#: Nursing Benefits Abroad
arjunbnair · 11 months
Searching for lucrative nursing jobs abroad: the gateway to global healthcare opportunities.
The world of nursing has come a long way since the days of working in a hospital in your home town. Today, nursing jobs are popping up all over the world, offering exciting and fulfilling opportunities for healthcare professionals who want to take their skills abroad. In this article, we’ll look at why nursing jobs abroad are so popular and how they’ve become a great entry point into global healthcare for nurses who want to expand their knowledge and skills. The appeal of nursing jobs abroad There are many reasons why nursing jobs abroad have become so popular. First, they provide nurses with the opportunity to work in different healthcare settings, learn different techniques, and be exposed to a wide variety of medical conditions around the world. This global experience not only enhances a nurse’s professional development, but can also help them pay off student loans and save for future endeavors. Financial incentives are also a big factor in the popularity of nursing jobs abroad. Many countries, especially Middle East countries, offer very competitive salaries and benefits packages. These packages often include tax-free incomes, accommodation, healthcare benefits, and transportation allowances.
Various Nursing Positions Abroad
Internationally, a vast range of nursing jobs are accessible, accommodating different specializations and interests. Typical possibilities include:
Travel nursing: This enables nurses to take on brief assignments in other nations while learning about local cultures and healthcare systems. Permanent Placement: Nurses can find jobs abroad that are permanent, frequently in nations where there is a dearth of medical personnel. Volunteer nursing has a significant impact on global health since many nurses opt to offer their services in underdeveloped areas. Experienced nurses who want to share their knowledge and expertise with healthcare professionals in other nations can take on teaching and training responsibilities.
Frequently Visited Places for Nursing Jobs Abroad
Although there are nursing possibilities in many nations, several locations are renowned for their need for international nursing staff. These consist of:
United Arab Emirates: With excellent pay and a cutting-edge healthcare system, the UAE is a popular destination for nurses looking for opportunities abroad.
United States: The USA continues to be a prominent destination for nurses from around the world due to the ongoing demand for healthcare professionals.
United Kingdom: To help with staffing shortages in the country's healthcare system, the NHS accepts nurses from other countries.
Both Australia and Canada have strong healthcare systems and aggressively seek out foreign nurses to fill open posts.
Challenges and Thoughts to Consider On
Although the idea of nursing work overseas is thrilling, it's important to be aware of the difficulties that come with it. It might be difficult to acclimatize to diverse healthcare systems, cultural norms, and licensing requirements. When beginning an international nursing career, nurses should also take into account the effects on their personal life and families.
In conclusion, nursing positions overseas offer fantastic chances for nurses to advance their careers, encounter different cultures, and have a significant impact on the world of medicine. Nurses may open up a world of options in the healthcare industry with the correct training and attitude, and they can also reap financial benefits that can completely change their lives.
In the end, choosing a nursing career overseas is more than just a change of employment; it's a life-changing journey that enables nurses to serve as global healthcare ambassadors and advance healthcare systems around the world. Nursing jobs abroad may therefore be the next chapter in your wonderful journey if you're a nurse thinking about expanding your horizons.
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dnpfix · 8 months
Phil's birthday stream fundraiser will benefit this important charity. https://www.pcrf.net/
Who Is PCRF?
Palestine Children's Relief Fund (PCRF), founded in 1991 by concerned humanitarians in the USA, provides free medical care to thousands of injured and ill children yearly who lack local access to care within the local health care system. Over the years, we've sent over 2,000 affected children abroad for free medical care, sent thousands of international doctors and nurses to provide tens of thousands of children free medical care in local hospitals, and provided tens of thousands of children humanitarian aid and support they otherwise would not get.
PCRF's impact also includes establishing two pediatric cancer departments in Palestine, a new PICU and pediatric cardiology department in Ramallah, and many more critical projects to sustainably bolster the region's healthcare system. Our foundation relies on grassroots efforts, supported by a worldwide network of thousands of volunteers, to fulfill our humanitarian mission. We are a volunteer-based nonprofit, so please join our efforts.
They are currently supplying urgent "medical relief and humanitarian aid" in Gaza.
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Where's Waldo Headcanons
(Srry it took so long, I wanted to be sure my posting wouldn't be in vain, lmao. Also, be warned as I incorporate a ton of the 2019 series)
First off-
Waldo Waldini:
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* His full name is Waldo W******* Waldini, but he simply goes by "Wally" for convenience sake (plus it adds an "e" sound, which makes one smile)
* His first name was his middle name pre-transition, named after his late father (barely brings this up, tough subject)
* Transmasc. He has a ton of ironic chest binders (think Thomas Jefferson and the Hastune Miku Binder)
* 100% on the spectrum, change my mind
* His mom and dad were both vets... well, a veterinarian and a veteran, respectively.
* Mostly raised by his Mom as his father was "no longer with us" when her baby girl (pre-transition Wally)
* Even then, his mother couldn't be around much with her job, so he was most of the time alone or with friends. When Mama Waldini could hang out with her daughter, she'd always make up for it in souvenirs and day outs with her.
* Due to being on the spectrum, he had some problems both in making friends and staying out of trouble. Certainly not stupid by any means, much rather the opposite, and definitely not a troublemaker on purpose. Most of his antic includes
- Bringing animals to the classroom for show and tell
- Bringing dangerous machinery (her inventions, which tend to break, go rogue, or explode)
- Traumatizing the whole school during a school play that one time (she took his role a bit too seriously and made the fake stabbing a bit gorey)
(2019 spoilers Ahead!)
- Because of his "antics" and the fact Mama Waldini couldn't be around much with her job, she was the one to introduce Wally to the Wanders' Society, an association she assumed would benefit her little adventurer in the long run like it had with her (she was raised by Whitebeard until she was able to sustain herself and get married)
- She was so ecstatic when she found out that her little adventurer was thriving and that he made new friends (Wenda).
- Despite her happiness and the fact she wished she could see her little girl, she was always way too busy, busier than normal. She felt terrible about this, but there was nothing she could do in her eyes. A few days before Christmas during work, she was tasked with helping a white mutt, and it's four puppies. The mother didn'tmake it, her pups now orphaned. So she gives one of the pups to Whitebeard, requesting that he would give it to her little girl as a Christmas present.
- By the time she could see her little girl, Wally was transitioning; binder, shorter hair, boyish clothes, a whole makeover on his end. She was confused if not taken aback when her little girl insisted on being called her son and that her little girl changed her name to her middle name. However, with Whitebeard's help and Wally's corrections, she got used to it. But it doesn't really stop her from putting hair extensions and ribbons on him to not cause fuss with her husband's side of the family.
- When Wally got older and finally passed Wanders' Society, he went on to travel the world for quite a while, promising to be back with Mama when he's seen enough. However, during his travels, Mama Waldini falls ill, causing her to be moved to a nursing home and bedridden. While her falling sick was a coincidence, Waldo can't really bring himself to forgive for not being there when it happened.
- His current home was once an abandoned theather, renovated with the help of Wenda.
- Due to the last time he traveled abroad, he has a bit of a fear of leaving close people behind for too long. However, Wenda and Whitebeard assure him that nothing bad will happen.
-Owns a ton of clothes/cloth items with his iconic stripes. He has tried other patterns and clothes but wasn't a huge fan.
- Not really picky or touch sensitive, but hates slimy/squishy textures
- One time when Waldo and Wenda slept over at his place, he tried making breakfast in bed for Wenda. However, it went horribly, horribly wrong -
Wenda: Hey, at least you're better than my cousin
*takes a sip*
Wenda: Hey, this is some really good tea -
Waldo: Coffee
Wenda: Wut
Waldo: It was supposed to be c-coffee
- In his trying different clothing era, he ended up buying a red pinstripe suit. Rarely wears it , excusing it as "saving it for Wenda"
- His special interests are traveling (of course), robotics, and miscellaneous fun facts
Wow.. this was waaaay too long. I'll make separate posts for the characters from now on. The next character is Odlaw!
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lookismaddict · 2 years
Lookism: Rendezvous 🔞 (Ch. III) || Gun Park x Fem! Reader ♡
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Author’s Note: Hi everyone, and thank you for the eager responses to Rendezvous! I hope you’ll continue to look forward to the upcoming chapters. If you don’t know, I just made a Masterlist and I pinned it on my page. You can check it out any time you’d like, and I hope this makes things easier. Enjoy!
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NSFW Warning: Violence and strong language/cursing.
Story Summary: You traveled abroad to help support your mother who is sick, back home in Japan. However, once you reached Korea, everything went downhill until you met a stranger who offered you a deal that could benefit you. But who knew that this special encounter would turn your whole life around…
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After you cried in your room for the majority of the day, you went to the bathroom to wash your face. While washing up, you caught a glimpse of your reflection and saw a purple bruise on your neck, in which you realized that the bruise was actually the mark that Gun gave you.
Damn, that bastard.
You sighed as you walked back out of the bathroom and crashed onto the bed. You turned on your phone to see if you had any important messages but surprisingly, there was nothing. Not even the nurse who was in charge of taking care of your mom left a message.
Afterwards, you checked the time on your phone and it was actually time for dinner. Right away, you dreaded at the thought of seeing him after what had happened just a few hours ago.
Reluctantly, you walked out of your room and headed downstairs anticipating the uncomfortable and awkward dinner. However, when you arrived at the dining area, you saw that the food was already prepared on a plate. This time, it was steak with small potatoes and green beans which was neatly covered by plastic wrap. You saw a note that was left on top of it, so you took it and read it aloud.
“Don’t wait for me. I have urgent business to take care of. If the food is cold, just heat it in the microwave.”
You glared at the note then crumpled it in your hand while tossing it aside afterwards.
Unbelievable. Not even a sorry? And where could he have gone off to at this time?
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Little did you know, Gun was actually sitting in a bar somewhere in the city of Seoul. He decided to stay there for a while since he didn’t know what to do after what just happened between the two of you.
He was lost in thought, as he decided to smoke his problems away. The bar tender saw that he was alone so he approached him and asked, “What would you like to have sir?” Gun let out an agitated sigh from his cigarette. “I’ll have a whiskey on the rocks.” The bar tender got a cocktail glass ready for him and scooped a big ball of ice into his glass, landing with a nice clink. “What kind of whiskey would you like to pair it with, sir?” He took out his cigarette from his mouth as he tapped his finger anxiously on the counter. “Give me the most expensive one you have.” The bar tender nodded as he poured the Macallan Valerio Adami 1926 into his glass then handed it to him. Right when Gun received the glass from the bar tender, he gulped down a few heavy sips of it right away as the whiskey burned into the back of his throat.
“I knew I’d find you here.”
Gun turned his head to his left to see Goo take a seat right next to him. He blatantly ignored Goo who just sat down, while the bar tender asked for his order. “I’ll get whatever he’s having.” While waiting for his drink, he leaned his head onto his arm while staring at Gun with a foxy smile.
Gun took a sip from his whiskey, feeling Goo’s gaze on him.
“What is it?”
“Oh nothing, I just knew that you’d be here at some point. By the way, how’s (Y/N)?”
“She’s at my place right now.”
Goo scoffed. “And? You said that you’d turn her into a strong fighter. How’s that going?”
Gun took a puff out of his cigarette once more then sighed deeply. “Fine.”
Goo chuckled. “Doesn’t look ‘fine’ to me. Just by looking at you, you don’t look ‘fine’ either.”
The long silence in between their conversation says it all, as Gun continued to sip from his whiskey glass.
“So what happened? I’m guessing you already pulled a wrong move, which is so unlike you. I get that you’ve managed to sleep with other women to get what you want, but I didn’t take you for a romantic Gun.”
“Shut up.”
Goo’s teasing seemed to have fueled Gun’s frustration even more, which amused Goo. All this time, he’s mostly seen Gun so expressionless but ever since Gun took you in, he seemed to have changed a little. Even if it had been for a day, there was already progress to his change in character.
“Here’s your drink sir.” The bar tender handed Goo’s drink to him. Goo’s eyes lit up as he finally got to take a sip from his drink.
“I already got the impression that she won’t be easy to take in. After all, she is a woman. You learned how to not get attached to women from that stone cold heart of yours, but someday, I’m afraid that she might be your downfall.”
“So what are you trying to say?”
“I’m saying that whatever you did, fix it before it’s too late. Do whatever you usually do, and don’t screw this up. Whatever this is, it’s only just the beginning. If you knew that she’s different from the other women who you seduced, then treat her differently. Don’t be an ass, and do it right.”
Gun smirked before downing the rest of his whiskey. He wiped the excess whiskey from his lips as he got up from his seat.
“You know, that was actually the first smartest thing that I’ve heard come out of that idiotic mouth of yours.”
Goo sneered back. “Whatever man-whore, just leave already while I’m in a good mood. The only reason why I’m giving you advice is so that I’ll be able to beat you in the end, and not some woman.”
