#<- i dont think many people know abt this one? its on yt
pendr4gonz · 6 months
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actors comeback when
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opiumsturn · 9 months
(did not do capilizations nd punctuaction nor did i check spelling on this cs idc)
Okay now this may seem crazy and so un-true but what if the triplets are quitting?
i do NAWT wanna hear : 'its like u want them too' or 'you guys are getting outta hand this is why they wanna quit' mixaroo type bullshit thanks! ITS A THEORYYYY
Now with everything happening this could 100% be abt The Laura theory but hear me out.
When Chris' acc got banned the first time he mention Laura was the one who got it back for him so what if Laura felt salty if she actually did get fired and got his acc banned same way she got it back. Other hand could be what if they really do quit what if he asked Laura to get his acc banned because he wanted to delete it but knew it would be too obvi if he did so he got it banned instead
Matt- lets start with the tiktok "You'll never find someone like me" this one could be abt Laura because from what we know Matt has not been in a relationship in a while so why would he post a tiktok like that if we didnt know it js wouldnt make sense and he also does not post content like that soo?? now with his videos being gone besides one. i 100% believe there has to be something about that tiktok that means something. i mean why that one? Now there are so many reasons to get rid of Laura but what if one was because they are ready to quit and wont need a manager anymore?.. think abt it
Nick- Now nick has always been on tiktok and is the most active on his own from matt and chris and hes more active on not js tiktok but also ig and snap and he hasnt been on either recently. but back to tiktok why would he remove over 500 fucking posts?! maybe all those post are what show their life as ytbers and if they quit he doesnt want people who dont currently know them to come on his acc and see his past? nick also still has posts w madi but he was also closer w madi so the chances of them still being friends even if Laura is fired is there.
general- Okay so lets talk abt the warehouse. if they cleared out the warehouse for 'new years' then cool right but why? its so random and could have been done any other time. what if they are getting rid of merch because it will be the last ever sold before they quit if they do?.. When they post (mostly matt here) they take it down. If a vid does not stay up no one profits off of it. Their work as in Matt,Nick,and Chris' work only is always in the mix w laura and zstardigital taking their credit as "ours" when its 110% the triplets. what if they are slowly trying to get rid of their yt past to quit?? not to mention chris has also not said a word abt his tt acc? its almost like.. its normal to him? oh and what abt their recent 'disappering' joke tiktok vid. Thats not very funny gangaroo.. no but fr like what if they actually mean it. ik this is insane but im a crazy overthinker.
as in 1/7/24 this is what i have. anything else will be below.
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dexaroth · 1 year
erm. talking abt steven universe. thoughts. yknow the.. Drill. teehehe
ok so i spent the last. 4? days binge-watching su after watching a yt vid that was titled 'in defense of steven universe' and a bit of the followup vid partly bc i was healing from my neck pain but also because i was super into the show when i was like 14 and like. the vids were well. Defending su from the 3 vids with millions of views that changed the whole overall opinion on the show and i was like damn! i vaguely remember watching something and changing my mind about su.. and probably getting bullied for liking su on google plus too lol.
its.. old enough to be nostalgic and worth of a revisit! after all i remember it being so nice and chill..! and cozy.. oh how i missed the piano song after each episode... that SOMEHOW kept being replaced by erm.. Not Better ones. and i remember that very much!
what i dont remember exactly was the capital D Discourse but i remember it was a thing. there were vids that, looking back, i cant tell if they were ironic? talking about oh gee whee steeveni forgave the war criminals! theyre nazis how could he! and and and..... . good lird.
i kinda wanted to talk abt this bc its just so.. idiotic. ive watched up until season 5 and i just finished the movie and holy shit what kind of brain worm got into peoples mind to take su so fucking seriously
it just. it was such a big thing. everyone up in arms about it. about a...
kids show.
i dont say that lightly because there are so many interests of mine that are considered childish but are complex and engaging if people didnt overlook it so much but.. this? seriously? this was what it was all about?
its fun. and cheesy and goofy. there were some parts that i went Oh Cmon! but like, its a cmon in a funny way. like yeah this could have been done better but its. a kids show. and a lot of episodes just end when theyre about to get good because of the limited time they have...
its so weird. This. is what all that was for. and thats just the usual me not knowing about anything popular nowadays besides hearing the news of when someone involved in the show was harassed off twitter or something.. and all the discourse back then of course. for this.
i dont knoww how to put this into words its so ridiculoussss
every day that passes i start to hate fandom even more.. that word already irritates me but the extent to which people elevate things. take things so out of context. bend everything to their will to the point of being unrecognizable. W H Y what do you get from this
its fucking steven universe this is such a cute show and its even better than i remember it being and that was the fucking reception it got..? for this..? ..insane. fetid even. and to think their poison got to me when i was that young.. how many people did to have this kind of rot spread to them. no wonder i have shame issues when this is the kind of reaction thats just completely expected of everyone. fucking hell
the (um. spoilers. ) diamonds being like ohhh steeviinn let us adore you!! aueough we spent like 7 episodes trying different types of nukes on you but were friends now!! is like haha thats cute. a bit rushed and cheesy but in a fun way. and people Lost Their SHIT about it good LORD how are they not cramming shakespeare into the gem cartoon! how come theyre not discussing how rose fucked that old man or whatever the fuck. we must put rebeccas head on a spike for this! //*banging onthis post hello??? is anyobyd thewre?? helppp
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clo-thespin · 6 months
tw, talks of past addiction and dissociation
im gonna get really deep.
