#;; it's alright--Keith is super awkward himself
abrasife · 7 months
@unladielike * ✶ ❪ cont. from here┊☓ ❫
Prepared to turn around and leave since he had picked up Rachael's manga, Keith was pretty much ready to put this conversation to a close, especially since it seemed his apology fell on deaf ears for a good few (too long) seconds. If anything, he was quite resigned to have yet another attempt at forming friendships go down the drain. When would the pattern change anyway? He'd muck it up the moment he slipped out of being overly cautious and apprehensive about what he chose to share. Being honest hardly ever went in his favor. He was getting tired of the feeling of having to constantly apologize for nearly every outburst like this.
Then, Vivian finally broke the silence, accepting his apology with a sigh. Visibly baffled, the boy froze in his tracks like a deer in headlights as the girl browsed the shelf of shoujo titles. Breaking out of his disbelief, Keith tucked his book underneath his arm. He didn't think... he'd get this far. What was he even supposed to say to recovery from the sheer awkwardness that was salvaging a conversation like this?
❝ If it helps, I do this to almost everyone, siblings and family included, ❞ Keith replied in a low volume, unsure if the comment would actually make her feel better.
He turned his attention to the row of books in front of him, hoping that the art and the act of browsing would relief him of his apprehension. Was there a series he'd want to study the art of? Even if he wasn't super fond of the writing, the art was something to admire in ways with how detailed and cute it looked. It never hurt to expand his artistic horizons after all. It might make it easier to gain more clients as he dabbled more into digital art, considering many were into the anime and manga art styles.
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At her question, he looked towards her with confusion on his face, only for his expression to shift immediately when he realized the misunderstanding, ❝ Oh, uh, both my sisters are older than me, ❞ he corrected her, ❝ and like I said before, Rachael likes these sorts of things—helps her feel happy. ❞
Noticing a thick volume of manga—an omnibus edition—that had an appealing title, Keith carefully pulled it off the shelf, flipping it over to the back side to read the summary—a cute cooking manga featuring a youthful female protagonist looking for the owner of a special spoon at a prestigious academy. As he opened the back pages, he saw a small collection of cooking recipes, igniting his interest immensely. Okay, he had to grab this one!
Keith scanned the shelves for the other volumes in the series, but it seemed that he would be unlucky in that regard. Maybe it was luck that he stumbled upon this considering how much older it was compared to these new releases on the shelf.
❝ I didn't realize there was cooking series like this, but I got to find the other volumes in this one and try out all the recipes. , ❞ he spoke aloud, not really sure how else to streamline his thoughts into the conversation. He briefly glanced back at Vivian, unsure if he should really ask her considering how she had mentioned shoujo wasn't her thing, ❝ Err, do you know of any other places I could potentially find the rest of this— ❞ Keith flipped the omnibus manga to the front cover to confirm the title, ❝ —'Kitchen Princess' series? ❞ If it wasn't obvious, he wasn't exactly a manga or book buyer connoisseur.
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sunshinesteviee · 1 year
🌹Can I request a blurb from list 4 number 13 "meeting as the best friends/wingmen/chaperones of their two friends who want to go out together, but not alone" with Steve please? 💗
okay this took me forever, but. i think i really like it, and i hope you do, too! lots of steve and robin being besties, and steve making a fool of himself on a date. 1.4k
“Steve, please. I never ask for anything, and I really like Lori. Please please please,” Robin begged Steve, eyes wide as she clasped her hands together. 
Letting out an unamused laugh in the form of a huff, Steve continued to sort the tapes on the shelves, ignoring Robin’s pleading look. He repeated her words with a shake of his head, “You ‘never ask for anything,’ my ass. Robs, you begged me to take an extra shift today so you wouldn’t be alone with Keith.”
“You didn’t have to say yes!” 
“Okay, okay,” she conceded, holding her hands up in surrender, though she did continue to give him her best pout, “I’m sorry, really. But please. I won’t ask again.” 
Steve had a hard time saying no to Robin, especially when it came to her love life, but he couldn’t exactly say he was thrilled. He’d gone on a few double dates with Robin and her crush — paired with girls he didn’t know — and it was usually painfully awkward. They clearly didn’t want to be there, and Steve didn’t want to, either, leading to unbearable silence as Steve watched Robin attempt to flirt with whatever girl she was interested in at the time. Still, he knew she would do the same for him if he asked. 
“Alright, fine, but this is the last time, I swear to god,” he grumbled, trying to hide his smile as Robin threw her arms around his neck and thanked him profusely. 
“Can you at least try to look like you don’t hate your life?” Robin hissed under her breath, shoving her elbow into Steve’s side as they waited outside of the roller rink for their dates to arrive. 
“Sorry,” Steve rolled his eyes, but did attempt to not look so bored as he leaned back against the wall and glanced at Robin, “I’m just… nervous.”
Robin laughed a little, scoffing, “You? Nervous?”
“You know I’m not a fan of blind dates!”
“I know. I’m sorry,” Robin softened, leaning into Steve’s side and giving him an appreciative smile, “Thanks for coming with me. Lori said her friend is super nice. And super pretty. Totally your type. If that helps at all.”
“Yeah, okay,” Steve nodded, bumping his shoulder into hers gently. It was silent for a moment before Steve added, the hint of a teasing smile on his lips, “Did you choose this date on purpose? Roller skating? You’re the clumsiest person I know, you’ll have to hold her hand the entire time.”
“It wasn’t my idea. But either way, maybe that’s the point, dingus. Maybe if you’re lucky, y/n will hold your hand, too.” 
Though Steve hadn’t exactly been looking forward to it, the date was going much better than he’d anticipated. You were totally Steve’s type — so pretty, and super funny and kind. Unlike other blind dates he’d gone on, it wasn’t awkward at all. You were easy to talk to, and even better, you had no problem poking fun at Robin and Lori with him. They’d left their milkshakes at the table, venturing off to the rink, leaving the two of you behind, sipping on the rest of your own shakes. 
Steve laughed behind his hand as he watched Robin attempt to stand from the bench she’d been sitting on to put her skates on. She nearly fell over immediately, sending her arms flying for Lori’s help. Shaking his head, Steve grinned over at you and shook his head, “Robin is literally the most uncoordinated person I know. This is gonna be interesting.” 
“Oh god,” you giggled, eyes going wide as you glanced over at your friend and her date, “Lori isn’t much better. When she told me we were coming here, I thought she was joking.” 
“Shit,” Steve laughed, “maybe Robin just wanted me to be her ride to the ER.”
“I guess we’re just the babysitters.”
He huffed, though there was no real malice in his voice, and rolled his eyes, “I’m always the goddamn babysitter.”
“Well, babysitters can still have fun,” you gave Steve a shy smile, playing with the straw in your shake before glancing back up at him, “Do you wanna skate with me?”
Steve’s heart flipped in his chest, butterflies fluttering wildly as he nodded, maybe a bit too quickly, “Yeah, of course. I’d love to.” 
“Okay, but no promises I’ll be any good at it,” you laughed as you started to slide out of your side of the booth, leaving Steve to scramble after you as you made your way to rent some skates for the evening. 
“You can’t be any worse than Robin or Lori, from the looks of it,” Steve snorted, glancing over at the couple who were both clinging to the wall around the outside of the rink, “Besides, I’ve got you.” 
After paying the fee for both of your skates — to which you tried to deny, but Steve had insisted — Steve found a spot to put on your skates. He plopped down on the bench, scooting over to make room for you as he untied his shoes. You sat down next to him, your shoulder bumping into his, causing you to stammer an apology, feeling like your face was on fire. 
When Steve looked up from his skates, your breath caught in your throat from how close he was. If you wanted, you could’ve counted each of his eyelashes or memorized every single one of his moles. He gave you a gentle smile (one that he hoped didn’t betray his own nervousness) and shook his head, “’S okay. Are ya ready?” 
It took a moment for you to come to your senses, and your face filled with warmth as you watched Steve stand up, holding his hand out to you. Nodding quickly, you took Steve’s hands and let him help you onto your feet, which caused you to roll forward, nearly bumping into his chest. You both stumbled a bit, causing nervous giggles to erupt between the two of you. 
Though Steve was certainly not the most experienced skater on the planet, he started moving back towards the rink, still holding your hand in his. For as much as you’d been making fun of your friend, you weren’t exactly the best skater either, and you followed him clumsily, giggling, “Showing off, Steve?” 
Steve laughed, a shy, quiet sound as his face colored with a noticeable bright red, even under the dim lighting, “I wasn’t trying to, but if I’m impressing you… yes.” 
“It’s definitely worki-“ you stopped mid-sentence as you nearly lost your balance after following Steve onto the rink. Your free hand flew out, landing on Steve’s bicep to regain your balance. 
His warm hand grasped yours quickly, and you could see that he was clearly trying not to laugh as he pressed his lips together and asked, “You okay?” 
“Oh yeah, never better,” you replied, reluctantly removing your hand from his arm, though you kept your hand in his, “I wanna see what other cool moves you have.” 
“Oh, you’ll see ‘em, babe,” he grinned, quickly turning around to face forward again, only to spin himself too hard and land on his ass, nearly pulling you down with him. 
You were sure you’d never laughed harder in your life as you bent at your waist in an attempt to catch your breath, “Was that one of them?” 
If you thought Steve had been blushing earlier, his face was now deep red with embarrassment. He let out a groan, hands covering his face, “Fuck, I’m never going to live this down.” 
“Probably not.” 
After another fit of laughter that Steve eventually joined in on, you held both of your hands out to help Steve up. The two of you struggled for a few moments; an awkward dance of trying to help Steve onto his feet while simultaneously trying to stay on your own. You almost toppled onto him at least twice and when he finally stood up, Steve huffed, “Okay, next time, we’re doing something that is a lot less dangerous. And embarrassing.” 
“Next time?” you asked hopefully as your hand slipped into his, fingers slotting between the spaces of his perfectly. 
“Yeah, next time,” Steve nodded, one side of his mouth quirking up into a small smile, “If you want.” 
You nodded quickly, eyes shining, “I’d love that.” 
“Then it’s a date.” 
yes, you held hands the entire time. and if the whole thing had actually been an elaborate plan by robin to get the two of you together, she wasn't going to say anything.
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt 165prt 1
Crawling into bed at the end of the day, Lance felt emotionally tender. Curtis had another episode. When he’d gone to the bathroom, he’d been startled by his friend standing there, seeming lost and confused as to why he was no longer in the living room. Curtis wanted to go back to Platt. Nothing Lance said seemed to make his friend feel any better, if anything he wondered if he was the reason Curtis’s demon side seemed so moody.
Keith had all but died when he’d collapsed on his side of the bed, making it seem like the biggest effort ever to get under the covers and hold his arm out for Lance to crawl into his hold. Resting his head against Keith’s chest, Lance let out a deep sigh. Wrapping his arm around him, Keith tilted his head up to kiss Lance on the top of his head
“You’re still worrying about Curtis”
“I am. It’s not fair”
Being half cursed seemed much better than this. Lance wondered how a fragile human body could contain both Curtis’s spirit and a demon. The mental strength to contain both had to be taxing
“No. It’s not fair at all”
“I think I upset him earlier”
“You mean before...”
They’d been talking, Lance trying so hard to make Curtis see that he didn’t blame him for anything the demon had done. Yeah, he couldn’t stop himself getting upset that nursery wall was broken seeing it was the nursery, but better a broken wall than to lose a friend over this. Then Curtis had snapped. He’d gone to attack him, Lance fast and strong enough to block the move before anything could happen. Curtis sent falling on his as he’d kicked him. The ruckus in the hall summoning their friends. Lance trying to lie that Curtis had tripped, but Curtis had yelled at them all to leave him alone before stalking out the house. Shiro jogging after him as Krolia came to Lance’s side and “support him” back to the living room. Hunk and Shay had left, the number of explanations he owed his friend only growing. Which really sucked as Lance didn’t believe Curtis would go them seeing they were harmless humans. Keith’s actions, though playful, could be seen as an attack. His actions... maybe a personal attack? Or at least to the demon
“Yeah. He wanted to go back to Platt and I didn’t want him to”
A broken wall could be fixed. Lance had broken through the wall tripping on the stairs more times than his pride would let him admit. Keith sighed softly as he wriggled down a little, moving his free hand up to rest under his head
“Shiro did mention Curtis seemed to be blacking out more, but he wasn’t like this at the apartment”
“No. I wonder if Coran put some kind of magic in place in the apartment to keep Curtis anchored”
There were any number of factors as to why the demon was upset. The apartment was a small confined place with limited entrances and exits. The house was big, filled with the scents of their friends, two werewolves, and that of a vampire. Keith’s voice tumbled as he mumbled
“I don’t know. I don’t know what to do. Shiro loved Adam so much, and now Curtis is hurting. I don’t know what to do”
Keith had such a kind heart. Not too long ago Curtis would have been collateral damage if that meant protecting Shiro’s life. Now Keith knew how to let people in, he didn’t know how to love his brother and not rush in head first to protect him
“We could lie?”
“Come up with a reason why we need to be in Platt? Until the summoning?”
Lying sucked. It hurt and it sucked. Yet a gentle lie might be the only way to get Keith on the inside where he could help his brother
“I don’t want you near VOLTRON when they try summon the demon out. The bastard’s fucking strong”
Lance snorted as he rubbed his cheek against Keith’s chest
“He is a demon. I suppose it comes with the territory. Maybe that’s what’s wrong? Curtis isn’t in what he considers his territory?”
“I don’t know. I really don’t know what to do. Do you think he’d hurt Shiro? Even by accident?”
“I don’t know about demon egos. It’s possible the demon sees Shiro as a mate and is reluctant to let go of him and the human world. I’m sorry, babe. I really have no idea. I though trying to reassure him would help but I only made him madder. If you can stay with Shiro for a bit, I think it’d really help him”
Keith’s fingers came to play with the stray ends of Lance’s hair, his boyfriend sighing heavily. Yep. Lance felt every bit of the sigh as he fought his drooping eyelids
“I don’t want to leave you here”
“Your brother needs you”
“So do you. Plus, I’m tired of Platt. I like it out here in our house better than being in the city”
“I’ll remember to tell Shiro how awful of a housemate he is”
“Ha ha. You know what I mean”
“I do. But I’ve been back and forth between here and Platt for years, no like you”
“Will I even be able to help if I go to Platt? What if Curtis thinks I don’t trust him with Shiro?”
“I hate to break it to you, babe, but I think he thinks none of us trust him, despite what we say”
Falling silent, Lance couldn’t fight the need for sleep. Milliseconds away from it, he jumped a little as Keith broke the silence
“I don’t know what to do”
“You could ask Coran if you can go back to work early?”
“Ugh. I don’t want to go back to work”
Lance turned his head, letting his chin dig into Keith’s chest, fingertips tracing no real pattern over Keith’s side
“I know. You’ve become so lazy... and I’ve become so spoilt. If we lie about the twins to Curtis I feel like that’d be super cruel. After everything that happened, he’d be so worried about me. I don’t think I can do that to him. Maybe we could say you wanted to talk to Krolia? That’s all I’ve got. You’re either there to talk to her, or you’re there to work”
Keith leaned up again, to kiss him on the cheek this time
“I could take your phone up there. But that would only give me a few hours in Platt”
A few hours were better than no hours, and Lance did trust Keith completely with his phone. He could stay behind, so it wouldn’t seem like some kind of intervention
“If you had Shiro being Curtis to VOLTRON, I’m sure Coran would be able to give him some kind of task that’d give you two a chance to talk. I hate all this deception. I want to be there for both of them”
“We could tell them the truth? That we want to be there for them?”
“Shiro would insist he can handle this”
“Why don’t you wake him up?”
Shiro and Curtis were spending the night in the living room, Krolia sleeping in the office, where she was forbidden from snooping
“And say what?”
“That you’re his brother and you want him to know he can lean on you? Like any relationship we’re caught up in each other and that isn’t a bad thing... sometimes it nice to hear that someone’s there for you”
“What if I upset Curtis?”
“Matt and Rieva are right downstairs. Should he have another episode, they’re there. They won’t hurt him because they care for him too”
“It sounds to me like you don’t care about the house as much as you let on”
Keith knew he was fiercely house proud. His boyfriend trying to tease him into worrying less
“Rude. I do care. You know I care”
“Says the guy who was riding the chair arm yesterday”
“Says the guy who didn’t clean up everything...”
“I tried. It’s not my fault you were horny”
“I’m pretty sure it is when you’re the only one I’m horny for”
Keith chuckled
“That’s fair. I still don’t know what to do”
“Go talk to Shiro. Maybe he can tell you what he really needs help with right now?”
