#// actually here is a brand new post for our rp
mabelskins · 2 years
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how to design: guidebooks
Okay, so I’ll just be straight forward, there will be little about coding here and way more about the look, mental models and navigation design tips to make your guidebook more effective. After navigating a few rp sites and making MANY mistakes with guidebooks, I decided to make my own guide to making effective guidebooks for your rp site with all that I’ve learned. 
First of all, let’s do some thinking here. The guidebook is the first place the players will be looking at on your website to decide whether or not they will be playing. Usually there is A LOT of information, about the settings, factions, powers, you name it. From a player's perspective, it's usually pretty overwhelming and exciting to go through this brand new universe they are emerging to. So it’s our job to make this experience as easy as possible. 
How do we do that? Well, it’s mostly about navigation. How will you decide to guide your users through the site? What visual cues will you be giving them? 
When it comes to online navigation, its very similar to navigating yourself through a physical place. You will usually use landmarks, visual cues, and signage. You will need to understand three things: where you were, where you are and where you want to be. Google maps is great at that, making it so easy that you can use the tiny dot to know which direction you are going (which is a life saver for someone like me who has no sense of direction).
What does that mean in a web scenario? Here are my five tips on making better designs:
Link states
Different states for left menu links (default, hover and active) will help the user understand where he is and where they can click next, making it look interactive and clickable. Something as simple as making active links bold or a different colour goes a long way.
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Buttons & Spacing
Have you got buttons within the pages? Links that connect to the fc page or other pages within the website? Make them stand out! Sometimes, links get lost because they look too much like a simple text. So instead of blending it into the text, make that link stand out. You can do it by adding an underline (if you want to be subtle) or make the link look like an actual button. 
Also, don’t forget to give proper spacing. Sometimes when there’s a lot of content, we feel the need to cram it all up to make it fit - but that can be confusing to the user. Make sure you provide enough space around the links and buttons to make them distinguishable and easy to read. 
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Other navigation Methods
Sometimes there is just a LOT of information. I mean a lot, and I’m always so impressed about how detailed some universes are - it's amazing. So, if that’s the case, perhaps consider other navigation methods, such as breadcrumbs, top navigation or a sub navigation bar. You may even go as far as drop-downs. Just remember to keep it consistent (more about that below) so the user always knows how to go around.
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Stick with familiar locations! This one I haven’t seen a lot, but thought I’d include. Don’t make the users relearn how to navigate! Stick to familiar locations - if you are trying to innovate, think of other ways that can help the user instead of confusing them. Top and left navigation are the most used for guidebooks.
Consistency and organisation
Last but not least. The way the information is organised is VERY important. I cannot emphasise this enough. The left navigation bar should always be the same, the items shouldn’t change and there should be clear indicators in the headings to show where the users are and how to go back. Headings should be the same all around. So, this one goes to both coders and site staff - organise your material. The hierarchy and grouping of the content will help to determine the structure of your guidebook.
That’s it! I hope you find this useful, and if you’d like more posts like this let me know - what kind of content would you like to see on how to design?
Any questions, ask box is always open! Would love to hear from other coders what their thoughts and tips are too <3
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tibibibi · 1 month
hey all, brand new baby blog here. coming from a different site but with roughly 15 years of experience under my belt. 25+, est, discord only.
going to try and keep this search short and sweet. looking for one, maybe two 1x1s where any potential partners are also 25+ to fill my roster. happy to rp, happy to ooc chat, happy to do anything in between. see below the cut for more info.
first and foremost, i will NOT be fast. i might be fast. i might even be real fast sometimes. but i can't make any concrete promises as to my activity levels. i'm around to chat and exchange hcs/inspiration/etc. more often than not, but not always available to bang out a post. life's busy, what can i say.
actually, here's what i can say: i'm a good writer and i've got the samples to prove it. click here to see them for yourself. keep in mind these are all from a bygone era where i had a lot more time to write. nowadays, i'm looking to keep replies at a dynamic ~200ish words.
i gravitate more towards descriptions than face claims. i prefer f/m or m// with no real preference between the two. i can play a variety of gender identities but most often use cis male or female characters, again with no real preference between one or the other. the most important thing to me is plot/character dynamics. i'd love it if we could both play multiple characters and create a little world that can be our oyster where relationships are familial, platonic, and romantic.
now speaking of plots, my bread and butter is modern fantasy or post-apocalyptic settings. ask me about my ideas, or share yours with me! i can also do historical (ancient greece/rome, han china, edo japan, etc. just ask) if we're willing to look past the occasional anachronism. i typically whip characters up on the spot, but i have a handful tucked in my back pocket that are a little more fleshed out and can easily be inserted into majority of settings.
happy to hash things out and go in with as little or as much plotting as necessary. i'm a very 'yes, and—' partner; throw dynamics and tropes and what-have-you at me and the worst i can say is no. more likely than not, i'll join in the spitballing and we can spin something up together.
i have very few triggers and do not mind writing out nsfw content or fading to black. i only ask that things are balanced—there are plenty of other writers who seem more than happy to do smut 24/7. i'm not necessarily one of them lmao.
i think i've rambled on long enough, so feel free to reach out/interact if any of this piques your interest!
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taocc-updates · 17 days
Rant about taocc yayyy
I feel like taocc isn't taocc anymore, or atleast what it was made for/about. Now days we aren't doing silly or random rp's, we're doing fully fleshed out plans and having huge lore with past family's and remembering probably everything from before and after the headset. We remember everyone from our families to friends and even trips we had but mainly trauma for. Y'know. Lore purposes. Even then the characters aren't even tadc characters at this point, we have extreme resemblance or just complete humans at this point, any other cartnoonish or unrealistic characters that are left aren't or feel like they aren't important to taocc anymore (Bob, Sun, Neb, Kopi, Lantern, ect ect ect.). Also also, abstraction has pretty much never been a thing in taocc other than three times with Bob, Tiger, and Juko. Also also, we have full on other dimensions for some people or full on places that shouldn't exist from either no space on the digital island or because of they straight up kill/kidnap people (Home, that one repeated day place, kingdomquest ect) also also, the filter died a long time ago with the canon cast of Tadc. Also also, if you aren't rping with people you're talking with mods about life and interests which isn't bad that's a great factor but it just makes me feel like there's not enough rp that goes on even though there is and I'm just not seeing the blogs which the taocc updates blog doesn't fix anyways because not all of the mods know how/were invited to the blog, it's only main mods as I've been told they're called (me, Xeya, Hope, Jester, Soup, Elsie, Jeff).
Main point of all of this, I feel like the tadc part of taocc has been taken away and this place is just a fantasy rp that we've been saying is Tadc because of the branding. And for people that are new and just now seeing this RP group see all of this and think that we're too good for them because they're not only getting into the taocc group but they're trying to fit in which now days requires like alot of writing, well developed character, and a huge plan for this character that they're making. I feel like we should have an au or have some sort of limited time event for taocc that brings back the original taocc, atleast try to bring it back as best we can since most of the original mods are gone
You know, I’ve been thinking about this a decent bit lately, actually.
taocc is not what it started as, but the foundation is absolutely still there. C&A exists and is consistently important. Most of the base worldbuilding rules (moderator AI, abstraction, gimmicks, etc) are taken from TADC.
Also, side note, abstraction has been used TONS of times I’m sorry that’s literally just not true and I can list some, even if not everyone will know who/what I’m referring to. (Simon abstracted once, Mix got his wings from abstraction, Icia abstracted, Dusk nearly abstracted, sun abstracted once I think, alpen nearly abstracted once, Starro’s whole GIMMICK is based around abstraction, Achilles and Yume are stuck in half-abstraction, the list goes on!)
also also, taocc as we know it is a mash-together of 2 (maybe 3) different projects. To bring back the “original” taocc, we’d need to put those separations back into place, which is probably a bad idea.
is the worldbuilding a bit of a mess? Yes. Is it over complicated? Probably! Should we maybe work on putting that mess in order? Absolutely!
but I don’t think going backwards is a good idea, personally.
Edit: I almost forgot: as far as I can tell, every mod has access to this acct, it’s just that not all of them post here much.
Also, Kopi is still super important, and still the pink menace of all time.
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masschase · 1 year
chase, i am once again in your ask box begging for lore.
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18 and 23 for the ask meme if you haven’t done them and i hope you have the best day today :3
I'm so sorry this took 2 days! My brain just didn't seem able to finish 🥲
Ask me about muh girlie
18. What was your character’s presidency like? How did they campaign?
OK I'll start with her campaign.There were huge calls for the person who disabled the nuke to be the President at first.
The tv cut to news footage of the Boss on the screen, still in her suit in the slightly destroyed Oval Office being hounded by press. "I'm sure you'll get to know me soon enough. For now, just know this. I'm the leader of the Saints. If you've ever doubted us or our brand in the past, remember this: I just saved the BLEEP world BLEEPs. So you better show us some BLEEEEP respect.". The news cut to footage of crowds chanting while the anchor spoke again. "People are calling for the leader of the Saints to enter the running as President- if we can only get a hold of them..."
Pierce, Shaundi and Kinzie meet Casey in DC the following day and set up a press conference for the day after that. Funnily enough they do discuss the possibility of Pierce posing as the leader but he declines for personal reasons mostly regarding his sexuality and his overall safety. Casey decides she's just going to have to go for it and they talk about the angle they're going to take.
She thought for a second. "Is there any chance they're gonna buy that I'm a sweet wholesome Michigan girl?" Pierce raised an eyebrow. "Absolutely zero." he confirmed. "Yeah, I thought so..." she mused, thinking to herself again.
They decide they have a better chance at going with strength. Power. The fact that the Boss is not afraid to get her hands dirty to get shit done.
Unfortunately, the media manages to dig stuff up before the press conference. Kinzie was very thorough at encrypting Casey's name and real age (now 25) when she discovered them back in 2014. However there are pictures of her various aliases, her fake age (28, still too young to be president) and some of her exploits all over the news.
Pierce calls in a favour (he seems to "know a guy" in every city and I think we all know why) to makeover the Boss while he tries to persuade her to dress with a little more class, and eventually they give her a new image (something she mostly managed to swerve when the Saints hit fame by encouraging Pierce into the limelight.)
At the press conference they focus on strength, security, defense, and most importantly, finding ways to appeal to both sides. Overall the Saints policies are fairly left-wing, some more radical than the Dems but they pay lip service to the right too. I'm actually planning a post on this press conference soon; initially I was going to write it as a transcript but I find it way, way more interesting as a fully written piece because Casey's thoughts and feelings during in make it far more interesting. Here's a snippet.
"Yeah, sure, maybe I have been a little intense at times. But I'm not a violent person.". Hoo boy, that was hard to say with a straight face. All politicians lied though, right? She bit her lip a little but managed to compose herself a little. "I am not an attacker. I'm a defender, and I will stop at nothing to defend my country. I will kick terrorism's ass. I will beat poverty into submission. I will put a bullet in the gun violence in this country.". Ooh, she still really liked that part. She looked around at the approving crowd. "As for the most marginalised in our society... if you are downed... I will Pick. You. Back. Up. Again."
