#// uhhh uHHH old woman yuri!!
cheebuss · 6 months
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when the rivalry mad sus 🤨
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pononoin · 4 months
Hey!!! Uhm, I was wondering if you have another ship that you like besides stankyle? Btw youre my fav south park artist :33
I really like Cartman/Wendy ;;;; ITS A REALLY CUTE SHIP AND I LOVE THEIR DYNAMIC!!! Also I really like Craig/Kyle, Tolkien/wendy, Tolkien/Kyle (that TikTok episode…), Tolkien/Nichole, Bebe/Wendy, Craig/Tweek, Butters/Bradley it’s cute too!! I’m not a big fan of bunny but its also really cute too! (I really like them in the post covid form), uhhh also Stan/Alexa my beloved ngl AND ALSO I REMEMBER I SAW A SHIP FANART WITH PRINCIPAL VICTORIA AND MAYOR MCDANIELS AND I WAS LIKE
OHH??? THIS IS SO GOOD???? Old woman yuri..:????
In general I think im ok with most of the ships but the ones I mentioned are the ones I usually enjoy more!
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rexbalistidae · 2 months
Blame @lesbiansupavillain for asking and @autistic-haven for starting this. I am forcing you both to read my posts because it’s yalls fault this happens.
Leslie is actually the first person candide talks to in shadow gov bc she shows her around. Obviously she is incapable of having a normal interaction with any woman so she’s immediately enamored by leslie. No one really likes candide bc she doesn’t talk and seems cold, but when you finally get her to speak she’s overly enthusiastic and off putting. While leslie was always polite with candide it wasn’t until she got fed up with her friends’ rude comments about her that she decided to go over and actually talk to her. This is about the time where they both start to develop feelings for each other beyond looks.
Problem is leslie has a boyfriend (I think my great great great grandfather was like a wattpad author or something bc it shows). Hes not in any way abusive or anything but he is a major dick. It’s a really bad comphet cut her a break guys. At some point she breaks up with him and leaves their apartment. Without anywhere to go for about a week guess who she stays with (this week’s yuri Friday will have nothing to do with this WINK WINK).
Anyways that’s around the point where they start dating. It’s supposed to be a secret but most ppl just silently know. And they’re together for a while until candide just breaks it off bc shes the world’s greatest self sabotager. For years candide does everything to avoid her. Both of them rank up in their fields with leslie now being a board leader and candide just uhhh, whatever she does but now significantly more intimidating.
At ep 6 they’re forced into close proximity again and while both drunk start talking again (this was one of my drawings actually). They’re not officially back together but I mean… they are.
Ok now I’m going down the alternate timeline route where leslie is still alive.
In ep 10 before everything goes down with scudworth trying to kill candide, she tells her to meet her outside but obviously she never shows up. But after that fiasco leslie does come back in and find everyone dead, where she puts it together that this was candides plan. Late at night she shows up at candides house because she again has no where to go.
They spend that summer shutting down all of the side branches of the shadow gov including candides old workplace which maybe will be a comic later.
That’s it I think. I tried to sum it up as best as I could. Kill me.
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gnomeniche · 6 months
needddd the rosemary/ginger lore more than anything in this world
ofc ofc! here’s the lore. would you believe the utter behemoth under the cut is the short version. i didn’t even get into:
Wizard Classism And Politics (technically a representative democracy ruled by a council of four tetrarchs, each from one of the four quadrants of the world, but there were historically noble classes that still have generational wealth and connections so that complicates things)
or What Methods Of Manipulating Magic Are Looked Down Upon (using magic with a physical object as a magic focus to help visualize, guide, and well. focus. your will. as opposed to the Proper way of doing things which is just doing that straight from your brain)
or What Ginger Actually Researches (the constantly opening portals to other worlds and the network of magic that sustains their world)
or The Weirdness Of What The Wizard World Is (a pocket in the void between worlds kept stable and living by a network of magic created by the world’s founder long ago)
anyway here’s old woman yuri lore. tl;dr — two failgirls with very little self respect meet and get into a completely unsustainable arrangement. what happens next will shock you!