“That means getting up, and you look ready to sleep for a week”
That’d be nice. Keith would panic... so he couldn’t... Maybe he should aim for a nap in his death soil to perk him back up? He’d been feeling pretty fat and flat today
“Oh, trust me, I missed not having my nap. There’s tired and there’s “I’m about to pass out”. I’m totally about to pass out, babe”
“You okay?”
“Mmm. Just sleepy. I couldn’t sleep earlier because I couldn’t calm down until I knew you weren’t concussed”
“I said I wasn’t”
“That sounds like something who’s concussed would say”
“Idiot. Do you really think talking with Shiro is the right move?”
“Yeah, babe. I do. Don’t worry, I promise to be snoring by the time you come back”
“Oh, I know you will. You’ll be all spread across the bed, snoring your head off... belly and boobs out without a care”
“Shut up. I can’t help it”
“I know. Alright. I’m going to go talk to Shiro. Don’t blame me if he yells”
“Mmm. I love you, and I’m going to yell at both of you if you wake me up. Growing babies is exhausting”
“Harder than making cupcakes?”
“You, sir, have no idea. Gimme a kiss”
Keith rolled him back on their bed, his boyfriend peppering kisses to Lance’s lips until he wrinkled his face up trying not to laugh as he pushed Keith away
“Okay! Okay! Go already. I want my sleep”
Keith faked drawing away from him, before leaning in to kiss Lance’s forehead
“I love you, babe. I’ll be back soon”
Lance was too tempting. The moment Keith’s feet hit the cold wood flooring, he wanted to climb back into bed and keep kissing his boyfriend until they both fell asleep. His damn throat still hurt from the morning, definitely slightly swollen and in that awkward stage where it wasn’t swollen enough to be bothered about it in a medical treatment sense, yet not not swollen enough that it wasn’t annoying every-time he swallowed. Lance would worry needlessly if he knew. Grabbing Lance’s robe from the back of the bedroom door, Keith wrapped himself up in it before borrowing his boyfriend’s matching slippers. If Keith from this time last year could only see him now, he’d never believe it.
Shuffling down to the living room, Keith poked his head in. He couldn’t actually see anything, the house too damn dark at night for that, so blindly he continued on to the kitchen. Flicking the light on, he nearly screeched at the sight of his mother playing on her phone. His heart racing as he glared at her
“What are you doing up?”
“Couldn’t sleep. I could ask you the same thing. I thought you went to bed”
“I did, now I’m getting a drink of water”
Krolia snorted at him, turning off her phone screen and placing the device on the kitchen table
“You’re a terrible liar. You couldn’t stop thinking about Shiro”
“Maybe. You are too”
“I know I am. How are you feeling?”
“My head hurts and my throat feels like shit”
“To be expected. Curtis did slam you against the wall quite hard”
“He didn’t mean to. You only came because of Curtis, didn’t you?”
Krolia sighed at him, opting for honesty that Keith hadn’t expected
“Yes and no. Coran asked me to keep an eye on Curtis, but I also wanted to be here to see the nursery. It reminded me when we were planning yours. Things have changed a lot since then”
Keith didn’t know what to make of that. He only knew what that he’d been utterly clueless about things and if not for Lance, he’d be useless. Moving to the sink, he snagged his coffee mug, filling it with cold water out of the tap
“Is Lance okay? I noticed he seemed in pain today”
Downing half the mug, Keith turned the tap off, then turned to lean against the counter
“Coran says because his body is so sensitive to things that he’s feeling the pain of the false contractions”
“I remember the first time I felt them. Your dad panicked. He wanted to take me to hospital because he thought you were coming too soon. Do you and Lance had a plan for when he does go into labour?”
“I think Coran wants him to stay about two weeks before he’s due if he makes it that far. If there’s another complication, he wants to deliver them early”
“I’m sorry it’s not going smoothly. Is there any way I can help?”
What was Krolia supposed to do help? There was nothing they could do that they weren’t already doing
“It’s fine. Coran’s managing that side of things and Lance had a bunch of injections so his body doesn’t start feeding off the twins”
“Are you planning on having more kids in the future?”
“It depends on Lance. And how this pregnancy goes. If he doesn’t want to, then we won’t. It’s not like I’m the one doing all the hard work”
“Lance may be, but you are too. You’re their father, and you’re taking care of him the best you can. It’s not easy”
“No, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Oh, and thanks for complicating things. Our whole friends group has this idea I’m going to propose”
Krolia laughing wasn’t what he expected, though with her he really should have
“Sorry. I guess I’m a little impatient. Miriam and I talked a lot about it”
Keith wasn’t surprised, but with Shiro on his mind, he couldn’t handle letting his thoughts linger on how much he missed Mami
“You think?”
“Well, it’s not only from a romance point of view that I’m thinking. If you two were to wed, he’d have access to a pay out if you were injured on the job”
Her words cut deep. His almost instinctive fear of failing her bubbling up to the surface
“Thanks, mum. Way to have faith in me”
“It’s not just that. He’s more likely to be left alone too, and he’d have greater protection”
“Coran’s enough. Besides, I can do my job just fine”
“I know you can. Have you two come up with names yet?”
Keith rolled his eyes
“Tell me when we’ve had a chance? I’ve been working most days on my bike and Lance wants to concentrate on staying on top of his health”
“Krolia is a great name”
Ugh. He’d heard the same thing from all of their friends
“I’ll add it to the list. So far it consists of all our friends”
“Ah, but I should get preferential treatment as your mother”
“Pretty sure you had preferential treatment when you named me. Besides, Lance and I want to wait. We want to be surprised when the twins come”
“Oh, you will be. Labour isn’t as painful as it seems on TV but the pressure to push, that’s the worst bit. I’ve had period cramps worse than contractions”
“And I didn’t need to know that”
“Have you watched any birthing videos? Does Lance know if he really does want a c-section?”
Keith couldn’t do it. Nope. He knew he was slightly prudish but he didn’t want to see the intimate bits and pieces of strangers being stretched and torn. He didn’t know what to do with a vagina, let alone one pushing a kid out. He felt icky like he was invading their privacy even if he didn’t understand at all why people would flock to watch it. There was no way he was going there
“Mum, it’s either a c-section or they live in there forever”
“And you’re going to be in the delivery room?”
“Where else am I supposed to be?”
“Just asking. Sheesh, let me be excited over my grandma duties”
“I’ll let you be excited when they’re actually here. Anyway, I didn’t come down for a free counselling session over Lance giving birth. I want to be there for Shiro, but I don’t know what to do”
Krolia rolled her eyes at him, grabbing her cup of coffee as she did
“Have you tried talking to him?”
“I was going to talk to him, but I found a crazy woman in my kitchen and wound up talking to her instead”
Krolia frowned at him
“Your kitchen?”
“Fine, Lance’s kitchen”
Was it Lance’s house still? Or was it their house? Or was it just “the house”. Lance owned it, Keith’s name appearing no where on the deed to the property. If he was going to be with Lance forever, as he planned, was that something they had to do?
“Oh-oh, you’re making a face. What did I do now?”
“Nothing. I was thinking about Lance”
“When aren’t you thinking about Lance?”
“When I’m trying to figure out how to help my brother!”
He had the capability of thinking about things other than his boyfriend. Everyone seemed to think he had this one track mind that purely revolved around Lance every moment of every day
“No need to snap. Look, my advice is that you talk to Shiro. He spends the most time with Curtis out of all us. He knows what he needs help with. It’s like him coming to you to ask how to help you and Lance. He needs to know what to do and who better to tell him than both of you?”
“Like I said, I was going to, then I ended up talking to you”
“Then go talk to him”
“Fine. I will”
“Good. Yeah”
Fuck if that hadn’t just confused his poor sleepy brain. He’d been content falling into bed with Lance, telling himself he’d finally have time to think then, only when he had all he wanted to do was sleep because thinking actually seemed to hurt his head. Curtis’s strength had been no joke. He’d must have had his head slammed into things a thousand times by now, and it never felt any better for it.
Now he had to get Shiro to both wake up, and to get him alone. His mother hummed at his small outburst
“I have to wake him up if I want to talk to him”
“You’ll find Shiro’s already awake. He’s had a few sleepless nights”
“He slept fine when we were there”
“Probably because he knew Lance has the strength to subdue Curtis if something were to happen. Coran said he felt that Lance could”
“Lance has enough troubles with his strength, he doesn’t need to be using too much at once”
“I’m simply saying he is strong”
“So? Matt and Rieva are right there down the hall. The two of them should stand a chance”
Keith didn’t get what Krolia meant. Matt and Rieva were there friends. Did Krolia think that Shiro trusted Lance more than them, or that he’d go easier on Curtis than the pair of them? Great. Now he was doubting things
“You know you’re not helping things. I think I’m more confused than when you started talking”
“I’m simply saying things as I see them”
“Well either say these simple things simply or make more sense”
Keith replayed the sentence in his head, trying to figure out if he’d said the right thing the way he’d wanted to. This was why Lance did the thinking for the both of them
“If you want my opinion I feel Shiro would trust Lance more with Curtis’s life than with Matt and Rieva due to their pack instincts. A glance tells you that Rieva would readily spill blood to protect Lance and the twins”
“And you couldn’t have said it like that to begin with”
“I thought I did”
Keith let out a frustrated groan, turning to put his glass in the sink as he did
“You didn’t”
“I’m sure I did. Maybe you’re thinking so much so that you’ve blown up your brain cells”
Krolia chuckled happily
“Don’t be like that. Being your mum means I can tease you”
“I’d rather you didn’t”
“Even if it’s meant with love?”
Love. Things were easier when he didn’t have so many people he loved... yet knowing love, he realised how empty his life had been in so many ways. Shiro had fixed his broken heart the best he could. Comforted and guided him. There was no one else he’d want as a big brother. Still, Mami gave him the courage to see that he worthy of the love of his mother. God. He missed Mami’s wisdom and guidance so much
“Especially if it’s meant with love. You said you talked to Mami, before she died... Do you think she was happy with Lance? I mean, I know she would but, but I think Lance would like to hear it from you”
“We spoke a bit before I headed to join the mission. I know Lance’s family kicked up some kind of shit over her rings, but Miriam wanted you to have them both to give to Lance when the time was right. She was proud to know you, and had a few things to say about how she wished you’d come into his life sooner. I’m sorry, I know you’re going to be mad, but she told me a lot about you and how gentle you seemed despite being awkward at first. She was happy with Lance, though she missed you terribly. She never lost hope in you coming back to be with Lance”
Keith took a long and shaky breath, gripping the counter as he slowly released it. The world didn’t deserve Mami and her love
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olkarianprincess · 4 years
Can you write a shiro x pidge and one-sided Pidge x loter were there on opposite sides of the war Pidge is Gaara and betrothed to Prince lotor shiro is a pilot of Voltron
Huff. Huff.
Shiro doubled over the moment he rounded the corner. Inhaling as deeply and quietly as he could, he attempted to catch his breath. He couldn’t relax, though. They were still on his trail. The dark alleyway was a temporary sanctuary from the alien police force, but stopping also meant losing his momentum.
All too aware of the sweat pooling beneath his armor—of the painful tension in every muscle of his body—he waited in silence. The footsteps grew louder. Closer. In one hand, he clenched his bayard, ready to strike. In the other-
The sphere was gone.
Suddenly, everything melted away. The pain, the sounds, the worry of being caught—all gone. After all, none of it mattered if he had lost the one thing it was all for. Frantically, he searched the small satchel looped around his torso, and then the ground. The sphere was nowhere to be found.
And then there were footsteps.
On instinct alone, he spun around, but he was unprepared for what he saw.
At the end of his bayard was a single, cloaked figure. No police. No guns aimed for his head. Just an entity shrouded in darkness.
“I think you dropped this,” the mysterious stranger said.
Shiro paused before he looked down to their extended hand. A reflection caught his eye. Barely visible, beneath the shadow of a hood, he saw a yellow visor. Behind the visor, two piercing eyes.
And in the outstretched hand was the sphere.
Realization, followed by relief, swept into his body as the air did in his lungs. Without hesitation, he snatched the sphere and tucked it safely into his satchel. His eyes were only off the figure for a moment, but when he looked up, his strange ally was gone.
When Shiro peered out of the alleyway in hopes of spotting them, he saw nothing but the bodies of unconscious, bruised police littering the ground.
Music filled the grand room and, although he was certain it sounded like a fanciful masterpiece to the planet’s resident aliens, it was utter torture for Shiro’s human ears and acoustical tastes. Still, he forced a smile on his lips and waited, eyes glancing around the ball.
The wine, or whatever deep purple liquid it was that swirled about in his glass, wasn’t half bad, and he did recognize a few of the attendees. But Shiro was still bitter. This wasn’t supposed to be his mission.
Lance was the one that suggested they make a covert exchange with their informant. Lance was the one that insisted it had to be at a diplomatic ball. LANCE was the one that emphasized how much he wanted to go.
And yet...
Shiro tried to push away the bitter thoughts that attempted to take over his mind. He knew Coran had his best interests in mind. He also knew that he and Coran had very different ideas of what a “much needed relaxing break of a mission” looked like.
With a sigh, Shiro abandoned that train of thought and focused on finding his contact. Unfortunately, being a super secret matter of intergalactic importance, team Voltron got very little information on what their ally looked like. There was but one clue: the contact would wear a flower pin. They’d at least been given a photo. If they hadn’t, Shiro was certain that Matt would’ve gone on a full out rant about how disappointed Colleen would be that a group of intelligent aliens didn’t recognize not only how common flowers could be in decorative attire but what variety of flowers there are across inhabitable planets. Fortunately, the green lion’s paladin had only done a mini-rant.
Two hours into the ball, Shiro had seen no flower pin. Awkward conversations were plentiful, as were suspiciously jiggly finger foods. But no pin. With a sigh, Shiro pressed his back into the column behind him. He was about to contact Allura to see if the plan was a bust when something caught his eye.
Across the ballroom floor, in a perfectly tailored Galra-equivalent to a suit, stood a handsome gentleman with a gold flower pin on his chest. Wolfs-bane, Shiro recalled Matt saying. That’s what the flower resembled. He stared for but a moment, and startled when brilliant yellow eyes stared back.
A genuine smile on his lips, he moved swiftly across the dance floor. On the other side, his companion awaited with an extended hand. Warmth bloomed in his chest, as did a different feeling. Familiarity. He felt as though this was not the first time they’d met.
“May I have this dance,” Shiro asked as he delicately took the other man’s hand into his own, pressing a soft kiss to the back.
“That’s what we’re here for,” the Galra replied.
“Oh is it?” Shiro asked.
He would never tell his friends, but he was enjoying the opportunity to flirt with a pretty stranger. The Galra had a short, slim body, but was clearly in good shape. His mess of deep purple, puffy hair reminded Shiro of Matt, although Matt didn’t have two soft cat-like ears hidden beneath his cut.
“I thought a gentleman like you would be here for something else,” Shiro continued.
“Perhaps I’m here to meet a friend,” his dance partner replied.
“That makes more sense. For some reason, you don’t strike me as the kind of person to voluntarily attend these events.”
A delightful laugh spilled from the Galra’s mouth, forcing Shiro to turn his head away. It was hard to hide a growing blush when in close proximity with another person. So he switched tactics. The conversation changed, ebbing and flowing with the melody that surrounded them. Until, at last, the song ended.
“I think you dropped this,” his partner remarked with a grin.
Eyebrows furrowed, Shiro tried to decipher the words, but was answered by warm hands wrapping around his own. His heart skipped a beat and then his mind took over. The Galra drew away, but left something behind. Grasping the small device firmly, Shiro moved toward the edge of the crowd. He had to let Allura know that the data had been delivered.
Please be safe.
Shiro’s heart pounded heavily in his chest. If he hadn’t known better, he would’ve thought the beat alone was shaking the cockpit of the black lion. They hadn’t been able to respond. The distress signal came just after Haggar’s forces launched a surprise attack. There was no way for them to respond.
Shiro prayed to whatever gods would help him that the city was safe. The Rodlians had been one of the first members of the Voltron Coalition. They didn’t deserve to be punished for that.
The black lion entered Rodlia’s atmosphere. As they descended, smoke obscured the lion’s screen, and Shiro’s heart raced faster. Prepared to launch straight into battle, he was overcome with dread when the city became visible and no enemy was spotted. The worst, it seemed, had already come to pass.
Landing roughly, Shiro sprung from his lion-ship, ready to do everything in his power to find survivors. But the streets were not littered with victims of war. Here and there, buildings suffered damage, but the citizens seemed to be in good health, if not tired. Spotting him, the city leader came forward.
“What happened? We were attacked and couldn’t get here in time. Did you defeat them yourselves?” Shiro launched into inquiry.
“It’s alright, son,” the older alien patted his leg.
