#<- just for any anti that has that one blocked dw i got you
proficgen · 9 months
being an anti must be so stressful like, imagine shipping two characters and then the creator reveals they’re actually related?
Like what do you do??? stop shipping them??? fr?????
What if it turns out that the other character is actually toxic, you gonna just drop all the fanfics and stuff like that?? really?? on god?????
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everything-is-crab · 1 year
Hey! I'm from the blog @kitty-lemon. I saw your response in the post where I was calling out ppl using ' anti nationalist'. I was only alarmed because someone used a term that is usually used to name call any liberal/ progressive person by RWs. I do not tolerate RWs interacting or thinking some post is about them when I am actually calling out them. Which is why I made the call out post. I have read your response and that has provided clarity on the issue. I hope everything is clear ☺️.
( no one will attack you in any form, I have very small audience who even saw it.)
( you have a lovely blog on here 💙 )
I didn't know it's used commonly by RWs of our country. I thought it was mainly liber*ndu or something like that. I get your suspicion now.
I always used anti-nationalist to describe people who, like the term suggests, against the nationalist movement. Yk the way people use the word "anti racist"? I have thought of using "liberal" instead but man I have come across so many young people of around our age who are pro LGBTQ, pro feminism etc only for me to find out they're very pro BJP and bigoted towards Muslims and people from "lower castes" (very disheartening experience, lost some childhood friends this way but it's worth it cause while I do handle dissent normally I don't think I can tolerate straight up RWs as friends). So I never thought it was accurate to call ourselves simply liberals or progressives. But thanks for clarifying it up.
I only blocked you (and replied to your callout post before that) cause some rando decided to bombard my inbox with "Why are you a Nazi?" and death threats. So I was like "Who did I piss off now?" and then I saw your post and I was like "Yeah this is the one. Very wildly specific" (Sorry bro😭😭)
But dw one of the people I follow informed that it was some racist white person I never even interacted with who got caught racefaking and just decided to harass any person in vicinity.
I unblocked you. Thanks for the clarity @kitty-lemon 💜
Need to spend some time off here. Too much drama happening lately on here. Trust me my blog is usually not this happening but we all get caught in something once in a while 😭😭
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whaleofatjme1920 · 2 years
Sorry about yesterday. Thought maybe that might help? You of course don't have to answer it, it was just an idea cause some times taking those requests can help clear out ideas or blocks. (Helps me when I am having a burn out too.) I only saw like one fandom that wasn't same/similar universe to CP that I knew of but not in. So is there any other fandoms you don't mind writing? Ones that aren't on your list. ~🧁anon
It genuinely depends, I’ve got those, and a few others? But no one has any idea what I’m talking about.
Honestly I burned out of Creepypasta/MH a while ago. I did a lot of Creepypasta writing last year and never recovered from it. That doesn’t mean I don’t like it, but writing for the same characters constantly (like EJ, And Toby especially) does something! I LOVE writing angst, but EJ’s gotten the most of it from me. It’s kinda boring.
Your request is fine, don’t worry. I don’t begrudge you it. Though, the way I might answer it might be,,, different as I don’t view the mansion as a home for everyone, nor do I think most of them even like children lol. But uh, you’ll see dw <3
But uh, you would have to tell me the fandoms you’re considering. If it’s anime related no. I’m weirdly anti anime lmfao.
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princesscas · 4 years
Hi! I have a question. I haven’t been heavily involved in tumblr/social media for a while. I had stopped watching supernatural for a couple of years and just got back into it. I ship destiel, but sometimes things about wincest come up. I keep seeing things about people not wanting to “ship shame” which you just mentioned as well, and I’m just confused. How is it okay that people ship two brothers? Like they are actual brothers on the show?? I don’t care that they’re not irl. I don’t know who the N girl you’re talking about is but apparently she cares about canon, so how can she like it? And why is it wrong for people to condemn people for shipping two brothers, when that is the thing inherently wrong? Like it’s disgusting... it’s not about them being guys, it’s incest... Again, I just don’t get it and I hope I don’t come off as rude! Thank you!
Nah, you’re not rude at all! Never ever like them. I’m still upset about what happened two days ago so what the hell, tea time!
To start off, I believe that everyone can ship whatever like like as long as they aren’t sending hate to others. Take a look at this (lengthy) post about ship wars. People can ship whatever they want, end of story. Doesn’t really matter anyway because people are gonna do what they wanna do. Do I like those types of ships like you described above? No, but it’s none of my business to tell others what they can and cannot ship. Sometimes I read darkfics. That isn’t everyone’s cup of tea and that’s okay. Is the post/fanfic properly tagged with such elements? Then it’s fine. Start hyjacking posts/leaving nasty comments? That’s 1000% not fine and it never will be. 
Something that doesn’t get brought up enough: There is a vast difference between an ordinary w//cest shipper and a J-two-squared tinhatter who believes the said two actors are secretly gay, their wives are beards, they hate mish, everyone who doesn’t like w//cest are wrong, etc.
Now, it’s on the shipper if they start normalizing such things. (in//st, unhealthy, etc) And the rabid obsessed (N&Co) hate-everything-that-breathes crew is a prime example of this. 
This thing is already long so why not throw out some receipts, huh?  IMO, you cross that ‘ship whatever you want’ line when you do this: 
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...I ship an angel and a human my dude. (and two 100 yr old super soldiers, I wonder what they think about stucky lol) also jesus christ the rest of that is a mess. 
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/tw: biphobia here./ REAL bisexuals? “oh you aren’t bisexual if you like one angel and a hunter.” And they’re obsessed with calling everyone ‘teenager girls.’ This is not only wrong but also pretty damn transphobic and misogynistic. 1) Most people have aged over the years (wow that’s crazy right?) 2) trans, nonbinary, and gender fluid people exist. 
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Overall, these people are a horrible bunch. They’re obsessed with preaching to people about ‘tagging properly’ when they could take it upon themselves and use a blacklisting extension. Or just block every single blog they don’t like. These people are a very small portion of the fandom but they’re loud, they want you to think they make up all of the fandom but they don’t. Not even close, when other in general posts gets thousands of notes/retweets and theirs get maybe a couple hundred. (and a lot are from reblogs for replies) 
Not gonna lie, I feel the need to defend w//cest shippers because I’ve known/have/had mutuals who do ship it and they’re nice as can be. 
The loud bunch are so loud, it silences the others who partaking in normal fandom things. Or really, if I were them, I wouldn’t want to associate myself with those people. 
Let’s pretend for a second. Imagine if you loved a ship (it could be any ship from any fandom) but the fandom is toxic as hell and the most ‘popular/well known’ blogs/artists/writers are these people. Fandom corners have history on the way they were built upon throughout the course of the fandom’s media. 
You browse the tags, the blogs, the fanfics, and find yourself staring at a hateful group of cult-like bigoted people. But wait. These people? They don’t like fanfiction or fanon. No, they hate anyone who writes anything outside of textbook canon. Any characters outside of SW/DW/JW won’t be present. (if you’re curious or are brave enough, go look at the AO3 tag, it’s sad) 
I try to be empathetic with people. I cannot, for the life of me, imagine what it’s like. To love a show so much with your favorite ship but one part dislikes it and another part are so inherently hateful.   
The OP deleted but this thread on Reddit is exactly what I’m talking about. And they mentioned something else I think not many people bring up: OT3′s. 
I’m gonna quote this but it’s 1000% true. 
