, maybe even get a few steps ahead of him. Albert is his M, his trusted subordinate; Albert is manipulating him from the very beginning into some larger scheme Mycroft can only catch glimpses of, but maybe it’ll be interesting, so he just sits back and allows it to happen. 
But somewhere along the way, whoops-a-daisy, Mycroft has feelings about Albert. He has not identified them as of yet, but they are positive, usually, and they are strangely sore, when Albert falls from grace and decides that he wants to be locked away in the Tower of London like the melodramatic thespian he’s always been. But what is one to do, when one of the, like, maybe three people one cares for is punishing himself for crimes that, while heinous, had really good motives? 
Why, write him letters and send them via homing pigeon, obviously. Never let it be said that Albert is the only one capable of being dramatic here. 
But what does one write to such...an acquaintance? subordinate? friend?.....perhaps a stronger word Mycroft dare not even think, lest he bring misfortune down upon them both? 
Albert strews around some bread, left over from his lunch, for the cooing pigeon on his windowsill before he liberates the little roll of paper from the case attached to its leg. He unfurls it carefully, slowly, blinking as he reads and then re-reads, something close to laugh tickling at the back of his throat. 
Did you know that in the year 1870, a homing pigeon made the flight from Perpignan to Brussels in a mere ten hours?
The note is unsigned, but the handwriting is familiar. 
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italeean · 2 years
I wanted to share some very cute and wholesome Christmas hcs with the moriarty the patriot characters because I love them so much ☹️
Miss Hudson, John and Sherlock decorate the flat and Sherlock likes to play around with the decorations and then accidentally trapped himself with Christmas, which John and miss Hudson took advantage off and gave him some soft tickles,, he swore to himself to never play with Christmas decorations ever again
So, in the manga, Albert makes horrible Christmas sweaters, and this year he made matching sweaters for the whole group and they all were going insane over it except Louis and Liam, they praised him hehehe
So getting ready for Christmas dinner, Liam asked Louis with the help of Moran to tidy the place up a bit, of course Moran didn't want to so Louis had to make him,, honestly Moran seems like those tough guys who are also extremely sensitive which is very silly ehehe, anyways, Louis made him suffer with tickles till he promised he'd help him clean (he ended up doing it and whining the whole time about it)
James, Fred and Moran are wearing matching Christmas hats and sweaters and they absolutely solo everyone
The Moriarty brothers made a gingerbread house together and ended up making a whole mess but that's okay, they had a very fun time (Albert ended up making the most mess)
Louis ends up overworking himself to make sure everyone has a good Christmas time, Albert and Liam heavily disagree that he overworks himself so they distract him and make him rest a bit with light tickles and Louis tries to tell them he isn't but they obviously don't believe him
This is all I hope you like theeemm~ <3
Aaaaww they're so sweet 🥹❤️
Have a merry Christmas, too, my dear 🎄❤️
@wertzunge more hcs for us ^_^
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Okay So...
I'm gonna do something a little bold and out of my comfort zone..
I'm gonna start taking drawing requests.
Originally I made this side blog just that- a side blog. I hadn't planned on opening asks or taking requests here like I do for my main writing blog. But I figured I'd give it a test run and see how it goes, you know? So:
I'll be taking 5 requests for now! After that, I'm closing them back up. Depending on how this goes is whether I'll open them back up permanently.
Rules and Fandoms below the cut!
Basic Rules
-Character per drawing limit: 3
-I have the right to turn down request for any given reason.
Will draw:
-Ships (As long as they're legal)
-OCs (will need a reference sheet/picture of your OC)
-Tickles/Non tickles
-I do not take requests from DMS! Please send them in via Ask box!
Will NOT draw:
-Fetish art
-Non-con/dub consent
-Animals (I'm not very good at them sorry!) (Will attempt simple Pokemon Designs!)
-Restraints of any kind (Including gags, blindfolds, etc.)