Her head only went as high as his thigh, and yet her voice commanded respect. Instantly, he felt a little better.
“We’re alright. Lady Pidge came to our aid.”
A bony finger pointed in the direction of a cloaked figure, several yards away. Shiro thanked the leader and apologized once more (to which he got a gentle head shake in response) before heading over to greet the one called “Pidge.”
“Excuse me,” he called out.
The figure turned at the sound of his voice, revealing a familiar face.
“Lady Pidge?” Shiro sputtered, “Oh shit I’m so sorry, I called you a man before, I-“
Pidge, the handsome contact he had danced with at the ball, waved off his words with a smile.
“It’s fine,” she said. “I don’t care.”
“Ah, alright. Well, what are you doing here?”
“The Coalition sent me. I’ll tell you more, but it’s going to cost you.”
Once again, the Galra had thrown Shiro for a loop.
Pidge pointed and Shiro followed the direction of her finger...all the way to his metal arm.
“Let me take a look at it?” she asked, an intense sparkle in her eyes.
“Oh, okay,” he responded with a laugh.
Warmth filled his chest as he trailed after her towards a laptop (of sorts) situated at the base of a statue.
“No fair! How come Shiro gets a secret admirer?!” Lance whined.
“Yeah! How come Coran lets Shiro have two girlfriends and I get none?” Hunk joined in, a huge smile on his face.
“Hunk,” Keith shot him a glare, “That’s biphobic.”
“Oh, you’re right Keith, my bad. How come Coran lets Shiro have a girlfriend and a boyfriend and I get none?”
Keith collapsed onto the couch with laughter at Hunk’s response and even Shiro couldn’t keep himself from grinning. He scooped up the package Coran had deposited on the table and turned to make his escape, sparing Allura a brief glance before he went. She looked...done, to put a word to it.
In his quarters, alone and away from prying eyes, Shiro gingerly opened the heavy metal box. Of course he knew it wasn’t a present from a secret admirer. That whole bit of drama was entirely a product of Matt’s desire to stir up trouble. But he still didn’t know what it was or who it was from. All Coran said was that someone from the Coalition had sent it.
With bated breath, and a quick prayer that there was not, in fact, a bomb inside, Shiro pressed the buttons on either side of the box and watched as it clicked open. Inside, delicately wrapped, was a thin holopad. He activated and it glowed with life, displaying the message:
Thought you could use an upgrade.
(PS: I’ve included installation instructions.)
And below the message was a little icon of some cute gremlin face with swirly glasses.
Shiro set the device to the side and opened the compartment below the first one. He almost cried when he saw the gift.
Inside was a brand new, clearly custom-made, prosthetic arm.
“I’m still not comfortable going into the heart of the Galra empire, invited or not,” Shiro stated as they approached the massive space station.
“I’ve gotta agree,” Matt said, although his voice lacked its usual carefree tone.
“Relax,” Allura assured, “now that Lotor’s emperor, we don’t need to worry about the Galra attacking us. At least, not the ones under his command.”
“Oh yeah and what about the other 40% of Galra that aren’t?” he heard Lance mutter.
Apparently Allura heard him too, as was indicated by the thump and yelp that followed.
“Lotor is gaining more and more of the Galra’s allegiance each day,” Allura reassured them. “I’ve heard a large part of it is due to the support for his fiancé. Many of the Galra feel more comfortable about his rule knowing they’ll be married.”
“Must be some lady. Or dude. Or, ya know,” Hunk added.
“Quite right,” Coran chipped in. “Maybe you’ll get to meet them.”
Further conversation was cut off by their arrival. Boarding the station was tense, but otherwise uneventful. As they walked through halls radiating with purple light, Shiro couldn’t help but make a pattern of clenching and unclenching his fist. It was an uncomfortable situation for all of them, but Shiro would be lying if he said it wasn’t worse for him and Matt. In truth, there were several thoughts on repeat in his mind keeping him sane.
First was the knowledge that they’d receive valuable access to Galra tactical data and technological schematics. He’d be able to study it and come up with better plans to free the universe. Second was the thought of getting to punch Lotor in the face, should the emperor step out of line. It was an unlikely situation, but the fantasy brought him joy. And like that fantasy, his third thought, of potentially running into Pidge again, kept him going.
Lotor greeted them outside of the throne room and Shiro focused on taking deep breaths while his friends questioned the new Galra ruler. He could barely process what everyone was saying. It was just another mission, he told himself. It would be over soon. Hunk asked about culture and Lance exclaimed something that sounded like “a nanny,” but the full conversation didn’t register in Shiro’s mind. They were being swept into the throne room, Lotor monologuing some nonsense, and light flooded through the opening of the heavy doors as they stepped in.
Shiro blinked once, twice, and then his gaze locked onto a pair of familiar yellow eyes. Warmth flooded his chest. A smile danced on his lips. The tension melted away and suddenly he found himself able to focus. It was just in time for him to hear Lotor say:
“And I’d like to introduce you to my fiancé, Lady Pidge.”
The yellow eyes that had met his quickly looked away.
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Day 24: Party Games
For @sheithmonth prev / on ao3 / next July 24 - Seven Minutes
Keith was going to kill Lance if he made it out of this alive. Which, going by how fast his heart was pounding, he felt like he might drop dead any second now.
Because of course this had been Lance’s idea. Keith didn’t ask to be dragged to some random frat house party. He didn’t ask to then be further dragged into a game of spin the fucking bottle of all things. And, when pressured by supposed “best friend” Lance to take his turn, it had to land on the hottest frat boy on the face of the Earth.
One Takashi Shirogane, who Keith had been crushing hard on in his astrophysics class for the past two months.
But how could he not be smitten? Shiro was built like a fucking sex god with muscles that could probably snap him in half. And yet he had the cutest smile and was actually super smart. Keith had been fortunate enough to work with Shiro on a class project and they’d actually hit it off really well. Better than Keith could have ever imagined. They had common interests in astronomy, shitty action movies, and motorbikes. Keith was almost inclined to call them tentative friends and had been planning to invite Shiro to go riding sometime.
Probably not anymore.
Keith stared down the closet like it was the gallows. Because of course Lance had suggested that instead of just a peck, the duo should have “seven minutes in heaven” and for some reason everyone else agreed.
“Alright you two,” Lance smirked, “Get in and we’ll start the timer.”
Keith locked eyes with Lance one last time before getting in, putting as much hatred into the glare that Lance visibly swallowed.
Keith got about a second to look at the interior of the small supply closet and then Shiro was inside too and the door shut behind them. He heard Lance’s snickers outside and a call that the timer had started.
Ever since the bottle had landed on him, Shiro had been oddly quiet and Keith immediately felt the awkwardness settle on them. Shit, and after all his hard work to be friends with the man, Lance had to go and ruin it.
“Sorry,” Keith muttered, leaning back on the shelves to distance himself as much as possible, “Lance is an idiot. I wouldn’t have played if I’d known he was going to suggest this.”
Shiro let out a breath that was almost a laugh, “So you were hoping for just a kiss then?”
Keith could feel a blush creep up his neck and he was glad the closet was dark enough that Shiro probably couldn’t see.
“I don’t know,” he finally replied, “I probably shouldn’t have sat down for the game in the first place. I’ll chalk it up to one too many drinks and peer pressure.”
“A bad combination,” Shiro laughed, and Keith was relieved to hear it.
“What about you?” Keith asked in an effort to kill time.
“Why I sat in?” Shiro replied and Keith nodded, “The same actually. My friend Allura convinced me to join but…”
Shiro trailed off, seeming to consider something for a moment.
“But?” Keith repeated.
“I was kind of hoping my spin would land on you.”
Keith wished he could see Shiro’s face right now. He wondered if Shiro was as red as Keith felt. Keith took a tentative step forward and he could feel Shiro’s eyes on him. He got close enough that he could feel the heat radiating off of Shiro’s body. Shiro wasn’t wearing a shirt, having probably lost it between the start of the party and now. Keith, on the other hand, was only wearing skinny jeans and a thin tank top. There wasn’t much space between them, and not a lot of clothes either.
Keith faltered before he reached out to touch him, still unsure. Keith knew he’d fallen for Shiro. Hard. He wasn’t sure he could just go for a quick makeout and then squash those feelings down and away like it was nothing.
“Keith?” Shiro murmured into the quiet space between them.
Finally adjusted to the darkness Keith looked up to meet Shiro’s eyes. Shiro’s expression was soft, but Keith could see a heat in his eyes. Shiro wanted him. And fuck if he didn’t want Shiro too.
With renewed confidence he reached his arms around Shiro’s neck and almost immediately Shiro’s hands settled on his waist. They gravitated even closer and the feeling of bare skin under his hands and a solid chest pressed against his own was making Keith feel light headed.
Their lips were centimeters apart, and Keith could feel the exhalation of Shiro’s breath across his lips.
“May I?” Shiro asked, always the gentleman.
Shiro closed the distance and Keith immediately surged up to meet him. Shiro tightened his hold on Keith’s hips and Keith felt breathless as they kissed. It was everything he’d imagined, hot and intense but sloppier. Messier. As if they were both too impatient to have one another, and there was no time for finesse.
Shiro was biting at Keith’s bottom lip and as Keith gasped, Shiro slipped his tongue between Keith’s lips. Shiro’s hands dragged up Keith’s body, making him shiver, until they settled on Keith’s face, holding him still as he licked into his mouth.
Shiro tasted like cheap beer and something sweet that Keith couldn’t quite place. Whatever it was Keith felt a fire creep under his skin, threatening to overtake him. He couldn’t stop his own hands from wandering, traveling down Shiro’s chest to feel up toned muscle. His fingers dragged accidentally across Shiro’s perked nipples and Shiro groaned into his mouth. The sound spiking desire down Keith’s spine and as if Shiro could read his mind, his thigh came up between Keith’s legs to rest firmly against his arousal.
Keith gasped, jerking away from the kiss to take gulping breaths. Shiro pulled back slightly, but let his hands settle back on Keith’s hips. Keith let his head fall forward to rest on Shiro’s chest.
“Sorry,” Shiro murmured, pressing a kiss to Keith’s hair, “Got a little carried away.”
“No it’s fine,” Keith was quick to reply.
Shiro laughed, “And I guess we don’t really want them opening the door on us grinding against each other.”
At Shiro’s words Keith felt desire spike through him again, and he couldn’t stop himself from pressing open mouthed kisses to the skin of Shiro’s chest.
“You want to go motorbiking up the mountain sometime?” Keith asked as he traveled up Shiro’s neck, wanting to leave marks, “We could go in the evening, watch the stars, and make out some more?”
“Fuck,” Shiro breathed, “Yeah, I’d like that baby.”
Keith shivered at the endearmant, pulling back to meet Shiro’s eyes.
“I like you Shiro,” he added, “I have for a while. I’m glad the bottle landed on you.”
Shiro smiled and Keith felt the rest of his doubts disappear, “Me too.”
And when the seven minutes were up, Lance and the rest of the partygoers smugly looked on as the door opened to Keith and Shiro continuing to make out. To hell with their audience.
“About time,” Lance rolled his eyes, to which his girlfriend Allura laughed.
“I told you it would work,” She winked.
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ptw30 · 5 years
The Grudge Critique
Continuing “the definitive nitpick post” critiques from Voltron Legendary Defender Season 8 -
Episode begins with a talk about pets that doesn’t include Cosmo, and I guess it’s supposed to make us like the Atlas crew...? All it did was remind the audience that Lotor killed his disabled general. In fact, Acxa even makes a point of telling us Narti couldn’t see without Kova.
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Curtis speaks during this scene, and I would say his inclusion was to get the viewers acquainted with Shiro’s would-be hubby. (And despite my shipping preferences, I will say - the guy is adorable.) However, we learn nothing about Curtis’ history in this scene. Heck, I know what event made Iverson’s shoulder click! Give me something about Curtis! 
Shiro calls the team to the bridge to take a message from the paladins. He couldn’t have done that himself? Plus, Coran was also on the bridge with him, and Coran is the only other person who speaks to the paladins. Ergo, there was no reason for Shiro to pull the bridge crew away from their workout routine. 
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Huh. Keith’s hair really grew here, and he’s super extra pretty. 
Coran brings up Honerva not having the Mark of the Chosen. Does she? Or did Kuron? That was never explained. (Makes so much more sense if Honerva had piggy-backed on Allura or Lotor’s worthiness to get into Oriande, but VLD never cared about making sense past Season 2, as we know.)
“We need to rendezvous to come up with a plan.” - Oh, sure. Now you need the Atlas after Olkarion was destroyed for no reason, but I went in to that last critique. But I thought Voltron didn’t need the Atlas or Shiro.
Acxa talks about scaultrite, but when did Lotor actually use it? I’m assuming the gate, but it’s funny how Acxa won’t discuss the particulars. Why? Cuz she doesn’t know them. Neither do the viewers or the EPs, it seems. 
“It would appear the mood at the table has become rather awkward. Most likely due to your Galra heritage.” No. The pilots’ reactions make the mood awkward, not the fact of Acxa’s heritage. 
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Shiro is alone again - on the bridge - and a communication came in from the paladins. How was he able to take it himself since the opening scene of the episode established he can’t? He literally has to call the bridge crew. Also, I’m pretty sure that’s JDS’ Shiro above. 
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Hm. Black is between Yellow and Blue. That’s a unique line-up. It might not mean anything, but I just thought it was interesting. 
The beam holds down the lions but not the paladins? They can move freely? And thanks for pointing out the obvious redo in the plotting, Hunk. 
Allura uses “whom!” Yay! I love when the paladins’ use whom!
During the fleeing scene, we lost Keith. He doesn’t speak. Lance gives all the orders, and we don’t see Keith again until after Pidge disarmed the drone (which looks a lot like the Dark Elves’ ships in Thor: The Dark World).
Hunk’s bayard shifts in the same blue as Keith does in Season 8.
Keith has a bayard that can shift, but instead of shooting the drone, he chucks his sword. Lance said he was about to do the same, yet Lance has never used in sword in battle. And Keith should have used his gun for the long-range attack, but...who cares about making sense? All together now, “Not Voltron.”
I’ve done this before, but Keith as Keith - 
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Kuron as Keith - 
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Lance as Keith - 
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Also, here’s a post about how Allura is posed like Lance. And though Hunk is slouched, Keith looks taller than him in this shot. And there is only one paladin taller than Hunk. (Hint: It’s not Keith.)
“Anyone read about the atmosphere?” Yes, Pidge did. Hunk responded it the comment, and it was on Keith’s screen. So writers, no need to ask if “anyone” read about the atmosphere because everyone did. And if you were just reminding us, the line should have been, “Hey, remember the atmosphere issues?” (I said this was a nitpick post.)
...yawn. Sorry. Dozed off there during the Veronica-Acxa scene. I want to like these characters, but I just feel that the Altas crew moments showcase characters from a different show. 
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Excuse me for one moment as I freak out - 
Allura can’t find the lions on the planet?! Are you freakin’ kidding me? She could find the lions across the universe in the Very First Episode. She reached out to find Black in “The Black Paladins,” and the only justification for her not being able to find the lion was because it was “out of range.” Now - in the last season - Allura can’t find the lions. COME ON, WRITERS! GET IT TOGETHER!
...alright. I’m not back, but I’ll continue on...
Keith is leading the pirates away in his suit, and the paladins look like they are just talking a leisurely stroll through the park. 
Lance knows where the lions are. Okay, this is officially the Lance Episode, and it should have been more called out. He was really great here.
Veronica says, “Lance? Right. The navigational genius.” I guess that’s supposed to be funny since Lance did locate the lions, but it just shows how little Veronica knows her brother now. And that’s - again - sad. 
Distress signals - and now Shiro and the Atlas Crew have to come to the rescue. “Voltron is stronger than ever,” my ass, Keith. 
“You think I forgot about you, Tiny Paladin? I’ll make you pay for what you did to me!” ...dude, I don’t even remember. Oh, thanks for the line about her brother, Bounty Hunter. I did need the refresher. What were you going after Matt for again? Oh, right. We never found out.  
Allura needs to stop for a breather. Really? Allura? She’s an amazing fighter and totally in shape. But sure. Make her take the breather. 
And look - Atlas to the rescue - cuz Voltron is so strong, it doesn’t need its former head. 
Keith has his blade again. Hm. Did Krolia give it back to him? Think I missed that. (I didn’t.)
Keith went off alone - and his suit didn’t even lure the entire pirate crew, so there was literally no reason for him to go off alone. Great teamwork and found family, Writers. You’re really knocking it out of the park in this episode. 
Oh, look. Shiro has a gun and doesn’t use it. 
I’m going to skip over the Ezor-Zethird-Acxa discussion. It made no sense in the context of the story, but since it was altered to bring Ezor back, I’m not going to critique that. It was necessary. 