“What I can't for the life of me understand though is why people would hate on Misha as an actor because of his role on the show. I've seen a lot of Misha hatred - and I mean A LOT of it. In fact, I recently went through the anti-misha tag on tumblr and blocked over 200 tumblr accounts that either were dedicated to bashing him or castiel, or posted constantly about it.”
“It's really nuts to me that people would choose to put so much time and effort into hating an actor who hasn't done anything to them personally or hasn't even affected their lives, when they could be putting good feelings into praising the actors who have affected their lives in a good way instead if you feel me.”
Constantly is the key word here. I don’t think these people ever stop, not even for one second, to sit down and say, “God this is exhausting, I think I need a break this week.” I really dislike these people but I also feel empathetic for them. What is their mental health like? It isn’t healthy. Go show a therapist this, they’d probably quit on the spot. (okay prob not but that’s my best example atm) 
This has gotten extremely long so I think I’ll stop here. There are some nice people out there who will ship things you don’t like but a toxic side can make it seem much worse than it actually is. Ironically, it’s usually the opposite. (ie: voltron’s’s toxic side scaring off other shippers of that fandom) 
Lemme end this with pre!serum smol Steve and his legendary quote: 
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spiftynifty · 6 years
How come it seems like lm and jds can talk more candidly about their intentions regarding other ships like allurance and even k/l but not sheith? I don't understand why they can clarify things like allurance and how it was there from the beginning or flat out state that they never intended for k/l to be a thing, but when it comes to the topic of shiro and keith they won't just clarify what they did or did not intend/want their relationship to be? I'm confused by it. :(
Ooof this is an excellent question and I suspect a complicated one. 
First off, they can be candid about Allurance because 1) it’s a hetero couple (and therefore “acceptable” to executives and conservative parents) and 2) it was strongly implied and built up for almost the entirety of the series before they officially, canonically, became a couple. There’s no ambiguity there. They can be candid about kl because Allurance technically “kills” the ship by virtue of existing, but more importantly kl is the fanship that they have been directly asked about on more than one occasion and probably straight up badgered about it more times than we’re aware of. When your production studio gets blackmailed in the hopes of making k/l canon, that ship is being brought to your attention. 
Also, Afterbuzz is run by kl fans who have anti-like tendencies. They angle kl questions in nearly every interview, and I was pretty miffed by the way in this interview they heavily, heavily implied that only Sheith fans hated s8 “because their ship didn’t become canon” and yet in the same breath talked about how Allurance wasn’t good and came out of nowhere (something JDS delightfully shut down). In the live chat for the recent interview, people from all ship alignments kept begging the hosts to ask about why SK’s friendship wasn’t included in the final season. In the saltiest tone you can imagine, one of the more vocal kl hosts decided to answer the question (”they helped each other grow and evolve and since they’ve done that, we don’t need to see their friendship anymore, it got lots of screentime in other seasons”) and never let the showrunners actually speak on it, instead moving swiftly to another topic that aligned more with the hosts’ own interests. It was almost like she was afraid of what the answer would be. Was she afraid they’d say “well actually, on the matter of that, Sheith was our intended endgame” or was she trying to save them from having to talk about something NDAs prevented them from talking about? 
So why CAN’T they talk Sheith? I have a few theories. This gets long and a little rambly, so I’ve thrown it under a cut. 
1) Don’t ask, don’t tell. Except for post-s7, the showrunners themselves have never been asked about Sheith’s relationship in an interview. I think most Sheiths were afraid of rocking the boat and potentially upending a SK endgame by drawing too much attention to it. We were/are definitely the quieter side of the primary vld ships and honestly most of us were not expecting our ship to be canon. 
But vld ships and the ship wars are notorious across geekdom for vitriol and death threats, and the creators didn’t want to add any fodder to either side. In the middle of production it would have benefited no one for the EPs to say, “yeah sheith is meant to be viewed romantically” or “no, we can’t go back and change the story to make that true”. Either one would have resulted in an uptick of harassment from antis towards them, towards other fans. And nevermind the production side where DW/WEP weren’t ready for even a hint of m/m until right before s7 dropped. It was only AFTER they got the greenlight on gay Shiro that showrunners could finally be vague and say “some people will interpret [sk] as brothers, others will say it’s 100% confirmed they’re in a relationship”. Which is, in my opinion, a pretty interesting way to respond to that question. But again, if that interviewer hadn’t been brave enough to ask it, I highly doubt it’s something that the showrunners themselves would have ever brought up.
2) Sheith was actually intended to be romantic, but was blocked. We know now that Adam being greenlit as Shiro’s boyfriend happened right before (like a week or less) before s7 dropped. This was a show that had been in production for almost 4 years by this point, and the showrunners stated they picked Shiro to be their rep early on in the process. When they planted that idea in executive’s heads is anyone’s guess, as is when the proper fight for it began. I suspect their immediate team of directors, writers, and in-house producers were well aware and supportive, but kicking that up the chain was another story. I also have a suspicion that it wasn’t until season 6 was complete that the matter was brought up because greenlighting everything we got in s6 knowing Shiro was gay the whole time puts a lot of eyes on Keith. 
And really, it was Keith who was the problem all along. 
In every version of Voltron, Keith is the main protagonist. He’s the leader of the team, the primary “image” of Voltron, and thus, certain things about him need to be maintained. I’m not sure if this is sheer coincidence or not, but he is the only person on the team who stayed visually the same to his OG counterpart. All of the other paladins have gone from white dudes (and a white lady) to POC, or have had a genderswap. There is much debate about Keith’s race with people creating their own headcanons but ultimately Keith can pass as white. While the handbook states Lance is Cuban, Hunk is half black-half Samoan, Shiro is Japanese and even Pidge gets “Italian”, Keith is just listed as... human. Which is a surefire way to not upset fans who have HC’d him as POC while also not-NOT saying he’s white. Everybody “wins”. 
In addition I’m confident a major stipulation of the OG Voltron owners (the “gatekeepers”, as a few of the VAs and the showrunners themselves have darkly alluded to) was that Keith could not be LGBT. We know now he was meant to end up with Acxa, a fact that was already obvious to many of us from their Weblum meetcute. But that relationship was never scripted. 
Setting aside the fact that the OG Voltron owners (WEP) didn’t want Keith to be LGBT, I’m sure executives at Dreamworks would have struggled with the idea as well. Shiro stans can come at me all they like about this but Keith was always meant to be the primary protagonist of the show, of every version of Voltron, and making the main, masculine hero of a well-trodden, oft-rebooted franchise gay/bi would have been an ENORMOUS move for animation. Making him end up with the other main, masculine hero would have honestly broken the internet and the minds of countless conservative executives, and been a major benchmark not just for cartoons, but ALL media. Animation often trails behind TV and movies in terms of social progress because something something “protect the chillllldrennn”. And right now I’m struggling to think of a popular live action TV show, or movie, with an older audience, where the main masculine hero is lgbt, and in a relationship with the other main masculine hero. Feel free to offer me examples in replies but the fact that I’m struggling to think of anything is pretty telling. In short, if this revolutionary move still isn’t happening for the live action 13+ audience, asking for it to happen on a cartoon with a 7-11yo boy demographic is like asking for the moon. Keith couldn’t be gay, because immediately it would have been obvious to anyone that he was already very much in love with the other LGBT character on the show. Hell, it’s already pretty obvious in canon that this is the case, and dodging the question about his sexuality is dodging the confirmation that he’s in love with Shiro. 
