#Sci-Fi Channel
peteneems · 1 year
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animenostalgia · 11 months
The Anime Nostalgia Podcast - ep 121: ReView: Project A-ko Versus
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This month’s episode is another short ReView! What is a “ReView” episode, you might ask? Well, it’s my highly-clever (ok not really) name for episodes where I go back and revisit an older title I haven’t seen in a long time, and see if what I remember (and what my opinions on it) are still the same now that some time’s gone by. This month, I’m going back in time to revisit a Saturday Anime title that I only ever watched once before, and never again, until now--it’s Project A-ko VERSUS! ....y’know, that official Project A-ko AU? Where A-ko & B-ko are bounty hunters? And they live together?.........no, really, that actually happened! I’m serious!! THEY WERE ROOMMATES!!! 
Stream the episode above or [Direct Download] Subscribe on apple podcasts | Google Podcasts | Spotify
Relevant links:
Buy the out-of-print Project A-ko: Uncivil Wars DVD on Amazon
Buy the original Project A-ko on bluray at Rightstuf or Amazon
Visit Project A-ko.com, probably the biggest Project A-ko fansite still active!
Other anime mentioned in this episode: Dirty Pair, Bubblegum Crisis, Maris the Chojo, Fight! Iczer One, Dangaioh, Queen Emeraldas
Big thanks to the Shoujo Sundae Podcast for sponsoring this episode! They just recently celebrated their podcast anniversary this month, so if you love shoujo or want to learn more about it, check them out!
My theme song music was done by Kerobit! You can find more about them on their website!
Support the work I do on this podcast by leaving me a tip on Ko-fi! Want to have your name read in the special thanks segment on the next episode? All you need to do is buy me 2 or more “coffees” on Ko-fi!As always, feel free to leave me your thoughts on this episode or ideas for future episodes here—or email me directly at [email protected].
Thanks for listening!
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radiofreemultiverse · 3 months
A radiation wave hit and trivia got shot through a wormhole. Now it’s lost in some distant part of the universe on a show, a live show, full of strange alien life forms. Help us. Play our game of #Farscape trivia!
Grand Trivia is a weekly show hosted by Fluval (Grand Triviamaster of The Grand Aquarium Empire) and his sycophantic intern Intern Kristie. Each week they do offbeat trivia around a specific theme and lowly third-dimensional beings compete to prove they know their stuff.
Produced by Radio Free Multiverse.
Radio Free Multiverse brings you art, comedy, and trivia from outside of time and space. Join us LIVE every Wednesday at 8 pm PT / 11 pm ET at twitch.tv/radiofreemultiverse!
Support Radio Free Multiverse on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RadioFreeMultiverse
Not only does your support helps keep the show loud, live, and independent, but you also get exclusive rewards.
Learn more about the show and our myriad other projects at radiofreemultiverse.com
The Grand Aquarium Anthem is by Isaiah Thomas. Check out his YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@IndecisionTelevision
Fluval’s theme is by Riley Soloner. You can follow him at https://instagram.com/rileysoloner.
“rfm100” was remixed by thingsfromthevoid
“HeyListen” was remixed by Daydream_Vagabond
Fluval’s theme was remixed by thingsfromthevoid. Watch him live on Saturday at 7pm PT / 10 pm ET at https://www.twitch.tv/sensitiveartisttypes
Social Media: Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/RadioFreeMultiverse Instagram ► http://instagram.com/radiofreemultiverse YouTube ► https://youtube.com/@RadioFreeMultiverse
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vintage1981 · 2 years
Sci Fi Buzz - Gerry Anderson Interview - UFO and Space Police
The Sci-Fi Channel had a show called Sci-Fi Buzz that featured news and interviews about Science Fiction. This particular segment features Gerry Anderson who created many TV series including the Supermarionation productions like Supercar, Thunderbirds and Captain Scarlet.  He also created Space: 1999 and UFO. He talks about UFO and his newest production at the time of this interview Space Police. 
Space Police was a mixture of live action, puppets and even stop motion that was made in 1986. Gerry attempted to sell the pilot in America in the early 90's but would eventually redo the pilot and produce Space Precinct in 1994. Included in this segment are some clips of the second Space Police pilot.
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tvthemesongs · 1 year
Robotech intro
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aishiteru-kenshin · 2 years
Sci-Fi Channel’s Saturday Anime
Does anyone remember the mid-to-late 1990's Saturday morning block on Sci-Fi Channel called Saturday Anime? Originally, they would air dubbed anime at 9am on Saturdays. Later, in 1999, the block moved to late night 3am Sunday morning/Saturday night. Toward the tail end of 1999, it was moved back to Saturday mornings at 11am. I enjoyed Saturday Anime from 1996-1998. At this point in my life, I was well on my way to becoming a major anime otaku, but was delighted to find new anime to enjoy on my television set. Among the titles aired were:
Casshan: Robot Hunter
Demon City Shinjuku
Dominion Tank Police
E.Y.E.S. of Mars
Green Legend Ran
Iria Zeiram: The Animation
Odin: Starlight Mutiny
Project A-Ko
Record of Lodoss War
Robot Carnival
Vampire Hunter D
Venus Wars
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dzthenerd490 · 24 days
Action Report: Helix Part 1
In 2014 a research lab base owned by Arctic Biosystems was declared under attack by an unknown outbreak. This base is located in the artic as the name implies, thought that is not why the Foundation was interest. Arctic Biosystems is a private pharmaceutical company that is owned by the international multi-millionaire Ilaria Corporation. The Ilaria Corporation has been on the ACPA watch list for quite some time as it seems to be involved with political assassinations, controlling of world religions, influencing world economics and governments, as well as involvement with anomalous events. There is also a possibility they are involved with Group of Interest: Neo Umbrella. 
Due to these circumstances Mobile Task Force Ares-8 "Acid Rain" was assigned to the task of going there, assessing the anomalous threat, and if necessary, contain it. The squad consisted of eight units, Codenamed: Paris, Rio, New York, Rome, Tokyo, Berlin, Chicago, and Dubai. 
Paris is the captain of the squad. He is equipped with dual Foundation SMGs loaded with AP Rounds and two Necrosis Venom Coated Machetes. He is wearing a Foundation Bulletproof Biohazard Suit and has UV heat flash grenades, Paralysis Venom Gas grenades, a Foundation Computer Screen Pad, Signal Flares, and a Retractable Foundation Shield. 
