#;momo desu
vishapsking · 5 months
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i did my best to make her look like me. bitchy resting face and all
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wrecking-man · 5 months
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Oh, it's Rei's mom. She's actually with my her daughter. How rare.
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Eyes reveal.
They're so cute. 😭
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Komi agrees!
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I like that Rei has some cute little bunny ears though. So adorable!
Cute chapter, all in all. I'm glad that we were treated with a Rei and Mira chapter randomly in the middle of another arc, lmao.
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needsmoretea · 2 months
Just thought I'd post some random Pixiv recs for my fellow enjoyers of ZOOL shenanigans~
カキ has some really cute illustrations. This is one of my favourite collections, and I particularly love the how it started vs how it's going pic of Touma being all, "uhh, guys???"
猿川円 also does some lovely illustration collections. One of my favourites is a collection of stuff from APOZ and Beyond the Period, partly for this lovely scene of Minami being reminded of Haruki before rejoining the rest of the group.
ymd does a lot of gen stuff as well (along with some ToraMina if you like that sort of thing), and their art is super pretty. This comic collection is very amusing, especially this one. Very rough and short translation...
Haruka: This is hilarious. They’re saying ZOOL get along so well, the four of them should just live together and marry each other. Do we really seem that buddy-buddy?
Touma: M-marry?! Why would they say that!?
And then Haruka, Minami and Torao are like lol sounds like fun, let's do that, live in a crazy expensive Midou residence and buy a really big rice cooker, while Touma eventually just kind of goes along with it and is all
Touma: You really look like you’re enjoying this… Sure, why not. Let’s live together and be happy!
And then there's U, my absolute favourite ZOOL fanartist, who draws the most hilarious comics. I did a rough translation of this collection here when I sent an ask to @always-a-joyful-note, so I'll repost it here for good measure.
Q: Which entertainer do you message most on Rabbichat?
Minami: I... (Inumaru-san...)
Haruka: To... (Touma, I guess...)
Torao: To... (Touma, probably...)
Touma: It's Riku.
Minami, Haruka and Torao: HMMMMM????
Touma: He's always active on Rabbichat, after all.
And then to save face they all change their answers instead of 'Touma' or 'Inumaru-san' to...
Minami: Iroke no aru hito desu. (A certain sexy person)
Haruka: Toshiue no onna! (An older woman)
Torao: Toruko no onna. (A Turkish woman)
Touma: You can't answer with any of those! (We're idols, you know).
And now for some other comic translations under the cut to break things up a bit.
Like the last comic when they finish up work early so Touma asks the others if they want to grab dinner together but they all play hard to get, so he's like, whatever, guess I'll invite Riku instead, and they're like WHY AREN'T YOU TRYING HARDER TO ASK US OUT??? and he's like GOD YOU'RE SUCH A PAIN IN THE ASS.
I also greatly enjoyed this collection and this comic of the rest of ZOOL getting jealous of Touma's interactions with Riku the most.
Riku: Touma-san!
Touma: What’s up?
Riku: Take that~ *thwack* I smacked you with my towel, so now we have to hug!
Touma: Uh… I don’t really get it… wait, listen to me!
Riku: A hug with Touma-san~ *squeeze*
Touma: Get offa me already!
Minami, Haruka & Torao: … *THWACK THWACK THWACK*
Touma: Ow… that hurts! What’s with you guys? Are you bullying me?!
Also this collection too, and the comic of them bumping into Re: Vale.
Yuki: *staaare*
Touma: Wh-what is it?
Yuki: Those yaeba sure are nice. (They remind me of Momo’s) *just noticed*
Touma: !!!!!!!!
Momo: Hey, Yuki, are you cheating on me? I’m supposed to be your number one!
Toao: That ice queen again. Hey, Touma, pull yourself together!
Touma: Yuki-san gave me a compliment… (Well, my teeth.)
Torao: What are you blushing for? Just what kind of relationship do you have with that guy?!
Again, another quick translation via an ask @always-a-joyful-note for this comic here, here and here of Touma's 'I love you' scene from Beyond the Period:
Touma: (Wow, Haru is actually saying 'I love you' to the fans. He sure has become cool. Okay, I should say it too.) I love... you... (Huh? Those two are really staring at me for some reason.)
Torao: Did you hear that, everyone? Touma just said he loves me.
Haruka: No, he looked at me when he said it.
Torao: He was looking at me longer though.
Haruka: No, he was looking at me 5 seconds longer than you.
