#//I'll miss him and prismo
void-ink-studios 7 months
Letters From HR
It literally took one comment on AO3 to get the hamsters in my brain running y'all.
More Scarab backstory, some of the fallout from the Gala, and a bit more worldbuilding for the pantheon! And of course, more couple nonsense from these two dorks.
Word Count: 3,300
Scarab had been expecting the pile of paperwork to suddenly appear in the center of the Time Room. The Organizer had told them to expect it.
Well, maybe he wasn't expecting the stack to nearly reach the ceiling. Prismo didn't look happy to say the least.
"Aw man, really? Homework? Why's the stack so high?"
"Prismo, it wouldn't be much of a punishment if it were easy."
"Scrabby. Dude. Looking at this stack makes me want to throw up."
Scarab sighed, face palming. "Come on, the sooner we start this, the sooner we'll be done with it. I don't particularly want to be back in the Organizer's office."
Prismo groaned dramatically. "What if someone comes in here for a wish?"
"I'll take over the paperwork if a wish maker comes in here. But until then, you're helping. If we both work on it, it'll be done in no time."
"Fiiiiiine" he whined.
Scarab rolled his eyes, amused, as he divided the stack in half. He found with them a list of instructions and things to check.
"Okay, so, the folders are the information we're meant to reference... and the lose papers are what we're checking. We're just filling out any missing information we can find." The beetle could see Prismo's light fading from his eyes the longer he spoke. "Think of it like a game. A scavenger hunt. Whatever you need to get it done."
And so, they set off, pens and stamps being the only noise, sometime joined by Prismo's attempt at improvising a song or occasional comment on the papers.
"Heh, Scarab, did you know the Flame Keepers apparently request brunch every month? Man, didn't think one of the Higher Ups would have to deal with stuff like this."
Scarab gave an amused chirp as he finished another set.
"Well, that is the Organizer's job. She is meant to sort through any and all requests, schedules, gatherings, complaints, and changes that happen around here."
"Woah. Sounds like a lot. Makes me wonder why she bothered to speak with us in person."
"She's always busy. Very busy. But, she's the expert in multitasking. It's equal parts admirable and unsettling to watch."
Prismo hummed as he continued working. "You say that like you've seen it a bunch."
"Well, I kind of did, a long time ago."
Scarab continued on as if he didn't just drop a bomb on Prismo, who nearly dropped his pen.
"You? What were you doing to get in her office so often that you're familiar with her workflow? Some bad-boy backstory I don't know about?"
Scarab sighed, pondering if he'd answer for a moment.
"I was not a "bad-boy" as you suggest. I was an intern, once upon a time, you know. Not all of us can make a statement by accidentally teleporting into the Judgement Hall."
"Woah. And you interned with the Organizer?"
"She was the only one willing to do so. Orbo certainly wasn't going to, after I embarrassed him in front of the Judge. No one knew what to make of me. So, she volunteered to help my transition into godhood."
"Woah" Prismo whispered, and Scarab couldn't help but smile at the incoming onslaught of questions he was sure to get.
"What was... working with her like? I hear she's scary as heck."
"She can be... intense when she needs to be. But it is the nature of her work. She is the administrator of the multiverse, after all. But, if you submit your forms on time and read the directions, she's pretty reasonable."
Scarab thought back to those early days... when he was still just a little beetle, only freshly introduced to the world of gods and their nonsense politics. He felt so tiny then... Like anyone he walked past could and would step on him if doing so carried no consequences.
"U-Uhm... Hello? Is this the Organizer's office..?"
"Who's asking?"
"Scarab, ma'am. I was told to report here... A-Am I in the right room? This whole place is much... larger than the mounds back home."
There was a soft, almost chuckle, echoing through the room.
"Yes, you're in the right room. Come. Sit, Scarab. We have much to discuss."
The tiny beetle did so, tapping his claws together, his wings fluttering nervously.
"You made quite the impression on us, Scarab. It's not everyday a mortal manages to defeat a cosmic threat in single combat."
Scarab caught himself staring dumbly at the entity in front of him. He was unsure what to focus on. There were many eyes focused on him, but countless more floating around the office, and even more arms constantly moving behind her.
