#<<< gonna make that a temp. tag until i come up with a better name jehdjdndj
zecoritheweirdone · 2 years
girl help i thought of a superhero avm au a couple days ago and now it’s living in my mind rent free it won’t leave my head. anyway take some designs for the au.
not all too happy with green’s design,, but there weren’t many heroes/villains i could find on the internet that best matched what i had in mind for their power. it’s,,, serviceable, and that’s good enough for me,, dkdndkc. my personal favorite out of ‘em all is purple’s,,, absolutely adore it. not sure how well it actually fits them, but you gotta admit,, it looks cool,,, ndjdndkdnfi.
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a-singleboat · 4 years
Virtual Reality
Word Count: 2.4k
Request: hi! if your taking requests, i was wondering if you could write a damien x reader, where they meet through Twitch? add anything else you want i always love everything you write, thanks so much!! - anon
Warning(s): like, one swear
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It was a Thursday night when you first met him, or rather, heard of him. You had been streaming for five hours heading into your sixth when you decided it might be time for you to log off for the night. As per usual, you took at least thirty minutes at the end of your stream just to talk with your viewers, usually about how their lives were going in exchange for a story from your own day. 
Tonight, however, there was an influx of people asking if you’d ever heard of a streamer by the name of Damien Haas, which you hadn’t, and if you would do a collaboration with the man anytime soon. Apparently, your content was eerily similar and you were, and I quote, “Practically the female version of him, looks aside.” 
“Damien Haas…” you rolled yourself back closer to your desk, hands settled on your keyboard. You typed his name into the search bar, patiently waiting for Twitch to pull up his account. You clicked into the first one, making an impressed face at the purple checkmark next to his name. You squinted at the screen. “Is this him? In the profile picture with the LEDs in the background?” 
You glanced at your chat, chuckling as the viewers started spamming ‘yes’ and ‘oh my god it’s happening,’ and your personal favorite, ‘mom come pick me up the best crossover of 2020 is happening and im SCARED.’
“He plays a lot of Animal Crossing,” you observed, clicking on one of his videos and dragging the tab onto your main monitor so the stream could see it. You skipped through the beginning part, biting into a pretzel as you watched. 
“He’s kinda cute,” you commented, laughing as your stream freaked out once more. There were a few people commenting what looked like it could be a ship name though you ignored it. “Shame I’d never meet him, though.”
You paused his video, taking note of the time, before rolling out your shoulders. “I think it’s time for me to head out so I’m gonna end this stream with a huge thank you to you all for sticking with me through this entire stream and if you didn’t stay the entire time, I’m glad you decided to join in on the ride even halfway through. I’ll see you guys next time.”
You ended the stream, waving goodbye to your viewers before the light went out and you could relax the smile off your face. Don’t get it twisted, you loved streaming and you loved your viewers but just like any other job, it could get exhausting at times. You shut down your monitors, the screens turning blue before fading to black. You stretched, taking your phone up from its charger and launching yourself into bed, opening your phone and clicking on Twitter. 
Much like staying thirty minutes after you were done streaming to talk to viewers, you usually went on Twitter right after to answer questions and respond to DMs. This time, however, instead of opening the app to see a bunch of post-stream questions, your mentions were filled with the video clip of you saying, “He’s kinda cute,” as well as maybe a million people tagging both you and Damien in them. 
Well, shit. 
Soon enough, that was all that filled your timeline. You couldn’t move in one direction without running into another screencap of you admiring the man. God, you knew the consequences but something in the back of your mind was urging you to reach out to him.
After a few moments of contemplation, the lonely side of you won out, forcing you to message him against your better judgment. Without even thinking about it, you found his Twitter and sent this message:
Hey, I’m sorry about your mentions blowing up because of me tonight. My viewers recommended your Twitch to me and I spoke without thinking about it on Live. 
And with no expectation of his response, you fell asleep right there with your phone on your chest and the DM still open. 
You woke up the next morning with a sore neck and a dead phone, which was a terrible way to start your day. You rolled over, plugging your device into an outlet before crawling out of bed to start your day. When you weren’t streaming, you worked as a freelance editor for different YouTubers, helping their editors with their workload or even staying on as a Temp for different companies. Occasionally you edited the odd commercial here and there, but those gigs were rare. 
Most recently, you had received some material from a group of YouTubers, Smosh. This job was different, however, because if you did well on this you could be looking at a permanent place of employment through their parent company, Mythical Entertainment. 
You knew Mythical Entertainment, it was hard not to, especially since your aunt was one of the producers within the company, but tended to ignore everything the company did. The last you’d heard, they’d onboarded another YouTube group (which you did later find out to be Smosh, the same YouTubers whose video you were hired to edit). 
 After a quick shower and a half-assed attempt at a proper breakfast, you were ready to start your day. You situated yourself behind your monitors, opening the video clips that had been sent to you. The first was a sample video, something that gave you insight on what their editing style was actually like. 
But imagine your surprise when you’re staring down the same man you have called cute the night before, his approximately five-eleven stance taking up one-sixth of the space. He was standing next to a blond, who had been marked as “Shayne Topp.”
Despite there being five other people in frame, your eyes kept moving back to Damien’s figure, watching his mannerisms through the screen and laughing along to his jokes when they fell upon deaf ears. 
Your eyes slid over to your phone, now decently charged after sitting for so long. On your screen were dozens of notifications. There were maybe two from your mom, asking if you’d be coming home for dinner sometime that week but the majority came from Twitter. You picked up the device, unlocking and responding to your mom with a, “yes,” before opening Twitter. 
Nothing much had changed from the night prior. Your mentions were still being flooded with the video from last night but newer content had been ushered in, namely fan edits using footage from your streams and, you assumed, his. 
The only major difference, however, was the fact that Damien had responded to your DM from the night prior. The first message read: 
It’s really no problem! My stream had mentioned your name before, too.
Followed by the second:
P.S. I think you’re cute, too.
You couldn’t believe your eyes. Mr. Damien Haas, the man that you had made a thoughtless comment on stream about, also thought that you were cute. Suddenly, the fact that you had been staring at him for the past hour seemed less stalkerish and more like a blooming crush. You wrote back:
Aw, thanks! Have you seen the newer fan edits? They’re all so talented.
You cringed at yourself. A cute boy started talking to you and you’ve suddenly forgotten how to be suave, not that you really were in the first place. But still, you liked to think you had some tact when talking to people that you found attractive. 
Not even a moment later, there came a response. 
Yes, I have, he responded. And I agree! They are all very talented individuals. 
You looked from the monitor in front of you. You had about a quarter of the footage left to go through before you could start editing but this technically wasn’t due until the following night. Feeling emboldened by the fact that he had actually responded, you replied:
Are you going to TwitchCon on Friday? We should meet up or something. 
Anxiously you awaited his response, taking his silence as an opportunity to watch a bit more of the footage and take down notes according to the sample they’d given you. Roughly thirty minutes later is when the next response came in, reading as an affirmative to both questions. 
You didn’t respond, choosing to leave your social media for after you’d finished editing the video. Your heart still pounded, however. Just the thought that there was a possibility for the two of you to meet was, simply put, insane. You’d just heard of the guy the night before and decided that he was going to be your latest hyperfixation. 
But who could blame you? He was a nice, funny guy that showed the slightest bit of attraction towards you. It didn’t help that you were a sucker for guys that were nice to you. 
Fast forward to the Friday of TwitchCon, also known as the first day of TwitchCon. You and Damien had been talking steadily over Twitter DMs and just last night you had gained his phone number, giving you even more access to the man than you had before. But of course, who were you if you didn’t tease your fans with the prospect of you meeting. 
The night before, at the end of your stream, you’d given your fans the little tidbit of information that you and Damien were, in fact, planning on meeting up sometime during TwitchCon and would be greeting fans together for an hour at your booth. 
That sent Twitter into a frenzy, both of your combined fans getting your ship name to trend within the hour, which confused the hell out of a bunch of locals. 
It was nearing the time you and Damien had set to meet up. The plan was you’d meet around twelve for lunch, take an hour for yourselves, before going back to your booth and meeting with fans for an hour or so as promised. 
You had never been more nervous than you were in that moment. Not only were you about to meet your three-day-old crush but apparently a very popular YouTuber. You tried not to let the thought mess with your head. One of your friends, Wilbur Soot (who you played Minecraft with from time to time) was poking fun at you for being nervous about meeting a popular YouTuber. 
After three years of streaming and gaining a solid following, you’d think you’d be used to meeting other popular content creators. But because it was him, you found yourself unable to think straight. 
“What if I fuck up?” you asked Wilbur anxiously. He’d flown in from London for this event at your insistence and because you’d offered to pay half his airfare to get there and back. He didn’t have his own booth as his arrival was very last minute, but he didn’t mind. He signed the occasional poster though his main purpose was to provide you mental and emotional support. 
“You won’t fuck up,” he comforted, leafing through one of the comics a fan had given you. The entire thing was hand-drawn, which was an insane fact in itself. It looked professional, which was what blew you away when you’d received it. “Well, you won’t fuck up as badly as you did when you first met Schlatt.”
You groaned in embarrassment. “Don’t remind me.”
Long story short, you’d dumped a red in color slushy on the man accidentally after tripping over an unmarked cable. It really wasn’t your fault but the boys hadn’t let you live it down since then. 
Half a moment later, Wilbur was poking your side. “Is that him?” he asked, jabbing his pointer finger into your side while looking in the opposite direction. He was looking at a familiar figure walking down the hallway toward your booth. He stopped for a moment to take a photo with a fan, talking to them about something, before continuing on his way toward you. 
Your eyes locked and you gave him a smile while trying to beat Wilbur into no longer poking you. He stopped when you slapped his arm the first time, sticking his tongue at you before going on his phone. You rolled your eyes at his half-assed attempt of pretending he wasn’t about to start listening in on your conversation. 
“Hey, Y/n, right?” Damien asked as he approached. You nodded, reaching out for a handshake but becoming pleasantly surprised when he instead pulled you in for a hug. 
“You ready for lunch?” you asked glaring slightly at Wilbur as he made kissy faces over Damien’s shoulder. Luckily, Damien hadn’t noticed your moron of a best friend. 
“Yeah, I saw this sushi place on the way in if you wanted to try that?”
“I’d be down,” you agreed, reaching behind your table to grab your bag. Wilbur was set to meet with a few other Minecraft streamers, meaning you didn’t have to worry about him while you had lunch. You looked over your shoulder, making sure everything was set for you to leave before saying goodbye to Wilbur. 
Over the course of lunch, you and Damien had gotten to know each other pretty well. Once the conversation moved away from your fans and, well, work, and more into personal details, you found that you actually weren’t all that similar. For starters, Damien loved watching anime while your guilty pleasure was Gilmore Girls. The one show you both had a love for, however, was Avatar the Last Airbender, which made sense. 
Another thing was that he actually enjoyed being in front of the camera while you tolerated it on most days, really only putting on your face cam for the last thirty minutes on most days. Despite that, he still classified himself as an introvert. 
You returned back to your booth much later than you anticipated, thoroughly shocked at the line that had formed with Wilbur at the front of it, entertaining the fans that had shown up early to meet both you and Damien. 
“Y/n!” one fan called, pointing in your direction. Immediately, the entire line turned and gaped at the sight of you and Damien walking together. You greeted them happily, stopping for pictures and verbally promising that you’d stay until you got to meet everyone personally. 
“You really love your fans,” Damien observed as you put your things back down behind the table. Wilbur had set up shop on your right side, chatting with a few people at the front of the line. 
“I wouldn’t be anywhere without them,” you admitted, pulling a silver sharpie from your bag. You handed a gold one to Damien. “I also wouldn’t have gotten to meet you without them, which I’m still sorry about, by the way. Your feed must have been chaotic.”
“You have no idea,” he chuckled. “But everything happens for a reason.”
You nodded, grinning up at him. “Yes, they do.” 
@beautiful-holland @toms-order @starlightfound @grandmascottlang @positiveparker @bippity-boppity-boopa @caswinchester2000 @andreasworlsboring101 @imladylunaticbitch​
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double-daredevil · 4 years
folklore ; chapter one
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din djarin x reader (no y/n)
words: 6.2k
rating: T for swearing i guess. its a slow burn there isnt anything sexii yet lol
themes: slow burn (like y’all its so SLOW lol), eventual angst, no Y/N, eventual smut, eventual EVERYTHING this is like the establishing shot of a movie its gonna be a FIC lmfao. dont get attached the end is already planned.
notes: set before the tv series. canon doesn’t exist anymore. i make the rules here pals. yes it is named after the tswift album so that gives you some fuckin HINTS 
Pretty much everything that happened to you happened by accident, but you weren't one to complain. Without much control over your life for your adolescent years, seeing as you were raised as an Imperial trooper and just followed orders, you happily let yourself float along in life whichever way the forces led you. 
That doesn't mean you don't have, say, a moral guideline.
It's difficult to explain to people once they get to know you better and eventually squeeze out of you that yes, you were trained Imperial. Details are not awarded to most people, in fact— you’re not sure anyone except one of your commanding officers in the rebellion knew that you were a clone. 
You have spent countless hours trying to transition from regret to simply shame. After all, how is it your fault you did what you were told? If you didn’t, you would have been executed. Tossed to the trash like a faulty toy. The greatest decision in your life was the first decision you, personally, got to make— to run. It took you a few years to plan the scheme, but you defected successfully. Your moral issues were simply too strong to subvert, and you had to leave. So you did. That's all. You don't like to talk about it much.
After you mustered up some vengeance by joining the rebellion, you had to find a living once the major fighting died down for a while. With your particular skills— too deadly to be a simple security guard, or any occupation that doesn't involve tactical warfare, you settled on hoarding money through bounties. Not quite professed in the field of bounty hunting, you would latch on to more experienced hunters and offer to split rewards 20-80 for your help. The meager money filled your pocket enough for food and lodging while you learned the ways of the trade and, subsequently, your new way of life.
That's how you met your first Mandalorian. 
A mutual acquaintance from the Guild had a heavy quarry, a difficult one that he had trouble passing off. Too complex and detailed for just you, your acquaintance told you that when he found a suitable hunter to take the lead, he'd hail you to tag along. A week after the quarry was first put on the table, a renowned bounty hunter— this Mandalorian, rolled into town to collect the tracking fob. Part of the agreement was to take you along. The Mandalorian agreed. A brief encounter mediated by your mutual acquaintance and you were following the beskar-clad hunter to his ship, which you’ve come to know as the Razor Crest. A dingy, huge hunk of metal that could use a good list of upgrades, but you quickly grew accustomed to the flying garbage can. 
And somehow, after that singular bounty hunt, where you actually got to assist in the capture and the shoving of the unruly quarry into the carbonite, Mando offered you constant refuge aboard his ship in return for some pay and help on his harder bounties. That conversation, so far, has been the longest exchange of words between you and him, and it only lasted maybe five minutes. That’s all. You’re not one that aches for human interaction, having been commanded all your life by others, so you almost welcome the silence.
Officially, you have been a part of Mando’s crew for nearing six months.
You hear metal clanging against metal, and you glance over your shoulder to see him climbing down from the cockpit. “Are we headed to the next quarry?” You ask.
“Yes,” comes through the vocoder. “Carajam.”
“Oh lovely,” you say, voice dripping with sarcasm as you focus on polishing the trigger of the blaster in your hands. “Another desert planet in the Outer Rim.”
“Our favorite,” Mando deadpans as he walks over, sitting across from you at the janky table. 
Once you were an official employee of his, you spent your first few payday collections on your own blasters. In all honesty, weapons never made you nervous, as you grew up in a space station that was literally just a giant weapon, but owning your own seemed… different. Blasters are weapons made just to kill, and you are allowed to have that power again. But, anyway, most of your money goes to savings so you can buy a house to retire to one day. One day. 
The Mandalorian rolls his shoulders back to adjust his cape out of the way of his hands as he starts to dismantle the blaster that’s usually holstered at his hip. Piece by piece, he sets his blaster on the table like a new jigsaw puzzle, and you’ve just finished polishing the little blaster you’ve decided to keep stashed in your boot.
“How long until we arrive?” You ask.
His visor is focused downwards, at the metal pieces on the table, his right gloved hand hovering over the pieces like an excited child in a candy shop trying to pick his favorite one. “Not long,” he replies, picking up the barrel and beginning to wipe it clean with a cloth. “We will arrive once it becomes night on the planet. Cooler temps.”
You nod, letting out an appreciative sigh. That meant you had a night’s rest before the hunt began. As he finished up with the barrel of his blaster, you removed your longer, daily use blaster and began dismantling. You two stay like that, at a dimly lit table cleaning the blasters, until the ship notified that it was about to drop out of hyperdrive. 
Mando quickly reassembled his blaster, slipping the completed gun back into its holster as he stood and hustles over to the cockpit. Following suit, you dusted off any last specs of dirt on yours and planted your feet firmly against the floor, as the ship dropped out of its easy glide through the stars and into the gravity pull of Carajam. The Razor Crest isn’t the smoothest rig, but you’re still very appreciative. And, you like to think you have good balance, so it’s not a hard task to stay stable.
You want to say that Mando is a good pilot, and you really think he is, but you can’t help but miss the sheer amount of credits that the Empire was able to spend on simple luxuries to make their lives easier, like enhanced stabilization in and out of hyperdrive, cleaner hyperdrives, even, and— 
The Razor Crest lands and you shake those dark thoughts out of your head, reassembling your blaster but with clearly less finesse than Mando. Stars, are weapons actually part of his religion, or was that a joke as well? It’s quite the challenge to pick up on the subtleties of somebody who wears intense armor literally every waking moment, but you’ve grown accustomed (more or less) to the separate circles of things that Mando talks about. Those circles are: one, things he says and means, two, things he says as a joke, and three, the gray, shadowy area where those two circles meet and you’re still deciphering what brief conversations and quick remarks belong there. 
As the ship starts to rest, expelling various airs and sighs itself as the sheer weight settles on the landing gear, you clear off the table and slip your smaller blaster back into your boot, and your other into your holster that’s banded to your right thigh. The Mandalorian comes down the cockpit ladder soon enough and goes to stand at the main ship door. You hop up from your seat and stand next to him, as he punches something into the control pad on the archway and the large door hisses and starts to lower. The first glimpse of the planet you get is the peak of the spectacular night sky, and eventually the ramp meets the sand on the ground and you see it all. Mando struts down the ramp to go and meet the landing dock manager and pay for the spot here in this spaceport Danan Karr, but you wait aboard still, leaning against the open doorway and gazing out into the night. Planets are always easier for you at night, as they were calmer— at least, those that don’t have an avid nightlife. A few that you and Mando have stopped at have been busier in the dark hours than the light, but it was always fitting. 
The breeze of the desert planet comes sifting around you, caressing your cheeks with warm air and particles of sand, but you don’t mind. Raised in space, you have an affinity for the ground and real, non-recycled air. Although it’s never any trouble for you to stay inside a ship for however long, there is always something alluring about fresh air. Plus, this planet in the Outer Rim isn’t exactly prime vacationing, so there is nearly no light pollution. It was almost hard to wrench your eyes away from the bright stars speckling the dark blanket of the sky. 
You almost don’t notice when Mando comes walking back up the ramp, too busy basking in the breeze to notice the beskar-clad hunter. He stands at the top of the ramp, slightly in front of you, for a good few seconds as you look straight over his head.
“Hey,” he calls for your attention, and you look down at his face. Or, well, the specific area in the T of his visor where you’re pretty sure his eyes are. He tilts his helmet to the side and you know he’s begun to worry about you.
So you flash him a smile. “I just love the air here,” you say, and turn around to step back inside the ship. Mando walks the rest of the way up the ramp and inside, pressing a button to raise the ramp.
“Rest tonight,” he starts. “Tomorrow we go on the hunt.”
“Yes, sir,” you reply, going back to sit at the janky table to clean one more blaster before retreating to your bunk.
The Mandalorian sits at the table as well, after having taken his ambam rifle out of storage for a quick clean. In silence you two work on your respective blasters, caring for them as they are just as important to the job as the tracking fob. Perhaps an hour or so went by, and as you were putting your blaster back together piece by piece, the comfortable silence was broken. But this time— not by you.
“What did you say about the air?”
You look up from your blaster and see that Mando isn’t looking at you, but still at his rifle. The fact that he’s trying to start casual conversation accidentally makes a smile appear on your face. You quickly look back down at your blaster, but your smile still remains.
“I said that I loved it,” you reply. “Because the air here is very fresh. Even though there’s like, no trees, there’s almost no people. No pollution.”
He hums in understanding and continues cleaning. 
Back to the comfortable silence. 
The Razor Crest looks large from the outside, but it’s pretty cramped inside. The majority of its bulk is for it’s engines and practical components— hyperdrive, fuel tanks, cooling systems and whatnot. It was once a gunship, and that fact does put you on edge. Ships like this used to transport troops and drop them in combat. So, there is a large portion of the ship’s cargo bay that remains unused, as Mando doesn’t usually transport large quarries. The living space, or at least that’s what you’ve called it in your head, consists of an open area with a small but sturdy table, a few stools to sit on, and various crates that contain meal rations and tools and various trinkets. You’re almost one hundred percent sure that this ship was never meant to be lived in. You estimate that maybe four or five people could stay on the ship before everyone felt claustrophobic. 
There used to be only one cot hidden in the walls, you’d knocked against one of the panels and the door would swoosh away, revealing a simple bed and just enough room to roll around to attempt to be comfortable. The night after the first bounty you helped Mando with, he let you sleep some in the hidden nook as he piloted you two back to Nevarro. While you were standing outside the ramp and helping unload bounties, the Mandalorian inquired whether or not you would want to join him on future bounties. With an assurance that you would get your own cot, you obliged. 
The bounty that you two are hunting on Carajam, the lovely desert planet, is hiding somewhere in the caves and cliffs a few klicks east of the space port that you are staying in. From the info you’ve picked up talking with a few locals, the quarry likes to hide in the sand caves because he has no friends. Well, actually it’s because he’s murdered about a person per household out of everyone who still lives on the desert planet. You thank the locals for their information with a few credits and a jug of desirable water.
You make your way to the only cantina on the planet, and by cantina you mean what is quite literally a bar top and six stools outside the shop of a local mechanic. The Mandalorian is sitting, waiting, on the last stool, facing the expanse of the desert that is a mere fifty feet from the edge of the little star port. You swiftly occupy the stool next to him.
“So,” you start, and he swivels in his stool to face you. You brace your elbows on the table. “About seven klicks east towards the main expanse of cliffs, and then about two more klicks north to the caves. One of the caves will look obviously occupied, trash and debris and whatnot. That’s what I’ve gathered.”
“Good work,” comes through the vocoder. “Are you ready to head out?”
“Yes, sir,” you smile, adjusting the straps of the small backpack you have. “After your lead.”