rosemary was from a declining noble magic family and was pressured by her terrible father to maintain their family’s position and reputation under threat of them losing everything, but she was really Bad at using magic in the “proper” way. ginger was a clever and inventive mind wrt all sorts of methods of doing magic and really wanted to use her skills to better her world, but she was an absolute nobody who had left her terrible family behind, had trouble interacting with others, and hated the spotlight
they met at school and became friends because they recognized something in each other. shared loneliness and pressure and need to Do Something Important and fear of failing. the were really each other’s only real friend. and soon, they also realized that their skills were complementary.
so they decided to work together to succeed. basically, rosemary would be the face and ginger would be behind the scenes. ginger would help rosemary seem like she was good at magic by letting rose take credit for her stuff + rosemary would provide ginger with the resources and connections she needed for her work.
this arrangement was a little deranged, but it was fine to both of them. ginger was horrifically socially awkward to the point where she was alright being behind the curtain as long as she knew her stuff was helping people. rosemary was terrible at magic and desperately wanted to keep her family’s position, be secure and respected within this society, and not lose it all.
in school, this mostly took the form of ginger doing rose’s work for her + rose vouching for ginger and getting her certain learning opportunities. as adults, it took the form of ginger letting rose take credit for the stuff she made and use her Rich Person Nepotism to get it where they agree it will be best used + rose getting ginger funds and space in which to do her work.
rose worked her way into higher levels of power, ginger was furthering her research, and they were doing great. rosemary even had a kid! and ginger helped tutor that kid. everything was fine.
until 10 or so years after rosemary’s kid was born.
rosemary decided to use (insert a new vaguely defined invention by ginger) for some purpose that a) was never what ginger intended for it, b) had the potential to be a harmful misuse of this kind of magic, and c) would only benefit the other powerful people whom rose wanted to maintain her position among. politics!!!
ginger was a big idealist, so she was like absolutely not! we do this to help people! do you not see the consequences that could happen? and rosemary was like uhhh, it’s not gonna happen because you’re good at this. and even if it does it’ll be fine. what’s your problem? it’ll secure our futures!
and ginger had the sudden and horrific realization that their priorities have always been totally different. so she was like. rosemary i do not know how to tell you that this will hurt people and it won’t make anything better. and if you do not realize this. i am out of here. and rosemary was like wow, are you fucking turning on me NOW? right when we’ve almost got what we always wanted? for no good reason at all? what about loyalty?????
so uhhhh. ginger left and promised she wouldn’t tell anyone about their arrangement. but in retaliation for the perceived betrayal, rosemary stole all ginger’s documents and blueprints and stuff and has been using them to fake it and make it ever since. ginger was pissed when she realized, but it’s not like she could do anything. she doesn’t really have any recognition or name to speak of. so she went to go live a quiet life doing portal research / world hopping in the backwater of cinnabar quadrant because at the very least she still has her magic college degree.
ginger’s bitter and tries not to think about rosemary but she still catches the news and sees that rose continues to ruthlessly push onward on the same path. ginger feels like rosemary will eventually back herself into a corner and ginger’s not sure if she’ll be happy to see it happen. because when it happens it won’t be good for anyone
rosemary rationalized what happened as ginger betraying her because ginger thought she was better than her and rose was nothing without her and she only liked her because she thought she could always order rose around. so rose is better off without her anyway!!!!!!
so they’re not friends anymore. since then ginger has gotten better at talking to others and having more self respect out of necessity, and she has begun to take pride and not shame in being recognized for her work. but rosemary has changed very little, aside from becoming more desperate not to lose what she has. ginger’s work can only carry her so far
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analtyranny · 1 year
let’s play gore screaming show, part 5
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that got us a relationship point with...kiika?? huh??? maybe kiika also likes the hot nurse and we can bond over that down the road
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or she'll just happen to show up that moment. that works too
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let's not tell her about the insane brawl...yet?
