anemoflower · 2 months
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Surprise hug!
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zeriphi · 1 year
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~Oh Ophelia, heaven help a fool who falls in love~
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femblemfemslash · 2 years
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I really like you, Ophelia. I think you’re supercool. You’re confident in yourself, and you never flinch or falter in battle. That’s why I wanted to sit down and talk with you. That’s all I wanted, really…
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bigbrainbiology · 2 years
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"Hello? Are you present?" - Chess Belle, Down till You Fall Chp 6 by @sophelia-moon <3
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sukimas · 1 year
if newfe starts sweeping the fire emblem yuri tournament i'm gonna create a new type of evil spell about it
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theravenchilde · 2 years
ma'am please I am trying to raid
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cherripups · 2 years
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i drawed her
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pinkpalletta · 1 month
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My pal Sophie needed help making a sona of sorts, potentially for vtubing but mostly for fun. So this little character is Sophelia Shortcake the clown who runs the Sprinkles Circus! I'll eventually rig her up for pngtuber plus but after I upgrade my own sona since this is just pro bono work I'm doing for her
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ice-o-fon · 1 year
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Some of my OCs !!,
Their names are Oclaghn (the boy with the blue helmet) and Sophelia (the girl with the pink helmet)
They’re motorcyclist (ignore the lack of protective gear) who don’t ever take their helmet off and they’re besties
The world their story is set in is kinda just if rise was like Australian, and if Australia had cooler cities.
idk if that makes sense…
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I got like a bunch of different OCs based in that world I’ve started to draw, so I’ll post them when all their designs are done.
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darreinhardt · 1 year
Happy Spooder
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@renapixel made a tweet earlier this week asking people to redesign his spider girl Sophelia https://twitter.com/Wouhlven/status/1614734640731807745 So I took him up. I did nothing to her human form, liking her more arachnid form anyway. The one real thing I wanted to do t her design to really go out with the spider thing by giving her a spider body like on Monster Musume: human body where the spider's head would be, and a spider body attacked to her butt with her human legs as the pedipalps.
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anemoflower · 21 days
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I did @espresso-ships selfship game. This was fun <3
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inigofication · 8 months
who do you ship soleil with
I’M GONNA ASSUMMEEE you mean Soleil FE and not my oc Soleil cuz I like never oc post LMAO
I do like Sophelia, but if I just. make it normal LOL. I liked it more years ago but I’m pretty neutral on it now given that I better understand what was so off abt their supports compared to when I first played.
I like Soleil and Villager Girl a lot!! It’s been so long since I’ve played Fates that tbh I don’t really remember a lot of supports off the top of my head.. so if I had to think of what might be cute on the spot, maybe Soleil and Sophie!! sorry for such vague random answers LOL I have no memory of what youngins I paired together
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circusfans-italia · 1 year
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XI FESTIVAL DI GIRONA: Il Palmarés I Flying Caballeros e la coppia alle cinghie aeree Duo Disar vincono l'11 Festival del Circo “Elefant d’Or” di Girona. Il premio del pubblico è andato a The Flyers Valencia per il numero alla doppia ruota della morte; il Premio della Critica è andato al Duo Disar e quello della Giuria dell'immagine a Sabrina Aganier al cerchio aereo Il Festival ha raccolto più di 29.000 spettatori sotto al grande chapiteau di Girona
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I Flying Caballeros e il Duo Disar, con un'attrazione aerea alle cinghie dall'Uzbekistan, hanno vinto l'11 Festival del Circo “Elefant d’Or” di Girona che si è svolto dal 2 al 7 marzo al Camp de Mart.
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Oltre al primo premio, il gruppo di trapezisti messicano The Flying Caballeros ha anche battuto un record mondiale durante la sua partecipazione al Festival Internazionale del Circo dell'Elefante d'Oro a Girona. Sabato scorso, per la prima volta nella storia, tre trapezisti hanno fatto il quadruplo salto mortale durante lo stesso spettacolo.
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Ecco il Palmarés completo: Elefants d’Or The Flying Caballero, Trapezis volants (Mèxic) Duo Disar, Cintes aèries (Uzbekistan)
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Elefants de Plata Vertex, Volteig acrobàtic (Israel) The Acrobatic Troupe of Dezhou, Cercles i diàbolo (Xina) Mat & Mym, Patins acrobatics (Canadà) Elefants de Bronze The Flyers Valencia, Doble roda de la mort (Colòmbia) Argendance Company, Malambo (Argentina) Hermanos Rodriguez, Icaris (El Salvador) I premi del Pubblico e della Critica hanno invece premiato rispettivamente il gruppo The Flyers Valencia (Colombia) alla doppia ruota della morte e il Duo Disar (Uzbekistan) alle cinghie aeree (vincitori anche dell'Elephant of Gold). Il premio Immagine è andato a Sabrina Aganier (Canada) con al cerchio aereo. Premio del Pubblico Flyers Valencia, Doble roda de la mort (Colòmbia) Premio della Crítica Duo Disar, Cintes aèries (Uzbekistan) Premio dell'Immagine Sabrina Aganier, Cercle aeri (Canadà) Tra tutti i partecipanti dello Show Blu e dello Show Rosso, solo 14 sono arrivati ​​in finale e si sono esibiti nel Golden Gala che chiude il Festival. Tra i finalisti c'erano Sabrina Aganier (Canada), Hermanos Rodriguez (El Salvador), Tumpy (Cile), Duo Wizzards (Russia), Flying Lucky Hell (Australia), Vertex (Israele), The Flyers Valencia (Colombia), The Flying Caballeros (Messico ), Duo Marruffo (Brasile), Clown Bubi (Brasile), Argendance Compagny (Argentina), Mat & Mym (Canada), Duo Disar (Uzbekistan) e The Acrobatic Troupe of Dezhou City (Cina). Atrazioni participanti alla  Gala  d’Or per ordine di esibizione - Sabrina Aganier (Canadà) Cercle aeri - Hermanos Rodriguez (El Salvador) Icaris - Tumpy (Xile) Comicidad - Duo Wizzards (Rússia) Quick Change - Flying Lucky Hell (Austràlia) Faquisime aèri - Vertex (Israel) Volteig acrobàtic - The Flyers Valencia (Colòmbia) Doble roda de la mort - The Flying Caballero (Mèxic) Trapezis volants - Duo Marruffo (Brasil) Mà a mà - Clown Bubi (Brasil) Comicitat - Argendance Compagny (Argentina) Malambo - Mat & Mym (Canadà) Patins acrobàtics - Duo Disar (Uzbekistan) Cintes aèries - The Acrobatic Troupe of Dezhou City (Xina) Cercles Per quanto riguarda le presenze di questa edizione, dopo aver superato tutte le restrizioni degli ultimi anni, il Festival ha superato i 29.000 spettatori nel corso di 6 giorni, 2.000 persone in più rispetto alla scorsa edizione.