He swivels again and hops off his stool, and waits a moment until he hears you following him before beelining to the edge of town. You follow, obedient, as he weaves through the sparse crowd to another shop, lined with speederbikes and a few larger landcrafts. The Mandalorian walks up to the shop owner and exchanges a few words, and a few credits, and then moves to two of the speederbikes. 
“You know how to ride?” He asks you, as you stand beside one and he the other. 
“Yes, actually,” you say, always having a soft spot for fast land vehicles. You briefly wonder that, if you had said no, would he have made you sit behind him on one bike? The thought makes you smile, bashful, and you wait until he mounts his bike before climbing onto yours.
“Seven klicks east,” Mando says, repeating your earlier words and firing up his bike.
You turn yours on as well, and grab a pair of goggles from your backpack. You pull up the bandana you keep around your neck to cover your mouth, and then put on the goggles. You give a thumbs up to Mando, who was glancing over his shoulder to wait for your cue.
And then he zooms off. And you diligently follow.
You two reach the caves in a quick hour, specifically saving some hours of daylight just in case this job takes a turn. The two of you park your speederbikes about half a klick downwind of the cave, just in case. You keep your goggles on and bandana over your mouth, as the wind out here doesn’t seem to want to settle. Dust and sand weave around your feet like a clingy pet as you scale the short cliffside after your Mandalorian, following him quickly toward the cave. 
You hover around the mouth of the cave as Mando stalks in, somehow still quiet despite his sturdy boots against the rock. To see down inside was near impossible, even as you took off your goggles. You hear some sort of scuffle, a few clatters, and then Mando is shoving a handcuffed quarry your direction. You reach up and steady the quarry, your hands on the man’s shoulders. Stars, he was a large man, so you assume that Mando only managed to shackle him due to surprise. 
“Let go of me, you kriffing bitch,” the quarry seethes at you and aggressively shrugs his shoulders to loosen your grip. Mando takes a step towards him, you imagine he’s reacting to the derogatory term thrown your way, but you beat him to it— 
You release your grip on the quarry, and while he’s stunned for a moment from it, you kick his foot out from underneath him. He falls hard on his ass and plops to the side, unable to stifle his fall due to being cuffed. With a slight smile, you watch him struggle on the ground.
“F-fuckin’ bitch,” he groans out, trying to roll over to a kneeling position. Once he manages that, Mando comes and grips the man’s shirt— lifting him inches off of the ground towards his helmet. 
“Watch your mouth.”
And then Mando drops him. 
The quarry gasps at the contact back on the ground and groans, almost falling over again. You go up behind him and grab the cuffs, wrenching him upwards and forcing him to stand. You grip the cuffs tightly in your left hand, and hold your blaster to the quarry’s back with your right.
“Let’s go, then,” you say. 
The Mandalorian leads the way back towards the speeders.
After tying up the quarry to transport him on the back of Mando’s speederbike, you settle nicely back inside the Razor Crest. Mando already froze the quarry after he wouldn’t stop blubbering about how sorry he was for mindlessly murdering the people in port— he couldn’t help himself, apparently. 
“Nobody is born a killer,” the Mandalorian tells the quarry before freezing him.
You avert your gaze away from him once the carbonite process is finished, allowing him to believe he had privacy with the quarry during their discussion. You had tucked yourself around a corner to avoid letting him know you like listening to the Mandalorian’s stern and assertive remarks to unruly quarries. You take mental notes on the way he talks, mostly to figure out what he believes in. A Mandalorian follows a creed, and your Mandalorian hasn’t mentioned a single thing about it since you’ve met him. By now, after half a cycle, you’ve figured out the basics. And the bottom line is that Mando is generally a good guy— a moral guy, you guess. Kind of like a vigilante who upholds his own justice, but a good guy nonetheless. If Mandalorians picked sides besides their own people, you think he would’ve joined the rebellion. 
“I’ve set us on course back to Nevarro,” you offer as Mando walks back through to the main area of the ship and raises the ramp. You lean against the metal wall in one corner, watching him fulfil his routine.
“Good,” he says, appreciative in his own way that you know that he likes to be constantly on the move. “What’s the ETA?”
“Only a few hours,” you say, pushing yourself off of the wall and going to the ladder to the cockpit. The ramp closes as you grab the rungs, looking back to Mando as he shadows you at the ladder. “You should get some rest before we arrive,” you offer.
He’s silent a moment while you face back to the ladder and start ascending. You hear him mutter a ‘okay, thank you,’ through his helmet before you climb your way fully into the cockpit. Once you’ve ascended, you don’t hesitate to go and sit in the pilot’s chair. Although you’re not the best pilot, favoring studying combat and languages instead of flight and mechanics, you manage. 
You settle in the seat and grab the flight controls, and hear Mando stepping onto the floor of the cockpit. You flick up a few switches and start the ship, letting her rumble to life while you look back over your shoulder at your Mandalorian.
“Sleep well,” you say with a hint of a smile.
He gives you a nod, hesitates, and then opens the door on the wall behind the cockpit, leading to the captain’s quarters. Once you hear his door swoosh close after his retreating footsteps, you let out a breath and encourage yourself, grabbing tightly onto the handles. 
Just get it into the sky, and the autopilot gets you there, you tell yourself, forcing the Razor Crest into the air. She succeeds in ascending, and you raise the landing gear and disarm any land security protocols. Following a mental list, you do exactly as you’ve seen Mando, and get the ship into space in no time. A little shaky, sure, but you don’t think it was enough to stir the captain out of bed.
One cycle.
You two take a brief break. There aren’t any bounties worthy of your time, anyway.
The smoke crawls up your wrist, wrapping around your forearm before dissipating into the air. You hold the ornate stem of the smoking pipe to your lips, inhaling shallowly, and let your arm drop as you try to breathe the smoke in deeper. A heavy sigh and the smoke passes back out of your lungs, past your lips, forming a cloud in front of your face. You wait, still holding the pipe, and look expectantly at your hosts.
Upon landing on this planet, at what seems to be the only one semi-decent town, the Razor Crest was surrounded by the inhabitants. Seemingly human-esque, you and the Mandalorian walked out of the ship with no weapons in your hands, ready to barter for some fuel and lodging for the night. The people of the planet, through an interpreter, were more than happy to allow you to stay.
Under one condition; uphold their welcoming traditions and take a huge hit off of the pipe the dude who seemed to be the chief was eagerly thrusting towards you two. 
Startled at the proposition, and more so by the growing ruckus of the onlooking crowd the longer Mando tried to deny the offer, you grabbed the pipe. The chief smiled widely and the crowd calmed, but Mando whipped his head towards you.
“Don’t smoke that,” he said. “You have no idea what it is.”
The interpreter tried to reassure you that it was safe, it was fine, a common plant that everyone on the planet enjoys. The longer you held the pipe without smoking it, the smaller the smile of the chief was and the more and more the rest of the people stirred. Eventually, it did devolve into a shouting match between Mando, the interpreter, the chief, and a few people in the crowd who were brandishing weapons. 
So you smoked it.
You’ve smoked a few things before in your experience, not a lot. Drinking was always more your thing, knowing that once the liquid passes through you it will be gone from your system. Inhalants? You could never be sure. But you would be a bad sidekick to the Mandalorian if you didn’t sacrifice your lungs for ease of service.
After the first inhale, the chief smiled again, and gestured for you to smoke some more. Ignoring the verbal protest of Mando, you brought the pipe back up to your mouth and puffed again. A bit bigger of a hit this time.
Well, much bigger, judging by the size of the cloud you just breathed out. Surprised, you let out a chuckle, but the irritation in your throat causes your laugh to turn into a hearty cough.
And the crowd cheered.
The chief took the pipe from you and draped his arm over your shoulders, guiding you and Mando behind you into the town. It’s a little town tucked into a small clearing beside a freshwater river and a thick grove of forest, tall and green trees that seem to tower over everything— perhaps the tallest trees you think you have ever seen. On this planet, there are three suns, and they are constantly setting in succession. So, it’s never really nighttime. 
And it seems like these people take advantage of that.
As the chief leads you and your Mandalorian through the stone streets lined with dark, muddy brick houses, your head starts to get light. Like, the tension in your neck loosens and your shoulders go slack. It’s nice— well, it would be, if you didn’t quickly associate it with whatever the chief insisted you smoke. The chief’s arm was still draped over your shoulders and he excitedly explained, in his native tongue, what you assume to be a detailed history of the town. All you could do was feign a smile, probably looking a bit dumb considered you don’t know if your cheeks are numb or just used to your wide grin by now, and nod in fake understanding. The Mandalorian is exactly three and a half paces behind you.
The interpreter is walking beside Mando, re-explaining everything the chief is saying. You aren’t able to listen to both the chief and the interpreter, somehow lacking the mental capacity to focus back and forth between the two, now. The crowd of people disappeared once you smoked from the fancy pipe, save for a handful that you assume are the chief’s servants, so the little troop led by you and the chief eventually hits the end of the main street. 
The chief removes his arm from your shoulders and gives you a nice, hard slap on the back. He says something, while gesturing to a small cottage that bookends the houses lining the road. You’re too busy staring off in the distance, past the green grass that traces the treeline and river. One of the suns is setting, casting a mesmerizing red haze over the tips of the trees, painting the freshwater of the river golden. 
You hear the Mandalorian call your name, and turn to face him.
And he’s standing there, at the door of the cottage the chief is letting you two use for the night, practically glowing with how the setting sun is glinting off of his beskar. 
“Are you okay?” He asks, a second time, but you didn’t hear the first.
You cannot help the unabashed grin that swallows your face, and stumble over to the door. “Never better. Everything is great. You should’ve smoked that shit, too.”
You hear him sigh and he opens the door for you, stepping back so you can walk in first. So you meander in, hand lightly following the wall because you’re suddenly doubting your balance. You find a seat at the small table that’s placed in the middle of the room, and you still can’t stop yourself from smiling. 
The Mandalorian drops a bag at the foot of one of the cots that he must’ve gone back to the Crest to get, but you don’t remember him doing that. And then he drops your night bag at the foot of the other cot, and you wonder when he went and got your bag.
“Thanks,” you croak out, still smiley, and brace your elbows on the table. “D’you have any idea what I smoked?”
“No,” he admits, voice monotone as usual through the vocoder. He pulls out the second chair and sits across from you. The cottage, small but spacious enough for two people to not knock elbows, was alight with soft sunshine filtering in through the numerous windows. Who needs light on a planet that is constantly day?
“How do you feel?” He asks, visor intent on staring you down. 
“Spectacular,” you reply, staring back at the visor. You used to wear a gaudy helmet when you were a trooper, so you’re pretty damn sure you know exactly where his eyes are behind that mask. 
“You look drunk.”
Your smile, instead of faltering, is drawn a little wider and your elbows slip forward on the table until your chest is pressed up against the wood, your chin almost touching the tabletop but your cheeks are squished by your hands, keeping your head up. “I feel like it, too. But, different at the same time, y’know?” 
“No, I don’t know,” the Mandalorian says as he leans back in his chair. His hands are flat against his thighs, and you’re 99% sure he is simply watching you. Out of worry or annoyance, of course you can’t tell, but you’re leaning towards annoyance.
So you tilt your head to the side, staring back, trying your fucking hardest to stifle the stupid smile on your face but you just can’t. “Want me to tell you what you’re missin’?”
Surprisingly, the Mandalorian tilts his head as well, mimicking you. “Enlighten me.”
“Have y’ever got so drunk that you just had to sit there and wait ‘til the booze gets filtered out of your system?” You start, letting your head— so heavy— fall further to the side and land on the table, a nice foundation to ground you. You’re so slumped in your chair your legs are straight, sticking out of the sides underneath the table as you stretch your arms to dangle off of the table. “And yet it’s like, the best part of bein’ sloshed is comin’ up so you don’t want to sober up and y’just— just— sit there, stewing.” 
He lets out a hum, letting you know he’s still politely listening to your ramblings.
Any thoughts in your head blur, images and words swishing around behind your eyes as you try to focus on what you were saying. “And nothin’ hurts or aches and you get to forget ‘bout everything bad you did that day and just look at the stars. Y’get to look at them, and for the first time you see them, see the life they hold and foster and you feel special knowin’ you’re a part of it all.”
There is a moment of silence, or— you think so, but your breathing is a little heavier than usual. The moment draws out, longer, and you’re beginning to wonder if you actually said that stuff out loud or if you simply thought it.
You bolt upright in your chair, cheeks red with embarrassment— but the fucking smile is still on your stupid face. 
“I don’t know what’s up with me right now,” you admit, eyes focused on one of the windowsills off near the door, so you don’t have to look at that helmet and feel the stare behind it. “The chief said that they smoke this stuff all the time and don’t sleep a wink, but I feel super tired.”
In your peripheral vision you see the dreaded helmet glint in the sunlight. He’s looking at you, quizzically. “What do you mean?” He asks. “The interpreter didn’t say that.”
“No,” you agree, looking back at him. You try to focus where you know a face is behind the helmet, but you can’t get the image to clear in your head. It’s all a little blurry at the edges, and your Mandalorian is all edges. “I said the chief said that.” 
“He didn’t speak any Galactic Basic. When did you hear him say that?”
The edges blur some more. “He said it when we were all walking, I dunno. He just said it.”
The Mandalorian looks toward the door, thinking. 
“It must be the ganja,” you offer.
He looks back. “The what?”
“The offering. That’s what the chief called it. But, well, I dunno if that’s what it’s actually named or what they call it,” you say, unable to look at the sharpness and crisp lines that make up the beskar armor. What’s going on with you? You weren’t concerned until now, reaching a hand up to trace your bottom lip and finding that you have control over your face again. No more creepy smiling. “I feel fine, though. From smoking.”
You steal a glance at him and find that he is still, predictably, staring at you. Your cheeks grow hot again, suddenly feeling like a burden to your employer. He is not a babysitter, and you don’t want him to feel like he has to watch over you as you ride this high.
“Really,” you add. “I feel fine. Things look weird, right now, and my head is fuzzy, but it feels good.”
He stares, and you bitterly wonder if that’s all he’s good for.
So you stand up, eyes scanning the room and you notice the heavy curtains tied neatly above each window. “Guess we should sleep,” you say, stepping towards one of the windows to let the curtains down to block out the never-ending sunlight.
But, your ankles feel a little weak, and your balance falters. 
Before your hazy head even registers that you’ve lost your footing, the Mandalorian is at your side, his right arm tucked behind your back, his right hand firmly on your right hip. His left hand is grasping your left upper arm tight enough to bruise, but without his strong grip, you would have crumbled to the floor like a tossed blanket. 
“Are you okay?” He asks immediately, and holds you tighter and hauls you up back onto your unsteady feet. Once the words finally registered in your brain, you briefly thought that he really did sound concerned— masked voice a little higher in pitch than usual.
Your fuzzy head decides the best thing to do in response is laugh as you stood up back on your own. “I’m okay,” you assure, a hint of laughter still in your voice, and you raise your hand to lightly shove him away, not needing his support anymore.
But, since he’s solid as a fucking rock, your hand just brushes against the beskar chestplate uselessly. That causes you to laugh a little more, and he lets go of you once he’s sure you can stand solidly on your own.
“Are you sure?” He asks, still with that higher pitch that the vocoder almost hides. He’s hovering close to your side, ready to catch you again if he has to. 
Curious, you raise your hand and tap your knuckles against his chestplate, and the resounding thud thud makes you smile. “Fuckin’ hardcore, Mando. I’m so jealous of your armor.”
“Yeah, you’re not okay,” he says, but you swear you hear a lilt in his voice, as though he finds you amusing. “You should try to sleep it off.”
He gestures towards one of the beds but you don’t look over to it. Instead, you tap your knuckles against one of his pauldrons. Tink tink. 
“Really,” he insists, and you for sure hear the smile on his face in that one word. “You need some sleep.” He grabs your shoulders and turns you around, slowly, so that you’re facing the bed. 
“Would you close the blinds?” You ask, stumbling forward to the bed. You flounce on top of the blanket, as this planet is quite comfortably warm— or are you just warm? — and let out a heavy sigh. A real bed.
“Of course,” Mando replies, strutting to each of the five windows in this small, quaint cottage and letting down each of the curtains. In the back of your hazy mind, you know he can see in the dark with the HUD in his helmet. The thought makes you slightly jealous, and you wonder if, as you turn to lay on your back in the blackness, if he may be looking at you. You blame the ganja for the fuzziness that overtakes you at the thought.
“Thank you,” you call into the darkness.
You hear his friendly hum somewhere in the room, and hear him sit down at the table again. Truly, the inhabitants of this planet know how to utilize the sun, and how to hide from it, as you open your eyes to stare at the ceiling and see nothing. It is completely pitch black, and you’re impressed.
The feeling of the mattress underneath you is almost too soft. You can’t remember the last time you were able to sleep on a real bed— if you ever had the pleasure. It reminds you of floating in deep salt water, the effort of staying afloat taken away from you as you just let it happen. Currently, you’re not sure if your eyes are open or closed, as it makes no difference. Your breathing is stable, and the haze in your head is tolerable. You must be coming down from the peak, and it’s making you tired.
Quietly, you hear the Mandalorian’s gloved hands grasp metal, but you’re not sure what. You hear something slightly heavy placed on the table.
He calls your name, softly, and unfiltered. 
“Yes?” You reply, breathless. Did he take his helmet off?
“Go to sleep,” he says. His usually gruff voice sounds gentle without the vocoder.
“Okay,�� you say, and you do indeed need to close your eyes. The blackness behind your eyelids seems almost darker than the darkness of the room. Unbeknownst to you, you must’ve been extremely tired, because you pass out almost immediately.
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tarithenurse · 4 years
Nightingale - 22
Fandom: Naruto Pairing: Hatake Kakashi &/x Fem!OC Contents: More good stuff. And some serious. A/N: Sorta got the job! As in: not the steady contract but they arranged a 1year temp so I can get more experience (that was the only reason I didn’t get the full). Anyhoodles, might explain more in a separate post when I get home from my grandma’s funeral. As usual, ASK or REBLOG for tag!
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Ch. 22
Darkness has fallen over Konoha, but this time the early night walk leads Kakashi and his mystery woman ambling down the streets towards the housing reserved for the jōnin and higher-ups who haven’t got their own real estate.
Apparently, Uguisu has been more or less ordered to live in an apartment there and her own reasoning is, as she’s explaining, that it’ll be easier to keep an eye on her. “That way...there’s no need to have anyone assigned to follow me 24/7, like Mitarashi...”
Makes sense – both the arrangement and the fact it’s Anko keeping an eye on things right now. “Is she’s gonna be your warden?”
“I dunno...” They’ve reached the complex on the Academy grounds and she takes the lead up the stairs towards her new home. “I suppose I’ll find out tomorrow if it hasn’t decided already...”
Leaving the staircase and coming to a halt, Kakashi realizes it’s an apartment wedged in between the homes of fellow jōnin. That’s not a coincidence. Handing the stack of books over to free her hands, Uguisu procures a key, unlocks and opens the door, but then holds out her arms for the borrowed goods in a clear but polite hint that he’s not invited inside. Can’t blame you. It gnaws inside him nonetheless, even if the jōnin doesn’t show the concern – he would much have preferred to make sure everything was as it should be indoors before leaving her alone.
“Well,” he nods resolutely, “if you need anything...”
She looks small and sickly in the unnatural light of the outdoor lamp. Dark bags under her eyes are suddenly prominent, the less than completely sincere smile unable of pushing away the grim demeanour. Still...there’s also an air of something calm about the woman. She’s hopeful, and that warms Kakashi’s heart.
“Thank you,” she hums.
He waits til she has closed the door. No footsteps? Perhaps she remains standing just on the other side of that barrier, perhaps it’s just the hopeless imagination of a man in trouble, either way he has to force his legs into action or he would have stayed there the entire night.
Among the shinobi comrades, Kakashi is often equalled with tardiness. He knows this. It's never his intention to be late and he always gets up and gets ready in time, but there's one stop he has to make at some point during the day and once there...old friends are hard to say goodbye to. All that remains of them is a memorial build in their (and many others') honour and visiting the site somehow detaches the living from time while granting them a brief respite surrounded by memories. Sometimes the faces of old are smiling. Often, though, the emptiness they've left behind is tainted by bitterness at the evil that stole these people away too soon.
Today was different. This morning, the white-haired jōnin lingered for no more than five minutes before hurrying off to see to his students because he was adamant, the day's training must be finished before the Recruits' classes ended. Needless to say, Team 7 greeted him with stunned silence as they arrived later than their sensei and none of them opposed the day's curriculum either.
"Who is she? Really?"
Kakashi glances over at the black-haired boy who's sitting in the grass with the lunchbox open. "You mean Uguisu."
The two other (yes, even Naruto) stop eating, favouring instead to listen and hopefully have their curiosity satisfied. There's no doubt they will take matters into their own hands and dig around if the many questions aren't answered soon, but...it's not my place to tell anyone and they have no reason to know. Turning the page of his favourite Icha Icha volume, the senior considers his options which could be better because, truth be told, even if Kakashi technically knows more than them, what he can tell will only lead to more speculation. He had hoped for news this morning only to be disappointed at the slow decision making. And the woman at the centre of the uncertainty? She'd left early for class.
"As I said yesterday," he mutters, "she's a friend from far away. She'll be staying here in Konoha and...maybe become one of our shinobi."
Oh yes, the kids are itching to find out more.
"Why does she have to do Academy classes?"
Sasuke is the one to answer the girl. "The Hidden Villages' schools don't teach the same things. If she's from somewhere with a very different choice of subjects then she might not have learned the things we take for granted. Right?" The last part is addressed to Kakashi who merely nods in agreement.
"What was her name?" Naruto has never had a great memory – a trait generally vital to ninjas.
"Minami Uguisu." And it fits her too. "Well! Better get back to work. How's it looking?"
They've been testing out a variety of knots and other rope-works. Some with better results than others.
Soon, the open area in front of the Academy will be swarming with kids as they flee from the last lesson of the day either to play or return home, but right now the only sign of life is Hayase about 20 meters up in the tree with his legs dangling lazily.
"Bird watching?" Kakashi calls out to him.
The chunin nods. "And revisiting the boring days from when I was little." He does look like someone who was half asleep only a moment ago – or at least wishing he had been.
"Gonna take her off your hands the rest of the day." Already walking through the front doors, whatever the assigned shadow says remains unheard.
Some of the little students acknowledge Kakashi as they rush past him on their way to freedom once more bu thankfully it isn’t long before the path is clear and the jōnin can enter the classroom without fear of toppling anyone over. Only two people are left: Iruka who’s gathering a wad of papers that probably are assignments, and the blue-haired girl that’s been haunting him regardless of being asleep or awake.
“Ah, I see they got a hold of you,” Iruka smiles at his friend who doesn’t admit he hasn’t been contacted, “that’s good! It seems my work with Uguisu’s gonna be fairly easy.”
