#<- bc all my other wips on my blog are under this
astrobei · 7 months
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for my maybe four (?) followers who read lokius: here you go
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ilovepedro · 8 months
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Deja Vú | javier peña x f!reader
Summary: You and Javier, your best friend and neighbor, have been hooking up for a while now. He’s infiltrated your daily life, lingering in your thoughts, seeing him everywhere - you’re unable to function without him crossing your mind. However, nothing has been exclusively established by you two. At least not until shit hits the fan when the two of you go on dates with other people. Will things between you and Javier turn into something more?
Word count: tbd (it’ll probs be long i can’t control myself)
Rating: 18+ MDNI (All ageless blogs will be blocked.)
Series warnings: friends with benefits, friends to lovers, lil bit of enemies to lovers at some point, idiots in love, miscommunication trope, flirting, mutual pining, some angst, Javi is a fucking idiot bc he is a man, jealous!Javi, possessive!Javi, protected and unprotected PIV (wrap it up y’all), fingering, oral (f receiving), spanking, some ass play, creampie, aftercare, reader speaks and understands Spanish, reader is female and has hair you can pull but has no other physical descriptions, no mention of hair type/skin color/body type, NO USE OF Y/N, translations will be available at the end of each chapter.
A/N: Mood board does not depict reader, she is completely faceless through and through. This is loosely based off Deja Vú by Beyoncé because how could i, Nini, not write a fic based off of a Bey song??? if y’all don’t know me, i am Beyhive 4L 🤞🏼i was listening to B’day and it’s so Javi coded to me, it’s crazy
Divider by @saradika
Full series here! 🫶🏼
As promised, my lil 200 followers celebration (and my WIP Wednesday) so, snippet under the cut!
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You shut the door before he can answer, huffing out a deep breath you didn’t know you were holding in, and lean against it. What a long fucking night. Padding into the bathroom, you remove your makeup and sigh into your towel. You stare at yourself in the mirror and bite back tears.
Shaking your head, you will yourself not to cry - refusing to shed tears for him. You walk out of the bathroom and into the kitchen, grabbing a glass from one of the cabinets. Opening the fridge, you reach for the open bottle of wine. Sighing, as you’re reminded of Javi, having shared the bottle with him after a hookup a few days ago. 
You fill your glass to the brim and chug half of it, slamming down the glass on the countertop. You drag your feet towards the living room, plopping down on the couch. Your head hangs in your hands as you curl into a ball.
“Javi!” You perk up at the sound of a woman calling his name. Rising from the couch, you press your ear against the thin wall that separates yours and Javi’s apartments. “Sí, Javi, sí!” Your brain is short-circuiting as you hear her moan Javi’s name. You can’t help but let your jaw fall open, shocked that he’d be so bold to rub this in your face. Tears of anger and heartache well in your eyes. You attempt to storm off until you hear your name.
A man screaming your name - Javi screaming your name. Everything goes silent. Your ears are ringing and your body is hot, flooding with emotions as your head spins. There’s no way any of this is happening.
Suddenly, you hear shuffling and shouting from outside. Running to peer out of the small peephole at the top of your front door, your jaw drops again at the scene playing out in front of you. Cassandra, the woman from earlier in the night, is fixing her clothes while screaming at a shirtless Javi in the hallway.
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i’m excited for this one! it’s like seeing the novelas in my head come to life on the page lol this is very self-indulgent for me
some moot/npt tags: @joelsgreys @nostalxgic @party-hearses @daydreamingmiller @tinygarbage @bastardmandennis @javierpena-inatacvest @amanitacowboy @undrthelights @gracieheartsspedro 🩷
ty @mandoisapunk @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @jenispunk for the wip wednesday tags <333
253 notes · View notes
venusjeon · 2 years
golden arrows
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the god Apollo is dared to seduce the first mortal his eyes set upon without revealing his identity, so changing his appearance slightly and taking the name of Hoseok, he crosses paths with you. but as it happens, the only man you say you'd ever lie with is Apollo... also, you're on a quest to steal his golden arrows.
♔ PAIRING: apollo!hoseok x mortal!reader
♔ GENRE: greek mythology, historical & bet au, adventure, fluff, humour
♔ WORD COUNT: 9.6k
♔ WARNINGS: religion themes, drinking, swearing, period-typical sexism, animal hunting&sacrifice, nudity, kissing, mentions of non-consensual sex, sex happens but no smut soz, murder
♔ BETA: @yoonoclock <3 thank you so much again !!
♔ AUTHOR'S NOTE: nvm the fic can we appreciate the banner bc i kinda served with it. no but this has been in my wips for almost as long as i've had this blog so i'm v excited for you guys to read it :D
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Heroic Age
Sing to me, ‘o muse, the song of a priestess who was loved by a god willing to forgive her wicked crime.
It was a peaceful night on OLYMPUS, the home of the gods, where everyone had gone to sleep hours ago under a black sky dusted with stars.
Everyone save Apollo, Hermes, and Dionysus, who refused to be parted with their jug of wine that refilled on its own so the party should never end. So much of it had they consumed, though, that even the god of the drink had come to neglect his cup, slumping over the table while his half-brothers slouched on their chairs.
But what they were yet to lose was their sense of humour, as they teased each other about their tragic love lives. Now, it was Apollo’s turn to be taken the piss out of.
“At least the objects of my desire run towards me, not away,” laughed Hermes. “What was that nymph’s name, Daphne?”
Apollo gestured his discrepancy by waving his index finger side to side. “That was the doing of that winged fuck, Eros.” Famously, he had struck Apollo’s heart with an arrow that kindled love and Daphne’s with one that banished it. Pursuing her through the forest until she begged to be turned into a laurel tree to escape his advances, Apollo learned never to get on the wrong side of the god of desire again. “He’s always had it in for me, I tell you.”
“Sure, yes, blame him,” twice-born Dionysus said, cheek still glued to the table. “We can all play that game.”
Hermes nodded. “Admit it, brother, only the thrill of consorting with an immortal draws them to you. And it fades quickly once they realise you can’t pleasure them in bed.”
“Oh, you tell yourself that’s it.”
“I bet you my herald’s staff.”
“Bet what, exactly?” Apollo scoffed. “It’s not like I can stop being a god. Your joke of a point cannot be proved, you fool.”
“Except, it can,” Dionysus said as he sat upright, but Apollo didn’t understand, so he sighed, “Isn’t intelligence supposed to be one of your domains? We’re no strangers to changing our appearance so that mortals can’t recognise us, so seduce the first one you see without revealing your true identity. It will confirm they’re not pretending to love you just because you’re a god.”
“Another of my domains is prophecy, you seem to forget. I can’t lie. Otherwise, who would believe my oracles?” Apollo pointed out, then smirked. “It’s also why I can be trusted when I say you two are my least favourite Olympians.”
He was allowed to joke, right?
“More merit if you succeed. Which you won’t, of course,” Hermes said with a smile shared by Dionysus.
Apollo pursed his lips. He was aware the wine was to blame for his taking offence at the mocking tone of his brothers, but he couldn’t help his own pride.
“Very well. Kiss your staff goodbye.”
He would show them.
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Past noon the next day, shining Apollo descended from the summits of Olympus having taken the likeness of a youth whose good looks equalled his—physical attraction was after all a part of love, as was Aphrodite’s other realm, beauty, a part of Apollo’s identity.
He would take the name of Hoseok. It meant ‘a name known throughout the entire country’, so it could perfectly be a new epithet of his, like Phoebus or Delius were. Yes, not a lie. All good. So, Hoseok chose a forest near the city of TEGEA to wander through, hoping to come across someone. That someone was you.
Bowstring drawn and arrow aimed at three sword-wielding men.
Without a second’s delay, Hoseok made appear his golden bow and arrows, known to never miss their archer’s target. Surely coming to your rescue would be a good start? Except... you might need none.
The men were close enough to trust their own weapon outdid yours, failed to consider you’d move fast enough to dodge the sharp edge of their bronze swords and that by grabbing your arrow by its shaft, you’d manage to graze their skin with its tip, forcing them to step back with a grunt.
Unwilling to wait and find out how they’d counterattack, Hoseok nocked and then released his own arrow, which as intended, landed right before their feet in the form of a normal wooden one.
You turned around with a frown. Who–?
“That can’t be fair, three against one?”
The sound of the men fleeing behind you at the sight of this stranger halted your thoughts. His face certainly did too, as well as his bright hair that shone under the sunlight like spun gold. With a satisfied smile, he stored his weapons in the quiver he carried on his back and approached you, chest slightly out as if he owned the forest. From each step he gave seemed to spring a harmony that filled the air, but you still gripped your bow, wary. He noticed. “I mean you no harm.”
Once he was in front of you, Hoseok was able to take a better look at your face, one he instantly liked. What a relief that bet or not, he’d pursue you. However, he also noticed your smile was forced, as though being saved was an inconvenience.
“Good to know. Thank you for the help. I’ve no time to lose but if our paths ever cross again, I promise to repay your favour.”
And just like that, you walked past him.
“Wait!” He turned around to catch up with you once he got over the unforeseeable blow. “Allow me to escort you out of the forest. There may be more bandits lurking about.”
“I don’t need your protection.”
Clearly... He chuckled, “But I might need yours.” Just not for the reason being discussed.
Now that he thought about it, was this the work of Hermes? After all, he was the one in charge of keeping roads and travellers safe, as well as thieves.
You looked him up and down while walking. A man with such a build, he certainly would not need help, and if he wanted something of yours, he could just take it—or try. So he really was just a kind stranger, huh.  “As you wish.”
Hoseok smiled, held hands behind his back. “Tell me, what is your name and where do you come from?”
“I am Y/N, and I’m a priestess of Apollo in PYLOS.” Hoseok almost gasped in delight. Well, this was fate!
Although based on the fact you dressed a man’s knee-length chiton and wore your hair tight up in a subtle bun, he’d sooner have guessed you were a follower of his twin sister, the huntress Artemis. The reason for it was probably that it was safer to travel as a man, but either way Hoseok was fucked. His priestesses were sworn to chastity.
“We are a long way from Pylos.”
“And going further away north-east, I know. I’m… on a quest.” The stranger’s visible intrigue pressured you into providing some context, “My younger brother Jungkook is a servant at the royal palace, and two days ago he was charged with treason for trying to murder the prince, of which I believe he is innocent. We weren’t allowed to speak but he’s a sweet boy, such evil would never cross his mind. He’s being kept in a cell now, awaiting an execution only I can prevent, for the king said he’d be pardoned if in seven days I brought him Apollo’s golden arrows...”
Hoseok had to stop himself from making a dramatic halt. If Jungkook was indeed as innocent as you claimed, you could pray for him to aid your brother either by lending you the arrows or making the king see reason. You needn’t be on a quest. Unless, “You mean to steal them.”
“I’ve no choice,” you said bitterly with your eyes cast down, ashamed all the same. Priestesses were supposed to honour the gods, yet you were about to rob one of them, yours. It was a blasphemous defiance, hubris, but also the only way to save Jungkook. You glanced at the stranger, wondered whether he was contemplating stopping you. “I bet you regret scaring those three robbers away earlier. It is odd that I haven’t rightfully been struck down already with a golden arrow shot from the Heavens for what I’m about to do. I know I’d deserve it.”
Hoseok understood your hands were tied. It was not you whom his anger was directed at, but the king, for sending you off on such a mission. He’d deal with him.
First, though, came you. No matter your circumstances, you were the first mortal he’d seen, and he’d already decided where to display Hermes’ staff in his palace in Olympus.
“Maybe Apollo has looked into your heart and seen it is pure, and will punish that who is making you do this instead. If only you pray so to him.”
You scoffed. “I think he has more important things to do than listen to the prayers of a nobody.”
A nobody? But you were one of his priestesses! There were few mortals dearer to him.
“I assume, then, that you’re headed to CORINTH.”
“Correct. I’m to catch a ship there to cross the gulf. But enough about me. What do they call you, and why do you find yourself in this forest?”
A forest that, you’d failed to notice, was crowded. Nymphs of nearby trees, flowers, lakes, and springs, all gathered to stare at Hoseok in awe as he walked. Animals too. They could see his ethereal self under his disguise, yet dared not approach him, hiding instead from your sight. Were he not busy, he wouldn’t mind lying there to sing and play the lyre for them.
“I am Hoseok, and my brothers… want me to meet a girl. I was on my way to her.”
“A girl? Do you mean, to take as wife?”
Hoseok astutely answered the first question only, “Yes. I’m told she will likewise be in Corinth.”
“If you can keep up, I’d not mind a travel companion.” Hoseok was about to say keeping up was not a problem with him when he realised the animals were dispersing and the nymphs forming a crowd ahead. You followed his gaze and groaned. “Another obstacle? Who am I, Theseus?”
Hoseok laughed, “Every hero faces challenges.”
Thief, rather. Though being called hero did make a flush creep across your cheeks… until reaching the hubbub, where all colour drained from them. The nine Muses were there, a youth knelt and clasping the knees of one of them in the manner of a supplicant.
“Please,” he begged, “I didn’t mean it, it was just a jest!”
They weren’t moved by his tears. “All here heard you set yourself above shining Apollo, speak ill of him. It is only fitting your mouth be sewn shut with a lyre’s string as punishment.”
Hoseok raised his eyebrows, amused. Nice one. He wished he could be there in his real form to do the job himself. But seeing you attempt to gulp the lump in your throat beside him, he could tell you were horrified. Did you fear to share the same fate? You would, in truth, had Hoseok caught you trying to steal his arrows, but now that he knew your justification and was set on seducing you, a different future was to be woven by the Moirai.
He whispered in your ear, “I think I dropped my bag of coins back where we met. I promise I won’t be long.”
You sighed, “I’ll watch the spectacle in the meantime.” To know what to expect when your time came…
The fair-voiced Muses recognised Hoseok as he left, pretended not to. If he was undercover, he must have a reason, and they wouldn’t out him. They weren’t surprised when he returned as Apollo.
He appeared out of nowhere, the god you planned to slight, so beautiful your eyes almost hurt as when one looks at the sun—radiance shone from his head, his curly hair so bright that a golden crown must camouflage in it under the sunlight, much like Hoseok’s. Guilt stung your heart when his gaze found yours and he smiled warmly.
