#< it feels great to use that tag again
chamoemileclown · 6 months
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I really thought my love for the qsmp was dying out and then new eggs showed up
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rileyclaw · 2 years
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ohhh hh you two wanna fight an oversized goop slug in the woods so bad....
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mistykaru · 2 years
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i couldn’t make up my mind for who would be who for this meme but this is what i thought of first therefore
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finniestoncrane · 11 months
said to my counsellor that i wasnt built for friendship because everyone always eventually just. stops speaking to me and she went “ok why do you think that is?” and then when i finished my dumb sad list she went “ok so maybe you aren’t good at friendship” and i. have never regretted spending £50 more in my life lol
#A RANT IN THE TAGS MY GOD I DIDNT EVEN REALISE I AM WRITING THIS WARNING RETROSPECTIVELY#£50 to feel like never trying to speak to anyone again or forge any connections THANKS RUTH#Ruth remember when I said that every friendship I’ve had I’ve never truly known if it’s a friendship or if it’s one sided#remember when I told you that my friend groups always had people who had a favourite and I was never the favourite#remember when I told you that several friend groups have disbanded but not really they actually just made new spaces without me?#remember that? remember my trauma? remember?#because I DO!!!#I was not born to have friends I don’t think#I can’t even make friends with other autistic people or other weird people or other queer people#I don’t even think I could make friends with a clone of myself#this is so guy wrenchingly isolating lol#like girl what do you want from me? keep everyone at arms length like I used to?#try not to let myself get attached to people in case they decide they don’t want to be close to me anymore?#please it is not great advice Ruth#THE WORAT PART is that I literally was like ‘I don’t message too much because I’m overbearing’#and she asked where the proof was#and all I had was the complete dissolving of any relationship where I tried or tried too hard#so now I’m left in this confusing space of do I message too much or not enough because I have no happy medium#and she knows SHE KNOWS I also have energy issues and executive dysfunction stuff going on#and I know she is just trying to help and get me to think about this stuff#but it was just not the time lmao#finnie shouts into the void
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maddy-ferguson · 6 months
women will literally accuse women and esp lesbian circles of "not unpacking ""man-hating""" alleged ""misandry" sweetie xo" getting offended ppl aren't appropriately uplifting how "men are amazing and awesome and attractive and i won't be shamed for thinking so" as if appreciating men is a real counter opinion than blame whatever gave women of every sexuality instance to be jaded weary cautious and tired and who'll complain every now and then and continue on with her life until she dies putting up with patriarchy. just welcome to the "woke" internet where misogyny's over and "man-hate" "shamed for not hating men" is worth springing to defences for
yeah i've only seen people talk like men's rights activists and think they're being unbelievably progressive on tumblr it's kind of fascinating. like i can see how seeing people hate on men could mess with people and stuff but you can't demand men appreciation posts that's literally the whole world outside of idk your tumblr dash (or even on your tumblr dash because fandom misogyny from people who think they're not misogynistic at all is really something). men get praised for "babysitting" their own kids like be serious? it's very let men be masculine
i don't think being like men are soooo gross and we hate them is actually constructive and it can definitely veer into transphobia (you'll always be a man/"a male" and thus a danger to women/why would you ever want to become a man they're the enemy and the bane of society etc) and homophobia relatively quickly?