It's all ridiculously cheesy to be honest, but what else did you expect? The speech was written primarily by Pierce but with input from the other three (a bullet in gun violence was Shaundi's idea which means it was actually iamkinzie's idea in our rp) and Casey did ad-lib the odd part. She manages to deal with questions fairly well at the end, though the final one basically refers to her being spotted with women so she makes the decision to come out as bi and takes a clear pro LGBTQ+ stance (I can really see this appealing to some of the disillusioned Bernie Sanders fans). She relies on more platitudes to balance this out.
"If you have any kind of issue with this, I urge you to try and remember what country we are in. I want to ask you what freedom-" she emphasised. "'-means to you. Because the last I checked... this was America."
Cringe cringe. Yes a lot of this probably wouldn't work in real life. But c'mon guys she's a fucking Saints Row IV Boss. At times her tumblr version reaches full cartoon character. She had to win somehow, I'm just rationalising that the best I can. 🤣
The Saints were doing well for an independent, but overall it wasn't enough to swing things, even as late as mid-2016. They also still needed to do something about the age on the constitution. This is where the 4th July party came in. This is where the Saints manage to gain much of the support and investment needed to get the age changed as well as step up their campaigns for a greater share of votes.
This is also the same time the fake relationship for the media between Casey and Pierce began. The idea was to present it as a "we can't be public with this because of our work but awww we're secretly in love 👉👈" thing to cover up Pierce's then-closeted queerness and Casey's promiscuity, and they had relative success with it tbh.
I think it was never a dead cert, but once the amendment passed, it sent a very clear message they were likely to win. There was still a little uncertainty right up until Novemver. But they just about scraped the win.(woooo fuck Trump!)
The actual presidency? I think she was competent enough actually, at least with the team she had around her. I don't imagine the promised vision came around overnight, but they were getting there. Trouble was, she stopped giving a fuck about her public image. She started dressing more like herself, giving less of a fuck about speeches, put less effort into covering up the drinking, drugs and sex. Kind of leading into what we see in IV with the really low approval ratings.
Casey would not have gotten a second term. In the unlikely event she did, Pierce had already resigned effective then (he's already made it clear he's not her second in command anymore, and Kinzie and Oleg would've probably would've left together too.
If anything, this was why she had to spend much of Saints Row IV earning back her friends' respect.
23. How did you structure the series’ timeline for your character?
Ooh so I don't know if this means what is the timeline or why I chose the timeline? I have answered an ask on this before but I can't find the link and I love my timeline so always happy to talk about it 😊
2006: Saints Row, spread across the summer probably June-Aug/Sept? Obviously SRIV says "the Saints made themselves known to the world in 2006" or something to that effect, obviously the game came out in 2006 and I just think it is mostly agreed that's when that took place
2011: Saints Row 2, July/Aug to Oct. I can't see the coma being exactly 5 years and this too seems to take place over the summer. Fairly easy decision, I didn't use any particular dates from the game I don't think.
2012-2014: Saints rise to fame.
2014: Saints Row the Third: September-December. In-game news reports span autumn/winter.
2015: SRIV Zero Saints Thirty/disabling of the nuke. Probably around September/October time. This is when the presidential campaign starts. I decided on the date because SRTT dlc stuff is apparently the first half of 2015, and just to make the other dates work.
2016: Main past section of my fanfic in June/July. Casey elected President, November obviously. I think maybe it's implied in a jokey way that the Boss just fell into the job but then it's also clear they're still in their first term 5 years later so... really this makes sense and is in line with actual election dates.
2020: Main bulk of Saints Row IV. March-May. Obviously it needed to be before November and I'm not quite sure why I settled on March but yeah, earth was invaded by the Zin on the 3rd March. Just for fun, some of the character's rescue dates: 6th Mar-Casey 9th Mar- Matt 17th Mar- Shaundi 25th Mar- Pierce 15th Apr- Johnny So again it's not actually a full 5 years, but I feel like it's close enough that one would term it "5 years later"
2021: Gat out of Hell. Idk I felt like placing Kinzie's birthday in May and it fit for story reasons and stuff. I'm not the biggest fan of GOOH. On balance it does add some important stuff to my story but... meh.
2022: Start of my fanfic future section. (February) I feel like I could add more and more dates but as time goes on, the reasoning for where they're placed becomes more and more of a case of "because I said so" 🤣
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fleur1005 · 2 years
YiZhan Fandom Interview with Renren !!
In my attempt to sort out all the massive information that is generated almost daily in the BJYX fandom, I came up with an idea to interview prominent 🐢 for pointers, recommendations and advice as kind of a starter compilation kit for newbies.
Also, my intent is to provide some translations of the interviews (if you’re also interested in translating, let me know thru’ my twt acc below) for international fans and contribute my grain of salt to thin the language barriers and get to know more fans or simply, know your fave person in fandom.
With that being said, this is my first interview, so any constructive FB is welcome!
Thanks so very much for accepting my first ever interview, Renren 🙏
So, the first question is kind of a mandatory introduction.
Q. Please, tell us a bit about yourself. How you like to be called or how do you go by in this fandom and how long you’ve been in the swamp?
I’m Renren, but most folks call me Ren. I’m a fic writer and a szd shipper (which for new folks means I believe they’re actually in a relationship, this is also called being a tinhat lol).
I watched The Untamed in January 2021, and then watched the official BTS, and saw a shipper in the comments and was like “huh, people ship real people?” I was no stranger to shipping fictional characters (I’ve written Reylo before), but RPS was brand new to me. But the more I watched of the BTS and then the unofficial BTS, I was like, oh yeah, there’s something here. The cave BTS sealed it for me.
So, I’ve been in the pit since January/February 2021. I lurked for a long time, then joined fandom more actively in the fall of 2021, and started writing and released my first Yizhan fic in Jan 2022.
This is your first RPS? Wow, how cool is that? To debut with such a power couple! ☺️
Q. When you were a lurker, which SNS did you mostly use?
Which leads to the next question…
Q. Where are you most active/ favorite place to dabble in fandom-wise?
I lurked on tumblr mostly, and read Twitter without an account. I didn’t make one until August, and I don’t think I used it to post until September/October 2021.
I’m active most on Twitter, with Tumblr set up as my backup to Twitter.(@renren85105)
I’m also on AO3 as TheDevilandMrsRen.
By the way, you have very distinct profile pic (wyb with an octopus plushie on his head!). Did you always use it?? Is there a reason why you chose that? 🤭
I think I had a different one when I signed up, but I can’t remember it - I chose it because I like tentacles lol
As in a fic trope/kink? or something else? 😆
Both lol, I’ve always loved octopuses, I think they’re darling, but I also enjoy tentacles as a trope.
We’ll come to that later~~! There’s a question regarding that afterwards.
Q. What was your first drive/motivation to start writing about them? Would you share a link to your first fic?
It was Xiao Zhan’s lightsaber video!!! I had this idea for a Star Wars AU with the two of them, and it took me over body and soul and I finally had to write it. The first story I posted though was the first Golden Girls AU,
then the Star Wars AU came out a month later.
By the way, you guys have to go read Renren’s Golden Girls AU cos I can assure you, you are going to enjoy it SO much, if you haven’t already!!
So on to the next one!
Q. How many fics have you written so far? Which one is the one that you’re most fond of and why?
I’ve written 15 Yizhan fics so far, and drawn 10 mushroom fanarts! I’m not sure I can pick a favorite, but it’s between “Fireworks in the Stars” because it’s an original concept that I’ve been playing with for years and want to eventually write a full original novel with it, and “Houseboat of Love”, because I had so much fun with the exes-to-lovers concept. It was a bit angsty but I also wanted it to be a fun time with Xiao Zhan thirsting hard for his not-actually-ex-husband.
But I love everything I’ve published, if I don’t love it, I don’t release it.
I had totally missed that Renren’s mushroom posts are fanarts! I had to rush to see them and they are all SOSOSO Adorable, with capital A! The puns are sublime. I loved them all to bits and she has confirmed there’s more to come in the future!! Be on the look out, you guys!! 🥹🥹
Q. What’s your favorite trope to write/draw or a new one that want to try this year?
Oh, that’s hard! Because it’s different from my favorite tropes to read.
I really like to write getting together stories, especially if there is only one bed/they’re stuck together in some way.
But this is the year I’ll finally write tentacles, which is actually so much harder than I thought because a) I want to do it justice since I love it so much and b) there is SO MUCH choreography involved with all the extra limbs. You Belong in My Arms is my tentacle WIP, with chapter one out. Chapter one just has a cute octopus and tentacle kink, but no actual use of tentacles in a sexy way.
I will just restrain myself to say that Renren’s octopus is so cute like an underwater jianguo. I am hopelessly hooked to her fic that am anxiously looking forward to new chapters! But I digress…
Q. Are you bjyx, zsww or lsfy? Is this dynamic important to you when writing? (Or reading?)
So I am a bjyx-leaning lsfy. I enjoy reading everything, but I prefer writing bjyx or Yibo top lsfy.
That sounds like it’s the same thing, but the power dynamics are different between them (bjyx Yibo is IN CHARGE while it’s much more neutral in lsfy).
You mean like, Yibo makes the move? Or that he decides how he wants XZ?
Yeah, in BJYX makes most of the decisions, he’s very dominant in the bedroom and outside of it.
I like strong Yibo, indeed 😏
Q. What’s your most fave 🍬? Have you written about it? Where do you get most of your 🍬 sources?
My most favorite candy is the tattoo cpn! I have used it, most literally in an unreleased work, but I love to give both of them tattoos in my works anytime I can.
My candy sources are from Twitter (overthinkingthis, ecah, shirasagis, ventus for older candies) and tumblr (accio-victuuri), and I avoid folks sharing stalker footage or making wild claims like they know someone in the business or disparage their co-stars, because it’s harmful to the boys & just flat out rude.
I think for us newbies, we need to be careful and prudent on that and not fall for everything we see or outright edited (fake) info, cos it’s becoming harder to distinguish 😵‍ (out of my own experience)
So, the next question is selective, you can choose either or both…
A) Did you read THE fic? The controversial 22/7 one? How did you like it? How would you end it?
B) Do you wanna talk about wyb’s latest NYG’s LtS performance?
A) I didn’t. I didn’t even go looking for it, it has so many emotions and events attached to it, I think it’s best to just let it rest. No judgment for folks who decide to read it, though! Just my opinion.
B) Yes I do!! it was gorgeous and emotional, all about the yearning and longing you feel when you’re away from your partner and the bright warmth you feel when you’re back with them. It felt real, like he was pulling it from the depths of his soul.
It’s raw and vulnerable, and he did such a good job, I’m so proud of him! (And no, I don’t think it’s a breakup song or born from anything other than long distance relationships being hard.)
That performance was so heartfelt indeed 🥲
Q. Who is a content creator (writer, artist, v/blogger… etc) you would rec to a newbie? (Name as many as you wish) And lastly, a piece of advice for newbie 🐢!
Oh gosh, so many people! It’s hard to not just list all of my friends lol.
OldObsess/Overthinkingthis is a fantastic writer and candy librarian, her fics have great footnotes with all the different things she references in her fics.
Elisamiao is another amazing writer and she is so supportive of new writers in the fandom. I call her the fandom’s librarian because she is fantastic at fic recommendations, and can find what you’re looking for so fast!
Jalpari runs great events, and is a prolific writer, her Yizhan Through the Years is the first/second most kudos’d fic in the fandom. She is also very supportive of new authors/artists in the fandom!
