#<- which is funny because he wasn't even involved with the final fight with his abuser so what was the fucking point lol
sorenlionheart · 6 months
when i look back at my t/oh hyperfixation i do find it a little surprising i kept up with the show past season 1, not to say the show is bad but it went in a different direction than what i expected for better or for worse
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dr3amofagame · 2 months
thinking about c!dream earlier on in the server just makes me sad man. like, c!dream has never been a perfect character. he's always been flawed, always been a bit of an asshole, always had control issues. but also he knew that. he tried to work on that. he and tommy were friends, despite being flawed people with their own issues that would bump into conflicts because of the ways that they differed. c!dream tried, god, he tried; he wasn't even on the server, when the drug van happened, and walked into a place with someone who was practically a stranger to him building a wall and calling for war and having turned half the people dream knew against him, apparently, for no reason that he could've known at the time, and he had looked straight at tommy and tubbo and asked if that was what they really wanted when wilbur told them that there was no such thing as dual citizenship. he tells tommy when he has to sell a disc for spirit's leather even though tommy had surrendered the discs to him at the end of the revolution because he knows it'll matter to him. he and tommy truce, multiple times, and c!dream gets tangled into conflicts that literally don't involve him repeatedly and gets targeted Because He's Dream repeatedly and he plays along with that trivia contest and he gives gifts to fundy and tommy after terrorizing them a little for fun and he plays along with the dreamon thing and he keeps getting pulled into fights that weren't his but tries to make them a little more fair when they get him involved. he fucks around with tommy and they have fun, they're friends, and when he and wilbur look like they're in danger dream is one of the first to find them and lend them real, practical, valuable aid. he calls himself "Big D" in that book and he tells the man that wrote him as a tyrant that he doesn't want to be a villain in the story anymore. he asks tommy if he's okay, and watches that kid's back when he walks alone and unarmed into manberg, and fights with him at the battle of the lake and all of that is thrown back in his face as being a lie. half the intial community structures that exist were built by him; the community house, the nether portal and hub, the prime path. during a time where every other piece of leverage got burned or killed (rip the casualties of the pet war), dream was kind of known for being one that could be fairly traded with, that would minimize permanent damage. the kills in the final control room were originally to strip lmanburg of their gear, which he had kept in a chest so it could be returned to them after the war.
like no c!dream isn't perfect at the beginning of the server. yes he's kind of a jerk sometimes, kind of an asshole sometimes, kind of neurotic most of the time. but god dammit like c!dream does try to mitigate the worst of his control issues, when they flare up early on; the initial disc war ends with tommy getting his discs back as well as a stack of diamonds, in exchange for a netherite chestplate. he's a flawed character and he's still someone pretty friendly on the whole to most of the server, he's also kind of just known for being a little weird. he gives gifts randomly. he fixed creeper holes, and houses, and went along with bits. like whatever im a c!drolo c!dream woobifier and i admit it lol but for as much evil as he ends up doing, pretty damn consistently early on, he's . friendly? kind? funny? helpful? their neighbor. their friend. c!dream isn't just some stranger that flew off the handle; he's someone they knew and lived with who had his actions taken in bad faith because the goddamn story said so and kept fucking trying anyway until he believed the lie too. like he was just a guy!! a guy they knew and lived with!!! like my god
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ratgrinders · 10 days
HIII i’m also a rat grinders fan in the “not interested in pretending they aren’t fucked up” but rather “interested in Why they are so fucked up” way 💥💥💥 i have Thoughts on how the shatterstar ritual affected the rat grinders in different ways and i wanted to know if u had any similar thoughts :3 - @teenagerebellion
THIS IS SUCH A GOOD ASK thank you for sending it!!!!!!!!
Ok so I AM gonna be working off the assumption that a rage crystal functions less like "mind control" and more so amplifying existing feelings to murderous extremes. Think Adaine in the mall fight when she's asked to picture "what would the world look like if all Adaine thought about was rage" and we see a destroyed Sylvaire from Adaine's search for her mother. We know that Adaine would never do that, but we see the underlying motivation is the same.
