#//indulging myself ngl
phoenixspirits · 2 years
ROMAN RORY AU ( plotted with @faerietaled )
Rory is a bona fide roman centurion born in the year 77AD. 
Grandfather, a Gaul, gained his citizenship after serving in the auxiliaries. He served in the invasion of Britain and took a British wife. He was granted citizenship and land when he retired from the Legion.
Father born in 49AD, Gaius Villius Brennus. His father served briefly in the Legion before he was injured in the invasion of Wales somewhere around 72AD. He stayed in Glevum (Gloucester) where his legion was based, and had farmland and worked as an administrator in town after the Legion moved to Wales. Mother, Julia, was from a Roman family who had moved to England following her father/brother in the Legions. 
Rory was born in 77AD. Full name Aulus Villius Aureus, known to his family as Rory. Joined his father’s Legion aged 18. He gained the rank of Cohort Centurion due to bravery and victory in battle when he was 21 and continued to work slowly up the ranks of centurions. In 100AD he’s in charge of the Fifth Cohort.
in 102AD, the year of the Pandorica, Rory is the Centurion second-in-command of a small vexillatio based in Sorviodunum. Strange romans have been infiltrating his men and Rory feels like he’s the only one who has noticed these strange Legionaries appearing. 
One day a Roman officer arrives at the fort, accompanied by about fifty men. Rory is confused by his arrival because he doesn’t recognise his name, but he has all the correct papers etc. The next day, ‘Cleopatra’ arrives. Rory’s fairly certain that Cleopatra died years ago but the Commander is not suspicious at all. 
The Doctor and Amy arrive. They need help, and Rory is willing to help because he wants answers for these strange goings on, so he rounds up some volunteers from the Legionaries and leads them to Stonehenge. 
Like in canon, he saves Amy from the Cyberman
In opposition to canon, he also saves Amy from being killed by the plastic romans when they are activated, but in the process they get separated from the Doctor and Stonehenge. The Autons don’t die easily and there are other aliens hanging about so it takes weeks for them to fight their way back to the Doctor and the Pandorica and meet the version of the Doctor from the future, as in the episode. This gives them plenty of time to fall in love.
As Rory is not plastic and Amy is not dead, there’s no reason for anyone to stick around for two thousand years, so they just leave the Pandorica empty and travel back to the future with the Doctor. 
They save the universe much like canon. But when the universe is reset by the Big Bang II, Rory ends up back in 102AD where he should be. But because of his time displacement he still remembers what happened. He assumes it was a dream with no evidence of anything otherwise.
There’s no wedding going on in 2011 of course, but River still uses her diary to prompt Amy into remembering the Doctor (and Rory). She then encourages Amy and the Doctor to go back for Rory, and Rory starts travelling with them. 
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sanchoyoscribbles · 4 months
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bishōjo mahou shoujo kaiju (.❛ ᴗ ❛.)✨️✨️✨️
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eddiebabygirldiaz · 1 year
writing about buck cleaning eddie's gunshot wounds can actually be so personal
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dantelionwishes · 7 months
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🎏 was confident in his surprises but someone didnt wanna lose valentine's this year ! <- TRYING TO BE VERY NORMAL ABOUT HIS OWN POST
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megidoreyn · 10 months
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Drew the SMT4 Samurai Squad floating away on the twitter profile balloons to celebrate my birthday in September! 🎈🍰
💙twitter 💙misskey
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blackghostm2oart · 1 month
Brainrot so bad that got me designing a pin for my backpack.
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Have I reached the point of no return *wink wink* ?
Honestly idk if I have the balls to actually make it a pin, we’ll see.
(Also did add some “lashes” to the mask and that eyebrow to distinguish him from the musical Phantom, as I’m not directly drawing that version, or other versions, but Erik in general)
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vodid · 1 year
how many young teenage fans do u think rotb is gonna bring? bc with the personality, human interaction and smaller size of the tfs this time around, i feel like its just prime material for mary sue self-inserts and i am SO ready
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dandyshucks · 1 month
my brother got turned down by a girl he ... has been referring to as his gf the past two weeks (? idk what went on there lol) and after my brother left the house my mum was kind of chatting w me about how hard it must be for young ppl these days to meet ppl and find ppl to date, and I was just kind of sitting there idly nodding along and wondering if she's ever thought about the fact that I've never been in a relationship before but all my siblings have 😭😭 two of them are in relationships rn and have been for over a year, and then this other sibling got dumped(?), and I'm over here like... 🧍 happily holding hands with fictional character....
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littlelykan · 4 months
I did a lot this May! I finished up this semester of college with good grades and I took my first ever trip out of the country despite my fear of airplanes!! I'm really proud of myself :) as a reward, I bought myself a new plushie! I'm so excited for them to arrive C:
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botnasty · 5 months
Is it me or is celebrity worship kinda over now?
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entirelysein-e · 3 months
It makes me so happy that the Choso piece gets all the positive feedback 🥹
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astramachina · 11 months
If any of you get a follow from a cringefail blog, don't worry about it. That's just me blogging from whatever the internet equivalent of a vacation home is.
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catgirltiddie · 1 year
wanna have the kinkiest and nastiest sex but then have the sweetest cuddles & everything afterwards
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ego--x · 2 years
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Vampire followers and moots sound off
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jinmukangwrites · 1 year
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Plastering paper string and tacks to my walls
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meatchamber · 6 months
oh i am going through my old liked songs and got the worst/best idea for a satosugu fic (gotta fuck up that wet cat satoru gojo)
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