Rio is the primary healer and second in command. She is equipped with a Standard Foundation Shotgun with N Rounds, a Pistol with AP Rounds, and a Paralysis Venom Baton. She is wearing a Foundation Bulletproof Biohazard Suit and has a Portable Foundation Medical Case, a Sample Collection Gun, and Paralysis Venom Gas grenades.
New York is the primary cleaner of the squad. He is equipped with a Standard Foundation Shotgun loaded with I Rounds, Chemical Spray Gun loaded with Necrosis Venom, Sterilizing Chemical, and Nitrogenic Gas. He is wearing a Foundation Bulletproof Biohazard Suit and has Sterilization gas grenades and Necrosis venom gas grenades. 
Rome main support for the squad. He is equipped with a Standard Foundation Assault Rifle loaded with AP rounds, N Rounds, C Rounds, I Rounds, TS Rounds and dual Shock Batons. He is wearing a Foundation Bulletproof Biohazard Suit and has Retractable Foundation Shield.
Tokyo secondary healer and secondary support. She is equipped with a Standard Foundation Assault Rifle loaded with AP Rounds and C Rounds. She is wearing a Foundation Bulletproof Biohazard Suit and has a Portable Foundation Medical Case, a Sample Collection Gun, a Retractable Foundation Shield. 
Berlin secondary cleaner and third support. They are equipped with a Standard Foundation Assault Rifle loaded with AP Rounds, I Rounds, and Chemical Spray Gun loaded with Necrosis Venom, Sterilizing Chemical, and Nitrogenic Gas. Thet are wearing a Foundation Bulletproof Biohazard Suita Retractable Foundation Shield and Sterilization gas grenades. 
Chicago is to a combat researcher to pose as Dr. Chicago, specializing in Microbiology, Virology, and Brazilian martial arts. He is equipped with a Standard Foundation Pistol loaded with AP Rounds and Paralysis Venom Baton. He is wearing a standard uniform of a Foundation researcher but is wearing a CDC badge and not the Foundation badge. He has a Foundation Computer Screen pad and Portable Foundation Research Case. 
Dubai is to a combat researcher to pose as Dr. Dubai specializes, in Microbiology, Psychology, parasitology, and CQC. They are equipped with a Standard Foundation Pistol loaded with AP Rounds and Paralysis Venom Baton. They are wearing a standard uniform of a Foundation researcher but is wearing a CDC badge and not the Foundation badge. They have a Foundation Computer Screen pad and Portable Foundation Research Case. 
Neo Umbrella nor the Ilaria Corporation were to be underestimate hence why the squad was twice the size of normal MTF squads during missions. They are wearing a standard uniform of a Foundation researcher but is wearing a CDC badge and not the Foundation badge. They have a Foundation Computer Screen pad and Portable Foundation Research Case.
Begin Recording
Paris: Alright, its recording. Everyone online? 
Rio: Yes Sir! 
New York: Course Boss.
Rome: Yes Boss.
Tokyo: Loud and Clear Boss.
Berlin: Yes Sir.
Chicago: Yes Boss.
Dubai: Crystal Clear Boss.
Paris: Good that makes eight. Just in time too we're about to land. Remember Chicago and Dubai, you're the doctors alright. You need to have all the focus on you, alright? We're a CDC force and we need them to take the fall if this ends up getting out of control. Though that won't happen so long as we all do our part and contain this as quickly as possible alright? 
Rio, New York, Rome, Tokyo, Berlin, Chicago, and Dubai: Yes sir! 
After another minute the helicopter finally landed and each of them got off and headed into the base. As they walked down the entrance hall, they were confronted by Dr. Hataki, Dr. Farragut, and Head Security Daniel, all three of them were confused by the CDC badges.
Dr. Hataki: Who are you?
Dubai: Ah! Dr. Hataki right? I'm Dr. Dubai and this is Dr. Chicago. We're here form the CDC to answer your distress call. Please excuse the seemingly excessive force we have behind us, but please be assured the CDC takes issues like this very seriously and this wishes to cover for all potential threats. 
Dr. Farragut: ... You're not CDC.
Dubai: Uh, sir. I assure you we are. 
Chicago: Yeah, I'm sorry who exactly are you? 
Dr. Farragut: Dr. Alan Farragut of the Center for Disease Control. 
Dubai and Chicago stopped smiling and looked at one another, so did Paris and the others acting as their guards. The Foundation ordered the CDC to prevent all forces form answering the distress call. Yet here was Dr. Farragut a well-known doctor of the CDC, this was not something that should be possible under the control of the Foundation. However, the Foundation is also good at contingency plans hence why Dubai got out his Foundation Computer Screen Pad and pulled up the correct image form his photos before handing it to Dr. Farragut. 
Dubai: Well, if that's true then how come you never received this? 
Dr. Farragut looked at it and so did Dr. Hataki though they were both shocked at what it said. The form was actually one of several falsely created legal documents, made specifically for situations like this. Dr. Farragut looked at the files in shock while Dr. Hataki and Daniel looked at Dr. Farragut with suspicion. 
Dr. Hataki: Is there perhaps something you forgot to tell us Dr. Farragut? 
Dr. Farragut: No, no, this is impossible this can't be real. There has to be some kind of mistake. 
Daniel: Well according to this, you're the one who made a mistake. 
Dubai: Now, now! Dr. Farragut was not lying when he said he was a doctor of the CDC he's just not supposed to be here. However, this can be seen as a blessing in disguise, the more of us here there merrier right? More scientists, more security, more chances of containing this pathogen as fast as possible before things escalate. So despite the complications we are all faced with, how about we shove it aside for now and help one another with our predicament. 
Daniel and Dr. Hataki looked at one another, wondering if this really was a blessing or a curse that had unfolded. Dr. Farragut on the other hand looked at Dubai and Chicago with suspicion, the document on the iPad was legit and legal yet he had never seen either of these two in all his time at the CDC. He wasn't lying about this being impossible, so that meant something was happening and perhaps it had to do with Dr. Hataki. 
Dr. Boyle: Hey Alan! I just wanted to let you know that Sarah's got the quarantine covered so I'm going to start dissecting... the... uh...