-IRL people
Fandoms and Such
Black Clover
Bravely Default Series
- Blue Lock (Anime)
- Bungo Stray Dogs
- Buddy Daddies
-Code Realize
-Collar x Malice
-Chainsaw Man (Anime + Around Chapter 72 I think?)
-Dr. Stone
-Demon Slayer
-Final Fantasy Series
-Fire Force
-Free! Iwatobi Swim Club
-Fruits Basket
-Hell’s Paradise
-Hunter x Hunter (Up To Greed Island Arc)
-Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure: Battle Tendencies (Part 2) Stardust Crusaders (Part 3), Diamond Is Unbreakable (Part 4), Golden Wind (Part 5)
-Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime + Movie Only!)
-Kaguya-Sama: Love is War
- Komi Can’t Communicate
-Mob Psycho 100
-Moriarty The Patriot
-My Hero Academia
-Octopath Traveler Series
-Pokemon (Limited Requests: Legend Arceus, Gens 1-7) (Currently taking limited requests)
-Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
-SK8 the infinity
-Spy x Family
-Toliet Bound Hanako-Kun
-Tokyo Revengers
-Wave!! Let's Go Surfing
Thanks for viewing!
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rachi-roo · 2 years
Request you say? Oo, I think I might have one!
How about some good ol' tickles for Moriarty The Patriot? They've been on my mind lately- perhaps with the Moriarty brothers and Jack? (If you haven't met him yet, just the brothers please and thank you :3) You can pick the roles, though admittedly I'd love to see some Lee!William! :D
Hope this helps some with your writers block! Take all the time you need with this and happy writing!
SQUIGGILY!!! You're a Saint 🥹👏 I had so much fun writing thiiiis!!!! I has met Jackie boi. He kinda 👀 for an old bloke
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Moriarty the Patriot: Kid's at Heart
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Squig coming in with the save, got me out of my writer's block! 🥳
Summary: It's been far too long since the Moriarty brothers relaxed for real. A single touch stirs up a harmless tussle as all their plans are put on hold for just a short while.
Mixed lee/lers 💕 William, Louis, Albert and Jack
Tw: None
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"Apologies for my lateness, gents." Albert beamed, hanging his top hat and coat on the rack by the door. William and Louis had been waiting for their brother in the main lounge.
"Quite alright, brother. Was there another issue with your transport?" William asked, folding his paper and setting it on the coffee table in front of him.
"You could say that, yes. There was a group of young boy's playing in the street, I did not want to disturb their game, so waited in the carriage for them to finish." He chuckled, taking a seat opposite William, thanking Louis as he poured him some tea.
"Waiting for children to finish their game? What an odd excuse. Good thing it's us you're talking to, I'm not sure such a statement would be taken well by others." William smiled, knowing full well he would have done the same unless it was an emergency of course.
Jack had been organising books in the corner, overhearing their conversation. "I remember, long ago now, when you were all still young yourselves, having to stop you from playing in the streets at one point. All children do it at least once." He laughed at the memory.
William blushed faintly, he always did whenever childhood antics were brought up in conversation. He cleared his throat, picking up his tea from the coffee table. "Yes, well, that was a long time ago now. It's been a long time since we've done anything childish like that."
"Oh?" Jack looked over his shoulder at the boys, placing the last book back into it's spot in the shelves. "And why is that?" He asked, walking over, stopping behind the sofa William was settled on.
"Beg your pardon? What do you mean why? It's simply because we aren't children anymore." He shrugged off the question, enjoying his drink. Louis eyed Jack carefully, he was up to something.
Albert chuckled, shaking his head. "I don't believe you've done a single childish thing your whole life, William." The blonde's blush deepened.
"O-Of course I have. But there was a time and a place for those things, and unfortunately, given our backgrounds, those times were far few. That's all."
Jack raised a brow, looking down at the boy he had essentially raised. It was sad to think that they had all missed out on a real childhood. He grinned, an idea sparking in his head. "Well, what about now? Is now not an opportune time for some childish antics?"
