#// ares support squad go!!
fluentmoviequoter · 5 days
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Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!SWAT!sniper!reader
Summary: Mid-Wilshire officers need assistance, so your SWAT team joins them to diffuse a hostage situation. As a result, Lucy learns that Tim has a girlfriend.
Warnings: hostage situation, this is early seasons but I added Nyla bc I love her, fluff, crossover, some grumpy!Tim
Word Count: 2.8k+ words
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“Can you see me now?”
“Street,” you sigh into your radio. “Why are you whispering? You’re 46 yards away, it’s not like I’m going to locate you by sonar.”
“So, you’re saying you couldn’t shoot me from here?”
“Considering your big head is square in my sights, no, that’s not what I’m saying.”
“My head is not big!”
“Are you two done?” Hondo asks tiredly.
“Depends,” you answer with a smile. “Why are you asking?”
“20 Squad,” Hicks calls over the radio. “Mid-Wilshire division just requested tactical support. There’s a hostage situation at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, corner of Wilshire and Fairfax.”
“Let’s roll!” Hondo commands.
You stand from your position and ignore Street’s static murmur of “That’s where you were” as you return your long-range precision sniper to its case.
“I need my AR-10,” you request as you approach the SWAT parking lot.
“Loaded in Black Betty,” Luca yells from the driver’s seat.
“You’re the best, Luca!”
“I know.”
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“Officer Lopez?” Hondo inquires as you exit Black Betty at the corner of Ogden Street and Wilshire Boulevard.
“Thanks for coming,” she answers. “We’ve got an active shooter and at least fifteen known hostages. Our shooter, Wayne Ritter, entered the building, toured the exhibits, then disarmed a security guard and started making demands.”
“How long ago?” Deacon asks.
“About an hour. We’ve had a hostage negotiator on the phone with him several times but he’s not making any progress.”
“Has he fired any shots?”
“At least three. We’re not sure if anyone is injured.”
“You’ve got officers on the east side of the building by the urban light display,” you point out. “You think he’s going to use that exit?”
“Just trying to cover our bases,” another woman answers. “I’m Officer Harper, I work with UCs, just assisting the detectives on this one. Ritter’s a prime suspect in a carjacking turned homicide a few miles from here.”
“There are three sets of doors on the north side of the building. Open into a fenced area that backs up to Fairfax,” Tan says, looking at a virtual map.
“Can he get to the underground parking from there?” Luca asks.
“If he hops the fence, yeah.”
“We’ve got officers blocking off the parking area,” Angela explains. “And three groups waiting on Fairfax, including my rookie. If he leaves, we’ve got him.”
“We’re just more worried about what he’ll do to get out,” Nyla adds.
You look around the immediate area as Deacon gets more information about the employees, security guard, and the operating cameras inside the museum. When Hondo notices your furrowed brows, he steps toward you.
“What are you thinkin’?”
“Three doors at the back into a fenced area is a terrible choice. A few doors and an emergency exit to the east trap you with a bunch of cops. The building’s probably locked down, so he can’t get to parking from inside,” you list off. “If he hasn’t tried to leave, it means he’s looked. There’s only a few windows in the building.”
“You want to find him.”
You nod and point toward the intersection of Wilshire and Fairfax. “There’s windows on this side, facing south. If I can locate him, I can take him down.”
“We can’t get you close enough,” Harper interjects. “We’ve got deadly force authorization, but we can’t risk putting you anywhere near his eyeline."
You smile at her concerns, and Street steps back.
“Can he see 433 feet above street level?” you challenge.
“145 yards?” Luca asks incredulously.
“The AR-10 shoots up to 600.”
“It’s not about the gun,” Deacon adds.
You turn toward Hondo, hoping he has more faith in you than the rest of your team.
“She can do it,” Street argues.
Lopez watches you and Hondo, and Nyla raises her phone to her ear.
“5900 Wilshire Boulevard,” she says. “31-stories?... Yes, sir…” She ends the call and tells Hondo, “SBE officials are allowing us to use the building as we need.”
Hondo sighs and shakes his head. “You’re lucky I trust you.” He smiles as he adds, “That we all trust you. Get up there and find this guy.”
You nod and then pull your AR-10 onto your back and run down Wilshire Boulevard to enter the skyscraper.
“Hopefully he actually has a big head,” Street calls after you.
A shot rings from the museum, and Angela raises her radio to ask, “Bradford? Where’d that shot come from?”
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Tim and Lucy duck behind a concrete art installment east of the museum as a shot echoes off the smooth surfaces surrounding them.
“Bradford? Where’s that shot come from?” Angela asks.
“Northeast corner,” he answers. “Chen and I are south of the gate.”
“SWAT team’s here and we’ve got a sniper getting in position. Any sign of our hostages?”
Tim moves to the end of the abstract wave he’s using as cover but can’t see anything through the dark windows of the door closest to him.
“Nope. Nolan’s in the garage. Interior access can’t be far from where that shot came from.”
“Nolan?” Harper calls. “What’s your status?”
“All clear down here. The doors haven’t opened. We’re holding a few civilians on the far east wall. The shot was above us,” Nolan explains. “Probably not far from the south entrances.”
“Can somebody get a thermal reading?” Nyla asks loudly.
“Walls are too thick from this direction,” an officer answers. “Airship One is two minutes out, going to try to get a shot from the roof.”
“Send us in,” Hondo suggests. “We’ve got thermal scanners, if we can get to a window or door, we can find this guy.”
“Harper, Lopez!” someone calls from the mobile control center. “Grey’s on the phone with Ritter!”
Hondo follows Angela and Nyla into the trailer, where Sergeant Grey has a call on speaker.
“I understand, Wayne. We’re working on getting that for you. But I need to know that everyone inside is okay. We heard a shot, and you aren’t trusting me enough to tell me what happened.”
“‘Cause nothing happened!” Wayne snaps.
“Okay,” Grey concedes, turning to look at Angela. “Then can you tell me how many people are with you? We’ll need to help them, too.”
“They don’t matter!”
Someone screams in the background, a sound laced with fear. Wade shakes his head and pinches the bridge of his nose.
“Twenty minutes,” Wayne demands. “Or there will be one less person for you to help.”
“Mr. Ritter!”
The line beeps, and Wade slams the button to silence the ended call. “He is progressing and if we don’t get some eyes in there quickly, we’re going to be cleaning up a slaughter instead of recovering hostages.”
Hondo raises his hand to his ear, and the Mid-Wilshire officers watch as he smiles.
“I might be able to help with that,” he says.
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When you finally reach the thirty-first floor, your adrenaline is pumping, but your breathing is slow and even. You had to stop three well-dressed businessmen from getting on the elevator with you. One even had the nerve to flirt with you until he saw the gun at your back. So, when you finally step out onto the roof, you sigh in relief. At the northwest corner, you lower to one knee and raise your handheld scope, which shows distance, wind direction, wind speed, and crosswinds.
“Perfect,” you murmur.
After you raise your gun to your shoulder, you lean toward your dominant side and use the ultra-clear scope to look into the southern windows. You move your steadying hand to your radio, propping the gun against the concrete pillar before you, and switch your radio on.
“Hondo, I’m in position,” you alert. “Got eyes in the back windows.”
“10-4,” he replies. “I’m with Mid-Wilshire’s watch commander. If you get a shot, take it.”
“Can I get a physical description of our guy?” you request. “I’d rather not pull an accidental Jack Traven and shoot a hostage.”
“Right here,” Grey offers as he pulls up Wayne Ritter’s record on a laptop. “Security cameras are showing him in dark blue jeans, a white or yellow button-down shirt, and a new mustache.”
Hondo raises his phone and takes a picture of the screen, then speaks to you as he types. “I’m sending you a picture. 5’10”, dark hair, wearing dark blue jeans, a light button-down, and he’s got a mustache now.”
“New look for a new crime?” you joke.
“New attempt, at least,” Hondo agrees. “Deacon and Street are moving to the east side to assist, and Luca and Tan are taking Black Betty to 6th and Fairfax in case he tries to run.”
“Hondo, is anyone covering the west side of the building? If he finds a way to bail that direction, he can get to Orange and disappear.”
“You have someone on the west side?” Hondo asks the people in the trailer with him.
“All units,” Wade radios. “Who’s covering the west side?”
“Bradford and Chen,” Lucy answers. “There’s only one egress route, but it’s locked.”
“Don’t try to open doors, Chen!”
“I didn’t! I can see the lock.”
Wade shakes his hand and gestures to the radio in a there’s your answer motion. Hondo smiles knowingly and relays the information to you.
“Is there exterior roof access?” you ask.
“Not that we know of.”
“Hondo, I’ve got movement,” you alert, shifting your weight as you prepare to shoot.
“Movement at the northside doors, too,” Street calls.
“Eyes on several subjects on north side,” a Mid-Wilshire officer notifies.
“He’s planning a roach light,” you and Tim Bradford radio simultaneously.
“Roach-light?” Nyla asks.
“When you turn on a light, roaches run in different directions and you can’t pick out any particular one,” Hondo explains. “I thought our girl was the only one that used that nasty analogy, but I guess she’s infecting your people with it, too.”
“That’s not the only thing she’s teaching him,” Angela points out. “He’s learning some manners, too.”
“Who?” Nyla asks.
“Focus,” Wade encourages.
Hondo switches his radio from his earpiece to the small speaker attached to his vest as officers continue alerting Grey, Lopez, and Bishop of movement in the museum. He shakes his head and prepares to call out for you just before you radio.
“Eyes on Ritter. I’ve got a shot.”
Wade nods, and Hondo commands, “Take it.”
You exhale as you squeeze the trigger. After your shoulder jerks back slightly, you reposition yourself to watch the impact. The bullet hisses through the air for only a second, and then the glass of the center window shatters before Wayne Ritter hits the ground.
“Suspect down,” you radio. “Code 4 here.”
“All units, Ritter is down,” Wade alerts. “Repeat, Ritter is down. Move in for hostage recovery.”
“Street, Deacon, move in on southern windows,” Hondo says as he exits the police trailer.
While you watch through your scope, he meets your team and, with Street, covers Deacon while he climbs through the broken window and kneels to secure Mr. Ritter.
“Nice shot,” Deacon applauds, looking up toward the roof you’re waiting on.
“Thanks, Deac,” you answer. “Hey, Street, that’s how you get someone down while making sure they can still pay for their crimes on this side of the grave.”
“Say that to my face,” he retorts.
“I am. You just can’t see me.”
“Hondo,” Street begins.
“I’m not getting in the middle of this. Get this guy to transport so we can help with recovery. Deac, on me.”
As Street pulls the injured shooter toward a waiting police cruiser, you lift your rifle and return to the roof access door. The trip down is faster than it was going up, and you walk toward a group of officers gathering the hostages outside of the museum.
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“Who’s that?” Lucy asks as you walk to Nolan’s side.
“How can I help?” you offer before she gets an answer. “My team is clearing the upper levels.”
Nyla calls your name, jogging toward you. “Ritter didn’t have the gun on him, and he’s saying that he had his own plus the one he lifted from the guard.”
“I’ll find them,” you reply. “I’ll let my team know so they can keep an eye out too.”
“I’ll help,” Tim offers.
You nod and step away with him as Nolan joins you. Lucy watches you go, completely enamored by you and your skills.
“Who is that?” she repeats.
“The SWAT sniper?” Angela clarifies. “That’s Bradford’s girlfriend.”
Lucy’s jaw drops as her eyes widen. “She is Bradford’s what?”
“Your TO didn’t share that? Shocking.”
“Is there really a sniper here?” Jackson asks excitedly. “The one time I agree to go somewhere without my TO, I miss a sniper.”
“Not just a sniper,” Lucy explains. “Bradford’s sniper girlfriend.”
“Well, duh, she’s the best sniper in LA county.”
Lucy throws her arms up and asks, “Did everyone know except me?”
“Bishop knows too,” Jackson adds to mess with Lucy.
“As much as I’m not enjoying all this TO-rookie talk, I’ve more cases to work,” Nyla interrupts. “It was kind of nice to meet you all.”
“See you around!” Angela calls.
“You sound sure of that.”
“Call it a hunch, partner.”
Nyla waves off Angela’s teasing tone and turns toward an unmarked car. As Lucy continues asking questions about how someone like you ended up with someone like Tim, you search the museum for the weapons Ritter left behind in his attempt to flee.
“I’m surprised you didn’t just storm in and save the day,” you tell Tim as you circle an art display.
“Last time I did that, you threatened to shoot me,” he points out.
“Because you need to stop putting your life in danger when there are better options.”
“You mean like calling you?”
You smile at Tim over the top of the ceramic statue and shake your head. He raises his brows and prepares to speak before Nolan clears his throat.
“I found a gun,” he states when you look over. “I’m sure it can wait, though.”
“Where, boot?” Tim snaps.
You look at him to communicate a silent warning to be nice.
“Behind the plaster self-portrait over here. Looks like a standard issue private security piece,” Nolan answers.
You follow Tim to the wall and nod as you look at the weapon. While you tell Hondo, Tim tells Grey. In less than five minutes, you locate the other gun and regroup with your team outside the museum. Several officers thank you for your assistance or applaud your clean shot, and you ignore Street’s dramatic and sarcastic fawning over you.
“Oh, you shot that unarmed man so well! Will you please sign my face?” he asks, clasping his hands together as he raises his voice.
“Uh, excuse me?” someone asks, looking between you and Street. “Is it true that you’re dating Officer Bradford?”
“You must be Lucy,” you realize, offering your name and hand. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“I swear none of it is true.”
You lean toward her and whisper, “Tim’s not as hard on you when you’re not around, just so you know.”
“Why are you dating him?” she blurts out. “You’re so different, so nice, and he’s so… Tim.”
“People like us tend to find each other on accident,” you explain. “I got lucky with Tim.”
