#// zavok yes
dizzyhslightlyvoided · 2 months
God, for the IDW writers, the Metal Virus Saga must have been such a have-your-cake-and-eat-it-too storyline.
Like they got to have a zillion different characters turn into zombots in as many ways. Half the time it was people doing really stupid things that make everything worse for themselves and everyone around them. A character voluntarily bringing a zombot-in-a-box into a safe house was somehow not the thing that resulted in that safe house getting compromised. We got basically every possible reaction to a realizing that a particular character was infected. Everything gets worse and worse at every turn, with apocalyptic stakes from beginning to end. It managed to have Sonic the Hedgehog just about succumb to the virus with a POV shot from his own perspective, for Gaia's sake! Plus, even better than most zombie stories, the protagonists can't actually kill the zombots -- they're durable enough to take a point-blank shot from Omega and a direct hit from Amy's hammer, meaning the numbers are always going up and up!
... And the story could get away with all that because it was all temporary. A "cure" is always on the table, basically from the beginning, and in true Sonic fashion, the solution involves getting all the Chaos Emeralds. Cool action sequence leading up to it with Giant Zavok where Sonic teams up with Metal Sonic and Silver puts up an A.T. field. And then, right before Sonic succumbs completely, he goes Super Sonic alongside Super Silver. Poof, the Metal Virus gets physically pulled out of everyone, and they use the Warp Topaz to dump it into the goddamn sun, because fuck you, we're Super Sonic and Super Silver with the Warp Topaz. Hooray, wholesale victory, tearful reunions, and Whisper going +_+ before pouncehugging Tangle. And it's not even a reset-button ending, because the zombots did a lot of damage, and also sets up a number of plot points going forward!
Like I need to stress that I'm not even criticizing it. It Just Works! Plot devices like that are actually pretty great, when used in moderation.
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bigthecatirl · 2 years
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if you are my favourite character(s) you may be subjected to cat headphone prison
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neomel · 3 months
:) surprise
HEX VALUE, my piece for the 2024 Sonic the Hedgehog Big Bang, is out!!!
I've kept it a secret until now, and it's all new territory for me - but this is a huge fic putting a bunch of ideas about Sonic lore I've had swirling in my head to paper at last. Sonic Forces, IDW, Shadow, and most importantly - Omega!!
A huge thanks to the artists that I collaborated with for this, @elsannej and @premeditatedshitbag , as well as to @sthbigbang for putting this whole thing together!!
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iratusmus · 1 year
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fallenzangel · 2 years
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It’s criminal I haven’t drawn more of these two, especially cause they are my favorite couple duo to date. Seriously, love this husband and wife.
Have some more Zavok & Zangel goodness. Cause I love them and I am trash for this big bad asshole having a soft spot only for his sweet wife whomst he loves to death. My favorite kind of pairing.
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th3-d3adly-6 · 1 year
is zavok single 😏
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"That's none of your business"
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lambpaca · 2 years
I know it was ages ago but ive decided ive given up on it. Ive gotten super busy and tired and blegh.
Who wants to see the GUN Twitter WIPs and unfinished comic?
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broughttoyouby · 2 years
( i know it's not sinday anymore but i wanna play smash or pass so bad. :pensivecowboy: )
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lampp0start · 1 month
Some designs and misc stuff from my satbk bible au!
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My boy just wanted a little snack.
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Lancelot got that dawg in him. This is phase 1 of 2... This is the one that Arthur can actually fit in bed if you know what I mean. He's pretty big, like twice his normal size.
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Arthurlot fankid! She is named after Joan of Arc. Yes Lance gives birth to her, no I will not elaborate yet. She will be getting armor and clothes designed eventually.
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Arondight concept sketches, I need to make a clean ref for it.
I have a bunch of sketches and WIPs right now. The top three I will be finishing so they are cropped, you will see them in future posts.
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And these are the sneak peeks of sketches for the rest of the three horsemen, Zavok, Metal, and Infinite. It will be quite some time til they are done.