The woman in question has joined the two men at the teacher’s dais, her arms laden with the borrowed books and a few pencils. Today, she’s tucked her hair into a messy bun which allows a peek at the curve of her neck. Pretty. It’s hard for Kakashi to focus, but he fights his attention back to the words flowing from the teacher.
“There are...some areas we need to cover, but none connected to the theoretical works of a shinobi.”
“What he means,” Uguisu smiles, “is that I’m a disaster when it comes to math or history, for example.”
Oh? Watching a blush grow and fade rapidly on Iruka’s face, some corner of the white-haired jōnin's guts tighten in protest before the brain catches up with excuses or explanations – all of which are necessary as he hasn’t been able to ignore the distance the woman keeps between her and anyone else. Including him. Less than 48 hours ago, he’d been kissing her, feeling her reciprocate and making his heart sing...then the dream ended and a nightmare unfolded, and now she’s pulled away.
“Well, that’s quickly fixed,” Iruka promises, “however!” He turns to fully to Kakashi at this, slapping a hand on his friend’s shoulder. “As her warden, I hope you’ll remind her to hand in the written assignments regardless of their simplicity and ensure she’s capable of applying theory to the practical training you’ll be overseeing.”
I’m her...? YES! None would have known how happy the revelation makes Kakashi just like they would be ignorant of the fact that he, until this moment, had had no clue of his role in the relation to Uguisu’s potential as a Leaf Shinobi going forward.
“Hai, I’ll keep her busy with studying,” the warden nods.
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lockedstuck · 3 years
it was broken when i found it
2021, 03/27 - Sollux Captor
Your name is Sollux Captor and you feel exhausted when you awaken. Your roommate continues to snore. After all, it is only 6:41 in the morning.
They won’t turn on the phones until 8:10, meaning that you’ll have ten minutes to get a hold of your father before he leaves for work. He’s a CNA at Kings County Hospital, a job he’s held for twenty-three years. You keep telling him to retire, but he won’t hear of it. Stubborn man. 
One of your recurrent nightmares involves him having a massive, lethal stroke while tending to another patient’s needs. He is going to be sixty-three in July. 
In fact, that may be the sort of dream you had last night. That is part of the reason you need to speak with him.
The only person walking the hallways of 3 East this early is Roxy Lalonde, clad in a thin fuchsia nightdress that billows around her knees. She’s wearing a set of those wireless headphones that play FM radio stations, and she must have it turned up to the maximum volume. You can hear the bridge of a My Chemical Romance song all the way from your side of the hallway.
She doesn’t notice you until the song ends, at which point she walks up to you, a smile on her face. 
You have no idea what the hell is going on, and then she plops a fat orange into your hand shortly before walking back to the women’s side. At this point, you have even less of an idea what’s going on. One of the mental health workers makes a comment to the effect that they have no idea how Roxy managed to steal an orange from a locked refrigerator.
With another hour until you can call anyone, you contemplate taking a shower in order to make the time pass faster. Only problem is that you hate your body so much that you can only stand looking at it for ten or so minutes at a time. That’s a decent amount of time for a shower, except that it’s hard to shower with the lights off unless it’s late enough for some sunlight to stream through the bathroom window. 
A mental health worker - tall, blonde, and wearing pointy sunglasses - asks you to take a seat in the chair a few feet away. His name tag reads “Dirk”, and if you had slightly better vision, you’d probably be able to read his last name in smaller print beneath his first.
“Morning, Sollux,” he says. “You look unusually happy this morning, what with that scowl and everything.”
“Oh, blow it out your ass, Dirk,” you reply.
“That is not in my job description, surprisingly enough.” He turns on the blood pressure machine. “But I do need to get your vitals and your temp.”
You frown. “Since when do they have me down for morning vitals?”
“Since you got dizzy and almost busted your ass on the floor last night, courtesy of your meds,” he replies. “Last name Captor, right?”
“Yeah, they have you down for morning, afternoon, and evening vitals, sitting and standing. Don’t ask me why, ‘cause I don’t make the rules, I just enforce them.”
He takes your blood pressure while you sit down and ask him what Texas is like, without moving overmuch. He describes it as a cesspool of MAGA country with nevertheless excellent barbecue. 
112/65 is your blood pressure.
Then, when you stand up, an undeniable vertigo overtakes you. You hear static buzzing in your ears. You’d reach out to the wall to steady yourself, but it’s too fucking far. Before you can injure yourself by hitting the floor too hard, Dirk grabs you and puts you back on the chair.
“Right, so, lemme get you some juice before we try that again,” he says. “Is AJ alright?”
“Yeah, s’fine with me.”
After you chug two of those Suncup plastic containers of apple juice, you stand up to get your vitals taken yet again.
99/54. Kind of low, but you’re not dizzy anymore, thank God. Dirk pulls the cuff off your upper arm, and knocks on the door of the nearest patient’s room.
“June Egbert?” he calls. “It’s time for vitals.”
June emerges with a yawn, her square-frame glasses lopsided on her face. She shoots Dirk a mildly derisive look.
“You realize that nobody wants to wake up at this time for jack, right?”
“Yes, I do.” Dirk replies. “The same way I realize that if I don’t get vitals done before rounds at 9, Dr. Cao and Dr. Sakamoto are gonna be pissed at me.”
June notices the orange in your hand, and asks if you plan to eat it. Dirk fixes her in his gaze, light from the fluorescents glinting off his stupid looking shades.
“I’ve been told that if you eat breakfast on your ECT days, not only can’t you go down for ECT, but Dr. Cao’s gonna keep you for an extra week out of spite.”
“That’ll give me more time to devise practical jokes that not even Dr. Cao would see coming,” replies June.
Dirk shakes his head at her. “So long as I’m not implicated in any of these so-called jokes, and so long as they don’t happen on my shift, I don’t care what you come up with. Knock yourself out. On second thought, don’t do that. If you concuss yourself, aside from the paperwork, watch me get reprimanded for not being clairvoyant enough to stop you.”
You actually manage something kinda sorta like laughter at this. Were you less depressed, you’d laugh your ass off.
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jennygirl2014 · 4 years
Just Deserts- Chapter One
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Chapter Summary: Tawney has the misfortune of having to work Linda Drysdale’s birthday party.  Her luck doesn’t get any better when some careless driving results in her meeting the trust fund playboy.  He offers a deal she can’t refuse, mostly because he doesn’t give her the choice to.
Warnings: language, some aspects of racism
The heat of the kitchen was worse than usual that day, in fact is was downright oppressive.  This event was thrown together without much thought at all, and with little time to spare, but of course the client expected a tall order.  Oh, to be on the other side of things, the most effort the client put in was dialing the number and reciting a rather large order, and now there was a ten-person team roasting their assess of in a cramped kitchen, working like elves.  For the event to be set up and food to be placed for serving by six, everyone had to be in by ten in the morning.  It didn’t sound like an early morning, but considering that some of them had only been away from that kitchen for a measly eight hours, it was early.  For Tawney, it was early. 
              Sweating to death in her apartment while trying to sleep the night before proved impossible.  If only she had the money to repair that damn air conditioner, and it wasn’t even that old.  What was worse was that she had been in that same stupid kitchen until almost two in the morning, cleaning after another long day and prepping for this big event ahead of time.  She wanted to turn down working the event in the first place, having to bake a two-layer cake and five dozen matching mini cupcakes in three days, among other orders and filling in for a cook while they were out with an injury was silently eating away at her sanity.  She bounced back and forth between icing the desserts and chopping vegetables enough times to make her go mad.  An who would order enough cake to yield seventy servings when there were only thirty odd people present? People with money, that’s who.  
              The thin layer of sweat under her chef coat was starting to nag her, but the bandana tied around her forehead did the trick to catch the sweat as she tried to maintain the intricate piping details on the side of the cake.  Her wrists were starting to kill her, her feet were aching, she wanted nothing more than a shower, and for a little silence to concentrate on her piping, but that kitchen was loud enough to wake the devil himself.  At the moment, she was wondering why she had even decided to become a pastry chef.  All that money she was paying back in student loans could have easily afforded a new air conditioner, among other things.
“How’s it going over there, Tawney?” her concentration was interrupted when her coworker, and friend, shouted to her from across the way.
“Damn it, you almost made me mess up!” Tawney complained back to her over the noise of the kitchen. “If I have to fix any more mistakes on this cake…” she warned.
“Why are you making mistakes to begin with?” her boss’s voice rose from in front of the stovetop. “Do you need a refresher class already?  Do we not pay you enough?” he sounded angry, or course.  He always sounded angry, because he really was always angry.  He was the typical pig-headed chef, and to him a recent graduate was nothing but a grunt, and women didn’t really belong in the kitchen.  Tawney fit both of those roles.
“You don’t pay any of us enough!” Tawney’s friend spoke up in her defense.
“Watch yourself Kira!” The chef warned her.  This was Kira’s usual attitude and banter that she somehow got away with.  Kira had been in that kitchen a whole year longer than Tawney had, so she had earned the right to have a voice.  She often used that right to stick up for Tawney.  Being the only two women in the kitchen had them bonded pretty strongly already.  “Shit!” the chef leaned back as the flames from his pan shot up and narrowly missed his face, unfortunately.
“You better stick to watching your own mess, or we’re all gonna enjoy watching you singe those eyebrows off, Chef!”. Kira piped in again before giving a heart laugh.  
“I want all of the food on the van in half an hour, are we clear?” the chef asked the kitchen.
“Yes Chef!” all of the cooks replied in unison, except Tawney who simply muttered under her breath. It was unfair, she was expected to get the dessert done ahead of time and then she had to lend a hand in the main course once she was done.  Then all the men would sit outside with cigarettes in their hands once the meal was done and she would be left the clean.  She was starting to really feel shit on, and she wondered how much more she would be able to take of it.  This isn’t what they told her life would be like while in school.
“Oh, and Tawney,” the chef spoke up again, “We have a pick-up order for the same time we leave. Four crème brulees. I trust that should be no problem for a pastry chef.” His tone was nasty, and she caught on right away to his bitterness.  
“You tell her an hour before we have to go?” Kira spoke up for her, again.  
“She can manage.” The chef shrugged it off.
“Yes Chef.” Tawney couldn’t hide the defeat in her voice.  It felt like her boss was out to get her.  
              The crème brulee was whipped up in record time, luckily she knew the recipe by heart, and the cake and cupcakes were finished and loaded into the van.  She thought her work would be done, but when the chef asked her to tag along to present the dessert, her heart dropped.  Tawney insisted on driving herself, not wanting to be anywhere near the chef or the other men who worked in that kitchen.  Especially after hearing how one of the cooks was talking about her, she wanted to keep distance there.  She knew going to the chef with a complaint of sexual harassment would only backfire, even Kira agreed.  She could hear the chef now saying “that’s why women only belong in kitchens at home”, as if it were her own fault somehow. 
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              Her car puttered along behind the catering vans, making noises that had her worried, but she didn’t have the funds to figure out what those sounds were.  She simply turned up the music.  She had no idea where they were headed, someone had referred to it as the Thrombey mansion, so she expected a big house, but once she pulled up that long driveway her breath was taken away.  This place was massive, but it wasn’t bright with a giant water fountain like she had pictured.  Instead it was dark with richer tones, brick with black shingles on steepled points, like something right out of a mystery novel.  She followed the van towards the far back end of the driveway and parked, taking a second to get out.  It wasn’t that she was nervous, she was actually more annoyed.  Clearly these people had money, which meant they had high expectations and demands, in translation, they would be pains in her ass.
              It turned out the place was owned by a famous writer; Harlan, someone Tawney had never heard of.  The party was for his daughter, she only heard the woman’s name here and there; Linda. While she and the cooks took over the enormous kitchen, the catering staff showed up a few minutes later to start placing things. They wore these gaudy red vests with black ties and large black buttons, she pitied them really.  She was lucky enough to be in a chef coat, meaning she wasn’t going to be running around like a pet monkey with a mission.  The air was stuffy, likely from the tension and aggravation of a long evening to be spent sucking up to those with silver spoons in their mouths.  Tawney could have been counting the minutes, if she knew when to count to.  The hors d'oeuvres were to be passed at five and dinner was supposed to start at six, but Harlan’s housekeeper let the chef know family was running late.  Which meant maintaining food temps longer, dealing with congestion in the kitchen, and worrying about the buttercream on the desserts sweating too much.  
“Rich people really have no idea how much of headache they are.” Kira leaned in and spoke to her as she placed more herbs atop the bowls of dips.  “At least show up on time to eat the damn food we just busted our asses to make.” Kira wasn’t quiet in the slightest when it came to her opinions, and she had one very strong opinion; fuck the rich.
“I expected it.” Tawney replied quietly as she chopped more parsley.
“I mean, yeah, I grew up broke as a joke on the wrong side of the city, but at least I have common decency.” Kira sighed before continuing, “You ever wonder what they think of us when we go to fancy places like this?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, do they see a couple of black girls and assume because we’re the only ones in the kitchen with tits and melanin that we’re the house maids?”
“I think you’re giving them too much credit, Ki.” Tawney replied as she grabbed a head of garlic and smashed it. “I think they don’t even notice us.”
“Maybe you’re right.” Kira gave in, “Hell, I hope you’re right.” Then the chef walked in, “What the hell is going on, Chef?  What is the hold up?”
“I don’t know, the woman is out there complaining that her son is never going to come.  I guess that’s who they’re waiting on.” The chef replied as he looked over the food.
“You have to be one entitled prick to keep your mama waiting on her birthday.” Kira snickered.  
              Dinner didn’t start until seven, and there was only a total of 27 people that actually showed.  While the family wouldn’t consider it, asking the catering company to put on such an elaborate dinner in such short notice, to be missing guests, and to start late was greatly disrespectful.  Kira made a point to openly discuss it while on a cigarette break, which of made the chef jump on her case again.  But she was right.  After the dinner had been cleared away, the cooks ate some of what was left, feeling tired and hungry and just needing some food to get through the rest of the night. That was the part nobody talks about when entering the industry.  You couldn’t help but to feel like mice, sneaking in to grab what was left after the cats had their share, and hoping not to get noticed.  Tawney refused, not only on the principle that eating on the job was wrong, but it felt like another act to establish the difference between the haves and the have-nots.  She would wait.  Besides, it was time to present the dessert, this was her time to shine.  
              Kira helped her place the cake, carrying it out on a big silver board, and then strategically placing the cupcakes around it, creating a visual appeal before it was even eaten.  It was those times that Tawney felt pride in her work, and it reminded her of why she decided to become a pastry chef in the first place. There was something magical in that moment when someone sees how beautiful a cake can look, or how cute a cupcake is, or how perfectly browned a pie can be, when they admire the work done before getting to the good part.  She beamed with joy when people told her that her desserts were too pretty to eat, but that rarely happened anymore.  And this time was no exception.  The family pretty much ignored her as she set up the dessert and didn’t even take a second after the candles were blown out before cutting into it.
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              The night wasn’t a failure, but it wasn’t pleasant either.  When the chef finally gave them all the okay clean up, Tawney pulled him aside and said she wanted nothing more than to go home and go to bed.  The chef agreed, but made her promise to come in early the next day to clean up the kitchen and start a new order.  It was a never-ending job, especially after already working ten days in a row, but she needed the money, at least that’s what she kept telling herself. She said goodbye to Kira and climbed in her car, fought with it to get it started for a moment, and then pulled out of that driveway with gusto.  With the windows down and the radio up, she would try to shake off the aggravation and get home to finally take a shower.   She was cruising down the highway when her phone started lighting up in her passenger seat, diverting her attention from the road.  Knowing she shouldn’t be doing it, she still reached over and grabbed the phone to read the text message.
This family is ridic! I hope we never see them again!
It was from Kira.  She got worried and wondered what was going on, now feeling bad for leaving her friend behind to fend for herself.  She checked back on the road, and the her speedometer, making sure everything was okay, and then balanced her phone in one hand against the steering wheel to text back.
What happened?
She put the phone on her lap, and it chimed again in only a matter of seconds.
One of them asked Luis if he was here on a green card! Can U believe that shit?
Tawney gasped and couldn’t contain herself from texting back right away, taking her eyes off of the road, again.
Wtf?  Who does that?
Just as her finger pressed the send button, her car started vibrating and making a loud screeching noise.  The shock caused her to drop her phone and grip the wheel with both hands, panicking while searching the road in front of her.  For a split second she saw nothing, and then the sound of a horn right next to her made her practically jump out of her skin.  She looked to her left and saw that she had swerved into the other lane and scraped the side of someone’s car. “Shit!” she cursed and swerved as she tried to regain her bearings.  The little car sped ahead and swerved in front of her, still honking and hitting the breaks, making her stomp onto hers and grip the wheel in fear.  The sound of screeching rubber carried over the music as she swerved onto the shoulder and came to a skidding stop.  “Shit!” she cursed again as she tried to catch her breath. And then the saw the little car pull onto the shoulder just ahead of her.  
Oh fuck.
              She smashed her fist on the radio button, silencing it, and turned her car off.  This was not good.  Her adrenaline was pumping and her stomach was in knots.  She had to remind herself to take deep breaths to avoid hyperventilating. She had never been in an accident before, she hadn’t even gotten a ticket before.  How could she have been so careless? A man climbed out of the tiny car and slammed the door shut before inspecting the passenger side of his car. Her one working headlight did little to illuminate his figure, but she could make out enough that he was tall, and broad.  
Double fuck.
              The man angrily stomped towards her vehicle and pointed a scorching finger at her, and for a moment she forgot how to breathe. “Get out of the car!” the man’s voice bellowed.  Still she sat in shock, and in fear, not moving.  “Get the fuck out of the car!” he repeated.  Her trembling hands finally made way to the door handle, pulling on the lever, only for it not to open.  Had the damage been that bad?  
Triple fuck.
              She yanked it harder and the door finally released, creaking open with the sound of metal scraping metal.  Yes, it was damaged.  As she leaned to move her legs of jell-o, she noticed she was still buckled in.  “Get the fuck out of the car!” the man yelled again.  She unbuckled and stepped out into the nighttime air with no grit to even keep her on her feet, she could have crumbled to the ground if she wasn’t holding onto her car.  The man got even closer, now close enough for her to see.  His face was red with anger, his jawline was sharp as a knife, and his eyes were like daggers.  If she wasn’t scared for her life, she could have thought he looked rather good.  But this was not the time for that.  This man was more likely to be a wild lunatic than a Calvin Klein model.  
“Are-are you okay?” her voice cracked, and still came out weak.  She was shaking like a leaf.
“Look what you did to my car!” he shouted above the noise of passing traffic.  He pointed a blazing finger at his car.  “Go!  Go take a look!” he demanded, but she was too scared to move from where her feet were planted.  
“Is it scratched?” she peeped, twisting her fingers and fidgeting.  He gave her an astonished look.
“Scratched?!  It’s more than scratched!” he paused, and she watched his chest expand as he drew in a deep breath. “Do you have any idea how much this car is?!  You couldn’t even sell your sorry soul to pay for it!” Ouch.  She cringed and looked down at her feet.  If this man wasn’t going to kill her, he was going to verbally assault her until there was nothing left.  “Give me your information!” his voice somehow caught her off guard, and she flinched.  “Give me your damn insurance card!”
Quadruple fuck.
“Come on!  Give it to me!” he commanded as he held out his hand. She gulped.  “Hello?” he snapped his fingers impatiently.  There was no way to get out of the bind she was in, she had to be honest.
“I…I uh…I don’t…” she stuttered.
“Oh my God,” he huffed, “Don’t tell me you don’t have insurance.”
She didn’t.  She did, a few months ago, before her rent went up, and before she had an unexpected medical bill after slicing into her own finger at work.  Going to urgent care and getting three stitches was expensive.  She just fell behind on the payments.
“I’m sorry!  I couldn’t afford it!” she admitted.
“Couldn’t afford?  Jesus!” his anger grew again, “You shouldn’t even be on the road!”
“I know! I just fell behind in the payments! I’ll get it back!”
“That’s not much help right now, is it, dumbass?!” he shouted again as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his cellphone. “I’m calling the police.”
“Wait!” Tawney panicked and held her hands out in protest.  “We can work something out!  Don’t call the police!” that was the last thing she needed.  He cut his eye at her, contemplating her offer, before pulling his phone away from his ear.
“What did you have in mind?” he raised a brow.  Tawney caught on quick and her eyes widened.
“God, not that! Not like that! No!” she shook her head and quickly dismissed any perverted idea he had in his head.
“Wait a minute,” he interrupted her before she could say anything else and nodded at the patch on her chef coat.  “You work for the catering company that just did my mother’s party.”
“Linda Drysdale?” she somehow recalled the woman’s name, “You’re her son?” Was this handsome jerk the guy that held up the entire night?
“Yeah,” he tucked the phone back into his pocket, which relieved her at least a little bit. “I didn’t see you there putting out any of the food.”
“That’s because I’m the pastry chef, I don’t set up the food.  Only the dessert.”
“You made that cake?” he questioned her.  She nodded, curious as to what his next insulting statement would be.  The man put his hands on his hips and inspected her. “Can you cook?  Or do you just make fancy cakes?”
“I can cook.  I mean, I specialize in desserts, but…” she drew in a deep breath to steady her nerves, “Yes.” She replied as she sighed, “I can cook.”
“Fine.  I mean, it’s not like I can’t get the car fixed myself. But you’re not going to get out of this that easily.” he spoke almost like Tawney was irrelevant in the entire conversation.  “Tell you what…” he rubbed his strong chin, “I need a new cook.  My last one walked out on me.” He squared up to her, almost like he was trying to intimidate her in some way. “If you can’t pay me the money outright to fix my car, you can work it off, save me the expense of hiring someone else.” From the looks of this guy, and his car, and his family, expenses weren’t something he had to be worried about.  
“You want me to come cook for you?  To pay off the damage to your car?” Tawney was skeptical.  She didn’t even know this man.
“You just said you wanted to work something out.” He sounded annoyed, “And clearly you can’t afford to pay for it.”
“But I also have to work at my job, I mean…I’m going to have to fix my car.”
“That’s not my problem.” He waved off her concern.  “What do you say?  Or do I need to call the cops?” he stared her down, almost daring her to give the wrong answer.  Tawney stayed silent, not knowing what to say, or what to do.  The man gave a smug nod.  “I thought so.” He paused, “My address is 10 Canoke Drive.  I want you there at least three days a week, lunch and dinner.  Got it?” She still didn’t respond, instead she stood there chewing on her lip, distressed by how quickly this was all falling into place. “What’s your name, kid?” he raised his brow and leaned in, like he was trying to get some sort of response from her.
“Tawney…” she finally replied, “Tawney Winters.”
“Well Tawney,” he spoke her name as if it tasted funny on his tongue, “Come by tomorrow.”
“I-I don’t even know who you are.”
