#;oh mrs. fox please don't take an umbrella (kitsune)
hyakkiyagy0 · 5 months
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plotted starter for @historiavn - 狐の嫁入り
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In the heart of the Lost Woods, where shadows dance with the whispers of ancient trees and eerie mist cloaks the secrets of the past, a father wanders, haunted by memories he cannot escape.
Amongst the gnarled branches and tangled undergrowth, a malevolent presence stirs, drawn by an unbreakable bond of blood and regret. It moves silently, its ethereal form drifting through the mist like a wraith summoned from the depths of the forest. A trap lies in wait. A monster grasps at the straws of memories that remain tied to Abraham's soul, regardless of their meeting or not.
The spirit changes form. Approaching silently, as the man navigates the labyrinthine paths, a chill settles in the air, and the familiar scent of damp earth and decay hangs heavy around him. He might feel the weight of unseen eyes watching, the hairs on the back of his neck prickling with unease.
A voice. Familiar and raw, raspy with the wight of congestion on sickened lungs.
What appears to be a child stands there, the chubbiness of his flesh somewhat hollow, his eyes sunken with illness and the tears he could no longer shed.
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hyakkiyagy0 · 11 months
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;; tag drop uwu
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