skurlly · 17 days
Takes a fat shit on your inbox then walks away
July 16, 2027 9:43 pm carbon monoxide poisoning
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kuyapan · 9 months
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nqn · 2 months
pulled up weight gain 4000 to watch while i eat dinner and i forgot this starts off with kyle asking stan about rainbows
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no one said it was gonna be easy, phoenix
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aubins · 19 days
“Dearest Yuri...to think I would find you here.” If only the moniker was spoken sweeter from mirth curled lips, if only Arval was capable of lavishing affection curdled sickly in gentler tongues to a mockingbird who sings shrill more than soft.
In moons passed words shared had been more tentative, when friend was a tease on mockingbird’s lips and an offering lighter from Yuri's own indulgence was passed in a brief encounter in the stables.
Moons later, paper crumples as baked goods near identical in scent are pressed into mockingbird’s talons with a haste that betrayed the unbothered flicker of endless reds. A spur of the moment decision, catching lavender tresses in the crowd, a scent sweet and familiar from a stall steps away, an exchange conducted in a flurry of nimble hands almost quick enough to pretend their mind lags behind.
“Remind me to never seek you out if I require aid in fending off gargoyles.” Sharp tongued, keen eyed, and the routine they keep between them. “Not bearing any long lasting injuries from that one, are you?”
It is the lingering slither of respect Yuri had garnered from that exchange in the ruins of a city doomed to fall that prevents Arval from simply pressing corpse cold fingers to the skin of their wrist to check themselves.
Mere seconds can be passed between them before a name hollers through the crowd, neither Arval nor Yuri yet the syllables ring a chime of recognition in ghost's ear as they withdraw in light steps to the call, throwing one last glance all mirth and pointedly ignoring the treats near abandoned into hands, a parting message rushed from curled lips.
“If you have found yourself in a sorry state, I'll be weaving through the crowd for a little longer. You just seem the type to get fussy if their feathers remain ruffled for too long.”
“Darling Arval...” A half turn, a sharpened smile. The saccharine sweetness is followed by a tilt of his head, an innocent flutter of lashes. “...where else would you propose I be found, pray tell?”
Gaze flicks briefly to the treats pressed into his hands, earning a raised brow if little else as fingers curl around it proper to stop from dropping it entirely. They are as befuddling to him as ever in these little moments of concern and care, because they see no reason for him to be owed such an offering when it is he indebted to them.
Yuri says nothing of it, of course, merely retracts his hands closer to his chest. Sharp words and teases are their most natural language— and he doubts Arval would appreciate a discussion brought to what they intended as a wordless exchange. (He would not appreciate it much, either. Would rather not acknowledge whatever the treats in his hands are supposed to mean, if anything at all.)
This is, in the end, what is most familiar. What is most safe. What does not risk crossing that line between them.
“I got out of there perfectly fine, you know,” comes the mockingbird's own sharp tongue, a glint of a challenge sparking in his eye. “Didn't even touch me. If anything, you ought to come looking for me if you're trying to run away from them. I'm quite practiced at it by now.” A dramatic sigh and a shake of his head to punctuate. “But fine, see if I still come to help if you need it. Maybe we can still throw you back into the ruins and see how you do.”
And then Arval is withdrawing in a rush, and Yuri lets them go for a beat. Where their gaze avoids the treats in hand, his drops back down to them.
Then, he catches them by the wrist after a few, long strides in the direction they try to disappear to, brow raised. Yuri laughs. “Where do you think you're going? You'll have to try harder that to ruffle any feathers at all.” The treats are held out to them here, an offering made with a sly grin. “Try this: share these with me and then eat the last one before I can. That'll really ruffle my feathers.”
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blobee · 5 months
chat I think we should put you in the microavw
I di it one oil do it ahgain
:33333" in Berg
chat hhwjl thevwor
micrwav :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:
:333 yea I'm post on main but we're. mutuals is fine becouts I'm te urm
mossy uhhhhhvoohcoyx8tdt8d
chat ignore this or delete it ordsnt msth
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c00kietin · 6 months
:index_pointing_at_the_viewer: no you *happy chirping*
No. You.
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op81s · 1 month
:index_pointing_at_the_viewer: DALLAS STARS FAN? AND you like Robo? Woag :0
i have a VERY limited knowledge of the stars but i AM a robo fan. mostly 'cause @mecachrome informed me he was a cat dad and there's no quicker way to my heart than telling me a sports blorbo is ALSO a crazy cat lady.
(but like with all things. i LOVE any and all knowledge, you are always welcome to info dump on me 💖)
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tooies · 9 months
:index_pointing_at_the_viewer: furry
you'll be one too soon enough
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worldwhampion · 3 months
Waypoint???? More like Gay Point hahahahshsh **points at you**
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denny """"cosmordial""""" nutmeg.
gay point? you are. gay STONEDDDDD v🫵🫵🫵🫵🫵 :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: 🫵🫵🫵🫵🫵🫵🫵
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papulaan · 4 months
munday; this or that - 20 questions ed.!