BJYXObsessed is hilarious, her fics are so good and her meme threads are laugh out loud funny, I see them all over the place as reaction memes.
Bjyxnoa is a great update account on Twitter, and for deep cpn and candy discussions I like to go to Accio-victuuri on tumblr.
A piece of advice I have for new turtles is to not worry too much about proof of their relationship. They don’t have to prove anything to us, and each person has to decide for themselves how to interpret the things they do tell us. Everyone has their own “realness” comfort level, and that’s okay! It’s okay to be 100% szd and it’s okay to not be!
Lastly, their privacy is extremely important. Stalker footage is wrong, even if it “proves” what you want to see.
And don’t break the fourth wall with them, for example, if Yibo makes another Instagram post, don’t flood the comments with shipper comments, their social accounts are for work, and so we should keep our comments to the individual and the work they’re doing.
I can’t thank Renren enough for accepting my offer and come on board with this wee project of mine, and especially her wise words of advice 🙏🙏🙏
It’s a great reminder to all of us 🐢 that we ought to keep in mind and keep our recklessness in check. If we really love and support them, we must first respect their individual works.
And that’s it for today, folks! Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed it.
You can find me on twt @fleur_1005 for suggestions and/or comments!
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sincerely-krp · 6 months
in the most /gen way possible, has anyone else noticed a sad decline in muns actually wanting to write, or even just PLOT, this last year or so? i've seen discussions on this before but i noticed they were mostly about mewe, i'm personally not on the platform so this vent is specific to tumblr. on top of groups coming out less often (compared to couple years ago, at least), i notice a trend where groups go through the honeymoon period of opening day and everyone posting intros, getting initial messages out.. then drying up before anyone actually starts writing. i'm aware some have had admin issues or other valid issues that cause it to fall apart but i'm talking perfectly decent RPs with good plots, good admins, and good muns that sound excited to write. suddenly just.. not?
then, after places inevitably close, people will express wanting to join and write somewhere again. and in a community this small now, i know that there is a pretty good chance that the same person was one of the people who stopped writing or never started writing in a previous group in the first place. i guess i struggle to understand the mentality behind that? i get losing muse or realizing a place isn't what you thought it was gunna be but i swear it's chronic for some people. OC seems to be big on tumblr, so we're all out here putting effort in brand new OCs, do people not also get disappointed that they don't get to do anything with their OC?
couple years ago, i could plot with a good 4-5 people and get a thread going even if the thread wasn't too plot heavy. nowadays i feel people lose interest sometimes before the plotting even begins. i'm just ranting now, i guess i just feel frustrated and disappointed being unable to write somewhere stable with fellow writers who actually want to write our OCs. or there's the other thing, i do like making friends with writers and talking ooc, but recently it feels there's been a shift in mun mentality where ooc socials take precedence over writing. prev anons have already mentioned but specifically when muns think that because other muns aren't as "social" or active ooc, that it means they aren't interested in the RP anymore.. i swear i'm still interested in the RP and i swear i do like talking to you ooc, but i'm also here to plot and write..? but it feels like between a rock and hard place because there are those people who value chatting more than writing, then the others who thankfully aren't as dependent on ooc activity but still.. don't.. write? does this make any sense? does anyone out there feel like this too or am i just losing it??
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What Is Ancient’s End?
Growing up in the Yiga Clan is all fun and games until the end of the world looms closer. For Lara, that means figuring out where she came from and what her family means to her.
Hello! My name’s Cam (any pronouns), and I’m the co-author of this oddly in-depth, very self-indulgent AU. 
It started out because my girlfriend had a crush on Revali and I am way, way, way too emotionally attached to these characters to just be okay with how Breath of the Wild left everyone. When Age of Calamity came out, we immediately fell in love with the brand new way the story went and, most importantly, the wacky hijinks of the Yiga Clan. We thought to ourselves: hey, these banana guys are super cool, what if we made our own characters part of their weird cult? A whole year, several hours of gameplay, and so much planning later, here we are. 
So what is this thing?
It’s a blog where I’ll be posting fics, updates, shitposts, artwork, and asks related to this storyline and Age of Calamity/BotW in general! 
What’s the general story?
Okay SO-
 We have this Yiga girl, her name is Lara, and she’s the adopted kid of Sooga and Master Kohga. In this universe, we’ve taken the whole Astor and the Yiga Clan thing and turned it upside down in the sense that the Yiga don’t actually care much about Ganon and are really just trying to protect their found family. 
(The best part is this is technically canon, because BotW states that the Yiga are more loyal to their master than they ever were to Ganon. We basically took that and ran with it because Kohga is so cool.)
Without giving anything else away, the best way I can describe the story and what this will be like is this: 
A collection of one-shots from an ongoing and continuously forming AU of Age of Calamity where Kohga and Sooga have a daughter, the rise of Calamity Ganon coincides with the events of Hyrule’s past more than you think, and everything is told mainly from the point of view of the Yiga Clan itself.
Wait, so this is a self insert? 
Yes and no. It started out that way just because we wanted to rp it, but honestly it became so much more. The character we added can technically be called a self-insert, but what is a self-insert if not an OC that you’ve just publicly announced is based on yourself? We all know our OCs are small extensions of ourselves in some way.
Either that or they’re just little bastards we want to study like bugs. 
Where can I read it/how do I get started?
At the moment, the easiest thing to do is go in order of the series on AO3, but eventually when I have the time to organize and decorate this blog, it’ll have tabs specifically for the fics, the artwork, and whatever other random things I decide to include here.
You can find the series here for now!
If you have any other questions, or you wanna send an ask and interact with the story’s inner workings, go right ahead! We have so much of it all planned out already, and if we don’t, you might just end up helping us fix a plot hole, who knows! Please comment, reblog, and ask anything you like! 
Anyway, thank you for reading this, really. We hope you have a great day and enjoy the future of Ancient’s End!
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kaleidoscopexeyesx · 3 years
Hi! So, I’m Mack, I’m 25, I’ve been roleplaying on and off for ten years now, this is a brand spanking new 1x1 account because sometimes we all need a fresh start to our blogs for our mental health and what not, you can view my old blog on the sidebar of this blog. 
Here’s some plots i’m looking for, if any of them tickle your fancy like this post or come hmu.
But first here are some fun facts about me:
I’ve never been relaxed a day in my life.
I don’t rp with anyone under the age of 20.
I love hcs, memes, and gushing over our kids together it keeps my muse going.
I play male and female characters.  
I’m very sensitive, so I need kind words, honesty, and communication; but I love a good roast.  
I love doubles, and mumus.
The plots:
Soulmate plots; yes they’re cheesy but they’re also angsty.. Imagine getting a total jerk for a soulmate then learning to love their lil quirks.
The classic our muses met online, then we have some dramatic fc reveal. 
Married couples, so many possibilities; newlyweds, those who have been married for years, those who have grown apart, those who are juggling kids, those who want kids but it isn’t working out, those couples who don’t want kids.. Hell give me a mumu of married couples who meet once a month for brunch, and the parallels and contrast in their relationships are something we gush over for days. 
This unhinged plot for an mumu: https://pin.it/3w0YQCd
The classic old “the assassin you sent to kill me, I started a family with instead”. 
Ghost hunters because that’s fun. 
Actually anything spooky-spook
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rpmemesbyarat · 4 years
RP meme from Scream Queens Ep 4 "Haunted House" (Note: Offensive content, use at own discretion)
A girl died in this tub.
There's no record of any of these names except for one.
Oh, my god, there's two of them!
I own Halloween. It's my jam.
Halloween is the most important day of the year. It's the one day on the Gregorian calendar where you're allowed to go around terrifying children and not be branded a psychopath.
I am a future network news anchor who's super classy and has almost no fat on her body.
A lot of my fans are, like, friendless dumpy coeds at this or that nursing school in one of this country's various national armpits.
They put down their hot pockets and bask in the warm glow of what it feels like to love me.
I went shopping with my comatose grandmother's credit card and bought presents.
Oh, my god, it says my name!
I hope the severed leg brightens up your trailer park.
You're a bright light in my life, and I wanted you to know how much you impress me with your frumpy spirit.
You are so devastatingly mediocre and adorable!
I can't wait to see you in person, but before that, I'd like to see you post this all over social media, to exploit it for my own gain.
Aah! It's a rotting jack-o'-lantern!
Aah! This box is just filled with blood!
She got me a razor apple!
I stole this cadaver head from an ophthalmology student just for you.
You're the most important person in the world.
So you didn't see anyone in a red devil costume entering or leaving the house?
Are you coming to the precinct pig roast this year?
Come on, she's obviously the killer!
Do you mean to suggest I changed out of my nightgown, strapped myself into a skintight pleather red devil costume, climbed out a second-story dormer, and shimmied to the ground with a chain saw before entering a window I had left open, tried to kill you, then leapt out the window, climbed back up the wall, changed back into my nightgown,
and raced downstairs, all in the course of about 90 seconds?
Clearly that's got you a little freaked out.
I'm not gonna hold any of this against you, and I'm gonna let you be my date for the faculty Halloween party.
Attempted murder!
A guy was almost killed tonight, okay?
Now, no, I'm not a detective, hell, I ain't even a cop, but what I am is somebody who watched every one of those Cosby mysteries, okay?
See? Dismemberment!
I am so sorry that I pushed you out of my car and drove off real scared.
I just can't believe that How To Lose A Guy In 10 days is your favorite movie, too.
In precisely two and half minutes when we go in there, you let me do all the talking.
What are you dressed as?
Oh, you have a squirrel. Don't see that much anymore.
Breakfast is almost ready, we got meat today.
What can you tell us about that night?
Now, we will keep your name out of it, of course.
'm a vault,
And to get in this vault you need a key. Now, you may ask, a key to what? It's a key to meaning. Once you've found the meaning, you don't need the words. You know what I'm saying?
Please, continue with your story.
Have any of you ever heard of "negligent homicide"?
We need to dispose of this body on our own. Now, I've got everything we need in the kitchen to make sausages out of her.
I'm gonna go downstairs, shut this party down, and then we'll get the body out of here.
Somebody has to watch after the baby.
Can you at least turn on the radio?
Just leave the details to me.
We can't just act like this never happened.
She's the devil, that one.
I looked at that baby up close. I know my peas and carrots. That baby was a girl.
Your support doesn't matter.
My campaign needs a theme?
My pumpkin's drunk.
I'm hosting a haunted house to raise money for sickle cell anemia.
Why are you holding a fund-raiser, though?
I don't think you understand the magnitude of the miscalculation you just made.
I can assure you you will not be winning an election anytime soon. And when you lose, I am gonna make it my lifelong passion to destroy your reputation.
You're a stuck-up little sociopath, and everybody in this room knows it.
It might behoove you to recall that everyone here witnessed you actually murder someone
Just sharpening knives.
Put the knives down.
I don't know what came over me.
How very adolescent of you to think of this.
It vaguely smacks of something my six-year-old sister would be excited about.
It's the most disgusting disease in the history of mankind.
You get it when you don't even understand the most basic tenets of oral hygiene.
Just give the dang thing its pot of gold already!
I ain't got no candy!
Bet you're a sexy dirt-covered girl. That's what I bet you are.
Sometimes I come out here and I just rub my hands on the gravestones.
I get you more than anyone.
I also find the thought of dead bodies extremely arousing.
I just don't understand why I have all these dark feelings.
