#;; should probably keep my pretty mouth shut { MUSINGS }
ddejavvu · 1 year
okay okay I'm so obsessed with this idea of grumpy gruff/hotch who's secretly the most romantic bf ever so what about hotch who's sick but powers through it at work until you show up to drop off lunch and suddenly he's the biggest baby ever??
Adore your writing, thank you for being an angel!
The team doesn't even know he's sick until you show up with a care kit. Derek's brow furrows as he spots cold medicine in your hand, flagging you down before you can rush to Aaron's office.
"Hey, Missus Hotchner!" He calls, still a tease even when confused.
"Hm?" You nod in greeting, frozen on the steps.
"What's the cough syrup for," He motions to the bottle, "You and Hotch gonna party?"
"There's sprite in the kitchen," Emily snorts.
"No," You laugh incredulously, "Aaron's sick, I'm here to bring him soup and his medicine."
With that, you're off. You take Derek's confused silence as your opportunity to leave, rushing up the stairs and shutting the door behind you. Even if they can't hear you, they watch as Hotch sets down his pen at the sight of you, and how his shoulders droop with exhaustion.
"Hi, honey." You croon, gripping his cheeks and leaning over his desk to kiss his heated forehead, "Oh, my poor baby. You ready for soup?"
"Yes please," He rasps, and if his voice is a little more pitiful than it was during the BAU's earlier meeting, you'll never know.
"Take some medicine," You hand over the bottle, "10 mL, Aaron. No skimping."
He rolls his eyes, "I only did that once."
"Yeah," You scoff, "Last night! You're not to be trusted anymore."
"There," He pours the recommended dose into the small plastic cup, showcasing his precision, "Is that good enough for you, doctor?"
"Yes," You grin, refusing to acknowledge his snark, "Drink it all, Aaron."
As an adult accustomed to a drink here and there, his face should not screw up the way it does at the taste of the cough syrup. The team sees it through the windows lining Hotch's office, and there's assorted chuckles and gasps when you guide his mouth open again, holding a bottle of water to his lips and tipping it between his lips.
"Look at that," Derek marvels, "She's babying him."
"And he's acting the part," JJ's eyebrows raise when he shuts his eyes, leaning into your palm so that you kiss his forehead once more, "Oh my god, look, she's feeding him!"
Sure enough, you crack open a container of soup and hold the spoon up to Aaron's lips for him. He doesn't even try to do it himself, keeping his eyes droopy as you spoon more and more down his throat.
They only stop looking because you nearly catch them, but it's hard to return to normal like their stoic boss isn't melting in his girlfriend's hands a few feet away.
It's later, after you've left, that they really notice the shift. Aaron's mobile again, putzing around the kitchen to make himself a third cup of coffee for the day. Reid needs a refill, too, and while he's busy stirring in his overzealous portion of sugar, he strikes up conversation with Hotch.
"You're not contagious, are you?"
Hotch side-eyes him from the counter, shaking his head slightly, "No, you'll be fine. It's just a small cold."
"You looked miserable," Reid muses, keeping his eyes on his spoon, "From the way Y/N reacted when she kissed your forehead, I assume you have, or had, a fever, and it'll only get worse if you don't rest. If I were you I'd take the day off, and make sure the fever went down before coming back."
"Thank you for the advice, Reid." Aaron's hand tightens around his coffee mug, and he doesn't seem all that grateful for it despite what he says, "I'll keep that in mind."
He strides back to his office, door shut a bit too harshly for anyone's liking.
"Sore subject," Emily snickers as Reid rejoins the group, "You should have seen the way he flushed red when you mentioned Y/N."
"He's probably texting her now," Derek elbows Reid, pointing to his office where Hotch is bent over his phone, "Whaddya think it says, pretty boy?"
"Oh! Oh, uh," Emily answers instead, steadying her voice for her famed Hotch Impression, "Honeybunches," And the team bursts into giggles, "Reid said I should rest, will you pwease come pick me up?"
"Pwease," JJ snorts, "And- and bring my blankie for the car ride home."
Thirty minutes later, you stride back into the bullpen, and when you usher Aaron out of his office and home for the day, there's a blanket draped over his shoulders.
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moxley · 1 year
A Heaven of Hell - Astarion/Tav (Non-Specific) - 3600
Best read on AO3!
Summary: Every time Haarlep uses your body, it's more intense. The shape of you is being learned. The sense of pleasure greater, but guiltier, too. It was a conversation you and Astarion were always going to need to have, someday: how to deal with it, how it makes you feel. You find there's a way forward that suits the both of you—something to satisfy Astarion's need to claw back autonomy for himself, too. You can make a gift out of this.
Notes: Hello there! Thanks for stopping by. Before getting into the fic, I want to stress that all of the tags I've used for this fic are completely accurate. Due to the way the story plays out, there's no need to address the shape of Tav's body, or the gender. I say 'Tav' here but the character goes entirely unnamed, too. It's choose your own adventure—this can be any Tadpoled Adventurer that you like. Please enjoy!
A Heaven of Hell
You’re in camp—in the tent—and you have that look on your face again. The one where your eyes press shut and you lean forward, knees pressing together, hoping that uninvited ecstasy can pass for something a little more along the lines of a panic attack, should anyone pass by. It’s not pretty, and certainly never free of embarrassment, this: Haarlep is using your body again, somewhere in the Hells.
You’re jolted halfway out of the feeling by the end of Astarion’s boot swinging into your knee, tapping the reflex spot. It’s an entirely different kind of nerve ending, and suitably distracts. He’s taken to doing this. Some jab or jolt to pull you back. It helps. You’ve never been so grateful for having a lover who’s willing to kick you.
“I can never decide if you look dreadful or not, when this happens,” he complains, accompanied by the suitably dramatic flumph! of throwing himself into the adjacent pile of pillows. He leans on his elbow. He looks up at you, and there’s a subtle crease between his eyebrows. He worries about this. About the toll.
You reach out and press your thumb to the crease. He tuts in protest and then turns his head, rolling his cheek into your palm, every inch a cat. Astarion kisses your palm, taking your wrist in his fingers. He likes to coax you gently, rarely aiming for anything more than your full attention. It’s soothing, but today, somewhere in the wash of sensation, it’s distracting, too.
You look at the shape of Astarion’s mouth and think about Haarlep’s hands—your hands—on stretches of unknown skin and feel tremendously guilty. You turn your hand so it’s holding Astarion’s, instead. Trying to push away the feeling. He notices, red eyes flicking up to you, watching you cautiously from under his eyelashes. He never wants to hurt you the way he’s been hurt.
You slide off the log stump that serves as a seat or a table depending on the day, ass scraping down the bark to settle in the dirt, and admit, “I can never decide if I feel dreadful or not.”
Astarion never quite disentangles his fingers from yours. He never moves closer, never moves further away. He’s here for you. For this. “Darling,” he says, in that soft and rounded way he does when he really means something, “you’re not at fault, if you enjoy it a little. It happens, like that.”
“I’m not?” You lean your head back against the log stump, rolling it to watch him. “It feels as though I should have some fault. We probably could’ve killed Haarlep—maybe we should have. It was my choice, to take a different path.”
“And what a path it was to watch,” Astarion muses, eyes briefly twinkling, something of the roguish lover in him coming to the fore. It catches your eye, but he keeps talking, waving his free hand delicately, as though trying to clear the self-blame from you like a little cloud of smoke. “I don’t know that we could’ve handled Haarlep and Raphael in the same afternoon, my sweet. It’s not as though we can go back to find out, either.”
You nod, and then circle back, delicately. Before speaking, you tap your tongue against your teeth, contemplating the best way to approach the subject. “We’ve never really talked about it.”
“Oh?” He’s being sarcastic, voice shifting flighty and a little shrill. “We haven’t discussed the incubus giving you a level of primal erotic thrill that I can only dream of? You know, I never noticed, I assumed we’d just resolved all our emotional malaise by melting Raphael’s skin off his handsome, boney skull.”
You stare at him and say nothing. Has he been so bruised, all this time?
Astarion relents, and the crease appears in his forehead again. “We haven’t had to talk about it. I’m not saying I’m thrilled with the whole thing, but I understand it. And it causes you enough problems without me expressing jealousy or inadequacy or … such,” he flicks non-existent dirt off his trousers, “tedious things.”
“You’re allowed to feel those things and I want you to talk to me about them,” you say, and then, abruptly, have to cover your mouth with your palm. Your other hand squeezes Astarion’s tightly, and a shudder wracks your body, hot pleasure directly between your thighs, rocking through you. It isn’t a full, physical orgasm—it’s Haarlep’s, after all, not yours—but it’s enough that you whimper, drawing your knees tightly together again.
When the feeling settles and you can open your eyes again, muscles relaxing, Astarion is closer, an indeterminate energy rolling off him. He cups your face, sincere, worried, and … something else. “Why does it seem more intense, each time it happens?”
“I think”—you pause, resenting your own breathlessness—“that the more Haarlep gets to know my body, the more adept they are at stimulating it.”
“Ah,” Astarion muses, “A skilled hand.” He makes a noise that reminds you of the owlbear cub, a strange, frustrated little growl. “What was it you were saying about my being able to express jealousy?”
You’re both caught in the web of this experience with Haarlep, you realise. The wrongness of it, the violation, the deal, your body copied and used. But, too, the feeling, and the memory, scents of the Hells, the perfumes of Raphael’s boudoir, all of it—arousal and terror all in tumultuous harmony.
You understand. Astarion resents that Haarlep has you, but he likes it, too. He resents himself in turn for liking it, as if he’s condoning something terrible happening to you. There must be a way forward that relieves you both of this.
You start small. “Tell me about the jealousy.”
Astarion’s eyes flicker warily over your face. “It’s silly.”
You say nothing.
“Ah—fine. I love you. I like to hold hands, and spoon, and only sometimes have a night of passion, rather than often or always. However … I rather like seeing you be treated the way you deserve.” His eyes rove over you. “What I’m less fond of is being excluded. Feeling left behind, superfluous. When you were under Haarlep, I just happened to be there, rather than invited …”
He trails off, mouth pursing. This is difficult for him. You could respond in a number of ways. You could kiss his mouth, pull him close. You could apologise, but you don’t think that he really wants that. You could vow to always include him in your trysts in future, given that you do have such things, from time to time. You could even be accusatory, demand explanations, ignore that you understand the strange way you—you and him—can both hate something and enjoy it.
None of them seem quite right. You have always done this, thought too much, too carefully about how to answer Astarion, but you think you have the measure of him, finally, and maybe the measure of yourself, too. A little assurance, first. “You’re not inadequate, you should know that. I’ll always have you exactly as you are.”
“I know that,” he says, although he doesn’t. Astarion is looking down at your joined hands. He needs the reassurance. His shoulders lower, a tension he might have been aware he was carrying but won’t admit to. He rolls one shoulder a little. “Thank you anyway.”
“Next time this happens to me, do you … want to watch?”
He looks at you sharply. He’s repressing interest at the idea, you can tell, the mixed uncertainty making him antsy, shifting where he’s sitting. A little wild eyed with possibility, a little baffled. You’re offering him more than he’s ever been offered before. Did he think it was all or nothing? That he had to be intimate with you or be doomed to watch you go behind a curtain with Haarlep, Halsin, beautiful Drow twins, forever?
His mouth opens and closes and then, finally, he asks, “Are you sure? I used to try and enjoy it, too. It made me miserable.”
“This is different. You were alone. We have each other now.” You struggle to sit more upright, rubbing your free hand over your face, looking at him. “It might be,” you start, exhaling heavily, “the best way forward, for both of us. I know it might not work out, giving over—trying to enjoy it—but I want to try. And you can watch, see it happen.” It could be the assuage to guilt that you need. It could be the balm to this situation. To make it yours, make it his, make it something shared and held. Pointedly, “You can enjoy yourself, as well.”
“And if Haarlep calls on you sometime when we’re marauding in the woods, all manner of beasts and aggrieved folk at our throats?”
“Then,” you say, “I suppose we’ll have to finish whatever fight we’re in fast.”
It doesn’t happen when you’re marauding in the woods, or in the middle of a fight, for that matter. Instead, the next initial shivers come of a late summer’s evening, moving between buildings, navigating the alleys of the Lower City, breathing in the smells—awful and beautiful in turn—of Baldur’s Gate. This is your home, for both of you. You walk the nights palm-in-palm here with Astarion.
You stop, putting a hand on the wall and exhaling heavily, eyes closing. You feel Astarion’s hand on your lower back. He crowds you, worried at first, and then he says, “Our devilish friend?”
“Yes,” you gasp, heart starting to pound, your body taken with shivers; the feeling of unfamiliar fingers undoing clothes that do not match your own. Haarlep’s lover is practised, almost tender, knows and wants this body well. Or perhaps it’s Haarlep’s direction giving life to the delicacy of touch that makes your skin flush warm under your clothes. “It’s too much, this time.”
“Let’s get you out of here.” Astarion has a protective streak that he doesn’t often show. You’ve seen it in battle, and different threads of conversation. He stands up for you. He wants the best for you. He has been learning how to want these things, for you and for him, ever since you met.
You appreciate the thought, but in the haze of feeling, you take hold of his hand. You turn your head towards him. In the gloom, his eyes almost glow. “Do you still want to watch?”
“Do I—?” Astarion sounds startled, like you’re asking him something ridiculous, but then: “What do you have in mind?”
Not everyone can see in the dark. And in the Lower City, you can get away with a lot. There are so many little nooks and crannies. At the end of this alley, there’s a set of wooden steps you can lead Astarion down. You do just that. You go under the stairs, backing yourself up against a wall.
There’s a palpable ache between your thighs. It’s not just Haarlep. It’s the way Astarion is looking at you. He follows you into the dark, into this place both public and secluded, and he looks curious and hungry. “Here,” you whisper, and he draws close, not quite touching, hovering into your space as though there’s an inch of invisible barrier between you.
A hand, somewhere on another plane, is deft and nimble, presses up the inside of your thigh. You let your weight sag against the wall, and part your legs. Astarion’s eyes follow the movement. He braces his hands on the wall either side of you, tilting his head as he watches. “Tell me what’s being done to you.”
Lovers have trysts in the dark of the city all the time, but somehow you think nobody else has ever had anything quite like this, palpable and real pleasure with all your clothes on, pinned deliciously under your lover’s gaze but not his hands. Your breath shudders before you can speak. “They’re touching the insides of my thighs. They’re taking their time with me.”
“As they should,” Astarion remarks. “At least it sounds like Haarlep is a good teacher.” He’s realised the same thing as you: nobody is going to be this good at touching you without practice or instruction. Your head tilts back against the wall. Astarion’s voice reaches into you as much as distant, planes-away hands do, shifting into a low purr. “Keep talking, darling. I want to know you’re with me.”
“I’m here,” you assure him, “I’m—oh—“ Elsewhere, there’s pressure, no longer between your thighs but teasing up your sides, over your chest. Hands pressing. The faint sensation of pointed nails sparking up your skin. Claws. You wonder just who Haarlep is making love to, but only for a moment. It’s Astarion in front of you, watching the rise and fall of your breathing, his pupils huge in the dark. The intensity of his gaze matches the phantom touch. You rush to catch up, whilst you can still speak. “Hands over my body. Claws. Being played like a lyre. Gods, Astarion, you’re beautiful.”
“I was going to say the same to you,” he murmurs. His gaze is starving, but this contents him, you realise. All the benefits of watching your pleasure, and none of the drawbacks that still exist for him, none of the fear, the far away look he sometimes gets. He is present. He is with you as much as you are with him.
It’s glorious to be seen, and it makes it easier to relax into the feeling, to moan when feeling intensifies, to whimper when you know that something is inside Haarlep—stoking all your fires and nerves, making your skin break out in flushes and trickles of sweat. Your hips roll towards nothing, wanting, begging for a friction that isn’t going to come.
And you can see that Astarion is aching. His breathing comes quick and fast, his mouth half-open with desire. In the heat of when you’ve had each other completely, you’ve never quite been able to take in all the details of him as you do now. The both of you are fully clothed and yet you feel stripped, vulnerable, and you can tell he does, too.
The city falls away around you. This could be a forest, a bedroom, the tent in camp. It could be a crowded room and you wouldn’t notice. There is nothing but you, Astarion, the wash of sensation, the push-pull that drags you ever closer to shore, arousal a swelling tide. You have spent so much time feeling guilty for sensation imposed on you. No more. This is yours, now. You take ownership of what’s happening to you and it becomes a precious thing to share with Astarion.