i am feeling the most intense, sudden crave for alcohol right now. its been a while since ive wanted to drink. i relapsed over xmas break bcuz i had nothing to do and the thought crossed my mind and it sounded fun at the time. it wasnt. it wasnt fun, it wasnt worth it. i broke a lot of my parents trust in me and it kind of ruined the holiday vibe.
but i was putting tags on a post and i went to type "im a little silly" and before i could type silly, one of the suggested tags was "im a little drunk". so, after posting that post, i look up that tag because im curious abt the posts under it.
and the typos, the funny stuff people have typed, i want that. i know that life is much happier to me while im drunk.
when i started reading those posts, i could literally feel the way i get flushed, the way everything's just a little blurry, the way my head spins if i move it, how im a little detached from the world.
i might be dissociating. the feeling of my body when ive dissociated is very similar to the feeling of my body when im on something like alcohol, which is probably why i feel like ive drank something. my hands, that dont feel like mine with how clumsily they are moving around, are warm.
i turned off my music because i was planning on turning a yt video on. but i havent done that yet, so my room is silent minus the sounds of my keyboard. silence scares me but when im in an episode like the one i think i might be in now, the fear is so muted. im scared but for so many other reasons that the silence is pushed back and im not aware of it.
i had to check to see what this post was originally about because i zoned out for so long that i forgot. the craving has gone away and behind all this nothing im feeling is a huge ball of yuck. disgust. towards myself. i know its okay to crave things but i will never stop hating myself for it. it reminds me of all the fucked up shit that i did when i wasnt clean.
im really struggling to stay in the moment and not zone out really bad again. i dont know if im typing things that make sense, im really trying to but i dont feel right. im going to stop typing about this now and try to get back to myself because im scaring myself.
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spikeinthepunch · 1 year
twitter is dead to me and i dont feel like my random tweets on my private mean much anymore, and also i can type way more here- so im going to ramble about Lisa again (this is about new content in the Definitive edition)
so yeah i did just beat legacy Lisa before Definitive came out but wanted to replay ASAP to see the new things (which is mainly campfire convos i care abt. also one secret boss). i played Lisa: the First just before jumping back into it as well and i did at first start Joyful buut i wanna get to that after i replay. (i started joyful on legacy too but might just go to definitive for better features and added content) though these are not all "conversations", some or are just scenes of characters doing things.
anyways, i have yet to see nearly all the campfire scenes-- i have gotten nern, tiger face, maybe beastborn?, geese and just now queen. i dont know how many of them are actual conversations... but i did just watch a couple of videos of them on yotube BUT only the ones for characters i wont have/already killed off (sorry Terry :( your scene was so good too...). but when checking prior how scenes are trigger i saw people saying queen's was good and so i specifically wanted to find that considering i love him lol.
and yeah it was really good. i cant say its the "best" bc i havent seen the others but i am biased so... but it was a good conversation-- and i think whats nice about these is it gets brad talking more (....kind of. he still doesnt say much). in general i love that they added these since party members dont have much of a speaking role at all until the endgame. but lemme talk about this one-
you can see the interaction here on YT!
(spoilers) their conversation is in Area 2 and you stoke the campfire as an indicator it will happen. Considering my last conversation campfire (if you wanna call it that) was Nern waking up brad in the middle of the night with brad saying nothing, i wasnt sure what to expect if it was a real interaction lmao.
but its really good-- brad is awake sitting at the fire with queen and their talks are kind of casual and queen is basically leading it talking about brad like. how handsome he is, and how desirable he is. and generally talking about sex- so like, expected conversation lol. its mostly amusing bc brad doesnt talk much in general and the few comments seem obviously flustered but.
into that conversation queen pulls away from the sex talk bc he doesnt want brad to be uncomfortable and then they talk about general intimacy, hinting that maybe at the very least, they could cuddle, but that has queen digging a little deeper and realizing brad is saying he doesnt hug people- even people like buddy or dusty. who he says need discipline and thus cant be physically intimate (and stating he reprimanded them for it)
while brad seems to drift off into sleep, queen goes off in a very serious manner basically stating how important it is to have someone you love that you can be intimate with even just in hugging. sorry but i just had to write it all out.
"Being held by someone you love is the best feeling in the entire universe. [...] These men out here. All this strength. This power. Your respect... you cant take it with you when you die. It wont save you. It doesn't matter how powerful you are. No ideas matter. No experience matters. None of that shit thats consumed you your whole life matters. You're completely naked in the face of death. Its terrifying.