Apollo then turned his attention to the kneeling youth, who’d begun to sweat. “What do we have here?”
“This boy boasted he was a better musician than you.” The Muses laughed, and you almost did too. It was a ridiculous claim.
“Did he?” Apollo’s good mood seemed untempered. “Well, I’ve no time for a music competition, so shall we just agree you’re in the wrong?”
The youth was quick to nod, yet dared not look away from the ground. “Y-Yes, Phoebus!”
“Do you regret your crime?”
“Awfully, lord, I do!”
“Well, tempted as I may be to make an example of you, today I’m feeling merciful. You’re forgiven.”
There was a pause in which the whole forest fell silent, asking themselves if they’d heard right. A god letting pass an act of hubris was unprecedented. You held the air in your lungs, unsure whether to release it in relief, as this might just mean your venture wasn’t doomed.
“Forgiven?” Even the Muses were dumbfounded.
“It’s not often mortals show remorse, so as long as they do, there’s no need for harsh punishment. Especially if they’re pretty.” Apollo glanced at you, making your lips part, before turning around to face the youth again. “Pour a libation for me and we’ll call it a day, eh?”
Later, long-winged Selene was pulling the moon behind her from the chariot she drove in the sky to bring the night when thanks to Zeus’ sacred laws of hospitality, xenia, an old couple near ARGOS was happy to feed you dinner and provide a bed for you to sleep in—one you’d have to share, which was absolutely fine and not the cause of your arisen nerves.
But once lying on it, the tension in your muscles weakened as you listened to Hoseok play a soothing melody on a lyre he’d found in a chest, and a faint smile settled on your lips.
“This song… I once heard Apollo play it,” you confessed. Given Hoseok was the author of it and had taught it to no one yet, he frowned. He was certain he’d never met you before that day, so how could you have heard him play it?
“I was a child. Jungkook and I were playing in the forest outside of Pylos when we heard it. We followed the sound and found Apollo sat against a rock with all sorts of animals surrounding him, listening to him play and hum. It was lovely.”
Even though the gods were known to harshly punish mortals who spied on them, Hoseok smiled too. He played often for the animals, so he didn’t know which specific day you were talking about, but he was glad it served as a happy memory that eased your journey into the embrace of sleep. Although it probably had to do more with your brother.
Hoseok couldn’t blame you, as he also loved his sister deeply, had even slain a divine creature for his mother once. Family was as important to you as it was to him and for that very reason, he realised then that Hermes’ staff was already lost to him. There was nothing else you could afford to care about.
Little did you know, there was nothing else Hoseok chose to care about but you.
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Early the next morning, you reached Argos, only that you went around instead of through it.
The great city wasn’t closed, but the old couple had warned you Apollo had stung its citizens with his arrows of pestilence because their queen had neglected him in her devotion, sacrificing to all the gods but him. She should’ve accounted for the detail that while one of his sides was healing and medicine, the other was plague and disease.
Hoseok didn’t regret it. It was her fault her people were suffering. But the grim look on your face when you’d been told… He knew the news had cancelled out the hope born inside you yesterday and that you’d immediately asked yourself that if he’d done that over some sacrifices, what would he do to you for stealing from him?
Midway through the day, while hunting for lunch, he decided to lighten the mood.
“But why not? Most priestesses don’t serve for life!”
A part of you hoped Hoseok was exaggerating his dismay at your refusal to marry not to make you laugh, but so you wouldn’t suspect it was in fact real– No. There was no sense to that thought. Where did it even come from? You were a priestess, he was to be married, and you didn’t know each other.
“My family would have to come up with a dowry and they can’t afford it.”
“I think any is a small price to pay for a man to keep your bed warm.”
Oh… so that was it? He was indignant you wouldn’t know such pleasures? You’d never craved them, honestly, rather thought they were only possible for men. Interesting. But not important right now, as opposed to the rabbit moving about in that bush. Nocking an arrow on your bow, you whispered, “The only man I’d ever care to sleep with anyway is Apollo."
Hoseok felt smug for a second, as he followed your step, then reminded himself this was bad. You were supposed to fall for him, not Apollo. “I’m sure every man back in Pylos prays daily that you quit priesthood.”
A snort betrayed you and the rabbit darted away from the bush, so seizing the chance, you released the arrow and assured lunch. “Thanks Apollo!”
“Don’t mention it–” During the short duration of a missed beat, Hoseok’s heart had forgotten that it was common for mortal archers to thank him, the god of archery, when they hit their targets. Sweet merciful Zeus! Why was he on edge? “Uh… D-Don’t mention his name. We don’t want to summon him, do we?”
Before heading to the lifeless rabbit, you nodded, figuring he was right. “I reckon you can’t wait to meet the girl your brothers want you to marry.”
Hoseok didn’t follow after you, instead watched as you picked up the rabbit and struggled to remove the arrow from its body on your way back to his side. By your tone, he could swear you’d spoken from a place of jealousy, distant as though it may be.
“I find I wouldn’t mind if the trip to Corinth lengthened.”
You looked up once near enough to tell him you would, but the words flew away from your mind the moment your eyes landed on him.
Hoseok was pleased he’d taken this appearance. You were mesmerised, eyes narrowing, likely wondering how you hadn’t noticed until now how attracted you were to him!
Or not. “You’ve a spider crawling up a curl.”
Hoseok was starting to think Hermes and Dionysus were right… The warmth of his divine presence tended to do the job for him, his wit and charm really played a secondary role. Now, he was forced to give up the former, but you, Hoseok feared, were proving to be either immune to the latter or remarkably good at pretending so.
Or maybe it was his fault fully… Just, why the hell did he get so nervous around you?! It was like he couldn't muster a grain of confidence. He’d have to make an effort for the first time not just to flirt, but finish a conversation feeling like he had things under control. That he was in charge.
It wouldn’t help that he wasn’t used to being treated as an equal by a mortal. Much less given commands. ‘Skin the rabbits while I gather some wood’, ‘Burn the fat and bones as a sacrifice to Artemis, will you?’... Even when he’d offered you his share because he, as an immortal, didn’t need food to survive, you’d responded with an assertive ‘Eat’. Not to say he didn’t like it. It was amusing, in a way.
But passing by a small lake fed by a waterfall, Hoseok decided it was his turn.
“Fancy a swim?”
“Sure. And to be fed grapes, while I’m at it,” you chuckled, under the impression Hoseok was joking until you turned around and saw him getting rid of his chiton. Your eyes widened like those of Athena’s owl at the sight of his bare body, looked away only once you’d fought through your shock. “My brother’s life is at stake. If you wish to stay, then this is goodb–”
“Oh, come on, just a quick dive. When was the last time you bathed?”
“Back in Pylos.”
“Thought as much.” You discreetly smelled yourself and at once agreed hygiene shouldn’t be neglected. There was just one thing… and by the way you kept quiet, Hoseok noticed. “What, you’re afraid of water?”
“Not water itself, but drowning.” You played with your fingers, embarrassed to say, “I can’t swim…”
A loud laugh made you snap your head towards its source to see Hoseok approach you naked without any shame. To your own surprise, your feet rooted to the ground instead of stepping back as he promised, “I’ll hold you.”
Never would you have imagined you’d strip naked before a stranger and get in a lake with him, but there was something about him that inspired trust. You knew he wouldn’t take advantage, his gaze keeping away from your private parts proved it so. When the two of you slipped into the water, Hoseok kept a firm grip on your waist, even though you managed to touch the bottom if you stood on your tiptoes. For a second you wished you didn’t, so he could hold you even closer…
“Loosen up, Y/N, you’re as taut as a bowstring,” he said in a low voice, as he was so close he needn’t be loud, and you swallowed hard while nodding.
He next told you to move your limbs about and before you knew it, you were swimming and splashing him and giggling.
The dark began to skew the sky with stars sooner than expected, though, and you blamed the pleasant time spent at the lake for it. You were supposed to sleep in Corinth, where the festival of Aphrodisia was being celebrated, but the city was so far that you were going to miss your ship at dawn!
Luckily, Hoseok had a plan.
While you were picking up some flowers to present to foam-born Aphrodite for lack of a proper offering, he snuck away into the forest, somewhere you wouldn’t hear him summon his kin. A mention of Selene’s name was enough for the goddess to have her white horses land before Hoseok.
Elbow resting on the edge of her chariot and palm holding her jaw, Selene sighed, “I’m busy, Apollo, in case you haven’t noticed. Night doesn’t just come on its own.”
“Speaking of which, I need you to hold back the moon until we get to Corinth, me and–”
“Your priestess, yes.” Selene smirked when Hoseok frowned. “It gets boring up there. One resorts to gazing down, and your lame attempts at seducing this girl provide the funniest distraction.”
“Will you help me, or not?”
Selene laughed, “Gladly.”
And so it was that you reached Corinth before midnight, hair however completely dry as the day had lengthened by many hours. You could piece together no explanation for it, so it had to be what Hoseok mused, that the gods must be making mischief.
Despite the late hour, the streets were crowded with pilgrims who sang hymns to the goddess of love and beauty, and every column of every building was entwined with flowers. The air was also perfumed with the scent of cinnamon but as a priestess, you knew that was to mask the spilled blood of the animals being sacrificed outside the great Temple of Aphrodite, that you entered to leave your modest offering.
Hoseok waited outside, and scoffed when he spotted a familiar face dancing in the crowd, a garland crowning his head. It was the mighty messenger Hermes—or Taehyung, as he liked to address himself when mingling among the mortals in such form.
“Didn’t take you for a faithful follower of Aphrodite’s, little brother,” Hoseok laughed when they stood face to face.
“Well, you know her. She’s likely to welcome me back into her bed if I sing her praises. Literally.” Taehyung looked around to make sure no one was paying attention, made appear his herald’s staff out of thin air. “I hope you haven’t forgotten about our bet? Your priestess will die of old age before you make a move on her.”
“Love isn’t born in a day,” Hoseok retorted in his defence, ignoring Taehyung counting to two with his fingers. “Besides, she’s on a mission of her own, it isn’t currently a prime concern of hers. Be patient, I have no deadline.”
"Even all the time in the world won’t be of help to you, Hoseok.” Taehyung patted his shoulder before joining the dancing crowd again.
Soon, you walked out of the temple and came to a stop in front of Hoseok, too quiet. He frowned.
“What is it?”
You looked everywhere but at him. “She must be waiting for you, the girl you seek to wife.”
Ah, jealous? “I think she’ll be pleased if I keep you company until your ship sets sail tomorrow. Make sure no harm comes to you.”
Since you did want to be with Hoseok for a bit longer, the corners of your mouth quirked into a smile.
The night was spent in a cloud of food, drink, dance, song, and laughter. You loved Jungkook dearly, but it was alleviating to set aside the anxiety suffered for his fate, as well as yours. Wine was good at that, casting away all the bad from one’s mind.
At some point, Hoseok decided it was bedtime. Relying on xenia and the generosity of strangers, he knocked on the first door he saw and a family surely opened it to welcome you in. They showed you to a spare room after some chatting and the second you were alone, you wrapped your arms around Hoseok’s neck and made your lips join.
He was taken aback, but readily licked both your lips before kissing you back ardently, like you were the goddess and he your worshipper. You closed the distance between your bodies to melt into his warm embrace. Hoseok knew you craved him inside, so as a tease, he slipped his tongue in your mouth when you relaxed your jaw and slid it across yours as his cock would. That caused you to moan, and your core pulsate with lust. This might be one of your last nights alive, so why not treat it as such and give in to your desires? To the sweet passion Hoseok stirred inside you?
You would’ve, had he not suddenly pulled back.
Your mouth tried to seek his, even let out a few whines, but he wasn’t having it. Why? Why too did he look like he was suppressing annoyance?
Hoseok did want to savour every sweet bit of you, but what he’d tasted on your tongue was an abundance of Dionysus’ wine. In truth, he only needed take a look at you, so drunk you could barely stand, supporting your weight on him not to stumble. Hoseok sighed.
As a god, he wasn’t subjected to the laws of man. They didn’t apply to him, nor did their morality, so plundering you in that state wasn’t a crime. Mortals were created out of clay to serve the immortals and be playthings to them… and yet Hoseok wanted to earn your love. Not because of the bet, which meant less to him the more time he spent with you, but because he was catching feelings himself.
Besides, none of this was real to begin with. You were just convinced you were going to die, hence why you were doing what you normally wouldn’t.
“Not like this, Y/N.” And carefully, he led you to the bed, where you fell asleep in a matter of minutes.
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Your eyes fluttered open when Selene’s sister Eos cast open the gates of dawn.
An ache grounding into your temples, you sat up only to realise the other side of the bed was empty, thanked the gods for it when memories of the previous night resurfaced and embarrassment drowned you. What had you done?
And more urgently, what time was it?
You couldn’t risk missing that ship, so you slapped your own cheek—yes—and pulled yourself together, dismissing every thought that didn’t include Jungkook before joining the family for a quick yet lively breakfast.
The walk to the port was however a quiet one, where neither you or Hoseok seemed to know how to get rid of the awkwardness, and because of that, it was disconcerting when he held your hands once stood by the ship you were to embark, so tenderly like they were injured and he didn’t want to hurt you.
“I want to come with you.”
It took you a second to react. “No. We don’t both need to suffer the wrath of a god.”
“But I won’t let you die.”
You withdrew your hands, smiling wistfully. “My death is not for you to impede.”
Hoseok bit his tongue. “Have faith. We will meet again.”
Sailing away you pondered over how, if you ever did see Hoseok again, it would be as a married man. You’d rather rot in the depths of Hades’ dead kingdom.
For the moment, you prayed Poseidon was in a good mood and his waters remained peaceful as fortunately, your destination was another: the home of the Muses, as the cave in MOUNT PARNASSUS was known to be, and the place where Apollo’s golden bow and arrows were safeguarded when he had no need for them.
Merely crossing the gulf of Corinth would take you a full day, so in the meantime, Hoseok set off to Pylos. He wanted to get to the truth of the matter.
He found your brother guarded only by bronze bars, snuggled up on the cold floor of the palace’s underground cells. Apollo squatted next to him to tuck behind his ear the fluffy dark hair that covered his face, and a whisper of Jungkook’s name was enough to waken him.
Indeed, it was wide awake how he screamed and cowered at the corner of the cell.