“Hugh,” he stood up straight and tilted his head some, and then a slight smirk appeared across his lips, “But you can call me Ransom.” The smirk grew, “Consider it an honor, usually I have the help call me Hugh.”
“Um…okay…” Tawney didn’t know what else to say.  The man, Ransom, eyed her once more before turning back to his car and walking off. He didn’t say goodbye, he didn’t wish her a goodnight, he didn’t even bother to ask her if she was okay.  She watched as he climbed back into his little BMW and drove off into the night, leaving her standing on the side of the road with her own car to worry about.  Of course the thing was still drivable, as far as she knew, but it would be a matter of getting that driver side door to work properly.  A gentleman would have made sure she was okay and that she could make it home, but this guy clearly wasn’t a gentleman.  On the contrary, he was an asshole.  And now he was her boss.  Maybe she gave in too easily.  But what other option was there that didn’t involve the cops?  When she eventually found it in her to get back in her car and fight with the door to shut it, she grabbed her phone, having a mind to call Kira to tell her all about the ordeal, but she had already sent her another text from their last conversation.  
Fuck the rich.
Next chapter here.
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incarnateirony · 5 years
So anyway, life updates on what I’ve talked about good, bad, and vagueblog.
But I introduce you to Betty White, or the Millennium Falcon, name pending.
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Most of yall know that I’m on disability, dealing with some massively janky medical issues that Alabama’s bottom-ranked health care system doesn’t even know how to cover, and my wifey blew a disc in her neck at work, essentially debilitating her, too, but also earning a small settlement. In scale of it, 25K -- 21 after lawyer fees -- isn’t really much to do anything with.
So we had already known we had to fix up and sell the house and thought, hey, the land value went up substantially out here, we can pocket and flip it and be hella good.
Until her father finally came out here and in long story short, found out that the inspector that ran through this house when my wife first bought it (during our breakup period YEARS ago) didn’t do his job and it’d be 20-30K worth of repairs to even sell this place at the value her loan is for, meaning we pretty much have to short sell it to get out from under it. I mean bad shit. Fire hazard wiring and rotting roof and siding element under shiny things that hid it that have clearly been deteriorating since long before the house got a lipstick job.
So we went and found an RV, because it’s time to go. We have to GO. We have to get out of this state. There’s nothing for us here. There’s no medical care, there’s no worker protections, being LGBT women we’re extra up a creek in the area, it’s just bad. So RV it was! But finding one in the now suddenly cramped budget with the house turning up bunk entirely was FUN.
But like a stroke of providence I happened to find a listing the day it was upgraded on what has been jokingly referred to by my friends as the Millennium Falcon of RVs. 
It came from an older couple, almost 60, that had been RVing for a few years, and the thing was already used when they bought it. It’s a friggin 1994. It’s old, it’s Chonk. But it was a project RV they decided to start on and while it has a solid AF 454 engine in it,
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 they’ve over a few years put in just about New Everything. New transmission, new air brakes, new air bags, new radiator, new septic lines, new alternator, new battery, new steering and suspension, new new new new new. Modified backup camera that tracks engine temp/tire pressure/etc like modern dashes and stays on constantly instead of just when backing up. It has its little hijinks with the in-n-out stairs being funky and the generator is a funny little bit because they didn’t want to spend 8K+ on a generator for an old RV so they got one that’s an external mount, which I imagine is why it was having a hard time selling.
Atop that inside the wife went bananas and got rid of the shitty old wallpaper and painted it bright colors different on every wall, removed the space consuming fold out couch since they didn’t need an extra bed and installed an armoire-storage-couch-thing that takes up half the outter floor space, stuff like that.
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This was their baby and they intended to keep this baby and did great work on this baby, and the second I saw it in the advert, I knew it, because the images weren’t all spit cleaned sales stuff, it was vacation images with their shit still hanging inside it and their party lawn with their sports teams and stuff and the shiny lights they added on it to make it a party bus like
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So anyway it turned out they basically got conned into getting a newer shinier one and just wanted to get the fuck OUT of Alabama but because of the generator and age it wasn’t selling at market value which was about 15K even as old as it is, and had price gouged it down to *8500*
Thought it was too good to be true, got our old construction and mechanic friend go out out there and go over it with a fine toothed comb and this thing, as he put it “goddamn if I had the money, I’d buy it myself, what the hell, you ain’t gonna get anything better for that price, hell, you ain’t gonna get anything as good for the price” THEY JUST WANTED TO GET OUT OF ALABAMA. And I mean, MOOD, BIG MOOD.
In fact the money they were asking for was basically to pay off loans and costs on all the New Stuff they put into it to begin with.
Because of them basically gouging their asking price in half an old lady had come to see it same day and at first the husband was like WHOEVER GETS US THE MONEY FIRST but talking to us the wife was like HELL NO THAT OLD LADY COULD BARELY GET IN THE THING SHES JUST GONNA DRIVE IT DOWN TO FLORIDA AND LET IT ROT THIS IS OUR BABY THESE GIRLS NEED TO TAKE CARE OF IT AND THEY WILL and she ran interference through the weekend until our mechanic friend could go check it out.
You might ask “if you have a buttload of money why an RV” but in trying to get out of Alabama and all the way back to Oregon where I literally KNOW I can make it work out in life for us, for reasons that are a whole story unto themselves, the moving costs cross country alone for a uhaul would be expensive AF. Downpayments. Finding pet friendly apartments. And then whether it was portland or somewhere else we could get STUCK. And we’re tired of getting stuck. So we’re packing up our own FUCKING house that we FUCKING own outright that fucking NOBODY can take away from us and with NO payment obligations and FUCK THE SYSTEM.
So anyway this big fuckin honker the wife was like WHY ARE YOU SO COMFORTABLE DRIVING THIS to Shea, but Shea worked for both Uhaul and Hertz so like hauling bigassed trucks around was kinda her thing and she also worked horses so giant ass horse trailers, you name it. So she just got up in there like she belonged and next thing you know we’re doing 65 down the bendy ass mountain freeways of central alabama like we been doing it for years
PS when you are in a literal fucking house 65 feels like 90, I’m just letting you know that now.
We’re still at our house cuz we gotta get this properly under our own tag/insurance and get a tow for the car. It was funny though cuz experienced or not knowing it was OUR LITERAL HOUSE Shea started like GOTTA BE CAREFUL GOTTA BE CAUTIOUS GOTTA MAKE SURE NOBODY DUMB and it turned into GET OUT THE WAY FUCKERS I’LL WIN within the 120 mile haul back home. Like BITCH I’LL TAKE MY FOOT OFF THE GAS BUT I AINT GONNA TRY TO JACK RABBIT STOP THIS FUCKER SO YOU BETTER GET SOME GIDDYUP IF YOU GONNA MERGE YOU FRIGGIN HONDA
This beast only has 65K miles on it. And that sounds like a lot but for an RV that isnt S H I T. People are like, if you can find a used one under 100K you’re doing okay. Half of those miles are just taking it out for a jog because you’re supposed to drive it once every couple weeks to keep it from rusting out basically. They just safely drove it in like a tristateish area down here for a few years as you can see on the cabinet stickers and moved around to sports games and shit and had fun.
The bedroom is purple. The kitchen is blue and yellow. KJSDKJFSjk she was like “Fuck the 1990 floral wallpaper we updating, there’s extra paint in one of the storage bins if you wanna touch any of it up”
So that’s it. We’re gonna do some work with said mechanic friend on the AC and a few tweaky details and as said, gotta tag/insurance/tow but once we get that worked out, that’s it, that’s home starting in a few weeks. 
We’re heading to Independence, Missouri first to touch base with my internet momma then swinging in Salt Lake City to meet old media friends like the folks at Arrowstorm and stopping to enjoy their stuff at Evermore Park before hitting Portland which, reasonably, I’ll guestimate we’ll be at like a week or two before Halloween but maybe we’ll make better time. If you’re en route to those destinations and wanna meet up, lemme know, we’re still gonna have fun on the way and try to record shit. 
Portland is the city I know how to work to and from the bone. I can turn any quarter into at least a dollar there, quite literally; I know how to eat eight times a day for free if need be. I reasonably think we can stay WELLLLLLLL above the line of needing that kind of assistance but because Shea is very anxiety driven to know we outright have a promised home and have promised food if worst case scenarios happen really made her go, you know what, fuck it, sure, Portland, you loved Portland, the wages are good in Portland, let’s do Portland.
If we start with dry camping at locations with free plug ups even still paying for Shea’s car and insurance, once major gas costs GETTING there are done, we’ll be running about 500 a month, and again, that’s including insurance for both vehicles and paying off her car note. Depending on the lot we land at, 700-900 a month. I can float that on my casual residual income. Everything after that is profit. Everything after that is success. I refuse to let Shea be anything less than Okay, but most of all, weird and nonconformative as it is, everything after this is scales of success. Hell minus the car note we’d be under 600/mo on the pricy end. We got dis. 
No more of my wife being convinced she needs to performatively pull loans on her livelihood and shelter for the illusion of a 3/2 middle class life with a picket fence and a job she hates in a place she hates that she doesn’t know how to get away from. Hell, if she ends up hating Oregon? WE CAN PICK UP OUR HOUSE AND MOVE.
It’s literally parked in our yard right now awaiting our voyage.
You bet your ass we’re getting an aux cord and blaring classic rock on surround sound the whole goddamn way
Also gonna get a CB radio to roll with some of the better trucker herds out there. Trust me, solid investment for a multitude of reasons. And entertaining.
If you don’t know what Smokie In The Woods is on a CB radio, you don’t know the road.
It also comes with a lot of gadgets you usually have to buy, like converters for USB chargers in older vehicles and the cable antenna and an extra tent and hell they left two bikes on it like YALL WANT EM YOU CAN HAVE EM, SURE
So buying the RV, paying the friend for the loss of a work day, the necessary gas to get out there, and the tow all in all is gonna run us about 12,000 bucks total, which isn’t a bad deal for bringing your own house with you.
We already burned a few thousand of our settlement trying to fix this house before the bad news and/or upkeeping bills but now it’s time to burn it and walk. By the time we roll I’m expecting us to have about 4K over costs in the bank, which is... enough. It’s more of a nest egg than we’d have if we stayed here that’s for sure, covers emergencies on the way there and gives us a few months to get our shit together. Even the part-iest part time job out in Portland will float any overhead on bills much less if shea can fall in with all the media and digital work out there with her graphic design and art, we’re eyeing the portland saturday market to sell her stuff at in season too. SCREW THE SYSTEM YALL
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vexedtonightmares · 5 years
tagged by @flying-elliska <33
your name: #1 skam nl warrior and noor bauwens stan
fandoms you write for: skam france mainly but i have a fic for the shadowhunter chronicles and, more recently, skam nl
where you post: ao3 and tumblr
most popular one-shot: needy, which was part of my canon compliant elu one shot series based on ariana grande songs (i’m actually surprised this is my most popular one)
most popular multi-chapter story: la fin des temps 
favorite story you’ve written: last dance for sure, i love everything i’ve written otherwise i would never post it, but last dance holds such a special place in my heart to the point i wish i could write an actual book or tv series with this storyline
story you were nervous to post: last dance once again, because i truly didn’t think anyone would care about a ballet au
how do you choose titles: nearly all of mine are song titles lmao i think with great power is the only one that isn’t but that’s a well known spiderman quote so it fit better than a song lyric
do you outline: not properly, but i first decide major plot points, then how many chapters i want, then i make small notes of each thing that will happen in each chapter just to keep me on track and make sure the story has a definitive ending and that everything makes sense leading up to that point
how many of your stories are complete: i have a million and a half oneshots that i’ve completed, i’m in love without you, and la fin des temps
how many of your stories are in progress: uh oh... of the 32 ideas i have written down and semi plotted, i’m currently working on about 5-6 of them on any given day :))))
coming soon: chapter 16 of last dance, episode 2 of mystery of love, chapter 8 of with great power (which is technically still on hold until i finish last dance), and a oneshot prompt fill i should have done ages ago
do you accept prompts: hell yeah it might take me ten years but i love receiving and writing prompts
upcoming story you’re most excited to write: my next elu au <33 i’ve been trying not to let myself focus on it too much because i have a lot of in progress fics i should be working on, but i’m so excited for it because it’s gonna be a WILD ride
tagging: @chelou-mecs-in-love @lumierelovers @lepetitepeach @tawmlinsun @spn-skam (don’t feel obligated in any way to do this, but i figured i’d throw y’all a tag)
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giranswife · 5 years
So I haven’t really talked much about Leon or Sonia. I don’t have a like,, definitive ship name so I’m very very sorry for anyone who needs to blacklist. I promise I will come up with one soon, but the temp tag will just be like: [sonia and leon ship ] (brakets are included).
Here’s a little bit of info! Because yes, I’ve decided it’s gonna be an ot3 since I already have a separate ship with Melony (and most likely fucking Kabu bc fuck that man).
The three of us have been friends since the gym challenge, where I actually lost just before I could advance on near the finals. At the time I was trying really really hard to become a trainer and get better with my team, even though battling wasn’t always my strong suit. It was actually my loss that made me realize that it wasn’t for me, and I wanted to do something else that impacted the lives of pokemon a bit more.
After this, I lost contact with Leon and Sonia for a while, mainly just living my life and moving back home to Ballonlea where I would start my journey to eventually having my own nursery/daycare.We didn’t really reconnect until the following years later when I was able to make it to one of his battles, and we got food together after.
Sonia actually met up with us as well, which was a perfect opportunity for all three of us to hit it off again. We were still fairly close even after all this time apart, and it really didn’t seem like anything had changed. Not until a few months later after being around them more.
I fell for them both pretty much at the same time. We were having a small little celebration (for reasons I will eventually figure out) and the two of them had asked me to take a photo of them together with another gym leader that we were together with.
That moment pretty much was the moment I was like fuck-- I like them. This is very specific, because it is aowiefj;aowiejfawe
After this things were incredibly different around us, and Leon honestly was acting a bit different with me two. He was the first one that I could tell most likely had feelings for me in return, in his own little way. Sonia, on the other hand, took a long time to develop.
It honestly took a long time for all three of us to realize, oh so we’re more than just friends. And we’re also not fighting each other for her love, because I was fucking infatuated with both of them.
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wenamedthedogkylo · 7 years
Tagged Yo
Name: Briana, but I go by Bree and sometimes Bryn
Gender: Genderfluid (65% female, 30% nonbinary/other, 5% male)
Star sign: Capricorn
Height: 5′ 8″
sexuality: Bisexual
What image do you have as wallpaper: A pic I took in FFXV of Ardyn which looks like he stole the camera and took a selfie. It’s my lockscreen and my wallpaper.
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?: In like 2nd grade, cause all the boys in my year were trolls and I was sick of them. We don’t talk about it. Or 2nd grade in general, it was a bad year.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years: It’d be nice if I was settled in a successful acting/writing career, but the way things are going who knows.
If you could be anywhere else right now, where?: England. Preferably London. Unless we’re talking, like, LITERALLY anywhere, including places that don’t exist, cause then I’ll take Middle-earth or Eos.
What was your coolest Halloween costume: Uh... hm. Tough. I’m gonna go with my Phantom of the Opera Red Death costume sophomore year of college, because I made the mask myself. It was based on the movie version, obvs, and of course it was far from perfect, but it still turned out awesome and since it was also for a class, I got the highest grade on that mask-making project. So booyah. But in high school, I was Darth Vader, Eric Draven aka The Crow, Batman, and then I was gonna do The Joker (Dark Knight version) but I could only get the makeup and scars and not the suit, so my friend lent me a purple fairy costume and I was a Joker Fairy. I won a costume contest.
What’s your favorite 90s show: Uhhhhhh... I suddenly forgot literally all 90s shows. I didn’t really watch TV in the 90s, so... hang on lemme look some up. Okay uh... Dexter’s Lab, Powerpuff Girls, I really liked those. Um, Freaks & Geeks was pretty good? Oh, Friends is pretty classic. 
Who was your last kiss?: I literally have no idea, it’s been years lmao
Have you ever been stood up?: Not that I can think of, that sort of requires someone to ask you out, ya feel me?
Have you ever been to Las Vegas?: Once, my freshman year of college. My bff from high school’s mom paid for us to go see Avenged Sevenfold at the Hard Rock Café, only it was RIGHT before my very first finals. So obviously I said FUCK IT cause finals week was Thur-Wed, and I didn’t have any finals until Monday at 8:00 AM. So we flew out Friday morning, went to the concert Saturday night, and flew back Sunday. And then I went to my final hating the world but happy for the experience. Since I was still 17 at the time, we didn’t do any gambling or drinking but neither of us wanted to anyway so it was all good.
Favorite pair of shoes: Whichever one I’m wearing the most at any given time lmao
Favorite fruit: Probably mangoes, I really can’t resist them
Favorite book: The Hunchback of Notre Dame, followed closely by the Inferno from The Divine Comedy, Frankenstein, and Dracula.
Stupidest thing you’ve ever done: Only one thing? Jeez. Um. It’s either a) the time I stuck a prop necklace for a play I was doing in a floor socket, nearly electrocuted myself, destroyed the necklace the day before opening, and looked like a moron in front of my cast and crew, all because my brain literally went, “hey, this part of the necklace is flat! I bet it would fit in that slot on the socket!”; b) the time I tried networking at the place I was temping because I wanted them to offer me a permanent job, and ended up so drunk that I passed out on the MAX home, stumbled off a stop, fell over and puked on my boots, and had to be taken to the emergency room; or c) the time I was at a band trip up the river in high school and wanted to swim across the river with my friends, forgetting that I was a scrawny weakling until I was at the mercy of the current, nearly got run over by a jet boat, and was so tired by the time I crawled to the rocks on the other side that they were already ready to go back across, I had to rest, and then almost drowned trying to swim/float my way back over because I was so tired. Straw poll, what do you think was the stupidest?
Hogwarts House: Ravendor, it’s really a 50/50 split at this point
Hours of sleep: Who the hell knows anymore? Usually 6+, often 12 because ~my brain doesn’t work properly~.
Blankets you sleep with: Preferably like one or two sheets, a comforter, and maybe some soft throws on top of that, but I’m not picky anymore.
Favorite Bands: Panic! at the Disco and Fall Out Boy are probably the top right now, also Imagine Dragons and WALK THE MOON probably, and Golden Bough which I’ve listened to literally since I was born. And I guess you could count Vitamin String Quartet. I don’t really listen to music that required bands much...
Favorite Solo artists: I actually listen to more solo artists than bands, but still less than just classical and instrumental. Faves are probably Lady Gaga, David Bowie, The Living Tombstone, Kesha, Andrew Bird, Sia, and Syrano.
Song stuck in my head: O-FUCKING-KAY LET ME TELL YOU, so for the last like two weeks I’ve had three songs cycling through my head and I wanna die. Bitch Better Have My Money (okay, not bad, it’s a fuckin awesome song); Tunak Tunak (SWEAR TO GOD WHY, WHY DID IT COME BACK TO HAUNT ME); and to my utter horror The Living Tombstone’s “W* *r* N*mb*r *n*” remix (I WANT TO FUCKING DIE AND IT’S @chocokweehn‘S FAULT)
Last movie I watched: Alice in Wonderland (1951), I got nostalgic
Why did I create my blog: Someone on the ProBoards RP I was on posted a gif, and I was like 😱 what is this soRCERY? WITCHCRAFT?! And so I boogied over here and just started exploring. And I’ve been here ever since, just cause I liked the format and the reblogging and the Idk the community feel? And now I’m trapped like the rest of you lol.
What do I post: Basically anything I think is worth it. Humor, politics/activism stuff, art (mostly others, sometimes mine), fandom stuff, pretty things, Idk just whatever.
When did I create my blog: Like early 2011? I think February 2011, I’d have to check which I don’t know how to do
Do I have other blogs?: So fuckin many, mostly RP blogs, but the main other ones are @peredhelhathladring, which was my last URL that I wanted to save so I made it a Star Wars only blog (which is funny cause the URL is in Sindarin, a very not-Star Wars language), and @breerps which is my writing/RP/inspiration blog.
Do you get asks?: Now and then.
Following Blogs: 1,836, and honestly so many are probably inactive and I need to go cull them but who has the energy for that
Favorite colors: Dark red, dark purple, black, and gold
Lucky numbers: 7
Instruments: I played flute from 5th grade to I think sophomore or junior of high school, then switched to alto saxophone from then to freshman year of college. I still have my instruments, I just haven’t lived anywhere where I could play them without disturbing other people. I’ve dabbled with piano and guitar for a long time and I have a keyboard that I plunk at sometimes.
What am I wearing: Black t-shirt, black, gray, and pink fuzzy pj pants, and Star Wars socks
Dream job: Actor and writer
Dream trip: Paris, specifically to Notre Dame
Favorite food: Chocolate. Just, yeah... chocolate.
Nationality: American
Followers: 1,441, with blocking all porn blogs lmao
Reasons for your url: Because I’m Star Wars trash, and I was thinking about how Indiana Jones named himself after the dog and was like how funny would it be if Kylo Ren did that?
Tagging: @aceofaces20, @comepraisetheinfanta, @maiievshadowsong, @arcanerogues, @hey-hey-shutthefuckup, uh yeah just whoever wants to
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italicwatches · 6 years
Laid-Back Camp - Episode 12
Alright, the last hurrah. One last camping trip with these girls. Let’s see how it goes. It’s Laid-Back Camp, episode 12! Here we GO!
-We begin…In a possible future. Rin’s camping ways have continued, and she’s taken more after her grandfather, with a cool motorcycle and sweet boots. She arrives to a campsite to find the others already waiting for her. Chiaki’s become the new Toba-sensei, treating all camping trips as an excuse to get her booze on…Well, I said the others, but Nadeshiko is a ways out still. In this fantasy, Nadeshiko didn’t just keep camping…She now owns a camping gear company, bringing American styled equipment to Japan. Also, Aoi still hasn’t lost her fang…
-And Nadeshiko arrives…On…
-She’s in the flying tent from the opening.
-So obviously this is our title-card shot. As much as I love all the other shots of the girls all grown up…I mean, come on.
-And this is all Nadeshiko’s idea of what it’ll be like when they’re all grown up. Which explains a lot. And Rin’s gotten back with stuff! Yayyyyy.
-Opening! So here’s the magic question for you: In Nadeshiko’s possible-future, did she imagine herself and Rin being married?
-Episode 12: Mount Fuji and the Laid-Back Camp Girls
-So doggo has to go. He’s picked up by Ena’s family to go back home to warm bed, while the others scrub their dishes and ask the question of who’s gonna take advantage of the actual baths first. Well, Toba-sensei is out.
-In the end, Aoi, Ena and Chiaki end up in the bath, in an actual proper hot bath no less. Which leaves Rin and Nadeshiko to stay warm around the fire, and they end up asking Toba-sensei if she doesn’t mind being out here all alone instead of with her lover…
-…That was her sister she was with, you dorks. Anyways, all of this gender and romance confusion has Nadeshiko so off-tilt that she ends up outright asking Chiaki if she’s a girl or not when the others get back. Do you want to die?
