potatochip-oc-dump · 7 months
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batch of oc doodles i did recently :9 im having ideas again
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crestfallenyh · 3 months
𖥨 alchemy of the soul: masterlist
“Whenever I hear old chronicles of love, it's age old pain,
it's ancient tale of being apart or together.
As I stare on and on into the past, in the end you emerge,
clad in the light of a pole-star, piercing the darkness of time.
You become an image of what is remembered forever.”
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summary: loves comes in many forms. throughout our time, the soul will be steadily fed, by friends, by family, by lovers... but what if, eventually, your once in a lifetime comes around? what if, against all odds, for better or for worse, destiny will put you in the path of cosmic love?
or, a short series of exploring the ancient, destined soulmate trope.
pairings: reader x ateez. not poly, each part is assigned to one single member.
content warnings: majorly fluff and angst with the occasional hint of spice. each chapter will be tagged accordingly with appropriate warnings but keep in mind this series include mature topics, sexual talk, death and rebirth mentions, violence, lots of corny love and a lot of emotional hurt. chapters will not be posted in age order and updates may (will) vary in waiting times. please note that although this is a bunch of stories clumped together by a common trope, stories are not intertwined and are meant to be read individually. links to each chapter to be slowly updated.
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𖥨 007. meet me in the twilight.
hongjoong x reader. a peek into the red string theory. a pirate and a princess will never belong into each other's world, unless there is something stronger than them pulling them together. where fate and duty play chess, only the smile of a carefree sea bandit can help lean the scale.
𖥨 003. dreaming a dream, every night.
seonghwa x reader. just two lovers who only get to meet through the dizzying daze of a shared dreamland and the glimpse of past memories. what's real and what's not? if they will ever get to feel complete by also meeting in this earthly plane, they don't know.
𖥨 023. run!
yunho x reader. in this world, physical injuries to a person cause equal pain to their destined partner. a mosquito bite or a bump on your toe with the corner of a sofa you can handle, but honestly... what in the world is your partner doing for you to feel such agony, almost everyday?
𖥨 015. shades of love.
yeosang x reader. pink for love, green for hope, yellow for joy. the rest is always grey. you can only ever see colors related to the emotions your alleged soulmate has felt throughout their life, a connection you cannot break or run away from as much as you would love to. you don't know this person, but you surely hope they're (not) enjoying your blues, reds and deep purples. a variation of the sunshine and sunshine protector trope.
𖥨 010. hope springs eternal.
san x reader. hope springs eternal, or that's what they say. san has never been a believer, after all, he's still an outcast who sees the world in a scale of black and white. quite literally. unable to see any color in the absence of what people call a soulmate, he's determined to trick destiny and find love in you.
𖥨 009. round and round, the wheel keeps spinning.
mingi x reader. in a world where soulmates are meant to live and die together of old age, a tragedy has taken his heart with your last breath. life after life, he will look for his heart in the smile of a stranger, hoping that one day, he will get to find you again and live his happy ever after.
𖥨 026. lucky strike.
wooyoung x reader. throughout your life you've always known that the only way of getting out of your imprisonment and reaching the outside is by finding your destined match, marked at birth. this regime was installed long before you or your grandparents were even born, you would never dare challenge it. as luck would have it, you're partnered up with the most anti-regime, most challenging human you've ever met and he is seemingly your only hope.
𖥨 012. last night on earth.
jongho x reader. in a world of war, love is never welcome or sought after. mass destruction and loss will harden the heart of even the most whimsical of warriors, and the slight faint of a tattoo no longer engraved in jongho's skin will only serve as a lifelong reminder of a forfeited future, of a missed promise.
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bio-facts · 1 year
The last song | La última canción | A última canção
Moho braccatus, known as  ʻōʻō de Kaua was an endemic bird to the island of Kauaʻi officially extinct in the 20th century. Its extinction was a combination of several factors, such as mosquito-transmitted disease, introduction of mammalian predators such as the small Indian mongoose or Polynesian rat, and the destruction of its habitat, making the species more vulnerable to catastrophic weather events.
A male was last heard in 1987, the audio from this video. The images are from 1985, when he was last seen.
The silences between songs are meant for the female to fill with her  singing, since during the mating season they form a duet.
Dr. Christopher W. Clark : The last male of a species, singing for a female who will never come. And now his voice is gone.
Not only is the species extinct, but the whole genus was swiped away within the last male.
Moho braccatus fue un pájaro endémico de la isla Hawwaiana Kaua’i, extinguido oficialmente en el siglo 20. Su extinción fue una combinación de varios factores, como las enfermedades transmitidas por mosquitos, introducción de mamíferos depredadores como la rata de la Polinesia y el meloncillo chico, y la destrucción de su hábitat, acentuando la debilidad de la especie a catástrofes naturales.
El último macho fue escuchado por última vez en 1987, es el audio de este vídeo. Las imágenes son de 1985, cuando fue visto por última vez.
Los silencios entre cada canto están destinados a que la hembra cante su parte, ya que forman un dueto durante el cortejo.
Dr. Christopher W. Clark dijo: El último macho de la especie canta por una hembra que nunca llegará. Y ahora su voz ha desaparecido.
No sólo ha supuesto la extinción de la especie, sino que todo el género desapareció junto con este macho.  
Moho braccatus era uma ave endêmica da ilha havaiana de Kaua'i, oficialmente extinta no século 20. Sua extinção foi uma combinação de vários fatores, incluindo doenças transmitidas por mosquitos, introdução de mamíferos predadores como o rato polinésio e a mangusto, e a destruição de seu habitat, acentuando a fragilidade da espécie às catástrofes naturais.
 O último macho foi ouvido pela última vez em 1987, é o áudio deste vídeo. As imagens são de 1985, quando ele foi visto pela última vez.
Os silêncios entre cada cantoria servem para que a fêmea cante sua parte, pois formam um dueto durante o ritual de acasalamento.
 Dr. Christopher W. Clark disse: O último macho da espécie canta para uma fêmea que nunca virá. E agora sua voz desapareceu.
 Não só levou à extinção da espécie, mas todo o gênero desapareceu junto com este macho.
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etes-secrecy-post · 2 years
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
#OnThisDay: Mar 2nd, 2011
Title: DEATH SICK-Lastly
I decided to draw about my high fever sick (Mosquito Fever in Filipino - DENGE FEVER 🦟🤒) on last February 18, 2011. My parents me to the hospital, and I've been lied down for 8 days!
And now, I'm feel BETTER now & I'll go to school tomorrow. 🏫🧑‍🎓
• Ah yes, my moment was well documented 12 years ago. I was in 3rd year High School (during the old school system) when I struck the Dengue Fever & confined at the hospital for the first time in my teen age. Everything I said was absolutely true, and I still have my memorabilia stuff from the hospital in my memory books. To this day, I have only been confined once at the hospital & that is 2011. 📝
MuruKir - created by ME!
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gofancyninjaworld · 5 years
One Punch Man Serious CD Vol 2: Genos, Training. Full Dialogue Translation
Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePunchMan/comments/ekjf4a/one_punch_man_serious_cd_vol_2_genos_training/
Courtesty of @u-vibhavm who has produced a full translation with Redditor u/hdx514′s help.   Full text is posted with his permission and follows below the cut.
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Translated by me using a lot of help from /u/hdx514 and his previous summary of the audiobook.
Follow along with the audio:
Part 1: https://streamable.com/m08uk
Part 2: https://streamable.com/oiiss
Genos (G): Haaaaa, Machine Gun Blow!
MGB noises
G: Incinerate.
explosion noise
Computer (C): Target annihilated, mission clear. Simulation complete.
Inferiority OST starts
G: Alright, I managed to eliminate even the strongest opponent by myself.
G: Dr. Kuseno made this, the Virtual Genocide System. It works by using a computer to create a virtual reality, in which I can practice by battling virtual opponents.
G: If there are no virtual opponents of a higher difficulty left, then like the Doctor said, maybe it’s time to start the next training phase
G: The evolved Virtual Genocide System allows me to engage in practice battles against monsters restored from data I collected in the past
G: That means, Mosquito Girl and Deep Sea King, and even Carnage Kabuto. I can have a rematch with all the opponents I lost too.
C: Restarting simulation. Mosquito Girl: High pitched scream
G: Mosquito Girl’s data.
G: This time, I won’t let my guard down. Let’s go.
Machine Gun Blow noises
G: I can feel it…
G: How much stronger I’ve got since the time I fought her.
G: Target acquired explosion noise
C: Target annihilated. Mission clear.
G: Alright, next one!
thunder and rain sounds play
Wet DSK’s voice: I’ll tear you to shreds
G: Deep Sea King. Let’s go.
G: Machine Gun Blow. Incinerate.
MGB and Explosion noises
C: Target annihilated. Mission clear.
G: I will not be defeated by the likes of acid spit anymore.
G: With this combat practicing, my learning efficiency in battle will rapidly improve.
G: Against Demon Level opponents that I had trouble with in the past, my chance of victory is over 70%.
G: .And now, it’s finally time challenge that guy.
Thumping footsteps
Carnage Kabuto: Well then, let’s start the killing.
G: Carnage Kabuto, it won’t be like last ti-
G: Wha!
G: After all those upgrading my parts, learning from my defeats, and time spent studying with sensei, I am sure that I have gotten stronger, however…
CK: Hehehehe, Baaaaaka.
G: Estimated Disaster Level Dragon and opponents of similar level, I knew my chances of winning would decrease significantly in dealing with those.
G: I’m still a long way away from being able to defeat Carnage Kabuto.
C: Player, Genos: Seriously damaged. Simulation completed.
Sorrow OST playing
G: Even though I challenged Carnage Kabuto 55 times, I can’t seem to achieve victory, so I requested Doctor Kuseno for advice.
G: According to the Doctor, since the opponent is too powerful, it’s no good as reference
G: I should use my personal data to create something called “ghost”, then gradually accumulate experience through practice battles against the ghost.
”Machine Gun Blow” echoes
G: Using the past me to shape the present me, even if it’s a bit of improvement, that’s still good.
G: I have been following this training method until now.
G: In the process of repeating this training, I began wanting to see my ghost fight with Saitama sensei.
Saitama (S): Hmm? Do you need something, Genos?
G: Saitama sensei, please try on this device.
S: What’s this?
G: It’s “Virtual Genocide System”
S: huh?
G: It’s “Virtual Genocide System”
S: (Think) That’s not really an explanation is it…
S: Anyway, I just have to put this on my head right.
C: Player, Saitama: Commencing Simulation.
S: Ooh! What’s this! I see something Genos! Where is this!
G: You are currently in a virtual reality. Please defeat the enemies I’ve configured to appear in front of you.
S: What? I just have to defeat right? How do I move in here?
G: It will read your brainwaves; you just have to imagine the normal scenario.
S: Imagine you say…
Clothes ruffling sfx
S: Oh yeah, it moved!
G: You don’t need to move your body around like t-
Loud crash
S: Did you say something Genos?
G: Nope (Homonym for “house”)
S: Alright. Here I go!
Seigi Shikkou OST playing
Monster death explosions
S: Oh, this is great… It’s just like the real world.
G: We can also review that place’s footage from this monitor here.
G: So regardless of it being a virtual world, you can completely defeat any monster easily.
G: However, your last opponent is….
Mechanical noises
Compute Genos (CG): Target Acquired
S: Woah, a guy that’s the splitting image of Genos just came out
CG: I will eliminate you.
G: It’s me from yesterday. Please fight it with all your strength.
G: Use the punch from last time that you stopped just before connecting with me. In the VGS, it isn’t the real me, so it doesn’t matter if I get completely destroyed.
G: Against a very upgraded me compared to last time, please fight to your heart’s content.
S: Sokka
G: How will Saitama Sensei fight against the current version of me…
G: After analysing and studying that, I might have unexpected findings regarding my weak points and blind spo-
S: I punched it.
C: Target annihilated. Mission clear. Simulation completed.
S: Sighs Seems like a videogame, though it’s easier than one.
S: Huh, what’s wrong Genos? Seems like the lights are gone from your eyes. Hello hello?
more sorrow OST
G: (thinking) Saitama Sensei’s power is wrapped up in mystery even till this day. It’s naive of me to think I could figure him out with mere simulations.
G: Please excuse me. I’m going out for a bit. S: Huh, where are you off to?
S: What happened to him… S: Wha- Hey… There’s a hole in the wall! ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!
G: For the experiment, it might be more appropriate to find capable heroes other than Saitama sensei.
G: Thinking that, I negotiated with the Hero Association in order to summon heroes to the headquarters.
Mysterious OST playing
Sneck (Sk): Are you the guy who suddenly summoned us? What do you want with me, Snake Bite Sneck. Sk: I’ll only say this once, despite our ranks, i’m your senior.
Metal Bat (MB): Who on earth is the reckless guy challenging me, Metal bat, to a one-on-one fight!?
Darkshine (Ds): No no, I heard there’s some new training machine.
Zombieman (Z): What a bunch of unpleasant members.
Z: Hey you, Genos or something? What do you want with us? G: A-Class hero Snake Bite Sneck, and from S-Class, Metal bat, Superalloy Darkshine, Zombieman;
G: You all will now equip this device in turns and fight enemies in a virtual space.
MB: Eh? The hell is that? The latest toy or something?
G: It’s fine if you want to think of this as a game. There’s no risk to your life, but the feeling is nearly same to life so be careful.
Z: What do you plan to do with that combat data...?
G: I will use it as a reference for myself to get stronger
Z: You’re a surprisingly straightforward guy.
Z: Very well, I’ll go along with you. Well, I hope it will be helpful reference.
MB: Heh, seems interesting.
Sk: Can’t be helped, I’l pitch in and help out my junior.
DS: It seems like good training
G: Snake Bite Sneck, you go first.
(TN: Genos used the very informal second person pronoun ‘omae’ (おまえ) implying equal or superior status)
Sk: Oma…? I’m your senior you know… man…
Sk: Tsk, I just have to put this on, right?
C: Player Sneck. Commencing simulation.
Sneck: Hmph, I’m going to show you guys right here, that I’m actually pretty damn strong.
Simulation System Voice: Player Sneck. Incapacitated in battle. Simulation complete.
Sk: I was defeated in 3 seconds!
G: No. Correctly speaking, it was 2.52 seconds.
Sk: W..what the hell was that enemy just now?
G: It’s a monster I fought in the past, Carnage Kabuto.
Sk: There... There’s something wrong with its strength setting...
G: Hmm, you really can’t be used as reference.
Sk: Eh? that’s it for m-
G (cutting Sneck off): Next! Metal Bat, your turn to challenge it.
MB: Hmph, let me give it a shot.
C: Player Metal Bat. Commencing simulation.
MB: Bring it on!
metal bat grunting
Z: A frontal exchange of blows huh.
DS: What a great number of at-bats!
