#;mod wtt
clovercoin · 11 months
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CloverCoin 2023 October Art Pack
[ ORIGINAL PATREON POST + ART PACK ] WE DID IT EVERYONE!! We pulled off the trick or treat event 2023, I'm so happy! It's been a lot of fun, the mods handled all the busy work and organizing to make sure the event ran as smoothly as possible. Everyone from mods to volunteers chipped in prizes. And Prov had the bot running super easy for both users AND staff back end! AJ mostly took a back seat to all of it to recover from various ailments. TT wTT But to catch up any myo slots Prov and AJ won, I drew into new adoptable prizes and giving them away in the discord server! Check out announcements if you want to get those last minute prizes. <3 Just thank you so much everyone, you patreon reward packages will be mailed out before next week! Both October and November rewards! AHHHH I CAN'T BELIEVE WE DID IT, WAY TO GO EVERYONE! And that's all the updates I have for the moment. <3 Thanks for all your amazing support everyone! AJD . ART
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Hi! I was wondering if there was going to be any more Neighboring Love? I'm at the edge of my seat waiting to know what happens next! xxxxxxx
Anonymous said: Neighboring love is so great!! What happens next?
Anonymous said: More neighboring love please? Thanks!
Anonymous said: I’m so excited your ask is open again! Could you please continue the one where Claire and Jamie are teens and fall in love but he leaves for France and comes home to find black jack trying to force Claire to leave with him?? It ended on such a cliffhanger! PLEASE PLEASE more!!!
anonymous asked: can you please continue the story where Jamie meets Claire on quartering day as teens and falls in love but he has to leave for France? I really loved it!
t-holls asked: Neighboring love?
Anonymous said:Would love to see more of the lairds foster or neighbouring love
The time has come to say goodbye to this lovely story. Here is the FINAL chapter of Neighboring Love. Enjoy! - Mod WTT
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
“Fergus wait!”
“Stop it, Bree! You’re standing on my foot!”
“William pushed me!”
“Did not!”
“Will you three be quiet!” Faith hissed at her younger siblings, staring each of them down in a way that was reminiscent of their mother. “Mam and Da will hear if you three keep blundering around like a pack of wild dogs!”
Bree crossed her arms and huffed, glaring at her sister. “Why should we listen to you?”
“Because I’m the oldest, that’s why!”
“Nuh-uh!” William interjected. “Fergus is! By five minutes according to Mam!”
Faith rolled her eyes. “Do you see Fergus contradicting me?”
“Then hush it!” She said in a harsh whisper. “Look, they’re headed this way!”
Jamie chuckled into my curls, trying his best to pretend he couldn’t hear our children bickering.
“Faith has yer fire, Sorcha.”
I laughed in return, “Yes, as does Bree. She’s wisely keeping her mouth shut right now.”
“They want to ken what we’re up to. Should we give them a show?” His eyes twinkled with mischief has the lopsided grin I’d come to love over the years broadened.
“What did you have in mind?” I said taking a step closer to him.
“Oh, something about like,” he leaned in closer his lips brushing up against my own, “this.”
His kiss was rough and passionate, deep and sensual; absolutely everything I’d come to love about this man. I threaded my fingers into the braid at the nape of his neck and deepened the kiss further. A chorus of disgusted moans and gags greeted the movement.
“Ugh, I think I’m going to be sick.” Fergus bemoaned and turned to fake throw up into the rushes, as his twin sighed and walked back towards the house.
“Yuck! Mam, Da, stop!” Bree exclaimed as she and William barreled into us trying to separate the kissing.
Jamie and I broke away, he winked, picked Bree up and flipping her over his shoulder said, “Yuck? You think me kissing yer Mam is yuck?”
Bree’s face started to turn the color of a beet from being upside-down as well as the uncontrollable laughter she was emitting as Jamie began tickling her sides.
“Da! Da! I can’t breathe! Stop! Please! Da!”
I laughed and looked down at the sight of my precocious three-year-old, arms crossed and brow furrowed in the replica of his father.
“What’s wrong my love?” I asked crouching down to his level.
“I don’t like it when you do that. Da can hurt you. You’re mine, my Mam. Mine to protect. Not Da’s.”
I stifled a laugh, “Oh my little love, you are my great protector but your Da wasn’t hurting me.”
William looked up, brows still crinkled in frustration. “He looked like he was attacking you!”
