#;The AUTHOR behind the MUSE // Mun;
kyojin-daelko · 4 months
{+}// My cat has kittens in her belly and Kyojin is freaking out because he can feel them moving. (I am too, tbf)
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- - - - + - - - - "They be tip-tappin'! Feel, feel! "Ahhh! I can't wait t'a meet tha' lil fluff balls!"
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melodicbreeze · 20 days
Author Portrait
get to know the author behind the blog! repost, do not reblog.
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Basics Name/nickname: Ash Age: 26 Pronouns: they/them Years of writing: 10+
Reflection I saw others doing it back when roleplay groups were huge on Facebook. I started getting into more intensive writing in middle school when my friend and I would start writing self insert fanfics and the likes, especially when we started getting real into character crafting.
Do you have any writing routines? Not at all! I write when the mood strikes me. Usually it's not hard to get into a mood when I started working on something.
What's your favorite part about writing? Getting to create something together with someone! Also the plots. It's like, getting to read a fanfiction that ticks off all the stuff you want in one. It gets me so jazzed up and scratches the best itch in the brain.
Three things you like about your writing:
I like writing dialog! It helps that Venti is very chatty (even if he talks a lot but says little yknow). A lot of other muses I've had were pretty silent, so I thought I might stumble with dialog, but it's not really that hard for me!
I like that it's apparently good enough to gain some roleplay partners who want to write with me, haha.
I like that it lets me meet people! I've met some great friends, and my wonderful boyfriend, because I write!
A question for the next person! Write a question for the next person to answer. Once you've answered it, leave a new question for someone else to answer. From Vênus: What's the most challenging thing and character you've written, and why?
The most challenging writing I would say has to be on my previous main blog. I wrote Ryou Bakura, and he was a very quiet type. I had to work a lot with introspection, thoughts, and setting while writing him because I couldn't lean on dialog to keep the thread moving forward. I don't think there was one specific thread that was more difficult than the others, just that in general.
Anyway, it was great to learn and practice the "yes, and" of roleplaying. Responding to the previous reply being the yes, and then furthering it being the and, so that not one mun is solely moving the plot along.
My question for you: Is there a character from media you disliked that you then grow to really like because of a specific mun's portrayal?
Tagged by: @predvestnik
Tagging: @viridianwins @sylvctica @deiscension + anyone who wants to!
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meme-force-99 · 1 year
This question feels too stupid to ask without being anonymous — Where do you get the word mun? Is that a term MF99 uses or is it ubiquitous with rp accounts?
It is ubiquitous! The question is not stupid. Many people do not know.
It comes from the word "mundane", which a mun writes for a "muse" as their inspiration.
Mun: The role-player, or the author/writer of the character. Which, I assume going by the Merriam def, refers to: "of this earthly world rather than a heavenly or spiritual one," as we are the people behind the screen, for example.
"The boundaries of the mundane world" is what that is a reference to, versus a muse.
Muse: The character written by the mun, whether a canon character or an orignal character.
In Greek mythology, the Muses "encouraged writers and artists by infusing them with inspiration for their craft," so this term reflects the fact that for many of us, our characters inspire creativity, aka "a person or personified force who is the source of inspiration for a creative artist."
Hope this helps!
--Imp Tech mun
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girlfox · 19 days
Have you ever written a canon muse that you first thought of ‘meh’ when they appeared in their canon show/movie/book? Is there any fandom you regret exploring? What’s something you find weird on here?
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❛ 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓 , : a series of questions for the mun / the person behind the muse(s) .
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have  you  ever  written  a  canon  muse  that  you  first  thought  of  ‘meh’  when  they  appeared  in  their  canon  show   /   movie   /   book?
i'm gonna be real . . . the last time i wrote a canon character besides ahri for any real amount of time was, uh, i don't even know how long ago anymore. so it's hard to recall, HAHA. these days it's difficult for me to latch onto a character unless i'm immediately going to bat for them, if there's ever a 'meh' feeling, it's probably not happening. getting me to diverge from ahri in the first place is hard enough as it is!
is  there  any  fandom  you  regret  exploring?