“Fuck me,” you gasp, more exultant exclamation than a request, spine arching off the cool brick behind you. Astarion growls, a quiet frustrated sound. You look him over, you look at the need he carries—the tempting bulge between his thighs—and you want to touch him, but there’s no way that wouldn’t be a strange breach of this agreement. For you to feel, for him to watch. But you did agree that he would enjoy himself. You realise: he’s waiting for permission. Maybe he thinks it would be uncouth if he didn’t wait. “I want to see you,” you say, voice thin with all your wanting. “I want to watch you watching me, Astarion—please—“
“Darling,” he says, faint and soft strain in his voice. One hand drops from the wall to undo the fastens of his trousers, and at first his fingers disappear inside them; there’s a momentary devastation, being denied what you want to see, but his mouth opening further, spit-slick fangs shining in the dark, the sound he makes—that all more than makes up for it. An almost wounded sound, but not hurt, more like … new pleasure. Different. He is exploring himself freely, unburdened by the need to make someone else happy.
He is, though. Making you happy. Hot, lava hot, arousal pours down your spine to watch him, and only grows when he finishes undoing the fastens and you can see his beautiful fingers touching himself. There’s glistening fluid leaking over his fingers. He uses it to slick the path of his hand. He’s panting, now, watching you, watching him, watching you.
You remember the first time you went to bed with him. That was great. This, without touching, with all your clothes still on and his mostly, is phenomenal. There’ll be time to reclaim the space of each other’s bodies together. This is the first real step. This is as intimate as you’ve been—in an alleyway in your shared city.
The feeling of being taken intensifies. If you wanted to focus on it, you suspect you might be able to work out exactly the position Haarlep is being pressed into, from the way that your muscles feel sore and stretched the longer this goes on. They’re being worn out. Used. You can feel every part of it, and although you had thought you might need help yourself along, you understand now that you won’t need to—particularly with Astarion as such a rich sight for your eyes.
You think not about Astarion touching you, or having you, but about the things you have always found attractive about him. His hands, gorgeous now as he touches himself. The thatch of silver hair. The pallor of his skin, the lines around his mouth. The soft moans you both exchange—his voice, strained by desire, is everything. You could listen to him all day. To watch him in motion and know that he’s yours—not ownership, but partnership, mutual belonging—is revelatory.
You whine his name. He locks eyes with you, eyelids fluttering drunkenly. You’re in tandem, getting closer. When Haarlep finds release, you will too, but this time it will be yours, unashamed, unburdened. You don’t have enough air in your chest to tell Astarion any of this, but he knows it. You don’t have enough air in your chest to tell him what a pretty mess he’s making, either, but you hope the starving moans do the trick.
If anyone sees you now, it doesn’t matter. Let them look.
Astarion breaks, startling himself, gasping, shocked, ruined, taken by surprise by the force of how good it can be when you’re truly in charge of your own desire. His nails scrape the brickwork. Hot fluid splashes over his fingers, on your clothes, and he works himself through it with a needy, desperate sound that shapes up as your name, over and over.
And then you come. Not Haarlep. You were both on the edge of it, but you shatter first, here, all by yourself, untouched in reality—thighs trembling, knees wanting so badly to buckle. Watching Astarion, knowing how much he has enjoyed watching you, has brought you to the brink and then over it, ecstatic, having to cover your mouth because you are being far too loud, even for a dingy Lower City alleyway, even as secluded as you are. Heat comes in waves.
And then, again. It is Haarlep’s turn this time, and it’s so good but it hurts, ricochets of electricity all over. Your vision blurs out, but Astarion has you, suddenly, his hand on your face, your waist, his body pressed close to yours, supporting your frame as you shudder through a second, forced—but nevertheless welcome—orgasm. You whimper “Astarion,” you take huge gulping breaths of air, you come down to the earth in his grasp.
The connection to the Hells drifts away. All there is, all there ever really was and ever needs to be, is you and Astarion, skin too warm, the night air cool, sweat making your clothes stick, his smell in your mouth. You and Astarion. Physical and real. Not even needing to touch to love each other.
“Oh, well then,” you exhale.
Astarion hums agreement, with a little tittering giggle.
“Can I kiss you?”
“Gods, please.”
Tangling closer, then, to kiss Astarion, something delightful in how it can be chaste in the wake of orgasm and yet your mouths can still be open enough that you can feel his teeth, taste his tongue. To kiss each other seems to settle something in both of you, ritualistic, calming. At his invitation, you help Astarion get his clothes back in order. This secluded corner, under the steps, together, is somehow so private and intimate that you feel emotion making your eyes prickle damply.
With your breath caught, you can work your way around to a question. The only one that matters, really, small and trite as it is. “Was that alright?”
Astarion gives you a look. Then knows he needs to speak, that an eyeball of Obviously, darling isn’t going to cut it, not right now, not in this precarious post-haze state. “It was magnificent. You really are marvellous to watch.” His thumb skims your cheek. “Are you alright?”
“I feel as though we’ve taken the whole curse away from Haarlep.” Which is to say, yes. Overwhelmed, but yes, you’re alright. “If we can do that—keep making it ours—then I am. And I’ll continue to be.”
“Alright.” Astarion is searching your face, making sure you’re not lying for his behalf; honesty has become so important here, and he doesn’t doubt you specifically, but he does doubt. Internally, externally. You know he’s satisfied when he kisses you again. “Now, will you please let me get you out of here?”
“Yes.” Pause. “I need to change my underwear.”
Astarion’s smug laugh carries you home.
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illumiiiz · 7 months
songs with some of the best guitar intros ever made in my opinion, in no particular order, a comprehensive (& continually updating) list:
Crazy Train (Ozzy Osbourne); I don’t care how you feel about the rest of the song, the intro fucking slaps and if you deny that you’re lying. to yourself and everyone else.
Smoke on the Water (Deep Purple); literally iconic. the intro reaches a part of my soul no other song does, besides maybe the cinematic cover version by 2wei
I Don’t Wanna Stop (Ozzy Osbourne); I feel like this is probably in a Tom Cruise movie somewhere. self explanatory. I’ve had this song on repeat for two days
Personal Jesus (Depeche Mode); again, SO iconic. if I could inject a song into my veins like drugs it’d be this one
(Don’t Fear) The Reaper (Blue Öyster Cult); maybe I should start keeping track of how many times I say “iconic” in this list. not only the intro, but the instrumental bridges throughout the song, ESPECIALLY the one after verse 2 and the second chorus… 🤌✨
For Whom the Bell Tolls (Metallica); *slaps track name* this bad boy can fit an intro that is SO LONG. and it ALL FUCKS.
Kickstart My Heart (Mötley Crüe); there should be some sort of warning feature installed that doesn’t let you listen to this song if you’re driving bc if you do you WILL get a speeding ticket. altho it does sound better if you’re driving tbh. but watch for cops
Welcome to the Jungle (Guns N’ Roses); see my notes on Crazy Train above
New Divide (LINKIN PARK); ok honestly this one’s a nostalgia trip for me but also just objectively I feel like it goes pretty hard regardless of what scene you were into during the 2010s and how many amvs you watched
Everlong (Foo Fighters); I mean come ON. do I even have to say anything
Panama (Van Halen); sets the hype tone for the rest of the song right away, also this is another one that’s so much better while you’re driving for some reason. whole song fucking slaps too
Whispers in the Dark (Skillet); it’s not right at the beginning like most of these other ones are but just. just give it 20 seconds I promise it’s worth it.
Monster (Skillet); while we’re on the topic. imagine trying to fight the weird kid allegations and then these two songs come on back to back. lol. couldn’t be me..
Smells Like Teen Spirit (Nirvana); ICONIC. changed the game forever and ever.
Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy) (Big & Rich); this one’s mostly just here for that drop at the beginning cuz it’s actually pretty dope
The Adults Are Talking (the strokes); I can’t explain how this one makes me feel. but boy does it make me feel
Thank You For The Venom (My chemical romance); LITERALLY SO GOOD. sometimes I’ll listen to this song just to headbang to the intro and then skip the rest
Scotty Doesn’t Know (Lustra); this is embarrassingly near the top of my “songs I recognize within the first 0.1 seconds” list. we don’t need to talk about that tho
Headstrong (Trapt); even if you don’t know the name of this song you would recognize the intro, I’m sure of it
Puppet (Thousand Foot Krutch); this one had 14-15 year old me in a CHOKEHOLD OKAY and it still fucking slaps. I love this band.
Are You Gonna Be My Girl (Jet); fun fact the first time I heard this song was in the movie Flushed Away so now I always associate it with that 💀 but yeah this song bangs
Supremacy (Muse); gosh this whole song is just. like. RIDICULOUSLY good imo, the vocals the strings and drums combo,, the intro part lays the foundation tho. easily one of my favs out there
Immigrant Song (Led Zeppelin); see notes for Crazy Train and Welcome to the Jungle
Living Dead Girl (Rob Zombie); gets stuck in my head a lot.
Something In Your Mouth (Nickelback); yes, I listen to them unironically and yes, this song made the list
Square Hammer (Ghost); honestly I listen to this song pretty much solely for the guitar track in it
Let It Happen (Tame Impala); I don’t know what instruments those are at the beginning but one of them sounds like a bass and regardless, the thing slaps so I’m including it bc I want to
link to the spotify playlist! (updated 2/23/24)
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sofiiel · 11 months
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Return of the Mack | 02
Warnings: Drug usage depicted. General angst. | 01 ⇍ Table of Contents ⇏ 03
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Tiffany the waitress covered her mouth as she giggled, her eyes crinkled into a smile at the long scowl on your face.
Your brows dipped so low over your eyes, they threatened to cover them.
"And what will you be having, sir?" Tiffany asked Eddie, showing off her brand-new braces and their vivid blue bands. She twisted the tips of her decorative scarf almost nervously.
"Oh, just give me whatever she's having." He said.
Tiffany made an odd sound as a full laugh threatened to burst out.
"S-sure, totally." Tiffany managed.
"Order your own food! And why are you so close?" You snapped.
Eddie smiled sweetly, "To get on your good side, princess, what else?" He taunted.
"Better than Boots..." you sighed.
Eddie leaned back in his seat triumphantly and passed Tiffany back his menu. "What she's having, please, and thank you." He said.
"Sorry, ____. The man did say please." She said to you, writing it down and scurrying away.
"Nice place." Eddie mused while you hid your face in your hands.
"I always did hate you, Munson." you grumbled.
"You sure about that? That's not how I remember it." the smugness dripped from his voice. Eddie crossed his arms and simpered slightly in his seat.
"I recall," he cleared his throat, "Carol Perkins reading diary entry twenty-seven of the month of March, that you, Boots, Kinda liked the audacious laugh of The Freak." He recounted.
"You weren't the only freak in Hawkins, Eddie, just the main one." You muttered.
"The only one everyone called the freak, and the only one that such an entry about would cause scandal." He corrected.
You rubbed your temples and Eddie grinned.
"I'll shut up if you let me sit with you." He said.
"You're a liar and I know it."
"No, honest. Cross my heart and everything." Eddie said with a motion over his chest.
"I think we could have been friends, should have been friends. It's never too late." he sang in a tease, leaning forward.
You turn your head to him, irritation blazing through your squinting eyes.
"How long do you plan on staying?" You asked.
"I'm way ahead of schedule, so I was planning on three nights." He shrugged.
You groaned and closed your eyes, leaning your head down on the table.
Out of your view, Eddie's smile fell, his gaze watching you keenly. "She still hates your guts." he thought. "Today probably isn't helping you much...do you believe the stories?" his mind continued to wander.
Trying to shut up his thoughts, Eddie thought of a plan.
You could hear the grating sound of table and chairs scooting across the floor.
"What are you doing?" You asked him, lifting your head.
"Well, if I can't sit with you, I'm just going to have to get a little closer." He said.
"Whatever." you sighed, turning your attention to the small TV near the bar.
Eddie became quiet and turned his eyes to the screen as well. It was hardly interesting, two people fly-fishing.
"So this is what you do now?" He finally asked out, keeping his eyes on the screen.
"What? The motel? Yeah, sure, I guess. World-renowned Landlord, right here." You muttered dryly. Your eyes search toward the bar in the hope Tiffany would hurry.
"Rooms pretty nice, I'd believe it." Eddie chuckled.
Turning to him with large eyes, you shuddered, "The place hasn't been updated since 73, what kind of dumps have you been crashing in?" You questioned.
"Look, my old rig's just a day cab. When you're eyes won't stay open anymore, you don't complain about what the place is like to rest your head, you just take the first one that pops up," said Eddie.
You watched him for a moment, "You drive for days on end, none stop often?" You asked him.
He shrugged and fiddled with the straw to his water. "I guess. More than average, probably?" Eddie spun the straw in a circle with a flick of his finger, "But I don't sleep much." he muttered.
"Alright! I got your daily morning specials right here!" Tiffany chimed happily. Setting down the two trays on your tables.
"Thanks, Tif." You said, holding out a rolled twenty.
"____, I can-"
"I didn't ask." You said quickly. The girl smiled and pocketed the money with a heartfelt nod before hurrying back to the kitchen.
You sighed heavily, eyeballing that scarf, it was a new one. Shaking your head, you stabbed your fork into your plate.
"Looks pretty good." Eddie hummed.
"Yeah, Rays a bastard but, he's the best cook around for miles." you grumbled.
"Oh...oh, that tone wasn't good. So we don't like Ray?" Eddie whispered.
Your fork hovered before your mouth as you turned your eyes back to the tv, "Nope" you said, popping your bite into your mouth.
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You dabbed a dry square of paper towel across your forehead and heave a sigh. The room was finally clean, though you desperately wanted to forget the smell of the weird orange sludge that was thrown across the carpet, drawers, and bathroom.
"I'm going to remember that couple's face, so they're never allowed her again." you sighed.
A whistle came from the doorway.
"Must have been a doozy, you look like I hit you with my truck."
"Go away, Munson." you called, pulling off your gloves and tossing them into a large garden trash bag.
"What kind of entertainment does this place offer? I'm bored." Eddie muttered.
"Free cable not enough for you?" You asked. "You can rent movies, we got the dirty stuff."
"No, already did that."
You froze, cheeks feeling hot as you slipped on a pair of fresh gloves.
Eddie eyed you up and down, resting his head against the doorway. "Like that mental picture?" he questioned.
You cleared your throat, "Can you not? I'm busy working. I need this place clean, it's one of the best rooms I've got." Turning around, you fanned your hands to shoo Eddie away.
"You need to rest right, go take a nap or something, take a hint."
Eddie stood up straight, "you're still a buzz kill." he sighed, trudging away.
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Peering out his room window, Eddie gazed up at the sky, it was dusk and the remnants of sun rays were painting the gathering clouds an array of warm colors.
Had it been any other day, it might have been pretty. But that vivid storm that was building almost mirrored terrifying memories.
"I know I'm late with calling. Sorry if I worried you but, I'm ok, Wayne. I just overslept. You're probably at the bar with the boys by now, I'll call back." he said into the landline.
He hung up slowly and released a slow breath, a frown dipping down his face as his eyes fixed on the clouds on the horizon.
"It would have to rain today." He thought, picking his joint up from the ashtray.
"Why couldn't you just let me stay, Boots." He muttered, leaving the scene outside and going to his small trunk waiting for him on the loveseat across the room.
Seating himself Eddie put out his joint and pulled out his studded dog collar. Quietly thumping the faded vein in his arm, he frowned slightly, it wasn't as strong as it used to be, and it was difficult to maneuver with his other hand.
Still, he took up the needle, if it collapsed, hell it collapsed. At least it would force himself to give it a break.
With memorized skill, the needle punctured his skin effortlessly, he didn't even wince. Rather, he watched carefully with a flightless gaze. Here goes the same old trip again.
Finished, he flicked the needle onto the coffee table and leaned back onto the sofa, picking back up the roach of his joint and watching the silenced TV.
"I guess I did survive." Eddie muttered, "If this is considered living." he exhaled.
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Perched at your station at the front desk, the phone rang, a bright yellow light blinking on your set-up announcing it was from room 86.
"What do you want?" you answered.
"That's not good customer service, Boots," Eddie replied.
"Yeah, well, you're not a good customer, are you?"
"I think I am, I haven't caused any trouble," He paused, "I'm unless just now."
You covered your eyes with the palm of your hand, "what'd you do?"
"Toilet is kidna clogged, um...it's nothing nasty just...."
You sighed, "Right, give me a minute, I'll be right there." you muttered, hanging up the phone.