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"nope, don't care"
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five guys: haha im stuff kyoji: omg five guys nooo
okay she figures out immediately it was a fight
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but kiika already knows him from their old school, so. whew
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hey akane's back WITH HOT NURSE
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........she doesn't have a portrait. invisible nurse route NEVER
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and now we're back home (yamiko is the hot older cousin he lives with now)
so the room's still kinda bare but has SOME personality. i just moved so i know how it is [author’s note: “just” = 10 months ago]
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he's gonna sing wonderwall
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kyoji just wants to rock the fuck out
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THERE she is, we may not get hot nurse but there's still hot cousin
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she's wearing a Denkishiki Karen Ongaku Shuudan (AKA DenKare) shirt. they sing the OP
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she'll say this again during the yamiko route won't she
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oh my god okay so she used to have a friend who also played guitar and collected monster figures. inch resting
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it's digimon, they're all ugly
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DREAM WOMAN also the pudding is meat pudding
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honestly i get it. ive tried those weird coca-cola flavors for this reason too. space coke was really good. dream coke sucks
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that's not a color name
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also that makes her kyoji's uhhh first cousin once removed
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FUCK YEAHHH yamiko also agrees they probably deserved it, and makes a cryptic comment about how "tomorrow's going to be a long day" but won't elaborate. hmm is...is she the clown
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like, in a yuri way, or...
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so kyoji's like "yeah everyone thinks kiika's gorgeous" and yamiko's like "oh so you LIKE like her"
m-maybe 😳
no. blue and/or red all the way
this game has a lot of choices, huh? this one’s a pretty blatant "do you want kiika's route yet" choice
[author’s note FROM THE FUTURE: it looks like kyoji brings up whoever you have the most points with? so yeah this scene is a general “just making sure but you DO want this route right” choice]
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jaehyunz-archive · 7 years
Rules: Write down your top 10 biases and answer the following questions.
I was tagged by @4uta​! thank you sasha, i wont be as funny as u but i’ll try to have fun lmao
uh idk if this is allowed or not but since my ass is a gg stan i’ll make both?? 
1. Baekhyun (exo) ✧ Yuri (snsd)
2. Hansol (rip) ✧ Soyou (sistar rip)
3. Jaehyun (nct) ✧ Nana (after school rip)
4. Changkyun (monsta x) ✧ Seulgi (red velvet)
5. Jun (svt) ✧ Yerin (gfriend)
6. Wonwoo (svt) ✧ Jihyo (twice)
7. Taemin ✧ Krystal (fx)
8. Changsub (btob) ✧ Xuan Yi (wjsn)
9. Woohyun (infinite) ✧ Nayoung (gugudan)
10. Yuto (pentagon) ✧ Mijoo (lovelyz)
Baekhyun x Changkyun and Yuri x Seulgi and hOLY FUCKING HELL LMAO ok first and foremost it’s baekhyun cause his nose is the cutest thing in the world and i’m not a cute kisser but his cheeks always ask for it!! and uh miss yurisus is the actual love of my life but she’s too old for me and miss seulgisus is right here being hot as hell so i might just [redacted]
Hansol x Taemin and Soyou x Krystal OK LMAO HANSOL IS DUMB AS FUCK BUT I KNOW HE’S HELLA FUNNY AND LOVE ME SOME FUNNY PPL???? but at the same time i’ve always said taemin is my bff (together with johnny) so i might as well just die????? between soyou and krystal it’s so hard too cause i’m very similar with both of them and i guess i’d hate them irl while loving them at the same time lksdnlfsak anyways i’ll pass this one (taemin and krystal)
Jun x Yuto and Yerin x Mijoo.... love jun.... love jun’s voice.... would love to hear it someday... yuto’s voice is HOT. LOVE me some deep voice ugh also mijoo!!! love yerin’s voice but mijoo’s vocal color is so unique i love her