Now, a good hug. That matters. Honestly, it ain't gonna change much... dead is dead. But the way i see it. You can die afraid. Lost in your own mind. Haunted by the guilt of all your mistakes. Tormenting nightmares wondering what comes next. Or... you can be in the moment with someone you love. Someone that makes you feel like nothing else matters. Nothing could be more important than feeling each other's warmth and love. No thinking. Just feeling."
considering the end of the game it makes the choice of letting buddy hug brad so much more painful. brad should have someone he cares about to hold him, and he wanted that. he really wanted that despite whatever else anyone felt for him and its because he denied all of that closeness. yes, of course, this came *after* the main game's writing but, it works a lot into the character for brad that you wouldnt have gotten before, esp because he is so quiet anyways.
and i love how queen is as a character here. he is of course shown pretty 'stereotypical' in being kind of catty and outwardly rude and all that. but you know considering his role of running the bees, i think its totally in character that he talks like this and can be deep and emotional and caring for brad's position of not having any people to be close to.
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cruelsister-moved · 3 years
bruh no one has ever said that you can’t set boundaries with autistic ppl? like what are you on srsly? that isn’t ableist it’s called being an adult. it honestly seems like you have a hard on for flaming autistic ppl bc that’s most of what i’ve seen on your page. idk if you hate yourself or what but internalized ableism is still harmful to the community at large. and you as a yt have no business speaking over black ppl who call out your bs when you act like you know more than us abt our issues
ill answer this one just bc i dont want you to think im like ignoring accusations of antiblackness - its not my intention to speak over u about race and i understand that ur personal experience with psychiatry will be specific due to the marginalisation you face as a disabled black person.
however i feel that racism is a huge element in the failings of psychiatry and it would be a huge oversight to avoid mentioning it in my interpretation. i did not try to centre my experiences in the conversation, i merely reported the systematic reliance on racially-motivated diagnoses and how they are used to further marginalise poc.
im not intending to prescribe your experiences for you, just to note that systematically, psychiatry is weaponised against poc far more than it assists them. this is something that has been noted many a time by poc which i am relaying, not my own personal left field opinion..
regarding ur belief in my hatred of autistic people, not only do i love being autistic and love myself for my autistic girl swag, i also am close friends with + date like. predominantly autistic people. if you see someone saying things like "able bodied autistic and adhd people need to stop centring discussions about physical disability on themselves" and "idgaf if ur autistic stop buying harry potter merch" and decide that means i hate autistic people then u have a problem !
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saintqueer · 3 years
always ready to clown w/ u 💖 (fr tho i was thinking along the same lines as u on the yt vid being released but i also dont wanna hope so imma remain skeptical as hell
but i hope its true it would be so nice if the music industry got its own lil upheaval but i feel like w/ just rebecca it doesnt seem too likely to happen yk? like she needs more ppl to start speaking out not only that but she needs someone who's internationally known so that it can be the whole music industry nd so that more artists start feeling safer to speak out, safer as in they won't lose their careers their labels won't drop them etc.
if one of the 1d boys did i feel like that would hv a huge impact but the likeliness of that happening are slim to none so its interesting to think abt what the video actually means in terms of if they are in contact w/ her does that mean one of them is gonna speak out? already we know theres an insanely low chance of that for multiple different reasons (likely including but not limited to their contracts)
so does that mean that they are in contact with her in the way that they are helping her w/ this? as in they're convincing more artists to come forward? but i feel like thats risky as hell especially if they're not saying anything themselves bc they could be sending these artists to their doom if not enough ppl come thru or smth yk? so that might as well be ruled out too
or maybe they're in contact w/ her in the way that like they're helping her and other artists that wanna speak out? maybe helping them to figure out how to give them a larger/better voice? but i feel like that would likely fall on PR ppl that they hire
but if one of the 1d boys is in fact in contact w/ her dont u think there could've been a subtler way to tell us? I mean the tweets are already not subtle (the ones by rebecca) but i also understand why that is but its im sorry this is so frustrating and my mind is going a thousand miles an hr and im just so frustrated w/ all this bc none of it makes sense and i feel like there smth happening we dont know abt and i just wanna know and i wanna know if we can do anything to help and i just want them all happy and to be ok and i'll stop talking now
anyway sorry for bothering u - defintly not expecting a reply lol ik u said u didnt wanna talk abt it so i hope its ok i sent this in)
have a good night/day lots of love 💖
helloooo bb!
its totally fine for you come into my inbox and vent/speculate anytime you need. i dont mind at all! i only feel bad when i can't get to everyone (i see you and im sorry!) but always feel free to word vomit, lol
i don't blame you for going back and forth a lot. especially with the idea of the boys speaking out about the mistreatment as it's been very hush hush on their end for many years! however, i dont think its quite as unlikely as many make it seem.
just look at the last year and how much liam has spoken very plainly about the abuse and mistreatment the boys suffered. he has been very candid and it's only been increasing over the last year. we've also seen several other people connected to x factor and syco speak up for the first time over the last 7 months.
a lot of the things cumulatively that have happened over the last year make me think that perhaps several of the boys will speak up, will make a fuss, and do so at the exact right time. i think whatever is going on right now is very strictly planned and has a very particular timeline. and a lot of it might be happening behind the scenes (especially if they are attempting legal action) so we wouldn't know until it all came out (in the wash).
we won't know until we watch it all unfold, hindsight is 20/20. this will all make sense one day when we look back. but i'm gonna try to put some pieces together in the meantime because that's what this fandom is built on: noticing patterns and calling them out even when others say it's a reach or a coincidence. we didn't recognize rbb & sbb for what they were by going on about how "it's probably the sound guy" and "it's just a coincidence they are reading those books"! we got here by calling out weird shit even when we end up wrong.
and, as for me, i choose to believe that louis wouldn't purposefully mislead us with his overwhelming positivity over the last six months.