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With the snake and drano in tow, you stood outside Eddie's room. You'd already knocked several times. Closing your eyes, you tried to calm your irritation, it seemed like everything he did got under your skin.
Even the littlest of things, things that shouldn't have.
"Munson, I'll leave and you'll be stuck with that broken toilet all night long if you won't stop playing around and open the do-"
"Hold up!" His voice called from a distance behind the door, along with a crash against the door.
"Did you just?" you asked, but the door flew open to reveal Eddie standing there, eyes ablaze with his hair thrown about, while sporting that same old grin.
But your gaze was stuck on the reddening dot on his forehead.
"Did you headbutt the door?" you asked.
"Ah, not...not on purpose. I kind of tripped," he said.
"Clearly with those stop lights you've got for eyes, and you're smoking trash." You muttered, stepping past him and making your way tot he bathroom.
"I- thats my product!" Eddie whimpered.
"Yeah, trash. It's always been trash." You hummed, digging into your pocket, you pulled out what was left of your roll and left it on his bed.
"You can kill the rest of that." you offered.
"Huh, free weed? And here I thought you hated me." Eddie sang, plucking it form the blanket and finding his lighter.
"I just really don't like you."
"Bullshit." Eddie chuckled, flicking at his red Bic.
"Don't read much into it, it's just me gloating." You called from the bathroom.
Opening the lid of the toilet seat, all the air is pushed out of your lungs.
"Seriously, Munson?" you whispered. Your eyes fixed on the balled-up colorful pages of beautiful women stuffed into the toilet drain.
Behind you leaning in the doorway by his forearm Eddie watched his handy work with a blank gaze.
"Yeah um...." He lulled, coughing out whisps of smoke.
You crossed your arms and turned to face him, "Gonna explain yourself? Do I have to kick you out for this? This is vandalis-"
Eddie's words were quiet and soft, "I just...don't want to be alone."
Your mouth closed and your lecture forgot its own words. Looking up into pitiable brown eyes murky and well dilated.
Again his lids were heavy and he swayed slightly.
"You're not just tripping on weed," you said, snatching what was left of the joint and tossing it into the toilet.
"I wasn't done with that." Eddie complained, allowing himself to be hauled behind you by the wrist.
Closing the toilet seat lid, you grumbled, "Yes, you were."
You sit him down on it and leave him there to turn on the shower.
"I'm not that fucked up, Boots. I don't need a cold shower." Eddie reasoned watching you with a sleepy amused smirk.
"Yes you do, I'm not going to deal with a tenant who is high off of weed and - whatever else."
"I was wrong about the customer service, you do this for every customer?" He teased.
You watched the water rain down from the shower head in tune with the crack of thunder outside.
"Sounds like rain." Eddie commented looking up at the ceiling.
"there, get in." You said leaving the bathroom.
"Hey Boots, I might need help with a few things. These buttons are kind of tricky like this, you know?" He hinted.
You roll your eyes and glance over your shoulder, "You're a big boy Munson. If you can't figure it out," You shrugged, "hop in clothes on."
"I'll fix the toilet when you're done."
Eddie held a satisfied smirk and got to his feet. He popped the first two buttons of his shirt and pulled it over his head.
Painfully, embarrassingly slow for you.
"Look away and walk out." your mind demanded. But this was something you hadn't seen since the 11th grade. And now? There was more to look at.
"Those scars..are very old." You thought.
"Getting a good look Boots?" Eddie teased.
"It's not my fault, Frankenstein!" You snapped.
Eddie flinched and removed his shirt quickly, dropping it to the floor., his back quickly turning to you.
But you got a glimpse of his expression.
"Get out." he whispered.
"Look I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I-"
"They aren't hurt I just...changed my mind. I'm good with being alone." He said even quicker.
All the teasing you used to put him through in high school still, this left you with a sour bitting pang in your gut.
Saying nothing you slip out the bathroom door and close it behind you.
"Once a mean girl always a mean girl I guess." you thought with a sigh. You take to the sofa and sit down. "I'll just wait and apologize."
You listened to the rain, closing your eyes to listen. "It's the worst day of your life too."
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Taglist: @hellfirenacht
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01 ⇍ Table of Contents ⇏ 03
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brutal-nemesis · 1 year
Goretober II: Hook, Line, and Sarcasm
Continuing to explore my stupid probably unrealistic ideas via @coyotehusk's goretober✨
←Previous - Castys Masterlist - Goretober Masterlist - Next→
Ingredients: hooks of different sizes piercing into a guy, suspension, eye whump/gore, inhuman whumper
Castys was not a fan of the tentacles.
He didn��t even like eating them when it was like an octopus or something, the texture always weirded him out, but Kuro’s tentacles were a whole other thing. That was the darkness lady’s name, Kuro, but it’s not like knowing her name made any of this any better. She’d let him off of the stupid table, but her tentacles were more than enough to keep him from trying to escape, wrapping around his wrists and neck snugly, pulling him towards…a big hook.
“Contrary to popular belief, I’m not actually a fish.” Castys was glad she’d pulled that nail out of his mouth and killed him when she’d let him up so he could at least talk again.
“Oh, this hook isn’t for fish. It’s for meat!” Castys opened his mouth, but he couldn’t exactly argue that he wasn’t meat. Kuro reached out and pulled the hook a little lower, using her tentacles to force Castys to turn around. 
He knew exactly what was about to happen, but he really wanted to believe that he was wrong. “Change your mind? Are you gonna take me back to the cozy little table?”
Kuro laughed. “No, but maybe I’ll put you back on there later. I want to try this first.” One of her tentacles snaked behind him, the clink of the chain his only warning before-Castys couldn’t help but wince as the sharp point of the hook pierced his back, shivering as it scraped against his bones. 
“I-I’m not sure if this is-agh.” Castys decided to keep his mouth shut as Kuro turned a crank in the wall, pulling the chain attached to the hook upwards. She finally let go of him when his feet no longer touched the ground, but by then it was too late for him to do much besides wiggle. He couldn’t reach the hook now lodged in his back, and even if he could, there was no way he’d be able to pull it out.
“There! You look kinda funny, hanging like that.”
“I always look funny.” 
Kuro might’ve smiled at that, but there was no way to tell, unfortunately. He was just going to assume from here on that all of his jokes landed all of the time because that was the only form of consolation he ever really got. At some point while he was thinking about things, Kuro had produced a small box, and now she was pulling out a little shiny…fish hook. 
Of course.
“You’re really hooked on those things, huh?” 
“I think you’re hooked more than I am.” Okay, playing along, good, she probably thought he was a little bit funny. But that wasn’t his biggest problem anymore, and also was really never his biggest problem because he still had a giant hook in his back that hurt very very much because all of his weight was on it. And now Kuro had poked a fish hook through one of his wrists, in and out so it looped under his skin. When she reached for his other arm, he tried to jerk it away, but since she basically had six hands he lost that battle pretty quickly. In and out with the same fish hook, and now his wrists were, like, pierced together, and while it wasn’t super painful, it was annoying and also kind of dumb. He had to actively keep his wrists together or the fish hook would just tear through the skin since it wasn’t in very deep.
“Hmm, what do you think, should I add some more so you’re more comfortable?” Kuro mused.
“I think I would be most comfortable if you added less, but that’s just my opinion.” As usual, Castys’s opinion was promptly ignored, and before he knew it, there were already like five or six more hooks keeping his arms together. Kuro worked fast, holding him with her tentacles and saving the more delicate work for her hands. After she’d put in enough that he could relax and let the tension of the metal pierced through his skin hold his arms together, she stepped back, crossing her arms as she looked him over.
“I still feel like you’re missing something…”
“I could go for some cake. Alternatively, you could take something away, like these hooks.”
“Maybe you’re right,” Kuro laughed, pulling out another fish hook, this one with string attached. “Maybe I should take something away.”
“Hey, uh, I was just kidding, you don’t have to-uh, hi, that’s my fa-” Her grip on his chin shifted, covering his mouth now, too, so he could only watch as the point of the hook came towards his eye, piercing it with ease. She shoved it in deep as he screamed into her hand, and as much as he wanted to jerk away he couldn’t or he’d only make things worse, but it ended up not mattering as Kuro wound the string around her fingers and started to pull, awful, painful pressure building up in his eye as it bulged further and further out of its socket, his vision already fucked and getting worse by the second, and there it was that annoyingly familiar pop of his eye coming out, flopping against his cheek as Kuro laughed.
“I think I’ll take this, if you don’t mind. I think I’d like to keep it.” Castys, very stupidly, shrugged, which is a terrible idea when there is a large metal hook under your shoulder blade. Kuro took her hand off of his mouth, grabbing the stringy bit that attached his eyeball to the inside of his head and giving it a harsh tug, enough to rip it out completely, which was honestly up there with the most awful feelings ever. In his screaming and thrashing in pain, Castys tugged hard enough at the fish hooks in his arms that they ripped free, which caused him to scream and thrash more, which made the hook digging into his back hurt even more, which caused-
When he had settled the fuck down, he noticed Kuro swinging his eyeball around like the world’s worst keychain as she laughed, which was a little rude. “You ruined all of my hard work, Castys.”
“Well you…you ruined all of my hard work to…to have two eyes.” Wow, great comeback, you totally don’t deserve to keep hanging here on a hook like a pig about to be butchered. Kuro laughed again anyway, but it was probably because he was stupid.
“No matter. I’ll just leave you there to bleed out and we’ll try again later.” 
“Can you please stab me so I bleed out faster?”
Well, it was worth a shot. Nothing left for him to do now but hang out. 
…Yeah, he probably deserved this.
Castys Cult: @as-a-matter-of-whump​ @blackrosesandwhump @fanmanga1357-blog​​ @thehopelessopus​ @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @hearse-song​ @muddy-swamp-bitch @whumpasaurus101 @yet-another-heathen​​ @galaxywhump​ @starnight-whump​ @his-unspoken-words​ @misspelledwitch​ @suspicious-whumping-egg​ @pumpkin-spice-whump​ @painsandconfusion​ @i-can-even-burn-salad​​ @befuddled-calico-whump​ @whumpinggrounds​ @whump-queen​ @whumpedydump​
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v33n4-c4rn1s · 5 months
veena lambert x mare torres
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:··:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
Silence. Deadly, spitting, silence.
It filled up the room with soundless horror.
Mare sat, hunched over on the bed. Rune, his beloved pet kitten beside him, primrose perched on her back, her wings wrapped around the smaller feline's body, His mask was laid out on the pillow beside him.
He had been through a lot, at just 18 he'd seen the brutal reality of life. He had lost and loved.
But nothing could ever compare to the void left in his heart.
A void she has left him with.
He remembered it so clearly, He remembered all the sounds, the room, her.
How could he forget? how could he forget the lips he was so familiar with, from the usual shade of light pink to almost purple. How could he forget the face he'd study for hours, painting and drawing. She was his muse, his love, his everything.
She didn't want to go, she was frightened. He held her hand, He kissed her head and told her she would be alright.
But she wasn't.
He remembered the doctors forcing him home, how could he sleep when she was like this? she was alone, cold, frightened.
and she died that way.
He remembered the phone call he received, the gentle voice of the nurse informing him on the events of the night, He took the news hard, He knew she was scared and he left her anyway. He let himself get forced out the door, pushed home and onto his bed.
He cried. He cried until he physically couldn't, choking on silent sobs, reaching for the nearest thing he could, a sweatshirt. Her sweatshirt.
Even now, a week later he was still struggling, of course he would, he had just lost the love of his life. He wanted to marry her. They should have been, but it was all too late now. Their future dragged down the shore by the tide of time, pulling everything to a deep close.
Once again he grabbed a jacket of hers, holding it close. It smelled of her, everything in their home did, But what kind of home was it without her?
He placed the jacket down, lifting his phone into his hands, Trembling fingers scrolling down his contact list till it reached her number. He clicked on the call button, letting it ring.
"..hey! If you're hearing this I'm probably super busy, if it's important please leave a message! I'll call you back as soon as I can!!"
Straight to voicemail. Her voice was still there. He bit his lip, chewing slightly. The taste of blood filling his senses. He breathed in, a trembling sigh. One final message.
"..You're not here anymore. You're not here and it hurts.."
He continued, Tears streaming down his torn skin.
"I miss you, I miss you so much it hurts. I'm sorry- I had no idea - if I could have done something I would have, I wish you had told me-,,"
He covered his mouth, muffling his crying as best he could.
"i had something for you,, next week, it was pretty and shiny, ruby and silver. I made sure it would fit your finger veena,, I called your mother, she was ready for dress shopping when you were ready-.."
He anxiously dug his nails into the sheets.
"I could have given you it all, I've been planning for months- I wanted a forever with you- I asked your dad! he said I could- he wanted it!!"
He broke into sobs, burying his head in his hands.
"how am i supposed to go on without you,, what am i supposed to do?.."
He inhaled, lifting the phone back up.
"They better keep you safe up there, You deserve it,,"
"..I love you, I always will, I'll look after prim for you, anything for you.."
He hesitantly hung up. The call log shutting off, He moved across the room, digging through the draws, pulling out a tiny box, flicking it open.
she would have loved it.
He would never forget the night she left him.
She took a piece of him with her.
And he would never be the same.
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:··:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
ow ow ow ow ow
short post but ow
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sesikudadaryti · 1 year
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♔ ⋯⋯⋯ i'm headin straight for the castle, they got the kingdom locked up. and there's an old man sitting on the throne there sayin i should probably keep my pretty mouth shut.
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your-grxce · 4 years
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PRINCESS HELOÌSA DAROSIAN princess of aros and the seven kingdoms
♛ 𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐓 ♛ — HELOÍSA DAROSIAN the PRINCESS of AROS. tales of this NINETEEN year old CIS WOMAN tell of their INTELLIGENT & DRIVEN nature, but beware, for they are also VAIN & IMPRACTICAL. the gossips whisper they use SHE/HER pronouns and look strangely like BRUNA MARQUEZINE. but i’ve also heard they bring images of A KNOWING SMIRK, HIDING DOZENS OF SECRETS BEHIND A PRETTY FACE; FACADES OF TWIRLING SKIRTS AND LAUGHS OVER DRINKS; AND A MIND THAT NEVER CEASES IN CALCULATIONS to mind. how will their story unfold?
- the youngest daughter and child of the king and queen, heloìsa grew up wanting for little. despite the less than standard way her father came to the crown, there was never a question in her childhood - her family was meant to rule.
- confident from a young age, heloìsa took to her lessons well, even going so far as to listen in to her brothers. if they were learning it, why not her?
- her mind began to turn. her father wasn’t the child who was supposed to inherit, so what sort of rules made it so that her eldest brother must? in heloìsa’s own eyes, she was the best fit for the job, and that idea hasn’t left her mind since.
- outwardly, heloísa is everything a princess should be - refined and gracious, with a wit to match in any conversation. inwardly, her mind never stops calculating - what step should next be taken to reach her goals. 
- known to eavesdrop on her father’s council meetings, heloísa can frequently be found trailing the members of the small council, offering her own thoughts on matters. she can’t think of a situation where her opinions may be wrong, even without the experience to back them up.
- a charmer from birth, it’s hard to know where one stands in heloísa’s mind. it’s expected that she receives people graciously, and even if she may not always enjoy their company, it’s never wise to make enemies - especially if you plan to one day rule over them.
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lethal-honey · 4 years
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tag dump for the new AU with the lovely @supernatural-sanctuary​.... and to fix a few tags I have on this blog, but shhhh, lets just all focus on the fact that now Aiko has another reason for me to make nsfw icons for her 
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musingovermusings · 5 years
And there's an  O L D  M A N                                 sitting on the 𝓽𝓱𝓻𝓸𝓷𝓮,                                                 that's saying that I                                                              should probably keep my 𝓹𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓶𝓸𝓾𝓽𝓱
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mischiefmanaged71 · 3 years
Cornelia Street - Matt Murdock x Reader
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Summary: What happens when you find out your co-worker is a vigilante? 
Author’s Note: Sequel to Cruel Summer
Pairing: Matt Murdock x fem! reader
Warning: none, it’s fluffy :) 
Word Count: 1.4K
“I wonder what Foggy and Karen are up to this evening.” Y/N pondered, turning in her swivel chair as Matt leaned against the bench, waiting for the coffee to brew. 
“Well Foggy is chasing a lead, and Karen...Not too sure.” 
She nodded, “Right. We get left with all of the fun paperwork while Foggy ‘chases a lead’.” 
“Maybe I should give Marci a call.” her teasing voice echoed across the office.
