#Nursing Abroad Challenges
arjunbnair · 11 months
Searching for lucrative nursing jobs abroad: the gateway to global healthcare opportunities.
The world of nursing has come a long way since the days of working in a hospital in your home town. Today, nursing jobs are popping up all over the world, offering exciting and fulfilling opportunities for healthcare professionals who want to take their skills abroad. In this article, we’ll look at why nursing jobs abroad are so popular and how they’ve become a great entry point into global healthcare for nurses who want to expand their knowledge and skills. The appeal of nursing jobs abroad There are many reasons why nursing jobs abroad have become so popular. First, they provide nurses with the opportunity to work in different healthcare settings, learn different techniques, and be exposed to a wide variety of medical conditions around the world. This global experience not only enhances a nurse’s professional development, but can also help them pay off student loans and save for future endeavors. Financial incentives are also a big factor in the popularity of nursing jobs abroad. Many countries, especially Middle East countries, offer very competitive salaries and benefits packages. These packages often include tax-free incomes, accommodation, healthcare benefits, and transportation allowances.
Various Nursing Positions Abroad
Internationally, a vast range of nursing jobs are accessible, accommodating different specializations and interests. Typical possibilities include:
Travel nursing: This enables nurses to take on brief assignments in other nations while learning about local cultures and healthcare systems. Permanent Placement: Nurses can find jobs abroad that are permanent, frequently in nations where there is a dearth of medical personnel. Volunteer nursing has a significant impact on global health since many nurses opt to offer their services in underdeveloped areas. Experienced nurses who want to share their knowledge and expertise with healthcare professionals in other nations can take on teaching and training responsibilities.
Frequently Visited Places for Nursing Jobs Abroad
Although there are nursing possibilities in many nations, several locations are renowned for their need for international nursing staff. These consist of:
United Arab Emirates: With excellent pay and a cutting-edge healthcare system, the UAE is a popular destination for nurses looking for opportunities abroad.
United States: The USA continues to be a prominent destination for nurses from around the world due to the ongoing demand for healthcare professionals.
United Kingdom: To help with staffing shortages in the country's healthcare system, the NHS accepts nurses from other countries.
Both Australia and Canada have strong healthcare systems and aggressively seek out foreign nurses to fill open posts.
Challenges and Thoughts to Consider On
Although the idea of nursing work overseas is thrilling, it's important to be aware of the difficulties that come with it. It might be difficult to acclimatize to diverse healthcare systems, cultural norms, and licensing requirements. When beginning an international nursing career, nurses should also take into account the effects on their personal life and families.
In conclusion, nursing positions overseas offer fantastic chances for nurses to advance their careers, encounter different cultures, and have a significant impact on the world of medicine. Nurses may open up a world of options in the healthcare industry with the correct training and attitude, and they can also reap financial benefits that can completely change their lives.
In the end, choosing a nursing career overseas is more than just a change of employment; it's a life-changing journey that enables nurses to serve as global healthcare ambassadors and advance healthcare systems around the world. Nursing jobs abroad may therefore be the next chapter in your wonderful journey if you're a nurse thinking about expanding your horizons.
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nodalstudies · 11 months
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monday, oct. 23rd to wednesday, oct. 25th 🩶
it’s been a very sweet finals week. studying the integumentary system, skeletal system, joints, and adult development 🧠
other updates: been focusing on yoga instead of pilates for the past few days :) it’s lovely. also i got triggered monday night so my friend kept me company the next day. we got boba delivered and studied together at my place 🥹 very grateful
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irithnova · 1 year
Notes on "Empire of Care : Nursing and Migration in Filipino American History"
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Filipino nurse migration to the United States is just one aspect of a larger global flow of predominantly female migrants from the Philippines to over 130 countries.
This migration trend contrasts with early Philippine immigration, which consisted mainly of male labourers to the United States
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The migration of highly skilled nurses across borders is both a celebratory sign of their training and expertise but also highlights global power dynamics, where nurses from countries with severe nursing shortages migrate to provide care in highly developed countries like the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.
Despite the important role of Filipino nurse migrants, little is known about their development and experiences.
Existing studies often group Filipino nurse migrants with other Asian professional migrants, which masks the unique aspects of their migration.
These studies often explain Filipino nurse migration through U.S. immigration legislation and economic opportunities, such as the 1965 U.S. Immigration Act and nursing shortages after World War II.
The "brain drain" theory is commonly used to explain professional migration from Asian countries, suggesting that professionals leave due to a lack of opportunities and economic incentives in their home countries.
Filipino nurse migrants are sometimes depicted as impersonal objects of study, preventing a comprehensive understanding of their multidimensional roles as historical agents, professionals, women, and immigrants.
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The migration of highly skilled nurses reflects a global power structure where countries with nursing shortages, including the Philippines, send nurses to provide professional nursing care in highly developed countries like the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. The World Health Organization (WHO) report highlights the inequitable distribution of nurses worldwide, with developing countries having only 15 percent of the world's nurses despite housing two-thirds of the world's population (Empire of Care).
The culture of migration, shaped by narratives about the promise of immigration to the United States, including media portrayals and experiences shared by Filipino nurse migrants already in the U.S, plays a significant role in motivating Filipino nurses to seek opportunities abroad.
U.S. hospital recruiters actively collaborate with Philippine travel and recruitment agencies to aggressively recruit Filipino nurses, shedding light on what some researchers call the "institutionalisation of migration." However, these aspects are often overlooked in research, leaving a "critical void" in understanding the dynamics of Filipino nurse migration.
The lack of study about the exploitation faced by Filipino nurses from both Philippine and American recruiters and their American hospital employers is concerning. Additionally, the scapegoating of Filipino immigrants during challenging political times and the absence of professional solidarity between Filipino and American nurses remain underexplored issues.
The studies that include Filipino nurse migrants also marginalise and simplify the complex and dynamic history of the colonial relationship between the United States and the Philippines.
Pervasive myths of U.S. exceptionalism and benevolence persist and influence the perception of colonial history, downplaying the violent conquest of the Philippines and the racialized hierarchies it created. These myths are also perpetuated in contemporary times through media narratives about immigration and the incorporation of the "Third World" into the United States.
Despite their highly educated and skilled backgrounds, professional Asian immigrants, including Filipino nurses, still face resentment and hostility, as exemplified by the case of nuclear physicist Wen Ho Lee.
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Foreign nurses, especially Filipino nurses, have been criticised for "taking jobs" from American nurses, leading to debates about their immigration and examination requirements. This criticism often overlooks the complex factors involved in Filipino nurse migration and the collaboration between Philippine and U.S. entities in facilitating the process. It also implies that Filipino nurses exploit the United States, rather than the reality of the situation (the United States exploiting Filipino nurses).
The history of U.S. colonialism in the Philippines perpetuated the interrelated myths of "white love" and "little brown brothers." These myths claimed that Americans embraced their colonial subjects with benevolence and enlightened American systems of education, infrastructure, and public health. Not only does this further promote the myths of American benevolence and American exceptionalism , it portrays Americans as superior to their Filipino counterparts in a racialised hierarchy.