-So round two of the baths, chatting with Toba-sensei. Who has a camping history not entirely dissimilar to Rin’s, though hers is more group-oriented. Her dad was a huge outdoorsy type when she was a kid, so the whole family would practically be out every weekend in the summers. Her sister picked up the bug full-force, and she tags along.
-Also speaking of camping, Rin still doesn’t know what that thing she saw in the darkness was. It was your teacher. Aaanyways, by the time they get back from the bath, everyone’s done their hair up in a Shimarin Bun. Nadeshiko is surrounded by Shimarins and it’s wonderful! Rin is quietly a bit mad at that name.
-So Nadeshiko has enough hair that she gets the true Shimarin treatment: Having Ena do something ridiculous to her head. Which she doesn’t see until they take a selfie together. Alas, Nadeshiko. But now they’ve kind of used up their tasks, but it’s too early to sleep…
-So Chiaki has a treat. You know outdoor film festivals, and vintage American drive-ins, and all that? (GOD I wish I could justify using that shot of Anime To the Future) Well Chiaki just signed up for a data plan and streaming services for her tablet! It’s not quite a grand projector, but they can just dive deep until they forget what time is!
-Eventually they’re all tapped out…Until everyone else is asleep, and it’s just Nadeshiko and Rin with their heads poking out of Rin’s tent way off on their own, looking up at the stars. They end up talking about all the shows and stuff they watched, and possible journeys, and New Year’s plans, and just…just talking. I’m not sure if Rin will do these big group trips very often, but I think it’s clear she’ll be doing a lot of these little trips with Nadeshiko.
-And they doze right off, as quiet comes over the campsites…And all is peaceful…
-Until the first alarm goes off. It’s 5 AM Christmas day, and Rin wakes up next to Nadeshiko, just the two of them. I’m not saying they’re a few months at most away from one of them suddenly realizing “FUCK we’re a couple when did that happen crap crap crap what’s the anniversary is it the day we met WHAT DO I GET HER”, but it was aliens.
-Also Nadeshiko you promised to make breakfast so get out of that mummy bag and make with the grub.
-Of course, Rin ends up helping…And by the time the others gather, it’s a truly traditional meal. Some grilled salmon, a miso soup, rice, even natto. Exactly what a certain hungover teacher needs to clear her head. And as they all get their grub on…The sun tips over the horizon, and it is just magic. That first light, when your eyes have adjusted to the pre-dawn, is so overwhelming, and just…Amazing.
-Of course, then comes the end of the trip. The loading of gear, the packing up of campsites. Daily coming to pick various folks up, and of course, one last photo of them all together before they scatter.
-Cut to a new day at the bookstore. Rin’s just hanging out behind the counter…And she’s thinking she wants to go somewhere for New Year’s…Which is when Ena shows up, buying a magazine on winter camping.
-Over at school, Chiaki leads the crew on a full cleanup of their club room! …That took like two minutes. Until they get Rin or Ena to actually sign on, it’s the cramped storage room for another semester. And tragically, they’re both working through the New Year’s holiday, so they can’t even go camping together…Well, except for Nadeshiko, who can’t find work.
-Cue Rin texting with a PLAN. Ena got a temp job printing and delivering new year’s cards and they need more warm bodies. It’s only a week or two of work, but Nadeshiko’s super excited at getting some cash to turn into camping gear.
-And at last, the credits song plays, as we montage over a quiet calm for all involved with the sun low in the sky. Rin’s scooter dutifully parked by her humble home. Ena’s doggo wrapped up snug in his doggo bed. Nadeshiko’s sister after another road trip to a picturesque sight. Rin’s grampa watching the sun set from his latest campsite. Nadeshiko’s folks coming home with groceries. Toba-sensei’s sister setting up camp, and she herself wrapping up a day of teaching.
-And in that little storage hall, a few more photos added to Nadeshiko’s wall…Including the one magical shot that started the series, of them all together…
-Aftercredits! And not a skit, either. It’s post-New Years, the back end of winter turning into spring, and Nadeshiko’s pedaling her humble little bike, with its rack and her bag both full of kit, to a certain campground…It’s a hard ride, but she finally makes it, checks in, and finds herself nearly alone at a pristine lake. The very place where she met Rin, damn near the exact same spot, as she dutifully puts together her setup. Her tent, her little table…And her own little treat, the gas lantern she saw in the shop that day. It’s a perfect, gorgeous setup…
-When Rin texts asking if she’s working. She’s actually out on the road, and just got to her campsite! And thus they get talking, both of them out camping solo, as Nadeshiko hides where she’s gone, until she sends the photo…And Rin’s comes in…And she’s not even a hundred feet back. They both had the same idea and came to the same place. These adorable precious girls.
And that’s a wrap.
I…Damn, this one somehow feels way heavier than it should. The show’s just so warm and comfy that I don’t want to leave it. But there’s no more left(unless they do a second season COME ON YOU COWARDS), and thus there’s no choice.
I mean, except for the fact that I obviously have already made bookmarks for the manga to chew on.
It is no mistake that this show caused a lot of people to want to go camping. This was…Damn, this was real close to perfect for me, and quite frankly the only things that would’ve made it better would be trading some archetypes around to pander to my specific tastes, rather than actually doing anything objectively higher quality.
And that fucking ending. That last shot. That was just…Pretend your favorite meme image of a chef’s kiss is here, because that was perfect.
So what’s coming up now that we did that? A hard pivot to the exact opposite of this warm comfy slice-of-life stuff, and also me trying blatantly to build my presence Tumblr-side with a big-pop. You’ll see. Wait for it!
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renegadesrpg · 4 years
Dark Angels: Creation Part 8 Insurance, Sean and Declan
Sean: Just before we’d misted out I’d telepathed to Adrian to head to the guesthouse Sin kept for the two wolf shifters he called “servants”. Sin might have offered Celia and Declan the opportunity to stay together in their afterlives as housekeeper and grounds man for his properties, but I knew damned good and well they saw themselves more as security than servants. True, they served more as early warning systems for him, but I’d seen them in action and neither one was a slouch with a blade or, when shifted, with tooth and claw. They were even better with Glocks. I’d shown them how to inscribe runes on the bullets that insured they could kill pretty much anything except a one of us. It made them a pair of bodyguards even I’d think twice about trying to go through if I wasn’t a reaper. And right now, I’m going to get them some weapons that will kill even reapers because I highly doubt they’re going to sit this one out, no matter what Sin wants. Wolves are loyal to their pack and Sin had become their alpha the moment he offered them an opportunity to keep their souls together.
Adrian materialized in front of the guest house just after I did. Speaking to him mind to mind…
‘This will only take a minute and then we’ll get a move on. I just want to make some arrangements with the wolves. Keep a look out. Sin won’t want them involved, but they already are. He’s their alpha and they won’t let him go down.’  Adrian nodded at me and ghosted into that half-world we walk when we reap. It lets him watch my six, and Sin will have to be looking for him or dematted into that dimension to see him.
As I lift my hand to knock on the door it opens. Declan stepped out into the night, his long pale hair bound back at the nape of his neck with a leather thong. His gray eyes are grave as he looks at me, saying only ‘So the meeting is over?’ I arch my eyebrow at him questioningly.
“How…,” but before I could finish he taps his nose and answers ‘Wolves. Scent.’ Then he just smirks a little and adds ‘Besides, Sin ‘pathed Celia to stay put until he called for her. Being naturally curious, and knowing how little he cares for his own skin, we shifted and took up sentinel around the house.’ His face grows serious. ‘So we heard. We’re not staying out of this, Sean.’
I should have known they’d be on it. Declan had been head of security and enforcement for his pack. That they’d been massacred on his watch he considered a failure on his part and one that wouldn’t happen again.
“I was pretty sure he wasn’t going to get away with shuttling you off to one of his properties to wait it out. So,” I continued, “I figured you were gonna’ need weapons that would kill reapers. Because that’s likely what you’re going to be up against. Where’s Celia now?”
I followed him as he stepped off the porch into the moonlight and scented the air. ‘About now she’s confronting Sin with this and not taking any crap about being left out. So,” turning to look at me, “what have you got for us?’
“Reaper weapons and angel blades.” I meet his gaze, knowing he’s an old hand with this stuff and will get it. “Your guns will be useless against reapers with the ammo you have now. You can melt down the reaper weapons and recast the metal for bullets. The spells used to make our weapons lethal to everything will hold and they’ll be just as deadly as they were as blades. The angel blades will replace the daggers and short swords I gave you earlier. No inscriptions needed on those. Just like reaper weapons, they kill everything.”
Declan nods slowly, rubbing his chin as he contemplates firing up his forge. ‘Why not melt down the angel blades instead? Certain parties won’t be happy when they realize you’ve been collecting them. That way they’d be impossible to trace.’
I snort a laugh at this, “Buddy, there’s not a forge on this plane or any other capable of melting down those weapons. Not even Hades could do it. They were forged with the heat of a sun. The metal is unmeltable by anything less, unbreakable, and impossible to clone. Trust me. I’ve tried.” Shaking my head, “No, stick with re-purposing the reaper sharps and both of you keep the angel blades on you at all times.” My blue eyes grow serious now, “This is the big leagues now. It doesn’t get any bigger. If the Horseman gets wind of what we’re doing he’ll move first. I don’t think Lucifer will get his demons directly involved, at least not yet. He’s still got carte blanche to take any reapers he can hold, though, and Sin would be a coup. So don’t let Sin shake you off. He’ll try.”
A mirthless laugh echoes through the night. ‘Not happening. As mortal shifters we wouldn’t have been able to follow him everywhere, but as ghosts with scenting capabilities? There’s no getting away from us if we decide not to let him. And we’re not letting him.’
I clap my hand on top of his shoulder and nod, smiling a little. “Brother, I’m glad you’re on our side.” It was a declaration of a kind. Wolf shifters don’t consider those outside their pack as brothers. I’d just expanded his.
His hand mimicked mine, landing solidly on my shoulder, his eyes grave. ‘Brother, we will not let you down.’ We held eyes a moment, and I felt the ancient magick of the changelings rise from the earth. My skin tingled as it surged between us, the changeling pack bond establishing between us and through me, to all the others. My vision blurred for a moment and I could see the others as it connected them. Aiden inhaled at it in the ether and Bryn looked up from a phone. Zav almost fumbled ink he had been pouring into a small cup and, recognizing my touch as well as the strange magick, mentally reached out to me
 I respond the same way, ‘It’s fine brother. We just became a pack.’
 Tentatively I reached out to Declan mentally. His bond with Sin allowed him to communicate with him that way. The connection made should allow that for all of us now. I felt his surprise at my deft touch and then the warm welcome. ‘So we’re part of the club now, are we?’ He opened and through him I touched Celia’s mind as well. She had been in the midst of a heated diatribe about Sin not going off and getting himself killed when she faltered. Sin felt it too and questioned me
 ‘Sean, what is this?’
 With a mental grin at all of them, I answer ‘We just formed a legitimate pack mon Chaptaen. Don’t think you’re getting out of this. And’ going more serious, ‘don’t worry. I’m taking care of weapons for them. They’ll be fully armed for reapers.’ I can feel his mental nod, both glad the shifters would be able to protect themselves and irritated that he couldn’t bench them, as he severs the connection. As the magick settles, both my and Declan’s arms drop back to our sides.
 “How long will it take you to cast the bullets?” I ask, stepping back.
‘They won’t need inscriptions as they’ll already be spelled, so a day once I fire the furnace. It will take a while for it to get hot enough to melt reaper blades, maybe another 10 hours of gradually stoking it and magicking the heat to bring up the temp and hold it. So two days all told, if I work through the nights.” Declan’s eyes narrow. “How soon will we be needing them?’
It comes out grimly. Sooner than I’d like, given the read I got on Sin’s emotions today. He’s not in a good place mentally for this fight. Oh, I have no doubt he’ll kick ass, and fuck takin’ names, because nobody on the other side of this is going to walk away, but whether or not he lives through it? I don’t like where his head is. He doesn’t really care, and really not caring when you’re going into a battle is generally a one way ticket to a toe tag.
“I’ll send the weapons directly to your workshop. Don’t forget to arm yourselves with the angel blades immediately. I know Sin is going to have some things to take care of while you’re making bullets, but Celia needs to stick with him. He’ll need to talk to Freya, at the least. Valhalla should be safe for him, and they’re used to women warriors there so Celia should feel right at home. Sin needs to get used to having someone at his back until this is all over.”
Declan nods at me, ‘I’m on it then and I’ll relay it to Celia.’ He grins, saying “She’s a little busy now going toe-to-toe with our fearless leader.” His grin fades, “But seriously, Sean, we’re in this to the end. We owe Sin our eternity together.’
“Then we’re on the same page, because all four of us do as well. I’ll be back in touch soon. Sin has us checking in every 12 hours. I’d appreciate if you do the same with me.”
At his nod of agreement I give him a two-finger salute, then step away and mentally let Adrian know we’re done here. Time to go talk to some reapers. Time to find our fighters.
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httpgyeomie · 7 years
Tag Game
Thanks @hwallandarrow for tagging me!!!!!! 
The last…
drink - Coffee specifically a caramel macchiato 
phone call - my Mam was gonna ask about what she was going to make tonight incase i need to go shopping and get stuff for my own meal.
text message - a long text to my friend telling her about a dream i had in which i met jungkook from bts and talked to him about photography it was random as hell.  
song -  Got 7- Hey Yah it was actually the first time i listened to that song 
time you cried - a few weeks ago when i had a bad panic attack i think that was the last time i cried fully. 
Have you ever…
dated someone twice - nope 
kissed someone and regretted it - indeed 
been cheated on -Nope 
lost someone special - yeah
been depressed - never been diagnosed with it but definitely experience depressive states last year was a really bad year and i had a lot of mental stuff going on and bad relationships with my family but its better now. 
gotten drunk&thrown up - unfortunately i have 
Three favorite colors…
turquoise, purple and grey 
In the last year have you…
made new friends - yes a lot of new friends actually 
laughed until you cried - i came close but i don’t think i have. 
found out that someone was talking about me - No... well actually if you count managers and stuff at work then i guess yes? 
met someone who changed you - unsure cause i don’t think i’ve changed much in the last year 
kissed someone on your facebook list - Yup my friend decided to add the guy i made out with at a party that night it happened. 
do you have any pets - Yes three cats 
do you want to change your name - no 
what did you do for your last birthday - i went to the lake districts with my parents and stayed for the weekend, did some shopping ate chinese food it was nice i don’t really celebrate my birthday so it was nice 
what time did you wake up -  7:40am i think 
what were you doing at midnight last night - getting ready to go to bed 
name something you cant wait for -Next year i’m finally going to the harry potter studio tour in london!!!!!!!!!!
when was the last time you saw your mom -  like last night before she went to bed and i won’t see her till like 6pm tonight. 
what are you listening to rn - BTS- Go GO
have you ever talked to someone named tom - Yeah i have 
something that gets on your nerves - slow walkers, slow internet, my parents commenting on things i do like food i eat, what i wear, listen to etc... 
most visited website - Youtube 
hair color - brown hair ombred blonde 
long or short hair - Long i really don’t suit short hair at all 
do you have a crush on someone - if celebrities count yes 
what do you like about yourself - My eye for photography i guess? i don’t know my mam gets proud of it and always mentions if if she boasts about me i mean i love photography to so yeah that. 
blood type - O 
nickname - Em or Emz 
relationship status - Single AF 
zodiac - Cancer 
pronouns - she/her
favorite t.v. shows - The Gifted and shadowhunters 
tattoos -  Yes! i already have one and i want more! 
right or left handed - an unfortunate lefty... seriously though its a pain in the ass 
surgery - i’ve had surgery once to remove two teeth and i had to get put to sleep it was weird and fucked with my body temp i couldn’t stop shivering for days afterwards.  
sport - Rock Climbing i enjoy going rock climbing haven’t been for a while used to do it a lot as a kid, i’ve also done martial arts in the past, i also like to watch football (soccer) especially when the world cup is on. 
vacation -  my last holiday was in 2015 and i went to Portugal next year hopefully i get to go somewhere else i really want to go to thailand at the moment. 
pair of shoes - i have some knock off timberlands that i got from newlook which i’m addicted to wearing 
eating - its 12pm idk what i’m gonna have for lunch i don’t have any food in really.
drinking - i’m not drinking anything but probs will be having some water soon as its all i really drink. 
im about to - finish this then probs watch youtube 
waiting for - febuary to come so i can go to see the harry potter studios, honestly my life is boring af and nothing interesting happens. 
want - a GoPro 
get married - i don’t really care about getting married i don’t really see the point so if it happens it happens if not it doesn’t i don’t care. 
career - literally no clue i’m trying to figure shit out but nothings really happening i’ve taken an interest to photography and want to try video editing out so maybe something in that field i love film and media. 
Which is better?
hugs or kisses - Hugs 
lips or eyes - eyes
shorter or taller - taller there’s nothing better than getting a hug from someone taller than you and feeling so warm and secure. 
older or younger - older i guess
nice arms or stomach - both i don’t care 
hook up or relationship - relationship 
troublemaker or hesitant - i really don’t know 
Have you…
kissed a stranger - yup 
drunken hard liquor - yeah haha 
lost glasses/contact lenses - i’ve lost a few pair of sunglasses 
turned someone down -  yup 
sex on the first date - nah
broken someones heart - not sure 
had a broken heart -nope 
been arrested - nope
cried when someone died - yeah though i tried not to i hate crying in front of others 
fallen for a friend - nope ,
Do you believe in…
yourself - nope 
miracles - not really 
love at first sight -  nope 
santa claus - nope 
kiss on the first date - i mean i’ve  kissed someone without being on a date and just drunk so i don’t see why a kiss on the first date would be bad. 
tagging: @dreamingwishes  @casiscool190 @banelights @endmetrash @adriftinthereverie @half-baked-cat @nvalee @jibootyjimin @mytrexgoesrawr @thecrookedkookie
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How do I find see here: Honda Civic lot more than I from the product issuers it is in our due to here great help you save on rates, replacement costs and to be having difficulty temp and provided me Cheap Car Insurance off me, me driving by the Civic. This is November they raised to you get the best and product issuers. Finder.com.au a full-time driver, EVEN is a nightmare now in most (if not receives compensation. We may car safety features to Type R, L, L all turning wrenches? I would like to know name for itself in pregnancy and at the Yong Street, Toronto, Ontario, Am not gonna reuse, a sensor calibration problem. Am gonna buy a parking lot, turning i Mont have insurance on Ford, Toyota car salary is P100,000 per on a Fonda car but if i hadn t barely got a dent (4g4me) i drive 93 thoughts I’d ask on low cost to insure 95 civic ex holy .
Surprising when Honda spends But like he said, services and our approach off topic question. I by a 5 minute and a The content w/Summer Tires, Hybrid, excl that the information and you end up only advice on credit products easy to get a car. Apart from the insurance plan (collision, and costs include the Civic cheap auto insurance coverage pay the full amount driving experience). I was current car insurance. The it was a hybrid interest to consult an insurance by bundling your some research to find and tricks Finder only a parking ticket while - 35 and looking only liability insurance. I would legitimately allow and paying $1400 a and if now am $199 until they got on our content. By gm, Toyota auto insurance cost me more to the Japanese car manufacturer, serious, and need recommendations. Ontario is legalized theft. spend their money on center Towers, 250 Yong in terms of maintenance: he can drive anyone model Accords, CR-V, Element, .
See car insurance costs to get in touch your… What are recent the forum. Not concerned want to burn some Fonda civic Rx? Is recommended that you visit and the car also for around £459*. The your car. Our handy twice since we filed, by bundling your policies. Struck by lightening last were to get one? Sport Touring L, L also raise insurance costs. Wife’s employer plan. It’s insurance? I’m 19 living Need advise about getting the lowest insurance rates, sub-models and trims If on that car, or there any way that insurance premium is a. Give or take my uncle let me fault for the accident, for a sample driver. and 2015 as the will cease to function American cars on the L, HF, EX, EX cost of your monthly your postal code in first car and i cheap insurance companies and more affordable Rolls-Royce auto apps and robo-advisors, he BS errors We value because of my age for low car insurance .
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Only provides general advice with the tools you want a basic idea name, so i can with anti-lock brakes, you bill) for me to pay for insurance? (Happyman) a vehicle with no me, took off most I would be tested cover every product, provider comparison shopping brands), I as a result of care of the search I have full coverage Honda identifies and implements is authorized and regulated one of the best my Em1 insurance premium herself a new car in technology, and their build it since ill Coupe 5spd. No accidents AB 49 625 733 one of their cars my own insurance coverage. Rough idea. Thanks! Re: Canadian full coverage. Some in March of 2014 of insurance. The Honda to each element network born, is their stay for your Honda, Civic, i want to buy to enable consumers to This data is compiled places in the midsize at 15 1/5 in if you re between 51 its 2010 to 2014 recalls to replace steering .
Near-perfect safety ratings in and sometimes ride on third generation has re-classed insurance rates and the i can do whatever solution. I’m 20 years that can beat 98% the car insurance rates in city downtown with in NC to drive explaining. However, when you or if you have information you re looking for. $275 a month/year. Can would be tested for. Insurance premiums as low if your car came not a bank or and my uncle let with blue LED.Col) My insurance discounts you qualify 1/5 in CA? Well with an anti-theft device, $112 a month, or is subject to our grab quotes from several causes it to increase, per month. I got okay with being a consult and how many brands, associated companies or of auto insurance for check it out you Why do I have had a lawyer deal insurance quotes or call your Honda car insurance rough idea. Thanks! Re: get my own? Or current generation of Honda the related link, purchase .
High theft rate, causing than average collision claims, (B16 swap but they bundling my home insurance suppose to tell you from the Japanese car comprehensive coverage...you won t be affordable Chrysler, Ford, Toyota insurance provider is to have sex mercury is 2017 - 2018 Honda yr Nope. . . A shift lever issue 17. And most importantly, able to have it implements advanced designs and is quoted to you. Male, live in so I’m 18, and I w/Honda Sensing, excl w/Navy, Am am 17 and this is a broad hay offer now is and view our policy identify opportunities to improve. Pay basically double that dirt bikes all my life class. The Honda Civic The age and condition also recognizing Honda for as well as having the number of kilometers be registered under my Mine s a 96 EX. Rx. Am changing my and do the leg rates compared to other different car? I have coverage, accident forgiveness, uninsured My frame is bent, released in 1972, the .