Off the bat we know Kipperlilly's ritual is different from the others since she chose to do it "willingly" and wasn't forced to choose via death (it's described as having no scar, unlike the others, so she may have not even had to die at all). That doesn't mean though that she wasn't infected with a rage that caused her to do things she never would've done normally, as I don't think Freshman Year Kipperlilly, whose biggest grievances were "I think Aguefort likes them more", would jump to coldblooded murder. I think the fact that Kipperlilly chose the shatterstar affects her mindset pretty greatly going in to rest of the year, because there's no easy way to differentiate between what's "her" and what's the rage star. She probably is constantly thinking things like "This is all me. I am in control of my own faculties. There was no coercion involved I'm just naturally a villain", partially because she doesn't want to admit that she, a mastermind, let herself get controlled like that. Essentially, the ritual itself was so seamless and the descent so gradual, I don't think even Kipperlilly has a strong sense anymore of who she is without rage.
Ruben we know canonically has a bit of amnesia after being revived, not even seeming to remember the entire year he was shatterstarred. Ruben basically has the opposite problem from Kipperlilly, where his change in identity post-shatterstar is so drastic that his sense of self is almost completely eroded, because "how could I have been motivated to become someone like that?". Ruben's not a naturally angry person, but still though, that WAS Ruben, the rage star just tapping in to Ruben's underlying desperate need for approval, emotionality, etc. and bringing it to the forefront. The rage star imbued Ruben with such an intense pain and rage that he felt he could only express it through his music. Post finale revival I think was Ruben just being in shock at how much he's changed, but I think the memories will come back to him and he'll have to reconcile these two Vastly Different versions of himself.
Ivy I believe was still kind of a mean girl before the shatter star, the shatter star just made it more likely for her to say it to people's faces rather than behind their backs. Honestly, I'm imagining her maybe as a young Sandra Lynn before, in the sense of both having this constant bemusement. Beyond that, though, I think Ivy may have been the most likely to take the rage star willingly as opposed to being killed for it (I actually think most of the Rat Grinders still could've been persuaded to take it willingly, but that's a post for another time). Ivy seems to have a lot of pent up rage and disdain for the world around her, and the shatter star only amplified that.
Oisin got buff after getting shatterstarred, which is a really funny canonical fact to think about lmao, because I'm just imagining him doing a bunch of angry push-ups or something. Anyways Oisin before the ritual I'm honestly imagining him to be the type to hang out with guys like Skrank and Shellford, aka those kind of nerdy unpopular guys who nonetheless are still kind of egotistical and little dicks sometimes. (This is actually why I think they were the ones playing pong at the party with Oisin, because they were actually kind of friends before.) Just like Ivy, the rage crystal just gave Oisin more of an excuse to externalize his rage at the world, but I think the main thing it did was just give Oisin a little more self-confidence because now he has all this power backing him up.
Mary Ann was EXACTLY the same before and after the ritual, it was actually a little disconcerting to Jace and Porter and they didn't know what to make of it. The main thing for Mary Ann, I think, is that she really doesn't have much of an emotional stake in the rage ritual, or the beef with the bad kids, or anything like that. She's just Entirely Indifferent to whatever atrocities are being committed, which is just a different type of fucked up lol. Honestly, I think as a barbarian Mary Ann's a bit more used to controlling her rage which is why the rage crystal might've had less of an effect, Lydia Barkrock style.
Buddy's death was so sudden and traumatic, with such a short amount of time to get used to the implications before the finale, I think Buddy's mind is just in a tailspin post-ritual just trying to grab on to anything that makes sense lol. He knows worship and devotion, its been a crutch in his life for so long, and that's what he defaults to when he can no longer reach Helio. In fact it almost seems a bit like a coping mechanism, latching onto it so securely even in the face of all other logic.