Baekhyun x Changsub and Yuri x Xuan Yi GOOD BYE I’M DEAD KING OF COMEDY BYUN BAKEHYUN X KING OF COMEDY LEE CHANGSUB UGH changsub’s pisces ass is a FREAK and i LOVE his freak ass, love how i never stop laughing watching any btob videos cause they’re all a bunch of stupid idiots but baekhyun has my sense of humor and he’s the clever type of funny lmao also miss yurisus is the funniest woman ALIVE she’s a fucking dork and while i want her to step on me when she’s on the stage off stage she’s so dumb and i’m always laughing (at) with her
Wonwoo x Woohyun and Jihyo x Nayoung uhhh ok i’m against wonwoo’s cancer sun but he has some nice air placements but his leo moon would make me wanna kill him also he’s so SOFT and he doesnt talk too much but me neither lmao woohyun’s pisces venus is against me BUT he’s an extrovert and he’s an aquarius which means i’d choose wonwoo lsdnfkls nayoung.... my queen.... her sagitarius stellium scares me lmao but jihyo’s cap venus and scorpio moon??? hot
Woohyun x Yuto and Nayoung x Mijoo uh a eat and sleep collab with woohyun 100% lmao miss nayoung can make me do a collab with the floor as she steps on both of us
Changkyun x Changsub and Seulgi x Xuan Yi LMAO DANCE KINGS CHANGKYUN AND CHANGSUB LKSNFLKASD but changkyun!!!! also seulgi QUEEN of dancing
Jaehyun x Jun and Nana x Yerin ok!! jaehyun is my actual soulmate we’re made for each other he’s my other half idk a mark i’m the one for jaehyun BUT we’re too similar it’s fucking creepy and idk if i’d want to have anything to deal with someone as similar as me lmao it’s a shame tho :/ and jun is a gemini and an STEREOTYPICAL ONE to be even (worse) better but he likes to read and be at home (and so does jaehyun lmao) but i’ll choose jun just cause i dont wanna marry myself and this is what marrying jaehyun sounds like lmao between nana and yerin.....one is a libra and the other is a leo and i wanna DIE before i marry either of them but uh waking up to a goddess by my side wouldnt be so bad so nana
baekhyun x taemin and yuri x krystal lol i’m not a nurse (i dropped college) but it’s 100% baekhyun cause he’s the type to not take care of himself when he’s sick and then he’ll get even sicker because of that so him! taemin would too tbh but i can play baekhyun’s games while i pretend i’m taking care of him so it’s a win win situation lmao also miss yurisus has a good health so i’ll kiss her ankle while i feed krystal with some soup
hansol x jaehyun and soyou x nana OK BYE LOVE HANSOL LOVE HANSOL’S SMILE WOULD LOVE TO SEE IT MORE OFTEN CAUSE IT ALWAYS MAKES ME HAPPY BUT JAEHYUN :( has the prettiest smile in the whole world :( it’s so cute and soft and his DIMPLES!! also his teeth are so cute and when he does that cute shy smile it’s so ADORABLE and when he smiles really bright cause he’s really excited or happy it just makes me so warm inside and i LOVE A BOY WITH THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SMILE IN THE WORLD!!!!!! also nana!!! has a dazzling smile!! when she smiles flowers grow but SOYOU’S SMILE IS SO CUTE CAUSE HER CHEEKS ARE SO CUTE but bye it’s nana :/
wonwoo x changsub and jihyo x xuan yi LMAO CHANGSUB!! it’d be the best vacation ever, walking around and meeting places while he talks about some random stuff his pisces ass thinks at the moment or being at home and laughing without stopping cause he’s telling some random story about that one time eunkwang did something funny (everytime) and xuan yi!!!!! it’d be also so funny and cute and she’s so smart, we could go places and she’d tell me something she read about it
ok bye this was fun so i’ll tag @kkobuksol, @redlvet, @ytsgf, @yutatour, @fuckjohnny, @soyousgf, @i-adore-jihansol and @06pray but none of you have to do it!!
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17loveclub · 7 years
Get to know me!
I was tagged by @avocadi and @moonmom (ty so much💞)
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs
1. Nickname: I dont really have one but some of my friends at school call me loaf?
2. Gender: Female
3. Height: 165cm
4. Time: 8:42 pm
5. Birthdate: April 12, 2002
6. Favourite Bands: Seventeen, Bts, Monsta X, Day 6, Alt J, Akmu
7. Favourite Solo Artist: Lee Hi
8. Song Stuck In My Head: The Michael Bublé version of Blue Christmas (i dont know why I havent listened to christmas music this year yet…)
9. Last movie I watched: Whiplash (the ending smh)
10. Last show I watched: I started Strong Woman Do Bong Soon about a week ago but I’ve gotten busy and havent finished it
11. When did I create my blog: 2015?? It used to be a Haikyuu blog…. and my most popular post is about Yuri on Ice 😂 it had a lot of dead periods but I’m more active now than I ever have been.
