#/j but yeah artists do get notifs as far as I know
kindaeccentric · 2 years
New playlist y'all, for when character A and B are best friends, but A is in love, and they become lovers or almost lovers for a while before B breaks A's heart and there is anger and disappointment and with time friendship again and love again, because B is so lovable and A is a hopeless romantic
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strooodl · 3 years
You are doing absolutely AMAZING and you deserve all the positive fedback you’re getting on your work!!
Legit like I get excited whenever I see you’ve written a new fic cuz I already know Im in for something great. I WILL STAY UP TO FINISH IT SNNSJS Also on top of that, you write so well that my standards for fanfics are too high now. How dare you do this to me /j /lh
👏Trust 👏in 👏your 👏skills👏 as 👏a 👏writer👏
Anyone who makes you feel otherwise I will personally drop kick myself. YAY SUPPORT!!
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AAAAAAAAA bee tysm i- /pos :) it really means a lot to me hearing what other people have to say 
also i wont ignore that you’re cool and fun and also wtf really talented urself,, like i remember seeing you in my tumblr notifs (keep in mind that i’m still a super duper tiny account so it was weird seeing someone making contact with me especially after my experiences with twt where you can have 500+ followers and still practically get ignored) and squinting and wondering where i’d seen the name before because i dont ever pay attention to urls and had only occasionally seen your art on twt since getting into amphibia (and apparently?? i liked your art when i was getting into the owl house?? i cant remember what it was but my sister said i was like super obsessed with these one or two artworks you did a while ago but i cant remember for the life of me) and your style is just so,, sof and sweet and i love how you draw marcy with like swooshy hair. 
also that one drawing you did of marcy and anne and frobo literally means so much to me you have No Idea. i told my sister abt you because well you were like one of the first accounts to actually like talk to me and we laughed  a few weeks later (not like a mean way like just in the manner of “wth raye you ignored ur favourite artist because you recognize them” way) when i showed them some of your art sbdnsbjdk
but yeah you are so Cool and Supportive and like by far one of my favourite Internet People and I am So Lucky to get to talk to you sometimes
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hetmusic · 8 years
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HumanHuman meets BBC’s Alex Rogers
As one of our newer influencers, we wanted to get to know radio all-rounder Alex Rogers, who feeds a passion for new music into his roles at BBC Introducing Kent, Roundhouse Radio and BBC Radio 1. He’s been an active part of the HumanHuman community for just three months, but he’s already used the music discovery platform to find some of the most promising new artists for radio play.
We caught up on the last day of The Great Escape under to bright lights of Komedia’s impressive entrance to talk about how radio is changing, why he loves HumanHuman so much and the key piece of advice he has for anyone thinking of entering the music industry.
For the HumanHuman community, tell me who are you and what do you do?
I'm Alex Rogers and I work in radio: I do social media for BBC Introducing in Kent, every Saturday with Abbie McCarthy and Harrison Stock. I also present on Roundhouse Radio and work at BBC Radio 1. For Radio 1, I work predominantly on the weekend shows, so Alice Levine, Dev, Matt Edmondson, Danny Howard. A few of the evening shows as well, like Friction and a little bit of Phil Taggart. I also do stuff for Annie Mac as well, so on Wednesday we did New Names, which was Weirdo! From my point of view, HumanHuman has been so big in Weirdo’s rise to Radio 1.
Oh really?
Yeah, because I spotted him on HumanHuman and thought “this is really good!” The tip from Going Solo for Weirdo on HumanHuman was why he got played on Radio 1. To see “Armanio” being played on New Names was really cool. I thought I would tell you that!
“The tip from Going Solo for Weirdo on HumanHuman was why he got played on Radio 1.”— Alex Rogers
That’s amazing! You certainly have a lot going on, but what was your very first job in music?
My very first job was… does student radio count?!
Yeah, it counts!
Well, I live in a really tiny place outside London, so when I moved to university, I was really keen to get into music and go to lots of gigs, because I’d been listening to radio and looking at blogs. My first job would technically be as a radio producer and Head of Music at the student radio in Southampton. Let me think of some highlights… oh, interviewed Pixie Lott, which was well weird! I also interviewed Lucy Rose, she’s really cool. Student radio is a really nice way to enter the industry and you get to find so much new music, because university students listen to much more of a variety of music. Southampton was also really good for having Bestival nearby on the Isle of Wight, and I cannot express how grateful I was for having a festival where I could be home in my own bed and with my own shower.
This is me with Dot to Dot in Manchester!
Oh, it’s so good!
You’ve been in radio for a whole then, so what do you think is the most significant change to radio in recent years?
I was actually thinking about this on the way over, that in the last few months to a year the music industry seems to have so got much better at making good music and putting it out there. It seems like we’re in a time now where years of work trying to make the music industry more appealing is now coming to the surface. There’s loads of developments, like streaming. It’s really kept everyone on their toes. Apple Music is competing with Spotify, and that’s keeping iTunes on its toes. Radio 1 is just getting stronger and stronger, because it’s really working on schedule changes and playlists at the moment, but really, that’s thematic rather than wanting a change. Since last year we’ve seen all these digital platforms get so much better and the listening experience has gotten better too. Radio 1 also does album listening parties, which are really cool. The Radiohead one was good and the Beyoncé’s Lemonade one with Sam Wolfson from Noisey was really, really good.
“It seems like we’re in a time now where years of work trying to make the music industry more appealing is now coming to the surface.”— Alex Rogers
That’s the first time I’m hearing of these parties, but that’s really cool!
Yeah, but the reason I’m saying that this is my favourite change is because I just love the fact that a couple of weeks ago we had all these albums dropping! It just feels like the industry has been revitalized. We had all these deservedly big releases - Radiohead, James Blake, Drake, Rihanna, Beyoncé, Kanye.
Speaking of revitalization, there’s recently been a huge influx of internet radio stations, what do you think about the music industry’s move to the online world?
I guess online radio has always been around, it’s always done great stuff, it’s just never had a big audience. It almost goes hand-in-hand with the rise of podcasts. It’s cool because they offer different stuff and it’s nice being able to listen to someone talking on the internet from their bedroom in Spain for example. You can always discover new music that way.
And a station like Radio 1 has made strides into the online world, is that to make everything more available and to compete?