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yeonhos-archive · 4 years
tag 8 people you want to get to know better!
tagged by @taeyongleee @yngseungs and @leehajoon !! thank you lovelies 💖
idk who to tag though sorry im a lil shy 😳😳😳
favorite color: pink !!!! and green 💚💚💚
last song i listened to: jogging by lucy 🥰 srsly this is the only song that ive been listening to in the past few days lol
favorite musicians: ugh sooo many but to keep this short - verivery, onf, too, fromis9, ikon, jeong sewoon, day6, nct, aquilo, the academic, nothing but thieves, kodaline and many more 😔
last movie i watched: 😭 i never watch movies lol only when i go to the cinema with my friends - and that was months ago obviously 💔 oh but i think i watched a really old romcom on yt jddjdj but idk the title it was abt snowboarding???
last show i watched: its been months since i watched anything but i think the last show ive seen was itaewon class (i never watched the last ep though so rip)
currently reading: i just finished things you save in a fire! and maybe i will also finish the red rising saga one day... maybe.... </3
favorite characters: uhm kassandra, darrow, senua, fenris, day and idk cant think of anyone else lol
pets: when i was younger i had two dogs and later i also had two cats 🥺🥺 i dont have any pets rn though 😞
sweet, spicy or savory: savory! .. like not to be a hungarian but i cant imagine my life without paprika 😔
sparkling water, tea or coffee: coffee and tea!! sparkling water is the devil i swear...
currently consuming: its 9pm so 👎
currently craving: nothing ??? 😭 maybe limonade
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j4nn4s · 5 years
always repost the rules
answer the questions given to you by the one who tagged you!
give 11 questions
tag 11 people
i was tagged by @isakvdhflorenzi, ty miss lorena <3 1. Is the social media presence of the characters important to how you view the quality of the remake/show?
hm well skam nl is my favorite and their social media game is trash LMAOOO so generally No but i do feel like remakes who DO have such a good presence kind of elevate the show and i think it’s pretty heartwarmin to see some remakes go sm farther than skam with social media and puttin out educational and IN CHARA resources like skames does this so well and i feel like in that way, the team is really really spreadin skam’s spirit via these resources (like joana’s billion bpd awareness ig accounts and lucas rubio’s yt channel)
2. Least favourite clip of the show? Why?
tbh there are definitely some duds but probably one of the clips with sana gettin herself into a hole in s4 just bc some were hard to watch cus cringey or yikes .... idk i cant think of others LMAO
3. Which character did you feel the most connected to and why?
ijeoiqjiwoij even tho even is my all time fave skam chara, i have to say isak for all of these reasons 
4. Your least favourite part of every season?
season 1 - tbh even though i really enjoyed this season, it does take a while for it to build up like i rmr at first not being that interested until ep6 maybe ?? which is hard when you’re trying to get your friends to watch but they have to wait until ep6 before shit starts RLLY buildin up and gettin wild
season 2 - hm ig noora chasin after william ??
season 3 - bro NOTHINGGG call me a purist but its such a refined masterpiece like the pacing is good the characterization is so good ugh i deadass cant think of anythin
season 4 - i always felt a little ??? w noora being sana’s bff ig bc from s1-s3 it didn’t Feel like they were that close like even in noora’s pov, sana wasn’t really a part of it that much ?? like eva was more of noora’s bff ?? so i feel like it would have made more sense if maybe sana spoke more with chris or vilde bc sana and vilde eventually seemed to get closer esp with kosegruppa and chris has always been by sana’s side ?? idk that always confused me
5. What is your opinion on the cast’s participation on social media? Do you prefer it when the cast aren’t that involved like the Skam cast, or do you like a lot of content like the Fr cast do?
tbh i don’t care much abt the casts LMAOOO if anythin it kind of brings more harm as seen with the harassment axel and maxence get and also can bring more controversy like with irene (which honestly is p sad considerin how much i love skames bc now i feel super :/ watchin it like she shouldve just had private accts at this point)
6. Favourite song you found from Skam or the remakes?
OMFGGG love this question .... def doorman by slowthai and mura masa bc its one of my fave songs now and i got it from skam nl <3 ugh taste
7. If you could decide which characters from Skam got a season, who would you choose?
OOOHHH ugh torn bc i like isak’s pov but also i want even’s so might have to forfeit isak season for even season ....... hm so probs vilde, sana, even, noora (maybe not w william tho) and honestly maybe jonas too ??