And then while Touma's being all what the heck are you guys talking about, it's like...
Minami: I'm the only one you didn't say 'I love you' to.
Touma: No, it's not like that, Mina. When I said 'I love you', I meant -
The collection with the Monster Parade comic is also super funny because even teeny tiny mon-mon ZOOL refuses to leave Touma alone (sasagero fuwafuwa version?)
Touma: My shoulders feel heavy lately
Haruka: Isn’t that just you getting older? 
Tora: Don’t tell me you’re being haunted
Minami: Fufu, has someone cursed you?
Touma: Don’t scare me like that
Staff member: Excuse me
Touma: Coming~
Haruka, Minami & Torao: !!?
Also, this comic. I guess everyone just lives at Touma's place now?
Touma: We’ve done our first shrine visit of the year, so now I guess we should head home
Haruka: You’re leaving already?
Tora: But I kept my schedule open for you
Minami: I feel like we should still hang out
Touma: Ehh… Well, my place is nearby. Wanna come over?
Torao: It’s tiny. It’s smaller than the bathroom at my place.
Touma: Your bathroom is just ridiculously big!
Minami: How like you to have a kotatsu, Inumaru-san
Haruka: Kotatsu are awesome
Touma: I know, right? Anyway, make yourselves at home
*A few hours later*
Torao: It’s small but it’s comfortable. It’s not so bad
Minami: I don’t want to get out from under the kotatsu
Haruka: Zzzz
Touma: I know I told you to make yourselves at home but when are you guys planning to leave…
While once again, the rest of ZOOL gets jealous of Touma's relationship with Riku and decides to take it out on poor Shirou instead.
Minami: Inumaru-san, are you drinking Li*ton again?
Haruka: Probably because of Nanase Riku
Torao: Yesterday it was Sougo. What a cheater
Touma: I’m just drinking Li*ton! But you know, collabs sure are nice. When I look at them like this, it makes me feel like I can do my best. Like I wanna see Riku.
Minami: Ohh….
Haruka: Hmm…
Torao: Hehh…
Minami: Utsugi-san, why aren’t we getting any collab jobs?
Haruka: If you’re our manager then you’d better get us some collab jobs!
Torao: If you don’t, we’ll tell on you to Ryou-san
Shirou: I get it already, calm down! (Inumaru-san, what have you been saying to them?!)
Speaking of Shirou, looks like Torao needs to be cautious around him too.
Shirou: Excuse me, about tomorrow’s 5 year anniversary…
Touma: What about it?
Torao: (That’s it, Touma. Stay vigilant around this guy.)
Shirou: Shall we have a chat over some grilled meat after you’re done?
Touma: MEAT?! (I knew it, he’s a good guy!)
Shirou: Inumaru-san, you really are like a dog. I can see why Ryou-kun said you looked good wearing a collar. 
Touma: *not listening anymore* Haru, let’s go and eat some meat!
Shirou: Can I pet him just this once?
Sorry for the super long post and the sucky translations, but please enjoy the pretty pictures and do feel free to give the artists a like if you enjoyed their work as much as I did. >3
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mrpenguinpants · 2 years
Hi! I know requests are closed but I have an idea for the Razor Headcanons/series. Maybe Razor is excited about his new 'mate' and finally tells Bennett about it and is like, "what do I do!? What do human mates do??" so next time he sees the reader he kisses her and the reader's brain goes into hyperdrive and is super confused because do wolves do that with their family?? I'm sorry, I just absolutely LOVE the way you write Razor, he is adorable and your writing makes me so happy 😭❤
What's this? I'm actually posting a fic in probably two years?? Excuse me if this is wonky, it's been a while. But thank you anon! That's really kind of you to say (❤´艸`❤). Side note, I honestly forgot I had a razor semi-series lol.