Yeah, I guess the move to the Internet was always going to happen. There’s always been an evolution with format, so cassettes were taken over by CDs and they were taken over by MP3s. I personally think that it’s okay as long as radio stations are chill about it and recognise that the days are gone when people used to tune in to hear individual songs. When I was nine, I used to tune in to Chris Moyles and try to rip Jamiroquai songs from the radio - no idea why! [laughs] That doesn’t happen anymore. There’s nothing really dangerous about the move, and radio is still getting the interviews, the personalities, the passion, the curation that comes from experts. Then on the other side, there’s nothing more irritating than not being able to get a track if you really want to, so it’s a nice balance now. I know lots of people who like exclusivity on air, but for me, if you hear Annie Mac on Radio 1 play a song, then you can go buy it and stream it, but you’ll come back to radio when you’re bored of that song. Radio drives people to go and find songs elsewhere, but they come back for more. The Head of Music at Radio 1, Chris Price, did a presentation (Listomania: Justin Bieber and the Self-Perpetuating Upward Spiral) recently on streams vs. radio and he had a nice analogy with some graphics of Justin Bieber and one of his songs showing that when it went on Spotify on the first day it got 100,000 streams, then on the second day it’s on radio and that creates ten million impacts. It bubbles up and up on radio, but the streams only go up to two to five thousand, so he called it “mountains versus streams” and the two go hand-in-hand.
That’s really interesting to hear that radio and digital platforms are working together now. Of course, HumanHuman is an online community, so when did you first hear about it?
I’d seen it pop up quite a lot with artists, and suddenly towards the end of last year it was coming up all the time! There were all these people getting involved and finding these bands that were really good. This comes back to what I was saying about radio, when you hear something that you really like, you try to find something else about the artist - where are they playing? who they are? what are they doing? and HumanHuman was there. The first article I read ‘Women in the Music Industry’ really drew me in and I signed up straight away! Then I looked through the top ten Promising Artist when I was on a music binge and it was like Lupa J, IDER, Weirdo. Then I did some digging and found people that I was really new to, like Elle Watson was huge on HumanHuman even though she only had one song out. I saw that and was like “hang on, this is a really cool site to be on!” I even have notifications set for when you tweet, so I can see when something is Promising.
You’re obviously getting really excited about these small bands and artists, so are there any artists that you wished you had been the first to discover on HumanHuman?
It’s probably not one I would choose, but I would love to say to someone that I had discovered Let's Eat Grandma, because that would be a bonkers claim to fame! I also think Day Wave, Bayonne, Estrons, Tom Misch.
I saw Tom Misch yesterday, did you?
Yeah, he was so good!
He was bringing everyone out last night, like here’s Carmody, here’s Loyle Carner, here’s my sister!
Yeah! I always like to think of music in terms of little ecospheres where one person comes through and brings others with them. For example, Bombay Bicycle Club brought through Lucy Rose, Rae Morris, Liz Lawrence, Toothless, whatever Jack Steadman is doing, The Half Earth, Cash + David. Then there’s the Tom Misch ecosphere coming through. In the last few months, Bayonne’s “Spectrolite” and the new D.D Dumbo song have been the two biggest songs in my brain, so to discoverer one of those two would have been cool. Hopefully, both of those artists will go really far, because those songs are really emotive and fire off the joy chemicals!
I was about to ask you why people love discovering new talents so much, but maybe it is the joy chemicals?
I think that one half of it is that you want to show off to your mates, but the other half is that there is something interesting in joining the journey of artists. It’s just really cool finding someone when they’ve only got one song and watching them grow with EPs and albums until they’re at a stage where they’re really, really big. That’s why new music is great, because you can watch Ed Sheeran play Wembley, but everyone knows that it would have been cooler to watch him play in Norwich or wherever. For example, I’ve seen Lucy Rose play festival stages and big gigs, but I saw her play The Bandstand at Bestival one week after “Middle of the Bed” came out, and that was really special.
Oh, wow! You’ve mentioned festivals already and clearly we’re at The Great Escape, but do you think that festivals still have the prominence in the music industry that they used to have?
It’s a tricky one, because I think I’m not in the best position to answer that because I’m not the people booking the festivals. However, I think that on the journey that artists take they’re always looking for names to attribute themselves to, so they’ll go on tour with a bigger band for example. I think festivals are great for artists, especially if they can get on the bigger ones. The BBC Introducing stage at Glastonbury is quite cool for getting artists that would never have dreamed that they’d be able to play there. It depends what type of festival it is, because there might be people going with their mates to watch one person and get drunk or people who say “why would I go to Glastonbury when I could watch it on TV?” or “why would I got see The Killers at Bestival when I can watch them on YouTube?” That goes against everything we said earlier about streaming! I think festivals are great, but we have to encourage more people to go to them.
Is there a festival that’s always on your calendar?
Ever since I crossed the threshold between going to places like Reading Festival and going to festivals to scout stuff out, the big ones have been The Great Escape, LeeFest and Bestival. I know I mentioned that one quite a lot, but I’ve managed to convince myself that it’s a really good festival, you get really nice vibes and the last sunny weekend of the year. There’s also a costume day on the Saturday, and one year it was band themed and some people went as Noah and the Whale. There was ten of them inside this cardboard whale with water guns firing out and some guy dressed as Noah! Friendly Fire were also DJing the Wagamama stage, which was like a pop-up restaurant so people were sat around tables eating noodles and listening to a Friendly Fires DJ set. I think experiences like that are what make festivals so great. The festivals that stand out for me are the ones that have these weird things on the side, because you can’t keep throwing money at headliners.
Well, since we’re at The Great Escape, I have to ask do you have a must-see act?
Formation were great yesterday actually! I really want to see Estrons, Day Wave and Ekkah, they’re like my guilty pleasure because they’re so poppy and disco-y. Fenne Lily, Tusks, Amber Arcades and Skies were all great. I was at a Spotlight Show on Thursday for Oh Wonder, Mura Masa and Shura where I heard Shura’s album, which was really good. If I had to choose a highlight though, that would be Formation! Although I think the industry highlight for this festival would be Nimmo, the whole of Komedia were talking about Nimmo and Years and Years in the same sentence.
Awesome! So, I have one last question for you and it’s a return to radio, for anyone who is considering getting into radio, what piece of advice would you have for them?
The key piece of advice I’d give to anyone across the radio and music industry is that the difference between you and your heroes is so insignificant. If you’re in a band and you’re watching Temper Trap, for example, the difference between you and them is so small but looks massive. If you put the hard work in, you could be in the same place as them. In terms of radio, the difference between a friend being on a student station and Annie Mac is just hard work! We keep talking about the digital age that we live in, and it’s really easy to make your own podcasts or to try out student radio, community radio, hospital radio. For example, Greg James and Scott Mills both got their first break with hospital radio. The whole of radio and writing is just about communicating ideas and passion, and there’s nothing to stop you from starting your own blog or podcasts. If you’re the person in your school that talks about music and tips it to other people, then the difference between what you’re doing and what Annie Mac is doing on Radio 1 isn’t all that much. When you boil it down to basics - you’re out there, you’re passionate about music, you’re finding stuff and you’re reporting back to your mates, the difference is that Annie Mac’s mates are ten million people and yours might be four people. If you keep at it and it’s what you really want then you’ll get there. Yeah, it’s difficult, but if it was really easy then you probably wouldn’t want to do it.