Picking William up, I cuddled him close to my heart, his head going to the crook of my neck. I could feel his tears leak down and splatter on my collarbone. “Shhh, my love. I’m fine. Your Da was kissing me, that’s all. He would never hurt me.”
“But he did!” Wailed William.
“Why do you think he hurt me?”
A small finger pointed to the slight bump of my abdomen. “I heard you say this one hurts more than ‘fore and you touched your tummy. He hurt you.”
I smiled and shook my head, oh the minds of three-year-old protective little boys. “No my love. Da didn’t hurt me. The baby in my tummy is making Mummy all achy.”
William pulled back his face set in a stern expression. “Then I don’t like the baby! The baby hurt my Mam and no one hurts Mam!”
“No, the baby isn’t to blame my darling. The baby is growing and Mummy’s body is aching because it’s helping your brother or sister grow. You made me all achy once, as did your siblings. It’s all normal and no one is hurting me.”
His frown started to ease and his tense posture began to slacken.
“Besides, you’ve scared away anyone who would dare hurt me. No one would dare mess with you, my little protector.” I said nuzzling his neck then blowing a raspberry, eliciting his glorious child giggles.
“So you’re no hurt?”
“Nope!” I reassured him with a smile.
He nodded and rested his head back on my shoulder. “Can we go back? I’m sleepy, Mam.”
I kissed his riotous red curls and smiled. “Of course my love.”
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hazyaltcare · 2 years
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An aesthetic for an Austin Texas (Welcome to the Table) fictive who is in love with someone he shouldn't morally be with themes of possessive love, snowflakes, and black cats.
Mod Haze (🎮Greyson)
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I was wondering if you guys had any Victorian AU's to recommend? I read a one shot recently where Claire was an orphaned society girl taken in by the Randall's and she went to Jamie to propose marriage to avoid being forced to marry Frank, and I was interested in seeing if there were any more Victorian AU's (not specifically like that one, just in general lol). Thanks!!!
Hi there Anon!
Our friends over at @imagineclaireandjamie have a Victorian story that sounds just like what you’re looking for! It’s The Arrangement, written by Mod MBD ( @mybeautifuldecay) and Mod WTT ( @writtenthroughtime).
Happy Reading!
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Where do you think the mare goddess dropped her shell?
Reblog this post and add the location of the shell.
Choose wisely! You may guess only once!
Open to all Festival participants until DEC. 1ST.
Winners earn a bonus entry in the giveaway.
I will message you with a code if you’ve guessed correctly.
Once you have been notified, go to the giveaway widget on the RULES page to enter the code!
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kissncry · 5 years
we bullied nathan enough that the penguin suit is gone
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foegold · 7 years
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i’m easily won over by cool flying mounts
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ask-no-name · 3 years
For the mod:
We can see memories of the past of No Name, I mean, as fragments without coherence for the followers to make their own story.
Sorry to say, but his story is actually going to be revealed in full throughout the plot (especially in TtD and WtT). Not much is meant to be left to interpretation.
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As of today, December 3rd, 2018, the Writing Tips and Tips Blog will be going inactive. We are not deleting the blog, but we will no longer be posting or answering questions.
There are many reasons for this, the chief among them being that we simply do not have the time, energy, or motivation to keep this going. As many of you have noticed, we’ve been pretty inactive already, and while both Dabiyyah and myself hoped things would get better, they have not.
However, the WTT community is still around and strong on the Discord server! Here you may ask your questions to the whole community, not just us, find friendship with other writers, work on your writing and have a bit of fun along the way. (Plus with Tumblr doing weird things, honestly, this full migration is well timed.)
Along with my full team of mods (including Dabiyyah, whom I know you all love as much as I do), we’re planning a year of events for 2019 to help writers all over the globe and strengthen our community.
Sincere apologies to those with unanswered asks in the askbox, but we will not be answering them due to the age of most of the asks.
Thank you for all the love and support you have given to all of us. We appreciate you and look forward to growing the WTT community on Discord.