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I’d like to believe that one of the solutions to the Adam Problem that was proposed was that KEITH ends up with Shiro, but they were laughed out of the office. The pair’s incredibly close bond aside, it would have been the absolute easiest fix production-wise. They already have their shared history doing most of the legwork, all that’d have to be changed is:
-adding Shiro to the L/K scene in 8x01, just sitting there as Keith encouraged Lance.-Re-recording a couple of Shiro’s lines in 8x05 to make him seem at least somewhat upset that Keith was kidnapped-Showing Keith and Shiro hanging out in the video episode. You could just use the shot of Keith and Pidge but replace Pidge with Shiro.
And the best part is, you could change just one or two of these and then do the wedding epilogue you always intended (but write something that doesn’t insist Shiro retired) but with Keith instead of Rando. Not to mention, there is a slight, slight possibility there was a S/K scene (or two) cut along the way. I strongly disagree with the theories that have floated around about the “massive edits” done to s8, but I think there could be truth to the idea that a Sheith scene was cut to make room for Crew Member, or an effort made to downplay the Sheith friendship that comes off way more intimate than any interaction Shiro has with [man]. It’s more likely that SK scenes never existed at all in this season as the showrunners had to cave to pressures to “have more action”, had no idea what to do with Shiro besides relegate him to a stiff cardboard general, and perhaps had to follow strict instructions about the kind of friendliness an out & proud gay man could show to the men he’d enjoyed good interactions with before. 
All this to say, the Sheith battle is messy. It’s fine for the showrunners to say “getting the greenlight for Shiro was a battle” because it’s a battle they won that makes everyone look pretty good. It makes Dreamworks look like they Learned Something and are going to be more open to LGBT content in future properties. It makes WEP look not-terrible because they can add “allowed a character who wasn’t really an OG Voltron character to be gay” to their list of “generous” things they allowed for this re-envisioning of their property. It’s self-congrats all around.
Blocking Sheith has the opposite effect. It reveals that WEP is homophobic because they could allow Pidge to be a girl and Allura to be black but making the hero a non-straight man? That’s TOO FAR. It reveals that Dreamworks higherups are homophobic because they weren’t ready for two LGBT protagonists, just one plus a background character with 3 lines who is literally never named. No one wins, and to be asked about Shiro and Keith and be honest about it could potentially be the showrunners saying, “god, we wanted to, but we were blocked at every single turn”. And thus DW and WEP are the outed villains of the story.
3) Shiro and Keith were never meant to be read as romantic. The showrunners don’t say anything because there’s simply nothing to say. Sometimes the most incredible ships are happy accidents. Sometimes people genuinely don’t realize what they’re doing. I felt a little disheartened watching the AB interview because the way they talked about wanting to include more [man], or how they “hoped viewers would read between the lines” re:Shiro/Curtains, was so casual and flippant it was like they genuinely thought most people would be fine with Shirando if only there had been more scenes between them, as though completely severing Shiro’s relationship with Keith and instead only showing scenes of Shiro bonding with a new character would come off as a good move rather than a baffling (and somewhat hurtful) one. 
I do believe that certain directors were absolutely fans of the pair and angled in what they could. Chris Palmer is behind the famous “shiro loves you baby” art and responsible for the eps that include Shiro’s gay panic, the Sheith hug, “As many times as it takes”, Shiro falling into Keith’s arms, and “We have to stop, Shiro’s out there!!” among others. Steve Ahn was the director behind 2x01, 3x01 with heavily grieving Keith, Blade of Marmora, and the episode where Keith screams Shiro’s name so loud he astral projects and then Shiro holds his hands over the controls. He also got really soft when he talked about the pair in an episode of Form Podcast (before JDS kinda hastily shut him down). And even Eugene Lee, he directed The Black Paladins which is an episode so Sheith I still can’t believe it’s real, and 7x01, the other episode so Sheith I can’t believe it’s real. All three of these guys were the original series directors, which is pretty inchresting. 
But that doesn’t mean the showrunners were necessarily onboard. Maybe it was really important to them to show a positive male friendship since that never happens in media, just as they felt having Allura sacrifice herself was a powerful feminist move. However the thing I keep circling back to is JDS’ early interview about The Winter Soldier and how if he ever got the chance to do that, he hoped it would be in the future when things could be more progressive, hinting that he wanted to throw more overt romantic undertones if he himself ever got a fight like that to write or direct. It’s pretty interesting that he wrote the Black Paladins, which mirrors the Stucky fight in Winter Soldier so much that it actually rotoscopes one of Bucky’s moves. I’d also point out that JDS’ favorite characters are Shiro and Keith, and I find it impossible to be a fan of both and not also be a fan of how much they love each other, and how much that love straddles the line between romantic love and friendship.
This got long, but I hope it was helpful. The likely final-ever showrunner interview will be on Let’s Voltron sometime this month, and I do hope that now that the series is over someone is brave enough to ask them, “so... what was going on between Shiro and Keith? In a perfect world, what would have happened there?”. In a way it doesn’t matter though. There is always the risk of them saying “nothing was going on there” and us agonizing over whether that was a lie to protect their careers or bald-faced honesty in the face of an NDA or fucks-given that might have expired with their contracts. 
But I think the best we can hope for is the same situation that happened with the Avatar creators and that live action movie: 3 years from now when the NDAs are well and truly expired, JDS & LM may come out and say, “SO, on the matter of Shiro and Keith, it’s time to come clean.”
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incarnateirony · 6 years
An apology, but a story.
Okay guys, sorry for uh, talking so much about Pillowfort lately. I do mean it when I say I’m still here to stay until Tumblr totally dies, and I know I’ve been posting a LOT of PF content, but I’m also trying to help tailor an environment over there where this fandom can thrive. Add in momma’s heart attack and coma and my dash has been a hot mess and bare bones of my usual content, and I apologize.
But at the same time I’d like to sort of tell a bit of a flashback story of social media, fandom, and why I really do hope the best for Pillowfort. Some people are too young to remember the slow death of Livejournal, and I’m having like, flashbacks from that. I wasn’t in SPN fandom itself at the time but I was on LJ, so if you’re 
worried about your friends leaving
intent on sticking to tumblr hell or high water
kind of upset at some friends trying to manage both
Let me give a little bit of history to explain what people are doing right now and why.
Long long ago, in a digital world far away when the internet still screamed at you when you connected to it, fandom wasn’t really globalized like it is. Twitter didn’t exist. Eventually Facebook was a hot new commodity not everybody adopted immediately. Tumblr wasn’t a sparkle in anybody’s eye. 
Fandom was mostly relegated to php forums and places like Livejournal. Livejournal proved to be -- at the time -- one of the best methods to engage in fandom. You could have your own journal, but you could also join communities with your account and comment on long discussions. 
There were weaknesses of this to be sure. Notifications were pretty raw to nonexistent compared to how we know of them modernly. You had to basically manually check the comm to stay on top of things, and what was said in that comm was choked to that comm. Now, that had its strengths: you could control the community and posts, ergo minimizing flame wars, but it made fandom a bunch of pigeonhole wings and, to be honest, echo chambers. Lots of things got missed, overlooked, and what have you. And god help you if you pissed off a big name fan in your wing that owned one or most of the communities you went to. Replies and the ilk were pretty limited on what you could do, too. But it was something. It was more than just a standard forum. You could still try to cross-engage.