“It’s been but four days, the king said I had seven! You can’t execute me yet, whatever the prince says!”
“I’m no executioner, Jungkook. I’m Apollo.”
“The new cook?”
“The Olympian!”
“Oh…” Yes, he should’ve guessed it was absurd for the palace’s new cook to come greet him in his cell. Wait– Did this man say he was Olympian Apollo? Jungkook rubbed the remaining sleep off his eyes and wondered how he could not have recognised those shiny blond curls! “Oh.”
The god barely stifled an eye-roll. “I’m here to hear what happened. Tell me, and know that I’ll see a shadow behind your words if you lie.”
Jungkook gulped. “I was wrongly accused, lord. It is the prince who should be sentenced to death.”
Apollo cocked his head to a side. “The prince?”
“I’m his serving boy. The other day, I overheard him plot against the king with his stepmother. Everybody knows they’re having an affair… Well, everybody but the king, of course. I was going to warn His Grace, but the prince caught me and claimed I was the one behind the plot. The king decided that I’d be executed in four days from now if my older sister Y/N failed to bring him–” Jungkook shut his lips at once.
“My golden arrows.”
Oh, no. He knew of your quest? “Y/N is a priestess of your temple here in Pylos! She’s devoted to you, of all the heavenly gods fears your wrath most!”
“I know.” Apollo stood up and gave him a reassuring smile. “As I know you are telling me the truth.”
At nightfall, you arrived in DELPHI, heart hammering its way through your chest, as on the morrow you’d reach Mount Parnassus and carry through your blasphemous theft.
The nerves were clearly not going to let you sleep, so there was no point in making use of Zeus’ xenia. Instead, you were waiting for the change of guards at the entrance of the great Temple of Apollo—where the high priestess Pythia served as an oracle uttering prophecies under divine possession—so you could sneak in. Once inside, you walked to the end of the naos only to kneel before a tall statue of Apollo that made no justice to his ethereal beauty, and raised your hands into the air with your eyes closed.
“Hear me, child of Leto, he who presides over this temple! If ever I’ve served you in the past, if ever you’ve loved your sister as I love my brother and would do anything for him, grant my prayer and… do take out your vengeance on me. But not tomorrow when I rob you of your arrows, only after I have saved my Jungkook from the sword. Please, heed me!”
“I’ve never known anyone so foolish as to announce to a god her plan to steal from him.”
Your eyes snapped open to see the Pythia lurking in the shadows behind the statue. Shit.
Coming to your feet, you wanted to reach for your quiver and cut her life short before she alerted the guards. You were in a sacred place, but what was one more unforgivable sin?
What stopped you were Apollo’s own lethal weapons, his golden arrows, magically appearing in her hands.
“Phoebus has cursed them. Any who isn’t him and uses them will perish,” the Pythia explained flatly, as if she was hearing his voice in her head and repeating them out loud. “He wants you to give them to your king.”
She handed you the arrows, at which you stared astounded. Apollo knew? Had heard your prayers?
“What of my fate?”
“No harm will come to you by his hand, or any other,” she promised. “You’re under his protection now.”
Tears quickly flooded your eyes and then streamed down your cheeks. Your shaky breath morphed into a laugh and your laugh into a sob, all out of relief. Hoseok randomly crossed your mind, and the next question you didn’t know whether was addressed to the Pythia or yourself. “But why?”
She approached and cupped your cheeks, using her thumbs to wipe your tears gently. Even if you neither knew nor trusted her, you didn’t step back. Her touch was warm, felt strangely familiar…
“Because he’s looked into your heart and seen his light.”
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Apollo was done with Hoseok for the moment. Or so he’d thought.
He’d meant to watch you from the clouds save your brother and be done with the ‘tomorrow I may die, so I’ll behave like nothing matters because nothing does’ cast of mind. He wanted to matter to you, to be loved by you.
Alas, his hopes and dreams were crushed.
The fifth day of your quest you spent sailing back to Corinth, but your sixth one, you finished entering Argos. Now, why in Hades would you do that?! Death dwelled in that city, had you forgotten? Or mayhap… you feared not disease, after being told Apollo would protect you.
Alright. He’d make you invulnerable like Achilles, then. No problem. He was about to when he saw two guards suddenly arrest you for no apparent reason in the middle of the street and drag you to the palace. Immediately, Apollo took the appearance of Hoseok and stormed off from Olympus—though really not that bothered in view of the fact that it meant he got to meet you again.
You, however, weren’t sure you were glad to see him. Not there, at least.
“Y/N, what a coincidence!” he joked before the guard manhandling him into the throne room forced him on his knees next to you. “Do you buy your vegetables here too?”
“Who is this?” the queen asked annoyed.
She was standing in front of the two of you, a small crowd of courtiers gathered as an expectant audience that seemed to be about to watch some spectacle. If only you knew what it was about. You’d been shoved there with no explanation, were about to demand one right before Hoseok showed up.
“He says he’s her companion, Your Grace.”
The queen frowned. “But the prophecy spoke of one only…”
Hoseok quelled a frown. Prophecies passed through him, and there was none yet that involved Argos. No, the city was supposed to suffer until he saw fit.
You, on your part, had had enough. Had wasted enough time. “I command you let us go right now! You’ve no reason to detain us!”
The queen scoffed, looking down both at and on you. “You command me, brat? I’d order your death if you weren’t already destined to have your throat slit at the sacrificial altar.”
What? In dismay, you turned to a Hoseok who seemed to not fear the queen of Argos at all, rather looked at her suspiciously.
“Perhaps if you were as kind as to tell us why, Your Grace,” he asked, disdain hidden behind his faked respectful tone. The queen wasn’t blind to it, but let it pass, choosing to just glare at him.
“Over the smallest thing, Apollo has cursed the whole of Argos with a plague. My seer claims the only way to appease his anger is to sacrifice in holy ritual the one person who dares enter the city.”
Hoseok almost laughed. Her seer was a fraud.
“Your Grace!”
Before you could even whip your head around, a guard had snatched the golden arrows from your quiver and walked over to the queen. You tried to stand up to retrieve them, but another guard held you down.
“What have we here?” The queen realised whom the arrows belonged to the second she had a closer look, gasped in shock. “It cannot be! Are these–”
Everyone, including you, stared at Hoseok in disbelief.
The queen faced him. “So, you’re the thief?” Oh, no, of course! He didn’t know what had happened in Delphi, believed you’d stolen the arrows and would be punished by anyone who found out… Fool. Why would he cover for you? “Well, well. Apollo’s stolen weapons returned and a double human sacrifice… My loyal subjects, tomorrow Argos is saved!”
A loud cheer erupted, one you could still hear from the dark cell you and Hoseok were taken to by guards who then left to celebrate, trusting the bars to do their job.
You joined your palms and forehead with the wall, mumbled, “What use is your protection now that I’m stuck?” Hoseok knew that question was addressed at Apollo. The next one, however, asked as you turned around and walked up to him, was loud and clear and meant for Hoseok. “And what are you doing here? Are you mad?”
He flinched back, confused. Weren’t you happy to see him? “I came for you.”
You wanted to ask ‘What about the plague?’, but what instead came out was, “What about the other girl?”
Other… So you already considered yourself his?
Hoseok gazed into your eyes as he confessed, “My brothers wanted me to meet a girl, and I have.”
Your lips parted slightly. He’d turned down a possible bride in favour of you? He was mad. Mad enough to return whatever feelings you were struggling to suppress. You turned away from him, arms crossed. “A girl who’ll lead you to your death.”
Neither of you was dying tomorrow, Hoseok would sooner kill the whole of Argos than let anyone lay a finger on you.
“A girl who’d love me.”
Frozen in your spot, you daren’t turn around. Love was a strong word, and you’d known this man for just a few days. Eros’ arrow can’t have pierced your skin! Although… you couldn’t deny it must have grazed or scratched it.
“I don’t, I’m a priestess. What happened the other night… was a mistake. I’m sorry, I regret it.”
Since you weren’t looking, Hoseok allowed his lips an ironic smile. He could tell you were lying, trying to convince yourself rather than him. “You can both love Apollo and be in love with me.”
Shocked, you turned around. “Are you asking me to risk my position in order to what, be your lover?”
“It’s the gods who’ve brought us together,” Hoseok explained, walking closer. You held your breath, “who’ve shut the gates of my mind so I can think only of you. I believe the gods wouldn’t put your position in peril.”
And true that was. Priestesses were supposed to be spouses of the deities they served, so once Hoseok revealed his identity, you’d be relieved to learn your vow of chastity hadn’t been broken, as he was the only one it didn’t apply to.
You glanced down at his lips, then shook your head as though resisting a spell. “In my mind, there is only Jungkook.” The cell wasn’t too spacious, but out of stress you still paced around it. “And now we’ll die apart because I trusted a god who may have tricked me.”
Hoseok chuckled in the middle of the deep breath you were taking to calm down.
“You didn’t think I came here without a plan?” He walked over to put his hands on your shoulders and give them a gentle squeeze, putting an end to your pacing. “I’ll do everything in my power to reunite you with your brother. Do you trust me?”
You remembered when he told you to have faith you’d meet again. And you had. Besides, what other choice was there? “I do.”
Hoseok let go of you and went to lie down on the small bed, hands behind his head and eyes closed. “Then we’ll have to wait a couple of hours.”
You stared at him. He really didn’t want to just bed you, was actually looking out for you in a way Apollo was failing to. Or maybe he had sent him… Either way, Hoseok meant not to demand your love but deserve it, making your problems his like you shared a soul and body—and his, you realised then, you no longer wanted to resist.
“A couple of hours?” Hoseok nodded. “Well… it’s cold.”
“It is?”
You sighed, not knowing how to say it. “You once told me any is a small price for a man to keep your bed warm.”
Hoseok opened his eyes before the sentence was over and propped himself up on one elbow. You sat on the edge of the bed, a trembling hand rising that shyly caressed his cheek until he placed his own over it, and pressed a bit harder so you could really feel him, how hot his divine silver blood—known as ichor—was turning. You did, flashes of the night you kissed him making it into your mind. How his lips felt around yours, his tongue inside your mouth, your bodies pushed together…
Both leaned in at the same time, melting in a kiss that led to a night of pleasure dedicated to Aphrodite.
Meanwhile, Dionysus was doing his part.
Having taken the form he liked to call Jimin, he’d pretended to be a cupbearer at the feast the queen of Argos had held to celebrate the end of her punishment. No one noticed he didn’t belong as he poured his special, unmixed wine into the cups of every person in attendance, masking its strong taste with his powers. In a matter of hours, the whole court had lost their senses and passed out where they were, as mortal parties tended to finish in the presence of the god of intoxication.
Satisfied, he skipped his way to the cells, where he found you and Hoseok all cuddled up, skins glowing with the vigour you had loved each other with.
Jimin waved his hand and the cell’s door opened slowly, as though by a draft, but you turned around at once to see no one. “The gods be praised!”
Only seen and heard by a Hoseok who kept gesturing him to leave behind your back, Jimin laughed, “Dionysus, specifically.”
He disappeared then, and you and Hoseok didn’t hesitate to get out of there. What you did hesitate to believe was what your eyes witnessed once, in search of Apollo’s confiscated golden arrows, you entered the banquet hall. A whole court in the arms of Morpheus…
“There they are,” Hoseok whispered not to wake anyone, pointing at the end of the table, where the queen sat and in front of whom the arrows lied.
He walked over to get them, staring at the woman responsible for so much offence. Shielding the action with his body so you wouldn’t see, Hoseok grazed her arm with the tip of one of his sharp arrows, drawing blood. That was enough for her breath to still, her life to end.
You made it safely outside the city, near the house of the elderly couple who’d hosted you days past, even, but at some point you looked up at the moon and halted your rushed pace a tad abruptly, forcing Hoseok to do so as well since you were holding hands.
He frowned. “I don’t think this is the time to sightsee, Y/N.”
“But what’s the point?” you cried. “Pylos is more than two days away. There’s no way we can get there before sunrise.”
Hoseok looked up at the sky behind you, smiled. “Indeed. Though we might get there at the same time.”
You turned around for a peach-coloured sunlight to filter through the clouds and blind you.
Hold on, how could this be? It had been night for only some hours! And yet, before the two of you landed her chariot Selene’s sister, the rosy-fingered Eos. You held Hoseok’s hand tightly. In the presence of a goddess, one could not help but feel tense.
“You, child. Are you Y/N of Pylos?”
“I am, l-lady.”
She smiled kindly. “I’ve been sent to give you a ride, Y/N. I believe your king expects you.”
Relief washing over, you grinned at Hoseok, who caressed the back of your hand with his thumb. “This must be Apollo’s doing!”
“Must be, yes.”
You turned back to Eos and nodded. “Off we go, then, lady.”
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In about twenty minutes, people in front of the palace of Pylos were making space for the white horses to land their chariot.
Everyone stared in awe. Doubtless they’d thought you were going to fail, yet here you were escorted by a goddess, with Apollo’s golden arrows in your quiver, and… a foreign man holding your hand?
Once Eos had flown away to drag along the dawn to the West, you discerned on the judgemental faces of the Pylians the conclusions they had jumped to. Conclusions that were correct. You had given your virginity to a stranger, become a whore in the eyes of the world…
Hoseok was the one who let go of the hand he’d been holding ever since you lay together, and you missed his touch right away, like it was the air your lungs needed to breathe. He put some distance between you and with a respectful bow of his head—that was just for show—said, “After you, priestess.”
Eager to hold Jungkook in your arms again, you nodded, then led the way to the throne room.
The second you walked in, all heads turned to the king, who was sat on his throne on the top of some steps, looking at you in the same shocked manner everyone was. Nobody dared say a word. The only sounds in the room were first that of your feet taking you in front of the steps, Hoseok closely behind, and second that of you reaching into your quiver to get hold of the arrows.
The king leaned forward as though spellbound by the beauty of the deadly weapons, without taking his eyes off them ordered a guard, “Bring the boy.”
You turned to smile at Hoseok and he smiled back, but once you’d directed your attention to the door, he continued glaring at the greedy king. He obviously believed luck was on his side, given you’d come back from a suicide mission with a prize for him, but he’d soon learn the gods were not to be fucked with.