“The key piece of advice I’d give to anyone across the radio and music industry is that the difference between you and your heroes is so insignificant.”— Alex Rogers
0 notes
fanficcollection · 7 years
Tumblr-Girl (Part 2)
Tumblr – Girl (Series)
Part 1 Part 3 Masterlist 
Pairing: Misha Collins x reader Summary: the day after the first conversation Word Count: 1.913 Warnings: panic attack, angst, depression, mental illness, self doubt
Notes: it is my first ever fanfic and I am not a English native speaker so please don’t hate me, I hope you like the idea, there at least some more parts to come. :)  IMPORTANT: I’m looking for someone like a beta-reader (since I’m not an English-native-speaker there are (probably) loads of mistakes in my texts as well as some ideas seem better in my mind than in the text, so you know what a beta-reader does, don’t you? Just shoot me a message if you want to help me with my texts 
Now enjoy the second chapter ;)
Your POV
The next day you woke up, your body in pain and extremely tired, you swore you would never again trust a single human being who wants to help and certainly not some guy on tumblr. Yesterday you thought this guy really cared, that you have finally found someone to get this weight from your shoulders, but as everyone else he just let you down. Just wanted to play a knight until he read this few lines and recognized your unappealing character, until the game got boring, as it always does when you were involved. 
You decided to get a long, hot shower to please your body and after that you checked the cuts on your wrist, they weren’t very deep, it would just take a few days for them to heal, they probably wouldn’t even leave scars. Good. You hated the scars on your wrist, where too many people could see them, there were a lot more scars above your elbow and on your tights because hiding them there was a lot easier. You just cut on your wrist when you didn’t really think about what you did. When you just urged to feel your body, when your mind completely shuts down.
You put on your favourite hoodie and some jogging pants and thought about checking your tumblr inbox. No. You just promised yourself not to do this again, maybe you should just delete that app from your mobile phone. But you couldn’t get yourself to do it, not yet, so you just went to your phone settings and switched off the tumblr-notifications. You don’t want to hear anything of that guy anymore, you thought.
Mishas POV
As I woke up in the morning I wasn’t as tired as I thought I would be, I looked at the time and jumped out of my bed shocked. Shit. It was nearly 10, filming started at quarter to 10. I put on a pair of comfortable jeans and a simple T-shirt, then I rushed to the bathroom, brushed my teeth while fixing my messy hair. Why wasn’t there any alarm? Oh, my mobile was still off because of the lack of battery. Shit. In my car I plugged in the portable charger and instantly messages came in. I quickly looked at it and hoped for a message of the tumblr-girl from the night before but as I unlocked the screen there were just seven texts and two missed calls from Jensen.
Morning, I’m going a bit earlier today, want me to pick you up? -Jensen
I’m leaving in 10, if you want me to pick you up, tell me. –Jensen
Okay, I’m leaving now. I guess I’ll see you on set in 30 minutes. – J
Where are you, buddy? Late night yesterday? ;)
Hey Misha, where are you? They are looking for you, shooting starts in 20
Mish, where are you? Forgot your job, huh?
I shook my head. Shit. They are gonna hate me. I quickly wrote a text to Jensen
Hey buddy, I overslept, I’m sorry will be there asap – Misha
I got on set just 20 minutes later, although everyone was ready and waiting for me, I was a bit embarrassed and tried to get ready very quickly so we could start filming. When I sat down at the make-up table, Sarah, the make-up artist looked at me shocked. “Is something wrong?” I asked her confused. She stared at me and pointed at my eyes “Did you stayed up the whole night?” she asked blankly. I looked at me in the mirror and recognized the dark shadows below my eyes. “I’m sorry.” I said “but you can fix this, can’t you?” I replied with a little smile. She sighed “It will be a lot of work, but I think I can.” I nodded and let her start applying loads of make-up to my face.
I was tired the whole day, every now and then my mind went off to the tumblr-girl which hasn’t responded since last night. I was messing up constantly and at some point Jensen talked to the director to get some time for a break. Then he came back and looked at me “Everything okay, buddy?” he asked and I nodded instantly “It’s just because you are absent the whole time, what’s going on?” he kept going. I sighed quietly, not sure if I should tell him about the situation going on but then you nodded “See, I was on tumblr yesterday-“ – “What?” he stared at my perplexed “You were on tumblr? What did you do, read fanfictions about us?” he laughed, but as he saw my concerned face he got serious again and just said “go on.”
“Yeah, I just like to see what people are doing to each other, there are incredible supporting and helpful people out there. I really love to see how they are a family just as we are.” I smiled but then I got back to the subject “but yesterday I met this girl on tumblr, she sounded really desperate and more or less asked the community for support.” I looked at him and he nodded slowly and I kept going. “I- I don’t know, there was nobody responding so I just shot her a message with some nice lines, you know. I couldn’t just sit there and do nothing.” I looked at my feet “She responded somewhere in the middle of the night, I was still awake, maybe because I was a bit worried about her, she sounded desperate, like she had nobody to talk, we wrote a short time, maybe two or three messages and then my phone battery went out, I had to look for my charger but didn’t find it so some minutes passed and when I finally sent her a message from my laptop she didn’t respond. I heard nothing from her since then. I- I’m just worried, Jensen.” I finished.
Jensen nodded again and gave me a gentle hug. “I understand.” He smiled “You are simply too precious for this world, buddy, but I understand. I hope she is responding soon, maybe she is just as tired as you are and overslept as well, or she needs just a little time, I’m sure she is okay.” He patted my shoulder and I gave him a weak smile. “I hope so.” I said “Okay, let’s get back to work and wrap the thing for today.”
Your POV
Since you had your day off every Friday you had no duties to do today, you just stayed at home and listened to some music, did your laundry, tried to keep yourself busy. But you couldn’t forget about this guy. Every now and then you started crying, your head felt like it would burst any second and you just couldn’t anymore. You thought a long time about killing yourself, you wouldn’t be a burden for anybody anymore, but you couldn’t get yourself to do it. Instead you took a pill against your headache and grabbed the bottle of white wine from the fridge. Of course you knew that medication and alcohol weren’t a good combination, but who cares, if you die you die. At least it would be over then. So you sipped at the bottle turned on the TV and started watching Supernatural, again.