"Well, I suppose so. But- Ah!" William jumped, almost spilling his drink as he was suddenly attacked by two sets of fingers pressing into his ribs.
He froze, his cheeks heating up as he blinked in shock. Was he just tickled?! "Wh- Jack! What the bleddy hell-?!" He turned, glaring up at his mentor slash butler. His heart raced when he saw the expression on the older man's face. "N-Now Jack-" He quickly set down his drink, standing from the sofa to attempt to scold him. "You should know better than to d-Oho!" Another hand suddenly grabbed William's side from behind, squeezing a few times.
"Hehey!" He spun, staring at his second attacker. Albert stood directly behind him, a smirk on his face. "Well, I'd say now is a perfectly good time for some childish behavior."
"A-Albert! This is completely unacceptable- You can't- This isn't- Wahait!" William grew flustered, a smile already pulling at his lips as he backed away from his advancing brother. "Dohon't! I-I mean it! Albert!" His legs hit the frame of the sofa, and he plopped back down onto the cushions, Albert used the moment to attack.
He stood between William's legs, preventing him from getting up as he started bombarding him with tickles, latching onto the blonde's sides, shaking his fingers in with a grin.
"Oho gohohod! Noho! A-Ahalbert!" He bundled his arms at his sides, trying his best to defend himself, his legs kicking out knocking the coffee table as he fought.
"Oh, lord-..." Louis quickly and quietly moved the tea set from the table so it wouldn't be damaged.
"Albert! Aha! I-I swehear! If you don't stAHA-!" William flopped onto his side as Albert pressed on his stomach, apparently that was a particularly sensitive spot. He tried curling up on the sofa, to protect his tummy sending a stray cushion flying as he squirmed around.
"Ah, ah, ah, no footwear on the furniture, William. Honestly what kind of slob are you?" Albert teased, trying to work his fingers into any available spot they could reach. "Darn, come on now, open up!" He laughed with him, looking up as a gloved hand came to grab William's wrist, pulling one arm out of the way, and holding it steady over his head. Jack gave Albert a wink. "Happy to help." He smiled.
"Why thank you." Albert laughed, immediately attacking William's underarm now it was exposed.
"No! No not that! Ahalbehehert! Ahahehehehe!" William's laughter grew giggly and boyish, his free hand trying to cover his underarm or bat Albers hand away. "Enough! God dahamn it, Ahalbert!"
William tugged on his arm, managing to get free, reaching over and squeezing Albert's hips. "Sehehee how you like it!" He grinned, watching Albert's cheeks instantly heat up before he grabbed William's wrists, trying to lean away from the attack.
"H-Hehey! No this isn't-! Ahaa!" He crumbled to the floor, with William following, still squeezing the man's hips. He ended up standing over Albert, trapping him between the coffe table and the sofa, bending over to dish out his revenge. Meticulously poking at any exposed points on Albert's sides and ribs.
"Hohold on! Haha! I-I'm sohorry! Forgive mehehe! Wihihilliam!" Albert was clearly more ticklish than William was, and the blonde wasn't going to waste that fact. He latched onto his brother's ribs, massaging his thumbs into the sensitive bone, all while smiling and laughing with him.
Albert arched his back, trying to pull William's hands away. "Ahahaha! O-Ohoho nohohoho! Hahahaha!" His laughter was deeper, it came from all the way down in his stomach. His kicking legs scuffed up the edge of the rug as he flailed.
"What's the matter, Albert? I thought you said this was a perfectly good time for some childish behaviour. Did you not?" William teased, enjoying watching their, usually level-headed, oldest brother wriggling like a fish out of water.
"Gents, you're going to damage something if you are not careful." A small voice came from behind. The two tussling looked over at Louis, who had crouched to pick up the stray cushion that had fallen from the sofa, dusting it off with a slap. "At last take this outside." He grumbled to himself, unaware that the two had stopped. Not until it was too late anyway.