12. What I post/reblog: Seventeen, Bts, Monsta X and other kpop stuff, things I find funny
13. Last thing I googled: Yardley perfumes
14. Other blogs: I have an old aesthetic blog that i only use to send myself posts, and some saved urls that dont have anything on them
15. Do I get asks: I have got a few before but no, not really. (send me asks!! It can be anything I’ll still love it!!)
16. Why i chose my url: I honestly dont remember
17. Following: 82
18. Followers: 97 lovely people
19. Average hours of sleep: 5-6?
20. Lucky Number: 5
21. Instruments I play: Oboe, Tuba (i wish I could learn piano but I dont have time :( )
22. What I’m wearing: A yellow hoodie and those basic adidas jogger pants
23. Dream Job: Idk man I’m lost
24. Dream Trip: I want to travel somewhere far away with a friend :)) I also want to go on a roadtrip to Kcon one day. ( or to a DCI competition with my band buds)
25. Favourite food: Pytt I Panna (It’s a Swedish dish made from leftovers, It translates roughly to little things/bits in a pan and idk why but its so good!!)
26. Nationality: Canadian (only my mom is actually Swedish)
27. Favourite Song right now: Code Kunst - X (feat Lee Hi)
28. Star Sign: Aries
29. Last book I read: The Help - Kathryn Stockett
30. Top three fictional universes i’d like to join: uhhh idk… probably Harry potter, Steven Universe? I cant think of a third one though.
I dont know 20 people so i’ll just tag a few:
@tabobell @hotpotatotrash @7–teen @diamond-encrusted-sebongies @hobijobi @npmjoon 🌟🌟🌟
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boyjadzia · 7 years
omg sara @shinelikeastarlight tagged me to do this super long tag game hlep
tagging: @void-for-president, @the-alexandrian-alchemist, @starboysisko, @magnmite, @yacobeanreign (of course only if y’all want)
last text sent: "cool [thumbs up emoji]”
list three favourite colours: ???? don’t do this to me
what time did u wake up at today: 11am, it’s reading period don’t judge me what were u doing last night at midnight: playing drunk rock band name something you can’t wait for: this godforsaken quarter to be over when was the last time u saw ur mother: over winter break/new year’s one thing u wish u could change abt ur life: the crippling depression/abandonment issues are getting kinda old, I’d like to feel like I have a stable community/family who love and support me whats getting on ur nerves rn: the discourse favourite tv shows: star trek (all of them but esp DS9), idk I’m sort of obsessed with yuri on ice at the moment, those two are the main ones tbh? first best friend: my girl India who doesn’t have a tumblr but we’ve been best friends since we met on the playground at age 5. our moms are also tight. listening to rn: nothing, the sound of my laptop fan straining to keep my computer from bursting into flame
3 fears: never having a group of people I feel I can call family, never being in love, cavities
4 turn ons: self-awareness/humility, being sensitive about & respectful of my dysphoria, trust/willingness to be vulnerable, being honest & vocal about what you like 4 turn offs: being boring, being insensitive/distant, not being conscientious about how you interact with my body (i.e. assuming you can just treat my body the same way you’d treat a woman’s body and that’s a-ok), heterosexuality of any kind sexual orientation: gay tbh senior year quote in my year book: oh god some generic hillary clinton quote about feminism I don’t even wanna remember it first thing i notice in a person: ?? what they look like? shoe size: 7M/9W (US) eye colour: hazel hair colour: brown favourite item of clothing: probably my leather jacket, close runners up are my high-waisted black jeans that look good with pretty much anything and my crop top that says “I got to second base at Jonah’s bar mitzvah, January 7th 1978″ what colour of underwear i’m wearing rn: blue/brown/white stripes favourite season: whichever one has like 60-70F weather, used to be summer but now that’s spring lol how much time i spent on designing my blog: not much I just picked a theme the reason i joined tumblr: this is pretty sad but... I wanted to make friends do i ever get “good morning” or “goodnight” texts: only if I’m like talking to someone right before going to bed when did i last hold hands: don’t remember how long does it take me to get ready in the morning: depends, anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour have i shaved my legs in the past 3 days: LMAO try the last 4 years where am i rn: on my couch do i like music loud or at a reasonable level: reasonable, loud noises are scary 3 things i love: my friends, dogs, idk earth? how i feel rn: I need to gtf to sleep lol something i rlly, rlly want: to feel like I don’t have to radically change my body to be attractive to the people I want to attract 3 things that upset me: feeling like I’m hurting