trashyswitch · 9 months
A Tickly Christmas Tradition
William comes home from work, to the house completely empty. Where is everyone? Suddenly, William's captured and...Tickled?! What in the world is going on?!
For a little christmas treat, I made a FNAF game fanfic. This prompt was actually an idea in a discord server that I was in last year. It was a funny idea brought up by @anxious-lee-ler...back in 2022. Specifically Dec. 14, 2022. Sorry it took forever for this one to be made. But despite that, I hope you enjoy! Merry Christmas Eve!
“Guys! I’m home!” William yelled as he put his bag down at the door. He took off his jacket and his work shoes, before walking past the living room into the kitchen. He looked around the house, and noticed that the house was practically empty. “...Hello?” He looked in the kitchen some more, and checked the bathroom. “Hellooooo?” He called. 
He walked up the stairs to the bedrooms, wondering if anybody was napping, or playing in their room. But when he looked in the kids’ rooms, he found them messy, but completely empty. He looked in the room he shared with his wife, and found it was vacant as well. Weird…
He went down the stairs, and called for them one more time. “Hellooooo?” He yelled. “MICHAEL? ELIZABETH?! CHRIS?!” He called. But he stopped as he stood in the middle of the kitchen. He couldn’t find his family anywhere! And it made no sense! Their second car was here! How could the car be here, but his family be completely gone?!
Suddenly, someone grabbed him underneath the arms and pulled him away. 
“AH! LET ME GO!” William shouted. Someone else wrapped a tie around his eyes and upper nose. “HEY-” he reacted, trying to remove the eye cover. But as he struggled strong and hard within the arms of the stranger, William felt someone…tickling his sides and ribs?! “ST-STOHOP- WHOHO IHIHIS THIHIHIHIS!?” he asked, trying to feel around for anyone who might’ve been standing there nearby. He could quickly tell that the tickling fingers were small, nimble fingers…almost from a little kid!
“Don’t worry, Dad. It’s us.” Michael told him, poking his fingers in his belly button.  
He could feel his fears slowly diminishing. Though he was thankful this was his family, he was still left incredibly confused by their actions. Why was someone tickling him?! Who was holding onto him? And WHY?! Suddenly, his legs were picked up by someone. “Whahait- Whahahat ahare yohohohou dohohohoihihing?” William asked, waving his hands around. 
“Taking you to the living room.” His wife told him. “We’re creating a new Christmas tradition that I think you’ll love too.” She told him. 
“Whahahat ihihis ihihihit?” William asked. 
“You’ll find out in a few minutes.” Elizabeth told her father before grabbing the lights from the decoration bin. 
William felt as his body was wrapped in rope that sounded suspiciously like Christmas lights. His gelled hair was ruined with what felt like a Santa hat followed by a…headband??? And weirdly enough, his shirt was unbuttoned followed by his socks being taken off. 
The confusion that filled Afton’s mind was overwhelming. NOW what was his family up to?! Why were they tying him up?! Why was he wearing a Christmas hat?! And how was a Christmas tradition that involved him being tied up, supposed to be fun for him?! 
“Not close to his face, Chris.” Mrs. Afton told someone. 
He could feel something being sprinkled onto him. He couldn’t for the life of him, figure out what it was! It felt strange on his belly. Whatever it was, it sounded like it came out of a pepper shaker of some sort. Were they dumping sprinkles onto him?! No, wait…sprinkles would be slightly heavier than this. This stuff felt completely weightless. What is it?! 
“Okay. Take off the blindfold, Liz.” His wife said. 
Elizabeth nodded and removed it from his face. “There!” 
William squeezed his eyes shut as the bright light filled his eyes. Squinting, he looked in front of him, and found his 4 members of his family standing in his field of vision and stretching their arms out excitedly. 
“SURPRISE!” They all said in unison to William. 
William widened his eyes and looked down at his body. Right away, he got all his answers. He was right! He really WAS wrapped in Christmas lights! And he did have a Santa hat, with a headband! Only…this headband had a yellow, glittery star hanging down in front of his face. And if there weren’t lights covering his shirt and pants, then there was most definitely glitter. Wait…the sprinkly things he felt were glitter?! A bit of yellow glitter that came from the felt star on his head, and bright green glitter absolutely everywhere else. 
William was mortified. “What in the- Why is there so much glitter?!” William asked, more shocked than angry by this point. 
Elizabeth giggled as she held 5 empty glitter bottles in her hands. “Oh…No reason, papa.” Elizabeth said with a shit-eating grin on her face. William groaned in annoyance. Elizabeth only ever called him ‘papa’ when she was in a mischievous mood. Who the heck thought it would be a good idea to give Elizabeth the glitter?! 
And then to make matters worse, Chris was giggling right beside him and STILL shaking the rest of the green glitter onto his lower leg. 
“Okay, okay…I think it’s empty, Chris.” Mrs. Afton told her youngest. 
Chris nodded and pulled the other empty glitter bottles out of his pockets. Chris had 5 glitter bottles as well! His two youngest children had managed to use 10 separate 16 oz. bottles of glitter on their father!! 
That was- like- 20 cups of glitter!!
“Oh……my god…” William muttered aloud. 
Elizabeth giggled. “Did we overdo it?” She asked. 
Michael laughed. “Nope. In my opinion, he needs more.” Michael joked, pulling yet ANOTHER 16 oz. glitter bottle of his own out of his pocket. 
“NO-” Mrs. Afton took Michael’s bottle. “10 full bottles is plenty enough.” She said, placing it aside. 
William looked at the glitter, and blew a puff of air…and the extra layers of glitter blew with the air, over to his crazy family! Mrs. Afton and Elizabeth squealed and covered up their faces to prevent themselves from getting covered. Chris opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue to catch the glitter on his tongue like they were snowflakes, while Michael closed his brother’s mouth and gave him a stern look. “Don’t eat the glitter.” He ordered his brother. 
“You are all gonna clean this whole mess afterwards. And I am NOT. HELPING.” William warned, shooting his wife a hairy eyeball expression. 
Mrs. Afton was unphased by his threatening look. She was almost awaiting the look, just so she could say her wonderful comeback. “Oh, don’t worry. We’ll clean it up while watching the video recordings of you laughing your head off on the TV.” his wife told him, hinting at his demise. 
