#< i. feel like i gotta make a blacklisting tag for this somehow. lol.
starheirxero · 9 months
SO. this is. a lot!! I want to truly genuinely honestly thank everyone who didn't immediately shoot me dead in the street for the side blog, bc yea it is mine LOL. Which,, I was hoping it wasn't that obvious but oh well. I hugely, wildly appreciate everyone who has been chill (and everyone who's actually followed me bc of all this LOL) and I am sooooo so so so sorry to everyone caught in the crossfire :( I hope this all levels out soon bc. blehg.
Also!!!. listen. I hate to be this guy, I really do, but I want to remind y'all that I use it/its pronouns and nothing else. I am seeing a lotta they/them and while I know y'all're likely not being malicious, just keep it in mind pretty pls if I'm talked about at any point forward. love y'all 🙏
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eugeniedanglars · 4 years
can u explain the homophobic destiel tag?? i stopped watching spn religiously way back after s5 but have caught up stop and start over the years, and just finally caught up to 15x18 and i feel 14 again lmfao but i NEED TO KNOW MORE. lol.
okay, so it started because when 15x18 dropped it instantly became a meme among former supernatural fans that the confession scene was somehow both gay and homophobic at the same time because, like, of course supernatural would finally make destiel kind of canon after 12 years and then instantly bury their gays.
i was posting about it a lot and didn’t want to annoy my followers who didn’t expect me to reblog 12000 posts about destiel in the year 2020, so i started tagging posts about the episode/the general chaos of november 5th as “canon homophobic destiel for ts” so people could blacklist it.
then i started reading posts from actual fans of the show to find out how it actually got to that point and what might happen next and started to feel like “oh, okay, there’s a possibility the show is actually doing something cool here.”*
so now i’m basically just..... actually blogging about the show supernatural. but i don’t want to admit to myself that i’m actually blogging about the show supernatural like i’m 16 again, especially since if the finale goes badly this thursday i will once again stop caring/posting about the show, so i’m still using the jokey “canon homophobic destiel” tag to maintain some illusion of ironic detachment.
*tangential, but i thought of this joke earlier today and am taking this as an excuse to post it:
the case for supernatural subverting the bury your gays trope and having a good, satisfying ending: the writers actually planned out this season for once rather than just making shit up as they went, there’s apparently been a ton of meta storytelling about the characters defying god/the writers so they can be free to be who they actually want to be (with the implication that the fans know better than the writers), the penultimate episode wrapped up basically every plot thread except for anything to do with cas or sam’s love interest eileen, misha collins is still contracted for one more episode, a character literally said earlier this season that an ending without cas would suck
the case against supernatural subverting the bury your gays trope and having a good, satisfying ending: it’s supernatural
equally compelling arguments on both sides, i gotta say
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bellamyblake · 4 years
I saw your tags and I agree! s6 was peak romantic Bellarke. I think the problem with the season is that it left a bitter taste. I was so good and after s5 kinda restored our souls but then there wasn't a payoff and jroth...well...was jroth and downplayed it big time. So all that excitement went away.
My personal opinion is that a lot of bellarke, like strong bellarke fans with lots of followers, and mainly creators of all sorts (giffers, fanfic writers) left in season 5 because they didn’t enjoy the season and as much as we as fans write and talk about angst, I guess we can’t handle watching it? So that was one reason. 
Another reason was that much like in season 3, in season 5 people have big expectations about the bellarke reunion, and when that wasn’t met, they kind of stepped back. 
Also, as much as I love our fandom, I think a very big portion of it just don’t get bellamy (or clarke for that matter) as INDIVIDUAL characters. Many people used the hash tag not my bellamy at the season 5 time and that hurt me personally a lot because I am one of those people who loved seeing bellamy grow as a leader, as a person, as a human being. 
The more I watch and rewatch, the better I get the characters but I just think that a very big part of the fandom is very much in love with the idea of the rebel kind bellamy and the bellarke from season 1 and I can see where this appeal comes from, though I personally prefer their relationship in later seasons because for me it grows and gains substance and just makes them THEM, you know? 
But I think a lot of people were just in love with this idea of angry, spontaneous, rebel king, whatever-the-hell-we-want Bellamy that they just...wanted that? And nothing else. Whilst I think it was most necessary that he grew as a character, that he grew as a leader. It is what Clarke wanted for him. Now I always think he was head AND heart before just like she was head and heart too before that monumental talk in 4x13 but I think the pain of losing clarke just sent him to more of THAT head extreme than anything.