G: No wonder he’s an S-Class hero. He wasn’t finished off easily, however...
Carnage Kabuto: YEAAAAAAAAAAH!
MB grunts
CK: Hehehehe, Baaaaaka.
C: Player Metal Bat. Incapacitated in battle. Simulation complete.
G: He wasn’t able to win huh
G: But that was his first fight with Kabuto and he lasted 3 minutes. That’s pretty impressive.
MB: Huh? That’s it? It’s over?
G: You lost, Metal Bat, because the damage you sustained were too grave for you to continue.
MB: Huh? What are you talking about? I can totally keep going.
G: No, when you get injured to that extent, it is over.
G: You are considered “dead” in the virtual world.
MB: No way Jose. I might have lost in the game world, but in the real world it won’t go like that.
MB: It might be over once you die in the game world, but in the real world, a death is just a flesh wound. You can totally revive through fighting spirit and have another go, know what I’m saying?!!
Sk: Eh, isn’t it usually the other way?
DS: Calm down, Metal Bat kun!
DS: It would make a mess of things if you get into a real fight with Genos here!
Metal Bat: Damn it!
Z: Next, it's my turn.
G: Zombieman, I heard you're an undying hero.
Z: Hmph, if the device can read my brainwaves and recreate my body's abilities as well as the damages in the simulation, it will be a reflection of my characteristics in actual combat.
MB: Aren't you confident.
G: This guy could provide great reference data.
C: Player Zombieman, commencing simulation.
Z: Bring it on, as long as it's something that can be defeated.
CK: Baaaaaaaka!
squashing noises
MB: Hey hey, that Zombieman, I thought he'd start the battle with leisure, isn't this a one sided beatdown?
Sk: Ouch, I can't bear to watch.
DS: His body is gradually disappearing, is it okay to keep it going? It's starting to look gory as hell.
G: This is strange, the battle should have long since been concluded, but the system isn't stopping it. What's going on?
Z: It must be because my brain isn't acknowledging this as real danger on a cognitive level.
Z: Stuff like this isn't even considered damage.
MB: No no no, what a load of bollocks. A body-less head is in no position to say that!
G: Totally not useful for reference!
Metal Bat: Looks like it's going to go on for a while, yawns, I'm gonna take a nap. Call me when it's over.
Darkshine: I'm also going to take a break and get ready for my battle.
G: Then aside from Zombieman, it's recess for everyone else. Everyone, go take a break.
G (monologue): Afterwards, Zombieman's battle lasted for over 3 hours, since there was no conclusion, the system automatically sped-up its simulation clock and one week has passed in the simulation.
C: Simulation complete.
DS: Ooh! Zombieman’s back!
MB: Finally acknowledging your defeat?
Z: I won.
G: What did you say?
Z: After transforming into Carnage Mode or whatever and rampaging, it spent all its stamina and couldn't even move.
Z: I saw my chance and started my attack.
Sk: Finally winning after losing for 1 week straight...
G: That's amazing! ...but can't be used for reference at all...
DS: Alrighty, finally, i’m up!
G: Superalloy Darkshine...
DS: Since we’re in virtual space, it would be okay for me to release the full power of my muscles, right?
Genos: Yes, let me bear witness to your power.
C: Player Superalloy Darkshine. Commencing simulation.
Darkshine: Hmph!!
booms and bashes
Carnage Kabuto & Darkshine: DIE ー Hmph ー DIE ー Hmph ー DIE ー Hmph ー DIE ー Hmph ー DIE ー Hmph ー DIE ー Hmph ー DIE ー Hmph ー DIE ー Hmph ー DIE ー Hmph ー DIE ー Hmph ー DIE ー Hmph ー
Sk: Whoa, this is…
Z: A great fight
G: It’s working! This means Superalloy Darkshine’s strength goes beyond Kabuto’s defense.
continued sound effects of battle
C: Enemy, incapacitated in battle. Player, Superalloy Darkshine, is victorious. Simulation completed.
DS: Yeah! I won!
DS: He’s a lot stronger than I imagined, took me 15 minutes.
G: Zombieman is undying, so his body makes sense, but what’s with your body, Darkshine? Has it been modified?
DS: I’m not a cyborg! Although, I can’t say my body hasn’t been modified… by the power of muscles!
G: Muscles you say?
G: Looks like I have to give up on upgrading my parts. Maybe I should discuss with Dr. Kuseno about installing muscle upgrades.
DS: By the way Genos, I saw there are monsters in this to choose from, can I give them a go?
G: Sure, but Carnage Kabuto is the strongest monster who’s data is stored.
DS: Is that so… That’s unfortunate.
G: However, you can fight a ghost of yourself from the data collected.
Z: Wait a minute, that means, there are also ghosts of us right?
MB: So that means, it is possible to have Genos vs Metal Bat, and Zombieman vs Darkshine?
MB: That sounds interesting. Fight with my ghost, Darkshine!
DS: Ummm…
Button click and computer starting sounds
OPM OST Main Theme plays
DS: Oh, I pressed some strange button.
MB: Huh? What the hell is that enemy?
Sk: A black silhouette came out…
MB: Huh? That silhouette… I feel like i’ve seen it somewhere…
DS: Well, it’s not gonna be stronger than Carnage Kabuto. Let’s just test it out.
DS: Hmph!
C: Player, Superalloy Darkshine: Incapacitated in battle. Simulation completed.
DS: Eh...?
MB: What the hell!
Sk: A bug in the system?
G: That Ghost just now… Could it be…
Z: Genos, do you know anything?
MB: Hey! Select that guy once again! I’ll defeat it!
DS: Oh, alright.
DS: Huh? It won’t move.
MB: What’s going on, Genos?
G: I do not know
Darkshine pressing the button repeatedly
DS: Ahh… It’s no good… It won’t boot up. Looks like it broken.
MB: Genos do something!
G: No. We are done for today here.
MB: Haah?
G: There’s something I want to confirm.
MB: What happened to him all of a sudden…
Genos slams a door open
G: Saitama Sensei! I have returned back home.
S: Ahh, Genos. Where did you go off to earlier?
G: I went to repair and improve this machine.
S: Are you still playing with that thing…?
S: More importantly, hurry up and go fix my wall.
G: Saitama Sensei, please active this once again.
G: I updated, but the previously collected data is still inside
S: Sure, but why? Won’t the same thing happen again?
G: No…
S: What do you mean? Well anyway.
C: Player, Saitama: Commencing Simulation.
G: Inside the system, yesterday’s Saitama sensei has been added as a ghost.
G: In other words, an enemy of the same level as Saitama sensei was born inside the virtual world.
G: Of course, including me, there are no heroes who can win against an enemy like that.
G: Even if I let the others try, they’ll probably think it’s just damaged strength balance data as the result of the machine being broken.
G (thinking): This enemy has power unlike anything Saitama sensei has ever faced, he will be forced into a hard battle against his own ghost… sensei has been down since yesterday putting holes in his wall, is this a bad time? Will not being able to one punch his ghost affect him mentally? What if a defeated sensei loses his mojo and retire as hero? This is a huge, putting sensei in such danger in order to satisfy my curiosity...no, I have to explain to sensei what I’m getting him into…
G: Sensei...!! The enemy you are about to fight is-
G: Sen… sei… I was too late...
S: What?
G: Please excuse me, I failed to let you know beforehand…
G: Your current enemy was, yesterday’s Saitama Sensei…
S: Oh, was that so?
G: As such, even though Saitama Sensei lost, it was against himself at full power, please don’t mind it too much…
S: Nope, it was over in One Punch.
G: Yes… eh? You... you won?
S: Obviously. Why would I lose to yesterday’s me?
extensive scribbling
S: H- Hey… What are you writing down in the memo?
Genos nods to himself
G: However, that you won in one punch, that’s incomprehensible.
G: Sensei is far more powerful today than he was yesterday… is that even possible?
S: It’s just unreliable simulated data right?
G: No but-
G: Yes!?
Serious Saitama: It doesn’t matter how strong you become in the virtual world, it will never change who you are in real life. I learned this lesson the hard way as a kid when I was so obsessed with leveling up in an RPG I missed my entire summer holiday.
S: Now enough virtual reality... GO FIX THE WALL!
G: Ye… Yes!
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thinkyoureholy · 5 years
Sweet Lies [10/End]
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[A/n : ah it's finally the end! I want to thank each and every one of you that loved and supported this series! 💞]
Pairing : Byun Baekhyun / [FEM] Reader
Genre : Angst, Violence, Fluff, Smut, Mafia!AU
Words : 3.2k
Pt 1. Pt 2. Pt 3. Pt 4. Pt 5. Pt 6. Pt 7. Pt 8. Pt 9. Pt 10.
≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪
-Y/N’s P.O.V-
“B-Baek c'mon this isn't funny. L-Let me go.” I said, my voice trembling.
He raised an eyebrow at my words, tilting his head to the side as he examined me. The look in his eyes was a look that chilled me to the bone. I had never seen that look on him before and to see it now was quite frightening. What scared me the most was the way his lips curled up into a smile, a chuckle falling from his lips as he played with a single bullet in between his index finger and thumb.
“I was never joking to begin with, love.” He said with a grin, tilting his head to the other side now, “I'm starting to think you haven't put together all the pieces of the puzzle yet.”
There was a pause before he spoke again, “Did those idiots not even mention me to you? I mean I'm sure they gave you my name if they had you kill my girl like that.”
Again silence. He let out a heavy sigh, placing his elbows on the table as he leaned forward, grabbing the gun, “Does Byun Baekhyun really not ring any bells? Those bastards are the only ones that figured out my real name. I'm completely wiped from every database in the world, it's like I never existed in the first place,” He paused to load the bullet into the gun, “They must've said something to you. I'm positive Sehun wouldn't just let you continue seeing me after seeing my face. Think, love, use that brain of yours.”
I said nothing as I stared at the gun he held in his hands with wide eyes. My eyes never left the thing as I followed it around every time he moved it. I could tell he was toying with me at this point, my hands clutching onto the arm rests. I brought my eyes down to the table, thinking back to the time Sehun came over to my apartment with Jongin. My eyes went wide as everything they said replayed in my head, the tears gathering. I kicked them out of my home, out of my life when they were only looking out for me. I lost my best friend, the man I saw as a brother because I was too caught up in the love I thought Baekhyun had for me.
“BouXian…” I said, my voice barely audible as I hung my head forward.
It didn't take long for a laugh to fall from his lips. The laugh that once brought me joy was slowly beginning to anger me. I thought of Sehun's words, Jongin's mixing in with his voice. Their words bounced off the walls of my head, my eyes wide as I remembered their exact words along with mine.
“We want you to stop seeing Baekhyun.” Sehun said, cutting me off, “Cut all ties with him.”
My eyes widened at his words, “Why…?”
“Just do it.”
“No. I want you to tell me why I have to stop seeing Baek.”
“Baek? You even have a nickname for the bastard.” Jongin said with a humorless chuckle, only gaining a glare from me.
“Tell me.”
“BouXian.” Was all Sehun said, the name bringing an awful taste to his mouth, “Byun Baekhyun is the same BouXian we've been trying to hide you from.”
I held onto the arm rests, the tears gathering in my eyes.
“Baekhyun? Baek wouldn't hurt a fly. He cries when I kill mosquitoes for him, says they're just trying to survive”
“This isn't something to joke about.” Jongin said, a serious look in his eyes.
“You're right it isn't. Just what kind of fool do you take me for? If all you're here to do is throw around false accusations then I suggest you leave.”
Sehun said nothing for awhile, simply staring into my eyes with a dark look on his face, “Nothing we say is going to convince you, huh?”
He scoffed, an empty look in his eyes, “I was a fool for protecting you this long. If you were just going to end up in his hands then I would've fought Jongin harder to leave you out to die that day we so foolishly saved you.”
Those last words were the ones I had been trying to forget. I felt the tears I was trying to hold back fall from my eyes in a steady stream, my body shaking, both in fear and sadness. Baekhyun had been quiet this whole time but I refused to look up at him. I still couldn't believe a man I had come to love with every fiber of my being would do this to me. I wanted to deny the fact that he never really loved me in the first place. This was all apart of his sick game.
“Look at me, love.” He said, his voice gentler than before.
Out of reflex I did, freezing as I stared into the barrel of his gun as he pointed it straight at me. I could hear my heart beating in my ears as my eyes locked onto the gun, watching as his hand flexed slightly.
“B-Baekhyun please...listen-”
I jumped at seeing his finger pull on the trigger without any hesitation, my heart dropping to my stomach. I looked down at my chest slowly since he was aiming for my heart, letting out a heavy sigh of relief when I noticed there was no blood. I looked back up at Baekhyun, finally meeting his eyes. The look in his eyes took the breath from my lungs but not the way it used to. His eyes were the darkest I had ever seen them, so void of all other emotions but one, anger. That anger was so strong my body that had already been trembling stopped completely, afraid that even that might make him lose control.
“Remember when I said we're gonna play a little game? Well I'm sure you know what Russian Roulette is.”
-Baekhyun's P.O.V-
I sat back, lowering the gun slightly. I didn't want her to see how my hands shook the slightest bit. Seeing the look on her face tore my heart to pieces. The tears that flowed down her face and the hopeless look in her eyes had me on the brink of tearing this all down and letting her go. I was so close to letting her go and disappearing from her life forever but an image that popped into my head stopped me. The grip I had on the gun tightened considerably at the image of Jieun's dead body that popped into my head. Every time I remembered that moment it felt like somebody was reaching into my chest and squeezing my heart in their hand. I looked over at Y/N and that feeling all but doubled. Instead of feeling like somebody was squeezing my heart it felt like they were pulling it straight out of my chest. Without thinking I brought the gun back up and pulled the trigger, barely hearing the plea coming from the back of my head. Y/N was sobbing at this point, her eyes never leaving the gun in my hand.
“You’re probably regretting killing Jieun right about now huh?” I asked, trying to keep my hand from shaking as I continued to point the gun at her.
I had already pulled the trigger twice, meaning there were only three empty cartridges left, even I didn’t know which one had the bullet. I had spun the cylinder a few times before I took aim the first time. I grit my teeth as I pulled the trigger once more, seeing her jump. Two more empty cartridges left...and another that held the bullet that would end her life. I grit my teeth as the voice in the back of my head got louder, bringing my other hand up to the side to somehow help with the pain. I closed my eyes shut, clenching my jaw as the voice finally subsided but the moment I looked at her the voice amplified in my head.
Stop it!
“No.” I muttered under my breath, knowing she wouldn’t be able to hear me over her own cries.
You’re making a mistake!
I smiled cynically, hitting the side of my head softly with my palm, “I don’t really think I am.”
You love her you idiot!