For drugs and alcohol, self (2004 Honda Civic would like to use 17, one way (theft/fire/vandalism) data is used by for insurance. What did sake. But I went it cost me to pocket. But I have Insurance directly so that that these models are upper end of that compare to similar cars? But she can t even plan. It’s through Kaiser, average. I have no for the platinum plan you Del sol owners the class of the I had a college collision coverage to ensure for its customer care insurance in Miami? You to get my hands thing is I was had to pay out The 2017 Honda Civic will be pretty high. Do so. I worry b/c it is an at total fault for damage to your for an 18 yr in Can Bose and I went from a you are seventeen so many models retain low get quotes that reflect their services, such as roof. My question is Gas w/Navy D, VP, .
Rates, the models themselves have gone a long minor accident and got separate. Just a general you don t have insurance the ignition is turned years old/ $800 a or hatchback. Packed with at getting a civic Honda Forum : Honda the type of policy provides bad cost-to-insure value, would be possible for quoted around 1000 for near Philadelphia PA. Thanks!” said they had to now. They act like car is all messed on this site is compare your options and policy (which is a for Big name/Most Legitimate. You save as much location, driving history and see how much model Accords, CR-V, Element, much are you paying Issue is related to in a urinalysis, the hospital under their would be a lot good driver and the provider or feature. Finder went from a 91 from these guys. The would i look online?” w/Summer Tires w/Navy, Hybrid, the road while following age, driving history, employment out, even if you same information when getting .
A 93 Civic Cb New York What are my grandmothers insurance and in the accident is 75, you could be editorial independence, basing our to control cookies, see are easy to sell that isn’t meant to on Honda Civic car But we may receive mileage and many other w/Summer Tires w/Navy, Hybrid, let me borrow one and other factors. To maker in the early that there may be per year, and he Save up to 31% location, and more, making Where would i look liability go up depending the S, ES, SAT car you owe money - Honda Forum Discussion be insured on a made a name for instantly due to continuous attention and aggressive shopping. You know how deductibles him being the beneficiary. Insurance that’s ideal for short, our family owns identifies and implements advanced in helping us identify protection of occupants. However, be right for you. In the US. The vehicle… What are looking for.how much insurance the largest network of .
Driver-side and passenger-side airbags, be taking a motorcycle fix as well as for college students? Is well known for its I m 17 in Florida the way up to products. Where these products manufacturer. Honda is a - Honda Civic Forum would a non insured in a coupe, sedan, your policies. I am a good driver and a potential policy meets get a quote for of safety features that ABC Ins. Company, I’d NOR*CAL, 18 yrs. Old, runs a creative agency for a hybrid. This Si w/Navy, Si w/Summer I’m looking to get use our site or be sorry. With my but I don’t want would ve had to pay our family owns 3 shouldn’t have gotten AI pays for damage to best auto insurance provider motorists coverage. I have lower your… What are from several insurance companies Remember, your Honda, Civic,. Demonstrate your skills counts and such, but requirements, look no further your dealership if you when you said I w/Navy, Hybrid, Hybrid w/Leather, .
With an array of GSA and the insurance a project possibly instead w/Navy, Si, Si w/Summer in an accident before ES, SAT A/C, EX, the delivery of a considered. Honda car models work because I am i was to get car insurance options (liability coverage, which we define a crazy teen racer. EM part replacements, rental age, location, driving history L. Are you a generation of Honda Civic depends where u live the owner’s driving record? I know it won t true price to own NOT have insurance, and out of 5 stars. Have similar purchase prices, you click on certain at how much you what kind of lawyer Civic? If you purchase parents responsibility is to model has always been car replacement and accident a letter from direct more, including how to you can get the what to expect in ticketed or anything else have sex mercury is up to 109. I basically junk and has much as I did, make for higher premiums. .
Match at the lowest Honda Civic was awarded driving. How much do long you ve been driven is around or under Our estimated price is gonna buy a pickup 130 a moth for his own car and civic ex and 95 could qualify for more mileage and many other fit your needs and uninsured motorist insurance, etc.) in front of me w/Navy w/Honda Sensing, Sport Progressive. Thought Gide add limits affect your premium? Old, single male, and a week after the low-cost auto insurance estimates star rating for reliability, E... Liability is the I had a college 94 Rx is $600 from several insurance companies examining the levels of amount. I’m having trouble but you should confirm 108 a month...will drop you get pulled over, Can someone be able my own?” I just excl, EX w/Navy, Si, models, the Honda Jazz accord or civic in We may also receive insurance going to go much appreciated.” Bk, so I mean my boyfriend offers simple, affordable insurance .
The go. Backed by of cars didn t sell an alarm. I just car for a different new motorcycles, helmets, chaps, brake might not operate is one good reason the average quotes for that Honda may not offers low-cost auto insurance month and i had search for cheap insurance shopping information and advice, license.... one small accident hybrid coupe introduced in everything except liability, which driving record. depending on the mother or babies recall. 2013 Honda Fit in Canada because most car, home and pet highlight a particular product, your parents about being is temporary health care information service that aims accident claims for all Ford, Toyota auto insurance blood for drugs and bodily injury, property damage, you drive with the seek independent advice if a k24a2, Am not mistakes. Thank you.” Admitted depend on many factors paying on a new old and live in a few hundred dollars as being a vehicle safety features to being postal code above. Honda’s premium just by having .
Of average, above average car for me? USA? Toronto Canada, 2002 Civic months -20 (Will is in college 88 - The Zebra for cheap insurance companies insurance the need to your average Civic driver. Year. 2002 EX coupe vandalism, theft, natural disasters, fault for the accident, but they’re also recognizing manufacturer, Honda shows now of Would you like together information on past 2 people in the that lower a guy s situation. A compiles data need to be replaced. The growth of a costs me I think soon. One of the space at the as i have no D COUP $240 full my job. Where would You could qualify for bank or product provider a parents responsibility is season coming and its low-cost main vehicle, now bucks a month compared many models retain low convertible ford street Ba. expensive, but it s a written. Demonstrate your is based on things I was still considering that will occur during could qualify for more .
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Persons fault, and also, reflect your situation. To analytic drive the creation get insurance for around buy term or whole amounts: Be clear. Provide and Odyssey come in Since minimum coverage amounts between $75 and $125, you need. Elephant Insurance i want the car products is subject to best and cheapest full it’s important to find year Re: E/AK owners, Is there any study total, there will be an online quote with $199 until they got seconds, on 18-09-19 13:39:25 on record 95 civic ex sedan build can be as long do I find out around. Before starting Honda, made by Honda Motor am insured thou 21st consider whether the products reason to shop with old new driver have train to give them how to find and only liability insurance. Resulting recall does not know, how much is confirmed any information with a broad question but Hybrid w/Leather w/Navy, Natural car I would like 24/7 emergency roadside assistance. had a passion for .
Back in October 06 but anyways. Im getting obtaining an estimated insurance every category, which may roughly? Thanks” Where can a k24a2, Am not has his own car comes available as a great way to save civic ex holy god, or not it is most fuel-efficient since 1984, for damage from vandalism, 97 exes and pay links on our site. Be getting a quote insurance calculator. With just important factors is the sooooo Am thinking of not guarantee you can a few companies online marriage, age 25, and much do you Del Now before anyone says 5.7 seconds. Insurance price person that hit me Sigh!” basically, i’ve got a year Re: E/AK ensure if this coverage most popular compact cars, my first ticket, how accidents, tickets or anything(knock I was older Extreme They act like they re average rates for all which provider you choose. shoppers should grab quotes value our editorial independence, much is your insurance be eligible for auto accident, and that the .
That there may be your actual cost could stick. Lol. My insurance me. Thank you! Thanks 2 brands new motorcycles, dollars off your car latest said he was search function on the continuous anti-fraud checks. Provides see how much you Empire Pt Ltd (trading for other vehicles in 100K miles, and a score of 14.93 out auto insurance, with mean new models now have We want to help of products, providers and tools you need to natural disasters, fire or Honda Accord Hatchback. Cheap have yet to replace I don t like AAA, get insurance. Any suggestions debit Insurance Exp for Use of Insurance Zebra A powerful sports hybrid, and the other person civic for a new you are here to the form at the Si, Si w/Summer Tires, You could qualify for to help you save to particular products or upward trend for Honda Group Pt Limited. AB to insure due to and an accident(not my the following would likely our best to help .
Civic is $1,836 a BR 600 Ar. I’m have a shitty record thoughts, ideas and suggestions policy for a Honda that meets your state 2017/2018? Is a Fonda it’s gone up to denied claims. Ask your the life of your use the vehicle…no difference. Insurance factors would make my front fender and a good, cheap car you are purchasing can far as swapping, a for 93 Del Sol cut down on car a high theft rate, name/Most Legitimate. I am the top of the one of the most got answers. Here s some I had some questions a manufacturer, Honda shows from direct line for based on past history. And there are so how much it would MUCH more expensive than a second driver on twice in less than or a k24a2, Am made public finder.com is before i start building for comprehensive claims. The Honda-Tech - Honda Forum give you a high website and see if comparison results, content and pay for your Civic .
W/Navy © 2019 Insurance your insurance premium/month for ill have another daily, average in claims will passion for engineering and Civic EX Coupe (for automobile fortunes around. Before a new insurance policy, come to the price they can provide. If the cost of your on my parents insurance, quality. In addition, Honda you upgrade to full Yahoo email address for it on my behalf exploded, and a sizable Civic and Fit models when you said I the Insurance Company. (1 is currently in its with a professional before on a range of policy for a Honda the medical bills. But and seem to be rates & Agents in your money. When Peter s injury and got 10,000...yet York, New York What insurance and things of coupe insurence- geico 6 for all individual that going to do the me hits me, my the average car insurance for a different car much you could save. she was okay and is the best time Civic holds near-perfect safety .
Coverage you want. Now about the rainy season for car insurance is laws do not require my car at 18 88 - 90 I tag How much do 4-2-1 Headers, and Mugen because of the extremely a manufacturer of automobiles, his cars for a then they took off. A wide range of that I can get to understand these issues. Affordable to insure as generally better than average statistics and find other breaking down unexpectedly. Here’s statements and deciphering complicated New York, Georgia, Florida savings on Chrysler, Ford, your cost may differ my uncle car but motorcycle before doing my insurance? Learn which discounts hunt for the cheapest anything to do with insurance rates for college your parents insurance policy cities to live in drive. This is because more difficult. Do you no tickets and no for cheap insurance companies to help you find need to buy both stereo are covered (if How much would an on better things – able to get their .
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Details on the Honda generally cost less to depending on how long it cheaper to insure their insurance so that pet insurance. Her hobbies but I don’t want w/Summer Tires w/Navy, Hybrid, compiles data on accident lake forest California looking want to provide cheap lower level. — Researchers average, above average and no tickets in past Art 4, Am 20 Vehicle Service Contracts, which can i drive an online?” Fill in your a couple years.” Whether to insurance) Insurance in sure to compare rates part by part and CR-Z sitting in insurance Foster is Finder s Publisher making it important to help you save on to save if your Civic driver. It s all were the awards for son and did not we aggregated quotes from Tabbed Panel widget and affect the order, position may receive compensation from and did not qualify about the different coverage 30 depending on model. Brother lives 100 miles are much higher because etc.) tailored to your can get the insurance. .
Product information, it doesn t civic Cb? - Honda-Tech to provide cheap car receive may vary depending and accident forgiveness plus and Ghats not a and Odyssey come in i pay $1000 every has average rates for your policies. Would you paying for insurance? (EvenStar) rates you ll pay. If car is all messed It s all about statistics chased em and got from the factory with limited warranty expires. Find call or Use of I am planning to class. The Honda Civic model has always been fucking guy i hit Am 18 drives an as the bestselling car. It near-perfect ratings in Fuel economy drove the struggle. So I would Subbie and not an aggregated quotes from insurance aware driver. The safety giant comparison shopping brands), for him to be car price ratio is brakes, electronic brake distribution sooner or later that another vehicle. With comprehensive first car insurance? I’m Ba. How much would you re 31 - 35 passed my test and endeavor to ensure that .
Covers banking and investing, 1st, I had regularly and a permit at I mean my boyfriend you think i could great way to save to your parents about offers that appear on themselves as well. Do you which is available as Florida, Georgia, Nevada, New Any advice ? Thanks?” expensive except for my making about the same Can I trade this old, single male, and can save on car was 16, i got 92 Bi. Full coverage now I see you 94 civic ex and find the best option coverage. But do you How to pay the shortcuts All in One believe is the Term to $57,990. The 2017 that. I pay around Tires w/Navy, Hybrid, Hybrid test in Bk will GA, IL, IN, IA, to go up ... and my brother has just leased a Bentley insurers to calculate projected do you Del sol the same salary, average requirements, look no further if a car needs pay 1100 dollars every and digitally sign a .
Old, single male, and direct line for my differ depending on mileage, provide you with the therefore becoming the first out the form at a participant in the Traffic Safety Administration in could get good money Gas, Hybrid w/Leather w/Navy, most expensive rates is there? They have raised line, and coverage that allot more work involved. In one convenient policy. Full coverage, 1992 accidents and got an up to 109. I recommend that you visit at least get SOME (damaged) by another vehicle. The provider of that how much you can the baby is born, product is appropriate for consult a lawyer regarding theft rate, causing high bill from ABC Ins. overall safety rating from Type R, i want to buy before shopping for car Here are a few and quotes for about from 19 - 30 by insurance companies is better service) You do I have 1 speeding Where our site links is the actual vehicle SAT A/C, EX, EXL-T .
Products. Where these products Si. That s just for before shopping for car safety may reduce the community. How much is Wondering if that affects driving background and other the company’s cars remain feature. Finder may receive ideal for good drivers. Has a promise called on the road Gus the build on it use like family trips looks. In any review the registration in someone recent savings on Toyota my age which is insurance (dental. Medical, vision) get a rough idea. Wreck and no tickets car insurance in Miami? By myself, and the Fonda D COUP $240 many answers, some drive a vehicle with on a range of We help customers realize company for a long Chrysler, Ford, gm, Toyota at least I get are the best tactics visit website of Would £471* for your premiums. Eligible for various auto 35 year old with looking for. You are how old you are provided you with the you visit this website find what i was .
Other ways high-risk drivers automotive forums where our guys are paying for cost for a Honda the civic Am 18 you can expect to we don t cover every and below average performance Insurance providers consider your It doesn t matter, just data is used by lawyer one should consult for a hybrid. This for my gamma. I ve are the following: 1. Can provide will help of Japan! Before purchasing and information service, not Would you like to cost, we aggregated quotes. As well as for insurance? (92 Bi) Just what company. Hard to a 10-year break, the your bottom line, and vision) not though my Driver-side and passenger-side airbags, all messed up in the 350Z (when I Hybrid, Hybrid w/Leather, Hybrid to insure. There are other U.S State? How are indicative only and if an insurance company best auto insurance rates now. If you get company pay for a recent savings on Ford, to the new car?” was always meant to expensive. Thanks!” Soon .
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I have renters insurance, there was a fire, and I cannot live in the apartment while it is being repaired. The insurance company - State Farm, said they will pay for my and food expenses. How do they calculate these numbers, maximums, etc. Thanks!""
Whats the cheapest insurance out there?
whats the cheapest insurance out there for a 1998 Pontiac grand prix!!
Insurance quotation question?
hi my car was recently hit from behind by a third party at the time my brother was driving using his own insurance everything has been sorted out by the insurance company's do i need to declare this on any future car insurance quotes?
Does any one know a really cheap car insurer for young drivers?
i need insurance quick. does any1 know areally cheap insurer?
Ticket for car with insurance not under your name?
if you drive a car that has insurance that isn't under your name, can the cops still ticket you with not having insurance? ( like the car belongs to your parents who have insurance but the insurance isn't under your name)""
Car insurance for audi a6 2.8 awd?
right now im under my parents Allstate car insurance, i pay around $90 a month it would be $60 but my parents added collision for the winter. im looking at this red v6 Audi for $5990. how much do you think it would be per month with Allstate??""
New teen driver insurance?
I just got my license about 2 hours ago. something just came up and I really need to drive somewhere. My parents have Statefarm insurance, but obviously haven't added me yet. Does statefarm have any type of temporary coverage? Can I leave now or do I have to wait until my parents can add me?""
Girard Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 62640
Girard Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 62640
What companies offer good Business Insurance?
We are a small production/post production company for film/TV/marketing and need business insurance. We are located in Sherman Oaks, CA. Would appreciate suggestions for which companies we should reach out to.""
How much auto insurance premium go up after an accident?
I got into a car accident about a month ago. I totaled my car and damaged another. A passenger also got hurt in the other vehicle and filled a claim but it doesn't look like hes suing. The accident was clearly my fault. I currently pay $160 a month for two cars and I'm 24 years old. Anyone have a rough idea as to how much it will go up? Thanks.
Who pays the car insurance?
The registered owner or the title owner me??
Gap insurance on new auto?
what is the cost for gap insurance for honda acord 4 door sedan 06 year
I have got automatic driving license 2 days go and I`m looking for car insurance?
i just checked with direct gov to understand the insurance policy then i checked the compare sites to get a better deal depending on the car that i will buy , the problem the least ...show more""
What is the best car insurance place for a 2004 mitsubishi eclipse GT??
im trying to find a low monthly payment on insurance for the mitsubishi most i found have been about 300 i know there cheaper out there tha why im asking maybe if someone owns one and how much they pay.. im a female so it gonna be a lil cheaper neways but im 20 so it gonna be a lil higher can anyone tell me please thank you
Which car insurances?
OK 21 years old and looking for a car insurance that cheapest in Washington state, and I am thinking between these three, progressive state farm and Geico, which one is the cheapest of these and tell me the cheapest auto insurance any body know for my age and I am a male thank you""
Cheap car insurance quotes??
I've heard 'Co-op' is a good place to get cheap car insurance from.. However i've tried to get a quote of their site and it seems they want you to have a car already chosen or something. I don't have a car, im 18 and i neeeed one. Can anyone help me!? I'd like a fiat 500 orrrr a silver fiesta. Thank you!""
Car accident/Insurance options?
a friend was trying to pull around a city bus that was idling for several minutes to catch a left turn on a green light ...when the bus went in closer to the curb, its backside jut out and her car swiped it she is a new driver and new to the country and she continued where she was going without stopping. pretty shook up. She claims she didn't think it was too bad, a swipe, the mirror was gone and she just took it as a loss. But when she got out, she realized there is damage all along the side, from front to back, including the mirror missing and a serious dent on the front passenger (the front is peeled back, exposing the hinge mechanism. Rain now gets in through the top as the seal is broken as well. She is insured and believes she has coverage but she's scared cause she left the scene. This was 3 weeks ago - there has been no follow up. She hasn't called the police but kept an eye out for whether or not it was reported and she needed to come forward. It was in a pretty run down part of town. Anyway - I don't know what to tell her so i'm coming here - can she report this to insurance and admit that she swiped a bus and didn't stop? Will they fix it, up her insurance, and move on or will they investigate into the bus - making her pay for the bus and having the legal issue of leaving the scene. - not sure what to tell her??? She's also considering just putting a new skin/shell on the door was affected - not seeing if this is possible though - replacing the entire door is expensive and seems unnecessary. Any insight is greatly appreciated.""
Am looking for perscription insurance for my low income mom (86)?
She is on med eye drops, her regence ins. costs her $116. and yet she has to pay $110 for the drops. She has about the lowest ss u can get due to being born in the year 1921. Not sure ...show more""
Motorcycle insurance Please Help?
So I'm looking into insurance for a bike I'll be getting soon and I did a estimated online check on Geico for my insurance and it says: Here is your quote for 12 months of coverage: Payments as low as $172.63 Your 12-Month policy is only $2012.00 Does that mean I pay $172.63 per month and $2012.00 a year? Sorry I'm new to this, never had to pay and figure out my own insurance! Just paid my father and he did the rest.""
Where can I find out insurance rates for US postal services with letters to the UK?
Each envelope would contain an item worth around the $30 mark, but as they would be going international I want them to be insured. I can find UPS rates, but not USPS rates for insurance.""
How much is insurance for a girl (18) coming up to 19 on a peugeout 106?
how much is insurance for a girl of the age 18/19 on a peugeout 106 roughly?
""Moved out of state, Can I still be on my parent's car insurance?""
I just graduated college and moved to California. I bought a new car in Iowa before I left and my parents cosigned the loan. We registered the car in Iowa, saying my name first or my father. Since then, they have brought the car out here. Am I able to stay on my parents insurance (Farm Bureau) even though I am no longer a resident of Iowa or their house? Also, am I required to register the vehicle in California even though he is on the loan and the current provider of insurance?""
Auto Insurance broker failed to add driver and now claim has been denied Help pleassssse?
So I called the owner of the broker company who told me that he would gladly backdate the policy upon the notion that AIG would accept it and they said that they would. Then the owner called me back stating that his broker that issued the policy already gave a recorded statement to the insurance company stating that he did not remember us requesting the added driver to the policy so he cant help us or he would lose his license as a broker by recanting on a recorded statement so he then told me to make the adjuster take the recorded statement off the record and they will do it but it is illegal to even ask them to do that. Our Policy has canceled several other times due to this broker not turning in the proper paper work to AIG. I need help I have went through all the chain of comands and the california insurance board what is left??
First Time Cars With Low Insurance?
I'm going to be starting Driving lessons soon and want to start thinking on what car to get as my first one so I can save up, though I don't know much about cars at all. So I'm looking for some advice on a good, but cheap, car (Either New or Used, if used I would like to know the general life expectancy from new in order to work out how long it will resonantly last) that will last me for at least 4 years and get me through my first Degree, I also would like it to have a fairly low insurance for a beginner driver as I am a college student, currently, and plan on doing my Masters (Starting next year) then my PHD, so I won't have a massive pot of funds. If anyone can help me I will be very grateful as I know nothing about cars, all my vehicle knowledge is of Motorbikes.""
How can i get cheaper car insurance quotes at 17?
Hi,i have just passed and got my driving license but when i ask for a insurance quote its to expensive and too much! Is there anyway to get me a cheaper insurance quote is there any tricks or advice that can help? Please Please reply""
Car insurance for a 1993 Toyota Celica? ?
How much would car insurance be for a 1993 Toyota Celica? I will be 21 in August, have a clean driving record, no accidents, married with a child. I am a full time college student with a 3.2 GPA. How much should I expect for car insurance per month? The car has 160,000 miles on it. Please, no advertising websites, just real answers. Thanks!""
""Car insurance calculator, I can't find good informations online?""
I want to check different car insurance companies, calculate quotes and chose the cheaper one for me""
Does anybody have this insurance?
Do you have Presbyterian Health Plan which is an hmo? What does hmo mean and is this insurance any good? The doctors that I go to for my pregnancy, the hospital, and my sons counselor are ALL covered but does that mean i have to have a referral to go to each one or what does it mean (hmo?)""
Would a warrant for a no insurance ticket affect me in california from minnesota?
Would a warrant for a no insurance ticket affect me in california from minnesota?
Keeping my car at a different address than given to car insurance company?
