# i wanna do more rp but literally not having the energy to
hxperion · 5 months
//classes are starting this monday. so my activity here is gonna be even more slow. but of course you can catch me on discord if we mutuals. just let me know who you are// blazingcharizard
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m1ssunderstanding · 5 months
Get Back Rewatch 55 Years On: Day Five
The thing is I absolutely love the album that comes out of this mess. Like I know a lot of people do not like Let It Be, but so many of my favorite songs are on it. One of them being “I Me Mine.” The walz element is haunting, and I can read the lyrics as anti-capitalist even though George himself mostly wasn’t. 
Laughing my head off at two boys from one of the best grammar schools in England, who have at this point made millions off of their writing, genuinely not knowing whether it should be “more freer” or “more freely”
The difference in how George shows Paul his new song vs John is striking. For Paul, he’s relaxed, nonchalant. For John, he stands up and performs it. And I think both are a defense mechanism, poor baby, because clearly, although Paul was very supportive of the song while they were alone, when John is roasting it, Paul just laughs along and George has to go “I don’t give a fuck whether you like it.” 
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Ah, the famous “up-against-a-wall” conversation. Paul comes in all dominant and sure. “Haven’t you written anything else? Haven’t you?” But then John touches him, and makes him laugh, and Paul’s a melted, goo-goo-eyes mess. This is the real reason why John got to be the leader isn’t it? Because Paul was too damn soft on him to ever follow through with his bossiness.
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Their scouse sounds BEAUTIFUL compared to the stupid ugly RP and MLH’s transatlantic shit.
“And now John’d like to say a few words on the subject.” John starts singing, Paul strums along and joins in on the “chorus.” They can’t communicate like healthy people, but they Can do this. 
So Peter Jackson took out Paul’s bitchy nod at Yoko as he’s stealing her man in real time right in front of her eyes. Unforgivable. But he kept in this adorable laugh, so that’s something. 
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Three more covers that I think *mean something* “Stand By Me” and “Spinning Like a Top” by Paul, followed by “You Win Again” by John. Yoko’s sweet little shoulder kiss. Thank you for taking care of the poor wet kitten, girly. Maybe don’t introduce the poor wet kitten to heroine, but you do you, I guess. (OP recognizes that poor wet kitten is also an adult capable of making his own decisions)
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The cut from Paul literally dancing to get John’s attention straight to John dancing with Yoko while inside Paul’s head a silver hammer is clanging ominously. I can’t. Followed by the knowing, loving smile from Ringo to Paul. You know, those moments when you validate your friend’s bitchy thoughts with a look. 
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George is literally SO big inside himself, you know? You have to have superhuman self-love abilities to watch your friend – who is supposed to be helping you – shamelessly make fun of your art . . . and just “Do you wanna do that walz on the show? That’d be great.”
But did you guys know John was actually a really great mover?
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“Yes, alright. Just sod off.” I love John. Paul’s people-pleasing ass would literally die first and he needs John to do this kind of shit for him and John’s only too happy to.
The moment when Paul and John are on the same wavelength about Dennis O’Dell’s stage. 
OK but. Did John get the clear plastic idea from Yoko’s art exhibits? 
“Any time we do anything it’s always got to be the best.” Poor Ringo. They’re all literally so tired of carrying so much weight for such a long time. 
“See, I’d watch an hour of him just playing the piano. Cause he’s so great.” With that fond, loving, smile. SUCH big dick energy here. The others could NEVER. 
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“And I’ll have the plastic when you’re finished.” Literally for what, though? John, you little hoarding goblin. 
And then Ringo responding to MLH’s “I love you” with “Yes, I love you too.” Yeah, Ringo wins the prize for most healthy beatle of the day. 
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*Pattie Boyd voice* “I just wish I knew what was going on there. But something. Something.”
Ugh, John looks so hurt. So tender. So heartbroken. While Paul is over there playing a damn funeral march because that’s the only way he lets himself express anything. But I actually love how Dennis O’Dell knows the clearest path to cheering John up is to say that Paul liked his idea. And how well it works. They’re literally so obvious to everyone but themselves. 
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I love the bit when John walks in on the rest of them discussing the live show and MLH calls, “We’ve decided. We’re going to Africa.” And Paul hurries to cut in, “No we’re NOT.” Because he knows exactly how John can get and he’s going to nip this in the bud before John gets let down. And of course, John is all “YEAH LETS GO LETS GO!” And he’s talking about how they always wish they were recording abroad. “We could be in LA, or FRANCE.” (side eye emoji) 
Paul’s “Well said, John.” and “I’ve seen it, John. I went to the premiere. I thought you were great.” Why do all your compliments to him have to be in silly voices? Like, I know you think everyone is going to call you a pussy for saying something genuinely kind to your best friend, but they’re not, and he needs it. 
Holy shit this was a long day. See you all tomorrow with another long-winded-ass post.
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hqryrp · 5 months
just watched all the films and i’m
PLEADINGGG for a drarry rp
i’m not picky, assuming this’ll get any reach..? be at **least** eighteen if you’re going to dm!! i won’t pry for an age if it’s not public, but i am trusting you and would appreciate that you do not take advantage of that.
i don’t really wanna do any ships outside of drarry atm.. but i’m open to any mxm ship, usually.
haven’t made a partner-search post in a longgg time, so i’m definitely rusty. i’m an adult, though i don’t feel comfortable disclosing my age, and a student (PST), which means i’m free a lot of the time, but i can get pretty slow whenever i get backed up, sorry! in writing, i will always use proper grammar & capitalization, (this post is meant to be casual so i did not care to include it) and expect the same of any partner :] i write anywhere from semi-lit to novella, just depends on your energy (i mirror)
i am very familiar with all themes in the film, however my knowledge on the books is lacking atm.. currently rereading :]
once again, i’m not picky!! u don’t have to be in the same time zone or be any sort of professional. i don’t have any plot ideas and am open to literally anything right now. i’d love to hear your thoughts!
i use discord as my primary rp platform, so it’d be soo great if we could more there.
all else fails, i hope i find someone i can talk to about the franchise since im getting so into it again </3
this tagging is so weak umm yeah thank you for reading !!!!!!!!