"Is something the matter, Scarab?"
He blinked, shaking his head. "N-No ma'am. But... forgive me if this is rude but I would've thought a goddess as important as you would be... bigger?"
The chuckle echoed again, not very soothing, but also not angry.
"I am the size you would find approachable. I look different depending who enters this room. This room does as well. It would do no good if gods of your size are unable to interact with me. But, you are correct, I am much, much larger than this in reality. To large for your mind to reasonable process."
"O-Oh. That's very impressive ma'am... So... what is it I'm meant to do? I am honored that you selected me, but forgive me that I'm not certain how I'm meant to help you..."
"I think you misunderstand, Scarab. You cannot help me, not in the grand sense. It is me meant to help you, little bug. You are going to be transitioning from mortal to godhood. It is not an easy one, and you will need someone to watch over you. While I do that, all I ask you is to listen carefully, and remember to stay aware. And perhaps help me make some corrections of those who do not stay aware."
Scarab bowed in the most respectful way he can, his wings out as far as possible. "I-I am honored, ma'am. I will try my best."
"I know you will."
Scarab shook his head as he was brought back to the present. Prismo was looking at him oddly, and he only then realized he has stopped writing. He tapped on his own head, trying to refocus, and resumed work.
"Did you like working with her?"
"...I did. She made sense to me when nothing else did, back then."
"Isn't she an all powerful, unknowable goddess?"
"Perhaps it's a bit ironic, but that doesn't change the facts. She was reasonable. She had clear expectations. She never tried to talk around what she wanted, or misdirect me, or hide meanings in double talk. She was strict, her expectations were high, but I understood them."
He tutted to himself as he noticed a major mistake in the form he was reviewing. Honestly, can no one read basic directions or labels?
"...I can understand that. I don't like it when people hide what they want either. Why not just say what you need to say? You'll get what you want faster."
The two of them lingered in that shared understanding.
"...It's part of why I didn't trust you for the longest time. You're... not like everyone else here. You're genuine when you say the things you do. For the longest time, I was convinced you were... an act. That you had other intentions, and if I could find the right thread it would all unravel, and I could finally understand you. But... there weren't any threads. You are exactly who you say you are. And I'm thankful every day for that."
Prismo gave him a goofy grin at that, one that deepened the pink in his cheeks.
"She have you doing stuff like this often?"
"Oh, all the time. It's been quite a while since I've last done this, but... what's the mortal saying? 'It's like riding a bike'? Like that. I feel eons younger doing this."
"Scrabby. I love you. But you have weird hobbies."
"I've always like pattern recognition. I will not apologize for it."
"And I've never ask you to. Just, remind me to get you some puzzles or something soon. I think you'd like them."
"I'll make a note of it..."
Scarab still wasn't used to people caring. About him, or his internal life. This thing with Prismo... it was still new. Precious. Alien, almost.
He remembers a time when it wasn't. When being cared about was something he understood as a mutual exchange.
"You seem quiet today, little bug."
Scarab jumped at the Organizer's voice. He turned from his papers to look up at her, clicking his talons nervously. "...I thought you preferred the quiet, ma'am.
"You're correct in that I do. But your quiet is not quiet right now. Your quiet is troubled."
Scarab itched under the mask. He didn't like it much, he couldn't see as well and it was hot, but... it was better than the looks he got otherwise. "...I'm not troubled, ma'am."
"It's foolish to try and lie to me, Scarab. And there is nothing to be ashamed of if you are troubled."
"You're a Higher Up, I should be bothering you with my petty woes."
"That is not for you to decide. I happen to like you. And I would like to know what troubles my intern. Does it perhaps have something to do with the mask you're now wearing?"
He lowered his antenna in defeat.
"...Yes, it does, ma'am. I... I do not understand the behavior of this place..."
"How so?"
"...Back at the mounds... everyone helped each other. We shared, we touched, we spoke plainly... but... here, everything's different... No one seems to have an honest word to say. It's all... confusing. I'm left to guess what people mean when they ask something of me and... I feel I get it wrong most of the time."
"Ah. I can see how that might be confusing and upsetting for someone who's known communal life until now. But the gods play petty politics. It is a game to them, a game of faces and half-truths and artfully decorated intentions."