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milolunde · 5 months
So, Sonic Forces! … again. Posts like this will be put under Forces!RW from now on, just so I can keep things together.
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Following this post, I’ve been thinking about my reimagined Sonic Forces a lot. It’s high up on my list of things to rewrite, but… that list is quite long and is made up of stories that, for the most part, will live exclusively in my head. However, I had so much fun making my last post that I wanted to make another.
I wanted to touch on an aspect of the Phantom Ruby: how it’s able to make hordes of copies at Infinite’s will.
In my mind, the Phantom Ruby makes clones with the same attributes as any other illusion. Those made to witness the illusion will be unable to control feeling, despite reason, what they are witnessing is real. This enhances the Phantom Ruby’s powers, making its illusions able to affect the world as if they were real.
However, copies are different as they can perform most of the abilities their source can, but only if Infinite has a solid grasp on what those abilities are. For example, Chaos remains in his base state because Infinite does not understand his evolution, but he does understand chaos energy and chaos manifestation, so Shadow’s copies is able to harness Chaos Spear (though its nowhere on the scale of a true Chaos Spear. It gathers available chaos energy and turns it into a weapon, but without an emerald the copy has to draw upon the natural chaos energy around it). This is also one of the reasons Zavok is so… lame, for lack of a better word, and why Infinite resigns his copy to being Sonic’s jail keeper.
Why, then, would Eggman have Infinite stop at making copies of Zavok, Chaos, and Shadow? Of course, it’s because he finds them worthy allies as they have all put Sonic in close life or death situations and all have beaten Eggman himself at least once. If they worked together, they would undoubtedly be able to take Sonic out without the need for more manpower.
But… why not copy Sonic himself after his capture? Eggman chooses to copy Metal Sonic so, with Sonic himself imprisoned, having Sonic’s speed and agility on Eggman’s side would be a valuable resource.
vvv Continuation + Close Ups/Textless Art vvv
Eggman told Infinite they should make copies of Sonic to torment the world they were conquering. Having their precious hero, or at least his likeness, working with Eggman would destroy their moral… Infinite proposed, instead, not only was it too soon to show their cards in Infinite’s full abilities, but that tormenting the world with their hero acting against them would be nothing compared to the psychological play of allowing the world to believe Infinite, a hand in the Eggman Empire, had taken him out for good. Letting a likeness of their hero wander around could work against them, influencing people to gain a “hope against all odds” approach.
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While Eggman agreed, it wasn’t until after he had Infinite show him the Ruby could, in fact, make a copy of Sonic. Despite not wanting to, having the copy ended up working in Infinite’s favor. After commenting on the pest Sonic was, the Doctor agreed that, yes, looking at that hedgehog for too long was giving him a migraine; he didn’t want to imagine what having hundreds of him would do… Good. Because Infinite thought Sonic was too annoying to waste his power forging copies of him, anyway.
Infinite looked at the copy. He could appreciate the hedgehog’s indomitable spirit and his ability to ruin things. He could even acknowledge that, yes, he was enough to be the world’s hero.
Until now.
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Five, closing in on six months after Sonic’s defeat, Tails found himself miles from his live-in workshop, the last one left after Eggman’s takeover. He managed to gather supplies before his home was invaded and made it out by his scruff on the Tornado, but she hadn’t gotten them out without taking severe damage. Still, she flew, and she landed, and Tails could start repairing her to the best of his ability. He didn’t need a plane since the sky had been put under lockdown, but the Tornado was Sonic’s. He’d hate for Sonic to find out he had wrecked the Tornado and done nothing to fix it.
While sorting out the damaged parts, Tails heard something scuff behind him… He tensed before he moved, much too caught up with the Tornado to remember he should defend himself first, worry later, when his eyes caught the source of the sound.
Tails didn’t think it was possible, but he tensed more at the sight of his brother, his big brother, the sight of Sonic walking idly past him. Something slipped past Tails’ lips, maybe it was supposed to be words, but he didn’t know which ones. His big brother stopped. And turned towards him…
Gotta cut myself off from my more story-writer way of telling this before I get carried away. Apologies! But, if I’m able to work on this more, maybe there will be a full scene in a full chapter in a full story for this? Perchance…
Shadow would appear and, before Tails could process it, would be fighting the copy down the street. Shadow’s been dealing with Phantom copies since day one of Eggman’s invasion, and he knows Sonic well enough to be able to spot a fake from anywhere.