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laceymorganwrites · 2 years
hq boys and how they text
A/N: this is a fun little mini collab with @miyaniacs that started out as me commenting: omg xy emoji reminds me of Bo. And then we just kept making hcs so...have those xD
frequently used emojis: 💪🤩🥺👉👈😼🤣😥😲😭🥴😵🤠🤓🦄✨🙉🎉🐓👀😤
always does typos cause he´s wayyy too excited 
and when he does the * he still gets it wrong
will send 10 minute long audios talking about nothing
also will keep every group chat updated about his day, checks in on everyone every 5 minutes
also in way too many group chats but too scared to leave them cause he doesn´t want ppl thinking he´s rude
emojis: 💔💦💯🔥😎😥🥵🤫🥴🤙👅❤☕
texts ppl who are like 5 feet away from him to get him something (poor Osamu)
always gets left on read
then double texts like
r u mad at me?
flirts way too much but in a really direct way
is blocked by so many girls
he loves calling people and will annoy anyone when he´s bored
emojis: 👨‍🦯🦶👂✌🤘🥰😇🤠🙊✈🌜💁‍♂️🙆‍♂️🤦‍♂️🏃‍♂️😣😙
sends too many selfies
it´s like he´s vlogging cause he´s constantly sending pics to the gc 
has a bunch of rps going on and he´s super good at them (actually has good and interesting ocs)
sometimes speaks uwu just to annoy people
randomly quotes anime 
sends videos of himself talking rather than making audios 
makes such cute faces too
sigh, I love this man
this man is on his damn phone too much
yet never texts back
will literally take up to 3 weeks to reply
is on discord a lot and just trolls people
has the do not disturb thingie
only texts 3 ppl (Kita, Osamu, Aran)
has Atsumu blocked
the type of guy to have a drama channel
always on his phone
his gallery is rlly neat
has an album for everything and way too many photos
has an album just for receipts of drama he thought would be more important than it rlly is
ootd pics to the gc
expects all the compliments
gets: u still ugly
short answers
uses punctuation
has all gcs muted
only texts in there to roast Atsumu
leaves ppl on read all the time
except for Komori
sooo many unopened chats
only emojis are: ❤ and :) also 🙄
sassy all the way
only reads messages when they´re important
otherwise he just ignores it
involuntarily is in a gc with Kuroo and Bokuto
has a secret meme chat with Akaashi and Yamaguchi
picks up on too much gossip amd doesn´t even wanna know about it
had Tendou explain his phone to him 
texts Oikawa at least once, showing him a picture of Shiratorizawa being like: this could´ve been you
is blocked now
does this thing where he overuses autocorrect and types the emoji instead of the word
🤠🍆 otherwise he rlly doesn´t use any
Filth stuff under the cut:
accidentally really good at sexting
doesn´t know what he´s doing but it works
keeps complimenting and praising you
has issues taking dick pics cause he can never get the right angle
always begs to have phone sex cause he gets too excited
wants to be on facetime with you all the time
okay but how can someone be so beautiful when they cum? and his moans are feral, will just stare at you all hazed 
talks a lot during everything, just tells you how amazing it feels at all times
thinks he´s good at sexting 
but tries too hard
legit just fuckboy energy
but we all know he´s just a sweet soft boy who wants to know if his dick if pretty cause he´s insecure abt it
texting game isn´t strong
would actually ace it once he had sex since his texting game would just....oof it´s so good
also not as awkward anymore
sexting with him is so much fun
it´s super chill and lighthearted
tells you how good you make him feel
if you ever have phone sex he will moan just for you (usually he doesn´t cause he doesn´t see the point in it)
somehow it feels more intense with you watching him and touching yourself to him
gets his confidence (and dick) up
would be up to try everything with you, just gets so excited abt you overall
he WILL leave during a session to make food or smth 
one time he forgot about you and just went back to gaming
kind of lackluster at times
you really have to initiate the convo
but he makes up for it with nice pics and vids
has a really pretty dick
somehow he takes really good pictures but without any effort
would do it on facetime and let me tell you:
prettiest moans
intense af eyes
never really shows his dick
partly because of bad experiences and cause of insecurities 
makes you feel things by just his words
actually will either smirk like the little bitch he is or have a super cute soft smile on his face
probs has his phone in his one hand and is throwing a volleyball up and down in the other
sooo many adjectives to describe exactly what he´ll do to you
sends a pic of him in only sweats, hand on his cock and tells u to come over
or a random: I need to feel your mouth around me
´why do you want me to send a picture of my hand?´
can get really filthy, taking you by surprise
call him sir and watch him flip the switch
when he´s comfortable enough with you he will tell you all his dirty secrets
phone sex
teases you about being horny and needy
then supresses his own moans 
makes you tell him what you want him to do
maybe he´ll reward you with a picture
never starts anything since he doesn´t wanna seem needy
but every time you sext or have phone sex he´s like super petty at first
being all like: aww you just can´t get enough of me~ what took you so long this time?
straight up dick pics or his abs/veiny arms
would send you pics after/while he works out and turns you on without intending to
accidentally leaves you on read after you call him out for it
kinda internal panic because...we all know this man is awkward asf
so you have to guide him through, tell him what you want him to do and what you wanna do to him
is kinda embarrassed the first few times, but slowly enjoys it more and more
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captainkurosolaire · 1 year
Update / Valentiones
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Just wanna throw-down some appreciation and update on some stuff still plan on tackling this year. Although early this still implies for Valentiones. “Love ye all, have a terrific hearty day.  Should you feel cast aside, leave that t’ me to debunk it. Cause I’ll polish and give you a reason to rewrite that by finding you, picking you up, dusting it off. – You’re f*cking valuable, every single passing Sun t’ Moon, not even I can determinate it, no scale could justifiably do it. Don’t let any foul scallywags tell you otherwise. I’ll handle em’ You focus on shining eruptive, dazzle chaotically! I see you and I am thanking you fer existing, otherwise, I’d be out of business as a pirate, what’s the point of being one if I can’t discover my treasures cross these bland planes?” - CKS
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Achieved a decent-chunk of chapters already with my goal this year to be like 60, think I'm almost at 20 this early-in. More than I expected. Thanks for all the energy and power, from low to high. Still got probably 800-1000 chapters I need to realistically create, I get why One-Piece how it is. Once you get real passion for your art, there's an overabundance of stories to further write. xD I most certainly will be around chipping at pieces. In my case, I've always continued for the company that's been on this crazy voyage with me, for always welcoming or being there after long-breaks to RP partners who's integrated or pre-established stuff with me to join in. To my Best Friend/Roomie for always shooting inspiring ideas, always been able to easily click from being nerds who made so many D&D and Tabletop sessions we went to make our own whole world-building and tabletop game. Was pretty dope, but now I'm taking all that same, rich-passion and throwing it to world-build here. I got all the people to credit, I started from here on the community with too that matured and nurtured my character who allowed a very vanilla starting character, to morph into something that I could eventually give deep respect to continue. There's ton's of people and fellows who came from Tumblr as well, that were either forced to give up, or brought down by anon's, all those who suddenly disappeared, couldn't because time-commitments, or became distant, I've kept ingrained in me and I stay ever vigilantly passion in their stead. I overflow like a flowing fountain and multiply for all their sake to continue onward, and the lurkers, all the people who came to me saying they got inspired to join this fandom, all that you've made a impact, difference on me, and make no mistake about it, you matter. I carry your spirit, energy all with everything I endeavor. It's meant a life-changing amount to me have a place to just unleash myself. No better way to say it but -- I LIVE for this shit. So even no matter how infested this site becomes, or when the p*rnbots take over and I have to somehow try to convince them to start up a brothel and least take up RP, I'll still wage on. I may and most definitely die alone at the end. But baby I didn't live like that one-bit or felt like that at-all, I've lived millions.