Short time later the warm feeling of the alcohol in your blood helped you to relax a bit, you got more emotional and you started crying at some points of the TV-show. You really loved the characters, you loved the connection between the brothers and between Dean and Cass, how they did everything for another and you were sad that you had no friend, no family, to rely on just as they do.
When your thoughts beat you up again and you forced yourself to breathe slowly, when you tried to calm yourself down you took your mobile and opened the tumblr app without thinking. Your eyes focussed immediately on the little symbol above the inbox-sign. Two new messages. You were shivering as you opened your inbox and the chat with oldbonesgoingdown, you read the message, which arrived maybe half an hour after your message yesterday, when you were too freaked out to watch your phone.
“Don’t think like that, Y/N. I don’t know you that well (now), but I think you are an interesting person, you seem like there are a lot of interesting things to know about you and I would like to get to know them all. 
Oh my dear, I hope you are better now, I feel with you, I know this feeling when your head puts up some cruel ideas and you can’t do anything but believing it, I really know it, but it will pass, at least for a while. And remember, I am here, girl, I am.
Love, oldbonesgoingdown
PS.: And I don’t think Y/N is an normal, boring name, like you said, I think it sounds very light, adorable and lovely, I don’t know anybody who is called Y/N. I really like the sound of it. 
You had to read the message multiple times, tears rushing down your face, struggling for air, but then a soft smile reached your face. When you scrolled down to the second message, also from oldbonesgoingdown the smile vanished as fast as it appeared.
Hey Y/N,
I haven’t heard from you all day, so I decided to ask once again if you are okay. I hope I said nothing that could have intimidated you, if I did, I’m so sorry. I just need to know how you are doing.
Please, just shoot me a short message.
Love, oldbonesgoingdown
Ps. If I said something that annoyed you, or if you just want me to stop messaging, just say it, I don’t want to force you to anything, I just care about you.
There once was a person who cared and you managed to disappoint him in under a day, you aren’t worth getting the care of a person as nice as this guy seemed. In spite of you knowing you weren’t worth his attention you wrote a short message, to tell him you were still alive, because you couldn’t do the favour to the world and kill yourself.
Hey stranger – I still just know your tumblr-id?
I’m alive is maybe the best I can say after today. I’m far from alright although I’m drunk and crying while watching the boys kill monsters, but your message gave me a smile. I didn’t want to make you wait for my complaints and for sure I didn’t want to make you worry.
I know (no, I don’t understand it, but you told me) you care about me and you want to hear things about me and for the moment you know some things about me (My name is Y/N, I’m good at disappointing people, getting myself into trouble and being a burden for others and I’m a huge SPN fan as I’m in the family) but I just want to know some things about you, at least I name, please.
And of course I don’t want you to stop writing, but I know who I am, so if you want me to stop, yeah, just tell me, I guess.
Greetings, Y/N
The fact that you were drunk made you write things you hadn’t told anybody if you were sober, anybody. You wrote as you thought, don’t beat around the bush.
Part 3
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eyez-ff-blog · 7 years
○○ eyez | fifty-two
The Roc Nation Grammy Brunch had become one of the most popular Grammy Weekend events in Hollywood; it was almost more popular than the show itself at this point, because anyone who was invited to it was considered to be the cream of the crop in the entertainment industry. Jermaine’s mentor had been at the helm of the crop in the eyes of many and as one of the first signed artists, a lot of people expected J to follow within Mr. Carter’s footsteps. It was only now that he felt as if he had finally lived up to the hype. He didn’t feel ashamed about it now, however, because he had forged his own path and pulled from such a thick shadow.
Jermaine had been thinking about the Grammy’s ever since he was nominated. He had three nominations under his belt—best Rap album, best Rap/Sung Performance with Courtney, and Producer of the Year in the Non-Classical category. He was trying his best not to overly excite himself but everyone around him seemed to be doing all the worrying and stressing for him. He hadn’t been nominated for a Grammy since the mainstreamed leg of his career started, and he had come so fa since then in both his business approaches and his life. Even as he stood amongst people he had seen a thousand times over both in business and leisure, things felt different. He swore that he wouldn’t hype himself up, but he felt confident for once...maybe this time, things would be different.
“Baby, you gonna eat that slice of bacon?” J glanced over to see that Beija had all but cleaned her plate of her vegetable omelet, and despite her swearing that she was going to go the weekend without trying to eat everything in sight, so far she was failing. “C’mon, don’t waste it if you’re not gonna eat it,” She pouted as Janiya laid a head against the side of her mother’s body, watching everyone as she ate the last of her mandarin orange slices.
“Go ahead,” He said, and she took one of the two slices that sat near his half-eaten eggs and untouched waffle.
“Jermaine...eat,” He heard Beija say, and he sighed deeply as he felt her free hand slip into his. “Not eating won’t fight off the jitters. It’s only going to make you more nervous and sick. Remember, we still have rehearsals today,” She said, and he nodded slowly.
“I hear you,” He scooped another forkful of eggs into his mouth, chewing slowly as he thought about the performance opportunity he accepted from the show. He’d be gracing the Grammy’s stage in the form of a performance as well, and that was probably more nerve wracking than the rest of the show. But with the things he had put together he did feel excited about the surprises he had in store. He just had to try to relax first.
“So you actually came? Good. Thought I was gonna have to chew you out.”
Jermaine glanced up and a smile spread across his face as he once again crossed paths with one of the main reasons he could even be where he was. Standing to his feet, he quickly hugged the man before respectfully greeting his wife, who was gracefully accompanying her three children. “How you late to your own party, man? That’s bad manners,” J joked before he glanced back at Beija, who seemed to be stunned at the sight. “Baby?”
“I—I’m sorry. Hi,” Beija chuckled softly as she stood up slowly, holding out her hand to shake. “Forgot where I was for a moment; I’m Beija,” She introduced.
“Oh, I know. I remember you from the phone call we had,” The older woman chuckled softly before she looked down at Janiya and smiled. “And who’s this gorgeous girl?” She asked.
“Beyoncé,” Niya seemed to be just as stunned, and J did all he could not to laugh at his child. As poised as both she and her mother could be, the two had a love for Mrs. Carter that was amusing and endearing to say the least.
“That’s Janiya. My mini me,” Beija smiled a bit. “Or at least, from the nose down.”