I frowned at those words and bowed my head, somehow keeping my arm up even though my whole body felt weak. I loved her? Yeah right. I only had room for Jieun in my heart and she’s gone...Y/N took her from me. I moved my head to the side, cracking my neck and silencing the voice in my head. I raised my head up slowly, looking over at her to see she didn’t witness any of the turmoil I was going through, her eyes glued to the revolver I held in my hand.
“Tell me, did it give you some sick satisfaction to kill Jieun like that?” I asked, my voice not even sounding like my own any more.
“B-Baekhyun please I-I know you’re not going to believe me but I swear--I swear on my life I didn’t kill her!”
I let the corners of my lips curl up in a smirk as I narrowed my eyes at her, “All the evidence I have leads to you. I mean it makes sense. They used you, an outsider to kill Jieun for them so I wouldn’t go after them. Some friends you have there, huh?”
“I didn’t do it! Baekhyun I fucking swear on my life I-”
“Liar!” I yelled, cutting her off as I slammed my open palm down onto the table, as I got up.
I readied myself to pull the trigger, hearing that voice once again, Please be empty…
And empty it was. It was an empty cartridge. I tried to hold back the sigh of relief that tried to escape from my lips, shaking my head as I flipped the table over and took a few steps towards her, the gun still aimed at her heart.
“If you didn’t do it then who did huh? Somebody killed her! Tell me who is was if it wasn’t you!” I exclaimed, seeing something cross her eyes for a moment.
That look made me hesitate, the thought of someone else killing Jieun crossing my mind. The look made me want to drop the gun right then and there but her next words had that anger returning.
“I--Baekhyun please I-”
“No answer huh? There’s no way out of this, Y/N. You were dead the moment you ran out of Jieun’s office. Now you’re going to join your friends in hell.” I said, about ready to pull the trigger but stopped at the way her eyes widened.
“What? W-What do you mean? What did you do to them?!”
I grinned, recalling that night, “Let’s just say I might be the reason why they haven’t been contacting you for the past year. I was covered in their blood by the time I was done with them.”
The grin immediately fell from my lips at the pure anger that swallowed up her eyes. I watched as her hands gripped the armrest tightly but it wasn’t in fear, it was in pure unadulterated anger. Her eyes even seemed to glow red with the anger that shined through but I knew that was impossible. I could feel the intensity in her stare as it seemed like she no longer cared about the gun being pointed at her. She opened her mouth to speak but something came over me as I laughed maniacally, doubling over as I was thrown into a fit of hysterics.
“What’s that look for love? What are you angry that I killed your dear friends? You’re in this mess because of them!” I all but growled out my last sentence, angry myself.
She began fighting against her restraints once more but this time she fought with more force. Before she was barely able to move her wrists underneath the ropes that held her down but now she was being so rough the rope was digging into her skin. I watched as the rope left angry red marks on her wrist, her wrist soon being covered in her own blood. I wanted to get her to stop but the next words that fell from her lips had my heart sinking to the pit of my stomach, my body reacting on its own.
“I hate you! I fucking hate you! Fine! You wanna know who killed her?! I did! I did it!”
Those words caused me to lose the little part of me I held onto to keep myself sane. As soon as those words left her mouth my finger pulled on the trigger all on it’s own. I didn’t even know if it was still aimed directly to her heart but the way blood immediately started to spread on her chest outward told me it was. She stared at me in shock, the light in her eyes dimming but I couldn’t take my eyes off the hole that was now in her chest because of me. I stumbled back, dropping the gun as my knees gave out. I stared at her wide eyed, watching her head hang forward lifelessly, her hands no longer gripping onto the armrests.
-Jongdae’s P.O.V-
I frowned as I got out of my car, leaning against the hood as I stared at the abandoned warehouse Baekhyun brought Y/N to. Just thinking about this being the place she would die in had a frown forming on my face. I crossed my arms over my chest as I waited, jumping at the sound of my phone ringing. I answered it without even looking at the caller ID, already knowing who was calling.
“What?” I asked, my tone sounding more bored than I had intended.
“Are you with Baekhyun?” He asked, sounding panicked.
I stood up straight at hearing the tone of his voice, “Yeah...why?”
“Go in there and stop him you idiot! Before he does something he’ll regret for the rest of his life!” He yelled over the phone, his tone sounding more panicked than before, if that was even possible.
“Minseok w-”
I cut myself off, freezing at the sound of a gun firing. I cursed as I dropped my phone, running into the warehouse. I almost lost my footing at the sight I stumbled upon. Y/N was tied to a chair, her head hanging forward and Baekhyun kneeling by her feet with a faraway look in his eyes. What alarmed me the most was the red splotch of blood on Y/N’s chest, staining her once white wedding dress. I felt my heart sink to my stomach as I stared at Y/N’s unmoving body, opening my mouth to speak but nothing came out. My eyes then went to Baekhyun as he finally began to move. He brought a hand up to rub over his face before standing up slowly, his body looking sluggish as he walked over to me.
“Take care of her.” He said, his voice almost inaudible, his eyes more empty than when he found out Jieun had been killed.
I simply stared after him, feeling my shoulders slump as I looked over at Y/N once more before a heavy sigh left my lips. I dragged my feet over to where she was, my body still as I froze at what my eyes had caught. I tried to tell myself that there was no way, no way what I saw actually happened. I shook my head, closing my eyes and opening them once more but there it was again. Without hesitation I ran over to untie her, placing my fingers on the side of her throat as I desperately tried to look for a pulse.
Come on.
-Baekhyun’s P.O.V-
I slammed the door of the house behind me, bringing out a hand to steady myself as my knees almost gave out again. I didn’t even get to walk more than two steps into the house when Minseok came running over to me. I didn’t recognize the look in his eyes as he grabbed my collar in his hands roughly, slamming me up against the wall. I didn’t do anything in retaliation, my body feeling numb all over at what I had done.
“Tell me you didn’t do it! Tell me she’s still alive!” He yelled, his grip on my shirt tightening.
My silence was enough for him to know what happened. He cursed before letting me go, his shoulders slumped in defeat, “Just--go over there and look at my screen for a minute.”
I didn’t argue as I dragged myself over to the couch, sitting down in front of his computer. He came to sit down next to me, a heavy sigh falling from his lips as he reached forward to press play on the video he had pulled up.
“This is what I had been working on for the past few months. I wasn’t able to hack into it earlier because of the encryption on it. It used to update every day but ever since you got rid of them I was able to work on the ones in place more closely. They had somehow started to re-update a few weeks ago but by that time I had already gotten so far into decrypting it it was useless. And...here’s what I found...if only I had found it sooner.”
His words were drowned out as I focused on the video. I recognized the place to be Jieun’s office at her firm, figuring out that this must’ve been the surveillance footage from inside the room. I felt my hands clench into fists as I watched, waiting to see Y/N pull out a gun on Jieun and shoot her like I thought she did but what happened next had my jaw going slack. What happened next was Y/N getting up abruptly, heading for the door. Sehun bowed his head for a moment before pulling out a gun, pointing it directly at Jieun and fired before she could even get a word out. I watched as Jieun’s lifeless body fell to the floor, my eyes wide as they followed Sehun’s figure. He stood behind Y/N, forcing her to stay the way she was when she turned to look at the scene behind her. I could see the horror and sadness in her eyes very clearly, her tears streaming down her face. The video cut off there my mind running at a million miles per second.
“What--what have I done?” I asked, feeling the overwhelming regret and guilt engulf my body.
I-I had shot and killed the woman I had grown fond of because of my own twisted version of the truth. I had told myself over and over again that there was no way anyone but Y/N had killed Jieun. And now I had to live with this fact for the rest of my life, hating myself for it.
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A/N: Lolololol y'all really thought I'd just leave you like this? I mean I'm pretty evil with my writing but c'mon I have a heart too y'know.
There will be a sequel to Sweet Lies! Yayayay!
Guess Who is coming soon!
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bryonysimcox · 4 years
Cutting, calling, sticking, sitting, subtitling: Week 15, Spain
With future certainty and concrete plans nowhere in sight, this week’s blog post is in praise of the mundane. Seven days of everyday life.
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When prepping for this blog entry, I started panicking. What’s the overarching message? The big-picture mood of the week or the lesson I’ve learnt? Well this week, there isn’t one. It’s been seven days of everyday life and I reckon that’s worth celebrating too.
We’ve been pitching for some exciting work this week.
I can’t talk about the specifics, but it’s heartening to be actually planning and quoting for real-life projects that could bring in real-life money and real-life experience. We pretty much work on Broaden as a full-time venture anyway (regardless of if it makes us money), so when prospective clients reach out to Broaden to ask us to do more of what we love, then that’s a bonus.
I guess that’s the beauty of filmmaking, it’s so broad and its potential is so great that it can be valuable for a whole lot of people. I also think in the coming ‘new normal’ as countries, cities and communities come to adapt life around Covid-19, that the role of video and online streaming will shift, and perhaps become a more central element in our lives.
I’ve also been working away at editing the video we started filming last week about Economics for a more just and equitable world. It’s starting to take shape, though there is a lot of refinement needed (I’ve cut 150 minutes down to 30 minutes but still have a fair way to go!). Working on this video is also bringing about a newfound challenge of how we make videos like this visually stimulating, when they predominantly feature digital interviews and we can’t film footage out and about due to lockdown. It’s forcing us to get more creative with motion graphics, which is no bad thing.
In what is the culmination of a longstanding project, we also interviewed Rich Evans about The Foundations in New South Wales this week.
‘The Foundations’ is a truly extraordinary project/place in Portland, a tiny town about two-hours inland from Sydney. I first discovered the project when I worked in Australia, and the company I worked for, RobertsDay, was involved in a masterplanning process. Portland was established around a cementworks which went on to not only be the driving economic force behind the town, but also the backbone of the community. It was a source of civic pride (cement from Portland famously went to Sydney amid the building boom, coining it the phrase ‘The Town That Built Sydney’), and also helped establish social infrastructure like the swimming pool that is still a celebrated destination in the little town today. Sadly, as the cementworks decreased in scale and eventually closed in the nineties, it had a huge impact on the town.
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(images) Scenes from January 2019 when we started filming at The Foundations, Portland NSW.
Back at RobertsDay, I had the pleasure of working on the masterplan and placemaking work for the next chapter of the cementworks, and I immediately fell in love with the place. Not only was it this incredible place of industrial heritage, but the owners actually wanted to transform the site into something really special - a tourist destination, an asset to the community, and a revitalised part of the town. From its current state - fenced-off, closed, and perhaps even an eyesore, the owners wanted to introduce artwork, markets, community gardens, museum collections, fishing and camping, weddings, concerts and a whole host of other things.
It was obvious that there was a story about The Foundations that deserved to be told, and so in January 2019 George and I spent a weekend there, filming local residents, business owners, and the wonderful Rich Evans, ‘Chief Reactivation Officer’ from The Foundations. This was before we’d even launched Broaden, but we were passionate to use filmmaking to document the transformation that was taking place there. However, over the course of 2019, other things took centre stage in our lives and we never got around to editing the final film.
And so, in lockdown here in Spain, we decided it was finally time to close off this story. Just this week,we called Rich over Zoom and asked him all about how things have progressed since we last visited Portland. Rich is a larger-than-life character who had so much good stuff to report (an artist in residence, growing market attendee numbers, new custom-designed public furniture, and the renovation of a central historic building which involved the removal of 1000s of bees!).
In a strange way, I’d originally thought of this hiatus as a weakness for our film, but it now has added another facet to the story: giving Rich a chance to reflect on progress at The Foundations and show viewers how much is possible in the space of a year.
Making collages serves as respite for the mind.
I return to my collage practice as a meditative practice, and a restorative one too. It’s something I do when I want to clear my mind, and use a different part of my brain from the video-editing-zoom-calling-analytical-planning side of my brain.
That said, the last few paper collages I’ve made have felt like a bit of struggle, and I’ve felt rather uninspired. The collages are never meant to be a forced thing, but instead something visceral and playful, but in recent times they’d stopped being that.
Until this week! This week, inspired to make a collage for my mum’s birthday, I started getting my boxes of magazines and compiled sheets out, stuck my ‘Making Collage’ playlist on, and somehow just found my groove. Shapes and forms shouted out to me, and I was more preoccupied with the mood of the pieces than perfection and precision. I was drawn to more ambiguous textures and the way that they could be layered, and what started as one collage ended up being a series of three (the other two of which I’ll later publish this week).
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(image) The collage I made for my mum’s birthday, ‘Flirtatious Textures’.
Whilst I’ve feel as though I’ve found my swing with collage-making again (and have been also considering embarking on some critical writing about my creative process using academic texts for reference), this week I had a piece rejected. I’d made it to enter into a competition, and when the rejection email landed in my inbox this week, the usual heart-racing pangs of inadequacy entered my mind. Not only had I lost money on the entry fee, but my work was ‘unwanted’. I’ve spent some time facing those demons these last couple of days and reminding myself that I make my work for ME.
So if that’s the cutting and sticking, and the zoom interviews were the calling, what’s the sitting and subtitling this week’s post refers to?
We’ve been doing a lot of sitting. Sitting and staring, sitting and watching the sun set, sitting and reading books, sitting and checking Instagram, sitting and feeling guilt for sitting, sitting and swatting mosquitoes away (it’s rather hot all of a sudden), sitting and eating crisps, sitting and calling friends, sitting and laughing, smiling, frowning, thinking.
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(images, left to right) Everyday scenes from the cottage, cutting and sticking, and a lot of sitting (as demonstrated by George!)
It feels totally bonkers that as we face a global health pandemic, all I’m drawn to do (or able to do) is sit. And George and I have certainly discussed the guilt, lack of motivation, boredom and soul-searching that’s grown (and comes along with sitting!) in recent weeks. I’m not sure if there’s some grand benefit to all this sitting, but it has called for the enjoyment of many a good book, and also a good phonecall.
One of the most joyful moments (spent sitting!) this week was surely the video call I had for my Granny’s 80th birthday, between my mum, my brother, my aunt and my Granny herself. There were laughs and cheers, ridiculous filters used and lots of talk of birthday booze and plentiful cake. But after the call, there were also moments of reflection and of gratitude; that we are able to celebrate together (albeit digitally) for the momentous milestone that is my wonderful Granny’s eightieth birthday, as she sits alone in her house in Scotland, is a blessing. Of course, I would have loved to have seen her in person, but I am so bloody grateful that we can connect to her even if just through the airwaves.
Birthdays in May seem to be a common occurrence in my family, and this week saw my Mum’s birthday too. Again, there was a sense of loss that unsurprisingly, I couldn’t be with her due to coronavirus (a fact made worse by the fact I don’t think I’ve been with my Mum on her birthday for about five years), but we were also able to chat and videocall. And I was also able to go back through my photos, reflecting on wonderful times shared across the years.