You know, I just think our generation's had it too easy, you know? We haven't seen enough horrible stuff. There's no awesome diseases randomly killing people. There's not really any awesome wars to go off to and witness horrific things you can't unsee. We, like, pulled out of all of 'em.
Sometimes I just don't even feel like I'm living, you know?
The only time I feel anything is when I'm thinking about chopping up a body.
And here you are, saddled up with an uptight girlfriend who freaked out for no other reason than the fact that you just wanted to fantasize about having sex with her lifeless corpse.
Oh, my god, I got a total chub right now.
Not scary enough.
She'll let you in the back door.
What could be scarier for an adult than a child coming to murder them?
Isn't that all of our greatest fear? That the pain, the regrets, the mistakes of our youth will destroy us in our adulthood? That we can't escape our inner child. One we would rather forget, but who, at the end of the day has all the power.
Why are you lying to me?
Something does not make sense.
You got to give me more here, okay?
I don't understand what you're getting at.
Are you on bath salts?
Why are we even here?
This house is haunted.
There's a legend in this neighborhood about a woman who wailed about her dead children. And this was the house she lived in.
These dumb ol' kids are smoking crack.
I think it's incredible what you can find out with just a quick trip down to your local library.
This can be one of the rooms for the haunted house.
What exactly do you plan on doing at this haunted house?
I was thinking we could blindfold folks and make 'em put their hands in a bowl full of grapes we peeled, so it'll feel like eyeballs.
I think the reason you want to have a haunted house party is 'cause a haunted party is like a buffet for murderers.
Yeah, yeah, you can just go around killing anybody you want and ain't nobody even gonna even notice.
Just like you chopped the arms off that dumb-ass golf guy.
Why do you have it out for me?
So now you look at me and see everything you could've been.
I hope you have a good time at you haunted party and get to murder lots of folks.
You have this way too thought out.
Isn't this kind of nice?
My sense of personal identity is completely external.
I really don't have much to offer.
I've found that my particular style of speaking and gesticulation is extremely off-putting to most boys. And girls. And anyone.
I need to eat. My blood sugar is crashing.
I'm tired of depriving myself of joy and sustenance.
I may die at the end of a serial killer's blade, but I refuse to die hungry.
Which one of you ladies would like to be my costume for Halloween? I'm going as "dude having awesome sex with you."
I mean, what in the hell's wrong with the world where a guy can't even whistle at a chick just to tell her she looks hot?
I recently took a women's studies class. Yes, because it was a requirement, but I learned a lot anyways. Like the culture that says it's okay for a man to objectify a woman for her appearance is the same culture that pressures girls as young as ten to have eating disorders.
So you're basically saying I'm the one responsible for making you look hot?
When you treat us like meat, you're no better than him!
I'm not really sure how you got my number, but I like how you took the initiative and texted me where you wanted us to meet.
Do you think you're man enough to take me inside that house and attack my crack?
I'll sure this house has an amazingly romantic basement.
Hey, so, uh, a little awkward since we're about to bone down and everything, but, um, what's your name?
Smells like roadkill.
I've never been so scared in my whole life.
All right, if we go to the police, they're gonna see I'm still rocking a mad sidepipe, and they're gonna think I had something to do with it.
We have to warn people.
All right, everybody listen up! All of your lives are in danger!
There are dead bodies! Dead bodies. Real-life dead bodies.
Did you say dead bodies?
Those are like the most lifelike dead bodies I've ever seen.
Is that a real dead body?
There are five dead bodies in that house. Laid out in horrible and deliberate macabre poses.
You are not leaving this house tonight.
You make it harder and harder to believe that you're not the killer.
I found out something really interesting, and now I have a theory.
Everything is weird about that story.
I mean, it's too big a coincidence.
We have to figure out who that woman was.
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miru667 · 4 years
A few notes on Audrey (and the Once-ler)
I’ve gotten a lot of new followers lately and also a lot of words of support and kindness from so many ppl, so I first wanna say thank you, you know who you are and it all means more than i can say ♥
I’ve been asked to explain more on what I think about Audrey and the Once-ler as a ship, so I’ll use this space to talk.
And I think I’ll first talk about Audrey. When I draw Audrey nowadays I’m really only drawing my own Audrey OC or my friends’ Audrey OCs, and we’ve all made them different ages from the canon Audrey in the 2012 movie. Everyone’s Onceler ocs are different ages, so why not Audrey ocs? I’ve seen Audreys as young as 5 and as old as 60. This isn’t unusual at all for the onceler fandom; it’s this level of imagination and creativity that has kept the fandom going for over 8 years. I haven’t drawn canon Audrey in a rly long time (but maybe I could again someday, who knows).
I headcanoned my own Audrey as 15-16 during the movie, and I made a mainverse askblog for her back in 2012 which took place right after the movie’s plot had finished. In 2018 I then revisited her to rp her in a zombie apocalypse AU, BUT I wanted to start her story with her already being a seasoned zombie slayer, so I pretended some years have passed since her mainverse days and made her 18. That is the only reason I aged her up.
And true to the OG onceler fandom, my friends and I then made more AUs, so I kept my Audrey at 18 or older since I got used to it. She actually should be 24 right now if I used her mainverse askblog as a starting point and let her age in real-time (which is what a lot of onceler fandom mods have done with their characters), but I have a couple college AUs with my friends for example so I kept her younger than 24 for those.
Being passionate about your own versions of the movie’s characters, changing them a little (or a lot), putting them in AUs, letting them grow up, this is all natural onceler fandom-brand progression for any person who invests themselves in a lorax-related oc for longer than a few months.
You are free to agree or disagree with changing a character’s age. Please curate your own fandom experience by ignoring, blacklisting or blocking content you don’t want to see.
As for shipping, if you got to know me at all then you'd know that i actually very rarely ship or think about ships in any fandom, relative to everything else i engage in/share/talk about. I know you guys have seen me talk about 7212 but that was only cuz I was prompted, even tho it’s my fandom otp. Shipping just isn’t a big part of my life at all in the grand scheme. I’ll say like 2 things about a ship i think is neat and then just move on usually.
That said, I DO ship my non-canon Audrey with my friends’ characters for fun once in a blue moon, and a few of those characters ARE Once-lers, also non-canon. But we have always agreed beforehand that they are the same or similar ages, and that they’re both consenting adults. I’ll do my best to mention this detail in the tags or description of any audrey ship art i draw and post, and please let me know in private if I forget to. I’m extremely uncomfortable at the thought of a teen with an adult, and I do not condone it.
Some other odds and ends...I’ve portrayed my Audrey having a celebrity crush on the Once-ler before in mainverse, but it was obviously one-sided and never to be reciprocated. I think that’s pretty normal for a teenage girl. I also have my Audrey’s Ted crushing on her, but that won’t be reciprocated romantically either.
When I have reblogged non-oc audler before, I have always assumed that they were both consenting adults as well. Audler is a crackship, which means it can’t ever exist in canon, which means we are free to imagine space and time shenanigans for Audrey and Onceler to have met while they were similar ages. People age down Norma to ship her with a young Once-ler when they don’t even know either character’s canon ages (like who knows, what if old onceler and grammy norma are actually 10 yrs apart?), but in young normaler art we think of them as similar ages. So the same can be applied to audler art as well. We should just think they’re mostly the same age for our own mental peace.
I have tagged a few posts/reblogs with #audler even if it looked like they were just friends in the picture - this is to keep people who have blacklisted audler as safe as possible while still getting to make my blog my own personal organized space. I reblog art mostly because I like the execution/style; the content is actually of lower importance to me. If you read the tags I write in my non-onceler-fandom reblog blog, you can see i am 90% of the time gushing about how beautiful the lighting is etc and only 10% of the time saying i love the character or ship. or at least that’s how it feels like in my head. im here to look at art, not ships.
I understand if there are still people who are uncomfortable with all this and you’re of course allowed to not interact with any of it. I am not interested in engaging in drama or discourse but I think a lot of new people in the fandom must not be familiar with how the fandom has been working since the beginning and the things we had collectively agreed upon in the fandom since the beginning, so I hope this post helps clear up some confusions.
Thank you for reading if you’ve made it this far and thank you to all my followers for supporting me and sticking with me and being interested in my stuff, it really means the world to me. Please stay safe and let’s hope the new year is better.
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lawfulpride · 4 years
RP With @honourablebravery  (Please LIKE THIS POST if you want to read more!) 
--Scene Shift-- Tracking down Davos was something Thor had clearly been over-thinking. Indeed, Thor has been considering it here and there for quite a long time, before he accidentally comes across Davos mid-way through leaving Stark Tower just as the Asgardian is on his way in. He is surprised-and delighted, clutching a large iced coffee in one hand and a grocery bag in the other, his faded blue jeans, work boots and dark red v-neck a stark contrast to the outfits he'd wear otherwise. His face lighting up with deliberate interest and joy at the other. "Davos!! How fortunate! I've been wondering of you for months now, how have you been?"  His booming voice a little bit more frantic than he intended, clearly more excited than he'd taken into account originally.
The Kung Fu master stills, stiffens, and turns. He's still unaccustomed to being a welcome sight in New York City.  In fact, nobody has ever been excited to see Davos; usually Davos brings up the rear, or escorts, the Person of Importance at any given hour, while quietly perfecting his own craft and waiting for his own moment . . . a moment which never came. Or didn't it?
" . . . you are Thor. The Asgardian royal."  He bows at the waist, then straightens. Even his casual movements carry a precision and a grace that speak of his lifelong training. "I have to admit, our last encounter,  I wasn't. Very gracious, forgive me.  I was also ill of mind and soul.  I have read every file of every colleague who frequents this building.  You're a formidable warrior."
A small smirk. "But can you take Carol Danvers?"
He laughs, not really taking the social cue Davos is sending too well-Loki had always been better at reading people. Which was what made him so good at stealth attacks once upon a time. Well, one of what Thor likes to think are many things, truly. "There is nothing to be sorry for, to repent for' Thor says, with ease. "Truly, I was not bothered at all. And well, if you ever wished to spar on friendly terms, I am never one to say no." The smile only widening. "Your skill set is impressive, and your moves enticing" He is fond to see Davos mentioning others, and the grin, seemingly impossible to widen, does regardless, "Carol Danvers would oh so easily best me, but if she's feeling generous she may allow me a moment of victory before doing so."
Davos's eyebrows shoot high and he studies Thor up and down, but then before he can display more gregarious body language, he folds his hands in front of himself. It's clearly a conscious reminder to himself that he doesn't have the "luxury" of casual schmoozing, but must always set a sterling example. Slowly, slowly, he's going to unlearn this. But it's still all brand-new.
Still, there's a small unguarded smile on his lips, and that's sa wonderfully promising sign. "I didn't make much of a dent, but you are gracious. Perhaps I should brush up on my technique.  They say the well aimed blow can bring down even a boulder, but I do not know if my masters in K'un-Lun ever fought an actual god."
At word of Carol--unquestionably Davos's favorite person to meet in months or even years--that smile grows teeth.  "She is gifted."