American Exceptionalism in this context means Americans juxtaposing themselves against their "Brutal, European counterparts" in order to paint themselves as a benevolent force in the Philippines.
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redgoldsparks · 1 year
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April reading and reviews by Maia Kobabe
I post my reviews throughout the month on Storygraph and Goodreads, and do roundups here and on patreon.
Yolkai Cats vol 1 by Pandania
Quick, fast, silly short comics about cats who share characteristics with Japanese Yokai ghosts. I was particularly charmed by the cat with the extremely long extendable neck and the cat that grew to the size of a wall and blocked roads. Goofy and sweet! 
Dekoboko Sugar Days, vol 1, by Atsuko Yusen
Yuujirou rescued Rui from a childhood scrape, and they've been friends ever since. Also, Yuujirou has nursed a crush all the way into high school... and is dismayed that cute, kind-hearted Rui grew a whole head taller than him! It's extremely obvious that the feelings are returned, but it takes a couple chapters for these two to get their shit together and confess. Silly and sweet. 
Dekoboko Bittersweet Days, vol 2, by Atsuko Yusen
Boyfriends Yuujirou and Rui are reaching the end of high school. Yuujirou is ready to commit to living together and to coming out to their families-- but Rui wants to chase his career dreams by studying abroad. A more serious story than the first about a couple facing their first really big challenge. Also spicier than book one! 
The Freeze-Frame Revolution by Peter Watts
In the far future, a spaceship built on earth travels through distant reaches of our galaxy building a serious of wormhole gates for the hypothetical use of humans who will come after them. Except the ship as been traveling for hundreds of thousands of years and no one has ever come out through the gates. The lives of the 30,000 humans on board are artificially extended because they spend the majority of their time cryogenically frozen, with only brief times spent awake to help out when the ship runs into a problem that the onboard AI can't handle. The ship is also riddled with strange little mysteries: a hidden valley of data crystals; gardens of mutant modified plants; graffiti on the walls in which people leave messages for others who might not wake up and see them for hundreds of years. Amidst all of this, some of the ship's crew want to rebel, tired of their endless missions. But how can they rise up when they spent nearly all their time asleep? I loved the premise of this novella, and enjoyed the ship setting, but found the character development rather thin. If I had really loved any of the characters the twist at the end would have hit a lot harder.
Seven Days in June by Tia Williams read by Mela Lee
I'm not much of a romance reader, but the premise of this one drew me in. The romantic leads, Eva and Shane, are both writers, and more than that, they've both been writing books about each other since an emotionally charged and brief relationship in their teen years ended in tragedy. Though both of their stars have been rising in the literary world, they've been avoiding any direct encounters. As adults, Eva is a single mom raising a smart, creative daughter in Brooklyn on the proceeds of her erotic supernatural romance series. Shane, two years sober, has started teaching and mentoring unprivileged youth in whom he sees himself. When they meet unexpectedly at a literary event, sparks fly. Their connection seems as immediate and overwhelming now as it did when they were young, but are either of them ready to try again? Can their romance fit into their real, adult lives? Eva has chronic pain, an invisibly disability she has struggled with her whole life, and I really appreciated that as an element of her character. Like many romances, most of the setting in this book are lush, glamorous and give scenes a heightened sense of reality. I had to suspect my disbelief about some things, but I enjoyed the book a lot. 
A Hidden Magic by Vivian Vande Velde
I've had this book on my shelf for ages, picked up at a used bookstore because of fond memories of other Velde books (Dragon's Bait and Heir Apparent made a big impression on me as a pre-teen). Unfortunately, I think I waited too long to read this, as it's a bit too simplistic for my tastes as an adult reader. It's a very short fairy-tale like story about a princess, Jennifer, who is fairly average in every way, who has to rescue a handsome but stupid prince from a curse. Jennifer and a sorcerer named Norman talk their way out of trouble with a witch, a giant, a dragon, an evil fairy and a jinni. The somewhat predicable story is enlivened by gorgeous line art illustrations by Trina Schart Hyman. 
Nonbinary Memoirs of Gender and Identity edited by Micah Rajunov and Scott Duane
A nuanced collection of essays from many different perspectives of folks whose gender doesn't fit into the binary. More than thirty contributors' pieces are arranged into five sections, themes around "What is Gender?", "Visibility", "Community", "Trans Enough", and "Redefining Dualities." This book came out in 2019, the same year as my book, and it's interesting to think about how much has changed since then.
Nine Liars written by Maureen Johnson read by Kate Rudd
This series continues to delight! This one follows Stevie and her friends thought the fall of their senior year. They're all thinking about colleges- where to go, how many to apply to. Well, Stevie's friends are thinking about college. Stevie is thinking about how much she'd like to see her boyfriend, currently studying in England, and how much she wants another real murder case. Then David proposes a study abroad trip over Thanksgiving break and Stevie gets both of her wishes. I thought the motive of the murder in this one was less convincing and less clever than most of the previous books, but I honestly didn't care because I was having such a good time watch Stevie crack it (and blunder through very realistic conflicts with her peers). These are some of the best YA mysteries around, and I'm so glad there are more to come! 
Ajo y El Vampiro by Bree Paulsen
¡Leí este cómic en español para practicar y lo disfruté mucho! Una historia simple pero linda.
Family Style by Thien Pham
Thien Pham traces his life from a refugee boat leaving Vietnam to a refugee camp to San Jose, California, anchoring memories around specific meals. Each memory is rich with sensory details- the saltiness of fish, the sweetness of rice, the novelty of school lunches in a new country- and build a narrative of a family surviving steep odds. The art is simple but effective, and the story is well-paced and moving. I had the pleasure of picking up an ARC of this memoir at the American Booksellers Association winter institute and enjoyed it so much.
A Conspiracy of Kings by Megan Whalen Turner read by Steve West
Sophos, the heir of Sounis, viewed with contempt by his father and a long series of tutors, was exiled to an island with his mother, sisters, and a small household of servants. He spent his time mostly reading poetry and wishing for someone to relieve him of his inherited responsibilities. Unfortunately, what comes instead is a troupe of attackers who kidnap Sophos, disguise him as a slave, and burn the manor house. Not sure if his mother and sisters survive, Sophos is taken back to the continent, where he is sure a rebellion of Barons waging civil war against his uncle, the king, mean him great harm. Sophos manages to escape and hide himself away among the indentured laborers in a great house, right under the nose of a Baron who might have hand in his kidnapping. From there, Sophos must make a decision: live safely in obscurity; or reveal himself and risk his life and the lives of his family? From this lowly position, is there any way Sophos can re-take his country? I picked this series back up after a 5 year gap since reading the first three. I had definitely forgotten some important information; for example, the fact that Sophos was a major character in book 1. This somewhat lessened the impact of some of the political machinations, but I still really enjoyed my return to this world and plan to finish out the series now.