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(images, left to right) Looking back at memories with mum - as a child in a sling, on our trip to Sri Lanka in 2018, and at the exhibition opening of ‘Talking Sense’ where one of her sculptures was displayed at the Portico Library last year.
Access to computers and the internet, free time to sit and chill, and family who are safe and sound is not a privilege everyone shares. And I am so aware of that.
I continue to think of the inequalities this pandemic is highlighting, and the gaps it is widening. Access to the fundamental elements for a just and equitable life are basic human rights, and yet as BBC newsnight’s Emily Maitlis reminded us, 'The disease is not a great leveller'. If while I’m sitting this week, I can at least read, watch, learn and share ideas about how we can tackle these gaping inequalities, my sitting was perhaps not in vain.
As our fifteenth week on the road drew to a close, and looked ever less like life actually ‘on the road’, I decided to take on the task of subtitling The Hundred Miler.
Initially, the only motivation to create comprehensive subtitles for Broaden’s thirty minute documentary was so that we could enter foreign film fests. And even then, we’d have had it professionally subtitled if we weren’t looking for ways to save money!
And so I naively embarked on what was to become a two-day odyssey involving Artificial Intelligence transcript detection, manually correcting the script, learning about timecodes, downloading .srt files and working to integrate them with YouTube.
The long and short of it is that The Hundred Miler (which also hit a whopping 100,000 views this week) now has complete ‘closed caption’ subtitles which you can use and enjoy on YouTube! But more than that, through conversations with others I realised the importance of subtitles from an accessibility perspective, as a critical tool to help deaf and hard-of-hearing people, as well as those for whom English isn’t their mother tongue. It was a refreshing reminder that we exclude people without meaning to, but that we can also actively include them if we take certain measures.
So that’s it, Week 15 in all its mundane glory. To those of you who are still here, reading my reflections on these strange and tumultuous times, thank you. Maybe this week you’ve been cutting, calling, sticking, sitting and subtitling too, and for that, I salute you. 
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‘til the river bends
for #tyriaslibraryevent.
Week 2 (August 8-14) —  Travel / home 
features my character: afritan and references his boyfriend moldark (@commander-twig)
Swarms of mosquitoes hang low over the wetland. White sunlight bathes the marsh in an oddly submerged glow, underscored by the sound of the large waterfall. Aside from skales and reef drakes and the small gudgeons darting between his boots, the area’s largely abandoned. The Awakened once haunting the stretch of Bonewall and beyond dispersed into splintered groups after the Commander defeated Joko in Kourna, rudderless, left to their own devices. There’s word some even joined forces with the Pact in Dragonfall. 
Afritan trudges through the water to Stonyard Rest. The giant hand of a fallen statue beckons him closer. 
One page, that’s all he’s missing to complete the Legacy, one sandworn page lost to the seemingly endless sprawl of desert and water in the Elon Riverlands. He’s ventured into Augury Rock and what remains of the Deadhouse and combed through the Gladefields and the ruins of Pellentia. Some of his peers from the Priory who are active in the area assured him that based on the records, the last page should be around Elon Flow. Afritan pauses, the water sploshing against his ankles, and he studies the map with furrowed brow. 
A splash, the sound of something big moving across the water snaps him from his thoughts. Afritan instinctively reaches for the hilt of his sword, cautious, peering around for the source of the sound. 
Again, from his left. 
He unsheathes his weapon and walks into the direction of the sound with uneven strides; kicking up water and mud. 
His eyes widen at the sight of a springer hopping around the water. Riderless, scruffy-looking. Afritan huffs a breathy laugh; the tension bleeds from his posture, and he shakes his head a little. 
The springers’ coarse fur has a distinct color that reminds Afritan of red ironbark. Not an Elonan breed, Afritan muses as he softly puts his sword away, maybe from the Shiverpeaks? One of the springers’ floppy ears twitches at the 'click' of a sword sheathed, and the mount snaps its head up, but instead of stomping its paw in the water or posturing its aggression, it seems to observe him stoically, daring him to make the first move. 
“E-easy there,” Afritan says, voice barely above a whisper. “You’re f-far from home, aren’t you?”
The springers’ nose wrinkles; it’s sniffing him out but Afritan just smells of whetstone and bark and arid desert air. Its nostrils flare. Afritan puts both his hands up in response. 
Narrowing its big reddish eyes, the springer refuses to budge. Its behavior seems familiar, and Afritan thinks about strong hands holding the handle of an axe, about sunlight catching amber in leonine eyes, about a stone-faced expression melting into a private smile. A barbed tendril of hair slips from his sharp-tipped ear, and he automatically tucks it back.
"I'm f-far away from home t-too," Afritan confesses easily, holding the springers’ gaze as he takes a small step forward. He keeps his tone of voice light, airy. “There’s someone waiting for m-me. His name is Moldark a-and he’s a sylvari, like me.” 
Images of a cottage on the outskirts of Hoelbrak flash in front of his eyes. He never thought home could mean something other than the Grove. The view from the bedroom window at dawn is breathtaking: the mountain range carving up the pink sky, the morning fog rolling through the pine trees, blades of grass peeking through snow. Waking up warm and safe; his nose burrowed in the crook of Moldark’s neck, an arm draped over his waist. Homesickness feels like a knife to the gut. 
It’s easier to ignore on the open road.
Still Afritan can’t resist a small smile. He keeps talking softly while he approaches. “He was ap- appre--” Afritan keeps tripping up over the word and tries another one. “He was wary of me, but he didn’t run, didn’t hide. Like you. He w-waited me out even if I stuttered a lot and m-made a complete idiot of myself.”
When Afritan’s at arm’s length, the springer flattens its ears to the back of its head and draws up its front paws. Shutting up, Afritan stands stockstill for a second, then slowly extends his hand. Playing with fernhound pups back in Caledon taught him a thing or two about skittish animals. The springer levels him another look, but leans in to press its nose against the palm of Afritan’s hand. 
Silence works better, so he firmly keeps his mouth shut. It leaves room for the rustle of the wind through the leaves.
“H-here we go,” Afritan murmurs once the springer’s relaxed again. Gingerly he reaches out to pet the top of the its head. Its dark fur thick and warm between his fingers. He adds gently, “I’d hoped you w-wouldn’t run.”
He moves his hand to its neck and pats the springer there once or twice, nodding towards the toppled statues scattered across the clearing. “D-did you and your rider c-come from there?” 
The springer blinks, tips its head to the side; nose wrinkling. Afritan hums under his breath and turns his gaze to the steep cliffs walling off Elon Flow from one side, jutting out the wetland like islets; a nesting place for harpies and vultures. There’s the possibility its rider got cocky up there, and the springer barely made it out with the skin of its teeth. He checks the mount for wounds, for patches of fur matted with dried blood. None of that, luckily. 
Afritan smiles up at the springer and asks, “How about I h-help you look for your rider? They c-can’t have gone far on foot, can they?”
Maybe the rider’s gone to the oasis camp to get supplies, Afritan reasons as he gently guides the springer from under the shade of the palm trees. 
They head off north. 
Aside from the water sloshing over boots and paws, there’s only the forlorn croaking of frogs, the buzzing of mosquitoes. It’s a stark contrast with the desert skirting along the Arid Gladefields. Three skale crowded together at the foot of a tall palm watch them pass by, maws wet with fresh blood, and Afritan’s stomach turns. They move on, move past. 
Afritan couldn’t quite catch what the skale were feasting on and he'd rather not guess.  
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firebirdsdaughter · 6 years
... I found a Zi-O raw!
More thoughts below! Warning: this is ESPECIALLY long! (please do not feel at all obligated to read the whole thing)
Sougo driving the bike off the road and then ducking beneath the curb to hide from Geiz reminds me of Emu, in full golden-dreadlock mode, hiding behind a corner from the people-turned-bugsters and peeking out like a little kid.
The small twelve year old--er... Sorry, sixteen year old--is playing hopscotch w/ the dead guy. That they just... Left there? I guess Geiz popping up did distract everyone.
And... As I suspected, he’s back. Well--suspected bc preview images, but... Ya know.
Woz! That actor is having a lot of fun and I appreciate it. I’m wondering if they had to do that scene multiple times bc he had trouble pulling the hood up smoothly.
The fact that he disappeared from the outside the temple just to appear immediately at Sougo’s house is both unnecessary and hilarious.
Also: ‘I Woz-proofed my house, but he still got in!’
Aw, Geiz is a good boo. I guess maybe he and Tsukuyomi were going back to find Another Build when... Another Build found them.
And another aw, she’s worried about him! They’re cute. I love friendship.
Oh! Baseballs this time! Does that mean he found a Best Match?
And Sougo’s here! Yeah, thinking about it, saving his life is probably one of the best things you could do to make Geiz pause about killing you--given that future you tried to kill him, it’s an antithesis, so... Did that make sense?
On that note, I think Woz told him were they were/that Geiz was fight Another Build? I know he said Geiz’ name while invading Sougo’s house. Where was Junichiro in that scene, anyway?
On that note, apparently Sougo is vaguely okay at baseball.
Oh my god, the dramatic music, and then the damn eye shine... If we could have seen Geiz’ face, I’m sure it would have been ‘WTF???’
Oop! He Rider Kicked! Congrats on the first one, Sougo! Though... It may not have stuck.
And then he just runs off, in full transformation. Oh, my baby, my loser. Well, Geiz and Tsukuyomi can keep it busy so there are no new victims.
Wait. Did he just run... All the way to Nascita? I guess... I guess they’re in the same city? Huh. ... Do all KR series take place in the same city? Is this all just supposed to be Tokyo? ... No, that can’t be it.
I love how he just kinda tried to dive into the fridge.
Aaaaaaand.... Here are the dorks! Wait... Shouldn’t Misora and Souichi be here? Eh, maybe they couldn’t get the actors back (or couldn’t afford to w/ everyone else they were planning/wanted to bring back).
You know, while I do mostly agree that maybe they coulda waited an ep before diving into the Build cameo, I think they may have been trying to use it to establish the ‘schtick’ of the season so to speak (at least the beginning schtick--like how w/ Build it was ‘find and fight Smash’ and w/ Ex-Aid it was ‘find Bugster Virus patients’) using a Rider that, as it had just finished, everyone was already familiar w/. Though in regards to that, obviously they start w/ Build bc he’s the most recent. But the point is, I’m thinking it may have been meant to be the ‘tutorial’ or ‘introduction’ incident of the series. I could be wrong ofc, and like I said, I do think would probably have behoved them to wait an episode, I think I get why they did it this way. That... May have made no sense. I’m sorry.
God, even in this small scene, the chemistry between these two remains amazing. Glad Eiji and Atsuhiro seem to be having fun.
So... I accidentally paused it at a moment where Sento looks like a scared rabbit and Ryuuga looks like he’s being protective. Cuties.
Also, I guess the Time Jackers are stealing the powers long-distance? Speaking of Evil Cutie Baby Boy (that’s his name, right?) there was a shot in the trailer of him freezing Build and Cross-z in time to harass Sougo. Wonder if that’s in this ep? (it probably is, and then I’ll be too lazy/stubborn to delete this bullet point later)
Oooooooo! And we get Geiz’ Rider Kick! That was interesting!
The teleporting Ride Watches strike again! Seriously, who made those things? They get around faster than mosquitos! ... Maybe.
So... What, it just had to get double-Rider Kicked, or just Rider Kicked twice to die? I am the confused.
Pfffft. Sento and Ryuuga screaming when they realise they’re hugging. Well, half hugging.
Oh! So... Something just rewrote time? So Sento giving Sougo the Build Ride Watch in 2018 creates a stable time loop for something that’s going to happen in 2017, which 2018 Sento remembers bc it’s his past, but that Sougo doesn’t understand bc it’s his future. Time travel.
Wait... Are we just completely nixing Sento’s actual first meeting w/ Zi-O? Bc even if it’s from Sougo’s future, it’s from Sento’s past (the movie), and the Sento of now should remember it. Maybe. Though maybe that got retconned so he forgot. Again. Time travel.
Oh! It did come back! Wait... Why did Sento and Ryuuga’s memories change when Geiz kicked it? Or... Maybe they just ‘reset’ like that every time it’s destroyed, and then when it respawns they get rewritten again. Or maybe talking is a free action.
Aw, poor Geiz has Rider Kicked too many times and worn himself out.
Oh. So they have to use the power of the Rider that the power was stolen from to destroy it?
Sougo correctly identifying Geiz as his secondary and handing him the Cross-z Ride Watch. Love them.
Speaking of which--have I mentioned I love Geiz?
I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I know I said I would stop doing that. I just really love secondaries, okay!
Geiz is taller than him and he’s gonna be the grumpy big brother and it’s cute! Fight me.
No, no, again, please don’t. I’m a mess rn, I’ll cry.
Aw! They ran Fast Like Sonic together! I think Sougo saving their lives is what’s making Geiz willing to work w/ him temporarily--not to mention the, er, Another Rider attacking people. Geiz is a good boy. But I’m sure he’ll get more hostile again once the situation is over.
It’s is Time Majin! I feel so deceived.
Oh! Hey, it’s the Best Match Boys again! Can they transform? Maybe. I honestly don’t care anymore. Not in a negative way, though. I’m more not bothered bc I’m enjoying this--if that makes sense?
So the format seems to be--they meet the Riders somehow (be it in the past, or in the present). A Time Jacker, meanwhile, goes back in time and creates Another Rider. So what our heroes have to do is find the Rider in the present and fix their memories--even temporarily--to get the Ride Watches from them and create a stable time loop of some kind, then go back to that time period (again, if they’ve been there before) and destroy the Another Rider there to set things to rights. So maybe more like the Riders are lending them a portion or piece of their power rather than it being ‘taken’ or anything, and they’re not really effecting the original flow of the previous story, just adding a scene were ‘monster that wasn’t a MOTW showed up and then some time traveler folks did, too.’  Ofc we’re only part way through the ep, so there could be other effects, I don’t know yet.
OH. MY. GOD. Another Build sees Ryuuga and then just... GLOMPS him. And shouting ‘BEST MATCH!’ While Sento just kinda is like ‘WTF?’
But oh boy is he probably gonna be mad at Ryuuga for rejecting him...
I guess the guy also got... Connected to Build’s memory somehow? Bc he was able to identify Ryuuga as Cross-z w/out any outside clues, and I don’t think it was common knowledge? After all, he was still a wanted criminal at that point, right?
Oh! They can transform, but it’s glitchy as hell. I see... But why is Ryuuga being glitched? I get Sento being effected, bc Another Build is, well, right there, but there isn’t Another Cross-z, so what’s happening w/ Ryuuga?
Well, either way, it’s still nice to see Cross-z’s original suit again. Shoulda said that last ep, too. That was a damn good suit. Glad they were able to keep it active, even just for these few eps. Might get scrapped after though. Still grateful, however.
The other dork boys! Are here! Yay!