Laughing his head off- What?! 
“What do you mean ‘laughing your-’?!” William widened his eyes as he saw their youngest child, holding feathers in his hand. William widened his eyes and quickly remembered that his shirt was unbuttoned. “...Oh no…” he muttered. He quickly remembered that his socks were off too! “OH NO!” He curled his toes, suddenly fearful. 
“Now do you understand what we’re cooking?” Mrs. Afton asked with a smirk. 
William stuttered in shock for a second, before narrowing his eyes at his wife and kids. “Don’t you dare…Don’t you ffffff-” He quickly changed his word. “-Ffffffreaking dare…” He warned. 
“Ooooh, you’re lucky.” Mrs. Afton reacted, before bringing her fingers closer to his belly. “Cause if you swore…we would’ve made sure you REALLY regretted it.” She told him. 
William yelped and wiggled around, trying to get his belly away from her fingers. “D-Don’t! Why are you doing this?!” He asked, a small wobbly smile building on his face. 
“Because it’s fun!” She told him before touching his belly. Just her little nails’ touch was enough to make the hairs on his arms stand on edge. “Plus, I know you’re gonna like this~” She told him, before dancing her fingers all over his belly. 
William jumped and winced, trying not to laugh right away. If they were going to make him laugh, he was going to make it a challenge. His family was going to have to work hard to get him to laugh like they want. If they were planning on playing games with him, he was going to play too. 
“Ooooh, holding out on us?” His wife asked before looking at Michael. “Get your hands ready. We might need you to help break your father’s walls down.” She told her eldest son. 
Michael nodded his head and readied his fingers on his upper ribs. “Ready, Mom.” Michael replied. 
“You’re not gonna go for his armpits?” She asked. 
“Nah. His armpits kinda stink.” Michael replied rather bluntly with a chuckle, waving his hand close to his nose for extra humorous effect. 
“Sh-Shutup!” William spat through his teeth. 
She laughed at her kid’s bluntness. “It’s not gonna get any better, Michael.” She teased playfully to her son. “But, you do whatever you want.” She said, before winking at him.
Michael smirked at the wink. That was his cue to start. “Yeah. I will.” He replied proudly, before  immediately starting to skitter and scratch at his father’s upper-to-middle ribs. 
“NonONO-” William squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head as the biggest wobbly smile they had ever seen on the father and husband had filled his face. He was visibly straining to not laugh. Apparently, it wasn’t just his armpits and belly that were ticklish. It actually looked like his upper ribs were just as bad, if not more ticklish than his armpits! And it appeared that Michael knew this all too well. 
“I wanna tickle his stinky feet!” Elizabeth teased as she ran up and picked up her Dad’s foot. 
“NO! Leavemyfeeheetalooone!” He grunted and protested through his teeth. 
Mrs. Afton laughed. “Sure, go ahead!” She replied. “Hey Chris?” She said, looking over at her youngest. “You sure you don’t want to join?” She asked. “You can prop up the camera and join in, if you want.” She encouraged him. 
But Chris shook his head and walked the camera closer to his Dad. “Mhm! I’m recording Daddy’s girl laugh!” He told his Mom. 
She laughed at her youngest’s reply. “Just keep the camera steady, alright?” She told him. 
“Yup!” He replied, popping the P. 
William could feel his lungs starting to fail him a lot faster than he was expecting. He knew growing older usually affected one's body…but his lungs too!? What a terrible time to figure this out! 
Soon, little titters and hisses started to exit through his wobbly grin. Mrs. Afton lit up upon hearing that. “We’re close! Liz, go for his toes!” She told her daughter. 
Elizabeth quickly separated the big toe and 2nd toe, before sliding the feather back and forth in between his toes. “Coochy coochy coo, Daddy!” She declared. 
William finally broke out in strong, high-pitched laughter. His laughter was so unlike his body frame! And his family was well aware of this fact. “BWAHAHAHAHA! AAAHAHAHAHAHA! PLEHEHEASE STOHOHOHOHOP!” He pleaded. 
“Okay, stop!” She ordered her tickling kids. Michael and Elizabeth removed their hands from their respective spots, while Mrs. Afton did the same thing. No one was tickling him, yet his laughter was still quite heavy and strong. But just as fast as it broke out, the laughter seemed to calm down into giggles, before turning into breathlessness mixed with chuckles. 
“Yohohou guhuhuys…” He muttered a little bit. 
“Okay…” Mrs. Afton made a signal…and with this signal, came an eruption of squeals and laughter. 
“eeEEHEEK! WAHAIT- NOHoho! Lihihiz!” William yelled and laughed. 
Elizabeth smiled and opened his toes with her index and middle finger, before fluttering the feather very gently into his toe crevice. “Tickle tickle!” She teased. 
“How did you learn to do that?” Mrs. Afton asked her daughter. 
“Michael! He taught me!” Liz told her Mom. 
Michael chuckled awkwardly. “Well…I may have tried it on her a few times…” He admitted. 
“I see~” She replied. “And where did you learn it, Michael?” She asked next. 
“.....Dad.” Michael replied with a laugh. 
Mrs. Afton bursted out in laughter. “Is that so?!” She reacted. “Having any regrets yet, Will?” She asked her husband. 
William nodded his head “YEHEhehehes!” He replied. 
“Alright. Liz, let’s give your brother a turn to tickle.” She told Elizabeth.
Elizabeth nodded her head and removed the feather, earning her a high-pitched squeak. 
William’s eyes widened the moment the feather flew out of his toes. It tickled SO MUCH MORE than Liz’s see-sawing EVER did! “eEEHEEK!” He went limp in the chair. “Ohoh gohosh…” He muttered, shaking his head.
Michael skittered his fingers on his ribs. “Tell me, Dad:” He started tickling in between the ribs for a bit. “How bad does this tickle?” Michael asked. 
William jumped and snorted, leaning his head back and giggling in a somewhat girly way. “EEheeheeheehee! Prehehehetty bahahad!” William admitted. 
“Okay…” He quickly switched to tickling each and every individual rib. “What about this? Is this better? Or worse?” Michael asked curiously.
William gasped and cackled, shaking his head left and right and throwing the bouncing felt star all over the place. “aAAHAHAHA! NOHOT THAT! IHIHIT’S WOHOHORRRSE!” He shouted. 