Tails would, of course, chase after them, leaving behind the Tornado and all of his supplies. As far as he knows, it was Shadow who helped take Sonic down in the first place and he’s ready for answers as to why, and answers on how Sonic got back, and why they’re fighting again, and…! Well, a lot of answers!
By the time Tails gets there, Shadow would have already taken the copy down; it’s on the floor, lifeless, and starting to disappear. Tails would launch himself at Shadow, claws and teeth bared, kicking and scratching out of everything he’s thought and felt about Shadow for the last five months, but Shadow would easily subdue him. Tails is tired, and hungry, and most of all he’s devastated.
Once Tails is able to hear anything Shadow tries to tell him, he would tell Tails about the fact Eggman is generating copies. Shadow has a certain soft spot for Tails, especially in his current situation, so while the scene would be to get information about the Phantom Ruby to Tails, it would also serve to give him the comfort he needs, and closure that no, Shadow didn’t hurt Sonic and, no he’s also not looking for him but, if he hears anything, he’ll let the kid know.
I don’t know if I’ve said it, but I’ve got a biiiiig list of media I’ve rewritten entirely in my head for fun and that usually means I have the most barebones chapter layout for them and even some ‘first drafts’ for certain chapters; like this hypothetical chapter!
That’s it, really. I had fun talking about Forces and showing how I would do things! I tend to get carried away a lot when I’m writing about the things I like. I really didn’t plan to write this post out the way I did. Hopefully the difference between my presenting the concepts and writing them out for a more entertaining read of what I would do wasn’t too confusing.
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redpenship · 9 months
Happy New Year! I’d love to know if you have any headcanons about Mobian culture and/or holidays, either based on things you’ve seen in the games/comics/movies etc OR just stuff you’ve made up for fun. :) Maybe this isn’t really your forte but I thought I’d ask haha!
Happy new year!
I actually don't have too many headcanons on Mobian culture itself. However, I do have HCs for their society in general which I guess would feed into the culture idea anyways. I'm just going to put all of it here because why not.
(Heads up: this post is 1.8k words long).
Thesis I: There is no Mobian state.
If you've read my fic Buzzsaw Dilemma, then you'll have already been given a basic run down on how I think this works. Since I like rambling about this kind of stuff, I will explain everything again, but this time with evidence from canon to support my theory!
To begin, it's always best to define what a "state" actually is. I prefer the Max Weber view as a state being an "organization with a monopoly on the legitimate use of force". Let's break down what this actually means with an example:
The state establishes a rule that you can't assault other people. One day, you feel that someone has wronged you and decide to punch them in the face. A police officer nearby notices this and responds by punching you in the face and detaining you. After spending the night in jail, you're charged with felony assault and the police officer is not. Why?
As a random citizen, you do not have a right to the legitimate use of force. You cannot punch people to get what you want with impunity. The police, as official arms of the state to use against domestic populations, do have a monopoly on the use of force. They can shoot people, put them in prison, and basically do whatever they want (within reason, technically, but the state doesn't like challenges to its authority and will always resist holding itself and its officers accountable for perceived illegitimate uses of force) because they're the only ones allowed to do so! Your boss at work can't kidnap you and hold you prisoner for a year because you broke a rule. The state can do that to you because it is seen as a legitimate use of force.
Now that we both know what a state is, I can explain why I don't think one exists on the Mobian islands. I am going to cite a lot of stuff from IDW since it's allegedly canon now and the games tend not to focus too much on day-to-day life on the islands anyways.
Point one: the Restoration. Since aid organizations apparently don't like working on the islands, which I suspect might be due to the Eggman Empire's fixed presence there, the Restoration was forced to step up after the war to fix up the islands. Although it's true that some states just don't give a shit about their populations, I don't think it's wrong to say that post-war clean up would typically be a job for an existing state. The lack of any central authority points to the conclusion that one may just not exist.