mmm maybe attack on titan? i mean, i wrote in it as historia reiss for maybe half a year or less waaaay before i wrote ahri. this was back in uh, late 2013? when the anime had just come out and i started the manga? like a lot of people, i had zero idea what sort of person the author was yet, and i never got very far into the manga. i don't know if i really regret it necessarily, but it's just like . . . an unfortunate dip into a not so great anime.
what’s  something  you  find  weird  on  here?
i've spoken about this with friends somewhat recently, actually, so i'll touch on it a bit here. but i find it kind of exclusive to tumblr the way getting a large following changes people in a weird way? it's something i've noticed over my years here, and while i've gotten up there in following in the past, sure, there's a certain height that some people reach that is a little weird. and it's not everyone! but the trend i've seen is with people who maybe get too territorial or controlling or anxious over numbers, or feeling overly threatened by duplicates, or lean too much on numbers as validation. i hope that makes sense? also not to shame duplicate anxiety because it's definitely a thing, and it's okay to dislike them or distance them for your own comfort, absolutely one hundred percent. but there have been people who just obsess over the level of anxiety it gives them, and it doesn't seem. healthy. on a site where duplicates are a natural part of being here. anyway that's my two cents!
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sadistpet · 3 months
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Questions for the mun. A series of questions for the mun / the person behind the muse(s)
@gcldfanged / @valour-bound :
What caused you to start writing? What was your key point?
OH MY GOD UM im really not sure???? as far as i can remember ive always been writing
i was a freakishly verbose child ( I CALLED MY SISTER AN IMBECILE WHEN I WAS 3??? ) and very ahead in terms of reading and writing because kno. The Autism. i was reading like actually Reading adult-level encyclopedias for fun from when i was like, 3 or something so ive always been into literature and i think it just kinda spawned from there?? i was writing stories and keeping them in punched pockets, writing plays and fanfiction and stories on microsoft word, so it was something i always did afaik
if there was a key point i don't remember it, but there are some things that stick out to me; once when i was around 11?i got a pokemon fan magazine that had honest to god fanfiction in it and that was like. immense to me. like you're telling me other people write about their favourite franchises like this?? and after that i really started taking stuff more seriously in regards to how i was writing another was when i was. ??? unsure but my teacher at the time wrote on my work "remember me when you are a famous author :)" and that sticks with me to this day. she was kind of a huge bitch but that was such a genuinely moving comment and i think abt it a lot sometimes
and a lot of little things too. like being told by online friends that i was an amazing writer for my age, or my english teacher being legitimately visibly excited to talk about my writing. so yea :3
Are you happy with how your favorite canon muse was portrayed in canon?
HMMM. in terms of raikov i Think so ? but i do wish we had got more of him. and specifically more of his relationship with volgin because they're very cute together. idk if i've mentioned it here before but i theorise that their relationship was initially meant to play a larger part in mgs3, because mgs is known for having very multi-layered and complex villains, and volgin isn't really shown as one. and yeah that's likely what they were going for with a more bond-esque narrative, but the fact he's constantly portrayed as evil personified WHILE ALSO having parts that shows he genuinely loves and cares abt someone... idk. it feels like they wanted to make that more prominent to add more depth to his character but they just didn't
SO REALLY thats my only critique, i wish we had seen more of him interacting with the other characters rather than nameless npcs. i'm kind of content with him being a mostly blank slate, though -- it means i can do a lot more work on him :3
What are your biggest (personal) Tumblr crushes?
gonna do this in rp sphere only bc otherwise i think ill die of embarrassment BUT i literally have so many like oh my god if i fucking. follow you then you can assume i look up to you because WROW i follow such cool writers. my main ones if i had to choose are han (@cwarscars), hope (@viruslearnt), jason (@tacticalvalor), soda (@gcldfanged) and ryder (@zendatsu); theyre the ones i look up to the most i think :D theyre all genuinely such sweet people and terrifyingly amazing writers like hoyl fuckign shit
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muraenide · 8 months
4. which muse of yours is your all time favorite? if you stopped writing them: why?
10. what genre do you most enjoy, whether in roleplay, or fiction as a whole? (fantasy, period, superhero, etc.)
QUESTIONS FOR MUNS. // @ramshacklestar
4. which muse of yours is your all time favorite? if you stopped writing them: why?