The visually impaired version says Zethrid pointed the gun at Shiro, but I didn’t see that at all. I really thought that Zethrid pointed it at Acxa, and y’know - Shiro doesn’t speak at all in this part. Neither does Keith after the team arrives. Reminds me of “Lions’ Pride Part One” where Shiro says nothing to Sendak. 
How did Veronica hit Zethrid in that shoulder? She’s positioned on the opposite side of Zethrid, so none of the MFE pilots had a shot - but Veronica did...shooting Zethrid in the arm she’s holding Keith with - not the arm in which she held the gun. The far arm. 
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...wait. Where is the gun? Never mind. 
Oh, and when Ezor comes back, she’s still in pirate uniform. So I guess she’s still a pirate? Guess she didn’t let the rage go far. 
Launch Date | Shadows | Prisoner’s Dilemma | Battle Scars | The Grudge | Genesis | Day Forty-Seven | Clear Day | Knights of Light Part 1 | Knights of Light Part 2 | Uncharted Regions | The Zenith | The End is the Beginning
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skks well, since you said its alright if i were to send another request in... then could i get hcs (i know i know but i think hcs are easier to read for me) Paladins with a s/o that likes piggy back rides, (for pidge it could be giving her piggy back rides cause smol child)
- surprisingly not a huge fan of giving piggy-back rides. he’s strong and doesn’t mind lifting you, but piggy-back can get kinda awkward for his floating arm. 
-He’ll probably only let you do it if you’re like, really tired, or if you got injured in a way that makes walking difficult. If you get him in a particularly goofy mood you might be able to convince him to.
- if it’s early in your relationship, absolutely not. unless you absolutely need to be carried, he’s not doing it.
- if you’ve been together a long time, as long as you’re in a casual situation (so like, not a mission or meeting), he’ll totally be down to carry you around on his back. it’s kind of an ego-boost for him, it makes him feel like you really trust him (also he feels a Strong Boy)
- oh lance be totally elated when you first ask him, the answer is yes yes yes!
- he uses it as an excuse to show you off, like “hey guys, I’m here, also my s/o is here, on my back, because they like me!”
- although sometimes, he can be lazy, so he’ll be really dramatic in giving you an excuse of why he can’t right now
- hunk has a way of constantly keeping himself busy at like, all times, so his willingness to carry you around is pretty on-and-off. if you’re gonna be in the way, he’s gonna have to pass on the piggyback rides.
- if you two are just like, hanging out on a date outside, or walking from one place in the garrison to another, then he’s cool with carrying you around.
- pidge is actually stronger than she looks! if you’re not too much bigger than her, she’d be very into the idea of giving you a piggyback ride.
- she’d definitely hop on your back all the time too! she’s like a koala, she’ll latch onto you and you’ll both rush off to cause some mischief like that.
- she just thinks it’s like, super fun.
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chatlote · 5 years
Hi! I am so sorry it’s been so long but I have been so so so busy with university and I’ve been super stressed and tired to be able to focus on writing so I hope this chapter is alright, it’s mostly a warm up for what’s to come in the next few chapters. Comments appreciated <3  PS: Thank you all so much for the 10k followers again!!! It means a lot to me and I would love to do something more for you!
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For once, in the past few days, the day actually passes by rather uneventfully. Maybe it’s because everything feels boring when Lance has no letters from Keith in his pockets making him constantly try and find a way to sneak out of a conversation to read it. Or maybe it’s the fact that he is looking forward to the sleepover way too much. Not only does he want to spend more time alone with Keith but also he really, really wants to sleep.
And by lunch he can feel that Keith most likely agrees with this feeling, as they both yawn simultaneously which earns them a few looks from the others. That or they were staring at them because they were both leaning against each other. If Lance was more awake maybe he would care and move away, since they had agreed on taking it slow and not letting the others know yet, but Keith isn’t pulling away either so they’re both at fault here. With their heads touching he can even feel the mullet and how unfairly soft it is. If he closed his eyes… he could probably fall asleep right here... Lance yawns again. “Did you two not sleep last night?” Hunk asks making him jump slightly. Shiro stares at them with a frown, just like Lance he remembers the nights where Keith would sacrifice sleep to train, so when Shiro starts speaking he’s staring more at Keith than him. “I thought we had agreed that-” Lance interrupts him, saving them from a sermon by coming up with a half-baked lie. “The alarm made me sort of jumpy and I couldn’t sleep, Keith kept me company.” “I apologize for that.” Allura says. “Not your fault.” He dismisses it, lazily raising his hand. Meanwhile he hears Pidge snicker from the other side of the table. “What’s so funny Pidge?” Pidge briefly stares at them and Lance glares in warning, she takes the hint but still grins as she speaks. “Just thinking of how you two were all about competition and butting heads when we started this whole Voltron thing.” “You’re right about that.” Allura grins back at Pidge, and Lance somehow just knows that they’re both remembering the Bridge incident. “Are you guys sure?” Hunk speaks up, clearly not aware of recent events. “Just last week they were giving me an headache in the kitchen as they tried to play beer pong with that weird drink Coran found.” “It was very entertaining to watch that Earth tradition I may say.” Coran caresses his mustache. “And the Quizlan Juice is quite healthy, more of you should have joined in!” Lance smirks. “And I won.” Keith doesn’t move away but he can feel him scoffing. “Nope I did.” “Hunk was there he can vouch for me.” “Oh no buddy, don’t drag me into this.” With that Hunk grabs his plate and leaves the table.
The other follow him and start cleaning up the things from lunch while Lance and Keith keep talking about the events of Quizlan Juice Pong, no one makes a move to interrupt their discussion. So eventually it’s just the two of them in the room, still against each other, Lance sighs exhausted, putting even more of his weight against Keith, who doesn’t seem bothered by it. “What if we move our sleepover to the afternoon?” Keith replies sounding almost as tired as Lance. “We agreed we would fix our sleep schedule.” “Yeah but still…” He wished he could come up with a good excuse. “The day will pass by quickly.” Lance rolls his eyes and laughs softly. “You don’t believe your own words.” Keith sighs.
“Guys, are you coming or what?” Pidge voice calls out from outside the room. “Yeah, we’re going!” Lance shouts back, as he slowly moves away from Keith. Both of them make their way outside where Pidge seems to be waiting for them. When they get closer she leans in and asks “I thought you guys were going to keep it a secret?” “We are?” Keith answers, looking a bit confused. Not looking convinced, she stares at them again, sighs and shrugs. “Yeah sure, whatever you say.”
Keith watches as Lance does small jumps as he walks ahead through the corridors, looking rather ecstatic and energetic for someone who had been ready to pass out just a couple minutes ago. “Finally, dinner is over!” He speaks loudly, his voice echoing through the corridor. “I can’t wait to see your room.” “You’ve been in my room before.” Lance turns around and starts walking backwards.“Yeah well, it’s different now.” Keith chuckles. “And what happened to feeling sleepy?” “I’m having an adrenaline rush now, might have been the fact Coran got me more of that Quizlan juice.” “Should I be concerned?” The last thing he wants is for Lance to end up fainting. “Nah, it means we get to talk more and come up with dumb games before we sleep.”
Not before long they reach the bedroom and Keith remembers the state he left his room in. All the crumbled papers all over the floor… “ I- uhm…. Actually maybe I should… clean up a bit… before you come in.” “I’ve seen the inside of your shack on Earth I’m sure I can handle it.” “Yeah you’re right-” Keith doesn’t really know what other excuse he can give so he just gestures for the door to open. When Lance steps inside he immediately hears an, “Oh.” “I told you, let me just… clean this up really quick.” Keith says frustrated as he rushes to start gathering the crumbled papers on the ground. Behind him he hears Lance laughing, which makes Keith turn around. Maybe Lance finally realized how awkward Keith is feeling so he explains himself. “Sorry I wasn’t laughing at you, I promise, here I will help you out.” Keith feels a little better but still grumbles when he speaks. “These are your fault you know.” “Yup, guess I am a bad influence.” In silence they keep gathering the papers, until Lance raises his voice. “Hey Keith?” “Yeah?” He looks up and finds Lance holding a couple letters in his hands in front of the stationary. His heart stops, immediately recognizing them as the love letters he ‘stole’ from Lance, and he already feeling like an idiot. Carefully Lance speaks up again. “I think found my missing letters.”
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jessiebulby · 5 years
A Mean to an End
Here's a langsty mini fic, because somehow my anti-depressants don't work like they used to...
TRIGGER WARNING (REALLY TRIGGERING) : graphic suicidal attempt...
He was fine when Keith left. At least, that's what he had assured him.
After the war, Lance had fallen into depression. His family had helped him get through it by making him work at the farm with them. Keith visited him for a week one month later. They spent every day together that week and just before he left again, Keith had confessed to him. It had mean a lot to Lance who had accepted his love with open arms, as if this was his saving. After that, Keith always visited him in between benevolent missions, until two years later, when they decided to have their own place on Altea, which was closer to where Keith did his missions.
Lance decided to become a teacher in a pilot school, but needed to be trainee for a year before that, supervised by Iverson who was way more pleasant with him now.
Things were going great... At least, that was what he was trying to convince himself daily.
The depressive thoughts had been bothering him for a while again. He dismissed them with dark jokes in front of his friends or family, creating awkward silences sometimes.
He hated himself for it.
He hated himself for the dark emotions he felt, even if he had everything he had ever wished for. He was a famous pilot, had saved his family, would become a teacher at the Altean Garisson, and had a loving significant other... What could he wish for more? What could he have more that would make the dark thoughts disappear?
There was nothing else, really...
So, why was he feeling so down and hopeless?
What was eating at him now that he still couldn't get rid of?
Insecurities, guilt, pressure... Yeah, that's what it was.
He didn't know how to fight the overwhelming despair in his mind anymore.
"You should have save more people."
"You don't deserve happiness when so many innocents died."
"You could've saved Allura."
"It's your fault if she died... If all these people died."
"You were too weak, you should have stepped aside before."
"And now you want to teach young pilots? What are you really going to do? Teach them to be as weak and useless as you?"
Lance wanted the thoughts to stop. He wanted to silence them forever, but he had only one way in mind to do so.
He should probably have told Keith, should've told someone about how depressed he felt, and how he was not dealing well with the dark emotions that kept growing in strength inside his fragile heart.
Was it that he didn't want to bother them with it anymore?
Or that he wanted to try and deal with it by himself, to prove that he was strong enough?
Or... Maybe it was because he didn't want help?
Maybe he just wanted the dark thoughts to finally give him the courage to end it...
Keith was gone for a few days only. He had noticed that Lance wasn't feeling so good these days, and had asked multiple times if he wanted to come with him, or if he wanted Keith to stay. Lance had refused both options, saying that he was fine and that he was super busy anyway.
Lance looked at his phone again. Incognito tabs were open. "How to kill yourself and make it look like an accident?" "How kill yourself quickly?" "Which way can you kill yourself with the least chances of surviving?"...
These tabs had been opened and closed again a few times in the past weeks or so. He still looked at the suggested ways, often asked and answered by "writers" on forums. Nothing seemed to fit what he was looking for exactly, but he already knew that there was an almost sure way.
He closed all the tabs one last time.
Keith was going to call soon to get news from him and wish him goodnight, like he always did.
Once this was done, no one would be calling or looking for him until the next morning.
So no one would find him in time...
He had bought cutter type refill blades at the school's coop. He already knew then for what he would really use them.
He had taken them out of their hiding spot, in a place Keith would surely never find them.
He made sure the front door to the apartment was locked, then locked himself in the bathroom. Double protection, allowing more time to be found just in case someone unexpectedly visited him before he was completely gone.
Lance breathed deeply a few times. His hands were shaking. He made sure once more that he hadn't forgotten anything. He had cleaned the whole apartment and left his goodbye letter on the kitchen table. The doors were locked, the lights were closed, except those in the bathroom, he had his phone and the blades.
He waited a few minutes before Keith finally called. Lance hesitated a moment, before answering. Talking to Keith and hiding all this from him would be hard... But he needed to do this... He needed to hear his voice one last time.
"Hey," Lance answered, clearly too low and shaky to be normal, despite his best efforts.
"Hey, you alright, sharpshooter?" Keith asked right away, concern evident in his voice.
"Yeah, just a bit tired. What about you, samourai?"
"I'm tired too. We had a long day here. There were way more people to help than expected, but we were still able to do everything we planned on doing today, so I'll be back home in time, don't worry. Can't wait to see you and hold you in my arms."
Lance felt a knot form in his throat, knowing that Keith wouldn't see him alive again.
"Lance?" Keith asked after a few seconds of silence.
Keith was not the one to monopolize the conversation usually, and even if he did sometimes, Lance was quick to answer questions or comment on anything he said.
"Yeah, sorry, I just spaced out a moment... I love you, Keith."
"Ok... Are you sure everything is alright? You sound really out of it."
"Everything's fine, babe. I'm just tired. I'll go to sleep soon..."
And never wake up.
"I love you, Lance," Keith interrupted him. "Don't lie to me. I... I can feel it, like I did when the war ended. I wanted to believe you, but, I'm sorry, I can't lose you because I wasn't careful enough. Pleasr, tell me what's going on."
Lance felt all his walls fail him and he knew that he had to end this call right now, no matter how worrisome it would look. If he kept talking to him, he would become unable to get going with his plan. Everything was ready, he had prepared everything, he was suffering, he couldn't let anything or anyone stop him at this point.
"I'm sorry, I love you."
"Lance... Lance! Don't..."
He hung up and put his phone away. Keith called back a few seconds later, just as Lance took one of the blades and walked to the bathtub. When Lance didn't answer, Keith sent him multiple texts, and tried to call again. Lance turned the shower on and sat right under the running water with his clothes on. Tears were falling down in cheek, his whole body was trembling, his heart was beating hard in his chest... He didn't know if he was scared or excited. But nothing could stop him now, not even the incessant calls and notifications he was receiving.
He put the blade on the inside skin of his left wirst, where multiple faded scars lined already, as a reminder of his old unhealthy coping mechanisms. He pressed it against his skin, piecing it right away. He let out a small scream under the pain, but still dragged the blade down his arm. Blood poored out and Lance took the blade to his other wrist with shaky bloody hands to do the same.
Once he was done, he dropped the cutter blade and watched with a growingly blurred vision the diluted red liquid flow down the drain. His wrists were burning, but he still smiled softly at the weird exhilarating sensation that settled in his stomach.
This was it.
He had done it.
It would all end.
The pain inside, the dark thoughts, the guilt, the insecurities... Everything. He would be free.
His body felt numb now...
He could barely hear anything.
He was cold.
So cold...
His eyes opened and he realized that he couldn't remember having closed them.
This was really the end, uh?
He hoped his friends and family would be alright.
He closed his eyes one last time.
But didn't see darkness this time, only a bright encompassing light.
And then Allura appeared, softly extending her delicate hand toward him, a sad smile on her lips.
He took her hand.
And she took him away.
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khellamendrawrites · 5 years
Future in Your Eyes
“Be with the ones you love.”
That had been his order for their last day on Earth but they have to keep their love a secret. Now with the last big fight on the horizon, they want to go into it with no regrets.
Pairings: Shiro x Lance
“Be with the ones you love.”
That had been his order for their last day on Earth. It wasn't as if he didn't have people to spend it with. Keith would have gladly done so but Shiro had opted to stay away. The new leader if Voltron had his mother back, Shiro hadn't wanted to intrude. This was their time, time for all of the paladins to spend with families they wouldn't see for who knew how long.
So he had declined any invitations thrown his way. The only exception he had made was for Iverson. Even then it was only because he knew the Commander didn't have anyone. It had been a nice, long coming talk. By the end of it, he was emotionally and physically exhausted but happy all the same.
The sound of the buzzer pulled him from his thoughts. Glancing at the glowing display he ran hands through his hair. There was only one person that would come to him at this hour. One that he wanted to see more than anyone else.
“Come in.”
Lance walked in, hands in familiar jacket pockets. Shiro tried to recall a time when he wore it over his Garrison uniform but came up blank. He remembered how happy Lance had been when they had returned to Earth. The look on his family's face had been the real highlight. Shiro would have given anything to be able to be a part of that moment.
The former Blue Paladin had been the one to bring up the idea of a relationship. They had been dancing around each other for a while. Lance had been struggling with his attraction to someone that wasn't a girl and Shiro didn't think it was appropriate to be with a seventeen-year-old subordinate.
Except Lance was too observant for his own good. The boy had started pushing his luck and making a comment here or there. More than once he had caught Shiro off guard, causing him to slip. The small victorious smile that Lance would try to hide, let Shiro know he was in trouble. He still tried but Lance was also persistent as Keith could attest.