However season 6 truly realizes him as he IS and should be- a very well rounded leader, a very well-balanced mix of head and heart. That is so clearly showed in 6x06 memento mori when he talks to Murphy and first he just wants to act his GRIEF out, the grief form losing Clarke AGAIN but then he gets to think about it and he slows down, takes a breath and realizes that-she’s gone and yet again it is up to HIM to take care of THEM, all of them and that THIS is what she would want and THIS is how he honors her. It’s not the first time it happens and it hurts even worse but he has to do this.
Bellarke is amazing in season 6 because it has all these amazingly awesome tropes that we talk and write about in fic but suddenly they are right there for us and we somehow skip them? Which is unbelievable for me.
We have the Bellamy figuring out it’s not her and then going through the grief of losing her YET again whilst in the meantime Clarke is in Jo’s body and tries to fight for herself but GIVES UP WHEN SHE FIGURES OUT HE THINKS SHE’S DEAD and then we get him realizing she’s still IN THERE and he FIGHTS FOR HER and he actually truly brings her BACK using the same old but golden
Head and Heart
And I won’t lie it hurts me that some of those fans who gave up in season 5 and again I’m not blaming them but sometimes I feel like they are just unncessesarily evil cause they say-oh lord they touched lips in that cpr scene are we really fawning over that?
And I’m like-do I gotta remind you guys, that YOU died when she kissed his cheek in 2x16?
So somehow one is better than the other? And somehow those of us who saw all of their potential and all of the amazing stuff that happened for them in season 6 (from bellamy figuring it out to thinking he lost her YET again, to fighting for her in the cave, and then literally saving her and then REFUSING to let her risk her life yet again but knowing he doesnt have a choice to her HUGGING Him when she lost her mom???? all the tropes literally...all the fics you write IS that but you can write it yet not see it and recognize it?) are...I guess wrong? LOL for the general fandom esp on twitter.
Tbh the reason why season 5 was so bad for me was because of fandom and most of all it was because of people claiming the hash tag-not my bellamy.
I came into this fandom in the worst time possible. In season 3. When bellarke and bellamy fans hated Bellamy much like they did in season 5 and when I was so confused as to what I think and I read all these meta and thoughts and all those stuff. Much of the same is happening now in season 7.
So I told myself, I won’t listen to anyone, I won’t read anything and I’ll just blacklist. But it still hurt. It hurt like HELL. But now I’m smarter, and i make my own thoughts and I know what I love about my favorite character and I know when I can judge the writing, when I can judge his actions when I can love his actions, all of it.
But I do it, myself.
I think a lot of people are just influenced by fandom. And that’s horrible. My friend who’s not in the fandom LOVED season 5, hated season 4. I love season 4 because of many things I wont get into now but that’s just my point. People can ruin this for you.
However I will never forget the not my bellamy tag. And people still use that shit. and I just never will get it. I love this boy. I love where he is now. And I am sorry but as cool and as awesome he is in season 1 and I love him there too, I just love the well-rounded person that he is now, the growth he went through.
Do I find injustices? Yes, I do. I definitely do. I have thoughts about things that I find wrong when it comes to Bob and Bellamy. And I can criticize that. 
but I love Bellamy Blake. That I am sure of. And no amount of hash tags and people telling me touching lips aint shit in cpr scenes or casual glances are nothing and on and on about how pathetic I am, can change my mind. 
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thatlittledandere · 4 years
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 31 and 40 for that shipper ask meme (sorry for picking so many but those questions are GOOD)
You're right, they absolutely are. I'm sorry in advance that this is gonna be LONG and I'm on mobile so I can't even add a read more;;
1. Talk about the first ship you ever had
So I'm SURE there were relationships I was invested in in movies and cartoons I watched as a child (I've always been a sucker for romance, even though there was that period when I didn't want to admit it) but I can't remember anything from very far back;; So it was either Ron and Hermione from Harry Potter or Ichigo and Masaya from Tokyo Mew Mew, whichever I read first.