Here are some panels from IDW issue #42:
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Here, Zavok is surprised about the lack of security at Restoration HQ. Master Zik explains that Mobians don't see a need to prepare for violence because they aren't violent to each other. This is an interesting assertion given Tails' backstory, but I guess his two tails were just that disturbing to the people at home!
The main takeaway here is that the islands don't really have security guards or police officers. I like these panels for that reason only. I'm afraid the reasoning provided by Zik still implies that police/guards would be necessary if there was violence among Mobians, so it's not really that revolutionary of a worldbuilding moment and realigns the comic with statist ideology.
So, let's summarize: the islands don't have a central authority. They don't have any means to enforce a monopoly on the use of force. Does this mean that they don't have a state? In the absence of government, does the Restoration pave the roads?
In my general opinion, yes. There are some instances that could be used to disprove this theory, such as the Everhold Prison seen in Bad Guys, which is seemingly guarded exclusively by dog Mobians:
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The existence of a prison implies a functional penal system, which in turn implies that somebody on the islands has a legitimate monopoly on force. On the other hand, it's never explicitly stated that Everhold Prison is hosted on the islands, so for now I can still cope and pretend it never happened. Yippee!
Thesis II: The islands don't use money.
I hosted a poll on this subject a few weeks ago, in which I learned that most people think there's money on the islands. Allow me to argue otherwise!
The most common theory for the origin of money is that it came into existence because bartering for stuff fucking sucks and nobody likes doing it. Nothing has a standardized value, so if the guy in your village responsible for making shoes is a pompous asshole who makes ludicrous demands such as asking for FIVE bushels of wheat in exchange for a pair of shoes, even though you've heard the guy in the next town over only asks for three bushels, then you're shit out of luck and have to fork over all your wheat. Maybe the shoemaker is on a gluten-free diet and refuses to trade with you, so as a wheat farmer who only trades in wheat now you can't even barter for a new pair of shoes! Sucks to be you, buddy.
Under a monetary system, a bushel of wheat and a pair of shoes both gain a standardized value. A bushel of wheat is $1, and a pair of shoes is $4. After selling enough wheat that you have $4 in profits, you can walk over to the shoemaker, slap some coins down on the table, and tell him to get to work. Now, you might say, "wait, if you're in a captive market, can't he just charge whatever he wants and you have to deal with it?" The answer to that question is yes, but asking economic theorists to consider greed in their theories is a bit hard since they don't really care about fairness at all and still don't understand what's wrong with kids making carpets in factories since their hands are the perfect size for that sort of thing. All these stupid labour rights activists don't understand comparative advantages and it's sickening!
Here's the problem with an existing Mobian monetary system: it assumes greed! Or, at the very least, assumes that Mobians have normalized the hoarding of commodities for personal gain. I don't believe this is the case at all.
Let's recall Zik's statement to the Zeti: Mobians don't steal from each other because they are kind and compassionate to one another. I would argue that the origins of property/commodity ownership implies large-scale theft, as developing something like an apple orchard requires dispossessing your neighbours of a plot of land and claiming it for yourself. Then you grow a ton of apples on your land--that they once could have used as they pleased before you took over--and tell them that they can't eat any of these apples unless they give you something in exchange. But the apples are right there, bro, they'll complain. You can't eat all of those on your own. You'll tell them to suck it up and eventually they'll bring you items (or money) in exchange for some apples.
This doesn't seem like something we'd see the cute Sonic furries do to each other. Since we're talking about farming, here's a panel from there IDW 2022 annual where all the characters are helping out on some kind of communal farm:
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Moving on, let's look at why Sonic hates Eggman so much. Eggman has always served as a representation of industrialization, environmental exploitation and degradation, and individualist greed. If the islands had a monetary system, and the ideals required to develop one in the first place, then a lot of what Eggman is attempting to implement would have already existed! Economic development requires exploitation, both of other people and natural resources. Money is the result of economic development. It just doesn't fit for me.