Dr. Boyle looks at Dubai and the others with shock while the look at her with disappointment and a few with anger. Dr. Boyle is an agent of the Foundation, she was assigned to the CDC specifically to alert the Foundation of CDC activity. Yet she was here, and the Foundation didn't know of it, this either meant she was bad at her job, or someone somehow knew to prevent her from alerting the Foundation. Now was not the time to find out so Dubai quickly put back on their fake smile and walked to Dr. Boyle.
Dubai: Ah! Dr. Boyle, you remember me, Dr. Dubai don't you? We're form the specialized task force from the CDC but uh... Dr. Farragut here seems to be confused as he things its his team who's supposed to be here and not us when in reality its reverse. Is there perhaps something you can add to help clear up the situation?
Dr. Farragut looked at Dr. Boyle in confusion not really expecting her to know these guys though he was shocked to see her actually looking nervous as if she did. 
Dr. Boyle: Uh... Yeah! Yeah, I uh... I unfortunately don't know how this happened, kinda funny really, but uh, ahem! I do know that we all work for the CDC here. 
Now Dr. Farragut was looking at Dr. Boyle in shock as he was sure she would vouch for him knowing these guys were definitely not CDC. Yet she was instead vouching for them instead. 
Dr. Hataki: ... I wasn't aware the CDC could be so incompetent. No matter, I have no reason and according to that document no authority to have any of you leave. Besides given the recent incident the situation has become dire. If you new arrivals are really here to help them by all means. Dr. Farragut and Dr. Boyle can I trust you two to have our guests accommodated while we get the preparations done so they will also have unrestricted access. 
Dr. Boyle: Yup! You can count on us! 
Dr. Farragut remained silent and just nodded still processing the fact that Dr. Boyle his longtime friend, knew something so shocking that he didn't. Dr. Hataki and Daniel then walked away to get started on getting chips for the new arrivals. 
Dr. Boyle: Okay so uh, first things first. We got some kind of virus that's an RNA strand, it somehow made two victims into black mush and made Peter into a super soldier. He ran off somewhere and infected six people. We already got three in quarantine but the other three we have no idea where they are. The virus is not airborne, but Peter did infect these guys by uh, kissing them in the mouth apparently. Also, I called Peter a super soldier cause he ripped a guys arm clean off and took his uniform. Uh... well, I think that about covers it all. Alan you want to add something?
Dr. Boyle turned to Dr. Farragut with a fearful smile on her face while he looked at her with skepticism. 
Dr. Farragut: ... No, you pretty much covered it all Doreen. I'll just uh, need to ask where you guys are planning on stationing yourselves.
Dubai: How about I assist Dr. Boyle with the dissection she was talking about. Since I assume that will be a nasty job, we'll be taking Task Force operative New York with us and the rest will be assigned to you Dr. Farragut, please utilize Dr. Chicago and the rest however you please. 
Dr. Farragut: Thank you, but uh, Doreen I need to talk to you. 
Dr. Boyle: Uh, can that wait Alan, what I'm disecting isn't a rat but a monkey and remember how Dr. Hataki said they don't have monkeys? Yeah, I just wanna get to work before it, "disappears" or something. 
Dr. Farragut: ... Fine, go, but I do need to talk to you later. 
Dubai: Alright then! Let's get to work!
The following is a recording form New York and Dubai as they are with Dr. Boyle who is dissecting an infected but dead monkey. 
New York: Ew! What the hell is all that black shit? 
Dr. Boyle: It's the monkey's blood, mutated by the virus to be no different to black mucus.
Dubai: I though the black mucus destroys everything it touches. 
Dr. Boyle: Well apparently not monkeys and apparently not Peter.
New York: Who's Peter?
Dr. Boyle: The guy who's going around infecting everyone and ripping their arms off. Though you should also probably know he's Alan's brother.
Dubai: ... That actually brings up a good question. 
Dubai then slammed his hand hard on the inspection table, spooking Dr. Boyle a little. She kept her composure not because she wasn't afraid, but because she knew now was not a good time to panic.
Dubai: You had one job! To look over the CDC, to be their babysitters and the ONE TIME they leave the crib you decide not to tell us. 
Dr. Boyle: ... That's the thing, I did. 
New York: Oh yeah? Was that before or after coming to the arctic because I doubt you can get a signal out here without a signal flare. 
Dr. Boyle: No right after we got the request from that military sergeant. 
Dubai and New York looked at one another on confusion.
New York: Military? Fuck is PENTAGRAM stirring up shit again? 
Dubai: No, even they aren't that stupid nor are they powerful enough to stop a Foundation order form getting through... I think our superiors were right, Neo Umbrella is somehow involved in this. 
Dr. Boyle: Wait shit, you guys are Acid Rain? Oh lord, that doesn't mean zombies and monsters are going to show up does it? 
New York: Relax, even if that is the case, I got more than enough ammunition to blow all those mother fuckers to hell. 
Unknown: Who are you?!
New York quickly got out his shotgun and pointed it at one of the doctors while Dr. Boyle quickly got away form the table in shock. Dubai raised his hands and tried to signal to New York to lower his which he did so very slowly. 
Dubai: Okay, relax, I am Dr. Dubai, please tell me who you are. 
The unknown doctor looked at Dr. Boyle and New York while visibly shaking. her skin was pale while the skin around her eyes and nose was clearly turning orange. Dr. Boyle was scared as she knew this was a key sign of infection. 
Unknown: Who are they?!
Dubai: Oh, please be at ease, this is Dr. Boyle a fellow doctor at the CDC and this is our security New York. Please say hello you two.  
New York and Dr. Boyle looked at one another; even with his biohazard suit on, Dr. Boyle could see he was just as uncomfortable with this as she was. Still they both listened to Dubai and waved at the doctor.
Unknown: ... How do I know that's your real names?
Dubai: Scouts honor, thought of course I don't blame you for being untrustful. It's been a long day, hasn't it? 
Unknown: Yes... the white room... so much death... It's everywhere, he's everywhere! Oh god, he's coming for us! No, no! You... How do I know you're not going to hurt me. 
Dubai managed to keep up his genuine looking smile as he slowly approached her. 
Dubai: I won't keep any secrets from you, because I don't want them to hurt me either. 
Unknown: Wha- what? 
Dubai: We have to stay out of the white room, but we can only do that if we work together. 