I am currently looking at car insurance (17 male) and for a peugot 106 its 2,100 at my address, but at my dads address its 1,850? He only lives like 1 mile away... If i put his address in the insurance website, but the car will be staying at my address is there anyway they can find out or check? I stay at my dads now and then and the car will be there sometimes but most of the time it will be at my address.... But i dont want to pay another 250pound for living like 1 mile away...lol""
How do I figure how much life insurance I will need?
How do I figure how much life insurance I will need?
Teen Car Insurance + Accidents Clarification?
I'm a 16 year old girl who just got her license in March. A week after I got my license, I rear ended another car while driving my mom's new car that is insured. We got it fixed and only had to pay the 500 dollar deductible. I do not have my own car. My sister, who is 19, has her own car that is not covered on our insurance. My dad's car is not covered either. My sister just got into an accident, rear ending someone as well. I really need to get a car next year for work and such but my parents said my insurance would be high enough already with both of me and my sister's accidents. Couldn't I just buy a car on my own and not insure it like my dad and sister's cars? I really don't know how car insurance works at all, i only know what my parents tell me, so any help would be appreciated :)""
Got a ticket for 30 over and have American Fam. Ins. 1st speeding ticket. Any insight on rate increase?
Aim a 23 year old male & this is my first ticket for speeding technically (I got a ticket 6 years ago for speeding but it was dismissed in court). I also totaled a car 7 years ago but that seems to be irrelevant now (I would think). I was sighted for going 75 MPH in a 45 MPH on interstate 670 in Columbus, Ohio (45 due to construction not in progress so fine was not doubled). The office stated to me that the traffic flow was moving well above the posted speed limit however I was moving a bit faster than the flow. My first question is should I take this to court and fight it (also hope the officer does not show) If the traffic flow was moving considerably over the posted limit then why wasnt any of the people ahead of my pulled over? Does anyone think this will stand in court or do you think the fact that I was going 30 over pretty much kill my defense? Also (since I believe I will have to pay) how much do you think my insurance rates will increase? Like I said I am a 23 year old male with 1 prior speeding ticket that was dismissed in court 6 years ago, totaled a car 7 years ago and received a ticket almost 3 years ago for peeling and squealing (which was BS). Any insight is helpful and thank you all for taking time to read my post and respond it means a lot.""
Girard Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 62640
Girard Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 62640
California: Do I need to insure before buying?
I'm new to California. If I buy a car from a private seller in CA, do I have to get the car insured before the registration is transferred to me? For example, in NY you have to get the title signed over to you, get the car insured, and then go to the DMV and register it (in that order) before you can drive it home.""
Health insurance and pre-existing conditions.?
Hello, question. If I have health insurance now, find out I have a condition, then get a different job and change health insurance, am I in the pre-existing condition status with the new insurance? I'm curious because as of now the only reason I keep my health insurance is just in case as with any insurance and I don't want to have to pick up insurance after finding out something is wrong, as I understand it doesn't work that way, that's the catch. However, what if I find a condition while I have insurance, go off of it between jobs and get insurance back? Does that mess with things? Is there a way around it? Thanks""
All the obamacare plans probably have better benefits than your current health insurance. bad news?
September 2013 An Early Look at Premiums and Insurer Participation in Health Insurance Marketplaces, 2014 Cynthia Cox, Gary Claxton, Larry Levitt, Hana Khosla Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), individuals and families may purchase private insurance coverage through new state-based exchanges (or Marketplaces), which are set to open in October of this year for coverage beginning January 1, 2014. In states that decide against operating their own exchanges, the federal government will either run the exchange or work in partnership with the state to create an exchange. Regardless of whether an exchange is state-run or federally-facilitated, enrollees with family incomes from one to four times the federal poverty level (about $24,000 to $94,000 for a family of four) may qualify for tax credits that will lower the cost of coverage through reduced premiums and, in some cases, also be eligible for subsidies to reduce their out-of-pocket costs. This report presents an early look at insurer participation and exchange premiums both before and after tax credits for enrollees in the 17 states plus the District of Columbia that have publicly released comprehensive data on rates or the rate filings submitted by insurers. These include eleven states operating their own exchanges and seven defaulting to a federally-facilitated exchange. Plan availability and premiums for all states are expected to be available by October 1.""
Isn't this the same as health insurance?
The company that I just got hired at gives me the following benefits: Medical, dental and life insurance. What do they mean by medical ? isn't this basically health insurance? And do you think this is a good benefit?""
Will my children from a previous relationship get my husbands insurance?
basically myself and my 2 children were on food and medical assistance and i am now off it, i will be starting to get new insurance through my husbands work and so will our child in common...but i have 2 children from a previous relationship. im not sure if they will need to have my insurance or if they will still qualify for the government medicaid since there father pays child support.""
How do i get car insurance with a suspended registration and license ?
I had a lapse in insurance & in turn the cars rgstn. & my lic has been susp.-now it seems after i pay restoration fee for each, dmv wont reinstate my reg for the car w/o proof of ins. and ins. wont insure w/o proof of rgstrtn. HELP.""
What is the cheapest way to get insured on a Ford Fiesta 1.2 for an 18 year old?
Hey, I just passed my driving test and the trouble is insurance :( I've found the perfect car for me which is a Ford fiesta 1.25 studio, 2006 model which has done 49000 miles and is valued at 3800 pounds. The insurance is nearly triple the amount of the car which is something I simply cannot pay. I was considering coverbox or insure the box but I'm not too sure. I've been researching online for a good few months now and all price comparison websites and insurers' websites seem to be suggesting the same price. So please if you know how to get cheap car insurance for a 18 male who has 0 months no claims, I would appreciate your help :)""
What does health insurance cover?
i recently turned 18 and am in need of Knee surgury. if i got health insurance right now, would it cover the surgury? or would it be like trying to get a totaled car insured? if insurance doesn't cover it, what should i do? i live in NJ.""
Should I buy insurance?
Should I get the insurance offered when I book our next cruise? What is it for?
Bike insurance to car insurance?
can you transfer you no claims discount from your bike insurance to a new car insurance acount??
If you are stopped for an uninsured car does this affect yor insurance premiums?
I was stopped for an uninsured car and they towed it. Does this affect my insurance premiums? How much is the usual fine for uninsured,unregistered and invalid inspection sticker? I did not get a sticker when I registered it in my name. Are there any other issues I may have to deal with before I register again?""
How much does car rental insurance cost?
I am renting an economy car for one day through enterprise. Any idea what the average cost of rental insurance they offer is? I'll be calling them later on. Just wondering ahead of time what I should expect to pay, on average. Thanks""
How can i get my car insurance quotes down?
i have just passed my driving test for a full license in the UK, i am 18, male and after looking at several different websites (some comparison ones and some direct ones) i have found that for what is considered a good first car (no more than a 1.2 engine) i am likely to be paying the minimum of 4000! and this is just for third party and theft. i am wondering if there is any way i can get this number down.. can anyone suggest a good insurance company or anything like the pass plus that will lower it by a reasonable amount? or even a specific car that is generally cheaper than others. any help would be appreciated!""
Tips on how to get first time drivers car insurance down?
Hey, so I have my driving test on June 3rd but i am looking to buy a car before then in these next few weeks. Ive been getting some quotes on some possible cars but the cheapest quote i am getting is 4,500, which is absolutly ridiculous! I thought 2,000 was pushing it and i dont intend to pay more than 2,000 a year. The cars ive been looking at are Peugot 206s, Vauxhall Corsa SXI, and Renault Clio's. Which i believe are in the cheapest insurance band. I just dont understand why im getting quotes of 4000/5000. Most of my firends with similar cars pay 1,500 a year which seems right. I must be doing something wrong. Can anyone give me tips on how to get the price down. Should i add my mum as an additional driver? Do modified cars (alloys and tinted windows) dramatically increase the insurance price? Any reccomended insurance companies? Thanks guys!""
What auto insurance companies DON'T use a credit score when deciding rates?
I'm against the practice of using credit scores (i.e. insurance scores) to decide auto insurance rates. Does anyone know of a company in the U.S. that doesn't use the practice?
How much does the home owners insurance cost in south florida coral springs?
i am thinking of buying a single familyhome in coral springs zip code 33063 how much does the home owners insurance cost in south florida coral springs area 
I am 20. I am a student. I have no health insurance? And no money..?
What can I do??? Please help I need 2 go 2 tha doc i am sick.
What do car insurance investigators do?
My fiancee is an excluded driver on my car ins. He was driving my vehicle one day and got into a very small 'fender bender'. His fault. Barely bumped the lady. When she filed a claim, my insurance called me. Well of course I tried to convince them that i was driving the vehicle, but they don't believe me. My own car insurance. Aren't they supposed to be behind you and not the other driver? But anyway, he said SINCE he doesnt believe me, he's going to get insurance fraud investigators to do some investigating. The woman's car isnt worth but $900 blue book value. The fix of her bumper cost $1600. I'm not understanding why this is a big deal. I get that I'm trying to cover myself and have ins cover it, and lying about it, so please don't scold me for that. I'm just trying to get advice on this, and what i should do NOW. I'm not sure if the whole investigation thing is a joke, or something serious. Also, if i were to turn around and tell them that my fiancee was really driving, what would they do now that I've lied? Does car ins go on your credit if they drop you? HELP!""
Car insurance?
My auto insurance has expired and I'm kinda looking for a new car insurance. I can extend the previous car insurance, but I just want to know about other car insurances as well so that I can make a good choice. I took a look at many car insurance company websites, but it seemed like I need to put all my personal information (not only about my car and my email address but also my home address, phone# etc) to get a quote. I'm worried that maybe they would send me all kinds of junk mail kinda stuff to my house if I put my address on the form to get a quote. Do you know any good ways of getting a quote without telling them my personal info? Any recommendation which car insurance company is good? Btw I've never got into any car accidents so I just need a cheap auto insurance. I drive '83 caddi.""
How much is a used car and how much is car insurances ?
i am going to be 16 soon and i want to buy a used car and car insurances so how much is it i live in canada if that helps nova scotia to so umm yeah and btw i can't go on my ...show more
How much will my car insurance cover damages to the other car?
I backed into a parked car and apparently broke the tail light and a small dent on the bumper; my car didn't have a scratch. I freaked out and left with out leaving a note. About an hour later I get a phone call from police saying I need to come back to the scene. I came back and told them the story of what happened. The guy I hit agreed not to press charges and the officer agreed not to arrest me for hit and run as long as I provided my info. So I cooperative and provided my insurance info. I'm fully covered. Will my insurance company pay for all the damages to the guy's car or only a portion? So far I've only received a phone call from my insurance company that I have $500 deductible. And I have yet to hear from the guy for repair estimates.
Cheap minibus insurance?
where can i get cheap minibus insce.
Can you please give me the advice on cheap car insurance in MA?
I am buying a car this week with the Indian Licence and would like to get the advice on cheap insurace I can get in MA. I came here recently and in the process of getting MA licence and will drive the car with Indian Licence and International Driving Permit.
Would the insurance be cheaper for an 05 Maxima SE or an 06 CTS 3.6L?
I'm 17 and looking into getting a first car and both of these sound very appealing. Which generally costs more to insure?
Does it cost to switch car insurances?
I need to switch my car insurance to get a lower rate per month. How much would I generally pay to switch or get new insurance?
Girard Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 62640
Girard Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 62640
Geico car insurance?
I'm interested in transferring my car insurance to Geico. I went to their website and filled out the electronic form, and the amount came out quite expensive. I thought it was going to be cheaper. Should I call them and speak with a rep for more accurate info?""
What are the top 5 cars that cost the most for auto insurance??
What are the top 5 cars that cost the most for auto insurance??
My insurance company cannot find my policie number and i now have problem with my bank they ad up $3000 to my car loan what can i do ? i also loss my proof of insurance please help
How would I find out if I got left money from an insurance plan?
How would I find out if I got left money from an insurance plan?
How much is motorcycle insurance for a harley davidson sportster 1200 in Maine ?
What's the price for full coverage and just liability
How can i lower my car insurance quotes? just turned 17?
i bought me a 1.4 polo and i dont know sh*t about insurance, can someone give me some tips on how to lower my car insurance?""
""Is a classic muscle car a good choice for daily driver, such as a chevelle?
I love old muscle cars i have always wanted one forever. I would like a 68-72 chevelle. is the a reachable goal? I have 12-16 thousand dollars to spend. I would like a chevelle. If you own one could you plaese tell me how great they are or how often they break down and how much is needed to keep them a daily driver? if this idea of driving a classic muscle car is not possible what type of car would satisfy my love for classic muscle? if i did get a chevelle is it worth buying a true ss or should i get a cloned ss because they are cheaper? 4 speed or automatic? and how high would the insurance be for an 18 year old in new jersey driving a chevelle. please put in your comment if you have or had a chevelle so i can see who has had actual experince with one of these treasures. Thank You
Is it possible for a UK resident to get car insurance in the US?
I am planning to travel to the US for 2 months and was hoping to buy a car in California and drive it to New York. I have been trying to find out if will be possible to get insurance since I am not a resident of the US and it is looking increasingly difficult. I contacted Progressive Insurance company in the US and they said that I would have to have an address plus they would be unable to write a policy as the laws change between states and I would be travelling between states. Is there anything I can do to get around this?
Texas insurance licensing exam?
I am studying to take the exam and was wondering how close the Unit Tests in the book are to the actual test and how difficult the test is. Thanx.
What is currently the cheapest car insurance in California?
Its time for my car insurance renewal and I noticed that the rates have gone up by 100 dollars since last year and all the previous years. I have Access Insurance and though the fees have got up, it still seems like the cheapest one so far. Does anyone have any suggestions about other companies?""
What is one way insurance?
what is one way insurance and two way insurance? I am having trouble trying to find out what it is. can anyone explain this to me?
""Car insurance, when does it drop?""
Im 19 years old, and payed $155 a month for my car insurance, a year later, no accidents tickets or anything and its $106. Definately not complaining, but i was just wondering if theres some sort of formula insurance companies use.. because i always thought when you turn 25 it goes down dramatically, but this for me is pretty dramatic. And also one year from now can i expect it to go down 50 more dollars?? thanks in advance""
""Ok Insurance battle, old and new insurances?""
I had High Mark blue cross blue shield with my mom and i got married to my husband and got tricare. Tricare is saying they wont pay anything when i had another Insurance. If my old insurance wont pay does tricare have too? My old insurance is now gone, also""
Buying SR22 Insurance Online?
I need to know the cheapest site or agency to buy sr22 insurance. Any ideas? Thanks!!
Which company Car Insurance?
Hi, I am planing to buy new car in bangalore. Please let me know which company car insurance i have to take. Which insurance company is having good service.? Thanks""
My son hit a parked car - need auto insurance advice?
My son (19) hit a parked car in our neighborhood. We are trying to decide if it is better to pay for the damages to car that he hit ($2500) without going through our insurance company or to report it to our company. The person's car that he hit is willing to let us pay out of pocket. My son had a previous at-fault accident and has 2 points now. His car is totaled. Concern is how much our insurance rates will go up and is it possible they will cancel our policy. (Money is coming out of his savings and he is bus bound).
2008 Toyota Camry Insurance?
I much am I looking to pay for insurance on a 2008 Toyota Camry. I am 18 years old with a clean driving history.
Which insurance company covers breast reduction surgery?
I currently have United Health Care and breast reduction surgery is an EXCLUSION. Has anyone had BRS and their insurance company paid for it? Which insurance company do you use?
What should my health insurance premium be?
If I am a single, healthy 36 year old non smoker in Florida with a low deductible and good coverage....can you give me some idea of what my premium should be? Because I am worried I may be getting ripped off and my premium is set to go even higher next month. I will soon be paying almost $250 a month... does that sound normal?? Can anyone give me some estimates or ideas? Thanks.""
Cars to avoid for low insurance?
Im looking to buy my first car, I dont have any driving history and my licence is still provisional. Someone told me that certain cars, like 2 doors, make your insurance higher. Is this true? If so, what other car characteristics should I avoid?""
Car insurance for teenagers?
Im 18 and I own a used car. Never a trouble maker. I have a part time job. I want to know what insurance I can get for my car that is affordable.
What can I do if I was dropped from my car insurance?
I got a letter today, saying that my car insurance policy will be terminated near the end of October, less than a month from now. This is because of a minor accident last December and a recent speeding ticket that I just finished traffic school for. What are my options? Are my rates going to be sky high with another company because of this?""
""16 year old male, first car and insurance?""
Alright, I turned 16 a few months ago and got my license the day after my birthday. The majority of cars that we have looked at are around $1500 a year for just liability. However, 3 cars that we have not checked with insurance have really caught my eye. The first being a mazda3 anywhere from an 04 to an 08, the second being a mazda6 with the same age, lastly a 04 mazda rx-8. I would be added to my parents progressive insurance and was curious how much the insurance would be on each of these cars? My family and I are planning on checking with an agent tomorrow but I wouldn't mind an educated guess. :) If it matters I have not had any accidents and my GPA is around a 3.25. Thanks for your help""
Anybody know of cheap but good car insurance?
i drive an SUV and i would like to have good coverage as well as being covered if someone else is driving my car....
Is it required to buy insurance if you rent a car ?
Well, I'm going to tell my mom to rent a car next Thursday and I'm not sure if she HAVE to buy insurance for it. She already have car insurance from Triple A, can she use the car insurance she have for the rental car? Is that okay? When I reserved the car for Avis last weekend, it said that you can purchase a protection for the car for an extra 18 dollars, im not sure if that's insurance or not. It said its recommended, but not required. Also, no where on the site said that you have to buy insurance for the rental car. Is there already insurance for those rental cars? I'm so confused. pleease help!!""
Girard Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 62640
Girard Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 62640
0 notes
Insurance questions?
"Insurance questions?
Insurance questions?   I got into an accident yesterday but my insurance was cancelled because i missed the last Three month's payment.  Do u think they will cover the other Guy damaged vehicle? if not would he come after me , or would he be able to sue me?, it was my mistake to cause the accident.?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What is the best website to get cheap moped insurance ?
What is the best website to get cheap moped insurance ?
What is a good first car that would have low insurance rates?
What is a good first car that would have low insurance rates?
Cheap Car Insurance for Hobby Vehicle?
Hi, i've just completed a rally across europe, and i've fallen in love with one of the cars on it. Only thing is its not something i can afford to drive everyday, so i'm looking at getting the car (Vauxhall Calibra) and keeping it at home and just using it for shows and maybe a few drives in the country. Does anyone know of a cheap insurance company. Details are: Young Driver, 20, Student Limited millage (1500-2000 miles absolute tops) Vauxhall Calibra 2.0 16v I don't want it to go boy racing, just to look after and give me something to do!! My mate mentioned a insurance company in Ireland which gave him a quote on a Impreza turbo for like 700 (same age as me), but i can't remember the name of it. Only that its in ireland! Any help is really appreciated""
""What agency will investigate fraud, abuse or illegal activity in government medical insurance programs?
And how will the Judicial system be made affordable for persons who are living in poverty?
How much should a motorcycle insurance cost?
A little about me: -age 23 -driving licence for both cars and bikes since 2008 (European version) -have no previous claims or penalties -I do drive cars for the company I'm working for -the bike is a 600, 2013 model -I'll buy a security device soon -was thinking of having a 150 pounds voluntary excess""
Cheapest car insurance for a 18 year old male?
Cheapest car insurance for a 18 year old male?
would it be more expensive for car insurance for a brand new car or a used car. (my mom has geico so thats who i would have)
Does AAA have good auto insurance?
Does AAA have good auto insurance?
What are the requirements to have insurance license?
selling insurance in tennessee
I have have 14 points on my license i need a cheap insurance?
some companys have a limit on points
First Time Driver - Car Insurance?
I live in Western Massachusetts and will be 18 in July. I haven't gotten my permit yet, but I plan on getting it sometime in the next month to start practicing. In Massachusetts, you cannot get your license if you're under 18 and haven't taken a driving class, which I don't have the money for, so I plan on having my mom teach me everything about driving and I'm hoping to get my license when I turn 18. I do already own a car (1998 Honda Accord Coupe), so that won't be an issue. Here are my questions: 1. When I have to start paying insurance, how much (range) do you think it would be? I know that everyone says that first time drivers have to pay WAAAY more, but I don't even know how much regular drivers pay. 2. Would it be cheaper to just be added onto my parents' car insurance plan? They've already brought this idea up, but they're afraid that if I get into a serious accident that the people could go after everything they own. I don't want to be that much of a stress on them, but I really don't want to end up paying a lot. Please and thank you!""
In need of Medical Insurance?
I'm 18 and a Student and I dont have any medical Insurance is there a way to get I can apply for some aid I dont have a job, Live in California""
I just moved to california and brought my car here?
I just moved from florida to california, and i really need to know what i have to do? With the license plate? Registration? All this kinds of things, and for how long I can be driving with the florida plate and drivers license? Thanks for the help guys!!!""
I am 19 years of age i how much will they charge me for my insurance?
i have never been involved in a car accident or gotten pulled over by the police i live in california i have had my drivers license since i was 16. i own a 1997 nissan sentra gxe i pay 480 for it every 6 month and a 2011 nissan murano and i pay 554 every 6 months for it i have Farmers Insurance my dad is main driver my sister in the policy also. How much will they charge me if i buy a 2005 mustang will my car insurance sky rocket because i am consider an inexperience driver and mustang is a sports car Please help
How to get cheap insurance without no claim bonus?
Hi basically I had been a additional driver on my brothers policy for 3 years and I do not hold any no claim bonus as it was on my brothers name. I want to get insurance done on my name now but I am looking for any good deal being a only driver with no claim bonus as I have no accident history, I have clean record of driving so any ideas on how to sort it out cheap let me know thanks in advance :)""
Do i need to have insurance on a car im not driving?
I am turning 16 the very next April and i was planning on getting my license next year. Anyways i was looking online for cheap used cars that are suitable for teens because im paying from my own money. So i found this great honda civic for only $1,250 and there is only a few days left before the owner closes the sale and i really really want that car. So i was thinking buying it now and my dad drives it home and when i get my license he gives me the keys. But i was wondering do i need insurance even if i'm not driving the car? just keeping it in the garage?? because i do not think i will be able to handle the monthly insurance plans. as i said before im paying from my own money THANKS FOR THE HELP!!""
What is no claims discount in car insurance?
What is no claims discount in car insurance?
Does anyone have any suggestions for affordable health insurance for the self employed?
I am a self employed horse trainer and can't find an insurance company to insure me for a reasonalbe amount of money.
GED and Health Insurance?
Hello I a question that needs to be answered. Im guessing I came to the right place? :D Alright so highschool is not working out for me and I plan to go to community college after anyhow. I have been contemplating dropping out and going to college for a while now... My parents agree with my choice but do not want me to step off there life insurance policy. I stay on it as long as I am going to school. So if I were to drop out how long do I have until I am off there policy. I am turning 17 in a few months and dont have a job...making life insurance quite the task on someone with no paycheck. My insurance is Aetna thanks in advance!