"Wehell now, if you were feeling left out you should have just said so." Albert chuckled as William helped him to his feet before they both made a dash for Louis, who never stood a chance.
"Huh?! No, that's not what I meant! Ah!" He was tackled to the floor, Albert and William pinning one arm each as they both tickled him. Albert poked and scribbled at his tummy whilst William squeezed his side. Poor Louis was instantly in hysterics, shaking his head and arching his whole body. "Nohoho! Ahahah! I-I didn't-! Hyahahaaa!"
Albert smirked, unbuttoning Louis's waistcoat, leaving only a shirt to protect him. "Oh well, this is much easier." He chimed, happily watching his brother's giddy expression as the tickles got worse. His cheeks were bright red, both with embarrassment and laughter, he couldn't even keep his eyes open or plead with them for his freedom.
"Haha, quite the chatterbox, aren't you, Louis?" Albert teased, suddenly yelping as he felt a hand on his side. William was on the attack again, switching his target.
"Un-buttoning a gentleman's waistcoat without permission? You truly are a rude little blouse!" He chuckled, releasing Louis and fully attacking Albert again.
"Hold on! I was just- Pff-Ahahaha!"
The room was filled with laughter. The pile of brothers all play fighting and wrestling, ticking each other before switching targets and becoming the victim again. Their hair grew wild and frizzy, their clothes wrinkling and shirts becoming un-tucked as they fought.
Jack stood in the corner, watching his work play out. Glad to see the brothers were still capable of having fun in such a manner. He would have to initiate another brawl like this again sometime.
There was an unexpected knock on the door before Moran and Fred walked in. "We got your tele-" The pair froze, stunned by what they had walked in on.
The brothers also froze, staring right back, wide-eyed. "Um... Afternoon?" Albert offered with a wave as William quickly climbed out of the pile, trying to straighten himself out as he cleared his throat, giggling into his hand at the ghost tickles. "Um, yes, good afternoon. I uh, assume you read my m-Ehehe!" He turned, glaring at Albert after he'd given William one last poke for good luck.
There was definitely going to be sweet revenge on the horizon.
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 2 years
Candy Hearts Valentine Event 2023
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/N0vtMcr
by GigglySquiggily
Valentine Candy Heart Event time! I'm so excited to share this once again! Chapters will start going up on Feb. 1!
~~Will update summary as I go~~
Words: 229, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Events!
Fandoms: Black Clover - Tabata Yuki (Anime & Manga), Blue Lock (Manga), Blue Lock (Anime), Buddy Daddies (Anime), 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs, Chainsaw Man (Manga), Chainsaw Man (Anime), Code:Realize ~創世の姫君~ | Code: Realize - Guardian of Rebirth (Visual Novel), Code:Realize~創世の姫君~ | Code:Realize ~Sousei no Himegimi~ | Code:Realize ~Guardian of Rebirth~ (Anime), Collar x Malice (Visual Novel), Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types, 鬼滅の�� | Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (Anime), 鬼滅の刃 | Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (Manga), Dr. STONE (Manga), Dr. STONE (Anime), 炎炎ノ消防隊 | Enen no Shouboutai | Fire Force (Anime), 炎炎ノ消防隊 | Enen no Shouboutai | Fire Force (Manga), Fruits Basket - Takaya Natsuki (Manga), Fruits Basket (Anime 2019), Free!, Given (Manga), Given (Anime), Haikyuu!!, Heartstopper (Webcomic), Heartstopper (TV), 地獄楽 | Hell's Paradise: Jigokuraku (Manga), Hunter X Hunter, ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga), 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime), 古見さんはコミュ症です。 | Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu | Miss Komi Can't Communicate (Manga), 古見さんはコミュ症です。 | Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu | Miss Komi Can't Communicate (Anime), モブサイコ100 | Mob Psycho 100, 憂国のモリアーティ | Yuukoku no Moriarty | Moriarty the Patriot (Manga), 憂国のモリアーティ | Yuukoku no Moriarty | Moriarty the Patriot (Anime), 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, SK8 the Infinity (Anime), SPY x FAMILY (Manga), SPY x FAMILY (Anime), 地縛少年花子くん | Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun | Toilet-bound Hanako-kun (Manga), 地縛少年花子くん | Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun | Toilet-bound Hanako-kun (Anime), 東京卍リベンジャーズ | Tokyo Revengers (Manga), 東京卍リベンジャーズ | Tokyo Revengers (Anime)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Additional Tags: Fluff, Tickling, Tickle Fights, Tooth Rotting Fluff, There's too many ships to count, Valentine Events, Sentence Starters
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/N0vtMcr
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smilingangel582 · 1 year
Can you escape this, professor?