Unknown: Y- Yes that's right, strength in numbers! They can't stop us! 
Dubai: No one can stop us! Not with this. 
Dubai then held out his Foundation Computer Screen Pad but didn't turn it on or face it to the doctor. Curiosity and hope consumed her as she smiled and walked over to see what it was. Though as she did Dubai chocked her on the back of the neck. She quickly fell to the ground knocked out. 
Dubai: Okay, good, consider that situation de-escalated. 
Dr. Boyle: Did you really have to knock her out? 
Dubai: Kinda too late consider alternatives. Now help me get her up and direct us to the quarantine. 
Dr. Boyle: Alright but on the way there, you guys need to help me get a story for Alan straight. 
Dubai: Fair. Hey New York, are young going to help or not?
The following is a recording of Paris and Rio working as security for Dr. Jordan as she enters the quarantine area of the three patients. 
Unknown: Hey! How long do we have to be in here? 
Dr. Jordan: A couple of weeks at most.
Unknown: A couple of weeks?! What about my research?
Unknown: What if I'm not infected? I'm in the same room as them, breathing the same air! 
Unknown: Oh, Shut up Bryce.
Dr. Jordan: Please everyone calm down, I know this is very stressful.
Unknown: You don't know anything! How old are you? 
Dr. Jordan: ... I'm 26.
Unknown:  You look like your 15.
Dr. Jordan: I have two master's and a PhD form MIT specializing in virology and biogenetics. 
Paris and Rio looked at each other, granted this was considered common level of genius within the Foundation, but the fact that she knew biogenetics was interesting. It was the same field Rio was in as she was planning to become a Combat Researcher or maybe a Captain one day. 
Dr. Jordan: I was the youngest doctor hired by the CDC in over a decade and Dr. Farragut put me in charge of isolation because I'm qualified. The two guards behind me are only a precaution in case things get out of control which you're not helping by acting like this; so once again, please remain calm. I will do my best to address your needs, but I want to make one thing perfectly clear we will have order here. 
One of the doctors scoffed at Dr. Jordan and the rest said nothing. 
Paris: She said there will be order, is that clear? 
Unknown: ... Whatever.
Paris got annoyed but he just left it at that, Dr. Jordan then got to work checking their symptoms as the infection progressed within them. She took tests every so often just to be sure not to miss a single detail. 
Rio: Do you need help? I know a thing or two. 
Dr. Jordan: Uh, well this is very delicate situation, so I just think-
Rio then took out her Portable Foundation Medical Case and took a DNA sample that Dr. Jordan collected. 
Rio: If the two of us work at the same time, we can get our research done faster. Just let me know if I'm in your way.
Dr. Jordan: ... Can you handle that one over there then? 
Rio: Of course!
Dr. Jordan was confused as she was sure that Rio was supposed to be here for security only. She then looked to Paris who just shrugged.
Paris: She doesn't hesitate to help those in need.
Unknown: Yeah, like that's going to make a difference.
Paris: ... Doing something is better than complaining, dumbass. 
Unknown: Hey what did you say to me?! 
Suddenly the door rang, and New York came in with a new patient strapped to a gurney. 
New York: Got a new one, apparently there's another on the way. 
Paris: Good go back to Dr. Boyle I'll take it from here. 
New York then let Paris take the gurney and left. 
Unknown: What?! You're going to let in more sick people?! 
Paris: This is the quarantine area, it's for the sick. 
The doctor scoffed in disbelief and walked over to Dr. Jordan
Unknown: You've got to let us out of here, this is kidnapping! I demand to talk to a lawyer! 
Dr. Jordan: this is a public health crisis; the CDC has full jurisdiction here.
Unknown: Oh! A hell of a lot of good that's done! We could do a better job of finding a cure ourselves.
Rio: Arguably. 
Unknown: ... What did you say bitch? I'm a doctor, not some military jock paying nurse.
Rio just scoffed at the doctor while she was treating one of the patients by giving them Foundation Pain killers. 
Unknown: Give it a rest, Bryce. 
Unknown: You give it a rest! 
Paris: She was you idiot. She's not exactly cooperative but she's better at keeping her cool than you are.
Unknown: Huh? Oh let me guess you think your better than us just because we're not military or whatever.
Paris: We're not military we're CDC you idiot. 
Unknown: Stop calling me an idiot! 
Paris: You are an idiot! Now calm down and shut up or else I'll make you!
Unknown: Oh, you'll make me?! 
Paris then got up to the doctor and showed him how tall he was in comparison.
Paris: Yeah, but you don't want to know how... do you?
Unknown: ... No... I'm sorry.
Paris: Good, now sit down and shut up. 
The doctor did as Paris ordered, the other looked at Paris with anger but quickly looked away in fear when he noticed her glare. Dr. Jordan was looking at him in disbelief at how aggressive he was though looked to Rio who seemed calm and collected in comparison.  
Dr. Jordan: Is- Is he always like that?
Rio: ... Paris just hates wasting time, he's a really nice guy once you get to know him but that's the thing, you have to get to know him first. 
Dr. Jordan: Paris?
Rio: Oh, we're all assigned code names. I'm Rio by the way. 
Dr. Jordan: ... What's your real name.
Rio: Just call me Rio. 
Dr. Jordan: Who are you guys really? 
Rio: We're from the CDC like you.
Dr. Jordan: I'm from the CDC yeah, but I don't know any of you guys nor have I ever heard of you. ANY of you.
Rio: ... You can ask all you want, I'm afraid it doesn't change the answer, we're all members of the CDC.
Dr. Jordan: well, I'm not as naive as I look. I'll find the truth eventually.
Rio: *sign* Suit yourself but spoiler warning... we're from the CDC. 
Dr. Jordan just grunted as she continued working, suddenly the doctor she was testing started groaning in pain. Suddenly Rio walked over and infected him with something that make him stop moving and sleep peacefully.
Dr. Jordan: ... What- what did you give him? 
Rio: Pain killers. What else?
Dr. Jordan: I've been giving him morphine, but it hasn't worked. 
Rio: Guess morphine not as strong as most think.
Dr. Jordan again looked at Rio in suspicion but couldn't get answers now, so she just kept working. 
The following is a recording of Rome and Chicago who are with Dr. Walker and Dr. Hataki. 