With that, Gun left a generous stack of cash for his drink before leaving the bar. He put on his helmet before riding off into the night on his motorcycle, making his way back home. The reason why he decided to use his motorcycle for the night was so he’d be able to leave the house as quickly as possible. However, now he thought of how much of a coward he was being. Leaving you there at home all by yourself just because of some argument.
When he reached the doorsteps of his home, it was already near midnight. He wanted to morally fix the problem that he started by apologizing to you face-to-face. As he made his way inside, he went straight for the dining area to check to see if you ate the food that he made for you. When he got there, it was like he felt a pit in his stomach. The food remained untouched while the note that he wrote for you was crumpled up and was on the floor.
Gun turned around in a flash, making his way up the stairs. When he reached the top of the stairs, he stopped right in front of your door. His hand hovered in front of the door for only a second until he decided to knock a few times.
“(Y/N), I’m here. Open the door, we need to talk.”
There was no response. He knocked on it a few times again, repeating the same words. His mind was running anxiously as the words, “You fucked up.” repeated over and over again. He was contemplating whether or not he should open the door himself, since the door to your room didn’t even have a lock on it. However, he decided not to overstep your boundaries anymore after what happened today.
Gun retreated back to his room and laid down on his bed, exhausted. He stared up at the ceiling as he let his mind run wild of ideas on how to properly apologize to you, which made him scoff. He thought it was really bizarre how you made him run around anxiously, which started from something that he shouldn’t even be bothered about.
“How dare she do this to me? I can’t believe my strong resolve has been broken by a woman I just met. How the hell did I change so fast in such a short amount of time? She’s been staying here for only a day and she caused so many changes here. How unbelievable. And that slap…”
Gun touched the spot where you hit him right on his cheek. The thought of that light stinging sensation made him chuckle in delight.
“I wonder if I had toyed with her for a little longer, would she hate me enough to want to become stronger? To destroy me? Hm… I shouldn’t be thinking this way or else she might end up going towards the wrong direction. I need to keep her on my side or else the plan wouldn’t work. It’ll all come to place in due time. Right now, I need to worry about coming up with an idea on how to properly apologize.”
It took him a while to brainstorm and he couldn’t quite think of anything original than having to go out and buy you chocolates or flowers since money is out of the question. However, he didn’t realize that all that brainstorming took him all night. When he grabbed his phone to check what time it was before he decided to sleep, he saw that it was already five in the morning which was time for him to get up and make breakfast for the two of you. This man didn’t even get to sleep because of you and that annoyed him greatly.
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Your alarm went off again at six in the morning, which became a daily sign that you survived another day. Your morning consisted of the usual routine. You went to the bathroom to wash your face, to brush your teeth, and use the toilet. Afterwards, you got dressed then tied your hair. You looked at your phone, and saw that it was right on the dot once again.
“Alright. I better head downstairs now or else I might get an earful from him again.”
You reached for the door handle and right when you opened it, you saw Gun standing there in front of your door.
“(Y/N), I need to talk to you about what happened yesterd-“
Without thinking, you slammed the door right in front of his face.
Shit, I can’t do this.
Last night before you went to bed early, you told yourself that you wouldn’t let whatever happened between the two of you to bother you. You already signed the contract anyways, so you couldn’t change what already happened. And so, you decided to just pretend that nothing happened and continue to act normally. It’ll do the two of you good if that happened.
You heard Gun knock a few times on the other side of the door. “Hey (Y/N), open the door. Let’s talk out here for a minute!”
You took a deep breath before opening the door again. And as you opened it, Gun continued his speech that he just came up with midway up the stairs.
“Alright, now that you’re in front of m-“
You speed-walked past him and went down the stairs. He was a bit taken aback as he had to chase after you while going down the stairs.
“Hey, just stop for a second! You know that you can’t keep this up forever!”
As you reached the bottom of the stairs, you continued onward towards the dining room still maintaining the quick pace of your feet. If someone was there to watch Gun chase you down the stairs, they wouldn’t have believed their eyes at what a sight that was. Ridiculously, it was like two children playing tag. To Gun, the situation that was happening to him at that very moment was almost laughable that it pains him to succumb to you just to offer an apology. It really did make him forget why he was doing all of this and what for?
The great Jong Gun Park, who was raised by the almighty Tom Lee then became one of the 10 Geniuses adopted by Chairman Choi, had now become your babysitter. In his head, he even admitted that Eli Jang’s child, Yenna, was much more matured than you. A guy who is a part of the 1.5 generation had to currently throw all his pride away just for you. Even when he took in the position of being Crystal Choi’s bodyguard, he accepted it entirely. But right now? He really wished that he could turn back time and undo what he did so that he wouldn’t have to go through this.
Gun gritted his teeth in frustration, as he sprinted towards your direction. “Screw the speech…”
You finally made it to the dining room and was about to sit down until he grabbed onto your wrist then pulled you towards him. He grabbed onto your shoulders and held onto you tightly so you wouldn’t escape. You looked down at your feet, while trying to escape his grasp.
“Come on Gun, let’s eat already. I’m starving!” You said while awkwardly focusing on your feet.
“(Y/N), look at me.”
Gun grabbed onto your chin and held it up, directing your eyes onto his. His gaze was so intense that it was enough for you to turn your legs into jelly.
“I want to apologize properly to you. What I said yesterday was wrong and out of line. That also goes for what I physically did to you too. What I did was very unprofessional and for that, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for hurting you too and for causing such an unnecessary scene. It was very unlike me to do that. And you’re right, I don’t know you so I didn’t have the right to misjudge you like that. I don’t expect you to forgive me because I don’t deserve it. I admit, I’m a really bad man…”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. You didn’t think that an apology from such a man would be possible. Who knew that the usual stone cold eyes that he always had towards you, would become softer than usual? His apology seemed sincere enough for him to admit his own mistakes and for that, you took one of his hand into yours then said…
“I forgive you.”
Gun’s eyes widened in response to your forgiveness. He was already waiting for the consequences and thought that you’d ask him to break the deal right away, and then leave immediately. For some reason, he felt relieved that you have forgiven him. However, it wasn’t because of the deal not breaking. It was something else, but he couldn’t quite pinpoint the actual reason for it. It remained a mystery to him.
“I forgive you for apologizing properly, so I’ll let this one slide.” You let go of his hand while smiling up at him. “However, I might not be so forgiving if you pull something like that again.”
“Alright, noted.”
Finally, you took your seat at the table while Gun does the same on his end. There were plate covers on both of your plates. Curiously, you took yours off which revealed a plate full of pancakes with a drizzle of syrup on it. Berries were plated on the side of them with a side of whipped cream as if they were there to add a bit of decor. This time, you noticed that he put a bit of effort into the breakfast that he made due to the beautiful presentation and it made you feel touched.
“Pancakes? Wow Gun, I didn’t take you to be excellent wife-material.”
“Just shut up and eat.”
His face remained expressionless as he dug into his own creation. You giggled, while taking a bite out of yours too. You didn’t want to pry him any further with the teasing, since you didn’t want to expose him into any more embarrassment than he already had that morning.
While eating, you realized that you still didn’t know much about this man who’s having breakfast right across from you. You wanted to get to know him more, so you decided to ask him some questions.
“I’ve been meaning to ask you. How come you live on your own like this? I mean, I assume that rich people have maids or butlers. How come you don’t have anyone to help you out around the house?”
“It’s because I don’t need others to take care of my belongings for me.”
“Hm… really? Is that all?”
Gun took a sip from a glass of water he had near him without saying anything else. Your eyes squinted directly at him, knowing that he wasn’t telling you the whole truth.
“Alright… next question. Since you’re training me to become your number one Power Ranger, who am I really up against? You only mentioned that there are four great powers in Korea and I have no idea who they are.”
You watched as he silently sliced a piece of his pancake then ate it. “Actually, they’re gangs. Right now, they dominate four main parts of South Korea. Their territories are separated by the Han River. From there, there’s a different crew that lies in the North, South, East, and West of the country. In the North is God Dog. They reside in Gangbuk. Originally, their name was K-House which ran by a guy named Jin Jang but was defeated by a kid named Johan Seong. Johan, however, lost his title as leader because of his poor leadership. In the South is the Workers crew. The way they operate is more matured and sophisticated compared to the other crews, building on the idea of ‘money is power’ with their corporate ideals. Do you remember that building that I dropped Goo off at?”
“Yeah, what was it called again? One… MCN?”
“Yes, that building in Gangnam is where the Workers hold one of their main branches. On the outside, they are a popular streaming business that are in charge of famous content creators in today’s society. But on the inside, it’s much more than that.”
“Woah, really? Wait a minute. You mentioned that they’re all gangs? Then they must be doing some shady things behind the scenes then.”
“Well yes, you could say that.”
In all honesty, you started to gain interest in the four big crews while Gun was explaining each of them. While listening intently, you stuffed your mouth full of berries and started munching on them silently.
“Now, the East of the Han River in Gangdong is where the territory of a crew called Hostel is at. This crew takes in minors without homes, in which they believe to be ‘one big family’. Another kid named Eli Jang, was the main founder of Hostel. He is a capable leader at best, until he disappeared since he now has a daughter named Yenna. One of his friends, Olly Wang, became leader of Hostel and ran it in his absence. However, due to unfortunate circumstances, he no longer holds the position as leader and now Eli Jang became leader again.”
Your curiosity peaked as you asked, “Why? What happened to Olly Wang?”
Gun gave you a mean scowl, indicating that you just asked something that was not meant to be asked.
Geez (Y/N), why do you have to be so slow?
You cleared your throat, as you directed the conversation back on track.
“A-anyways… What about the last crew?”
After Gun finished his plate clean, he wiped the sides of his mouth with a napkin before delivering the next piece of information about the crews.
“The last crew lies West of the Han in Gangseo. They called themselves Big Deal. The origin of how the gang was formed remains a mystery, but a guy named Sinu Han became their leader at one point. He changed the crew’s ideals just for the sake of protecting a street that he grew up in. Although, their crew did have some major history. When Sinu Han was leader, he recruited two kids who were at some point, strong and important. One of the kids who he took in was Gapryong Kim’s son, Jake Kim. He’s a son of a very infamous gangster back in the day, as his father was known to have dominated the 0 generation of gangsters. Jake Kim eventually took over as leader after he released Sinu Han from his position as leader because he heard that Big Deal was being sold to the Workers at that time. That moron didn’t understand what was going on in the shadows, in which Sinu actually sacrificed himself by selling himself to become a part of the Workers. But Jake remained loyal to Big Deal and to Sinu Han, I’ll give him that. However, his foolishness landed himself in prison…”
While Gun was talking, you observed how much he was frowning while talking about this Jake guy. You wondered if they both had history together.
“How did he land himself behind bars?”
Gun crossed his arms as he grimaced. “It’s because he’s a fool. If he would have done what he was told-“
“Wait, don’t tell me YOU were involved in his arrest?!”
Gun let out an aggravated sigh. “No, I wasn’t. It was his own mistake that landed him in jail.”
“But how-“
“Moving on. Eventually, Jake Kim successfully brought back Sinu Han from one of the main branches of the Workers and that’s that. The second kid that Sinu Han took in was also capable too. The kid’s name was Samuel Seo. When he was a middle schooler, he managed to control high schoolers who had power. I admit, that was impressive of him. However, compared to Jake Kim, Samuel Seo was much fiercer than him and that kid played dirtier. But when Big Deal started to fall apart, he left Big Deal to start his own gang.”
“Huh? Why did he leave?”
“I realized that he really had an obvious inferiority complex. It was all because Jake was the main character. He should’ve known that from the very start. If he kept holding onto that inferiority complex of his, he’ll never be a strong leader like Jake Kim.”
“Hey, that’s a bit harsh.”
“I’m just stating the facts. That stupid motherfucker…”
Gun looked down at his empty plate then took another sip from his glass of water as if he had a really big migraine. You noticed how the talk of the four big crews must’ve brought back unpleasant memories.
“So… what happened to Samuel?”
“He became part of the Workers crew but we’ll see how long that’ll last. Knowing him…”
Gun suddenly got out of his seat then took his own plate to put it in the dishwasher. You followed him, as you took your finished plate then put it in the dishwasher after him.
I guess I’ll get to ask him more questions later. Hold on… when was there a dishwasher?
“Hey, why didn’t you tell me that you have a dishwasher all this time?”
“It’s because I thought you’d be able to quickly wash a single bowl, but I guess not. The dishwasher might be even quicker than you so just put it in there next time. Now come on. We need to begin training.”
You glared at him as he walked in front of you into the backyard, where training began.
And he’s never going to let go of that stupid bowl.
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Training with Gun was starting to improve your skills even more. This time, he wanted you to focus on your kicks. While instructing you on how to kick properly, you watched him kick the side of a tree trunk over and over again. Switching from right to left, and left to right, your eyes remained focused. You watched him shift his body while he kicks, turning his torso at a certain angle which helped improve his powerful kicks while utilizing his weight as key. The way he motioned his leg was like a straight arrow, aiming at his target effortlessly with skill.
