#//my dad and i sued to listen to weird al in his car all the time
piers-official · 1 year
As I walk through the valley where I harvest my grain
I take a look at my wife and realize she's very plain
But that's just perfect for an Amish like me
You know, I shun fancy things like electricity
At 4:30 in the morning, I'm milkin' cows
Jebediah feeds the chickens and Jacob plows, fool
And I've been milkin' and plowin' so long that
Even Ezekiel thinks that my mind is gone
I'm a man of the land, I'm into discipline
Got a Bible in my hand and a beard on my chin
But if I finish all of my chores, and you finish thine
Then tonight, we're gonna party like it's 1699
🎶We been spendin' most our lives Livin' in an Amish paradise
I churned butter once or twice Livin' in an Amish paradise
It's hard work and sacrifice Livin' in an Amish paradise
We sell quilts at discount price Livin' in an Amish paradise!!🎶
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Creating life. // dad!Joe Mazzello. Part 1 (?)
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AN. Hey there!!!! So I wrote this, that is sad, angst, fluff and ecouraging at the same time. And it may or may not have a second part (depends on how much you like it). Remember you have the REQUEST OPEN (please send some I’M BORED), and the spanish version is after the english one. Let me know what you think of this :) The tag list is also open.
Summary. (Y/N) and Joe want to start a family.
Words. 1k.
Warnings: pregnancy, hospitals, blood.
You had been trying for five months, since the day after the wedding. You both knew that there were people that got it on the first try, and there were others that had to wait years. Someway, you were in between.
"Who is going to look at it first? You or me?" Joe asked. "What about both at the same time?" you responded, hesitant. "How long do we have?" you look at your phone. "Two minutes" Joe took your hand. You were sitting on the couch, in that awesome house that you shared. "Joe, I don't want you to get disappointed if it's negative, it's normal. There are couples who try for years." Joe looked at you, appreciating the attempt of making him calm. "I know, honey, but I want it so bad."
It was true, you wanted it, but Joe was nuts about it. He counted the days of your menstrual cycle,he had like ten apps of pregnancy search, he loved kids and the idea of creating them with you. Suddenly the music that said that the two minutes were over started playing. You looked at each other. You took the pregnancy test without looking at it "Wait. I wanna hug you first." you surrounded him with your small arms comparing to his. You separated and said. "At the count of three: one, two and three."
The next thing you heard was Joe welling "It's positive, we are gonna be parents."
Two and a half months after you were approaching the end of the first trimester of pregnancy and because of you being so skinny, a little bump was starting to show up. You heard the door of your house while you were cooking dinner. "Honey, I'm home." Joe shouted "We're here, in the kitchen."  your husband entered and kissed you, then he got on his knees and lifted your sweater "Good afternoon to the both of you. How are you feeling today?" you smiled. "Good, a bit weird, and my back hurts, but good."
You two had dinner, saw an episode of that tv show that was starting and went to bed "Good night, Joe" Joe approached to your tummy "Good night, alien. Good night, (Y/N)." he approached you to his chest. You woke up three hours later, the weird feeling you had all day was bigger. You went to the bathroom, when you turned on the light and saw your reflexion in the mirror your eyes started filling up with tears. You went back to the room running.
"Joe... Joe wake up" you shook the shoulder of the love of your life, that woke up startled, especially when he saw the tears on your cheeks. "Love, what happens?" he turned on the light. "I went to the bathroom and... there's a lot of blood, Joe." Joe looked at your pants, which had a very big stain of blood. "Okey, okey, keep calm, it's fine. Change your clothes while I dress and take the doctor papers."
The common sense of the relationship had been a weight that you had been wearing with happiness, being "the coherent one". But the pregnancy made you very sensitive and Joe knew that.
You did what Joe said, and ten minutes after, you were in your car going to the hospital. You looked out of the window, your eyes filled up with tears. Joe took your hand. "Don't worry, we've read that sometimes happens and it's not bad." you nodded "I don't want to disappoint you." Joe holded your hand tighter "You wouldn't disappoint me even if you tried, I'm so proud of you." you smiled at him between tears "I love you, Joe." you got to the hospital entry "And I love you, babe." Joe got down the car before you and opened your door to find you in pain, with a hand on your tummy. "Where does it hurt?" you tried to take some air and get down the car. "In the uterus, like a really bad period." you looked at Joe's face, he was really scared. But he was fighting a lot to not look like it. He helped you going out the car and walk to the hospital door. Once inside he helped you to get to one of the chairs and went to the counter with the papers of the baby.