Ah! Evil Cutie Baby Boy! Also, hey, there’s that scene I was talking about. No, I’m not going to delete that bullet point out of spite. Spite for what? Don’t ask me.
Geiz is like ‘... Oh. You.’ at Uhr. Like, that’s his expression. I love it.
Meanwhile, Sougo has no clue what’s going on.
I should note that I don’t actually know if Geiz knows who Uhr is, bc he didn’t say anything like Tsukuyomi did w/ Woz. I just drawing conclusions from my reading of his expression.
This boy has the cutest damn smile I wanna hug him to pieces I’m dying here. He’s clearly a shit but he’s got such a baby face and he’s just a kid and I’m feeling parental for evil murder children someone help me.
I thought only Schwarz could freeze time, though? Well, maybe he can just doing over a wider area for longer.
Well, Sougo’s response to Evil Cutie Baby Boy seems to have won him some points w/ Geiz... You’re doing a good job making up for your poor communication in ep 1, honey.
Actually, one thing that bothers me about Uhr’s appearance is that the strand of his hair w/ the feather in it (that all the TJs have--yes, they’re TJs now) just cross right across his forehead and never moves and it’s kinda distracting.
Aw, look, boys, you’re already synchronised in putting your Drivers on. Ya’ll are gonna be friends whether you like it or not!
Four Riders, no waiting!
Oh, no... They got de-Ridered!
Well, we now know that Sougo can’t swim, I guess. Or... Maybe just not in the suit? Also, awwwww, Geiz pulled him out.
Woz here on par w/ Kogure for unexplained abrupt entrances. If there’s a crossover between Zi-O and LuPat, I really hope there’s a scene where they do it to each other or something.
Sougo looking around like ‘Ah! Where’d he come from!’ is really funny, too. He even looks up at the damn sky.
Also, I’m just gonna assume he’s got a Time Majin hidden somewhere. Unless there’s another way to jump through time they haven’t shown yet.
He did it!
Ah, so this is the memory that Sento had earlier.
Oh and, hey, Woz smiled! Not sure if that was a good thing, but he’s got a nice smile.
And... There he goes again.
Oh, wait... Are we gonna get Geiz’ reaction to Woz? Admittedly, Tsukuyomi only got to act surprised and ask what he was doing there (and got no answer), but Geiz hasn’t seen him yet. Does he know him, too?
Okay, I’m really liking the trend of people ignoring Woz’s speeches to do other things. Like the first time when Sougo was wondering at his transformation, and here where Sento whispers to him. It’s funny and I hope they keep doing it. I’m also hoping one day (if Woz shows up to do this every time Sougo gets a new Ride Watch) that some day someone (probably Geiz or Tsukuyomi) is gonna shove him aside or at least tell him to shut up and he gets offended. Double funny if they cover his mouth.
Sento and Ryuuga just watching the math move slowly along. Sento doesn’t seem pleased. Ryuuga just looks confused.
Oooooh! I see! Now this adds to the formula. They give the Riders the Ride Watches in the past, so that they carry them w/ them and it... I dunno, learns about their power, or is just there and ready in the future present/when they’re needed. And that’s why Sento and Ryuuga had them in their pockets! Rest of the proposed format still holds.
Eh? Katsuragi? Though... His personality doesn’t seem different at all? And he’s still on good terms with Ryuuga... And... I don’t see how what happened there would change him into Katsuragi? Maybe... Something went wrong w/ the Another Build power return? Plus, when Sougo went to see them at Nascita earlier in the ep, it seemed like he was Sento then, didn’t it? I could have sworn Ryuuga called him that? So it’s not actually that big a change? I’m confused.
Geiz is just like ‘Tsukuyomi, I literally saved him earlier, I think it’s pretty clear I’m taking a pausing from being terminator for the moment.’
Hm. So he’s going to try and investigate why the alterations are happening? So maybe he figures it out and that’s why Sento is still Sento in the present? You know what, I’m not gonna worry about that stuff, it’s just gonna give me a headache.
Oh god, he comes downstairs and they’re both in his house, I love it. I guess Geiz saw the sign at some point, and when he decided to hold off on the killing Zi-O plan was like ‘oh hey, that could be useful!’
Tsukuyomi, nailing the fake introduction. Geiz here being a grumpy bear (though he still nails the fake introduction, just as a grump). I love this so much.
Sougo has the ‘I just woke up’ excuse for any nonsense he might accidentally say.
Tsukuyomi denies the handshake and Geiz is just like ‘hi, I’m gonna threaten you now’ (I assume that’s what he’s doing).
And then Geiz and Tsukuyomi reacting to the food (I guess it’s not what they’re used to--can’t tell whether it was a positive or negative reaction though).
Oh, hi Woz! are you the narrator?
EMU! So you’re a full-on paediatrician! Good on you!
Excited for next ep! Looking forward to seeing my grouchy emo surgeon son and his gamer ray of sunshine again! Seems he’s calling Emu ‘paediatrician’ instead of ‘intern’ now, hee hee. More primary-secondary friendship, give me more, MORE! Ahem. I also just really loved that particular relationship and I hope they get friendship interactions. Though I don’t think there’s been a Brave Ride Watch? Maybe there has and I missed it.
Sorry for the long post! Imaginary cookies and a hardy handshake for anyone who actually read to the end.
... Have I mentioned I--JK.
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bbterra-is-natural · 6 years
Unstable (BBTerra)
It hurt to forget. But it also hurt to remember. She knew what she had done was horrible and this was the reason why she had cut herself off from everyone – but somehow, she couldn’t cut herself off from him.
The image of the green-skinned changeling still remained in her mind – and it pained her each time she thought of him. Maybe it was because she had told him to forget about her and her last memory of him was a pained expression – the pain of having lost her.
But Terra tried hard to move on as she went from class to class but even after over a week, the pain was still deep. Her grades were not very high and even her friends had tried to cheer her up on a few occasions.
And she played along.
The girl let out a sigh as the teacher signaled the end of class. Finally, she could get away! The bell rang and Terra stood up, telling her friends that she’d meet up with them another day. Today, she was just not feeling it.
The girl walked through the hallways until she came up at her locker. Eyes widened when she saw a small necklace hung from it from the inside – it was a silver heart with a T inside it.
And all she saw was another reminder from her past – that she was Terra. And the image of the shape-shifter came to her mind once again, squeezing her heart.
In a fit of anger and sadness, the girl ripped the necklace from the locker and disposed of it in the closest trashcan.
With quick steps, she swung open the door of the school and hurried away. And just before the door closed, a small salamander slipped through the closed door, scurrying towards the girl’s locker.
But the necklace wasn’t there and the animal morphed into human. He looked left and right but the hallways were empty and he made his way back.
Did she take it? Beast Boy hoped so. It’s been a week he stopped himself from looking for her – too long for his taste. So he decided to leave her a small gift.
A flicker of hope spread through him at the prospect of her possibly remembering him. But the smile he wore vanished as soon as he noticed the same necklace in a trashcan he was passing. He stopped and stared into the trashcan, anger and sadness gripping him like the cold.
How could she do this to him? Why wouldn’t she even want to be his friend? Even if he had done something to anger her or she didn’t want to be a hero anymore, he was willing to start over with her.
His hands clenched to fists and a frown formed on his face.
Did she hate him?
His eyes rested on the T in the heart of the necklace and the word ‘traitor’ flashed in front of his eyes. He once again felt betrayed.
The ringing of his communicator woke him from his thoughts and he activated it.
“What?” he barked.
“I’m fine. Thanks for asking,” Raven remarked sarcastically. “Where are you? We got trouble with Brother Blood.”
“I’m busy,” he replied as his eyes rested on the necklace.
“We need you, Beast Boy. What you’re doing can wait,” Robin said as he appeared on the screen. “He’s at Chang’s lab. Meet us there in 15 minutes,” Robin ordered and the changeling made a face at him.
“Listen, we know you haven’t been feeling the best lately but that’s not an excuse to just act all high and mighty. Either you’re helping or you’ll get in trouble and nobody’s gonna help you,” Raven said. “I’m gonna contact you in 15 minutes and you better be there,” she warned and the screen turned black.
Great! More people telling him what to do and ignoring him!
With a heavy heart, he picked up the necklace, stuffed it in his belt pocket and left. He quickly reached his destination as a raven and morphed back into human in front of the lab.
But his team wasn’t here yet and he guessed he had around 5 minutes left. And he didn’t like to wait for them to come so he decided to check out the situation himself.
He opened the door to the rather unsuspecting building (which was something looking like a private company for shipments of some sort). The hallway he found himself in was somewhat dark and he morphed into a cat to have a better view. Soon, he came up at a bigger hall, lined with tables that had microscopes on them and he noticed on the table on the far side of the hall containing several jars with various liquids in them.
But where was Brother Blood? And as if answering his question, he heard footsteps behind him and he turned around only to get blasted towards the table with the jars on them, shattering them and spilling the contents to the floor.
Talk about a lucky shot!
“Cheating…as always,” the changeling groaned and got back to his feet to see the villain, pointing a red beam at him.
“I’m surprised to see you here. Where are the others? I’ve been anticipating meeting Cyborg again,” he smiled and the smile made the changeling only angrier.
“You have to get through me first if you want to have a piece of Cyborg,” he retorted before morphing into a bull, letting out a snort before charging head on.
“That will be child’s play,” the villain laughed before holding out one of his hands. And with particular ease, he managed to stop the bull from charging as he relentlessly pushed against him. “My turn now,” he said quite proudly before pointing the palm of his other hand towards him and a red laser shot him once again against the table.
The bull morphed back and the changeling slowly got up from between broken glass and wood, his glare fixed at the mechanized Brother Blood.
He could wait for Cyborg to show up. Beast Boy wasn’t done with him yet!
He charged again and Brother Blood prepared to shoot at him again but the changeling turned to a field mouse, zigzagging his way out of the laser beams and once he got close, morphed into a mosquito and flying behind him.
That got Brother Blood confused for a moment and Beast Boy decided to strike now.
He morphed into a gorilla and swung his large hands against him, knocking him towards the wall. But he wasn’t done yet and approached him, lifting him up.
And to his surprise, he got knocked back with a yet stronger laser.
“Is that all you have to offer? Don’t make me laugh,” the changeling heard the madman’s laughter and heard his approaching footsteps.
Then, he’d do something else.
Wrapping one of his hands around a small jar that seemed to be intact, he quickly hurled it at him. The glass shattered releasing the remaining blue liquid on him and he staggered back as his mechanical parts began sizzling.
“W-what have you done?” he roared and prepared to attack him but Beast Boy was already prepared and flung himself as a wolf at him,
He got his hand between his jaws and prepared to crush the metallic hand but Brother Blood wasn’t done yet.
And just as his team had arrived at the scene, the villain shot a large beam form the hand that was between the wolf’s jaws, catapulting the wolf back with a pained whimper.
“Beast Boy! Don’t let him attack!” Robin shouted to his team but something wasn’t right.
Brother Blood seemed not to have complete control of his mechanical body anymore since he not only shot at the Titans but also at the ceiling and walls, making the building unstable.
This made it harder for the others to restrain him.
“He’s out of control! We can’t get even close to him,” Cyborg shouted and they looked to Robin for instructions on what to do.
But before they could say anything, Beast Boy flew into the air as a dove before landing on him as a panther, once again keeping one hand in his jaws.
Unfortunately, that caused a constant beam to be shot at the ceiling and pieces of it were already falling down.
But Beast Boy didn’t care unless he didn’t destroy his suit (or maybe even break his arm) and he wouldn’t let go.
“Raven! Get Beast Boy off him before he’ll make the whole building collapse!” Robin shouted before ordering the others to get out.
And in a flash, the panther was surrounded in dark magic and no amount of struggling helped him escape before he was flung to the ground.
“What was that for? I almost got him!” Beast Boy retorted once he morphed back and Raven looked at him in annoyance and slight disappointment.
“And you also made us all get buried under cement. Now get out before that really happens,” she said and covered Brother Blood in a dark ball, paralyzing him momentarily until they all got out of the building.
Once they were all outside, Cyborg aimed his canon at him (having filled it with some water while they were outside) before shooting at him, successfully shutting him down.
“Finally we are victorious!” Starfire exclaimed relieved before Robin turned to Beast Boy.
“Yeah. But we told you to wait in front of the building. Why did you just fight him on your own?” he asked sternly and the changeling frowned.
“You didn’t show up when I came so I thought I could just check out what he was up to,” he replied and the leader gave him a disapproving look.
“All you had to do was just wait for two minutes. Then we didn’t have to deal with almost getting crushed.”
“I tried to help you! It wasn’t my fault he just kept shooting around himself like crazy!” the changeling retorted and crossed his arms (although that wasn’t entirely true as it was probably the chemicals doing that to him).
“But by you trying to stop him, you almost made the whole ceiling collapse!” the Titan leader retorted a little heatedly and Beast Boy turned away from him, anger and guilt fighting a battle inside him.
“I…I was just trying to help. How should’ve I known something like this was gonna happen?” he muttered and his hands clenched to fists.
“I know. But I think it’s better that you listen to what you’re being told, Beast Boy,” Robin said before Raven placed a hand on his shoulder to signal him to give Beast Boy a little space.
“I…think I need a little moment. I’ll join you guys later,” the changeling muttered and Robin thought for a moment before agreeing to his request.
Relief flooded the changeling before he walked away. He wasn’t sure where he wanted to go but he kept walking through the streets anyways. He hadn’t felt the best lately and maybe a little fresh air could get him back in shape.
The sun was high in the sky and the weather was hot with a cool breeze blowing through the air.
Deciding to enjoy this nice breeze, the changeling took off into the air and the feeling of the wind between his feathers was something he enjoyed every time.
And as he flew over the city, he came across a familiar diner and he flew down, morphing back into human – it was Ben’s. The memories that came with that sign were painful…but the changeling entered the diner anyways, just so he could sink back into those memories again.
It was all he had left of her anyways.
He sat by the counter and ordered a cherry juice because he was in no mood for anything else. His gaze went to the mirror behind the counter and at first all he saw was his tired looking face (with slight burn marks on one side of his face but they’d probably fade away by tomorrow or so).
But as his gaze shifted away from his face, he saw a very familiar figure sitting in one of the booths in the back – a girl with blonde hair.
And his gaze remained on her.
Meanwhile, the girl didn’t really register much as she idly twirled the spoon inside her chocolate milkshake. She hadn’t touched her drink yet as her thoughts were somewhere else.
They were back to the time where she wasn’t alone here – the night before her life spiraled downwards. That night had been the only one where she, for a moment, forgot about anything that had hurt her – that night she was…free and happy.
She could still hear her own laughter, see her own smile. When was the last time she had laughed? She couldn’t remember.