8. Are there any moments that you liked in the show that everyone else seems to hate?
IJXDWQOIJJ yes .... remakes-wise, people hate skam nl s2’s last half but i enjoyed it for the most part ... i think the pacing was off for the last ep but personally, clip 50 made up for it and is p god tier imo ..... and also don’t think the first half of ep10 is enough to discredit the entire season bc i rlly loved seeing liv’s pov and have sm fave moments from the season 
but skam wise, omg might get a lil controversial w this one IM SORRY !!! im bein honest and its Just my opinion ok 
personally s2 got me more invested than s1 and i don’t think its a super bad season like i didnt really say many problems wrong with it until i got on tumblr wiejioqjoiqjq i was sort of interested in the questions that the noora/william dynamic brought up which is, as expressed in william’s war speech to noora, that nothing is ever black/white which i feel was a huge message and feeds into the��‘you never know what ppl are going through’ theme of the season ... like i like the idea of someone like noora, who can have a black/white mentality (as seen in the first clip of s2 when she tells vilde that they can’t have the tannin company as their sponsor bc they objectify women or smth but misses the context and what it could mean for the bus monetarily bc shes caught up in bein ‘woke’) having to break out of that and see more than one side ... and i think remakes like skam austin expanded on this idea well like when zoya was like ‘must be so nice being right all the time’ which i Do feel like is an important for youth to know today .... bc i think its so easy to get caught up in the idea of being so objectively right and morally superior that people lose sight of the more nuanced characteristics to life ... (omg long ramble BUT)
also LMAOOOOO this one might be more controversial as it pertains to bench scene s4 ok oops again doNT GOTTA AGREE !! ........ but i feel like the scene had a lot of good intentions ... i was def kind of cringing a bit tho bc i understand the subject’s sensitivity and how these topics are hard to talk about but i genuinely feel like they both made Some points and should listen to each other .... like as Hard and as maybe ‘unwoke’ it is to admit, unfortunately you sort of do have to answer the tough questions bc that way we learn from each other .... and i perfectly understand why some ppl wouldn’t want to do this and i certainly am tired abt havin to answer shit abt my sexuality or stupid male questions abt women but if u dont answer them, people do go lookin for answers still and the internet is such a shitty place that its pretty easy (esp with youtube’s algorithm) to lead you to ignorant ppl and perhaps radicalization .... questions help us to better understand our community and sometimes they can have good intentions too but we have to ask and answer them or else people will make up answers (which ive literally seen and its honestly worse to see fake as shit and UNINFORMED answers bc ppl did not want to ask you or ppl of ur identity, esp when they’re already startin from a place of hate .... but i rather have ppl ask me patronizing questions than have them spread false info bc that can do much more harm in the long run) however i DO think that isak should also consider sana’s side and i sort of wish we saw him conceding more bc they both have smth to learn from one another, like sana shouldn’t just be learnin from isak, isak needs to learn from sana too
PHEW SORRY QWIOJQWIO girl i just got opinions on some things this is when my desc rlly comes in handy .... oqjdwqioj
9. What did you learn from the show?
omg honestly too much to write here tbh ..... but if it says anythin im (very slowly) in the works of a three part skam essay about basically how skam teaches us to be better humans and how to better treat the people we care about diowjqioj essentially the three biggest themes of the show: you never know what someone is going through so always be kind, always communicate with your friends, and no person is ever alone and i feel like these are definitely rlly good messages to live by (also livet er nå BITCH !!!)
10. What is your favourite headcanon about your favourite characters?
omg tbh i could not tell u at all how the skam charas are doing except i hope even is okay thats all im thinkin of ok .... OIWXIOJX omg remakes wise tho ..... honestly im so bad at this girl IDK !!!!! LMAO i have to really think i have a bit of vdh and dutch even but thats bc we know like Zero abt them so its easier oijwiojqio idk liv and noah bein cute as shit ..... OH WAIT personally i feel like janna got a bunch of pansexual energy so my BIGGG hc is that she’s pan also bc she’s one of my all time fave charas and my fkn url so itd be dope if she was pan ok boom
11. What is your opinion on fanfiction in the fandom?
tbh i don’t read skam fanfiction but i don’t mind reading some from the remakes (tho still its rare) ... eiojeioqw i just don’t trust anyone but julie to write skam charas bc i think that’s how precious the show is to me LMAO like idk everything ive seen of skam fanfiction and ficlets and one shots, i could never get into bc the tone is just so out of character or there will be lines that just take me out of the fic bc im like this !!!! is not !!! how the chara acts !!!! so yeah idk not rlly a fan bc of my purist ass but i dont mind others reading it
1. Favorite quote of the show?
2. Which country would you like to see have the next remake? Do you have any headcanons?
3. Which season would you rewrite and how would you rewrite it?
4. What clips do you personally like or don’t mind, but others hate?
5. Which songs do you think SKAM or the remakes should have included? For which moments?
6. Who would you give SKAM season five to and what topics and themes would it cover?
7. What moment spoke to you or touched you from SKAM the most?
8. How did you find SKAM? How did you feel about it right after watching?
9. Have you shared SKAM with any friends in real life? What did they think of it?
10. Of the remakes, which characters are your favorite of their SKAM counterparts? (Ex. who is the best Vilde remake? Eva? etc.)