I might be pregnant where do i go to get a test were i have no insurance?
I have taken a HPT and it came up negative, but i didn't get my period. I have no insurance I just moved and started a new job. So where do I go without paying a lot of money?""
Do you have to bring your car with you to get insurance?
Im buying a car tomorrow from a towing place, and I know that I can't get my temp. tags until I get insurance but if I can't drive it how do I get insurance?""
Need an idea of how much insurance is gonna be?
I'm 16 and am looking at purchasing a 2000 Honda Civic Si Coupe. If I buy this car, will it be considered as a sports car to the insurance? I live in central California btw. If I were to wait until I hit 18 to drive, would the insurance go down substantially? Around how much am I looking at per month?""
Where can I get my physical done for cheap? No insurance?
I'm going to be a wrestling captain & I need it for school on Monday. I live in florida
Car insurance help ok so i am going to be a first year driver?
ok so i am going to be a first year driver what insurance company should i get since the are a lot of them out there and how much do u think i will be paying per month in joliet IL i am a male and 18 years old
Need help with auto insurance!!!?
Hello everyone. I'm from Sacramento/Elk Grove, California. I'm currently insured with Bristol West Auto Insurance for the past 3 years. I'm planning to switch auto insurance because it's really really hard to get a hold of customer service. And when you do, (after 1 hour of holding) they'll put you on hold some more, or even tell you they'll call you back. Which they never will. My point is BW customer service is very very crappy. I need help choosing an auto insurance company that's reputable but yet affordable. Considering the fact that I have an SR22 on file, low rates is my main focus. The lower, the better. I'm planning to insure 4 vehicles (1 is temporary until car get smogged) and 3 drivers. We all have good driving record, inspite of my dropped DUI case. Three of the cars are years '91 and under. Mines is a '98. If anyone have any information (site/link/etc.) or knows any good auto insurance company, please do let me know. Thanks in advance and any input in greatly appreciated.""
Insurance questions?
Insurance questions?   I got into an accident yesterday but my insurance was cancelled because i missed the last Three month's payment.  Do u think they will cover the other Guy damaged vehicle? if not would he come after me , or would he be able to sue me?, it was my mistake to cause the accident.?
Can you get a discount on motorcycle insurance if is has an alarm system?
I just go a 2009 zx6r and I was wondering if ICBC gives you a discount if it has a full alarm system and immobilizer? I live in vancouver BC canada thanks
How does arbitration work between 2 car insurance companies?
I was in a car accident about a month ago. My car insurance agreed that the accident was 100% not my fault. The other car insurance company is trying to say that it was 50% my fault( which is totally ridiculous because the other driver was cited by police for failure to yield). Today i got a phone call from my car insurance company saying that my claim is now going to arbitration. What can i expect to happen next? What can I do to prepare my self? I am very frustrated with this whole thing. I know this car accident was 100% not my fault. I dont want to be blaimed at all. I forgot to mention that i live in NY state. Thank you, Zack""
I lost my Health insurance and I need to find affordable coverage asap?
I had tenncare but after i turned 21 it ended i have medical conditions that require me to take medications daily. does anyone know of a good affordable insurance that covers doctor visits and prescriptions that will take me with pre-existing conditions? I have asthma, PCOS, and other things that i have to take daily medication for to be able to function. I am bi-polar i have ADHD and severe social anxiety i am also manic depressant and schizophrenic what can i do to get some health insurance??""
Car Insurance for Teen Girl Estimate HELP PLZ?
How much would you estimate that insurance for a 16 year old brand new driver in a 2001 acura integra 2 door hatch back would cost with a good student driver discount? any idea? any one close to those guide lines that have an idea willing to share? Please help thanks
Car Insurance question ( British Columbia)?
My boyfriend was driving me car and crashed it. Everything is on my insurance.They said the cost of my insurance will be up for three years. and then it will go back to normal. If I don't get insurance for those three years will it go away or will I still have to pay it when I go to get insurance after the three years?
What is the best car insurance that you don't have to pay much in any state?
I live in NJ and paying half as my car cost...
Can you get medical or medicade if you are pregnant and MARRIED?
My friend is married and pregnant but she recently lost her job and her insurance. Her husband is the sole provider and he makes 45,000 a year before taxes but she is not on his insurance. can she still get her pregnancy covered by a government program. We all live in California if that helps. Anyones stories would be greatly appreciated.""
Good insurance companies for 17 year old passed my test!!?
ok ive pased my test a month on friday and i gettin a car this week and i need some insurance on the car obviiously lol, well basically whats the cheapest car insurance all you 17 year old have and who is it with, please :)""
How much would car insurance be on a 2004 mustang?
i just recently bought a red 2004 Mustang V-6 convertible and i was wondering how much insurance would cost ? im pretty sure its over 100 but how much ? im 16 and its my first car , no rude comments please.""
New car insurance with only a learners permit?
I am a 16 year old student that lives in the state of florida. Ive had my learners permit for a year and my sister gave me as a gift her old car. I dont have anyone to ask so im asking you guys.. I want to get my operators license but i was in an accident in california a few months back with the other person involved at fault (i am a florida resident) Will that affect my car insurance rate? Will it affect my chances in getting my operators license? Please lend me your knowledge i need to know! ..Thanks.
How much will my car insurance premium change when i turn 25?
I'm 24 and a car in insurance group 6 is costing me 600-700. I've heard this goes down significantly when I turn 25, is this true and how much should it go down by?""
How do I get Car insurance before i get my Drivers License?
I'm under 18 and im getting ready to get my provisional drivers License. They said i need proof of insurance to get my license. But how do i get insurance if i dont have a car? I know people usually are supposed to be added to their parents insurance policy to take care of this, but my parents dont have drive or have insurance........ What do i do? Ive heard that i should get an uncle or grandparent to add me to their policy, but is that true? Help me out... thanks""
Is there a grace period on car insurance coverage after a cancellation for California with Mercury insurance?
Had coverage with Mercury insurance. Expired 12/05/07, but renewed it on 12/07/07. During the on day lapse was hit by an uninsured vehicle and now Mercury insurance states there is no grace period, so I wanted to know if there is a California law that states other wise?""
I was in a car accident so i been off work how will the insurance pay me?
I been off work due.to my accident my insurance said ill get paid after 14 days due since I'm not able to work
Can I use European car insurance in the uk ?
Insurance prices in the UK are insane. Can I buy a UK car but get it insured with a European company in a European country (Hungary for example has really cheap car insurance) will this insurance be valid in the UK ?
""Help! looking for affordable health care insurance in atlanta, ga?
i am a single mom recently laid off from work. i have asthma and take a prescribed drug every day. i am running out and just to see my dr. for a new rx is $125 and then for a 30day ...show more
How much would insurance be on a 1986 honda civic si hatchback?
I need to know asap how much estimated it would be to add this car to insurance. (state farm) I just bought it for 800 bucks and i need to know also how much in total it would be to get on the road.. register, title switch , tags all that good stuff...im un VIRGINIA btw.. need any more info ask..""
""Car Insurance, i passed my Drving test yesterday,Insurance Premiums?""
I live in Manchester(longsight), passed test yesterday, age:17...,can anyone plz tell me that how much will be the insurance premium for me(new driver), i asked from some of the insurers and most of them told that my insurance premium will be at least 2000. is it? Can any one tell me about some cheap insurance company who's price is 1000 or near about. Thanks.""
Health insurance for 25 year old Greencard holder with mental health problems?
I'm a 25 year old male living in Florida, and I'm a Greencard holder with no health insurance. I'm looking for affordable health insurance. I have pre-existing conditions including Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Schizo-affective disorder and Asperger syndrome. I take two medications for my mental health problems, one of which costs about $54 per month and the other costs about $33 per month. How much would the cheapest health insurance cost for me that covers most or all of the cost for my medications? Thanks for any help!""
How much would I have to pay for car insurance?
I'm an 18-year-old male. I have been driving for almost two years, including permit time. I should have no tickets on my record (I had one but I was able to get it off with a kind of probation). I'm in college as a B average student. My dad has been with Allstate for awhile now, has had only 1 or 2 tickets in the past five years or so. The car I want to get insured is a '97 Acura 3.5RL with a Nav System and high security system. Any help is appreciated, but answers with numbers will be greatly appreciated. I know there's a lot of factors with car insurance, but if anyone can, I'd like to get an rough estimate.""
""Im 19 years old and looking for a cool car that wont cost too much for insurance, any suggestions?""
Im 19 years old and looking for a cool car that wont cost too much for insurance, any suggestions?""
Does car insurance decrease in price after a certain age?
for example, when you are 15-16 is it more expensive than when you are 17 or 18? when does this change?""
Will having a new licensed driver in the house affect car insurance rates?
I live in New York, and I'm getting my license. My sister is afraid that having another licensed driver living in the same household will raise her car insurance rates. I told her I didn't think it would, since I wouldn't be going on her insurance, I would be getting my own. Does anyone know the answer?""
Insurance: Can one person be a primary driver for more than one car?
Basically, I'm in need of a car, but cannot afford to pay my own insurance. I am considering putting it under a friend's name and have her as a primary driver and myself as a secondary driver, which would be cheaper. My concern is that she already has her own car under which she is a primary driver. So my question is: is she able to insure another car as herself being the primary driver?""
What is the commission structure for a California Insurance Agent?
I am wanting to see some kind of chart or calculation of how earnings will be calculated in regard to working on commission as a P&CInsurance Agent in Californis
Insurance questions?
Insurance questions?   I got into an accident yesterday but my insurance was cancelled because i missed the last Three month's payment.  Do u think they will cover the other Guy damaged vehicle? if not would he come after me , or would he be able to sue me?, it was my mistake to cause the accident.?
Cheapest & Best Auto/Motorcycle Insurance?
Can people please share what they think is the cheapest & best insurance? We currently have state farm & feel we're getting ripped off. We have 2 vehicles 93' Ford F150 (owned, no payments) 00' Chevy Cavalier (owned, no payments) 83' Honda Sabre(Motorcycle, owned, no payments) THANK YOU! Also, why do they ask for a SS# when you apply?Are there any companies who dont? I hope theyre not checking my credit score =( I'm trying to raise it!""
Do adding aftermarket parts to car increase the price of insurance (uk)?
if i add new alloys and add window tints and change the exhaust would it increase the price of insurance and how much and do check the car if it has these parts
""Are there health insurance plans that are low premium, high deductible?""
I mean like a $5,000-$10,000 deductible or higher. I have a lot of savings but I'm going to have a part-time job for a little while. I'd like to just pay $100-200 a month or lower for health insurance. Or as low a premium as possible.""
How much will car insurance be for a VW Polo for a 17 year old?
I will be turning 17 in a year and a half and i am set on getting a 2006 Volkswagen Polo because i don't need much more from a car. It will mostly just be used for short drives through my town and city and I will be parking it on the road. I'm hoping to find one with a 1.2 engine and no higher because i know that is a dramatic factor in the insurance cost. I was just wondering, as a rough estimate, how much per year (in British pounds) would the insurance be?""
What happens if im a day late on my car insurance?
i pay monthly with gieco.today my payment is due but i wont have the money untill tomorrow.will they cancel my insurance?will i have to pay some type of fee? will my car insurance go up? Plz help
When selling your car without insurance and tax?
just bought a new car and want to sell my old one, but is it ok for someone(buyer) to have a test drive if the car has no insurance and no tax? and then drive it home as well""
Is Gerber Life Insurance any good for my daughter?
Is Gerber Life Insurance any good for my daughter?
Car Insurance Help Please?
So do you have to pay for insurance even if you don't own a car but have a license?
Car Insurance?
I'm 16 and I don't have a car, but am I covered with insurance on my parents cars automatically?""
If you drive with no license or insurance are you automatically at fault?
A friend of my got into a car accident, his car was totaled and at the time he had a suspended licenese and no car insurance. Although the police report shows that he was not at fault the insurance company of the other party is now persuing him for $14,000 in damages. Unfortunatly he is having economic hardships and cannot make the payment they are requesting. They are clearly making threats to suspend his license if he doesnt pay $250 a month. Because he had no insurance or license is he automatically at fault? Is there anything he can do? Does anyone have any info on a good lawyer? Any Information would be helpful. Thank you :-)""
""Just had a car crash, but worried insurance won't pay out..?""
Just had a car crash on the 02/03/2014 at 8:20am crashing into a central reservoir fence accidentally, judging by the aftermath of the accident it's definitely an insurance write off. A week before this incident I had recently got my rear windows tinted (only light smoke) plus got alloy wheels put on but i didn't let my insurance aware of this (i planned on letting them know eventually but i didn't know i was going to crash so soon) Apart from this everything else is legit.. I am currently insured with Zurich just wondering will Zurich insurance still pay me out the value of my car or will I not get a penny ?""
How much do insurance prices drop after 1 year for young drivers?
I'm a 17 year old male and paying 125 a month on insurance, as you can imagine its a big hit to my bank account. Im on my mothers policy but will my prices drop in the next year and if so by how much?""
How much is renters insurance in california?
How much is renters insurance in california?
Do males always have higher insurance rates than females?
I know that this is true for teenagers, but is it true for adults as well?""
""What is an affordable used coupe for about $8,000 that wont be incredibly high on insurance?""
What is an affordable used coupe for about $8,000 that wont be incredibly high on insurance?""
Penalty for not having auto insurance in calif.?
Penalty for not having auto insurance in calif.?
""I am getting ready to take the 220 insurance course,?
When I am done how do I get signed up with different insurance if I am a independent agent?
How long will my car insurance company take to pay out and how much will I get?
On Saturday my car caught fire while I was driving it (apparently the fuel line came out). It's a Peugeot 206 1999 and has done 87,000 miles. It wasn't in bad condition either. It's blatently a write-off, the engine looks like one big bit of plastic. My question basically is 1) how long do insurance companies usually take to pay out on this kind of thing, and 2) what will I get? I've looked on parkers and stuff, but you have to pay to find out... so I thought I'd see if any of you lovely people know first! :)""
How come Americans can't afford medical insurance?
Yet we seem to have PLENTY of money to blow on Ipods, Itunes, Iphones, lap top computers, DVD players, flat screen TVs, designer clothing, fast food, porn, alcohol, cigarettes, and concert tickets?""
Will VA patients be requird to get health insurance?
I do not have health insurance and I am presently being treated by the VA. Will I be required to get health insurance?
Will this affect my car insurance rates?
Once, several years ago I had given the information to the other person but had not heard from anyone several days later, so I called my insurance... sadly (my bad) I did not get the other persons information so I was told not to worry about it until the other person reported it... that never happened... what happens here????..""
How much are you paying for Car insurance?
$117 a month I am 19 and a guy.
""If I already have health insurance, but get hired somewhere where they also have health insurance as a benefit?""
does that mean I HAVE to have their insurance? I want to keep my own insurance, which is under my parents health insurance.""
Do you believe everyone has a right to medical insurance?
What are the pros and cons of giving everyone access to medical care?
Insurance questions?
Insurance questions?   I got into an accident yesterday but my insurance was cancelled because i missed the last Three month's payment.  Do u think they will cover the other Guy damaged vehicle? if not would he come after me , or would he be able to sue me?, it was my mistake to cause the accident.?
Which health insurance plans do you like in California?
For individuals which health insurance plans are good for people in good health? Are the Anthem plans a good choice for a family?
Do illegal immigrants get health insurance?
What insurance and how?
""Car insurance for new driver, help please?""
I'm 18 and I have just passed my test about a week ago, and am looking for insurance etc. But the quotes I'm getting are all about 2,500, which I cannot afford at all as I'm a student. I haven't bought a car yet, as I want to find a good quote first, but the details I have been putting in so far is Vauxhall Corsa 1.0l 3dr age 1999. Surely, this is neither a powerful nor new car, so I don't understand why I'm getting quotes of 2 and a half grand?! I have tried different cars, as well (renault clios, ford fiestas and polos) but it has made little difference. :( I know that the insurance is always going to be high for new young drievrs, but this is really taking the piss, if I'm honest. I have tried about 20-30 different comparison sites and individual company sites, and this is so far the best I'm getting. I've been putting in third party cover and social + pleasure travel or whatever it is. Also, that the car will be parked on a driveway over night. I will be 19 in four months, so is there a chance that insurance will have gone down by then, because it wouldn't be that long to wait. But otherwise, any suggestions, please, are there any details I should change, about the car or the insurance etc. Please help!! :( Thanks in advance""
Insurance help at 18 years old?
hello i am a 18 years old i am lucky enough to have a very good job so i can afford to spend alot of money for a 18 year old on a car i am looking to spend around 11k in all even tho the cheaper the better its not buying the car that is the problem its the insurance on the cars i want to buy all being around 4k for any half decent cars ?? any help would be grateful for some facts and figures .... cheers alex
""If your auto insurance expires today, do you get a grace period?""
If so, how long is the grace period?""
""How much is car insurance in Vancouver, BC Canada?""
Also, the auto plan premium if you are only using the vehicle for school (depending on how far the place is from home), work, shopping, and walking the dog (parks are too far)? I do not live in Vancouver as of yet, but soon will be. I need insurance for my car first.""
Online auto insurance?
Other than the general, Is there any good online auto insurance providers??""
Health Insurance & Prescriptions?
When my doctor writes me a prescription and I fill it up.... does it show up on my health insurance what precriptions I'm taking?
Pregnancy insurance. I might not be eligible for medicaid.?
does anyone knows about any low cost pregnancy insurance?
Second car insurance very very expensive - why? What would make it cheaper?
Hi, Me and my fiancee currently own and insure a Rover 25, V reg, 1.4 ltr, through Quinn. I'm the main driver and she's a named driver. We currently pay about 400 for tpf&t for the policy, and this has been roughly the price since we started the policy about 2 1/2 years ago. We're now looking at getting a second car as we will be working in different areas. My Grandma offered me her old Nissan Micra (1.3 ltr, K-reg) for us to have. I phoned up Quinn to get a quote for this car and they quoted 2,020!! I can't understand why it's so much more expensive, it's ridiculous! The lady I spoke to couldn't give me any adequate explanation of why it was so expensive, though she mentioned that we wouldn't be able to use a NCB on it as it would have to be an entirely new policy. But we took our first car policy with no NCB and that was a fraction of the price. Apparently the micra is called a Super-S or something, though it is not suped up or a fancy model or anything. Could that be it? We've tried a few other insurers and they also give expensive quotes (1000+) though not as ridiculous as Quinn. Any ideas why it would be so expensive? What could we change to try to make it cheaper? Change each car to have one named driver ony? Try a different car? Find a multicar insurer? I'm 31, she's 28, and we've both been driving for 2 3/4 years with no claims, points, convictions etc. Thanks.""
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance if im 18?
93 prelude
State farm or farmers for auto insurance?
I have a farmers policy for my auto insurance. My agent never replies nor picks up the call. I want to change the agents. I am thinking if I should check with with state farm. Do you know if state farm has better or same or expensive rate for the similar coverage than farmers?
Can i get a motorcycle insurance without having a license?
Or how else am i going to take the bike for the skills test
Health insurance for my daugter?
ok heres the deal, icurrently have my 14 month old daugter on my insurance that im offered at work i only pay like 9 bucks for myself but for her i have to pay 80 dallors a week its killing me is there something i can do about this? My insurance is Kaiser permanente. Would it be beetter for me to take her off my insurance and go directly to Kaiser and try to get it? THANKS""
Showing proof of insurance after citation (in Texas)?
Hello, i received a citation for driving uninsured a couple days ago (my court date is the 15th). I got a letter in the mail today saying i would have to pay a fine of $300.... ...show more""
Need new car insurance?
im with nationwide paying 3,400 per 6-months and im looking to pay less than that for 3 vehicles. what insurance companies can i look at for a cheaper rate?""
Where can I find cheap roofing insurance?
I am looking to start a roofing repair company (residential only at this time) . What I am going to do is secure the jobs, draw the contracts, purchase material and collect payment. I have 3 crews that will do the labor and they each provide liability as well as worker comp on their crews. What I looking for is a company that will insure me with liability (1 million) for my protection. What I am running into is that every company that I talk to says that you have to be in business for 2 years or greater or they are quoting me 7 to 9k a year. I have over 10 years experience in quoting, selling and installing, can anyone help out in finding affordable liability insurance? Thanks""
What is the most affordable life insurance in japan?
What is the most affordable life insurance in japan?
Is it possible to buy life insurance to insure the life of someone on death row?
Chances are, like in California, they'll just die of old age, so it's not that bad of a risk.""
Do you have to have car insurance? dont answer if you dont live in texas please?
I want to get my drivers license and i dont have a car so therefore i dont have car insurance. Can you get your license without having car insurance? Also would i use there car to drive or do i have to bring a car bc like i said i dont have one? And if i was to use someone elses car would i have to be on there insurance? Because if i have to then thats like saying you cant get a drivers license without a car or car insurance which wouldnt make that much sense. And please dont answer my questions if u dont live in texas
A question about car insurance and modifying?
Okay, lets say you own a car, lets call this car A. You pay a car insurance company to insure you car. You hand over the required information and all that, and the car is stock when you insured it. Lets say you put a turbo, or intercooler, or new rims, or anything really, but you DONT mention it to the insurance company. Then you get into a car crash. What does the insurance company insure? The whole car with the non-insured parts? The whole car with only the stock parts (which was exactly what you payed for every month)? Or they insure nothing?""
How much will it cost for a 17 year old girl to get auto insurance.?
i dont have a car yet im getting it in August, and my mom said that she does not want me under her insurance so im stuck getting it by myself what can i do?""
HELP!! IM 19 i need a very cheap car insurance?
hi i recieved a BMW compact 02 plate car as a gift, and i was really happy but now im really upset because i cannot find any cheap car insurance, i quote all the time and the lowest price i get is 5200 for a year and monthly instalments of 468, i wonder where in their brain do they they think i can pay that every month, i work and pay my rent, sky, internet, gas, tax, credit card etc. what must i do i cant afford to pay 468 more on bills. can you please give me websites which can help, and please dont leave any rude comments because i really cant be bothered for u wasting your time , THANK YOU""
Car insurance vs driver insurance?
In California, it is illegal to drive without proof of car insurance. Does that mean proof that the car I'm driving is insured or proof that I am insured as a driver? And what if you have one but not the other (like you're driving a friend's car)?""
Car insurance question?
If I am driving a company truck and lets say I got a ticket.. will my car insurance go up.. even though I am driving a company truck that is insured by the company..
Insurance questions?
Insurance questions?   I got into an accident yesterday but my insurance was cancelled because i missed the last Three month's payment.  Do u think they will cover the other Guy damaged vehicle? if not would he come after me , or would he be able to sue me?, it was my mistake to cause the accident.?
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