I have a group of muses who are my all-time favorites. 1st main blorbo: Mukuro Rokudo from KHR The first main antagonist of the first season of the series, but eventually joins the main character's team. Reasons why he did so is... a bit complicated, but he is possibly my first muse and the muse that resembles Jade the most. I still love him but the fandom fell out of popularity and there were hardly any rp blogs for the fandom. I've never actually left the fandom. The fandom itself died for a while, so I simply moved on to other fandoms.
2nd main blorbo: Narsus from Arslan Senki Arslan Senki is so far my favourite fandom in terms of rp experience and content quality. It's possibly the fandom where I met most of my current friends, especially @oftwilight, @madakoka, and @corruptiongifted, and a lot of us are in different fandoms now but we still talk from time to time. Narsus is a rebellious aristocrat in ancient Persia who joined the prince in his main quest to retake his kingdom. Sybil (@oftwilight) played a great Daryun and our muses often fought and squabbled like an old married couple bc that's also their canon dynamic. The fandom had a total of 10+/- people, and we were all friends due to how small it was so everyone knew everyone. I stopped writing Narsus because I fell out of the fandom when the last light novel dropped and it was... bad. We understand that the author got tired of the series and wanted to end it quickly, but it's still a lovely series regardless and I tend to revisit it from time to time.
3rd main blorbo: Sion Astal from Denyuuden Sion is a young puppet king with a split personality and shares his present body with a demon. The light novel is written by the same creator as Owari no Seraph, but the anime covers very little of the main storyline. The interesting parts are locked behind the light novel, but Sion is probably one of the more complex muses I've written. If the main trio were to be compared with Castlevania, Sion would be the Alucard among the group. The fandom had a total of 3 rpers including me, it was funny how dead it was. I left it when the other two rpers stopped being active, but I still enjoy the fandom regardless.
4th main blorbo: Diluc Ragnvindr from Gen//shin Impact I don't remember why I love Diluc but it started on discord when a friend (Cass) dragged me into Gen//shin and loved the grape man. I got very invested in his lore in Gen///pact to the point that I would read both the CN and EN versions, have a folder for all its screenshots since we can't replay events, and even dug out possibilities of the Ragnvindr Family Tree members all the way to the first Ragnvindr Knight. I stopped writing him due to how unbearable the fandom became once people started joining and it became big. I will refrain from going into detail about this though! But Gen//pact is still a great franchise. As someone who knows quite a bit about Middle-Eastern and East-Asian mythology, Gen//pact really portrayed some aspects of the old myths that I've never seen show up in any type of media before, which is really refreshing and honestly eye-opening.
10. what genre do you most enjoy, whether in roleplay, or fiction as a whole? (fantasy, period, superhero, etc.)
I like mysteries and crimes, horror, cosmological science, fringe science, high fantasy, medieval fantasy, anything historical, supernatural, steampunk, and cyberpunk as a set up for my threads. As for themes, I'm mostly an angst and romance writer. I'm a bit picky with romance though, because I do enjoy romance as a subgenre in my fiction/rp, but never a main theme. In the sense that they start off normally and eventually develop a romantic interest in the other. If romance is the only thing my muse has in common with the other muse, I wouldn't find it as enjoyable, and eventually get bored of it.
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official-bough-keeper · 8 months
ask for the mun:
What's a mun?
It's the author, the real person behind the rp blog or ask blog! It comes from the word "mundane." People usually use the terms mun and muse for things like this, so I, the real person making art and running the blog, am the mun, and Dainsleif is the muse!
