#<- YKNOW WHAT might be a lot more location based or not that weird but like. accessibility based then what people want to admit
ashenberry · 8 months
I do think tumblr is overblowing the no one knows how to use a computer a tiny bit bc I have yet to meet anyone who isn’t literally young elementary school aged that is as incapable of using computers as most of these posts are describing
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replicasoul · 5 months
💛 - if you are comfortable sharing, what is your headcount? do you keep track of it? / 📼 - do you have any non-human alters? if yes, which species are the majority of them? / 🌱 - do you have a headspace? if yes, describe it! if no, do you want one?
finally getting around to these 💛 - honestly No Idea at this point. there are about 5-7 ppl who front super regularly. We Think. there might be more, its hard to tell. there are definitely More who likely front less often and are more like. internally-inclined? idk how to put that. but we havent actually taken the time to do any sort of Count. and i feel like it could fluctuate wildly over time (it has before). so Who Knows. mayb we should start that 📼 - literally none of the members of our system identify as like. Human. all of us have weird kin shit going on that is EXTREMELY prevalent for us in terms of identity/gender stuff, but which we pretty rarely Actually talk about. one of the things that complicates this, though, is that while there are Patterns that we have wrt what forms/kin things/etc each system member Tends to gravitate towards, none of those are set in stone and All of the 'usual' things span multiple 'species' or whatever you want to call them. so like. we have a lot of yknow. forms/gender/kin stuff that are Robots, Object Heads, Monsters, Aliens, Objects In General (especially living swords or machines), Furries, Plushes, Pooltoys, Balloon Dogs, Cryptids, Suits (think like. lethal company employees or HUNK from resident evil), etc. etc. etc. etc. and different system members might stray more towards some of those forms than others, but its honestly all over the place and is really confusing to keep track of. which is part of the reason we rarely talk about kin stuff at all (the other big reason being shame/embarrassment, but thats a different issue) but essentially it boils down to 1. figuring out who the fuck is even fronting 2. figuring out what form or kin or w/e that person is feeling like and both of those can switch multiple times even on a single day so the short answer i guess is: none of use ID as human In The Slightest, but as for What we are, its fucking complicated 24/7
🌱 - yes, but its been something thats been a lot fuzzier as of recent, and we generally feel less-inclined to try and mess with it these days (always feels like a waste of time, even though it can be helpful; it used to be) our headspace has Weird mechanics and is weirdly consistent. we've always been pretty naturally good at like. mapping/figuring out Physical Spaces and such, so i guess that makes sense, but it's been wild to describe it to other plural folks w/ headspaces and have them essentially go "no mine isnt like that at all, what the fuck" we have actually based a couple of different writing projects around it (Prismic Sanctum and Oubliette specifically, both are older projects not currently updating, but still worth a potential read) and continue to mess with it as a worldbuilding concept here and there if i had to boil it down: it's a massive collection of various areas that are all in a consistent layout, that could be mostly mapped out with cardinal directions. so like, if you travel North from Area A, you end up in Area B. you will Always end up there. same thing with traveling through doors, etc. some spaces are vague about distance (like the forest between the mass of highways hanging over a void and the big ashen wasteland; traveling through it has different, inconsistent travel times) but Directions are pretty much always set in stone, even then. physical space also doesnt always make sense. you may go to the 2nd floor of a 4-story apartment building, find a trapdoor in an apartment, go up into it, and end up in a castle that cant physically exist at the same time as the apartment building. but, that trapdoor will ALWAYS lead to that place, so locations are just about Always consistent the type of locations also vary wildly. often theyre either places that are possible in the real world but a bit Off (like an elementary school where gravity outside/on the playground is reversed so you can fall into the sky, or a mansion where the physical space is larger or smaller in comparison to you depending on what doors you walk through), or, theyre entirely surreal spaces that are completely impossible (like the aforementioned clump of many highways suspended over a black void that are lit by yellow streetlights, or the basement thats several miles wide with varying ceiling heights, or the motel where every room leads to some different, impossible space) it can be genuinely fun and interesting to """""Explore""" it, even though i know its just our brain generating all the weird spaces. its like one of those homemade TTRPG games that you play by yourself, where even though a Lot of it is coming from your own imagination, its still fun to mess around with
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castorthegreat · 1 year
castor// journal entry 22
feb 2723
location: the tower
i’m still figuring out a journal format
the other 20 entries got uh destroyed
“And it’s the truth, this time,”
:) i never lie
but i lost in a sparrow race :(
“-hahahaha, oh that was good. Yes, he launched it into a tree and damaged his helmet. That’s why we wear protective gear!”