“Oh god!” Michael reacted. “It’s really that bad?!” He asked, tickling the individual middle ribs.  
“Alright, alright.” Michael switched to tickling between the middle ribs once more. “I’ll do this instead.” He told him. 
William snorted and started giggling in the high-pitched voice all over again. “Ohohohokahahay, thahahahanks.” William told him. 
“Would it be too much for you if I joined back in?” Mrs. Afton asked. 
William shook his head. “Nohoho, ihihit wohouldn’t nohohohow.” He replied. 
Mrs. Afton smiled and started gently tickling the soft of his small beer belly. “I’ll be gentle.” She told him. 
William jumped and sunk his stomach in slightly, but to no avail. Not only did sinking in his stomach fail as a preventive strategy, but it also ruined his ability to breathe. So he breathed in as much as he could, before falling into an endless stream of high-pitched giggles. 
“Thihihihihis ihihihihis weheheird.” William told him. 
“Oh, hush your mouth and laugh, our 6ft Tickle Tree.” She teased. 
“Wh-Whahahat?!” William asked. 
“There’s a reason you’re covered in green glitter.” Mrs. Afton explained. “Can you tell him why?” She asked Chris and Elizabeth. 
“We wanted you to look like a christmas tree!” Chris told his father. 
“That’s why you’re also covered in Christmas lights with a star on your head.” Elizabeth told him. 
“HAhahahaha- Whahahahat?!” He reacted, unsure how else to react to this information. 
Michael chuckled. “I didn’t want to join in originally…” Michael looked at his Mom. “But then Mom mentioned ‘tickling’, and I quickly changed my mind.” Michael admitted bluntly. 
Mrs. Afton smirked. “Trying to throw your own mother under the bus, I see?” She asked. 
“What?! No!” Michael put his right hand up. “Honest!” He pointed his index finger at his Mom. “But I may be throwing myself under the bus.” Michael admitted. 
“Alright, alright.” Mrs. Afton replied, double-checking to make sure Chris and the recorder were doing okay. 
“Wait…How does the song ‘Oh Christmas Tree’ go again?” Michael asked. 
Elizabeth's eyes brightened. “Oh christmas tree, oh christmas tree, how lovely are your branches!” She declared, saying the lyrics instead of singing it.
“You’re very close. It’s ‘How lovely are ‘thy’ branches’.” Mrs. Afton corrected. 
“Okay. So…what if we sang ‘oh christmas tree’, but we changed the word ‘branches’ to ‘laughter’?” Michael asked. 
Elizabeth gasped. “YEAH!” She shouted excitedly, stopping her tickle attack. “🎵Oh christmas tree, oh christmas tree, how lovely are thy laughter!🎵” She sang. 
Michael hummed. “I think ‘your laughter’ would sound better in this situation.” He admitted. 
“I think I have to agree with you, Michael.” Mrs. Afton replied. 
“🎵Oh christmas tree, oh christmas tree, how lovely are your laughter🎵” Mrs. Afton sang. 
The kids joined in with their mother. “🎵Oh christmas tree, oh christmas tree, how lovely are your laughter🎵” 
Mrs. Afton continued the song. “🎵Your precious giggles fill the air, and warm our hearts with tender care,🎵” She sang in her gorgeous singing voice. 
“🎵Oh christmas tree, oh christmas tree, how lovely are your laughter🎵” The kids sang. 
Michael stopped his tickling and sang the next verse. “🎵Oh christmas tree, oh christmas tree, of all the laughs most joyful. Oh christmas tree, oh christmas tree, of all the laughs most joyful🎵” Michael sang. 
“Not bad!” Mrs. Afton reacted. “🎵Each year you bring us delight, with every shining grin so bright,🎵” She sang. “🎵Oh christmas tree, oh christmas tree, of all the laughs most joyful🎵” She finished. 
“My turn, My turn!” Elizabeth declared. “🎵Oh christmas tree, oh christmas tree, we learn from all your gigglees. Oh christmas tree, oh christmas tree, we learn from all your gigglees🎵” She sang. 
The other Aftons bursted out laughing. Did Elizabeth just come up with a word to make the verse work?! 
“🎵Your high-pitched squeals of festive cheer, give hope and happiness all year,🎵” She sang. “🎵Oh christmas tree, oh christmas tree-🎵 
They all sang together. “🎵We learn from all your giggleeeees.🎵” They all sang. 
William chuckled and nodded his head with a smile. “I would clap, but…My hands are kinda tied.” He told them. 
Everyone burst out laughing at this. Mrs. Afton walked up and unplugged the Christmas lights. “Let’s get this off you.” She said, removing the Christmas lights from around him. 
“Thank you, love.” William said, leaning in for a kiss. She wiped a few green glitter pieces from his mouth and kissed his lips. 
“Eugh…Gross…” Michael muttered aloud. 
“Awwwww!” Elizabeth reacted, holding her hand on her chest. 
Chris giggled, zooming in on his Mom and Dad’s kiss. 
“🎵I saw Mommy kiss the tickle tree, underneath the christmas star last night🎵” Chris started singing. 
Mrs. Afton and William both broke their kiss and looked at Chris, laughing at Chris’s lyrics. 
“🎵She didn’t see me creep, down the stairs to have a peek,🎵” Elizabeth sang. 
“🎵She thought that I was tucked up in my bedroom, fast asleep🎵” Michael sang. 
“He wasn’t!” Chris declared. “🎵I saw mommy kiss the tickle tree, Every little giggle filled the night!🎵” Chris sang. 
“🎵Oh what a laugh it would’ve been-🎵” Liz sang. 
“🎵If Daddy had only seen-🎵” Michael sang. 
Everyone, even William, joined in together for the last part. “🎵Mommy kiss the tickle tree last niiiiight!🎵” 
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rachi-roo · 2 years
-----------{ ☆°•○•°☆ }------------
Moriarty the Patriot: To Break a Gargoyle - Act 1
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I'm soooo excited to post this!!!! Me and @giggly-squiggily have teamed up on this fic to make a two-part tale!!! Squiggles you're so cool 😭👏 I had so much fun writing and planning this with you!
Summary: After hoating a successful tea party, William is still sour over Morans betrayal in his time of need and seeks revenge! Only things don't quite go to plan. Lee!William, Ler!Moran.