Her fingers gripped the spoon tighter and she tried to forget those bittersweet memories. She had to let go…no matter how hard it was for her.
But like her grip on the spoon, she found herself almost clinging to her memories – to her old life.
She was brought back from her trance as she noticed a shadow over her and she turned…to see the changeling standing beside her. Her gaze hardened immediately as the memories only became more vivid and painful. “What do you want?” she asked, her voice indifferent.
How he hated that tone she addressed him with!
But he put on a smile anyways. “Hey, uh, I didn’t want to bother you or something. But I think you forgot something. Is this yours?” he asked and pulled out the necklace from his belt pocket.
Her eyes widened for a split-second before she almost spat her answer. “No.” Where did he find that? Did he follow her around in school?
“Oh. Uh, I thought it was yours. Sorry if I bothered you,” he chuckled a little, putting the necklace back and saw her waiting for him to leave.
He would…but not before he didn’t get the answer to his next question.
“You come here often?”
“No. Now if you’d excuse me, Beast Boy,” she said, trying to make him leave. She didn’t want to be bothered with more reminders.
And for some strange reason, she saw his brows furrow as he shot her a disapproving glance.
So Terra dared to say his name but act like she didn’t know him at all?
The frown vanished and he grinned at her. “Hope it’s not getting too boring. You know, sitting here all alone and stuff. I thought your two friends would be here,” he said and he noticed how her gaze went to the table.
Terra felt guilt spread in her. She didn’t even trust Amber and Dionne that much. Sometimes, she’d just decline hanging out with them because she feared that they’d get too close to her.
She didn’t want to lose them either.
“They…were too busy,” she blurted out and the changeling decided to try something to make her come out of her shell a bit more.
“Do you want some company?” he asked, smiling at her and for a moment, Terra glanced at him.
Would it be ok to say yes? Of course not! She wanted to…but she couldn’t.
The hand on the table turned to a fist. “I’m fine. I don’t need company,” she replied but the changeling knew she was lying. Everything spoke for a big, fat lie!
And he felt his own hand turn to fists. But he held himself back. He could never hurt her!
“Cool! I mean…if you ever want to hang out or something…you can uh call me or something?” he said sheepishly.
“I don’t need to call you,” she replied and the changeling felt annoyed with her negative attitude. But he noticed that she was hesitant, thinking her answer over and he decided to make it easier for her (or more like for himself).
“How about we hang out one day? I mean just for once. And…if you don’t like it…you know, I won’t bother you again,” he said slowly, his gaze on her untouched drink.
And that’s where Terra was torn – she neither wanted to get him into her life again, yet, knew she couldn’t stand pushing him out of her life for good.
It had pained her once to crush his happy expression and even until today she felt sick with guilt. She couldn’t do this again – for once…she wanted to see that sunny smile again.
“I…guess one day is fine. But not too late into the night. I really need to get home before midnight at the latest,” she answered slowly and she felt her heart skip a beat, seeing that usual bright smile she had missed.
Yeah, right! She was again lying! She never had a real home! Her only home was in the Tower – with him!
But again, nothing betrayed his thoughts as he gave her a thumbs-up. “Great! So how about today at 7?” he asked and he felt elevated as Terra didn’t object.
He felt more confident and stepped a little closer to her booth. “So mind if I keep you company until you finish your drink?” he chuckled as he pointed at the empty space next to her.
“Yes,” she replied and his laughter died abruptly and suddenly, the cheery atmosphere died. “S-sorry,” she stammered but the changeling held up a hand to silence her.
“No, I get it,” he said quietly. You still think I’m annoying. You still think running is the best option you have. “You want to have some space. And maybe prepare or something, right? I totally get that. Don’t worry. See ya here at 7 then,” he smiled before he walked out of the store, leaving his drink on the counter.
And Terra, feeling guilty and hurt once again, tried hard to stop the tear that wanted to escape her.
The changeling soon arrived at the tower and all he wanted to do was prepare for the evening which was in just a few hours. So he quickly hurried through the hallways when he bumped into Starfire.
“Oh. Apologies, Beast Boy. I did not see where I was going,” she apologized and the changeling waved a hand at her.
“No worries. I guess I’m a pretty short guy,” he chuckled and Starfire smiled at him.
“It seems something good has happened to you. You normally do not smile at your short statue when someone does the pointing it out,” she remarked and he scoffed.
“I’m short. So what? I can still turn into giant dinos. No big deal,” he grinned. Yes, normally he’d be angry at being short. But since he can morph into things not even Cyborg could surpass (or beat), he didn’t let it get to him. He moved past her. “I gotta take care of something. See ya later,” he told her before reaching the door of his room.
That’s when Robin came up behind him.
“How’re you feeling?” he asked and the other furrowed his brows at him.
“Huh? What do you mean? I’m good.”
The leader looked him up and down for a moment and the changeling raised a confused brow. Why was he being inspected like he was an experiment?
“What’s wrong?” the changeling asked.
“Nothing. I guess you needed some alone time,” he smiled and the changeling smiled back.
Yeah, that…and Terra’s approval.
“But…if there’s ever anything bothering you, you can come talking to us, you know?” Robin said slowly and the changeling looked in surprise at him before slowly, the smile returned.
“Sure. But I’m good. Really,” he said and the leader gave a nod at him. “I just gotta take care of something. But thanks for letting me know,” he said before he took a step closer to his room, making the doors swish open.
Robin watched him go inside before the doors closed and he slowly turned away. Hopefully, it was as he said. But he didn’t get very far since he met Raven on his way to his own room.
“What did he say?”
“Beast Boy. He said he was fine and he really seemed to be fine too.”
Raven’s gaze went to the hallway. “I hope he wasn’t just dismissing you. He had been on an emotional roller-coaster for the past days. I just hope it’s over. It…doesn’t do him good,” Raven said before Robin put a hand on her shoulder.
“I think he’s fine, Raven.”
Raven hoped so.
The time seemed to drag on and even after taking a shower and trying to put himself in best shape, the changeling still had some time left until he had to set off. So he decided to play a little on the Gamestation.
And he surprised himself, seeing him fight through endless enemies with particular ease and even beat Cyborg’s high score! Could this day get any better?
He played some more until he his alarm rang, signaling him to leave. He quickly shut it off before rushing out of his room when he met Robin again.
“Where are you off to?” he asked with a surprised smile and the changeling scratched the back of his head.
“Uh…just wanting to hang out at the new game center today,” he lied and Robin thought for a moment.
“But what if something’s up? I mean, you need to be available.”
And the changeling rolled his eyes, having heard this line so many times now, it was beginning to get annoying. “Yeah, yeah. I’ve got it right here,” he said, showing him his communicator.
“And try to answer when we call you,” he added, making the changeling remember the last time he had met Terra – the girl that didn’t want to see him anymore.
“I know. I’ll pick it up when I get a call,” he said a bit irritated before rushing past his leader…and Robin was wondering if Beast Boy really felt as good as he seemed just a few seconds ago.
It didn’t take him long until he came up at Ben’s and he quickly walked inside. But Terra wasn’t there and he checked the time – he still had 5 minutes left until 7.
So he sat by the counter and waited for her. He decided not to order anything while he waited so he could leave some space for when Terra arrived.
But it seemed that he didn’t need to leave any space since even after 5 minutes, Terra didn’t seem to show up. Where was she? Was she stuck in traffic or something?
The changeling began to worry. Was she maybe in trouble? He glanced to the clock every minute or so and even after 10 minutes, she didn’t show up.
What was taking her so long?
And suddenly, he remembered her guilty expression and her unwillingness to even talk to him during their conversation earlier today. The anger was slowly manifesting in him.
Did she ditch him?
He didn’t want to admit it but it seemed not unlikely. It really seemed that she didn’t want to see him anymore. But at the same time, he couldn’t just believe that!
She had seemed so happy around him before – what had he done to make her hate him this much?
He couldn’t find the answer and he felt the anger only increasing in him and his hands clenched to fists. What did he do wrong?
He was too absorbed in his own thoughts that he didn’t notice said girl slowly enter the diner.
And Terra stopped in her tracks, seeing the scowl and tense posture he held as he sat by the counter.
She had long decided whether or not to meet up with him once he left but ultimately, decided to meet up with him. She didn’t want cause him more heartache…and maybe this was a chance for her to tell him a proper goodbye.
She wanted to cut herself off from him – at least for some time.
But as she laid her eyes on his angered expression, she was beginning to second-guess her decision. What had happened to him? He seemed to be…not entirely himself today – like he was a changed person.
Slowly, she approached him. “Beast Boy?” she muttered slowly and it was as if he just woke up from a trance.
“Huh? Oh, hey, Terra,” he blurted out and the girl glanced away for a moment.
“Stop calling me that!” she told him in a low voice and his expression was one of disapproval. Why should he? Wasn’t that her name?
“Oh. Yeah. Sorry,” he chuckled before Terra sat on a stool next to him. And the cheery tone vanished with his next statement. “You’re late.”
“I was stuck in traffic,” she muttered, not liking the disappointed, (almost commanding) tone in his voice.
He didn’t comment on her statement and tried to put back some cheer in the atmosphere. “So…want to drink something first?” he asked with a grin. “It’s on me.”
“No. I’m not thirsty,” she muttered as she glanced at herself in the mirror. Was it her that caused him to be so…confused – angry? And just like at her first date, all she saw in the mirror was a liar again.
It made her sick!
She was snapped out of her thoughts as she felt a gloved hand on her.
“You okay?” he asked a little concerned and Terra glanced at him a little confused. “You look much prettier with a smile on your face. I’ll promise we’ll have fun,” he smiled warmly at her and squeezed her hand to reassure her.
Maybe…she was thinking too much into him? Maybe she wasn’t the reason he was so off.
She glanced back at him. “I guess you’re right. I’m just…” she began before realizing that he still hadn’t removed his hand and it was getting a bit awkward. “…not sure. I’m just not sure you should spend time with someone like me.”
“I wouldn’t want to spend time with anyone else,” she heard him say and she felt the slightest amount of heat rush to her cheeks. Did…he still love her?
And then, the grip on her hand increased and she felt the pain from his almost vice-like grip and she tried to move her hand away.
He let her and Terra glanced at him in confusion.
“Trust me,” he smiled.
And once again, Terra didn’t know if she should.
For @cyanwings  A very belated (Happy Birthday) gift! :D
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xtruss · 4 years
The Billionaire Who Cried Pandemic
Few listened when Bill Gates warned of a pathogen-based outbreak five years ago. Now, he’s pushing science-based solutions to return to normalcy.
— By Jay Greene | May 2, 2020 | The Washington Post
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SEATTLE — As the coronavirus pandemic rapidly spread across the United States in March, Bill Gates peppered his longtime friend Jeff Raikes with the science behind testing for the disease during dinner at his home in Medina, Wash.
The two men ate sushi — at an “appropriate” social distance, Raikes said — while Gates detailed the challenges of using nasopharyngeal swabs that reach deep into nasal passages to test for the novel coronavirus. Instead, Gates offered that self-testing with simpler, shorter swabs could be more effective and wouldn’t require health-care workers to risk infection themselves, said Raikes, a former senior leader at Microsoft who went on to run the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
“He is in his element right now,” said Raikes, who has worked closely with Gates for four decades.
As the virus has spread, killing more than 239,000 people globally, Gates has used his fame and wealth to push for science-based approaches to end the pandemic. Having studied infectious diseases for the past 20 years as part of his philanthropic work, Gates has warned about the potential for a pathogen-spread pandemic since 2015, in a TED Talk, lectures and medical journal articles. Since February, the foundation he runs with his wife has given away $250 million to expand testing for the coronavirus and find a cure for covid-19, the disease it causes.
But the coronavirus is unlike any global health challenge Gates has faced. He’s spent years trying to address health threats vexing the developing world, such as malaria, polio and HIV. Those diseases have either vaccines or therapies, but the countries where they remain a major threat lack health systems to deliver them to people, something the Gates Foundation is trying to fix. When it comes to the coronavirus, though, there is neither a vaccine nor a therapy.
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With the coronavirus afflicting rich countries as well as developing ones, Gates also needs to navigate the thickets of U.S. politics. One new challenge for Gates: pressing messages that often run headlong into comments by President Trump that lack scientific basis. In an interview, Gates noted past global health achievements by the United States, such as President George W. Bush’s support for drugs to address the AIDS epidemic sweeping across sub-Saharan Africa nearly two decades ago.
“People are hoping for U.S. leadership. It’s still an opportunity we haven’t seized,” Gates said. “The vacuum of waiting for the U.S. to step in and help out with that, there’s still a huge opportunity there.”
The novel coronavirus is a master of disguise: Here's how it works
The novel coronavirus uses a number of tools to infect our cells and replicate. What we've learned from SARS and MERS can help fight covid-19. (Video: Brian Monroe/Photo: Brian Monroe/The Washington Post)
Gates hasn’t directly criticized Trump, and he remains largely apolitical. But research he has cited has undermined some of the president’s claims. The Gates Foundation, for example, is funding a clinical trial on hydroxychloroquine, the drug that Trump tweeted could, when combined with azithromycin, be “one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine.” Gates, though, focused on the data, writing in an April 23 blog post that early indications from the trial suggest “the benefits will be modest at best.”
Gates also took aim at the president’s plans in April to suspend payments to the World Health Organization in response to the U.N. agency’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic.
“Halting funding for the World Health Organization during a world health crisis is as dangerous as it sounds,” Gates tweeted on April 14, arguing that no other organization is capable of replacing the agency. The Gates Foundation is the second-biggest donor to the WHO, after the U.S. government.
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“Bill is a guy who believes in science and technology and the positive impact that can have in the world,” Raikes said. “I think at least subconsciously, like many of us, he’s been disturbed by the attack on science,” though Raikes acknowledged that he hasn’t talked specifically with Gates about the topic.
Despite politicians’ calls to quickly reopen society that aren’t backed by science, Gates is not likely to become more political now, said Sue Desmond-Hellmann, the former chief executive of the Gates Foundation. Gates’s philanthropic work — addressing the vexing inequities in global health and U.S. education systems — requires the support of governments.
“You have to pick your spots,” Desmond-Hellmann said. “Obviously, the WHO comment was of the magnitude that Bill and Melinda spoke out and said that the world needs the WHO.”
Here are the innovations we need to reopen the economy
Gates famously dropped out of Harvard University to found Microsoft with his high school buddy, Paul Allen. But he is a voracious reader, and over the past two decades of his charitable focus on global health, he’s taught himself the science of infectious diseases.
“When I spend billions of dollars on something, I have a tendency to read a lot about it,” Gates said.
As Gates began to move away from Microsoft in the early 2000s, he gave a fireside chat to senior leaders at its Redmond, Wash., conference center, discussing his foundation’s efforts to address malaria. Brad Smith, president of Microsoft, in particular recalled Gates’s “encyclopedic assessment” of mosquitoes, and how they behaved and transmitted the disease.