--- Update --- I'm determined to be more regular about this stuff yearly, I've collected so It can get done. I literally think I'll be at this point writing for the next two FF MMO's at this point if I don't start now. For now though, got about two-chapters left in me to do hopefully before February ends. Then I'll probably take a mini-break. I'm thinking about having or seeing if people will send a single, -word- to me in my submission box, and create my own prompt's judged upon that way. Overall, I never-mind getting anything asked or submitted anytime either while, I'm throwing it out. But this way lets people get involved, and I can use my over abundance of characters and try to create-weave a story within the mood or perimeter I need to tell, but I don't have to follow my story-path. Words submitted can be just about anything. Either I can mention you when I do a post with your submission, or you can go on anon for it. Even if no one's down for that stuff, It's all chill. Cause I'm dedicated and determined to do this stuff regardless, whenever I'm around. xD I eventually will take the XIVWrite again too, but I want to do that after a lot of progression or absolutely, my last-rodeo, or its. I've got to establish a lot of Captain's Crewmates, NPCS, I'm even doing slow-burn and building up other antagonists, I got relics, cultures, isle world building, continue thinking of just a mountain of arcs. I really want to get to my sport-arc. After these next two-chapters or so, I'm going to start timeline jumping all over the place. When I'm energized. Anyways that's it, also If need a Valentione's I got ye my hearty, I take no issue in being a rebound. 😎💛
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drifloonz · 10 months
btw i never posted this but conceptual pokemon teams for steven. one is mainly pre-incident while the one after is After The Incident ( since yk he canonically releases all his pokemon and goes willingly broke after miki dies. )
pre incident team ( he released like all of these. except miki obviously ):
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post incident:
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reasonings below ( its long i apologize )
PRE-INCIDENT TEAM ; here's a discord screenshot i put for general info lol anyways suicide cw in the screenshot ( just a mention though but yk. heavy shit )
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miki - its miki. do you need me to give explanation. part of me just kind of took a few strangled red fics interpretation of why/how steven has miki ( aka he found her in the rain in pallet town and he didnt even wanna be a trainer - inspired by faulty on ao3 )
pidgeot - first pokemon caught other than miki for probably obvious reasons. he also needed a pokemon to use fly - a lot of his pre incident team is just for tms or for backup but he used like almost exclusively miki bc mikis OVERPOWERED
haunter - steven doesnt go into pokemon tower until after the incident, but i like to think somehow he met a gastly and it just kept following him until he caught it. ( im too lazy to remake the team but bc of this it prob should b a gastly in this image )
Fun fact; Personally i think the gastly in Strangled that lets you into his house is his gastly. why the fuck else would it be there. after steven releases all his mons it still follows him around and tries to get people to help them by moving the stones that block his house, but accidentally makes it worse bc steven just attacks people who come into his home at that time. oopsy.
sandshrew - i dont have a lot to say abt this one it just kinda fits + for tms probably ( sandshrew. learns a lot of tms. )
lapras - likely just for surf but theres probably more i could add to this my brains just not thinking
chansey - gifted by daisy! either as a happiny or just. as a chansey. it's honestly more of an emotional support mon than it is an actual battling mon
POST INCIDENT TEAM ; ( once again discord screenshot w general info )
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there's more post-incident teams, i made like 3, which is why it says he has pokemon that it doesnt seem like he has in the second images. few notable examples are zoroark, gallade, chandelure, hydreigon, gourgeist, and phantump ( ... the phantump is probably a kid he killed ( maybe in strangled ) that follows him arnd since he probably lives in a forest LOL )
miki - she's now fucked up and glitched since its post-incident. he technically has multiple fucked up missingno'd versions of her canonically. Do not ask why
mega absol - it's a disaster pokemon. it follows him arnd and doesn't leave him around bc he's constantly got disasters happening arnd him. he IS the disaster at this point. also i kind of stole this concept from a steven twitter rp account, iirc bc its a really good concept. i like to think he kind of resents it but he still technically Has it
mega houndoom - u can't tell me he wouldn't have a houndoom. steven HAS dog owner energy. also absol and houndoom r mega just bc i think they go hard and their designs fit better w steven. idk if steven would actually have mega evolution shit.
mawile - he would. idk why but he would
staraptor - he doesnt have pidgeot anymore so he got a staraptor, ig. i don't know why he'd have one it just fits
luxray - literally all of these last 3 boil down to "it just fits."
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dwn012 · 1 year
laptop threw a fit so im on mobile and my rp acct hi confession time for a third time. recently ive been super stressed abt writing Quick bc i feel i can never quite achieve that ideal version of my interpretation of him? i have to like literally confine myself to write him bc im super talkative and emotional and its just so hard in practice augh o|< fr i played myself when i decided to pick up Ariga Quick as a muse
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i feel i can never quite achieve that ideal version of my interpretation of him?
I know confession time isn't exactly for advice but at least hear me out: You might be putting too much pressure on yourself to be perfect. From one creative to another I know what that feels like- it's a sisyphusian problem of working up, up, up towards that ideal version of our vision only to look back and see we never left the starting line.
The thing is, that trying to create that ideal version of our creative idea just... It's not going to happen. It was like that with Heat's headcanon piece, sure it was perfect when I decided to publish it but you end up looking back with new experience and new knowledge that changes your creative thinking and suddenly it's not so perfect anymore. The thing about your Quick (and I don't want to try and exactly characterize him here, you know him better than I do) is that, to me hes an enigma, hes something completely disconnected from you or I and I think that's where the issues start to arise.
i have to like literally confine myself to write him bc im super talkative and emotional and its just so hard in practice
You said it here, that your portrayal is completely different from you making it so hard in practice to get that accurate interpretation. I think you should really reassess what you want out of having Quick as a muse- Do you want to have fun? Do you want to be strong? Why are you writing him in the first place?
The thing I've learned recently, with my more recent writing is that I'm not writing to be accurate to anything (you really can't, not with mega man oh NO) and as much as I try to educate myself on current and known science regarding the robotics field (I still need to finish that article)-
Sometimes something is just. Cool. It's badass, it hits that certain spot that makes you sit up in your chair or shift because the energy you just got thinking about that idea was too much to handle.
You were the one who told me that rp is all about fun, it's a game! It's art. I wanna return the favor and say maybe what you're trying to do is not make Quick accurate, but fun. Maybe then you'll find your ideal portrayal.
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mistrdctr · 4 months
———  BASICS!
PRONOUNS: she/her they/them
TAKEN OR SINGLE: Taken (married)
I am a cat mom, I have two british short hair annoyances who I love dearly despite them constantly trying to get my attention 24/7
I am an artist - I have been unable to do much art lately though, but man, I hope I can again soon when my brain lets me again... I sometimes even write fics but whenever I RP here on tumblr, I do not really write fics as all my energy goes into RPing lol
I am self-employed and have an Etsy shop where I sell stuff for jewelry-making. It cannot support my life though, but at least I do something :'D
PLATFORMS USED: I always have been RPing on tumblr, and more recently also on Discord but sparsely so
PLOTTING / WINGING IT / MEMES: I love all of that, honestly! I love plotting, but plotting oftentimes comes hard to me, so winging stuff takes a bit of pressure away and memes can just open up so many possible plot lines that can then be discussed and help to get the muses to know each other and develop a relationship... so yeah!