"But... why? Would it not be easier to say what it is you mean? Why should I learn a separate language of half-truths when we could all just say what we intend? And then they treat me like I'm the strange one for meaning what I say."
"That, little bug, I do not know. But I choose not to engage in it. And you shouldn't either, if it troubles you this way."
"You don't have to. No one can give you strange looks for getting it wrong."
"You can."
"Only because I file my paperwork correctly."
"And that is more than can be said than most."
There was a silence between them.
"...They don't like my face."
"Really now?"
"They say I'm... creepy. That I'm not something anyone wants to see. And, because of that, I should drop my bid for Wishmaster. What do... you think, ma'am?"
"In regards to your first concern, I am not the best judge in aesthetic beauty. I don't have a face. Several gods lack one as well. Some are just floating numbers, or a tangle of tendrils. But I do not personally find you creepy. I have seen everything there is to see, and I have seen far worse than you, back in the Time Before Nothing."
She paused her writing for a moment. She opened a palm above Scarab.
"Come here, little bug."
Scarab gulped, putting his pen down and fluttering into her open palm.
"As for your concern of Wishmaster... I think you would make an excellent one. I think you have worked hard, and you don't play politics. A Wishmaster is a neutral party in the cosmos. You must be willing to grant the wish, either from the bravest hero, or the darkest of spirits. You must grant the same wish the same way, whether it be from your best friend or worst enemy. I think you have the temperament to make that distinction. If it were up to me, I would put your name at the top. And, even if you're not chosen, you will always have a place in my employ. You would make an incredible Auditor."
Scarab felt his eyes water and his smile grow wide.
"You do not have to mask here, little bug. I judge nothing but your penmanship."
Scarab's face plates shifted to tuck behind his head. He antenna shivered and his wings rubbed against each other into an eager song.
"Thank you, ma'am. I... needed to hear that."
Scarab sighed at the memory. He looked at Prismo, turning over what the Organizer had said about what it took to be a Wishmaster. Impartiality. No special favors.
While, to this day, he would question if that really described Prismo, he couldn't help but feel like Prismo was the best pick for Wishmaster. Scarab had watched him. Watched him give warnings for poorly thought out wishes. Watched him give chances to rude and vulgar before sending them on their way. Watched him bond and be friendly with those who would seek him.
Prismo was a good Wishmaster. Because he didn't play politics. He was everybody's pal, until you crossed his boundaries. And his boundaries are clear and simple.
Scarab had nearly reached the bottom of his stack, his talons going numb from the amount of writing, when Prismo spoke up again.
"It... sounded like you were close. How come you haven't talked to her until now? Just busy?"
"Hmm... Partially... It's true, when I become Auditor, I became very busy. As was she. But... no, that was not the only reason why... We... had a bit of a falling out. After you were chosen as Wishmaster."
"Woah, what? Was it something I did?"
"It wasn't really your fault. I admit that now, it wasn't your fault you were chosen. But... I don't know. It's... hard to explain. When someone that important likes you... you... you start to think anything can happen if you ask nicely. It was not her decision on who should be Wishmaster. But... I think something felt betrayed. It's complicated and messy."
Prismo hummed, moving over to wrap around Scarab a bit.
"...Do you miss her?"
"...I have you, now."
"That's not what I asked. Do you miss talking to her?"
Scarab struggled for an answer before letting out a defeated, tired chirp.
"...It doesn't matter. I doubt she'd want to speak with me after everything."
"Have you tried?"
"Oh, Scarab... maybe you should reach out. Say you're sorry, ask her something. Worst she could do is ignore you, Glob knows she has the shredder for a reason."
Scarab thought about it while Prismo rubbed gentle circles into his back.
He thought about their last conversation. Or, at least, the last one before the disaster at the Gala.
"Little bug?"
"...I don't want to talk, ma'am."
"I think do."
Scarab hissed. "What do you want me to say? That was my one shot! I did everything right! I was meant to be Wishmaster! And some... Some random mortal just pops into the Hall, and snatches it away!?"
"The Boss must have seen something in him. Something that got him Noticed."
"But I was Noticed! I beat a monster not even the gods could! That should've counted for something! But it hasn't! I'm still just a groveling insect to them! To all of them! To you!"