Matt shook his head, a chuckle escaping him, “She’d probably just cover for him anyway.”
“True, but you see there should be an underlying layer of trust amongst friends.” she stated, catching as Matt paused for a moment as she rose from her seat. 
She stood next to him, reaching next to Matt’s shoulder for the shelf holding the mugs, her hand accidentally rushing his shoulder. A shiver ran along her neck as his breath hit her neck. The click of the kettle prompts her to pour her coffee, along with the mug that Matt brought out for himself. She grips the handle, murmuring to Matt to hand him the mug when he accidentally brushes her hand, a burning feeling running across her skin. 
“Why is your heart beating so fast?”
Y/N’s brows furrowed in confusion, until she noticed the tilt of his head as he listened quietly. He gripped the mug in one hand, leaning the other on the bench almost as if he was closing her in. Her heart jumps as he looks at her with that smirk that pulls at his perfect lips. His features were even more distinct and beautiful this close up. His jawline was a defined line that shaped his face, the stubble from having not shaved and the curve of those glasses that created the aura of intrigue around Matt Murdock. The thought runs through her mind of what it would be like to kiss him, but she is corrected by the logical part of her that brings her back to reality.
She shakes her head, having realized she didn’t answer his question. 
“I’m not sure.” She lied.
One of his eyebrows perked up as he pursed his lips, a teasing line on his lips but he retracts, allowing her to walk back to her desk. 
They throw around ideas for the remainder of the night as Matt paces the room. His figure fits the suit perfectly so Y/N is distracted as he paces, hands on his hips. She catches the way the shirt fits his shoulders and chest, along with the tie that hangs.  Although, it's not too far off until her eyes fall closed as the hours grow later.
“What do you think?”
Y/N blinks, dazed by the late hour and the ineffective use of caffeine at keeping her focused. “Sorry, I’m a bit tired.”
She shuts her eyes for a moment, leaning against her head on the desk. A hand meets her shoulder, gently shaking her from sleep, “Come on, I’ll walk you home.” 
Unlocking the door, Y/N leads Matt into the apartment, flicking on the light to illuminate the dark room. She wanders to the kitchen, dumping her bag and flicking on the kettle. 
“Stay for a bit?” she asks, looking over at Matt as he stands, leaning his cane against the back of a chair. 
“Sure.” he muses, allowing her to make them each a cup of tea and walk toward the couch. 
The conversation is easy enough when you spend more than eight hours working with someone. You get to know them, their sense of humor and all of their best parts. You truly grasp the parts of them that make them who they are. 
A wide grin extends her mouth as Y/N focuses on Matt. He removed his glasses, revealing those beautiful brown eyes. 
“What was your college experience like?”
Matt’s eyebrows perked up, “Spending all my time learning the law, Spanish classes and fending off college girls.” 
A bout of laughter escaped her, “Sounds about right.”
“Foggy’s pretty much the same-still annoyed and confused about that last one.” he stated, “You?”
“The same. Minus Foggy, although I have fought off a couple girls, but for different reasons, I’m sure.” 
“Sounds about right.” Matt teased.
They’re both slumped on the couch, comfortable in each other’s presence. Her arm is propped on the edge of the couch, holding her head up as she listens to Matt. The couch shifts as she feels Matt moving closer. His warm breath brushes her face as he slides a hand over her arm. Suddenly self conscious, Y/N props herself upright as Matt draws closer and his hand meets her jaw, caressing it softly. Her knee brushed against his leg until their lips were but a breath apart. She could feel the warmth of his breath on her face until he leant forward and captured her lips in a slow kiss. He was gentle and patient, taking his time as he caressed the side of her neck and brought her closer to him. Y/N’s head spun as she found herself absorbed within Matt’s skin on her own. His touch sent heat rushing through her until she found herself in his lap, leaning over him. She hummed as he deepened the kiss, his lips warm against her own until the necessity of breath and the dizzying haze of her mind caused her to pull away. 
“Wow…” she whispered, leaning her forehead on his as she sat above him. Her fingers tugged gently on the hair at the back of his head as Matt caressed her neck lovingly.
“I knew you were a good listener, but do you frequently find yourself eavesdropping on people you work with?” she teased as Matt captured her lips once more, silencing her for the moment as an intoxicating feeling came over him. 
He broke away with a slight gasp, “No, not usually. I reserve that for the people I actually like.”
“Well, I’m flattered.” she breathed out a chuckle.
“Sorry about that. I was out.” 
“...Right outside my window?”
Matt’s eyebrows perked up at the accusation, his mouth agape but he nodded his head. He’s a bit flustered for a response. There’s no reason for him to dismiss it or lie.
“I was on patrol that evening.”
Y/N hummed, moving away “I get it. You had to check if I was up to anything nefarious.”
Matt let out a shuddery breath, laughing as he tugged her back into his arms. His hands grip her waist as he tugs her into his lap, “I was making sure you got home safely, and that’s when I heard the call.”
Satisfied with his answer, she hummed, drawing her hands to rest on his chest, “So…the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen? Did you come up with that yourself?”
“More or less.” he mused, a chuckle escaping his mouth at her choked laughter.
“What?” Matt asked.
“No, nothing, it’s just-amazing.” she smiled, “The irony is incredible.”
“Why is that?” Matt paused, leaning closer as she stared at his eyes that were mostly covered by the rose coloured glasses. She wondered what it would be like to look at his beautiful features at any time of day or night. 
“Because, I'd bet you have to look a bit less angelic to supposedly hide the devil inside.”
Matt’s face sat a breath away from her, “Oh, yeah? What makes you say that?”
A giggle escaped her mouth, “For starters, your high cheekbones.” she pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Your jawline.” her lips burned against his jaw as Matt closed his eyes.
She paused for a moment, “And that smile.”
“I heard you had a thing for it.” he smirked, revelling in the way her heart-rate spiked each time he did it.
“Yeah, you would know a lot of things if you stayed for the whole thing.” she said, a realization coming into play as she paused.
Matt tilted his head toward the sound of her voice, his hand caressing her cheek and tilting it upwards, “You don’t have to say a thing.” he whispered. 
“I think I’ve said enough without even using my words.” she responded, her voice barely a whisper as she pressed a slow kiss on his lips, completely absorbed in Matt’s charm.
@ellabellabus07 @flowery-hope @juniebugg @mxgcalvi @willowpains @ithrewmyleftshoeatthehighlord @nomtterwhere @obnoxioussmiley @captainbarness @mads-weasley @juneyse @rqmanoff @cyanide-mustard @justanothermarvelfan @freyagallileaevans @whataloadofmalarkey @scxrlettlove @justifymyfeelings @tanchosanke @dontstopxx @i4maybank @nooneshappy @aiianovna @seafrost-fangirl @kerguelenn @sapphireplums @avengersgirllorianna @imma-too-many-fandoms @itscheybaby @luminaaz @sunshinee-nana @spiderlaufeyson @bimboshaggy  @angryflowergardener @whitewinter-wolf @nyxphie  @namjoonscherryblossom @pluveo @luvhiddlespugh @spidderboy @siobhanhope @simpformarvelvillians @slytherintwist @nifujiswhore @extraslutbutter @reaped-winnower @ferxaniti​ @bimboshaggy​ @farfromjustordinary​
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mizunetzu · 4 years
omg i’m so excited i like,, spam read all of your writing and now i can request,,, anyway, could i request maybe something similar to your Tanaka x femboy reader, but with Oikawa? like he mistakes him for a girl and maybe flirts with the reader a little bit and the reader i just like ,,”you do,, you do realize i am a man correct” and hijinks ensue?? sorry if this is too vague i suck at describing things. lotsa love your writing is literally my favorite 💕
Omg wait Oikawa??? And femboy reader??? Hijinks???? Take me now—
Oikawa x reader - Oikawa Tooru Goes Both Ways
⚠️warnings - reader is mistaken and referred to unintentionally as a girl. I assure you, this is a male reader. Femboy reader, if that triggers you.
Pronouns - male, he/him
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Oikawa couldn’t help but stare as a...rather cute girl stepped into the gym.
“Oi! Shittykawa! Focus!” Iwaizumi was about to hurl a volleyball at Oikawa’s head when he caught sight of where he was staring. He looked from the newcomer, back to Oikawa’s eyes tracing their form up and down.
“Iwa-chan...” Oikawa held his breath as he pointed subtly. “Who is that?”
Iwaizumi looked over back to the intruder. Sure enough, some girl with (h/c) styled hair stood at the foot of the door awkwardly. They weren’t sporting the school uniform, instead wearing a skirt with a cafe apron tied around their waist. Oikawa recognized the cute logo on the somewhat dirty apron as the coffee shop he’d visit on days he wasn’t particularly busy.
All in all, this stranger was incredibly attractive.
Eventually, coach Irihata emerged from the storage closet, and motioned the stranger over. The stranger perked up, pulled out a slightly-wrinkled paper from their back, and timpered off into the office.
Oikawa sighed dreamily. “Iwa-chan...is this what I think it is? Are we fiiiiiinally getting a cute girl manager to manage our team?!”
He draped himself over Iwaizumi’s shoulders. “Aaaaah~! I’m so happy~! And it’s such a cutie too!”
“Get off me, dumbass. You have like...millions of girls throwing their panties at you, literally all that look like her. And you go for the one who decides to join our club?”
Oikawa huffed. “What’s so wrong about that! She’s cute! And she looked so shy standing there...aaaah, I’m swooning just thinking about wrapping her up in my arms-!”
“I’m saying,” Iwaizumi bonked Oikawa on the head. “If you manage to get with her, then break her heart, or at the very least make her uncomfortable, she’ll have to see your annoying face all day at practice, and then she won’t wanna be manager anymore! Because she has to see you!”
Iwaizumi pinched at Oikawa’s scalp. “I want a cute girl manager and to have them actually stay! And who knows? We get brownie points if it’s not another one of your fangirls trying to get in your pants by joining the club!”
“Ow! Mean Iwa-chan, bad!”
“I’m not a damn Pokémon-!” Iwaizumi was about to kick Oikawa in the back, before letting himself simmer down and take a deep breath. He lowered his legs, and turned towards the office door. “...I’m gonna go look at that girl’s application and see what class she’s in. Maybe we can, I dunno, make her a welcome basket of fruit or some corny shit like that.”
“Let me come with you-!”
“No! You’ll just scare her away, and you have cleaning duty! All you need to do is take down the net, and I’ll meet you outside when I’m done. If you be good, I’ll tell you her name.”
Oikawa thought about it for a second.
He disappeared to take down the net from the poles. Iwaizumi sighed, and walked towards the door. They were the only two left in the gym, as they were in charge of cleanup for the day, so no one else but him should be in the office. Well, minus the new girl and coach Irihata.
Iwaizumi slid open the door. “Yo.” He greeted. He looked around the room, only finding coach Irihata.
“...Didn’t someone come in here with you with an application form?”
Coach Irihata chuckled. “Oh, yeah,”
“He just wanted to drop in his member application before his part-time job made him go back to work.”
Iwaizumi froze.
“Yeah, he wanted to join the club as a (Position name). He’s not confident about his jumping or spiking abilities, but he claims to be really dang good at digging and receives.”
The two looked at eachother in silence. Wasn’t she-well, he—wearing a skirt? Now that he thought about it, everything about him looked like...well...a him, minus the skirt. Iwaizumi dashed to the table and picked up the application resting there peacefully.
‘(L/n) (Y/n) - 2nd year, class 4’
‘Position - (Position name)’
Iwaizumi scanned the page. He wanted to doubt this was the ‘cute manager’ they laid their eyes on, but they even had a school photo clipped onto the corner of the paper. Sure enough, that was him. His eyes eventually landed on something printed on the middle of the page.
‘Gender - male’
That proved it. The ‘cute girl manager’ Oikawa was just fawning over turned out to be a guy. And their future teammate, no less. Iwaizumi wanted to laugh in Oikawa’s face.
“Is there something wrong, Iwaizumi-kun?”
“Pfft-no! N-no, sirrrrr....” Iwaizumi set the paper down and walked out the the room, doing his best to keep in his snickers.
Oikawa jogged up to him excitedly once he stepped out of the gym. “So? Did ya find out her name? Her class? Is she our manager?”
Iwaizumi opened his mouth to say something, before letting his mouth clamp shut.
“Nah, coach said I couldn’t see it.”
He watched as Oikawa deflated, trudging his way over to the club room to change and go home. Iwaizumi did his best not to bust out laughing on the spot.
This should be fun.
“No, you stalker.”
“But Iwa-chaaaaaan!” Oikawa whined. “Why not?! Practice ended early, and we could use some coffee! Come buy coffee with me!”
“You just wanna use me as an excuse to see that bo-that girl who came into our club yesterday, idiot! That’s stalking! You’re acting like your little fangirls!”
Oikawa pouted, and Iwaizumi prayed he didn’t catch him on his little slip-up. He turned around, walking off out of school gates. Oikawa dejectedly trailed behind him.
“I’m going home. Don’t bother me if it’s about that manager again—“
Just then, a text tone pinged from Iwaizumi’s pocket. He stopped mid-sentence, fishing out his phone and opening his messaging app.
‘Mom - no ones going to be home because we have to go out real quick. The house is locked, and you left your spare keys with me again. Go out and have fun with Tooru-kun before I come back!’
Iwaizumi deadpanned. Oikawa had his chin resting on his shoulder, with a shit-eating grin Iwaizumi didn’t even have to look at to know was there.
“Yeah, Iwa-chan. Listen to Mrs. Aina and hang out with Tooru-kun for a bit. We can go to the cafe and hang out like your she said, Iwa-chan~”
Iwaizumi pushed past Oikawa bitterly. “Don’t... fuckin’... call my mom by her name... dumbass... stalker... Shittykawa...” he grumbled as he trudged his way in the direction to the cafe. Oikawa let out a small “Yay~!”
Hiding behind the big, laminated menus the cafe provided, Oikawa kept glancing over to the cashier-area to try and find (Y/n). Iwaizumi deadpanned, sitting back in his chair nonchalantly.
“You’re acting stupid.”
“I’m being sneaky.”
“You look more suspicious than if you were to act like yourself.”
“As if you would know!” Oikawa whisper-yelled to Iwaizumi, momentarily letting his menu fall flat. “I’m trying not to get caught, unlike one of us-!”
Oikawa and Iwaizumi froze. Oikawa rigidly turned to the voice, while Iwaizumi almost fell back in his seat.
There stood the boy—well, the ‘girl’, in his work apron, this time, up close. Oikawa could see the detail in his eyes, the way a few of his hairs fell onto his face and stuck because of the small layer of sweat on his forehead, even taking in the small kitty hair clip resting in his hair.
“Hu...huaai...” Oikawa breathed out. Iwaizumi bit his lip. If he started laughing now, Oikawa would tell his mom he was bullying him again.
“Hello! I was wondering if I could get you two anything to drink! No worries if you aren’t ready to order yet.”
His voice had a soft tamber to it, a warm, welcoming aura that fit the vibe of the cafe perfectly. Iwaizumi could see how Oikawa, and probably other people, could mistake him for a girl. Especially with the way he dressed and carried himself as evident to yesterday’s practice.
Iwaizumi tilted the menu infront of him up a bit. “I’ll get a small black coffee. Whabout you, Oikawa?”
When he got no response, other than the hum of acknowledgment from (Y/n), Iwaizumi looked up. Oikawa was staring dumbly at (Y/n) again, and seconds later (Y/n) was caught under his gaze. He stared back awkwardly, waiting for Oikawa to say something or at least order something, until he suddenly jolted up in pain.
Iwaizumi dug his heel deeper into Oikawa’s foot. “Say something, dumbass! Stop staring!” He hissed, covering his mouth from (Y/n) in petty attempts to mask their conversation.
“Ow! Ow! I’ll get a peppermint tea please-! Stop it!”
(Y/n) scribbled down Oikawa’s order, smiling patiently as he did. Iwaizumi removed his foot. There was a beat of silence, until Oikawa smoothly rested his chin on his hand.
“Soooo, (L/n) (Y/n)-chan, is it?” Oikawa said, as he peered at (Y/n’s) name tag. “Pretty masculine name for a cute girl like you~”
Iwaizumi choked on his spit. (Y/n) tilted his head to the side, looking up from his notepad to peer back at Oikawa.
“What...did you say?”
“Sorry, sorry!” Oikawa rubbed the back of his head cutely. “I didn’t mean to offend you. I think (Y/n) is a cute name~”
Iwaizumi didn’t know if he wanted to die from laughter or embarrassment. He was going to pop a vein trying to keep in his cackles.