11. How do you feel about the SKAM (and remakes) tumblr fandom?
I tag: @smileykeijser @whatadaze @queenofpurgatoryx @itlukey @skamyeets @shaykeijser @megeliz01 @isakcijser @wackpainterkid @axelauriantblot @kar-d-momme
(omg ik some of yall have been tagged so just ignore if u dont want to do it ok im srry it was in the RULES!)
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augstd-blog · 7 years
92 statements tag !!
Rules: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
thank u so much @f1owerseokie !!! ilu :D
The Last:
1. Drink - iced tea that had a lil mint in it
2. Phone call - uhhhh i think my grandpa? i never call Anyone
3. Text message - “can ur mom give me money” to kel kfgjkdfjg
4. Song you listened to - sexuality by taemin bc relatable rn
5. Time you cried - last night 
Have You Ever:
6. Dated someone twice - nope
7. Kissed someone and regretted it - ive never kissed a Single Human
8. Been cheated on - i hope not ?
9. Lost someone special - yes :(
10. Been depressed - ofc jgkdfjgf
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up - im holy ive never drunken alcohol
List 3 Favorite Colors:
12-14. pink, green, beige
In The Last Year Have You:
15. Made new friends - a lottle
16. Fallen out of love - never been in lov kjkjgfd
17. Laughed until you cried - mhmm
18. Found out someone was talking about you - did u mean: every day
19. Met someone who changed you - yes
20. Found out who your friends are - YES
21. Kissed someone on your facebook list - ew no
22. How many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them except one (1)
23. Do you have any pets: a doggo n two grumpy cats
24. Do you want to change your name: uhh not my first name but my last
25. What did you do for your last birthday: i ate red velvet cake and playing board games w my family
26. What time did you wake up: 7:30am
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: talking abt being gay 2 nadia KJKFJG
28. Name something you can’t wait for: a new phone oh my God
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: like. 30 mins ago
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: the fact that my father is my father oops
31. What are you listening to right now: the sound of silence (not the song, literally just silence)
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: uh. no?
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: how hot it is
34. Most visited website: probably youtube
38. Hair color: medium brown i guess kjgkfdjg
39. Long or short hair: i hav short but i wish it was long
40. Do you have a crush on someone: yes no maybe idk
41. What do you like about yourself: my eyes :D
42. Piercings: i used to hav ear piercings but then they closed up rip
43. Blood type: i honestly hav no clue
44. Nickname: mug and muggo and megaphone r my most used ones
45. Relationship status: single
46. Zodiac: libra drag me
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favorite tv show: i dont hav the attention span for tv shows dfjgkdfjg
49. Tattoos: zero (0)
50. Right or left handed: rightttt
51. Surgery: no but soon possibly
52. Piercings: yall think ur slick adding another piercings q ?
53. Sport: i played soccer and a little volleyball
55. Vacation: anywhere LITERALLY
56. Pairs on trainers: im american idk what that means
More General:
57. Eating - i do it ?????
58. Drinking - liquid
59. I’m about to - watch yt or look for more dramas 2 watch later (or both)
61. Waiting for - the sweet release of Death™
62. Want - a smoothie hnnngggg
63. Get married - no
64. Career - whomst is she
65. Hugs or kisses - hugs i guess
66. Lips or eyes - eyes 
67. Shorter or taller - taller bc i, a short bitch, need me a tol
68. Older or younger - irrelevant
70. Nice arms or nice stomach - arms ??
71. Sensitive or loud - loud
72. Troublemaker or hesitant - hesitant ????????
Have you ever:
74. Kissed a stranger: nope
75. Drank hard liquor: im holy as previously stated
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: i lost my Sister’s does that count
77. Turned someone down: multiple times rip
78. Sex on the first date: im 11
79. Broken someone’s heart: i hope not 
80. Had your heart broken: romantically no but platonically yes
81. Been arrested: nO
82. Cried when someone died: mhm
83. Fallen for a friend: a little bit yea
Do You Believe In:
84. Yourself: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
85. Miracles: nope
86. Love at first sight: no its fake
87. Santa claus: yea i love my boy
88. Kiss on the first date: if u liked them beforehand yea maybe
89. Angels: uh. kel n maya ?
90. Current best friend’s name: oukel
91. Eye color: green
92. Favorite movie: uhh nothing
im tagging @yoohkook - @2minari - @sharkbait-rin (u hav 2) - @y8n-gi - @se1fcare - @sleepy-sugakookie - @agustcd - @taeqyung - @17tae - @iloveyoojung - @cypherpart420 - @iloveredvelvet - @ilysmyoongi - @813jm - @wiinnie - @yunkigguk - @1kth - @4hyyh - @btslesbian - @hobisluvr
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taeslut · 8 years
stay with me in 2017
isnt that cute my title kind of rhymes but hello it is me again and this is more or less my (unofficial) 2nd appreciation post bc its a new year and i thought why not also pls ignore my lack of banner i decided to do this on a whim and i honestly cant wait for my photoshop to start up so (and this is in no order at all):
@hwangsae: my dude no need to worry about ur hermitting we understand and we are a ok just as long as you dont completely forget about us. thank you for helping 2016 be less shitty than it was and i treasure our shits n giggles in form time and english. youre always a riot to be with and its literally never boring with you and thanks for always making cheesecake with me; lets hope there are many more cheesecakes in the future (maybe even one where we use an actual cake tin), im sorry for encouraging a certain someone to talk to you to sort his shit out but no worries if he does anything else imma kick his skinny ass for u. i adore your art (bUT IM STILL RGHWJKDF U DIDNT LET ME KNOW I WAS ONLY THE 89TH AND 90TH NOTE) and i will continue to support you in your art and also whatever you decide to do in the future but i do really hope you join me in classics next year. i cant believe how lucky i am that i met you and we’ve maintained our friendship to this point and its gonnA BE SO FRICKIN GREAT WHEN WE GO TO BALL THIS YEAR IM SO HYPED and im so glad we can share moments like that together. i hope youre not too gutted about your math score bc u can always resit and at least you didnt fail which is always good. i have literally so many things i could say about u n our friendship like ur dispatch level photos of me and youre tendency to eat messily especially sushi but i have other ppl to write about too so i will keep this short and let u kno i appreciate u and love u very very much. youre my best friend and here’s to another (hopefully) great fucking year.
@gooseapartment: even tho u have dubbed me with less than ideal nicknames i am nevertheless grateful for your friendship (s/n: i typed out grateful as greatful at first and i stared at it like this isnt right and i had to stare at it for 5 minutes before i understood). even tho i FUCKING HATED AS MATHS ARUHRGJWUGHI you made it more bearable and easier to understand with your chinese lessons. im sososo happy you have gotten into kpop this year as i have yet another friend i can yell with. even though your jokes are lame and i never laugh at your puns, i still appreciate you so so much and idk how id survive in chem without you next to me (especially considering the people we sit with aside from sophia). our conversations are diverse and never really boring and i love hearing about your sunflowers and other plants and your art and drawings and plans for a yt channel and your art blog that u havent posted on and your different jisoos (how is that going btw). i honestly wouldnt have survived in china without you and thank you so much for keeping in contact with me n using wechat bc china hates google n fb. you are such an incredibly strong and inspiring person and i hope you have the best time on camp (even tho u have less than ideal ppl to do it with LOL). i really really hope you come to ball this year because it wouldnt be the same without :((( thanks for being a part of my life for the past 3 years and lets make it a great 4th
@yixmg: its amazing how we have become so close in such a short amount of time and i am so grateful to have met you and gotten the chance to talk to you and realise that no u r quite different from what i thought but in a good way and thank you for putting up with me for basically the whole year last year with me n serena constantly coming over and thank you for listening to me n my problems n my bitching abt certain people. youre hilarious and one of my favourite people to hang around and i frickin love your vines so much i am sad for you that vine closed down :(((( i hope you dont stop making vines even tho u said u might or take up something like filmography or smth idk but you are so talented and i am jealous. its sad we wont be in the same classics class but i wish you luck with your subjects next year (as is a bitch). ur constant love and support for yixing is so cute and admirable (especially bc i am a slut who changes ults every other day) and i love how rapline is rapline and also (current) exom. it makes me happy how whenever we hang out it always involves food and i hope we can go to sura again and study @ the library and hopefully find a spot this time. i am in a constant state of jealousy at the amount of boys u get dang i wish i couldve walked under cherry blossoms w jshaw :((( i love how hardworking you are and im sososo lucky that i got to be one of your friends. i also used ur pen u gave me for math mocks in my eoy exams and ya girl got an a in english so i also have that to thank you for. lets hope we have many more food outings this year along w korean n chinese movies. thanks for being a part of my life and for making 2016 less shitty for me bay-hope :))))
@pixelatedphysiognomy: hoe thanks for all the hoe posts this past year and extra thanks for the dog posts they are one of the few constants in my sad life and i appreciate them very much. i love how i can tell u abt things that made me angry and you will also get angry. i forgot how the whole hoe things started but i am glad it happened because i dont think we really had the awkward first stages of friendship (but correct me if im wrong lol ) i enjoy talking to u about cartoons and the conversations where we exchange “hoe” for days is something i hold dear to my heart. even tho juniors are annoying u are one of the few (ie 3) that i wouldnt mind being friends with. maybe this year ill join the chess club and become chess grandmaster n if i really wanted to get into the role i know a guy to get some of the good shit. thank you for being a part of my 2016 and i hope you stay for the future years for more than just my licence. also i hope 2017 is the year u come to terms with your hoeing.