“I was about to say—she’s got the boy’s eyes,” J shook his head as his gaze returned to the man before him, their smiles mirrored down to the last detail. “So how you feeling?” He asked.
“Nervous as always. You know how I do it,” J shook his head as he glanced over, seeing their oldest child bombard Beija with questions about her small yet noticeable baby belly.
“I don’t know why. I can’t say much about the awards because that can go in any direction. But the performance will be fine. I know you; you’ll be fine in that sense,” He said before they both watched as Janiya was being told the proper way to be a ‘big sister.’ “How far along is she?”
“Three months—she’ll be four by the end of February,” J couldn’t help but to smile as he watched Beija navigate through her nerves as she spoke to the woman before her. “I’m wondering if I’m gonna get bit by the multiple bug too. My best friend just had twin girls of his own back in December,” He explained.
“God, for real? Yeah, everyone’s getting hit by it. Knowing you, you might get quintuplets,” The joke caused both men to laugh loudly.
“Now see Shawn—chill, man! I’m already getting ran by these two. I don’t need more than one more at this point,” J laughed a bit before he shook his head. “But for real, it’s nice to see you. I ain’t been face to face with you since...damn, Miami? For the On the Run Tour,” He reminisced.
“Oh, yeah! Has it been that long? Wow,” Shawn frowned a bit before he shook his head. “That’s your fault, though. You know you can bring the family by the crib whenever you like. I’m sure your girls would enjoy the time,” A waitress passed with a tray full of mimosas, and the men took one each.
“I know. I try not to be all in your face, though. You know how I am,” J mumbled before he slid his free hand into his pocket. “But you know, it’s funny because the last time I spoke to you I felt like I was in a rut creatively. Now we’re sitting here a day before the Grammy’s—and the most personal album I ever made just might win it all. You were right; I guess I had to just let the inspiration hit me,” He rambled.
“Shoot, it looks like you were in a lot of ruts. No offense of course,” Shawn said, and for a moment Jermaine held a face of confusion before he glanced back at Beija. His eyebrows slowly rose before he glanced back at his mentor, and began to laugh. It was a chuckle at first, but then it turned into a full laugh that he felt from the tips of his toes.
“Wow. Maybe...” He shook his head as he decided to throw the drink back in a single swig. The way life and the universe worked was always a wonder to Jermaine, and now he felt even more awestruck than ever.
February 10 – Los Angeles, California
The hotel suite was fairly small but functional, with the silk curtains blocking out the sun that was now starting its descent into the horizon. Aside from the music playing from Jermaine’s laptop that sat atop the Cherrywood table in the corner, all was silent. The man sat lazily in the lounge chair that sat near the table, and he sighed softly before he licked over his lips, glancing down at the black three-piece suit that he had recently changed into. His hair was pulled back into a low ponytail, and instead of wearing his contacts he opted with his glasses. He stayed within the group chat on his phone, texting back and forth with those who didn’t make it to the show to keep his mind clear, but with every Twitter notification came a new word of good luck from a fan or colleague. Now things were as real as they could get, and there was no turning back.
“And the little girl is now ready to go,” J glanced up to see Janiya emerging from the bathroom, and his smile broadened a the sight of her—instead of a dress, Beija decided to dress the girl in a miniature version of the suit he had on without the extra suit jacket. Her hair was twisted and while the top of her head was bunched into a top bun, the rest of her twists hung in the back of her head.
“Oh man, look at you!” Jermaine scooped Niya into his arms once she got to him, and she laughed as he kissed her cheeks. “You look so beautiful. Everyone is gonna be so jealous of you,” He poked her stomach lightly.
“Say thank you, Niya,” He could hear Beija from the bathroom.
“Thank you,” Janiya said with a small and almost knowing smile.
“You’re very welcome. Now where is mama at?” He asked, and he was soon welcomed with Beija’s presence as she entered the main area of the suite. A low whistle escaped from his mouth as he furrowed his eyebrows together, allowing his eyes to take in the black dress that hugged every curve on her body. The slit on the left side of her dress showed just enough leg to give some sexual appeal, and the material and fit of the dress seemed to make her feel more comfortable since she was starting to show more with her pregnancy.
“Yes? No?” Beija slowly turned in the dress, and Jermaine shook his head slowly.
“I’m going to settle with ‘you look nice,’ because what I want to say—...” J began to chuckle to himself.
“Good choice, Lamarr. Let’s be good people this evening,” Beija snorted a bit before she went to slip on her heels. “Is everyone else ready to go?” She asked.
“Yep. We’re the last ones so whenever you’re ready we can go,” He said before sitting back inhis chair, watching as Janiya stared up at her mother. “You still take forever to get ready,” He teased.
“I sure do. I gotta be the cutest one there!” B laughed to herself as she applied her diamond drop earings, letting her hands slowly mess with the curly ‘mohawk’ style that she had gotten at the salon. Her hair was still relatively short but now, Jermaine was fully used to it. “Let me get these heels on, then we can go,” She said. Once Beija was completely ready, the three left the hotel and headed down to the lobby to get into the car that was waiting for them. “Okay so you remember everything for the performance?” She asked.
“Yes, baby.”
“And your speech—just in case?”
“It’s in my pocket.”
“Am I forgetting anything?”
“Beija,” Jermaine laughed a bit as they got onto the elevator, and she gave him an apologetic smile as he moved a stray curl out of her face. “Don’t be nervous. I know I was a ball of nerves myself yesterday but I’m good now, so you be good too. No matter what happens tonight, we’re there to have fun, okay?” He assured her.
“I know, I know. But...this is a long time coming, J. And I know you won’t care if you lose but I want to see you win so badly. You deserve to be recognized and I just want tonight to be okay. I guess it’s just me being worrisome again but you know,” She shrugged.
“I appreciate you wanting this for me,” He leaned over and kissed her temple. “But relax. What’s supposed to happen is going to happen. Now breathe,” He smirked before the doors to the elevator opened.
Eventually they got outside to the SUV that was waiting for them, and once he made sure that the girls were in the car, J got in with them before they headed off towards the Staples Center. The ride there was long because of the traffic but they were ahead of schedule so they were able to be a bit more leisurely in their drive there.
“Mm, look at Whitney and Zeus, they already made it inside,” Beija passed Jermaine her phone, and he glanced at the pictures that Whit had posted on her Instagram profile. He nodded slowly at the sparkling nude-colored dress she had on, and the white suite that Zeus decided to wear with the coordinating nude tie and handkerchief. He also noticed the large engagement ring on her finger as they posted together within the venue.