“Ah. It’s the clothes, isn’t it?” (Y/n) mused. He took a step back, looking at his rather-feminine clothing choices for the day. “I understand why. I get that a lot.”
“...What does your clothes have to do with your name?” It was Oikawa’s turn to sound confused. Iwaizumi let out a few haggard, stifled snickers at his dense expression. (Y/n) raised an eyebrow.
“You...” He pointed at himself with his pen. “You do realize I’m a man, correct?”
Oikawa choked. His eyes widened as his smile cracked a bit. Iwaizumi had to hide his face in his jacket to prevent himself from bursting out into hackles. Oikawa gave a nervous smile.
“Aha...haha...funny joke..”
“I’m not joking, though...” (Y/n) smirked. He wouldn’t deny that seeing the faces of people flirting with him after he told them he had a dick was a guilty pleasure. “Want proof?”
(Y/n) grasped Oikawa’s wrist, tugging it forcefully, and moving his apron to the side. He brought it down closer to his groin until Oikawa sputtered and flailed on the table.
“No! I-I believe you! I-I can see it from here—I don’t need to touch it-!” Oikawa shrieked. Iwaizumi clutched his stomach from laughing too hard, already given up on keeping it in. He snorted loudly, choked on that snort, and erupted into a series of cough-laughs.
By the time Iwaizumi’s laugh turned into the kind where no noise came out-but it hurt in your stomach anyways—Oikawa was laying his head on the table, embarrassed, while (Y/n) chuckled along.
“You knew, Iwa-chan! You knew!” Oikawa hissed, holding his poor, abused hand. “You set me up for failure!”
“You did that to yourself.” Iwaizumi said between breaths. “He’s actually gonna start attending practice as a (position name) starting next week. We don’t have a manager after all.”
“And you got my hopes up for what?!” Oikawa cried out, making Iwaizumi snort again. (Y/n) raised his eyebrows.
“Oikawa thought that when you came to drop your registration form in yesterday, that you were signing up to be a manager since he thought you were a girl. I saw your form though, so I knew but this guy here didn’t.”
Iwaizumi nudged at Oikawa, who was hiding his face in his hands. “You better be nice to him, though. He’s your new captain starting next week.”
“Ah! How fun! Having my new playboy captain flirt with me before I even join the club. ” (Y/n) mumbled, as he scribbled down something else in his notepad. Iwaizumi heckled when Oikawa whined with his head down.
He didn’t raise his head back up until a slip of paper was placed gently on top of his head. He heard a “I’ll go get your drink ready.” From (Y/n), before he looked up and noticed he was gone. He caught the slip of paper falling off his head as he sat up.
“What’s that?” Iwaizumi said lazily. Oikawa was staring giddily at the paper. He turned the paper around smugly, holding it up for Iwaizumi to read.
‘Call me. If you’re feeling fruity, that is. (xxx)-xxx-xxxx. -‘(Y/n)-chan’’
Iwaizumi stared at the neat handwriting, then back at Oikawa’s smug face.
“...Were you not just listening? He just tried to make you touch his dick? He’s a dude?”
“Eh. Cute girl, cute boy, he’s still cute~” Oikawa dreamily sighed as he watched (Y/n) make his tea behind the counter. “I’d still hit it till he breaks~”
“Says you.”
Oikawa earned a sharp thunk to the head.
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hpimaginesandblurbs · 3 years
Ok but can u also do this but with ron + the twins, I love ur smuts !!!!!!!
pairing: reader x ron weasley x fred weasley x george weasley 
warning(s): 18+, unprotected sex, foursome, double penetration, oral (female and male receiving), face fucking, fingering
word count: 4.2k 
a/n: soooo this is the longest thing i’ve ever written on this account but if anyone deserves it its the damn weasleys. i tried to make this as non sweet home alabama as possible and that’s probably why it’s so long. anyways, enjoy this ungodly amount of smut while i decompress. 
You had been spending a majority of your summer at The Burrow, where you boyfriend Ron lived. You spent day in and day out with him, practically on top of one another whenever you could be, but that didn’t stop you from spending time with his family. His mother was incredible, albeit a little scary at times, his father was charming, and Ginny was becoming a fast friend. But you couldn’t help the particular draw you felt towards the twins, Fred and George. 
You couldn't deny they were attractive, the genes were strong in the Weasley family. And you often did a poor job at hiding your attraction. 
You didn’t think any of them had noticed your subtle glances or blushes. Little did you know, all three of them had noticed over the few weeks you had been there. They were just waiting you out. 
Tonight you were all cozied around the fire pit, drinking some firewhiskey, taking advantage of the fact that Molly and Arthur had gone to visit Ron’s oldest brother Bill and his wife, Fluer, for the weekend. You weren’t drunk by any means, but you were certainly feeling good. 
You were cuddled up to Ron’s side, his arm slung around your shoulders, a knitted blanket draped over your laps. You were so wrapped up in your boyfriend that you had barely noticed that Fred had taken the spot on your other side until his leg brushed against yours, making you still. 
“Do you need another drink, sweetheart?” Fred asked when you finally looked his way, his face far too close to yours in the situation to be normal. 
You blushed at his proximity, but nodded. “Um, yes, thank you,” you added bashfully. 
Fred dashed a charming smile at you and placed a soft kiss to your cheek before dashing off to get you another glass of whiskey, your blush only intensifying when you felt his lips on your skin. You prayed no one could see it through the light of the fire. 
Ron tugged you back into his side and dropped his lips to your ear. “Whatever you think you’re doing, stop,” he said lowly, clearly not pleased by the situation. 
“He kissed me,” you argued softly, your head turning to press a kiss against his neck. He pulled back and shot a look down at you, his brow raised. A look you couldn’t exactly argue with. You got caught and you knew it. 
You stayed quiet, trying to keep your eyes anywhere except the two men that currently had your stomach in knots. But that effort was broken when Fred made his way back over to you, plopping down beside you. He passed you your new drink and you thanked him for it, sitting up straight to take a sip. 
You were caught off guard when you were pulled into his body and away from Ron, Fred’s strong arm now wrapped around your shoulders. 
“Have you been enjoying your summer here so far?” He asked quietly, making sure only you could hear him. 
Your eyes flitted cautiously over the group around the fire, making sure no one was noticing the strange behavior. You paused when you met George’s eyes, his own trained on the interaction between you and Fred, but you tried your best to ignore it. 
“Um, yes. You’ve all been quite lovely. I like it here,” you told him genuinely. You had been enjoying your summer despite tonights most recent turn of events. 
“Mm, good,” Fred mused, shooting another smile down at you. You couldn’t help but notice the little mischievous glint in his eyes that he got every time he was thinking something that was likely to either end brilliantly or disastourly. “I saw we play a little game. Are you in?” He asked. 
You swallowed nervously, knowing this could end very poorly. “And what is this game?” You questioned. 
“Let’s see how jealous we can get Ron,” he whispered, the smile never leaving his face. 
“I- I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” you argued, knowing fully well Ron had already told you to stop… doing whatever you were doing. 
“Oh, c’mon Y/N. Live a little. Anyhow, you already know how this is going to end,” he told you. 
“And how will this end?” You asked, raising your eyebrow at him. 
He moved closer to you, so close you could feel his breath on your face. Your whole body was hot and the blush was creeping back onto your face and you knew he could see it. 
“Judging by the noises I hear coming from his room almost every night, he’ll fuck you stupid. And I get to hear those pretty noises again,” he told you shamelessly, pulling you into him closer. 
You shot a nervous glance at Ron, only to find that he was already looking at you over the rim of his own cup, fire in his eyes. He raised a brow at you and you could see the way the corners of his lips were tugging up into a smirk, practically daring you to continue on. As if he knew exactly what you and Fred were talking about. 
“By the looks of it, he doesn’t seem to mind,” Fred added from behind you, making you whip your head around back to him. 
“Of course he’d mind. You’re his brother,” you argued incredulously, still not believing this conversation was even truly happening. 
“You think he doesn’t see the way you look at me and Georgie? You look at us like you want us to devour you,” he told you. 
You snuck a glance at George only to find that he was still looking at you. You could feel Ron’s eyes still on the back of your head. You gulped nervously, your brain short circuiting for a half a second. Did they… did they plan this? 
“I - I haven’t been -,” you went to argue, but Fred cut you off. 
“Don’t play coy with me. Maybe if you beg him nicely like I hear you do so well, he might let us join you tonight,” Fred teased, causing your core to pulse and drip with arousal at the thought. 
You could only stare back at him, his breath fanning your face as you took in his words. He knew he planted a seed in you that wouldn’t go away until it was satisfied. The smug look on his face only proved it. You didn’t get the chance to reply before you could hear Ron getting up from his place on the bench. 
“Bunny, come with me,” he said innocently enough to the ears of everyone else in the group, but you could hear the edge in his voice. 
You detangled yourself from Fred and rose up from your spot, taking Ron’s hand as he silently led you back into the house. Once you had passed through the threshold into the kitchen and away from the eyes of everyone else, he spun around to face you. 
“And what was all that about?” He asked, stepping right into your space so you had no other choice but to look up at him. 
“N-nothing. We were just having a chat,” you stuttered out, trying to not seem intimidated. 
“Wasn’t what it looked like to me. Spill it,” he said roughly, continuing to back you up until your back hit the counter, leaving you nowhere to go when his hands were placed on either side of your body. 
“Promise you won’t get mad,” you half heartedly requested. 
“Just tell me.” 
“He- he said, um, he said that we should try to make you jealous,” you told him. It wasn’t exactly a lie, but it was only a half truth at best. 
“That’s not what has you blushing like a virgin though, is it? What did he say to you?” He pressed, the fire in his eyes growing larger by the second. 
You swallowed and took a deep breath before you even opened your mouth, knowing this could only go one of two ways. He’d either blow up entirely, or you’d have a night you’d never forget. “He said that if I begged you you’d let him and George join us,” you said quickly, all in one breath. 
You shut your eyes, waiting for his response. But when a chuckle fell from his lips your eyes shot back open in shock. 
“Is that what you want, bunny? Do you want them to join us?” He asked, his eyes now more playful than they had been just seconds prior. 
“Are you serious?” You asked after a moment, you head spinning that he was just offering this to you on a silver platter. You expected yelling, anger, the whole fit. You didn’t expect a cheeky smirk and twinkling eyes. 
“Do I look like I’m joking?”  
“They’re your brothers,” you argued. Why you were even arguing this, you weren’t sure. You wanted this and he knew it and they knew it. You just couldn’t understand why he was letting it happen. 
“It’s not like I’ll be fucking them,” he said with a laugh. “So, tell me what you want.” 
“If it’s okay with you…,” you started, trailing off. You looked up at him nervously, hoping your eyes conveyed enough of a plea that he would continue agreeing with you. 
“So beg,” he said, his voice dropping low as he continued to stare down at you. 
“I’ll be good, I promise. Just this once. I just - I - please,” you said, launching right into it but quickly running out of words as you watched the smirk grow on his face. 
“Go to my room. Strip. I’ll be up in a minute,” he told you, placing a kiss on your forehead before heading back outside. You watched his figure walk away for a moment, letting your mind race until you booked it up the stairs not wanting to wait any longer for the night to truly begin. 
You were waiting in your position on the bed for what felt like hours, but you knew it had only been a few minutes before you heard multiple sets of footsteps coming up the stairs. You moved to cover your chest when you heard the doorknob turn, unsure if you should be exposed or not right away. 
Ron came in first but left the door open just enough so your guests could hear. “Last chance, bun. Do you want this?” He asked, slowly coming over to rest his hands on the bed, leaning over slightly so his tall form was eye level with you. 
You knew it wasn’t your last chance to say no, but it was your last chance before the twins waltzed in. 
You took a shaky breath and nodded your head, saying “Yes,” loud enough so Fred and George could hear. 
The door was opening once more, the twins walking through, both pairs of eyes immediately on you. When the door shut, you stared up at them, unsure what to do or say, but their matching smirk told you they already had plans. 
Ron walked around the bed until he crawled on to it behind you, his legs bracketing your hips as you knelt between his spread thighs. 
“Let them see you,” he coaxed gently, hands coming around you to grip your forearms. 
He only put a light pressure on your skin, letting you move on your own as you exposed your chest to them. They took you in with hungry eyes but they didn’t move from where they both stood before you, waiting. 
“All of you,” Ron spoke again, his hands trailing down to your thighs, gently prying them apart. 
You leaned back and hid your face in his neck as he repositioned you, unable to look the two men in the eyes as your entire body got exposed to them. You knew you were a dripping mess over the situation and the embarrassment of it being so obvious made you squirm. 
“Fuck, Y/N, you’re more perfect than I imaged,” you heard George say, the bed dipping down infront of you. 
Your eyes snapped to him, watching him as he looked down at your glistening sex. His eyes were hungry when they met yours, desperate. Probably the exact mirror of your own. 
“Can I touch you?” George asked, his fingers twitching against the sheets, waiting. 
“Please,” you begged, wanting nothing more than for one of them to do anything right now. 
George wasted no time in bringing his fingers directly to your cunt, trailing one long finger through your slit while his thumb trailed soft circles onto your clit. You couldn’t hold back the moan that fell from your lips when he pushed his finger in, immediately searching for you g-spot. 
As if your noises were a cue for Fred, the bed dipped on your other side and without a word, he was kissing down your chest. Soon enough, he was attacking your nipples when George was working your from the inside out. Your back was arching and your hips were moving at their own volition, unable to stop yourself under their ministrations.
“Does that feel good?” George asked you softly, placing kisses on your shoulder. 
When you only nodded, Ron grabbed your chin and forced you to look directly at George. “I won’t remind you again, bunny. Use yours words,” he said sweetly, but you knew there was danger laced in his words. You knew better than anyone else what he could do to you if he reminded you one more time. 
“Yes. Feels so good. Please don’t stop,” you told George, already breathless from the three men surrounding you. 
You felt Fred chuckle against your skin and you knew the smirk George was wearing was only mimicked by Ron’s behind you. They knew exactly what they were doing to you. 
You couldn’t stop the whine that left you when George removed his hand, but your eyes lit up when you saw him go to kneel at the edge of the bed. He pulled up his to the edge, draped your legs over his shoulder, and started trailing kitten licks all along your slit until his tongue was swirling around your clit. 
You held fell back against Ron’s shoulder, a moan falling from your lips as Fred moved to your other side to attack your opposite nipple. 
“Having fun?” Ron asked, beaming down at you. 
You nodded breathlessly, your eyes rolling back in your head with a flushed smile on your face. “Want you too,” you told him. 
“Of course you do, my greedy girl,” Ron mused, his finger coming to tilt your lips back and locking your lips in a kiss. 
Your body was overwhelmed with just their lips. You weren’t sure how you would handle it when their pants came off. 
Your hips were grinding down onto George’s face without you sparing it a second thought and you kept pushing your chest into Fred’s lips, your entire body grinding back on Ron’s body. 
“She tastes like fucking heaven,” George said, finally coming up for a breath. His entire chin was soaked in his own saliva and your juices and his eyes were blown with lust. 
Ron made a noise of agreement that was swallowed up by your lips, but you were ripped away from your boyfriend by George’s grip on your neck. He pulled you into a kiss with him, tasting yourself on his tongue, as Fred trailed kisses down your body until he was getting a taste of you for himself. 
Fred quickly brought you your orgasm, his tongue so deep inside of you that your toes were curling. Your hands had a monster grip on Ron’s thighs and every noise you made got swallowed by George, his lips hot on yours. 
You finally relaxed your body against Ron’s, his chest being the perfect place to settle against, as your body calmed down. 
“Think you can handle all three of us?” Fred asked cheekily, looking up at you from his place on the floor. 
You gave a shaky nod, but in your head you were unsure how this would even work. You never thought you’t get this far to even have considered it. 
That line of thought was abruptly cut off when Ron grabbed your hair and yanked back so you were looking up at him again. “What did I say about using your words?” He asked darkly.
“Yes, I want to. I can,” you got out breathlessly, still basking in the sting of your scalp. 
“Good,” Ron said, now satiated with your words. “Get on your hands and knees for us, bunny.” 
He gave you one last searing kiss before releasing you, letting you adjust your own shaky limbs on the bed until you were in the position he instructed you to be in. As you did that, the boys began stripping themselves of their clothes, Fred and George both strategically in your line of sight depending on which way you turned your head. 