It didn't took long to a doctor to come and get you on a wheelchair. "You can't be in the next tests, we will tell you to come in in half an hour, more or less." Joe nodded and kissed your forehead. While five doctors surrounded you, Joe was alone, crying out all the tension of the last two hours. Half an hour later they called him in, they were going to do an ultrasound and the father of the kid could watch it. When Joe came in he got to your side. "How are you?" you stroked his face, with that three or four days beard. You could perfectly tell that he had cried a lot "A bit sleepy by the sedative they gave me, but I'm better now that you are here." Joe kissed you while the gynecologist put the ultrasound gel on your belly. Your uterus appeared on the screen, the embryo was there like the last time, but something was missing, that heart movement that gave you so much hope. "Mrs. (Y/LN) - Mazzello, I'm sorry to tell you that you had a miscarriage." you felt your eyes filled up with tears again. "The embryo is very little, so you will expel it without any meds. But if you feel really bad, you should visit a psychologist." you nodded, hearing Joe say "Thank you very much, doctor." he left the room, giving you both some time alone. Joe hugged you, making some room to cry on the gap of your neck. You both cried, and said nothing. After a while Joe said, "Let's go home, love." And you did, during the ride home no one said anything. No one said anything when you went to bed. And no one said anything before getting some sleep, even though neither of you could close your eyes.
You couldn't bear being more time on bed without having any sleep, so you went to the kitchen to make tea. Half an hour later, when you were sitting in a chair, looking through the window, Joe got to the lounge. "Do you wanna talk about what happened?" you stood up, nodding and sat down on the couch, he did the same thing. "I'm sorry" you said, Joe looked at you with a strange look on his face. "Why? This is not your fault." you sighed. "I know, but you wanted this so bad, and you were going to be such a good dad..." Joe holded your hand, stroking your knuckles. "And we will, (Y/N), I wanna keep trying if you want to. This happens to a lot of people the first time. I love you and I want you to be the mother our kids." you looked at him, with dreamy eyes. "And what if my body can handle a pregnancy?" Joe touched your face. "I don't think that is what happened, and if it is, well, there's a lot of kids out there waiting to be adopted. But I'm sure we will create another life."
And you did, a year later you both were with your gynecologist listening to the heartbeat of a new life. "I told you, I told you we could create another life." Joe said, with tears running down his cheeks.
Lo habíais estado intentando cinco meses, prácticamente a partir del día siguiente de la boda. Ambos sabíais que igual que había gente que tardaba un mes, otros tardaban años. De alguna forma, vosotros estabais entre medias.
"¿Quién lo mira? ¿Tú o yo?" te preguntó Joe. "¿Los dos a la vez?" respondiste tú dubitativa. "¿Cuánto le quedan?" miraste el cronómetro de tú móvil "Dos minutos." Joe te dio la mano. Ambos estabais sentados en el sofá de aquella maravillosa casa que compartíais. "Joe, no quiero que te desanimes si el resultado es negativo, es normal. Las parejas tardan más." Joe te miró, agradeciendo el intento de tranquilizarle. "Lo sé, cariño, pero tengo muchas ganas"
Era cierto, tú tenías ganas, pero Joe estaba como loco. Contaba los días del ciclo, llevaba instaladas como 10 aplicaciones de búsqueda de embarazo, le encantaban los niños, y la idea de crearlos junto a ti. De repente sonó la música que indicaba que los minutos de espera habían terminado. Ambos os mirasteis. Cogiste el test de embarazo sin mirarlo "Espera. Quiero abrazarte primero." le rodeaste con tus pequeños brazos en comparación con los suyos. Os separasteis y dijiste: "A la de tres: una, dos y tres."
Lo próximo que oíste fue a Joe gritar "Es positivo, vamos a ser padres."
Y así habían pasado dos meses y medio, acercándote al final del primer trimestre de embarazo y a causa de tu complexión flaca, ya iba asomando una pequeña tripa. Oíste la puerta de casa mientras cocinabas. "Cariño, estoy en casa." oíste a Joe. "Estamos en la cocina." tú marido entró y te dio un beso, después se arrodilló y levantó su jersey "Buenas tardes, a los dos. ¿Qué tal te encuentras?" tu sonreíste. "Bien, un poco rara, y me duele la espalda. Pero bien."
Cenasteis, visteis un capítulo de la serie que estabais empezando en ese momento y os metiste en la cama, "Buenas noches, Joe." Joe se acercó a tú tripa "Buenas noches, alien. Buenas noches (Y/N)" dijo acercándose sobre tú pecho. Te despertarte tres horas después, el sentimiento extraño que habías sentido durante todo el día se había hecho más presente. Te levantaste al baño, cuando encendiste la luz y viste tu reflejo en el espejo se te llenaron los ojos de lágrimas. Volviste corriendo a la habitación.