Then came the LJ Purge, which... is pretty much identical to the Tumblr purge. New rules banishing NSFW to the depths of the internet, some out of control censorship, targeting all LGBT content no matter how pure as NSFW and explicit -- you name it. They didn’t really have wildly out of control filterbots, that’s a new modern invention just to shit in our bin a little better, but you get the idea. What happened -- and is still, more quietly, now that the shock has passed -- to Tumblr is what happened to LJ. People lost mountains of work. 
Now, LJ didn’t die overnight. It died over the course of a few years. Some people left fairly quickly, others tried to stay aboard. For example, Destiel fandom was fairly young at the point the LJ Purge kicked off, and were already sort of outsiders among the fandom newsletters that were more Gen or Wincest doused at that point because -- well, duh -- they had a several year running start on that platform. The communities, as above, were really regulated. There just wasn’t room to breathe. Sure, they had their own comms, but once material started vanishing, they were much more eager to, en masse, migrate to a new platform. And yes, some stayed behind longer, because people, even in shipland, aren’t a borg.
Other communities, like gen or Wincest, stayed behind longer. They had years of built up work and huge communities they were attached to there and it was a lot harder for them to let that all go. But it didn’t get better. More quietly, once the hysteria ended, people just lost their will to continue to use livejournal and they more dribbled across.
Some went to Dreamwidth back then. Some went to tumblr. Long term, tumblr worked for everybody until now. Dreamwidth was pretty much Livejournal, minus censorship, plus a few bells and whistles but it worked for a few people, but let’s face it -- that’s not where central fandom ended up.
Now, people are talking alternatives. Some are saying to go back to Dreamwidth. I refuse. 
Because there’s a reason it wasn’t the most successful platform in the past and we’ll go back to completely segregated fandom like before and 
because certain aspects of fandom that DID go to Dreamwidth and stay there, have still been there, and are a huge thorn in the side to almost anyone with their head screwed on straight, Destiel fandom or not. J2 tinhats are the eternal asscramps of the fandom and they’ve squatted on dreamwidth for their crazy ass tinhat page for years, god knows they probably went to adjacent communities, god knows how ingrained they are into it, and I am NOT willing to deal with that level of horse shit again.
Pornhub tried a grab, that didn’t work, as it shouldn’t, for a list of reasons as long as my arm; Mastodon was suggested, but has a huge issue in some of its other channels that people don’t want to float in the vicinity of. 
And then there’s Pillowfort.
So look, Pillowfort is young, it is a smolbabe. In a few months it went from 4K users to 25K users and is growing innumerably by the day. Its servers are struggling. That turns some people off. I get that. But that isn’t permanent.
So first of all, early pioneers are what make migrations work. Just like LJ had its initial members, and then tumblr had its early migrators, places like Pillowfort can be the same. Dreamwidth already has its foundations. That’s redundant, and foundations I’m not even going to touch, much less the regressive, divisive form of communities that will segregate all of us again. It’s fine if you aren’t one of the first people to take up the platform. The people ahead of you will start laying down content and communities and, if it works out, you can join in when you’re ready.
So what makes Pillowfort so fucking special?
Okay, so check it out. On tumblr, we’re used to reblogging shit into the bowels of the internet. As Pillowfort grows it, too, has that capability with some differences.
The boldest difference is that when you reblog, your opinion doesn’t get attached to the end of the post. It just reblogs the base post. Some people initially complained and thought that was the loss of a feature but came to realize it’s a blessing.
You see, that means someone can’t kidnap your post with a shitty opinion to reblog it to their friends with a shitty opinion that all attach their heckling shitty opinions. Like, let’s say it’s someone that’s Destiel fandom reading this. Ever had an anti shit reblog your post and it run wild? Well, now, if they try to reblog it, all they reblog is... your Destiel post. Thanks for that.
So how do we actually say what we need to?
Well, fam, it incorporated elements from LJ/DW, in having threaded replies. Multiple threads if so needed. The threaded replies are capable of housing just about anything an OP has. So a blog post has, alongside Like/Reblog notifications, comments. Open the post, read the comments, start an actual conversation with some merit. Did some douchebag come to spam your comments since they can’t reblog? No problem, delete their shitty comments and block them, problem solved.
But it doesn’t end there.
See, like LJ, PF has communities. While your post can reblog just about anywhere just like on tumblr, you can blog or reblog them into the communities you follow. Anyone following that community, whether they follow you directly or not, gets that turning up in their feed, maximizing your spread. So sure, it’s a young platform and you only have 20 followers or whatever, but if you make a general Supernatural style post and blog it to the SPN com, 300 people (at current) see it. If you post something to the Destiel comm, over 200 people see it. It’s a way to even find new accounts and friends.
If you don’t like something that’s turning up in a community, you can blacklist shit. And/or find a more appropriate community if it gets out of hand to you.
When you make your own communities you can have internal discussions or blog in/out posts, you can set rules, promote moderators, remove or ban problem users, and generally control the flow of your community to keep out shitlords. But, if for example, you subscribed to a community that turns out to be secretly run BY a shitlord because, IDK, maybe they don’t like that you think Sam is bi or something, most of these communities are large and blog in/out/engageable enough that you won’t lose your contacts, you WILL find your people over time, and you won’t be completely choked off to a singular abyss.
So the base beat is
PF treats every single post like any root post on an LJ/DW comm, but is able to be reblogged from/to communities or your own blog page as freely as tumblr.  PF takes the best concepts of current and previous fandom platforms in its base application and lays a groundwork that literally all of us can prosper on if it survives and continues. 
But that’s the catch.
And it’s cool if you aren’t ready to completely take that leap yet. I get that.
“I kinda like PF but it doesn’t have X feature-”
Okay look, PF is a smolbabe, like I said. It’s in beta. The thing is, they’re adding things every day. They have a dev list like 2 pages long for goals and things are getting crossed off and added like, biweekly. It might already be on their list to add. And if it’s not, guess what?
The staff actually give a shit and react to questions and concerns. There’s entire beta groups to talk about features with bugs, and/or features that should be added or adjusted. There’s a comm to talk directly to the staff about things.
A small, young platform needs people willing to be out there saying what would improve the experience. So if you go there, you’re not just fandom pioneers, you’re social media pioneers if you so choose to be. It’s not mandatory. You can just fan in your space how you want. Or you can go to the beta groups and staff groups and tell them what you think would improve the experience. 
And again, it’s okay if you aren’t willing to move right now.
I’m not moving entirely. I’m double blogging, and will return to my regularly scheduled blogging on tumblr here soon, now that my life is calming down and I got most of my PF heavy lifting out of the way. But I want to make a nest in case this does pan out to be the next forward horizon, rather than taking a step back to something like Dreamwidth that segregates us all again. I want to help them build that platform. 
But I’ll still be here with you guys.
But if you’ve felt like friends are abandoning you
Please try to understand the history, please understand what they’re doing and why they’re doing it, and just try to encourage them to cross blog where you can/will engage. And if you’re feeling daring one day? Try to poke your head into PF.
I have one remaining key that I’m willing to give a really good fandom creator. I gave one to a meta-mind and I’d like this to go to a heavy, inclusive gif creator, because that’s still a sparse art on PF. You’d be the belle of the ball just for crossposting your work, in a place that DOESN’T have a threat of it getting deleted when tumblr throws a hissyfit. Just post on both. Tada. Suddenly you’re the popular kid.