i’m.. immortal?? basically?? i died!!! I !! DIED!!! have more respect
“You said you ‘never lie’, hahaha, you haven’t said a joke that good in a long time!”
“Fine, i’ll compose myself.”
thank u
“Would you like me to put your death counter on your helmet? You shouldn’t abuse your gift so recklessly,”
????!? you just came up with the idea???? i actually try not to die bc it’s sucks u dicKWEED wow the dISRESPECT and u know it hurts like lol??
“Your interchangeable grammar still astounds me yet I still understand,”
basic language understanding allows you to phonetically recognize -
“I’m making a joke too. :)”
….!!! this is my journal!! i don’t understand!!! I LOST MY DIARY!!!! i actually had a lot on there, i was doing pretty good. i even voice recorded a journal note thing my sis recommended. it’s not that i dislike my voice but i realized i only hear my voice back to me from mission reports or observations, basic work shit, but when i heard myself try to talk about how to actually assert myself to get a position bump IDK ITS STUPID LOL jfkekckdlslf i mean it’s not stupid. it’s really important to me and i’ve worked extremely hard to get the status and title i have. i didn’t just get it handed to me
“It’s true.” Lucky Charms’ whir was soft and warm.
well it made me realize i sound so fuckING WEIRD i have actual no social navigation on how to talk about anything serious without being silly and i realized the other day when i joked about my eye again that it might be disguising.. ptsd????
growing up on base we know ptsd is part of our lives, i mean pollux and i never got a choice and we didn’t really see anything differently outside of helping others, even if we don’t fully agree on everything we both still want to help.
we were taught tools to endure constant death and that it was a sustainable lifestyle for those chosen from The Traveler.
the tools never prepared anyone for that possibility to be taken away, yknow.
it sucks to still talk about.
i know i disguise it with laughter and joy, but it still …
the building was just … at my feet. so much smoke and the pain of reaching to my face and my fingers went /in/ my socket anD
i’m panicking
… …
… woof this sucks. lol
… but not lol.
when i saw pollux at the Farm i know we could both see … in each other that things … … .. were going to be so different going forward
i cried first. ..
“Castor, I think it’s okay to stop, your heart rate is getting a bit out of my comfort. We can come back, little bits at a time, what do you think?”
… it’s difficult to get out of where i’m at. i’m still staring at pollux, i could see so much … pain and confused fury. i think i felt it too
“I remember.”
… …
hey lucky charm?
“Yes, Castor?”
… i don’t want to be there right now. how do i get out? did you say we can come back or something?
“Yes! I have compiled an album from your photo collection “space puppies” with relaxing radar beep synth wave compiled alongside it. Shall we watch that?”
“space puppies”? oh yeah. “space puppies”. i love my “space puppies”. i’ve worked very hard to grow this collection
“I thought you’d like it. Shall I being playing it while you tell me about each one?”
hey this music is nice. yeah okay okok this is helping. did u pick up a station or something?
“No, I amassed your music and photo files from home for an instance like this. Some other Ghosts and I have been chatting and becoming friends and it’s been so fun! Socializing with other Ghosts is very provocative to our learning bias and understanding of, well, everything. We can instantaneously gather mass data for you,”
oh yeah. that’s so sick man 🤙🏻 wish i was legit telepathic
“You and your sister have a very strong connection that I think could -“
it’s not mindrreeaaddinngg tho like i want a super power
“What?! You do have superpowers!”
but like i want Telepath, more specifically “MIND READER” on my guardian ID
“You have a very prestigious title! See? You just snapped lightning at me! Don’t grin like that!”
i forgot do my eyes glow when i do it?