“Y/N!” Jungkook exclaimed as the guard dragged him into the throne room. Having eyes only for your brother, you didn’t notice the prince and his stepmother arrived next and took the king’s side while sharing worried looks. Hoseok did, sensed they feared Jungkook would reveal their plot now that he wasn’t going to be executed. You were about to go make sure he was alright, but the king’s voice stopped you.
“Uh-uh. The arrows first.”
Apollo’s curse in mind, you carefully presented them to him. Hoseok watched as he examined them while you ran to embrace Jungkook free of impediment, then passed them on to his son.
Who wasted no time in stabbing his neck with one of them.
Gasps and screams tore the silence apart, echoing as if they came from the stage of a theatre. In fairness, you might as well be in a tragedy play.
Shielding Jungkook with your body out of instinct, you kept still not to draw the gloating prince and his stepmother’s attention, eyes wandering to a Hoseok who otherwise walked over to you without a care for the blood crime just committed. The murder of one’s relatives was against the natural order, punished by the Erinyes themselves. Fortunately for the prince, he wouldn’t be tormented by the goddesses of vengeance, as the curse was already doing its work, causing him to choke in the midst of a speech in which he was declaring himself the new king of Pylos.
To everyone’s confusion but yours, he fell down the steps, lifeless before reaching the floor. His stepmother and lover shrieked, knelt beside him to try to shake him awake, but to no avail. It was then when she found you among the courtiers and through her tears and grief, glared at you.
“What have you done?!” she shouted, Hoseok alone noticed, surreptitiously curling her fingers around the shaft of one of the golden arrows scattered about. “I’ll have your head for this!”
What followed happened so quickly that you had little time to react.
Arrow raised in a fist, the queen lunged herself at you, but Hoseok stopped her right before she reached you by grabbing her wrist, and as she fought to free herself, he received a small cut on the hand. Eyes wide with horror, you gasped.
No, no, no, no…
“Is his blood silver?” Jungkook whispered to himself, and after a second his words transformed from a distant, incoherent echo to a clear question. Upon realising he was right, you frowned.
Hoseok snatched the arrow from the queen and she stumbled backwards, glancing at the guards.
“Come to the aid of your queen, I command you!”
Despite their reluctance, they were going to, but froze when Hoseok nocked the arrow on his bow and this one turned from wooden to gold before their eyes… and not just that.
Something changed about his appearance. Was it the hair? The eyes? You couldn’t tell. It was subtle enough to miss it yet substantial enough to know that your Hoseok was actually a god in disguise.
No other than Apollo, in all his glory!
As you blinked a few times trying to make sense of it, he aimed his arrow at the queen, and playing deaf to her pleas, slew her. Of course, his curse wouldn’t apply to an immortal.
When he turned around, a sea of courtiers fell to their knees, but he cared only about you, standing there in shock. Suddenly taking pity, he didn’t look forward at all to telling you he’d tricked you because of a bet…
A man thankfully rose to his feet and approached him before he had the chance to open his mouth. “Heavenly lord! You’ve blessed Pylos with your presence to free us from a family unworthy of our throne. Tell us, what can we ever do to thank you?”
Hoseok– or Apollo? This was tough, since you could somehow see both at the same time... Well, whoever, replied, “For now, consign the bodies of these three to the UNDERWORLD with all proper rites and burn them.”
Had Hoseok’s voice always been honeyed? His words certainly were... Though looking back, he’d never lied to you, just tip-toed around the truth. Didn’t make you feel any better, but he was a god. What an insignificant mortal felt must be irrelevant to him.
The courtier nodded, followed along with everyone the guards who carried the dead royal family outside of the throne room. Only you and Jungkook remained. And him.
“Leave us, little brother,” you ordered softly.
“Listen to your sister. Fear not, I won’t harm her.”
Jungkook trusted that, he just didn’t want to leave your side ever again. However, it became clear to him that defying a god was the stupidest idea when he met his eyes. There was a subtle threat reflected on them.
He didn’t need to be told twice to go then, and the silence he left behind was beyond tense.
You daren’t look at Apollo now that you were alone. The man you’d spoken so casually to, bossed around, shouted at, made love with. But when you did muster some courage, you realised he didn’t seem so different in appearance, it was just that you weren’t blind to his splendour anymore.
He beckoned you to come closer and you obeyed with your face cast down as, would he punish you for doing the king’s bidding and stealing from him, after all? To your relief, he only raised your chin gently to make you look at him, but your eyes instead landed on the small cut on his hand, and without thinking you held it to check whether it was deep, careful not to touch his blood as ichor was deadly to mortals.
“Y-You’re hurt…”
“This little thing?” Apollo smiled at your concern, as it was no more than a scratch. He blew his divine breath on the wound and in seconds, it healed completely. “I suppose I owe you an explanation.”
“You owe me nothing, lord.”
“Hoseok is fine. I rather like the sound of it when you say it.” He sighed when you just nodded. “We didn’t meet by chance, Y/N. Hermes and Dionysus dared me to seduce the first mortal my eyes set upon without revealing my identity.” Oh, so worse than you’d imagined. “It didn’t occur to me that you’d beat me to it.”
Your lips parted in confusion. “To seducing you? But I’ve done nothing but disrespect Apollo– I mean, Hoseok– Uh, you…”
He chuckled, “Believe me, I know. Without meaning to, you’ve bewitched a god well enough to make him overlook hubris. Do you know what that means?”
You shook your head.
“It means I am in love with you, and that I want you to be mine.” You avoided his gaze out of shyness, but he cupped your cheeks and kissed you like he had done back in that cell less than an hour ago, taking your breath away—only this time, you felt the heat of the sun itself on your lips. He pulled back only to whisper against them, “You know I do not lie.”
You did know that. But could you forgive so easily being deceived over a bet? Even the god of whom you were a priestess?
Truth was, it wasn’t just the fear of what then seemed to be a certain death by the hands of Apollo that drew you to his embrace the night before you left Corinth. Neither was it just lust in Argos. He’d earned your love, so much so that you’d agreed to become his lover, were likely going to quit being a priestess at some point to be wed to him. The bet was won long ago, he knew he needn’t claim your maidenhood for it, and yet he’d stuck around.
A different face mattered not.
He loved you, and you loved him.
“I am already yours.”
Hoseok hummed pleased before you kissed him, and you felt his smile grow under your lips. It made you smile too, and the two separated to laugh. Then, he headed to the steps to pick up his golden arrows and put them in his quiver.
“You’re leaving?”
“I must leave for Olympus. I have responsibilities I’ve set aside this past week, but I’ll come back whenever you utter a prayer to me. I promise.”
He saw the disappointment on your face and placed a hand over your belly, making you frown. “Intimacy with the gods always bears fruit. I can already feel twins growing inside you, and I cannot wait to raise them alongside you.”
At the thought of your children playing around the forest the same way you and Jungkook once did—or Apollo and Artemis, at that—you couldn’t help but smile again. Not to mention that you would not only preserve your position as a priestess, but also be revered for giving a god descendants.
Hoseok kissed you one last time, and when you opened your eyes, he was gone, but his warmth remained.
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ice-sculptures · 1 year
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hey everyone!! so, originally, i wanted to do one of these back when all of y'all were posting your 'follow forever' + favorite blogs lists for new year's eve, but at that point in time i didn't feel like i knew anyone well enough to make a full list. but now, it's been almost nine months (holy shit!!!) since i joined this fandom, and there have been so many people that i've connected with and who have made my experience on here so much fun and so special.
plus...it's my birthday today, so i thought - what better way to celebrate it than to show my immense love & appreciation for all my mutuals, followers friends, and anyone who has ever made my tumblr experience better?
this isn't really in any particular order, and also, i am so so sorry if i forgot anyone. i had to type this out at least six times over the past two months because tumblr kept deleting my progress for some reason, so i'm really sorry if i missed anyone because of it. i recognize the urls of anyone that regularly interacts with my posts, so i promise that if you've ever left nice tags in the reblogs of my gifs or replied to any of my WIPS or tagged me in a gifset or in a tag game or sent me a nice ask or anything at all, really, please know that i think you're wonderful and i love you all so much even if tumblr hates me and decided to erase all of the evidence of it 😅
okay, enough dillydallying!! putting this under a cut so that it doesn't swallow ur dash whole....n here we go :)
@fireplceashes hi jen!! i know i said like. just one paragraph above that this was in no particular order, but i immediately broke the no. 1 rule of law and lied, bc as my very first friend in this fandom you are so undoubtedly so special to me and i'm putting you first just because i Can and no one can stop me. but anyway. where do i even begin with you? you are easily one of the sweetest people i have Ever, ever met - not just on tumblr, but in my real life as well - and i really love talking to you So much. thank you so much for always listening to my rants, and checking up on me, and just generally being there for me. you're just a really soothing person to talk to and i never have to worry about being 'too much' or anything like that when i'm talking to you. and of course - you are also so, so talented, and your gifs are absolutely stunning. they always turn out so beautifully, and i'm so in awe of your editing skills. basically...i'm just Very grateful to have met you, and *mike wheeler voice* all of my other mutuals, they're great, but my fandom experience would not be the same without you ❤️
@basiltonpitch spencer!! i feel the need to echo the first thing i said to you and remind you that i think you're a genius :') fun fact that i haven't told you: when i first found your blog, even before i realized that you were That person who wrote the benvi meta that i loved, the first posts that i saw from you were your beautiful web weavings, and i was immediately like Who is this person??? and Who gave them the permission to stomp all over my heart like this?? wtf?? i just. i love ur brain So so much and i'm so grateful that i get to enjoy your creativity in not one but two of my favorite fandoms (soon to be 3 with 911 maybe?) oh also...this is slightly embarrassing but i've gone back through your blog a few times just so i can read your incredible meta because all of your thoughts are so valuable to me. you are the Only person on this site that i trust to Get devi vishwakumar and one of the biggest reasons why i'm so excited for never have i ever s4 to drop is so that i can experience it alongside you!! and even outside of your creative genius, you are one of my favorite people to talk to bc you're so kind and so supportive and such an absolute sweetheart and i really love hearing everything you have to say. so. um. basically. i am just a Spencer Enthusiast through and through 💖
@padmedala carson!! hello!! first off, i've said this to you a million times, but i want to thank you once again for writing one of my favorite pieces of byler fanfiction. do you know that one post about reading fanfics and having to stop because 'he would not say that?' well, your work is the epitome of reading a fic and feeling wholly satisfied because yes, he would say that - in fact, i would not hesitate for a minute to say that you have the strongest grasp on will and mike's characterization - especially their dynamic together - out of any writer i've met in this entire fandom. like...i enjoy your writing so much that i've read a couple of your pieces for IT despite not having any knowledge of the source material simply because i wanted to experience more of your work. you're also such a deeply kind and supportive person, and you have no idea how much i appreciate every single time you've checked up on me or sent me a sweet message or even just dropped into my inbox to say hello. you make my dash infinitely brighter, and i'm so very glad to know you and have you as a friend on here 💞
@wllbyers dani!! hi!! i have so much to say abt how wonderful you are, and i was struggling w how to articulate this for a while, but then i remembered that you once said to me that you found my presence on the dash comforting, and honestly, that's exactly how i feel about you. forgive me for the awkward metaphor, but seeing you on the dash is like coming home after a long day and having a warm, home-cooked meal. seeing your url and icon always makes me smile, and i'm so grateful that we're mutuals because of how kind, considerate, and utterly genuine you are!! i don't know if i'm describing this right, but you just feel so real, you know? i feel like your personality shines through with every post you make, and i always love seeing it. and i'm sorry if this is weird to say, but your openness and your authenticity about everything going on in your life makes me feel a little bit less alone about my own struggles. also do you remember when you started watching 911 and eventually ended up getting ahead of me, and you tagged each and every one of your posts just so that i wouldn't get spoiled? i know it seems simple, but the sheer fact that you thought of doing that just for me had me melting into a little puddle w my face looking like that one meme of kristen bell. you are just so, so lovely and i'm unbelievably glad we're mutuals 🥰
@willblogger ima i've said this many times before but i absolutely Need to say it again: you are genuinely the funniest person on byler tumblr. i cannot count the number of times that you've made me full-on belly laugh (to the point where my stomach starts to hurt) and completely destroyed my attempts to casually and inconspicuously scroll through tumblr in public places. i dunno how you do it at all but every single thing you say is such an absolute delight and i am always giggling n kicking my feet when i read the tags on all of your posts. the thousands of people on tiktok and twitter copying your jokes could never do it like you. you've also got this deep understanding of the way the text has been written and i really appreciate how your analysis honors the characters as they are instead of trying to make them more palatable them for this fandom. it's just. it's rare to find people that love these characters as they are and understand them as well as you do and i feel very lucky to have found your blog. also this is not related at all but ur plushies are cute as fuck & i love them :) OH!! n thank u sm for being my number one stevebucky enthusiast mutual n partner in rage when it comes to avengers endgame!! can't wait to have a hate party w you (if you'd like) in five days 💗
@willelfanpage SARA HI HELLO do u see me waving at you. this is me holding up a banner screaming abt how much i love you. as the resident fandom cheerleader who gives and gives and gives so much love to everyone she interacts with, you deserve someone cheering YOU back on and that is what i am here to do!! you are so brilliant and you have never made an incorrect post in your life!!! all your fics are wonderful and i've loved reading them!! you are kind, you are smart, you are funny, and you make everyone around you feel so safe and comfortable and welcome here. like. i can't tell you how much i admire how open you are with your kindness and friendship and how you give it so freely to everyone you interact with. i love talking to you so much - whether it's hearing about your life or sharing our ideas with one another or just. venting about anything i want to - and your enthusiasm is utterly infectious and makes me feel more hyped and excited to be in fandom. forgive me for being so sappy on main but i will never not be touched by your endless love for fandom, not only these characters and the works that people make, but for the people around you as well and i hope u know i love u very much too 💞
@jackietaylcrs hii marianne fellow haver of good taste!! i remember you once made a post wondering if your followers would still love you if your stranger posting went down to 0.5% and i wanted to lyk that i definitely would!! i really like reading your commentary on ST and yellowjackets, but even when you're posting about a show that i'm not familiar with, you have this Way of speaking that i find very charming and funny and entertaining, and you bring this inimitable energy to my dash that i doubt i could ever find elsewhere. i like the way you sign off your posts with 'and like i say: brf slt.' i think it’s Neat n it fits you very well. alsooo THANK YOU very very much for being the one to convince me to watch yellowjackets!! people have been telling me to watch it for a long time but in the end it was your posts that made me say, fuck it, and finally watch it. also. um. ur posts abt stephen harrison make me feel very Seen so. thank u. ok bye 💗
@emblazons hello marie my beloved mutual marie!! honestly, out of everything in this post, this message was the hardest to write because i don't even know where to begin with you!! you bring so, so much to this fandom - your thoughtful, entertaining, levelheaded commentary, your stunning gifsets, your logical and witty posts, your incredibly supportive and kind personality, and your endless passion for this show and all that goes into making it, as well as our shared love & enthusiasm for noah schnapp 😅 every time i think you've made the most brilliant observation or put out the most beautiful set, you go and top yourself by finding something new or making an even prettier gifset. if i had to pick one person whose contributions to the fandom enriched my experience of this show? more than anyone, it would be you!! and i could go on and wax poetic about your talent forever (as i have on many, many occasions bc you deserve it 🥰), but i'm gonna end it here by saying that you are a gift to this fandom and one of my absolute favorite people on here, and that i'm beyond grateful to know you.