Now it was your turn to practice. Instead of using the Makiwara, he told you to come at him with multiple kicks while he dodges and blocks you. He demanded you to come at him as if he was your enemy, with a combination of those punches that you learned from him yesterday. Or better yet, pretend that he was one of those thugs that you faced off with from that bar a few days ago.
Oh, it would be my pleasure. Time to get him back for that bowl.
The two of you stood a few feet away from each other then readied your fighting positions. Gun told you that he’d count down from three and once he hits one, it’s time to attack with everything you’ve got.
During that moment, you prepared yourself.
You cracked your knuckles in the process of the countdown.
You stretched your legs and arms nonchalantly while waiting for that last second.
With a step of speed, your movements was like a cheetah going after its prey. You dashed towards him so fast that it only took him a second to block your incoming attacks. You aimed a kick to his head, but then he dodged him. However, your kick was enough for him to skid a few feet away from you.
“Is that the best you got?”
You gritted your teeth in annoyance.
“Don’t look down on me just yet…”
You ran towards him once more with your fist out, ready to strike. Gun starts to notice an obvious pattern from your movements. The problem with your attacks was that they were easy to read. Even though you managed to copy the moves he taught you from the basics, you still needed to apply it with stealth so that your opponent wouldn’t be able to read your next move. However, that wasn’t the case when you fought with an actual thug in that alleyway. So why were you not fighting like that time?
Your blows were blocked by Gun’s arms as you continuously threw your punches head on. You were frustrated at yourself since you couldn’t manage to even break his balance or watch him fall. Gun could see the same frustration that he had on your face as well, which made him realize why you weren’t giving it your all. It was because you had a soft mindset. Originally, you weren’t a fighter so you didn’t have that competitive mindset yet. You only felt the feeling of having to survive under certain conditions in order to bring that fighting spirit out of you. As a result, he thought of a plan to get you to attack him more seriously.
“What are you doing?! You’re not trying hard enough! I can even read your movements!”
Sweat started to trickle down the sides of your head due to the over exertion of body movement and the heat under the sun. You felt yourself getting tired, but you thought to yourself that you couldn’t back down just yet. Not until he isn’t standing anymore.
I need to find a way to attack when he least expects it, but how…?
You stood there for a few seconds still trying to catch your breath until your eyes lit up with a new kind of determination.
Yes, that should work. Here goes nothing…
Gun was waiting for you to move as he stood there, staring at you intently. He noticed the new look in your eyes, as he eagerly prepared himself for what’s about to come. “This should be good.” He mumbled to himself while readying his fighting position.
With a new burst of energy, you dashed towards him one last time. You finally came up with a strategy that might carry you to success.
Don’t think. Just fight.
Gun’s eyes were on yours, watching them to see where you’ll be attacking him next. Once again, you came for him with your fist raised, prepared to jab him. When he saw your eyes shift to your left, he smirked already anticipating what was going to happen. He reacted as he shifted his body more towards your left to block your attack.
“Too slo-“
In actuality, you didn’t go that way. You ran past him in the opposite direction, attacking him from behind with a straight backwards kick to his back. However, even when he was caught off guard for a second, he matched your speed by turning his body around to his right then blocked your back kick with both of his arms crossed in an “X” formation in front of him. The powerful impact on his arms sent him flying a bit until he regained his posture when he landed cleanly back onto the ground.
You turned around quickly while you tried to regain your balance after the attempt to kick him. When you saw that he was caught off guard and that you successfully ruined his balance for only a second, you smiled in satisfaction.
Finally, I did it.
The unfamiliar feeling of your heart racing, from fighting became exhilarating to you. You realized that it was like a new high to you. You wondered if this was what thugs felt when they fight with each other. Was it the sense of adrenaline coursing through your body?
“Well done. I’m surprised by how much you’ve exponentially improved in such a short amount of time.”
Gun walked towards you and gave a genuine smile of satisfaction. He is now rest assured that training you have produced signs of progress.
You’ve never seen that side of him before. Seeing him smile actually made you blush a bit. Who knew that he could be so attractive when he smiles like that? Almost warm. You’ve always seen him being a douche or as a strict grumpy old man. But this? You wished you had a camera in your hands right about now so that you could take a picture of that perfect smile and then frame it. After all, you don’t know if you’ll be able to see it again in the future.
“Alright. Now do fifty punches and fifty kicks. Do them properly this time.”
Well that didn’t last long.
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While having lunch with Gun, this time it was him that started the conversation.
“I forgot to mention the monthly payment that you’ll be receiving. By the end of each month, you’ll be receiving money from me. However, I’d like to confirm the amount again. You said seventy thousand yen, right?”
While eating a piece of the chicken breast on your plate, you replied with a hesitant tone.
“Alright, that can be arranged.”
Awkward silence once again filled the room.
“You know, you’re not really good at starting conversations.”
Gun frowned while eating his food. “What is there to even talk about? I don’t know what women are into nowadays. Other than makeup, ridiculous dramas, new clothing, accessories, and shoes, I really don’t know.”
“Dude, really? That’s all you think women are into? You must be joking.”
“I wouldn’t know because I’m obviously a man.”
“Okay, so what are your interests?”
“Hm… Money, power, expensive things, designer clothing, luxury vehicles, martial arts, and strong fighters.”
“Ah yes, how very ‘alpha male’ of you. Apparently, you forgot cooking.”
“I only cook to live and it’s not really in my best interests. What about you? Judging from your tone about what I think of women’s interests, that isn’t what you’re into?”
“Well, no. I’m not materialistic like you. I like music, art, books, food, games, nature, and just being with the people I care about is enough for me to be happy.”
“I see. Then, why did you come here to South Korea if you’re not into money?”
“It’s for my mom. Actually, she’s sick…”
Gun looked up from his plate as he noticed a hint of sadness in your eyes while you were staring off into space. You were in a daze from remembering all of the hardships you went through. Your mom’s hospitalization. Being mistreated by classmates. Working all those part-time jobs trying to earn a living. He somewhat regretted bringing up your financial problem again so he offered his apologies. It was the only right thing he could possibly think of to try and dismiss the tension in the room.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have pried again into your personal issues.”
Your eyes shifted to him as you apologetically shook your head.
“Oh no, I should be the one who’s sorry. I must’ve made you uncomfortable from the sad atmosphere.”
“Not at all.”
Gun suddenly got up from his seat, putting his used dish into the dishwasher.
“I’ll be leaving right now. I have some important matters to take care of.”
“Oh, okay. When will you be back?”
“I’m not sure when I’ll be back, so don’t wait for me. When it’s time to eat, just heat up something that’s already been prepared in the fridge.”
“Okay, will do.”
You followed him out to the front door then waved him goodbye. He nodded at you, confirming that he’ll be taking his leave before shutting the door behind him. Since Gun had left, you weren’t sure of what to do so you decided to just sit around in the lounge area and watch TV which lasted for a while. You were intrigued by the different shows they had in Korea as you watched hours of reality shows and Korean dramas.
“So this is what he was talking about. Man, this is bad. I might get addicted to these.”
Your eyes turned to a nearby clock right above the flat screen TV, realizing that it was already dinner time.
“I hope he doesn’t mind if I eat while watching at the same time.”
You did as he had informed you by heating up the food in the microwave, then came back to the couch to watch your addictive dramas. Your eyes were so hooked to the TV, that you forgot to put your dish in the dishwasher after you ate as you naturally drifted off to sleep.
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Gun came back at around midnight once again, feeling annoyed and exhausted by Goo’s presence all night. He had to accompany Goo to take care of some unimportant crew-related business. However, while he was out, all Goo ever brought up was you. He was curious about how your progress was going and what you and Gun have been doing while you were staying at his house. Just the constant teasing from Goo made the bashing of crew members’ heads much easier. Before Gun had to part ways from Goo, Goo waved him goodbye while saying, “Tell (Y/N) I said hi, and that we should get coffee sometime soon!” This made Gun even more irritated. He didn’t even turn around to look at him as he replied back with, “Just shut the fuck up, and piss off already.”
When he entered his house, he was surprised to see you sitting on the couch while the TV was on. He could only see the back of your head from where he was standing and he saw that you didn’t even put your dish in the dishwasher like he told you to.
“Oh great. Another one that I have to deal with.”
Suddenly, he walked towards you heated, ready to give you a piece of his mind.
“Hey, (Y/N)! What did I tell you-”
Your eyes were closed, sleeping peacefully on the couch. When he saw that you were in deep slumber, he sighed while turning off the TV. He grabbed your plate then put it in the dishwasher for you. After that, he came back to you then tried shaking you awake but you wouldn’t budge. You were a heavy sleeper.
With that, Gun decided to pick you up bridal-style and carry your unconscious self out from the couch then up the stairs towards your room. While carrying you, he snuck a few glances at your relaxed state. Your delicate face, your long eyelashes, your slender nose, and those plump lips of yours was all too irresistible to not look at. He even spotted the mark that he gave you from that one time which made him feel unusual that he had to compose himself even while you were sleeping.
When he got to your room, he set you down gently onto your bed then slowly pulled the covers over your body. He kneeled over your bed to fix your hair by gently brushing the strands of hair away from your face while watching you sleep so peacefully.
“You are such a handful, making me carry you into your room while I’m the one who should be in bed by now. How can I even handle a woman like you?”
His eyes focused on your facial features until they went south, down to where that hickey was on your neck. He traced his finger lightly on the mark that he made on your delicate skin. Suddenly, he drew his hand back away from you in alarm then immediately stood up.
“What the hell am I doing? Have I gone crazy?”
Gun then walked towards the door to turn the door knob. He took one last glance at you sleeping before silently closing the door behind him.
[End of Ch. III]
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rancidpancakebatter · 2 years
tasm!peter parker
like honestly i’m not sure how to exactly set this up, but like a mini series of like a friends to lovers but the reader already has been in a relationship for like three years or something and she finally realizes that her partner isn’t really fulfilling the role of her partner in the relationship and seeks out help from peter and gwen ? idk i just thought this quote from my favorite movie would fit that, like she should try to make her relationship work or just end it ? idk you know i love you so we’ll see what happens next, i’ll love any direction you’d want to approach it with ! 😊💗🫶🏼🫶🏼
🎥: before we go
brooke dalton:
it’s possible, isn't it? it’s possible that you could meet somebody who's perfect for you even though you're committed to somebody else.
nick vaughan:
no, no, see, i think if you're committed to somebody, you don't allow yourself to find perfection in someone else.
Another Way to Fly-[P.P.] | Chapter One
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Pairing: TASM!college!Peter Parker x female!college!reader
 Summary: You've been dating Harry Osborne for three years. You love him...but maybe not as much as you once did. Maybe not enough.
AU Where Norman isn’t as sick- he’s just an asshole- and Gwen doesn’t go to Oxford. Harry is functioning as an apprentice at Oscorp (He graduated with a master's in two years because of his studying abroad). You, Peter, and Gwen are all seniors at ESU. Because Norman isn’t dying the whole “Goblin” thing is scratched from the record so Peter and Harry are besties.
Word Count: 3.8k
Content Warnings: Swearing, Drinking (Of age), Skeezy men, Blatant objectification of reader, Norman Osborne (I dunno if that's really a warning but like he's gross and a terrible father so I'm listing it)
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A/N: So sorry this took so long @scorpiolystoned! I got caught up in a lot of stuff and it took a second but the first chapter is FINALLY HERE! I'm having fun with this one :))
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You were at yet another fundraiser in yet another gown that cost more than your monthly rent, talking to yet another stuffy old man who felt the need to make his opinion known. You smiled politely as he continued to tell you how your generation's greatest issue was a lack of work ethic, which was rich coming from a man who inherited his ten-million-dollar mansion upstate. You were on your third glass of champagne and considering getting a brandy instead. Anything that might make this conversation less painful. 
Normally you would have no issue telling him off- rattling off about the lies sold to the working class by the privileged elite- but alas, you were here with your boyfriend, and you couldn’t taint his reputation. Harry would be inheriting Oscorp one day and would need these men to like him to keep it running. So you bit your tongue and plastered on a fake smile. 
You said nothing about how insane they all sounded. You said nothing about the racist comments they made about their housekeepers. You said nothing about the skeezy comments they would make about you. You said nothing, because here: women are trophies, not people. 
You hated going to these events but you loved Harry. You knew he didn’t like them much either, constantly having to defend his capability and intelligence to men who claim he’s just an idiot boy with a well-respected father.
He asked you to come to keep him sane. However, he was nowhere to be seen. There was no one to save you from this creepy man asking if college was really the right move because it would be better to settle down, “it would be a shame to waste all that beauty.” 
You politely excused yourself and made your way to the bar. One benefit of snobby, elitist parties: open bars. You ordered something top-shelf and strong while you fished your phone from your clutch. You sent out a text to Harry letting him know where you were and asking him to come back to your side. You sat there for an hour, nursing your second drink, until he came back. 