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin
This is a story about complicated friendships and creative partnerships, the kind of deep intertwining of lives that an outsider might easy mistake for romantic or sexual but is in fact something closer to a platonic soulmate situation. It's semi-nonlinear, and covers much of the life of Sam Masur and Sadie Green from their meeting in a children's hospital in the late 1980s into their mid-30s and careers. Sam and Sadie become best friends through a chance meeting, and bonded over a shared love video games. A childhood grievance breaks their friendship, and they do not speak for many years until reconnecting in Massachusetts where Sadie is studying game design at MIT, and Sam mathematics at Harvard. Sam throws out a wild idea: in the summer break before their senior years, they should build a computer game together. So begins a tumultuous collaboration that absolutely delighted me, as did the epistolary elements, the mid-book shift into second person narration, and the stories within the story. What did not delight me was the abusive boyfriend who takes up a lot of space in the first 1/3 of the story. If student/teacher relationships and their accompanying unfair power dynamics, marital infidelity, or brief descriptions of physical abuse are a no-go, this book may not be for you. However, when this character mostly exited the narrative I began to enjoy it more and more and I can see why so many people added it to their favorite books of the year lists last year.
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Hello! This is Ms. @adm-starblitzsteel-4305 ! The 6th chapter of Princess of the Monsters will be posted tomorrow!
Don't worry, I only have a few more stories to come! 😊
Why did I wrote this Godzilla fanfic?
It always inspired me about my life. Sometimes life gets hard on your way. For example, as I graduated my senior high school to college/university, I always thought that everything will goes smoothly; until I realized that this sudden changes took almost my wildest inspirations to obstacles. My dream career was to be a science educator, I passed the results and all.
And I am trying to find the RIGHT BALANCE of MYSELF.
There are times that I got myself feeling frustrated and almost got a heated argument with my parents, who are expecting me about what's best for me and the career because their first option was I should be a nurse or an architecture, but I refused, because I do not wish myself to separate my parents to go abroad and find a suitable job since I am afraid of going alone myself. My only option was to be an educator because I love teaching students and motivating themselves to always have hope for their future. I love teaching in secondary schools (high school rather, hopefully I can finish my 4-year level course).
With all those negative auras, I managed to find my true self as I navigated through real-life exposures and positivity, I am able to recover my introvert type to extrovert, though I have my sensitivity of being an introvert because I don't want myself to be hurt again by some nasty things and always avoided it at all cost.
As for the fanfiction I wrote; being a HUGE GODZILLA FAN means getting involved in numerous life. I am extremely tied to Mothzilla stuff and it helps ignited my pure imagination. For years, I created OCs from my childhood until my new adulthood.
The Princess of the Monsters fanfiction is a freshly written story, especially when it comes to family and acceptance, even giving a chance to live amongst their lives and start over a new life. But be warned, for this story will impact over myself or even yourself as I wrote it in order to ease my tensions of something that I truly neglected for
For the two OCs: Mothra Astra and Ma. Celestina...
Mothra Astra is my Mothzilla fanchild and Godzilla's and Mothra's ONLY DAUGHTER before Mothra conceives Leo after their daughter's death. She is another example of my childhood as I described: pure, innocent, full of wonders and joy, being helpful to others and always bring positivity to those around. Her two roles: being the future Queen of the Monsters and Guardian Angel of Stars will help herself navigate through the challenges as an heir to the throne.
Ma. Celestina, however, is a human girl who brought her inquisitive talents (singing, painting, dancing) to spread more love and care and to reminded of whom she is trying to search her long-time discovery after realizing she has wield a Cosmic Power that is equally more powerful yet dangerous when it is not fully trained to master every magic. Her answers lies beneath the tapestry as she travelled across different dimensions before she finally settled in to the MonsterVerse, as a Princess despite her title was already granted on her early childhood.
This story ignited my discovery as I finished writing and feeling myself normal again, I am able to balance my career and hobbies and neither I skipped every last ounce of my skills. Adulthood is something you should normally experienced for especially when you reached that, you will realized that your life - unlike in your childhood to teens - will certainly be tested.
Why I share this to you?
Well, this not a rant, but a lesson that I would never do that in my past again.
Looking at the bright side will help me take a step to my future.
That's all.
~ @adm-starblitzsteel-4305
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emirates23 · 7 months
Exploring Nursing Opportunities Abroad: Top Countries for Indian Nurses
Nursing is one of the most in-demand jobs inside and outside India. A profession that is in most demand in GCC countries for Indians is the nursing job. For Indian nurses, who are looking to broaden their horizons, many countries are waiting with promising career opportunities. If you are a skilled nurse and have multilingual capabilities then wide opportunities will be there. The overseas opportunities will give you high pay as well as a high-standard working environment. The respect for nurses outside India is much higher than inside India. Nurses are being recruited through top nursing consultancy in Kerala and here is a list of the top countries that offer promising careers.  
Five top countries that offer promising nursing career
United Arab Emirates: Dubai which is an opulent city right due to cultural and development richness hires nurses from India. A large part of nurses who work in Dubai are Indian and they a decent pay but not much higher than European and American countries. But the most attractive feature of Dubai is that the nurses can take their entire income to their homeland since there are no taxes. In Dubai, there are many world-class hospitals, medical centers, and clinics that offer good employment prospects for Indian and other nationalities. 
Saudi Arabia: In Saudi Arabia, there are a plethora of job opportunities for nurses in both the private and Government sectors. They offer good pay, accommodation facilities and also travel allowances. Saudi Arabia is one of the largest nations in GCC countries and also the pilgrimage place for Muslims, the demand for medical facilities is very high. The demand for trained professionals especially from India is of high demand in Saudi. However, finding the right opportunity is a bit challenging since there is a high scam in the field of recruitment. 
Canada: Canada is a country that offers a healthcare system with the highest standard. This country is facing staff shortages and is now actively recruiting nurses worldwide. The high-quality life and the welcoming stances towards immigrants make Canada an excellent choice for nurses. The medical facilities and education are completely free for immigrants. 
Australia: Australia's flourishing healthcare industry and stunning landscapes attract nurses worldwide. With modern facilities and advanced technology, nurses can work efficiently. During leisure time, they can explore the country's picturesque natural environment. Competitive salaries and excellent benefits make it a lucrative career option. To work as a nurse in Australia, one must register with the AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency) and pass English language proficiency tests.
United States of America (USA): The USA boasts a robust healthcare system with a significant demand for skilled nurses across various specialties. Indian nurses aspiring to work in the USA can pursue opportunities through programs like the H-1B visa for skilled workers or the EB-3 visa for professionals with tertiary education. Opportunities exist in hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities, and community health settings throughout the country.
United Kingdom (UK): With its National Health Service (NHS), the UK offers extensive opportunities for Indian nurses to work in both public and private healthcare sectors. The UK's Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) oversees the registration process for international nurses, which includes passing the Occupational English Test (OET) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS) and meeting other requirements. Work settings range from hospitals and nursing homes to community healthcare centers.