GENDER: I always write male muses. Always has been the case, always will be. Idk why that is but I just can work much better with them
MULTI OR SINGLE: I always had single blogs, then started a multi a while ago but immediately turned it back into a single before switching fandoms (lol). I just... can't do multis. I prefer to have 'separate dashes' - it also makes me nervous not to know with which muse someone wants to interact when following me, so single muse blogs it is so I know when someone follows they want the muse I portray there. So man if you are a multi, kudos to you, I could never it's so stressful!
LEAST FAVOURITE FACECLAIM(S): Uh. Interesting question. I think using Yo.utu.bers / blo.gger.s etc as FCs is cringe and I feel uncomfortable with it and I won't interact with you if you do. Also RPing a real-life person as the real-life person, I am not a huge fan of that either and I won't interact
FLUFF: I love it so much. Literally what keeps me alive
ANGST:  I love angst a lot - however, if it happens between muses I ship and/or best-friend muses / muses that are very close (family etc), said angst NEEDS to be mixed into fluff. Like, I love to have very angsty moments that happen in between but I need to have an happy ending to the Angst? I cannot write bad endings for close muses. It fucks with my mental state and writing has always been a happy place for me - so while I love to hurt myself, I need to have something happy to make the pain go away lol does that make sense?
SMUT :  I actually am quite used to writing smut, and I have been writing smut for a long time - and I would say I am okay at doing it (I think lol, so far no one has really complained). So, I am totally okay with smut - but I prefer to have some OOC contact with the other mun and chemistry needs to exist between the muses you know? Also sometimes, while I love writing smut, I just can't write it with my brain going 'ehhh', so I cannot do nonstop smut and would prefer to have smut in between and also other things between the muses happening.
tagged by: Stolen from @ravarui tagging: You! Tag me in it if you take it I wanna read my mutuals' answers ♥
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canonrpfinder · 9 months
hello hello! I’ve been on an absolute binge rewatching Justice League and Justice League Unlimited, and I am again reminded of how absolutely devastated I was that we didn’t get more interactions between Shayera and John Stewart, or more of Shayera struggling to reconcile with herself as a person after the events of the end of JL. I’m just dying for interactions between John and Shayera about things like their current relationship and how she perceives herself as unforgivable. I would just love to write Shayera, but seeing as this fandom is pretty small, I miiiiight be able to try my hand at writing John. In the same vein, I’m also willing to be super flexible with who I write Shayera against. Hell, I can even swing crossovers as I’m sure a Spiderverse crossover could very well work but I’m mainly itching for some John and Shayera. Maybe they get back together, maybe they don’t. I just wanna have some fun with it.
A little bit about me: I’m 22 years old and female. Will not write with anyone under 18 as I don’t feel comfortable doing so. I’m very literate (the amount I write often requires me splitting up my responses into two Discord messages’ worth), and I write in 3rd person past-tense. Speaking of Discord, I ONLY rp there. It should also be noted that I’m here to make friends. I have autism and adhd, and can be rather chatty and hyperactive about the things I love. You may ask me to tone it down, but please, please be patient with me! I’m just very excitable. I’m very high-energy at times, and also have a lot of anxiety about how I’m perceived by others. Also, I take writing SUPER seriously. Like I’m kind of a stickler for proper grammar, sentence syntax, and the like. Obviously I can’t force anyone to conform to this, but it’s a huge plus if your writing style is like this as well.
I think that about does it! Just interact with this post and I’ll reach out to you.
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annyankers · 1 year
train tell me about your xander 👀 (please?) (also hi)
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OKAY SO--- for one thing I have a tag for him on here that’s xander (train’s version) (we see a pattern here lol) also my old rp blog for him is @andhaert  which has some things like headcanons and aesthetics. 
For starters I use Liam James, especially in his role as Billy Bennett, for my actor for Xander for a few reasons:
1. It helps mentally separate this version of Xander from canon!Xander who we all know is Very Contentious whether you think he should be or not, also helps to separate Xander from the actions of his original actor Nicholas Brendan. This is kind of a standard practice in the tumblr rp world (swapping out your actor when you find out the original is Kinda Yikes) where I started to develop my Xander Concepts more coherently and it’s stuck.
2. I think Liam works really well as an actor for Xander both in looks and acting and his role as Billy really highlights it as they’re similar characters.
3. It’s probably his most prominent role atm that I know of so it’s the easiest to get content for. He also works for me as Xander with his normal brown hair but the mohawk is the dominant look.
Moving on from there I really just like..... think about Xander in terms of what we know about him factually and textually and then separate that from the Whedon and 90s teen male tv character taints. Whedon has said that Xander is like, mary sue-ish self insert of his high school self and i feel like it shows and frankly holds his character back a LOT. I’m actually a rabid Xander stan I think he has a lot of potential and good in him. I just feel like both the writers and the fandom don’t really uh..... wanna actually engage with it or his character lol.
We know canonically that Xander comes from a poor, abusive and unstable household. We see in the show evidence of verbal and emotional abuse and heavy neglect. There’s literally a scene somewhere in S1 or S2 that I don’t wanna spend and hour finding in the transcripts where he has to remind his own mom she has a son which is played for comedy but is like um... WOW. It’s implied both of his parents are alcoholics and honestly I think his father is physically abusive (I can’t remember if it’s actually canon or not but it just you know, the Vibe is There).
I don’t think we really see? A lot of that? In how he acts? Like we do see some of it but say, compared to how much the show loves to gorge itself on Buffy’s trauma the amount of time spent on Xander’s trauma and struggles at home is laughable.
So I tend to write Xander as the true ADHD  loser burnout he is and things like the dyed mohawk, ratty clothes, punk shirts and bands and skater energy Billy has just like.... Works™ for Xander. Same with the ADHD energy. Xander strikes me as a kid from a bad home with learning disabilities who’s given up on school and has turned to staying out of the house as much as possible, weed/substances, and acting out for attention as ways to cope with his shitty life. He’s sad and desperate and begging for someone to care about him and the only person who does truly give a shit about him when we meet him is Willow with whom he’s in a kinda co-dependent clingfest with because of the huge amount of insecurities they both have.
I’m genuinely sad we didn’t get skater!Xander for the whole high school era and i’m making it happen for society. It fits in soooo well with the whole Vibe the show is going for. Also I made him worse and now he likes Ska because it’s the 90s and also just look at him. Ofc Xander would like Ska. It also adds in some interesting shit with the Xander-Spike dynamic to have Xander more on the ska/skater/burnout end of punk and spike on the more trad/this is a sociopolitical statement/i’m here for the ART side of punk. It does NOT give them an immediate middle ground but it DOES give them the ability to clock each other in 0.00005 seconds. Like Spike sees him in a Descendants shirt and is like “oh I immediately know everything i need to know about you now”.