"You do not know what I think of you."
"I'm a toy to you! I'm a toy to all of you! I'm something to laugh at! You filled my head with dreams! You made me think I could ever be something... Something like you! Something respected!"
"I am many things Scarab, but you know better than anyone. I don't play politics. As I said, you would be the top of my list if it was my decision. But it wasn't my decision, it wasn't any of our decision."
"...Then... then why did you... why did you build my hopes up? Why did you insist on building me up?"
"Because I believe in you, Scarab. I still do. I regret none of what I said. And I'm keeping to my promises. You will begin training as an Auditor in 20 Time Waves."
Scarab felt the need to scream. She didn't get it. Why did he expect anything else? Why would a Higher Up see him as anything other than... than a cockroach, skittering across the floor.
"Orbo will be your handler. You will begin reporting to his office in 20 Time Waves."
With one swing of a stamp on a piece of paper, Scarab's fate was sealed.
"...I know this is not what you wanted, Scarab. But I do think this is the right course of action. And my office will always be open to you. I hope you know that."
"...Am I dismissed, ma'am?"
There was a heavy silence between the two of them.
"...You are dismissed, Scarab."
That was the last time Scarab had spoken to his mentor. His... one friend...
"Hey, Scrabs, there's something here for you!"
Scarab signed off the last of his papers, the stack poofing away as he put it down, before crawling over to sit next to Prismo.
"What is it?"
"It's a letter. To you. From the Organizer."
Scarab stared at the piece of paper. It was her handwriting, that was certain. A... hand written note? He opened it.
"To my little bug.
"It's regrettable that the Gala was the first time we spoke in all these eons. You have changed. I am saddened that I have missed much of your time as Auditor. I only have reports, but it seems you did a remarkable job. I'm not surprised that you thrived.
"However, I am more saddened by what my negligence has allowed to take place. Should you ever return to your Auditor position, you will not be under Orbo's management again. You will be under my direct management, should your stay in the Time Room not be made permanent.
"While I cannot discuss details at this time, Orbo is being handled. The Judge will be hearing about it soon.
"I hope you know I was being truthful to you, Scarab. My office was always open to you. It still is. At least now you have a place to send mail. Do not misinterpret this as an order. But I do hope to hear from you soon. I'm most interested in what's transpired between you and the Almight Prismo.
"-The Organizer"
Scarab clutched the piece of paper. He held it like it was precious.
"Woah dude..." Prismo curled around the beetle again, petting his shoulders. "...I think you should write back. Tell her what you told me."
"...You think so...?"
"I mean, she wouldn't write if she didn't wanna talk, right? You should go for it."
Scarab didn't want to hope. But... well, he'd been feeling that a lot more recently. Hope felt dangerous, with no one in your corner. But he had Prismo. He had Cos and Death and Life. He had... a safety net.
Probably wouldn't hurt to have a Higher Up in that corner too.
"...Maybe I will... Can I have a pen and some paper? She always did like handwritten responses."
Prismo gave him a gentle smile.
"Of course, Lovebug."
Prismo held onto the final piece of paperwork, so they could send Scarab's response with it.
Scarab hadn't dared to hope things could get better in thousands of years. He'd accepted long ago that he'd be the pantheon's scapegoat. That no one would be on his side. That he'd forever be the skittering little insect at everyone's feet.
But that wasn't his life anymore.
He was loved. Things were improving.
And maybe... maybe he could make it even better.
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prohibited-wish 6 months
Prohibited Love AU:
Scarab sat on top of a floating comet, lost in his thoughts and heartbroken. He remembered the days when he and Prismo were deeply in love, before Prismo became the Wishmaster. But when Prismo fell asleep and woke up in his new form, he had forgotten about their love and their life together.
Scarab felt like his heart had been shattered into a million pieces, as he watched Prismo grant wishes and have parties, without any memory of their past. Scarab tried to push him away, to forget about Prismo and move on, but his heart couldn't let go.
As he floated through the endless expanse of space, Scarab couldn't help expressing his feelings towards Prismo.