but the way people ON TUMBLR ""combat that"" is often so off to me like if the most basic feminist principles offend you then i'm not really sure where to go from here. i remember seeing a post that was like "men aren't your enemy. they're your friend/brother/father/colleague/neighbor" with a lot of notes and like i don't know how to tell you this but that's literally who's most likely to harm a woman, the men she knows?😭 and obviously not every system of oppression is exactly the same but would you say the same thing to someone criticizing white people like...just very weird
i think women who are attracted to men and dating them making jokes about how they only tolerate being attracted to men because they have no choice and especially the whole i'm bi so i love every woman and only find 1 in a 1000 men attractive (very often said while in a relationship with a man) thing is obnoxious and annoying for like everyone who has to hear it lmao but also when women who date men make jokes about it (not about them being ugly or unattractive or whatever but about them being bad partners in general) it's like. what else are they going to do like you said they're gonna endure patriarchy for the rest of their lives and as girlfriends/wives/mothers they go through the most it's very bleak? idk. it's not like you can date a better man yourself out of patriarchy
of course men aren't a all as bad as the worst guy you can imagine and they're not all out to get you or whatever but saying things like "men don't all benefit from the patriarchy rich men benefit from the patriarchy but jake, 23, is not oppressing you" is like. kind of insane. jake, 14, was oppressing me like have you never interacted with boys in school😭 and it's not like it was entirely their fault we all have to outgrow misogyny it's just you know society etc but some of them never outgrow it lmao and just...the takes you see on feminism on tumblr are astounding i hate it here
#and like i do think that young guys who feel bad about themselves only having people who make them feel worse and who actively make them#worse like incels and idk youtube algorithms to turn to is a problem but like. again it's the same thing as white people who feel bad about#being white to me in a way like are women and GIRLS supposed to coddle them and say it's gonna be okay you're great even when they're#like actually harming them by being misogynistic to them? that's already what they're taught to do always#the notes on that male loneliness epidemic post i reblogged a few weeks ago still haunt me like OH MY GOD#and if you think misogyny isn't as prevalent anymore you're very naive. and probably misogynistic yourself#i'm not even sure young men being more feminist is true (well it's probably true when you compare it to like the 50s) but even#when men ARE like yeah women shouldn't have to do everything i can help with chores (the use of the word help is already a red flag lmao)#when you look at what they actually do they still do way less like i don't have links because these are tags on a tumblr ask but i read#somewhere that men think chores are 50/50 when they're only doing like 30% of the work? like it just seems hopeless#sometimes i'm happy and then i think about the mental load#sorry for not uplifting men 24/7 you can just hang out on the steve harrington tag or something there's actually a lot of people doing that#when someone said um does the ronance fandom not seem terfy to you...because of a post that was like can the lesbian ship ronance#be about the lesbian ship ronance not about steve A MAN#like you can't make this up#i meant it when i said the average tumblr user would benefit from being exposed to more misogyny like i swear they forget it's even a thing#like obviously they wouldn't BENEFIT from it lmao but their posts wouldn't be as dumb and that would benefit me🙏#ask
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leahthedreamer · 6 months
Watching Kaori develop into the current most dominant women’s skater in the field has been incredible.
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catgirlkirigiri · 4 months
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I told you it wouldn’t just be satosugu next time I posted jjk furries. This time there are even more gay people :)
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nyxi-pixie · 4 months
look away guys im losing my marbles but everyday i wish mori wasnt such a weirdo bc it makes ppl completely unable to think abt anything else about him. like that fuckin pseudo paternal shit hes got going on w dazai??? makes me wanna eat rocks.
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so how is it in both cases they nailed the build-up and then by comparison the ending was like stepping on a banana peel.
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sportsthoughts · 2 months
#oh i am a bit tired tonight folks. had a nice time yesterday trawling through old pens forums and linking back some posts to here#(all with links because like - it's nice to share where you've found fun stuff right?) no point gatekeeping at all - we don't own content#and then the same old people once again somehow by chance post the exact same five or six photos 5 minutes after#and yeah. great minds think alike right? you were probably trawling a not touched since 2015 forum too at the same time. it's possible#and out of the hundreds of photos on there you decided to make the exact selection i did. it's possible right?#and truthfully i don't really care because i'm posting this stuff because my blog is MY personal archive and it's stuff I want to catalogue#but when you have blocked as many blogs and sideblogs as you can and people are still finding you and send you shitty anons for just...#daring to use the player tags? cataloging stuff by literally tagging the player's name? ughhhhh it's exhausting how can i block you when yo#are the tumblr equivalent of hydra regrowing a new fake sideblog pretending to be a different person every week.#sorry i know this ranting into the abyss is pointless but i have a few more posts scheduled for tonight and i know i'll wake up tomorrow#and miraculously the same ones will be posted on the same people's blogs 5 minutes after me and it's just so childish#but yeah. we all know who they are and i'm just a little tired of it and hearing the stories of people being harassed in their inboxes/dms#anyway anyway anyway. i think i shall just take a break from posting stuff because feeling a little disheartened! and uncomfortable#because i feel watched. please stop using other blogs to find me. please stop talking about me in your tags. touch some grass my friends
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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I like Tuvok canonically having a crush on Noss that he struggles through because it means that something about this stranded spider hunter appealed greatly to him and I want to know what that is
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churchydragon · 4 months
I already knew I had no interest in Palworld when they showed the guns and slavery of the Pals in the first trailer but hearing that not only has the company dabbled in NFTs and AI but there's also HUMAN slavery AND the farms are called plantations has just totally turned me off. why did the devs think that was even slightly appropriate in this fucking day and age?