Thesis III: Equity as a norm.
This is basically the section on culture. Leading up to this section, I've established a rule: Mobians live in a stateless and moneyless society. Here are some cultural norms that might have lead to such a society in modern times.
Ecology as a priority. This is consistent with the environmentalist themes in the series, but also with the way that most Mobians we meet in the series seem to really care about the environment. My personal take is that they simply haven't developed the view that they are above nature, which is something seen in Eggman and other industrialists. In Sonic Prime, we see Thorn Rose react aggressively when she notices that her friends harming plants by taking more than they need from them. This may have been because they violated a strict cultural norm! Although this occurred in an alternate dimension, I like to think about its implications for the main universe, too. Is the cultural pressure to maintain and protect the land they live on enough to suppress industrial development? Maybe!
Conformity as a means of social cohesion. Generally, I think Mobian society demands a lot of personal sacrifice from people. A core tenant of collectivism is that you have to put up with not getting what you want most of the time, and sometimes this even comes at a direct cost to you. Maybe your neighbour stole your favourite toy truck and you can't complain about it or everyone will accuse you of trying to establish private ownership over something stupid. Or, maybe, there hasn't been a lot of rain this year and your communal farms are flopping. Out of desperation one day, you wander into the woods and find some bushes of edible berries that could help you survive better for the next few days. However, since eating while your neighbours starve would violate the ethical values imposed on your by your collectivist society, you must accept only having a few berries instead and sharing the rest with your village. If you're someone like Tails, who stands out because of a physical mutation, then tough luck if your village cares about appearances. Everyone knows your business and you're dependent on them for support. As soon as they decide they don't like you, you're going to suffer severely. Upsides and downsides to everything.
Alternate methods of punishment. A society without a state likely wouldn't have prisons. Building on the concept of conformity, social crimes would be mitigated through social pressure--basically, if you do something wrong, everyone will be mean to you and not like you as much as they did before. Fear of risking the judgment of peers is a very strong deterrent for most crimes, arguably moreso than prison itself.
Everything I've written here is my basic take on Mobian culture and society! In terms of holidays, I'm sure they have stuff relating to harvest times and seasonal changes.
Thanks for the question!! Sorry if this isn't what you wanted at all haha.
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mephopheles · 4 months
yo! The sonic rumble beta is officially out and i want to share some info here about it! (Mostly locker/avatar related for THIS post.)
okay so! Theres afew basic things i wanna get out of the way!
•stuff we get in the beta does NOT transfer over to when the games officially out
•despite this, a battlepass esc system is in the game/will be im the game, which has tiers for skins, emotes, etc.
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•The game at the moment has a small cast of characters with afew alt skins! Such as a riders amy skin, rouges tmosth skin…and that very unique zavok (shouldve been mephiles instead/j)
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•For some reason blaze got cut from the beta..sorry blaze
•Theres also chao that can be earned! Theyre rather cute!
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•Theres emotes, stickers, and etc. even cute trail paths!
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•For more minor things; yes we can have custom names. The defult sonic icon next to said names CAN be changed but currently only afew pfp icons exist.
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And thats it for day ONE of the beta at the moment! Ill post more gameplay related stuff later on as its 9pm for me right now. Note; stuff is presented to change as the beta goes on. Ill be sure to update more on it when im able too, until then i hope this makes people excited for this surprisingly smooth running app hah!
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greenyvertekins · 11 months
Why doesn't Sonic kill Eggman? Yes, this is too obvious a question that many have answered, but why? Why is he letting go of a damned tyrant who has ruined many lives? Because of his ego, chaos was unleashed that could destroy the whole world! He literally destroyed half of the Moon, he gave the most dangerous artifact to the Infinite, knowing that he wants to leave only a desert in this world, and for sure many innocent people will suffer and die! The only time the hedgehog tried to kill him was only Sonic CD, only Sonic started acting when the planet became completely lifeless robotic. But the hedgehog can kill villains who have not repented, or beat them to a pulp (zavok), but "Eggman" is too "special". What should Eggman do for Sonic to kill Eggman? I just want to find out why his belief that Eggman can change is so strong, either I don't understand anything and am just stupid, or Sega didn't bother with this question...