@mikeandwillel sandy!!!! you are so so smart and your analysis is absolutely incredible. i look forward to each and every one of your analyses because you always find the most clever parallels and your deep dives into each of these characters' arcs are always written with so much care and skill. and of course, i forever have you to thank for writing The ultimate masterpiece (your s4 painting arc analysis) that finally convinced me of byler endgame and thus made my fandom experience so much more relaxing and fun. i also really love & how much you love mike for all that he is -- i feel like it's a little rare in this fandom, so seeing how much you adore his true character and how you Understand him better than anyone else i've ever met makes me really happy. and not to mention, i have no idea how you managed to get so good at gifmaking in such a short amount of time but all your sets are so beautiful!! you're a gem fr 💖
@babygirl-jonathanbyers abbyyyyyy hello!! do you know how much i love seeing you on my dash? i love your pure, unapologetic love for jonathan, jancy, and the byers brothers and it really makes my whole day when i see a post from you appreciating those characters/ships. your moodboards are also So pretty and your presence on my dash is so positive and welcoming. i hope you're doing well on your hiatus rn and i can't wait to see you back on here again 🫂
@elmaxed lumiiiii hi!!!! when i think of you, honestly, the very first word that comes to mind is creative, because you bring so much to this fandom and i'm so grateful for it. i'm obsessed with everything you write because your fics are so lively and fun and make me smile uncontrollably every time i read them, all your headcanons are brilliant and adorable, your moodboards are gorgeous and not to mention, your themes are always so beautiful!! you're just...such a ray of sunshine on my dash and i'm so happy to have followed you 🥰
@mlchaelwheeler sarahhhhh my favorite stonathan pioneer and one of my first mutuals in this fandom!! i think you already know this but your analyses were a huge part of what got me into the byler fandom in the first place and i have never looked back, so thank you for that!! i Love love love ur theories (especially the s5 spec stuff) and i love seeing u in my notifs and reading your lovely and enthusiastic tags on everything you reblog and i love your love for st's OST!! you're a really smart, sweet, and positive person with the best opinions and i am forever rooting for mike to get a sword in s5 just for you 🙏🏼
@bylrndgm dearest elz you have no idea how happy your blog makes me 🥹 you're one of the most talented gifmakers i've ever met, and i always find myself smiling so much whenever i see you've posted something new (especially your byler x TS edits 🥰) because they're always so beautiful!! i've also always felt like your blog and everything you've posted is one of the purest and most expressions of love for mike and will....it's so clear that you love them So much and your blog makes me so happy to be part of this community. you've also always been so sweet to me throughout my entire time in this fandom and you're one of the people that has made me feel most welcome here. also since i never ended up responding to your DM i wanted to say that whatever path you choose, i'm sure that you're going to crush it and i am rooting for your success always 💖
@madcleradin sierra madcleradin byhops finalgirlbyers willcoded!! ok i promise i don't mean this in a weird parasocial way but i kind of admired you from a distance for a while even before we were mutuals just because every single one of your posts that ended up on my dash had me nodding my head and tapping my brain in agreement and clapping for u like this 👏🏼 all of your takes are top tier and i love how passionate you are about everything you talk about!! you're def one of the sweetest, friendliest, and coolest people on byler tumblr and following u has been such a gift ❣
@byclairs hello emily!! your gifs are absolutely stunning and i love following you because i Know i can always count on you to have the most based takes, both on stranger things (especially ur will takes - those keep me sane fr) and on fandom as a whole. also just wanna say that you have the best taste in ships and that you've got a 10/10 banger of a url that always has me mentally giving you a thumbs up whenever i see you on the dash ❤️
@heroesbyler stav!! you're one of the most brilliant analysts on this site and i'm so in awe of all of the incredible theories and analyses you've posted!! i'm obsessed w all of your banger gay mike posts & i'm also both fascinated and disturbed by all of the dots you've connected regarding brenner, henry, & the lab. your posts are so insightful and compelling and you've made me think about so many things that i never would've noticed on first glance. i also love that you're both unflinchingly confident but also insanely kind - a rarity in most fandoms, especially this one, and i love that energy on my dash. i'm very proud to be your grandma (your words not mine -- no i will not let you forget about that 🙏🏼)
@mandycantdecide hiiiii amanda!! i love your blog so much, and even though we don't share all of the same fandoms i love seeing your posts about everything you're interested in because i can always feel your energy and enthusiasm for it no matter what :) in fact, it was actually your posts that made me want to get back into 911, and you have no idea how grateful i am to you for that because being in that fandom is the most fun i've had in a really long time. so thank you, thank you thank you for that, and for generally being so sweet 💕
@howtobecomeadragon ayla!! hello!! i know we don't know each other super well but i Really wanted to let you know how much i appreciate your posts and all of your contributions to this fandom. you were one of my first favorite blogs when i first joined in august and you have no idea how thrilled i was when you followed me back haha 😅 i looooove your theory posts so much and i think your fics are fantastic (and i am Eagerly awaiting the end of come back to me and forgive everything so i can read it). you're also super sweet and kind to everyone around you, and i love seeing you on my dash 💞
@mrperfectlyfinetv hi jake!! as my designated Swiftie Mutual i feel like i should let you know that i don't usually follow taylor swift blogs bc swifties are scary but your gifs are so gorgeous and your takes are so good that i just Had to break my rule and follow you anyway. i really enjoy reading all of your opinions on miss swift even if you are a rep hater asdkjendfcskjflejrf and i adore all of your pretty ST and taylor swift gifsets!! i also love how much you love speak now and you've definitely made me go back and give it a few more listens so that i can appreciate it more & at this point i'm begging taylor to release speak now tv soon just for you 🫶
@magentamee - hi bre :) your art style is absolutely delicious and your writing is so cute and i've always noticed how committed you are to uplifting everyone around you in this fandom. also this is random but your friendship with amanda and @/likegoldintheair is so cute and whenever you guys post about each other i always find myself smiling at how sweet your interactions are. you’re just a person who always brings a smile to my face when i see you on the dash and i want to thank you for that 💗
@paintingformike hi!! i've said this before but i really do think you've always been The strongest soldier in the byler fandom (like, ngl your posts were Carrying byler tumblr for a while there while everyone was still in their debating-over-s5-canon phase). you've always been so levelheaded and astute with your observations, and i've always admired and respected how your posts make it seem so simple and So clear how all of the overarching themes of the show are leading to byler endgame. you've got an incredible way with words and i'm so glad to have you in our fandom 💞
and now for the creatives in this fandom - some incredible gifmakers whose beautiful sets have been the highlight of my dash, some wonderful writers who have ripped my heart out over and over again only to stitch it back together seamlessly just one paragraph later, and brilliant fan artists who are able to capture so much and make me feel the entire spectrum of human emotion with just a few brush strokes:
@sharpesjoy - em!! you're an absolute sweetheart and such a joy to see on my dash. all of your gifs are so gorgeous and so clearly infused with all of the love that you have for everything you watch and i've added several shows to my watchlist because your gifs have made me want to watch them so badly 💞
@heroeddiemunson - kai!! your creations are so beautiful and you have this unique gifmaking style that i'm totally obsessed with!! your colorings and typography are always so pretty and i Love how special and creative your sets are, especially the D&D character sheets. like.....i have no idea how u come up w all these incredible ideas but i'm so very glad u do bc my dash is better for it❣️
@kaliprasad - hi!! your blog is amazing and i'm so glad that i found it bc all your gifs are fantastic and i love them So much. i think your talent is insane tbh, that byers brothers set that you made for me a little while ago is still one of my favorite things i've seen on this whole site, and i love that you love them just as much as i do 🫂
@kingofscoops - no one, and i mean no one, does coloring like you!! all of your sets are so vibrant and bring so much life to my dash & i think the ST fandom is very lucky to have you ❤️
@aliecenthightower - emilia!! your gifs are stunning and i'm completely in love with your song lyric edits. they're all absolutely beautiful and i'm in awe of how perfect and emblematic the lyrics you choose are, like you just Get these characters, y'know?
@mayahawkins - MADDYYYYYYY you are So talented, and believe me when i say that your gifs have been the Biggest inspiration for my own gifmaking journey. all your sets are so pretty & i love everything you make - including your playlists which live rent free in my mind!! but as a reminder i also love following your blog for You and not just your gifs :) you're an incredibly sweet person and ur presence on my dash is utterly invaluable 💗
@padme-amidala - hi erika!! okay, calling you a gifmaker almost feels wrong because that word doesn't feel like enough to encompass how beautiful your work is...all ur ideas are So amazing and you have such a natural eye for color and detail!! it is so clear that you pour so much love into all of your creations, and if i'm being honest, one of the reasons why i am so grateful to be a byler shipper is so that i can appreciate your craft to the fullest. and you're also Such a genuinely kind person that i always look forward to seeing on the dash!! thank you for being so lovely!!
@wiseatom - hi thea!! your writing is the ultimate definition of comfort. when i read ur work, no matter what i'm doing physically, mentally i am in my cozy bed with the fireplace crackling in the corner, surrounded by twinkly lights and warm blankets, sipping hot cocoa bc that is the kind of emotion ur writing invokes ✨
@byeler - irene!! your fics were my introduction to the world of byler fics and i admire you and your writing so very much 💞 i don't know how it's possible for one person to have this much skill and talent, but you do, and i'm so grateful that you've chosen to share it with us. eagerly waiting on a new heavy hopes chapter was one of the highlights of my fandom experience and that fic is a piece of writing that i will always come back to over and over again 🫶
@astrobei - suni i have been reading fics for over a decade now and i have still never encountered a writer that does emotion quite like you do, devastating me with every single fic you put out. i promise i mean this in the best way possible but you're So damn good at capturing all of that heartbreak and pain and inflicting the same agony on your readers, and it would have killed me by now if not for the fact that you're equally good at writing the sweetest fluff that has me melting into a puddle whenever i read 🫂
@hopelessromanfic - lyssaaaa!!! i've been Such a huge fan of landslide ever since you started writing it - it's one of my all time favorite fics in the fandom and i'm obsessed with the storyline and your characterization in all of your fics 😍
@artistaquinterob - hi!! your art style is so ADORABLE and your use of color in your work is stunning and i just adore everything you draw, especially your will and el art and your jargyle art 🥹
@junkoandthediamonds - your character studies are beautiful and i'm obsessed with your byler comics, your gifs and your ST x DC crossovers!!! i love your realistic style so So much and if i worked for the duffers i would 1000000% hire you to draw the official comics because i can't get enough of your work 🥰
@livsmessydoodles - fun fact: last year, when HSMTMTS s3 was airing, i remember seeing your rina art throughout the season and immediately fell in love with your style and your interpretation of the characters, and the same exact thing happened when i saw your ST work, and it wasn't until you followed me that i put the pieces together and realized that you were the same person 😅 your style is So gorgeous and your art just makes me so happy, and trust me when i say that i am mentally wallpapering all of your work to the inside of my brain so i can look at it forever❣️
and of course, a very special shoutout to all of the people that i don't know too well but are still such a comfort to have on tumblr: @miwism @yearninginblue @kittykat940 @robinsnance @jesper-faheyss @bylersheart @usergabby @achingly-shy @wheelersboy @wontbyers @stbyers @will80sbyers @watpoetry @frodohaven 💝
+ to all my other mutuals: tumblr wouldn't let me link your profiles because of some ridiculous limit, but please know that i see all of you and i am hugging you through my screen rn. thank you!! 👍🏼
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3sinnrsn1angel · 4 months
Introduction Post
- Welcome to 3 Sinners And An Angel, a DNDADS S2 au account/askblog! The au this account will be about is based on Heaven & Hell, where the teens are Demons & Angels (Or Fallen Angels in Link’s case.) The format the story thats being told is basically a social media type thing, using Twinote (an app that makes fake tweets) and original fanart. For more specific information about it, check out this post I made on my main blog!
- I also will occasionally post one-shots on ao3 (moonriverrise (autumnl3av3s)) for this au, though to understand the plot you do not have to read them
- The ask box on this blog will be used for questions to specific characters, and answers will be written and/or drawn out in character! Please don’t ask anything NSFW related or anything of the sort, I will only be answering asks I feel comfortable asking, if an ask is answered by a character not exactly answering it, it is probably bc of in character reasons
- Here is the basic rundown of the au that I have on that post as well:
- Taylor is a prince of the 7th circle and a Hell-born demon, he makes friends with Scary/Terri, a sinner who died in the 1950's, a long with her guardian/step-dad TJ/Terry Jr. (sinners in this universe tend to go by secondary names instead of their human names) while messing around the city that Scary & TJ live in, Scary and Taylor stumble upon Lincoln, a fallen angel, who has just fallen from Heaven, Lincoln starts staying with TJ and Scary, since he has nowhere to go. Eventually Normal, an angel, trespasses into Hell from Heaven, in an attempt run from his home. Normal is found by the rest of the teens who are now trying to make sure Heaven doesn't find out that Normal is in Hell
- This account is run by one person: My name is Autumn and I go by They/She/He pronouns, my main blog is @risetherivermoon where I post about my ao3 fics and fanart for Dndads as well as other fandoms I’m in,
- All art that is featured on this account is drawn by me, and the story/au was also created by me,
- Any post that is made ooc and/or outside this au in any capacity will be tagged with "ooc 🍁"
- In the same fashion, every ask post will be tagged with "asks 🪽" all story posts will be tagged with "3&1 😈" all oneshot posts will be tagged with "fics 💫" all extra content will be tagged with "extra 🎉" and all works in progress will be tagged with "wips 🎨" (for the sake of easy finding, this post will have all of these tags)
(more stuff under cut, trying to condense the post length)
As an intro/basis here are the accounts for each teen:
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(The PFP full image + Textless version)
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cal-writes · 6 months
hi, i'm here with a couple of bits for the ask game! ❤️ in general AND specifically 221 Beika Street series. 💥 for both one piece and detco. and ✨️👓🦋🦈📚💛 please! may you have a blessed day, Cal!
damn you did not mess around! lets hope mobile doesnt destroy me trying to answer
i will put this under read more bc it got long!