like I DO think we need an open world survival Pokemon-esq game, we really do. but not Palworld. hopefully Kindred Fates will fill that void properly, in a responsible, not overly and poorly thought out edgy way.
#granted if they make it clear in the game that the slavery is Bad and there are better ways to do the things you need to do#then that's slightly better. Morrowind has slavery in it too but it makes it very clear that it's Bad#and in quests involving them they give you options to help the slaves out and allow you to free them (two Telvanni quests come to mind)#it's not great but it's slightly better. but like. if it's like the guns then I suspect it's in there just to be edgy and “cool”#which isn't okay and shouldn't be defended. that's not okay. that's not ever okay.#and it sucks cuz again we do need a game like Palworld but without all the terrible things! Nintendo has been slacking hard and also#they been playing it way too safe and I feel like anything they make will kinda fall short#I enjoyed Scarlet and Violet but I feel like they could have done a little more if they were braver#and also. you know. payed their workers and didn't push out a new Pokemon every year.#give it time to sit so new ideas can develop properly. come on now.#anyways I have no idea if any of this is really coherent or just a rapid flow of thoughts. whatever#I'm excited for Kindred Fates. it comes out this year supposedly so I'm gonna grab that when I can#also there's nothing wrong with edgy concepts in video games. Palworld just does it badly to me#and as always people are allowed to like the game but. use some critical thinking#I've seen little bits of the game that look really fun. I've just been totally disillusioned to it lmao#I am gonna be sus of anyone accusing people of being moral crusaders for calling the game out for the slavery tho. that's sus as fuck#churchy talks#churchy tag rambles
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sundial-bee-scribbles · 6 months
flower hivemind au masterpost (so far)
aight this is long overdue lmao
before i start anything off everyone give a big thanks to @olliesneweyes who's the one who originally came up w/ all these ideas, i'm just the one who posted the asks hskjghkg
below the cut i've linked p much every important post related to info abt this au, though you also should be able to find any relevant stuff under the #flower hivemind au tag on this blog lolol. this might still be messy and so is navigating my blog rip but it should be a better place to find everything
tldr; vocaloid au where flower is a type of hivemind plant parasite thing that's capable of "flowerizing" other people to assimilate them into the hivemind. len tries his best to not let his friends get killed.
content warnings for mentions/depictions of blood&gore, drugging, cannibalism(??)
first mentions of au + initial concepts:
1 -> 1st mention
2 -> (elaboration on previous: spreading thru pollen/spores, ciflower)
3,4 -> cordyceps inspiration, more about drugging & spores
more importantish main plot stuff:
targeting fukase (+ brief elaboration)
trapped in closet scenario: 1, 2
len being the final girl
first mention of the ending
expanded game mechanics/events: main flowers & memesquad boys, primary gameplay style, piko&fukase encounter (+elaboration1, elaboration2), initial notes on oliver & moke, ciflower&fukase encounter (+elaboration), flowerization tied to assimilation tactics, other survivor povs, oliver & moke getting flowerized (+elaboration1, elaboration2), more notes on oliver (+elaboration)
defective flower: 1, 2, 3
james: 1, 2,
hivemind motivations
don't take them from the garden/remind them of their past
do the spores glow
bonus stuff:
rin gets munched
waltz of malice connections
flowerized!piko concept doodle
oliver post w/ funny tags
fear garden vibes
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possiblynya · 6 months
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When in doubt, redraw your dnd party as animal crossing characters (again) 🥳
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tonariofjananda · 1 year
I want you to be in my future!
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ereborne · 6 months
Song of the Day: December 1. Starting this again! It has been years
"Soap" by the Oh Hellos
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