Act 2 here by the brilliant Giggly-Squiggly!!!
Tw: None.
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It had been a couple of days since the Moriarty household had finished up with hosting the dreaded tea party, and everything had settled down once again. Everything, except the troubles that swirled in William's mind.
The family of three brothers sat enjoying each other's company, along with Fred and Moran whilst Jack was busy elsewhere. William turned the page in his newspaper looking up as Moran stood, pulling his coat over his shoulders.
"Right. I'd best be off then. Got a few errands to run before dinner." He announced, tugging gently on Fred's coat sleeve to get him out of his seat. "Thanks for the tea, Louis. William, Albert." He gave a nod to each brother before turning to leave.
As he did, William stared, an image flashing in his mind. Moran left him. That day, at the tea party. He turned his back and left him to flounder at the mercy of those desperately flirtatious women. He left him. How dare he!
On the surface, William was calm. Composed. He even offered a friendly smile as his friend left to continue his duties, but beneath that cool exterior, a storm was brewing. A plot for revenge. No one betrays William James Moriarty. No one.
Later that same evening, before dinner was prepared, William approached Moran in the hallway, a look of seriousness on his face. "Moran. I have something to discuss with you in my private study if you could meet me there in five minutes, I have something important to discuss." He spoke quietly, earning a professional nod of acknowledgement from the other.
"Am I to bring the others?"
"No. Come alone. This only requires you." William gave a reassuring smile, heading off towards his study to prepare.
Exactly five minutes later, Moran arrived outside William's study, knocking on the door. "William. It's Moran... I'm coming in." He opened the door, seeing William sitting at his desk inside.
"Close the door, please. And have a seat." William ordered, smiling softly as he watched Moran do so. So far, it didn't look like his friend suspected a thing. Why would he? William was his trusted boss and friend.
"So, Moran, I trust that you enjoyed your time at the tea party we hosted a couple of days back?" He asked, standing up once Moran was seated, moving to pour the two of them a drop of whisky. Moran watched him, smiling fondly at the memory of all those lovely ladies gathered in one place, not to mention the few who were fawning over him as he stood in the garden.
"Aye, sir. It was an entertaining affair." He chuckled, taking the drink as William handed it to him. The blonde hummed, taking a sip of his own.
"I'm glad you found it so enjoyable. I do hope the job you were given wasn't too taxing."
"Of course not, William. It was a piece of cake."
William set his drink down, standing behind his tall friend as his tone changed. "Piece of cake, you say? Then, do tell me, friend, why is it that you neglected to assist me in my time of need?"
"Sir?" Moran raised a brow, not quite catching on.
"When that woman was viciously flirting with me during my advice hearing. You saw my suffering and turned your back on me. Did you not?"
Moran froze up. How could he forget. "I-I't wasn't meant to be malicious, sir. I just-"
"Just what? You weren't actually fit to help your boss when required and lied to me about your capabilities? Or is it that you left me to undergo such torment on purpose? Mutiny, essentially." William cracked his knuckles as Moran gulped.
"No sir, I wasn't intending to-"
"You really did turn your back on me, Moran. Which was your first and last mistake!" In a flash, William dove upon Moran's sides, squeezing a massaging his fingers into the well-toned muscle, a wicked grin on his cheeks.
"Now you will-... Wh-?" William's smile faded when he got no reaction from his attack. Not even a flinch? How is he not laughing? It's like he just turned off all his nerve endings. Like he's made of stone or something! "How- Uh!" His blood ran cold when he looked up, seeing Moran's playful, smug grin and vengeful side-eye.
"Oooh, you are a scary one. Ain't ya, Lord of Crime?" He grinned, standing from his chair and calmly leaning over William to put his drink on the desk behind him. "Yep, you sure taught me a lesson."
The smaller blonde took a step back, bumping into his desk as his hitman towered over him. "I-I was only having a laugh, Moran. You know I would never truly be hurt by something so trivial." This was true. Of course William was only playing. But Moran didn't look satisfied with this excuse.
His grin softened as he grabbed Williams's wrists, holding them over his head with ease. "My turn~" He jeered, bringing his free hand to William's stretched-out ribs, starting to lightly pinch up and down his slender frame.
Each squeeze earned a hiccup-like squeak from the Lord of Crime as he flinched and jumped at the tickly zaps that sent shivers down his spine.
"Wait! Mor-Aha! I didn't Hah! Let me explAHAin! Stahap!" He blushed, embarrassed by how easily he was reduced to a giggly mess, with the defence of a wet napkin. He was so glad he shut the door, lest some prying eyes fall upon the scene. "Stahap it, Moran!"
His pleading only seemed to egg the hitman on, switching from small squeezes to continuous drilling between and on the sensitive bone. "Oh come on now, William. You should know better than to try something like that on me."
"I-I'm sahaharry! Ahaha! Nohoho!" Will gasped as he managed to slip his wrists free, making a break for the door. Just too slow. He felt the large hand of his attacker grab his shoulder, pulling him back before wrapping his arms around William's stomach, lifting him clear from the ground with ease.
"Pardon my roughness, Sir. But I can't let you go just yet." Moran grinned, shaking his fingers into William's sides, chucking as he listened to his loud, boyish laughter.
"Wahahait! Oho lord- Ahaha! Mohoran! AHA!" He grabbed and pushed on Moran's python-like grip, desperate to wriggle free from the ticklish prison. It was no use, nothing could escape the gargoyles grasp once you became ensnared in it.
"Plehehease! AHAHA!" His laughter turned to bubbly, chirping, giggling as Moran's hands started shaking into his tummy. "Ehehehe! N-Not thehere!"
"Not there?" Moran raised a brow, shifting his hands further up and sinking into the poor man's underarms instead. "How about here? Is this better, sir?" He teased, gasping as he narrowly missed a kick to the bollocks as William flailed.
"GYAHAHAHA! Nooo! AhahaAHA! P-Plehease! Oh lohord!"
"Tickle, tickle, tickle, William~ To think, you would have me suffering the same if you could. How cruel of you." Morans mocking tone only made things worse for William.
"AHAHAHHAHAAA! P-Please forgihihive meee! HAHA!" That was twice Moran almost had his jewels booted, time to change again. He set William down, quickly straddling his hips, pinning him on his back.