I also just think it’s more real????? I find generally with people/kids that part of why they get into subculture and special interests and such is to Cope with things. I will never forget when this dude in high school basically told me he was so in the paint for sonic the hedgehog because it was the only thing keeping him fucking sane and it altered my whole fucking concept of life and reality. I physically cannot look at sonic the same now and every time I see it I think of him and all the other people who’re into it and I’m just like “godspeed mother fuckers may you find peace in those fucking emeralds”.
Even while trying to remove the elements of his character that I think are like, creator or era taint that tends to end up skewing the conversation around him from actually being about him to being about Other Shit I don’t remove his dogshit creeper energies in like, high school, especially 1x1 to 1x6. They get better over time sure but I think it’s important to show that side of him. His dad is the Worst and Jesse-- one of his ONLY friends-- is a Massive Creep and he’s a Teen Boy. It’s really not that shocking that when he’s like 16 he just.... Sucks So Bad. All teens Kinda Suck, it’s literally part of growing up. It’s things tho like The Pack that help to start not just him changing but galvanizing others into looking out for him more.
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(including the gifs as breaks in the behemoth lol kill meeeeee)
For one thing I will die on the hill that XANDER WAS ALSO A VICTIM OF THE HYENA POSSESSION AND THE SA ATTEMPT. That’s not something he’d do, want to do or ever try to do and it occurred while he did not have full autonomous control of his actions. I’ve seen some REAL DOGSHIT TAKES ON THIS ONE AND I WILL SHOOT ON SIGHT OVER THIS.
I tend to see him trying to cover it up as him trying to compartmentalize and repress the trauma of it instead of whatever the fuck THAT was in the show. I also think it really only works for so long before he loses it because I don’t think he can look Buffy in the eye without mcfucking losing it because he just feels so awful about it. Which is what prompts like..... the only moment of Giles giving a shit about Xander because he talks to him about it and helps him find a way to get some help (be it Giles himself or whatever professional-ish help they can get him given his situation and the desire to keep his parents out of it).
And that’s one of the huge differences in My Xander™ just like, he fucking-- he fucking SEES the fucking guidance counselor or some shit for you know, THE CHILD ABUSE, NEGLECT AND SA TRAUMA. Which I mean... he probably should’ve been already give how guidance counselors work but dskjghsdkfj shhhhhhh. It’s then with that, friendship, dating Cordy and Time that he starts to get less and less shitty and more Baby Boy Little Guy Meow Meow Deluxe. He still cheats on Cordy and says shitty stuff but like... there’s a noticeable overall improvement in him over S1 to S3. He’s not getting full on grade A therapy and all that but like, he’s being given a sounding board and some tools and the thing is that Xander at his core IS A VERY GOOD AND SWEET PERSON!!!! So really it’s just all about getting him to a place where all the bullshit beaten into him by his dad and SoCieTy is out of the way so he can Be A Good Boy™.
I maintain his crush on Buffy and his struggle with it over the years but I also have it kinda Die finally around S4 and then not hang around as a weird Complex for the rest of the fucking series. Seeing how he absolutely fumbled his whole relationship with Cordy and then how his relationship with Anya is going in Some Kind of Direction it all helps to finally shut the door on that for him and he really whole chestedly embraces his role as best friendboy after that. I think especially around then when he’s being a MANIAC trying to save up to gtfo out his parents’ house and Buffy’s having a Crisis about like... being a votech gal in academic world they really hardcore bond. They’re both smart but neither of them are really made for academics or classical office vibe jobs and it’s just something people like Willow and Giles will never get. It’s basically ADHD kid solidarity and they’re finally able to achieve their final friendship form without his pining issues out of the way.
I think also to make Spike’s Yoko Factor Nonsense make ANY sense Xander should actually BE SEEN CONSIDERING JOINING THE MILITARY and it’s ENTIRELY because they have that whole recruitment thing of like “join up and we pay for your education/board/etc” and he’s DESPERATE to get out of his shitty home life. Like he cannot get a half decent job for more than a fucking week, he’s desperate for money and stability and idk he didn’t die that one time on halloween and he monster hunts w/o dying either so maybe he can handle this???? and finally Escape????? but then there’s a lot of Classic Xander Strife around the choice and a genuine fear that if he leaves they’ll just... get on with their lives just fine. which would be crushing for him, that he contributed so little they just kept going with out a hitch.
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Season 5 to Season 7 is really where Xander for me comes out to be just like.... the carebear godsend hero that he’s supposed to be. Like he’s talked about as the Heart of the Scoobies and Buffy’s metaphorical heart but while he does do a solid job mirroring/expressing/etc her heart he’s kind of a shitty one for the group. Like if he’s supposed to be the MOST EMPATHETIC SCOOBY IN THE GANG THEN JFC YIKES. 
By S5 everyone else’s lives are like, officially starting to fall apart while Xander’s is getting more certain and more together. He’s like, Maturing. Like a fine Faygo. And even better he’s finding the balance between being Goofy Silly Mohawk Nerd Xander and like, Adult Big Boy Xander. I think that Xanya and Spuffy should be even BIGGER parallels especially in this season with Xanya being like the more wholesome human/demon romantic relationship dynamic-- basically PROVING that it CAN work-- something that can then be used to lampshade the issue in S6 when Spuffy enter toxic hookup hell. What Spike is asking for ISN’T insane, Xander and Anya ARE DOING IT!! wHaT’s ThE pRoBlEm BuFfY?!?!?!
But Anya’s human you say!!! it’s totally different!!!
Shut the fuck up she was a demon for 1,000 years, had a soul the whole time and never once feels bad for her past actions. She’s in the same boat as Spike you’re just a sheeple falling prey to the broken ass soul propaganda.
It’s also an opportunity with the solidification of his relationship with Anya as like Something Real and not young adult horny relationshiping to show how he really is as a person. Less of the belittling “helpful” comments and more him just like, genuinely LISTENING to her and LEARNING her language like we see him do when he’s Suave!Xander in 5x3. like he Hears her and then is able to almost IMMEDIATELY understand what she’s actually saying/where her anxiety is coming from. I love the idea of Xander basically always being the most kneejerk reactionary to all situations and sometimes saying Dumb Shit because of that but then also being the only one who’s brave enough to then circle back later and reevaluate his stance.
Like he’ll say something that hurts someone’s feelings then be willing to circle back unprompted and look at himself with harsh honesty and see what he did and what’s going on with him then act accordingly and adjust/apologize/reconsider his stance/etc. Basically if Buffy is a bleeding heart then Xander should be too and the thing that makes him The Heart™ and not Buffy is that unlike her he is unwilling or unable to close off his heart to anything. Buffy can face off against the hordes of Hell but will collapse under the threat of emotional honesty with even herself. Xander was raised in Hell and not unlike Angel tbh, has to constantly reevaluate his like Whole Existence to make sure he’s not becoming what he hates-- the very real and human monstrosity that his parents represent.