If you are planning for an overseas nursing job, first research the rules and regulations for immigrants. Based on it decide which country is most suitable for you. There will be medical tests, mandatory examinations, and other verifications for each country. It is better to connect with any nursing consultancy in Kerala before you plan to move, they will guide you through the process and also provide you with data regarding the recruitment.
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Five Interesting Nonfiction Books
Malaya: Essays on Freedom by Cinelle Barnes
As an undocumented teenager living in New York, her journey of self-discovery was just beginning. Because she couldn’t get a driver’s license or file taxes, Cinelle worked as a cleaning lady and a nanny and took other odd jobs—and learned to look over her shoulder, hoping she wouldn’t get caught. When she falls in love and marries a white man from the South, Cinelle finds herself trying to adjust to the thorny underbelly of “southern hospitality” while dealing with being a new mother, an immigrant affected by PTSD, and a woman with a brown body in a profoundly white world. From her immigration to the United States, to navigating a broken legal system, to balancing assimilation and a sense of self, Cinelle comes to rely on her resilience and her faith in the human spirit to survive and come of age all over again. Lyrical, emotionally driven, and told through stories both lived and overheard, Cinelle’s intensely personal, yet universal, exploration of race, class, and identity redefines what it means to be a woman—and an American—in a divided country. (goodreads.com)
2. Lola's House: Filipino Women Living with War by M. Evelina Galang
During World War II more than one thousand Filipinas were kidnapped by the Imperial Japanese Army. Lolas’ House tells the stories of sixteen surviving Filipino “comfort women.”
M. Evelina Galang enters into the lives of the women at Lolas’ House, a community center in metro Manila. She accompanies them to the sites of their abduction and protests with them at the gates of the Japanese embassy. Each woman gives her testimony, and even though the women relive their horror at each telling, they offer their stories so that no woman anywhere should suffer wartime rape and torture.
Lolas’ House is a book of testimony, but it is also a book of witness, of survival, and of the female body. Intensely personal and globally political, it is the legacy of Lolas’ House to the world. (goodreads.com)
3. Empire of Care: Nurses and Migration in Filipino American History by Catherine Ceniza Choy
In western countries, including the United States, foreign-trained nurses constitute a crucial labor supply. Far and away the largest number of these nurses come from the Philippines. Why is it that a developing nation with a comparatively greater need for trained medical professionals sends so many of its nurses to work in wealthier countries? Catherine Ceniza Choy engages this question through an examination of the unique relationship between the professionalization of nursing and the twentieth-century migration of Filipinos to the United States. The first book-length study of the history of Filipino nurses in the United States, Empire of Care brings to the fore the complicated connections among nursing, American colonialism, and the racialization of Filipinos . Choy conducted extensive interviews with Filipino nurses in New York City and spoke with leading Filipino nurses across the United States. She combines their perspectives with various others—including those of Philippine and American government and health officials—to demonstrate how the desire of Filipino nurses to migrate abroad cannot be reduced to economic logic, but must instead be understood as a fundamentally transnational process. She argues that the origins of Filipino nurse migrations do not lie in the Philippines' independence in 1946 or the relaxation of U.S. immigration rules in 1965, but rather in the creation of an Americanized hospital training system during the period of early-twentieth-century colonial rule. Choy challenges celebratory narratives regarding professional migrants’ mobility by analyzing the scapegoating of Filipino nurses during difficult political times, the absence of professional solidarity between Filipino and American nurses, and the exploitation of foreign-trained nurses through temporary work visas. She shows how the culture of American imperialism persists today, continuing to shape the reception of Filipino nurses in the United States. (goodreads.com)
4. Monsoon Mansion by Cinelle Barnes
Told with a lyrical, almost-dreamlike voice as intoxicating as the moonflowers and orchids that inhabit this world, Monsoon Mansion is a harrowing yet triumphant coming-of-age memoir exploring the dark, troubled waters of a family's rise and fall from grace in the Philippines. It would take a young warrior to survive it. Cinelle Barnes was barely three years old when her family moved into Mansion Royale, a stately ten-bedroom home in the Philippines. Filled with her mother's opulent social aspirations and the gloriously excessive evidence of her father's self-made success, it was a girl's storybook playland. But when a monsoon hits, her father leaves, and her mother's terrible lover takes the reins, Cinelle's fantastical childhood turns toward tyranny she could never have imagined. Formerly a home worthy of magazines and lavish parties, Mansion Royale becomes a dangerous shell of the splendid palace it had once been. In this remarkable ode to survival, Cinelle creates something magical out of her truth--underscored by her complicated relationship with her mother. Through a tangle of tragedy and betrayal emerges a revelatory journey of perseverance and strength, of grit and beauty, and of coming to terms with the price of family--and what it takes to grow up. (seattle.bibliocommons.com)
5. Somewhere in the Middle: A journey to the Philippines in search of roots, belonging, and identity by Deborah Francisco Douglas
Half Filipino but raised in an American household, Deborah Francisco Douglas had always longed to know more about her Filipino heritage. So when a thick government-issued envelope arrived at her door announcing her assignment to the Philippines as a Peace Corps Volunteer, she snatched the opportunity and set out on a journey of self-discovery, travel, and adventure. Arriving in the mountain town of Baguio City, Philippines, she was introduced to a life of obnoxious roosters, bucket baths, and kids shouting her name every time she walked down the street. Despite her attempts to get involved in the community, her desire for belonging and identity did not materialize as quickly as planned. Realizing that “Filipino time” means nothing ever happens in a hurry, Deborah braces for the journey ahead, hoping to find answers, and above all, to find herself. Filled with warmth and humor, Somewhere in the Middle captures the simple joy found in ordinary moments and in the people we share our lives with, shedding new light on what it truly means to find the place where you belong. Whether you’re hoping to unearth your own cultural roots, volunteer abroad, or find your next travel adventure, this memoir offers inspiration for all those yearning to discover who they are and where they belong in the world. (goodreads.com)
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israxavci · 2 years
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full name: Isra Avci
gender & pronouns: cis woman & she/her
age & date of birth: 34, March 13, 1989 
where do they live: Downtown 
time living in lockwood springs: 18 years + returned 1.5 years ago 
Occupation: nurse
positive traits: adventurous, caring, generous, organized philanthropic, patient 
negative traits: judgmental, martyr, occupied, overly-meticulous, self-righteous, 
face claim: Melisa Asli Pamuk
sister to: @ecrinavci​ , @aiylaxavci​
inspo: pinterest
Oldest / favored daughter of the Avci family 
Grew up always feeling weird about the fam’s wealth/kinda shrunk away from it
Would always volunteer in HS and would loop friends into service projects
Always felt like she was making up for her family’s wealth
Instead of doing anything impressive post college, she got her degree in nursing and went abroad to volunteer. It was meant to be one year but turned into 13 years working in all kinds of environments from underserved communities to war-zones with NGOs to countries with different humanitarian crises.