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Ok, ok, I got this crazy new idea for Will, but aparantly, many have creative minds to write such a cute tk fic. Will is a definite lee for me... and Sherly is a sassy fitting ler. Award him for the best ler Oscar! Annny who! Enjoy this moriarty, the patriot fic. Toodles!
Warning spoilers alert
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"Liam, Liam... you can't be serious."
Confused, Moriarty took a minute to glance back up at his friend Sherlock Holmes, who was looking at the papers he was grading.
"Mr. Holmes... I beg your pardon?"
He shook his head when he replied to Will, "You are one of the strictest professors I've ever met..."
He heard a slightly airy laugh from the latter and continued marking the final papers "That is Mathematics for you my dear Mr. Holmes..."
He graded another average mark of seventy percent when he continued his words "If I were more merciful, then I have no doubt attitudes will escalate with their blind over-confidence, only for them to later on understand the reality... crumbling at a high speed due to the superiority they possessed by my mercy and kindness lying about their true potential."
Sherlock hummed in agreement, "You make a point, professor. you almost convinced me you had a grudge on me," he commented on his zero percent from his paper.
Will smiled now, almost revealing his taunting facade "Oh but I meant my students, not you, Holmes. You were merely a grudge on my account"
Sherlock gave a pout "Liam that's mean..."
"What are you four?"
"Three perhaps, and I want attention..."
Will couldn't hide his amused grin. He was done with the grading this late at night in his palce and was prepared to blow off the candles. Maybe he could mess with the detective just for a minute.
"Now I'm convinced you're two..."
However, Sherlock did the unthinkable. Will was too engrossed with his reactions that he failed to notice an ulterior motive. Sherlock pinned him towards the bed where his desk had luckily been close to... sending them both sprawling as Sherlock was on top.
"H-Holmes? What in lords-?"
"Liam... Liam, I'm two, so try to understand that children are impatient"
With that Sherlock dug his fingers into his ribs now making Moriarty arch his back with a gasp "Hey!"
"Oh bless my soul... you wouldn't happen to be a tad sensitive, are you professor?"
Will felt his cheeks heated. "By heaven, I'm the Lord of crime... Such a ridiculous trait is impossible!"
Sherlock paused his fingers now thoughtfully and curiously scratching his sides as if massaging them bone by bone close to his ribs. It drove the blond to madness.
"Then... why are you squirming, dear professor?"
'B-because... b-behecause -gah!"
A giggle almost slipped, and Will clamped a hand to his mouth but only expose his right side for Sherlock. "I got you~!"
The moment these numbers fingers of his reached Will's underarm, he squealed. "Ahhahaha damnihihit! Hohoholmes! Mihisteheher Hohoholmes cuhuhut ihihit out!"
Sherlock just feigned surprise "my word, are you perhaps ticklish after all? Lying to your friend... tsk tsk... I ought to discipline you,".
"Youhohohou shouhuhuld prohobably wohohohrry abohohohout my upcohohoming rehehevengehehe!"
But he couldn't even stop himself from breaking into another long whine of laughter, forcing our from his lips. It was cute indeed, Sherlock had to hold in the urge to going overboard.
"Liam, oh dear, you're such a mess..." he poked him now... slowing his tickling down to his stomach instead keeping him in giggles "Get revenge? On me... you must be joking!"