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sapphiredhearts-a · 1 year
name: Jo
pronouns: she / her
preference of communication: probably DMs on the dash although I don't mind discord I just tend to be slower on there . Of course , DMs at all give me anxiety so sometimes I just get slow and don't respond right away because being perceived even through like 1 on 1 conversation freaks me out idk .
most active muse: this literally changes every day . right now I'm reading pjo again and have a bunch of greek mythos muse . but I tend to always have high muse for twilight / thg muses - probably because I have been down bad for twilight since the start of my rp career and thg I've developed so much in my head sldkfj.
experience/how many years: too long man . so I started way back on myspace in 2009 with a random renesmee blog - but it was very short lived because I ran into this huge twilight group and turned her into an oc named chloe lucas . eventually , the person who vacated a brady fuller profile offered up the entire edited page for whoever wanted it so I took it over and entered into some of the best times of my life . I fell in love with brady ( & a ship I had on there which was so angsty and just lsdkfj ) and ended up writing analee ( now analeigh here ) ateara , kim connweller , and I'm sure some others I'm forgetting . any way the mun behind part of my brady ship introduced me from there to tumblr and I joined a pjo rpg group as cora ( a daughter of demeter ) . from there the biggest tumblr group moment was mushu's daughter in a disney group named faith who I adored & I dilly-dallied around on here in groups until the same mun that brought me here ( miss you so much skdlfj ) introduced me to indie . and I've been stuck in the indie hell-hole for years . I started out with just a single muse jacob blog ( spaceheatcr - sigh I loved that blog ) and then eventually came around to the idea of multi-muses and here I am .
best experience: I'd have to say the first twilight group ( twilight teams - it was so cute you were " team forks " or " team la push " or " team volturi " or " team nomad " depending on who you wrote / where they lived ) on myspace because I met hella lifelong friends that I still have on facebook etc and it made me fall in love with writing / expressing & developing different muses . also the disney group I was in on here ( back to disney I think it was called ? it was a boarding school type for disney character's kids and SO cute and the admins were all so sweet I cry ) was amazing and just wholesome . and then spaceheatcr my jacob single muse because I also made lots of friends ( hales literally brought me back for this blog so I mean come on ) and idk.
rp pet peeves: bothering me over plots I don't agree with / if I block you / don't follow you / don't respond in time in a pestering way . I don't mind a hey is this thread still going if it's been awhile but I've had a few instances where people just were icky over like my time and availability . it makes writing a chore for me and that's when I usually go on hiatus . also, there is a reason I usually do mains and not exclusives on indie blogs . I had a horrid experience with a ship where the mun literally followed me onto here from myspace and acted super clingy / possessive over a male muse of mine ( i won't go into details this isn't a call-out but still ) and would like get jealous / angry ooc if he interacted with any other people in any ship way / close way etc etc etc and just all this other shit so yeah, I'm on indie for a reason - I enjoy exploring multiple ships ( not even just romantic but ya know ) and universes and aus and what have you so like - idk, exclusives are not my thing and mainly bc of that . I'm so scared of that happening again .
plots or memes: memes are the best way to get ideas rolling in my head because sometimes I just hit a block with plots and also idk where to go with new people ? mostly because I feel awkward and don't wanna suggest things and like offend or upset anyone so it's always a good idea just to either attack me with plots or memes lol. most of the time I'll say yes - esp now that I have a ship page for canon up for my thoughts on them and have some headcanons rolling for my own canon views .
long or short replies: this honestly depends entirely on my muse and not on my partner at all . sometimes short replies have to happen to transition . sometimes short replies are all I can come up with because my muse is fighting me . and sometimes I go stupid and crazy and give you a novella . it's literally all me not you sdlkfj and will vary within threads and memes for the same muses depending . so never be discouraged !!!
are you like your muse: I have so many muses - a lot of them I am drawn to because there is something I see in them that I guess is like me ? some are not like me at all tbh . I guess it all depends on who we're talking about . I try to have variety so idk .
tagged by : slightly stolen from @divienity tagging : all of you !!
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ilovetheaffection · 2 years
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BIRTHDAY : June 12th
PRONOUNS: she / her
NAME : vervain 
ZODIAC :   gemini
Favorite Author: i don’t have one
Favorite Character from Literature : i don’t read much anymore so no one ig
Favorite Music Genre: pop from any decade
Favorite Kind of Book: i mostly read non fiction when I did but I also used to read a lot of like mysteries. 
Favorite Animal: raccoons at the moment
Favorite Disney Cartoon : peter pan
Favorite Video Games: crash bandicoot ( the worst is duck hunt and i won’t take arguments bc why is that dog laughing at me!!!)
Favorite Color: i’m into pink rn.