“What Officer Chen is trying to ask is why you’re dating a cop that is nowhere near as talented or cool as you,” Hondo offers, smiling at something over your shoulder.
“Is she asking that?” Tim muses behind you. “That’s interesting.”
“Honestly, it’s a fair question,” Lucy admits, shrugging.
“Why do you seem so surprised?” you wonder aloud.
“I’m shocked! I thought he was single, for one, but you’re amazing! You can do anything!”
“Or date anyone,” Street adds. “Hondo has been trying to make her see that for years.”
Hondo shakes his head, looking at Tim as he promises, “I have not.”
“Now that we’ve established she’s too good and talented for me, Chen, maybe we should get back to work,” Tim announces.
“Why bother?” you tease. “I already did all the heavy lifting.”
Hondo’s phone chimes, and he sighs before he says, “We gotta roll.”
“I’ll see you tonight?” you ask Tim.
He nods and doesn’t complain when you step toward him and kiss his cheek.
“Don’t be too hard on Chen,” you whisper.
“She’ll be busy spearheading your fan club,” he grumbles. “Or starting a petition for you to dump me.”
“People like us work, Tim. That’s why we’re so great together.” You step back and smile as you call, “Nice to meet you, Lucy.”
“You, too!”
After you get into Black Betty and close the door, Lucy and Tim stand side-by-side and watch until the lights disappear between buildings.
Lucy sighs. “I want to be her when I grow up.”
“I wasn’t aware you’d planned that far ahead.”
“Maybe I will start that petition now.”
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More tf2 ships lets go
Soldier x Demoman / Boots n Bombs
Starting off with a Demoman ship cause this man does not get enough love I think. These two enable each other's stupidity to an incredible degree. They're both geniuses in the art of reckless stupidity, and with their brains and hearts combined they could be making new inventions like "ultra turbo sticky-nade launcherator" and it flings them 8 miles in the air and they die instantly (but they both cheer and think it's awesome once they're revived and they do it again. Medic doesn't care, but he's getting a bit bored of piecing together the same two bodies over and over again). These two would become masters of destruction. I also can imagine them passed out on the couch on top of each other, or Soldier waking up to do drills at 4 am and Demo telling him to fuck off (Soldier can't help it, his love language is explosives and boot camp </3). I like them a lot.
Scout x Sniper / Speeding Bullet
I will admit, I am a bit of a Scout hater when it comes to ships... Actually I'm just a Scout hater in general. However, I do think the dynamic of "annoying little shit" plus "gruff weird guy" works. Scout is the type to press his partner's buttons for the funnies (although he does this with his friends as well) but given how he was in Expiration Date as well as the Cold Day In Hell comic (if I remember right), then he would be genuinely caring and considerate toward his partner's feelings. Scout would push his buttons, but an hour later he'd be splayed out on top of Sniper and rambling about his day. Sniper is more blunt and to-the-point with affection, I think. He'd bother Scout right back, of course, and he'd just as happily sit there and nod along to whatever the hell Scout is talking about. These two would stay up until 5 am together several nights in a row.
Heavy x Pyro / Bear Grill
Since it's such a rare pair, there's some debate on what the ship name actually is. "Russian Wildfire," and "Heavy Fire" are the alternatives I've seen after scouring the tags. I'd like to toss my own suggestion in with "Firing Squad," although that could probably work for other ships too. I personally really like the hc that Pyro is (maybe aro?)ace, and I think that works well with Heavy (I also hc it/they Pyro but any pronouns work for this lil guy tbh). Heavy would support his little maniac's vested interest in fiery homicide just ignore the fact that he says he's scared of them in Meet The Pyro that's not important right now, and I think Pyro would really like watching Heavy use Sasha (the muzzle flash would be really neat in Pyro Vision). Outside of battle, I can imagine Heavy taking care of his guns while Pyro talks to him and tells a (very muffled) story. Heavy would listen to it when it talks about all the wonderful things it sees during their battles, and Heavy would maybe defend it when the other mercs start talking about how terrifying it is... Maybe. They're still very concerning.
Engineer x Heavy
There is no damn posts about this. "Heavy Metal" is a slightly popular one but "More Gun" has been suggested a lot, as well as "Mechanical Literature." I personally like More Gun(s), and I honestly really like this ship, and I feel like it works really well for the same reason that they both work well with Medic--they're both relatively calm and amicable compared to the rest of the team. I feel like Engie and Heavy would be the parents of the team, telling people to go to bed before 3 am and not to explode things in the house (it doesn't work but they can try) (and Engie probably has been the source of one or two fires but not necessarily on purpose). These two would be sickly together. Engie'd be going "good morning Misha 🥰✨" and tap Heavy's shoulder until he leans down far enough to let Engie kiss him on the cheek, and Heavy would give a quiet happy hum as Engie whistles away and they make me sick. I love them so much.
I also think that Engineer would give Heavy some absolutely monstrous artillery as a gift. They absolutely enable each other's horrific acts of bloodshed. More Gun <3
Part 1 - - Part 3
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(GFL) M4A1, ST AR-15, M4 SOPMOD II, M16A1, and WA2000's S/O using a rocket launcher
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M4 doesn't use explosives often, given the Anti-Rain team were typically assigned stealth missions.
So when she sees her S/O fire a rocket into an enemy squad, she can't help but be a little surprised.
(M4A1) "Where in the world were you hiding that?!"
She swears she didn't even see them equip one during the sortie. But nothing to be done about it now.
(M4A1) "Well, the support is appreciated...I think?"
She tries her best to make them use restraint since firing rockets left and right could escalate enemy forces.
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STAR's eyes go wide once she hears the familiar yet terrifying sound of a rocket flying off and hitting its mark.
Thankfully, it came from her direction instead of towards her.
When STAR turned around, she realized it was her S/O who had just fired the rocket launcher.
(ST AR-15) "What in the- why did you waste a rocket on a squad that small?!"
She can't help but be angry at the waste of such a valuable asset.
Until realizing they were carrying even more.
(ST AR-15) "Tch, just don't get trigger happy with it. Come on."
STAR is mildly annoyed, but she can't deny that having that kind of firepower backing the squad up is appreciated.
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SOPMOD laughs as she sees the explosion, giving a very enthusiasitic nod to S/O.
(SOPMOD) "WOAH! You brought that and didn't tell me?!"
She very much wants to use it, and keeps hounding S/O to let her have a turn firing the rocket launcher.
The only problem she has with it is that S/O didn't bring enough for her, which makes her pout.
(SOPMOD) "Next time, I get a turn, got it?!"
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M1 chuckles once the smoke settles, raising an eyebrow.
(M16A1) "Guess subtlety just went out the window, huh?"
Part of her is jealous and impressed. Jealous she can't use it, impressed that S/O can lug that thing around, including all it's ammo like it was nothing.
She was a literal weapon designed for war, and even she can't carry that many.
(M16A1) "Just warn us for the backblast before going all out will ya?"
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WA had her sights on the drone's squad leader.
Until a rocket whizzed from her direction and reduced the enemies to rubble.
She turned to the source, and found her S/O standing near a puff of smoke and a rocket launcher.
(WA2000) "What the hell, are you trying to blow my cover?!"
Here she was trying to do her job as a sniper, and here comes S/O blowing everything up like a grenade happy dummkopf!
WA is going to chew her S/O out the moment they get back to base and make them sleep on the couch.
She didn't need to sleep, but she sure as hell wasn't going to let S/O after this stunt.
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Weird one but it’s 1:30AM and my shame at being a strange creature has evaporated as we enter my internet roaming hours
I really really really love God Games from Epic and the instrumental right before Athena rises against Zeus got me thinking! What if that was the tributes? But like- make it realm hopping.
The games are over and all the kids are dead except for Lucy Gray. It’s been a couple of weeks when suddenly spectral apparitions of the deceased tributes start showing up around the city. They seem to keep to their general area and don’t really interact with anyone, almost like they’re not even aware anyone’s there. Brandy’s found in a park, Treech is in and around the Academy, Circ’s near the university, etc. Then suddenly Dill comes across Felix, and for the first time a specter has looked aware. She recognizes him. Some strange science shenanigans later and a few tributes can become corporeal for long enough to explain they gave no clue what happened but remember everything until their death and a vague lab with a snake tank.
Guess whose lab it is :)
Nobody’s really sure how to fix this because opinions on what “fixing this” means are divided. The ghosts occasionally become aware of their surroundings which gives Capitol citizens the chance to talk to them and soon enough a few mobilize to sneak into Gaul’s lab and try to find clues as to what has happened. Turns out Gaul experimented on the bodies of the tributes and when things started going supernatural she burned the bodies and scattered the ashes in different parts of the city. A bad idea for her, because this released their spirits into the area their ashes were spread through and the fact that they no longer have a physical, decaying body they’re tied to makes what happens next possible. Turns out? The kids are stuck between the realms of life and death and are kept in limbo due to Gaul’s experimentation, and they’re basically trapped behind a thin layer of reality keeping them from interacting with the world of the living. The tributes becoming aware and capable of communicating? That’s them starting to break through that layer.
Epic comes in when Gaul and her small squad of fanatics go after the mentors who managed to get the support necessary to break into her lab and thus expose her, which caused her to lose her career. They storm the Capitol Academy to take revenge. One of the mentors in the crosshairs is Vipsania. Treech’s ghost appears between her and the guy attacking her in an attempt to stop them but since he’s incorporeal he’s a visual impairment more than anything else. He manages to make rough sounds, the first ones he’s made so far, but he can’t quite talk. Until a strike hits him and his spectral form goes up into smoke for a second (the “is she dead” line from Ares). The instrumental bit is Treech thinking back to his time in the Capitol and the games, figuring out Vipsania was trying to help him towards the end, and the way the other tributes cared for their mentors. Then he flashes back to his life in District 7 and all the people he left behind, at which point a surge of determination overcomes him as the music motif goes from Warrior Of The Mind to Legendary.
Just as Vipsania’s about to get her skull split in two, Treech reforms in front of her and catches the weapon. Only the top half of his body is solid, his legs and lower torso are still translucent, but he can touch things now. As he stops the attacker again and again, making his way forward towards Gaul’s group, he becomes more and more real as he breaks through into the world of the living. Finally he disarms the guy and tells him to leave, voice rough and brittle but real. He’s real.
Vipsania stumbles towards him, hesitantly touching him like it might accidentally make him disappear again. But he’s a real, physical being again. They hug and have their reunion, Treech coughs out the leftover snake poison stuck in his throat from the bite that kept him from actually talking before, and then he helps the other tributes figure out how to essentially bring themselves back to life.
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There has been a controversy where I live in the Borough of Milford, Pennsylvania, over whether to pass a resolution in support of Pride Month.  This is conservative area, with groups like The Rod of Iron, a cult that worships the AR-15 led by a son of Rev. Moon, based nearby, and there is opposition in the area to endorsing Pride Month.  This column is from  remarks I made tonight to the borough commissioners in support of Pride Month.  The resolution passed in a unanimous vote.
It’s hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that it was 55 years ago next month that I was on my way from my loft on Broome Street to the Lion’s Head bar on Christopher Street in Manhattan when I walked right into what would become known as the Stonewall Riot.  That night is what gay pride and Pride Month is about.  On June 27, 1969, police from the NYPD vice squad were busting the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar on Christopher Street.  A crowd gathered across the street from the bar as cops led gay customers from the bar in handcuffs and put them into the back of what they used to call a “paddy wagon” that had been parked in front of the bar.
When a trans woman protested the way cops were prodding her with their nightsticks, two cops grabbed her and forcibly threw her into the back of the paddy wagon.  The crowd began throwing coins at the cops, jeering and calling them “pigs.”  Then a paving stone flew through the air and broke the Stonewall’s front window.  Two cops slammed shut the back doors of the paddy wagon, and as it drove away, more paving stones were thrown.  The cops retreated inside the bar and the crowd surged across Christopher Street yelling, “Let them go!  Let them go!”
It was the gay community’s Rosa Parks moment, when a black woman in Montgomery, Alabama, refused to sit in the back of the bus and was arrested, setting off the Montgomery Bus Boycott, which began in December of 1955 and lasted until a Supreme Court decision a year later declared that segregating a mode of public transportation was unconstitutional.  It was the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement, which led eventually to the Civil Rights and Voting Rights laws of the mid 1960’s.
On the night of June 27, 1969, gay people in Greenwich Village rose up and said, we’re not going to take it anymore.  What was it?  It was everything – being forced by societal norms to live in the closet if you wanted a job, or to rent an apartment, or to get a loan at a bank, or any of the other ordinary things straight people took for granted.  It was illegal in June of 1969 to serve an openly gay person a drink in New York State, so all the gay bars in New York City, including the Stonewall, were run by the mob.  The police were paid off to keep them open.  Busts of gay bars like the bust at the Stonewall happened all the time.  It was part of the price you paid if you were gay, to get arrested for buying a drink in an establishment open to the public.  That night, gay people said, we won’t put up with it anymore. That weekend, as people walked home after squads of cops in riot gear had cleared the streets, was the first time I had ever seen gay people openly holding hands in the street.  The chains were off. 
I wrote a story on the front page of the Village Voice, “Gay Power Comes to Sheridan Square,” about the Stonewall riot.  If you had told me, or anyone for that matter, that a movement would be born that would lead to the decriminalization of gay sex, to same sex marriage, and to gay people, for the first time in the nation’s history, being allowed to serve openly in the military, you would have been asked what you were smoking. 
A year later on the anniversary of Stonewall, the first Gay Pride parade marched up Fifth Avenue from Washington Square Park.  There wasn’t yet a Pride Month – that would come later – but a movement was born that over a period of the next four decades brought about all those things.  Gay people had to fight for rights everyone else already enjoyed.