'I just really miss your face,' he whispered, tears streaming down his face. 'Though, by now, I must disgust you. I had tried to be the stubbornest mule, cause I knew life was cruel. So, I guess I was foolish to trust you.'
The realization hit him hard, that he had been foolish to believe that their love would withstand the test of time and the power of being Wishmaster. But he couldn't help but hold on to that small flicker of hope that maybe, just maybe, Prismo would remember him and their love.
'But I wait here just in case,' he continued whispering, his voice trembling with emotion. 'Though I know I'm being senseless. How could I have ever been so naive, and wear my heart on my sleeve, when I knew it would leave me defenseless?'
Tears kept falling from his eyes. He felt endless pain and longing for his Prismo. He knew that it was futile, that their love was lost in the past and he needed to move on, but his heart refused to let go.
'And if the world was perfect, you would be here in my embrace,' he said, his voice cracking. 'But since the world denied me one last kiss, I'll just miss your stupid face.'
Scarab closed his eyes, letting the tears flow freely. He missed Prismo's stupid face, his goofy smile, his loving embrace. But most of all, he missed the love they shared and the life they had before Prismo became the Wishmaster. 馃挃
Okay, don't forget to tag it as a song fic
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cutter-kirby 9 months
okay so i鈥檝e been gone all day so i鈥檓 finally posting my fionna and cake initial thoughts. and since i鈥檝e seen only a few people talking about my second favorite alternate finn, i鈥檇 thought i鈥檇 share the big thing i was thinking about during episode 5.
how the fuck does farmworld finn have that many kids???????
so i鈥檝e always thought that farmworld and ooo operated on parallel timelines, and the show seemed to follow this too, but literally how does a 29 year old have a dead wife and a preteen kid, especially fw finn, who i seriously doubt was mentally and emotionally ready to start a family so soon after the crown was destroyed. so unless the show changed its mind and farmworld is suddenly farther in the future than ooo, i have no idea how fw finn has such a big family (cause like. the show clearly wants us to think that they鈥檙e all biological kids as opposed to adoption).
let me share my initial theory for who jay was. when i first saw him i thought he was going to be little sibling.
Tumblr media
i mean. the years match up perfectly here, so i have no idea why they went with the option that completely messes up the timeline.
also to clear up a misconception the flashback at the beginning is almost definitely during the year ice finn spent alone freezing people (between jake the dog and crossover) before prismo's meddling destroyed the crown in the nuke, so that part holds up at least.
i could be missing something that makes all of this make sense. i'll probably rewatch this episode tonight if there's any info i missed i might add it idk
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pawzforamoment 9 months
Spoilers and my thoughts in the cut aaaaa
Aughhhh they did it!!!! There was another way to save Fionna and Cake!!!! Simon realized just how much she was sacrificing for her!!!! He realized how he was about to waste the second chance Betty gave him!!!! AUGHHHH SOBBING
SCARAB GOT A SECOND CHANCE, He might be begrudging about it but he did!! He really did just do his job (albeit in a pretty rude way being such a stickler about it) for the most part afterall till he eventually broke at the end. I love that Prismo gets a new roomie and is now in the process of training him! He got a good word for him and everything and is being nice!!!
Fionna learned to appreciate what she was given just like Simon!! They're canon!!! Their world isn't in the hands of some one guy now!!
I wish I saw how Peebs and Marcy reacted tho but it's 10 episodes so I guess it would be a obvious if it was squeezed in with only like, a part of one episode. BABY FINN IS OK!!!!! PEPPERMINT TANK!!! JAY AND LITTLE DESTINY IS OK! (but what about Finn?? What about his family? Idk I guess you can't squeeze in too much in there but it seems like they weren't too upset at them or anything, I guess Finn is probably alive then? Unless I missed something)
AAAAAAAAAAA I knew there was no way they'll let Betty back to normal, but the two of them reconciled!!! And Simon lives his life! The lich being turned into some Tetris thing was really something else. I feel like I'm missing something about the parallel of what Lich was doing with what Simon was...I'll get to it later I guess.
Rn all I wanna say is, AAUGHHH THIS WAS GREAT I LOVE IT.