When they had been stranded in a cave, waiting for a sand storm to pass, Lance had seen his chance. Lance was so vibrant and yes maybe Shiro did crave companionship. After everything he has been through in the arena and in general, he had to admit he didn't see why he couldn't be a little selfish. They were in space fighting a war and putting their lives on the line.
So after a long talk, Shiro had given it a chance. With strict rules of course. Most of which Kuron quickly tossed aside much to Shiro's annoyance.
That had been over a year and now they were back on Earth. The only thing that had really changed was how much he loved Lance.
Shifting from one foot to the other, the boy gave Shiro a shy smile. “I kind of figured you'd still be awake but I wasn't sure.”
Smiling, Shiro moved over and patted the empty space next to him. Lance hesitated, staring at the offered spot before closing the distance. Plopping down next to Shiro, hands still remained in pockets. After a moment he pressed his shoulder to Shiro's.
Putting his arm around the other, it only took a moment for Lance to settle against him. Combing fingers through hair, he listened to the soft rustle of fabric. He could feel a hand moving against his thigh recklessly. “What's going on in your head, Kitten?”
Teeth worried over a lower lip. “It's really happening, isn't it? Soon everything we've been working towards, the whole reason we even started this whole thing, it's all about to be over.”
Shiro nodded. “Hopefully, yes.”
Brows furrowed and hands shifted more inside pockets. “Even though I know it's supposed to be all serious and stuff, we've had a lot of fun too. Seen things I do think I ever would have been able to see much less imagine. And,” he glanced up shyly at Shiro, cheeks tinged pink. “I would have never gotten to be with you.”
Blue eyes darted away just as quickly, the red deepening. “All of this has been a journey I'll never forget but…”
Shiro waited but for all the subtle fidgeting, Lance didn't continue. Instead, teeth were working at his lip again. Fingers gently tugged a hair. “But what?”
“But what if we don't all make it?”
Such a simple question managed to steal the breath from him. He had expected some nerves, a little bit of fear even. Not this. “Lance you can't think like that-”
“But I have to.” Lance shifted in arms. Hands had finally left pockets to settle on a chest as deep blue starring with more intensity than someone his age should. “We're about to go back into space after finally getting back to Earth, to fight some super powerful enemy that we don't know much about. I know Voltron is supposed to be able to save the universe or whatever but will we all come back? If I don't-”
“You will,” Shiro interjected quickly.
The boy shook his head. “There's no guarantee of that. I was in Red and it still happened. You had Black and you-” Lance sucked in a shaky breath, fingers worrying over Shiro's shirt. They had talked about all of this at great length but Shiro's chest still aches at the mention of it. The memory of when he had thought Lance had died on the field right before Red saved him still gave the captain nightmares. The brunette had admitted Shiro almost rejecting the new arm had woken him on more than one occasion.
“I don't want to go into this fight with any regrets this time. I know that how I feel about you is real and it's important. I don't care that we can't tell the others, as long as you know. I love you, Takashi.” Eyes looked away again and he watched as even the tips of ears turned red. “And I want to stay the night if that's okay.”
Opening his mouth, nothing came out as his mind struggled to catch up, too caught up on one word.
He had left the man he thought he would spend the rest of life with, on earth. So many things had been left unsaid between them that he never got to take back. No matter how many times he said them in front of that wall, the guilt still ate at him.
The things he had meant to say before the battle with Zarkon, to tell Lance how much he meant to the then Black Paladin. They had hastily separated before Hunk could catch them, casting each other looks before getting in their respective lions.
Instead, his clone had done it for him. Had robbed him of a lot of firsts with Lance. Ones he could have had if he hadn't hesitated. If Allura hadn't been able to move his consciousness or save his arm? If she hadn't been there when Lance had taken that hit? They owed her so much.
“Marry me.”
Lance stared up at him, impossibly blue eyes wide. “What?” He asked, voice so soft Shiro might have missed it if he wasn't looking into that cute face. The same one that made his heart soar and ache. That had spent so many times helping him feel normal and reassured him. The same that had been stained with tears too many times. The one he wanted to protect.
“You're right, I don't want to have any more regrets. I've let too many moments pass me by, too many things that I never got to say.” Hands cupped a face, tracing over a cheek and catching a tear. He smiled. “I love you and I would be honored to take this journey with you as my husband.”
A face scrunched up and for a split second, he thought maybe that was too much. As soon as Lance threw himself at Shiro the anxiety calmed and he hugged back just as tightly. “Yes! Absolutely yes! B-but now? How? We leave tomorrow.”
“I know we do. Would you be willing to do it tonight? I know someone that can do it for us.” Shiro pulled up the holoscreen, sending out a quick message. It took only a moment for him to get a response. Reading the message, it brought another smile to his face. Shiro knew he could always count on him for anything. “It won't be anything fancy and I don't even have rings for us but-”
Pulling back, Lance grabbed Shiro's face and pressed a kiss to lips. Pressing their foreheads together he smiled. “All I need is for you to be there. Nothing else matters.”
“Alright, but we can at least change into something a little better. You got your new uniform I'm assuming.”
Perking up, Lance nodded. “Yeah I did and it looks amazing! I tried it on and I looked nice if I do say so myself.”
Shiro chuckled. “Good, then go put it on and we'll meet up. I can't wait to see you in it.” Nodding, Lance almost knocked the wind out of him in his haste to get up. He was about to leave before coming back for another kiss.
“I'll be waiting for you, Kashi.”
Those few words chased away any doubts that might have lingered, even after Lance finally left.
Fingers straightened out the black and white uniform for the fifth time. He knew Lance would show but he still felt awkward standing the hall in the middle of the night. Shiro felt hyper-aware of everything as he waited. He wanted to do this, was more than ready.
When someone cleared their voice he turned. “Hey, I almost thought you got cold fee- Matt!” Coughing, he tried to cover up the slip. “What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be asleep? We do leave tomorrow you know.”
Matt didn't even try to hide the grin, twirling a flower in his hand. “I could ask you the same thing but I know we don't have a lot of time. Pidge is already inside with Coran. Hunk and Allura intercepted Lance. I, am here for you.”
“Aren't I supposed to ask you to be my best man first?” Shiro teased.
Matt scoffed. “We both knew it would be me. Well me or Keith but, well anyway.” He held out the gardenia. “Felt like this would be appropriate.”
Pulling out a pin, he stepped forward and carefully attached it to the uniform. Shiro ran fingers over the delicate petals. “Not exactly as secret as I thought. Thanks, Matt.”
“Mom grabbed a few for a kind of makeshift bouquet thing. It's nothing special, they just barely look like she didn't rip them straight out of the ground but you didn't exactly give us any warning. You'll see them when you see Lance. Oh and mom said to tell you that once this is all over with, that you two have to have another wedding so they can be there.”
Getting choked up he nodded. “Of course.”
Matt patted him on the back. “Come on, before they show up. Bad luck to see the bride before the wedding.”
As soon as they stepped inside Coran immediately pulled him into a bone crushing hug. “I can't believe the day has finally come.” Matt tried to console the suddenly weeping Altean. Romelle looked incredibly clueless behind him.
“I thought this was a good thing? Is something bad going to happen? Is he not showing up?” She asked.
Matt laughed. “Oh no, he is. He would be here already if we hadn't caught him first.
“Allura says they're coming here now. We need to get Shiro into place.” Pidge urged.
Coran sat him back on his feet and clasped his shoulders. “I'm so proud of you my boy, of both of you. You both've been through a lot but I'm grateful to be here for this moment. Well, go on them.” Stepping back he twirled his mustache. “As a great leader once said, go be great.”
Letting Matt lead him towards the front of the room, he took a deep breath.
Shiro wiped a stray tear away and shook his head. “I've never been more ready. Thank you for agreeing to do this. It means a lot to me, Keith.”
The former Red Paladin's face broke out into a smile as they embraced. “I'm honored you wanted me to do this. Seeing you this happy is the best thing I could ask for. You deserve it and I'm grateful I get to be here for it.”
“We're here!” Allura rushed into the room, smoothing her pink uniform down and adjusting her hair. “Oh, you're already in place, perfect. Should I let Hunk know to bring him in?” She asked.
Exchanging a look, Keith nodded. “Yeah, we're ready.”
Just as Allura joined Coran and Romelle, the door opened and Shiro forgot about all else.
The uniform was just like everyone else's but it somehow managed to look like perfection on Lance. The blue seemed to magnify his eyes and Shiro was pretty sure he had forgotten how to breathe. Cheeks were tinged pink though Shiro caught the look of surprise when eyes landed on Keith. His heart skipped a beat when they turned on him again.
A few gardenias were clenched in a trembling hand, the other wrapped around Hunk's arm. Someone had placed a spider lily behind one ear.
“You look amazing,” Shiro said in awe, looking Lance up and down. Holding out his hand, Lance took it, still holding onto the poor flowers as Hunk moved aside. “I can't believe I'm this lucky.”
“I can't believe mullet here is the person you were talking about.” Lance winked at Keith. “Then again there isn't anyone better.”
Keith made a show of rolling his eyes, a small smile playing over lips. “Let's just get this started already.” When they both nodded, he continued. “Earlier today, I told you that I knew you would always have my back. I also said that you know exactly who you are and what you have to offer. I meant it. I know that sometimes you have doubts, but there is no one I am more proud to have the chance to marry Shiro too.”
Lance choked back tears. “Keith…”
“Tomorrow, we start the last part of our journey as defenders of the universe but today the two of you start the beginning of your own journey. Would you like to say your own vows?”  
Nodding enthusiastically, Lance handed Hunk his flowers. Taking both of Shiro's hands, squeezed them rightly. “Kashi I admired you for a long time. I had this image of what I thought you were. When I met you, when I got to actually know you I saw all the flaws hidden underneath and I realized,”
Lance smiled through the tears. “That you were so much better than I imagined. You are my hero but not for the childish reasons from before. Because you are so strong even when you think you aren't. Because you always put others first and because you never give up, no matter how hard it gets. You inspire me and encourage me and I will never forget everything you've done for me. Thank you, for loving me.”
Hands shaking, Shiro squeezed the warm hands in his own. “L-Lance-” his voice broke and he swallowed thickly before trying again. “Lance your light is so bright and you have come so far from the person I first met. Anytime it feels like the darkness might swallow me up, I look for you. I thought seeing space would be the highlight of my life but I stand by what I said, you are cooler than space. You are my northern star. No matter what, all I have to do is look to you to know I'm home.”
Keith cleared his throat, voice a little rougher than before. “Let's continue. Do you, Lance Charles McClain, take Takashi Shirogane to be your husband, no matter what the future might throw at you?”
Lance smiled. “I do.”
“And do you Takashi Shirogane take Lance Charles McClain to be your husband, no matter how many long-winded conversations he pulls you into. Regardless of how much whining he does and the bad pick up lines-”
Shiro laughed. “I absolutely do.”
Keith grinned. “Then it is my greatest pleasure to declare you husband and husband. You may kiss.”
Wrapping arms around Lance, he pulled a smaller frame against his. Hands rested against his chest as he pressed their foreheads together. Lance chewed on a bottom lip, smiling with an intensity that Shiro was sure matched his own. He wasn't sure who made the first move or if they had just done it together. The only thing he remembered was the feeling of warm lips against his own and the cheering of their friends around them.
Neither of them knew what tomorrow would bring, but they would face it together.
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eledritch · 6 years
milestone prompt!! sheith where they try ridiculous things with shiro's new arm (sex related or otherwise). bonus points for silly/awkward sexytimes. extra super bonus points if you wanna throw some galra keith in there too.
wow thank you so much for this...i had a lot of fun with it and while there isn’t any galra keith, there is a lot of Shiro In Love which i figured you might also like. 
without further ado, here is a silly fic of shiro and keith doing silly things with shiro’s hand. partly based off of this post by @goghbach & this ask I received awhile back. it’s (mostly) SFW~
Follower Milestone Prompt #1: Getting Handsy
read it on ao3
“It’s pretty big,” Keith says, inspecting the new arm critically.
Shiro coughs. The glint in Keith’s eye is making him nervous. “Yeah, I guess so…”
“I could probably sit on it,” Keith continues.
Shiro chokes on his own spit. “Nngh?” he says, eloquently.
Keith looks up, nonplussed. “You know,” he explains, “like, I could sit on it, and you could punch really hard and make it fly across the room like a rocket launcher.”
They’re not on the same page, here, and Shiro honestly isn’t sure if Keith’s idea is better or worse than his. “I don’t even know if the neural connection extends that far,” he protests weakly.
“Then we should try it,” Keith declares. “What could go wrong?”
“I mean...a lot,” Shiro points out. “A lot could, potentially, go wrong.”
Keith gives him a flat look. “You encouraged me to drive my hoverbike off a cliff when I was a teenager, Shiro. How is this less dangerous?”
“Point taken.” Shiro sighs. “Alright, well, I mean...is this room big enough?” They’re standing in an empty aircraft hangar, where they were supposed to be inspecting it as a new hangar for the Lions. As usual when they’re with each other, they got distracted.
“We should probably go outside,” Keith says.
“Where everyone can see us?”
Keith rolls his eyes. “Alright, fine. The hangar is probably big enough.”
“It’s still not very safe,” Shiro hedges.
Keith sighs, stalks over to a workbench, and picks up an abandoned pair of plastic safety goggles. He slaps them on and raises an eyebrow. “Safety,” he says.
“Fine,” Shiro relents.
Keith grins and walks back over with a spring in his step. “Can you put your arm down?”
“Down…? Oh.” Keith is slinging a leg over Shiro’s floating forearm. Shiro really hates that the arm is, in fact, big enough for Keith to straddle it somewhat comfortably. It looks a little awkward, but Keith determinedly hunches over and peers at Shiro over his shoulder.
“Okay, see, this is cool,” Keith says. “Now, you try.”
Shiro wavers. “This is still a terrible idea,” he says, because if Keith gets hurt at least then Shiro can say I told you so, and then settles back into a defensive stance, focusing on powering up the socket in a slowly growing warning whir of sound. He whips his arm back, impressed Keith manages to stay on, then with gritted teeth releases all of the stored up energy in a deafening blast of blue electricity.
It’s amazing.
Keith zooms across the hangar at a speed previously unknown to mankind, lightning arcing through the air behind him. He looks like a witch on a broomstick, if the witch was dressed in a Garrison officer’s uniform and the broomstick was a military grade prosthetic arm that never needed to be as big as it is. But god, is Shiro glad it’s as big as it is.
Keith leaves a trail of destruction in his wake, and it’s probably a good thing there’s not much in the hangar, because dust billows outwards and upwards, an entire table goes flying through the air and smashes into smithereens against the opposite wall, and the unlucky metal husk of a fighter jet crumples pathetically at the blast wave’s impact.
Thankfully, Shiro calculated right, and the energy runs out before Keith reaches the opposite wall. By the time he goes tumbling off with a shout, the arm is traveling at a nonlethal velocity. As it is, Keith lands hard, and Shiro is about to yank the arm back to him and jog over...but it’s a long distance, at least a hundred yards, and he’s got a better idea.
Or worse idea.
The metal fingers grab Keith by the collar of his uniform like an oversized kitten, and Keith only has time to yelp, “Shiro, what – !” before Shiro sends the arm hurtling back towards him like a boomerang, or a very large, fairly deadly elastic band. Keith screeches and clings on for dear life, but Shiro is pretty sure he’s having fun. This is confirmed when a heavy bundle of shocked Keith careens into Shiro’s arms, or rather, arm, sending them both staggering and then falling backwards onto the ground, with Keith on Shiro’s chest.
“Holy shit,” Keith wheezes. His hair is sticking up and his eyes are wide with a delight Shiro hasn’t seen in him for a long, long time. “That...was…”
“Fucking awesome?” Shiro finishes, heart pounding with excess adrenaline as the arm’s system cools down.
Keith snorts, and then dissolves into full-blown giggles, collapsing onto Shiro and burying his face in Shiro’s jacket. “Fucking awesome,” he agrees. “Oh my god. We’re officers, Shiro.”
“We’re also having fun,” Shiro says, and the prosthetic pets Keith’s hair fondly. Keith leans into it, and shoots him a dopey smile. Shiro smiles back, and revels in the familiar warmth of Keith over him, chin resting against Shiro’s chest.
“We should go outside now and do it again,” Keith muses after a long and wonderful moment.
“Yes,” Shiro says with feeling, and helps him to his feet.
Iverson gives them an earful later when they show up twenty minutes late to their night meeting, covered in red desert dust and fresh bruises, but it’s totally worth it for the sound of Keith’s laughter, echoing in Shiro’s head like his favorite song long after it’s gone.