My part in the gay rights movement was to write about and champion the right of gay people to serve openly in the United States Military.  I come from a family with history of military service.  My grandfathers and my father and my uncle and my brother and I all served.  All we had to do was sign on the dotted line and take the oath and we were soldiers.  But during the time we were in the Army, gay Americans had to do something extra.  They had to hide who they were, because it was illegal to be gay and serve in the military. 
Think about that for a moment.  You are a young man or a young woman, and you are patriotic, and you want to serve your country, but if you are gay or lesbian or trans or anything in any way other than heterosexual, you must commit a crime to do your patriotic duty, as perhaps your father or mother or grandfather had done. 
Memorial Day will be here next week, when as a nation we mourn those who gave their lives in serving their country in the military.  Have you ever thought of how many veterans were gay, or lesbian or trans, whom we mourn and thank on Memorial Day?  Have you ever thought of the debt we owe them?  Have you ever thought of the patriotism they felt as they wore the uniform, the pride they took in their service to this country?
Let me share a story my father told me many years ago, before the law imposing “don’t ask, don’t tell” was repealed.  In the winter of 1950, my father was serving in the 2nd Infantry Division as a company commander.  His unit was part of an attack ordered by General Douglas MacArthur to drive the Chinese Army out of North Korea.  To put it bluntly, it didn’t work.  After a series of battles with the Chinese Army, the 2nd Infantry Division was in retreat through a valley that became known as “The Gauntlet.”  His company was bringing up the rear of the retreat under punishing fire from the Chinese Army.  In a last, desperate attempt to escape the valley, my father ordered his men over a hill.  Dad’s company was pursued closely by the Chinese army as they took multiple casualties and carried their wounded.  As they reached the top of the hill, a machine gunner set up his machine gun and began strafing the Chinese Army as they climbed the hill in pursuit of dad’s company.  He stayed there, firing his machine gun, until the last soldiers in dad’s company had carried their wounded to safety.  He killed dozens of Chinese soldiers and he was killed protecting the retreat of dad’s infantry company.
After that build up, it won’t surprise you to learn the machine gunner was gay.  Since before the 2nd Infantry Division had been sent to Korea to fight, he had been relentlessly harassed and teased and bullied by his platoon mates.  Everyone in the company knew this was happening and did nothing to defend him.  And yet he stayed on that hill and fired his machine gun defending his company until a Chinese bullet took his life.
Dad told me that the next day after his company had reached safety in the rear area, they held a service for their company mates who had lost their lives.  Dad said that when the name of the machine gunner was read out, people started to weep openly.  Dad said that despite the fact that others had died that day, and others would be killed as the war dragged on, it was the saddest moment in the war for him, because he had known about the abuse of the gay soldier in his company, and he had done nothing about it, and yet the man gave his life to save his fellow soldiers.
I tell you this story because I want you to think about where patriotism and pride come from, and what they really are.  Patriotism isn’t a right; it is a privilege that is born in the heart.  Pride isn’t just about a lifestyle or sexual identity.  Pride is about what we all gain when we are free and can celebrate that freedom together, as individuals and as citizens of our great country.  
Pride is a dish best served warm, and from the heart.  I hope you will join us as we celebrate Pride Month together.
[Lucian Truscott newsletter]
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au where violet is a cheerleader and ray is in the marching band
violet and ray have been friends since childhood (and developed crushes on each other in middle school)
ray plays clarinet
violet wasnt a super popular girl but she joined the cheer squad bc her brothers were on the football team and her parents suggested she be a cheerleader so she wouldn't be left out
janine is violets best friend and theyre both the weird girls and janine is kinda annoyed that violet wants to join the cheer squad ar first but gets over it p quickly, goes to all the football games to support violet and drags egon along bc he doesnt wanna be there as much as she doesnt
winston is also on the football team and is still friends with ray, absolutely loveable jock
peter runs the concession stand, i just decided
violet comes out of her shell while on the cheer squad, she loves dancing along whenever the band is playing, makes eye contact with ray the whole time (the other girls on the cheer squad(including winston's gf) are teaching her how to flirt)
ray gets jealous when the football players try to talk with violet, v huffy afterwards
FINALLY asks violet out before prom, she says yes of course, everyone is very happy the band geek is going to prom with the cheerleader
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dzthenerd490 · 4 months
Action Report: Helix Part 1
In 2014 a research lab base owned by Arctic Biosystems was declared under attack by an unknown outbreak. This base is located in the artic as the name implies, thought that is not why the Foundation was interest. Arctic Biosystems is a private pharmaceutical company that is owned by the international multi-millionaire Ilaria Corporation. The Ilaria Corporation has been on the ACPA watch list for quite some time as it seems to be involved with political assassinations, controlling of world religions, influencing world economics and governments, as well as involvement with anomalous events. There is also a possibility they are involved with Group of Interest: Neo Umbrella. 
Due to these circumstances Mobile Task Force Ares-8 "Acid Rain" was assigned to the task of going there, assessing the anomalous threat, and if necessary, contain it. The squad consisted of eight units, Codenamed: Paris, Rio, New York, Rome, Tokyo, Berlin, Chicago, and Dubai. 
Paris is the captain of the squad. He is equipped with dual Foundation SMGs loaded with AP Rounds and two Necrosis Venom Coated Machetes. He is wearing a Foundation Bulletproof Biohazard Suit and has UV heat flash grenades, Paralysis Venom Gas grenades, a Foundation Computer Screen Pad, Signal Flares, and a Retractable Foundation Shield. 
Rio is the primary healer and second in command. She is equipped with a Standard Foundation Shotgun with N Rounds, a Pistol with AP Rounds, and a Paralysis Venom Baton. She is wearing a Foundation Bulletproof Biohazard Suit and has a Portable Foundation Medical Case, a Sample Collection Gun, and Paralysis Venom Gas grenades.
New York is the primary cleaner of the squad. He is equipped with a Standard Foundation Shotgun loaded with I Rounds, Chemical Spray Gun loaded with Necrosis Venom, Sterilizing Chemical, and Nitrogenic Gas. He is wearing a Foundation Bulletproof Biohazard Suit and has Sterilization gas grenades and Necrosis venom gas grenades. 
Rome main support for the squad. He is equipped with a Standard Foundation Assault Rifle loaded with AP rounds, N Rounds, C Rounds, I Rounds, TS Rounds and dual Shock Batons. He is wearing a Foundation Bulletproof Biohazard Suit and has Retractable Foundation Shield.
Tokyo secondary healer and secondary support. She is equipped with a Standard Foundation Assault Rifle loaded with AP Rounds and C Rounds. She is wearing a Foundation Bulletproof Biohazard Suit and has a Portable Foundation Medical Case, a Sample Collection Gun, a Retractable Foundation Shield. 
Berlin secondary cleaner and third support. They are equipped with a Standard Foundation Assault Rifle loaded with AP Rounds, I Rounds, and Chemical Spray Gun loaded with Necrosis Venom, Sterilizing Chemical, and Nitrogenic Gas. Thet are wearing a Foundation Bulletproof Biohazard Suita Retractable Foundation Shield and Sterilization gas grenades. 
Chicago is to a combat researcher to pose as Dr. Chicago, specializing in Microbiology, Virology, and Brazilian martial arts. He is equipped with a Standard Foundation Pistol loaded with AP Rounds and Paralysis Venom Baton. He is wearing a standard uniform of a Foundation researcher but is wearing a CDC badge and not the Foundation badge. He has a Foundation Computer Screen pad and Portable Foundation Research Case. 
Dubai is to a combat researcher to pose as Dr. Dubai specializes, in Microbiology, Psychology, parasitology, and CQC. They are equipped with a Standard Foundation Pistol loaded with AP Rounds and Paralysis Venom Baton. They are wearing a standard uniform of a Foundation researcher but is wearing a CDC badge and not the Foundation badge. They have a Foundation Computer Screen pad and Portable Foundation Research Case. 
Neo Umbrella nor the Ilaria Corporation were to be underestimate hence why the squad was twice the size of normal MTF squads during missions. They are wearing a standard uniform of a Foundation researcher but is wearing a CDC badge and not the Foundation badge. They have a Foundation Computer Screen pad and Portable Foundation Research Case.
Begin Recording
Paris: Alright, its recording. Everyone online? 
Rio: Yes Sir! 
New York: Course Boss.
Rome: Yes Boss.
Tokyo: Loud and Clear Boss.
Berlin: Yes Sir.
Chicago: Yes Boss.
Dubai: Crystal Clear Boss.
Paris: Good that makes eight. Just in time too we're about to land. Remember Chicago and Dubai, you're the doctors alright. You need to have all the focus on you, alright? We're a CDC force and we need them to take the fall if this ends up getting out of control. Though that won't happen so long as we all do our part and contain this as quickly as possible alright? 
Rio, New York, Rome, Tokyo, Berlin, Chicago, and Dubai: Yes sir! 
After another minute the helicopter finally landed and each of them got off and headed into the base. As they walked down the entrance hall, they were confronted by Dr. Hataki, Dr. Farragut, and Head Security Daniel, all three of them were confused by the CDC badges.
Dr. Hataki: Who are you?
Dubai: Ah! Dr. Hataki right? I'm Dr. Dubai and this is Dr. Chicago. We're here form the CDC to answer your distress call. Please excuse the seemingly excessive force we have behind us, but please be assured the CDC takes issues like this very seriously and this wishes to cover for all potential threats. 
Dr. Farragut: ... You're not CDC.
Dubai: Uh, sir. I assure you we are. 
Chicago: Yeah, I'm sorry who exactly are you? 
Dr. Farragut: Dr. Alan Farragut of the Center for Disease Control. 
Dubai and Chicago stopped smiling and looked at one another, so did Paris and the others acting as their guards. The Foundation ordered the CDC to prevent all forces form answering the distress call. Yet here was Dr. Farragut a well-known doctor of the CDC, this was not something that should be possible under the control of the Foundation. However, the Foundation is also good at contingency plans hence why Dubai got out his Foundation Computer Screen Pad and pulled up the correct image form his photos before handing it to Dr. Farragut. 
Dubai: Well, if that's true then how come you never received this? 
Dr. Farragut looked at it and so did Dr. Hataki though they were both shocked at what it said. The form was actually one of several falsely created legal documents, made specifically for situations like this. Dr. Farragut looked at the files in shock while Dr. Hataki and Daniel looked at Dr. Farragut with suspicion. 
Dr. Hataki: Is there perhaps something you forgot to tell us Dr. Farragut? 
Dr. Farragut: No, no, this is impossible this can't be real. There has to be some kind of mistake. 
Daniel: Well according to this, you're the one who made a mistake. 
Dubai: Now, now! Dr. Farragut was not lying when he said he was a doctor of the CDC he's just not supposed to be here. However, this can be seen as a blessing in disguise, the more of us here there merrier right? More scientists, more security, more chances of containing this pathogen as fast as possible before things escalate. So despite the complications we are all faced with, how about we shove it aside for now and help one another with our predicament. 
Daniel and Dr. Hataki looked at one another, wondering if this really was a blessing or a curse that had unfolded. Dr. Farragut on the other hand looked at Dubai and Chicago with suspicion, the document on the iPad was legit and legal yet he had never seen either of these two in all his time at the CDC. He wasn't lying about this being impossible, so that meant something was happening and perhaps it had to do with Dr. Hataki. 
Dr. Boyle: Hey Alan! I just wanted to let you know that Sarah's got the quarantine covered so I'm going to start dissecting... the... uh...
Dr. Boyle looks at Dubai and the others with shock while the look at her with disappointment and a few with anger. Dr. Boyle is an agent of the Foundation, she was assigned to the CDC specifically to alert the Foundation of CDC activity. Yet she was here, and the Foundation didn't know of it, this either meant she was bad at her job, or someone somehow knew to prevent her from alerting the Foundation. Now was not the time to find out so Dubai quickly put back on their fake smile and walked to Dr. Boyle.
Dubai: Ah! Dr. Boyle, you remember me, Dr. Dubai don't you? We're form the specialized task force from the CDC but uh... Dr. Farragut here seems to be confused as he things its his team who's supposed to be here and not us when in reality its reverse. Is there perhaps something you can add to help clear up the situation?
Dr. Farragut looked at Dr. Boyle in confusion not really expecting her to know these guys though he was shocked to see her actually looking nervous as if she did. 
Dr. Boyle: Uh... Yeah! Yeah, I uh... I unfortunately don't know how this happened, kinda funny really, but uh, ahem! I do know that we all work for the CDC here. 
Now Dr. Farragut was looking at Dr. Boyle in shock as he was sure she would vouch for him knowing these guys were definitely not CDC. Yet she was instead vouching for them instead. 
Dr. Hataki: ... I wasn't aware the CDC could be so incompetent. No matter, I have no reason and according to that document no authority to have any of you leave. Besides given the recent incident the situation has become dire. If you new arrivals are really here to help them by all means. Dr. Farragut and Dr. Boyle can I trust you two to have our guests accommodated while we get the preparations done so they will also have unrestricted access. 
Dr. Boyle: Yup! You can count on us! 
Dr. Farragut remained silent and just nodded still processing the fact that Dr. Boyle his longtime friend, knew something so shocking that he didn't. Dr. Hataki and Daniel then walked away to get started on getting chips for the new arrivals. 
Dr. Boyle: Okay so uh, first things first. We got some kind of virus that's an RNA strand, it somehow made two victims into black mush and made Peter into a super soldier. He ran off somewhere and infected six people. We already got three in quarantine but the other three we have no idea where they are. The virus is not airborne, but Peter did infect these guys by uh, kissing them in the mouth apparently. Also, I called Peter a super soldier cause he ripped a guys arm clean off and took his uniform. Uh... well, I think that about covers it all. Alan you want to add something?
Dr. Boyle turned to Dr. Farragut with a fearful smile on her face while he looked at her with skepticism. 
Dr. Farragut: ... No, you pretty much covered it all Doreen. I'll just uh, need to ask where you guys are planning on stationing yourselves.