Repost, don't reblog. Bold or italicize your choice. Tagging: you :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:
Glass half full or glass half empty.
Night or morning. I'm not a morning person, but the sun can be good sometimes.
Art museum or history museum. I don't think I've been to as many history museums...
Be embarrassed or be afraid. Hate being embarrassed, but it's quicker.
Attend a party or host a party.
Fiction or nonfiction.
Hot coffee or iced coffee.
Board games or video games.
Group hangout or one-on-one hangout.
Tattoos or piercings.
Books or movies. I have only seen a handful of movies. 🧍‍♂
Digital copy or physical copy.
Physical planners or digital planners. I like the aesthetic of physical even though I use digital more often.
Poem or story.
Introvert or extrovert.
Save 100 strangers or 1 loved one. I'm not the hero/main character type lbr...
See the future or change the past.
Massive success by accident or modest success on purpose.
Painful truth or comforting lie.
Sock sock shoe shoe or sock shoe sock shoe.
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new pfp spotted :boom:
old icon spotted :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:
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katificer · 11 months
no wizgun art is safe from me :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: stay on your toes bitch (affectionate)
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higaneion · 1 year
RULES: bold what applies - italicize sometimes - strike out never. Tag some friends to play along! Repost, don’t reblog !
SUN • egotistical • melted wax wings and fingers • stretching sunburnt skin • the most generous soul • blood in the fruit • halos • anger on fire • high vitality • thunderous laughter • is pride really a sin? • halogenic aura
MERCURY • expansion of the mind • silver-tongued • an everlasting wanderer • polyglot • high dexterity • handwritten letters • innately critical • en vogue • eyes in the trees • hidden libraries • there’s always room for improvement
VENUS • in love with strangers • iridescent waters • love potions for your mirror • selfless devotion • shattering crystal • seafoam upon sand • the golden ratio • drowning in your own passion • material value & high principles • luring • plush lips
EARTH • fresh springs • tree hugger • we can start again tomorrow • a blazing rainforest • respects survival of the fittest • nature’s adversity • lazy bones • constantly evolving • flowers sprouting from wounds • a granite altar • fossilized remains
MOON • illusory • silver shimmer off the ocean • secrets and gossip • cycles of reincarnation • a crybaby • physically ethereal • shared glances with a stranger • cat eyes • mistrusting their intuition • fear is a prison • ornate magic wands
MARS • healthy competition • attraction and repulsion • magma and rubies • a blade being forged • wrath wrath wrath • malefic • intense eye contact • cannon fodder & fireworks • blood floods • copper taste on your tongue
JUPITER • red robes and a suit of armor • beacon of stability • leader by birth • thunderbolts and lightning • guilty but can’t stop • secret rich kid • golden touch golden tears • innate optimist • failure isn’t an option • constantly reaching for more • unfinished symphonies
SATURN • traditional • overbearing energy • a sculptor of reality • this existence is a karmic one • has a heart it’s just... way down deep • law, order & justice • avoid all necessary risk • the sound of shackles clanging • sisyphus’ struggle • grappling with the reality of time • self-governing
URANUS • psychedelic funk music • overflowing cups • a rebellion with skin • looking good in photo id • oblivious but caring • middle fingers in the air • double rainbows • icy diamond exterior • holographic • afraid of their own mediocrity • pearlescent smoke
NEPTUNE • an elegy for the lost • dissolving boundaries • white horses • the burden of mystical conditions • deceptive • escapism is their reality • a polarizing entity • artists soul • paranoia • searching for the unseen • a siren’s swan song
PLUTO • angel statues over graves • power • the cycle of necrosis • transformative • unfathomable depths • an ivory tower toppling over • screaming at the sky • violets and irises • eclipsed darkness • speaks with their shadow • sex, death, rebirth
tagged by: rai if u read this ily
tagging: :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:
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cloudsoffire · 1 year
this is for you melinda :pensive: :fist: i hope you like it :pleading_face: :musical_note: they ought to teach :teacher: this in school :face_with_monocle: its not :x: always cool :cold_face: to be cool :sunglasses: what:interrobang: (what:question:) they :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: try to play :game_die: you for a fool :woozy_face: like :thought_balloon: you see a girl whos unique :astonished: its a treat :smiley: cause shes sweet :slight_smile: and she always seems to knock :boom: you off your feet :relaxed: you wanna say hey :wave: but you dont :slight_frown: (you dont :man_frowning:) your mom says tell her how you feel :thermometer_face: but you wont :man_gesturing_no: cause youre just too cool :ice_cube: to tell her truly :white_check_mark: that your feelings are gettin unruly :anger: dont try and school me :no_entry_sign: so she passes you by :woman_walking: in the hall way youre staring at the wall :eye::eye: tryina play :man_playing_handball: while i say yeah youre cool :smirk: (what:question: :fearful:) really cool :cold_face: just like ice :snowflake: (ice:exclamation:) but you did nt real ize you never :pensive: get this chance twice :two: so youre busy playing cool now shes gone :cry: (shes gone :weary:) gone unto a nother :man_standing: while i sing my funky song i never passed up the chance :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: i know this story :book: seems long :sleeping: but when i know :thinking: the time :clock: is right for me :call_me: and you :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: i just flame on :fire: flame on :fireworks: and on :point_up_2: and on :point_up_2: and on :point_up_2: (flame on :fire: flame on:boom:) (yeah :punch:) flame on :scream:
this is for you melinda :pensive: :fist: i hope you like it :pleading_face: :musical_note: they ought to teach :teacher: this in school :face_with_monocle: its not :x: always cool :cold_face: to be cool :sunglasses: what:interrobang: (what:question:) they :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: try to play :game_die: you for a fool :woozy_face: like :thought_balloon: you see a girl whos unique :astonished: its a treat :smiley: cause shes sweet :slight_smile: and she always seems to knock :boom: you off your feet :relaxed: you wanna say hey :wave: but you dont :slight_frown: (you dont :man_frowning:) your mom says tell her how you feel :thermometer_face: but you wont :man_gesturing_no: cause youre just too cool :ice_cube: to tell her truly :white_check_mark: that your feelings are gettin unruly :anger: dont try and school me :no_entry_sign: so she passes you by :woman_walking: in the hall way youre staring at the wall :eye::eye: tryina play :man_playing_handball: while i say yeah youre cool :smirk: (what:question: :fearful:) really cool :cold_face: just like ice :snowflake: (ice:exclamation:) but you did nt real ize you never :pensive: get this chance twice :two: so youre busy playing cool now shes gone :cry: (shes gone :weary:) gone unto a nother :man_standing: while i sing my funky song :AndThatsTheTea: i never passed up the chance :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: i know this story :book: seems long :sleeping: but when i know :thinking: the time :clock: is right for me :call_me: and you :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: i just flame on :fire: flame on :fireworks: and on :point_up_2: and on :point_up_2: and on :point_up_2: (flame on :fire: flame on:boom:) (yeah :punch:) flame on :scream: and on :triumph: and on :hot_face: and on :hot_face: and on :hot_face: flame on :fire: (i just flame on :pensive: :punch:) :musical_note: keep calm :man_in_lotus_position: everyone :saluting_face: don't panic :anger_right: FLAME ON :imp: w… ww whats happenin :fearful: we're sinking:bangbang: :point_down: into the center :fire: of the earth :earth_americas:
this is for you melinda :pensive: :fist: i hope you like it :pleading_face: :musical_note: they ought to teach :teacher: this in school :face_with_monocle: its not :x: always cool :cold_face: to be cool :sunglasses: what:interrobang: (what:question:) they :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: try to play :game_die: you for a fool :woozy_face: like :thought_balloon: you see a girl whos unique :astonished: its a treat :smiley: cause shes sweet :slight_smile: and she always seems to knock :boom: you off your feet :relaxed: you wanna say hey :wave: but you dont :slight_frown: (you dont :man_frowning:) your mom says tell her how you feel :thermometer_face: but you wont :man_gesturing_no: cause youre just too cool :ice_cube: to tell her truly :white_check_mark: that your feelings are gettin unruly :anger: dont try and school me :no_entry_sign: so she passes you by :woman_walking: in the hall way youre staring at the wall :eye::eye: tryina play :man_playing_handball: while i say yeah youre cool :smirk: (what:question: :fearful:) really cool :cold_face: just like ice :snowflake: (ice:exclamation:) but you did nt real ize you never :pensive: get this chance twice :two: so youre busy playing cool now shes gone :cry: (shes gone :weary:) gone unto a nother :man_standing: while i sing my funky song :AndThatsTheTea: i never passed up the chance :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: i know this story :book: seems long :sleeping: but when i know :thinking: the time :clock: is right for me :call_me: and you :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: i just flame on :fire: flame on :fireworks: and on :point_up_2: and on :point_up_2: and on :point_up_2: (flame on :fire: flame on:boom:) (yeah :punch:) flame on :scream: and on :triumph: and on :hot_face: and on :hot_face: and on :hot_face: flame on :fire: (i just flame on :pensive: :punch:) :musical_note: keep calm :man_in_lotus_position: everyone :saluting_face: don't panic :anger_right: FLAME ON :imp: w… ww whats happenin :fearful: we're sinking:bangbang: :point_down: into the center :fire: of the earth :earth_americas:
and on :triumph: and on :hot_face: and on :hot_face: and on :hot_face: flame on :fire: (i just flame on :pensive: :punch:) :musical_note: keep calm :man_in_lotus_position: everyone :saluting_face: don't panic :anger_right: FLAME ON :imp: w… ww whats happenin :fearful: we're sinking:bangbang: :point_down: into the center :fire: of the earth :earth_americas:
i'm gonna go back to the mental hospital but for a very different reason
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blobee · 6 months
mmmmpouts the e
yyuo innbbthe micorbwave
Disclaimer: It can be loud.
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