“Hey babe, sorry about that. My dad reintroduced me to some shareholders and I couldn’t get away.” He gave you a peck on the lips and he sat down next to you. 
You rested your head on his shoulder and his arm draped over the back of your shoulders.
“I’m sorry, I’m sure you’re more than ready to leave.” You told him you were and he nodded. 
As he looked at his watch he sucked his teeth. “If we leave now it’ll be too soon. Can you hang in another hour?” 
You pouted at him and he leaned into you, “I promise I’ll make it up to you.”
You shivered as he kissed just below your ear. He placed his hands in yours as his kisses started trailing lower. 
“Okay, okay. You win.” A smile stretched across his face and you swatched his chest. “But you better not abandon me again. I mean it, Osborn.”
He playfully winces as he stands from his chair, “Ooh, last name. She’s serious.”
He gave you another peck on the lips, “I promise.” 
And with that, you let him lead you back into the horde. 
You made small talk and you played the role of a doting, hype man. To be fair, you didn’t really have to fake that. You loved Harry. It wasn’t hard to gush about his accomplishments, you were immensely proud of him. However you had to format your adoration differently for this crowd, and you hated that. 
An hour turned into two, which turned into three. Eventually, you pulled him aside and told him you were ready to go. You felt gross and emotionally exhausted. Harry said he still couldn’t leave but looking at your face he knew you were done.
He called you a cab and told you he would see you later. You hated leaving without him but understood. After a shower, you got ready for bed. You tried to stay up for him but the drinks you had made your eyes heavy and soon you were drifting off to sleep. 
You woke up the next morning in an empty bed. You checked your phone to see Harry had texted you. 
“I went home with my father last night. Have a good day of classes.” You pushed away the sadness you felt and sent him a text saying you would, asking if you would see him today. 
You got up and ready and made your way to a cafe just off campus. Every Monday, you went to Cafè Luna and met up with your friends before class. It was a lovely tradition that began about a year ago when you all discussed how abhorrent you found Mondays. This was a good way to make sure everyone started off on a good note. 
You pulled at the glass door and were greeted by the smell of cocoa, butter, sugar, bread, and coffee. A mix that always made you happy. You got in line, pondering what kind of breakfast you wanted today. You could go for the classic breakfast sandwich, or possibly a sweet treat would brighten your mood more. You decided on both, knowing Gwen would split whatever confectionary you got. 
As you got to the counter, you gave the cashier your order and handed her Harry’s card. You grabbed a table while you waited for your order to be called out. Just then, two of your three favourite people walked in. You smiled as Gwen waved, rushing towards you to wrap you in a hug. She kissed you on the cheek before separating. Peter beamed at you as well and enveloped you in a firm hug.
You would never tell anyone, but he was the best hugger in the group by far. He always hugged with just enough strength to make you feel warm and safe but not enough to hurt or feel trapped. 
Once in your unofficial seating chart, Peter looks around the shop. “Where’s Harry?” 
You force a smile, trying not to let your own disappointment show. “He’s at his dad’s. I’m not sure he’s gonna make it today.”
Peter huffed, letting his lips flap together at the end. “Bummer, I was hoping to see ole Harr-Harr.”
You nodded in understanding, wishing for the same. You couldn’t get too lost in your thoughts as you heard your name called from across the cafe. 
You stood from your chair, “Sorry guys, I already ordered. I was pretty hungry.”
They both reassured you that it was fine. Peter stood from the table as well. “I’ll go get in line.” 
He kissed Gwen on the forehead before walking across the store with you. You grabbed your food and headed back to the table. You placed your cinnamon roll between you and Gwen and passed her a fork.
She feigned innocence, claiming she couldn’t possibly take your food, but eventually gave in when you pointed out how big it was. This was a local shop, and they made all their baked goods in huge sizes. The cinnamon roll between you was almost as big as your hand. 
Peter soon returned with his and Gwen’s orders. Gwen thanked him with a kiss on the cheek as Peter casually draped his arm around her. You smiled at the couple and the domesticity they displayed. It was sweet. 
“So,” Gwen asked pulling you from your thoughts, “How was your weekend?” 
You told her about how you spent most of it preparing for Oscorp's last fundraiser. Norman did a fundraiser once a month, cycling through different organizations and causes.
Last night was for Cerebral Palsy. There was a giant check for a cool million dollars on display in the Osborn name. You hated that charity was thrown around in this way, as a power grab, but you guess there are worst things they could do with their money. 
Because of Harry’s absence this morning your friends could sympathise with you openly. 
“Yikes, I don’t miss those.”
“How many guys commented on your dress?”
You chuckled, “Yeah Pete, you’re real lucky and only two men commented on my dress. However, three commented on my hips, and six on how beautiful I was.”
Gwen grimaced while Peter looked between the two of you, confused. “I don’t understand. Being called beautiful is bad?” He looked directly at Gwen, “Should I not call you that anymore?”
She chuckles and places a hand over his heart. You watch Peter physically calm at the act. “No, but there’s a certain way in which some men say that doesn’t really mean ‘you’re beautiful.’”
“It means, ‘I see you as a sex object and I am imagining having sex with you right now as we are talking.’” You helpfully supplied. 
Gwen raised a finger and pointed it at you with a look of “she’s right.” Peter scrunched up his face in disgust. 
“Ew, men are pigs.” You both hummed in agreeance as you tore into your breakfast sandwich. 
They told you of their weekend: Dinner at Mays and a nice night in. You tried not to be jealous. You wished that you could do that sort of stuff with Harry. He always wanted to go out, spend money, be seen. You wished that your attention was enough. 
You almost got lost in your conversation about work when you caught a glimpse of your phone on the table. You usually kept it in your purse, but you were hoping to get a message from Harry. 
“Oh shit! Sorry, I gotta run or I’ll be late for class.” You gathered your stuff and hugged your friends goodbye. 
This was a nice tradition, you thought. Your Monday definitely felt a lot better. 
You walked out of your last class and sent another text to Harry. He still hadn’t replied to your earlier one from this morning. 
“Hey! Missed you at Luna’s today. I’m on my way home.”
You didn’t officially live with Harry, but you might as well. For the past four months, you spent almost every night there. He had made space for you and your things. You had your products in the bathroom and your snacks in the cupboard. Really you only went home for more clothes or if he was busy with work. You knew he appreciated his space when he was working. 
As you sat on the subway, you tapped your foot to the beat of the music pumping in your headphones while considering what you would make for dinner tonight, what Harry would want to eat. You scrolled through Pinterest to form ideas. 
When you got to the lobby, the doorman greeted you as always. You had given Harry a key to your place ages ago, and in return, he added you to his “list”.
Harr lived in a very expensive Manhatten penthouse, and with its security and staff, you couldn’t enter without him. He didn’t really use a key because he had a private elevator. So instead, he registered you with the building so you could come and go as you please. 
When you exited the elevator you called out for him, but it seemed he wasn’t home. You dropped off your stuff and took shower. You loved his shower. The water pressure was amazing and the water never got cold.
As you stepped out you wrapped yourself in his robe and reapplied your makeup in the mirror. Your hair was still wrapped in product, being shaped just right, when you started getting dressed.
Harry still hadn’t texted you back but that wasn’t unheard of. He often got caught up in his work. You knew it could be stressful for him though and you wanted him to come back home to no worries. You put on his favourite lingerie set and one of his dress shirts. You twirled and posed in the mirror, feeling quite good about yourself. 
He would be home in about three hours which gave you time to make something for dessert too. You rummage around the fridge and decide on homemade gnocchi, served with a white cheese sauce, asparagus, and buttered scallops. For dessert, you think, a simple fruit tart.
You get to work juggling various doughs and many burners. When you had a minute, you set the table and picked out a red wine that you thought would pair well with the dish. You wanted to arrange flowers for the table, but unfortunately, you didn’t have any, and you didn’t want to risk losing time getting dressed and running down the block. 
The penthouse smelled fantastic, and you were proud of your work. You had been dancing around a playlist comprised of “American Standards”. Your hips swayed to the likes of Etta James, Nat King Cole, Bobby Darin, and Doris Day as you made sure everything looked perfect. You missed Harry today and hoped this would put him in a good mood. 
You heard your name being called into the space and your feet carried you to the source. Your smile was grand as you jumped onto your toes to throw your arms around his neck. You buried your face into him, conscious of your makeup. 
“Hey, Harr-Bear! I missed you!” His arms slowly wrapped around you, but the hold felt foreign. 
“Uh, yeah, me too.” He stepped away from you, and his brow furrowed as he looked you over.
“What are you wearing?” Your fingers fiddled with the hem of the shirt, suddenly feeling small. 
“I…I know you like it when I wear your clothes, and I- I just thought that maybe you had a hard day, so I wanted to- to surprise you.” Harry looked more than stressed, he looked scared. 
He opened his mouth a few times, but nothing came out. His hand came up to his hair as he looked around. 
“(Y/n), I need you to-”
The elevator door opened, and it was too late. The warning he tried to give you was futile as you saw an all too familiar face walk into the room. 
Oh shit.
His dad. 
He wore a smile you hesitate to call forced. To force a smile, you must put effort into it, but in Norman’s endless quest to evade age- death, really- he had gotten a lot of work done. This resulted in a permanent crooked smile, and brows that looked just a little too high. You had no issue with people getting cosmetic surgery; whatever makes you feel more comfortable, ya know?
But you did have a problem with Norman Osborn. And you had a huge issue with him seeing you in your current state. Panic. Full blown panic. All you can think is “hide!” So you do.
“The scallops!” You ran back to the kitchen as the smell of them roasting wafted through the air. 
As you hastily flip them, you look down at your “outfit”. The shirt you picked was thin, almost sheer, making the black set you wore underneath entirely obvious. You might as well be running around naked.
The only way to get to Harry’s room is to cross the living room and run up the stairs, but that means you would have to pass Norman, who is no doubt, doing his surveillance of Harry’s space- being sure to throw in as many passive aggressive comments about his son’s life and design choices. 
“Smells delicious in here. Did you cook, Harold?” You hate when he calls him that, and so does Harry. It’s just another reminder that he will never be his own achievements, only his name. 
You look across the stove. There isn’t enough there for three. You wished Harry had mentioned bringing his father back with him. You would have prepared better.
You considered, for a moment, ducking into the pantry and just waiting for him to leave. He would never need to know you were here. But he probably heard your exclamation and saw you run. Hiding wasn’t much of an option. 
“Oh, well hello (L/n).” You felt your blood run cold. 
Slowly you turned to see Norman just in the threshold of the kitchen. His forced smile is now a smirk that makes you nauseous as his eyes trail over your body. 
“Dr Osborn.” You try to sound respectful, but it comes out curter than you intended. 
Harry is standing behind him, always in his shadow. His eyes were wide, full of shock and horror. 
“Is that what you’re planning to wear for dinner?” He still had yet to make eye contact, and it took all of your strength not to curl up in a ball and hide from his gaze. 
“I-No, I uh. I’m sorry I wasn’t expecting you. I was just about to change, but I didn’t want anything to burn.” You try to smile as you start pulling things off the burners. 
“Harrold, man the stove so your girlfriend can change into something that doesn’t look like it was made for a costume in an adult film.”
Only then does Harry jump into action to save you. He awkwardly enters behind his father, who doesn’t move to let him by, and grabs the tongs from your hand.
Your feet carry you quickly across the polished hardwood, and once on the stairs, you can feel Norman’s eyes on you. You pull the shirt down, a feeble attempt to cover your ass, but it doesn’t do much. When you finally close the door behind you, you feel like crying. This was so humiliating. 
You hate Norman. He’s so gross and has no problem ogling you (in anything you wear) while talking down to you. He was never much of a fan of yours.
You didn’t come from money, going up poor in Brooklyn. You weren’t a super genius. You weren’t even interested in science. When you first met Harry, you didn’t even know who he was, but obviously, you only liked him for his money. Norman had more than once commented on the idea of a prenup. 
The first time Harry introduced you to his father, it felt more like an interrogation. He grilled you on your studies and your prospects, and your past. Any answer you gave left him with his scowl well in place. Harry didn’t offer much comfort, but you quickly realised that Norman also made Harry upset, just in a very different way.
He held a lot of contempt for his father. He told you about how he shipped him off for school and never reached out. He didn’t like him, that was for sure, but he ran the chequebook. He ran the business Harry thought was his birthright, but Norman is a calloused narcissist, and Harry knows if he pisses him off too much, he’ll give the company to someone else, just out of spite. 
You put on an agreeable dress Harry had bought for occasions such as these. Dating Harry came with its own culture, in a way. Most of it revolves around a walk-in closet. This was a casual dinner, but in respect for the calibre of the guest you have to dress up a bit. But not too much. Additionally, it's an evening affair, so a certain colour pallet is in order.