“They look nice. You see that ring, though?” J chuckled softly to himself as he saw the notification from Courtney—she had sent Beija an Instagram direct message. “Court sent you something,” He announced.
“Open it up and let me see!” Beija glanced over as J opened the message then opened the photo of the blue dress that Courtney decided to wear to the show. “Oh wow, she looks gorgeous. I feel like a proud grandma,” B laughed.
“She does look really nice. But save your emotions, granny. Don’t need you smearing your make-up,” He teased.
It was around 4:30 in the afternoon when the family arrived at the red carpet, and J glanced out the tinted window at the multitude of cameras and reporters that lined up the carpet. “Y’all ready?” He asked.
“Ready. You ready to go, mama?” B looked down at Janiya, who seemed to be growing restless and anxious to get out of the car. “Yeah...she’s definitely ready,” She smiled.
“Let’s do this then,” J heard the doors unlock, and he sat up a bit straighter as the driver got out and came around to the backseat to open the door. Jermaine slowly got out of the car before helping Janiya out, then assisted Beija next before the driver shut the door. He scooped his daughter into his arms and the three headed down the red carpet slowly.
Every so often Jermaine would stop for photos, but it seemed that all the interest was focused on his wife and the package she was carrying. He was completely fine with that—Niya seemed to be shy around all the cameras, and it was something he could relate to. It’d be interesting to see all the blog posts in the morning, though. The last stop was for E! News; Jermaine gave the interviewer a quick rundown of the Tom Ford suits he and his daughter donned, the stunning Vera Wang gown Beija adorned, and his thoughts about the night. Whoever was interviewing him must have known how he was, because the young girl made sure every question required an answer with few words. He appreciated that.
Eventually they did get to their seats, and a couple minutes had passed before Niya let out a squeal. “Whitney!” She called out, and J glanced up to see the woman approaching them.
“Hey, what’s good?” J said before he stood up and hugged her.
“Hey, J! And hi babygirl—how are you?” Whitney hugged Niya next, then Beija before standing up straight, adjusting her dress a bit. “I can’t believe it—it’s been so amazing so far. You know I just freaking met Daft Punk? And then Drake said he loved our music...I still can’t believe it,” She giggled.
“You earned that, though! I’m proud of you guys. Where’s Zeus, though?” Beija asked.
“He got caught in a conversation with Kanye. That might last a while,” Whit snickered before shaking her head. “How’s the bun? You’re getting a little bigger,” She reached and gently rubbed B’s stomach.
“Girl, my feet are killing in these shoes and I am a hungry something right now. But we’re doing well! I saw that ring, too—congratulations,” B spoke with an air of excitement, and J nodded in agreement.
“Thanks! The trip to Greece was amazing but I had no idea that Z was going to pop the question. But you know, you me and Courtney must have a girls’ night while we’re here still. I have some tea for both of you,” She raised her thick eyebrows, and B chuckled lowly.
“Oh Lord—I don’t like the sound of that right there,” Beija giggled. “But just let me know; we should be here for a few more days. I know J was going to go see Cody while we were here too so it’ll work itself out.”
“I’m about to go and get some fries or something because I’m actually starving right now, but it was great seeing you guys! Good luck Jermaine! You’re going to do great,” Whitney grinned as she passed them to head down the aisle.
“Thanks Whit!” J called over his shoulder before he chuckled. “That girl is something. Always moving and shaking,” He leaned back in his seat slowly.
Before long the show began and the opening performance was one of the brand-new pop sensations that cranked out of the ‘Disney Channel’ machine and decided to go and proceed with a mainstreamed career. The current host was an up and coming comedian that had just recently found a high level of fame. Jermaine just watched the show as he got a taste of what the industry was like at this point. It seemed like the more things changed, the more things tended to stay the same. There were some fresh new artists that piqued his interest, but then there were the same artists doing the same old song and dance and being awarded for it. Eventually, Jermaine had to head backstage to prepare for his performance.
Changing out of his suit, he slid on a t-shirt and a pair of jeans before slipping on his sneakers; if he was going to be out on stage, he was going to be comfortable. Once he changed, he waked out of the dressing room and walked through the backstage area before he saw the attendant he was supposed to work with—he remembered the man from rehearsals. “Ah, you’re here. Ms. Salter’s down in the tunnel,” The attendant replied.
“Thanks,” Jermaine grabbed the microphone from him before he jogged down towards the underground ‘tunnel’ where his stage set was located. Sitting on the stage was Courtney, dressed identical to him. “C,” He called out to her, and the two shared a hug once she stood up to her feet. “You ready?”
“Always,” She said with a grin before he nodded. He watched some of the other workers silently move about the set as he listened to the action above ground—his eyebrows rose as he heard familiar voices, smiling a bit. “Sounds like Z and Whit nabbed the Alternative award,” He mumbled.
“I hear them,” Courtney chuckled. “This just might be our night, J. What do you think?” She asked.
“It is. I already feel like it is.” He said as the platformed set slowly began to rise up towards the stage.
There was a small ‘break’ between the last award given and the announcement for the next performance—once everyone got back to their seats, the announcer came over the speaker to introduce them: “Ladies and gentlemen, Drake,” The crowd roared as the male came out, dressed exquisitely in his tuxedo as he approached the mic that was rising to accommodate his height.
“Our next performer is someone I can call a long-time friend,” He began. “He has been working hard on his craft for over ten years, and has been known to the world for over eight. Tonight, he’s nominated for three Grammy awards, and despite how long it’s been since we’ve seen him here—he belongs here. Alongside him is a beautiful woman whose slowly but surely becoming a household name with her sweet and sultry sounds. Performing their song together for the first time tonight, here’s J. Cole and Ari Lennox,” He introduced, and the audience applauded as the lights dimmed and the projector-screened gate parted to reveal the set.
It seemed that Jermaine and Courtney were sitting back to back on stools, trapped within a metal cage. Hanging from the ceiling of the cage were a multitude of polaroid photos that hung from black strings. As they sat, the DJ that Jermaine had hired began to play the mix they had created specifically for the show—it started with an excerpt from an older song. The voice was altered to sound slowed down and lowered in pitch. “Get to know somebody and you really learn a lot about ‘em. Won’t be long before you start to doubt ‘em—tell yourself you better off without ‘em. Then in time you will find can’t walk without ‘em; can’t talk without ‘em, can’t breathe without ‘em. Came here together, you can’t leave without ‘em, so you walk back in, make a scene about ‘em. On your Amerie it’s just 1 thing about ‘em; it’s called love—...”