His whole goal in life is to not be his father. His superpower that not even Buffy has is that he’s so incredibly brave in the face of human evil, human cruelty AND emotional vulnerability. He’s been mocked, ridiculed, bullied and tormented his entire life and he’s still stayed big hearted and intensely kind when it counted his entire life. He’s open, thoughtful, understanding, empathetic and more than willing and able to put himself in the other guy’s shoes. Something none of the others can manage like... at all lol. His relationship with Anya should be in part about showing us this and it only fails because he’s like what... 21? and still working through all his bullshit around his shitty family. Not because they were a broken couple which is more the show vibe no matter how they wanna pretend like he wasn’t a shitty boyfriend to Anya for 2 seasons lol.
I think it’s important in the back end to have at least one of them still semi-functional and Xander’s already been living in “I have to do something about my life bc otherwise I will Become That Which I Fear” hell since high school. He’s the furthest along on that road and the emotional anchor of the group so ofc he fucking sam gamgee carries them all up the side of mt doom for like 2 solid seasons lol.
my depiction of Xander is always about healing, growth and the power of empathy, love and kindness. I feel like making him more subculture-y and with a certain amount of substance abuse (weed and booze mainly) makes sense given his history. I think he’s the foil to Angel and Spike (and Giles in someways) and their own explorations around toxic masculinity and masculinity in general. He unpacks the damage done by his father way more efficiently than Angel ever does and he learns how to be more emotionally open without reflexive retaliation when hurt than Spike does. He’s very much trying to get to this place where “I am. And that is enough.” sits well in his chest and permeates his life. Which is more than anyone else in either series can say LOL.
Also just like.... make the whole Xander vs the trio toxic nerd boy culture meta discussion thing actually WORK.
He also highlights in the narrative the idea of there always being another option. He’s not living the expected college life. He’s not acting or dressing like society thinks he should. He’s also found a way to thrive via construction/carpentry and finds a happy place between growing up and not giving up all the things he likes that can be considered childish or lame. He also hasn’t compromised his personality or identity to “be more mature” or “act like an adult”. He refutes the ideas that Giles keeps expressing about what he (Giles) has to do as an Adult or what Buffy should now be capable of as one by just like being a Cringey Little Dude and also Pay Taxes On Time. Like Spike he’s living and working in defiance of a society that has done nothing but hurt him but unlike Spike he’s coming from a place of optimism and compassion. 
Xander SHOULD be friend shaped. He and Tara SHOULD be the go-tos on all things emotional. He should be kind, creative, open minded, empathetic, and loving all while also being Kind of a Dick sometimes. When the writers talk about how when they wanted to make the audience upset/riot they’d just put Willow in danger or emotional distress -- by the end of the show that should be Xander!!!!!! by S7 I should be RIOTING if Xander is in danger!!!!!
Also the faith-xander victims of child abuse self recognition via the other vibes oh god the faith-xander victims of child abuse self recognition via the other vibes
 He’s just a silly little guy!!!! just a fun little boy!!!! just a harmless little fun-time boy!!!!!! you wouldnt sentence a silly harmless little fun-time boy!!!!! its his birthday!!!!!!
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(last gif for the road bc this is massive Xander/Cordelia energy)
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findroleplay · 11 months
hello hello! I finished watching Justice League Unlimited recently and I was absolutely devastated that we didn’t get more interactions between Shayera and John Stewart, or more of Shayera struggling to reconcile with herself as a person after the events of the end of JL. I’m just dying for interactions between John and Shayera about things like their current relationship and how she perceives herself as unforgivable. I would just love to write Shayera, but seeing as this fandom is pretty small, I miiiiight be able to try my hand at writing John. In the same vein, I’m also willing to be super flexible with who I write Shayera against. Hell, I can even swing crossovers as I’m sure a Spiderverse crossover could very well work but I’m mainly itching for some John and Shayera. Maybe they get back together, maybe they don’t. I just wanna have some fun with it.
A little bit about me: I’m 22 years old and female. Will not write with anyone under 18 as I don’t feel comfortable doing so. I’m very literate (the amount I write often requires me splitting up my responses into two Discord messages’ worth), and I write in 3rd person past-tense. Speaking of Discord, I only rp there. It should also be noted that I’m here to make friends. I have autism and adhd, and can be rather chatty and hyperactive about the things I love. You may ask me to tone it down, but please, please be patient with me! I’m just very excitable. I’m very high-energy at times, and also have a lot of anxiety about how I’m perceived by others.
I think that should do it! Please interact with this post and I’ll reach out with my Discord username!
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prpfs · 1 year
🍄 hi hi. (Wanna first state that I’m 19 and looking for someone within the age range of 19-23 thank you)
Im really interested in finding some Timkon rp around here (Tim Drake and Kon El) from DC. I would just love to find someone also seeking for the same ship! I probably am more prone to Rping Kon but I can also drabble Tim if Kon is your preferred character. (I’m putting this with problematic Rp bc I am someone who actively ships the Bats together. So as long as ur comfy knowing that) I also don’t have issues rping around darker themes.
I don’t Rp much of Timkon so big apologies if I get a lil’ rusty but I always do my best! I’m a semi lit to full literate Rp’er. Fair warning that I can write a lot when I feel really inspired and I just wanna find someone who’s as enthusiastic as me when it comes to plotting and writing! I need that matched energy to keep me going so don’t be shy around me.
I Rp only over on discord so 🙈 thank you for reading
Leave a like, and anon will get back to you!
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threebetrayals · 2 years
✿ NAME:    grey ✿ PRONOUNS:    they/them ✿ PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION:    discord’s always infinitely better than tumblr ims, but i actively use both ✿ NAME OF MUSE(S):    scaramouche/kunikuzushi/kabukimono/shouki no kami/wanderer wow god he’s got a lot of names for someone with literally no true name. i also have 4 other blogs of muses but i won’t list them all here lmao
✿ EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?):    christ. uh. i’m not even sure, but it’s definitely over 10 years. we?? might even be approaching 15 at this point??? i’m fandom grandpa ok
✿ PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED:    forums, dreamwidth, little bit of discord, but i’ve always come back to the hellsite that is tumblr.
✿ BEST EXPERIENCE:    i don’t have only one, i’ve had a LOT of amazing experiences in rp over the years. discovering the tumblr rp scene with my qp partner, writing all assortment of character dynamics & relationships with said qp partner, creating two ocs entirely for the fictional world he created, meeting some really amazing people who’ve followed me across all number of blogs regardless of fandom & muse (s/o to rook, holly, & reiikon honestly, i do not Deserve), playing in some really great panfandom games back in my time on dreamwidth & getting some character friendships i never thought i needed out of them, and... most recently, losing my mind over kazu/scara with goose because that’s already like, my favourite thing to happen on this blog ok
✿ RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS:    mmm... my big dealbreakers are people who basically spam the dash with stupid levels of ooc (i’m fine with some spam!! but there is a point where i can’t handle it) or, worse, gifset after gifset after gifset. also obligatory drama mention, but i’ve been really fortunate to have avoided a lot of that sort of stuff for several years now.