The four of them are watching surveillance of Peter and his work before he became infected. Though Rome gets up and out of the room to get some coffee. However, Julia suddenly jolts and looks to the vents when she hears something no one else does. 
Dr. Hataki: Are you alright? 
Dr. Walker: Yeah, just thought I heard something. It makes me think of peter being up there. 
Dr. Hataki: It's just the base settling, have you gotten any sleep?
Dr. Walker: An hour or two but I'm fine, really.
Dr. Hataki: The arctic can play tricks on the mind, sleep is important.
Dr. Walker: I'll take that under advisement. 
Rome then walked back into the room with a coffee box and four cups of coffee.
Rome: Sleep is good, though on a busy day like this coffee is a second best. 
Dr. Hataki: Where did you get that? We don't serve coffee here.
Rome: I always pack my own grounded beans and easy to store cups wherever I go. Would you like one? 
Dr. Hataki: ... I don't think caffeine is good for the mind, but it would be rude to decline your offer. 
Dr. Walker, Dr. Hataki, and Chicago all took a cup. Dr. Walker took a sip joyfully then looked back to the recordings.
Dr. Walker: Woah, what just happened. 
Dr. Walker then replayed the video, when she played it, it showed the rats shaking the shelves they were on to the point they knocked them down. 
Chicago: Holy shit, what the hell was he giving those rats? 
Dr. Walker: I don't know, care to explain Dr. Hataki? 
Dr. Hataki: As I already told Dr. Walker, Peter was researching mutagens. 
Chicago: Yeah, but what kind of mutagens? Because all known mutagens can't do something that extreme. I mean if there was something like that, I would want some. 
Rome, Dr. Hataki, and Dr. Walker looked at Chicago in confusion and a hint of disgust.
Chicago: I mean AFTER the psychotic symptoms are worked out. 
Dr. Walker: ... I need to get to Peter's lab, find out everything that he was working on. I'm aloud to do that right Dr. Hataki? 
Dr. Hataki: As I've already told you, you have unlimited access to the base. In fact, please allow me to escort you all there. 
Dr. Hataki, Dr. Walker, Chicago, and Rome then walked out of the room and towards Peters lab. However halfway there they heard screaming down a hall, so Rome got out his assault rifle, but Dr. Walker raised her hand to signal him to stand down. Rome lowed his rifle but followed her as she walked down the hallway where they encountered Dr. Farragut and Major Balleseros who caught another infected. People in the hallway yelled at them in anger which only got Tokyo, Major Balleseros, and Berlin agitated in retaliation. Peter only barely managed to calm down the situation by explaining the rate of infection if things get out of control. No one was happy but then all went back to their rooms while the others took the infected patient to the quarantine zone. 
Dr. Walker: Nice Speach
Dr. Farragut turned around to see Dr. Walker and Rome standing there. 
Dr. Walker: I haven't heard that since... Kikwit, '95? 
Dr. Farragut: It was Joburg, '96. What are you doing here? 
Rome: Apologizes, Dr. Farragut. We're going to Peter Farragut's lab to continue our investigation. We have reason to believe the rats he was working with may have been the point of origin or have some kind of connection to it. 
Dr. Farragut: Your supposed to be guarding Julia while she works on rate of infection. 
Rome then looked at Dr. Walker as he was unaware of this. 
Dr. Walker: This seemed more important. 
Rome sighed as he could not only tell that Dr. Walker and Dr. Farragut were dating but they were also the type of couple to bump heads regularly. He was quickly proven right as they started arguing more and more. However, Dr. Walker suddenly said, "It was never the time or the place, that was the problem to begin with" he realized they were actually married once and now divorced. Dr. Walker then walked off to join back with Dr. Hataki and Chicago. Rome quickly followed her.
The four of them were now in Peters old lab with Chicago and Dr. Walker looking through old files. Rome was standing guard over them all, but he was also making sure to observe Dr. Walker and Dr. Hataki. Two things he noticed about Dr. Hataki, one he was merely pretending to look around, it was obvious he knew he wasn't going to find anything. He was merely trying to look the part so that he could delay as much as possible. The second thing was that he kept looking at Dr. Walker, and it wasn't with suspicion it was like he was looking at someone he had wanted to see for a very long time. Rome was normally good at reading people but this time he was confused as there should have been no connection between the two, yet Dr. Hataki was making it seem like there was one. 
Dr. Walker: Here I got something, Apparently Peter was working with pathogens, Narvik-A and Narvik-B what are those?
Dr. Walker and Chicago looked at Dr. Hataki who just remained silent the entire time. Chicago then went over the the freezer and pulled out several samples two of which ended up being the Narvik-A and Narvik-B. 
Chicago: We should infect the rats again to see what happens.
Dr. Hataki: Inject more rats? That didn't work out for Peter, or his college now did it?
Dr. Walker: Where are his college?
Dr. Hataki: ... You already met them in body bags. 
Chicago: The people that got disintegrated? Fucking hell.
Rome: Sure, but when Peter performed his experiments, he didn't have security on standby, with me here you do now. 
Dr. Walker looked at Rome with skepticism, Rome knew it was for the same reason as the other CDC researchers, they didn't trust the Ares-8 units. Which wasn't surprising, they really weren't who they said they were but to be fair the real CDC wasn't supposed to be here in the first place. 
Dr. Walker and Chicago started injecting the rats having two injected with Narvik-A and two with Narvik-B. Shockingly it only took 5 minutes to see the results of infection. The Narvik-A hosts died quicky as their stomachs burst open and black mucus flooded out slowly melting the rest of the body. The Narvik-B hosts however just lost all their hair but remained alive. 
Chicago: Weird... the rats lost all their hair but how come Peter didn't lose his? Does it only deteriorate rats but strengthen humans somehow. 
Dr. Hataki: Please don't be ridiculous how would a virus be able to tell the difference.
Chicago: Yeah, a normal virus wouldn't but that's assuming anything about this is normal. Sometimes it pays off to think outside the box. 
Dr. Hataki: Hm, I'll keep that in mind... Though, I have to say it does feel good to be a part of real lab work again. 
Dr. Walker: Until your reminded of how tedious it is?
Dr. Hataki: No, it's exciting actually. I miss the precision, commitment, sacrifice, all leading to the joy of discovery. 
Chicago: ... Heh, I won't argue with that. 