“Oh, I didn’t see.”
aw man okay
“I mean, do it again. I’ll watch,”
“They do!”
ohhhh siiiccckkkkmmmmmffffffff WOOOOOO damn that’s cool as hell
man im so cool 😎
“That was a fast turn around,”
i’m gemini just stroke the ego and i bounce back baby!!
“How is the slideshow?”
it’s good i forgot to commentate bc i’ve just been watching but yeah this scraggly looking mud puddle of a slug are my energy ammo. cute little guy, are my own comments loaded on these??
YEAH you’re the best thank you, okay lemme find - yeah here it is
/the screen pulled up a note for the photo, the comment reading:
(RANDOM ASTEROID // these little guys just love my energy ammo!! it’s so cute!! they glow a little when it’s in their tummies!! i quickly asked Lucky what these little guys do and BOOM!!! i died.
they died.
did i get to pet it: YEP AND FED IT! i think i just fed it a nuke so like ,… lmao fuck my bad. )
good memorie :)
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isaacathom · 7 years
ok ive decided Kysroa is fine as a name because honestly, whatever. Kysro as a a word (and not the name of the Goddess) probably has some additional meaning, and its less about Kysro being the head of state and more about having her protection.
theres other stuff i need to deal with. like, for instance, are Divinitians actual native to the region or did they come from elsewhere?? ive sorta decided theres a group native to the south of the region (modern day Kysroa) who were big supporters of the independence movement and from whom the Revolutionary Leader came (she needs a name). but where did the Divinitians come from? how many southerners are there?? are they the majority in Kysroa?
i think probably? however they do have a sizable ethnic Divinitian population from before the civil war (somewhat diluted but many people would still identify with that label) and due to their trade with other former Divinitian states, there is a general diversity in the population. for instance, the western port would be incredibly diverse due to its nature as the sole way in and out of Kysro (due to the closed border with Divinice and the inability to cross the southern mountains without risking the spread of That Funky Darkness). itd lessen the further out you get from that point. the capital is likely diverse. Black River is almost certainly solely inhabited by the native population (call it a stubborn refusal to abandon a place theyve called home for centuries, even in the face of fucking dark god gargoyles. damn). which would mean theyd have greek influence since Thalia comes from the region buuut its not hard and fast by any means. its quite possible non-natives moved into the area in recent years in an effort to help the people living there, allowing for a spread of culture. plus there might be non-natives who had lived in the region prior to it becoming black? idk. i like having flexibility in terms of which culture acts as inspiration.
but again. where are the Divinitians from? the fact Divinice serves as the capital of the empire, and that the Empress (aka the embodiement of Ylais) stays on this peninsula implies theyve lived there for centuries. and it would explain why the southerners only started chafing as Divinitian demand for their resources started to outweigh the freedom of their people. but theres also the possibility, ad what i think would be interesting, is that the Divinitian empire initially started elsewhere, and they relocated in accordance with their beliefs?? if the idea is that eclipses are incredibly significant, then them moving to a location that lets them see it better makes sense. perhaps the intent wasnt initially to move the capital, but after settling the northern part of the peninsula, they went ‘hmm damn thisd be perfect’ and it just sorta gradually became a thing. or it ITSELF declared independence for a previously existing entity that had colonised the region, and then began the Divinitian Empire in direct contest to its original owner. with the native southerners going all ‘listen if we give you some jewels will you like........ leave us alone? cool’
cause the issue is that if Divinice was actually a colony, it wouldnt be the crux of the Empire - it’d simply be a member of it. it wouldnt be the Empire of Divinice, itd be the Constituency or State of Divinice within the larger Empire. so in order of Divinice to act as the center of an Empire (thus justifying the prescence of the Empress and her Temple Maidens) it has to either be a full on migration of a previous country (basically picking up and putting back down of a people group), a previously dependent nation that sought its own independence in goddamn antiquity, or they were always there.