"Joe... Joe despierta" sacudiste al amor de tú vida, que se despertó sobresaltado, sobre todo al ver las lágrimas en tu cara. "Cariño ¿Qué pasa?" dijo encendiendo la luz "He ido al baño y... Y hay mucha sangre Joe..." Joe miró a tus pantalones, que efectivamente tenían una importante mancha de sangre. "Vale, vale, tranquila, no pasa nada. Cámbiate mientras me pongo algo de ropa y cojo los papeles del médico."
La cordura en la relación había sido un peso que tú llevabas con alegría, siendo la "coherente". Pero el embarazo te hacía muy sensible y Joe lo sabía.
Hiciste lo que Joe había dicho, y diez minutos después salíais del garaje en dirección del hospital. Tú mirabas por la ventana, los ojos llenos de lágrimas. Joe te cogió la mano "No te preocupes, hemos leído que a veces pasa y no tiene porqué ser malo." tú asentiste "No quiero decepcionarte." Joe te apretó la mano "No lo harías ni aunque lo intentaras, estoy muy orgulloso de ti." le miraste, sonriendo entre lágrimas "Te quiero, Joe." llegasteis a la entrada del hospital "Y yo a ti, nena." Joe se bajó antes que tú, cuando abrió la puerta te encontró con cara de dolor, y una mano en la tripa "¿Dónde te duele?" tú intentaste coger aire para salir "En el útero, como si fuera una menstruación muy mala" viste la cara de Joe, de verdad tenía miedo. Pero se estaba esforzando mucho para que no lo notaras. Te ayudó a salir del coche y a andar hasta la puerta del hospital. Una vez dentro te sentó en una de las sillas y fue al mostrador con la carpeta de papeles en mano.
No tardaron en venir a por ti y llevarte en una silla de ruedas. "En las próximas pruebas no va a poder entrar, le avisaremos en media hora." Joe asintió y te dio un beso en la cabeza. Mientras cinco médicos te rodeaban, Joe se quedó solo, expulsando por fin la tensión de las dos últimas horas llorando. Media hora después le avisaron, iban a hacerte una ecografía, y el padre de la criatura podía verla. Cuando llegó Joe se acercó a tú lado. "¿Qué tal estás?" le acariciaste la cara, con barba de tres o cuatro días, podías ver perfectamente que había llorado mucho. "Un poco dormida por los calmantes que me han dado, pero mejor ahora que estás tú aquí." Joe te besó, mientras el ginecólogo te ponía el gel para la ecografía. Tú útero apareció en la pantalla, el embrión estaba ahí como las últimas veces, pero faltaba algo, ese movimiento de corazón que tanta esperanza te había dado. "Señora (Y/LN) - Mazzello, me temo que ha tenido un aborto espontáneo." volviste a sentir tus ojos llenos de lágrimas. "Cómo el embrión es pequeño, podrá expulsarlo sin ayuda de un medicamento. Pero si se siente muy mal, es recomendable visitar a un psicólogo." tú asentiste, oyendo a Joe por detrás decir "Muchas gracias, doctor." este se levantó y se fue de la sala, diciendo que os dejaba un rato solos. Joe te abrazó, haciéndose un hueco en tu cuello. Ambos llorasteis, no dijisteis nada. Después de un rato Joe dijo "Vámonos a casa, mi amor." Y así fue, durante el viaje en coche nadie dijo nada. Nadie dijo nada cuando volvisteis a meteros en la cama. Y nadie dijo nada antes de dormir, aunque ninguno de los dos erais capaces de cerrar los ojos.
Tú no soportaste estar más tiempo en la cama sin dormir, así que fuiste a la cocina a hacer té. Media hora después, cuando tú estabas en una silla, mirando por la ventana, Joe entró en el salón. "¿Quieres hablar de lo que ha pasado?" tú te levantaste, asintiendo y sentándote en el sofá, él hizo lo mismo. "Lo siento." dijiste, Joe te miró extrañado "¿Por qué? Esto no es tú culpa." tú suspiraste "Lo se, pero lo querías tanto, e ibas a ser tan buen padre..." Joe te dio la mano, masajeando tus nudillos. "Lo seremos, (Y/N), yo quiero seguir intentándolo si tú quieres. A mucha gente le pasa esto la primera vez. Te quiero y quiero que seas la madre de nuestros hijos." le miraste, con ojos soñadores. "¿Y si resulta que mi cuerpo no puede soportar un embarazo?" Joe te acarició la cara. "No creo que sea eso, y si lo es, bueno, hay muchos niños ahí fuera esperando a ser adoptados. Pero estoy seguro de que volveremos a crear una vida."
Y así fue, un año después estabais escuchando en la consulta del ginecólogo el corazón de una nueva vida. "Te lo dije, te dije que volveríamos a crear una vida." dijo Joe, con lágrimas cayendo por sus mejillas.
Tag list: @almurg
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