This was a black sundress from some Italian import you couldn’t pronounce. Dainty straps rested on your shoulders, and the hem fell just above your knees. It had a modest V cut, and Harry had instructed you to always wear it with jewellery lest you look bare. You selected a thin gold chain with a small heart pendant, a gift for your first anniversary, and subtle hoops to match. You threw half of your hair up in a clip, and slipped on some black heels to go with it, the stark red on the tread peeking out with every step you took. 
As you made your way back downstairs, they were deep in conversation. You nervously joined Harry’s side, and he wrapped an arm around your waist. Norman commented on how you “clean up nice,” and you had to swallow the bile creeping up your throat to thank him. 
Norman made a comment in regards to what a terrible host you were, “I’ve been here nearly thirty minutes, and no one’s offered me a drink.”
While he said “no one”, which could be either you or Harry, you knew he meant you. You hadn’t served him yet. Harry tenses at the comment, and you quickly try to correct the mistake. You step away to the bar cart to fix Norman a whiskey with one large ice cube and make the same for Harr. Only Harry thanks you as you bring them back.
You all move to the seating area as they continue to talk business. You learned very quickly that you were not allowed to chime in on these discussions. You nodded attentively and sat by Harry. After a bit, you suggested they sit at the table for dinner.
You nervously plate the gnocchi and scallops, deciding you will take significantly less than Norman and Harry. You can’t always make something later. You just have to survive this. 
You set the plates in front of them and grabbed the wine, knowing you were served last. As you poured Norman’s glass, he cleared his throat. You looked up, and he pointed at his plate with an unmistakably fake smile. 
“Is this pasta?” You slowly nodded your head.
“I have celiac. This will wreak havoc on my body.” Harry immediately started apologising, throwing you under the bus, as Norman “kindly” explained that he couldn’t have gluten. 
You gripped the wine bottle dangerously in your hands. “I can have a steak ready for you in ten minutes.”
That seemed to placate the man as you filled Harry’s glass and took his plate back to the kitchen. You turned on the oven and put in your serving of asparagus before pulling a steak out of the fridge.
You practised the breathing exercises your therapist had taught you while the steak seared. Honestly, it could be worse. At least being in the kitchen gave you time away. 
You nuked the plate you had taken from Norman and plated the steak, throwing on the asparagus and putting the sauce in a little bowl on the side.
You replaced Harry’s plate with the warm one and presented Norman with his. Then pour yourself a hearty glass of wine, ignoring Norman’s stare, before sitting down with your cold plate of gnocchi. 
They talked about their days, occasionally asking for comments from you. You tried your best to answer and pay attention, but all you could think about was how your homemade pasta was cold. About how this was supposed to be a pleasant night with Harry, and now, you were dealing with this.
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Taglist: @andrews-lovr, @barbecuetiddy, @cherriescherriesred25, @heejinw0rld, @ilovemoonknight, @negasonic-teenage-asshole, @preciousbabypeter, @princesskittycatofmeowland, @purple-amaranthe, @raajali3
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emirates23 · 7 months
Exploring Nursing Opportunities Abroad: Top Countries for Indian Nurses
Nursing is one of the most in-demand jobs inside and outside India. A profession that is in most demand in GCC countries for Indians is the nursing job. For Indian nurses, who are looking to broaden their horizons, many countries are waiting with promising career opportunities. If you are a skilled nurse and have multilingual capabilities then wide opportunities will be there. The overseas opportunities will give you high pay as well as a high-standard working environment. The respect for nurses outside India is much higher than inside India. Nurses are being recruited through top nursing consultancy in Kerala and here is a list of the top countries that offer promising careers.  
Five top countries that offer promising nursing career
United Arab Emirates: Dubai which is an opulent city right due to cultural and development richness hires nurses from India. A large part of nurses who work in Dubai are Indian and they a decent pay but not much higher than European and American countries. But the most attractive feature of Dubai is that the nurses can take their entire income to their homeland since there are no taxes. In Dubai, there are many world-class hospitals, medical centers, and clinics that offer good employment prospects for Indian and other nationalities. 
Saudi Arabia: In Saudi Arabia, there are a plethora of job opportunities for nurses in both the private and Government sectors. They offer good pay, accommodation facilities and also travel allowances. Saudi Arabia is one of the largest nations in GCC countries and also the pilgrimage place for Muslims, the demand for medical facilities is very high. The demand for trained professionals especially from India is of high demand in Saudi. However, finding the right opportunity is a bit challenging since there is a high scam in the field of recruitment. 
Canada: Canada is a country that offers a healthcare system with the highest standard. This country is facing staff shortages and is now actively recruiting nurses worldwide. The high-quality life and the welcoming stances towards immigrants make Canada an excellent choice for nurses. The medical facilities and education are completely free for immigrants. 
Australia: Australia's flourishing healthcare industry and stunning landscapes attract nurses worldwide. With modern facilities and advanced technology, nurses can work efficiently. During leisure time, they can explore the country's picturesque natural environment. Competitive salaries and excellent benefits make it a lucrative career option. To work as a nurse in Australia, one must register with the AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency) and pass English language proficiency tests.
United States of America (USA): The USA boasts a robust healthcare system with a significant demand for skilled nurses across various specialties. Indian nurses aspiring to work in the USA can pursue opportunities through programs like the H-1B visa for skilled workers or the EB-3 visa for professionals with tertiary education. Opportunities exist in hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities, and community health settings throughout the country.
United Kingdom (UK): With its National Health Service (NHS), the UK offers extensive opportunities for Indian nurses to work in both public and private healthcare sectors. The UK's Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) oversees the registration process for international nurses, which includes passing the Occupational English Test (OET) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS) and meeting other requirements. Work settings range from hospitals and nursing homes to community healthcare centers.
If you are planning for an overseas nursing job, first research the rules and regulations for immigrants. Based on it decide which country is most suitable for you. There will be medical tests, mandatory examinations, and other verifications for each country. It is better to connect with any nursing consultancy in Kerala before you plan to move, they will guide you through the process and also provide you with data regarding the recruitment.
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casualjellyfishcycle · 19 hours
Exploring Higher Education in New Zealand: A Focus on Auckland Universities
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New Zealand has become a popular destination for international students seeking high-quality education in a diverse and vibrant environment. Among its most prominent institutions are Auckland University of Technology and The University of Auckland. This article delves into these universities, covering their rankings, courses, acceptance rates, and more, providing an overview for those considering studying abroad.
Overview of Auckland Universities
Auckland University of Technology
Auckland University of Technology (AUT) is renowned for its innovative approach to education and strong emphasis on research. Founded in 2000, AUT has quickly gained recognition for its diverse programs and commitment to practical learning. The university is known for its modern facilities and a strong connection with industries, which enhances the employability of its graduates.
The University of Auckland
On the other hand, The University of Auckland is the largest university in New Zealand, established in 1883. It is recognized for its research output and academic excellence, consistently ranking among the top universities globally. The university's comprehensive range of programs makes it a first-choice institution for many local and international students.
University of Auckland Ranking
University of Auckland ranking reflects its prestigious standing in global education. It regularly features in the top 100 universities worldwide according to various ranking systems, including QS World University Rankings and Times Higher Education. This consistent high ranking is attributed to its research capabilities, academic performance, and international outlook.
University of Auckland Acceptance Rate
The university of auckland acceptance rate is a critical factor for prospective students. While it varies by program, the overall acceptance rate is around 30-40%. This competitive rate indicates the university’s high standards and the desirability of its programs. International students should ensure they meet the entry requirements and prepare strong applications to improve their chances of admission.
University of Auckland Courses
University of Auckland courses span a wide range of disciplines, from arts and humanities to science and technology. Some of the most popular programs include:
Business: Offering majors in finance, marketing, and management, the business school is highly regarded.
Engineering: Known for its innovative research and strong industry connections, the engineering faculty is a favorite among students.
Health Sciences: The university offers comprehensive courses in medicine, nursing, and public health.
Arts: Students can explore various fields, including music, literature, and performing arts.
Students have the flexibility to choose from undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral programs, catering to diverse academic interests.
Auckland University of Technology Programs
At Auckland University of Technology, students can also choose from a variety of courses designed to meet industry demands. Some notable programs include:
Media and Communication: Focuses on contemporary media practices and digital communication.
Health and Environmental Sciences: Aims to address global health challenges and sustainable practices.
Business and Economics: Offers practical experience through industry projects and internships.
AUT emphasizes a hands-on approach to learning, preparing students for real-world challenges.
Why Study Abroad in New Zealand?
Choosing to study abroad in New Zealand offers numerous benefits. The country is known for its friendly and welcoming culture, stunning landscapes, and a high quality of life. Additionally, New Zealand universities are recognized globally for their educational standards and research contributions.
Cultural Diversity: New Zealand is a melting pot of cultures, making it an enriching place for international students to learn and grow.
Quality Education: Both Auckland University of Technology and The University of Auckland provide high-quality education that meets international standards.
Work Opportunities: International students can work part-time during their studies, providing valuable work experience and financial support.
In conclusion, both Auckland University of Technology and The University of Auckland offer excellent educational opportunities for students looking to enhance their academic and professional prospects. With their high university of auckland ranking, competitive acceptance rates, and a diverse range of courses, these institutions are ideal for anyone considering studying abroad. By choosing to study in New Zealand, students can benefit from a world-class education and an unforgettable cultural experience. Whether you opt for AUT or The University of Auckland, you are sure to embark on a rewarding educational journey.
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hriindia · 20 hours
Top Overseas Recruitment Agencies in Mumbai for Global Jobs
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Top Overseas Recruitment Agencies in Mumbai: Your Path to Global Jobs
Mumbai is India’s economic powerhouse. It’s not only a city of dreams but also a hub for international job seekers. Whether you're aiming for a corporate role in the Middle East, healthcare in Europe, or technical positions in the U.S., finding the right overseas recruitment agency is crucial. HR International, one of the top overseas recruitment agencies in Mumbai, bridges the gap between skilled professionals and companies worldwide.
In this post, we’ll explore why overseas recruitment agencies are important, how HR International helps candidates, and what industries we serve. If you're looking for opportunities abroad, understanding this process is your first step.
Why Overseas Recruitment Agencies in Mumbai Matter
Global employment offers a variety of benefits, from higher salaries to cultural experiences. However, getting an international job isn't as simple as applying online. There are legal requirements, employer standards, and industry-specific qualifications to meet. Overseas recruitment agencies in Mumbai, like HR International, help streamline this complex process.
Recruitment agencies understand global job markets and connect candidates with verified employers. They ensure that all paperwork is completed, from visa applications to employment contracts, and provide guidance on necessary qualifications.
However, not all agencies offer the same level of service. It’s essential to choose one with industry expertise and a strong network, like HR International.
How HR International Helps Candidates Find Global Jobs
Finding a job overseas can feel overwhelming. The competition is fierce, and many employers look for candidates with specific skills. HR International ensures you stand out by helping you every step of the way.
Tailored Job Search HR International doesn't just list job openings. We tailor opportunities to your skills and preferences. Whether you’re an engineer, nurse, or software developer, we match you with the best roles suited to your qualifications.
Guidance on Requirements Every country has its own set of rules for foreign workers. Our experienced consultants help you navigate visa applications, work permits, and industry-specific certifications. For example, working in healthcare in the UK requires passing specific language and competency exams. HR International ensures you meet these standards before you apply.
Interview Preparation Impressing international employers takes more than submitting a resume. We provide coaching to help you succeed in interviews, whether it’s a video call or an in-person meeting. We guide you on how to answer technical questions and present yourself professionally.
Strong Employer Connections HR International partners with employers across the globe. These include companies in Gulf countries, Europe, the U.S., and Southeast Asia. Therefore, we can offer you a broad range of positions in various industries. Moreover, we only work with trusted companies, ensuring your work environment abroad is safe and secure.
End-to-End Support From applying to landing the job, HR International stays with you throughout the journey. We don’t stop at connecting you with employers; we assist with travel, accommodation, and orientation in your new country.
Key Industries HR International Serves
Different industries have different recruitment needs. Some sectors require a lot of documentation and specialized skills, while others look for immediate staffing. HR International specializes in recruiting for several industries:
1. Healthcare
Healthcare professionals are in high demand worldwide. Countries like the UK, Canada, and Australia actively seek doctors, nurses, and allied health professionals. However, the process for getting certified to work in these countries can be challenging. HR International helps healthcare workers from Mumbai get the necessary credentials and find rewarding roles abroad.
2. Engineering and Construction
The Middle East, especially countries like Saudi Arabia and the UAE, often look for engineers and construction workers. HR International has strong ties to companies in these regions, ensuring candidates find high-paying jobs in infrastructure, oil and gas, and civil engineering sectors.
3. Information Technology (IT)
Mumbai is known for producing top IT talent, and HR International connects these professionals with global employers. Whether you’re a software developer, cybersecurity expert, or IT consultant, we can find opportunities for you in the U.S., Europe, and beyond.
4. Hospitality and Tourism
The hospitality sector continues to grow globally, particularly in places like the Middle East and Europe. If you’re trained in hospitality management, culinary arts, or tourism services, HR International can link you to international hotels, resorts, and tourism operators.
