#:) thanks dear!
spaceorphan18 · 3 months
If Kurt or Blaine (not both) were stuck in a random midwestern hotel room for work what would they be doing to kill the time?
Ha! I love this question!
I'm sure Kurt would be ordering room service and watching questionable reality television if he could get it.
I have a hard time believing Blaine would stay in the room -- I think he'd get too stir crazy. He'd wander around and meet people in the lobby or the pool or the exercise room or something. He'd probably go out and see what the town had to offer. ...or he'd be asleep in the bed, lol.
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nephytale · 5 months
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Tagged by: @hunting-songs
Tagging: @cc-one-piece-grand-ocs @darkhxntrxss @violentemperor
Blank under the cut
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banannabethchase · 4 months
Top 5 comfort foods
Ooooh good question!
My husband's cajun alfredo pasta. It's so good. And it was pulled out of random ingredients from the pantry last time, and it ended up being my favorite meal.
Bubble tea. I love bubble tea. It makes me smile and it's fun. I love a fun drink experience so much.
Mashed potatoes
Dunks coffee. I like other coffee alright but something about Dunks makes me cozy.
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captainofthefallen · 4 months
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Tagged by @risualto to make some OC kisses in this picrew, thank you!!
I've been hyperfixating on swtor (specifically I've been doing a bunch of RP-heavy playthroughs with my friend) so here are my latest swtor babies and their respective love interests
In order: My zabrak Sith Inquisitor, Gemma Kashall (she/her), and Lana Beniko
My miraluka Jedi Consular, Huan Feyrn (they/them) and Nadia Grell
My pureblood Sith Warrior, Veshra Taral (she/her) and Jaesa Willsaam
And last but not least the surprise ot3, my mirialan smuggler, Castor Arnien (he/him), with Jonas Balkar on the left and my friend's cathar trooper, Samoxi Khalan (she/her) on the right
I think most anyone I would normally tag has been tagged already, but if I missed anyone or you feel like doing it, go ahead and tag me! I love to see people's babies
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ladytp · 5 months
If you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog!
Aaaww, thanks for this query! 😊
Hmmm, random facts...
I have a tattoo at the roundest part of my right shoulder, and its design was created by a part-time artist friend and is a depiction of my (animal name) surname - and is thus really personal.
I do dog-sits (with hubby) and rarely go more than 1-2 days without a dog (or two or three or four) at our place - and I love every one of them!
I learned to read so young I don't even remember (parents claim I was about 4) and when I started school and others were learning, I was reading Alexandre Dumas's "Three Musketeers" (not sure how much I understood about it though, LOL!) 🤣
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frozen-fountain · 1 year
For the book recs asks: 1, 5, 18, 23, 54, 71
A book that is close to your heart
Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Kimmerer. I read it about three years ago now and find myself thinking of it when I'm feeling at a crossroads and weighing up consequential decisions.
5. Something in fiction that reads like poetry
Not to be a stuck record but just... anything by Angela Carter. Not only for the beauty of her language and the images it creates in your mind but because, as florid and maximalist as her writing can be, it's all constructed to support layers of symbolism and deep wells of meaningful connotation. It's economical purple prose.
18. Your least favorite book ever
The most recent contender is probably Nothing But Blackened Teeth by Cassandra Khaw, which on the surface contains a lot of things I should love but completely failed in execution. Everyone knows that I love me some ornate, orchidaceous prose, so you know it's serious when even I am inwardly curling up into a ball of secondhand embarrassment at the excess on the page. Lady, you cannot drop "chiaroscuro" into your narration more than once without a damned good reason, and there's also some really cringy lampshading of cliched illogical things horror protagonists do that read less like an attempt to deconstruct these things in a meaningful way, and more like "So that just happened" humour to cover up the laziness of running the characters through these motions. Worst of all, there's no real subtext to add substance to the scares. There's some stuff in there about mental illness, about toxic and stagnant friendships, about marriage customs in feudal Japan versus contemporary America and what they do to women, but it failed to add up to anything enlightening or compelling. I loved the location, but that's about it.
A popular choice for this question, I think, but I'd throw in Hanya Yanagihara's A Little Life, too. Not because of the subject matter, or because of the ending, but because it's using these terrible experiences to cover itself in the trappings of a literary great while being, at least in my estimation, incredibly pulpy and borderline exploitative in its execution. I also did not at all see the beautiful, poetic prose that some people did and actually found the language really flat throughout, and found myself especially frustrated at the author's habit of over-explaining the characters' motivations and psychology instead of demonstrating them through action and dialogue - it read like a therapist's notes in many places, which doesn't work for fiction that's so centered on inner experience. But I do also see how and why this book could deeply move and become important to someone, and it frustrates me a bit that a lot of criticism of it seems to focus on anachronisms and lack of realism instead of asking why these devices were employed. But it's very Not For Me and places high on this list because my inability to DNF anything meant it took a long time to slog through.