"Ohoho ihihi wihihill... ihihihi ahaham the lohohord oohohof -Wahahahait! WAHAHAHAIT BLOHOHOODY HEHEHEHELL SHEHEHEHERLOCK!"
"Ah so your hips appear to be the weak little spot o was itching to find," a theoretical tone in a silly investigation drove the blond to tears now. He was curled by the bed now ruffling the sheets and struggling for escape.
"Lord of what now...?"
Sherlock stopped now, watching down at Will's plight. His face were bright as strawberries, he had damped long blond lashes sticking to his lids firmly, he wad beautiful for a moment "Ihihi... ahaham the lohord of crihihimee!"
Sherlock chuckled now, his hands firmly gripping Will's as he didn't allow him to retaliate "My word, what a mess we've made, Liam... come, come... -No no I want torture you again,".
He added when Will flinched with a squeak upon the grip on his waist. He gasped for deep gulps of air, glaring at his friend playfully. "I don't know if you find my suffering sadistically satisfying..."
"Dear Liam," he smirked now gently melting his menacing expression to a fond kind smile "You are outstanding,"
Will straightend up, slightly blushing from the compliment. "As payback, allow me to beat you in a game of strategy since tickle fights is naturally my weakness, how about a game of chess?"
Sherlock felt a little nervous, knowing his insane talents in chess even though he could handle it better in Liam's league.
But first.
He grabbed his thighs now insistent to wreck his friend "Wahahat ihihin gohohods nahahame -Nohohoho!"
"Did you forget our positions Mr. Mastermind? I got the upperhand"
Things escalated quickly to a second round of a one-sided tickle attack. Meanwhile, Will had developed a plot for his vengeance in chess... persistent to take him down after his predicament.
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Another question, inspired by thisblogwillselfdistruct, what characters do you think enjoy/don’t mind being tickled but they’re not shy about it? They’re just like “Oh yeah I like/don’t mind being tickled” with a completely straight face
I'm so late to this reply my goodness
Great question anon! I would say this took alot of thought but really I already had people in mind kjeajkrekjrjka Let's see:
Right off the bat: Bachira Meguru. Listen- this guy is Mr. Whimiscal! He'd have absolutely no issue with saying he likes being tickled- if anything, he's the one who'll roll up to the rest of Team Z and ask for tickles. He finds them hilarious to give and receive, so if you directly ask him if he likes it he'll happily say yes!
Another person who immediately comes to mind is Senku Ishigami! It's not nearly as boldly stated as Bachira, but if you were to ask Senku directly if he liked tickles, he'd probably say something like: "Yeah, I suppose so." Without much thought. He does like them fair enough- especially light back scratches after a long day in the lab. Of course, he has some mild regrets after telling Gen though...
Sherlock Holmes. Just- Sherlock Holmes. Listen- I've only just met him but he looks like the type to fully admit he likes being tickled (after a few drinks). Like Senku, he doesn't really have much reason to hide it? Sure, it can be a bit embarrassing if a certain blonde man found out, but even then he's just: "It is what it is."
Bonus character whooo! Listen: Gon. Gon Freeces. Literally ray of sunshine- teasing doesn't work on him because he fully embraces that he loves being tickled. It reminds him of home when Aunt Mito would play with him, and he just loves making his friends laugh- especially Killua. I don't know if he'd ask for them directly- at least not at first- but he'd definitely provoke his friends into tickling him.
Thanks for asking!