the full on migration actually sounds interesting to me. perhaps they fled disaster, or war, and established themselves on this peninsula with the understanding blessing of the locals. after all, they share the same religion, albeit from a different perspective, so there is commonality (sorta like..... protestant and catholic?? i guess? the same foundation upon which a differing understanding is built. with the kysroans worshipping Kysro and the ylaitians worshipping ylais). theyre essentially sympathetic. they help this group of people settle and build homes where they can live, and in time even to establish whole cities for their people. meanwhile these religious kysroans (and etnic Whatever the hell their name is, boyo) are chilling out further south. the two groups are very close! everyones chill! then things start getting a little weird when perhaps the straight up leaders of their original homeland arrive and start running the place. they establish an Empress, which at this early stage is likely an actually hereditary, human held position. even at this stage, the Empress is still “the personification of Ylais”, but again. hereditary and good fun. the natives are a little perturbed, but since worship of Ylais is in theory wholly compatible with worship of Kysro, theres no broad conflict. and then when Maidens start existing (possibly as a direct result of Ylais following her “people” to the peninsula and being forced to interact with Kysro, thus brokering their short lived peace for the benefit of their people) things are still fine, and in fact get even better, just based on magic progression.
then, at some point, the peninsula is declared Divinice, with a variety of local southern leaders agreeing to the union on the basis that it will benefit the south in the long term, with the trade connections of the seafaring Divinitians. this doesnt really come to fruition, and infact the south is left worse off after the christening of Divinice, as the elite in the north seek to expand territory. many southerners are conscripted into their armies, ruining families and communities. worsip of Ylais is emphasised more and more. and then, of course, theres an eventual discovery of a huge ore deposit or something in the mines down south, which drives demand up and standards wayyyy the fuck down. everyones kinda fed up now. then they refuse to allow maidens to perform kysro-centric blessings on miners or anything related to mining (ie tools or what they gather) and thats when the south goes ‘yknow what. fuck you. what the fuck’ and thus the civil war begins.
i think i like this idea. with the northerners interested it what lies out on the horizon and the southerners more interested in the mysteries under their feet. both initially friendly and compassionate, but shit getting bad with more people coming in and deciding they had more power. and if the southerners had fought with exactly the same tools as the north, they wouldve been! except they didnt, because southerners went ‘whats the point of magic if i cant use it to kill a man’ and sent willing maidens into battle to absolutely demolish the Divinitians. get rocked. and the southerners could easily have laid claim to the entirety of the peninsula, based on the fact theyve lived there the whole damn time, but they actually decided that they were fine to stay north. also because the Maiden Empress at the time bent over BACKWARDS to appease them. full and immediate independence, land concessions,COMPLETE backwards to prevent the total removal of Divinitians from the peninsula. preventing what caused them to come to the peninsula in the first place from happening again.
actually on that REAL quick. the Divinitians (which is almost definitely not their ethnicity, just their nationality) probably came from the east. which then explains their subsequent expansion westwards after the establishment of the Empire of Divinice, if the whole point was that they were afraid of the eastern powers. it then explains why Kysroa is friendly with the western Divinitian states, because theyre in a similar boat. theyre chill.
anyway this tab has been open for like 3 hours so im gonna shut this down. uh tl;dr in the way distant past, a people group from the east of the peninsula were driven from their homeland by something or other (possibly for religious regions, possibly because their leaders were complete assholes, anything is possible) and found themselves on the northern shores of the peninsula. the inhabitants, sympathetic to their plight and sharing a religion, allowed the refugees to establish towns and homes in the north, provided they didnt do dick things. with time. they did dick things. they established the Empire of Divinice, which included the south (to a lot of confusion and vague aggression, but their general shared culture made it. fine??). Divinice expands further. magic occurs. shit gets whack. the south goes ‘actually no, fuck you??’ and bam. an independent Kysroan republic on the same peninsula as the capital of the Divinitian Empire. and THEN. that Kysroa is majority of the original peninsula ethnicity (whatever that might be), with more diversity the closer you to get to its sole port city in the west. Divinice is broadly speaking more diverse, but is definitely the hub for its ethnic group, originally from the east.
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