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
i have many! generally i like my dialogue the best usually so this one is from my most recent one piece wip
Kureha scoffs and waves him off. “Oh, please. You’re practically glowing like a young bride. You definitely got laid.”
for detco i loved this exchange in A Matter of Deduction
“For the record, you’re a terrible liar.” Shinichi threw over. Hattori hung his head briefly with a sharp laugh. He shut off the water in the sink and dried his hands on a dishtowel he threw at Shinichi with too little force, causing it to land on the floor between them.
“And you’re a terrible detective.”
for 221 beika street specifically i loved writing amuro and shinichi being bitchy at each other
“I like him better than I do you.” He told Amuro plainly. It wasn’t much of an achievement, considering, but Shinichi still felt like it needed to be said. Since they were being so honest with each other after all. 
“I’m well aware,” Amuro said, chuckling. “I hate you less than I do him.” He was still idly turning pages in the book and Shinichi slammed it shut in his hands.
“If you bring your gun here again I will make you regret it.”
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
for one piece i think it would be the reveal of why sanji wanted to have to power to turn invisible. listen i have a tough time liking sanji in canon and i thought when it was first brought up that yknow that could be an interesting thing to explore esp with his backstory later with his shitty family like do something with that! and then they were like nah he wants to harass women in the bath. like i pretend i do not see it
for detco its hard bc i think there is so much thats only debatably canon. for me detco isnt really one continuous story so i like to pick and choose with canon anyway. maybe just more queer representation. or any i suppose (the movies arent really canon but the lupin crossover movie has like two or three lines in it that i despise and wish to delete from out universe entirely)
✨️ Out of the comments you’ve received on your fics, what are two or three of your favorites?
there is a lovely person called hikarinomajin (i forgot what their tumblr user name is and cannot find it for the live of me rn) who made a thread on twitter as they read 221 beika street and linked it in the comments and that was a joy to read. they leave lovely comments but that first one and the thread is special to me, ive never had someone make a thread live blogging them reading my writing.
also @blithe-bee is the best hype woman for my wips, lots of comments from her in my google docs drafts that are a huge motivation, i have posted one of my recent favorites on this blog about stabbing zoro being my brand
also a very different but hilarious one is this one on Glue Trap from BnuuyTales, makes me cackle every time
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👓 What helps you focus when you write?
playlists! i make playlists for everything. when im starting to get serious about a story i will sit down and make a playlist. here is part of the 221 beika street one
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🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
they all have their unique quirks. i think i feel the most at home in heijis and laws head bc i can project my own way of thinking on it. a bit scattered and a bit overdrive and run on sentences. its the easiest to write as them i think. a few other characters are fun to write though just because i can use a different style. ive really been enjoying writing robin from one piece and my one shot from sonokos pov bc they think very differently and have different focus and expressions
🦈 Which character is the toughest to write?
i really struggled with kaito at first. ive mostly seen the movies for detco in the beginning and hadnt read the kaito manga yet so i felt like pulling teeth trying to get his voice down.
for one piece i tried my hand at usopp recently too and i definitely am not as comfortable in his pov yet as other characters but i could see myself really enjoying him down the line
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
@the-pen-pot is someone ive been following since livejournal and shes (i hope thats the right pronouns) a great writer! merlin unfortunately isnt my fandom but if you are into merlin im sure her stuff is still great if not better then when i read her fullmetal alchemist fics back in the day
specific fics is a little though for op and detco bc as soon as i start writing fic i will read less of it in any given fandom xD
but here are some favs
i think a classic for detco is a study in scarlette great work by kittebasu
kaishin power hour, great plot and fantastic pace, also really interesting character exploration
for one piece i absolutely loved Cut My Feelings Clean Off by Augment
zoro as the heart pirates first mate, fantastic dynamics here. absolutely love how their wrote law
if you are into grandmaster of demonic cultivation and horror Post Mortem by Cataclysmic_Calamity was a breathtaking piece of work but do be mindful of the content warnings. the climax is so fantastic i read it multiple times
and for some red vs blue fans P versus NP by @glassedplanets
wash and maine in a canon divergent story. one of my absolute favorites, i followed the progress for years and the author recently started writing one piece too! (that ive been meaning to read as well) so definitely check their stuff out. they also make beautiful art
i wish i was better with names bc i know some of these people have tumblrs too that i follow but i cannot remember the names. i just see vague icon blobs when i scroll my timeline
💛 What is the most impactful lesson you’ve learned about writing?
i know its hard especially in this current age of social media but just write for yourself. like i sometimes call writing exorcising things from my brain and i think thats where the passion comes from. dont write for numbers and likes (although those are of course nice too) but they arent a sign of quality or capability.
ages ago on a different website i once did this test where i took the same fic, changed the names into one from a bigger fandom and posted them both. and to see the difference in numbers just based on which fandom or paaring it was from really helped me move on from that mindset of “if there are no comments or likes its bad” sometimes it just means less people have seen it
wow thank you for asking all of them!! this is fun
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diorsbrando · 8 months
the way i’m slowly and extremely gradually treating my blog like my diary or just like….instagram or something is becoming increasingly concerning to me by the day. i just post and rb a bunch of stuff that i like or supporting other creators on here or screaming about my thoughts (that have so much range by the way). uncontrollable venting under the cut .
TLDR -> i am in my feelings and im feeling sad and wallowing in self loathing things because i want to write so so bad all the time but there are so many other factors discourage me from doing so, like im not good enough because i don’t publish things enough, & not many people read anything i write anyway
i really am trying not to hate myself because another 2-ish months have passed since the last time i have posted a fic, but it is so so hard not to. SO HARD. mutuals are doing kinktober events left, right and center, other moots post fics and blurbs as easy as sending a 5 sentence text and here i am. envious of them all. rereading and proofreading and staring at the same drafts i have had in my google docs for weeks. months, even!
i just get discouraged coming on here sometimes. it’s not that i don’t have the motivation to write because i do— i really do. i have so so many ideas that i want to share with everyone and my writing style keeps evolving and it makes me want to experiment with different tropes with my favs and see how well i can execute them. but the actual doing it….finding the time and trying to balance is just :( sob. it’s hard.
i internally cringe and silently scold myself at the wips i have and remembering how at the time i created them i was so excited to write them but then never finished for one reason or another. abandoned series make me sad :/ i feel guilt when people talk to me about how much they liked a headcanon i did and how i promised to expand on it, or multichap series i only posted the prologue and first chapter over a year ago. guilt bc i want to write everything but just can’t and i’m still struggling to accept that.
and in the process of struggling with this fact it turns into a self loathing cycle that then turns into disappointment when interactions on my writing pieces are low and have become stagnant, and the pieces are 4+ months old or something, and it’s like will i become irrelevant if i don’t post something soon? i have nothing new to offer at the moment, all the ideas im excited about and i have a feeling people will like im still working on or in the brainstorming phase so im like what do i do? idk. then i just close the app.
don’t even get me started on how admiration at just how good other people write makes me feel awful about my own writing…..
anyway sorry for boring you with my feelings but yeah :,) maybe i should stop being so hard on myself
if u read this far then….wow. thanks for listening 🤍
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nothums-from-tj · 6 months
Good morning I’m getting back into PPG lately and I can not BELIEVE the lack of Boomercup content. As I’ve said before: if you want content you gotta make it yourself
I present to you headcanons that only this micro fandom will enjoy if anyone’s left/active still at all bc it is. So dead. Dead enough that I’m revealing myself for a ship my followers don’t even care about again. Combining some 2016 canon with the OG bc there are some gems, like Butters being a math genius and how her insecurities were subtly explored more
I’m also considering them like 16 or so here for sake of high school concepts
- they get closer in high school when Boomer’s had enough with being an edgelord and being associated to Him and Mojo so he goes to Butters first since it’s easier to be in the lighter grey area of morality than to try to jump from one extreme to the next (currently have a WIP going on this concept!! “tbmg” tag on my blog or chapter 1)
- he learns a bit of her past with Ace and he’s downright nauseous over what he did to her (“It was years ago. It’s not important now.” “You were five. It doesn’t matter with the whole hero and villain thing—manipulating a child like that is gross. He’s gotta be, what?—10 years older than us?” “Minimum. It’s not like he actually liked me—he just toyed with me.” “That doesn’t make it any better.”)
- Boomer does all the cheesy pet names when they start dating especially bc he knows it bothers her (she likes it a little, not that she’ll ever tell him that)
- Boomer also once started picking up chess or checkers after having enough of his brothers picking on him so he started learning something to be “smart” so he challenged Buttercup to a match assuming she’d be at or around his skill level
- that said, in actuality she started picking it up years ago out of sheer competitiveness with her kind-of-constant sibling feud with Blossom, eventually coming close enough to stump her for a moment or two more often than not just not quite enough to beat her; he learned this the hard way when she beat him so hard at it he sat in stunned silence for 10 minutes trying to figure out what hit him, then demanded to see a match between her and Blossom
- he thinks it’s kind of really funny how much of a sore loser she is and how differently she behaves from when they were kids, so like instead of screaming and yelling and demanding a rematch like when they were young she’d simply flip the table over or chuck the console remote or whatever at the wall and walk away wordlessly to chill out and the suddenness usually makes him laugh really hard once the initial shock wears off
- Butters’ love language is quality time and physical touch, which it takes a few months or so for Boomer to learn when she starts hanging out with him like all the time and play fights him (light punches, kicks his ankle when they’re sitting next to each other, a soft kick to his shin when she scolds him for something, will sneak up behind him to jump on his back just to startle him, etc) and as they become like inseparable the insults are always paired with smirks and shining eyes and so many more excuses for touching and play fighting
- Boomer’s love language is words of affirmation and acts of service which drives Buttercup insane bc she doesn’t know how to handle either of them, words of affirmation are always combated with insults and she’ll dodge them when and where possible bc “how dare he accidentally pick an insecurity of mine to comment on and make me feel like I don’t deserve to downgrade myself like that” so she’ll look away and shoot the insult to not be vulnerable Or something that she does feel good about and be like “duh?????? I know that already” then neither really know what to do from there; acts of service Buttercup will turn into a competition or see as an insult at first as if she can’t do it herself so when they start dating her sisters have to hold her back sometimes to let her bf do something nice for her and she started understanding by then
- Buttercup is the definition of no rizz and it’s so painfully funny for everyone around her
- “Okay, Boomer.” “I hate you.” “No you don’t.” “Yes I do.” “Prove it.” “Are you asking me to fight you?” “Maybe.” = Buttercup, flirting
- as cliché as it is for these two, she does call him Pretty Boy—originally trying to insult him which he never took it as such anyway, then as a nickname/pet name
- Buttercup is very much a morning cuddler and Boomer never wants to let her go when they wake up together
- after 3 months into just their friendship alone there is no longer such a thing as Buttercup’s hoodies and Boomer’s hoodies, it becomes one collection to the point that later on when dating they’d get each other matching hoodies and both would still end up at one place after losing track of who has what
- Brick and Buttercup have the same advanced/honors math class and it drives Blossom insane that her sister and her counterpart are the math geniuses and she’s not; Brick also tries to play wingman for Boomer and Butters after partnering up with her for some project in said math class
- when the other brothers find out Boomer’s trying to change sides and it means having less interaction/association to their dads they also ask Buttercup to “tutor” them and it makes Boomer jealous to no end (she only has eyes for him though)
- he’s always the first person she contacts after a fight with either Butch or Blossom so she can rant and blow up and then, after arguing with Blossom particularly, he’s always the shoulder she cries on and the first hug she looks for
- both have to learn how to communicate openly and set firm boundaries so they both have to ask the other Puffs to help them with it to prevent arguing and Boomer is so much better at it than Buttercup, who will more often than not still get defensive and Boomer has to set that they need to walk away from the situation so they can chill and then talk and she’s always super pouty abt it but still follows through bc she hates fighting with him
I’ll likely add more later Or if anyone else has any to add on please do <3
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not-krys · 6 months
WIP Wednesday: Sugar and Spice and ...?-NSFW
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Final WIP Wednesday for 2023! Whoo! Ending on a strong note, I think!
This little nugget was inspired by both my disappointment in the Bride of the Vampire Event and the (more satisfying to me personally) Home Sweet Home Event and I sort of put the two together, with a spicy twist. Maybe later on I'll try to explore more of this universe bc I like this AU and would like to do some more in the future, but for now, this is what I've got thus far.
Notes: Raw, unedited writing, unfinished (cuts off at the last part bc I ran out of steam), threesome relationship, afab reader addressed with feminine pronouns (she, her, etc), pregnant reader, breeding, use of French and Italian when I know neither language so some usage is bound to be wrong, I've tried my best with language blogs and machine translation, Comte and Leo flirting (yes, that is a warning).
Have a good rest of the year and I hope to see all you lovelies in 2024!
"Hey, Comte." Leonardo said to him one morning, "let's make a bet."
"Hmm. What kind of bet?"
"Who do you think [Name]'s kid will resemble more, you or me?"
Comte set down the newspaper he was reading, his fingers steepling.
"We've had her so many times since that first time, it's up to fate as to who her body accepted at this point. Assuming one of us didn't cheat and had some extra time with her, it should be about equal."
"Cheat? Definitely didn't do that a time or two. Nope."