@yueu: i didnt know which one to tag so i am tagging the newest one. you are one of the cutest people i know and i love ur out of nowhere questions without any context. thank you for being my awkward bean friend this year and i hope we can become closer in the coming year. i love your art so much and you are so talented and i hope you never stop making art and become famous so i can be Famous By Association. you, much like my only other y10 friends, have become such a big and important part of my life considering the short amount of time we’ve known each other and im so grateful to have a friend like you in my life. i hope we can have a great 2017 together and u get all the bread in the world
@seokjinhoney: i havent talked to u in aaaages omg and i know you are on hiatus but thank you so much for being a part of my life. it was so cool to meet someone like you online and its crazy to find out we’re in the same country and meeting you was so frickin cool. youre such a lovely person and i hope we have more time to talk this year
@hmuhansol: rylee u r one of the coolest people i have met this year. even tho its only been like a few months since we started talking we’re already p close considering we were strangers before. i think its so cool how interest you are in maths n science and i hope everything with your school goes well and u get your job witht he fancy name i have 0 capability of remembering bc i am Dumb As Heck. i hope my package arrives soon and i hope you like it even tho it isnt much but i hope we get closer in 2017 and we can laugh even more abt the memeability of svt
ofc there are more people and im sorry if ive forgotten anyone ive also gotten close to this year but these r my top picks n bffs also excuse me for being sappy n my bad grammar and spelling
i hope everyone has the best 2017 and also for trump to be impeached
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morphogenetic · 3 years
oh yeah im gonna uhhh copy these from what I said on twitter bc i want people here to have a chance to read these but: very long dr2 thoughts incoming. these were originally disparate threads but im too lazy to combine them coherently so this is what you get. under a readmore bc its very long and annoying lol
1. im gonna talk about this more when im further in and also when its not 5 am, but theres Something about the way that dr does its plot twists that feels kind of insulting to the intelligence of its audience. like. yeah a good plot twist is well-foreshadowed but at a certain point if you have an amnesiac protag and a traitor that gets mentioned from the very beginning............ik that there Is a reveal about this at some point already but its like. Really. R.
(honestly this was more of an issue with dr1 telegraphing its twists miles ahead but like. when you add like 6 blatant red herrings to try to confuse the player its just. Not good)
2. anyway minor nitpick that has nothing to do with the actual game and is a localization thing: who the fuck decided that "theater bonus prize" had to be the right order for that in English. that is super fucking unclear. you could justify "bonus theater prize" just as well.
honestly I've noticed a bunch of typos in the localization that really make me question it. this clearly isn't an original game issue but its not just forgetting a word or smthn, its forgetting the first letter of a word in a minigame. forgetting punctuation quite often. its..idk. its baffling to me bc dr isn't even a super old game? the official loc is WAY recent and I didn't even notice it being this bad in dr1 so idk what the hell is up
actually wait im thinking abt this more and dr2 having SO MANY translation errors is annoying when like. its a popular as fuck franchise (for some reason) and yet the quality of your translation is worse than obscure shit like rloop? what is wrong with you. ive already heard some tales about how gonta and (the one girl in v3 idk her name) got localized and ???? what the actual fuck happened there
3. honestly half of my problems w dr are literally just Plot Structure Things and I dont think v3 is gonna change those much. wow there are 5 islands! and there's obviously going to be a conclusion chapter! i Wonder how many people are going to die if two people die (ish) per chapter! wuoh!!!!!
4. i would like to criticize the 3rd case in dr2 specifically bc of it doing a hangman, a logic dive, and then another fucking hangman. who on EARTH thought that was okay. you do the first hangman and then instantly figure out The Case's Major Twist like. you didn't need those other two
5. honestly i might be going harder on dr2 than I would be otherwise purely because my last two games were fucking rloop and 13s which have absolutely MAGNIFICENT mysteries that feel properly foreshadowed the whole time. if you play two absolutely wonderful games In A Row then a completely average game is gonna feel like a mess lol
6. oh this is a dr structure complaint and not exactly something I know how to fix but once you get past the halfway point the murder mystery aspect starts getting way more boring for me bc you just have fewer and fewer people who could actually commit the crime.
like at this point in dr2 im like
-hinata is the protag
-komaeda seems way too plot important
-chiaki wouldn't kill anyone
-akane is gonna die probably but she's not cunning enough to kill
-nidai . is a robot
which leaves literally three fucking people (excluding fuyuhiko bc i don't think they'd put him through more pain). Please
7. ig dr's structure (in general, i cant see this Not applying to v3 and it applied to 1) would work better for me if it did something like rloop or yt//td. i know that's basically turning it into a different game but if you make your entire cast Potential Willing Murderers...hm.
its really hard to do death games generally but they generally feel less interesting to me if its just like "heres a motive, now Kill" like. idk. the motives never really have felt strong enough for me to believe they'd actually kill people. except the second case of 2 bc yeah that one actually tracks for me, but otherwise I'm like. the locked room mystery of 1 actively makes me angry bc the motive is stupid as fuck. Things Like That
8. idk man obviously im gonna finish dr as a series bc a) I already own it b) it's too influential in the cosplay community for me to not, but it is genuinely kind of baffling to me how THIS is the spikechun game that got popular. its not bc of the M rating bc 999 is RIGHT there. at least the music slaps but it keeps feeling like a slog, and when I finished the last two games I played - both of which are 40+ hour games - in A WEEK because of how engaging they were...it feels a little more painful than it would otherwise
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