Favorite Tv Shows:  stranger things, moonlight, the glades, once upon a time in wonderland, csi miami, 911 ( im so behind rn tho ), ncis: nola
Favorite Mythology:  greek maybe?
Favorite Food: lately it’s been pizza or cheeseburgers. sometimes soft pretzels.
Favorite Actor: maybe harrison ford or keira knightley. though im also really into holliday grainger
Favorite Countries: I’ve only been here in the US. But I really want to see Norway badly.
CANON OR OC:  original characters. Though a few canons over the years have held my heart.
WHO IS YOUR CURRENT FC : Olaf but I plan to make minion icons soon.
FAVORITE GENRE : period piece or just like slice of life stuff. I do like supernatural rps too or crime related. 
SOFT MUSES OR EVIL MUSES : soft muses because I feel like most people want to play kind of harder ones and I like to have softer ones to balance that.
WHAT IS YOUR PREFERRED WRITING STYLE ? : Third person normally. But length can vary depending on muse and plot.
HAVE YOU BEEN ON OTHER PLATFORMS ? :  skype, discord, myspace, rpme, sitemodel, oneworldroleplay, invisionfree, ive even written in google docs before.
WHO IS YOUR TOP MUSE AT THE MOMENT ? : hazel, julie, and shay are most vocal right now. But Dimitri is also always like excuse me? I want time. So you know, there is that.
NAME YOUR MUSES YOU HAD IN THE PAST: too many to name let us be real.
I stole this from @ofdamages​ tagging:  anyone & everyone!
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themxtleycrew · 1 year
“wildcard” for the I'm Gonna Start A Fight meme (Saori) @katsu-at-the-bottom
-||[NA NA NA NA NA NA NA, I’m Gonna Start A Fight!]||-
Send a symbol for drama! Send “wildcard” for mun to pick!
☝️ if my muse has authority over yours, and yours is disobeying
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With the panel of Judges, and the other attorneys now glaring at Saori and the other members of the Defense council, Saori could do nothing but glare at Katsu. This was supposed to be a simple trial, trying to get the man acquitted of charges for public indecency, vandalism, assault, and public intoxication, and he was making a fool of himself behind the bench.
"Matsumoto-San, shut it, right now." She hissed, giving him a stone cold glare that suggested the usually reserved Lawyer wanted to wrap her hands around his neck and wring it like a wet dish towel.
"Defense, get the Defendant under control of you will be charged with contempt of court!"
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sigmadolos · 1 year
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@sekayuki​ said: What drew you to rping this character?
mun directed roleplay questions
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Oh boy, I hope you’re ready for a discussion! So, I picked up sigma back in March of 2019 and I’ve been writing him ever since. I LOVED his presentation even in his debut to be honest. The presence he had to him, how we got a peak already into how he can be. He was already being presented as complex and (just my opinion), the fandom often forgets this.He made a grand entrance and skewed the results of the patron but then said Spread this story around, it will hep the casino’s reputation. Which does play into the title of this blog, sigmadolos. Dolos being a reference to greek mythology for the spirit of deceit (though not necessarily always BAD). We see him go from powerful to seemingly gentle to seeing there was a motive behind it. We see him stand up to the Hunting Dogs to their faces, but we also get to see his struggle with anxiety. All of this in the very first chapter. It was fascinating and engaging to me, and Sigma very much resonated as a character that I would be able to write based off past muses.
Also, I admit. The name Sigma had me super excited because I thought he would be a Greek poet. Which is why my blog has so much Greek influence. I figured Sigma was a cover name, so I spent literally three days pouring over greek poets and authors for one who might fit the themes of what Sigma was shown in the first 2 chapters. I even had the poet I thought it would be,   Yannis Ritsos who was a Greek poet who often wrote about hope for the future but also personal despair (in line with Sigma’s own despair prior even to us finding out about his ‘not knowing why he exists, but i called that, but also Sigma’s desire to thrive), anguish of poets and life, and was caught up in political struggles that potentially mirrored what was going on. Alas that turned out to all be for naught with the reveal Sigma was created from the page, but even so I’ve still worked to keep all that greek influence even WITH the reveal, though no longer for that poet and as his own independent being. (Though you will still find the poet’s writings here and there as many are applicable for sigma’s musings).