I feel bad for saying so much more about books I hated than the ones I loved, but in the case of the latter I really am hoping anyone who reads these answers will check them out for themselves. I feel like my "Stay away!" needs a bit more qualification.
23. A book that is currently on your TBR
When I'm finished with Earthsea, I want to reread To the Lighthouse. It's been calling me and I was only twenty the first time I went through it, so I'm interested to see how it hits with all these experiences under my belt and after such dramatic changes in perspective as I've accumulated. For spoopy month I have Bitter Orange by Claire Fuller, Sisters by Daisy Johnson, and The Vegetarian by Han Kang lined up, and I'm really excited for all of those.
54. A book with the best opening line
It's pretty hard to beat "It was the day my grandmother exploded" (The Crow Road by Iain Banks).
71. Your favourite LGBTQ+ fiction
To just about everyone I would rec The Passion of New Eve by Angela Carter, which is gorgeously written gender fuckery; The Luminous Dead by Caitlin Starling, which is really effective sci-fi horror with a complicated sapphic slow burn at its centre; and Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin, because what more could I say? With a much bigger pinch of salt I would add Maria McCann's As Meat Loves Salt to that list, because not everybody wants to be in the head of a violent and possessive rapist for several hundred pages, but it's a descent into the abyss that will stay with me for as long as I live.
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gemgirl28 · 8 months
Completely forgot to include numbers before. 1, 8, and 16 pls
hahaha no worries dear! Thanks for the asks! I will do this for sukitara and sukka because I love them both (but also because I really need to be pushing the sukitara agenda more).
First date?
So in this headcanon they start dating when Suki is a personal guard (Fire Lord or an Earth King, doesn't matter) and Katara is an ambassador. I think they'd go to the market, get food from different stalls, a little shopping but mostly just a chance to be close together. If they are in Ba Sing Se they might start at the Jasmine Dragon.
8. Who's the early bird and who likes to sleep in longer?
In any relationship, Katara is the one who prefers to sleep in (but she'll get up if she needs to). Suki is an early bird till she gets with Katara, then they both like lingering with morning cuddles 🥰
16. Do they steal each others clothes and does it sometimes end with them also claiming some of them as their own after a long while of "borrowing" it already?
Honestly I think they reach a point where they just acknowledge there is no sides to their closet, they share so much. Though Katara defaults to blue, she is definitely the first to steal something of Suki's if it looks cozy.
First date?
I do think after the war Sokka wants to take Suki out on a proper date. She insists it's not necessary, but he wants to woo her. There is definitely cheesy poetry involved, but on the whole Suki thinks it's cute. They'd probably end up a nicer restaurant, but just somewhere
8. Who's the early bird and who likes to sleep in longer?
Sokka's canon nickname from Toph is Snoozles so I think this is obvious. Unlike Katara, Sokka is a nightmare to wake up in the morning, so Suki learns to use the morning as her time to herself.
16. Do they steal each others clothes and does it sometimes end with them also claiming some of them as their own after a long while of "borrowing" it already?
You know I think they both do it, especially when they are in the South Pole and need warm layers.
Send me a ship ask!
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im-just-sal · 1 year
Death Note killed off the most fascinating character without explaining anything about him.
When he was replaced by a suspiciously similar substitute, whom we know jackshit about, I don't feel like I can root for him.
I got detached from the story after that and I don't care about any of the remaining characters.
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athousandbyeol · 1 year
Tag Game ✨️
I was tagged by the lovely @aleng-neng :) thanks for the tag!
Show your homescreen and/or lockscreen. What is the last song you listened to? And, what is the last picture you saved?
So, this is my homescreen 🙈
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This is my lockscreen 🎊
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The last song I listened to is this;
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It's a wonderful song, btw. I love his works so much. ^^
And the last picture I saved is this 👀🤭🙈
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So... yeah. ForceBook brain rot it is.
I'm tagging some of my new friends on this site; @kxttxnkxttxn @sorrowfuljaewon @pxvvar @sillybiscuitshepherdskeleton and @oswlld 🎉 but no pressure though :)
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swansworth · 2 years
Hey Anon? Anon come here, I have a little secret for you...
In person, I am known as the sweetest most caring person I can possibly be and let people walk over me when I know I shouldn't.
Online? Petty as shit and a mouth to match.
I bet you're not the same person you are irl that you are in that ask dragging her KID into your little twisted attempts at insults... Because if you are, no Wonder you lash out online. You must be lonely as fuck offline with that shit attitude.
You can dislike her all you want. Be jealous of her fics or whatever. But you NEVER put their kid in your mouth as ammo to try and drag them down to your pathetic little level.
Grow the fuck up and just unfollow already instead of being a hateful troll. Cause the only one who looks bad after that ask is you.
^^^Listen to Becca. Becca is wise and wonderful 💚
She's gonna teach me to unleash a wind scar on hateful anons soon enough 😉
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spaceorphan18 · 3 months
Another opinion: I think Zelda BOTW and TOTK are ultimately too disappointing, maybe because they're so vast.