✿ FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT:    i love writing all three, given the right muses & circumstances! but i’m forever a huge fuckin sucker for angst. i have a type when it comes to muses and it usually involves haunting trauma which i really love to dig into to explore them more as a character. muse/character exploration as a whole is the the biggest draw for me when it comes to rp, and i like to go DEEP.
✿ PLOTS OR MEMES:    i love a healthy mix of both!! plots are great for very specific things i want to have play out or explore, and that structure can be really nice. even just some plotted pre-established relationship before jumping into a thread goes a long way for me. memes on the other hand, i adore as well. prompts to respond to will forever be easier than writing a starter with little to nothing to go off of and honestly? i’ve discovered some interesting interactions/aspects of characters i didn’t expect through memes & memes turned into threads.
✿ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES:    not to call myself out or anything but i’m gonna go ahead and say both again. long replies will always be my top favourite because lord knows i can get really long-winded while writing. i love exploring a character’s thoughts & feelings in response to things and long replies will always be the best way to delve into those in as much depth as i like. short stuff can be good too though, given sometimes you wanna write but don’t have the energy for paragraph after paragraph lmao. plus?? there’s a lot of fun & silliness that can be had in shorter threads that i’ll never turn down.
✿ BEST TIME TO WRITE:    whenever i have the attention span. honestly though, that seems to be evenings for me, maybe with a little afternoon mixed in.
✿ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S):    uhhh... i won’t deny that i tend to pick up muses who i can relate to in some capacity. scara... i wouldn’t say i relate to him a TON, but we do share a sort of... lostness. i used to know what i wanted too, but things fell apart, as they do, and i still feel kinda just. lost in limbo. can also relate to wanting to stomp all over your emotions, so. yeAH LMAO if i’m like him at all, it’s in small ways.
tagged by:  the best goose @rosemourne tagging:  UHM. i never know who to tag. let’s see... @florafound, @chronal-anomaly, @luckuki, @alatusatlas, @lupusmatra, & anyone who’d like to be tagged?
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spikeinthepunch · 2 years
Blog: Reworking Fanworks? (crosspost)
this is a crosspost of a blog on my website.
Very quickly sitting down to throw out these thoughts because boy! I have energy and inspiration to write this all down. This may because long because I wanna give loads of context to new readers...
So, i used to be pretty into Warrior Cats – though from 2020 to April 2022, i was specifically in it for the RP circle I got into. A bit before that though I had written a whole outline for a fan story though, and I did it more as an exercise. I always felt i was bad at following through or finding endings to stories, even if just outlined. Its hard for me to tackle anything if i dont know how it will end. This was The Moon's Talon (MT) - there is an 11 page outline you can read, with a full clan allegiance, and the canon had some altered roles. And I am still very proud I finished this whole story outline! It really is the first thing i thought of and wrote a whole idea for.
But I did that, and then hopped into Rping during most of the pandemic. I won't go on about that for too long, but eventually I ran my own server called The Astronomers (TA) following a Warrior Cats story with clans and various very original ideas with lore. It was meant to literally force a reality between the real outter space beyond earth, and the more "magical" side of warriors typical beleifs. The two clans were to start as polar opposites- one beleiving strongly in more scientific views of stars and space while the other beleives that stars were personaifications of their loved ones. I had numerous arcs planned up to the "end", about 5-6 arcs, but we only barely got into arc 2 before I closed it in early 2022 for reasons outside of my control.
I had to take some time away from all that due to the stress and upset that led to the server's closing, and I hyave much enjoyed my time since. I wasn't into all that RP stuff because of warriors, really. I do xenofiction like Warriors! But i was there for the stories to tell with others more than anything.
BUT where am i going with this article you are wondering... well, its been some time since all that and I am feeling better about looking at those stories. When someone messaged the Moon's Talon blog about the outline, I was like oh! Yea I am still pretty happy with that. Maybe I can rework it to being non-Warriors? It might be refreshing, i just havent done much OC stuff lately that isnt by complicated world Cryptolalia that is so much of a WIP i cant show much for.
I have seen quite a few people rework their Warriors stories into original universes, and I have considered it before, but that was when I was in the middle of by server, and then after that I really thought I just wasn't going to pick any of that up. And on top of reworking MT, it occurred to me that I could rework all of the stuff I did for my RP too... it hit me and it made me feel kind of emotional I think. I had to give up on it in a way I couldn't change, and it sucked. I don't like to think back to all that, but it sucked. And it hurts that I never got to live out that story in the format I intended- and while I can't recreate everything as it was (either due to being too Warriors-esque, or because it was RP format specific), I feel much better about look at all that again, and reclaiming it, and rebirthing it into something new!
I can't say I have any idea where this may go. It will probably take some time as I need to take out all the Warriors stuff, and also likely redesign SO many characters. I need to figure out how to get these two stories to work with each other, because in their existing canon, MT occured in the far far past before TA. It relied a bit on the Warrior's expected "reincarnation" ideas and things related to the stars. I think I will have to do away with much of that, or do it in a way that isn't so tied to "stars are our dead relatives". I will probably shove these two stories together and not make them a huge timeskip. Which means other ties need to change, converge, whatever.
I don't even know how I will shift all this- I do look forward to getting rid of the 20 member large clans... thank god, no more random ass background cats I will never touch. I look forward to it, because both stories were actually way more inspired by Felidae- in the sense that that book treats cats as much more intelligent, capable of some human things if they learn it, etc. I don't think I will have any issues changing it up- it'll just take time.. and I am way more eager to make my own ideas not tied to the strict rules of Warriors now too.
I have lots of ideas I wanna work on, and I don't actually plan to draw as much for this as I did for my past Warriors stuff- I really forced it. But I will certain be writing stuff! And eventually I will have a section on my site for all my OC things...eventually lol. For now though, follow my tumblr!
So, i used to be pretty into Warrior Cats - though from 2020 to April 2022, i was specifically in it for the RP circle I got into. A bit before that though I had written a whole outline for a fan story though, and I did it more as an exercise. I always felt i was bad at following through or finding endings to stories, even if just outlined. Its hard for me to tackle anything if i dont know how it will end. This was The Moon's Talon (MT) - there is an 11 page outline you can read, with a full clan allegiance, and the canon had some altered roles. And I am still very proud I finished this whole story outline! It really is the first thing i thought of and wrote a whole idea for.
But I did that, and then hopped into Rping during most of the pandemic. I won't go on about that for too long, but eventually I ran my own server called The Astronomers (TA) following a Warrior Cats story with clans and various very original ideas with lore. It was meant to literally force a reality between the real outter space beyond earth, and the more "magical" side of warriors typical beleifs. The two clans were to start as polar opposites- one beleiving strongly in more scientific views of stars and space while the other beleives that stars were personaifications of their loved ones. I had numerous arcs planned up to the "end", about 5-6 arcs, but we only barely got into arc 2 before I closed it in early 2022 for reasons outside of my control.
I had to take some time away from all that due to the stress and upset that led to the server's closing, and I hyave much enjoyed my time since. I wasn't into all that RP stuff because of warriors, really. I do xenofiction like Warriors! But i was there for the stories to tell with others more than anything.