Really Sigma was just a nice change from past bsd muses I’d written and i had a lot of fun writing him and I continue to have a lot of fun. He’s fascinating to me and so much more complex than initial glances might seem or the memes about him. I just. really love him.
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queenoftheboard · 1 year
get to know the author
name: Mari.
pronouns: she/her.
preference of communication: definitely discord for mutuals who I've chatted for a while to further plot and everything! I can use the tumblr IMs at first, but if I typically offer to switch to discord pretty early on if the other mun agrees.
most active muse: currently Eirene, with my fandomless OC Melissa (@stingslikeabee) in second, and my beloved Yakuza leggy man Akiyama (@akiiyamashun) in third.
experience / how many years: gosh, I'm a Fandom Old (tm). I've used a million platforms and I started with passing notes in school and writing on actual paper; it's 15+ years doing this on and off.
platforms you use: tumblr at the moment, but I've gone through everything (forums, AIM, discord, livejournal, MSN, skype and so on).
best experience: I had a couple of really great runs in the early 2000s on livejournal and the RPC there, then since 2020 onwards here on tumblr on Melissa, including branching out to Akiyama and Eirene. It's been a constant/stable writing exercise which has helped me a lot through irl things, too.
rp pet peeves: I think the biggest one is getting what I call 'passive' replies? I'm not sure how to describe this, but feeling like I'm carrying the thread by myself and that the replies do not offer any new elements (no questions, actions or anything to react to or move the thread forward) make me lose muse very fast. Of course, sometimes this is necessary and makes sense in context! My issue is when this is a standard thing and the storytelling aspect does not feel shared, I guess. This is what makes roleplay fun and different from fanfiction, in my mind. :)
fluff, angst, or smut: all of them! I love flip-flopping through genres although smut is something I'm only comfortable after plotting and enough ooc interaction with the other mun. I'm all for telling interesting stories, no matter how they come to be in terms of being presented.
plots or memes: plotting all the way! I'm heavily plot-based and I have a preference for plotting a general timeline where we can move as we wish for threads and memes; I struggle at keeping interactions alive without some sense of direction or objective behind it all. It's fine to have the occasional slice of life or more conversation-based threads, but I generally like to have those within a bigger context.
long or short replies: long replies, I'm afraid - I just seem to have an issue with brevity, to be frank. This is something from my personal life that bleeds onto work, school assignments, real life letters etc; I write a lot, I write fast and I write frequently. It doesn't bother or strain me and as a result I've developed a rather introspective style of roleplay where there is a lot of thoughts/feelings included in replies, so they tend to be longer than average, I feel. I am always lowkey afraid this intimidate others - because it shouldn't! And I never expect the same length in return, just something to react to, really.
best time to write: it used to be during work hours when I was at the laptop already and alternated between work stuff and replies to take breaks, but now it's more evenly distributed during the day, I guess? I'm usually not writing super early in the day or very late at night because English is required and I tend to be only half-coherent and running mostly on default software that is equipped with Portuguese only, I'm afraid. >_>;
are you like your muse(s): definitely not hahaha. Apart from a life in the corporate world, we have almost nothing in common - not even the hair color! I'm more emotional, I know just the basics of chess, I have no super powers related to partial mutation, I don't really enjoy wearing high heels everywhere and I grow attached to people way more frequently than Eirene does. I'm pretty fucking good at my job, but I'm not a business prodigy either.
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electricea-archive · 2 years
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@knightshonour​ sent -
Favourite thing about roleplaying?
Least favourite thing about roleplaying?
( RP Questions for the Mun - Accepting! )
1. Favourite thing about roleplaying?
The whole collaborative process in general - what’s always drawn me to writing is not wanting to be an author or a writer personally, but the idea of getting to share ideas and craft a unique world with another person who felt as passionately about it as I did.  Back when I was a kid, before I even knew what roleplaying was, I’d have these little back and forth MSN stories with people - like I’d write something, they’d add onto it.  I found that so much more interesting than just the chatting and social media element to MSN and to this day, I still feel excited at the thought.