A bad break up sent her home (mostly bc she and her partner worked together and lived together and she just wanted a fresh start) and decided it was time to come home
She’s a nurse but will volunteer with other community service initiatives in town that go beyond medicine. She also takes a trip every summer to volunteer her nursing skills with organizations like doctors without boarders, unicef etc.
Booked through end of 2023 so she’ll be in Lockwood until at least then.
Loves plants, especially now that she’s been in one place for a while and can collect them. 
She’s been to 160 countries and every continent (we’re not going to talk about how expensive going to Antarctica was). Her goal is to visit all 195 by the time she’s 50.
She’s lived in Peru, Botswana, China, England, Ethiopia, Morocco, Poland, Czech Republic, Portugal, Brazil, Costa Rica, Turkey and Australia in the past 13 years
Speaks English, Spanish, Conversational Turkish and some Portuguese.
Is by no means a saint, would throw parties in high school (as a means of bringing community together!) and frequent clubs abroad when she was doing work in major cities. She’s always getting people to come out with her, warmth and inviting nature making her the type of person who talks to anyone. She just loves connecting people and enjoying good company with the people she cares about.
Isra loves long bike rides and challenging hikes / rock climbing as well. 
The one thing that was a definite mark of privilege growing up that she didn’t turn her back on was horseback riding, competing from the time she was a girl until she left home. Her only justification was that she wanted to save up prize money to travel on her own terms, which she ended up doing. Now that she’s back in Lockwood, she’ll still visit her family’s horses, especially her show horse who’s now an old guy, Jasper (show name: Black Jack)
Hometown friends
People she’s volunteered with 
Plant friends (aka they pick out new ones together every few weeks)
Friends she’s met abroad
HS enemies 
Equestrian friends / rivals from hs
Biking buddies 
Hiking buddies
Climbing buddies 
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seattlites · 2 years
ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE. ↪ for benjamin morgan, @sgmwesters​​
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when holly had left atlanta, she was in search of something that she couldn’t find in the comfort of home or those close to her. her brother leaving the big city he had convinced her to move to was a big factor but she also wanted to get to know the world. use her skills as a nurse for something greater than just herself. never in a million years she’d think she would find someone to love while working abroad.
truth be told, their relationship was still kind of new. some would disagree, considering they had been together for a couple of years. but as holly would like to remind herself, bonding in the other side of the world when they were removed from the normalcy of western society and their day-to-day jobs wasn’t exactly the same. living together for just a couple of months was proving to be more challenging than handle a whole medical center by herself in the middle of nowhere.
“sorry i didn’t make it for lunch.” holly was happy to have a night-in with her boyfriend. these days their schedules were so opposite they barely saw each other. “the ER was an absolute chaos, i barely had time to eat.” which was why she had texted him saying she’d bring sushi for dinner. it was one of those days. “please tell me your day was better than mine.” holly brought the plate of sushi to the coffee table by the sofa, where ben was waiting for her with two glasses of wine.
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Find the Best Abroad Placement Consultancy for Your Dream Job | HR International UAE
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Abroad Placement Consultancy: Your Gateway to Global Opportunities
In today’s interconnected world, working abroad is a dream for many. People seek international work experience not only for career growth but also for personal development. However, finding the right job overseas can be challenging. This is where an abroad placement consultancy comes into play. These agencies provide expert guidance and support to make the process of working abroad easier.
HR International UAE is a leading consultancy that has helped thousands of individuals secure their dream jobs across the globe. We provide end-to-end services that simplify the placement process, making your transition to international employment smooth.
Why You Need an Abroad Placement Consultancy
The job market, especially for international jobs, can be competitive and complex. Many employers have stringent requirements, and the recruitment process is often lengthy. Navigating this landscape on your own can be time-consuming. Here’s why you need a consultancy:
Expert Guidance: Consultancies like HR International UAE are well-versed in the requirements of global employers. They know what skills are in demand and can help match your qualifications to the right job opportunities.
Access to Exclusive Jobs: Many companies work exclusively with placement agencies for their hiring needs. Therefore, a consultancy can give you access to job listings that aren’t available elsewhere.
End-to-End Support: From applying for the job to securing your visa, placement consultancies provide comprehensive support at every stage of the recruitment process.
Faster Process: With experienced consultants guiding you, the entire process is expedited. They handle the paperwork, communicate with employers, and ensure that nothing delays your job placement.
How Abroad Placement Consultancies Help with Documentation
One of the most complex aspects of working abroad is managing the paperwork. Visa applications, work permits, and other legal documents can be overwhelming. Abroad placement consultancies help you:
Understand Visa Requirements: Different countries have different visa procedures. Some require specific qualifications, while others have restrictions based on age or work experience. A consultancy helps you understand these requirements.
Prepare Required Documents: Most employers abroad require certifications, legal documents, and proof of skills. Consultants assist in gathering and verifying the documents needed for a smooth application process.
Secure the Right Visa: Placement consultancies often have partnerships with visa agencies, which helps you secure the correct visa with minimal hassle.
Industries with High Demand for Overseas Workers
Several industries actively seek international talent. If you’re wondering where to look for jobs abroad, here are some sectors with high demand:
1. Healthcare
Countries like the UK, Canada, and Australia constantly need skilled healthcare professionals. Nurses, doctors, and allied health workers are especially in demand. If you’re qualified in these fields, an abroad placement consultancy can connect you to top healthcare employers.
2. Construction and Engineering
The Middle East, in particular, offers vast opportunities for engineers and construction workers. From civil engineers to project managers, there are various roles in high demand across the region.
3. IT and Software Development
The tech industry is one of the fastest-growing sectors globally. Companies in the US, Europe, and Asia regularly hire international IT professionals to fill positions in software development, cybersecurity, and data analysis.
4. Hospitality and Tourism
Tourism hotspots like Dubai, Maldives, and Europe often require hospitality workers, from hotel managers to chefs. Placement consultancies can help you find roles in high-end hotels, resorts, and restaurants.
How to Choose the Right Abroad Placement Consultancy
Not all placement agencies are created equal. Therefore, selecting the right consultancy is crucial to your success in finding a job abroad. Here’s how to choose wisely:
Check Their Experience: How long has the consultancy been in the industry? A well-established agency like HR International UAE has decades of experience and a strong network of employers.
Look at Their Track Record: Have they successfully placed candidates in jobs abroad? A good consultancy should have numerous success stories.
Range of Services: Do they offer visa assistance, interview coaching, and document preparation? A comprehensive service package is ideal.
Transparency: Are they upfront about their fees and services? Be wary of agencies that charge exorbitant fees without clearly explaining their process.
Client Reviews: Testimonials from past clients can give you insight into the consultancy’s reliability and efficiency.
What to Expect from HR International UAE
At HR International UAE, we aim to simplify your journey to working abroad. Here’s what you can expect from our consultancy services:
Personalized Consultations: We understand that every individual’s career goals are different. Therefore, we offer personalized consultations to assess your skills and career aspirations. Based on this, we recommend the best job opportunities for you.
Extensive Employer Network: We have built relationships with top employers across several industries. This means that when you work with us, you’ll have access to exclusive job listings.