Let me explain: when you play The Minish Cap, Skyward Sword or Ocarina of Time, those adventures are quite tight. You don't always find the most interesting treasures, but the ratio of "treasure/this is neat" seems much better than the Switch Zeldas.
They're all much shorter than your average BOTW/TOTK Zelda playthrough, and since they're shorter, smaller, there less opportunities for the games to disappoint you by making you think, "I did all that... for this?".
I think that's ultimately my biggest issue with those games, because when I like them, I really like them, but I didn't find playing them in their entirety very satisfying.
Obviously, I'm hoping you're familiar with those Zelda games, otherwise this post will be ridiculous hahaha
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
You /know/ I love a good conversation about Legend of Zelda, which I don't get to talk about much on here, so thank you ;)
I disagree with the sentiment that they are too disappointing not necessarily with your criticisms of the games, which are somewhat valid. As an aside, though, your remind me of my brother, who would absolutely agree with you ;)
The thing with open games like these are the fact that once you do finish the main quests the need to 'finish' the game by collecting all the things may feel tiresome. Skyrim and the like have similar issues, and it's kind of the driving problem when you don't have a story narrative to drive the action.
My one, fundamental issue with both games is that they did not have enough story to match the vastness of the games themselves. When you shrink down the main stories to the core, it's not that much. And the side content (which was at least better in TotK) isn't as satisfying, since (especially in BotW) it's mostly about game play, and less about interesting story.
That said, I adore both games. I have feeling constricted in my game play, and I use the games as a form of relaxation, where I can pick it up and run around and collect things. I often play Zelda as I write or listen to podcasts, because it's something to /do/ while my attention is elsewhere. Lol.
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nephytale · 6 months
Dashgame: Never Have I Ever !
Rules: Your Muse and all the Muses they interact with are in a pub somewhere across Space, Dimension and Time. Answer the first 'Never Have I Ever' In Character. At the end of that let your Muse ask a new ‘Never Have I Ever’ question for the tagged people to answer themself. After those tagged people answered your prompt, they state their own 'Never Have I Ever' and tag you back along with other Muses. Rinse, lather, repeat.
Original By @treasurechestrpmemes
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"Mhm…" The wine in her glass moved gracefully as she moved the glass delicately. The redhead turned for a moment to look at her twin brother, she smiled, then simply closed her eyes, really enjoying the atmosphere that had been generated in that place "I sleep very few hours a day due to my genetics, and the few hours that I sleep, I really do well, it's a little difficult to wake me up. So luckily, I've never suffered from sleepwalking" Ryoko's voice was soft, calm, and well placed in her throat, which made her have a good presence.
"Neither do I" Kosei, her brother shrugged, disinterested, which made Ryoko unable to help but laugh.
"You have! Do I remind you of that time where you showed up at the infirmary and asked Nozomi that she had to give you a cure against the orange elephants that were singing in our garden?" There was widespread laughter.
Kosei simply responded by drinking from his glass "Thank you for reminding me…" There was a certain annoyed but loving tone to his sister in his voice.
"Let's see… then…" Ryoko thought, while a mischievous smile appeared on her face "Never have I ever… gone more than three days without bathing"
Tagged by: @hunting-songs
Tagging: @cc-one-piece-grand-ocs (Kaito) @opscurus @shinuchi-ulti @sarcasticmercy @themultiversemercs
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banannabethchase · 7 months
Hey fabulous human! Can I ask 23 and 32 for the questions please?
Hi dear! Thank you!
23) Do you have piercings? How many? - Yes! I have 7 as of right now, all in my weirdly small ears.
32) What is your favourite color? - Purple! Total purple maniac.
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shark-myths · 1 year
oooha dkajdh yeah, it's called "mary, mark and some other people", and tbh the reviews scared me off of watching it but yeah. it's out there. scored by patrick.
i will put this on my to-watch listen but with great caution
(me and @leyley09 watched the 1976 a star is born earlier this week because pete wentz and i could not be more fucked up about it)
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sims-creations · 1 year
☆ — put this star in the inbox of your favourite blogs. it’s time to spread positivity! ଘ(੭˃ᴗ˂)੭💕
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frozen-fountain · 1 year
storyteller saturdayyyyy!!!!
what's your pie-in-the-sky idea you want to write? Something you're working towards being able to conquer, I guess you could say.
There's The Big One in my FFVII series which I can't really talk too much about because the two and a half people who read that series also read this blog, and it'll be a very different kettle of fish to the rest of the series in that I want readers to go in unspoiled. There's twists and turns and mysteries and intrigues and red herrings and a lot of things that take a lot more planning and preparation than my usual, more introspective fare. But it's still meant to be character-driven so I have to make sure the action is woven in tightly with what the characters are experiencing as it all falls down around them.
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