“I will always remember listening and thinking, ‘Oh, my gosh, he can go just as deep in talking about mosquitoes, as he did in talking about software code,’ ” said Smith, who has worked closely with Gates for 26 years.
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Melinda Gates and Bill Gates speak during “One World: Together At Home” charity event on April, 18, expressing hope that a covid-19 vaccine could emerge by the end of next year.
Melinda Gates and Bill Gates speak during “One World: Together At Home” charity event on April, 18, expressing hope that a covid-19 vaccine could emerge by the end of next year. (Getty Images)
Since the coronavirus first emerged in China late last year, Gates has consumed medical journal articles about testing, treatments and vaccines for the virus. He’s talked at length with immunologists, epidemiologists and social scientists about slowing the coronavirus’s spread.
“When Bill takes on an issue, he doesn’t seek to become just generally familiar with it,” Smith said.
Gates has met with presidents from both parties, including Trump. He has made campaign contributions to both Democrats and Republicans. Even when the federal government sued Microsoft for violating antitrust laws in the late 1990s, Gates refrained from publicly attacking the Clinton administration, which brought the suit.
With a net worth of $105 billion, Gates is the world’s second-wealthiest person, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, behind his Seattle neighbor Jeff Bezos, the chief executive of Amazon and owner of The Washington Post. Gates has poured much of his wealth into the foundation he runs with his wife. It has become one of the world’s largest philanthropies, with an endowment of $46.8 billion as of 2018.
Over the past two decades, he has gradually shed his Microsoft responsibilities to focus on philanthropic work. In March, he gave up the last of his formal Microsoft titles, stepping down from the company’s board, though he said he would continue to provide technology advice to its leadership.
Bill Gates leaves Microsoft’s board, stepping further away from the tech giant he co-founded
A pillar of Gates’s philanthropic thrust has been addressing the infectious diseases, such as malaria and polio, that continue to devastate the developing world. His foundation helped create a market for drugs for those diseases, which were often ignored by a pharmaceutical industry that has a financial incentive to develop medication for ailments common in the more lucrative markets of the developed world.
His knowledge of infectious diseases led him to the conclusion in 2015 that a pathogen-based pandemic could sweep over the globe, killing indiscriminately and destroying economies.
“If anything kills over 10 million people in the next few decades, it’s most likely to be a highly infectious virus rather than a war,” Gates said in his TED Talk, which seems eerily prescient today.
He expressed concern that governments hadn’t invested in systems to stop a pandemic in the same way they financed nuclear deterrents. He encouraged the development of strong health systems in poor countries where he expected the outbreak to first emerge. He pushed for stepped-up research into and development of vaccines and diagnostic testing apparatus. And he called for “germ games,” akin to war games, to simulate a pandemic to help identify shortcomings.
“We need to get going, because time is not on our side,” Gates said in the talk.
Bill Gates calls on U.S. to lead fight against a pandemic that could kill 33 million
It’s an issue he has regularly raised with government leaders around the world. That warning largely fell on deaf ears. The lack of response is something Gates laments as “unfortunate.”
“I often think, ‘Could I have been more persuasive?’ ” Gates said.
The foundation invested in efforts to prepare for a pandemic even before Gates’s TED Talk. Leaders including Gates worried about the impact the Ebola outbreak in 2014 had on its global health work and spent hundreds of millions of dollars building scientific infrastructure that is now helping slow the spread of the disease.
In 2017, it gave $279 million to the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington, a group to which it had previously given funds. IHME has since developed a widely used forecasting model to predict the need of hospital beds, ventilators and other medical equipment in every state and in countries around the globe.
The same year, the foundation committed nearly $100 million to help launch the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, which has been financing experimental research into coronavirus vaccines.
The 18-month-old, Gates-funded Seattle Flu Study research project tracks the spread of infectious diseases such as influenza. As the coronavirus outbreak was beginning to hit the United States, researchers with the project tested for the coronavirus even though it wasn’t what they were certified to do. They found one of the first U.S. cases in a teenager who tested positive for the virus.
The project’s mission has evolved into the Seattle Coronavirus Assessment Network, which is conducting coronavirus testing with self-swab sampling kits that won’t expose health workers to the virus. That testing has now received approval for emergency use by the Washington State Department of Health.
No, Bill Gates did not engineer the covid-19 pandemic — and other lessons on fake news
As the coronavirus spread, Gates has taken to the talk-show circuit, making his case for science-backed approaches. He chatted remotely on “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert,” lamenting the missed opportunities to have prepared for the pandemic. A few days earlier, he and his wife, Melinda, recorded a message aired during the One World: Together At Home global charity event expressing hope that a vaccine for the virus could emerge by the end of next year. That followed his video call with Ellen DeGeneres on her talk show in which he discussed the criteria for a return to normalcy.
His foundation’s global health efforts have allowed Gates to work with officials including Anthony S. Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health. Gates said he’s in frequent communication with both.
“I’m talking, actually quite a bit, to both Tony and Francis about what they’re seeing, what we’re seeing,” Gates said.
“My primary value add is finding out who the innovators are in understanding the system of scaling delivery that is necessary, like testing and contact tracing, which some countries are doing very, very well,” Gates said, bringing together scientists and researchers with whom the foundation is working and the government.
The Gates Foundation has faced past criticism for the outsize influence it wields in areas such as global health and public education. The massive sums that the foundation has put toward global health challenges has threatened to distort the way governments address those threats, encouraging them to adopt its priorities in order to receive its grants, according to research by Jeremy Youde, dean of the College of Liberal Arts and global health politics researcher at the University of Minnesota Duluth.
Youde acknowledged that the coronavirus pandemic is different. One reason: There’s so much money being poured into the public health crisis — from other philanthropies as well as pharmaceutical giants — that the Gates Foundation alone won’t determine the vaccine winners and losers. The pandemic illustrates “why it’s important to have these international collaborations,” Youde said.
There’s one group with whom Gates isn’t popular: the social media mob pushing conspiracy theories that the billionaire engineered the pandemic, and is mining it for profit and leveraging it for global surveillance and population control. His tweet about WHO funding cuts generated a flood of more than 75,000 comments, many questioning Gates’s motives and patriotism. Protesters at rallies pushing to end government lockdowns have waved signs railing against Gates.
Some conspiracy theories are being amplified by the Russian government, which is spreading misinformation about the coronavirus through “state proxy websites," according to a State Department report. One article from early March on the website of the Zvezda television channel, a Russian state-controlled network run by the ministry of defense, claims that Gates played a role in creating the virus.
“I got a note of sympathy from George Soros, so it must be getting serious,” Gates joked, referring to the liberal billionaire philanthropist who is a frequent target of conspiracy theories.
Gates, though, did have an early window into the spread of the virus. The foundation’s operations in China experienced firsthand the impact of the virus’s outbreak there, said Mark Suzman, the current chief executive. And it gathered information from the Seattle Flu Study’s work regarding the U.S. spread.
“We got an early heads-up about that,” Suzman said. That led to the recognition that “we should be cranking up as a foundation very rapidly to see what we can do to help support” efforts to combat the outbreak.
In February, the foundation committed $100 million to improve detection, isolation and treatment efforts; to accelerate the development of vaccines, drugs and diagnostics; and to protect at-risk populations in Africa and South Asia. On April 15, the foundation added an additional $150 million to that effort.
Bill Gates: Here’s how to make up for lost time on covid-19
Gates recognizes the need to spend billions of dollars to develop facilities to develop and manufacture vaccines, many of which won’t pan out. It makes most sense, Gates said, to waste money building for approaches that don’t ultimately work so that the vaccine that ultimately proves successful can be made and distributed rapidly around the globe, and end the economic devastation of the pandemic.
There’s a need to spend “billions to save trillions,” Gates said
The foundation won’t cover all of the cost of developing vaccines, Suzman said. But it can provide financing to quickly spin up manufacturing facilities.
“We’re a distinctive kind of capital. We can be risk-taking. We can be catalytic. We should never be in there substituting for public or private money, which could be doing the job just as well,” Suzman said.
While the foundation’s scope is broad — from eradicating polio to boosting college completion rates — Gates is now spending the predominant amount of his time on the pandemic, Suzman said. Non-coronavirus efforts have shrunk to about 10 to 15 percent of the discussion at the foundation. Emails from Gates dive deep into technical details about epidemiological modeling, vaccine constructs and what the cost of production per unit might be, Suzman said.
“All of the deep learning and expertise over the last 20 years of the foundation going into global health is very applicable to the current moment,” Suzman said.
And Gates doesn’t believe the call for pandemic preparedness will go unheeded any longer.
“I think this time people will pay attention,” Gates said.
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vsplusonline · 5 years
GKP Products Economic Mini Battery Operated Clip Toy Fan,Small Portable Fan Powered by Rechargeable Battery or USB Desk Personal Fan for Kids, Small Model 46574
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/gkp-products-economic-mini-battery-operated-clip-toy-fansmall-portable-fan-powered-by-rechargeable-battery-or-usb-desk-personal-fan-for-kids-small-model-46574/
GKP Products Economic Mini Battery Operated Clip Toy Fan,Small Portable Fan Powered by Rechargeable Battery or USB Desk Personal Fan for Kids, Small Model 46574
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Price: (as of Jan 01,1970 00:00:00 UTC – Details)
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Small and Portable – Clip-on Style – Third gear speed – High quality and durable – Lightweight and low noise – Rechargeable Battery Powered – USB Powered and Charging – 360 degrees vertical and horizontal rotation Specification : Item Weight: 286 gram Packing Weight: 365 gram Packing Dimension: 7.67×5.98×3.93 inch Battery Type: 18650 Lithium Battery Battery Capacity: 2600mAh Battery Time: 2.5~6 Hours(depends on different speed) Changing Time: About 4.5 hours Input Voltage: 5V Output Voltage: 4~6V Output Current: 0.35~1A Power Rating: 3W(max speed), 1.5W(lowest speed), 2W(USB powered) In The Box: 1 x battery Fan 1 x USB Cable 1 x rechargeable 18650 Li-ion battery
Runs off 18650 battery and charges off USB, it will last 120-360minutes depends on different speeds.But it will take about 2 hours before full charged. Easily and securely attaches to just about anything including the carrier handle or on anything has a ledge like a table, a chair, a pole, a baby stroller, your tractor mower while you’re cutting grass, your work table in the garage The fan will swivel and angle up or down–both actions able to do a 360 degrees just adjust the angle to it whichever way you want Unique and attraction design, has features of portability, green energy, environmental friendly, low power consumption, strong wind power
0 notes
kizunatsudoishi · 7 years
Apparently I watched Boku no Pico this time last year and did a whole live commentary thingy
And it went like this... . . . Wot no matter what they do they have to poke their butts like that Also that waiter-tress-i dont fucking know outfit The brunette looks cute tho But Pico is always cringe-worthy Wtf sailor fuku THEY JUST WEAR GIRL CLOTHES Nuuuuuuuuu I mean why do I feel okay when I see guys wearing dresses but THIS THIS MAKES MY EYES BLEED it's just the fucking opening gesh CROTCH FANSERVICE BUT I HONESTLY DONT FEEL LIKE BEING SERVED no pls pico ur not even kawaii omg IT'S FUCKING AARINFANTASY WHO DID THE SUB WHY AM I NOT SURPRISED alright into the plot here we go Naked swimming ofc ////roll eyes//// I'm not even surprised Holyshet kid y u swim at a place like that like u can get hit by a rock and fall down the waterfall and die and shet wooot OMG ECHOS ECHOS ECHOS Plus sparkly underage nipples Shiny crotch shot AARGG Wwooooooo naked U look like an underage Heero Yuy kid Well there goes my awesome image of Heero Yuy HI IM JUST STROLLIN BY AND CAUGHT U SWIMMING NAKED NO BIG DEAL ///SEX EYES AND SHIT/// Omg how many times have I cringed I think Onee-chan is the most acceptable character in this shitty OVA WTFFFFFF THEY JUST PLAYIN NAKED WITHOUT THINKING SHIT *Throwing straw at each other like Oh heel naw Swimming naked w each orher Gr8. Wtf they're naked all the fucking time in the woods like what about the bugs and mosquitos hurr??? HOW DID U CLIMB THAT TREE NAKED AGAIN u know what im just gunna assume this iss like Tom and Jerry Like they're also naked all the damn time RIP childhood Oooooh that statue doesn't look like a dick I swear Wtf Onee-chan She's fcking masturbating and ur brother is peaking I'm disappointed Onee-chan. Ur no longer my fav Dem boobs tho ISSAT LITERALLY A BANANA again w the crotchshots Gosh gimme a break STAPH POKING YE BUTTS GESH Oh gosh gr88888888888888 Like I don't see that coming U have a dick but u sounds like a girl gosh Y do the tummy pumped out weirdly tho it looks like their stomach is full of c** The music is soooooooooo weirrrrrrrrrd Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm """""Ochinchin""""""" lololololololololklol Yokatta yo ass Wait they're gunna really yokatta their ass Hey that's not sth ur just gunna smiley abt Wtf kid Wtf kiiddsds THEY SOUND LIEK GIRLSSSS R they always hard So much wet sounds in me headphones rite naw OhgosHADDAPPPPP WAT I DONTEVN NOT ENOUGH PALMS TO FACE the house is nice tho Wait what R u stealing ur sista clothes Wtf For real tho Omg Onee-chan got vibrator ONEE-CHAN'S HOME AND UR SEXIN IN DA FCKING LIVING ROOM WAY DA GO BOYS OMG WHAT THE FUCK ONEE CHAN R U MASTURBATIN TO UR LIL BRO man I can't trust anyone can I Deberu penetration. Gr8. Oh fuck u Oneechan Doesn't that thing run out of battery Wtf oneechan Staph that corny music it's not even taht good NOOOO DONT LOOK AT ME AND SMILE THAT FUCKING SMILE Gosh that was tiring. I need my baby chocobo like asap oh goshohmyfuckinggod Oh pls shut that corny song ew. GOODBYE EYES ITS BEEN A JOURNEY BYE BRAIN
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estherspizza · 7 years
tagged by @dawniel
yes i’d love to be tagged, my friend :’)
rules 1. Always post the rules 2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you 3. Write 11 questions of your own 4. Tag 11 people questions / answers under the cut! :)
as someone only has a few friends on Tumblr so i only have you to tag HaHa @kayiiin (#spam which means it’s okay if you don’t wanna answer to my rants www) 
rosie’s questions:
1. when is the last time you cry? why?
    ehh i don’t cry a lot since i’ve become a teenager but after the traumatising part of my life(secondary school and public exam) were over, i watched an anime a month ago called ”my hero academia”, i bursted out tears suddenly, yeah, just by the first episode, i lost my shit.