Amanda and Dabbiyah
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dollmarrow · 5 years
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WANT TO TRADE! Soom Raon in white. Faceup and ear mod by @softpoisondollz For Soom Raon in white. No Mods!!! I will sale ONLY if I find one. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you. #wtt #wanttotrade #bjdsale #soomraon #soom https://www.instagram.com/p/B6OfmfmpFTE/?igshid=359bnfg8y5vg
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I miss u!!!!
thank you for saying so ;; i’m still alive, i’m just kind of maybe losing it because i’ve written 12k words in the last three weeks and i maybe also regret overloading mods this semester, but on the bright side, wtt looked like a complete disaster so i’m not mad i missed the whole fiasco 🙃🙃
anyways, just wanted to pop in to say thank you to everyone who sent me nice messages 😭😭 i don’t want to spam the tumblr feed so i won’t be replying all of them, but i see you guys, and i just wanted to thank y’all for sending me kind words 💙
to those who sent me gif requests, i swear i’ll get to them when school lets up 😭😭
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w-t-t-s · 8 years
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OK, this would require smut but you do it SO DAMN WELL! Jamie has often talked about how aroused he had/has been riding double with Claire on a horse. I'd imagine she feels the same way after their marriage. How about a story where one or both of them actually *help out* the other with said arousal while heading somewhere on horseback. It might require stopping in a patch of heather or a patch or leaves. Or it might not. Ya know?
“Christ, Sassenach!” Jamie grunted from behind me, his hands settling on my waist and squeezing to keep me from moving further. “I dinna think I can keep us in a straight line if he keep doin��--aghh!”
I giggled and ground my bum harder into his groin. “Good thing I have the reigns, hmm?”
“Why ye wee--”
“Ah, ah, ah, Mr. Fraser.” I teasingly tisked. “Keep that up and there will be no fun times in your foreseeable future.”
I felt the low rumble of a growl in Jamie’s chest as he acquiesced. Looking down I saw his knuckles had gone white in my skirts, attempting without hope, to keep my hips still. I overemphasized rocking of the saddle with each step Donas took. Eliciting groans from Jamie.
Without my realizing what happened, Jamie quickly called to Donas, then managed to get the horse to stop, us off the saddle and my skirts up. His mouth devoured, as his hands stroked. My skin heated and I couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe, I could only feel. Jamie seemed to be everywhere all at once.
“Can ye give me one, Sassenach?”
“N-no…” I breathed out in short pants.
“Liar,” he growled into my clit, sending shockwaves of pleasure through my body. I was nearing my release when he stopped with a laugh and long rasp of his stubble against my thigh.
“What?” I looked up bewildered. “Why did you stop?”
“Did ye think I wouldna get my revenge on yer antics? Teasing the whole way from Lallybroch.” He gave a guttural scoff. “Nay, Sassenach. Ye should learn to take as good as ye give.”
“Why you insufferable, bloody, Scot!”
He laughed and began to make his way back toward the knoll Donas was grazing. My legs the consistency of jello and my body burning for further pleasure, I stumbled my way towards him and launch myself onto his back. He faltered for a moment but didn’t fall as I had intended.
“You’re not leaving me like this, you bloody Scot!” I growled into his ear. He tipped his head back and laughed.
“Now ye ken what it feels like, Sassenach!”
I huffed and tugged on him to no avail. “Will you stop and turn around?”
He turned his head, quirking an eyebrow at me. I slithered off of him and tugged on his belts. One of these stupid things must be holding up his kilt.
“Ah ha!” I crowed in triumph as his kilt pooled to the grass. Jamie stood before me clad in nothing but his shirt and coat.
“Was that yer goal then, Claire? Take off my kilt, but no do anything else?” He queried, arms folded across his chest.
“No,” I replied confidently, reaching out to slap his hands down, and unbutton the coat.  “You could be helpful.”
“Och, and why?”
A lust-filled haze took over my actions and words. “Because if you don’t get your clothes off or mine off me in the next few seconds I may explode! And if I’m not here, who will you be able to stick your cock in? Hmm?”
Jamie laughed, though his cheeks and ears pinked at my words. He helped me tug his clothes off and onto the ground, then made quick work of my own. I didn’t give him time to hesitate or take in our surroundings, I pounced. My hormone-soaked brain telling me one thing, find release. Jamie fell to the ground with a slight oof, that quickly turned into a moan as I slid myself down onto him. Our movements became frantic. As I ground myself forward he thrust himself up, each stroke pushing him deeper and deeper into me.
“Don’t… stop!” He panted, gripping my hips and throwing his head back. He came shortly after. My body still buzzing and yearning for the same oblivion worked harder on him, desperate to find release. The coarse pad of his thumb flicked, making my rhythm stutter. Again, and again he flicked my clit, letting me grind down on his now semi-hard cock to find what I needed.
He sat up slightly, the depth of him increasing, making me moan. One of his arms snaked around my back keeping me in place, the other reached down and roughly moved the way he knew I liked. It wasn’t long until he was growing harder and longer inside me and my own release consumed my senses. When I had come back to the present from my orgasm, Jamie lay beneath me, his chest rising and falling harder than before.