Dr. Walker: My mother actually used to say something like that.
Dr. Hataki and Dr. Walker then continued talking about her mother, Rome noticed how much Dr. Hataki seemed to enjoy discussing Dr. Walker's family. It was so strange, why was Dr. Hataki so interested in Dr. Walker. However, before Rome could find an answer or Dr. Walker could keep talking one of the rats infected with Narvik-B started breaking the glass. Chicago pulled Dr. Walker back and Dr. Hataki stepped back as well though he didn't seem afraid. The rat then broke free and landed on the floor, it rushed towards Dr. Walker and Chicago making them both scream in terror, but Rome quickly stomped on it, killing it instantly. 
Rome: ... Ha, and that's why you always have a trustworthy security man with you before performing dangerous experiments. 
Dr. Walker smiled at Rome being thankful for his help though all four of them turned back to the glass container when they saw the second Narvik-B rat smashing into another cage for a healthy rat. It got on top of the healthy rat and put its mouth over the other quickly puking the black mucus into the health rat's throat. 
Chicago: Fucking hell, I've seen zombies eat people but that's a whole other level of messed up. 
Dr. Walker: This isn't some science fiction movie this is real but it's... it's not possible, it's not supposed to be. 
Chicago was actually being serious, but Dr. Walker didn't need to know that, so he didn't correct her. 
Rome: I don't understand that rat just spread the virus, there are parasite that can do that to you.
Chicago: Yes parasites can do that, but this is not a parasite this is a virus. Dr. Walker is right this shouldn't be possible, but the virus is controlling the host exactly as how a parasite would, possibly better than a parasite would. It's not only compelling the host to spread the virus but making them do so in the most effective way. Not only that but the rat is stronger with the virus than without, viruses degrade they don't upgrade. They literally spread by rewriting cells with their own DNA code and forcing it to create more virions until they pop. Yet somehow not only is it making the host aggressive but giving them the boost to back it up. I haven't seen a pathogen like that since... The Tangi Virus. 
Rome and Chicago looked at one another as the Tangi Virus was one of the worst pathogens in Foundation history. Granted this new virus was clearly nowhere near the same level but it was close which made it just as dangerous. 
Dr. Walker: What the hell is the Tangi Virus? 
Chicago realized he let vital information slip and closed his mouth and looked the other way. Rome noticed Dr. Walker scoffing in annoyance at this but what really shocked him was that Dr. Hataki looked shocked but as if he knew the Tangi Virus and how dangerous it was. Rome knew this meant he would have to keep a close eye on Dr. Hataki form here on out.
The following is back to the recording of Rio and Paris as they are watching over the quarantine patients. 
Rio: Okay looks like everyone is stable. 
Unknown: Good! Now let us out of here already!
Dr. Jordan: You know why we can't do that. 
Unknown: She literally just said we are all fine now!
Rio: I said the situation is stable. That doesn't mean your cured. Please just be patient while we run tests, I'm already running tests on you blood so-
Unknown: For crying out loud you're both insufferable! 
Paris: And you're not? 
Unknown: Hey! If you just let us back into our labs we could help. 
Rio: Doubtful.
Dr. Jordan: Okay you two really aren't helping by arguing with them okay! 
Paris: Are we supposed to be nice to them when they're being a bunch of idiots? 
Unknown: Hey, I'm a scientist you security guard loser! 
Paris: Yeah, your level of calmness and ability to pick out a good insult has made that clear. 
Unknown: You know what, I think you three wouldn't be acting so high and mighty if you didn't have those suits on.
Unknown: They're not wrong about you being unreasonable you know.
Everyone turned to the patient on the first bed in shock as he was actually defending Rio, Paris, and Dr. Jordan rather than his fellow scientists. 
Unknown: Oh, shut up, you're on your deathbed you know! 
Unknown: And that makes my opinion less than yours? 
Rio: Also, he's not going to die I just said he is stable. You know it's kinda sad he's suffering the worst side effects yet is making more sense than either of you.
Unknown: Don't go provoking them, love. They'll just get more unstable if you do. 
Rio: I know, it's just frustrating their supposed to be scientists but their acting like scared children. 
Unknown: People do stupid shit when their scared, it's just human nature try not to hate them too much for it. This area was supposed to be a safe haven for us scientists, yet we all got infected with some strange disease that Peter gave us. It's hard to stay calm even with this amazing medicine you gave me. 
Rio: You're going to be fine, I'm running tests now, even if I can't find a cure, I can at least find a treatment to suppress the virus long enough to find one. 
Unknown: Huh, I thought you were just a security girl, say maybe you deserve to have a position here once this is over. With you around we'll never have to worry about a contagion like this again. 
Rio: Nice offer but I can't my current job needs me more and is more aligned to my skills. I don't want to just research I want to keep fighting the good fight when I can. I'm just a researcher I'm also a soldier or I mean... Like a soldier. 
Unknown: Ah... No, I get it, any chance where you're working offers more scientific positions? 
Rio: We make exceptions for certain people but uh, how about we focus on getting you better first.  
Unknown: I'm in your hands love. 
Unknown: Oh nice by the way, flirting with a teenager!
Rio: teenager? I'm 34. 
Unknown: Wha-?! Bullshit! You sound nothing like a 30-year-old and your voice sounds like every high school actor ever! 
Dr. Jordan: As I already explained we are more than qualified to deal with the situation. Please have more faith in us.
Unknown: Yeah right, have faith in you? You haven't even come close to developing a cure yet! 
Paris: It's only been one day, since when has there ever been a cure made in one day to defend against a newly developed virus? 
Unknown: You know what?! I'm sick and tired of your back talk solider boy!
Paris: Because I'm right? 
Unknown: You think you're so smart, don't you?
Paris: Compared to you? Yeah, pretty much. 
The scientist huffed at Paris then walked over to one of the tables grabbed an empty syringe, filled it with air, and grabbed Dr. Jordan while holding it dangerously close to her neck. 
Unknown: Now I'm in charge! Let us out of here now! 
Dr. Jordan: You know we can't do that. 
Unknown: Then you're going to call someone who will. Or at least your soldier pals will, unless they want to see you die. 
Suddenly the scientist holding Dr. Jordan hostage screamed out in pain as he fell to the ground for Rio kicked him in the leg. The other scientist saw this and quickly tried to grab a scapple to defend herself, but Paris grabbed her arm to prevent her from moving. Rio then grabbed the first scientist and slowly restrained him to a bed. 