"No! Nononono! Wahait!"
William fought off his hands with his killer precision, but the ghost tickles were too much of a distraction and he was soon under attack again. This time Moran pinned one arm up, clawing mercilessly at the sensitive underarm as William tried in vain to defend himself.
"AAAAH! Moran! I-I'll do anythihing! Plehehease!" The boy's cheeks were red as the roses that bloomed in the garden, and wet with mirthful tears as he howled with laughter.
"Oooh, anything? Hmm... Nah." This man was evil. He just wanted to make William regret trying to attack him. His hands switched back to William's sides, shaking in vigorously as he smirked teasingly.
"Morahahan! Th-This is ridihiculous!"
"You started it!"
"A-Ahalright!" William snorted. "I-I give in! Plehehase!"
"Well, since you asked nicely." Moran smiled, patting William's cheek as he stopped his attack, still sitting upon his boss's lap. "Hehe, look at you." He smirked, referring to William's tangled hair and wrinkled shirt collar.
"I-Ihihi... I'll have to tidy... mysehelf before... Dinner."
Moran nodded, starting to poke at the tired assassin's tummy as he spoke. "Look, William, you know I respect you. Hell, I'd give my life for you. But I'm afraid when it comes to tickling, I just can't let you walk away from an attempt on me like that." He chuckled, watching him twitch and bat at his poking hand.
"Ohokay! Stop, stop... Haha... I'll remember that..." William chuckled, taking Moran's hand as he helped him up.
"There is only one man who knows how to beat me in a war of tickles. And I'm afraid he ain't you. Better luck next time though." The large man grinned, patting his friend's hair before leaving the room, winking as he shut the door behind him.
William thought for a moment. One man who knows how to beat him. Who could that be? The cogs were turning in William's mind again. There was definitely going to be a round two.
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lovelynim · 2 years
All I Want for Christmas Is...
Squealing Santa 2022 Moriarty The Patriot - Sherlock x William
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A/N: Merry Christmas @italeean​!! I’m your @squealing-santa​​ this year, hehe, are you surprised? As much as I want you to have an amazing holiday, I hope you enjoy this fic and that it ended up like you wanted~ 
Also, I’d like to thank @hypahticklish​ for being an amazing host and for all the hard work! Wish you a Merry Christmas as well!
Summary: While decorating the house for Christmas, Sherlock notices something is off and helps William cheer up ~
Word Count: 1694 words
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Sherlock pressed his eyes close before slowly opening them, blinking a few times as he tried to adjust his sight to the dim brightness of the room. The detective shifted his position on the couch, moving his body under the blanket as he tried to get a glimpse of what surrounded him.
He had spent another night in William’s place. After managing to find him and make contact with the professor once again, visiting him was almost a habit of his by now. However, due the distance between the two of them, he would end up having to stay overnight before going back to England and, as an excuse to stay at the professor’s place, he would always claim to forget booking a room in a local hotel or inn.
This time, in particular, he was staying way longer than just a few days. All under the saying that “no one should spend Christmas alone” and making sure the blonde would understand that also applied to him.
As he sat down on the couch, Sherlock scratched the back of his head, trying to understand the scene around William's living room. Boxes and bags all over the place, some opened and empty, some still closed. He moved his head from one side to the other, scanning the place and, then, he spotted it: a tall and fairly large Christmas tree standing next to one of the corners of the room.
Were all these boxes and the tree enough to make him question what was going on, Sherlock stopped the professor, sitting next to the tree while he slowly hung small decorations on the lower branches, humming a song as his fingers carefully did the work.
“Liam?” Sherlock muttered shocked, doubting the reality before his eyes. Regardless of his surprise, the detective couldn’t help but smile as the blonde looked at him for a moment, staring at him for a few seconds before looking back at the tree again.
“I see you are already awake, my friend,” William commented, trying to feign ignorance and acting like Sherlock wasn’t glaring at the scene as an excited puppy.
“And I thought you didn’t like Christmas,” the other continued, not paying attention to the attempt of changing the topic and starting to inspect the work he had already done on some other branches, gently moving his hand between the decorations. William, on the other side, tried to keep his reactions low, but a proud smile managed to slip through his control, already feeling praised by Sherlock’s awe.
Taking a moment before looking up, William waited for Sherlock to finish the inspections before speaking. “I never said I didn’t like Christmas, I just told you I wasn’t going to do anything just for myself,” the professor lowered his eye, looking at the snowman decoration he had between his fingers, carefully pulling the string to hang it on the tree, “but since you don’t seem to be leaving anytime soon, I thought it would be a good idea to prepare something.”
“Hah, well, I’m impressed, Liam,” Sherlock chuckled, “maybe surprised would be a better definition. When did you have time to prepare all that?”
“Oh, don’t you waste your flattering words on me, it’s not like it’s ready. In fact, I started setting it up not long ago. I had to be careful to not be noisy and end up waking you up,” he added, picking another decoration up and, then, choosing a branch to place it.
That sentence made a pinch of embarrassment spark inside Sherlock for some reason, but the detective quickly shrugged it off, deciding to join his friend. The detective walked away for a second and reached for one of the closed boxes, opening it with ease before bringing it back with him, closer to the tree. “Let me help you, then,” Sherlock muttered, picking up one of the decorations.
As if expecting this kind of behavior from the other, the blonde simply smiled and remained quiet. ‘Predictable’, he thought to himself, now getting on his knees instead of sitting down on the floor, so he could reach some higher places.
The two men continued to work in a comfortable silence. Other than a few words such as “can you toss that to me?” or “can you hold this for me?”. the two of them didn’t say much to each other while that simple tree slowly became a Christmas one.
As they were closer to finishing the decorations, Sherlock decided to try to break the ice again and start another conversation with William. “Is it the first time you decorate a tree like this?”
“Of course not,” the blonde muttered, looking at the detective with the corner of his eyes. “When I was a kid, my brothers and I used to do this every year. Decorate the tree, the house… even write letters and leave cookies for Santa. Albert insisted that we should keep decorating our place each year, so I suppose they might have done it this year too.”
“It must’ve been adorable,” Sherlock muttered, with an amused smile on his face.
“I beg your pardon?” William said back, a hint of a mischievous intention in his voice, as if he wanted to make the other aware that he was loud enough for him to hear his words.