Why Choose HR International in Mumbai?
Among the many overseas recruitment agencies in Mumbai, HR International stands out for several reasons.
Experience and Expertise With over 15 years in the business, HR International has deep expertise in global recruitment. We’ve successfully placed thousands of candidates in jobs abroad. Our consultants are experts in international hiring trends and country-specific requirements.
Personalized Service Each candidate is unique, and so are their career goals. HR International takes the time to understand your professional aspirations and tailors opportunities to match. This personalized approach sets us apart from other recruitment agencies that only focus on filling job vacancies.
Ethical and Transparent Unfortunately, some agencies promise the world but deliver little. HR International prides itself on being ethical and transparent. We make sure that candidates are fully informed at every step of the process. We do not charge any hidden fees, and we ensure you understand all terms of employment before accepting any offer.
Strong Network HR International’s network of global employers gives you access to more job opportunities than many other agencies. Whether you are looking for short-term contracts or permanent employment abroad, we have the connections to help you succeed.
Steps to Get Started
If you’re ready to explore job opportunities overseas, HR International makes it easy to get started.
Submit Your Resume Visit our website and submit your resume. Make sure it highlights your skills, qualifications, and work experience relevant to your industry.
Consultation One of our expert recruiters will get in touch with you for an initial consultation. We’ll discuss your career goals and provide guidance on what documents or certifications you might need for the jobs you’re interested in.
Job Matching Once we understand your preferences, we’ll begin matching you with the most suitable job openings. We’ll also schedule interviews with employers and provide tips on how to ace them.
Follow-Up and Support After you secure a job, we’ll continue to support you with any logistical issues, such as visas and accommodation, ensuring your transition abroad is smooth.
Final Thoughts
Overseas recruitment can change your life. However, working abroad requires careful planning and the right guidance. HR International is one of the leading overseas recruitment agencies in Mumbai, helping candidates successfully navigate the complexities of global employment. With our experience, personalized approach, and wide network of employers, we are ready to assist you in finding the best opportunities abroad.
If you’re looking to advance your career globally, HR International can help you take that important next step.
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Author Bio: Simi Gajala has been working in digital marketing since 2018, amassing 6 years of experience. Currently Working as a Digital Marketing Executive at H.R. International. Simi specializes in SEO, SMO, Google Ads, Meta Ads, and blogs & content writing, Boosting Brands, Increasing Visibility, And Enhancing Online Performance.
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Solving Staffing Challenges in Regional NSW Aged Care with Internationally Trained Nurses
Aged care facilities in regional New South Wales are grappling with significant staffing issues. The rising demand for healthcare professionals, particularly nurses, has put immense pressure on these facilities, resulting in inconsistent care for elderly residents. A viable solution to this challenge is the recruitment of internationally trained nurses (ITNs). These skilled professionals are crucial in addressing staffing shortages, ensuring continuous care, and enhancing patient outcomes in aged care settings.
In this blog, we’ll discuss the vital role of ITNs in regional aged care, explore effective recruitment strategies, review visa processes, and highlight the benefits of leveraging global talent pools.
Increasing Demand for Nurses in Regional Aged Care
Australia’s aging population has led to a surge in demand for aged care services, especially in regional NSW where healthcare resources are stretched thin. Facilities in these areas often struggle to recruit and retain qualified nurses, leading to inconsistent care and increased stress on existing staff.
The shortage of registered nurses (RNs) in aged care is a growing concern, with regional facilities experiencing the effects more acutely than their metropolitan counterparts. This shortage impacts care quality and staff morale, making it essential to expand recruitment efforts to include internationally trained nurses.
The Advantages of Internationally Trained Nurses
Internationally trained nurses bring valuable experience, diverse skills, and a strong work ethic to Australia’s healthcare sector. Many of these nurses have prior experience in aged care settings abroad, which helps them transition smoothly into similar roles in Australia.
For regional aged care facilities, ITNs offer several significant benefits:
1. Addressing Immediate Staffing Shortages
ITNs can quickly fill crucial staffing gaps, allowing facilities to maintain adequate staffing levels and provide uninterrupted care. They cover essential roles such as registered nurses, enrolled nurses, and personal care workers, helping to meet service standards despite local shortages.
2. Enriching Care with Diverse Perspectives
The diverse backgrounds of ITNs bring valuable insights and cultural sensitivity to the care provided to residents. Their experience with different healthcare systems enhances the delivery of high-quality, personalized care.
3. Supporting Long-Term Employment
Many ITNs are seeking long-term opportunities in Australia. By offering robust support and integration programs, facilities can retain these nurses, improving continuity of care and reducing staff turnover.
Strategies for Recruiting Internationally Trained Nurses
Successfully recruiting ITNs requires a strategic approach to align the needs of facilities with the professional aspirations of the nurses. Here are some effective strategies:
1. Partner with Specialized Recruitment Agencies
Collaborating with recruitment agencies that focus on international healthcare talent can streamline the hiring process. These agencies have access to a pool of qualified candidates and are well-versed in visa requirements and regulatory processes.
2. Offer Attractive Compensation Packages
To attract top talent, facilities should provide competitive salaries, benefits, and relocation assistance. ITNs relocating from their home countries will find positions more appealing if they receive support with housing, visa sponsorship, and career development.
3. Implement Comprehensive Onboarding and Training
Effective integration of ITNs requires thorough onboarding and training programs. This includes cultural orientation, familiarization with the Australian healthcare system, and mentorship. Investing in these areas enhances retention and job satisfaction.
Understanding Visa Options for International Nurses
Navigating visa processes is essential for recruiting ITNs. Facilities should be familiar with various visa options and ensure compliance with Australian regulations:
1. Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) Visa (Subclass 482)
This visa allows employers to sponsor skilled workers for positions that cannot be filled locally. It is commonly used for ITNs and can be valid for up to four years, depending on the occupation and agreement between the employer and employee.
2. Skilled Migration Program
Nurses may apply for skilled migration visas such as the Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189) or the Skilled Nominated Visa (Subclass 190). These visas offer permanent residency and are ideal for those looking to settle in Australia long-term.
3. Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) Visa (Subclass 186)
This visa is available to skilled workers nominated by an Australian employer. It provides permanent residency and is an excellent option for facilities seeking to retain ITNs for the long term.
Understanding these visa options and providing support throughout the application process can significantly improve recruitment and retention efforts.
Benefits of Global Talent Pools
Recruiting from international talent pools offers several advantages for regional aged care facilities:
1. Access to a Wider Range of Skills
Looking beyond Australia’s borders allows facilities to tap into a broader pool of qualified and experienced healthcare professionals, which is especially important in regions with limited local talent.
2. Enhanced Quality of Care
International nurses often bring diverse experiences and global best practices, which can elevate the quality of care provided to residents. Their skills contribute to high-quality, person-centered care.
3. Immediate Relief for Staffing Shortages
Hiring ITNs offers a swift solution to staffing shortages, helping facilities meet care obligations, reduce staff burnout, and maintain high standards of care.
Internationally trained nurses are a key solution for addressing staffing shortages in regional NSW aged care facilities. By implementing effective recruitment strategies, understanding visa processes, and leveraging global talent pools, facilities can overcome workforce challenges and continue to provide excellent care.
For aged care organizations seeking reliable staffing solutions, Tarrays Healthcare Staffing is here to assist with the complexities of recruiting internationally trained nurses, ensuring your facility is well-prepared to meet both current and future staffing needs.
For more reading please visit : Tarrays Healthcare
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educationvibes65 · 8 days
MBBS in Kyrgyzstan: Spot for developing education skills in MBBS
A hotspot for accomplishing one of the most remarkable educational journeys is resorted in Kyrgyzstan. Stealing the trophies of exquisite reverence and worth, Kyrgyzstan is a battling competitive for limitless countries. An MBBS in Kyrgyzstan ensures absolute empowerment and non-vulnerability. Students who march forward from noble nations find refuge in this distinctive place where instilling educational growth, economic complacency, and endless facility programs are extremely prioritized. Swamped in technological upheavals and penetrative education studying in Kyrgyzstan is a boom. Affordability of cost is an important characteristic that brings the nation into the spotlight.
Educational Benefits of Studying an MBBS in Kyrgyzstan
Educational turns and investments have been an intrinsic dive to understand the functionality and stratagem of the nation. The provision of timeless decor, with in-house fabrication in dormitories and excellent faculty training boosts the morale of innumerable aspirants.
Terminology: The very scrupulous education program to study and reinvent the basics happens in a tenure of 6 years in Kyrgyzstan. Classroom training and textual knowledge are prioritized.
Medium of instruction: There is no hurdle in conveying the educational courses and medicinal programs. English is the main language of communication which helps overseas candidates to build themselves.
Clinical Surge: A very detailed program of an MBBS in Kyrgyzstan for Indian Students, helps the growing potential to find its landmark. Aspirants from various backgrounds find shade in this wonderful journey of paramedics. Clinical rotations, adequate patient flow, research and scientific practises help the students to indoctrinate in a stable manner.
Recognition: Avowed by top international bodies like the NMC, ECFMG, WHO and FAIMER, there is a wonderful potential for students to usurp the best degrees from noticeable places which help them be listed and honoured in all walks of life.
Preliminary Formalities: Kyrgyzstan is structured in a framework which is very proportionate and driven by the rules of the NMC. In order to be an important part of the top-notch colleges, for an  MBBS Abroad in Kyrgyzstan, students have to qualify for the NEET exam. There is no need for candidates to appear for any kind of entrance exam like IELTS or TOEFL.
High standards of education: Interwoven in multi-disciplines and fostering education in fields like General Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry and Nursing, there are a lot of details which are taken care of in the jubilant campuses of Kyrgyzstan . Rinsing out from the old-day classroom teaching and pacing forward to a digital academic bent, the Medical colleges in Kyrgyzstan are a hub for seamless facilities and wonderful internship programs. A modern education approach is welcomed in the place.
Top Notch Faculty: Skilled in the profession and seasoned in age all the professors who teach the contenders in Kyrgyzstan are highly abled. Proficiency of talent is infused and imparted in Kyrgyzstan.
Exquisite Infrastructure: What drives the card of curiosity in Kyrgyzstan is the captivating decor and in-house facilities. A scientific library, a catchy gym and sauna, a green park, mess outlays, laboratories, hostels, clinics and hospitals help students to cherish their stay in a lifetime.
Eligibility Criteria for an MBBS in Kyrgyzstan
The eligibility requisites which need to be met in the nation are mentioned below.
All examinees need to be between the age bracket of 17 to 25 for enrollment.
Contenders have to adhere to the NMC guidelines and should have qualified NEET with a certified score.
Candidates need to acquire a 50% mark in PCB from their respective institutes.
Admission Procedure to  Study MBBS in Kyrgyzstan
The admission details that need to be paid heed to are scripted as under.
Firstly, the process of online registration has to be followed correctly. All professional and personal details need to be inserted.
Candidates should attest valid documents like passport photographs, 10th and 12th mark sheets and scanned copies of passports for seeking admission for an MBBS in Kyrgyzstan.
The university to which the student has applied needs to examine and retrospect all the documents and provide an offer letter to the candidate.
Entrants need to then make the fee deposit for the first year through net banking.  The Kyrgyzstan MBBS Fees, needs to be paid on time inclusive of tuition expenses. A green slip shall be kept handy for future reference. 
 Once the clearance is done, the VISA formalities can commence. A VISA shall be provided within 10 to 15 working days if all goes well.
Once the students receive the VISA they need to make arrangements for their travel. The students should make sufficient arrangements for their stay.
Documents Required for an MBBS in Kyrgyzstan 
10th and 12th mark sheets need to be attested for admissions.
A scanned copy of the Passport has to be provided as a major document.
  Passport-size photographs have to be provided by students to authorities.
NEET scorecard is an important requisite for seeking admission to  Kyrgyzstan MBBS College.
A medical certificate with no traces of HIV has to be provided
Birth Certificate needs to be attached 
The bank statement of the guardian has to be given 
Migration Certificate from past institutions should be clutched 
Travel Tickets showing details on arrivals and departure should be submitted.
Kyrgyzstan Medical College Fees
Emoluments in Kyrgyzstan are a very cost-reliant effort where educational expenses are wrapped up between 20 to 24 lakhs. Tuition charges range between 3000 to 6000 USD per year. The residency charges in Kyrgyzstan amount between 500 to 1000 USD. Medical insurance cost is  100 USD. Mess charges value between 1200 to 1500 USD. Healthcare, nutrition, residency and food are incorporated in the cost alliance.
Top Bottom Line 
Having to indulge and be involved in a very incredible journey of entailing an MBBS in Kyrgyzstan is a beautiful thought. Magnanimous colleges and superfluous ambiences help the overseas candidates to find their dreams come alive. The nation is the best place for planning one's future.