Dubai: How about I assist Dr. Boyle with the dissection she was talking about. Since I assume that will be a nasty job, we'll be taking Task Force operative New York with us and the rest will be assigned to you Dr. Farragut, please utilize Dr. Chicago and the rest however you please. 
Dr. Farragut: Thank you, but uh, Doreen I need to talk to you. 
Dr. Boyle: Uh, can that wait Alan, what I'm disecting isn't a rat but a monkey and remember how Dr. Hataki said they don't have monkeys? Yeah, I just wanna get to work before it, "disappears" or something. 
Dr. Farragut: ... Fine, go, but I do need to talk to you later. 
Dubai: Alright then! Let's get to work!
The following is a recording form New York and Dubai as they are with Dr. Boyle who is dissecting an infected but dead monkey. 
New York: Ew! What the hell is all that black shit? 
Dr. Boyle: It's the monkey's blood, mutated by the virus to be no different to black mucus.
Dubai: I though the black mucus destroys everything it touches. 
Dr. Boyle: Well apparently not monkeys and apparently not Peter.
New York: Who's Peter?
Dr. Boyle: The guy who's going around infecting everyone and ripping their arms off. Though you should also probably know he's Alan's brother.
Dubai: ... That actually brings up a good question. 
Dubai then slammed his hand hard on the inspection table, spooking Dr. Boyle a little. She kept her composure not because she wasn't afraid, but because she knew now was not a good time to panic.
Dubai: You had one job! To look over the CDC, to be their babysitters and the ONE TIME they leave the crib you decide not to tell us. 
Dr. Boyle: ... That's the thing, I did. 
New York: Oh yeah? Was that before or after coming to the arctic because I doubt you can get a signal out here without a signal flare. 
Dr. Boyle: No right after we got the request from that military sergeant. 
Dubai and New York looked at one another on confusion.
New York: Military? Fuck is PENTAGRAM stirring up shit again? 
Dubai: No, even they aren't that stupid nor are they powerful enough to stop a Foundation order form getting through... I think our superiors were right, Neo Umbrella is somehow involved in this. 
Dr. Boyle: Wait shit, you guys are Acid Rain? Oh lord, that doesn't mean zombies and monsters are going to show up does it? 
New York: Relax, even if that is the case, I got more than enough ammunition to blow all those mother fuckers to hell. 
Unknown: Who are you?!
New York quickly got out his shotgun and pointed it at one of the doctors while Dr. Boyle quickly got away form the table in shock. Dubai raised his hands and tried to signal to New York to lower his which he did so very slowly. 
Dubai: Okay, relax, I am Dr. Dubai, please tell me who you are. 
The unknown doctor looked at Dr. Boyle and New York while visibly shaking. her skin was pale while the skin around her eyes and nose was clearly turning orange. Dr. Boyle was scared as she knew this was a key sign of infection. 
Unknown: Who are they?!
Dubai: Oh, please be at ease, this is Dr. Boyle a fellow doctor at the CDC and this is our security New York. Please say hello you two.  
New York and Dr. Boyle looked at one another; even with his biohazard suit on, Dr. Boyle could see he was just as uncomfortable with this as she was. Still they both listened to Dubai and waved at the doctor.
Unknown: ... How do I know that's your real names?
Dubai: Scouts honor, thought of course I don't blame you for being untrustful. It's been a long day, hasn't it? 
Unknown: Yes... the white room... so much death... It's everywhere, he's everywhere! Oh god, he's coming for us! No, no! You... How do I know you're not going to hurt me. 
Dubai managed to keep up his genuine looking smile as he slowly approached her. 
Dubai: I won't keep any secrets from you, because I don't want them to hurt me either. 
Unknown: Wha- what? 
Dubai: We have to stay out of the white room, but we can only do that if we work together. 
Unknown: Y- Yes that's right, strength in numbers! They can't stop us! 
Dubai: No one can stop us! Not with this. 
Dubai then held out his Foundation Computer Screen Pad but didn't turn it on or face it to the doctor. Curiosity and hope consumed her as she smiled and walked over to see what it was. Though as she did Dubai chocked her on the back of the neck. She quickly fell to the ground knocked out. 
Dubai: Okay, good, consider that situation de-escalated. 
Dr. Boyle: Did you really have to knock her out? 
Dubai: Kinda too late consider alternatives. Now help me get her up and direct us to the quarantine. 
Dr. Boyle: Alright but on the way there, you guys need to help me get a story for Alan straight. 
Dubai: Fair. Hey New York, are young going to help or not?
The following is a recording of Paris and Rio working as security for Dr. Jordan as she enters the quarantine area of the three patients. 
Unknown: Hey! How long do we have to be in here? 
Dr. Jordan: A couple of weeks at most.
Unknown: A couple of weeks?! What about my research?
Unknown: What if I'm not infected? I'm in the same room as them, breathing the same air! 
Unknown: Oh, Shut up Bryce.
Dr. Jordan: Please everyone calm down, I know this is very stressful.
Unknown: You don't know anything! How old are you? 
Dr. Jordan: ... I'm 26.
Unknown:  You look like your 15.
Dr. Jordan: I have two master's and a PhD form MIT specializing in virology and biogenetics. 
Paris and Rio looked at each other, granted this was considered common level of genius within the Foundation, but the fact that she knew biogenetics was interesting. It was the same field Rio was in as she was planning to become a Combat Researcher or maybe a Captain one day. 
Dr. Jordan: I was the youngest doctor hired by the CDC in over a decade and Dr. Farragut put me in charge of isolation because I'm qualified. The two guards behind me are only a precaution in case things get out of control which you're not helping by acting like this; so once again, please remain calm. I will do my best to address your needs, but I want to make one thing perfectly clear we will have order here. 
One of the doctors scoffed at Dr. Jordan and the rest said nothing. 
Paris: She said there will be order, is that clear? 
Unknown: ... Whatever.
Paris got annoyed but he just left it at that, Dr. Jordan then got to work checking their symptoms as the infection progressed within them. She took tests every so often just to be sure not to miss a single detail. 
Rio: Do you need help? I know a thing or two. 
Dr. Jordan: Uh, well this is very delicate situation, so I just think-
Rio then took out her Portable Foundation Medical Case and took a DNA sample that Dr. Jordan collected. 
Rio: If the two of us work at the same time, we can get our research done faster. Just let me know if I'm in your way.
Dr. Jordan: ... Can you handle that one over there then? 
Rio: Of course!
Dr. Jordan was confused as she was sure that Rio was supposed to be here for security only. She then looked to Paris who just shrugged.
Paris: She doesn't hesitate to help those in need.
Unknown: Yeah, like that's going to make a difference.
Paris: ... Doing something is better than complaining, dumbass. 
Unknown: Hey what did you say to me?! 
Suddenly the door rang, and New York came in with a new patient strapped to a gurney. 
New York: Got a new one, apparently there's another on the way. 
Paris: Good go back to Dr. Boyle I'll take it from here. 
New York then let Paris take the gurney and left. 
Unknown: What?! You're going to let in more sick people?! 
Paris: This is the quarantine area, it's for the sick. 
The doctor scoffed in disbelief and walked over to Dr. Jordan
Unknown: You've got to let us out of here, this is kidnapping! I demand to talk to a lawyer! 
Dr. Jordan: this is a public health crisis; the CDC has full jurisdiction here.
Unknown: Oh! A hell of a lot of good that's done! We could do a better job of finding a cure ourselves.
Rio: Arguably. 
Unknown: ... What did you say bitch? I'm a doctor, not some military jock paying nurse.
Rio just scoffed at the doctor while she was treating one of the patients by giving them Foundation Pain killers. 
Unknown: Give it a rest, Bryce. 
Unknown: You give it a rest! 
Paris: She was you idiot. She's not exactly cooperative but she's better at keeping her cool than you are.
Unknown: Huh? Oh let me guess you think your better than us just because we're not military or whatever.
Paris: We're not military we're CDC you idiot. 
Unknown: Stop calling me an idiot! 
Paris: You are an idiot! Now calm down and shut up or else I'll make you!
Unknown: Oh, you'll make me?! 
Paris then got up to the doctor and showed him how tall he was in comparison.
Paris: Yeah, but you don't want to know how... do you?
Unknown: ... No... I'm sorry.
Paris: Good, now sit down and shut up. 
The doctor did as Paris ordered, the other looked at Paris with anger but quickly looked away in fear when he noticed her glare. Dr. Jordan was looking at him in disbelief at how aggressive he was though looked to Rio who seemed calm and collected in comparison.  
Dr. Jordan: Is- Is he always like that?
Rio: ... Paris just hates wasting time, he's a really nice guy once you get to know him but that's the thing, you have to get to know him first. 
Dr. Jordan: Paris?
Rio: Oh, we're all assigned code names. I'm Rio by the way. 
Dr. Jordan: ... What's your real name.
Rio: Just call me Rio. 
Dr. Jordan: Who are you guys really? 
Rio: We're from the CDC like you.
Dr. Jordan: I'm from the CDC yeah, but I don't know any of you guys nor have I ever heard of you. ANY of you.
Rio: ... You can ask all you want, I'm afraid it doesn't change the answer, we're all members of the CDC.
Dr. Jordan: well, I'm not as naive as I look. I'll find the truth eventually.
Rio: *sign* Suit yourself but spoiler warning... we're from the CDC. 
Dr. Jordan just grunted as she continued working, suddenly the doctor she was testing started groaning in pain. Suddenly Rio walked over and infected him with something that make him stop moving and sleep peacefully.
Dr. Jordan: ... What- what did you give him? 
Rio: Pain killers. What else?
Dr. Jordan: I've been giving him morphine, but it hasn't worked. 
Rio: Guess morphine not as strong as most think.
Dr. Jordan again looked at Rio in suspicion but couldn't get answers now, so she just kept working. 
The following is a recording of Rome and Chicago who are with Dr. Walker and Dr. Hataki. 
The four of them are watching surveillance of Peter and his work before he became infected. Though Rome gets up and out of the room to get some coffee. However, Julia suddenly jolts and looks to the vents when she hears something no one else does. 
Dr. Hataki: Are you alright? 
Dr. Walker: Yeah, just thought I heard something. It makes me think of peter being up there. 
Dr. Hataki: It's just the base settling, have you gotten any sleep?
Dr. Walker: An hour or two but I'm fine, really.
Dr. Hataki: The arctic can play tricks on the mind, sleep is important.
Dr. Walker: I'll take that under advisement. 
Rome then walked back into the room with a coffee box and four cups of coffee.
Rome: Sleep is good, though on a busy day like this coffee is a second best. 
Dr. Hataki: Where did you get that? We don't serve coffee here.
Rome: I always pack my own grounded beans and easy to store cups wherever I go. Would you like one? 
Dr. Hataki: ... I don't think caffeine is good for the mind, but it would be rude to decline your offer. 
Dr. Walker, Dr. Hataki, and Chicago all took a cup. Dr. Walker took a sip joyfully then looked back to the recordings.
Dr. Walker: Woah, what just happened. 
Dr. Walker then replayed the video, when she played it, it showed the rats shaking the shelves they were on to the point they knocked them down. 
Chicago: Holy shit, what the hell was he giving those rats? 
Dr. Walker: I don't know, care to explain Dr. Hataki? 
Dr. Hataki: As I already told Dr. Walker, Peter was researching mutagens. 
Chicago: Yeah, but what kind of mutagens? Because all known mutagens can't do something that extreme. I mean if there was something like that, I would want some. 
Rome, Dr. Hataki, and Dr. Walker looked at Chicago in confusion and a hint of disgust.
Chicago: I mean AFTER the psychotic symptoms are worked out. 
Dr. Walker: ... I need to get to Peter's lab, find out everything that he was working on. I'm aloud to do that right Dr. Hataki? 
Dr. Hataki: As I've already told you, you have unlimited access to the base. In fact, please allow me to escort you all there. 
Dr. Hataki, Dr. Walker, Chicago, and Rome then walked out of the room and towards Peters lab. However halfway there they heard screaming down a hall, so Rome got out his assault rifle, but Dr. Walker raised her hand to signal him to stand down. Rome lowed his rifle but followed her as she walked down the hallway where they encountered Dr. Farragut and Major Balleseros who caught another infected. People in the hallway yelled at them in anger which only got Tokyo, Major Balleseros, and Berlin agitated in retaliation. Peter only barely managed to calm down the situation by explaining the rate of infection if things get out of control. No one was happy but then all went back to their rooms while the others took the infected patient to the quarantine zone. 
Dr. Walker: Nice Speach
Dr. Farragut turned around to see Dr. Walker and Rome standing there. 
Dr. Walker: I haven't heard that since... Kikwit, '95? 
Dr. Farragut: It was Joburg, '96. What are you doing here? 
Rome: Apologizes, Dr. Farragut. We're going to Peter Farragut's lab to continue our investigation. We have reason to believe the rats he was working with may have been the point of origin or have some kind of connection to it. 
Dr. Farragut: Your supposed to be guarding Julia while she works on rate of infection. 
Rome then looked at Dr. Walker as he was unaware of this. 
Dr. Walker: This seemed more important. 
Rome sighed as he could not only tell that Dr. Walker and Dr. Farragut were dating but they were also the type of couple to bump heads regularly. He was quickly proven right as they started arguing more and more. However, Dr. Walker suddenly said, "It was never the time or the place, that was the problem to begin with" he realized they were actually married once and now divorced. Dr. Walker then walked off to join back with Dr. Hataki and Chicago. Rome quickly followed her.
The four of them were now in Peters old lab with Chicago and Dr. Walker looking through old files. Rome was standing guard over them all, but he was also making sure to observe Dr. Walker and Dr. Hataki. Two things he noticed about Dr. Hataki, one he was merely pretending to look around, it was obvious he knew he wasn't going to find anything. He was merely trying to look the part so that he could delay as much as possible. The second thing was that he kept looking at Dr. Walker, and it wasn't with suspicion it was like he was looking at someone he had wanted to see for a very long time. Rome was normally good at reading people but this time he was confused as there should have been no connection between the two, yet Dr. Hataki was making it seem like there was one. 