If you’re interested, if you poke your head in, check my recent post listing communities that are growing rapidly and the ilk to know where to get your feet wet. Or send me a DM. I’ll help.
We good? Cool.
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mswyrr · 6 years
okay, i’m sorry, i gotta say one more thing about the DW finale
Please block my “dw negativity” tag if this kind of content will harsh your squee!
Okay, so the bullying theme in The Witchfinders was really well handled IMO. In particular, Willa’s journey and Yaz and Becka were great. Willa actually becomes complicit with this horrible bullying, because not everyone is strong all the time, but she’s able to come through it and be stronger. And Yaz - brave, amazing Yaz once just had to endure utter torment at school because sometimes you’re helpless for a while, and it hurts. It will always hurt. But you can also move forward. And Becka is that thing Tumblr hates which is a villain who’s about the human psychology of the worst sort of behavior - the way she torments and kills in a desperate and repulsive attempt to project her own self-hatred and fear. The way she’s been trained her whole life to hate and fear women. It’s both understandable and not acceptable. And understanding isn’t acceptance, it’s feeling out the darkest places humans can go to as a way of understanding yourself and others that actually empowers you rather than misleading you.
It doesn’t shy away from failure and struggle and sin even for people who are doing less awful things, so the positivity that the episode is able to find feels real. It says: Yaz got through her year of torment, she has friends now, she has a purpose, you can too. It says: Willa was weak and complicit but she’s not a worthless person, she can come back from that. The Doctor struggles with her own darkness but she faces it bravely, without fear, and is able to be kind and do good within it. James I is cruel because he, like Becka, lets his fear control him and is constantly hurting others to escape his own feelings of inner darkness.
They want so desperately to be pure and run from their own darkness that instead of handling it responsibility they just inflict it on others, turn others into scapegoats.
And, again, understanding doesn’t mean approval, re: Becka... though the biggest bully, the one who led the charge and had the most power, James I, actually gets away. And ofc he did. But that doesn’t cancel out the positive that people were able to find.
That’s a story with a core of human honesty. The good things it said are said honestly, in recognition of how hard and painful life can be.
It Takes You Away does that really well too. It goes to a dark place! Using surrealism and a fairy tale tone, it doesn’t shy away from how deeply grief and mental illness can hurt us. It isn’t dishonest about the fact that sometimes parents, even parents who are otherwise loving, utterly fail their children. Sometimes people are in a desperate state emotionally and do terribly cruel things (the Solitract, Erik) and that’s not okay, but that also doesn’t mean they’re permanently evil.
And it’s also only about such darkness and sadness because it’s about *love*. You don’t hurt that much if you don’t also *love* so much. And in the end the Solitract, and Graham, and Erik choose to love enough to confront pain in order to treat the people they love right. Erik accepts reality, the place he doesn’t want to be without his wife, because Hanne is there. She needs him.
For this part, Graham chooses to be the one who wouldn’t abandon Ryan, not even for a perfect dream. And the Solitract learns to be a real, loving friend to the Doctor by letting her go.
That has *truth* to it. About how much love overwhelms and destroys us and how hard it is to deal with sometimes. But also the choices that we all have to strive to make--and fail at sometimes--in order to be loving to each other in good rather than possessive or cruel ways.
Those are both episodes that I think could help child viewers... because they helped me too! As an adult. And good writing for children/families is able to do that, to speak deeper truths through Fantasy and Sci Fi in such a way that a viewer can go as deep as they need to in thinking about it.
“It Takes you Away” is not a depressing realistic drama about, like, a parent with clinical depression. That would be something for adults only. Also... not something even I would be interested in, because I think fantasy and fairy tales are a more cathartic way to talk about pain--just for my tastes--than straight drama. But anyway. 
Good “morals” aren’t simple “morals” at all, they’re recognition of struggle. That there is darkness and finding/making light is hard, but it is possible. Even after you’ve failed or sinned. Even as the broken person you are.
What “The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos” had to say about religion and kindness and faith was utterly empty and facile compared to that. The Doctor’s final words made me wince, they were so dishonest. Because the religious peoples’ deeper logic wasn’t explored, the seriousness of their crimes wasn’t handled with any weight. And so those final words just felt like a total lie to me.
Pretending the world is morally simplistic and facile doesn’t nourish anyone’s soul, child or adult.
I felt the same way about the weirdly anti-adoption moral re: Yoss in “The Tsuranga Conundrum.” There was no recognition of complexity or failure. No acknowledgment that sometimes a parent has to give a child up and that is the kindest, most loving thing they can do, because they know in their heart they are not ready or capable to be a parent.
I just, honestly, feel like someone needs to sit Chibnall down and give him some actually *good* child/family aimed stories and films and tv shows. Because he seems to think that something more basic and insulting than Sunday school lessons I remember having drilled into my head is what’s called for and it’s so... completely not how you do that.
It doesn’t even require that extensive a level of research, though. Honestly, all he’d have to do is really pay attention to what the better writers than him in the season are doing.
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EOR Agartha Singularity Chapter 14~END
With the power of insanity, regret, suffering and MORE SUFFERING... This entire singularity is just going to speed run, trying to complete without needing CS. Because of paranoia that the coming Christmas event requires LB3, especially the amount of new Servant and SOME in particular screams out LB3 requirement
DW seriously wants everyone to catch up to the latest story, which hence implying... Not all event are going to be Salomon-locked anymore
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Before I start... The following chapters at this point, DO NOT GRIND FOR BOND POINTS. All the major bosses have finally showed up and that's where you need your sanity and strong team composition to beat them
Chapter 14
Both arrows in this chapter, you're fighting both Megalos and Christopher Columbus. Megalos has 2 HP layer while Christopher has only 1
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In the first arrow, you're only required to either survive for 4 turns or break ONLY Megalos's first HP bar.
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Second however, you're required to defeat both of them. 
For Megalos 
on his HP break, buffs himself with Critical Damage Up for 3 turns but debuffs himself with Quick Resistance Down for 3 turns (demerit).
Second HP Break, buffs himself Critical Rate Up for 3 turns but debuffs himself with Arts Resistance Down for 3 turns (demerit).
on his HP break, buffs the enemy team with Pierce Invincibility for 3 turns.
Personally, kill Megalos first because as usual for Berserker class reason and you really don't want him to receive the invincibility pierce if you break Columbus's HP bar by accident
Chapter 15
A visual story mode, so nothing much to see here except googling up for the summary ^^;
Chapter 16
The final and longest fight for this Singularity, which I repeat, DO NOT GRIND FOR BOND POINTS UNLESS YOU'RE PREPARED!
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First arrow... It's actually where Confucious doing confusion fu on you and your team. Not really confusing since you've got Scheherazade and 8 mob bosses of different classes with her
Her only gimmick at each HP break is giving taunt on those mobs for 10 turns, and, she reduced damage from Servants with King trait (*stares at AUO* Yeah people like AUO or Arthur, especially Ozzy). So, you're more or less required to bring either borrowed AOE Alter Ego/Berserker preferably without the King trait to kill them.
Finally the final boss, Demon God Pillar Phenex!
Because you're going to fight that fucking tentacle pillar 3 TIMES in different arrow in two separate classes.
In Arrow 2, you're first fighting it in their Caster class. It take reduced damage from Servants with King trait and, will Charm & inflict HP reduction every turn to a random party member.