2. Talk about three of the most important ships throughout your life
GOSH. You can't do this to me. I guess Romione because it was the time in my preteens when I was becoming more aware of... stuff, in general, abs the two cemented my love for friends-to-lovers. Then Ioryuu, because I've never been AS invested in and passionate about a ship before and likely never will. Nothing can compare to that intensity and ngl I miss it;; I miss the genuine hype I felt in my heart that made me interact with people and make things. So many things. I honestly can't think of a third one with such a lasting impact, sorry;;
3. What's your current OTP?
Tumblr media
I imagine Souyo scenarios in my head every night before falling sleep and every morning after waking up, this is not a joke not an exaggeration. I still feel a little traitorous saying this on tumblr but their dynamic IS somewhat similar to the way I see Ioryuu so-
4. What's your current NoTP?
I don't think I have one? I have dislikes, some of them strong, but I don't see any of them often enough to be, like, actively angry. I have better uses for my time than willingly exposing myself to stuff I don't like.
5. Do you have any poly ships?
Not generally, juggling two characters is enough work lol. The only poly ships I've ever really actively shipped are Niels, Duncan and Natalie from the web comic Niels And the Gang by humon and Kinatsuen from Boueibu, but neither are actively on my mind much these days.
8. Have you ever shipped yourself with a character?
BOY HAVE I EVER. I've seen someone on tumblr have a side blog for self-shopping and not gonna lie, it's an excellent idea. My late teens were spent reading character x reader fics on Quotev and I started my fic career with the same genre. I don't really know what to do with myself when I DON'T actively ship myself with a character, which is my state of being now that Yosuke surpassed Yoosung as my favorite character;; Ibushi and Yoosung are the biggest ones but man oh boy I have shipped myself with characters from early age and I'm showing no signs of stopping! There's a reason that I main dating sims.
15. Have you ever "shipped at first sight"?
Not for long. I SUCK at forming first impressions. Usually if I start thinking I'll ship something, I end up not being so invested in it after all, and instead shipping something I swore off at first lmao. Which leads us to...
16. Talk about a ship you initially disliked
As a rule of thumb, all of them. I don't understand HOW it keeps happening but somehow almost all the ships I truly care/d about (that I didn't start shipping through osmosis before knowing them in the source material) started out as something I thought I "wouldn't be able to get behind." Gajevy. Shikatema. Sasunaru. Doctor/Rose. Karabita. Atsutodo. Kiribaku. Yoozen. Enatsu. Freaking IORYUU. EVEN SOUYO. IT'S BEEN YEARS I REALLY SHOULD KNOW THE PATTERN BY NOW
17. Talk about a pairing you've stopped shipping romantically
Like, I started to think they're better as friends after all? I guess NaLi. Then again, I mostly only shipped them out of spite in the first place because I wanted a counter for N/a//Lu, which I never liked at all;;
20. Talk about a ship you feel alone in shipping
Now this time I can say for sure that there isn't one. I can't come up with ships myself and stay on board if there isn't content for it, canon or otherwise;; It's not a conscious decision or anything, it's just how my mind works. I get attached to stuff by exposure, whether from fans or the source material, and if the source material has enough content for two characters for me to pick up on and become interested, it's guaranteed to be enough to become a somewhat popular ship.
21. Is there a ship you just don't get, but have nothing against?
Actually... That's the extent I go to with notp'ing these days. I'm passionate about the right to ship whatever you want so by proxy I can't have anything "against" a ship, even if the sheer thought of it existing makes me nauseous. And I know how to think from points of view other than my own, so I can usually see the appeal, even if it appeals to me personally less than eating dog shit while walking barefoot on rusty nails that are also on fire.
That said, the only ships I have on my Tumblr blacklist are Yoo//ra/n and Suza//lu/lu because they're both popular ships for characters whose tags I am/was following and therefore get suggested a lot even if I want following anyone who ships then. Oh, and all B/LMa//tsu ships! I generally can't feel good about incestuous ships, but can and will fight for their shippers' right to do as they please as long as they stay respectful. (never saw blmatsus who weren't respectful. saw a plethora of anti-blmatsus who were absolute demons. actually the reason i moved away from the last remnants of my anti mindset was that i didn't want to be associated with THOSE anti-blmatsus, when the shippers they wanted dead were all such sweet people. food for thought.)