Dr. Walker: Here I got something, Apparently Peter was working with pathogens, Narvik-A and Narvik-B what are those?
Dr. Walker and Chicago looked at Dr. Hataki who just remained silent the entire time. Chicago then went over the the freezer and pulled out several samples two of which ended up being the Narvik-A and Narvik-B. 
Chicago: We should infect the rats again to see what happens.
Dr. Hataki: Inject more rats? That didn't work out for Peter, or his college now did it?
Dr. Walker: Where are his college?
Dr. Hataki: ... You already met them in body bags. 
Chicago: The people that got disintegrated? Fucking hell.
Rome: Sure, but when Peter performed his experiments, he didn't have security on standby, with me here you do now. 
Dr. Walker looked at Rome with skepticism, Rome knew it was for the same reason as the other CDC researchers, they didn't trust the Ares-8 units. Which wasn't surprising, they really weren't who they said they were but to be fair the real CDC wasn't supposed to be here in the first place. 
Dr. Walker and Chicago started injecting the rats having two injected with Narvik-A and two with Narvik-B. Shockingly it only took 5 minutes to see the results of infection. The Narvik-A hosts died quicky as their stomachs burst open and black mucus flooded out slowly melting the rest of the body. The Narvik-B hosts however just lost all their hair but remained alive. 
Chicago: Weird... the rats lost all their hair but how come Peter didn't lose his? Does it only deteriorate rats but strengthen humans somehow. 
Dr. Hataki: Please don't be ridiculous how would a virus be able to tell the difference.
Chicago: Yeah, a normal virus wouldn't but that's assuming anything about this is normal. Sometimes it pays off to think outside the box. 
Dr. Hataki: Hm, I'll keep that in mind... Though, I have to say it does feel good to be a part of real lab work again. 
Dr. Walker: Until your reminded of how tedious it is?
Dr. Hataki: No, it's exciting actually. I miss the precision, commitment, sacrifice, all leading to the joy of discovery. 
Chicago: ... Heh, I won't argue with that. 
Dr. Walker: My mother actually used to say something like that.
Dr. Hataki and Dr. Walker then continued talking about her mother, Rome noticed how much Dr. Hataki seemed to enjoy discussing Dr. Walker's family. It was so strange, why was Dr. Hataki so interested in Dr. Walker. However, before Rome could find an answer or Dr. Walker could keep talking one of the rats infected with Narvik-B started breaking the glass. Chicago pulled Dr. Walker back and Dr. Hataki stepped back as well though he didn't seem afraid. The rat then broke free and landed on the floor, it rushed towards Dr. Walker and Chicago making them both scream in terror, but Rome quickly stomped on it, killing it instantly. 
Rome: ... Ha, and that's why you always have a trustworthy security man with you before performing dangerous experiments. 
Dr. Walker smiled at Rome being thankful for his help though all four of them turned back to the glass container when they saw the second Narvik-B rat smashing into another cage for a healthy rat. It got on top of the healthy rat and put its mouth over the other quickly puking the black mucus into the health rat's throat. 
Chicago: Fucking hell, I've seen zombies eat people but that's a whole other level of messed up. 
Dr. Walker: This isn't some science fiction movie this is real but it's... it's not possible, it's not supposed to be. 
Chicago was actually being serious, but Dr. Walker didn't need to know that, so he didn't correct her. 
Rome: I don't understand that rat just spread the virus, there are parasite that can do that to you.
Chicago: Yes parasites can do that, but this is not a parasite this is a virus. Dr. Walker is right this shouldn't be possible, but the virus is controlling the host exactly as how a parasite would, possibly better than a parasite would. It's not only compelling the host to spread the virus but making them do so in the most effective way. Not only that but the rat is stronger with the virus than without, viruses degrade they don't upgrade. They literally spread by rewriting cells with their own DNA code and forcing it to create more virions until they pop. Yet somehow not only is it making the host aggressive but giving them the boost to back it up. I haven't seen a pathogen like that since... The Tangi Virus. 
Rome and Chicago looked at one another as the Tangi Virus was one of the worst pathogens in Foundation history. Granted this new virus was clearly nowhere near the same level but it was close which made it just as dangerous. 
Dr. Walker: What the hell is the Tangi Virus? 
Chicago realized he let vital information slip and closed his mouth and looked the other way. Rome noticed Dr. Walker scoffing in annoyance at this but what really shocked him was that Dr. Hataki looked shocked but as if he knew the Tangi Virus and how dangerous it was. Rome knew this meant he would have to keep a close eye on Dr. Hataki form here on out.
The following is back to the recording of Rio and Paris as they are watching over the quarantine patients. 
Rio: Okay looks like everyone is stable. 
Unknown: Good! Now let us out of here already!
Dr. Jordan: You know why we can't do that. 
Unknown: She literally just said we are all fine now!
Rio: I said the situation is stable. That doesn't mean your cured. Please just be patient while we run tests, I'm already running tests on you blood so-
Unknown: For crying out loud you're both insufferable! 
Paris: And you're not? 
Unknown: Hey! If you just let us back into our labs we could help. 
Rio: Doubtful.
Dr. Jordan: Okay you two really aren't helping by arguing with them okay! 
Paris: Are we supposed to be nice to them when they're being a bunch of idiots? 
Unknown: Hey, I'm a scientist you security guard loser! 
Paris: Yeah, your level of calmness and ability to pick out a good insult has made that clear. 
Unknown: You know what, I think you three wouldn't be acting so high and mighty if you didn't have those suits on.
Unknown: They're not wrong about you being unreasonable you know.
Everyone turned to the patient on the first bed in shock as he was actually defending Rio, Paris, and Dr. Jordan rather than his fellow scientists. 
Unknown: Oh, shut up, you're on your deathbed you know! 
Unknown: And that makes my opinion less than yours? 
Rio: Also, he's not going to die I just said he is stable. You know it's kinda sad he's suffering the worst side effects yet is making more sense than either of you.
Unknown: Don't go provoking them, love. They'll just get more unstable if you do. 
Rio: I know, it's just frustrating their supposed to be scientists but their acting like scared children. 
Unknown: People do stupid shit when their scared, it's just human nature try not to hate them too much for it. This area was supposed to be a safe haven for us scientists, yet we all got infected with some strange disease that Peter gave us. It's hard to stay calm even with this amazing medicine you gave me. 
Rio: You're going to be fine, I'm running tests now, even if I can't find a cure, I can at least find a treatment to suppress the virus long enough to find one. 
Unknown: Huh, I thought you were just a security girl, say maybe you deserve to have a position here once this is over. With you around we'll never have to worry about a contagion like this again. 
Rio: Nice offer but I can't my current job needs me more and is more aligned to my skills. I don't want to just research I want to keep fighting the good fight when I can. I'm just a researcher I'm also a soldier or I mean... Like a soldier. 
Unknown: Ah... No, I get it, any chance where you're working offers more scientific positions? 
Rio: We make exceptions for certain people but uh, how about we focus on getting you better first.  
Unknown: I'm in your hands love. 
Unknown: Oh nice by the way, flirting with a teenager!
Rio: teenager? I'm 34. 
Unknown: Wha-?! Bullshit! You sound nothing like a 30-year-old and your voice sounds like every high school actor ever! 
Dr. Jordan: As I already explained we are more than qualified to deal with the situation. Please have more faith in us.
Unknown: Yeah right, have faith in you? You haven't even come close to developing a cure yet! 
Paris: It's only been one day, since when has there ever been a cure made in one day to defend against a newly developed virus? 
Unknown: You know what?! I'm sick and tired of your back talk solider boy!
Paris: Because I'm right? 
Unknown: You think you're so smart, don't you?
Paris: Compared to you? Yeah, pretty much. 
The scientist huffed at Paris then walked over to one of the tables grabbed an empty syringe, filled it with air, and grabbed Dr. Jordan while holding it dangerously close to her neck. 
Unknown: Now I'm in charge! Let us out of here now! 
Dr. Jordan: You know we can't do that. 
Unknown: Then you're going to call someone who will. Or at least your soldier pals will, unless they want to see you die. 
Suddenly the scientist holding Dr. Jordan hostage screamed out in pain as he fell to the ground for Rio kicked him in the leg. The other scientist saw this and quickly tried to grab a scapple to defend herself, but Paris grabbed her arm to prevent her from moving. Rio then grabbed the first scientist and slowly restrained him to a bed. 
Unknown: Let me go! You're hurting me.
Paris: Not a chance. 
Unknown: Help! Someone help! He's going to assault me! 
Rio: Shut up! No one is going to fall for that. 
Dr. Jordan: Ah, please be careful with them though. 
Paris: Relax I'm just restraining her. 
Unknown: Aurgh! You people are monsters! We're going to tell the whole world about this once this is over! No one will ever trust the CDC again!
Dr. Jordan actually seemed afraid by that threat but Rio grabbed her shoulder in reassurance. 
Rio: It's like you said, the CDC has full jurisdiction here. If people really have a problem with us doing everything, we can to protect lives and preserve order, then they're the ones in the wrong. 
Dr. Jordan: ... I just hope we don't have to do more than what's necessary. 
With the situation mostly taken care of, Dr. Jordan, Dr. Farragut, Dr. Walker, Dr. Boyle, Dr. Hataki, Dubai, and Chicago met up while Paris, Rio, New York, Rome, Tokyo, and Berlin stayed stationed around the base to maintain order but also keep a look out for Peter and the sixth victim. 
Dr. Walker: Okay so from what I found out. Narvik-A is what killed those two people that were turned into... nothing. Peter is infected with Narvik-B which despite being a virus is able to control the host similar to a parasite. 
Chicago: Yeah, like how Toxoplasma gondii makes a rat lose its fear of cats so it can get eaten by them and the parasite will reproduce in the cat's intestine. But this version is not only a virus its able to reproduce itself in the throat and force the host to barf it all into a victim's mouth. No sacrifice of the host required. If anything, it's the ultimate infection for a virus. No downsides and all the benefits included. 
Dr. Jordan: A host of a virus with focused behavioral patterns? It's like the virus is turning the host the vector. 
Dr. Walker: Vectors on Steroids. I think the B strain rewires the brain to make the host the perfect contagion machine... Or perhaps like the Tangi Virus.
Chicago shuttered to which Dubai looked at him in shock but then disappointment. Dr. Farragut and Dr. Jordan noticed this with Dr. Farragut in particular glaring in disappointment. 
Dr. Farragut: What on earth is that?
Dr. Walker: That's what I'd like to know.
Dr. Walker turned to Chicago and soon everyone else did in confusion. Dubai looked at Chicago in disappointment and sighed before stepping forward to talk.
Dubai: ... You guys ever heard of the Tangipahoa infection at Cate's Crossing, Louisiana? 
Chicago and Dr. Boyle looked at Dubai in shock but said nothing as they couldn't. Dr. Farragut and the others just looked at them in confusion.
Dr. Farragut: How could I not, they called it the worst blunder of the CDC in modern history which is strange because despite hundreds of testimonies there's no evidence of it happening or that the CDC actually being involved. 
Dubai: Well... that's not entirely true.
Dr. Walker: No... No, that was all of YOU?
Dubai: Well not just us but yeah, now you know why you never heard of us until today. We're a part of a specialized and more secretive division within the CDC. 
Dr. Farragut: That should be impossible, the CDC reports to the US government. There's nothing higher than that.
Chicago: Seriously? You never heard of the UN?
All three doctors looked at one another in shock and confusion.
Dr. Jordan: The UN? 
Chicago: Yup, the United Nations themselves created our division of the CDC to handle more disastrous pathogens and viral threats that can hurt both America and even the world in the long run. Though of course there is the World Health Organization but the UN decided that there were some pathogens that the public didn't need to know about. Such pathogens could bring a lot of chaos not JUST from infection but the fact that people knew they were real, so it's all pretty hush, hush. 
Dubai: Which means we'll have to ask you all to keep quite after this situation is taken care of which it pretty much almost is. 
Dr. Hataki: Of course, I have no reason to want to make an enemy of the UN. You will have my full cooperation in remaining silent on this issue. 
Dubai: ... That actually brings up a major issue. The Tangi virus, as I explained earlier is a pathogen that is classified to a majority of the world. All I can say is, despite its anomalous nature, it was created naturally. This virus on the other hand is way too focused and sophisticated to be natural. Also, you did tell us that Peter was working on mutagens but there was no way he created this virus by accident. The question is... Why would he create this virus? Was he asked to by you? Did someone pay him to do it? Or did he actually have the bright idea that if he created a strong enough virus someone would eventually want to buy it on the black market? 
Dr. Farragut: Let's keep the theories grounded here, okay? Peter would never do something so stupid. 
Chicago: Sorry bro, but in our line of work familiar bonds don't mean shit in the long run. 
Dr. Farragut looked at Chicago with anger and disbelief while Chicago just smirked and shrugged at him. 
Dubai: Regardless! Dr. Hataki I need you to be honest with us now, why the hell did Peter create the Narvik and made one strain disintegrate the body and the other turn them into a vector zombie. 
Dr. Hataki: ... I'm afraid I can't say, I encourage my doctors to break the limits of science. but in Peter's case, he might have taken things too far, maybe it was greed or maybe the pure love for science. I'm afraid I simply have no answers.
Dubai: ... Whatever, Rio is continuing to run samples of the infected patients, maybe we can get more answers from there. 
Dubai and Chicago left the room and Dr. Boyle was about to follow but Dr. Farragut stopped her.
Dr. Farragut: Not so fast Doreen, you still owe me an explanation. How did you know those guys?
Dr. Boyle: ... Because I was supposed to be promoted to their ranks by the end of the year. 