The next night, they end up in the desert again, at the edge of a familiar cliff.
So many things have changed, but it’s good to know that this, at least, has stayed the same.
“Are you sure about this?” Shiro asks for the thousandth time.
“Yes,” Keith says without hesitation. “Ready?”
“As I’ll ever be,” Shiro sighs, and tries to stop himself from gripping the handlebars too hard as Keith accelerates towards the cliff. He knows, if they were caught out here, people wouldn’t understand why they’re putting themselves in danger to have fun. But they also wouldn’t understand what it’s like to live every day on the edge of danger, with the threat of it looming over your head at every waking moment.
It’s difficult to transition from soldier to civilian, even more difficult when you’ve been a soldier in space for years dealing with forces far beyond your control or understanding. They haven’t discussed it, but Shiro would bet anything Keith feels the same way – it’s unsettling to go from a hundred to zero overnight. Their expectation for danger is omnipresent, even if, for once, there is none. Safety has become strange.
So, this way, they’re choosing their own danger. Together.
Keith flies off the cliff’s edge, Shiro close behind. He brakes on the top of the cliff instead of following him over, and aims his hand for Keith before releasing it in the same thunderous crackle of noise as before. As if in reply, the clouded sky rumbles, and Shiro’s heart pounds in excitement. It’s the monsoon season, and the thought of a desert storm sends his arm flying faster, almost too fast when it connects with the bottom of Keith’s hoverbike and latches on.
He’s far away, but Shiro, muscle straining, sees the moment Keith’s hoverbike wins against gravity and lifts, swooping gracefully out of its tailspin downwards and back up towards the dark sky. Outlined against the faint moonlight, Keith throws his arms up with a resounding whoop of joy, some strange creature soaring through the night, pale blue lightning all around him.
Real lightning tears the sky open in the distance, over the silhouetted mesas and mountains, and the rain begins to fall. Shiro guides Keith down to the earth before following him over the cliff, with only one hand, and just a human one at that, to guide him. But then Keith shouts, “Shiro, your turn!” and waves Shiro’s hand at him with a blinding grin.
And how can Shiro say no to that?
The hand returns to him, shoving up under his hoverbike, and Shiro’s breath is stolen by the sudden jolt and gain in altitude, wind whipping past him, rain splattering over his worn leather jacket as the storm picks up. He looks down at Keith, staring up at him with wide eyes full of lightning, and just like that his breath is stolen again.
It has nothing to do with the wind.
“Keith, you should really sit up,” Shiro says, studying him across the desk, lips pursed. Keith is hunched over his paperwork like a particularly pouty gargoyle, and glares at Shiro like one, too.
“Shiro,” he grits out, “now is really not the time for your nagging.”
Shiro lifts his hands in surrender. “Not nagging! Just...observing. Helpfully. You’re gonna get back problems with that posture.”
Keith grumbles something under his breath, and stretches, his spine popping audibly. They wince in unison. “Think I already have them,” Keith admits. “I don’t even remember the last time my back was this knotted up. It wasn’t even this bad after I slept in the Black Lion’s cockpit for a week straight.”
Shiro’s jaw clenches. “You did what?”
Keith coughs. “Nevermind. My back does hurt. So does my head. But this stupid paperwork has to get done; I’m not gonna leave an entire base without clearance for rations just because I need a massage or something.”
Shiro perks up. “A massage?” he says.
Oblivious, Keith continues, “Yes, but the Garrison isn’t exactly crawling with masseuses, and even if it was you know I’m not the best with strangers touching me, and –”
“What about if I use this?” Shiro’s right hand pops up helpfully, fingers wiggling.
Keith turns red and his jaw drops. “Wow,” he says. “You really just offered to give me a massage with your magical floating hand?”
“I’m still offering,” Shiro says gently, even as his hand creeps across the table on two fingers, mimicking walking. “We can both keep doing our paperwork, and you can avoid a slipped disc.”
“That’s creepy,” Keith informs him, watching the crawling hand, but his expression is thoughtful. “Yeah. Okay. You can try it. But if it’s too distracting…”
Keith is always distracting on some level, but Shiro doesn’t have the heart to tell him that.
When the hand touches Keith’s back, Keith sighs at the contact, scooting forward in his chair to give Shiro space to work. He starts a new page of work as Shiro stretches the fingers over his shoulder blades, focusing on feeling for the tense muscles, digging in when he finds them and working his thumb and forefinger into the knotted tissue. Keith sighs again, louder and more content, and for a second he glances up, half-lidded eyes meeting Shiro’s.
Thank you, Keith mouths, and quietly goes back to work, rolling his shoulders into Shiro’s touch.
Shiro may have accidentally given a few bases triple the rations they needed, but frankly it is unrealistic to expect him to do math when he can feel Keith’s rippling muscle under his fingertips.
“I mean, I want you to try it, at least,” Keith says stubbornly, sitting up on his elbows and peering at Shiro’s lubed up fingers. “I’m okay with it, really.”
Shiro puts his head in his other, non-lube-covered hand. “These are like, twice the size of my normal fingers,” he groans. “I don’t think…”
Keith shrugs. “So it’s just like starting with two. That’s fine. We’ve done that.”
“You could just fuck me instead?” Shiro suggests hopefully.
Keith considers it for half a second, then sighs. “I’ve already done that, like, every time since we got back to Earth. You can’t run from this problem forever, Shiro.” Read: oh my god, please just fuck me, we both know I’m going through withdrawal.
“It’s not a problem! I can use my left hand –”
Keith’s glare silences him, and he winces. Yeah, fair point. He’s really awful at using his left hand for, uh...this. Ambidexterity has its limits. “You could, and I could use my own hands, but I’m asking you to try with this one, Shiro. Please.”
“Okay,” Shiro finally says, chewing his lip. “If you’re sure.”
He’s very, very careful. Keith’s face still scrunches up, and his stomach flips. Shiro starts to pull it out, and Keith grabs his wrist instantly, shaking his head. “Uh-uh,” Keith grunts, and oh, his voice is uneven already. Shiro presses into him a little harder, and Keith’s mouth falls open in a sound he would probably call embarrassing but which Shiro can only describe as hot.
Shiro curls the thick metal finger and Keith whines.
“Huh,” Shiro whispers. “That’s new.”
“Not a word,” Keith warns, though it falls a little flat when he’s arching up into Shiro’s touch and all but verbally begging for more. Shiro, suddenly, wants to make him beg, and shifts over him, forcing Keith’s legs open wider. He pours more lube over his fingers, trying to ease in a second, and Keith pants, open-mouthed. He’s so hard, and Shiro wants to make him come so, so badly.
He leans down, emboldened by Keith’s honest pleasure, and lets his teeth graze the flushed shell of Keith’s ear. “I’m not gonna fuck you,” Shiro tells him, soft and private. “I think I’m just gonna use my fingers tonight, baby. What do you think?”
Keith shudders without an ounce of protest and whispers, “Yes,” squirming under him.
“Yes, what?” Shiro needles, letting the second finger rub and press, but not breach.
Keith shakes his head. “You’re a menace,” he hisses, gritting his teeth.
Shiro wonders if he can get those teeth to sharpen into fangs, again. Preferably in a kinder way than a sword fight. Or maybe in a different sort of sword fight.
Another day, Takashi. They have time now, for that...for rain checks and other days. The thought is almost unbelievable. Almost. It’s easier to believe they made it this far when he’s looking at Keith. Everything is easier when he’s looking at Keith.
“I’m also your boyfriend, lucky you,” Shiro chuckles, still braced over him, still teasing, shoving aside the tangled emotion.
“I am lucky,” Keith says then, earnestly, and Shiro falters, emotion rushing right back to him faster than the rocketing arm, his elbow almost giving out from under him where he’s braced over Keith on the bed.
“Oh,” Shiro says.
Keith’s eyebrows draw together. “Oh?”
“I think I changed my mind,” Shiro says breathlessly, “because I need to be inside of you, like, yesterday.”
“Oh,” Keith says, happily, and kisses him in enthusiastic agreement.
Shiro wakes up with Keith wrapped around his arm like a sexy octopus.
No, nope, bad thought. Keith is not an octopus. Keith is a Keith, and Shiro loves him very much.
God, Shiro’s coffee dependence has hit him full force since their return to Earth and his body’s rediscovery of the dual blessing and curse of caffeine. Groggily, he tries to sit up, but freezes halfway – if he moves, he’ll wake up Keith. Keith is the Universe’s lightest sleeper, other than Shiro, and he needs all the rest he can get these days.
Also, after last night.
Carefully, he tries to extricate Keith’s arms from around his arm, but it’s a futile mission, and when Keith’s nose wrinkles and his fingers twitch, Shiro backs off. Hm. Well...he doesn’t really need his right arm. Right? He has lots of meetings today, but those don’t require having two arms.
Currently, Keith requires the arm a lot more. A lot more. It definitely has nothing to do with how appallingly adorable Keith looks curled up against it, cheek smushed against the warm metal, ruffled hair soft against Shiro’s finger sensors when they curl through it…
Come to think of it, he might as well test this thing’s control radius. He latches onto the solid excuse, kisses Keith on the head, and gets ready for the day, petting Keith’s hair from the other room while he makes a pot of coffee.
When he’s putting on his shoes, he freezes at the sudden and unmistakable sensation of someone kissing his palm, then nuzzling into it, followed by the soft vibrations of continuing snores.
Shiro muffles his garbled sound into his palm. Keith. Just kissed. His hand. In his sleep.
Shiro thinks he might cry. This is the best day of his life.
Iverson gives him an earful again, but Shiro’s too busy savoring the sensation of Keith’s soft, warm face cradled in his hand half a mile away to hear a single word. 
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt.85
Keith thought Coran would return to VOLTRON to analyse the book they’d stolen, instead the fae came back to their apartment with them. Sending Lance to shower, his wings had slowly gone away during the drive and his boyfriend seemed exhausted from the effort it’d taken. Changing out his uniform, Keith left a fresh change of clothes for Lance on the bathroom counter before heading into the living area where Coran had his hands full of an excited Kosmo. At the kitchen counter, Shiro was making coffee, Keith relishing the scent of normality after such a crazy night.
Dropping down on the sofa at the opposite end to Coran, Kosmo deserted pats from
Coran in favour of pats from him. His whole body wagging as he climbed into Keith’s lap
“He gets cuter each time I see him”
Keith’s heart swelled with pride. A puppy was a hell of a lot of work. Things were always being chewed and puddles always being left but he loved Kosmo so damn much. His puppy was perfect
“He does. Just mind your shoes, he loves chewing them”
Coran glanced down at his feet
“I’m wearing my shoes”
“Then they’ll be safe. Laces maybe not”
“I’ll have to remember that. Now, once Curtis comes out, and our Lance is done in the shower, we’ll get started”
Keith didn’t know Curtis was there until he shuffled out of Shiro’s bedroom looking sprung. Shiro’d been so fast to comment on their sex life, when he was keeping his boyfriend waiting in his room. As long as they kept it a minimum, Keith couldn’t complain. He wasn’t about to attack his brother for finally being able to start moving on after Adam. Standing near the doorway, Curtis seemed unsure what to do
“Hey, Curtis. Come sit down. Coran’s going to solve the mystery of our little heist tonight”
“Are you sure? I haven’t been invited in on the mission”
Coran brushed it off
“That’s quite alright. The Blades wanted this turned over to them directly, but I think Keith and Lance earned the right to know what this is before them. I can’t trace anything particular about the book. The necklace may hold some clues. And the plaque isn’t particularly important that I can tell”
Curtis came to sit with them, sitting on the coffee table thanks to the lack of seating
“You guys have any trouble?”
To Keith it sounded like Curtis missed being in the field
“If you mean they had to pause the mission to reenact their high school fantasies, then yes”
Keith shot Shiro a glare
“That wasn’t Lance’s fault”
Shiro shooting back
“You know the mission always comes first. No matter the circumstances”
They’d gotten it done. That should be enough
“Yeah. And Lance feels bad enough about it. You don’t need to make him feel any worse”
“Did Lance go into heat again?”
Curtis sounded worried. Yeah. Going into heat wasn’t part of the plan, but with all the adrenaline and fresh blood in his system, he couldn’t help himself
“Only a flash, and we handled it”
“I hope you were careful”
As careful as they could have been. He didn’t need Curtis reminding him that the uniform didn’t come with convenient condoms attached
“I’m not about to knock my boyfriend up mid-mission. Can we like not talk about this when we’ve got more important things to discuss?”
A loud thud and curse interrupted things. Keith placing Kosmo on the sofa as he climbed to his feet. Shiro staring towards the bathroom door
“Is he alright?”
What was Keith, some kind of mind reader?
“I’ll check”
Lance was laying on the bathroom floor, he’d hit his head on the shower door from the look of it. Rubbing the spot, his boyfriend looked up at him as Keith let himself into the bathroom. Keith shouldn’t laugh, but his boyfriend was buck naked and looked confused when he’d very clearly tripped
“Do I want to ask?”
Lance groaned, starting to gather himself up
“I slipped...”
“I can see that. Are you okay?”
“Yeah. I felt a bit light headed getting out...”
Lance was a vampire in perfect health, he shouldn’t be feeling light headed
“Let me help get you up. I don’t want you to slip again”
“I’m fine... a bit tired and confused but I’m okay... gimme a minute and I’ll be out”
As Lance went to stand, he slipped again. Keith sighing to himself as he moved to help Lance get up
“Let me do it. You’re going to end up breaking something at this rate”
Shooting him a wobbly smile, Lance leaned heavily against him
“Are you more concerned for me, or the bathroom?”
They both knew he was worrying over Lance
“The bathroom. Obviously. Sit down on the toilet, I’ll get the towel”
Fetching the towel, Keith started drying Lance off. He was like a big puppy, leaning into Keith’s touches as he dried him
“Do you need blood?”
“Nah... I’m tired. Today has been horrendously long”
“How do your hips feel?”
Lance yawned as he nodded, acting like he didn’t have a bump on his forehead
“Fine. I didn’t realise how intense a mission could feel, even one to just steal a Bible and a necklace. I feel really bad about taking the Bible. Next time I take Mami to church I’m going to have a lot to confess”
“Coran’s going to compensate them, and if possible we can try to return the Bible”
“Yeah, but stealing a Bible still feels super bad. Worse than having sex on a teachers desk and nearly getting caught”
“You couldn’t help that. Besides... it was kind of hot”
Lance chuckled at him, closing his eyes and letting his head loll back
“I knew you’d make an excellent teacher. Much better than the ones I had”
“I thought you’d be a model student”
“Not really. Sometimes I’d be up with nightmares and come to school looking like a walking corpse. The teachers didn’t get it and it was hard not being too smart. Plus I was awkward and gangly and Spanish, with hand me downs from my brothers”
“The teachers didn’t like me either. They thought I was too much work. I ran away in my last year”
“At least you tried to stick it out. I know it’s not much now, but I’m proud you made the effort”
Of course Lance was proud. He probably would be still if Keith had told him everything. But that was a conversation for another time
“Are you sure you don’t need blood?”
Lance’s teeth had gone right through his gloves, not that Keith minded. If Lance was hungry, he’d organise something
“I’m okay. I want to know what all this was about... then go to bed. Those wings were weird as fuck”
“They weren’t exactly normal”
“Nope. It’s only happened twice now. I don’t like it. It makes me feel less human”
“I know it does... Thanks for not dropping me”
“If the jump had gone wrong, I would have made sure you’d still landed safely. It took a lot of trust to hold onto me”
Keith’s heart skipped a beat. He trusted Lance. Like really trusted him. Having someone love him the way Lance did... the way he accepted him. It was so painfully needed. They’d been through so much together, and Keith couldn’t think of anyone else he wanted to care for him like how Lance did. With a blush in his cheeks, he tried to play it cool
“I already trust you. Coran’s out there with the book and the necklace. Curtis is here too, he came out of Shiro’s bedroom like he’d caught. Shiro’s made coffee”
Lance yawned again
“You can have mine... I really just want to go to sleep. I feel so drained it’s not funny”
Lance was stumbly, holding onto Keith as they made their way over to the sofa. Sitting down, he pulled his boyfriend into his lap. Lance didn’t seem to mind as he curled into Keith
“That’s an impressive egg you’ve got there”
Lance mumbled at Curtis about “stupid slippery shower floors having it out for innocent vampires”. Keith explaining to the group
“Sorry, he’s sleepy. He slipped getting out the shower”
“Should we be worried about a concussion?”
Keith looked to Coran who shook his head. Curtis had a valid point
“Any damage is already on the mend. He’s had quite the long day. That bad blood in his system would have really knocked him about. Anywhoo. Congratulations on completing your mission. You both did very well...