[ General HCs ] [ Pre-Relationship HCs ] [ Cuddle HCs ] [ Jealous HCs ]
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@hanniejji @hermaeusmorax @unionwitch @musekala @sunnshiii @stanzastic @vlorxus @xoneaboveallx @adoring-ghost @asheseiler @sakari-shi @dilucsz @dai-tsukki-desu @thicmitten @nonniechan @htnicayh @genshins1mpact @morthecreator @aanne2601 @aklxojjk @fulltimeventisimp @aetherazor @laic2299 @dieseameni @duhsies @creatorofstars @zalladane @itchichan @sweeti-pie @curiouslilbeast @momos-peaches @adeptitao @pineapple-panini19 @castinluckgamer @psychologicalnecrosis
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Razor: Early Relationship HCs
When Razor and you finally confessed your feelings to each other and got together, it came along with new emotions and feelings. One's that Razor had never felt before and couldn't tell if they were good or bad. He adores you so much that he doesn't think he'll ever look for someone else. He doesn't want to mess anything up with his limited knowledge of human customs. When he was younger, his lupical explained what mates were and that while some wolves don't mate for life, he should find a strong partner to live the rest of his life with. Razor didn't really understand what they meant since a mate sounded similar to how he felt about his family, that he would want to protect and support them but ever since he meant you, it's been increased tenfold. He wants to see your smile, he wants to hold your hand, and he wants to make you happy. He's so excited to finally meet his mate but now he's faced with the truth that...he doesn't really know what to do.
He nervously went to his teacher, Lisa, to get a better understanding but that was an awkward conversation. She only giggled at him, ruffled his head, and told him to follow his heart. Razor didn't really understand what that meant but his teacher was smart so she probably knew what she was talking about. Follow his heart? He wasn't even sure what this mess of emotions was let alone be able to tell what he wanted to do.
Bennett and Fischl start to pick up on Razor's souring mood. Usually, the wolf boy is short with his words and quiet in his affection, but it seems as if there's this constant cloudy grey storm above his head. Naturally, as the leader of Benny's Adventure Team, Bennett takes it upon himself to question Razor. It only takes a few questions before Razor gives and tells his friends that he doesn't know how to show you that he loves you. He's only just recently become more social with people.
Fischl begins to get excited about the topic, almost dropping her unique way of speech just to squeal and congratulate Razor on his new relationship. Bennet on the other hand thinks long and hard about how to solve Razor's extremely important issue before inevitably burning his brain out and saying that he'll go ask his Dad's for any ideas.
"I asked my dads and they said you can give a gift to show your appreciation if words aren't your thing. Next time you see her, maybe you could make her something?"
The words from Bennett repeat in Razor's head like a mantra as he searches for you. A small trinket in his pocket wrapped in paper is secure in his pocket. There's apparently a festival going on outside of the city that you mentioned that you wanted to go to. Normally he would be a bit apprehensive being surrounded by so many people but with you and his friends there, he thinks he'll be able to manage. Plus, he really wants to be able to hold your hand in public. Let everyone know that he's yours and you're his. Maybe there's a bit of wolf in him talking or that's how he justifies it.
He perks up at the sound of his name and turns to see you standing under the shade of a tree waving excitedly to get his attention. Razor can already feel his palms getting clammy before balling them into fists and steel's his resolve. He double-checks that his gift is still in his pocket as he quickly walks over to you and joins you under the leaves and you open your arms to hug him.
"Did you have any trouble coming here? I know it's not as far as the city but I got a bit worried when I couldn't find you," you say as you look up at him nestled into his chest. Unbeknownst to you, all Razor can think of is sweeping you off your feet and taking you somewhere private where it can just be the two of you. You look so comfortable and absolutely adorable in his arms and you start to ramble about different things that are dotted around the festival. To be frank, all Razor wants to do right this moment is kiss you. Is this what his teacher meant by following his heart?
"Is something wrong?" you asked concerned about the lack of response. Razor slowly but gently guides your body to face his, as if you were a scared animal, before bringing his hands to cup your cheeks. He touches your nose together as he tilts your head slightly before pressing his lips to yours. Your body immediately goes ridge, face exploding in heat, and hands grasping at nothing as you fumble at the unexpected kiss. What? What?? Is this something wolves do? Is this their way of greeting someone? What are you supposed to do? Well obviously return it but your brain is currently working in overdrive as you try to process what's happening. Are you dying right now? Actually, you are because it's starting to register in your brain that Razor has a better lung capacity than you do. You quickly pat him on his arm to let you breathe and he pulls away.
"U-Um..wow, hi to you," you giggle a bit as you finally rest your hands back against his back. You can feel Razor's face is warm and you're sure that your face isn't doing any better than how hot your body feels.
"I wanted to. Suddenly. Sorry," Razor apologies but he doesn't look the least bit sorry, "Ah. Wait."
You tilt your head to see what he's shuffling around in his pockets before he pulls out a small pouch. You can hear the small chimes of bells coming from inside as it's placed into your hands.
"For you. Gift." Razor mumbles shyly, pulling your body closer as you say your thanks into his chest. You can hear his heartbeat pitter patter and you wonder if he can feel your heart beat just as fast.