Unknown: Let me go! You're hurting me.
Paris: Not a chance. 
Unknown: Help! Someone help! He's going to assault me! 
Rio: Shut up! No one is going to fall for that. 
Dr. Jordan: Ah, please be careful with them though. 
Paris: Relax I'm just restraining her. 
Unknown: Aurgh! You people are monsters! We're going to tell the whole world about this once this is over! No one will ever trust the CDC again!
Dr. Jordan actually seemed afraid by that threat but Rio grabbed her shoulder in reassurance. 
Rio: It's like you said, the CDC has full jurisdiction here. If people really have a problem with us doing everything, we can to protect lives and preserve order, then they're the ones in the wrong. 
Dr. Jordan: ... I just hope we don't have to do more than what's necessary. 
With the situation mostly taken care of, Dr. Jordan, Dr. Farragut, Dr. Walker, Dr. Boyle, Dr. Hataki, Dubai, and Chicago met up while Paris, Rio, New York, Rome, Tokyo, and Berlin stayed stationed around the base to maintain order but also keep a look out for Peter and the sixth victim. 
Dr. Walker: Okay so from what I found out. Narvik-A is what killed those two people that were turned into... nothing. Peter is infected with Narvik-B which despite being a virus is able to control the host similar to a parasite. 
Chicago: Yeah, like how Toxoplasma gondii makes a rat lose its fear of cats so it can get eaten by them and the parasite will reproduce in the cat's intestine. But this version is not only a virus its able to reproduce itself in the throat and force the host to barf it all into a victim's mouth. No sacrifice of the host required. If anything, it's the ultimate infection for a virus. No downsides and all the benefits included. 
Dr. Jordan: A host of a virus with focused behavioral patterns? It's like the virus is turning the host the vector. 
Dr. Walker: Vectors on Steroids. I think the B strain rewires the brain to make the host the perfect contagion machine... Or perhaps like the Tangi Virus.
Chicago shuttered to which Dubai looked at him in shock but then disappointment. Dr. Farragut and Dr. Jordan noticed this with Dr. Farragut in particular glaring in disappointment. 
Dr. Farragut: What on earth is that?
Dr. Walker: That's what I'd like to know.
Dr. Walker turned to Chicago and soon everyone else did in confusion. Dubai looked at Chicago in disappointment and sighed before stepping forward to talk.
Dubai: ... You guys ever heard of the Tangipahoa infection at Cate's Crossing, Louisiana? 
Chicago and Dr. Boyle looked at Dubai in shock but said nothing as they couldn't. Dr. Farragut and the others just looked at them in confusion.
Dr. Farragut: How could I not, they called it the worst blunder of the CDC in modern history which is strange because despite hundreds of testimonies there's no evidence of it happening or that the CDC actually being involved. 
Dubai: Well... that's not entirely true.
Dr. Walker: No... No, that was all of YOU?
Dubai: Well not just us but yeah, now you know why you never heard of us until today. We're a part of a specialized and more secretive division within the CDC. 
Dr. Farragut: That should be impossible, the CDC reports to the US government. There's nothing higher than that.
Chicago: Seriously? You never heard of the UN?
All three doctors looked at one another in shock and confusion.
Dr. Jordan: The UN? 
Chicago: Yup, the United Nations themselves created our division of the CDC to handle more disastrous pathogens and viral threats that can hurt both America and even the world in the long run. Though of course there is the World Health Organization but the UN decided that there were some pathogens that the public didn't need to know about. Such pathogens could bring a lot of chaos not JUST from infection but the fact that people knew they were real, so it's all pretty hush, hush. 
Dubai: Which means we'll have to ask you all to keep quite after this situation is taken care of which it pretty much almost is. 
Dr. Hataki: Of course, I have no reason to want to make an enemy of the UN. You will have my full cooperation in remaining silent on this issue. 
Dubai: ... That actually brings up a major issue. The Tangi virus, as I explained earlier is a pathogen that is classified to a majority of the world. All I can say is, despite its anomalous nature, it was created naturally. This virus on the other hand is way too focused and sophisticated to be natural. Also, you did tell us that Peter was working on mutagens but there was no way he created this virus by accident. The question is... Why would he create this virus? Was he asked to by you? Did someone pay him to do it? Or did he actually have the bright idea that if he created a strong enough virus someone would eventually want to buy it on the black market? 
Dr. Farragut: Let's keep the theories grounded here, okay? Peter would never do something so stupid. 
Chicago: Sorry bro, but in our line of work familiar bonds don't mean shit in the long run. 
Dr. Farragut looked at Chicago with anger and disbelief while Chicago just smirked and shrugged at him. 
Dubai: Regardless! Dr. Hataki I need you to be honest with us now, why the hell did Peter create the Narvik and made one strain disintegrate the body and the other turn them into a vector zombie. 
Dr. Hataki: ... I'm afraid I can't say, I encourage my doctors to break the limits of science. but in Peter's case, he might have taken things too far, maybe it was greed or maybe the pure love for science. I'm afraid I simply have no answers.
Dubai: ... Whatever, Rio is continuing to run samples of the infected patients, maybe we can get more answers from there. 
Dubai and Chicago left the room and Dr. Boyle was about to follow but Dr. Farragut stopped her.
Dr. Farragut: Not so fast Doreen, you still owe me an explanation. How did you know those guys?
Dr. Boyle: ... Because I was supposed to be promoted to their ranks by the end of the year. 
Dr. Walker: They- They offered you a position? 
Dr. Boyle: Yeah, but uh, it's all hush-hush you know so, when I get the job, I'm supposed to tell you guys that I can't work at the CDC anymore and I'll just quit. In reality I'm going to work with them from that point on, I wasn't really supposed to tell you anyways, government contracts and all. 
Dr. Farragut: ... I'm still having a hard time believing this, but I am sorry I suspected something more sinister form you.
Dr. Boyle: It's alright Alan, we should probably get back to work though. I think this virus has given us enough surprises don't want to give it the change to give us more. 
Dr. Farragut: Of course, Doreen, and if Julia is right, we might be dealing with more than one variant even now. I want to believe that Peter made the Narvik-B strain by himself, but viruses aren't normally so easily controlled.