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Premi Speciali - Circus Roncalli – Hermanos Segura (Argentina) - Sindicato de Artistas Circenses de Chile –Tumpy (Xile) - Sindicato de Artistas Circenses de Chile –Jan & Carolina (EEUU i Mèxic) - Club du Cirque Français – L/S Brothers (França) - Stefani Arts Agency – Troupe Dezhou (Xina) - Special Prize for Amazing Trick by Sky Angels – Flying Lucky Hell (Austràlia) - Prodartes – Paris Circus Orchestra - JS Creation – Lei Chen (Xina) - Cirque Medrano – L/S Brothers (França) - Prix Fratellini – Sophelia Skye (Regne Unit) - Premi Li Xining – Duo Disar (Uzbekistan) - Musée du Cirque Alain Frère – Flying Caballero (Mèxic) - Club Amici del Circo – Flying Luck Hell (Austràlia) - Premi Especial Natalia Jigalova – Ximena Riveros (Perú) - Cirque du Soleil Award – Vertex (Israel) - Almaty Circus – Hermanos Rodríguez (El Salvador) & Duo Marruffo (Brasil) - Special Prize of the Capital Circus of Budapest - Korotin & Makiyev (Kazakhstan) - Special prize of Budapest Circus Festival – Vertex (Israel) - Association Monegasque des Amis du Cirque – L/S Brothers (França) GUARDA TUTTE LE FOTO DELLA 11° EDIZIONE DEL FESTIVAL DI GIRONA 2023
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XI FESTIVAL DI GIRONA: Il Palmarés Se questo articolo ti è piaciuto condividilo sui tuoi social utilizzando i bottoni che trovi qui sotto   Read the full article
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flatmingo · 1 year
I meant to post this last night, but I fell asleep. I worked really hard on this, I think it turned out so cute! 🥰
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I haven't fully fleshed out her background or if I want to actually make a comic for this or not, but here's what I have right now.
Sophelia is one of the younger, imperfect versions of young Audrey. I've decided that ink people can't age, only remade. So because Sophelia wasn't the outcome of what Drew wanted, she was supposed to be remolded, but she escaped.
Sophelia is autistic and hardly speaks, only saying a word every now and again like "yes, no, bow" and people's names. She knows sign language. Her favorite toy is a Bendy plush that didn't go on the market because it came out wrong.
If I start writing for this, I don't want her to have powers like Audrey. She'll use her wit and strength only to get through obstacles.
That's all I got rn!
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dominodamsel · 2 years
8c w/ ophelia and mwah?
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queerdisagreeable · 2 years
"Jon, is that you?" Martin calls, hearing the door rattle, but unable to check as he fishes a teabag out of a mug and starts to rifle through the cupboard for their biscuits.
"It better be, else you're going to have to dust off that corkscrew." Jon's voice floats through the apartment, before another remark is cut off by the low, rolling barks as he's mobbed by their latest foster dogs.
"Ha ha, you're funny," Martin flicks back on the kettle, preparing a mug for his husband, "Why're you home so early?"
Battling against the tide of fur and excitement, Jon wades into the kitchen with an exhausted smile on his face. He manages to let down his bag before wrapping his arms around Martin's waist and pressing a long kiss to the back of his neck.
"Half day, it's the end of term. How's the writing going?" As Jon relaxes into the plush of Martin's jumper, he hears Martin make such a noise that he almost laughs. He would have, were it not for the slight tinge of unhappiness in it, "That bad?"
"It is what it is..." Martin pours Jon's tea, swirls in way too many sugars, "And what it is, is writer's block. I'll manage, but..."
Jon squeezes him tight, manipulates his body until they're facing each other, tiptoes so their foreheads touch. It's a very 'Jon' way to show affection -- something in it reminds Martin of their cats, in the best way possible. For a moment, he just lets out a long breath and smiles fondly down at him. How this simple gesture makes him feel better, he'll never know, but he'll take it at its word.
"But..." Jon leads, a smirk playing on his face, "You'd feel better if you took a break and had a very handsome man give you a massage?"
"Why, do you know one?" Martin cracks a smile and bumps Jon's forehead with his own. His husband lets out a bark of laughter and pulls him down into a kiss.
"Careful," Jon pulls away after a luxurious moment, "Or no massage for you."
He leads Martin into the living room, and what is Martin to do but follow?
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