Visa and Documentation Assistance: We guide you through every step of the visa application process, ensuring you have all the necessary documents in place.
Pre-Departure Guidance: Once you’ve secured a job, we also provide pre-departure advice. This includes tips on adjusting to your new country, understanding workplace culture, and managing your finances abroad.
Post-Placement Support: Even after you start your new job, we remain available for any further assistance you may need, whether it’s related to your employment or settling into a new country.
Common Mistakes to Avoid When Applying for Jobs Abroad
Many job seekers make mistakes that can delay or even prevent them from securing an international job. Here are a few to watch out for:
1. Ignoring Visa Requirements
Each country has its own visa regulations. Some job seekers apply for jobs without first checking if they are eligible for a work visa in that country. An abroad placement consultancy can help you avoid this mistake by guiding you through visa requirements before you apply.
2. Failing to Tailor Your Resume
Many candidates submit the same resume for every job application. However, each job has its own set of requirements. Therefore, it’s essential to customize your resume for every job you apply for, highlighting the skills that match the job description.
3. Not Preparing for Interviews
International job interviews often have a different format than local ones. Employers may expect you to demonstrate more than just technical skills—they may also assess your adaptability to different cultures and work environments. Placement consultancies provide mock interviews and training sessions to help you prepare.
4. Being Unrealistic About Job Expectations
Many job seekers have unrealistic expectations about the type of job or salary they’ll get abroad. It’s important to understand the job market and the cost of living in the country where you plan to work.
Final Thoughts
Securing a job abroad can be a life-changing experience, but it requires the right guidance and preparation. An abroad placement consultancy like HR International UAE can streamline the process, ensuring that you get the best opportunities with minimal stress.
Whether you're looking for a career in healthcare, engineering, IT, or any other industry, we have the expertise to help you land the perfect job abroad. Start your journey today and turn your international career dreams into reality.
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Author Bio: Simi Gajala has been working in digital marketing since 2018, amassing 6 years of experience. Currently Working as a Digital Marketing Executive at H.R. International UAE. Simi specializes in SEO, SMO, Google Ads, Meta Ads, and blogs & content writing, Boosting Brands, Increasing Visibility, And Enhancing Online Performance. 
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Exploring Higher Education in New Zealand: A Focus on Auckland Universities
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New Zealand has become a popular destination for international students seeking high-quality education in a diverse and vibrant environment. Among its most prominent institutions are Auckland University of Technology and The University of Auckland. This article delves into these universities, covering their rankings, courses, acceptance rates, and more, providing an overview for those considering studying abroad.
Overview of Auckland Universities
Auckland University of Technology
Auckland University of Technology (AUT) is renowned for its innovative approach to education and strong emphasis on research. Founded in 2000, AUT has quickly gained recognition for its diverse programs and commitment to practical learning. The university is known for its modern facilities and a strong connection with industries, which enhances the employability of its graduates.
The University of Auckland
On the other hand, The University of Auckland is the largest university in New Zealand, established in 1883. It is recognized for its research output and academic excellence, consistently ranking among the top universities globally. The university's comprehensive range of programs makes it a first-choice institution for many local and international students.
University of Auckland Ranking
University of Auckland ranking reflects its prestigious standing in global education. It regularly features in the top 100 universities worldwide according to various ranking systems, including QS World University Rankings and Times Higher Education. This consistent high ranking is attributed to its research capabilities, academic performance, and international outlook.
University of Auckland Acceptance Rate
The university of auckland acceptance rate is a critical factor for prospective students. While it varies by program, the overall acceptance rate is around 30-40%. This competitive rate indicates the university’s high standards and the desirability of its programs. International students should ensure they meet the entry requirements and prepare strong applications to improve their chances of admission.
University of Auckland Courses
University of Auckland courses span a wide range of disciplines, from arts and humanities to science and technology. Some of the most popular programs include:
Business: Offering majors in finance, marketing, and management, the business school is highly regarded.
Engineering: Known for its innovative research and strong industry connections, the engineering faculty is a favorite among students.
Health Sciences: The university offers comprehensive courses in medicine, nursing, and public health.
Arts: Students can explore various fields, including music, literature, and performing arts.
Students have the flexibility to choose from undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral programs, catering to diverse academic interests.
Auckland University of Technology Programs
At Auckland University of Technology, students can also choose from a variety of courses designed to meet industry demands. Some notable programs include:
Media and Communication: Focuses on contemporary media practices and digital communication.
Health and Environmental Sciences: Aims to address global health challenges and sustainable practices.
Business and Economics: Offers practical experience through industry projects and internships.
AUT emphasizes a hands-on approach to learning, preparing students for real-world challenges.
Why Study Abroad in New Zealand?
Choosing to study abroad in New Zealand offers numerous benefits. The country is known for its friendly and welcoming culture, stunning landscapes, and a high quality of life. Additionally, New Zealand universities are recognized globally for their educational standards and research contributions.
Cultural Diversity: New Zealand is a melting pot of cultures, making it an enriching place for international students to learn and grow.
Quality Education: Both Auckland University of Technology and The University of Auckland provide high-quality education that meets international standards.
Work Opportunities: International students can work part-time during their studies, providing valuable work experience and financial support.
In conclusion, both Auckland University of Technology and The University of Auckland offer excellent educational opportunities for students looking to enhance their academic and professional prospects. With their high university of auckland ranking, competitive acceptance rates, and a diverse range of courses, these institutions are ideal for anyone considering studying abroad. By choosing to study in New Zealand, students can benefit from a world-class education and an unforgettable cultural experience. Whether you opt for AUT or The University of Auckland, you are sure to embark on a rewarding educational journey.
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nodalstudies · 6 months
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sat., march 24, 2024 in school & life °₊ ૢ∗ˈ‧₊°
• with school, it’s really helpful to release perfectionism and focus on being present, showing up the best i can in that moment. i tend to fall into the trap of thinking i need to be at max productivity 24/7 but that is not sustainable. slow and steady is better than going extreme and burning out <3
• i got a pink phone case after wanting one for months 🎀 ིྀ
• my abs feel sore bc i did pilates lol that’s a sign i gotta get more consistent again!
• having fun and feeling good with the person i’m seeing. i’m also still observing my feelings + seeing the roles of chemistry vs. compatibility in a serious relationship. big girl dating <3
• here are some extra posts that resonated!
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sending love <3
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hriindia · 1 day
Top Overseas Recruitment Agencies in Mumbai for Global Jobs
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Top Overseas Recruitment Agencies in Mumbai: Your Path to Global Jobs
Mumbai is India’s economic powerhouse. It’s not only a city of dreams but also a hub for international job seekers. Whether you're aiming for a corporate role in the Middle East, healthcare in Europe, or technical positions in the U.S., finding the right overseas recruitment agency is crucial. HR International, one of the top overseas recruitment agencies in Mumbai, bridges the gap between skilled professionals and companies worldwide.