Everyone then quickly left the room to get back to their stations and continue working. 
The following is a recording of Paris who is outside of Dr. Hataki's office. 
Major Balleseros walked towards his office but then noticed Paris standing guard. Paris faced him then backed away to let him through. 
Major Balleseros: You're not with the CDC, are you?
Paris: ... You and I both know the CDC are not supposed to be here in the first place and yet here they are. This was supposed to be a simple clean up and yet now we have to babysit as well.
Major Balleseros: It was out of my hands; the signal came from here at arctic biosystems. I'm just here to clean up the mess.
Paris: Right, and you would have done a great job without us.
Major Balleseros: You're not really supposed to be here either. 
Paris: Yet here I am under orders, similar orders in fact. Clean up the mess. This virus isn't supposed to be public yet, the CDC now knows of its existence. One of my subordinates managed to keep the peace but who knows how long that will last. 
Major Balleseros: ... Well, in that case why don't you just tell your boss that the issue is too much to handle.
Paris: Tell THEM yourself, we both know you wouldn't have come here without a secure way to communicate. Though I doubt they'll be willing to acknowledge my existence. Maybe they'll tell you I'm a traitor and order you to kill me, I'm actually hoping that one will happen, makes things easier for me.
Major Balleseros looked at Paris shocked then sighed as he faced Dr. Hataki's door. 
Major Balleseros: ... If your here to evaluate me, don't bother. I have no intention of betraying Ilaria, I will get the situation under control, with or without your help. I understand you have your orders, but you can follow them while staying out of my way. 
Paris: Heh, it's not like healthy competition isn't aloud at Ilaria.
Major Balleseros scoffed and walked into Dr. Hataki's office, Paris sighed as he was glad he was able to trick Major Balleseros into thinking they were secretly on the same side. He wasn't as good at Psychological Manipulation as his husband was, but he still learned a thing or two. He made sure his recording device got all that info and would be sure to review it with the others later. 
Paris: Ilaria really is behind this huh? Guess we found another tail of Neo Umbrella, all that's left is for the head to show itself.
End of Part 1
Continue to Part 2
SCP: HMF Tales Hub
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ashleywritesstuff · 3 months
From the Sci-Fi 5 Archive: a different sort of sci-fi hit the airwaves on this day in 1999---Farscape!
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arbitrarygreay · 4 months
I miss Syfy airing shows in groups which not only facilitated crossovers, but also illuminated a lot of hindsight implications as to the culture's genre and irl preoccupations were at the time. We went from Farscape/Lexx to Stargate/BSG to Eureka/WH13 (/Sanctuary) to Haven/Lost Girl (/Merlin?) to Defiance/Continuum to Bitten/Z Nation to Dark Matter/Killjoys/Expanse/12 Monkeys (/The Magicians) to Wynnona Earp/Van Helsing, and each grouping has fairly noticeable common themes. That some years were entirely duds of single-season failures are analyzable for the fact that entire years tended to lose together (for various possible reasons). Unfortunately, the streaming age hangover has now broken the pattern and everything is 1-season duds. Industry is on fire, hoorayyyyy
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secondbeatsongs · 1 year
for anyone too young to know this: watching The Truman Show is a vastly different experience now, compared to how it was before youtube and social media influencers became normal
before it was like, "what a horrifying thing to do to a human being! to take away their autonomy and privacy, all for the sake of profits! to create fake scenarios for them to react to, just to retain viewership! to ruin their happiness just so some corporate entity could harvest money from their very humanity! how could anyone do something so evil?"
and now it's like, "ah, yeah. this is still deeply fucked up, but it's pretty much what every influencer has been doing to their kids for a decade now. probably bad that we've normalized this experience"
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azel98 · 1 year
 @docgold13  I Made an Sci-fi Saturday Anime Fatal Fury OVA Mid 90's Marathon TV Recreation That I Made on My  Alternate Youtube Channel Please Watch if You Have The Chance
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kwebtv · 1 year
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First Wave -  Space / Sci-Fi Channel  -  September 9, 1998 - February 7, 2001
Science Fiction (66 episodes)
Running Time:  60 minutes
Sebastian Spence as Kincaid Lawrence”Cade” Foster
Rob LaBelle as Larry Pisinski a.k.a. "Crazy" Eddie Nambulous
Roger Cross as Joshua/Cain
Traci Lords as Jordan Radcliffe (season three)
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animenostalgia · 1 year
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This month on the podcast: it’s a return to my Saturday Anime series, where I take a look back at some of the anime titles that played on the Sci-fi Channel’s Saturday Anime block back in the 90s in the US! I’ll be joined by Mdi once again to discuss the often overlooked Green Legend Ran. We’ll talk about what our initial thoughts about this title were back in the day, how they might’ve changed over the years, and if we think this one is actually worth taking a chance on. 
Have any questions, comments, or topics you’d like to hear on this episode? Feel free to leave a comment, send a DM/ask, or email me directly at [email protected]!
Want to get a special shout-out on the episode? Tip me 2 or more “coffees” at my Ko-fi account here to get your name included in my Special Thanks segment!
Get your questions & tips in before April 16th, 2023!
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chazraps · 2 years
For #TBT it's my long-lost Bill Corbett interview originally set for the RiffTrax 2020 summer shows (but postponed due to the novel coronavirus pandemic) finally seeing the light! Marvel at the deep dive into how Rifftrax Live happens, Bill discussing his favorite riffs like Birdemic, working with Tommy Wiseau and don't miss 'The Return of Swamp Thing' next week from Fathom Events!
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year
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I’m a little over halfway into Farscape season 1. I’m convinced now that this show was created because the creators thought the sci-fi genre wasn’t sexy/lewd enough.
I mean…one character had an orgasm from exposure to sunlight. John and D’Argo had wet dreams induced through alien mind control. The very necessary scene where Aeryn confirmed she was wearing John’s underwear by reading the Calvin Klein tag. John and Aeryn nearly having sex because they thought they were gonna die.
It’s gotten to the point where every scene is now coming off as, “this feels a bit sexual”. For example, there was a scene where John was feeding Chiana through the cell doors. It was just eating food, but the way Chiana was eating it felt suggestive.
Me watching Stargate/Star Trek/most other sci-fi shows:
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Me watching Farscape:
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