You watched as they both ripped their shirts over their heads, a sight you were accustomed to thanks to many sweaty afternoons in the yard playing Quidditch. But you didn’t know where to look as they peeled down their jeans and briefs, relieving both of their impressive lengths. They were both around the same length, but Ron was thicker than both of them. No matter what, you knew you’d be sore in the morning. 
“This is how it’s gonna work, bunny,” Ron said, finally rounding the bed so he could see you. “I’m gonna fuck this pretty little cunt,” he told you, adding emphasis of his possession when he bent over and easily hooked two fingers inside of you, pressing directly on your g-spot. You jumped at the abrupt action, but you never broke your eye contact with him.
“Fred’s going to fuck that tight ass,” he continued, and you watched as Fred rounded the bed until he was behind you. 
“And George is gonna fuck that cute face,” Ron finished, George coming up on the other side of you to grip your face to force you to look at him. 
“Does that sound good, sweetheart?” George asked, looking down at you fondly. 
“Yes, fuck. Please,” you said, your hips beginning to move against nothing now that Ron had removed his fingers, searching for any ounce of friction you can get. 
They moved in almost perfect sync. Ron maneuvered his way underneath you swiftly, George pulled your head off to the side so your mouth was lined up with the tip of his cock, and you could feel Fred’s lube covered fingers breach the entrance of your tightest hole all at once. You were overwhelmed in the best way, unsure what to do with yourself but totally just along for whatever ride they were about to bring you on. 
When Ron fucked up into you roughly, George immediately pushed your head down to feel the full effects of your moan of his cock, causing a shiver to run through his body. They were practically fucking your mouth and core in tandem, one pulling out while the other brutally thrust in. 
You felt as if you were splitting open for them already, but when Fred’s cock finally lined up with your entrance and began pushing in, you practically saw stars. 
George let you pull away from him for a moment so you could breath through the new pressure inside of you, your head now buried in Ron’s neck as you panted and moaned. Ron had slowed down his thrusts to match with Fred, balancing you on the precipice of pain and pleasure. 
“You’re doing so fucking good for us, Y/N. Just give it a minute and it’ll feel so good. You’re gonna be so pretty when you cum for us,” Ron mused quietly in your ear, knowing that you’d latch on to his voice to get you through the intensity. 
Finally, your hips starting moving against theirs, a silent signal you were ready for them to fuck you, all three of them truly went wild with you body. 
George dragged your face back over to him, letting you do your own thing but keeping a steady hand in your hair in case you tried to pull away. Ron and Fred were fucking into you in perfect sync, pulling out and fucking into you at the same time. 
It was so intense you were shaking, only being held up by three strong pairs of hands at this point. But you couldn’t hide how good it was making you feel. Even as deep as George’s cock was down your throat, it was barely muffling the screams of pleasure you were giving them. You just hoped someone remembered to cast a silencing charm. 
You could hear them talking around you, a mix of praises directed at you and words shared between themselves. “Fuck, you feel so good” and “Just like that” mixed with “She feels like fucking heaven” and “Her mouth is a dream”. You could barely hear them over the blood pumping through you, but you knew you’d remember it later with a blush and a smile. 
“Fuck, you’re gonna make me cum. Swallow it all for me,” George told you, bruising your hair out of your sweaty face. You felt the unmistakable twitch of his cock just before he spilled his cum inside of your mouth and fucked it down your throat, giving you no choice but to follow his request. He came with one of the prettiest noises you had ever heard, and you knew you’d want to hear it again someday if you were lucky enough. 
You pulled away from George panting, finally able to have a minute to catch your breath as Fred and Ron continued to pound furiously into you, your body jolting with every deliberate thrust. 
“Ron, please I’m so close,” you begged, for what you weren’t entirely sure, but you knew he’d know what to do. All you could focus on was how close you were, how tightly you were gripping both of your cocks, and trying your best to balance on shaky arms so you didn’t collapse. 
Without missing a beat, Ron turned his head to George. “Touch her clit,” he told him, finally sounding breathless from all the work he was putting in. 
Fred’s arms came around you to pull you up until your back was against his chest, giving George full access to your most sensitive spot. 
“Cum for us. Show us how much you loved this and cum for us,” Fred said low in your ear. 
Your eyes never left Ron’s as all three of them worked you closer and closer to the edge. As much as the twins were turning you on, this orgasm was for you boyfriend. Everyone you had was. He was the one that let this happen. Let them take you like this. And he was the one currently fucking your g-spot with every thrust it made your head spin. 
“Cum for me” was all Ron had to say, seeing and feeling just how close you were, for you to explode. 
Your vision went white and your whole body shook, the only thing keeping you grounded was Fred’s warm chest pressed against you. You knew the scream you were hearing was your own, but you couldn’t keep it quiet no matter how hard you tried. You pulsed around their cocks, milking them of their own orgasms as you were going through yours. You felt their cum fill you completely, another moan leaving your mouth at how erotic it felt. 
When you finally felt as though you had come back down to real life, you were settled against Ron’s chest, his cock still in you, while the twins were busying themselves with getting dressed. They were talking quietly while Ron ran his hand up and down along your back, just waiting until you were finally back in the present. 
George was the first one to notice your eyes had opened again when he finally got his pants back on. He walked over to the bed and knelt down so he was almost eye level with you. 
“That was wonderful, darling. You were perfect,” he told you, placing a quick kiss to your forehead before righting himself only for Fred to take his place. 
“What he said,” Fred told you with a smirk and mimicking his twin's kiss to your forehead. “We’ll see you two lovebirds in the morning,” he added with a wink. 
They both made their way out of the room, the door clicking behind them, leaving you and Ron in a blissed out silence. 
“Did you have fun?” He finally asked, tilting his neck so he was looking down at you. 
“I did. Thank you,” you said with a soft smile. 
“My girl always gets what she wants. You just have to ask, bunny,” He said, placing a kiss on your nose. 
When you moved your lips up to move against his, he stopped you with a chuckle. “No offense but my brother did just cum in your mouth. So let’s go get you cleaned up so I can kiss you properly, yeah?” He asked, wrapping a blanket around you so he could get you down the hallway and into the bathroom. 
“I thought you weren’t going to be weird about it,” you grumbled under your breath as he adjusted you in his arms, carrying you bridal style. 
“That’s different and you know it,” he said defensively as he made his way for the door, making you giggle.
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marvelous-harry · 3 years
Can you write something of where the reader has been busy with work the past couple of days and hasnt really gotten time to spend time with harry and harry gets all upset over it. and the reader comes home from work that day in a bad mood since she’s annoyed with her boss and she accidentally snaps at harry and he gets all emotional. and then he tells her that he missed her and then she takes care of him. sub harry pls and mommy kink. thank uuu
Making Up & Making Out Sub!Harry/Mommy!Dom!Fem!Reader Words: 2K Warnings: Sub!Harry, Mommy!Kink Summary: After an exhausting week at work your temper is fried and you take it out on Harry. You make it up to him though. A/N: Thank you so much for all the love and support. Hit 300 followers yesterday and I just can't believe it. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Closing the front door with way too much force, I let my handbag fall to the floor as I leaned on the door and tried to calm down. Annoyance was bubbling inside of me as I thought about work. Slipping off my coat, I hung it up with a tired sigh.
“You’re home!” Harry said as he came running down the stairs. “What do you want for dinner? I can make anything you want!” he said excitedly as he came closer.
“Just give me a minute, Harry! I’m going to get out of these clothes and have a shower. I just need a second to myself, my boss has been a bitch all week and I just need to be alone right now, okay?!” I snapped at him as I marched up the stairs and into the bedroom. I barely heard the quiet little “yes, Mummy,” from Harry before I closed the door behind me.
Kicking off my shoes, I walked into the master bathroom and turned the shower on, letting the water get warm as I started taking off my clothes. Letting out a frustrated grunt as one of the buttons on my shirt was ripped off and bounced on the bathroom tiles till it came to a standstill just by the clothes hamper.
Sitting down on the edge of the bathtub, I sighed as I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Harry’s quiet little “yes, Mummy,” was ringing in my head as his dejected look was in the forefront of my mind. The more I thought about it, the more guilty I felt. Hell, if Harry had spoken to me like that I probably would’ve spanked him for it.
Standing up, I turned the shower off and headed out of the bathroom. Walking down the stairs, I followed the noise into the kitchen. “Hey,” I said softly as I stepped over to Harry, pressing a kiss to his back and noted that he was wearing one of my hoodies.
“I thought maybe you’d like some tea after your shower so you could enjoy it in bed or something,” Harry mumbled quietly as he stared at the kettle he’d filled up and turned on.
Sighing, I gave him a little hug before turning him around. “Thank you, baby. That’s so sweet of you,” I told him as I looked him over. He was chewing on one of the strings to my hoodie, he had bags under his eyes and his eyes were slightly red like he had been crying.
“I’m so sorry I snapped at you, that was so rude of me,” I told as I took the string out of his mouth and stroked his cheek with my thumb.
“It’s okay, you had a bad day,” he mumbled as he closed his eyes and leaned into my hand.
“It’s not okay. That’s not how we talk to each other no matter how sucky our day has been. I am really sorry, baby. You just wanted to say hi and I shut you down,” I gave him a little smile as I pulled him in for a tight hug. “You look very pretty in my hoodie,”
Harry wrapped his hands around me tightly as he put his head on my shoulder. “I just missed you so much this week I started putting on your clothes so I could smell like you,” he said quietly.
I rubbed his back gently as I felt myself tearing up. “Mummy’s been very busy this week, hasn’t she? Not spent a lot of time with you,”
“Yeah. Very busy so I missed you loads and loads,” Harry whimpered. “I, um was so excited for you to come home today cause it’s the weekend now so you don’t have to work, and neither do I,” he continued.
“And I greeted you by snapping at you, oh honey,” I said sadly, feeling awful. “I’m so excited to spend the next few days with you though. Just you and me,” I mused as I pulled back slightly and stroked his cheeks with my thumbs. “I love you, baby. I hope you never doubt that for even a second,” I told him as I looked him in the eyes.
Harry gave me a little smile. “I love you too,” he replied before jumping slightly as the kettle started whistling, letting us know it was done. “Do you want your tea now or after your shower?” he asked as he turned around and reached out for my favorite teacup.
“You know what? I think I’ll have it after I shower,” I hummed as I grabbed his hand, stopping him from grabbing the cup. “But I also think we should probably get a little bit messier first. Make sure that we really justify having a shower,” I said, pulling him in for a kiss
Our mouths were open as our lips pressed together. Just small kisses at first, pressing our lips together softly, both of us keeping our eyes closed. But steadily our kisses grew greedier. Longer. Harder.
Moving my hand to his hip, I snuck my hand under the hoodie he was wearing and stroked his bare skin, smirking against his lips as he shuddered.
“Mumma,” Harry whispered, raising his hands as I grabbed the bottom of the hoodie and took it off him.
“God, you’re so beautiful, baby,” I said as I ran my hands over his muscly chest, my eyes darting from tattoo to tattoo. Pulling him for a quick kiss, I took his hand and laced our fingers together. “Come on, we need a bed for all the things I want to do to you,” I told him with a grin.
Heading up the stairs quickly, I dragged him into the bedroom before pushing him onto the bed. I kept eye contact with him as I started unbuttoning my shirt. He was biting his lip as his eyes would dart down every now and then to have a look as I slowly got my shirt off.
Letting it fall to the floor, I stepped closer to the bed and grabbed the hem of his shorts and his boxers before pulling them down and off.
“I love you like this,” I teased as I looked down at him. “On your back, legs spread, hands lying by your side, eyes watching my every move,” I said while unbuttoning my slacks and opening the zipper. “Your cock resting against your stomach. Leaking and twitching as it gets harder and harder, begging to be touched. But you won’t touch will you?” I asked, pushing down my slacks.
Harry whimpered as he shook his head. “No, Mummy. I won’t,” he replied quickly, taking a shaky breath as I teased my fingertips over his cock.
“And why is that, baby?” I asked as I wrapped my fingers around it, just holding it as I looked at his face.
“Cause it belongs to you Mumma, so you decide if and when I get to touch it,” Harry muttered out, a nice blush spreading up from his chest to his face.
“That’s right. Good boy,” I praised him while stroking my thumb over his cock head. “You’ve been so patient and so good,” I smiled as his cock twitched in my hand while Harry moaned.
“I’ve been trying,” Harry mumbled, looking up at me as I let go of his cock and pushed my underwear down.
“Move to the middle of the bed, stay on your back,” I ordered him and watched as he eagerly shuffled around to get into position.
Getting up on the bed, I straddled his hips and let my pussy rest against his cock as I leaned down and started kissing him again. “You can touch, baby,” I whispered against his lips before using my teeth to pull on his bottom lip before kissing him hard.
Harry’s hands went straight to my hips and stroked over my thighs and back up my sides to squeeze my breasts. “Please, Mummy. Need you,” Harry said with a groan.
I had started moving my hips slightly, dragging my pussy lips over his cock, making it wet with my slick. “You want to fuck me, baby? Have your cock inside Mumma?” I asked with a slight smirk as I continued rubbing off against his cock.
“Yes, please! Been forever, please, want to fuck you so bad,” Harry whimpered as he grabbed my hips but he didn’t try and stop my movement or speed them up.
“It has been a while, Mummy has been too busy fucking you to let you fuck me,” I chuckled as I rose up on my knees slightly and put my hand down, and grasped Harry’s cock. Angling it up, I bit down on my lip as I slowly lowered myself down on him.
“Forgotten how big you are,” I groaned when finally had all of him in me.
“Forgotten how tight and warm and wet you are,” Harry whimpered as he squeezed his eyes shut. “Feel like I’m going to cum already, Mummy,” he whined.
I couldn’t help but laugh at his whining. “Well you better not cum just yet, pet,” I said and started moving my hips, putting my hands on his chest for stability. Moving my hips faster, I closed my eyes as I tried to find the right angle and pace. “Fuck,” I whispered and pulled off him quickly.
“What?” Harry asked confused and sat up slightly.
“You’re going to fuck me like this,” I told him as I lied down and spread my legs, my hands fondling my breasts before I reached down and stroked my clit slowly. “Well come on then,” I said as Harry still hadn’t moved.
“Yes, Mumma!” Harry said quickly as he got up on his knees and moved in between my legs. He looked me in the eyes as he slowly pushed his cock back into me.
“Good boy, that’s it. Now fuck Mummy hard, want to feel you for days,” I said while pulling him down for a kiss while wrapping my legs around him. We both moaned as Harry managed to push in even deeper.
“Love you, love your pussy so much,” Harry moaned as he started moving faster, putting his hands down for support so he could thrust in as deep as possible.
“Making me feel so good, baby. You going to cum inside me? Fill me up with your cum?” I asked with a moan, rubbing at my clit quickly as I looked at him. His arms were all flexed as he leaned on them and there was a slight layer of sweat on his chest. He looked so fucking sexy.
“Please,” he moaned and did a little nod before putting his head down and capturing one of my nipples in his mouth. Sucking on it eagerly, Harry kept on fucking into me fast.
Moaning, I grabbed onto his head and tugged on his hair. “Fuck, so good. Going to cum, don’t stop,” I gasped.
Harry flicked his tongue over my nipple and sucked hard. “Fucking fuck!” I screamed as I tightened my legs around him and pulled his head against my chest as my orgasm ripped through me. “Oh my god,” I moaned and pulled Harry up so I could kiss him.
“Need to cum, Mumma,” He mumbled as he snapped his hips back and forth. “Please? Can I?” he begged in between kisses.
“Go on, pet,” I panted and watched him closely as his eyes closed and his brows furrowed slightly. Yanking on his hair hard I clenched my pussy around his cock hoping to bring him over the edge.
“Mumma!” Harry gasped as he pushed in deep and held still as he moaned loudly, shooting his cum deep into me.
“Good boy, such a good boy for me,” I whispered as Harry lied down on top of me, whimpering as he pressed his face up against my neck. “Shhh, I got you,” I said softly while stroking his hair and back.
“I love you so much,” he said quietly, letting out a little sigh as he relaxed.
Smiling, I pressed a kiss to his cheek. “I love you too, baby,”
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
Morning Routine Pt.2 (Jung Wooyoung) Rated
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Part One
Pairing: Videographer! Wooyoung × Camgirl! Reader (Female)
Genre: Smut, Fluff.
Summary: Loving his new job as the videographer for a camgirl, Wooyoung has no idea about the new project she has in mind for her channel.