In this post, we’ll explore why overseas recruitment agencies are important, how HR International helps candidates, and what industries we serve. If you're looking for opportunities abroad, understanding this process is your first step.
Why Overseas Recruitment Agencies in Mumbai Matter
Global employment offers a variety of benefits, from higher salaries to cultural experiences. However, getting an international job isn't as simple as applying online. There are legal requirements, employer standards, and industry-specific qualifications to meet. Overseas recruitment agencies in Mumbai, like HR International, help streamline this complex process.
Recruitment agencies understand global job markets and connect candidates with verified employers. They ensure that all paperwork is completed, from visa applications to employment contracts, and provide guidance on necessary qualifications.
However, not all agencies offer the same level of service. It’s essential to choose one with industry expertise and a strong network, like HR International.
How HR International Helps Candidates Find Global Jobs
Finding a job overseas can feel overwhelming. The competition is fierce, and many employers look for candidates with specific skills. HR International ensures you stand out by helping you every step of the way.
Tailored Job Search HR International doesn't just list job openings. We tailor opportunities to your skills and preferences. Whether you’re an engineer, nurse, or software developer, we match you with the best roles suited to your qualifications.
Guidance on Requirements Every country has its own set of rules for foreign workers. Our experienced consultants help you navigate visa applications, work permits, and industry-specific certifications. For example, working in healthcare in the UK requires passing specific language and competency exams. HR International ensures you meet these standards before you apply.
Interview Preparation Impressing international employers takes more than submitting a resume. We provide coaching to help you succeed in interviews, whether it’s a video call or an in-person meeting. We guide you on how to answer technical questions and present yourself professionally.
Strong Employer Connections HR International partners with employers across the globe. These include companies in Gulf countries, Europe, the U.S., and Southeast Asia. Therefore, we can offer you a broad range of positions in various industries. Moreover, we only work with trusted companies, ensuring your work environment abroad is safe and secure.
End-to-End Support From applying to landing the job, HR International stays with you throughout the journey. We don’t stop at connecting you with employers; we assist with travel, accommodation, and orientation in your new country.
Key Industries HR International Serves
Different industries have different recruitment needs. Some sectors require a lot of documentation and specialized skills, while others look for immediate staffing. HR International specializes in recruiting for several industries:
1. Healthcare
Healthcare professionals are in high demand worldwide. Countries like the UK, Canada, and Australia actively seek doctors, nurses, and allied health professionals. However, the process for getting certified to work in these countries can be challenging. HR International helps healthcare workers from Mumbai get the necessary credentials and find rewarding roles abroad.
2. Engineering and Construction
The Middle East, especially countries like Saudi Arabia and the UAE, often look for engineers and construction workers. HR International has strong ties to companies in these regions, ensuring candidates find high-paying jobs in infrastructure, oil and gas, and civil engineering sectors.
3. Information Technology (IT)
Mumbai is known for producing top IT talent, and HR International connects these professionals with global employers. Whether you’re a software developer, cybersecurity expert, or IT consultant, we can find opportunities for you in the U.S., Europe, and beyond.
4. Hospitality and Tourism
The hospitality sector continues to grow globally, particularly in places like the Middle East and Europe. If you’re trained in hospitality management, culinary arts, or tourism services, HR International can link you to international hotels, resorts, and tourism operators.
Why Choose HR International in Mumbai?
Among the many overseas recruitment agencies in Mumbai, HR International stands out for several reasons.
Experience and Expertise With over 15 years in the business, HR International has deep expertise in global recruitment. We’ve successfully placed thousands of candidates in jobs abroad. Our consultants are experts in international hiring trends and country-specific requirements.
Personalized Service Each candidate is unique, and so are their career goals. HR International takes the time to understand your professional aspirations and tailors opportunities to match. This personalized approach sets us apart from other recruitment agencies that only focus on filling job vacancies.
Ethical and Transparent Unfortunately, some agencies promise the world but deliver little. HR International prides itself on being ethical and transparent. We make sure that candidates are fully informed at every step of the process. We do not charge any hidden fees, and we ensure you understand all terms of employment before accepting any offer.
Strong Network HR International’s network of global employers gives you access to more job opportunities than many other agencies. Whether you are looking for short-term contracts or permanent employment abroad, we have the connections to help you succeed.
Steps to Get Started
If you’re ready to explore job opportunities overseas, HR International makes it easy to get started.
Submit Your Resume Visit our website and submit your resume. Make sure it highlights your skills, qualifications, and work experience relevant to your industry.
Consultation One of our expert recruiters will get in touch with you for an initial consultation. We’ll discuss your career goals and provide guidance on what documents or certifications you might need for the jobs you’re interested in.
Job Matching Once we understand your preferences, we’ll begin matching you with the most suitable job openings. We’ll also schedule interviews with employers and provide tips on how to ace them.
Follow-Up and Support After you secure a job, we’ll continue to support you with any logistical issues, such as visas and accommodation, ensuring your transition abroad is smooth.
Final Thoughts
Overseas recruitment can change your life. However, working abroad requires careful planning and the right guidance. HR International is one of the leading overseas recruitment agencies in Mumbai, helping candidates successfully navigate the complexities of global employment. With our experience, personalized approach, and wide network of employers, we are ready to assist you in finding the best opportunities abroad.
If you’re looking to advance your career globally, HR International can help you take that important next step.
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Author Bio: Simi Gajala has been working in digital marketing since 2018, amassing 6 years of experience. Currently Working as a Digital Marketing Executive at H.R. International. Simi specializes in SEO, SMO, Google Ads, Meta Ads, and blogs & content writing, Boosting Brands, Increasing Visibility, And Enhancing Online Performance.
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health4silvers · 2 days
Managing Diabetes with Health4Silvers's Dedicated Senior Home Healthcare Services
Managing diabetes can be particularly challenging for seniors, especially when they are living alone. At Health4Silvers, we specialize in providing comprehensive in-home healthcare solutions, designed to meet the unique needs of seniors and the elderly parents of non-resident Indians (NRIs). Our services are available across India, including home health care services in Delhi, offering seniors the convenience of receiving care at home.
Our care for seniors with diabetes includes routine check-ups, blood sugar monitoring, and medication management, all under the supervision of experienced health managers. We also provide annual physical examinations and customized dietary plans, helping seniors maintain their health effectively.
In the event of an emergency, our rapid ambulance services ensure that your loved ones are transported to the hospital within minutes. For those requiring additional care, we offer in-home nursing services, ensuring continuous monitoring and support during both pre- and post-operative periods.
Many NRIs find it difficult to manage their parents' healthcare from afar, especially as chronic conditions like diabetes require ongoing attention. Health4Silvers fills this gap by offering specialized care packages tailored to seniors' specific needs. With our dedicated home health care services in Delhi, seniors can manage their diabetes effectively, reducing complications and maintaining their independence.
By ensuring timely interventions and personalized care, Health4Silvers provides peace of mind to families abroad while helping seniors lead healthy, fulfilling lives. For more information, visit our website and explore how our specialized services can support your loved ones.