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skribblz · 3 years
Skribbles Masterlist
fandoms in alphabetical order, newest drawings at the top
* = inspired by/paired with writing
all sfw :D
Ace Attorney
lee edgeworth, ler phoenix
Assassination Classroom
throwing snowball at karma
lee karma, ler nagisa
Astra Lost in Space
lee ulgar, ler luca
Attack on Titan
lee levi, ler erwin
lee erwin, ler levi
lee levi, lers eren and hange
lee eren, lers mikasa and armin
lee armin, ler mikasa
lee levi, ler erwin
lee zuko, ler toph
toph!!! (sleeping with momo)
Banana Fish
lee eiji, lers ash and shorter
switches ash and eiji
lee ash, ler eiji
Be More Chill
lee michael, lee jeremy
Big Windup
switches mihashi and abe*
lee mihashi, ler tajima
mihashi cat ears
idk a bunch of stuff, mostly abe and mihashi tho* (tried writing a small fanfic)
lee mihashi, ler abe*
lee tajima, ler abe*
lee abe, lers tajima and mihashi
abe and mihashi hug
abe and mihashi tickles
Black Clover
lee noelle, ler zora
Bungou Stray Dogs
lee akutagawa, ler atsushi
lee atsushi, ler akutagawa
Collar x Malice
lee hoshino, ler takeru*
Cookie Run
lee choco, ler cacao (art trade thing)
Demon Slayer
lee tanjiro, ler muichiro
lee tanjiro, ler giyuu
lee giyuu, lers rengoku and tengen
lee zenitsu, ler inosuke
rengoku and giyuu in snow
zenitsu hit with snowball
douma with cat ears
rengoku and giyuu with cat ears
lee tanjiro, ler sabito*
ler zenitsu (and again)
Don’t Toy with Me Miss Nagatoro
lee naoto, ler nagatoro
lee hyakkimaru, ler dororo*
lee dororo, ler hyakkimaru
lee theo, lers shinei and raiden
lee rin, ler natsuya
throwing a snowball at rin
Fruits Basket
lee yuki and lee kyo
lee noctis, ler ignis
Fullmetal Alchemist
lee ed, ler roy
lee ed, ler al
lee ling, ler edward
lee edward, ler ling
roy with cat eats
lee roy, ler riza (and again)
riza and roy in butler/maid costumes
lee edward and ler roy
lee alphonse, lers ed and winry
lee childe, ler teucer
lee mafuyu, ler uenoyama
Grand Chase
lee jin, ler asin
Heart Stopper
lee nick, ler charlie*
nick and charlie*
lee y/n, ler hiccup
lee hiccup, ler astrid
Jujutsu Kaisen
lee itadori, ler gojo
megumi, itadori, nobara in maid/butler outfits
lee megumi, lers itadori and nobara
inumaki cat nuzzles
the first year trio
Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi
switches ranmaru and ginji
Kamisama Kiss
lee tomoe, ler nanami
Kill La Kill
ryumako date
lee ryuko, ler mako
lee porsche, ler kinn
Legend of Zelda
lee link, ler midna
lee luca, switch alberto, ler giulia
Mob Psycho 100
switches mob and teruki
Moriarty the Patriot
lee albert, lers william and louis
kakashi and naruto clones
hinata tickled by naruto clones
lee jay, ler cole
Obey Me
lee satan, ler lucifer
lee belphie, ler beel
lee levi, ler beel
throwing snowball at lucifer
throwing snowball at mammon
One Piece
lee law, ler luffy
lee luffy, ler robin
lee zoro, ler luffy
luffy hit with snowball
nami and buggy in maid/butler outfits
lee luffy, ler zoro
Owari No Seraph
lee mika, lers yoichi and yuu
lee emmet, ler ingo
Project Sekai
lee akito, ler touya
lee lio, ler galo
galolio tickle fight
lio’s forehead idk
Run with the Wind
kakehai redraw
old kakeru chibi
kakehai (first post I think :0 sadly the fic is gone :((()*
lee kuro, ler mahiru
Sk8 the Infinity
lee miya, ler joe
renga belly raspberries (fully colored)
reki, langa, miya tickle fight
killua + miya skating buddies
renga tickles*
Snow White with White Hair
lee raji, ler sasaki
lee ryuu, ler obi + switches obi and zen
Spy x Family
lee loid, ler franky*
loiyor collab
lee loid, lers anya and yor
Stars Align
lee maki, ler arashi
The Promised Neverland
lee ray, ler norman
Toilet Bound Hanako-kun
hanako with cat ears
Tokyo Revengers
lee mikey, ler mitsuya
throwing a snowball at mitsuya
throwing a snowball at Takemichi
Vinland Saga
lee thorfinn, ler askeladd
Your Lie in April
lee arima, ler kaori*
Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun!