Shiro snorted. Coran continued
“... in avoiding detection and a need for incapacitation. Let’s take a look here. I’m not sensing anything off the Bible. It seems to be a beloved personal item. Let’s look at the locket”
Keith watched over Lance’s shoulder as Coran lifted the locket. Popping it open, it contained a thick lock of hair bound with a small faded pink ribbon. Nothing exciting at all. Lance mumbled grumpily
“Werewolf stink”
Coran nodded
“Yes, my boy you may be right. No use to anyone really as their are no folicals at the ends and any DNA would have degraded by now... there’s something in the middle here”
Shiro handed out the coffee as Coran went about untying the ribbon, there was a slim tooth inside the hair. The necklace hadn’t seemed thick enough to hold it, but there was no denying it’d all fitted in the slim silver. Handing Keith his cup of coffee, his brother waited for direction’s of what to do with Lance’s. Keith more concerned about how he was going to drink his coffee and cuddle his boyfriend. He needed an extra hand, then he could have the best of both worlds. Coffee and Cuddles
“I’ll drink Lance’s later. What’s the deal with the tooth?”
Coran picked the tooth up, holding it between the pads of his thumb and pointer fingers so he could examine it
“It’s definitely vampire. You can tell by the shape. Lotor’s certainly dumped a mystery on us. We have a monastery that converted to a convent in the late 1800’s. A Bible that is simply a bible as far as I can tell. No more spiritual residue than a teaspoon on that one. And now a silver plated locket with werewolf hair and a vampire tooth... and absolutely no idea what any of this means”
Lance sighed, his boyfriend shifting, conscious of Keith’s precious cup of coffee and Kosmo who wanted to cuddle with his other hooman.
Tiredly, Lance rubbed at his face, before reaching out to take the tooth off Coran
“It was probably the religious practice of putting something pure near something dirty. They believed the purity of the item would cancel out the dirtiness. Vampire and werewolves kind of don’t get much dirtier. Either that or we have a nun who was either a secret hunter, or a vampire having an affair with a werewolf in on sacred dirt. This tooth looks pretty new. Probably pulled out right after it grew back”
Lance passed the tooth back to Coran, Coran nodding at what he’d said
“That does make sense and certainly a possibility. However, I found nothing related between the building and hunting”
“Yeah, but didn’t people used to bring things to churches to be made pure? Whatever it was, the nun has long since passed away. Pass me the Bible”
Passing over the Bible Lance flicked through the pages, failing to tell them what he was thinking as he did. Keith nudged him with his elbow as he brought his cup up to his lips and blew across the surface softly. His boyfriend was doing a hard think
“Babe, not all of us have the memory you do”
Lance hefted a sigh, before holding the Bible up and reading
“There is a generation, whose teeth are as swords, and their jaw teeth as knives, to devour the poor from off the earth, and the needy from among men”
Riiiiiight. If Lance said so? He was pretty much the only church goer in the group
“Yeah... I still don’t know what you’re talking about”
“Most people think it’s about vampires. Instead of being about greedy people who’d use you up and throw you away. Our nun here didn’t think it important enough to dog ear the page, which I thought she might have if she’d been a hunter. It’s been well loved, and it definitely has charm, but I wouldn’t say it holds any great mystery I can see”
Handing the Bible back to Coran, Coran slipped it into his jacket
“I’m afraid Lotor might simply have been testing your skills. I’ll take these back and take a few readings before we present these to Lotor tomorrow morning. You boys best get your rest. We haven’t any idea what’s he’s planning next”
Lance nodded
“Sounds good to me... Is it rude if I head to bed now? I’m sorry but I’m exhausted”
Patting Lance’s leg, Coran smiled gently
“Get some rest my boy. You and Keith both did a splendid job”
“Minus the sex”
Coran chuckled at Shiro
“You have a lot to learn about heats my young boy. Don’t be too hard on them. They’re very compatible and very in tune with each other. Keith being able to scent Lance is proof of their bond. He’s got a good nose on him for being completely human”
Keith felt like he’d been called a sniffer dog. He didn’t ask to be able to pick up on Lance’s scent and he didn’t always notice until the scent grew too strong not to notice. As Coran climbed up from the sofa, Lance climbed off Keith’s lap
“Take your time, babe. You don’t need to rush your coffee because of me. Night, guys. Sorry I’m too tired to stay up”
After Lance and Coran had parted, Keith fought the urge to follow his boyfriend. Shiro’s expression said he wanted to talk, not that Keith particularly wanted to. His brother sitting down beside him, Curtis took Coran’s vacant spot, pulling Kosmo into his lap as he did. Keith closed his eyes as his brother broke the silence
“Coran’s right. I don’t understand heats. Was it really necessary to break mission like that”
There it was, Curtis replying before he could
“Lance couldn’t help it. His heats aren’t planned, nor are the flashes that come over him. Not to sound crass, but Lance would have only worsened if left unaided”
“But surely he knows how to get through a heat?”
“A heat is a sign his body is fertile. Flashes of heat stem from arousal, fresh blood after bad blood would have left his system off kilter. I suspect the adrenaline in his system, as Keith mentioned, coupled by his body trying to burn through the bad blood resulted in a heat flash as it was. A true heat is very intense, as Keith knows. Lance’s body may be receptive to scents, but the only one he allows to help him is Keith”
Shiro sighed, leaning forward he cupped his hands around his cup of coffee
“I still don’t think I understand”
“As Coran said, Keith is very compatible with Lance. Lance doesn’t intentionally trigger a heat. It’s something that cannot be helped. Like an awkward erection during puberty. He’s levelled out quite a bit when compared to the initial changes in his body. Keith helps keep him anchored. He’s spoken very fondly of Keith, which is quite natural”
Shiro sighed at his boyfriend
“Curtis, you’re doing it again”
“Basically when Lance’s body gets that way, the only comfort is found in release. Being a breeder, he feels safer and relaxes when Keith is...”
Shiro didn’t need the mental images and Keith didn’t need his sex life examined
“Okay. You don’t need to go into detail. Basically, it’s not something you can ignore. He only gets worse if you do and it hurts him physically. Dumbarse used to try sleep it off, and wouldn’t tell me how much it hurt”
Curtis backed him up
“His cramps do get quite bad. When I asked him what they felt like he described at as if you’ve drank two litres of bad milk while you’re horny. He’s doing better now that he’s allowing Keith to help him through them”
Shiro groaned, moving his hands off his cup and burying his face in them
“I thought he just got horny... he’s not a werewolf, so I didn’t think it’d be so bad”
“It’s worse for him as he doesn’t partake in fresh blood”
Keith had seen Lance in heat with and without fresh blood. Fresh blood seemed to give him more energy and stamina to keep up with his body’s demands
“He makes helping him hard... not that I want him feeding on Keith”
Keith appreciated that Shiro was beginning to actually understand that it wasn’t just sex
“Lance’s heat comes in what he calls waves. Mostly he’s okay... after... you know”
“I get the idea. Is he still in heat?”
“Not that I could tell. He really does feel super bad about the mission”
“I won’t bring it up again. You might as well head to bed. I’ll take Kosmo down so he can do his business”
Shiro was nice to offer, but Keith couldn’t push the responsibility of being a fur father onto his brother
“Nah. He’s my puppy. I’ll take responsibility. Maybe next time we can watch a movie or something together?”
Shiro patted his leg
“I’d like that. I’m sorry if it seems like I’m trying to drive Lance off”
Shiro was a seasoned hunter who was used to things running smoothly and being his partner in the field
“You were focused on the mission. I get it. Come on, Kosmo. Let’s go pee then see your other dad”
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oddeyecadia · 5 years
what if it’s us? (ch. 5)
also posted on ao3 | ch. 1 ch. 2 ch. 3 ch. 4
Quiet and Lance shouldn't ever be put in one sentence. It sounded odd.
Their footsteps and the sounds of the night were the only things filling the gloomy air. Lance had asked Pidge earlier if he could walk her home. She told him he didn't have to and that she was fine on her own yet he insisted. "But I want to. Plus, I made you watch my practice and wasted your time so it'd only be fair if I keep you company for a while."
His reasoning didn't make sense though, she let him. She could use some company.
Lance stayed silent as they walked. Not completely silent because this was Lance she was talking about. Just quiet.
He'd ask her stuff and listen to her talk. But when she'd ask him something, he would just give her a strained smile and a brief answer. No long side stories, no jokes. Nothing.
"Alright. Spill." She finally broke the silence.
"What happened back there? Your teammate said something to you before practice. You've been acting weird since then."
"Very observant."
"You're just very easy to read. And I have the people reading skill of a fucking snail so that says a lot."
For the first time since his practice, Lance cracked a genuine smile and snorted. "Yeah, it was nothing. Just temporarily lost my position as flyer."
"Temporarily." She raised a brow. "Meaning you'll get it back right?"
"Not sure about that. Coach said it was because of my injury but I knew they've wanted to replace me for quite a while now."
"The hell would you think that?"
He let out a weak chuckle, his smile straining. "So like, we have three main flyers. I was one of them and was the only guy."
"That's awesome."
"I know right? That was kind of my thing, being Altea's only male flyer. Very proud of that." It was her turn to smile when she saw his proud grin though, it faded away immedietly. "I was doing great y'know? But then this freshmen joined our team and well, he's pretty talented. Super talented, actually. He was already good at things I wasn't when I was a freshmen. He's more flexible, has better footwork, rhythm, balance, everything!"
No wild gesture, instead he kept his hands in the pockets of his jacket. "Ever since he joined, they've been making him try some of my parts and stunts. My team wasn't that subtle about it. They kept praising him about how he didn't even have to try while they kept commenting about how I have to try harder and practice more than anyone in the team just to get on his level."
"Is that a bad thing?"
Lance turned to her with a puzzled look. "Well, yeah? My self esteem is crashing, Pidge. It's not fun getting replaced."
"Not that part. I mean, you practicing more. Why're you making it sound like that's something to be ashamed of?"
The tone of her voice remained the same, calm and curious, but the question somehow made the atmosphere change.
Falling once again into silence, his feet stopped moving. Pidge followed and just stood there beside him, waiting for him to answer.
He didn't. She continued.
"Being talented is good and all but just having talent doesn't really do anything. Sure, you have to work harder if you don't have it -which by the way, you absolutely do- but isn't that the point? I don't know much about dancing but from what I've seen, you got the skills. Skill takes more than just talent to have and improve, it needs practice, it needs you to try." A sigh. "And you always try. Sometimes it's annoying but most of the time it's... admirable." Pidge had to look away saying that last word.
She still wasn't sure why it was so difficult for her to give him compliments without her face heating up.
Nonetheless, she really did appreciate how Lance would just... always try. He tried to study every night at the library even though he'd just end up getting distracted most of the time, he was trying to pursue his dreams of becoming a dancer while taking a medical course at the same time, tried befriending her, tried understanding all of the perplex words that would come out of her mouth whenever she'd ramble about tech.
Pidge liked that about him.
She liked all of him. Even the annoying parts.
The mystery of why it was so difficult for her to give him compliments without her face heating up was then solved.
Flustered at the realization, she took a deep breath and looked at her feet to calm the pounding of her chest.
"Wow-" He interrupted her thoughts. Confusion struck her as soon as she looked back at him.
He stared at her with a look she couldn't describe. It was frustrating how she didn't know what that look meant, especially when it gave her strange sensations in her belly. She still stood by her comment about Lance being easy to read, she just haven't seen this look before.
"You really don't have a brain to mouth filter huh?" He asked fondly.
"It's a curse."
Giggling, he then gave her another enticing smile with just the right amount of softness that warmth rushed through her. Out of all of his smiles, this one definitely stood out. Huh. She swore she had seen that smile before. "I like it, anyway."
"Want something to drink? We got coffee, peanut butter milkshake, tea."
"Coffee would be nice."
Keith knew it was a little creepy but, he couldn't help looking at him every two seconds. Not when his crush for almost 5 years looked like that.
At least he could distract himself by making said crush's coffee. The bastard had a complicated coffee mix preference, he liked his sweet with a small glump of cream.
Really, the Holts were late bloomers, he knew that. Pidge didn't even have her first period until sophomore year of high school. But this, this glow up was too late, too sudden, and too much that it was shocking. Not in anyway a bad thing.
Matt's hair was longer, just right above his shoulders, his face got sharper and more masculine, he was taller, his shoulders got broader too. But his smile remained the same, playful and cute. His honey gold eyes still carried curiosity and wonder in them. The last time Keith saw him, which wasn't that long ago, Matt looked like a literal hamster. Now-
"Hamsters are cute. Meaning, you're calling me cute."
Well, fuck. He didn't just say that last sentence out loud.
Trying to cover up the embarrassment, he let out a light laugh as he put the cup of coffee on the counter. "You wish. Here, take your diabetes."
"Thank you." The eldest Holt did just that and blew on it before taking a small sip. Keith didn't miss how his lips twitched at the taste. "I'm guessing Pidge isn't here yet?"
"Yeah. She's with a friend." Keith sat across him. "Want me to text her that you're here?"
"No, no! Let me be a surprise."
"But she already knew you were coming tonight."
"Still." Matt wore a proud smirk as if he won an argument, making Keith chuckle. Damn, he was in love with a loser. A hot loser, at least.
Matt took another sip of his coffee before speaking again. "So, uh, how are you guys? Pidge's been updating me twenty four seven but you- you haven't been responding to my texts lately." That last sentence was said more quietly as he fumbled with his cup.
"Sorry. I've been busy with the upcoming game."
"That's cool. Good luck, by the way."
"Did you read my last text, though? I was kinda hoping I'd get an answer tonight."
Keith raised a brow. "I haven't." He was about to get his phone from his pocket when Matt suddenly spoke.
"I-! I uhm, I'm just gonna tell you what it says. Or ask you, rather, uh..." Scratching the back of his neck, Matt felt his cheeks heating up as he tried to find the right words to use. This was harder than he thought. "Listen, I'm only gonna be here until next week for our team's research. I want to spend that time not only with my little gremlin of a sister but also with you, so I was wondering if I could... take you out sometime this week?" He ended that with a shy but hopeful smile.
Keith swore his breathing stopped right then and there. Matt had asked him out before but it was through text that it was easier to say no.
But now, he was right in front of him, all awkward and red, it made Keith's heart beat so rapidly, his eyes wide, and mouth slightly opened. He was about to finally say yes but then stopped when his eyes fell back on the scar across the bridge of his nose.
"Did you ask Shiro?" The younger asked, his voice a little shaky, heart sinking slightly.
Matt blinked a couple of times before chuckling humorlessly. "Why would I ask Shiro?"
Keith only looked at him with furrowed brows and doubt in his eyes.
All of a sudden, the atmosphere grew tense.
"Keith, we broke up a year ago." Matt said with a sigh.
Keith internally prepared himself for another one these arguments.
"Yeah, but he's still your-"
"Soulmate. I know. And what about it?" He took a deep breath and continued when Keith only avoided his gaze. "Keith, we've talked about this. Shiro and I talked about this, I'm guessing you and Shiro have talked about this too. What's holding you back?"
Crossing his arms, Keith found himself thinking. The only things that were holding him back from saying yes, from finally being with his first love, were priorities and the universe. Shiro was the universe's first pick for Matt and Shiro's happiness was Keith's first priority.
It seemed wrong, or at least disrespectful, to date his brother's ex boyfriend and soulmate.
But it wasn't the early 2000s anymore, it was normal for people to date and even have families with others who weren't their soulmate, right?
Still, Matt was Shiro's soulmate.
Though, Shiro already said multiple times that it was okay, that he was okay.
So if the universe and Shiro were okay with it... Perhaps-
A warm hand gently holding his interrupted his thoughts. "Give me a chance, Keith. Give us a chance. Think of your happiness this time." Gold glassy eyes stared at him, hopeful and loving. "Please." Matt said, almost a whisper yet he still noticed how shaky it was.
With a squeeze to Matt's hand, Keith finally accepted happiness.
His happiness.
A door slam. "Keith, I-! Oh shit, Matt?"
Keith immediately pulled his hand away- an instant regret for he already missed his warmth -as Matt stood and greeted his spitting image. "H-Hey, Pidge."
Pidge's face brightened, leaving the sun jobless. She then ran to her brother and jumped into his arms. Matt lifted her up and hugged his sister so tightly as if they haven't seen each other in years. "Were you and my Keith holding hands or was I hallucinating?" She asked quietly in a teasing tone.
"I missed you too." He answered instead before pulling away.
Choosing the movie had always been Matt's job, because despite being a big ass nerd, the man had a fine taste in films. Tonight though, the choice was on Pidge.
His brother just kept suggesting cheesy, romantic Disney straight to DVD originals that she had to get the remote away from the 22 year old man in love with her best friend who was currently out getting some quick take outs.