Dr. Walker: They- They offered you a position? 
Dr. Boyle: Yeah, but uh, it's all hush-hush you know so, when I get the job, I'm supposed to tell you guys that I can't work at the CDC anymore and I'll just quit. In reality I'm going to work with them from that point on, I wasn't really supposed to tell you anyways, government contracts and all. 
Dr. Farragut: ... I'm still having a hard time believing this, but I am sorry I suspected something more sinister form you.
Dr. Boyle: It's alright Alan, we should probably get back to work though. I think this virus has given us enough surprises don't want to give it the change to give us more. 
Dr. Farragut: Of course, Doreen, and if Julia is right, we might be dealing with more than one variant even now. I want to believe that Peter made the Narvik-B strain by himself, but viruses aren't normally so easily controlled.
Everyone then quickly left the room to get back to their stations and continue working. 
The following is a recording of Paris who is outside of Dr. Hataki's office. 
Major Balleseros walked towards his office but then noticed Paris standing guard. Paris faced him then backed away to let him through. 
Major Balleseros: You're not with the CDC, are you?
Paris: ... You and I both know the CDC are not supposed to be here in the first place and yet here they are. This was supposed to be a simple clean up and yet now we have to babysit as well.
Major Balleseros: It was out of my hands; the signal came from here at arctic biosystems. I'm just here to clean up the mess.
Paris: Right, and you would have done a great job without us.
Major Balleseros: You're not really supposed to be here either. 
Paris: Yet here I am under orders, similar orders in fact. Clean up the mess. This virus isn't supposed to be public yet, the CDC now knows of its existence. One of my subordinates managed to keep the peace but who knows how long that will last. 
Major Balleseros: ... Well, in that case why don't you just tell your boss that the issue is too much to handle.
Paris: Tell THEM yourself, we both know you wouldn't have come here without a secure way to communicate. Though I doubt they'll be willing to acknowledge my existence. Maybe they'll tell you I'm a traitor and order you to kill me, I'm actually hoping that one will happen, makes things easier for me.
Major Balleseros looked at Paris shocked then sighed as he faced Dr. Hataki's door. 
Major Balleseros: ... If your here to evaluate me, don't bother. I have no intention of betraying Ilaria, I will get the situation under control, with or without your help. I understand you have your orders, but you can follow them while staying out of my way. 
Paris: Heh, it's not like healthy competition isn't aloud at Ilaria.
Major Balleseros scoffed and walked into Dr. Hataki's office, Paris sighed as he was glad he was able to trick Major Balleseros into thinking they were secretly on the same side. He wasn't as good at Psychological Manipulation as his husband was, but he still learned a thing or two. He made sure his recording device got all that info and would be sure to review it with the others later. 
Paris: Ilaria really is behind this huh? Guess we found another tail of Neo Umbrella, all that's left is for the head to show itself.
End of Part 1
Continue to Part 2
SCP: HMF Tales Hub
0 notes
goldsrc-hl1 · 1 year
““Lynch squad already had an excuse, but they're surely gonna go and tell more and more humans about how a Faunus murdered one of them, therefore spreading more hate””
And if they hadn’t died they’d be telling about how some Faunus beat them up,so they should go kill them, or if the Faunus had all not fought back at all, the humans would talk about how “submissive” they all are
But if the humans face consequences for their attempted attack, which I admit doesn’t require killing them, I saw that more as an in the moment reaction on Adam’s part tho, they will at the very least think twice about attacking next time because they know there will be repercussions, THAT is the goal of civil rights activism, not to,politely convince people to stop being bigoted, but to show them that their bigotry has consequences, that their oppression would always be resisted,
You know how people are still racist today no matter how many “good things” black people have done in America as a whole? Yeah, that’s evidence enough
Even making someone at Keats not be actively racist doesn’t mean they will suddenly care enough to actually stand up for Faunus rights, even if the fuanus ar e generally viewed better in mistral that doesn’t mean things have changed in a measurable,way because those humans still don’t care enough to actively do anything about it,
Frankly, even if every human on remnant wasn’t racist that still wouldn’t solve racism because racism is built into the institutions themselves, it’s systemic,
Like marrow said most humans simply ignore the Faunus’ plight because they benefit from it, they don’t all have to actively hate the Faunus they just have to not care enough to try and change anything, because honestly? That’s what most people really want, for tomorrow to be more or less the same as yesterday,
"And if they hadn’t died they’d be telling about how some Faunus beat them up,so they should go kill them, or if the Faunus had all not fought back at all, the humans would talk about how “submissive” they all are
But if the humans face consequences for their attempted attack, which I admit doesn’t require killing them, I saw that more as an in the moment reaction on Adam’s part tho, they will at the very least think twice about attacking next time because they know there will be repercussions, THAT is the goal of civil rights activism, not to,politely convince people to stop being bigoted, but to show them that their bigotry has consequences, that their oppression would always be resisted,"
That's exactly why Sienna had Adam retaliate. Keeps them safe and dissuades the humans from attacking them again. BUT, killing crosses a line that may lead to hate instead of fear.
That's exactly what happened with Adam. He generated hate instead of fear, and that hate led to even more violence against the Faunus instead of less.
"You know how people are still racist today no matter how many “good things” black people have done in America as a whole? Yeah, that’s evidence enough"
You know how many of those people outright deny that black people have done good things in America? Legitimately most of them just straight up don't even know American history and therefore don't know how African Americans have benefited America.
"Even making someone at Keats not be actively racist doesn’t mean they will suddenly care enough to actually stand up for Faunus rights, even if the fuanus ar e generally viewed better in mistral that doesn’t mean things have changed in a measurable,way because those humans still don’t care enough to actively do anything about it,"
If you're not racist, chances are you're not gonna, you know, support racism. If racism falls out of favor the people are gonna want to vote for racists less, leading to less racists in power. People don't vote for people they don't agree with.
"Frankly, even if every human on remnant wasn’t racist that still wouldn’t solve racism because racism is built into the institutions themselves, it’s systemic,"
If every human on Remnant wasn't racist then systemic racism would be a lot harder to pull off because people aren't gonna let that system exist, they'll vote for people who don't support that system.
"Like marrow said most humans simply ignore the Faunus’ plight because they benefit from it, they don’t all have to actively hate the Faunus they just have to not care enough to try and change anything, because honestly? That’s what most people really want, for tomorrow to be more or less the same as yesterday,"
Atlesians do actually benefit from racism, because they're not the ones working manual labor. Atlas has a much larger problem of classicism. Everyone on Atlas benefits from the plights of Mantle, because they're the upper class. That's why Robyn doesn't follow the same lesson the White Fang does, because proving them wrong doesn't matter if they benefit from it.
Mistral is a different story.
Mistral is pretty fucking poor and doesn't have the SDC. To most, there is nothing to gain from being racist. That's why being proven wrong may actually make a difference.
But for Atlas? Robyn's methods are glorified, because she's right in this case. Convincing the higher up won't do anything because they benefit from it, and Atlas holds the power, so there's no reason to bother. Mistral is completely different from that. Mistral doesn't have the SDC or slavery, it has segregation.
Segregation that exists not because it benefits but because of racism that has already been spread. Disproving that racism will do a lot more if there's nothing to gain by being racist.
People that just want the same thing won't vote anyway.
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nilakash15 · 1 year
Moxy: The first outstanding company to deliver on-demand eSports for all gamers
Moxy Description
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Moxy introduces" eSports to All ” to the videotape game request. Moxy enables gamers engage in Real Competition for Real prices inside of colorful videotape game titles. By exercising Moxy's comprehensive API mound, inventors can offer competitive eSport style competitive events inside of their games. the Moxy Platform provides an eSports ready global followership of players and the tools to snappily tap into this growing request. The Moxy Platform has the unique functionality of furnishing an API integration mound that seamlessly connects with being press, PC, and mobile games, allowing publishers to snappily and fluently enable their games to point eSports game modes. The cost, above, and threat associated with launching an entire eSports ecosystem for a single game are simply too large for a single game to take on. The Moxy Platform is the global eSports platform and ensures nonsupervisory compliance and fulfillment of legal conditions for both players and publishers.
The Road Ahead Moxy
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Moxy has formerly endured rapid-fire growth and success in the gaming world by integrating games like Super Squad, BattleRise, and Sociable Soccer 23 across different platforms. Over the coming months, the platoon will be fastening on the onboarding and integration of new games into the platform, as well as putting Moxy into the limelight.
One of the biggest plans Moxy has developed is its “ Battle of the Influencers ” program, a celebrity eSports event that will see 10 influencers and celebrities sharing. With a combined following of over 100 million druggies and point names like Steve Aoki, Hannah Stockings, Daniel “ dGon ” Gonazales, the event will be mugged in an AR plant to further enhance the experience.
With gaming, crypto, and web3 only getting decreasingly popular each over the world, Moxy expects to come a major player when it comes to their integration. So far, all the pieces feel to be there for the platform to witness gradational growth. With the tech and the platoon being prepared it's now only a matter of gamers being ready to take their gaming to the coming position.
Moxy eyes growing eSports industry
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In an advertisement participated with Invezz, Moxy said the gaming competition, dubbed “ eSports for ALL ”, is a major corner in its roadmap ahead of the largely anticipated Token Generation Event( TGE). The contest will involve players aged 21 or aged, who'll challenge others for a chance to accrue the loftiest points, with progress made through four ‘ seasons ’. At the end of the competition, players at the top of the Moxy Leaderboard stand to win economic prices from the$ 100k prize pool. The cash payouts will be USD Coin( USDC).
subscribing up for a Moxy Club account and completing the needed Know Your client( KYC) checks will see a player admit 1,000 MOXY “ testnet ” commemoratives. Every player needs these commemoratives to share in the Beta Challenge, and have a chance to add 50 MOXY to the original quantum for every referral that successfully signs up( including completing KYC). The eSports assiduity has seen massive growth over the times, with the invention around blockchain and GameFi adding to the overall attractiveness to players looking to play and earn.
Moxy hopes to make on the successes seen across the space to bring eSports gaming to everyday gamers, including through integrating popular games that offer people a chance to win real- plutocrat prizes.
Moxy Making eSports Go Mainstream
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Probably the best element playing in Moxy’s favor is giving developers the tools to run eSport competitions without having to reinvent the wheel. As these competitions can take place on all levels while the team is rewarded with part of the pool for generating more engagement, developers have more than enough reasons to consider joining the ecosystem.
So far, Moxy has received support from investors like Shima Capital, Polygon, MetaTope, and GSR, raising over $10 million in the process. The project has also attracted world-class names like Nolan Bushnell (Atari Founder), Lawrence Siegel (President at Sega Europe), and Tony Bickley (EU Head of Gaming at Sega) to join its team, a testament to its potential.
Partnership Goal
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Last Thought
The Moxy Platform has the unique functionality of furnishing an API integration mound that seamlessly connects with being press, PC, and mobile games, allowing publishers to snappily and fluently enable their games to point eSports game modes. MOXY can be used as the Global Gaming Token for enabling access to game play and other serviceability on the Moxy Platform irrespective of player locales and original currency oscillations. The Moxy Platform is the only platform that can give players with the eSport enabled interpretation of their favorite games. Moxy Club members can browse the game store and access games as they typically would on other platforms.
For More Information about Moxy Website : https://moxy.io/ Whitepaper : https://moxy.io/whitepaper/ Telegram : http://t.me/moxyofficial Discord : http://discord.gg/moxyio Twitter : https://twitter.com/moxyio Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/moxy.io/ Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/Moxyio
Blog Writter
Forum Username: Chamonda Vaas Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2777303 BSC Wallet Address: 0x921022214f439edb97f79985380d049c94f9c65e
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sloaneharlee · 1 year
Moxy: Blockchain Powered eSports Accessible for All
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About Moxy
Moxy introduces "eSports to All” to the video game market. Moxy enables gamers engage in Real Competition for Real Rewards inside of various video game titles. By utilizing Moxy's comprehensive API stack, developers can offer competitive eSport style competitive events inside of their games. the Moxy Platform provides an eSports ready global audience of players and the tools to quickly tap into this growing market. The Moxy Platform has the unique functionality of providing an API integration stack that seamlessly connects with existing console, PC, and mobile games, allowing publishers to quickly and easily enable their games to feature eSports game modes. The cost, overhead, and risk associated with launching an entire eSports ecosystem for a single game are simply too large for a single game to take on. The Moxy Platform is the global eSports platform and ensures regulatory compliance and fulfillment of legal requirements for both players and publishers.
Moxy Making eSports Go Mainstream
Moxy’s approach to eSports is specially designed to help eSports go mainstream. Given how the prize pools are divided between the different parties, there are financial incentives for everyone involved to engage with the platform and grow the ecosystem. Players get to earn rewards, developers get a share, and the Moxy Foundation must ensure the platform runs smoothly over time while getting the money required to support that effort. This means that instead of other attempts at creating eSports platforms in the past, the Moxy ecosystem is getting everyone involved in the efforts through its “trifecta” approach.
Probably the best element playing in Moxy’s favor is giving developers the tools to run eSport competitions without having to reinvent the wheel. As these competitions can take place on all levels while the team is rewarded with part of the pool for generating more engagement, developers have more than enough reasons to consider joining the ecosystem.
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The Road Ahead
Moxy has already experienced rapid growth and success in the gaming world by integrating games like Super Squad, BattleRise, and Sociable Soccer 23 across different platforms. Over the next months, the team will be focusing on the onboarding and integration of new games into the platform, as well as putting Moxy into the spotlight.
One of the biggest plans Moxy has developed is its “Battle of the Influencers” program, a celebrity eSports tournament that will see 10 influencers and celebrities participating. With a combined following of over 100 million users and feature names like Steve Aoki, Hannah Stockings, Daniel “dGon” Gonazales, the tournament will be filmed in an AR studio to further enhance the experience.