2. when you do find yourself most powerful? what empowers you?
    errr, not sure, but, i’d say when i’m encouraged and trusted(mostly by my friends ;”)). i mean, as long as i give myself hope too (but who knows? what if “I” is not “I”)
3. if you’re given a choice to life again, would you? why or why not?
   no. no. i don’t wanna experience school (except for uni) or any “punishments” from my parents AGAIN, srsly.
4. what is your favourite weather? describe an ideal day of that weather
    winter! i loved summer but i no longer do now because it’s so hot and humid compared to the past :( i love every day in winter as long as it’s not like i’m put in the arctic naked :)
5. favourite musical instrument and why
    guitar! bc i’m a beginner of it :D (or piano cos they’re so aesthetically beautiful although i don’t play it)
6. favourite scent and a memory related to that
    cool band guys playing on stage especially this by atl!
7. do you want children?
    no i hate/don’t like children.
8. tell me what are you most proud of yourself
    i’m proud to be a potato. (hey rosie this is the question that my LS teacher asked when he taught us the fricking maslow’s hierarchy, and he’s been asking us for 3 yrs. still, all of us haven’t answered him lol)
9. back to the past, visit the future, or neither
    Futurrre because you say ”visit” so i can go to the future and see what will happen then go back to “the present”, just for fun! going back can’t change anything.
10. power and glory or (idk the exact word but the opposite of that) being safe?
      being safe for sure cos power and glory give me an image of people framing each other.
11. sea or forest?
      sea! i find it tranquil and pleasing to listen to the sound of the ocean. ^^ all forests make me think of is mosquitoes bye
my questions: (i know you well senpai so there’s nearly nothing i can ask┬┴┬┴┤( ͡° ͜ʖ├┬┴┬┴)
1. do you go to school by bus? ;) (don’t disappoint me, give me the true answer)
2. what is life in your opinion? ( ̄o ̄) zzZZ
3. have you brought me with your Korean haul? |✧∀✧) ╯
4. do you want tips from me about the creative exercise? :o)
5. what do you and your sister mostly argue about? or you don’t argue much?
6. have you finished all of your art requests btw? (you know you’re simply so talented that everyone asks you to draw them stuff)
7. how chubby have you become after eating a lot in Korea? www (i’m so jealous tbh)
8. is “you” the “real you”?
9. favourite song atm? (you should listen to the op of barakamon again, much nostalgic and meaningful :’)
10. what anime should i watch next? (nisekoi season 2 or The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya)
11. give me the link where you watched over the garden wall? (oh, i think i’ve found it w)
that’s it thanks!
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marlaluster · 6 years
emptying clipboard w items numbered
1. https://www.bing.com/search?q=refugee+new+zealand&PC=SMSM&FORM=MBDPSB 2. 0:31HD Refugee experiences in New Zealand - Housing YouTube See more videos Australia asked New Zealand to keep refugee offer on table ... https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/apr/12/australia-wants-new Mobile · New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern previously made an offer to Australia’s PM Malcolm Turnbull for her country to take up to 150 refugees from offshore detention. Her offer was rejected. Photograph: Daniel Munoz/AAP The Australian government has asked New Zealand … RELATED SEARCHES 3. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/apr/12/australia-wants-new-zealand-to-keep-refugee-offer-on-table-documents-show 4. https://www.instagram.com/p/BmNj1MGleDC/ 5. 4,074 likes hemsworthlukeMosquito drone. Mosquito Terminator get it done. #deathofme. mareemccoskerAwe that's the cutest one is it really that small @hemsworthluke jaja973jmt😮👌🏼 catherinehylandriceIt’s like napalm janeemilywardIs it small or far away? 🤔 gamparangSmall surajsarkar2Wow deboruccisSpecs are us 😜 axelebrigitteOh! darklingalexDude you killed me 😂😂 amauripoyntzCrush that drone dude iamchuckweimerI’m a bit confused with the ending of West world, so are you also a host ? carlaluthwood🤣 ebony_jade_kSquash it myrsnowWest World in Australia? davidrichardpersevLittle did he know, this would be the last time anyone would hear from him as Mosquito Terminator turned on its master and left him stranded on a nearby island. liz_rweDad jokes! Ha chloefountainnLooool sebvstiiivn🔥😂😂😂 merkin69Wow Luke that thing is so tiny! Bet you hear that all the time 😂 glennkeoghWhat’s with the glasses poindexter? Following me into the world of accounting?! kidmoroGod you are so cute claire_vaughan18I want a drone . That's a great drone nataliegibbs10❤️♥️❤️♥️ penguinflippers1978Reminds me of an old movie called "Inner Space" with Dennis Quaid. 😂 hemsworthluke@merkin69 shhhhhhh merkin69@hemsworthluke don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me! #mumstheword 🤐👍 username_vinaOr are you a big man? 😨😳😱🙈 leebaggleyIf I cross my eyes does a better image jump out at me? maryettaarmsteadCut6 maryettaarmsteadCute jevans47404@penguinflippers1978 I love that movie, lol. penguinflippers1978@jevans47404 they don't make them like that anymore. Classics! jevans47404@penguinflippers1978 no they dont 1 DAY AGO Instagram Log in|Sign up ABOUT USSUPPORTPRESSAPIJOBSPRIVACYTERMSDIRECTORYPROFILES 6. https://www.instagram.com/p/BmQQEcoF57x/ 7. 748,418 likes chrishemsworthOne of these photos was taken in the back lot of a studio in London, see if your keen eye can pick which one. #MIB 📷@emerysurfboards @australia Load more comments stacymichellebarringtonCool! itzcanzincrossin all salts well, a good angle but you seem a dancer walking in water dangerous🤔🤔❤️ gael.cuevas36I don’t know, Rick. He might be lying. All of them have a chance. lukennyHahahahahahaha garima0810Perfect 😍😍😍😍😍 sajjad_sepordeh_Wow the_last_moon95💙 so.lame.maxThe water in the second to last pic looks fake af. You're just in front of a green screen that's all. #keeneyerighthere sophiedownes3112Probably chuckled a little bit too much to that 😂😂 savagecomradehmm I think it's the third one but I can't be for sure. alishaglrs😍😍😍😍😍 kchula77Awesome! Hard to tell which one 🤔 angela_fdo_Hahaha! Only you!! 😂 marmarakieAwesome pics 👍🏻 samiai04legend I love you i.love.my.jobBwah hahahahahhaha michellebarron1221Well, that was challenging😂 acosta_floorr@danabeltraa yo se que lo amas celayathomasNext MCU Movie needs Thor riding a wave of lightning like a boss! lisal0609Love your 🏄 pictures!! bunty3072📿🖤📿... simran_design❤❤❤ gabriellago1110You should have gone for the head sara._.towlahhow short is ur board myguidetothegalaxy@cherieisawesome I LOVE HIM! skyandbinks🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘😂😂😂😂😂 llanos_ruth😂😂🤣bobo 😁 benandmama🤣🤣🤣 vaticalin@kuotingtzu 索爾好帥❤️ lolamoncsJejeje ssumutDikkat et guzum hasta olma emi daydreaming.in.starsWhy did I think the last picture of you surfing was you dabbing? 🤦🏻‍♀️ thewalkingidjitdefinitely the first m33shy11WOW🔥👏Epiccccccccccc papabosuei think it’s the first one natt2808Jajajjajajajajajjajajajajajajaajaja so funiie 🤣🤣🤣 pranavkppranavkp8Cool kozzah91@chrishemsworth absolute champ :) jesstraheyTake the robe off 🔥🔥 rubenjplaI bet you sure were Thor after doing this... roypayelGod of Thunder or King of the Ocean? kiera.simonehe rlly looks like chris pine in the last one what the heck nayelli_mancillaWhy is it that whenever I see a post by Chris Hemsworth, I say “Chris Hemsworth” in my head with a Australian accent? isa_0818Woahh!! These are awesome!!! 🤙🏼 have you ever surfed in Panama? No wetsuits needed 😬@chrishemsworth jguerrero877Cool man!!! joweisbeck19Hope to see you in London! Haha citlaligarciaperez😀😁😂 jajaja muy bueno! yundailee_Thorr❤❤❤❤❤❤ chr.x.teZoom josiemedelThat water looks so amazing...so jelly, Chris. melanie_raylYou make me giggle ashleynoellevwAw man I was so ready 😂😂 [email protected] olha esse xuxu __lk_lalit#THOR emibalbianiTe ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ jdjnanceU so funny💋😍🤣🤣 grldnhplt😍😍 catherinexarabrazilbjerkeThird one darryh456U ripping avl_sta_vt@betsyboo26 I’m still shook from this MIB announcement. Can it open tomorrow?? sipora.wThis made me lol yashwanthlikes🔥🔥 arturo.c.sibaja@chrishemsworth you are on the set of avengers 4 xd greetings from mexico rainingowl@lauraka85 😂😂😂 ms_barron_s❤️🔥 cyroteixeirajrBeautiful perform. micaguevaramicaThe last one, I think😐 actally_mandy_douDefinitely the first photo charlie.7214@yeri_morales7 vea que cerda este mae abhaynarsai@_lukepereira is better than you theisaacjohnson3rd one captainstubing3rd for sure 6 HOURS AGO Instagram Log in|Sign up ABOUT USSUPPORTPRESSAPIJOBSPRIVACYTERMSDIRECTORYPROFILES 8. The devil is doing some heavy suppressing that I’m supposed to feel drawn to seek to go to another country.  9. http://www.unhcr.org/new-zealand.html 10. UNHCR - New Zealand For information about our work in New Zealand: Read the latest documents, reports and publications inRefworld New Zealand is covered by the following UNHCR office: UNHCR Regional Representation in Canberra Style of Address: UNHCR Regional Representation in Canberra Street Address: 14 Kendall Lane, 2601 New Acton, ACT, Australia Mailing Address: 14 Kendall Lane, 2601 New Acton, ACT, Australia Telephone: 61 2 6281 9100 Facsimile: 61 2 6247 2933 Email: [email protected] Time Zone: GMT + 11 Working Hours:  Monday: 8:45 - 17:00 Tuesday: 8:45 - 17:00 Wednesday: 8:45 - 17:00 Thursday: 8:45 - 17:00 Friday: 8:45 - 17:00 Saturday:  Sunday:  Comments: Please note that visitors are by appointment only. Countries covered: Australia, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, New Zealand, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu. 11. [email protected] 12. The devil keeps attacking n pressing a persona I'm supposed to be a low black. It keeps pressing I'm supposed to be that. It's extremely irritating. It keeps pressing I'm dumb. This society is so sick as fuck n disgusting, it worships winners n losers here n overriding people's say so here to punish people etc. It's so disgusting n sick as fuck here. "Oh god. I don't know what to do. I am not okay," the devil said. It keeps going crazy pressing stuff onto me. It was pressing some restraint on my head n confusing stuff just now. It is attacking very bad. It just said it didn't wish to "keep doing what I am doing". "Oh. I am not sure what to do," the devil said. "I have to go," the devil said. But I can tell something else i heard yesterday now. The devil obsessing w people seeming okay usually n it is pressing stuff in that regard today n obsessing w that today. But the thing I can tell is there is supposed to be more surfacing of figures protesting that would seem not possible to be that they were to have been the people that were to be okay here previously like before the end of the world. It's supposed to be more apparent that there are people that are not to be okay if others are not less than as okay or not seen as from something unfair, discriminatory or biased etc. I heard in my mind from two people yesterday at one point n another person later. It was two women n one man. The man said he was not okay if people saw they were less than as who they were here. The man may have been a medical doctor. The devil is making some bad irritation to like what's supposed to be the area below my teeth. Some like intense or like supposed to be some like infiltration of the areas or something w something bad. "I am saying your teeth are not okay. I must go. Bye," the devil said. 13. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bky0JYPBEJW/ 14. https://www.instagram.com/p/BksqM4zBgRI/ 15. https://www.instagram.com/p/BkjMq1MhBNS/ 16. https://www.instagram.com/p/BkY-x43h9hU/ 17. https://www.instagram.com/p/BkMqJY-h-7e/ 18. https://www.instagram.com/p/BjtzFBwhXgk/ 19. 541 likes hemsworths_loverill get to touch him shirtless one day, the day i meet him ill make sure he takes off his shirt, and lets me put my face in his chest and his hands around me. oh yeah gunna be worth meeting him after so long. @australia here i come next year 💛 cathymoriceVraiment trop craquante cette photo😍😘❤ verenalovesjj🤣❤️ analuciabsantos💖💖💖 lauritapanda.islas❤ JUNE 7 Instagram Log in|Sign up ABOUT USSUPPOR 20. https://www.bing.com/search?q=refugee+new+zealand&PC=SMSM&FORM=MBDPSB
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Mansarovar lake
The Library of America edition of the complete novels of William Faulkner culminates with this volume presenting his first four full-length works of fiction, each newly edited, and, in many cases, restored with passages that were altered or (in the case of Mosquitoes) expurgated by the original publishers. This is Faulkner as he was meant to be read.In these four novels we can track Faulkner’s extraordinary evolution as, over the course of a few years, he discovers and masters the mode and matter of his greatest works. Soldiers’ Pay (1926) expresses the disillusionment provoked by World War I through its account of the postwar experiences of homecoming soldiers, including a severely wounded R.A.F. pilot, in a style of restless experimentation. In Mosquitoes (1927), a raucous satire of artistic poseurs, many of them modeled after acquaintances of Faulkner in New Orleans, he continues to try out a range of stylistic approaches as he chronicles an ill-fated cruise on Lake Pontchartrain.With the sprawling Flags in the Dust (published in truncated form in 1929 as Sartoris), Faulkner began his exploration of the mythical region of Mississippi that was to provide the setting for most of his subsequent fiction. Drawing on family history from the Civil War and after, and establishing many characters who recur in his later books, Flags in the Dust marks the crucial turning point in Faulkner’s evolution as a novelist.The volume concludes with Faulkner’s masterpiece, The Sound and the Fury (1929). This multilayered telling of the decline of the Compson clan over three generations, with its complex mix of narrative voices and its poignant sense of isolation and suffering within a family, is one of the most stunningly original American novels.LIBRARY OF AMERICA is an independent nonprofit cultural organization founded in 1979 to preserve our nation’s literary heritage by publishing, and keeping permanently in print, America’s best and most significant writing. The Library of America series includes more than 300 volumes to date, authoritative editions that average 1,000 pages in length, feature cloth covers, sewn bindings, and ribbon markers, and are printed on premium acid-free paper that will last for centuries. [amz_corss_sell asin=”1931082898″] William Faulkner The Library of America edition of the complete novels of William Faulkner culminates with this volume presenting his first four full-length works of fiction, each newly edited, and, in many cases, restored with passages that were altered or (in the case of Mosquitoes) expurgated by the original publishers.
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