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Arrow 4, your first round to survive against it after it uses its permanent guts buff 2 times!
Demon God Phenex itself:
Single target Instant-Death combined with a Death Rate Down debuff.
Single Target Charm combined with a 1 turn delayed HP reduction debuff (the affected servant will have its HP reduced once the player's turn ends).
Self cleanse, one-turn incoming debuff negation, NP gauge single tick charge.
Demon God Phenex's NP:
It will first attempt to remove any buffs [CE buffs such as Volumen Hydrargyrum's one won't be affected].
Party wide AOE multiple hit damage.
All the party members will be inflicted with a 1,000 damage per turn Burn debuff.
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Arrow 5, this in particular you’re to survive 10 turns when young Fergus from plot reason reduced its MAX HP to 1 and its guts buff completely gone to kill it.
Its skills and NP is the same as before... But it has now an insta-death skill to kill your Servant, so do beware of that.
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Now that this first shit is done for main quest... I’ll start immediately for SIN Lostbelt tomorrow/later tonight right after I’m back from my trip to AFA :D
Because writing this with less than 6 hrs of sleep for 2 days is just me wanting to finish this ASAP
Apparently this Singularity has a decent habit in throwing different classes together so that you can’t use a single class to deal with them. Yeah, not even Berserker unless you got a good setup to keep them alive
Dahut mini boss:
Or aka Drake Alter, where if she had Wild Golden Hunt with her for her NP... This entire boss fight with her is practically screaming chaos if she decided to buff it with pierce invincibility
Ideally Carmilla and Jack are best against her for Assasin class
But if you’re starting this way later like now, Okada Izou is subsitute to bring in for his anti-humanoid skill
Alternatively any assassin will do to kill her
But when dealing against her with Hydra, do bring a Lancer for main DPS with a good composition of a team to deal with them both
She isn’t that difficult so I considered her more of a mini Boss to deal with before the biggest fish
Wu Zetian:
If you have Scheherazade before starting this Singularity, she’s the ideal Caster against her. Wu Zetian possess the king trait with her so Scheherazade can deal more damage to her
She herself isn’t that much of a problem from her skillset wise other than her own healing and removable defense down debuff
Only problem you’ll need to be aware is her 3 tick NP gauge AND her increase of crit damage after using her NP
Her NP also has a removable poison debuff so Medea Lily can be brought along if needed
Otherwise general Caster should work, and preferably ST NP Caster to deal with her more efficiently
Basically where DW decided to kill anyone who brings Heracles-chan as a last resort due to her third skill targets to Greek Mythology Male Servant
Or actually specifically in lore wise, it’s more towards Achilles if you have him on your team
As her Berserker class, she definitely hits like a fucking truck with damage and crit
Her second skill is something to take note as not only with debuff immunity but also giving a charge in NP by 1 tick for sudden killing of your Servant
For her female trait, bring Carmilla or Jack ideally to with her
If you’re starting like now for this Singularity, Foreigner Servants and Izou are very recommended in dealing with her
The SSR Main Servant Scherherazade too as well for her NP and skill against King-trait Servants
Karna, Arjuna, Scathach, Enkidu, Oda Nobunaga & Ruler Martha, and AUO respectively for their NP/skills against Divine and Weak to Enuma Elish trait
Telsa & Raikou for her Earth & Sky trait
Siegfried-George combo is also recommended if you want Siegfried’s NP to deal higher damage against her
If you don’t have any of the above, bring more taunters and healers in both CE and Servant to keep the damage away from your main DPS Servant
Support like Jeanne and the Great 4 Casters are welcomed in supporting your main DPS
Overall until Chapter 13, majority of the fight requires you to survive until you break her first HP layer
Megalos & Christopher Columbus
In general of Megalos, his own taunt debuff to your Servant is stackable. Taunters like Leonidas and George are perfect to take in that debuff from your main dps
On my first post on Megalos, I’m completely wrong, he doesn’t have his Nine Lives NP for this NPC boss fight. His NP is a very high damage AOE NP that can be blocked by evasion or invincibility
But, he’s still same as Heracles with the same weakness as before
Euryale for usual being most recommended against him as a budget 3* due to her NP
Others such as:
Greek Mythology Males: Penthesila Her first gacha appearance practically screamed to raise her ASAP just to deal with him with further damage. Her own skill debuff immunity prevents her from being debuff with taunt. But, her weakness is also her own class as a Berserker that will kill her ASAP
Humanoid: Nightingale & Izou (Only available after 2018/2020(estimated if no changes in schedule))  Nightingale’s own skill does harder damage against him with humanoid trait. Also, her NP provides good healing when needed. But once again her downside as a Berserker class will kill her faster
Male: Orion, Tamamo Lancer, Stheno and Medb
For Stheno, you can pair her with Euryale for a charm-locked combo
Orion, Tamamo Lancer and Medb with their own ST NP will definitely kicks his butt big time!
CEs to pair with them generally is still Kiyohime CE for damage boost
Divine: Karna, Arjuna, Napoleon (only available after release of LB2), Oda Nobunaga, Ruler Martha, Scathach and Enkidu
Scathach and Enkidu for stalling if needed since their NP will stun him against his Divine Trait
Karna and Napoleon for higher damage against him
Oda Nobunaga both version are great in dealing with him for another alternative. But Oda Nobunaga Archer more recommended if you’re not able to get her Berserker version, as her Archer is a free welfare Servant
CE to bring:  Fondant au Chocolat or Versus for higher damage against Divine Servants 
Large: Arthur Pendragon
Once again after his limited appearance in Chaldea’s Boy Collection, his own third skill will give him great boost in damage against him for his large trait
AUO for Enuma Elish, Telsa and Raikou for Earth & Sky trait
Other CEs: Holy Shroud of Magdalene More for your taunters to keep them alive longer if needed when dealing with him
Christopher with Megalos
His own skillset and NP, except for a guts buff that charges his NP unexpectedly, isn’t really a problem
But because of his dangerous pierce invincibility that buffs his whole team when HP break is a big threat
Heck, his NP can actually be blocked with evasion!
Against him, I personally go for a stalling/total defense with Mash, borrowed Jeanne and MHXX + Kiritsugu for DPS
Or actually go for a setup that generates NP fast if you want Jeanne to be able to use invincibility against both of their NP at the same time
RNG plays a part which I’m thankful that by the time after Megalos is gone and Christopher’s HP break was at a good timing that he can’t do it with his NP
Otherwise, if he’s alone, he’s generally not a threat until you got a Berserker with him
Scheherazade & her mobs
Ozzy somehow becomes a not-really recommended Rider to bring because of his king-trait against her
Or actually any Servant with a King Trait isn’t recommended to bring against her
Male Servant will have a problem when dealing against her 2nd charm skill as it’s an AOE skill against all Male Servants
Has an AOE NP that deals extra damage to king/queen trait Servants
As this is after Fate/CC collab, borrow Alter Ego Kiara for AOE NP to deal with her and her mobs. Some of her mobs are under the weakness of Alter Ego
But you’ll need taunters here without a doubt because the neutral damage from the mobs will still hurt like a bitch
If you don’t have Kiara in your friend list or Servant Roster, find/borrow an AOE Berserker to kill them quickly
Own skillset:
Voice of Allurement / Coming out from My Mouth: Inflict "Charm" Status and "HP Drain after 1 turn" on a target. (1 turn)
Droopy Eye: Inflict "Insta-Kill Resist Down" status to one target. (3 turns)
The Time For Rebirth is Here: Remove all debuffs from self and grants self debuff immunity. (1 turn) Charges own NP Gauge by 1 tick.