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Solving Staffing Challenges in Regional NSW Aged Care with Internationally Trained Nurses
Aged care facilities in regional New South Wales are grappling with significant staffing issues. The rising demand for healthcare professionals, particularly nurses, has put immense pressure on these facilities, resulting in inconsistent care for elderly residents. A viable solution to this challenge is the recruitment of internationally trained nurses (ITNs). These skilled professionals are crucial in addressing staffing shortages, ensuring continuous care, and enhancing patient outcomes in aged care settings.
In this blog, we’ll discuss the vital role of ITNs in regional aged care, explore effective recruitment strategies, review visa processes, and highlight the benefits of leveraging global talent pools.
Increasing Demand for Nurses in Regional Aged Care
Australia’s aging population has led to a surge in demand for aged care services, especially in regional NSW where healthcare resources are stretched thin. Facilities in these areas often struggle to recruit and retain qualified nurses, leading to inconsistent care and increased stress on existing staff.
The shortage of registered nurses (RNs) in aged care is a growing concern, with regional facilities experiencing the effects more acutely than their metropolitan counterparts. This shortage impacts care quality and staff morale, making it essential to expand recruitment efforts to include internationally trained nurses.
The Advantages of Internationally Trained Nurses
Internationally trained nurses bring valuable experience, diverse skills, and a strong work ethic to Australia’s healthcare sector. Many of these nurses have prior experience in aged care settings abroad, which helps them transition smoothly into similar roles in Australia.
For regional aged care facilities, ITNs offer several significant benefits:
1. Addressing Immediate Staffing Shortages
ITNs can quickly fill crucial staffing gaps, allowing facilities to maintain adequate staffing levels and provide uninterrupted care. They cover essential roles such as registered nurses, enrolled nurses, and personal care workers, helping to meet service standards despite local shortages.
2. Enriching Care with Diverse Perspectives
The diverse backgrounds of ITNs bring valuable insights and cultural sensitivity to the care provided to residents. Their experience with different healthcare systems enhances the delivery of high-quality, personalized care.
3. Supporting Long-Term Employment
Many ITNs are seeking long-term opportunities in Australia. By offering robust support and integration programs, facilities can retain these nurses, improving continuity of care and reducing staff turnover.
Strategies for Recruiting Internationally Trained Nurses
Successfully recruiting ITNs requires a strategic approach to align the needs of facilities with the professional aspirations of the nurses. Here are some effective strategies:
1. Partner with Specialized Recruitment Agencies
Collaborating with recruitment agencies that focus on international healthcare talent can streamline the hiring process. These agencies have access to a pool of qualified candidates and are well-versed in visa requirements and regulatory processes.
2. Offer Attractive Compensation Packages
To attract top talent, facilities should provide competitive salaries, benefits, and relocation assistance. ITNs relocating from their home countries will find positions more appealing if they receive support with housing, visa sponsorship, and career development.
3. Implement Comprehensive Onboarding and Training
Effective integration of ITNs requires thorough onboarding and training programs. This includes cultural orientation, familiarization with the Australian healthcare system, and mentorship. Investing in these areas enhances retention and job satisfaction.
Understanding Visa Options for International Nurses
Navigating visa processes is essential for recruiting ITNs. Facilities should be familiar with various visa options and ensure compliance with Australian regulations:
1. Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) Visa (Subclass 482)
This visa allows employers to sponsor skilled workers for positions that cannot be filled locally. It is commonly used for ITNs and can be valid for up to four years, depending on the occupation and agreement between the employer and employee.
2. Skilled Migration Program
Nurses may apply for skilled migration visas such as the Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189) or the Skilled Nominated Visa (Subclass 190). These visas offer permanent residency and are ideal for those looking to settle in Australia long-term.
3. Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) Visa (Subclass 186)
This visa is available to skilled workers nominated by an Australian employer. It provides permanent residency and is an excellent option for facilities seeking to retain ITNs for the long term.
Understanding these visa options and providing support throughout the application process can significantly improve recruitment and retention efforts.
Benefits of Global Talent Pools
Recruiting from international talent pools offers several advantages for regional aged care facilities:
1. Access to a Wider Range of Skills
Looking beyond Australia’s borders allows facilities to tap into a broader pool of qualified and experienced healthcare professionals, which is especially important in regions with limited local talent.
2. Enhanced Quality of Care
International nurses often bring diverse experiences and global best practices, which can elevate the quality of care provided to residents. Their skills contribute to high-quality, person-centered care.
3. Immediate Relief for Staffing Shortages
Hiring ITNs offers a swift solution to staffing shortages, helping facilities meet care obligations, reduce staff burnout, and maintain high standards of care.
Internationally trained nurses are a key solution for addressing staffing shortages in regional NSW aged care facilities. By implementing effective recruitment strategies, understanding visa processes, and leveraging global talent pools, facilities can overcome workforce challenges and continue to provide excellent care.
For aged care organizations seeking reliable staffing solutions, Tarrays Healthcare Staffing is here to assist with the complexities of recruiting internationally trained nurses, ensuring your facility is well-prepared to meet both current and future staffing needs.
For more reading please visit : Tarrays Healthcare
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boricuacherry-blog · 4 days
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Born Geraldyn Hodges in Chicago in 1894, Major was raised by a doting aunt and uncle after her mother died in childbirth. She excelled in school, eventually attending the University of Chicago, where she received a degree in philosophy. She took a series of jobs after she graduated - elementary school teacher, Red Cross nurse during World War I - and then moved with her first husband, Dr. Binga Dismond, to Harlem, where she launched side-by-side careers in publicity, journalism, and social activism.
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"For the small, select group that did have the means to indulge in leisure, the international space was most appealing, because that was the only space where they felt they could truly be a leisured body," said Rutgers University history professor Tiffany M. Gill in recent conversation. "It started with a wave of Black women in the 30s who used their occupations to permit travel." Dancers like Josephine Baker and Ada "Bricktop" Smith and visual artists such as Augusta Savage used their art as a means to see the world. Others, like Juanita Harrison, found alternative ways to make it happen. She started traveling abroad when she was 13, hiring herself out as a maid and doing other odd jobs to cover her expenses. She chronicled her experiences in a 1936 memoir, My Great, Wide, Beautiful World.
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Major did not often address these disparities in her writing. "I think that was part of her mystique," Gill said. Her goal was "to show that it was possible for Black women to travel." She was an unabashed promoter, and as such she gave travel a patina that glossed over some of the challenges African-Americans faced. But Major also worked closely with organizations like the NAACP, which reported cruise companies (especially those that received government subsidies) that discriminated against Black travelers.
When air travel became the primary mode of overseas travel, in the 60's and 70's, Major doubled down on globetrotting. She began traveling with newly emerging Black professional women's clubs, offering to help first-timers get into the scene. She started the tradition of going someplace new on her birthday, and the trips became more adventurous as the years went on.
"She could be the fullness of this fabulous, cosmopolitan Black woman that she couldn't be in the U.S."
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