or burdening other people, straight men trying to hit on me, the persistent feeling that being transmasc somehow makes me a bad person what i find attractive in other ppl: appreciating subjects other than your field of study, confidence, ambition, someone who’s accomplished interesting things in their life, being friendly, genuine & not condescending 3 habits i have: staying in bed all day on days when I don’t have to do anything, only eating part of my lunch during lunch time and eating the rest for dinner, carrying off ridiculous amounts of free food from events something i fantasize abt: feeling comfortable and secure in my attractiveness vis a vis how my body looks, and in my presence in gendered spaces something im talented at: singing, memorization, embarrassing myself the blog i give the most notes to: idk, probably sara tbh last person re-blogged sth from me: I haven’t checked my notifications in a while o_0 do  i smoke/drink: I drink with friends my favourite food: I’m a big fan of things with cheese in them. also guacamole. my favourite dessert: it really depends ugh I guess cake? what i did yesterday: had my last day of classes, went to work, went to an award ceremony/opening gala for an integrated DNA technologies sponsored exhibit at the field museum (it was so fancy I felt so grown up and fancy), went to kat’s birthday party number of kids i want: ???? number of siblings i have: none something thats constantly on my mind: trangst (trans angst)
last person i messaged on tumblr: teddy (void-for-president) can i drive: nope :/ what state or part of the world do i live in: Chicago, from Brooklyn am i in school: 3rd year undergrad do i get grossed out easily: not generally, but certain specific things will do it (ex. dead animals especially FISH) somewhere i would like to visit for a week: hm maybe go back and see Alaska again? check on that mountain biking trail I helped build in 10th grade i’ll love u if: make an effort to spend your free time with me/take the initiative in telling me that you value my being in your life last show i binge-watched: I binged legend of korra over winter break, probably that what words upset me the most: idk I guess people telling me I’m wrong for existing in the spaces that I occupy? what words make me feel best abt myself: when people tell me they value having me in their lives and that I make them feel good about themselves a wish that i’ve wished for repeatedly on 11:11: that’s not a thing that I do :/ who i would switch lives with for a day: idk maybe someone who’s already gone on T and sings just so I could get a sense of what the voice change is like for a singer? or like. a famous celebrity or something. my favourite ice cream: green tea I think? allergies: minor allergy to raw eggplant I think, every time I eat undercooked eggplant my mouth starts to feel like it’s swelling up, not like my throat is being blocked off but just my mouth starts to hurt quite noticeably sexiest person to come to mind immediately: alskdjfsldk this is really hard uhh uhhh ok see my first thought is like star trek characters but I can’t say that ok let’s go with john boyega he’s gorgeous and seems like a ray of sunshine my childhood career choice: biologist! one of my insecurities: that being transmasc nonbinary and still participating in some women’s spaces/not letting go of some aspects of womanhood makes me a bad person and specifically is harming transfeminine people how many blogs am i following: just over 100 I think how many tabs/different windows do i have open at this very moment: 2 windows, this is the only tab open in this window because my internet sucks and tumblr is a monster website, the other window has 13 tabs coke or pepsi: not super into either, I guess coke although my aunt used to work for pepsi so I should be loyal tea or coffee: tea movie or book: movie probably, I don’t actually read that much it’s embarrassing, although frankly I don’t really watch movies that much either a sense i would be willing to lose: none omg! I guess if I had to pick taste? since taste is mostly smell anyway quote i live by: I don’t really? type of accessory i wear the most: does the leather jacket count? otherwise none last awkward situation i found myself in: I kept trying to pet eva’s dog today but I just ended up scaring her what time is it rn: way too late
a song that made me cry: hallelujah by leonard cohen, not actually, just like made me v emotional (yes I’m thinking abt that yiddish cover) first song u ever sang at karaoke: are we talking like legit karaoke at a karaoke place or like hanging out in my best friend from middle school’s basement singing along with her CD of karaoke tracks for the hottest hits of the mid-2000s bc I don’t remember the former but the latter was definitely sk8r boi
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