The reason I eventually found Tumblr was because I thought that Tumblr was a platform for a lot of different writers from many different fandoms who were able to come together and write together - whether that was collaborating on stories or fanfiction or RP, the environment on here has always felt very collaborative to me and I’ve always felt that Tumblr is full of passionate, amazing writers and it’s been so so fun to meet and to write with so many of them.
2. Least favourite thing about roleplaying?
I’d probably say just how fickle it is - like for example, it can be difficult to get into a good groove of things if you have a consistently busy schedule, like maybe shifts at a job or school to deal with - likewise, it can also be hard when you have partners who are in the midst of a busy period of their lives.  I don’t blame them in the least of course - people have school, people have work, life just happens - that’s part of adulting, but it can be a little sad when you’re all excited about a ship or a plot and the other person isn’t around quite so much to share your excitement with.
There’s also writers block and just the loss of interest - I know for me personally, all of the muses who I stopped writing for in the past, I did mainly for one reason - I’d lost passion for them and their fandom.  That doesn’t make them any less special to me and those blogs and interactions will always be very special to me but I find that trying to force yourself to write when the passion or drive just isn’t there anymore is a futile gesture.  So many times I’ve felt like - and I know others do too - that they need to catch up on all of their replies, on their drafts - it starts feeling more like an obligation or a job than something you enjoy.  I’ve had moments of crushing guilt when I realize just how behind I am or how many times I promised to plot with someone before life got in the way - it’s a difficult thing and it’s not because my mutuals are people who would blame me or make me feel guilty, it’s just an internal problem and one that I think a lot of people struggle with too.  Best thing you can do is to just try not to blame yourself and don’t force yourself.  If you have writers block, don’t be ashamed to maybe take a week off or explore another muse - hell, take a hiatus from Tumblr if you really feel it’ll help you.
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clowninblackandwhite · 4 months
Rules /About
1- Don’t be a jerk, I don’t mean that your muse can’t be a jerk but you, the mun, don’t be a jerk or you will be blocked.
2- No Godmodding, I move my muse, you move yours. (remember, if you try to move L.j without my consent, L.j will NOT react well)
3- No smut (or even interact in general) if you are under 18, I will block and report if I find out you are doing it and nothing will change my mind.
4- There will be quite some triggers regarding death, depression and more… don't follow me if this bothers you too much, stay safe please.
5- If you have some kind of problem with our Roleplay, please let me know and we’ll talk about it, I want both of us to enjoy RPing.
6- I prefer to ship if there’s chemistry but I don’t mind plotting. (after all I’m multi-ship.)
7- Please read the About prt of this, because this Laughing Jack can be pretty much different from the “canon”.
8- I'm selective, meaning I might not start a thread with anyone, it has nothing to do with you, I just prefer this way, I'm sorry. please respect that. You can still send asks for L.J but don't expect to have an answer for sure (or that said answer will turn into a thread).
9- no hate of any kind, again, your muse can be an asshole but you, the mun, no. I'll block anyone who spreads hate.
10- don't involve me in IRL drama, just don't.
11- don't force ships on me and don't push me for replies, I could go from soft-blocking to hardlocking.
12- I can be really slooooooow, like…a lot, so please keep that in mind.
13- I'm not my muse, I shouldn't have to say this but it seems that it's needed.
14- you may know L.J for his creepypasta or you could know another version of him from another universe. But, NO, your muse doesn't know my L.J unless we have plotted this.
Name: Laughing Jack (once it was Rainbow Jack)
Age: He was “imagined” in 1800, so I guess he is pretty old.
Age Appearance: It’s hard to tell.
Height: 10 feet (tall boy)
Voice: pretty much similar to Beetlejuice from the musical. Just so you can have a generic idea.
Power: He has “imaginary” powers, similar to a cartoon character…a deadly one.
He usually uses all kinds of candies that he can create and shapes them as insects or similar.
He can summon puppets to fight for him and they are made by him after each victim he kills. And of course, L.J is Immortal.
Personality: He can be grumpy and strangely serious with someone he doesn’t know too well, but he can also be surprisingly funny once you know him a little. (still creepy).
Can be manipulative.
He hates children, it is something really difficult for a child to make friends with him after what happened with Isaac.