“Christ, Sassenach. Just tell me the next time ye want to go for a ride, ye dinna have to make up a pretense of an actual horseback ride.” His voice was breathy and deep with exhaustion.
I laughed, causing him to groan. “Dinna do that, Claire. I’m too sensitive now to think of another round.”
“Surely I haven’t made you too tired. Was I too rough on you?”
“Nay,” he said kissing my forehead. “But ye do ken how to tucker me out. Give me a pause and I’ll be ready for another round.”
“Or two?” I asked biting my lip.
He laughed pulling me so that my head rested under his chin, and pulled his plaid across our naked bodies. “Aye, or two!”
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Three years ago today @imagineclaireandjamie made their very first post! To celebrate we have collated a list of three of our favorite stories written by each of the mods both past and present! We wish you all a happy birthday and look forward to another year full of incredible fics!
Mod Bonnie [@bonnie-wee-swordsman / bonnie_wee_swordsman]
Flood My Mornings [AO3]
Hail Mary [AO3]
The Last All-Clear [AO3]
Mod Eli [ke_xia]
Claire’s Been Shot [AO3]
Frozen In Time AU [AO3]
Man Out of Time [AO3]
Mod Eloise [suspiciousteapot] 
When All Work Is Done [AO3]
Home [AO3]
Dr. C. Randall, Chief of Surgical Staff [AO3]
Mod Gotham [@gotham-ruaidh / gotham-ruaidh]
The Thistle and The Rose [AO3]
Vietnam AU [AO3]
Meeting As Children 
Mod Kate [@missclairebelle / missclairebelle]
Her Royal Highness (H.R.H.)
Brianna: Character Studies [AO3]
Mod Katy
The Talk
Bree Dating
Putting Bree To Bed
Mod Lenny [@lenny9987 / lenny9987]
The Tagalong [AO3]
A Visit To Virginia [AO3]
Mac Ruaidh [AO3]
Mod Liv [@westerhos / spinsterclaire]
Our Story [AO3]
In A Mantle of Mist [AO3]
The Thief, the Whore, the Witch, and the Strange Woman [AO3]
Mod MBD [@mybeautifuldecay / mybeautifuldecay]
As Yet Unread
Chain of Command
The Getaway
Mod Wheel [fardareismai]
Le Taureau Vierge 
Escape [AO3]
A Secret Told To The Mouth Instead Of The Ear [AO3]
Mod WTT [ @writtenthroughtime / writtenthroughtime]
Tales From The Past
Neighboring Love
Oidhche Mhath
Librarian’s Note: When navigating multi-chapter fics on @imagineclaireandjamie you can search for the entire story by using tags or the search function (for example “[story name]” and “;mod [insert name]”. We have found that stories are best read on a desktop computer as the Tumblr app is not as helpful as it should be. If you have any questions or need help locating a fic or a specific chapter don’t hesitate to ask the lovely mods at  @imagineclaireandjamie!
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The Scorpio Races Festival 2018 One Week Extension
Hello, all! I’ve come down with a really nasty cold, so I’m extending the Festival another week. That means the Colors, the Mare Goddess’ Shell Game, and the Race Standings results will all roll out next weekend. Thank you for your patience! Good luck on the beach!
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gotham-ruaidh · 7 years
oh i thought you were an original founder at imagine. how did the blog start then?
Hi anon,@imagineclaireandjamie started sometime during the summer of 2015, founded by 2 mods (Mod Eli and Mod Katy) who modelled the blog after a similar blog in the Marvel fandom.In September 2015, the 2 founding mods opened up applications for new mods. In a "because why not" moment I wrote 2 short stories and applied. For some reason they chose me (and shortly thereafter, our Emeritus Mod Wheel @asthewheelwills and one of my current Imagine sisters Mod Eloise @dingbatland). Shortly after that, Mod Liv @westerhos was brought on board.Then when Eli and Katy needed to focus on other things, we invited Mod Lenny @lenny9987, Mod MBD @mybeautifuldecay, and Mod WTT @writtenthroughtime to join our party.Not too long afterward, Mod Bonnie @bonnie-wee-swordsman joined our merry band of misfits as well. It's been a long, strange, but oh so rewarding journey for we 7 current Mods. I hope they don't mind me speaking on their behalf when I say that we have more fun together than any of us ever imagined (pardon the pun 😎)!!
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