gollancz · 2 months
Vampires vs Werewolves, ft. Joe Hill, @victoriocity, Aliette de Bodard, Ben Aaronovitch, Oraine Johnson, Garth Nix, @sarah-hawley and @jonnywaistcoat prevaricating like he knows any answer will be used against him in the future.
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thenixkat · 2 months
Idk about anyone else but Chilchuck being accurately read as an empty nester rather than a deadbeat dad has a lot more potential. Cause generally empty nesters tend to find or end up with folks to parent or pets to fill the void of 'my kids don't need me anymore', 'the house is empty/too quiet', and such.
You could argue that the older man who started a union and is a union boss looking out for the other half-foots in the area might be subconsciously viewing folks as replacement kids.
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the-nerdy-fangirl · 1 year
Sorry Miguel, but “I took the place of a version of me that died to live the life I thought I deserved” is not equivalent to “I saved a few lives in another universe and would like for my dad to not die in mine please” Dawg.
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travalicious · 8 months
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Lirael by Tommy Arnold
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gizgibim · 1 year
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homkamiro · 6 months
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The winter is coming
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neotomiccccc · 11 days
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No Caption
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loveandthings11 · 3 months
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(So many good quotes in this one)
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Jeremy Strong for New York Times Magazine, 3/10/24
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staud · 5 months
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Yeah, all right. Well, you just get back here soon, Curt. | MOTA 1x02
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igorlevchenko-blog · 2 months
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Hunting portrait of a Hlaalu nobleman. Vicinity of Balmora. Left bank of Odai river. Sometime in 3E 420s.
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cleverenemytidalwave · 4 months
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lowpolyanimals · 10 months
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Nix-Hound from The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
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the-nerdy-fangirl · 2 years
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crazybirdrebel · 4 months
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gizgibim · 11 days
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a-hazbin-reader · 4 months
hey ! Loooove your x readers ! is there any chance I could request an alastor x fem reader who has nightmares ?? :o
Maybe she wakes up from nightmares repetitively, and one night just can’t stand laying awake staring at the ceiling of her room anymore , so she goes down to the lobby, and surprise, her crush alastor is sitting there reading in the semi-ish dark (with some jazz playing in the background on his staff ofc 🌚)
And maybe in his own twisted ways, comforts the reader (and maybe even reads her to sleep on the couch👀??)
Ugh, I gotta-
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: None, I think???
Description: ☝️⬆️
You awoke with a desperate cry, your body lurching forward in one last desperate attempt to escape your nightmare
You're frantically feeling yourself and the bedding around you, digging your nails into the blankets
It takes you a few moments to realize that you're safe in your bed and not stuck in your nightmare
There's tears in your eyes, and your entire body shakes as you try to reassure yourself that it was just a nightmare
Your past can't get you anymore
Your heart doesn't stop hammering in your chest no matter how hard you try to choke down your emotions
After laying in bed for awhile and failing to get back to sleep, you decide to get up and walk around the hotel
You're surprised when you get to the lobby to see someone else is awake and occupying the space
Less so surprised to see that it's Alastor awake, reading and listening to the radio in the dim light
He's totally relaxed, obviously enjoying his alone time-you don't want to intrude, you should head back to your room-
You barely make it another step before his eyes snap towards you from over his book, his relaxed smile turning into a coy grin
"Well well~ Couldn't sleep, my dear~?"
Even when you're reeling from your nightmares, his natural charm still makes you feel flustered, and your heart soaks up the attention
"Y-yeah...you could say that..."
Alastor seems to sense your unease and moves to make room on the couch next to him, a small cup of tea appearing in front of you
He doesn't comment on the blush on your face as you sit down next to him, feeling a small comfort in his warmth even with the space between you two
You're lost in thought, your nightmares replaying in your mind and making you tense when you suddenly hear Alastor speak
"A nightmare, was it? I wonder what about..."
You can't help but snap your head towards him, shocked that he read you so easily, you hadn't realized it was so obvious
"How did you know I had a nightmare?"
He hums playfully and looks at you with a knowing smile, obviously proud of himself
"Just a guess, but thank you for confirming it for me."
You can't help but roll your eyes and let out a less than ladylike snort, momentarily feeling better
He doesn't push for details and you don't give him anything more than that, the two of you falling into a comfortable silence
At some point, his arm ends up behind you, claws gently scratching the back of your neck in a way that has your entire body tingling deliciously
You don't know when your eyes close or how you end up curled against him, but you're too tired to feel embarrassed about it
You start to feel yourself falling back asleep and right back into your nightmare, forcing yourself to stay awake
Of course, you would go right back to that terror...why should you get any proper sleep?
Alastor immediately senses that you're fully awake again, able to hear your heart beating rapidly in fear, see the way you fight back tears
If he could frown then he would, why should you be afraid of anything when he's here to protect you?
Just when you go to push off him, Alastor pulls your head back to his shoulder. Not taking his eyes off of his book to save you both some dignity
You reluctantly wrap your arms around him, you tell yourself it's just because it's more comfortable that way, not because it's nice to cuddle him
He's reading to you, the sound of his voice, along with the close proximity to him making your head spin
How are you supposed to hide your feelings for him when he does stuff like this?
Luckily, your face is buried in his shoulder, so the only giveaway for your blushing would be the heat radiating from your face
You're not really even paying attention to what he's reading, slowly relaxing against him as your eyes flutter shut and you breathe in his scent
As you fall asleep, you miss the way Alastor's smile softens when he looks down at you, closing his book suddenly and resting his chin on your head
He has something much better to do with his time
He stays with you the rest of the night, soothing you while you sleep whenever you happen to whimper, cry, shake, or even frown
His hands gently stroke your cheek as he squeezes you in reassurance, doing his best not to wake you
"Hush now, my dear... You're in good hands, I won't let anything harm you."
Apparently, it works because you relax and sigh in relief each time, no longer trembling and mumbling to yourself
Part of him feels pity for you, having suffered so much that you can't even find peace in your dreams
Another part of him enjoys that he gets to be there for you right now, hoping that this will become something regular
The thought surprises him, but he likes it
You're still asleep by the time the others start waking up, Alastor pretending to be reading his book again
He shakes his head when Vaggie and Charlie move to take you to your room, worried about you waking up next to Alastor or unintentionally irritating him
They're baffled when Alastor simply puts a finger to his lips and holds you a little closer to him, using his staff to push them back
"She's had a rough night, it would do us well to let her sleep a little longer."
Nobody says anything but they all share glances that show they're thinking the same thing
W T F happened between you two last night
You're embarrassed when you wake up later, nearly falling off the couch in your haste to get away from Alastor
"Ah, you're finally awake~!"
You can feel how hot your cheeks are as you apologize to him over and over again, you're so mortified you could die
You don't let him get a word in as you back away from him, slowly walking backwards to the stairs
You've got one foot on the stairs before you suddenly hear Alastor's voice from behind you
"Do come find me again if those pesky nightmares persist, won't you?"
You look back at him in surprise, his gaze serious despite the teasing tone, you're too embarrassed to do anything more than nod
He watches you scramble up to your room with an amused expression, not wanting to admit to himself that he enjoyed being of use to you
Alastor hopes you have another nightmare soon, if only just so he can play the hero for you again
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