He has tried to? Repeatedly? The way Sonic has dealt with him numerous times has always been potentially lethal.
The fact that the doctor always escapes to live another day is more down to main antagonist immunity rather than any mercy on Sonic's part.
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team-emerald · 10 months
Introducing Zavv the Zeti! Zavv is an in-universe copy of Zavok. He’s an intimidating but soft hearted Zeti with a heart of gold. He works alongside Knuckles as the powerhouses of the group, and both push each other to their limits. Zavv is capable of electromagnetic manipulation, utilizing his full strength, and immense power. And yes, the fact he’s a copy has merit in this story. It’s played for drama.
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First piece done by @grimsdeadb0nes and second piece done by @jaykatt
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whotfletamothhyperfx · 9 months
Can you get hurt in Oz?
Yes! You can get externally hurt in oz infact! I mean what would be the fun in making a whole world and not letting the characters in it get extremely hurt am I right? Anyway getting Hurt in oz is pretty much just the same as if you got hurt in the real world, even despite the fact there’s magic.
However there isn’t really healing magic; none of the witches really ever learned it, at least the core four witches right now didn’t. Eggman didn’t believe in using his magic to help the people he was more just in it for the power, all the witches get to rule over a part of Oz since Oz isn’t actually that big. (it’s just a small country that’s surrounded by the deadly desert. A desert that stretched out far beyond the eye can see and no one’s been able to pass it. If you get stuck in the sand you can’t escape it and are better left for dead))
The last time there was a healer witch was the four witches that took the four current witches place before them. Before Eggman, Starline, Shadow and Sonic there was Maria, Zavok, Vanilla and Chuck. Vanilla was the witch of the south and chose to be a healer, she’s the only one from the original four that’s still alive. She’s out there somewhere living with her three kids in a nice little cottage, she has no need for her healing much anymore.
Eggman really disagrees with healing magic though. He taught Starline, Shadow and Sonic that it was forbidden and that they should never learn it. Both shadow and sonic wanted to learn it however. Shadow because of how he was told Maria died and Sonic because of how he was told Chuck, Sonia and Manic died. They promised when they were little that they would learn it in secret.
Sonic kept his promise and used to it to heal tails, his healing magic isn’t very strong at all and can only heal scraped but that was good enough for him. He regrets not having learned more and maybe then he could have saved tails before he died
Sonic doesn’t use his healing magic anymore.
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egg-emperor · 4 months
This talk about Zavok reminds me of this duo of drawings I had seen of Eggman before and after a threesome with Zavok & Bowser… Yes he was still standing because Eggy is a gd champ
I know what art you're talking about and I looove it. Both Bowser and Zavok are his type for being big buff strong monster guys they're so alike, certainly makes a very fun tag team and threesome hehe. I like how rough and wild it got with the destroyed room and his scratches and bruises. That's exactly the way he should be treated when it's time to turn the tables and show him what it's like to be the one dominated. I like his nervous anticipation in the first part, he knows they could tear him apart but damn it's gonna be fun to take that risk 😍
He may be the one ordering them around when teaming up with them in public but he likes letting those monstrous beasts use him in secret, letting them take their frustrations with him bossing them around all day out on him- their aggression and roughness in it is his pleasure. Happiness is being between two big beastly monstrous guys that could obliterate you. And he can take it like a champ as the power type he is, albeit he may be a little sore after being stretched and roughed up by those beasts but that's the way he likes it 🥴
He's lucky he can hide evidence with the full body coverage of his main fit. Walking around being condescending and bossing them around in public while secretly being marked up by them under his clothes is hot af. Nobody would guess it to flip behind closed doors. If he's in a situation where people can see like when he's at the pool or in the Olympics, he may say they're injuries from a recent battle with Sonic but it'd clearly be a lie as he has scratches that look like claw marks and it'd be visibly a little uncomfortable to sit for a while after >:)
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