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high-lagaard · 2 months
Monthly list of songs recommendations (24 03)
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Just wanted to write a list of Vocaloid songs I've been listening to a lot this month, so I can remember them more clearly in the long run but also simply to share them. Maybe it'll become a monthly habit ? Who Knows...
Intro image is a frame from chic sick seek's MV
Puryu ft. Kagamine Rin & Otomachi Una - chic sick seek
Puryu ft. Kagamine Rin - dealer
Puryu ft. ROSE - credit
RaV² ft. Kasane Teto SV - Mummy
RaV² ft. Kasane Teto SV - Actor
RaV² ft. Kasane Teto SV - Curtain Call
A_II ft. Momone Momo & Kasane Teto - BR (Shinsou Semantic first remake/alternate version)
Agate ft. flower & Gekiyaku & Kaai Yuki - Many times
Agate ft. Gekiyaku & Hatsune Miku - Firing/Gunshot
Nanu Riso ft. Hatsune Miku - Ashi desu ka. (+ awesome Teto cover by pifuyuu)
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Being able to hear Seijirou singing (and shouting) again, is something that immediately made me smile!!
From all the tone of the song and the dialogues one can guess that the older Mikoshiba is giving some kind of special training to Nitori and Momo and his enthusiasm is contagious!!!
This song has already gone straight to my playlist of energy and motivation, since they start with the "1, 2, Sei,Sei" they already had me immersed.
And the rhythm is so danceable and fun!! IS SO AAAAAAH YEAH LETS GOOOOO WE WILL BE THE STRONGEST SAIKO DESU!!!!!! Kskdodk
By the time the "🎶girigirio girigirio🎶" of the chorus start playing i was swaying and enjoying myself so much, Idk but I feel like the seiyuus had a lot of fun recording this!!
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me hearing this song:
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pawfuu · 2 months
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oh, kawaii squirrel-chan. oh so desu, nya~ (tw: link)
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hi! :3 i'm momo or raku ( 楽 ), i'm an asian native! i use shi / hir , chi / chir , pyu / pyus , and nya / nyas! im an immigrant, adopted, and english isnt my first language, if you couldn't tell, nya! i am a minor who's older than 14! im a bisexual pansexual straightbian intersex cis tfem, along with various other identities. i usually post flags based on horror, cats, poc culture & kpop! i'm unable to use tonetags due to my disabilities, but if you want me to clarify my tone, i am totally able to! :3 im visually impaired, audhd ocd, a hc-did system & i have personality disorders, but i would like to keep that disclosed >_<
I AM A cis MIXED PERSON. i do not owe you my fucking ethnicities, i do not owe you SHIT about me so STOP ASKING!!!! if you ask, it is an instant block im so sick of yall constantly asking me anonymously. YES i can coin the things i do, so for the love of god stop asking!!! 🌈🍓
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stardomtrash · 2 years
I love the Kid tempting Momo arc. This was a great brutal match between them. Loved how before it Momo didn’t want the Highspeed title so she said “I’ll win it and give it right back”. Like DAMN.
Obsessed with the way the mic echos on “desu kaaaaaa”. Kid is such a good villain promo and acoustics really did her a solid here
One thing Kid says tho, “all of Oedo tai will support you” - like that rings so true and is such a genuinely good way to sell Oedo Tai to anyone, especially Momo. Their cohesion and support for one another is the best in Stardom one could argue. So many members come out to second for every match, even the injured Tora. Coming from a unit that’s as solo-driven as Queen’s Quest, the differences would be night and day.
I do also have to shout out the line “Next time I’ll make you miserable” as one of the best serious lines I’ve heard in a long while. It lives rent-free in my head. Cos you know she will. Like sadist Momo will not even blink and make you miserable. If I was Kid I’d be scared xD
Did not mean for this to be as rambly as it became xD
Also, Saki responded to this on Twitter, trying to sell Oedo Tai as “It's a simple mom-and-pop deal, grassroots.”
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curewhimsy · 1 year
VOLUME WARNING- Very loud for some reason???