"I am not at such liberty to say whether they did nor not" Thor says, his tone seemingly retrospective, or was it introspective, perhaps? "For your K'un-Lun Master's, they are a people I know tragically little of, and I would not claim to know their secrets-nor yours." He's gracious, and Thor, try as he might to keep to himself, is always such an open and honest presence. His heart, emotions, his state of being always out for the world to see, to know. No matter how much he may desire otherwise at times. He's unbothered for it now, but sometimes.. Well, nothing to worry about there currently. "Carol is very gifted, as are you, I find that it is an honour to know, to see people, and to have come across your path, especially. I think there is much we could learn from one another, Davos"
Davos tries to take Thor's kind praises in stride, but looks very much like a lethally intelligent guard dog reduced to walking around lopsidedly in doggie snow boots.  That is, he looks pleasantly puzzled. "You think so, do you."   He glances at Thor's parcel. "Would you like help with that . . . ?" Look at the man, what a stupid thing to offer, he could probably lift a car with one hand, but sometimes making himself useful is preferable, in Davos's estimation, to standing there stupefied by praise.
Thor is momentarily perplexed, then he laughs. "Oh! This?" Lifting the grocery bag, "Nothing much in here, some candy bars, coffee in various flavours..would you like some? I have lots" He seems tragically oblivious to Davos' awkwardness, merely eager to share in whatever friendship he clearly, desperately wishes to form.
Davos's features tighten primly. "I don't drink coffee.  It's poison to the body."  A pause. "I. I drink tea."
"I have tea upstairs" He chimes, utterly undeterred, 'Green? White? Orange Pekoe..Oolong?"
"I am. I am very fond of Oolong, yes."  His errands can wait.  He pivots on his heel subtly, in the same direction as the Thunder God.
Thor steps through the glass doors with Davos, giving Jarvis instructions at the elevator for his floor. "Jarvis is very kind'' He says, "Yet I've not been able to adapt to him entirely."
HopefulYesterday at 11:41 AM
Davos steps into the elevator and scowls at the omnipresent voice of the A.I.  "Sentient life in the walls. Yes, I still grow accustomed to such feats of technology."
captaincoffeeYesterday at 8:40 PM
"It is quite bizarre, is it not? What has been accomplished with technology? How the world can seem so dependant upon it. Functionality based through electricity..it's very interesting, to me." The elevator dinged, Thor getting off first-not to be rude-but to give Davos some space, "You said you like oolong right?"
HopefulYesterday at 8:49 PM
The small compact man follows the beefcake of a god, contemplating his words and drawing his eyes around the room.  "Yes, I've...had to chase quite the learning curve after leaving my homeland.....my people are certainly familiar with contemporary technologies, but not quite so reliant upon....them....you. Have quite the elite clearance, don't you?" Tony's given Davos a lot of freedom considering he was a convicted felon not so long ago.  But his modest quarters several floors down from the Avengers' lodgings don't compare remotely to this.
captaincoffeeYesterday at 8:53 PM
"I am afraid to tell you that I currently do not have a proper tea brewer, and will be using the electric kettle" His face pulling just so, showing legitimate discontent with not being able to make the tea with the leaves and fire-boiled water. He also realized he's only got normal furniture, with nothing that makes for good kneeling. "I may put in some more rugs, perhaps? Pillows?" He seems to be speaking almost to himself now, withdrawing an oak worn tea box from a grey cupboard, setting it aside and filling a red electric kettle at the side. "Learning curves are quite..intense, or can be'
HopefulYesterday at 8:59 PM
Davos's sternly serious face pulls in response, into a small but tickled smile.  "My reputation as a picky eater precedes me, does it?  I promise I won't shame you. And I'm quite accustomed to Western seating arrangements. May I?" He gestures at the couch.
captaincoffeeYesterday at 9:01 PM
 Thor laughs, "I must admit, some of it was standard speculation" Gesturing behind himself, "Yes, of course, make yourself at home. I try to go for comfort, so the couch is very well stuffed."
HopefulYesterday at 9:06 PM
Davos's smile spreads just slightly and he eases to a seat. "Comfort, now that is something that's never been part of my repertoire." He sinks deeper into the couch, not of his own volition, blinking slightly at its squishiness. "Ehm, and."  He turns and looks at it, and realizes there's not much to be done, and surrenders to his undignified fate.  "And, anyway.  That's mostly due to the expectations of my youth. Tell me, are you familiar with crushing familial expectations?" He tries to sound whimsical.
captaincoffeeYesterday at 9:09 PM
Thor chuckled, "Often" He turns his head, leaning against the counter, his gaze only trailing Davos. "I was very arrogant in youth, it led to my  banishment.. Loki, my sibling, we have not always seen eye-to-eye, and the one whom banished me, my father..was not as I had assumed.. "
HopefulYesterday at 9:12 PM
Davos's features freeze. "You have a brother...and you quarreled?" It sounds more like a statement than a question.  His eyes are locked on Thor now, and they're afraid, but not of Thor. Afraid to not have answers. To have unexpectedly found someone who gets a particular and deep pain, and can talk about it.
captaincoffeeYesterday at 9:22 PM
Thor's gaze darkens, slightly glassy. "We did..often.." The kettle screams, making him turn to give it attention. "We had to learn, much, and sometimes, no, often, I still worry."
HopefulYesterday at 9:25 PM
"....but you learned."  Davos's whole form, his posture, is now stiff and rigid.  A vein appears dead center of his shaven forehead.  "You were willing to listen.  How did you do it?"
captaincoffeeYesterday at 9:31 PM
"Being banished was the start. That taught me much of myself. How I was fool-hardy..arrogant, brash. And yet, it took battle, it took-" Loki's face as he fell from the bifrost's rainbow bridge, scalding his vision, haunting him. "Other things..many..hiccups" The tea prepared, he moves to offer Davos the cup, a small white and gold piece of china, sitting upon a saucer. "Here you are"
HopefulToday at 12:27 PM
Davos takes the cup, and places it down without touching it. He's focused like a laser.  "I have a brother. Not of my blood, but in spirit.  The chasm that lies between us is borne of his . . . . he neglected his duties. Duties I was willing to uphold, but was not chosen for.  He ran away.  He lives in this city, and in truth I am only here because I came to find him and bring him home. He would not come and." He catches himself sharply. "I'm sorry, this is unseemly.  I scarcely know you."
captaincoffeeToday at 4:57 PM
Thor, never the best at 'reading a room', is not foolish enough to be entirely oblivious. Good at this? Nah, probably not. Oblivious? Not so. The slight crease in his brow furrows further and further inward, before he moves to seat himself beside Davos-keeping a good forearm of space between them so Davos doesn't feel crowded in. "Well, you scarcely know me now, generally I have learned that speaking with someone on friendly terms can change that." They clearly have some sort of shared ground, and Davos seems to burn with the need to speak. Perhaps as Loki, he's forever been unheard Thor thinks, a pin-prick of bitterness touching his heart. "Is it something that you would wish to discuss? I am no wordsmith, but I have a gentle ear, and the ability for pragmatism."
HopefulToday at 7:16 PM
"It's . . .. . " Davos ducks his head. He's been working on this: hard.  But revelations of his personal struggles remain shameful terrain he was trained for 28 solid years to keep to himself.  "It's. Not." He sighs, and looks up.  "It's not seemly.  For someone like me.  I am. I am still learning that I have the right to be." He blinks. "Well. Human."
He gives Thor a long look. " . . . the person I put all my faith and trust in was my brother.  When we turned 28, we were the two final contestants, out of all the monks in our temple, to go to trial for the most prestigious title--and responsibility--of my homeland.  I was winning.  Winning, but I couldn't kill him, even though that was the custom, so I begged him to yield. He was losing badly, but he still wouldn't listen to me, he kept fighting.  And I kept winning.  And then the light passed over the windows of the temple, and blinded me for but a moment. And Danny . . . his name is Danny, Danny Rand . . . .you've surely heard of him, he is as rich and at least half as famous as Mr. Stark . . . . he took the advantage and disarmed me, and won."
"In that one moment everything I had ever wanted, everything I had ever dreamt of becoming, was gone." He grinds his jaw. "But I was still willing to stand by his side as he took the Iron Fist . . . .the title and the duty of which I spoke.  And he thanked me by abandoning us. Abandoning me."
"Coming back here. To play white Kung Fu hero to a city full of reprobates.”
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ranger-kellyn · 4 years
11 Favorite Excerpts
In honor if it being the 11 year anniversary of the first fic I ever posted, Platinum Bound, I thought I’d list out 10 of my favorite excerpts from everything I’ve posted so far, 1 from something I haven’t posted yet, and then kind of just. Talk about it~
As always, feel free to talk to me about any of my fics, no matter how old or new~ I’m very vain~<3
1 - Come With Me - Prologue - 03/02/2015 - Completed
A day that was supposed to be filled with sorrow and mourning had turned out to be very lovely. The cold that had long persisted since November had decided to lighten its icy grip on this one day in particular. It was almost a tragedy in itself that the weather failed to match the mood by pouring a relentless downpour. Rain was fit for a funeral. Not sunshine.
The opening to Come With Me has always had a special place in my heart, and while I know my writing has gotten better since then, I always hold up this opening as like...my premium brand, I suppose.  I love the mood the prologue sets up for Siebold’s side of the story.  Mismatched weather.  His parents having the same death date.  A sense of odd relationship dynamics with them.  Clear indication that there’s going to be a lot of conflict with Jean as shown by Diantha, Siebold’d childhood friend, who has a clear disdain towards him.  CWM may not be my BEST WORK, but it’s probably one of my favorites.  ALSO....come on...the restaurant’s name is Apple of The Earth, which is a direct translation of pomme de terre, which is French for potato.  And like???? i just get a little kick out of it every time
2 - It Takes Two - 12/16/2014 - Oneshot
Siebold chuckled.  “A water dark type?  My, my.  You’ve already put yourself at a disadvantage. Cress shook his head.  “Don’t give away your secret ingredient just yet, Siebold.  Leave something to the imagination, please,” he teased.
If there is ONE THING I LOVE it’s writing flirty banter for these two, and this fic if full of it.  My first fic for Cress/Siebold, staking my claim on the pool noodle that is this ship.  I AM the captain of this pool noodle
3 - Second Chances - Chapter 7 - 06/14/2017 - Ongoing
“It was supposed to be me!” . . . Shaking, she stopped herself in the front hallway.  Looking over the large, glass-famed map, she felt as though she was leaving her own body as she slammed herself against it in a last ditch effort to feel something other than emotional pain.  In an effort to put a physical wound to her emotional one. 
There’s plenty of happier lines from this fic I could choose.  Ch 10 had a section I was considering instead, but I think this emotionally charged section has always stood out for me. I like to generally characterize Cynthia as someone who is in control of her emotions, or at the very least, is very good at compartmentalizing things, but here, she absolutely loses it.  No rationality.  No seeking help.  Just raw pain.  It was supposed to be me. Because it was!  It absolutely was!  In the previous chapter you learn that Diantha had fully intended to propose to her!  But was instead manipulated by her mother and manager into leaving Cynthia.  While Cynthia didn’t know that, we do, and that makes that line so much more painful to me.  I swear.  ONE DAY.  I’ll actually finish this fic.
4 - Fortune and Fame - Chapter 1 - 03/23/2016 - Completed
“The best part of that outfit would be taking it off.” Her mouth turns into a smile. “I should think so,” she tells you.
Second person POV is a HUGE pain in the ass, but I still love this silly little fic, and I love this silly little moment EVEN MORE.  What can I say.  I love flirty banter. This whole fic was an absolute experiment, and while it certainly could be better, considering 2POV is not something I regularly work with, I’ve never been too upset with it.