Own NP:
It will first attempt to remove any buffs [CE buffs such as Volumen Hydrargyrum's one won't be affected].
Incineration Ceremony : Phenex (NP) Deals damage to all targets and inflict "Burn" status to all targets. (5 turns)
For my fight with it in BOTH Caster and Ruler class, it’ll always use the skill on third bullet point before it uses his NP the following turn. That habit is one where if you do face, you’ll have a lot of problem to stall him if you don’t have buff remover in your team
I’ve been lucky for insta-kill for both fights since none of them got it from Phenex
The first bullet point of its skill can be RNG dependable. If it hits your Servant that about to use their NP, it’ll stun them for 1 turn before draining
Caster version
Your budget Riders who got King-trait like Boudica and Alexander are preferably not recommended to bring for this fight. It has a permanent buff to take lesser damage from those with king trait
Rider except the 2 and welfare like Santa Artoria are viable to bring, especially those with ST NP
Origin Bullet if you have to deal more damage against it
Vessel of the Saint if needed to have your main DPS not be debuff by charm
Ruler version
For its first round in arrow 4, you’re required to survive until you cleared 2 of its guts buff
All Guts buff revived it at 100% HP
Second round in arrow 5, you’re to survive at least for 10 turns until Young Fergus debuff activated + his own guts buff removed to kill it
Like first round, its Guts buff revived it at 100% HP per activation.
But Young Fergus’s own debuff against it will lowered its Max HP every time it triggers
Borrow/Use an ST NP Avenger like Jeanne Alter and Lobo to kill it as your main DPS
Or if you’re starting way later especially now, you can use budget Salieri to work with borrowed avenger to kill it more quickly
Taunters and healers are welcomed especially taunters to steer the charm debuff away from them
Healer like Hans or Merlin to keep them alive to deal and survive for those specific requirements
For Hans that I brought him, I had him with Demonic Bodhisattva CE so that his NP heals more for both Salieri and Jeanne
Apparently, Mash’s invincibility skill on your Servant isn’t removed when it’s about to use its NP
But his burn debuff can sting like heck if it does outdo your healing per turn on your Servant
Otherwise for both Ruler version, do setup a team to help surviving against the demon god
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gyeommine · 7 years
these are not in any order, but imma try and explain my dumb/not appreciated opinion for each one. i don’t listen to a lot outside of my mains, but i won’t list 10 BTS songs dw <3
Intro: Serendipity | BTS
it’s serene. the softness of jimin’s voice just soothes me. the build and the depth to this song is incredible, and it’s a great intro to their album. idk it’s just nice to hear jimin’s voice in this nature, when he’s not belting out those big high notes. it’s shows a new but nice quality to his voice.
Don’t Wanna Cry | SEVENTEEN
this is a song for the bloody a g e s. even my non kpop friend adores this song. there is no surprise that this song is on the list. i think it just fills my entire being when i watch the choreo or listen to the song. it’s a masterpiece - hands down. if u feel attacked by the mingyu x wonwoo attack, i feel u.
a pure underrated bop by a pure underrated group. some people this ‘cutesy’ fun cb didn’t fit their image, but i disagree. it shows their silly and funny side, bc they are bunch of dorks. and i always flip the fuck out in P.O’s verse lmao.
Teenager | GOT7
i am going to be honest w y’all, nothing that GOT7 had come out w truly gets me like the flight log: departure era. it is one of my favourite kpop albums of all time. so their latest comeback was SUCH a good thing. this song is just fun, flowy and the “i will do anything if u tell me good boy” is one of the most life ruining things that has ever come out of kim yugyeom’s mouth. one of my fave comebacks last year !!!
Easy Love | SF9
i stil retain that SF9 are the best rookie group out there at the moment (if they’re still classed as one? idk anymore). i loved all of the title songs they did in 2017 and i struggled between this one and ROAR tbh. there are no visual, vocal or rapping holes in this group. they’re phenomenal. just listen to the chorus of this song and tell me otherwise? also zuho’s rap at the bridge makes mE FREAK.
Our Tears | Hyolyn
this song is plain beautiful. it does give me hwarang flashbacks, but this song is just b e a u t i f u l. hyolyn has one of the most incredible voices i have ever heard. i have tried covering this many times, but i could never sing like her. i have no more words, this song is just amazing.
무제(無題) Untitled, 2014 | G-Dragon
i had a hard time picking between this ‘bullshit’ but this one moves me every time i goddamn hear it. this is a new side i am not used to w GD’s solo stuff. it’s gorgeous. i don’t know why but every time the chorus hits, i feel like my heart is being pulled out of my chest. it’s beautiful, but so melancholy. what an incredible artist he is.
okay the mv and the dance are both incredible, but this song is genuinely outstanding it’s also damn sexy. i actually prefer the Chinese ver, and not bc i am repping the chinaline for the sake of it, it’s actually more pleasing on the ears. SVT does such a good job of showcasing all their members’ abilities, esp w all the unit stuff. but i love the build of this song and the background, it strips it all down and that is what makes it sO sexy.
Beautiful | MONSTA X
oh LOOK. another masterpiece. this is one of my favourite mx albums, alongside the clan pt 2 for me. i literally cannot fault this song if i tried, along with most of their songs. i loved dramarama and shine forever, but this is my fave. it’s that perfect mix of hype and sultry, that damn chorus will kill me kihyun. also the most iconic bit of choreo with the arm thingy after the first chorus. incredible. stan talent. i am beyond words that they got their first win too, what lovely ppl.
ANTI | Zico (feat. G.Soul)
idontunderstand okay so i had a hard time picking between this and artist tbf. but omg the whole atmosphere of this song gets me. the breakdown before g.soul’s final chorus gets me hype. zico is just a genius when it comes to produces and i adore everything that he releases. she’s a baby and artist were basically on this list as well. so zico is my fave solo artist, hands fucking down.
Crazy, Sexy, Cool | ASTRO
tbh, i kind of fell out of love w ASTRO and idk why?? i just hadn’t been as mad obsessed w them. then they released this bop, and i am riding the hype train again. ASTRO has some of the best choreo ever which says a lot in an industry where pretty much everybody is great at dancing. i also feel very much offended by jinjin’s rap??? no thanks. opting out. they have just matured so much. 
전야 前夜 The Eve | EXO
okay, this is one of my top EXO songs for sure. it’s not my fave EXO album, but this song was worth me buying it tbh. it’s sexy as hell. it’s like a lighter artificial love and it fucks me up? also the vocals are smooth anD WHEN THE GODDAMN CHORUS HITS and suddenly 9 men have spread their legs all at once. we’re all screwed. they’ve taken over. also, always a fan of do kyungsoo’s adlbs.
I will go to you like the first snow | AILEE
okay i know she is a legend, but i have never really sat down and listened to her stuff (bad ik). but when i listened to the Goblin soundtrack, this damn song slapped me so hard in the face. her voice is outstanding. i also remember the amount of times Goblin ripped out my dumb heart and stepped all over it. anyway, i think this song is powerful and so is ailee tbh. the ending where she hits those notes, my wig flies. 