“You, Liam,” but, much to the professor’s surprise, his words didn’t make the detective take his statement back or flustered him in any way. In fact, it only made him shamelessly complete the sentence, “you, as a kid, must have been adorable.”
William looked away after the compliment, avoiding eye contact with the other man as he finished hanging the last decoration. The action didn’t pass unnoticed to Sherlock, who raised his eyebrows in surprise.
With the last piece in place, William took a few steps back to admire the tree, from the bottom to the top.
“There is one thing left to do,” Sherlock said, breaking the silence and already standing next to William, with a golden star in his hands, waiting for the professor to pick it up. And so he did.
After approaching the tree and getting on the tip of his toes, he carefully moved his arms up, using both hands to slowly place the star on top of the tree. Such a simple act, yet, so many memories came back to his head at that moment. The sight of him and his brothers playing together, opening up the gifts… for a moment, a sad smile took place in William’s face. And that slight and small act didn’t go unnoticed. Thanks to Sherlock, the peace and nostalgic feeling of that moment didn’t last long.
Before William could process, a pair of hands climbed up from his sides to his ribs, making the blonde shoot his arms down in reflex to the feeling.
“Come on, you should be happy, we did it! Why aren’t you smiling, Liam? ~” Sherlock spoke, louder than he probably should, before bringing William down to the floor with him as his fingers tweaked and poked his ribs.
“Shehe-Sherlohock!! WhahAHat- nohOho, lehehet go!” William protested, trying to somehow get a hold on the detective’s wrists, jumping and squirming on top of the other’s lap like a live fish out of the water. What an embarrassing sight, he thought while giggles kept coming out of his mouth.
But the detective gladly ignored the request, trying to press his fingers a little to move in between each bone, moving one leg over Willian’s to keep the other in place as he continued to tickle him. “Oh please, isn’t this better than keeping frowning all the time?”
Sherlock had to be careful to not get hit as William threw his head back in laughter, but smiled fondly when he noticed how the professor was slowly stopping to resist, letting a more carefree laugh while one of the detective’s hands traveled down to tickle his side again.
“I wahAHahasn’t f-frohow- ahaha, plehehease!” The blonde cried out, pressing his arms against his torso as much as he could to try to stop Sherlock from moving his fingers further up. He greeted his teeth in an attempt to hold his laughter, turning his face away from the detective. “E-enohOHohough!”
“I’m not sure… For me, you still look kind of sad, look, you even have watery eyes,” he teased, having to pull William back into his lap as the other was almost managing to squirm away. Once he was back into his reach, the detective brought both his hands back to the blonde’s stomach, resuming to tickle him.
“I’m n-not sahaAHad!” William protested, but all he could hear was a little chuckle coming from behind and not a single sign that the tickling was about to stop.
Sherlock’s fingers eventually managed to find their way inside William’s shirt, gently dragging his nails over the skin of his lower stomach and, consequently, melting the other into a puddle of renewed laughter.
As the minutes passed by, a reddish tone took over the professor’s face, lacking strength to keep squirming and fighting back. Also aware of these details, Sherlock did his part and eased the tickling, leaving the other lightly giggling on his lap.
“I’m not sure… if this is the right thing to say”, Sherlock broke the “silence”, tilting his head to look at William and moving his hands away, “but I’m glad to be able to spend this time with you, I mean… by ourselves.”
“Despite your peculiarities,” William chuckled at his ironic comment, sitting down and taking a deep breath before continuing, “I’m thankful for having you here. But it’s still a shame that I didn’t have time to look for a proper gift,” he muttered, looking at the detective and smiling.
The last part earned another laugh from Sherlock, who shook his head and approached him, pulling him into a hug, “Oh, please, that’s easy. All I want for Christmas is… you, Liam”, he finished, with a cheeky smile.
“Where did that even come from?” The blonde giggled, slowly wrapping his arms around the other.
“From a song I heard somewhere… Merry Christmas, Liam.”
“Merry Christmas, Sherlock.”
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italeean · 2 years
Returning with the hcs, but I currently have a brainrot of Louis and William because I love them so much ☹️
- Louis gets tickled the most out of the two, even as a kid
- Whenever Louis feels unworthy, William loves to tickle him and to reassure him that his older brother cares much for him, Louis literally passes away because he appreciates his brother so much
- Back when Albert took them in, when no one was around in or near their room they'd have tickle fights and sometimes Albert would visit them to see how they were doing but they'd just be asleep next to eachother because they made eachother so tired 🥺
- William lightly teases Louis about Sherlock sometimes , and Louis tries to look angry and all but literally can't because he's also gently being wrecked by his brother
- Louis sometimes gets revenge by the reasoning being William not taking care for himself or for him getting Louis all the time, and despite him being a pretty quiet and serious person,, he knows how to make his brother beg for mercy and how to tease!!
- ynm anon <3
YESSSS MORE HCS 😻 I'll never stop repeating it: THIS. ANIME. DESERVES. MORE. ATTENTION!!
Anyway, I'll comment them in order, one by one ^_^
Absolutely yes, lee Louis is just too precious and makes way too much sense
AAAAAAAAHHH THAT WOULD BE SO FUNNY 😹 But then Albert would tuck them in and the scenario would take a wholesome turn 🥺 Also, what if one day he manages to catch them? He'd obviously get dragged into the playfight, and he would understand what it means to really be part of a loving family 😭 William and Louis would definitely go easy on him the first time, since Albert wasn't used to being t-worded, but once the older one really gets into it, they'll both find themselves at his mercy. And after that, the three of them would fall asleep together. Albert would probably get scolded in the morning for sleeping and socializing with the two orphans, but it'd be worth it. And he would probably do that again the following night ❤️
Trying to look angry while laughing?? Yeah, Louis would do that. He'd try so hard to keep his quiet and serious demeanor, but William is so good at wrecking him that it's pointless
Okay this one kinda made me shiver a bit. As someone who constantly scolds people for not taking care of themselves and then doing worse than them when it comes to me, I can't not love this trope 🥺😅 Also, I don't think Louis talks that much while wrecking William. He would just ignore him most of the time to annoy him a bit more, and he would make comments here and there, but always as if he was talking to himself. Like, imagine a ler silently destroying you, only focused on their job... wouldn't it be maddening? Or is it just me? >//////////<
Aaaand that's it. Thanks for providing us with your adorable ideas once more!! Un ottimo lavoro come sempre 💚🤍❤️ (A great job as always)
Also tagging @wertzunge because I know he'd like to read those as well ^_^
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ayo-edebiri · 8 months
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The “Abbott Elementary” Cast Answers Burning Questions | IMDb
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18catsreading · 10 months
Aabria: lair action
Jasper: oh, it's okay
Aabria: huh?