5 - Stockholm - Chapter 4 - 06/20/2016 - Ongoing
“You’re my mission and my mission alone.  I don’t need outside help,” he tells me. I catch myself about to laugh.  “Figured you would welcome it seeing as whatever you think you’re doing to me clearly isn’t working.” He moves closer, enough for me to feel the warmth of his body, but it’s only when I think he’s looking at my lips do I come to my senses, pulling my legs up to my person, and pushing back up against the wall. “I would say it’s working just fine.”
i like to think of this fic as me playing in a sandbox.  i don’t REALLY know what i’m doing, but i’m having fun, and that’s all that matters. This is a fic I had been thinking about for the longest time.  I abandoned it back in 2016.  I don’t really remember why, but I posted the first update early this year, and I just.  I’ve been loving it since.  I haven’t played in first person in SUCH a long time, it’s just nice to play in the space, and explore a darker emotion I guess.  Game verse Commander Saturn/Dawn is always a weakness of mine
6 - Shadows of My Heart - Chapter 4 - 02/22/2011 - Completed
Looking at Kellyn, I notice that he has taken his jacket off and is now offering it to me. Shaking my head, I tell him that I can't take it, even though I would love nothing more than to take him up on his offer. He walks closer, smiling as he places his jacket over me. Now, the only thing I hear is the sound of the rain bouncing off of Kellyn's jacket, and the sound my own heartbeat. I'd have to be crazy or dead to not be blushing right now, and obviously my pulse is still going…
if you’ve followed me for a few years, you might think this is a weird pick for me.  i complain about it a lot.  i experience a lot of visceral cringe whenever i reread it (Like i did just now searching for a section i liked) But that’s why I like it.  I love having this visible benchmark of where I’ve come from, and where my ideals have shifted to.  I’ve always written Kellyn as my Ideal Man™© and in this fic he is suCH A “NICE GUY” AND IT’S JUST. SO BAD. I’M SO GLAD I’M NOT WITH THE KIND OF PERSON I USED TO WISH I WAS WITH. This fic is, at best, clumsy.  Younger me was venting a LOT of stuff. Everything I put Rhythmi through in the fic, I was dealing with irl, and NOT handling them well.  I never recommend this for reading, but I list it here because it’s like looking in a time capsule.  
7 - Washington Blues - Chapter 2 - 04/30/2012 - Abandoned Work
Looking back up at me, the afternoon sun shines on her face.  As if I needed to be reminded that she is very pretty.  “I believe that it is too soon to be giving a definite answer, but,” she pauses to brush some hair behind her ear, “I do believe I am going to like it here.” I nod, liking the answer she has provided.  I put my pink bag over my shoulder, and step down the stairs.  “That’s good to hear.  I do hope you come to love our little band,” I say, putting a little emphasis on “our”.  Hopefully she will start using that term as well.
This fic has been abandoned since 2012, but as I was rereading it just now, I...felt a weird urge to give it a second chance?  Marching band was my EVERYTHING in high school.  It was basically my personality.  It and Homestuck.  If nothing else, I think I might give this fic a redo, because it’s something my younger self would have loved.  I had so many ideas I wanted to explore and I think it would be a fun space to explore. Just reading it I got the most tactile memories of band camp, from the sounds, all the way down to the god awful smells.  One day I’ll give this fic another go, but probably in 3rd person lmao.  Also, it’s kind of funny.  I remember holding this fic up as like.  My Magnum Opus.  I considered chapter 1 to be the BEST thing I had written up to that point. Now? It’s so fucking D RY......and no real person talks like they all do l m a o I love being able to see how far I’ve come. 
8 - Hindsight - Sometime Feb 2014?  - Oneshot for an old RP group
This question led him to placing both of his hands in his lap.  “I would never describe her as winter.  It’s the season she hates the most.  From what I’ve gathered during our travels together, understandably so,” he answered, not meeting her eyes. 
While this fic is OLD it holds a very special place in my heart.  I had stopped writing for a while.  For about 2 years nothing I wrote ever really panned out, and joining that RP group was literally the best thing I could have done for my creativity.  It was so much fun, and I met some truly incredible people thanks to it.  Literally, everything I’ve written since I attribute to that group.  <3 I may not talk to most of them anymore, but I have some of the best memories of that time, and I just.  Genuinely don’t think I would have HALF of what I have written now if it hadn’t been for their support.  <3
9 - Ours For The Taking - Chapter 2 - 01/28/2012 - Abandoned Work
Killing is in the nature of almost every Pokémon, but we humans have inhibited that out for the most part. It doesn't take much to trigger the instinct though. A couple kills and then they thirst for blood.
Now i know this looks like a WACK ASS PICK.  It’s been abandoned since 2012.  It’s bad.  It’s gore.  It’s bad.  But that’s exactly why I picked it.  That, and I know it would chap Farla’s ass bc she told me years ago how awful this fic was. The whole reason my writing confidence took a blow.  I can look back and know that this fic wasn’t great, but I hate for my younger self that they were knocked down like that.  You can’t learn the boundaries of your writing until you try to push them.  Maybe I could have turned into a great gore/horror writer if I hadn’t been knocked down?  Who knows?  But because of that negative experience, I now approach all comments I leave on fics with “unconditional positive regard”.  I firmly believe if someone wants con-crit they’ll ask for it, and even then, I’m not someone who is going to offer up that criticism.  That’s not my jam.  I’m just here for a good time.  This fic may be bad, but that’s why I love it.  I love how over the top, 2Edgy4me the two chapters are. 
10 - Getaway Car - Chapter 5 - 01/01/2019 - Ongoing
Pulling away just enough to make them look at one another, Cynthia looked her over.  She was getting more drunk admissions than she ever thought she would, and she was in no frame of mind to worry about pushing her luck.  “How did that make you feel?” she asked. She let her hand trail down her arm as she spoke.  “Grounded.  Like nothing else in the world mattered except us in that moment.  I wasn’t worried about filming, deadlines, what people might say or think, or– anything, really.  All that mattered was the calm you brought me, and how without meaning to you’ve made me feel like the most important person in the room.”
It’s no secret that Getaway Car is like.  MY BABY.  This is MY FIC.  MY BABY.  I CHERISH THIS FIC FOR SO MANY REASONS. I like venting through characters, and this fic is no exception.  But I loved writing this moment specifically, because it just...I think it encapsulates everything Diantha has been looking for.  She lives a charmed, chaotic life.  Up to that point in the fic, she’s with a man who can’t really be bothered to give her the time of day, but also can’t handle the idea of letting her go.  Without meaning to, without necessarily trying to, Cynthia makes her feel like the most important person in the room.  She grounds her, and someone who lives a star-studded life needs that.  This fic is my baby.  My everything.  It’s probably what I’m known for at this point, and I’m A-OK with that because these two are my everything.  (ALSO, I specifically posted this fic when I did to get Farla to leave me a review, and had a good laugh about it when she did.  My “bat shit crazy” plot device has ended up being my most popular fic~)
11 - Namtaflu - Chapter _ - Draft from NaNoWriMo 2019
The sound of something rising to the surface of the water attracted everyone’s attention.  Turning their eyes towards the water, one by one, countless Starmie and Staryu began to surface, floating atop the water, their bright gem center’s shining in the moonlight.  “Oh, wow,” Bianca said, holding the Audino closer to herself.  "What are they doing?” Hilbert asked, turning himself so he wasn’t having to strain to look at them.  Cheren shrugged.  “They’ve always done this.” "They’re looking at the stars,” Hilda added.  “It’s what Nona would always tell me.  She said she read it in a book somewhere.  They surface at night to look at the stars, and they’ll even start blinking here soon.”  As she said it, from out in the distance, quick flashes of red began to move along the waves, reminding both her and Cheren of fireflies from further south.  Soon enough, the entire shoreline was filled with the water pokémon blinking away at the stars, almost as if they were communicating with each other, or even something else.  A few Audino continued to sit with them, everyone moved to silence by the display, afraid to make a single noise, not wanting to scare them at all and make them stop.  The display moved in waves, like a heartbeat, ebbing and flowing.  At times they were bright enough to cast a glow onto the shore, and at others it seemed like they had collectively stopped for the night. Once Broadway and Manhattan had decided to retire for the night, the group came to an agreement that it was time they retired for the night as well.  They had stayed up long past sundown, but it had been worth every second.   
I won’t be posting this fic WELL until my three current ongoing fics are completed, but this fic is pretty much everything to me.  I first got the idea for this fic back in 2013, my senior year of high school.  I wrote the first draft my first NaNoWriMo in 2014, and did a second draft of it last year.  This fic has evolved SO MUCH, but this last draft is where I’m REALLY happy with it.  I firmly believe there’s never a “right time” to write a fic, but I also believe this fic absolutely benefited from me not posting it after that first draft.  They’re almost two entirely different stories.  The original had a lot of unhealthy relationship dynamics, and this time, i decided, FUCK THAT, and now it’s a hilda/hilbert/cheren/bianca poly fic ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ I can’t wait for the day when I actually get to share this fic with the world. 