봄날 Spring Day | BTS
choosing only 2 BTS songs is a bloody feat. i bought this repackage SO fast wow, and this is definitely one of my fave BTS comebacks. ngl, i prefer it over DNA (although it will take a lot of effort for them to release a terrible song). this song and video are gorgeous. this was just such a fantastic era and time for BTS and this song makes my whole heart flutter like a 14y/o girl. 
Beautiful | Crush
okay yeah soz it’s another song from Goblin’s OST but i am viewing the songs individually, not because the show alone. anyway, i had no idea this was Crush. since i only knew him from ‘bermuda triangle’ (which is such a fucking bop) so i assumed he couldn’t  possiblyhave this sweet, angelic voice. spoiler - i was wrong. this song fills me with such emotion.
DARLING | Taeyang
honestly this man could punch me in the face and i would apologise. this song has mad “eyes,nose,lips” vibes but it’s so good. i loved this entire album, but ‘darling’ caught my heart (how gay is that). his voice is incredible but u can be assured i belt this song at full volume whenever it hits even at 10:30pm when i am writing this. i will always rep the BIGBANG bois, and i am glad this was the last album he decided to make before he went to the military.
What U do? | EXO
i had a hard time choosing between this and boomerang. but, this remains one of the standouts of the album. the chorus and entire song are so goddamn catchy, and similar to taeyang’s entry, i have a hard time not singing this aloud. i normally play this song after i leave the house at 7:30 in the morning to try and motivate me. i  just want to jump around like a doofus, and i love exo songs that do that.
sorry this was SO long. i just have loads to say and too many songs to write about. sorry for my crushing absence, i am back at school again and i am exhausted. it’s nearing my play too so i am learning lines too!! hope you enjoyed this ! <3
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itsworn · 6 years
Success in Excess 2015 Ford Mustang GT
How much is too much? Make no mistake: We’re in a golden age of performance. The computers that we once feared would lock us out of our own cars’ tuning potential will let a modern commuter car stomp—or at least keep up with—all but the rowdiest muscle car from the last golden age of performance. Right now, life is good. And the redesigned Mustang, well it’s really good. The list of features Ford rolled out in 2015 was enough to set the Ponycar world on its figurative ear. For the fourth year running the GT got the Coyote, and you could get it with a performance package that included Brembo binders as big as most aftermarket kits, and every model starting that year got a rear suspension design that eluded everything but the top-shelf Cobra a few years back. In 2015 the Mustang got really great looking, at least according to Michael Swift. “I liked that it had that European/American flavor,” he opines. The perfect storm of presence and performance made him do something he hadn’t done in a decade: buy a new one. It took a while to find one with the options he wanted; Guard Metallic, 50 Years Edition, Performance Pack, Shaker audio package, etc. So when one turned up on Black Friday, 2014, Michael didn’t hesitate.
Life was grand. For those who don’t know, the stock Performance Pack cars like Michael’s can do the sixty in about 4 ½ seconds and burn off a 13-flat in the quarter. That’s fast, especially fast for a 3,800-pound production car. But as the months wore on, Michael came to an almost embarrassing conclusion; as good as those figures are, they’re within the realm of a well-tuned import anymore. So as the new-car smell began to fade, he started evaluating his options. He consulted TMS Performance just south of Seattle, Washington. The prescription: go blown or go home.
Well that’s probably not how Al Valencia put it but we’re not going to let facts get in the way of a good story. The takeaway here is that Al and Michael drafted plans to extract the most pump-friendly power without impinging on the car’s drive manners (it’s Michael’s daily after all and Seattle traffic rival’s traffic in any major city). And cornerstone to those plans was boost. Lots and lots of boost.
The Stage II Procharger D-1SC and the Edelbrock Victor II manifold let the cat out of the bag, but you’d have to have X-ray vision to see the porting, Ferrea valves, and the Manley H-beams. Anchor Room made the custom data plates with the car’s pertinents.
A set of Baer Eradispeed Plus rotors give Michael more whoa to balance the go. He chose 19-inch MRR Design M350 wheels to show them off. A set of RideTech Level 2 adjustable coilovers give the car more poise at greater speeds.
Instead of building upon a foundation designed to handle OEM output, TMS hedged its bet by commissioning a Modular Motorsports Racing 1000 bottom-end. The company bases it on a new factory block and Boss 302 crank, but swaps the rods and pistons for Manley H-beams and forged slugs. Al’s crew built up the top-end with a set of JPC heads. As part of their transformation, the Stage III assemblies get CNC-machined ports (208cc intake; 88cc exhaust), 1.5- and 1.262-inch Ferrea valves, and PAC Racing springs. All said and done, the heads flow 342cfm intake and 249 exhaust at .650-lift, as much as 14 and 22 percent more than stock, respectively.
A Stage II Procharger D-1SC supercharger with a Big Red bypass valve and Injector Dynamics ID1000 injectors feed the engine. To keep up with the engine’s greater breathing potential, TMS recommended an Edelbrock Victor II manifold. Because it’s taller than stock, the manifold required a custom intake pipe (which TMS made).
To keep the nose planted, Michael chose a carbon fiber APR splitter. A set of Scott Drake grilles grace the hood vents, and for a little bit of whimsy Michael swapped the pony emblem for one of Ford’s lighted ones.
Even an aerodynamic vehicle achieves lift at speed, so to keep the rear planted Michael chose a Dusold Design rear spoiler. The black MBRP tips hint at the company’s 3-inch pipes and race-series mufflers.
The output side got the similar high-flow treatment. It features a pair of Kooks 1 7/8-inch headers. Those feed a 3-inch MBRP exhaust with race-series mufflers. The combination of mods translates to some pretty heady performance; at only eight pounds of boost it makes at least 400 lb-ft torque between 3,200rpm and 8,000rpm, peaking with 492 lb-ft at 5,200. Power wise, it peaks at 671hp at 7,500 rpm. And yes, those figures were derived on pump gas at the wheels. And again, only eight pounds of boost. There’s lots more potential, even on pump gas. But stock half-shafts kind of prevent him from going there for the time being. Future plans call for cams to take advantage of the heads. And of course, more boost!
“Not only did I want to go fast in a straight line, but I wanted to go fast and corner extremely well,” Michael observed. The Performance Pack comes with strut braces and anti-roll bars that rival those in the aftermarket, so he left those alone. But he swapped the coils and dampers for a RideTech Level 2 adjustable coilover setup.
It took a while to find a car in Guard Metallic with the 50th Anniversary package interior in Raven Black but one turned up on Black Friday, 2014. This one even has the Shaker audio package. Other than the radar detector (for obvious reasons), it remains stock.
Michael smartly figured an increase in the ability to scrub off speed should accompany the ability to acquire it. The Performance Pack cars come with Brembo calipers and respectably sized 15- and 13-inch rotors, but Michael stepped up to two-piece Baer Eradispeed-Plus rotors. A set of 19×10 and 19×11 flow-formed MRR Design M350 wheels showcase the brake upgrade and offer a plus-one diameter benefit. They wear 275/35ZR19 and 325/30ZR19 Continental DWs.
In its stock form, the 2015 Mustang GT is a marvel of engineering, performance, and dare we say cost. Yeah it nudges the outer limits of Ponycar affordability but it’s so good that some call updates unnecessary. And from a mass-market point of view they’re probably right. But then again, have those people felt what nearly 700 horsepower feels like on the street? Because if they did, they’d agree: Too much is often just right. Warranty be damned!
The post Success in Excess 2015 Ford Mustang GT appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
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