lee shax, ler iruma
lee iruma, ler shax
World Trigger
lee yuma, ler chika
yuma sketches
konami and bill cipher fusion
lee izumi, ler tachikawa
lee miwa, ler yoneya
yuma with a playful aipom
lee kikuchihara, ler shiori
yumaaa and a jinnn
haha yuma eating raw meat headcanon*
yuma with a flower crown
anya and itadori
senku, maki, and shirogane
killua + miya skating buddies
110 notes · View notes
intheticklecloset · 4 years
Grand Tickle Fic Masterlist
The masterlist of all tickle fics I’ve released on this blog! Below are links to the masterlists for fandoms I’ve written multiple fics for, as well as direct links to fics for fandoms I’ve only written a few fics for. Primary Fandoms are fandoms I’m currently the most invested in. All fics are SFW. Enjoy!
Updated: Sep 15, 2024
Headcanons Masterlist 
Primary Fandoms
Black Clover Masterlist 
Blue Lock
Strawberry Isagi: Lee Isagi, Ler Bachira
Pretty: Lee Chigiri, Ler Kunigami
Turnabout Is Fair Play: Lee Bachira, Ler Isagi
Halftime: Lee Chigiri, Ler Kunigami
Play With Me: Switches Bachira and Isagi
Fire Force
Natural: Lee Viktor, Ler Shinra
The Devil vs. the Knight King: Lee Shinra, Ler Arthur
Lucky Shinra Lure: Switches Tamaki and Shinra, Ler Maki
Coffee Shots #1-10
Seraph of the End
Stop Sulking: Lee Yu, Ler Kimizuki (ft. Yoichi)
Misc/Previous Fandoms
Big Windup! Masterlist 
Bungo Stray Dogs Masterlist 
The Doctor Is In: Lee Takato, Ler Junta
Candy Canes: Switches Junta and Takato
Divine Gate 
Dr. Stone Masterlist 
Free! Masterlist 
Haikyuu!! Masterlist 
Invader Zim Masterlist 
Junjou Romantica
Secret’s Out: Lee Misaki, Ler Usagi
Gingerbread: Lee Misaki, Ler Usagi
Redeemed: Lee Misaki, Ler Usagi 
Kaguya-sama: Love Is War 
Kamisama Kiss 
Lemonade Masterlist 2024 
Miscellaneous Coffee Shots: #1 / #2 
Moriarty the Patriot 
My Hero Academia Masterlist 
Obey Me! Masterlist 
Peppermint Mocha Masterlist 2023 
Saiki K (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K)
The Joke’s On You: Lee Kaidou, Ler Aren
Rambling: Lee Kaidou, Ler Aren
Saiki K Sentence Starters Collection 
Sekaiichi Hatsukoi
I Still Like It: Lee Ritsu, Ler Takano
Under the Mistletoe: Lee Ritsu, Ler Takano
SK8 the Infinity Masterlist
Star Wars 
The Promised Neverland
Off Button: Lee Norman, Ler Ray
Get Some Exercise: Lee Ray, Lers Emma and Norman
Coffee Shots #1-5 
TickleTober Masterlists: 2021 / 2022 / 2023 
Toilet Bound Hanako-kun 
World Trigger
Say Stop: Lee Yuma, Ler Osamu
This Might Tickle: Lee Yuzuru, Lers Izuho and Chika
One Little Giggle (Drabble): Lee Miwa, Ler Yoneya
Jolly Old Osamu: Lee Osamu, Lers Chika and Yuma
Little Wires Everywhere: Lee Yuma, Ler Osamu
Yuri on Ice Masterlist 
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