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Survey #275
i’m anxious and my head is hectic so i can’t think of a single song lyric to put here lmao
Have you ever dated anybody online? Yes, but we met up in person for a week+ at a time multiple times. Ever been stalked? No. Ever stalked someone? No. I never got to that point with him because shit’s creepy. Have you ever been called a slut, hoe, skank, whore? Only playfully by close friends because that’s how we show affection sometimes lmao. Have you ever snuck out before? No. Do you eat meat? I wish I didn’t, but I do. If so, do you like meat? Yes. If not, do you have anything against people who eat meat? N/A Have you ever gotten a manicure or pedicure? I went with my old friend and sisters on rare occasions just to hang out. Have you ever been close to getting kidnapped? Jc no, thank fuck. HAVE you ever been kidnapped? No. I’d be so goddamn terrified. Do you listen to Lykke Li? Never heard of ‘em. Have you ever self-harmed? Yes. Do you have any eating disorders? No. Have you ever met a celebrity? No. Do you like Monster Energy or do you prefer other energy drinks? Astonishingly with how much I love soda, I am nooot an energy drink fan. They taste like straight-up poison. Describe the best day of your life? I don’t really know what that would be. About how many times a week do you skip class or just school in general? When I was in school, I’d fake sick as a kid rarely, then in high school I had quite a few mental health days. College, too. Have you ever been suspended from school? No. Have you ever been expelled? No. Do you role-play? Only on designated forums and in serious stories. I need substance behind it. Irl, sexual, and pretty much any other RP doesn’t interest me. Do you watch Degrassi? I never did, no. What is one of the saddest novels you’ve ever read in your lifetime? Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo. Jesus fucking Christ. Orbit or 5 Gum? Honestly can’t even remember their tastes… but I THINK I preferred the latter. Have you ever been in a love triangle? No. How bad are your hangovers? I’ve never had one. Do you think Taco Bell is nasty? No. Do you have a jacuzzi? Definitely not. Have you ever broken a bone? If so, what was the cause of it? No. Do you think vegans/vegetarians look down on people who choose to eat animal products? That’s a very generalizing statement… You can’t say that of them all. Some absolutely do, others don’t. Do your friendships tend to last a long time or are they short-lived? Definitely the former. Name the best and worst things about your current or most recent relationship. The best thing was absolutely that I felt accepted for entirely who I was, like I needed to hide not a single thing. The worst thing was easily distance. Fuck distance. How are you? Aggravated at a lot of things. What part of your body are you most insecure about? Absolutely my stomach. What’s one food you would be surprised to hear that someone doesn’t like? Chocolate. I mean I know at least one person who doesn’t, but boy does it catch you off-guard. Do you think your voice is higher or lower than average? It’s definitely lower than the average woman’s. Do you and your parents like any of the same bands/singers? Oh, loads! I couldn’t even begin to list them all. Is there any food in your bedroom? No. Do you know anyone who has road rage? MY YOUNGER SISTER. GOOD LORD. Riding with her is always a trip. How far away do your grandparents live from you? My only (barely) living one is in New York with family, probably until she dies. It’s like ten hours away. What kinds of cereal are in the cupboard? We have chocolate Special K, Honey Nut Cheerios, a Food Lion rip-off of Rice Krispies, and… maybe one more? Is your mom a big health freak or your dad? Or neither? Neither, really. Given her cancer, high blood sugar, and diabetes though, Mom is much more conscious of what she eats. Do you know anyone who wants to be the president one day? Not that I’m aware of. What kinds of chips are in the cupboards? We don’t have any. Mom and I try to keep snack foods out of the house because we know ourselves well enough to know we WILL eat them too fast. Do you have your mom’s or dad’s hair? Absolutely my mom’s. It’s thick as hell like hers was. What’s the first thing you see when you walk into your bedroom? Probably my massive Nightmare Before Christmas poster above my bed. Do you have any friends who have naturally red hair? Yes. Have you ever cried when a teacher retired? Yep. I’m never going to forget my first band teacher; he was a real comedian with a massive heart. We all adored him and got so excited when he would come back to substitute if our instructor had to miss and he was able to come. Oddly enough, I don’t remember his name… When’s the last time you wore heels? Oh Christ. Maybe Ashley’s wedding? Did I even wear heels? Do you have your mom’s or dad’s eyes? Neither. What’s the best date movie? I am such an average white bitch in how my answer to this will always and vehemently be The Notebook. How long has your current best friend been your best friend? Around three years. Have your parents ever been out of the country? No. Do you swear and yell while playing video games? No. I might curse under my breath. Is there any alcohol in the fridge? Oh I WISH. Do your pets chase after bugs? YUP. Roman loves hunting flies. When’s the last time you were so excited you couldn’t sleep? Why? Excited? Probably not since I was going to see Sara. I don’t know. What is your mom’s favorite movie? Oh shit, good question. How much older is your dad then you? Don’t make me math, please. 30-something years. Do you have any relatives who really spoil you? No. Do you know anyone who has security cameras in their house? Probably. What was the last movie to make you cry? No clue. Has anyone you know ever pulled the fire alarm in school, joking around? I think so? Who was the main character in the last book you read? Starflight. Is the last person you said goodbye to single? No, he’s married to my sister. Who are the last people you saw kiss? Like romantically/on the lips? Ummm probably a couple on Facebook or something. Have you ever posted a fan fiction on a website? No. Do you ever fantasize about your future wedding? Who’s the bride/groom? Not anymore. Do you have any relatives who are expecting a baby really soon? No. My high school friend did just announce she’s pregnant with her second child though. When you get married, who will be the maid of honor/best man? My mom. Does your best friend get along with their parents? Yes, they’re fantastic. Have you ever been in a wedding? What were you? Yes; I was the hideous bridesmaid that just cried all through my sister’s wedding. That was a fucking nightmare. Does it matter to you what kind of shampoo you use? I don’t really care, no. Do you have a sensitive gag reflex? Like STUPID fuckin sensitive. Where are you the most ticklish? Don’t touch my fuckin feet. What was the last situation to upset you? It was a petty envy thing that shouldn’t have upset me, let’s move along. Have you ever had an online argument? I’ve been socially on the Internet since I was 11 and am now 24, take a guess lmao. The general subject of your last text conversation? Asking Sara for permission for something RP-related. What is just down the hall from where you’re located? There’s not really a hall at all; my room opens up into the living room. Do any of your friends know you fill out surveys? Well besides the online friends I have here, no. Do you like the controversial/political surveys? ”It depends on if I have enough opinions (and energy) to give good answers or not.” <<<< Exactly this. Who/What did you last spend time worrying about? Myself and my future and my newfound fear of ending up homeless and hopeless after my parents pass away because I’m a very sorry Adult™. What was the last thing you prepared in the oven? Whoa, who knows. The oven scares me, so I don’t use it myself. When were you last offered something illegal? I don’t think I ever have been, actually. Did you accept or decline that offer? N/A When was the last time that you saw fire? On the way home like a week back or something. Someone was burning stuff in their backyard. Have you ever seen somebody get shot? No. What are you listening to? “Little One” by Highly Suspect. Gorgeous song. Do you chew on your hair? Um no???? Can you talk on the phone while having the tv/radio on? No. What size are all the televisions in your house? I don’t know the measurements, but it’s a large Vizio. One of the few really nice things we got when my parents were together. Do you have health insurance? Yes. How many times have you been pulled over by the cops while driving? Zero. What is one of your favorite movie lines? I don’t know, they’re not really something I memorize. What is one thing you look forward to every day? My morning Mountain Dew lmao it’s my coffee, essentially. What is one thing you dread every day? The inevitable part where I’m bored shitless by early evening. Ever lived through a natural disaster? Lots of hurricanes. What’s the longest you’ve lived without electricity? I wanna say around two days? Maybe even three? I don’t remember. Name all the drugs you have tried: None. Name all of the alcoholic beverages you have tried? Margaritas and sangrias with different types of alcohol that I don’t know. Oh, hard lemonade. Oh yeah, wine too, which was fucking repulsive. Name all the types/brands of cigarettes you have tried: None. What is one thing you stand strongly for? Fucking TRY ME on gay rights. What does your doormat say? We don’t have one. Who was the last person you were on hold with (on the phone)? I don’t remember. Who do you know that’s had a baby recently? Ummm I don’t think any *very* recently. Do you know anyone who got married recently? Again, not very. Do you know anyone who has died recently? No. Do you change songs in the car often? I use my iPod to play over it, where I select the songs to play, so I let them play through. However, if I was actually the driver, I definitely wouldn’t; it wouldn’t really matter because I’m so terrified of driving that I need almost no radio at all. What street sign do you find totally pointless? I’m not familiar enough with them all. What drinking games have you played? None. What made you pick up the last book you started reading? Sara got me into the series. Have you received any bad or troubling news lately? Welcome to 20fuckin20, y’all. When was the last time you were relieved about something? *shrug* What about your life concerns you the most? That I’ll waste it. Is there a common thing most people seem to do without trouble, but it scares you (talking on the phone, driving, interviews, etc)? When was the last time you had to do one of these kinds of things? When I went to the doctor a couple weeks ago, I signed myself in. Yes, that sets my anxiety off because I don’t know how to Talk. When was the last time you went somewhere for the first time? Uhhhhhhhh good question. I don’t go anywhere. What is a situation that makes you feel especially confident? Talking about meerkat behavior ha ha. If you’ve moved out from home, what was the scariest thing about it? What was/is your favorite thing about it? N/A Are there any fictional characters you like even though they’re “bad” or “evil?” What qualities draw you to a character? BITCH yes. I just like charisma. For villains, I really like when there’s a *reason* they’re bad, too, and not so just for the sake of it. And I am a SUCKER for sarcastic lil shit villains. What are your thoughts on “forgiving” murderers, rapists, attackers, etc? Do you think it’s even possible to forgive these people? This is a tough question, after I looked past my initial “hell no.” Like, people change. I suppose it varies case-to-case. What was the last series you finished watching? Do you have any plans to begin another? Actually finished, Ginga Densetsu Weed. I’m sure Sara and I will keep watching Avatar: The Last Airbender next time we see each other. What is one way in which you are different from a year ago? What is one way in which you are still the same? I definitely hate myself more than I did. And that’s the problem: I haven’t developed at all in a year’s time. Is there anything you’ve promised yourself you’ll never do again? Multiple things. Do you prefer fake tanning or real tanning? I prefer not tanning at all. Would you date someone who was addicted to drugs? No. I’m not getting into that shit. If the person was recovered, yes, but I wouldn’t hesitate leaving if they relapsed and didn’t seek help. Sounds brutal, but I’m serious about the damage drugs do, and not just to the user. Do you still talk to the person you had your first kiss with? No. It’s probably best we never do again. Can you make yourself cry? I’ve never really tried, but I don’t think so. Are you ready for kids? I’ll never be. Have you ever woken up crying from a bad dream? Plenty of times. Thanks, nightmares every fucking time I sleep. Do you eat breakfast? Yes. Cannot relate to people who don’t like wtf that’s the best part of the morning. Have you ever trusted someone too much? BOY OH BOY OH BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How did you get your last bruise? I don’t recall. Last time you got a text message and smiled? Idk. What was the last kid’s movie you saw? Ummmmm good question. Have you ever shared a shower or bath with someone as an adult? Noooo, not into it. Sounds dangerous but also just… weird to me. Like let me clean myself in peace??? Are you bitter about anything? Oh, am I. Do you use emojis? Occasionally. I’m too biased to emoticons, growing up using those every sentence, lol… but I’m starting to move towards them depending on the platform, and the ones I use are very limited. Do you have any hidden piercings? (this includes bellybuttons) No. I took my snake eyes out. Has anyone called you perfect before? *lips against mic* that was a motherfuckin lie Have you ever liked someone that was in a relationship? Yes. Have you ever gone through a period of mass weight-gain/weight-loss? What was that time like for you? Both, actually. First, mass weight-gain happened due to a medication I was on that murders metabolism + I was a bad emotional eater after the breakup, and those two don’t mix. Then, through recovery, I lost over 50 pounds in around a year from being off of that fucking medicine and my eating habits returning to normal. What’s one incident that has majorly affected your self-esteem? Was it for better, or for worse? THE BREAKUP. It made me feel like an absolute waste of space and time. Do you have a close bond with your sibling(s)? Was it always this way, or has it been better/worse? Not really, but I wish I did. Ashley and Nicole are very close, then I’m like… awkwardly on the sidelines trying to find times where I can insert myself and be a proper sister. Ash and I ARE closer than we were as kids, while it’s a harsh opposite with Nicole. We shared a room and were very close, but now I feel like she doesn’t even like me. Have you used Limewire before? Ha, yuuup… Who do you envy the most, if anyone at all? I’m uncertain about the most.
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doom-dreaming · 5 years
The Sacred Flock: General Info and How To Join
I've been meaning to write this up for a while and I'm finally getting around to it. This is the definitive "about" guide for joining and writing in the Sacred Flock 'Verse, otherwise known as the Twins' Pet 'Verse or The Menagerie. It has a lot of names. So! Here are the answers to (mostly) all your questions!
1) What is the Sacred Flock 'Verse? You may have seen mentions of this around the Calypso corner of Tumblr and wondered what it was. It's a collaborative, relatively-open AU in which the Calypso Twins acquire and keep human pets as trophies and status symbols to reinforce their godhood.
If this sounds like something you might be into, click the readmore!