Word Count: 4.3+K
Warnings: Non-established relationship, p*rn filming, use of sex toys, exhibitionism, voyeurism, masturbation, fingering, handjob, p*rn viewing, unprotected shower sex (always use protection), slight degradation, multiple orgasm (female) these horny mfs can't keep their hands off each other, Y/N has a thing for Wooyoung's arms (who doesn't?)
Taglist: @seacottons @little-precious-baby @yunhofingers @galaxteez @multidreams-and-desires @brie02 @deja-vux @couchpotatoaniki @daniblogs164 @a-soft-hornytiny @yunsangoveryonder @minhyukmyluv @nanamarkie @mingismoon @ateezbabysitters
Wooyoung threw his head back, eyes shut as his mouth uttered out some rather loud and harsh grunts. Tiny sweat beads formed along his hairline, his forehead creasing slightly as he fully immersed himself on stroking his hard length. His head was filled with images of the previous night with his new housemate, images of her dressed in the most alluring black playboy bunny outfit bodysuit, completed with ears, collar, cuffs and everything else. It was like a dream come true, watching her look extremely pretty as she played around with her pussy in front of him as he filmed her. To continue the bunny theme, she had taken out her pink rabbit vibrator, making sure to tease him, and her viewers later, by licking the longer part of the device, covering it in her spit before inserting it inside her tight little hole. Wooyoung would never get the picture out of his head as he witnessed her overstimulating herself over and over until she had tears brimming down her cheeks.
"Oh fuck! Fuck! I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna-" She gasped violently as tiny spurts of her orgasm squirted out, staining the carpet underneath her. Wooyoung didn't even know that she was capable of squirting like that, but it was the most erotic thing he had ever seen before his eyes.
"Holy shit."
Just remembering that image had him holding himself up on the vanity counter with his free hand, the other furiously pumping his shaft with intensity as his white semen started to pour out of him and spill onto the floor. He panted heavily as he came down from his high, chest heaving up before lowering back down. Wiping the sweat off his forehead, he grabbed a couple of tissues and proceeded to clean up the mess he had made, discarding the waste into the basket underneath the vanity. Pulling his pants back up and throwing on his black sweater, he looked at his reflection in the mirror one last time, only needing to fix the part on his growing black hair. Satisfied with how he looked, he came out of the bathroom and picked up his bag that he had laid out on his bed, books and materials ready for the day.
Stepping out of his room, he had to do a step back when a certain feline scared him by her mere presence outside his door, meowing loudly at him, almost like a whine.
"Oh god, don't scare me like that Baby." Smiling he stooped down to try and pet her head, but in her usual fashion, she hissed at him before scurrying off. Wooyoung let out a sigh and shook his head.
"One week after moving here and she still treats me so coldly." He didn't understand what was up with that cat, seemingly warming up to him only to revert back to her aggresive behavior.
As soon as he stepped into the kitchen, his face broke out into a smile as the object of his deepest fantasies and affection was currently standing in front of the sink again, finishing up her task of drying the dishes she had just meticulously washed, wearing nothing but one of his oversized shirts and cotton underwear. Coming up behind her, his hands cupped at her waist as his lips pressed themselves against her cheek.
"Took you a while to come out." She chuckled softly, knowing exactly what he had been doing in the bathroom.
"Morning to you too beautiful." He greeted her, lips pulling away only to dive into the side of her neck.
"Woo, you're going to be late for school." She reminded him yet made no effort to push him off her, enjoying the way his hands caressed her hips too much.
"No I'm not, I still got plenty of time."
Turning her around, he wasted no time in connecting their lips together, parting and closing them over hers in a fervent and needy way. Y/N couldn't suppress a moan when one of his hands dropped in between her thighs and caressed its way up. His palm started to rub her clothed heat, paying close attention to the wet spot starting to form at the bottom of them. Y/N gasped into Wooyoung's mouth when he suddenly slipped his hand inside her panties, fingers immediately working on her clit.
"Wooyoung please.." She whimpered, hands clutching onto his arms. Even through the fabric of his thick sweater, she could still feel the muscles of his strong biceps and that turned her on even more. Her hands grazed across his arms, and Wooyoung chuckled lowly as he knew what she was doing.
"Love my arms babygirl? Yes you do, especially when they're manhandling you down on the bed."
It was a good thing his arms were holding her up because she nearly fell to the floor as her mind recalled all the times she had been pinned down to her bed or to wall by Wooyoung's biceps. It was a borderline fetish now and she was not ashamed of it. Y/N began whining as Wooyoung's fingers continued playing with her little nub.
"Woo..." Her breath hitched, a sign she was about to cum, body growing hotter by the second.....
Until a disgruntled cat broke the two apart, pouncing on Wooyoung from behind as her claws dug into his thighs as they usually tended to do.
"Oh my god Baby would you kindly fuck off?!" Wooyoung exclaimed as he backed away from his lover in pain as he tried to get the Persian cat off his body.
Y/N immediately went over and grabbed her, her master's touch making her calm down and retract her claws enough to pry her off Wooyoung. The poor boy was rubbing on the attacked spot, face grimacing at the dull pain. Looking back, he narrowed his eyes at the cat, who likewise had her pupils turning into slits when she noticed him glaring.
"God dammit, can't even play with my favorite pussy because that demon pussycat wants to be a cockblocker."
As if understanding him, the cat hissed at him once more, body trying to jump out of Y/N's arms and no doubt lunge at the man in front of her.
"Ok ok that's enough. I think you need some catnip to help calm you down." Y/N kissed the top of her pet's head, trying hard to appease her.
"And you should probably start heading to school. Don't waste anymore time."
Wooyoung grabbed his bag again and slumped it over his shoulder.
"Fine, only cause you ask me to."
He came up to try and kiss her goodbye, but when the feline got agitated once more, he decided against it.
"Ok I'll see you later." Wooyoung waved at her.
"Don't forget, we're filming something else later tonight as well." Y/N smirked, petting the top of her cat's head in a comically fashion.
"Oh please, do tell me what my favorite porn star is planning." His teeth tugged at his bottom lip as he stared her up and down.
Holding a finger up to her lips, Y/N giggled.
"It's a surprise and you get to find out when you come back."
With eyes glued to the screen, Wooyoung continued to edit the video in front of him. He had been so immersed in his other endeavors with Y/N that he had nearly abandoned his other pending projects he needed to turn in. Luckily for him, it was rather easy since they weren't that difficult. The hard part was trying to ignore his classmates that were sitting and hovering around the computer next to him, giggling and snorting amongst themselves.
"Honestly, where's that mean, grouchy librarian when you need her to shut some idiots up?" Wooyoung thought to himself, twirling the pencil that was currently held between his index and middle finger.
Judging by the tiny crowd next to him and the weird moans faintly coming out of the speaker, he knew for sure that they were definitely not watching something family friendly.
"Typical." He mused to himself, humming out a little tune in hopes of drowning out their incessant and lewd chatter.
"Ok but guys, I need to introduce you all to this really hot camgirl I recently found. You won't believe it." One of the older guys named Seonghwa lightly pushed his way in the middle, fingers delicately typing away at the keys in front of him. Scrolling down for a while, he found what he was looking for and promptly clicked on it.
"This was her most recent one. Literally uploaded last night."
Although the volume was turned significantly low so that nobody suspected anything, Wooyoung's ears perked up as they distinguished an extremely familiar voice whispering obscene and dirty phrases towards her audience, ones that had been repeated over and over in his head for a while. Slightly pushing his chair away from the table, Wooyoung leaned back and tilted his head as unsuspecting as he possibly could to look over and get a glimpse of what his classmates were looking at. Just as he suspected, on the screen was none other than his beloved roommate in the attire she had worn the previous night. His face blushed slightly and he quickly looked away, afraid of getting caught looking over at their direction.
"Damn she's smoking hot." A classmate his age, Mingi spoke up.
"You know I'm more of a cat person, but fuck. I'd let that bunny hop herself on my lap and rut her sweet little ass on my cock."
Wooyoung's thumb pressed hard against the pencil he was holding, a tiny vein popping out of his neck that showed his displeasure at hearing such things being said about his fuck buddy.
"Keep dreaming Choi San." Wooyoung muttered under his breath in a passive aggressive tone.
"Ok but seriously, who's the bastard that gets to film her videos?" Mingi asked, a hand coming up to push up the glasses that were falling low on his nose bridge.
"Whoever he is, he's seriously one lucky guy." Seonghwa stated with a gloomy look.
"Yeah. Probably gets to jerk himself right in front of her as he's filming no doubt." San huffed, voice clearly laced with envy.
Wooyoung tried but failed in keeping a straight face, a smug grin appearing on his lips as he continued his task at hand.
"No but I get her to help me out after each session." He seriously wanted to say that out loud, but he contented himself with that knowledge that was a secret between him, Y/N and her cute yet menacing cat.
"Fuck it, I'm subscribing to her channel. Do you know when her next video will be up?" San whipped out his phone, tapping away at the keyboard as he looked up Y/N's camgirl profile on the website.
"I don't know but she's been a lot more active recently, posting a lot more content than before." Seonghwa answered.
"Great, cause I can't wait for her next project."
Wooyoung laughed inside himself when he heard San say that
"Trust me, neither can I...."
With the camera held in his hands and the all too familiar throbbing inside his pants, Wooyoung kept his gaze locked on Y/N as she was spread across her bed. If he thought she looked stunning the night before, it was nothing compared to what she had on at the moment. Her body was exceptional beautiful in the glittering body chain lingerie consisting of a silver rhinestone bra that had a connecting waist belt with metallic tassels dangling from the ends. To top it all off, not only was her makeup more extravagant than the ordinary, but she had even gone as far as applying sparkling highlighter on some parts of her body like her shoulders, collarbone and the top of her breasts. She truly looked like an ethereal queen, one that many people would love to get a glimpse of up close and personal.
Y/N was a mess of stuttering gasps and whiny moans as she continued bouncing herself on the 8" dildo in between her thighs. She often open her eyes and look at the camera with a hazy look while adding a few comments that were bound to rile her viewers even further.
"I'm so close. I'm gonna cum...." She exhaled deeply, teeth biting harshly down at her lip.
"Are you gonna cum with me?"
Wooyoung felt like he very well could cum untouched just by the sheer sight of her. The dildo was lodged so deep inside of her, one could see it bulge out of her lower abdomen. She herself knew it as well as her hand brushed along the outline of it.
"Your cock feels so good inside me, I don't think I can hold off any longer."
With hands firmly pressed on the mattress to hold her up, she fucked herself so roughly down onto the sex toy, her cries becoming more loud and staggered.
"Oh fuck! Cum with me! Please cum inside this pussy of mine." She pleaded.
She collapsed on the bed after reaching an intense high, her mouth agape as she took in deep breaths to calm her heated body. Reaching down, she pulled out the dildo, a thin clear line of arousal coming out as well. Holding it up, she waved it in front of the camera, knowing fully well Wooyoung had zoomed in close to her face.
"Until next time my darlings." She giggled and gave an expert wink at the lenses in front of her.
"And cut."
As soon as he said those words, Y/N sat up and took hold of Wooyoung's arm rather sharply, pulling him so he could follow her into her bathroom.
"Whoah, still got energy left after that show princess?" He snorted when she closed the door behind them.
Huffing softly, she took the camera out of his hands and carefully placed it on the vanity counter.
"I'm sticky, sweaty and in need of a shower." Within giving any other explanation, she began unzipping Wooyoung's pants and sliding then down his legs.
"And I'm here because....?" Although he knew very well why she dragged him with her, he still loved feigning like he didn't know what she was up to.
"Because showers are a lot more fun when you have company." Looking up at him, she smiled and tapped on the bottom of his shirt, a signal for him to remove it, which he of course did.
After a pile of clothes was accumulated neatly and tossed in a corner, the two individuals stepped inside the glass surrounded shower. Turning it on to a cool temperature, both of them emitted soft sighs at the feeling of the refreshing water pouring down their bodies. Taking hold of her pink and soft sponge, Wooyoung took it upon himself to clean her body of the sparkling residue left from the makeup. Making sure to create as much lather as possible, he began to gently swipe the sponge across her body with slow and gentle movements, being careful with her skin lest he accidentally scrubbed too hard. Y/N would never admit it out loud, but she loved having intimate moments like this with him. Taking showers together just because, without needing anything to happen between them. Cooking together, which she ended up finding out Wooyoung was an above average cook, which added to his fatal charms that had her melting for him. Or just cuddling together on the couch as a movie played, more often than not ending with one of them on the floor after they decided to start play wrestling amongst themselves, both of them in fits of giggles afterwards.
After making sure to cover her body with the floral scented soap, Wooyoung stepped back and moved her so the majority of the shower head was aimed at her, rinsing off the foam around her body. Watching it trail off her figure and down the drain, he let out a satisfied smile at his work.
"All better?"
Instead of answering, Y/N came up to him and rested her head on his chest, eyes closing as her hands took hold of his arms to wrap them around her. Getting the hint, Wooyoung held her body against his, fingers lightly running themselves down her back in soothing strokes. Reaching up, her hands came up to rest against the muscles on his upper arms, fingers tapping against his skin every now and then. Wooyoung couldn't help but laugh softly when he felt her grip tighten around them.
"What exactly is it about my arms that makes you horny over them?" He questioned her.
Frowning slightly, Y/N pulled away to look at him.
"I do not get horny over your arms, excuse me." She defended herself against what she considered to be slanderous talk.
Quirking an eyebrow up, Wooyoung let out a scoff.
"Oh really? Then tell me everytime I wear a sleeveless shirt, you're practically drooling and keep your eyes off them?"
It was a good thing there was water splashing all over them or else Y/N wouldn't have been able to camouflage the subtle blush that appeared on her cheeks.
"I do not." She interjected.
Shaking his head in a teasing fashion, Wooyoung leaned in and pecked her lips.
"Beg your pardon miss, but I've seen the way you eye them, especially during my workouts."
Making sure to flex his muscles, Wooyoung gripped her tighter against his body, pressing her unbelievably close as his arms encapsulated most of her body, leaving her slightly out of breath from the tight squeeze he gave her.
"Is it cause you like having me smother you in an embrace with them?"
Wanting to play around with her even more, he suddenly pressed her back against the tile wall, arms coming down to place themselves at the back of her thighs.
"Or cause you like it when I man handle you like this?"
Y/N groaned when she felt Wooyoung's mouth start pressing kisses along her jaw and neck, tilting it back so he could have more space to work with. He chuckled when he felt her breath hitch.
"You're so easy to rile up beautiful." He pointed out in a cocky manner.
Not wanting to let him get away with his behavior, Y/N slid a hand down his chest before taking hold of his dick, making it spring back to life and get hard once more after forgetting how aroused it was when the cold water splashed onto it. She made sure to pump it vigorously, causing Wooyoung to pull back and moan loudly at her ministrations.
"I could say the same about you handsome. Just one brush of my hand against your thighs and your little friend comes up to greet me."
Closing her lips over his, any sound about to escape was muffled by her tongue which slid its way inside his mouth, massaging itself against his own wet muscle. As one hand continued stroking along his shaft, her other hand came down to cup underneath and fondle his balls. That action further fed his aching need to bury himself inside her wetness.
"Getting a little hot my love? Bothered? I can feel your cock throbbing in my hand." Knowing exactly what she was doing, she squeezed his balls rather hard as her thumb circled around his tip. That and the fact she bit down at Wooyoung's bottom lip was enough to make him lose control of his senses. He could no longer hold back after hours of having her tease him.
Prying her hands off him, he placed one hand on the back of her thigh and wrapped her leg up around his waist, allowing him to slide his length rather easily past her folds to rest inside her heat. Pressing her back against the wall once more, Wooyoung dropped his other hand down to her other thigh.
"Hold onto my arms." He whispered against her ear, a command she didn't need to be told twice as her hands placed themselves on his biceps. Hoisting her other leg around his waist, Wooyoung didn't wait any longer and immediately began slamming his hips into her. Having been sexually frustrated since their interruption that morning, both of them basked in the enjoyment of having their lower bodies connect again.
"Oh fuck- you're still tight even after fucking yourself wide open with that dildo?"
Y/N's hands clung tighter to his arms, nails nearly digging into his skin. Her wails were only half heard due to the pounding of Wooyoung's cock that had her back hitting against the wall behind her, cutting off her sounds midway. The way he gripped at her thighs was so strong that she had no doubt about having purple bruises on those spots for days to come, but she didn't care. Her mind was too focused on the overwhelming feeling of his cock inside her, cries of pleasure echoing through the room.
"You like me fucking you like this baby? Cock deep inside this little pussy of yours?" He taunted her as his timed thrusts continued to impale her tight core, slick and warm walls tightening around his hard shaft.