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beardedmrbean · 9 days
A group of healthcare experts told Ilta-Sanomat people should prepare for the eventuality that in the future, tax funds won't be able to cover the current level of services.
A big problem, according to IS, is that Finland lacks a set of national guidelines on how to prioritise care. The healthcare experts told the paper that discussions should focus on the reduction of treatments with "minimal benefits".
While there is debate on how healthcare can in the future accommodate lifestyle disorders, for now, the experts said clinics could reduce age-specific checkups and screenings, which would free up doctors' and nurses' time towards patient care.
Earlier this week, an analysis by a think tank showed that trust in Finnish healthcare has dropped over the past three years.
A rough ride
Helsingin Sanomat's readers are flocking to a story about bus drivers behaving poorly.
Frequent passenger Anett Rull told the paper that drivers need to pay more attention to those travelling with young children.
Recently, she was travelling by bus with her toddler. At their home stop, the driver closed the doors while her son, who is under three, was still stepping out, causing the child to get caught between the doors.
"Luckily, he was wearing a bicycle helmet. I don't want to think about what could have happened," she said.
According to Rull, taking the bus means staying vigilant at all times.
Not long ago, Rull said her stroller nearly tipped over from the force of the bus braking. "A week before that we were at the bus stop with my kid, and I waved my hand. The bus just passed us by."
HS asked transport company Nobina why some drivers behave like this.
Mårten Winqvist, Nobina's regional director, said that while he would not comment on individual cases, he told HS that drivers shouldn't behave inappropriately. He noted that Nobina gets around a thousand feedback messages every month, with about half concerning their drivers. Less than 20 percent of this feedback is positive, while the majority is critical.
Spaniards to the rescue
It has only been three weeks since six new daycare teachers arrived from Spain to work in Helsinki. The City of Helsinki has, however, already decided to recruit an additional 90 teachers from abroad over the next two years.
Two million euros have been allocated for this purpose, reports Hufvudstadsbladet.
Riikka Uoti, who handles procurement for the city, said it wasn't clear whether the next batch of foreign teachers would hail from Spain.
"The first recruitment drive focused on Spain because its education system is similar to Finland's. Additionally, there is an oversupply of early childhood education teachers there," she explained.
At the moment, Helsinki is short of some 2,200 university-educated early childhood educators, with this gap expected to rise to 6,000 by the end of this decade, according to HBL.
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drrichardpayha · 13 days
Locum Tenens: Flexibility and Adventure in Medical Careers
Medicine constantly evolves, with professionals seeking new opportunities that offer more than a routine job. Locum tenens has emerged as an exciting option, providing healthcare providers with a unique career path that combines flexibility, variety, and the chance to explore different parts of the country or world. As the demand for temporary medical services rises, more physicians, nurse practitioners, and other healthcare professionals are turning to locum tenens work to break free from the traditional 9-to-5 and embrace an adventurous career in medicine.
What Is Locum Tenens?
Locum tenens is a Latin phrase meaning "to hold the place of." In the medical field, it refers to healthcare professionals who temporarily fill in for other providers when staffing shortages occur due to vacations, medical leaves, or other reasons. These positions can last from a few days to several months, and locum tenens professionals are often needed in various settings, from rural hospitals to urban clinics.
The role of locum tenens professionals is becoming increasingly important, especially in underserved areas where healthcare providers are scarce. These temporary positions help maintain continuity of care for patients while allowing medical facilities to meet demand without overburdening their permanent staff.
Flexibility in Work Schedule
One of the biggest advantages of a locum tenens career is its flexibility. Unlike permanent positions where schedules are fixed, locum tenens professionals have the freedom to choose when and where they want to work. This flexibility allows healthcare providers to tailor their careers around personal preferences and lifestyle needs.
For instance, some medical professionals choose locum tenens work during certain months of the year, allowing them to take extended time off for personal interests or family commitments. Others use locum tenens to transition between jobs or specialties, gaining experience in different environments before settling into a permanent role. This adaptability makes locum tenens appealing to physicians looking for better work-life balance or those nearing retirement who want to reduce their workload.
A Chance for Travel and Exploration
Locum tenens also offers healthcare providers an exciting opportunity to travel and explore different regions or even countries. Medical professionals can accept assignments in various locations, allowing them to experience new cultures, climates, and healthcare systems. This aspect of locum tenens appeals to those with a sense of adventure who want to combine their passion for medicine with the thrill of new experiences.
For many providers, working in rural or underserved areas is particularly rewarding. These assignments provide the chance to significantly impact communities where healthcare resources are limited, all while exploring scenic and remote parts of the country. International locum tenens work is another option, with healthcare professionals traveling abroad to fill temporary positions in countries facing physician shortages.
In addition to the cultural and personal benefits of travel, locum tenens professionals often enjoy competitive compensation packages, including travel and housing stipends. This financial support can further enhance the experience of working in diverse locations, allowing providers to immerse themselves fully in their new surroundings.
Professional Growth and Skill Development
Locum tenens positions are about flexibility and travel and offer tremendous opportunities for professional growth. Working in different healthcare settings and with diverse patient populations can enhance practitioners' clinical skills and broaden their knowledge base. Exposure to other medical systems, technologies, and team dynamics helps locum tenens professionals stay adaptable and sharp in their practice.
For physicians early in their careers, locum tenens can be a way to explore various medical environments and specialties before committing to a permanent position. They can gain experience in hospitals, private practices, and outpatient clinics, offering unique challenges and learning opportunities. Similarly, more seasoned providers might use locum tenens work to stay active in their profession while transitioning into semi-retirement.
Furthermore, locum tenens can help prevent burnout, a common issue among healthcare providers. The ability to change environments, work with new teams, and take time off between assignments can keep the work exciting, reducing the stress and fatigue often associated with long-term permanent positions.
Networking and Building Connections
Another key advantage of a locum tenens career is the opportunity to network and build professional connections across various regions and institutions. Locum tenens providers work alongside different healthcare professionals in multiple settings, allowing them to form relationships with other physicians, administrators, and healthcare teams. These connections can be invaluable for future career opportunities or collaborations.
In addition, working in diverse settings allows locum tenens professionals to stay informed about the latest developments in healthcare. They are exposed to different practices, policies, and technologies, which can enhance their training and keep them at the forefront of medical advancements. This continual learning process significantly benefits working in temporary medical roles.
Financial Benefits of Locum Tenens
Locum tenens positions often come with attractive compensation packages. In addition to the base pay, which is generally competitive, locum tenens professionals can receive bonuses, travel reimbursements, housing allowances, and malpractice insurance. Taking on multiple assignments can also increase earning potential, as some providers work in high-demand locations offering premium pay rates.
The financial flexibility of locum tenens can also help medical professionals pay off student loans, save for future investments, or fund personal ventures. Providers can maximize their income by choosing when and where to work while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
Locum tenens is an excellent career option for healthcare professionals seeking flexibility, adventure, and professional growth. Whether for a short-term stint or a long-term lifestyle choice, locum tenens work offers the opportunity to explore new places, enhance clinical skills, and enjoy greater control over one's schedule and career path. With the healthcare industry's increasing demand for temporary providers, the future of locum tenens looks bright for those willing to embrace its challenges and rewards.
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alfalahhost92 · 16 days
How to Secure Jobs in Lithuania: Best Recruitment Agencies in Pakistan
Securing a job in Lithuania can open doors to exciting career opportunities in a European Union member state. For many Pakistanis, the prospect of working in Lithuania is appealing due to the country's growing economy, stable job market, and favorable working conditions. However, finding a reliable path to these opportunities requires partnering with the right recruitment agency. In this article, we will explore how to secure jobs in Lithuania and highlight the Best Recruitment Agencies in Pakistan that can assist in this process, with a focus on Recruitment Agency for Lithuania in Pakistan and Recruitment Agency for Croatia in Pakistan.
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Understanding the Job Market in Lithuania:
Before diving into the recruitment process, it's crucial to understand the job market in Lithuania. The country offers a variety of opportunities in sectors such as IT, healthcare, engineering, construction, and hospitality. However, navigating the job market as a foreigner can be challenging without the right guidance.
Key Sectors for Employment in Lithuania:
Information Technology (IT): Lithuania is becoming a tech hub in Europe, with a growing demand for skilled IT professionals.
Healthcare: There is a consistent need for healthcare workers, including doctors, nurses, and technicians.
Engineering and Construction: The construction boom in Lithuania has created numerous opportunities for engineers and construction workers.
Hospitality: As tourism grows, so does the demand for hospitality staff in hotels, restaurants, and other related sectors.
Why Use a Recruitment Agency?
Using a Recruitment Agency for Lithuania in Pakistan can significantly streamline the process of finding a job. These agencies have established connections with employers in Lithuania and can help match your skills and experience with the right job opportunities. They also assist with the necessary paperwork, visa applications, and other essential requirements for working abroad.
Benefits of Using a Recruitment Agency:
Expert Guidance: Agencies provide expert advice on the Lithuanian job market and help you find the best opportunities.
Job Matching: They match your qualifications and experience with suitable job openings in Lithuania.
Visa Assistance: Recruitment agencies assist in the visa application process, ensuring all paperwork is correctly completed.
Pre-Departure Support: Many agencies offer pre-departure briefings to prepare you for your new life in Lithuania.
Best Recruitment Agencies in Pakistan for Lithuania:
Finding the right Recruitment Agency for Lithuania in Pakistan is critical to your success. Here are some of the top agencies that specialize in recruiting for Lithuania:
Falisha Manpower:
Falisha Manpower is one of the leading recruitment agencies in Pakistan, known for its strong connections with employers in Lithuania. They offer a comprehensive range of services, from job placement to visa assistance, ensuring a smooth transition for job seekers.
Securing a Job in Lithuania:
Once you've partnered with a reliable Recruitment Agency for Lithuania in Pakistan, the next steps involve securing a job and preparing for your move. Here’s what you need to do:
1. Submit Your Application:
After selecting the recruitment agency, submit your application, including your CV and relevant documents. The agency will then match you with suitable job openings.
2. Prepare for Interviews:
Once your application is shortlisted, the agency will arrange interviews with potential employers in Lithuania. Be sure to prepare thoroughly for these interviews, showcasing your skills and experience.
3. Finalize the Job Offer:
After a successful interview, you will receive a job offer. The recruitment agency will assist you in understanding the terms of your employment contract.
4. Apply for a Work Visa:
With your job offer in hand, the next step is to apply for a work visa. Your recruitment agency will guide you through the visa application process, ensuring all necessary documents are submitted.
5. Pre-Departure Orientation:
Before you leave for Lithuania, attend a pre-departure orientation provided by your recruitment agency. This session will cover essential information about living and working in Lithuania, cultural differences, and what to expect upon arrival.
Securing a job in Lithuania is an excellent opportunity for Pakistanis seeking to work in Europe. By partnering with the right Recruitment Agency for Lithuania in Pakistan, you can navigate the job market with ease and increase your chances of success. Additionally, if you are also considering other European countries like Croatia, many of these agencies can serve as a Recruitment Agency for Croatia in Pakistan as well, broadening your horizons for international employment.
For those ready to take the next step, start by reaching out to reputable agencies like Falisha Manpower, who can guide you through the process and help you secure your dream job in Lithuania.
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mbbsblogsblog · 17 days
MBBS in Georgia: A Comprehensive Guide for Indian Students Pursuing Medical Education Abroad
MBBS in Georgia has cultivated its reputation among international students. The students-centric approach in the medical universities of Georgia captivates many Indian students to pursue MBBS in Georgia. To meet the individual agendas of the students the universities   provide much effort in imparting student- centered education. Students from India studying MBBS in Georgia need not be worried about any language barrier because in the medical universities in Georgia the medium of instruction is English.
World-class research infrastructure to study MBBS in Georgia for Indian students is just one of the basic benefits provided by Georgia's Medical Colleges, which are governed by the Medical Council of India (MCI), the World Health Organisation (WHO), and other eminent medical bodies that maintain standards on par with the best in the world. It is not surprising that the number of Indian students studying medicine in Georgia has increased significantly.
MBBS universities in Georgia provide the best facilities for all medical students, including those who have yet to pass the IELTS and TOEFL language proficiency examinations. In these circumstances, the nation is quite freeing. Students with 50% grade point averages who want to study medicine in Georgia can apply for the award. MBBS from Georgia is also available to Indian students who have completed their CBSE or ICSE boards. The degree will take five years to complete, with MBBS Georgia also offering a one-year internship option.
 MBBS in Georgia: Courses and their Durations
Course                      Duration
MBBS/MD                      6 years
Dentistry                          5 years
Pharmacy                         4 Years
Nursing                            4 years
MBBS in Georgia: Key Facts at a Glance
Intake                                     October
Basic Eligibility                      50% in PCB for General at 10+2 Science, 40% for SC/ST/OBC or reserve categories
NEET Exam Test                     Required with qualifying marks for students who want to practice profession in India.