As soon as the voice was cut short, the instrumental to ‘Mirror’s Edge’ began, and Jermaine rose from his seat as he heard the crowd applaud in approval. The song was popular on urban radio and was even leaking into Top 40 stations around the country. Jermaine actually enjoyed this song because despite the beautifully crafted and sentimental sounds, the lyrics were almost painful. He began to rapabout how much he emphasized with the girl he loved and how much he connected with her in both tribumph and within trial. Courtney’s chorus was haunting with her tone of voice as she ‘answered’ back to his lyrics, claiming that he’d never understand what it felt like to be in pain.
As he went into the second verse, the DJ switched up the instrumental, mixing the percussion of the original song with the melody of ‘She’s Mine,’ allowing Jermaine to continue to plead through his song. He could feel the energy of the crowd even as he pressed his hand against the sides of the cage, making it seem like he was dying to escape from it. He could only hear himself and the instrumental in his earphones, but when he focused hard enough, he could hear the crowd rapping right along with him. He couldn’t help but to enjoy the knowledge that people were understanding and feeling where he was coming from with his music. Once the song came to its conclusion, he nodded his head slowly to the music, mumbling the first few words of one of his favorite Eyez cuts: “I never felt so alive. I never felt so alive.”
When the performance was over, the set was lowered back into the tunnel, and he and Courtney rushed out of the area so they could get ready for the next performance to come, as Jermaine reached the main backstage area, he grabbed a bottle of water before he was led back to his seat. He saw Beija, and he chuckled to himself as he watched her pouting reaction to hwoever had just won the best Country Album.
“Hey,” He grabbed her waist, and she chuckled as she kissed his cheek. “So? What did you think?” He mumbled into her ear as he felt Niya tugging at his pant leg. He grabbed his girl and picked her up into his arms.
“Everyone was out here rapping along! It was amazing,” She smiled as she shook her head. “Even Niya was trying to sing along,” She laughed.
“Did you like it babygirl? I did good?” Jermaine asked Niya, and the girl nodded.
“Good job,” She said softly, and he laughed a bit as he kissed her forehead. His attention quickly snapped back to the country group on stage as they continued their acceptance speech, and he tok a deep breath as he slowly rocked his daughter from side to side. The hardest part was over now.
After two more performances, Keith Powers and Bryshere Gray emerged to the stage to present the ‘Best Rap Album’ category—from what Jermaine knew, the two were starring in a new movie together. He was pretty fond of their work so far so he was intrigued about what they’d put out. As they talked about their connection and love for the hip-hop and rap culture, they dove straight into the nominated candidates. He felt Beija grab his hand and he squeezed it as he watched the nominees on screen. Not only was he up against Drake who had a pretty solid year before, and his own label mate who had been doing nothing but flourishing since the release of The Never Story back in 2017. He wasn’t sure who would win, but he was pretty happy just to be here. He remembered when The Sideline Story was nominated and the hopes and disappointment that came with that night. From that day, he swore that the system was broken and wasn’t looking for anything true to form. He wasn’t sure if he was telling the truth then, or if he was just embittered by the loss, but he hadn’t been interested in award shows since then. As long as the people who loved him got his words and held them to their hearts, he’d never be disappointed in himself or his work. But tonight, he felt nothing but peace. He had come so far in every sense of the word, that he could possibly be mad even if he didn’t win. As Beija said, him making it here after everything he had been through was a statement, and now he understood what she meant.
“And the winner is...” Bryshere opened the envelope before Keith let out a loud yell.
“YES!” Keith laughed. “J. Cole, Sinner Reborn!”
The world seemed to slow down as Jermaine looked around him; he could hear clapping and cheering, but all he could feel was the young and hungry boy he used to be. In a flash, he could remember when he and Ibrahim came together to make Dreamville, and those years he spent trying to get through school in New York. He remembered all the rent he piled up in his apartment, and meeting Shawn for the first time. The years of working, sweat, tears, and blood had all led to this, and the fire that burned within the Jermaine that lived in his 20s could finally be satisfied and laid to rest. Deep down, all he ever wanted was to be appreciated by everyone, and the moment had finally arrived.
He felt Beija kissing the side of his face, and he leaned down to kiss her before he kissed Janiya’s forehead and passed her over to her mother. He jogged towards the stage and he could feel people patting his back along the way. Once he made it onto the stage, one of the attendants passed him the heavy award. He stood in front of the mic and he quickly read over the inscription on the gold plate—this wasn’t a dream, but he had to make sure.
“Wow,” He laughed a bit before he looked out at the crowd. “I honestly didn’t think I was going to win this. I’m beyond honored that y’all thought I was good enough for this,” He licked over his lips quickly. “I gotta give thanks to God. Man, my mama and brother. I love y’all. My friends, my Dreamville family. Ib! We did it brother,” He shook his head as he glanced over the crowd again. He had an eloquent speech oin his pocket but his hands were shaking so badly that he thought he’d drop the award if he tried to go get it. “Everyone who worked on the project with me, you are appreciated. All my fans...you are the best in the world and I love each and every one of you. And lastly, I gotta dedicate this to the subject matter of my album. This is to my wife, one of the strongest women I know and the reason why I do any of this. Beija, I love you baby. Janiya, daddy loves you so much. Thank you two for everything you do. To the ‘Ville,” He held up the award. “We’re here! We finally got it!” The crowd applauded as he was ushered backstage, and he huffed softly as he glanced up at the ceiling before he shook his head. “Man, thank you,” He spoke softly.
The night continued on and although Jermaine lost the Producer of the Year award to Timberland, he and Courtney nabbed the Rap/Sung Performance—he was now the owner of two Grammy’s, and though that seemed like nothing to some people, it would be something he’d cherish for life. He had put everything he had and everything he was into the project, and now not only was it a true testament to the love he shared for his wife, but it would serve to be the catylist to what turned out to be one of the most exciting nights of his career. Even as he took photo ops with his awards, the reality still hadn’t hit him. Nothing would ever be the same after this, but he was sure that as long as he knew what was important in life, he would never change.
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photomaniacs · 7 years
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That Time I Said ‘F*** No’ to a Hotel’s ‘Advertising Opportunity’ http://ift.tt/2ucUsFC
My name is Ryan Horban and I’m a wedding photographer based in Southern California. I shoot 30+ weddings a year, drink IPAs because they are tasty and get me buzzed, have an amazing family that I absolutely love, and won’t be staying at a Sheraton Hotel anytime in the near future unless I’m kidnapped by terrorists and held against my will at a Sheraton property.
So you might be asking yourself right now, “D*mn Ryan, why are you throwing so much shade on Sheraton?” And well, that’s the purpose of this article. So let me start from the beginning of my story.