Very short original song I made, sung by 15 synth characters (Re:SON@Te)
Instrumental and UST by me
Vocals- Ame Sugar Hatsune Miku Yowane Haku Joy Smiley Rhona Aequor Nagisa Onda Luana Kai Rie Hibine Kasane Teto Utane Uta Momone Momo Soune Taya Namine Ritsu Yokune Ruko Fuuga Koto
The song is called Kagayaku
This is also the tune I heard in my dream back in November
Instrumental made with Online Sequencer
Lyrics- 今日から来てる、眩しくしてる Kyou kara kiteru mabushiku shiteru 私たちの笑顔を見てる Watashitachi no egao wo miteru 日常の中で魔法が輝くでしょう Nichijou no naka de maho ga kagayaku deshou 冷たい雨が降るの時 Tsumetai ame ga furu no toki 虹をするって心から光 Niji wo suru tte kokoro kara hikari きっとずっと世界は奇跡がいっぱいでしょう Kitto zutto sekai wa kiseki ga ippai desu yo
ENGLISH- It’s coming from today on, it’s sparking Look at our smiles The magic of everyday is sparking When there is a cold rain Make a rainbow with light from your heart Surely, forever, the world is filled with miracles
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vishapsking · 4 months
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𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑(𝐒): shades of purples and blues.
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑(𝐒): tart flavours, sweet and salty ( e.g soy garlic ).
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐂: it depends on my mood. swings between pop and hip hop.
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄(𝐒): watership down, chirin no suzu
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒: kuroko no basuke, nbc hannibal
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒: dark gathering
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄: the medium
𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐍: my trip to thailand next december
TAGGED BY: @nagareboshiko ( ty for tagging me ! )
TAGGING: just do it
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wrecking-man · 5 months
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So that's why.
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Her parents kind of sound neglectful for that, tbh. Who lets their 8 or 9 year old daughter roam around in another country?! 🗣
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Aww, poor girl... She's lonely.
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Somebody give this girl a hug! 🗣
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ffxiv-streamers · 2 years
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Haruka: (reads my mind) my mind: fanfic prompt: write a 100-chapter behemoth about Ayaka shooting Momo them: what the yaoi desu
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cookignis · 3 years
Answer these and tag 9 people you’d like to know better / catch up with!
LAST SONG: เข้าข้างตัวเอง(อีกแล้ว) by ETC. 
CURRENTLY READING: Babysitter Bloodbath by Regina Watts
CURRENTLY WATCHING: Nothing but the last thing I watched was Kingsglaive again. 
CURRENTLY CRAVING: Capital Grille, specifically the Pan-Fried Calamari with Hot Cherry Peppers (´┓`*)
tagged by: @ravusnightblossom ( ty!! <33 )
tagging: uhh i’m like a week late so anyone who hasn’t done it yet!
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mrpenguinpants · 1 year
Hello, sorry for bothering you. I was wondering if I could be added to the tag list for everything, if so that would be great!
Not a bother at all :D honestly, this is the perfect excuse to redo my tag list.
Childe Tag List
@youaskedfurret @diaxfeliz @wintergreen-aix @elyiu @thegayrubberducky @aruuuuuuunyan @akiy4ma-mizuki @disa-ster @tigerpriestess @yuu-yuukurotsuki @openingssequence @onowie @sora-sunshne
Tag List for everything 
@hanniejji @hermaeusmorax @unionwitch @sunnshiii @vlorxus @xoneaboveallx @asheseiler @sakari-shi @dilucsz @dai-tsukki-desu @nonniechan @htnicayh @genshins1mpact @morthecreator @aklxojjk @fulltimeventisimp @laic2299 @dieseameni @duhsies @creatorofstars @zalladane @sweeti-pie @curiouslilbeast @momos-peaches @timmyitsmeeee @nebula-gemini
Xiao Tag List
@youaskedfurret @37thcupid @tigerpriestess @yuu-yuukurotsuki @legionqueensav @mamasnu @castinluckgamer @dazqily @sora-sunshne
Zhongli Tag List
@legionqueensav @lemontum
Razor Tag List
@pineapple-panini19 @castinluckgamer​ 
Kaeya Tag list
Diluc Tag List
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kaminotsumahajiki · 3 years
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RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single pringle who doesn’t want to mingle
LIPSTICK OR CHAPSTICK: lipstick generally. but depends on the situation 
LAST SONG I LISTENED TO: somnus from ffxv
LAST MOVIE I WATCHED: mulan live action movie
TOP THREE TV SHOWS: twilight zone, black mirror, kingdom
TOP THREE SHIPS: ignoct, dimiedel, zhongguang
BOOKS I’M CURRENTLY READING: i just finished ‘where the crawdads sing’ but haven’t started another one yet
Tagged by: @melancholicblossom​ ( ty!!! )
Tagging: anyone who wants to!
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