IELTS and TOEFL                  Not required
Last Date to Apply for             2024   Oct, 2024- March 2024
Medium of Education             English
Universities Recognition        NMC, WHO, WFME, ECFMG, FAIMER
Minimum Course Fee              Rs.3.5 Lakhs/Year
Maximum Course Fee              Rs.5 Lakhs/Year
Cost of Living in Georgia       12-15 Thousand/Month
Course Duration (In Years)    4.8 + 1 year clinicals (internship)
Top Medical Universities        Georgia National University (SEU), David Tvildiani Medical University
 Main Reasons to Study MBBS in Georgia:
 With over 5000 students pursuing MBBS/MD degrees, Georgia offers a safe and secure environment for children to learn. Additionally, the location is affordable, costing about 2.5 times less than other countries.
 Admission Procedure to Study MBBS in Georgia for Indian Students
The strategy that a prospective student must devise for a smooth admission procedure to pursue an MBBS in Georgia is straightforward.
Step 1:
Always begin by filling out an online application form and stacking the necessary papers (shown in the following section).
Step 2:
The university issues an offer letter as soon as it receives the application form. After that, students can put their fees in the university's bank account.
Step 3:
 The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia issues an accreditation letter to the students after 30 days. The university then obtains a ministry directive to send an invitation letter to the students.
Step 4:
After completing the preceding steps, visa acceptance takes 30 days.
Step 5:
Once the fees have been verified, the leaving procedure is completed.
Contact Ria Overseas for any information about MBBS overseas.
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globaleducators · 18 days
Medical University in Abroad - Global Educators
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Medical University in Abroad: Your Pathway to a Medical Career
Pursuing an MBBS degree from a medical university in abroad has become a popular choice for Indian students due to limited seats and high competition in India. with world-class pedagogy standards cheap tuition fees and associate in nursing chance to get  multicultural surround perusal astatine  checkup university in abroad offers respective benefits. Countries like Russia Kazakhstan Ukraine and Armenia are known for their globally recognized medical programs, which are accredited by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Medical Council of India (MCI).
Global Educators & Consultants The best MBBS Abroad Consultants in Jaipur, India, have successfully assisted over 500 Indian students in securing admission to top-approved universities worldwide. they bid general counsel along the admissions work help you take the good checkup at the university in abroad founded along your pedantic ground budget and vocation goals. From preparing the necessary documentation to providing visa assistance and pre-departure support, Global Educators & Consultants ensure a hassle-free Encounter for aspiring doctors.
Studying at a medical university in abroad allows students to receive quality education without the stress of intense entrance exams like NEET. with associate in nursing cheap sign Structure and general back from round educators & consultants Students get center along their studies, and global educators devise their daydream of a decent  and  world. Choose the right path for your medical career with the best guidance available.
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abroadup · 1 month
Ausbildung In Germany
# Ausbildung in Germany: Your Comprehensive Guide to Vocational Training
Are you interested in pursuing a career in Germany? If so, **Ausbildung in Germany** might be the perfect path for you! **Ausbildung**, also known as vocational training, is a highly respected system in Germany that combines practical, hands-on training with theoretical instruction. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the ins and outs of **Ausbildung in Germany**, including its benefits, the application process, and how it can lead to a successful career. We will also discuss the importance of vocational training in Germany and why choosing **AbroadUp** as your study abroad consultant is essential.
## What is Ausbildung in Germany?
**Ausbildung in Germany** is a dual system of vocational training that combines classroom instruction at a vocational school (Berufsschule) with practical, on-the-job training at a company. This system is designed to provide students with a well-rounded education that prepares them for a specific career path.
The **Ausbildung in Germany** typically lasts between two and three and a half years, depending on the occupation. During this time, students spend part of their week at a vocational school, where they learn the theoretical aspects of their chosen field, and the rest of the week at a company, where they gain practical experience.
## Benefits of Ausbildung in Germany
### 1. Practical, Hands-on Training
One of the main advantages of **Ausbildung in Germany** is the emphasis on practical, hands-on training. Students have the opportunity to apply what they learn in the classroom to real-world situations, which helps them develop the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in their chosen career.
### 2. Recognized Qualifications
Upon completion of their **Ausbildung in Germany**, students receive a recognized qualification that is highly valued by employers. This qualification, known as a Berufsabschluss, is a testament to the student's skills and knowledge, and can open doors to a wide range of career opportunities.
### 3. Paid Training
During their **Ausbildung in Germany**, students receive a monthly salary from their training company. This salary is based on a collective bargaining agreement and is intended to help cover living expenses. The salary increases with each year of training.
### 4. Job Prospects
Graduates of **Ausbildung in Germany** have excellent job prospects, with many companies offering employment to their trainees upon completion of their training. The **Ausbildung in Germany** system is designed to meet the needs of the labor market, ensuring that graduates have the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in their chosen field.
### 5. Flexibility
**Ausbildung in Germany** offers flexibility in terms of career paths. Graduates can choose to enter the workforce immediately after completing their training, or they can pursue further education, such as a bachelor's degree or a master's degree, through a program called Aufstiegsfortbildung.
## Occupations Covered by Ausbildung in Germany
**Ausbildung in Germany** covers a wide range of occupations, including:
- Business and administration (e.g., office management, banking, insurance)
- Information technology (e.g., IT specialist, software developer)
- Crafts and trades (e.g., electrician, plumber, carpenter)
- Healthcare and social services (e.g., nursing, childcare, social work)
- Hospitality and tourism (e.g., hotel management, restaurant management)
- Media and design (e.g., graphic design, photography, media production)
## Admission Requirements for Ausbildung in Germany
To be eligible for **Ausbildung in Germany**, applicants must meet the following requirements:
- Have a secondary school diploma (Hauptschulabschluss, Realschulabschluss, or Abitur)
- Meet any specific requirements set by the training company or vocational school
- Pass any necessary entrance exams or interviews
## Application Process for Ausbildung in Germany
The application process for **Ausbildung in Germany** typically involves the following steps:
1. **Research**: Research different occupations and training companies to find the best fit for your interests and skills.
2. **Application**: Submit your application to the training company, which may include a cover letter, resume, and copies of your school certificates.
3. **Interview**: If your application is successful, you will be invited to an interview with the training company.
4. **Entrance Exam**: Some training companies may require you to take an entrance exam to assess your skills and knowledge.
5. **Acceptance**: If you are accepted for **Ausbildung in Germany**, you will receive a training contract from the company.
## Financing Your Ausbildung in Germany
As mentioned earlier, students who participate in **Ausbildung in Germany** receive a monthly salary from their training company. This salary is intended to help cover living expenses, such as rent, food, and transportation.
In addition to the salary, students may also be eligible for various forms of financial assistance, such as:
- **BAföG**: A government-funded student loan program that provides financial assistance to students who meet certain income and academic requirements.
- **Berufsausbildungsbeihilfe (BAB)**: A government-funded program that provides financial assistance to students who are unable to live with their parents during their **Ausbildung in Germany**.
- **Scholarships**: Some companies and organizations offer scholarships to students who participate in **Ausbildung in Germany**.
## Life During Ausbildung in Germany
During their **Ausbildung in Germany**, students typically spend part of their week at a vocational school and the rest of the week at a training company. The schedule may vary depending on the occupation and the specific training program.
At the vocational school, students learn the theoretical aspects of their chosen field, such as industry-specific knowledge, German language skills, and general education subjects. The classes are typically small and interactive, with a focus on hands-on learning and practical applications.
At the training company, students gain practical experience by working alongside experienced professionals in their chosen field. They may rotate through different departments or work on specific projects, depending on the company's needs and the student's learning objectives.
In addition to their training, students may also participate in various extracurricular activities, such as sports teams, cultural clubs, or student organizations. These activities provide opportunities for students to socialize, develop leadership skills, and explore their interests outside of their training.
## Continuing Education After Ausbildung in Germany
After completing their **Ausbildung in Germany**, graduates have several options for continuing their education and advancing their careers:
1. **Enter the workforce**: Many graduates choose to enter the workforce immediately after completing their **Ausbildung in Germany**, using their newly acquired skills and knowledge to secure employment in their chosen field.
2. **Pursue further education**: Graduates can pursue further education through a program called Aufstiegsfortbildung, which includes advanced vocational training, such as a Meister (master craftsman) or Techniker (technician) degree. These programs are designed to help graduates advance their careers and take on leadership roles in their chosen field.
3. **Earn a bachelor's degree**: Graduates can earn a bachelor's degree by completing a DualesStudium (dual study program), which combines vocational training with academic studies. These programs are offered by some universities and universities of applied sciences (Fachhochschulen).
4. **Earn a master's degree**: Graduates can earn a master's degree by completing a traditional university program or a Weiterbildungsmasters (continuing education master's program), which is designed for working professionals.
## Ausbildung in Germany for International Students
**Ausbildung in Germany** is also open to international students who meet the necessary requirements. To participate in **Ausbildung in Germany**, international students must:
- Have a valid residence permit or visa that allows them to work in Germany
- Meet the language requirements set by the vocational school and training company
- Meet the academic requirements set by the vocational school and training company
International students who complete their **Ausbildung in Germany** have the option to apply for a residence permit that allows them to work in Germany for up to 18 months after completing their training. This gives them the opportunity to gain work experience in their chosen field and potentially secure a permanent job in Germany.
## Ausbildung in Germany vs. University Education
While **Ausbildung in Germany** and university education both provide valuable educational opportunities, they differ in several key ways:
- **Ausbildung in Germany** is more focused on practical, hands-on training, while university education is more theoretical and research-oriented.
- **Ausbildung in Germany** typically takes two to three and a half years to complete, while a bachelor's degree takes three to four years and a master's degree takes an additional one to two years.
- **Ausbildung in Germany** leads to a recognized vocational qualification, while university education leads to an academic degree.
- **Ausbildung in Germany** is more closely tied to the labor market and the needs of employers, while university education is more focused on academic research and knowledge creation.
## Why Choose AbroadUp for Your Ausbildung in Germany?
When considering **Ausbildung in Germany**, choosing the right study abroad consultant is crucial. **AbroadUp** is a leading provider of study abroad services, offering a comprehensive range of support and guidance to help you achieve your academic and personal goals.
### 1. Expertise and Experience
**AbroadUp** has a team of experienced professionals who have helped thousands of students successfully navigate the process of **Ausbildung in Germany**. They have in-depth knowledge of the German education system and can provide valuable insights and advice to help you make informed decisions.
### 2. Personalized Guidance
At **AbroadUp**, we understand that every student has unique needs and goals. That's why we offer personalized guidance tailored to your individual circumstances. We'll work closely with you to understand your academic interests, career aspirations, and personal preferences, and help you find the perfect program and company for your **Ausbildung in Germany**.
### 3. Comprehensive Support
**Ausbildung in Germany** can be a complex process, but with **AbroadUp**, you'll have a team of dedicated professionals supporting you every step of the way. From helping you choose the right program and company to assisting with visa applications and travel arrangements, we'll be there to ensure a smooth and stress-free experience.
### 4. Scholarships and Funding
One of the biggest concerns for many students is the cost of **Ausbildung in Germany**. At **AbroadUp**, we can help you explore various funding options, including scholarships and grants. We have extensive knowledge of the available **scholarships in Germany** and can help you identify and apply for the ones that best suit your needs.
### 5. Networking Opportunities
When you choose **AbroadUp**, you gain access to a network of alumni and current students who have successfully completed their **Ausbildung in Germany**. This community provides valuable insights, advice, and support as you embark on your educational journey.
### 6. Post-Arrival Assistance
Our support doesn't end once you arrive in Germany. **AbroadUp** offers post-arrival assistance to help you settle into your new life. We can assist you with finding accommodation, opening a bank account, and registering with local authorities.
### 7. Cultural Orientation
Understanding the local culture is essential for a successful **Ausbildung in Germany** experience. **AbroadUp** provides cultural orientation sessions to help you acclimate to life in Germany. These sessions cover important topics such as cultural norms, social etiquette, and practical tips for living in Germany.
### 8. Continuous Support
At **AbroadUp**, we believe in building long-term relationships with our students. Our support continues throughout your entire **Ausbildung in Germany** journey. Whether you have questions about your studies, need assistance with internships, or want advice on job opportunities after graduation, we are here to help.
## Conclusion
**Ausbildung in Germany** is a highly respected and valuable system of vocational training that provides students with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in their chosen careers. With its emphasis on practical, hands-on training, recognized qualifications, and excellent job prospects, **Ausbildung in Germany** is an attractive option for students who are looking to launch a successful career in a wide range of fields.
Whether you are a German citizen or an international student, **Ausbildung in Germany** offers a unique opportunity to gain a well-rounded education and build a rewarding career. By choosing **Ausbildung in Germany**, you can take the first step towards a bright future in your chosen field.
So, if you are interested in pursuing a career in Germany, consider **Ausbildung in Germany** as a viable option. With its many benefits and opportunities, **Ausbildung in Germany** can help you achieve your career goals and unlock your full potential.
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