Jasper: it's okay, you don't have to do that
Aabria: I don't have to?
[Brennan laughing]
Izzy: we're good
Siobhan: no, thank you
Aabria: that threw me off so fucking much.
Brennan: the authority of, I was like, like that, whatever that was made me be like [imitating a ear piece call]: Aabria, Jasper says no on that
Aabria: yeah yeah, oh I'm so, can you tell him I'm so sorry--
Erika: it's the accent
Aabria: yeah, fucking British accent cinders authority
Jasper: came from such a deep sense of fear. That was where I was coming from
Siobhan! Yes, exactly, the accent. It comes from a deep sense of fear
Brennan: I've never seen someone who's being faced with death and ruin with a voice of like [calmly]: I'm gonna send this back to the kitchen because this was not very good
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seanflnnerty · 11 months
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counterspelling · 1 year
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Endless Burrow's End
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hazeofhearts · 10 months
witnessing the most horrifying atrocities and then experiencing whiplash from the funniest thing you’ve ever seen is just part of the d20 experience
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dachshund-games · 10 months
Imagine you're a kid at oxford in 1983 and you're walking to class one day and you see a stoat from Ukraine (who has a higher GPA than you) squeeze past you to get to class with a little backpack on. Wild.
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silveryinkystar · 9 months
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Say hi, ___!
[ID in alt text]
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trashyswitch · 2 years
Day 30: Halloween Party/Costumes
Henry and William decided to host a Halloween party for Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. But things don't entirely go to plan...not for William, anyway...
“LADIES AND GENTLEMAN, BOYS AND GIRLS!” Freddy yelled for the kids to hear. “WELCOME TO THE FREDDY FAZBEAR’S HALLOWEEN CONCERT!” Freddy yelled next. 
All the kids screamed and cheered in response. It was Halloween, and all the kids were wearing their Freddy Fazbear & Friends costumes. Lots of girls were wearing their yellow “LET’S EAT!!!” shirts, while tons of boys were wearing their Bonnie t-shirts. Other kids wore their Foxy masks with a fake hook to hold onto, and other kids were wearing black bow ties and big Freddy tophats. 
“Hey Freddy, why are all the concerts named after you?” Chica asked. “Even the band is named after you!” 
“Because I’m the leader!” Freddy replied. 
“But why? Why can’t we have the Bonnie Concert? Or the Chica’s Concert?” Bonnie asked. 
“Or the Foxy & Friends Halloween Concert?” Foxy asked. 
William and Henry smiled as they watched the concert in the back. Henry was wearing a Freddy outfit, consisting of a top hat, a bow tie, a Freddy T-Shirt, brown pants, and brown shoes. Meanwhile, William was wearing a makeshift Bonnie costume. He was wearing a blue shirt, a red bowtie, bunny ears, light blue pants, and light blue sneakers. they weren't the greatest costumes in the world, but it was close enough. 
The truth is, Henry and William had both been up since 5:30am, trying to set up this one single night. So if it ends up going completely wrong, they only have themselves to blame. 
Freddy chuckled. “So, you would want it to be called the Foxy, Freddy, Chica and Bonnie Halloween Concert?” Freddy asked. 
“How about the Foxy, Chica and Bonnie Halloween Concert?” Foxy asked. 
Freddy gasped and looked at the kids with his mouth wide, in surprise. The kids were all laughing. 
“Listen! They want Freddy in the title too!” Freddy added. 
“But why? Freddy is SOOOO overrated.” Chica teased. 
The kids just HOWLED with laughter. 
William chuckled in the back. “Good idea for the call out, Henry.” William replied. 
“Thanks!” Henry replied. “I’m really proud of that.” 
“Alright. I think what the kids want are some songs!” Freddy declared. 
“HERE WE GOOO! A 1, 2, 3, 4!” Foxy yelled, clicking the drumsticks together on beat. Foxy, Chica, and Bonnie all started playing their preferred instruments, while Freddy waited for his moment to start singing. 
William smiled and started to nod his head to the rock song. This song was one of his favorite songs from the Freddy Fazbear Band’s soundtrack. 
While William watched with pride, Henry was silently smirking to himself as he tried to keep himself from giving away his secret. He just had to wait for a certain part of the concert…
3 Songs Later:
Henry smiled and lifted his chin with a smirk as the song ended. 
All the kids cheered as both the men headed up to the stage in their costumes. 
“Thank you, Freddy.” Henry said. 
“...And Bonnie, and Foxy, and Chica-” William added. 
Henry chuckled. “Right, right…” Henry added. “We are here to announce the introduction of more animatronics!” Henry told them. 
The kids cheered and screamed out of excitement. 
“They’re big, they love the spotlight, and they love performing for children like you all!” Henry declared. 
William smiled. “Introducing: Golden Freddy and Golden Bonnie!” William declared. 
The curtains rose, and a spotlight lit up the big, golden, brand new golden animatronics. The kids squealed and cheered excitedly. They looked incredible, and so new! Even the parents were thoroughly impressed! For the 1980’s, they looked amazing!
But then…Someone started walking up. 
“Excuse me, Mr. Afton:” Freddy Fazbear said. 
William widened his eyes and turned around. He slightly jumped as he realized he was incredibly close to him, and bigger than he remembered. “Uuuuh…Yes, Freddy?” William replied, unsure what was going on. 
“Are you replacing us?” Freddy asked. 
The kids gasped. 
“Uh oh…” Someone said. 
“That’s not good…” Another kid said. 
“Don’t replace Freddy!” Yet another kid yelled. 
William gulped. “N-No. I’m not replacing you. What would make you think I’m replacing-” 
Bonnie, Foxy, and Chica all walked closer to William. 