With gaming, crypto, and web3 only becoming increasingly popular all over the world, Moxy expects to become a major player when it comes to their integration. So far, all the pieces seem to be there for the platform to experience meteoric growth. With the tech and the team being prepared it is now only a matter of gamers being ready to take their gaming to the next level.
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Moxy eyes growing eSports industry
In an announcement shared with Invezz, Moxy said the gaming competition, dubbed “eSports for ALL”, is a major milestone in its roadmap ahead of the highly anticipated Token Generation Event (TGE). The contest will involve players aged 21 or older, who will challenge others for a chance to accrue the highest points, with progress made through four ‘seasons’. At the end of the competition, players at the top of the Moxy Leaderboard stand to win lucrative rewards from the $100k prize pool. The cash payouts will be USD Coin (USDC).
Signing up for a Moxy Club account and completing the required Know Your Customer (KYC) checks will see a player receive 1,000 MOXY “testnet” tokens. Every player needs these tokens to participate in the Beta Challenge, and have a chance to add 50 MOXY to the initial amount for every referral that successfully signs up (including completing KYC). The eSports industry has seen massive growth over the years, with the innovation around blockchain and GameFi adding to the overall attractiveness to players looking to play and earn.
Moxy hopes to build on the successes seen across the space to bring eSports gaming to everyday gamers, including through integrating popular games that offer people a chance to win real-money prizes.
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The Moxy Platform has the unique functionality of providing an API integration stack that seamlessly connects with existing console, PC, and mobile games, allowing publishers to quickly and easily enable their games to feature eSports game modes. MOXY can be used as the Global Gaming Token for enabling access to game play and other utilities on the Moxy Platform irrespective of player locations and local currency fluctuations. The Moxy Platform is the only platform that can provide players with the eSport enabled version of their favorite games. Moxy Club members can browse the game store and access games as they normally would on other platforms.
For More Information about Moxy
Website : https://moxy.io/ Whitepaper : https://moxy.io/whitepaper/ Telegram : http://t.me/moxyofficial Discord : http://discord.gg/moxyio Twitter : https://twitter.com/moxyio Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/moxy.io/ Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/Moxyio/
Author details
Bitcointalk name: Sloane Harlee Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3475507 Telegram username: @SloaneHarlee Wallet address: 0x9A316B5FB2b214AbB4Fb1aCFC4b3829173783ea6
0 notes
darkleaf540 · 1 year
Moxy: The first company to deliver on-demand eSports for all gamers
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About Moxy
Moxy introduces "eSports to All” to the video game market. Moxy enables gamers engage in Real Competition for Real Rewards inside of various video game titles. By utilizing Moxy's comprehensive API stack, developers can offer competitive eSport style competitive events inside of their games. the Moxy Platform provides an eSports ready global audience of players and the tools to quickly tap into this growing market. The Moxy Platform has the unique functionality of providing an API integration stack that seamlessly connects with existing console, PC, and mobile games, allowing publishers to quickly and easily enable their games to feature eSports game modes. The cost, overhead, and risk associated with launching an entire eSports ecosystem for a single game are simply too large for a single game to take on. The Moxy Platform is the global eSports platform and ensures regulatory compliance and fulfillment of legal requirements for both players and publishers.
Moxy Making eSports Go Mainstream
Moxy’s approach to eSports is specially designed to help eSports go mainstream. Given how the prize pools are divided between the different parties, there are financial incentives for everyone involved to engage with the platform and grow the ecosystem. Players get to earn rewards, developers get a share, and the Moxy Foundation must ensure the platform runs smoothly over time while getting the money required to support that effort. This means that instead of other attempts at creating eSports platforms in the past, the Moxy ecosystem is getting everyone involved in the efforts through its “trifecta” approach.
Probably the best element playing in Moxy’s favor is giving developers the tools to run eSport competitions without having to reinvent the wheel. As these competitions can take place on all levels while the team is rewarded with part of the pool for generating more engagement, developers have more than enough reasons to consider joining the ecosystem.
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The Road Ahead
Moxy has already experienced rapid growth and success in the gaming world by integrating games like Super Squad, BattleRise, and Sociable Soccer 23 across different platforms. Over the next months, the team will be focusing on the onboarding and integration of new games into the platform, as well as putting Moxy into the spotlight.
One of the biggest plans Moxy has developed is its “Battle of the Influencers” program, a celebrity eSports tournament that will see 10 influencers and celebrities participating. With a combined following of over 100 million users and feature names like Steve Aoki, Hannah Stockings, Daniel “dGon” Gonazales, the tournament will be filmed in an AR studio to further enhance the experience.
With gaming, crypto, and web3 only becoming increasingly popular all over the world, Moxy expects to become a major player when it comes to their integration. So far, all the pieces seem to be there for the platform to experience meteoric growth. With the tech and the team being prepared it is now only a matter of gamers being ready to take their gaming to the next level.
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Moxy eyes growing eSports industry
In an announcement shared with Invezz, Moxy said the gaming competition, dubbed “eSports for ALL”, is a major milestone in its roadmap ahead of the highly anticipated Token Generation Event (TGE). The contest will involve players aged 21 or older, who will challenge others for a chance to accrue the highest points, with progress made through four ‘seasons’. At the end of the competition, players at the top of the Moxy Leaderboard stand to win lucrative rewards from the $100k prize pool. The cash payouts will be USD Coin (USDC).
Signing up for a Moxy Club account and completing the required Know Your Customer (KYC) checks will see a player receive 1,000 MOXY “testnet” tokens. Every player needs these tokens to participate in the Beta Challenge, and have a chance to add 50 MOXY to the initial amount for every referral that successfully signs up (including completing KYC). The eSports industry has seen massive growth over the years, with the innovation around blockchain and GameFi adding to the overall attractiveness to players looking to play and earn.
Moxy hopes to build on the successes seen across the space to bring eSports gaming to everyday gamers, including through integrating popular games that offer people a chance to win real-money prizes.
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The Moxy Platform has the unique functionality of providing an API integration stack that seamlessly connects with existing console, PC, and mobile games, allowing publishers to quickly and easily enable their games to feature eSports game modes. MOXY can be used as the Global Gaming Token for enabling access to game play and other utilities on the Moxy Platform irrespective of player locations and local currency fluctuations. The Moxy Platform is the only platform that can provide players with the eSport enabled version of their favorite games. Moxy Club members can browse the game store and access games as they normally would on other platforms.
For More Information about Moxy
Website : https://moxy.io/ Whitepaper : https://moxy.io/whitepaper/ Telegram : http://t.me/moxyofficial Discord : http://discord.gg/moxyio Twitter : https://twitter.com/moxyio Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/moxy.io/ Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/Moxyio/
Author details
Bitcointalk name: Darkleaf Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3474915 Telegram username: @Darkleaff Wallet address: 0xA3144F1E128e0Ef75Bbed31b28e7dB9D07f67579
0 notes
liftcorec · 1 year
Moxy: The first company to deliver on-demand eSports for all gamers
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About Moxy
Moxy introduces "eSports to All” to the video game market. Moxy enables gamers engage in Real Competition for Real Rewards inside of various video game titles. By utilizing Moxy's comprehensive API stack, developers can offer competitive eSport style competitive events inside of their games. the Moxy Platform provides an eSports ready global audience of players and the tools to quickly tap into this growing market. The Moxy Platform has the unique functionality of providing an API integration stack that seamlessly connects with existing console, PC, and mobile games, allowing publishers to quickly and easily enable their games to feature eSports game modes. The cost, overhead, and risk associated with launching an entire eSports ecosystem for a single game are simply too large for a single game to take on. The Moxy Platform is the global eSports platform and ensures regulatory compliance and fulfillment of legal requirements for both players and publishers.
Moxy Making eSports Go Mainstream
Moxy’s approach to eSports is specially designed to help eSports go mainstream. Given how the prize pools are divided between the different parties, there are financial incentives for everyone involved to engage with the platform and grow the ecosystem. Players get to earn rewards, developers get a share, and the Moxy Foundation must ensure the platform runs smoothly over time while getting the money required to support that effort. This means that instead of other attempts at creating eSports platforms in the past, the Moxy ecosystem is getting everyone involved in the efforts through its “trifecta” approach.
Probably the best element playing in Moxy’s favor is giving developers the tools to run eSport competitions without having to reinvent the wheel. As these competitions can take place on all levels while the team is rewarded with part of the pool for generating more engagement, developers have more than enough reasons to consider joining the ecosystem.
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The Road Ahead
Moxy has already experienced rapid growth and success in the gaming world by integrating games like Super Squad, BattleRise, and Sociable Soccer 23 across different platforms. Over the next months, the team will be focusing on the onboarding and integration of new games into the platform, as well as putting Moxy into the spotlight.
One of the biggest plans Moxy has developed is its “Battle of the Influencers” program, a celebrity eSports tournament that will see 10 influencers and celebrities participating. With a combined following of over 100 million users and feature names like Steve Aoki, Hannah Stockings, Daniel “dGon” Gonazales, the tournament will be filmed in an AR studio to further enhance the experience.
With gaming, crypto, and web3 only becoming increasingly popular all over the world, Moxy expects to become a major player when it comes to their integration. So far, all the pieces seem to be there for the platform to experience meteoric growth. With the tech and the team being prepared it is now only a matter of gamers being ready to take their gaming to the next level.
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Moxy eyes growing eSports industry
In an announcement shared with Invezz, Moxy said the gaming competition, dubbed “eSports for ALL”, is a major milestone in its roadmap ahead of the highly anticipated Token Generation Event (TGE). The contest will involve players aged 21 or older, who will challenge others for a chance to accrue the highest points, with progress made through four ‘seasons’. At the end of the competition, players at the top of the Moxy Leaderboard stand to win lucrative rewards from the $100k prize pool. The cash payouts will be USD Coin (USDC).
Signing up for a Moxy Club account and completing the required Know Your Customer (KYC) checks will see a player receive 1,000 MOXY “testnet” tokens. Every player needs these tokens to participate in the Beta Challenge, and have a chance to add 50 MOXY to the initial amount for every referral that successfully signs up (including completing KYC). The eSports industry has seen massive growth over the years, with the innovation around blockchain and GameFi adding to the overall attractiveness to players looking to play and earn.
Moxy hopes to build on the successes seen across the space to bring eSports gaming to everyday gamers, including through integrating popular games that offer people a chance to win real-money prizes.
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The Moxy Platform has the unique functionality of providing an API integration stack that seamlessly connects with existing console, PC, and mobile games, allowing publishers to quickly and easily enable their games to feature eSports game modes. MOXY can be used as the Global Gaming Token for enabling access to game play and other utilities on the Moxy Platform irrespective of player locations and local currency fluctuations. The Moxy Platform is the only platform that can provide players with the eSport enabled version of their favorite games. Moxy Club members can browse the game store and access games as they normally would on other platforms.
For More Information about Moxy
Website : https://moxy.io/ Whitepaper : https://moxy.io/whitepaper/ Telegram : http://t.me/moxyofficial Discord : http://discord.gg/moxyio Twitter : https://twitter.com/moxyio Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/moxy.io/ Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/Moxyio/
Bitcointalk username: Lift Core Bitcointalk profile link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3403164 Telegram username: @LiftCore Wallet address: 0xC8199E8A032D41953a403Aa88c8131b83ccC44df
0 notes
mbelimbing2 · 1 year
 Blockchain platform for creating secure Global Gaming Tokens,
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About Moxy
Moxy introduces "eSports to All" to the video game market. Moxy lets gamers engage in Real Competition for Real Prizes across a wide range of video game titles. By leveraging Moxy's comprehensive set of APIs, developers can offer competitive eSports competitive events within their games. The Moxy platform provides an eSports-ready global audience of players and the tools to rapidly enter this growing market. The Moxy platform has the unique functionality of providing an API integration stack that connects seamlessly with existing console, PC, and mobile games, enabling publishers to quickly and easily enable their games to feature eSports game modes.
 eSports is one of the fastest growing entertainment industries in the world1, with millions of video game players observing—but not engaging in—online eSports events, competitions and tournaments. As the industry continues to grow, Moxy intends to capitalize on the massive demand for a blockchain-enabled software platform that will allow all players, not just eSports professionals, to access a wide variety of their favorite games and play them in real eSports competition mode. to the bowl.
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Moxy Makes eSports Go Mainstream
Moxy's approach to eSports is specifically designed to help eSports become mainstream. Given that however the prize pool is divided between various parties, there is a financial incentive for everyone involved to engage with the platform and grow the ecosystem. Players get a bounty, developers get a share, and the Moxy Foundation has to make sure the platform runs smoothly over time while getting the money needed to support those efforts. This means that instead of other attempts to create an eSports platform in the past, the Moxy ecosystem involves everyone in the endeavor through a “trifecta” approach.
Perhaps the best element working in Moxy's favor is giving developers the tools to run eSports competitions without having to reinvent the wheel. Since this competition can take place at all levels while teams are rewarded as part of a pool to generate more engagement, developers have more than enough reasons to consider joining the ecosystem.
So far, Moxy has received support from investors such as Shima Capital, Polygon, MetaTope, and GSR, raising over $10 million in the process. The project also attracted world-class names such as Nolan Bushnell (Founder of Atari), Lawrence Siegel (President at Sega Europe), and Tony Bickley (Head of European Union Gaming at Sega) to join the fray, a testament to its potential.
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Way ahead
Moxy has experienced rapid growth and success in the gaming world by integrating games such as Super Squad, BattleRise and Sociable Soccer 23 across multiple platforms. Over the next few months, the team will focus on onboarding and integrating new games into the platform, as well as keeping Moxy in the limelight.
One of the biggest plans Moxy has developed is the "Battle of the Influencer" program, a celebrity eSports tournament that 10 influencers and celebrities will participate in. With a combined following of over 100 million users and feature names such as Steve Aoki, Hannah Stockings, Daniel "dGon" Gonazales, the tournament will be filmed in an AR studio to further enhance the experience.