"Of course, you didn't. Just as much as I didn't as well."
"Of course not."
The knowing smiles they gave each other conveyed neither their innocence or their guilt.
"Well, I was the first to take her, so the odds are in my favor." Comte smirked.
"Still haven't forgiven you for that, you know."
"You stole her first kiss. You know better than anyone that I wouldn't let a transgression like that stand for long."
"Heh, didn't peg you for the petty jealous type."
Comte sipped some of his morning tea, a floral scent wafting in the air.
"We share a wonderful, beautiful wife now, Leonardo." he paused, "but seeing her with another man, even if it's you… it seems my claws come out on their own." 
Leonardo laughed.
"The feeling's mutual. Cara mia loves both of us, but can't help but want to pull her into my arms and whisk her away when you're being sweet on her."
"Try it and I really will sink my claws into you."
"Attaccati al cazzo, bastardo."
"En fait," Comte shrugged with a smirk. "je préfère baiser ma femme que toi."
Leonardo growled, reaching out across the table.
"Oh, good morning, you two!" a voice called out in the doorway, a sweet scent tickling the noses of the two vampires. Leonardo pulled his hand back.
"Bonjour, ma cherie." Comte said with a smile, holding his hand out towards you.
"Ciao, bella." Leonardo said, standing up.
Once you were close enough to take his hand, Comte kissed your fingers reverently while Leonardo wrapped an arm around your shoulders, his lips taking a gentle nip at your cheek. You giggled.
"How are you feeling?" Comte asked, still holding onto your hand.
"Better, thank you. Still a little tired though."
"It's to be expected." Comte reached out his free hand, brushing your hair back with his long, graceful fingers. "but you do have a healthy glow about you. That's a good sign."
Leonardo's large hand also slid down your form, pressing it just under your belly, as if weighing it against his palm. "Hmm, still flat."
"It's barely been four months." You said.
"And here I was hoping you'd be stealing my clothes by now. Well, more than you already do."
"No, there's some change. I'm sure of it." Comte interjected, also putting his hand on your belly, as if measuring you like Leonardo had.
"It's okay, Comte," you said gently, "it's still early so you don't have to-"
"I can see it, cherie." Comte reassured you with a smile. "in fact, I think I can see it right… here!"
Without further warning, his fingers danced on your belly, making you laugh and try to step back.
"H-hey! That tickles!"
You had forgotten, however, that Leonardo still held your shoulders.
"Actually, Comte's right." he grinned mischievously, "I think I did feel a little something… here!"
His fingers-rough, calloused, and warm- tickled under your belly, making you laugh harder.
"No fair! You're ganging up on me!"
"Maybe you'll grow faster if we tickle you enough," Leonardo teased.
"That's not how that works-!"
Leonardo's fingers had sank down further, the thin linen of your nightgown the only thing between you and his digits. He smirked.
"Forget something, cara mia?"
You looked away, biting your lip.
"…It was your fault." You said. "Both of you."
It was Comte's turn to smirk.
"We did make a mess of you last night, didn't we?"
The twin bite marks on your neck sung, making you shift against Leonardo's fingers. You shuddered at the memory.
"Couldn't help ourselves." said Leonardo, rubbing his index finger up and down. "Hearing you scream so sweetly…"
"Melting under our touch," Comte reached up for your jaw, caressing it. "Every part of you flushed and glowing."
His fingers traced a line down your body, feather-like touches falling down your collarbone, between your breasts, staying once they found your stomach again.
"So full of our seed.  Seeing it drip between your legs…"
You shifted against Leonardo's fingers again, feeling a dampness against your nightgown.
"You're remembering it, aren't you, cara mia?" Leonardo whispered in your ear, his voice low and husky.  "How it felt to be so full of us."
You shuddered, taking in a sharp breath to try and calm yourself, but failed, feeling Leonardo nuzzle your neck. Comte then stood up, leaning in closer to you, kissing your jaw gingerly, trailing with his lips until he found yours. When he released you with a pop, your lips felt swollen and pink.
"I think she needs a reminder, Leonardo. It's been ages, after all."
"A top-off so soon?" Leonardo chuckled, "Insatiable, aren't you? Only been a couple of hours."
"I think myself more of a generous gentleman, thank you." He reached down for his pants and unbuttoned himself with practiced ease. When he was done, he pulled your skirt up around your waist and kissed your cheek.
"Ready for me, cherie?"
You bit your lip, but nodded. He kissed your forehead this time, lining his hips with yours, his tip gliding on one pass before plunging into you hard and fast. You shuddered and moaned, grabbing onto his shoulders. Leonardo growled low in your ear, making Comte chuckle.
"Learn some patience, will you? You'll get your turn."
"Oh yeah?"
Leonardo tilted your head towards him, stealing your lips and inserting his tongue, teasing your tongue and teeth. His other hand cupped your breast, rolling and massaging the nipple between his rough fingers. You moaned against his lips, the volume muffled. Comte frowned, his hands sliding down your hips, pulling you closer to him. He then reached for your other breast, lifting it and teased the underside with his tongue. A whine escaped between your lips, trapped by Leonardo's, but it was enough to make Comte smirk.
"Do you feel good, cherie?" he asked, "Do we make you feel good?"
Leonardo released your lips, wet strings trailing between you as you both panted for air. Once he was sure you caught your breath, Comte thrust into you again, the full volume of your scream like music to his ears. Leonardo held you securely, peppering kisses along your neck.
"Almost there, mon cœur. "
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luxaofhesperides · 5 months
decided to make an actually useful pinned post so here we go:
i have a newsletter that goes out every so often with my thoughts on things, what i'm reading, and occasionally a look at my original wips. it's totally free bc this is just a little thing i do for fun. subscribe if u want! here's the link
all of my writing can be found under the 'my writing' tag. edits, usually book edits, are under 'my edit'.
my ao3 is aryelee and every fic i post in here is also posted over there so if youre having trouble finding something, that's where you should go!
all my random thoughts are tagged as 'rambles' and when i live blog the comics im reading, i use 'comic read' so block either of those if you don't want me clogging ur dash.
below the cut is a look at all of my wips at the tags i use for them
this darkness swallows us whole ; the very first wip i ever started when i first began writing. it's a hot mess with too many uncompleted first drafts, but i love it so much. demons, gray morality, and one mute girl ready to start throwing hands. - #camellia
every other face ; superhero wip! with a villain taking in a child and trying to live a normal life despite the hero, her main nemesis, constantly popping in to make sure the kid is safe and she hasn't decided to cause trouble. - #caerleon community
past the pages ; isekai wip focusing on the characters trying to figure out what went wrong when the 'villainess' goes missing, ruining the happy ending the protagonist was expecting
- no tag yet! will update once i post about the wip on here.
these aren't wings, they're futures ; in which tim and damian travel back in time to when jason was robin, and try to make this new timeline better while avoiding being caught by the bats for the illegal things they're doing as very young children. - ao3 link - #these arent wings
medium!tim verse ; in which tim is a medium who helps ghosts. three timelines planned: canon, polaris, and civilian. - ao3 link - #medium tim verse
manako ; my dc oc, a very tired, no nonsense baker in gotham who doesn't want to deal with bats begging for snacks in the middle of the night. ocs everywhere, and a look into the community of gotham and the life of civilians. - ao3 link (to be made) - #manako
ghostlights requests (dc x dp) ; fics made for danny fenton/duke thomas prompts sent in to me. currently not accepting prompts. - ao3 link - #prompt fill
those who serve (dc x dp) ; danny is taken in by alfred and works as his apprentice in wayne manor. - ao3 link - #alfred's apprentice au
my askbox is always open if you want to know more about any of these!
(last edited: 1.28.24)
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hongcherry · 1 year
Seventeen Masterlist ♢
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I slipped into the diamond life...
I hope you enjoy my stories and thank you for giving me a chance! ^-^ Feedback is always welcomed!
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🖊️ = active | ღ = my favorites
f = fluff | s = smut | ac = action | ag = angst | c = crack/humor | hc = hurt/comfort | sol = slice of life
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Check out my:
• WIPs  • AO3 • Fic rec blog • Other (groups) masterlists
Last updated: January 28, 2024 All Rights Reserved © hongcherry // DO NOT REPOST OR MODIFY IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM.
* Mature/smut stories are meant for viewers who are 18+ years old. Please refrain from interacting with them if you are under 18.
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♢  Series  ♢
pretty please (ag/f/s/sol) | businessMajor!Cheol ღ ↳ After being assigned a fashion show for your big senior project, you set off to find volunteers to make it successful. However, when you meet Choi Seungcheol and his unfriendly clique through your volunteers, you realize they’re an unwanted package deal you can’t escape from. Can you handle Seungcheol's obnoxious friends, and can he handle your brash behavior?
♢  One-shots  ♢
Lunch Visit (s/f) | ceo!cheol, office au, est. relt. ↳ Seungcheol's a busy man, so you decide to bring him lunch. However, you end up staying longer than you planned.
stuck with you (s/f) | bf!cheol, est. relt. ↳ Your road trip takes a turn for the worst and leaves you stranded during a winter storm. It’s not long until the car gets chilly, but luckily for you, your boyfriend has an idea to keep you both warm.
♢  Drabbles  ♢
tie again (f/s/c) | bf!cheol, est. relt. ↳ When you show off your skills of tying cherry stems with your tongue, Seungcheol is determined to do the same.
unnamed (s) | bf!cheol, est. relt. ↳ "coups fucking you against the wall bc he can easily hold you up" [request]
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♢  Series  ♢
None yet
♢  One-shots  ♢
None yet
♢  Drabbles  ♢
None yet
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♢  Drabbles  ♢
None yet
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♢  Series  ♢
None yet
♢  One-shots  ♢
you're my tomorrow (f, sol) | strangers2lovers; cafe au ღ ↳ At first, you didn't think anything of it. Jeon Wonwoo was just a customer. However, his daily visits to your bookstore café started to become the highlight of your days. The little conversations here and there made you happy. It's because of him that you always look forward to tomorrow.
♢  Drabbles  ♢
in a bind (f) | enemies2lovers ↳ You've always been top of your class, but now that position is being threatened by the new transfer. When you start falling behind, you're forced to make a difficult decision: ask for help or admit defeat.
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♢  Series  ♢
None yet
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None yet
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None yet
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♢  Series  ♢
None yet
♢  One-shots  ♢
None yet
♢  Drabbles  ♢
melting for you (f) | friends to lover ↳ An impromptu ice cream date with your friend, Seungkwan, ends unexpectedly.
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♢  Series  ♢
None yet
♢  One-shots  ♢
None yet
♢  Drabbles  ♢
None yet
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♢  Series  ♢
None yet
♢  One-shots  ♢
None yet
♢  Drabbles  ♢
needed me (s/a) | fwb!chan, pwp ↳ You’re still thinking of him while on your Valentine’s date.
different roles, same heart (f/s) | bf!chan, est. relt. ↳ After giving sexual advice to a friend, Chan brainstorms a new roleplaying scenario for both of you to act out. part one | part two
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♢  Series  ♢
None yet
♢  One-shots  ♢
None yet
♢  Drabbles  ♢
how svt would react if their introvert s/o is socially exhausted
ranking svt from husband, boyfriend, bestie material
108 notes · View notes
vintagelacerosette · 1 year
Tag Game catch up ✨️
I was tagged to do these awesome tag games made by our shining star Macy @celestialmickey & was also tagged by these angel pies Evie @energievie Julissa @heymrspatel Jay @surviving-maybe Harvey @mikhailoisbaby Willow @ian-galagher Kaka @stocious Auds @auds-and-evens Michelle @michellemisfit Leah @whatwouldmickeydo Vey @look-i-love-u Julia @juliakayyy Ri @tanktopgallavich thank youuu 🥰
Name: Myn
Age: 26
Where in the world are you? Sydneeeyy
The meaning behind your URL: the mash up of pretty words & when i began this blog i had aspirations of being a pretty vintage type aesthetic blog lmao
Your second favourite color: Periwinkle
Any pets? My doggie Roxy
Favourite season: Currently, I'll say it's autumn but it varies bc I barely have any distinction with the season living in Australia lol so I'm happy as long as it's sunny & not blistering heat with a light breeze haha
Last thing you read:
Got fics in rotation at the moment haha but I'm rereading
Let the bodies to the talkin' by the magnificent Jane @captainjowl
My Nine Lover by the sensational Anna @annatrow
Last of a Dying Breed by the terrific @wildxwired
For a book I've started Be not Afraid of Love by Mimi Zhu that is a collection writings about the author's journey of relearning to love again after experiencing a violent relationship
Last song you listened to:
I'm getting familiar with the new FOB album 💕
What are you wearing right now? Black cardigan, brown pleated mini dress with pastel green low heels
A hobby of yours: Paper quilling
Your comfort show or movie: Currently Shadows and Bone (gotta get that Six of Crows spin off lmao)
and finally, what are you up to today? Dinner at restaurant I planned to catch up eith my old workmates bc I didn't get to do a farewell dinner when I left in December 🥰
Your Name: Myn
Your Age: XXVI
Your First Fandom(s): I think Violet x Tate from American Horror Story
Your Current Fandom(s): Gallavich & Wesper (my book babies got adapted to tv y'all 🤧💕)
How did you first get into fandom? I think i got i more into the fandom culture in 2012 but i did take a break for like maybe 3 years bc I had no idea how the site worked or how to make friends haha. So i missed many of the iconic tumblr moments.