What this AU includes:
collars (bells and leashes optional)
microchip tracking
cannibalism; Troy’s got monster mouth mods and Tyreen likes to get in on the action too, sometimes
What this AU does NOT include:
incest or pedophilia
marrying the twins
having children with the twins (both of them have had sterilization surgeries in this AU)
2) Sounds interesting, how would I join? There are two levels of involvement. The first level is simply contributing to the 'Verse! Suggest ideas, write something, interact with our posts, and you're in! Further down in this post I’ve listed some of the established canon of this ‘Verse, along with some tags you can explore to get a basic understanding of what you’d be working with.
The second level is our Discord server. To get into that, you must be:
at least 18 years of age
willing to remain active and contribute ideas to the 'Verse
at least semi-interested in the ongoing narrative
In addition, you should interact with our members (most of whom are listed below) outside of the server enough for us to get a feel for what you're like and how well you'd vibe with the rest of us. This includes submitting an RP "audition" to @clockworkrobotic (Kat) so they can meet your character. We don't have a lot of hard-set rules about characters, but the main thing we ask is that they be canon-compliant. Borderlands canon is pretty crazy, but think about the type of people the twins would want to have as pets and keep it realistic (no crazy powers, etc.)
The actual auditioning process involves a character interview and questionnaire that we set up, so if you're interested in auditioning, send a DM to me or Kat and we can provide more info about the setup of the server, aside from what’s written below.
3) The Discord server sounds cool, if I ended up in it, what could I expect? First and foremost, it is a kink server. Our focus is on pet kink and ownership and obedience. If you act up or get into a big enough argument with our twins, they will punish you accordingly. That's not to say you're not allowed to be soft and mushy and have fun, but we have lots of highly-specific channels for other flavors of twin-loving, so heed where everything should go and you'll be fine.
It is a private kink server and we ask that you be respectful of what people are choosing to share.
(Further note: our twins are played by real people and they really do their best to stick to canon characterization, which means they can be pretty villainous sometimes. Go figure. If you're very sensitive to discipline or the occasional sibling shouting match, the main RP may not be the best place for you. We want everyone to have fun and we know that tolerance levels and triggers vary from person to person. The twins will get mean because we (the mods) told them to be, given the understanding that this is a server about being owned by two fairly awful individuals.)
4) You still haven't scared me away yet! Is there any established Flock canon I need to include when I contribute? Yes! Our canon is constantly evolving, and the structure of the narrative outside of the server is quite a bit looser, but we do have established aspects for this AU. A good tag to check out (included at the end of this post) is '#flock worldbuilding.' Some main points include:
the twins' powers are a little tweaked. The leech ability is paired with a healing ability, and the twins can trade these powers back and forth at will
the twins and their pets (us) live in a large building known as the Holy Inner Compound, located near the Cathedral, so it's part of the same Dahl refinery, but the twins have renovated to make themselves some comfortable living quarters
in the center of the Holy Inner Compound is a huge garden. The twins discovered early-on that their healing was just as strong and just as reckless as their leeching, and a burst of siren energy created a beautiful tree that bears a strange fruit. The garden has grown ever since, housing all kinds of vegetables, fruits, and flowers both native and foreign. A pond of fresh water feeds small streams that meander throughout the garden. A good tag to look at is '#tsf: the oasis' (tagged below)
there is a conditioning process that new pets go through. It varies from pet to pet depending on personality and comfort level around the twins (they want you to trust them, ideally) and ends with a collaring ceremony, a public, live-streamed ritual that involves an official collaring and a reminder to the cultists that the Flock is to be treated with the same reverence as the Twin Gods
we focus heavily on the more religious potential of the COV, leaning into ritualism and ceremony; the twins are still streamers with huge personalities, we just ramp up the religious undertones the game didn’t really explore
we have a huge collection of animal pets (affectionately referred to as petpets) and if you want to see them, @glowydruglord did some adorable illustrations for us. Just check out the '#pet pets' tag on my blog to find them
I've started posting some supplementary material and will continue to do so for the next month or so. This includes:
maps of the compound (sketched floor plans and screenshots of my accurate-as-possible Sims build)
detailed information on the progression of the conditioning process
breakdowns of the different areas of the compound
overviews of the ceremonies and rituals used to induct new pets into the Flock
I think I covered the most important stuff, and you can check out the tags below (check them from inside my blog to get relevant results) to take a look at what this 'Verse has to offer. Most importantly, please interact with us if you want to be a part of this! We're all very friendly and me and @clockworkrobotic especially want to get to know the people who are contributing. We'll be happy to answer any questions or just chat!
Here are some of our most active members!
@afterthedreamer @bettersafethandicks @circiva @vialandmortar @cacklefrendly @vaulttouched @constantfantasymind
If you would like to interact with and contribute to this AU, please respect our guidelines. We have a wide range of personalities and preferences and we would ask that you be mindful of what that can entail. One person’s kink can be someone else’s trigger. If you have a question or concern, please ask us!
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go-forth-and-live · 4 years
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SPEED:     Totally depends! Between full-time job and a voice over career I’m trying to get off the ground, I’m pretty busy even during these quarantimes. But I do always try to make space for RP in my day. Sometimes I’m lightning quick on the replies, sometimes it may take me a few days or longer. I keep everything drafted though!
REPLIES:   I know everyone always says “don’t worry about matching length!” but like... I do, lmao. I try to at least keep it reasonably comparable to the previous reply’s length. It really depends on the flow we set for a particular scene--I just try to match it. More than length though, I try to follow the whole “yes, and--” rule of improv, where at a minimum I acknowledge what was said or done in the previous post, and add to it in some way so that you have something to respond to in your reply. 
STARTERS:     Sometimes, yeah! I find that I turn to starter or interaction calls when I need a little new blood in my drafts folder. I feel like it always helps me find that creative Spark to work on the stuff I’ve already got. 
INBOX:    Inbox memes are great! I reblog them pretty often. I think I most tend towards really interesting or unique ones, like AU-based starter calls or ones around a really specific theme (there’s a pizza-themed one from a while back that comes to mind). 
SELECTIVITY:    Ehhh I don’t know, like, medium selective? If you seem like a cool person and I like the style of your writing I’ll usually give a follow and see where it goes. 
WISHLIST:  I love AUs. Absolutely love ‘em. Let’s take our dolls and move them to a totally different doll house. Maybe they’re vampires. Maybe they’re in space. I LOVE putting characters in different settings and universes and just seeing how they adapt and grow. I guess if I had to name a few specific ones: 
Actually a space AU would be kind of fun. Everyone digs a space opera. I’m thinking like Princess Leia vibes? There can be rebellions! Epic firefights in space! Seedy space bars on backwater planets! Space Politics!!! And at the end of it Hazel FALLS IN LOVE with a RUGGEDLY HANDSOME ROGUEISH SMUGGLER--
An AU based on that daytime drama pitch that Hazel came up with in that in-character Q&A where he was a “beautiful young actress knocking at the door of the entertainment world” who gets “bullied by her glasses-wearing rival” and “is helped from the shadows by the Violet Rose Monk” and “her heavy-bodied manager secretly sends his feelings to the admirable heroine.” Like, that, but not framed through the perspective of Hazel’s aggressive self-aggrandizement. 
Vampire AU would be pretty neat too. Hazel would fit really well with like, that old-school aristocratic vampire vibe. 
I’d love a superhero AU! And like, I know BNHA is the one that’s In Vogue rn and I’m not averse to that at all, but I feel like what I’m gravitating towards is more Tiger & Bunny, where it’s like... the commercialization of superheroes, taken up to a thousand. Where Hazel is a superhero with brand sponsorship, endorsement deals, and a management team, probably some kind of fun daytime talk show that he hosts in persona, while also fighting crime. 
HONEST NOTE:     I don’t have anything specific to say here I guess, other than that I have such a great time writing with y’all. RP can be such a magical experience where anything can happen--characters from all sorts of fandoms can coexist in all sorts of different settings and situations, and all that variety brings out stuff you don’t get to really explore in canon. I’m thankful for all the friends I’ve made over the course of my RP life, and I look forward to getting to see where Hazel goes and the experiences he’ll have while I’m writing him here! 
TAGGED BY: Thanks, Shampoo! TAGGING: Take it, it’s urs
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2020 Meta-Resolutions
For the first time ever this year, I decided to put some extra work into my roleplay life. For the past year (possibly more) I’ve been unhappy with various things - mostly the decline of enjoyment in a hobby that has given me a lot of joy for over a decade. I sat down at the end of last year and thought about if I should close down the blog, unsub and quit WoW, and just move on from online roleplay. 
After a lot of thought, I realized that wouldn’t make me happy either. I really do love writing, and without online roleplay, I know I would make so little time for it that it would quickly disappear from my life (yes, I play RPG tabletops but we don’t write). Writing is also the only creative hobby in my life that I make daily time for - and I need creativity in my life to keep me happy.
SO! With the idea in mind that I didn’t want to pack up my hobby just yet, but my current reality was just not bringing me as much joy as it used to... I set out some resolutions this year to put a concentrated effort into improving my situation. I want to mend relationships that I have felt floundering, and also be proactive in creating new relationships where I have felt a void.
Why am I putting this out there? Because I am more than happy for other people to know this is my goal this year. I want to make new friends. I want to be more involved in the RP community. I want to mend old grudges and wipe the slate clean; lets forgive and move on, start again. And I need you to help me do that!
Here are my meta-goals for 2020:
1. I will make an effort to reach out and schedule roleplay dates with my ‘regular’ partners at a minimum of once a month. This goal is mainly for my ships where we’ve been RPing for years and we’ve gotten into bad habits of just talking about head canons, or hanging out IRL instead of carving out RP time, simply infrequent RP, or if our schedules are simply challenging. Mainly focusing on Jericho, Aelberyn, Kharris, and Selysona.
2. I will be more active in commenting, reblogging, and following RP blogs of OC’s I know and don’t know. I will push outside my usual box and be open to different groups that I haven’t previously socialized with. I will send asks and prompts even if I think ‘this person doesn’t like me’ or ‘this person is annoyed by me’ or ‘I heard through the rumor mill this person believes a bunch of untrue BS about me’. It’s 2020 and I am MEGA over all these old grudges and history we all carry around. I want to start clean. Life is short and we’re all playing a video game together. I want to support others, put myself out there, push past insecurity.
3. I will post more self-promotional material. I’ve previously cringed at self promotion and I have to get past this. People don’t interact with OCs they don’t know. I have to put myself out there and ignore the brain weasels if I want people to interact with me.
4. I will write more original work. I’d like to aim for at least 12 original blogs this year. While that’s not a lofty goal at all, I’ve been averaging about zero to 3 blogs per year for YEARS. People won’t interact with OCs they don’t know. If I want people to get excited about my character, I need to actually write for him.
5. I would like to make a few brand new friends this year. This has been such a steep challenge in the past 7 years for me. Every new OC I meet has felt like the alt of someone I know, and when those writers leave WoW it means they take 5-6 OCs with them. My character deserves to have friends, and one of my biggest depression triggers has been going to events and not knowing anyone anymore. So I’m putting a BIG effort into making Iloam some new buds. If I reach out to you out of the blue through Tumblr, please don’t be creeped out! I’m genuinely not trying to creep on you. I’m just putting effort into meeting new people and Tumblr is the best way to meet OCs outside my regular IG haunts.
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