"Yes! Fuck me just like you are doing!" She exclaimed, eyes looking down to watch as his cock drove out of her only to ram itself back in. At this point she was becoming light headed, feeling intoxicated by the tension building in her body, ready to snap at any moment.
"Fuck! You're gonna make me cum!" She whimpered as she clawed into his arm muscles, making Wooyoung hiss.
"Then fucking cum like the slut you are." He growled against her ear.
With a piercing shriek, her walls tightened unbearably against his length, pulsating as she came hard all over him. Even during the peak of her climax, Wooyoung maintained his pace and harsh pounding, not giving her an ounce of pity to diminish the euphoric sensation overtaking her. Pulling out of her and safely bringing her back down, Wooyoung tilted her chin up so she could look into his lust filled face.
"If you think we're done, you're wrong baby. I'm not quite done with you yet."
Swinging her body to the left, Wooyoung pressed her body up against the clear glass window that covered the shower. Taking hold of her hips, Wooyoung's cock lodged itself inside her warm walls once more, the sound of smacking skin bouncing against the walls. Y/N placed her palms against the clear glass to keep her steady as his hungry cock fucked her in a furious rhythm. She could barely keep her eyes open as she was overly sensitive from not only her previous orgasm but from having played with herself rather intensely during their filming session.
"Fuck- your cock feels amazing." She moaned out in a low and airy tone.
"Yeah? Is it better than all those toys you fuck yourself with?" Wooyoung cooed against her ear.
"God yes! Way better. Wooyoung you fuck me so good." She responded, her wailing becoming higher in pitch as another build up began to rise up in her.
"So good that you'll cum for me a second time? Will you?" Y/N knew that wasn't a request, it was an order, an order that her body couldn't resist fulfilling, especially when the angle his hips hit against her ass had the head of his cock brushing against her g-spot continuously.
"Cum on me one more time beautiful. Let me feel you again."
Falling under the spell of his command, Y/N let out sputters of his name as her legs trembled under her, threatening to give out on holding her up had Wooyoung not had his hands keeping her upright as he kept pushing his cock into her from behind. It wasn't long before he himself felt himself being tipped over the edge.
"Shit! Oh shit!"
With a few more pops of his hips, he was done, spurt after spurt of cum filling her pussy up until it started running down her legs, getting swallowed up and washed away along with the rest of the water pouring out from above them. They both stayed still for a couple seconds, each one trying to catch their breath and steady their heartbeats. Resting his forehead atop of her shoulder, Wooyoung's raspy breaths were the only things she could hear.
"Fuck Y/N....." She let out an involuntary smile when he whispered that, his labored breathing telling her he enjoyed that quite a lot.
Withdrawing himself from between her legs, Wooyoung's dick softening after finally being able to find release in Y/N's body. Making sure to do a final rinse to clean up any leftover cum, Wooyoung turned off the water and carefully guided Y/N out the shower, knowing fully well her thighs were burning after all that.
"Easy there beautiful, don't worry I got you." He smiled ever so sweetly at her as he picked up a towel and draped it over her shoulders. Y/N let out a groan as she reclined back against the counter, exhausted from their intense love session.
"Wooyoung, could you please get me my pajamas and help me dress?" Her bottom lip poked out, voice slightly frigging after having her vocal chords nearly ripped out from all the screaming his cock had her doing.
"Of course beautiful. I'll be right back."
Booping his nose against hers, Wooyoung tied a towel around his waist before scurrying out of the bathroom in search of something comfortable for Y/N to wear. Through pained hisses, Y/N managed to turn her body so she was facing the mirror in front of her. Bending down, her face gave out a tired smile towards the camera that she had placed strategically on the counter beforehand, the tiny red light indicating it had been recording everything that happened in the shower, unbeknownst to her partner who was still in her drawers looking for her clothes. Reaching over, she stopped the film and made sure to save the file, a sly smirk on her face as her mind was already coming up with the title of her next project.
"Fucking my camera boy in the shower without him knowing...."
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ramzawrites · 3 years
I've always liked the idea of eastern dragons, long bodied and often aquatic in nature. And ever since the movie Raya and the Last Dragon came out, I've only grown more enamored with them.
Then came the idea of the Sleepy Bois with a water dragon hybrid reader. I don't know, I just thought it'd be fun to see Phil freak out about a mystical dragon hybrid, Techno chilling out with another hybrid friend, and Tommy challenging this water dragon warrior to a fight. It could just be me, but I thought it would make a fun request.
And for fun, this water dragon hybrid wields a trident for a weapon, cuz you know, ocean n stuff.
A Dragon Friend - Reader and SBI
Pairings: None
Characters included: Philza, Wilbur Soot, Technoblade, Tommyinnit
Warnings: none
Series: a request :)
Summary: Wilbur brings home a new friend so his family can meet them. To Phil’s shock it is a Dragon Hybrid, just one of the rarest kind of people out there that tend to stay away from society. No big deal really. Then again of course Wilbur managed to befriend them.
Words count:
Authors Note: I am not too knowledgeable on easter Dragons so I generalized it more into the Dragons I know of, I hope this is fine :0
Wilbur threw open the gate that led into the front yard of his home.
Philza was currently kneeling in the dirt as he took care of the growing vegetables and other plants. It was his little hobby to take care of these plants, though he isn’t the only one who took care of them. Technoblade, the oldest child of his, begun taking interest in this little hobby of his as well. Though right now Philza was working alone. His clothes covered in dirt but still wearing gloves that protected his hands from it.
As he looked up, curious why suddenly the gate crashed shut, he could see an incredibly happy looking Wilbur standing in front of another teen.
He had to do a double take as he realizes who was standing next to him. Blue scales were growing along their jawline, sneaking at times into the face and going down their throat and arms. Ending at their fingertips. Philza also managed to spot unmistakably gills at the side of their throat, now closed shut due to them being in the air.
Though the thing that was probably the biggest give away to their nature was the long, elegant tail behind their legs. Swishing around nervously in the air. It was mesmerizing to see the scales moving around and glinting in the sun.
On their back was a shining and sharp looking Trident. The bright and colorful shine alone gave him idea enough of how incredibly well enchanted the weapon must be.
Philza threw his gloves off and walked closer to Wilbur, his face contorted into a mix of shock and worry while Wilbur looked like he just had the best day in a long while. For some reason he couldn’t help but suspect that Wilbur must have done something.
“Hey, dad! I wanna show you my new friend!”
“Friend? What do you mean friend?”
He needed to know more. During his travels he has only met a few Dragon Hybrids since they liked to keep to themselves. It was rare to meet one and he was pretty sure it was near to impossible to get them to leave their clan to follow someone else around like this. Knowing Wilbur something must have happened, then again, he was quite charismatic and has surprised Philza before with his people skills.
Wilbur nodded enthusiastically “Yes! This is Y/N and they are my cool friend! We met a few weeks ago.”
Well, that explained why he suddenly visited the ocean so often.
Y/N took a step forward and gave Phil a quick nod as a greeting “Hello, I hope this isn’t a bad time. Wilbur just told me so much about his family that I couldn’t help but be curious. He just wanted to help me satisfy my own curiosity towards people on the outside.”
And here was the explanation why they just followed Wilbur like this. They were curios and not afraid enough to follow up on it.
“Ah, okay. It’s, uh, fine. My name is Philza. Nice to meet you Y/N.”
It was obvious that Phil was still trying to wrap his head around this situation. It just kind of felt unreal and yet it just made sense. This family and the world were already so Ender damned weird, this might as well happen.
Wilbur didn’t seem to be bothered by his father’s clear confusion “Where are Techno and Tommy, by the way? Are they home?”
Phil slowly nodded “Yeah. Both should be in the house.”
“Thanks, Dad. Let’s go Y/N! You have to meet my brothers as well!”
He then grabbed Y/N’s hand and pulled them along towards the old but sturdy wooden door that led into their home.
Before Wilbur could open it though Phil yelled out one more thing towards Y/N “If any of my sons are too much or just generally annoying don’t hesitate to get me, I also give you full permission to just tell them off.”
Y/N couldn’t give him an answer though since Wilbur just opened up the door and dragged them in but at this point they were used to Wilbur and taking the charge like this at times so all they did was follow along.
“Your father seems nice, even if a bit sur-“ but Y/N couldn’t finish the sentence. Wilbur pressed his finger against his lips, giving them the sign to be quiet. They were confused but begun following Wilbur as he slowly opened up a door to what Y/N assumed to be the living room.
In the middle of a couch, with his back turned towards the door, sat another teenager with pink hair and pink ears poking out of it.
They might have never met him, but Y/N could immediately tell that this must be Technoblade. The older one between the twins. Even if only by two minutes according to Wil.
Now, Y/N was very interested in meeting Technoblade as well since he too was a Hybrid and they had only been in contact with fellow Dragon Hybrids.
Though right now, Y/N was just watching.
Watching Wilbur who was sneaking up on his brother. His hands out, obviously he planned on somehow scaring him by suddenly touching his shoulder. And just as he got close enough to slam his hands down, Techno loudly shut his book.
The next thing Y/N heard was a bang and saw that Wilbur sank down to the ground, holding his nose and crying out in pain. Techno’s hand with the book in the air.
He slammed the book into Wilbur’s face.
Y/N let out a chuckle but more out of surprise than anything. They knew from Wilbur that Techno was an incredible fighter and had amazing reflexes but somehow they didn’t expect this.
“What the hell, Y/N. Here I am on the ground dying and all you do is laugh?”
They just rolled their eyes and helped Wilbur back up. His nose was a bit red but nothing more, he probably reacted more out of shock than anything.
Technoblade stood up with a sigh and turned around “You really think I couldn’t hear you? I knew as soon as I heard your sneaking steps what you were planning, nerd.”
With Techno now turned around Y/N couldn’t help but be amazed by his Hybrid features. Two huge tusk decorated his face, bristle like fur growing along his arms and now they could see that the ears were definitely that of a pig.
As Y/N stared at him and Wilbur was still cursing his brother out, Techno noticed how Y/N’s gaze was transfixed on him in awe.
He raised one of his eyebrows “Uh, hi?”
Y/N’s eyes widened “Oh! Sorry! My name is Y/N! Wilbur was so nice to show me around since I usually stay with my own clan.”
His own gaze fell then onto his brother who just nodded to show that this was indeed the truth “Mhm, yeah. Pretty much, also, I was so quiet! How did you hear me?”
As an answer Techno just pointed at one of his animal ears “I have better hearing, remember?”
Wilbur scoffed “Yeah, yeah. You are so much better than us. Better hearing, better nose and even better eyes, but we non-Hybrids are pretty cool too.” He then looked at Y/N expectantly as if to wait for them to support his statement.
But Y/N just squinted their eyes and took a good second to stare Wilbur down “Are you- You know who you are talking to, right? I can breathe under water, my eyes are better as well and I have a Ender damned tail.”
“Okay, maybe I talked to the wrong person.” He admitted.
Techno chuckled and moved next to Y/N and held his hand up, palm towards them. It took them a small moment to understand but their own palm soon clapped together with Techno’s.
“Hybrid Buddies?” he asked.
“Hybrid Buddies.” Y/N confirmed.
They might only really know Techno now for about a minute, but they could tell he mostly did this to infuriate Wilbur even more.
Wilbur just sighed and cupped his hands around his mouth “Tommy? Get to the living room for a sec!”
“Oh, are you getting backup?” Techno mused.
At this point Wilbur just looked unamused, crossing his arms in front of his chest as he waited for the youngest brother to react.
The sudden sound of rumbling and loud steps from above seemed to be this answer.
“What do you want Wil! I was working on something! Wait, who is that?” Tommy begun yelling out as soon as he arrived at the stairs only to stop once he walked into the room properly to see Y/N who greeted him with a little wave.
“This is Y/N. I met them a while ago and wanted to show them where we live.” Wilbur put his arm around his younger brother as he begun explaining.
Tommy seemed to be incredibly confused but nonetheless intrigued. His eyes darting from Y/N to Wilbur and only for a split second jumping to Techno “Okay? Hello, Y/N. I’m Tommy.” He then squirmed away from beneath Wilbur’s arm, taking a closer look at them “Woah! What are you? You look awesome! Is that a trident? I thought they were super rare! It’s also enchanted! I mean… you seem to be alright, I guess.”
Y/N laughed, more at the reactions of both Wilbur and Techno who seemed to grow incredibly tired as Tommy went along with his usual spiel “Oh! I’m a Water Dragon Hybrid! Also, yeah, I got that trident from my parents as a way to protect myself. We primarily live in or close of water, so, tridents are incredibly useful to us. Also, they mean a lot to us as well.”
They then got the trident off their back to let Tommy have a better look at it. He looked awestruck. Not only at the revelation that Y/N was a Dragon Hybrid but that weapon seemed to really have enamored him somehow.
A dangerous glint appeared in his eyes as he looked back up “This is cool but nothing against me and my sword.”
Technoblade seemed to be bewildered at that “You just have an iron sword what are you talking about?”
But Wilbur put his hand on Techno’s shoulder “No, no. Let him. Let’s just watch.” It was clearly Wilbur’s chaos was getting the better of him and Techno was too tired to deal with that.
“Your sword? Are you sure? Even if you have an enchanted iron sword, I’m pretty sure it would be nothing against a trident, especially since I am very well trained with this weapon.” Y/N seemed almost smug.
Tommy puffed up his chest and placed his hands at his sides “But my father is the one and only Philza and he taught me everything! There is no way you even stand a chance against me! Fight me and I’ll prove it to you!”
Y/N rolled their shoulders “Okay, little one, let’s get outside and fight! I’ll show you.”
“Little one? Little one?!” Tommy repeated flabbergasted. How dare they call him little.
The sound of the closing front door rung out through the house which was soon followed by an annoyed groan “I swear by Ender. I leave you alone for a few minutes and I already hear Tommy screaming about wanting to fight our guest. Amazing first impression for Y/N.”
He appeared at the door, gloves still on this time. His expression pulled down into a strict frown as he looked around at the scene in front of him.
Both Tommy and Y/N were standing in the middle of the room, turned towards each other due to their bickering while Techno and Wilbur stood to the side. Techno had a skeptical look about him while Wilbur couldn’t help but smirk at the argument of the two.
He purposefully didn’t say it, but Y/N was being trained as a full-fledged warrior of their clan. It was their job to keep off mobs and unwanted guests away from their family. Tommy would have no chance against them, but he couldn’t help but still wanting to see it. Besides Y/N wouldn’t seriously hurt him.
Honestly if anything Wilbur really wanted to see Techno and Y/N fight. In Wilbur’s eyes Techno was definitely the best fighter he knew but Y/N was a close second and while he couldn’t understand it, he also knew that those two would probably bond over fighting each other.
Tommy pointed at Y/N “Well, they started it! Just strutting in here with a weapon! I have to protect our home!”
Philza shook his head, already done with his mischief “Is that right?” He directed that question towards the other teens.
Wilbur just continued smiling while Y/N and Techno just shook their heads.
“Alright. Tommy, stop lying and no fighting. How about you guys just help me make food, at least then I know what you guys are up to.”
This seemed to pull Wilbur back out of his chaotic loving thoughts “Oh! That reminds me! Can we make cookies? Y/N never had any.”
Even Techno, who acted calm and collected, looked shocked towards Y/N. They lived for this long with never eating any cookies? Now that just seemed wrong.
“Sure. Let’s make some cookies then. Is that alright Y/N?”
Y/N’s eyes widened “Oh? Uh, yes! I would love to! It seems to be a big thing that I never had any so I really want to try them!”
Excited Tommy threw his arms in the air “Cookies!”
Laughing at his little brothers’ antics, Wilbur joined in and cheered as well “Cookies!” He then followed said brother and his father out the living room and into the kitchen. Leaving Y/N and Techno behind.
While Y/N was excited as well they were still a bit overwhelmed with this sudden reaction right after being threatened by Tommy. Techno seemed to notice this and put one of his hands on their shoulder “Don’t worry too much about what Tommy said. He was seriously impressed by you, but he unfortunately has an incredibly huge ego with nothing to back it, hence the insults and threats. So don’t worry too much about it. Wilbur seems to really enjoy your company and I too think you are… interesting company. Yes, let’s say that. If you are really such a great fighter, we definitely have to spar at some point though. I rarely get the chance to test my skills against other people besides my family and mobs.”
“I would love that.”
“Nice. Let’s join the others. Seriously, you have never eaten any cookies? How is that possible?”
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