A couple of weeks back, I’m sitting in my office editing wedding photos and listening to punk rock music when an email jumps into the inbox. Now, nothing makes me feel inner turmoil more than seeing that little red number on my Mail application, so I quickly read it to remove the anxiety building up in my body.
The email is from a woman named Terri who is a director of some sort for Sheraton Hotels. Terri was looking for wedding photos captured at their property they could use for an advertising campaign that would be launching in Exquisite Magazine. Somehow she must have come across a wedding I photographed at the Sheraton and thought, “these are pretty rad photos, I think I will use them!”
So Terri likely got the info of the couple from that blog post, reached out to the bride and asked if Sheraton could use the photos for an advertisement. Unfortunately, the photos my bride got were a little less than 300 dpi, which is a standard number print shops will work with. This is why Terri was contacting me. She wanted me to get her the photos they planned on using for the ad, but at a resolution of 300dpi. She even showed me a mock-up of the ad which you can see below.
Obviously, the first thing any photographer is going to notice when looking at this ad is the lack of a photo credit. Now, this was disturbing for a couple reasons, the first being that it’s 2016 and everyone should know by now you give a photographer credit for their work, especially a large business such as Sheraton!
The other is that I believe the ad would have been run, without a photo credit or notification to me, if Sheraton had access to the images at 300 dpi. It seems I was only being contacted because they needed my help, and I highly doubt they would have reached out if they had the photos at 300 dpi. Here is what Terri stated in her email:
The photos she sent us are not of the dpi we need. Can you help? I have attached the ones we wanted to use but we need at least 300dpi. We will give you photo credit. Please let me know. Thanks terri
My response:
Hey Terri!
I hope you are doing well and life on your side of this email is fantastic! So first of all thanks for reaching out! Your venue was cool and I had a blast working with J***** and C**** last October. That wedding actually got featured in My Hotel Wedding. Also, the ad looks fantastic! I thought it was interesting you used a prism shot of the ceremony. I dig it. I do have a couple quick questions. One is you said you would provide photo credit but on that ad I do not see any credits? Where were those photo credits going to be placed? And YES I can get those images over at 300dpi for printing purposes. No issue there at all.
Terri’s response:
I will ad to the bottom. I didn’t on this as I did not know who did the photography. Thanks. The pictures are beautiful.
Now, this part is interesting because a business really shouldn’t be this far along in the advertising campaign and not know the identity of the photographer behind the content being used (and if Terri didn’t know who the photographer was how did she have my name and contact info?). Yeah, I thought it was weird as well…
Here was my response:
Thanks Terri!
The name works perfect for photo credit “Ryan Horban”. Also, I really do not extend copyrighted images for promotion without compensation even if it is shared copyright. However, the ad looks fantastic and you’ve basically got it completed and ready for print so I would hate to slow that process down in any way. I am of course close with C**** and J**** (the bride+groom) and we both recently had children (boys Reid+ Porter). We could totally use a little stay-cation some time during a weekday. If you could secure us both a promo code for a room at the Sheraton for sometime this year I can get those images at 300DPI sent over today. Normally, my commercial licensing fee is $1500 so it is actually a pretty good deal for Sheraton and it works out well for us. Think it over and let me know.
Terri’s response:
Sorry we will pass on giving you an advertising opportunity.
Maybe it was because I was day drinking, upset about the season finale I DVR’d of Game of Thrones or maybe I was simply having an emotional day. Regardless, I felt like I was totally more than fair to Terri and Sheraton Hotels even in the face of some questionable things at the start. Needless to say, her response pissed me off.
So I figured I had two choices: I could write about my feelings in a journal while shedding tears into a cup of warm cocoa, or I could stand up for myself and every other artist who has tried to be exploited for free labor by a large corporation. So after I cried for hours into my warm cocoa, I closed my journal and I emailed Terri back.
My response:
No problem at all. However, you have to understand it’s not a real advertising opportunity for me because the ad promotes Sheraton not the photographer. It’s an advertising opportunity for Sheraton hotels. A bride isn’t going to see that ad and say “I want this wedding photographer”. That’s not how this business works and I think you know that. I can guarantee I wouldn’t book a single bride from that ad. Sheraton on the other hand would book many brides.
I’m actually deeply disappointed that such a large corporation would try to basically take advantage of an artist by not compensating them for their hard work. In fact it’s quite shameful. Is the marketing budget that tight at Sheraton where they can’t compensate artists? Of course not. It’s just that they would rather employ a poor ethical standard and do whatever is necessary to avoid paying an artist for their work. I’m sure you can find someone who will give you their art for free because I mean that is your end goal correct? Sheraton wants beautiful images to promote their wedding venue, book more brides and make more money. I understand that, but you really don’t think it’s fair that the photos that are going to represent your wedding venue and your brand in the best possible light don’t deserve compensation?
I love what I do and give it my absolute everything and I believe that’s the reason why brides book me. I believe this passion is what allows me to create beautiful images, like the photos Sheraton wants to use for their marketing campaign. However, I am a principled man and will stick up for my industry even though we let ourselves get taken advantage of by large businesses every hour of every day. So when a large company such as Sheraton wants to take my art, use it for self-promotion, financial gain and not compensate me, the artist…
The only appropriate response in this situation is: F*CK NO!
Naturally, pushing send on that email felt fantastic and was better than any hotel room or commercial licensing fee I would have received. But the point I am trying to make is this BS happens every single day and it needs to stop. I don’t want to sound like Bernie Sanders here and spend all my time attacking big businesses and corporations, but this practice has been commonplace far too long and it is making it impossible for artists to make a living — especially those trying to start their careers and who might be persuaded by businesses to see these situations as an opportunity rather than what it really is: exploitation.
Thankfully, I have been fortunate enough to provide for my family through art and am established enough to where I can tell Sheraton or any other business trying to take advantage of me or a situation to go f*** themselves. Because I really don’t give a s*** if I ever shoot another wedding at their venue or hotel ever again.
I hate being a person who thinks or acts negatively, so let’s end this on a positive note. We are all worth something. We are all special and have gifts to give. And as artists, we have the right to be treated fairly. Don’t let anyone ever try and take advantage of you or your art. Remember: they need you; you don’t need them. You are special.
I would love to get your feedback on this situation so please feel free to drop a question or comment and I will do my best to respond to them. Oh and here is a photo of me just because.
About the author: Ryan Horban is a wedding photographer based in Southern California. You can find more of his work and writing on his website, blog, and Twitter. This article was also published here.
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July 31, 2017 at 10:00PM
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