With the growing popularity of games, crypto and web3 worldwide, Moxy hopes to become a major player when it comes to their integration. So far, all the pieces seem to be there for the platform to experience meteoric growth. With the technology and team prepared, now it's only a matter of gamers who are ready to take their game to the next level.
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Real Competition With Real Prizes
There are 2 elements that every eSports player fights for: recognition and rewards. Video Games without an eSports component often address recognition traditionally handled in-game through leaderboards and league systems, where players can see what skills they have compared to other players. While most players tend to care about recognition and this system works well, the same can't be said for traditional reward systems. These are often limited to cosmetics and other in-game assets that many players don't care about, especially in the case of fiercely competitive gamers.
By offering the MOXY cryptocurrency, the Moxy ecosystem allows players to truly utilize their skills and hard work. Each player entering the competition will be required to pay an entry fee in MOXY tokens, creating a pool which will then be split between players (90.1%), developers/publishers (6%), and the Moxy Foundation (3.9%).
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Moxy sees the eSports industry growing
In an announcement shared with Invezz, Moxy said the gaming competition, dubbed “eSports for ALL”, is a major milestone in the much-coveted Token Generation Event (TGE) developmental map. The contest will involve players aged 21 or over, who will challenge other players for the highest points, with progress being made through four 'seasons'. At the end of the competition, the player at the top of the Moxy Leaderboard stands to win a tantalizing prize from the $100k prize pool. Cash payments will be USD Coins (USDC).
Signing up for a Moxy Club account and completing the required Know Your Customer (KYC) checks will see players receive 1,000 MOXY "testnet" tokens. Every player needs these tokens to participate in the Beta Challenge, and has the opportunity to add 50 MOXY to the initial amount for every referral who successfully registers (including completing KYC). The eSports industry has experienced massive growth over the years, with innovation around blockchain and GameFi adding to the overall appeal for players looking to play and earn.
Moxy looks forward to continuing the success seen around the world in bringing eSports games to everyday gamers, including by integrating popular games that offer people the chance to win real money prizes.
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The Moxy platform is the only platform that can provide players with eSport enabled versions of their favorite games. Moxy Club members can explore the game store and access games as they normally would on other platforms. When players access games from the Moxy game store, they get the base game enhanced with the Moxy Platform, which enables additional eSport game modes. All eSport activities occur naturally within games that operate on the Moxy Platform, providing players with a unique gaming experience that is integrated with a secure, blockchain-enabled platform. The Moxy platform also provides players with an integrated digital wallet that makes MOXY usable across all the games they play, ensuring easy access to competitive gameplay regardless of geographic region or local currency.
For publishers, the Moxy Platform provides a global eSports-ready audience of players and the tools to quickly tap into this growing market. The Moxy platform is unique in providing an API integration stack that connects seamlessly with existing console, PC, and mobile games, enabling publishers to quickly and easily enable their games to feature eSports game modes.
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Empowering Gamers with a Unified Digital Wallet
MOXY understands that accessibility is the most important thing in the world of eSports. To ensure a level playing field for all, the Platform provides players with a unified digital wallet. This wallet allows gamers to use MOXY tokens in all the games they play, removing barriers imposed by geographic regions or local currency. This is a game-changer ensuring players from all over the world can easily find competitive gameplay.
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The Moxy platform is an innovative eSports ecosystem that aims to revolutionize the gaming industry. It introduces unique features and game modes to popular titles, enhancing the gaming experience. Moxy's mission to make eSports enabled games the top choice for most gamers. An eSport-enabled game gives players more choice in how they want to play the game. MOXY owners will soon be able to use MOXY for its intended functionality by accessing the Moxy Platform on the Flow Network. In addition, the Moxy Platform offers significant built-in incentives/rewards to encourage such usage.
Website:  https://moxy.io/
White paper :  https://moxy.io/whitepaper/
Telegram :  http://t.me/moxyofficial
Discord :  http://discord.gg/moxyio
Twitter :  https://twitter.com/moxyio
Instagram :  https://www.instagram.com/moxy.io/
Linkedin :  https://www.linkedin.com/company/Moxyio/
Forum Username: Belimbing Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3460639
0 notes
timeandspee · 1 year
Moxy: A marketplace for eSports gaming
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About Moxy
Moxy introduces "eSports to All” to the video game market. Moxy enables gamers engage in Real Competition for Real Rewards inside of various video game titles. By utilizing Moxy's comprehensive API stack, developers can offer competitive eSport style competitive events inside of their games. the Moxy Platform provides an eSports ready global audience of players and the tools to quickly tap into this growing market. The Moxy Platform has the unique functionality of providing an API integration stack that seamlessly connects with existing console, PC, and mobile games, allowing publishers to quickly and easily enable their games to feature eSports game modes. The cost, overhead, and risk associated with launching an entire eSports ecosystem for a single game are simply too large for a single game to take on. The Moxy Platform is the global eSports platform and ensures regulatory compliance and fulfillment of legal requirements for both players and publishers.
Moxy Making eSports Go Mainstream
Moxy’s approach to eSports is specially designed to help eSports go mainstream. Given how the prize pools are divided between the different parties, there are financial incentives for everyone involved to engage with the platform and grow the ecosystem. Players get to earn rewards, developers get a share, and the Moxy Foundation must ensure the platform runs smoothly over time while getting the money required to support that effort. This means that instead of other attempts at creating eSports platforms in the past, the Moxy ecosystem is getting everyone involved in the efforts through its “trifecta” approach.
Probably the best element playing in Moxy’s favor is giving developers the tools to run eSport competitions without having to reinvent the wheel. As these competitions can take place on all levels while the team is rewarded with part of the pool for generating more engagement, developers have more than enough reasons to consider joining the ecosystem.
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The Road Ahead
Moxy has already experienced rapid growth and success in the gaming world by integrating games like Super Squad, BattleRise, and Sociable Soccer 23 across different platforms. Over the next months, the team will be focusing on the onboarding and integration of new games into the platform, as well as putting Moxy into the spotlight.
One of the biggest plans Moxy has developed is its “Battle of the Influencers” program, a celebrity eSports tournament that will see 10 influencers and celebrities participating. With a combined following of over 100 million users and feature names like Steve Aoki, Hannah Stockings, Daniel “dGon” Gonazales, the tournament will be filmed in an AR studio to further enhance the experience.
With gaming, crypto, and web3 only becoming increasingly popular all over the world, Moxy expects to become a major player when it comes to their integration. So far, all the pieces seem to be there for the platform to experience meteoric growth. With the tech and the team being prepared it is now only a matter of gamers being ready to take their gaming to the next level.
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Moxy eyes growing eSports industry
In an announcement shared with Invezz, Moxy said the gaming competition, dubbed “eSports for ALL”, is a major milestone in its roadmap ahead of the highly anticipated Token Generation Event (TGE). The contest will involve players aged 21 or older, who will challenge others for a chance to accrue the highest points, with progress made through four ‘seasons’. At the end of the competition, players at the top of the Moxy Leaderboard stand to win lucrative rewards from the $100k prize pool. The cash payouts will be USD Coin (USDC).
Signing up for a Moxy Club account and completing the required Know Your Customer (KYC) checks will see a player receive 1,000 MOXY “testnet” tokens. Every player needs these tokens to participate in the Beta Challenge, and have a chance to add 50 MOXY to the initial amount for every referral that successfully signs up (including completing KYC). The eSports industry has seen massive growth over the years, with the innovation around blockchain and GameFi adding to the overall attractiveness to players looking to play and earn.
Moxy hopes to build on the successes seen across the space to bring eSports gaming to everyday gamers, including through integrating popular games that offer people a chance to win real-money prizes.
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The Moxy Platform has the unique functionality of providing an API integration stack that seamlessly connects with existing console, PC, and mobile games, allowing publishers to quickly and easily enable their games to feature eSports game modes. MOXY can be used as the Global Gaming Token for enabling access to game play and other utilities on the Moxy Platform irrespective of player locations and local currency fluctuations. The Moxy Platform is the only platform that can provide players with the eSport enabled version of their favorite games. Moxy Club members can browse the game store and access games as they normally would on other platforms.
For More Information about Moxy
Website : https://moxy.io/ Whitepaper : https://moxy.io/whitepaper/ Telegram : http://t.me/moxyofficial Discord : http://discord.gg/moxyio Twitter : https://twitter.com/moxyio Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/moxy.io/ Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/Moxyio/
Writer Info:
Bitcointalk username : TimeAndSpeed Bitcointalk profile link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3381069 Telegram name : @TimeAndSpeed Wallet address: 0x09c054362e1bf3f954cc7c74955a575535533caf
0 notes
masuddranaa500 · 1 year
Moxy: Is built around a global gaming token that all players can use in competitive gameplay.
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About Moxy
Moxy introduces "eSports to All” to the video game market. Moxy enables gamers engage in Real Competition for Real Rewards inside of various video game titles. By utilizing Moxy's comprehensive API stack, developers can offer competitive eSport style competitive events inside of their games. the Moxy Platform provides an eSports ready global audience of players and the tools to quickly tap into this growing market. The Moxy Platform has the unique functionality of providing an API integration stack that seamlessly connects with existing console, PC, and mobile games, allowing publishers to quickly and easily enable their games to feature eSports game modes. The cost, overhead, and risk associated with launching an entire eSports ecosystem for a single game are simply too large for a single game to take on. The Moxy Platform is the global eSports platform and ensures regulatory compliance and fulfillment of legal requirements for both players and publishers.
Moxy Making eSports Go Mainstream
Moxy’s approach to eSports is specially designed to help eSports go mainstream. Given how the prize pools are divided between the different parties, there are financial incentives for everyone involved to engage with the platform and grow the ecosystem. Players get to earn rewards, developers get a share, and the Moxy Foundation must ensure the platform runs smoothly over time while getting the money required to support that effort. This means that instead of other attempts at creating eSports platforms in the past, the Moxy ecosystem is getting everyone involved in the efforts through its “trifecta” approach.
Probably the best element playing in Moxy’s favor is giving developers the tools to run eSport competitions without having to reinvent the wheel. As these competitions can take place on all levels while the team is rewarded with part of the pool for generating more engagement, developers have more than enough reasons to consider joining the ecosystem.
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The Road Ahead
Moxy has already experienced rapid growth and success in the gaming world by integrating games like Super Squad, BattleRise, and Sociable Soccer 23 across different platforms. Over the next months, the team will be focusing on the onboarding and integration of new games into the platform, as well as putting Moxy into the spotlight.
One of the biggest plans Moxy has developed is its “Battle of the Influencers” program, a celebrity eSports tournament that will see 10 influencers and celebrities participating. With a combined following of over 100 million users and feature names like Steve Aoki, Hannah Stockings, Daniel “dGon” Gonazales, the tournament will be filmed in an AR studio to further enhance the experience.
With gaming, crypto, and web3 only becoming increasingly popular all over the world, Moxy expects to become a major player when it comes to their integration. So far, all the pieces seem to be there for the platform to experience meteoric growth. With the tech and the team being prepared it is now only a matter of gamers being ready to take their gaming to the next level.
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Moxy eyes growing eSports industry
In an announcement shared with Invezz, Moxy said the gaming competition, dubbed “eSports for ALL”, is a major milestone in its roadmap ahead of the highly anticipated Token Generation Event (TGE). The contest will involve players aged 21 or older, who will challenge others for a chance to accrue the highest points, with progress made through four ‘seasons’. At the end of the competition, players at the top of the Moxy Leaderboard stand to win lucrative rewards from the $100k prize pool. The cash payouts will be USD Coin (USDC).
Signing up for a Moxy Club account and completing the required Know Your Customer (KYC) checks will see a player receive 1,000 MOXY “testnet” tokens. Every player needs these tokens to participate in the Beta Challenge, and have a chance to add 50 MOXY to the initial amount for every referral that successfully signs up (including completing KYC). The eSports industry has seen massive growth over the years, with the innovation around blockchain and GameFi adding to the overall attractiveness to players looking to play and earn.
Moxy hopes to build on the successes seen across the space to bring eSports gaming to everyday gamers, including through integrating popular games that offer people a chance to win real-money prizes.
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The Moxy Platform has the unique functionality of providing an API integration stack that seamlessly connects with existing console, PC, and mobile games, allowing publishers to quickly and easily enable their games to feature eSports game modes. MOXY can be used as the Global Gaming Token for enabling access to game play and other utilities on the Moxy Platform irrespective of player locations and local currency fluctuations. The Moxy Platform is the only platform that can provide players with the eSport enabled version of their favorite games. Moxy Club members can browse the game store and access games as they normally would on other platforms.
For More Information about Moxy
Website : https://moxy.io/ Whitepaper : https://moxy.io/whitepaper/ Telegram : http://t.me/moxyofficial Discord : http://discord.gg/moxyio Twitter : https://twitter.com/moxyio Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/moxy.io/ Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/Moxyio/
Forum Username: MasuddRanaa500 Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2663584 ETH Wallet Address: 0x9ddc1bf59b93582d95732a63809df61f2ea44ba5
0 notes
sireneia · 4 years
   lene shakes her head.  “ you can say that those reasons are the same actually. i'm here because of ares. ”  following him into this army... that puts her at odds with her own goals. a war will take away the time she could be spending to find her mother.
but, somehow, she believes this is important enough to put those plans on halt. even if her heart tells her she yearns for the woman who brought her into this world.
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“ maybe i'm making that up. maybe ares doesn't need me. but i want to believe he does. it's feels good to feel wanted, and i just can't stop thinking, i might be crazy enough to follow him to agustria after all this, just cause i'm fooling myself like that. ”  her smile is self-derisive as she asks,  “ how about you, diarmuid? i don't hear you say your motives too often, you know. ”
( @cavaliant​ / cont. )
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