22. Which of your ships have the best chemistry?
All of them?? Lmao I don't understand this question, isn't shipping all about liking the chemistry between characters? Or the potential for it I guess, in which case the chemistry is whatever you want it to be, which is great B) I'm sorry I keep accidentally dodging questions I'm bad at choosing examples from a long, unordered list
23. Which of your ships deserve better writing?
Hhhhhhh I shipped Jerza for years and was still unsatisfied with their ending, Jellal didn't get to heal enough and we didn't really see them working through their past in an effective way and getting comfortable around each other. It's like they were supposed to be friends to enemies to lovers but the last part didnt really develop and their relationship stagnated at the stage were they were both just permanently awkward out of regret, and couldn't bring themselves out of it even though everything was forgiven forever ago. Or I've forgotten a lot of stuff that happened. Very likely. Is your a case of bad writing or good writing not working out the way I wanted it to? You're asking the wrong person.
25. Have you ever shipped a pairing before you even started watching the show/movie simply because of gifs/graphics or similar?
EYUP. Harumichi was my otp for like a whole year before I saw a single episode with them lol. It was crazy, but it was REAL. I've also went into shows already paying attention to things I knew my friends/people I follow shipped, kind of hoping I'd get into it.
26. Have you noticed a pattern in your shipping? Is there a romantic dynamic I'm writing these questions down from screenshots and I cropped the rest of this one out by accident rip
Eeeh I go for the obvious. Best friend pairs, obvious pining, some rivalry with sexual tension, though I don't really know what to do with those. Then there's the fact that I never see it coming sick Persona 5 reference bro and start shipping the couple I thought "should just be friends" at first. This is more about my relationship to the ships than their dynamic but it's very constant...
27. Is there a ship you've shipped for most of your life?
Hmmm well I got into HP and started shipping Romione sometime in mid elementary school so it's definitely been more than half my lifetime since, but I don't really know if I "ship it" anymore. I didn't start disliking them or anything but for me, "shipping" is an active intrest in a fictional relationship, so if it reaches the stage where I like it, in theory, but I don't have the feels, it doesn't really count. That's why I can say I like ships without shipping them. It's gotta be actively on my brain, man.
31. Talk about one of your favorite headcanons for a ship you love
I haven't mentioned Kannao once, which is criminal. So here's some of what I imagine their future to be like :D I've been getting new Persona followers recently so here's something for you to unfollow me over lmao
So first of all I ignore the canon that Naoto goes back to the city for her detective work after her first year of high school, shhh she stays in Inaba, only taking the occasional jobs. She and Kanji start dating during the spring break before their second year and get more comfortable with each other, so that the next summer they're still cute and very much themselves (which means somewhat reserved) but not as awkward anymore :) I haven't thought about what happens after they graduate but they get married in their early 20s and have a son <3 (Chie and Yukiko adopted their daughter only slightly earlier. They may or may not have had a bit of a competition going on) ((yes Souyo are very much together but if they end up having children I haven't thought about it it's later))
Kanji manages the textile shop and Naoto helps when she's free from detective stuff. They live in Inaba but Naoto is away quite often for her gigs;; She takes up a few jobs less when Kouta is little though so he wouldn't feel less close to his Mom than his Dad.
Both Kanji and Naoto suffered from unfair expectations growing up, so they try their best to make up for it with Kouta's upbringing. They want him to feel comfortable being himself and free to express himself the way he wants; they make sure he knows he'll always be loved and supported, and to never be ashamed of who he is. As a child it doesn't even occur to him that many social norms and social expectations exist, because Naoto and Kanji pretty much let him do whatever as long as he isn't hurting himself or anyone else. They might go a little overboard though, giving into Kouta's whims without much consideration at all. The Amagi Aunties enforce rules and keep kids grounded in reality much better lmao
40. If you could change one thing about your otp, what would that be?
HMNGHNMHGNMGH I WAMT YOSUKE'S INTERNALIZED BULLSHIT ACKNOWLEDGED!! It's there AtlUS!! Stop pretending oh my god.... I love the Dancing All Night story mode (so far. I am by no means done); Yosuke gets cool moments and Yu's internal monologue really shows how much he appreciates him. The dynamic is so much better than with a silent protagonist, and thank god they didn't go with the tactless anime Yu (as fun as he is). I know there are a bunch of nods to the cut romance across spinoffs but mannnn... I wish they were more serious about it. At this point it's not even that far-fetched to think Yosuke has feelings for Yu that he may or may not be aware of, and I know that Yu as the player character can't be too tied down to one option in canon, but still... Even the clown gets tired of jokes at some point. One can dream.
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