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vioyume 9 months
Casual Fan rambles about Simon's "Fionna & Cake"
For some clarity, I'm someone who drops in and out of the original run of Adventure from time to time, so I never really connected with it until watching the Fionna and Cake mini series. I've seen some of the important lore episodes, some regular/special episodes, all of the original Fionna and Cake episodes and the finale.
I find it real interesting to analyze someone's phyce when given the chance to see what goes on in their mind, that being Simon's who has been fostering the world of Fionna and Cake like Prismo stated. The fact that this magical world has been changed to a "modern" 20th century setting when Simon is back to his original self really got me thinking how this world reflected him as a person.
So I'm gonna say some things I've noticed and try to explain it to the best of my abilities, but like I said, I didn't watch the whole series so there's most likely things I'll miss or get wrong. Nothing too formal, just me going on a tangent on unorganized thoughts.
One of the first few things you will immediately notice is the Betty statue during Fionna's tour. I don't think I need to say much knowing how important she is to Simon, so making her a significant being in this world will only make sense. By the end you'll see that the statue is the form that she is currently taking now proving that Simon is accepting the lost of her and is trying to live the current life he has without needing to hold on to the past.
What took interest to me the most was the presence of Ice Queen, I read up a little bit about her and learned that her back story is different to the Ice King's. Makes sense to me since this was Ice King's weird Adventure Time au fanfic, he either forgot or heavily repressed his own history given the fact that he has gone mad at that point (Feel free to correct me, at anything I say actually, but I'm betting it's the forget one).
Ice Queen is irrelevant to the plot and could've been replaced with some other random citizen, she and Marshall has no relation at all before and after the change. Now this all be because it was Ice King's world before and not Simon's, but part of me thinks that Simon at some point thought things turned out better for Marceline if he weren't there for her or possibly even Betty, they'll all lived happy and content lives (boy was he wrong). Ice Queen is a completely forgettable character if you hadn't known what she was like before and how relevant she used to be.
But going with that theory, that since he only wanted Marceline to be happy only makes sense to me for why Marshall and Gary immediately got together in the span of one day without any toxicity between them. Because this relationship could have been written within a passing period of time, or a mending relationship if they had known each other before like Marceline and Bubblegum did. Instead they hit it off immediately and are stuck together like glue, like they are the equivalent of a wholesome cafe romance fanfic.
I know the explanation of why everything is in the 20th century is because Simon doesn't have magic anymore, but I like to think it's because that is the time period he is most comfortable with and is used to after thousands of years being under controlled by the crown. Part of him wished it was the good ol' days, after all change is hard. But I like how a few parts of it were unnatural like how some of the character designs are a bit non-human or the questionable structure of the trees and buildings.
I'm sure there's more to say and maybe some contradictions in my thoughts like how it was Prismo's weird little world first and let death by the author happen with Simon/Ice King. But I've said what has been on my mind now and I'll let it be.
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pictures-i-like-of-fp 9 months
Fionna & Cake: Flame Prince(ss) Content Roundup:
Fionna & Cake just ended, and since I've obviously been keeping an eye out for a certain someone myself, I thought it would be nice to list out all the appearances/cameos that the two FPs get! With the story clearly not focused on either of them, they got to show up a surprising amount!
I'll put it under a Read More so as to avoid spoiling anyone.
Episode 1 - Flame Prince appears as DJ Flame in the intro. - In the same scene in the intro, you can see a large statue of Flame Princess behind the stage! You can tell it's her and not just Flame Prince because of the 5-pointed gem compared to Flame Prince's 4. - A box of what's seemingly his records and gifts that he got her are sitting outside Fionna's door, labelled "free stuff" :(
Episode 3 - A group of fire people are just sort of hanging out in a field. Two that I don't recognize, and the Lava Man from Incendium.
Episode 4 - Flame Prince and Fionna are shown at a candlelit dinner while Prismo's showing examples of how Fionna and Cake's world used to be.
Episode 10 - DJ Flame has a TON of background appearances, I don't think you could miss him if you tried! He has a lot of interactions with Fern too, and doesn't seem to be in the purely negative state that Finn and FP get into directly post-breakup. He's there cheering Fionna on! :)
So that's 3 Flame Prince appearances and 1 Flame Princess cameo, in a show where the plot had pretty much nothing to do with them. It makes me quite happy! :D
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