“Yooouuuuu…Hehehe…What’s going on, guys?” William asked, nervously chuckling. “I’m not gonna replace you. I would never replace you guys.” William told them, tapping Freddy’s shoulder. William winced and hissed as he pulled his hand back and flopped it around. “Ow…” 
Freddy chuckled and picked up William. “Come here, Mr. Afton.” Freddy said. 
William yelped and tried to get out of Freddy’s grip. “Hey- Let me go!” William yelled. “Why are you even doing this?! We’re in the middle of a concert!” 
Bonnie smiled. “Since he decided to dress up as me, can I hold him?” Bonnie asked. 
William bit his lip. “Uh-” 
“Sure you can!” Freddy replied happily. Freddy put William into Bonnie’s grasp with a big, innocent smile. “Here you go!” 
“Thank you!” Bonnie replied. 
“Now: WHAT SHOULD WE DO TO MR. AFTON?” Freddy asked the audience. 
A bunch of kids all called out different things, turning the room into a collection of confusing chatter for a few seconds. 
Henry smirked as he piped up. “I have an idea.” 
Freddy turned to Henry. “Tell us your idea, Mr. Emily!” 
“Tickle him.” Henry told them. 
A bunch of the audience let out audible “Huh?”s in response, having not heard him properly. 
Freddy smiled excitedly as he brought his microphone up to Henry’s mouth. “Say it again!” 
Henry smiled as he leaned into the microphone. “Tickle him.” 
William widened his eyes. “Wait, WHAT?!” William yelled, squirming even more. “NO! You are NOT TICKLING ME!” William warned. 
The kids, even some of the adults laughed at the idea. 
“YEEESSS!” The kids all yelled in a collection of voices. 
Freddy smiled as he turned to look at William. “THEY SAID IT! YOU HEARD THEM! IT’S TIME TO TICKLE MR. AFTON!” Freddy declared. 
Henry grabbed a clip-on microphone and connected it to William’s shirt collar. While Henry was right in front of him, William started begging and protesting. “Henry, what is going on? Why are they doing this? Please get me out of here, before they kill me!” William begged. 
Henry put his hand on the switch to turn it on. “Just go for it. Have some fun. And for heaven sakes, let yourself go for the audience.” Henry encouraged. 
“How do they even know how to do this?” William asked. 
Henry smiled. “I’ll explain a little later. Alright?” Henry said as he turned on the microphone. 
“What? But-” William went silent the moment he realized his microphone was on, and the whole room could hear him. 
Bonnie smiled and started tickling William’s sides right away. 
“OHNO-“ William yelled, trying to keep himself from laughing, despite Henry’s words ringing in his ear. 
“Come on, William..:laugh!” Bonnie told him. 
Freddy smiled. “Yeah! We all know you’ll feel better if you laugh.” Freddy replied. 
All the kids started chanting the word ‘Laugh’ over and over again. 
Meanwhile, Henry’s words kept echoing in William’s head:
“…let yourself go for the audience.” Henry’s previous words reminded him. 
After a few more seconds, William decided that fine…if it’s laughter they want, it’s laughter they’ll get. 
Bonnie smirked and wiggled his index finger into William’s right lower rib. And that’s when the dam broke open.
“WHOHOHOHAHAHAhahahaha! Ohohokahahay, yohohou mahahade me lahahaugh! Ihihi’m lahahaughihihihing! Seehehehee?” William told them. 
Freddy smirked. “Perhaps we should make him laugh MORE!” Freddy decided. 
The audience of kids all cheered and laughed as they watched. 
Bonnie smiled as he raised William’s arms above his head. “Hey Chica! Can you tickle his armpits for me?” Bonnie asked. 
“Sure!” Chica replied. 
Chica walked up in between Bonnie and William, and started skittering her big yellow fingers on his armpits. 
William squealed and threw his head back as he laughed and giggled. “HEHEHehehehey! Nohohohoho fahahahahair!” William laughed. 
The kids were all having a blast watching this. The parents seemed to be enjoying this too. It was funny to see the creators so passionate in their art..,and so committed to entertaining their rambunctious children. 
“Life’s not fair, Mr. Afton. You know that.” Chica added. 
William just kept on laughing. It was strange being tickled by such strong animatronics. No one has ever been tickled by any robots before! 
Well…Not that he knew of…
William was tickled for a little longer before they decided to stop. Bonnie stopped tickling and went back to holding onto him, while Chica also stopped tickling him and used her apron to wipe the sweat off his face. Freddy grabbed William some water, before going back to the front of the stage. 
“With Mr. Afton calming down, We still have 3 more songs to go!” Freddy declared. 
“PUT YOUR HANDS TOGETHER, AND GET READY TO ROOOOOCK!!” Foxy yelled. “A 1, 2, 3, 4!” He clicked the drumsticks together on the beat, before hitting the drums alongside the guitar and bass. 
Meanwhile, Henry was looking after William backstage. 
“Okay…What the heck happened?” William asked. 
“I…” Henry started. 
“Those kids…Oh my gosh…Which kid wanted me to get tickled?!” 
“I have no idea, William. But boy, was it hilarious.” Henry admitted. 
“Sure…For you, maybe.” William muttered as he drank another gulp of water. 
“And not for you?” Henry asked, smirking as he crossed his arms. 
“I-...No!” William replied. “Why would I ever enjoy such a thing?” William asked. 
Henry chuckled and poked William in the side. “You hesitated, Afton.” Henry told him. 
William jumped and glared at Henry. “No. I didn’t.” William said through his teeth. 
“I won’t tell.” Henry told him next. 
“Tell what?!” Will asked. 
“That you like being tickled!” Henry replied. 
“I do NOT!” William argued. 
“Oh really?~” Henry reacted. 
“You so much as raise your finger…And I will destroy you.” William warned. 
Henry just laughed at him, while William smiled slightly as he watched Henry laugh. It was…nice to see him laugh at him. 
But…How did the animatronics know about- 
William widened his eyes. Wait…Teach?! 
Did- Did Henry- Did he- 
Oh, he is SO DEAD! 
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draculasdaughterrr · 2 months
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silence of the lambs (1991), dir. jonathan demme
se7en (1995), dir. david fincher
longlegs (2024), dir. oz perkins
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set-wingedwarrior · 6 days
We have news about the music
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doreensladle · 10 months
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captions slay as always
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melting-abs · 2 months
fat ray 33
Olympics are starting tonight ! Would need à fat ray to really enjoy it
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