He will offer you a candy when you meet him if you accept the first candy he offers you, this means that he is “authorized” to kill you or at least try to make your life a nightmare, it is not something that always happens but I would not play with fate. If you say NO to his first candy, you’ll be fine … hopefully.
L.J loves prank (they can be as silly as dangerous) and if you are brave enough to prank him and clever enough to make him fall for your prank, there is a possibility that he will see you in a more pleasant way. (but depends on the prank you are trying to make)
Behind his creepy mask there is a deeply depressed clown..he still
suffers from his past trauma about being trapped inside his box for 13 years and forgotten by Isaac.
When he feels strong emotion (usually anger or sadness) around his eyes there will be shades similar to black makeup smeared by tears.
There are more headcanons and things to know about him, but feel free to discover them in our threads.
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hopeful-hugz · 10 months
[ ♛ ] justiceburst and/or kingsmedley
[ ♛ ] Send me your url and I'll tell you the following with brutal honesty || Accepting
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My opinion on...
Characters on justiceburst: The Phantom Thieve are no small undertaking when it comes to writing and musing them. All of them have their own detailed complexities. From the abuse they've all been through at the hands of authority meant to be people they trust and should make them feel safe, to how that abuse shapes their worldview even after they've awakened to their rebellion and will to fight against those who wronged them and the world they live in. There's a lot to analyze and cover; especially when it comes to muses like Akechi, Joker, Yusuke and Morgana.
How they play them: Dusty's put in the work and more in preparing to write this lot. I've been lucky enough to have a little more insight than a lot of people into all the work they've spent not only analyzing everything, but going through the actual games and anime multiple times at that. They've stepped up to the challenge and gone beyond that by adding their own headcanons on top of the information presented in canon media.
Characters on kingsmedley: Joshua in canon is complex character and always has been. You pick up on his thought process through his actions rather than his words, as well as the context behind the words he speaks. He's experienced in many areas and has no problem working independently. Though the hardest thing to get a read on, in my opinion, is his worldview and how it slowly evolves over the close of the game, how Joshua goes through his own growth, even if he's not too pleased about it. He's the hardest character to tackle writing-wise and analysis-wise in my opinion and he's also a huge undertaking, especially when you get into the territory of development beyond what we have in canon games (as well as whether or not you choose to have the events of NEO be canon or not.)
How they play them: Dusty tackles Joshua as everyone else on this platform does; In a very unique and diverse way. Interpretation is the name of the game when it comes to TWEWY and Joshua especially; the work Dusty puts into their interpretation and making it a point to not only balance development with their love of tragedy and disaster makes for a very unique portrayal of out beloved Composer. This goes for the lovely AUs that have come about as well.
The Mun: I'll admit, sometimes I forget Dusty's so new to the world of RP. They've integrated so seamlessly into the style of things and are still learning more every day. It feels like they've been here far longer than they actually have and have developed vastly since we first met. Not just in fixations, but as a writer and person as well. If you told me if the mun I met a little over a year ago and the mun I know now were the same person. I would heavily disagree. There's still a lot you have to learn and experience Dusty, but you've come a long way in a short time. Color me impressed.
Do I...
Follow them: Mutuals for over a year!
RP with them: Absolutely, though rarely since my own ideas well has run a little dry lately.
Want to RP with them: Absolutely. And I'm very excited for the plans we have, it's just a matter of getting there lmao
Ship their muses with mine: We have a lovely siblingship with Hope and Joshua so far and I'm excited to see what comes from my kids here and their interactions with the thieves.
What is my overall opinion:
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sincerely-krp · 11 months
people actually do this? /gen. sorry if i'm missing something. what platform does this happen on? are the screenshots posted without the author's consent? that's super weird to me. // people do this. i’ve unfortunately seen it done a lot with female muses who people are attempting to shame for one reason or another. i always alert the mun when i spot it on a blog or in a server but it’s a really mean thing to do. at the end of it all, we’re all here to write as a hobby and the characters are just that. some people forget that there are real people behind the writing regardless of whether they’re ‘cringy’ ‘attention seeking’ or have ‘main character syndrome’. it’s just the typical misogyny we see in this community.
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