"Jeez, does your sudden chaotic change of movie preference correlates with you finally getting a date or are you just in a very Disney mood?" Pidge asked as she set the bowl of popcorn on the sofa.
Matt put the bowl on the table with a click of his tongue. "I don't know. How about you tell this Lance guy that you guys are soulmates, start dating, and let's see if you'll suddenly have the urge to watch Starstruck or Geek Charming. That'd be an excellent mini research."
"How bout you shut up?"
"Rude." He gasped dramatically. "But seriously though, you should just tell him."
Unlike with other people in her life, Pidge just couldn't keep a secret from Matt. She kept him updated with the things that happened in the past months, soulmate drama and all.
Sitting beside him with a pout and a twist in her stomach at the thought of Lance rejecting her, she said. "It's not that easy, okay? He doesn't like me like that."
"But you like him?"
Her face flushed as she turned her gaze to the TV. "... Maybe." She haven't had the time to think about it deeply when she had this realization earlier, but as much as she wanted to deny it, Lance and his ten thousand smiles made her feel the strangest yet nicest things.
The little scars and bruises along with her left foot tickled slightly at the thought of him.
"How did you know it was the right thing to do?" Pidge suddenly blurted out, either out of curiosity or desperation to change the subject, she wasn't sure.
"To let go of Shiro?"
A deep breath. "I just reminded myself that perhaps the universe is wrong. If he isn't happy with me, if we aren't happy, then maybe I'm just not the yee to his haw." Pidge couldn't help but snort at the meme reference. "We shouldn't force ourselves to be together just because the universe miscalculated and picked the wrong brogane. But the universe isn't always wrong."
Hugging her legs, careful with her injured foot, she asked. "What if it is this time, with my soulmate and I?"
"And why would you think that?"
For a second, the soft look on Lance's eyes when he found out about his "soulmate" flashed through her mind. Her chest tightened.
"Because he wouldn't be happy with me."
Matt kept himself from rolling his eyes, only because of how broken her sister looked, and sighed instead. "He doesn't even know yet."
"He seems very much okay with being someone else's soulmate, the universe must've fucked up again for sure."
"What if the universe isn't wrong? You know what dad says, if you keep worrying about what could go wrong, you might miss a chance of doing something great. In this case, if you're so afraid of it being wrong then you might miss a chance of being with someone great."
A small smile appeared on her face at the mention of their father's familiar advice. Although, she missed the weight of his hand on her shoulder, a gesture that would always come with every one of his dad advice.
Those words comforted her, nonetheless.
Pidge took a deep breath, making a decision. "You're right. I should probably tell him." She meant it this time. Pidge then made an internal promise that she would try. Soon. Her lips formed a small smile. "Thanks, Matt."
As if on cue, Keith entered the apartment with two bags of take outs in his hand, holding his helmet with the other. "So what are we watching?"
"A Cinderella Story."
"Matt, no."
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sapphicssukii · 6 years
headcanon time: lance & music
i have a lot of thoughts on this: 
loves 2000s music because he grew up with it (let’s pretend they don’t live in 2097 and live in the now or this is an au) 
80s music is such a meme for him but he unironically loves it; will jam out to a bop
knows everything on the radio, like all the billboard top 100
but besides american and euro hits, he grew up listening to spanish songs and the spanish radio
his parents listen to classics at home and dance around in the kitchen when he was growing up (they still do)
he loves ballads and will belt them out when they start playing 
if there’s any spirits here tonight, tell me does this sound like shakira 
his hips don’t lie (tell me he and hunk haven’t had dance parties in their room at the garrison bc they have)
lance can’t fall asleep without white noise or something playing through his headphones (which pidge gave him when they were in space after finding out he needed them) 
it helps his mind relax and think less so he can actually sleep
this eventually changes when he falls asleep next to keith
he sometimes hums/sings keith to sleep. at night lance’s voice gets kinda raspy and he tries to be quiet so it gets breathy too  
lance hums and sings songs his mother used to sing to him when he pets space wolf to help him to calm down sometimes. they curl up next to each other and its really cute. sorry i don’t make the rules
he can’t listen to music with lyrics when he studies. 
he gets way too distracted and starts to hum/sing along and then doesn’t follow the problem or pages in the textbook 
instead, he still listens to music but opts for chillhop mixes on youtube or some classic guitar (not to be confused with classical music)
lance hums and sing-speaks lyrics to to himself when he falls apart 
consider “here comes the sun (doo doo doo doo) ... and i say it’s alright, it’s alright”
or alternatively: “ 'cause I like to keep my issues strong / it's always darkest before the dawn / shake it out, shake it out”
take this too: “they say, ‘you're a little much for me / you're a liability/ you're a little much for me’"
it doesn’t do much but make him cry more though (the irony of singing happy songs when you’re sad is too strong)
gasolina (this is partially because of dirty laundry) + daddy yankee in general
but the song reminds him of home and childhood
barbeque parties where it plays on the radio and all of the siblings are laughing and screaming lyrics at each other
he has the rap memorized 
i was on the subway with this hispanic family blasting gasolina among other songs on a speaker and having the time of their lives and it just made me so happy and also think of lance  
lance made a playlist for a girl he had a crush on who never listened to it when he asked her out
he has so many spotify playlists for every mood 
lance has been playing guitar since he was four, it was gifted to him from his favorite uncle
was super self-conscious about his singing do he tried to hide it behind good guitar playing. the self-consciousness is also why he sings horribly off-key on purpose at times so people look at it as a joke instead and won't’ judge him 
lance is really good at guitar 
used to be a smol bean so he looked really awkward behind the guitar with his fingers barely holding onto the fretboard
when he became a cadet he didn’t bring it with him to the garrison but there were many times when he wanted to play 
at home, even though he didn’t always have time to play, being on the guitar helped him unwind and de-stress
usually plays pop songs for that bc chords are easy and not too hard to sing 
lance used to bring his guitar to the beach and play, the attention was nice. but it’s better when it’s cloudy and about to rain, when there are fewer people around, he hides under one of the gates welcoming people to the beach for cover and just sings and plays.
when they finally get back to earth, they have a campfire and the songs ensue  
lance takes keith to his childhood bedroom and plays for him 
and keith is in Gay Shock ™ because his boyfriend is calm, confident and completely in his element and that’s hot and he can't handle it  
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thespacenico · 6 years
klance fic recommendations!
some good kl fics for the soul (more under the cut)
a bullet just to meet you (petalloso)
lance spiderman au!
completed (1/1)
“What color are your eyes?” “What?” “It’s just, I can’t tell. I think about it a lot, your eyes and the color. You know how we can only see the barest portion of the electromagnetic spectrum? Even bees can see more of it than we can. I feel like whatever color they are, people can’t see it, like it only exists on you.”
a mighty ocean or a gentle kiss (cityboys)
super soft keith comforting lance
completed (1/1)
"You don't have to keep coming here, you know." Keith frowns, settling back with his hands at his sides. "Are you sending me away?" "No," Lance says, too loud too fast. "Just—you know—you have a choice." Keith lets silence fall back for a moment. Then, flatly, he says; "And I'm choosing to be here."
and, we dream of home (mothpoem)
keith visits lance while he’s with the bom
incomplete (2/3)
Keith feels his breath catch at the sight and has to forcibly remind himself that he’s not staring down a desert mirage, that Lance won’t wink out of existence up close and at exactly the wrong angle. He’s real. Not a pipe dream. Real boy. Blue and breathing. And beautiful, Keith’s brain adds, almost unwillingly. “And beautiful,” Keith mutters ruefully as he approaches at a silent soldier’s tread, and then he has to repress a big, dumb smile.
aprovechar el sol (speaks)
keith meets lance’s family
completed (4/4)
"Because I love you," Lance said, and Keith was floored by the way it just fell out of his mouth like he'd said it a thousand times before, the way it carried the same inflection it had when he said it earlier to each member of his family. "And there's nothing in the universe that could change that.”
better than coffee (anonymous)
keith is a barista and lance suddenly needs boba every day
completed (4/4)
“What’s in a name?” said Lance. “That which we call a rose—” Keith wrinkled his nose (rather adorably, Lance noted). “Don’t call me a rose.” Lance clutched his chest on one hand and held out the other to Keith. “But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Keith is the sun!” Keith pinched the bridge of his nose. “Why did I ever give you my number?”
call me, beep me (orphan_account)
super sweet texting fic
completed (10/10)
(19:12) Update: Muffin is safe. (19:13) We found him in the park with a group of cats. Mildly worried he might be part of a gang. This big one with one eye tried to claw my face off when I went to grab Muffin. (19:20) This is the greatest news I've heard all day.
due west (europa_report)
krolia’s pov on keith’s and lance’s relationship
completed (5/5)
“Why did the blue lion choose you?” Lance’s eyebrows rose to his hairline. He was an expressive boy. He wiped the shock away quickly though, smiling easily as he took a small sip from the drink he held. “Dunno. We had a connection, I felt it the second I stepped into that cave. You know, the one Keith-“ “I know,” Krolia said tersely. “I found it.”
eternity (was in our lips and our eyes) (thespacenico)
post s7 feud episode
completed (1/1)
Lance feels like he's on the cusp of a life-changing revelation. "I told him not to tell you." And this time, Keith doesn't seem to have trouble asking the unavoidable question: "Why?" Lance looks at Keith, and everything falls into place. A life-changing, mind-blowing, head-splitting, earth-shattering revelation.
hearts don’t break around here (klancekorner)
lifetime best friends to lovers
completed (13/13)
“You could do the deep dish pizza place next to the park?” “Deep dish isn't sexy, Snickers.” “Does it have to be sexy?” “Of course.”
hey, mom, i met a boy (mothpoem)
keith sees visions of his future with lance
completed (1/1)
“What did you see?” Krolia murmurs. “Nothing,” Keith answers, voice rough. And then: “Everything.”
home is a feeling (thespacenico)
post s6, lance feels guilty about shiro and keith has nightmares
completed (3/3)
Keith has never felt so vulnerable. But in this moment, his head on Lance's shoulder, Lance's arms around him, he feels safe. He feels home.  He didn't know that home could be a feeling up until now.
if i had one wish (thespacenico)
for keith’s birthday; found family
completed (1/1)
Shiro seems to realize what's happened before Keith does. "You forgot," he says softly.   Keith stares at them. It's his birthday. He forgot his birthday. "Oh my god," Lance says.
just come to me once (laallomri)
keith writes lance letters on the space whale
incomplete (2/3)
Hi Lance. I hope you are okay. Today I hugged my mom for the first time. It wasn’t very good cause she’s kind of awkward about hugs and so am I. But I still liked it. I think I get it now when you said you missed your mom’s hugs so much. I hope you get to hug her soon.
let me melt under the heat of your sun (akaeijis, esbis)
lance and keith fall in love pre-kerberos mission
completed (1/1)
Keith’s lips are chapped, but they yield and they welcome and Lance feels like the ground gives way and he’s trapped in a freefall in slow motion. It’s so warm, the sun in his hands—moths burn up in flames, Icarus hurtles to the ground in a blazing trail, nothing gold can stay—Lance allows himself to burn.
mail me your heart (you already got it) (crystalklances)
basically a love, simon au??
completed (1/1)
You’re making me blush, Red. You don’t even know what I look like, how would you know I’m cute? Either you’re just messing with me, or you really are trying to flirt.
never saw you coming (dimpleforyourthoughts)
E M O T I O N A L   R O L L E R   C O A S T E R
completed (1/1)
If it were anyone else, Keith would figure he’d be dead in a minute. But he knows, as soon as he gives in to the beckoning unconsciousness, exactly what’s going to happen. He’s only been watching Lance’s stupid goddamned martyr complex play itself out for months now. He knows exactly how this story ends.
nothing’s quite as sweet (dimpleforyourthoughts)
keith is a barista and lance volunteers at a cat shelter
completed (1/1)
Keith grabs the collar of Lance’s hoodie and pulls him back down. Keith thinks, please catch me please catch me please catch me. And Lance does.
say my name (and every color illuminates) (talking_bird)
dream soulmate au
completed (1/1)
“Well, that’s what you are, right? My subconscious talking to me? That’s what my aunt says dreams are, but it’s kinda weird that my subconscious hasn’t seen the ocean before since I’ve been around the ocean my entire life.”
the light the water reflects (auras)
the softest and most poetic thing you’ll ever read
completed (1/1)
“You know,” Lance says, “When I think of home, I think of something that makes me feel content and warm inside. Metaphorically speaking.” Lance’s hand doesn’t move from his, even after the other boy dozes off, filling the silence with his gentle snores.  (It makes Keith feel content, and warm inside.)
the love you left behind (thespacenico)
adam, keith, and lance post-kerberos mission
incomplete (1/3)
"Do you still love him?" he asks quietly. Adam laughs softly. "Of course I do." He takes his glasses from the counter and pushes them back onto his nose. "Don't get me wrong, I'm still pissed as hell." Keith snorts, and Adam instinctively brings his hand up to the chain around his neck as he looks back out the window, at the stars. "But, yeah. I still love him. That much hasn't changed."
the stars, the moon (they have all been blown out) (talking_bird)
hogwarts au
completed (1/1)
“You know,” Lance started, voice so quiet, Keith wondered if he even wanted him to hear it, “whenever I conjure my patronus, you’re my happiest memory…” In a ghost of a voice, Keith whispered, “And you’re mine.”
there, nestled against his pulse (hiuythn)
soulmate au that literally murders your soul. 
completed (17/17)
The words on Keith’s right wrist say, hey kogane you alright. The words on his left read, stop why are you doing this to me stop it stop it stop
when the lights go out (dimpleforyourthoughts)
date and a fifth
completed (1/1)
“You know,” Keith says quietly, “You’re not a bad dancer. I expected you to constantly step on my feet.” “That may be the nicest thing you’ve said to me all night.” “Don’t get too comfortable there, cowboy.” “Cowboy.” Lance grins, hopelessly endeared.
you’re lucky that’s what i like (zenstrike)
collection of absolute fluff
incomplete (12/?)
“Uh, Lance?” Lance felt his eyelids drooping. “Yeah?”     “I may have asked for tickets to the least crowded movie.”     Lance considered this. “And we didn’t even make out,” he said with a sigh. “...they didn’t tell me no one had bought a ticket.”     Lance smiled.
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Paladin first kisses!
 he acts like he’s cool 
but he’s dying, he’s so nervous
and his cheeks are really really red and his entire body is hot
and his ears are burning
he does the classic, gentlemanly thing
he waits until the end of a date when he drops his s/o off at their house
he walks them to the front door
and as they’re saying goodbye and goodnight, he leans in and closes the deal
then when his s/o goes inside, he fist pumps and dabs, then swaggers back to his car
his s/o is watching this from the window and laughs really hard
 tbh it’s not the greatest kiss his s/o had ever had
it was really short and he’d only got like, half of his s/o’s mouth
he was about to leave for the Blade of Marmora for who knows how long, and he knows he’s gotta say something
so he quickly admits that he likes his s/o and kisses them
but then after that he looks really embarrassed because he knows it wasn’t that great but he’s gotta leave
so his s/o grabs the fabric over his chest and pulls him closer to give him a proper kiss before he goes
now that one
that was good
“Take your time next time, alright?” his s/o will mumble. “And come back to me because I love you, alright?”
 he’s so nervous he could puke
except he doesn’t want to puke because kissing you after throwing up would be super gross and he doesn’t want to do that
so he forces himself to remain calm
his s/o is the one that initiates the kiss, actually
he’s too nervous to actually start anything 
but the kiss was really nice
it was a first kiss
kinda awkward 
 she’s so excited about something that she just turns to her s/o and is all “I could kiss you!” “So kiss me.” 
so she does
and it’s her very first kiss so she’s not really sure what to do 
but that’s okay! her s/o guides her through it 
it’s super awkward but she gets a lot better at it
 whoo boy first kiss
he’s super nervous
but also really, really excited
he and his s/o will be coming out of a restaurant and walking to a movie theater
they’ll come to a natural stop, laughing about a poor waiter that was obviously on his first day on the job
“He was cute, though,” his s/o will say. “And very sweet. Even though he spill water all over my thigh.” 
Shiro agrees, but he’s not really paying attention
he’ll lean in and kiss his s/o 
it wasn’t super awkward, but they were both blushing for the next 10 minutes so 
 this girl gets excited, right? 
I can imagine she gets all psyched up and just goes for it
but then she ends up knocking her forehead really hard again her s/o’s so they’re both in pain
her s/o is laughing 
“Allura… were you trying to kiss me?” “That… was the plan, yes.” 
so her s/o smiles. “Hold still. I’ll come to you.” 
it was super short and sweet and they both pull away with huge smiles
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