BUT where am i going with this article you are wondering... well, its been some time since all that and I am feeling better about looking at those stories. When someone messaged the Moon's Talon blog about the outline, I was like oh! Yea I am still pretty happy with that. Maybe I can rework it to being non-Warriors? It might be refreshing, i just havent done much OC stuff lately that isnt by complicated world Cryptolalia that is so much of a WIP i cant show much for.
I have seen quite a few people rework their Warriors stories into original universes, and I have considered it before, but that was when I was in the middle of by server, and then after that I really thought I just wasn't going to pick any of that up. And on top of reworking MT, it occurred to me that I could rework all of the stuff I did for my RP too... it hit me and it made me feel kind of emotional I think. I had to give up on it in a way I couldn't change, and it sucked. I don't like to think back to all that, but it sucked. And it hurts that I never got to live out that story in the format I intended- and while I can't recreate everything as it was (either due to being too Warriors-esque, or because it was RP format specific), I feel much better about look at all that again, and reclaiming it, and rebirthing it into something new!
I can't say I have any idea where this may go. It will probably take some time as I need to take out all the Warriors stuff, and also likely redesign SO many characters. I need to figure out how to get these two stories to work with each other, because in their existing canon, MT occured in the far far past before TA. It relied a bit on the Warrior's expected "reincarnation" ideas and things related to the stars. I think I will have to do away with much of that, or do it in a way that isn't so tied to "stars are our dead relatives". I will probably shove these two stories together and not make them a huge timeskip. Which means other ties need to change, converge, whatever.
I don't even know how I will shift all this- I do look forward to getting rid of the 20 member large clans... thank god, no more random ass background cats I will never touch. I look forward to it, because both stories were actually way more inspired by Felidae- in the sense that that book treats cats as much more intelligent, capable of some human things if they learn it, etc. I don't think I will have any issues changing it up- it'll just take time.. and I am way more eager to make my own ideas not tied to the strict rules of Warriors now too.
I have lots of ideas I wanna work on, and I don't actually plan to draw as much for this as I did for my past Warriors stuff- I really forced it. But I will certain be writing stuff! And eventually I will have a section on my site for all my OC things...eventually lol. For now though, follow my tumblr!
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goldenslowpoke · 9 months
Okay so I don't usually infodump on here often. I know people don't follow me for my personal issues. Actually I don't know why most of you follow me.
But man I'm really down in it right now and I don't wanna get "whiny" on Discord so you all get to hear about my fear of rejection and how it, and the general online community I run with these days, has me feeling like I'm spinning my wheels and.... dare I say increasingly a failure?
This one's long but I'm not gonna edit it down for your sake so read it if you want or pass it if you don't. Might sneak something in the middle of it just for funsies.
Believe it or not I'm staring at the Keep Reading line because I don't freaking know where to start here there's just so much.
I guess let's start with I'm one of the moderators for a fairly niche but also fairly robust RPing Discord. I'm also the oldest active user there at 30 (and soon to be a half).
It's a server that's still recruiting fresh-faced 18 year olds so that's a 12 year age gap my friends. Which was never really an issue for me until my mother died earlier this year and now I'm trying to balance working 24-29 hours a week plus doing all the work of maintaining a house alone. In short, they're full of youthful energy and half the time I just want to sleep.
Which is where we circle back to the RPing Discord part of it. It's an RP Discord, we do big group RPs. Which used to be fun for me back when I worked 20-24 hours a week and lived with my mother, also when those RPs averaged like.... 10-12 people in them. These days they average 16-18 people in them and I have it feels like half the time to pay attention to them.
So you know, obvious answer is "well just step back from that big stuff. Keep moderating but start trying to do smaller group stuff." Which ordinarily would be the right answer but I have a problem. I'm... weird by their standards. In more than just my availability. I'm a not-yet-outed mtf (listen that's an entirely different longpost I could make about my fears over not passing the public perception test) and girl lover, this is a server that is still probably 75% ftms and gay men (of bara/dilf taste).
You can psychoanalyze me all you want on this one but I want to do stuff like Magical Girls or even just Anime Slice of Life, but I know there's no real market for it there. I've tried floating some of my ideas out before but usually it's struck down as on the lighter end being "too niche" or on the harder end I've actually gotten an "Ew why would people want to do something like that?" There's a few folks who I think would like it, but they are like me either too busy to notice or too new to know me well enough.
I've tried other Discord communities but they're all either skewed too young or too fucking weird even for me (I'm making a side blog for some of the absolute trash I've found on this hunt don't worry). I've poked around Roll20 and Reddit but honestly those sites scare the shit out of me with their applications and such. Look, my tabletop experience is about 6 sessions of Monsterhearts (before timezones doomed the group) and a session 0 of D&D (honestly it just wasn't that fun of a setup). Not to mention R20 and Reddit are just flooded with 5E games (thanks Critical Role, Honor Among Thieves, and Baldur's Gate 3...).
So instead of getting a chance to fuck around and find out, I'm stuck watching a bunch of college students with more free time than me spin big group RPs out of control faster than my head can keep up, so I lose the plot, and then limp out of the room feeling like a failure and a bad moderator. And also posting a long "get it off my chest" post on Tumblr about it.
That's it, there's no great resolution here. I literally just needed to say this stuff before it turned into what it usually does for me which is envy and hatred.
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yetanotherrpfinder · 9 months
hello hello! I’ve been on an absolute binge rewatching Justice League and Justice League Unlimited, and I am again reminded of how absolutely devastated I was that we didn’t get more interactions between Shayera and John Stewart, or more of Shayera struggling to reconcile with herself as a person after the events of the end of JL. I’m just dying for interactions between John and Shayera about things like their current relationship and how she perceives herself as unforgivable. I would just love to write Shayera, but seeing as this fandom is pretty small, I miiiiight be able to try my hand at writing John. In the same vein, I’m also willing to be super flexible with who I write Shayera against. Hell, I can even swing crossovers as I’m sure a Spiderverse crossover could very well work but I’m mainly itching for some John and Shayera. Maybe they get back together, maybe they don’t. I just wanna have some fun with it.
A little bit about me: I’m 22 years old and female. Will not write with anyone under 18 as I don’t feel comfortable doing so. I’m very literate (the amount I write often requires me splitting up my responses into two Discord messages’ worth), and I write in 3rd person past-tense. Speaking of Discord, I ONLY rp there. It should also be noted that I’m here to make friends. I have autism and adhd, and can be rather chatty and hyperactive about the things I love. You may ask me to tone it down, but please, please be patient with me! I’m just very excitable. I’m very high-energy at times, and also have a lot of anxiety about how I’m perceived by others. Also, I take writing SUPER seriously. Like I’m kind of a stickler for proper grammar, sentence syntax, and the like. Obviously I can’t force anyone to conform to this, but it’s a huge plus if your writing style is like this as well. Replies are often fairly slow, as my ability to write is heavily influenced by my mood.
I think that’s about it! Like this and I’ll reach out to you.
Like if interested!
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