How long have you been engaging with fandom spaces? I remember reading animr fanfic since year six or year 7 so in 2008/2009 & I joined tumblr in 2012 as a more passive participant spam reblogging bc I had no idea how the site worked at first lol. Then I became a more active participant in the gallavich fandom in 2022 when I decided to post my first gallacrafts in feb 🥰
How often do you read fanfics? Every single day & every spare hour I can spare
Top 3 characters from your current fandom(s):
Mickey my beloved Milkovich, Ian sweetface Gallagher & Sandy darling Milkovich
Wylan Van Sunshine, Jesper hotshooter Fahey & Kazzle Dazzle Brekker
Have you ever written a fic for a fandom? if so, shout it out! Not yet, but I oh so plan to I got wips summaries coming out the wahzoo
Have you ever drawn fanart for a fandom? if so, shout it out! Yess i am so happy to have made some fanart for our lovely Macy's fanfic Your Message Has Been Received, Gallavich × Good Omens fanart for Gallacrafts & other art found in the tag #Myn's art
Share a personal headcanon that you feel very strongly about:
Ian gets the fucking Monica boobs tattoo fixed omfg it'll be a touching tribute to her not whatever the fuck that was. Also Mick gets Ian's name fixed too. They could do it together & then get tattoos that symbolise each other on their bods
You’re trying to convince a friend to get into your current fandom(s) with you. what episode, clip, or scene are you showing them? Ohh CLUB KISS CLUB KISS CLUB KISS
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Shadow and Bone
Under carriage scene! Recognised his man by being on top of him. The muscles memory of it all 😏
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And finally, what does fandom mean to you? Fandom gave me back my creative passion back. Something I thought I had lost & desperate wanted back but had no idea how, but by finding all of you beautiful, amazingly sweet & brilliant minds that came together out of the love our soft & sensitive husbands I found a safe place & a home where I can share what I create which is my love. So thank you all forever for being in my life 🥹
Also this Picrew too & this is basically my outfit for dinner just a lighter brown dress with plaid & minus the frog hat sadly 😔🐸
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I'll tag these dearhearts if they wanna play @scarcrosseduntouched @andthatisnotfake @adakechi @skies-below @ lingy910y @imikhailotakeyouian @babygirlmickey @too-schoolforcool @gardenerian @creepkinginc @demontargaryen @chicanomick @suzy-queued @tomorrowillmissyou @ intotheblindinglight @lalazeewrites @tellmegoodbye @jomilky @darthvaders-wife @flamingbluepanda @crossmydna @depressedstressedlemonzest @gallavichgeek @gallavichsbitch @shameless-notashamed @callivich @sickness-health-all-that-shit @bravemikhailo @7x10mickey @sleepyfacetoughguy @suchagallabitch @iansw0rld @ deathclassic @grabmyboner @y0itsbri @grumpymickmilk
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nervous-leader-idv · 8 months
"WAAAAAUGHHH!!!" *thud*
"O-Owww... Ugh, my hips...! W-Wait a minute..."
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"What... What is this place...? And what's this contraption...?"
Oh Dwight, how easy it is to be abandoned like a lost puppy... But this time it's different, this time you're somewhere unexplored. Maybe you'll put your leadership skills to use with your new game life here!
~ This is a blog based of the Dead by Daylight survivor, Dwight Fairfield! All information will be regarded on his Wiki page for those who are interested! As a side note, this is a mix between canon elements (mostly) and some headcanons!
~ An individual who's used to hiding and becoming invisible, is surprisingly a well adapted leader when it's his turn to shine. Despite his anxieties, Dwight has faced harsher trials and understands the true extent of teamwork and efficiency.
~ Dwight is 21+
~ Dwight's identity is known as "Director". Despite travelling into the past, Dwight retains knowledge from the present. Curious to learn new things.
~The Entity is displeased with Dwight's shortcomings, as a result, It will disguise itself as Dwight's pet; observing his behavior through out his stay.
- This blog will (for the most part!) be a text blog consisting of written responses. (Bc outside reasons / other blogs! :>)
- IDV characters (Canon, OC, Crossover, AU, etc.) are free to interact.
- The mun has a hard time typing / getting things done, please be patient with me. TT-TT
- Separate mun/mod as individuals, if you don't know Dead by Daylight, dark themes WILL take place on this blog. The warning tag #//dwight's dilemma will be used for more serious and sore topics. This is the first and final warning. Viewer discretion is advised.
Below is the reworked version of Dwight's DBD Perks into IDV's External Traits. Please note that these traits are a WIP and may be reworked in the future!
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"Director's" External Traits
Calm and Collected - He carries a notepad with his trusty pens. He can keep track of his teammates decoding and kiting, if they are doing well, he can give them a boost on such skill or aid one they need help with. He is able to check cipher progression for 10s before putting the notepad away.
Blue Pen: Used for Kiting, if a survivor kites for an extended period of time, Survivors highlighted in Blue will gain a movement speed increase of 15% (60s-180s) / 25% (181s-360s) / 35%. (+361s). This trait deactivates once the survivor is out of the Fear Radius.
Black Pen: Used for decoding, if a survivor reaches certain progression on a cipher machine, Survivors are given a decoding speed increase of 5% for each complete cipher. (The buff negates if things like specific External Traits or Hunter Webs afflict other survivors.)
Red Pen: Used for negating either the Blue or Black Pen highlights if not required. (Notepad cooldown for 25s.)
Bond - The "Director" has picked up on previous trials to know his team's whereabouts. Survivor outlines are revealed to him for 5s for every 120s.
Prove Thyself - As a leader, one must know how to lead down a road to victory. For every other Survivor decoding a cipher within 4 meters, Prove Thyself increases his decoding speed by 10%, up to a maximum of 30%. Survivors can only be affected by one instance of Prove Thyself at a time.
Leader - Increases the Action speeds of other Survivors in healing, rescuing, and opening chests by 15% while they are within 8 meters of his location location.
~~~ RULES:
1. No sexual NSFW asks. You know what to ask and not to. Suggestiveness and flirting is fine.
2. Hate the character, not the mun/mod. Under no circumstances should the mun/mod's backgrounds make a fellow viewer uncomfortable with the blog.
3. Common courtesy. Please keep it civil between each other! We're all here to have fun anyways! ^_^ <3
~~~ MISC:
Mun's Blog: @justmandika
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citriosis · 2 months
lemon / lem
they/them (occasional eldritch he/him)
black + queer as in fuck you
my brain and body are a nightmare
eldritch horror contained in a lemon
that's right, folks, after a little over a year, this is now The Main Blog™. it's about goddamn time lol. that means all likes will come straight from the source; this funky little lemon living in a crt tv. yippee.
more info under the cut (not mega important but it could be nice to have!)
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writing + ttrpg sideblog: @here-comes-the-bard (mostly for bigger things, character tags stick here :})
language learning sideblog: @citrijp (currently on hiatus for a mental health break)
the sims sideblog: @citriosims
pinterest: citriosis
twitter: citriosis (almost never used but it's there)
bold = currently brain full of it (will probably forget to change this lmfao)
writing (especially about ttrpg blorbos)/storytelling + character analysis
music. just music in general. but talk to me abt ghost and pals + vane lily especially
speedruns + history thereof
avatar: the last airbender
undertale, deltarune, and undertale yellow + theorizing about them
mario games + spin-offs
honestly science in general
language learning (jp)
ace attorney
final fantasy XIV (still working through 6.0 hahaha help)
animal crossing (new leaf + new horizons)
stardew valley
the sims (especially 2+3)
project mili
pizza tower
definitely not everything. but a lot of things. and if you like those things. bats my lashes at you. hi.
(again this isn't all of them bc i have a terrible memory. consider this a WIP and an optional read.)
-> general
#; the citrus speaks - one fruit talks too much (i.e., posts that i made myself or added to)
#; the citrus answers - might be a bit presumptuous but one fruit answers asks
#; citrus jams - one fruit subjects you to their music taste (threat)
#; reblog + #; i'd do anything for queue - reblogs and queued posts
#; lemon's inane ramblings - rambles in the tags OR a post that's not really a thesis and is just me going bananas
#; lemon thesis moment - i will inevitably forget that i have a writing/ttrpg account so this is for character analysis rambles
-> media/other interests
#; the ttrpg tag(tm) - The TTRPG Tag™
#; the pen is mightier! - writing tag
#; gay-ce attorney - ace attorney. mostly narumitsu, hence the name
#; critically acclaimed mmorpg - ffxiv
#; stardews and stardon'ts - stardew valley
#; everything changed when the fire nation attacks - atla
#; DIGITAL HALLUCINATIONS - the amazing cigital circus
#; i don't go here (but you do and ily) - things my friends really enjoy + rb about a lot that i may not know shit about but still enjoy their enjoyment of
-> characters + ships
#; this bard needs therapy - yaevinn baines of posada tag
#; healing hands - nithvinn (yaevinn and his partner, nithral) tag
#; cryophobia - vian tag
#; sunsnow - vinkaide (vian and their partner, kinkaide) tag
-> misc
#; love women and love loving women - local lesbian loves women in a queer way. in other news, every 60 seconds, a minute passes.
again, there are more—like a lot more—and eventually this will be a definitive list with links and shit which is why it's at the bottom, but i'm forgetful
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shoyostar · 3 months
hi everyone!!
sorry this is gonna be a VERY long post so if you’re not interested just scroll dw i’ll put everything under read more lol but i got this anon ask today and i wanted to address some of the points the anon was making in it.
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this anon brought some things up i'd like to address bcs this does actually matter to me the things they’ve said and i want to try and clear any misconceptions up.
i know i don't really interact w much of my mutuals (again, that's on me) but i really don't mean to make myself seem self centered or like in a clique of some sorts (i feel like that's smth that's been going around lately?) and i really only talk to a few people online, which is who i interact with the most! if you see me interacting with the same few people on here, it’s most likely bcs i am close to them and talk to them outside of tumblr, i find it hard to talk to others bcs i’m just generally shy and when i first joined tumblr in the summer it seemed everyone already had an established friendgroup so i didn't feel like i fit in anywhere. for checking up on people, i do try but i'm not the best at comforting people, but i do see your point in that and i will try to reach out more to people when i see them struggling. i don't mean to just watch my mutuals go through hardships without saying anything but i worry that what i say will not sound genuine. this isn’t an excuse for me, ofc this is just my explanation
the constant attractions of jjk writers is really just a joke 😭😭 like i swear, i have never actually been serious or angry abt how many jjk mutuals i have LOL i just think its a funny pattern considering i don't really write for the fandom ykwim (i do see your point, but it's all just jokes) though i have some strifes w the jjk fandom which might be how this joke kind of got misconstrued? jjk fandom is just unfavourable imo but i don't actually hate any of my jjk mutuals!!
i'm a very impulsive and emotionally driven person so i do ++ i say things without thought bcs i'm just so in the moment i can't think 😭 and it leads me to wanting to deactivate like atleast every other week Imao. it's smth i've tried to hold back by just shutting up before i say smth i'll regret but also bcs i know that i'll probably be fine the next day and that i'm just being dramatic but yeah i have seen that i am guilty of it! i do acknowledge that of me and want to change.
if you're talking about the "not acknowledging others in conversation" specifically about servers since you mentioned we've been in a few, i also do see your point! normally i'm very shy in servers so i tend to just stick to writing channels where i dump all my wips, and i apologize that i haven't acknowledged the people who were in the channel before me! it's usually just one dump and then i exit out of discord, and also in just normal conversations like in general chat or etc sometimes i forget to reply to some people i’m talking to or i'm just more confortable talking to certain people in a server and i do apologize if i've ever done this to you. i don't mean to purposely ignore or make you think of me as self centered bcs of this.
think that was mostly everything i wanted to address, i really don't interact w my followers on here as much as i should / want to just bcs i'm usually on discord, inactive bcs of uni or i'm just so so late replying to asks 😭 i'm sorry to not only this anon but also any of my mutuals or followers if i've ever made you have a bad experience with me, i do apologize and it's not my intent to come across as self centered or unapproachable!
since you said this is a quality that some people are noticing, it does worry me that this behaviour of mine is to the point of where multiple people see me in this light and i do want to change that which is kind of why i’ve calmed down on this account and just queued up posts
this anon ask came from a different blog of mine (a blog i haven't announced yet cuz i was just semi-quietly posting there, it’s not a huge secret that it was me but i didn’t want yall to think i was moving or deactivating again 😭) but i wanted to post it here as well just to clear anything up!
i probably won't be on this acc for some time (no i'm not deactivating lol i just priv my works for now while i'm frolicking elsewhere while uni kicks my ass) and i won't delete this post or anything, bcs i don't want to hide from this. i do see your points anon and realize my own faults and i'm glad this was brought up, and i am in no way a victim so please don't treat me like one just bcs this anon brought these up LOL
anyways sorry for all of that! that was super long but i wanted to touch on all the points they had and if you have anymore questions i'll try and answer as best as i can but i’m also not gonna be on this account too much atm again so if i’m late to replying (like usual) i’m sorry </3 i do try to log in here once a day tho to check notifs so anything sent in i’ll probably see when i have time!
sorry for any typos in this too i’m writing this all at like 1 am😭😭😭
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twojamie-o-clock · 20 days
Hi!! Here’s an introduction post
(yes I remade the whole thing)
He/him - EST - don’t be freaky (unless) - I’m really bad at math but I try my best - I like to draw and write
I’m just here to post and consume two & Jamie content until my vision blurs!! Will probably primarily post art. (#myart or for specifically twojamie #twojamieoclock) Ramblings/reactions to media will be under #i yap a lot and whatever form of classic who tagging I end up making. Fics are under #my writing
Yay so I love drawing if you couldn’t tell, especially twojamie. Once I figured out the asks thing I was like. Hey what if. Requests?!?! So basically if you have any drawing requests etc feel free to send them! I can’t promise I’ll actually draw it, but if I get around to it I’ll for sure post, and tag you if you’d like. I’d love all the inspiration I can get, but obviously this blog is twojamie centric.
I love doing collabs (I’ve literally only done one) and if you are interested in a trade or collab for writing, art, etc anything Doctor who or twojamie don’t hesitate to ask me!! :D or if you just wanna talk about Doctor who that’s cool too.
If u want a twojamie art collab OR want me to draw for one of ur fics/in exchange for a fic etc just message
Doctor Who
I just recently started watching actually. Nuwho in September and classic in November. Went down the gomens->dt->Dw pipeline, currently obsessed with 12 & two’s era. Big Thoschei enjoyer btw 😻 and obviously my latest obsession since March has been Twojamie. My favorite companions are probably Rory & Jamie? But I love Bill, Dan, etc I don’t think I dislike anybody. As of now I am up to date with modern who, and going through two’s era of classic while watching strictly chronologically bc I refuse not to ☹️ also trying to listen to some more audios since I only use Spotify. (If you have other ways of listening please tell me!!)
I draw and write about Doctor who, working on an essay series right now that is a huge wip. I also have an unholy spreadsheet cataloging my doctor who media consumption journey, feel free to ask and I’ll send :o
Ok that’s all I can think of for now, have a nice day.
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