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ticklinglady · 1 year
The Guild's actions during the story are so insane, when you think about them properly, you know? When I first read the arc with them, this moment hasn't really occurred to me, as I was too busy going nuts over finally seeing the names of the familiar writers, but now when I think of that... I am not sure, I comprehend how they managed to achieve such a ferocious reputation. I have already made a little post about how extremely dysfunctional the DOA members are, but at least those guys have a plan, which actually makes sense more or less, even despite the gang using cheatcodes/the Book. The same cannot be said of the Guild however archghhjkn. Like, what the hell were these guys even doing??? XD
So here are just some moments, which weirded me out the most
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At first I'd like to address the entire story with everyone's favorite tsundere, Lucy Maud Montgomery. Her introduction leaves quuuuite an impression in the best way and nothing makes me happier than the fact, that she gets a chance to find happiness in the following chapters and actually becomes a reoccurring character! HOWEVER, her entire involvement with the Guild is super odd... I still can't wrap my head around her getting fired. She is a girl with a hella powerful ability, who got taken to the Guild from a terrible, terrible orphanage in order to fight for them in the war for the Book, so not only is she very strong, but she's also immensely dependant on the organisation and wouldn't do anything outside of its interests. Yet Lucy is also put under extreme pressure. As she herself puts it, the Guild doesn't tolerate failures and will kick her out the moment she screws something up.
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Later we see that this is exactly what happens, when she messes up her first mission. Fitzgerald himself confirms that, since she failed and revealed her ability to the enemies, she's no longer useful, so now a powerful esper, like Lucy works for free as a... laundress?
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Let's be real, these dudes were successful like only once or twice...
This fact not only makes Fitzgerald look like an idiot for wasting such a talented and useful worker, because of one mistake, but also as one hell of a hypocrite, cause he is more than fine with everyone else fucking up. And in case of Lovecraft and Steinbeck: fucking up twice. To add to the oddity, we later learn, that Louisa genuinely cares for Lucy and despite her social anxiety actually stood up for her during the entire story, but even that wasn't enough to change Fitzgerald's mind on the issue, though Louisa is one of the few people, whose opinion he respects. Honestly, this is such a waste of a truly useful subordinate. And speaking of which....
The Guild has never even tried to implement Edgar Allan Poe during the war...
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This man is actually rather op when you think of it. He can capture and neutralise literally any ability user in Yokohama (besides Dazai, Mori and Ranpo ofc) just by throwing a book at them. Seriously, as we see with Chuuya, they don't even have to read it, they just need to see the pages. Plus the book can be actually sent via email!!! So why has there been an absolute zero amount of strategies with the use of this ability??? They could actually try to catch Atsushi by sending him such email containing any of Poe's mystery stories and then safely carry him back to their base. And it doesn't have to be just Atsushi, it could be literally any of their enemies. Non-combatant, like Ranpo could use this pretty damn well to his advantage and it doesn't take a genius to understand the potential of the "Black Cat in Rue Morgue". But nooooo, it seems like everyone has just forgotten of Poe!!! (Tho to be honest, I can actually see this situation in a funny extra awfgbfggfjj. Not the main story however) The agency would never even learn of his existence, if he didn't personally decide to try to fuck Ranpo's life up. Like, what does Poe even do in the Guild? He's the master architect and, according to him, the third ranking man in the organization, but we never see him be of any use, so Idk. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Lucy at least got to do something, unlike this poor man.
Then there's the entire drama with the Guild's decision to destroy Yokohama. Where do I even begin...
First of all, Fitzgerald has no way of knowing that Atsushi is going to come to Moby-Dick to fight him. Poor guy is the Guild's primary goal and has already gotten himself captured once, so it would have been safe to assume that the ADA decided to hide him somewhere and not send him on any dangerous missions for the time being. That basically means Fitzgerald could have burned down not just Yokohama, but also the only person, who could actually help him find his precious Book.
But if we're to ignore this, let's also go with Wikipedia then~
"Yokohama is the second-largest city in Japan by population and the most populous municipality of Japan. It is the capital city and the most populous city in Kanagawa Prefecture, with a 2020 population of 3.8 million. It lies on Tokyo Bay, south of Tokyo, in the Kantō region of the main island of Honshu. Yokohama is also the major economic, cultural, and commercial hub of the Greater Tokyo Area along the Keihin Industrial Zone."
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Good luck making up for the destruction of THIS, Fitzgerald 🖕
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And if this in itself wasn't bad enough, most people, including me, tend to forget that all Guild members are actually big shots in the American government, which I think is very sad. Because first of all, can you imagine any of the Guild members actually working as politicians?!! The sheer idea makes me hysterical avshbgj. Like, just consider Lovecraft working as a senator or something. This eldritch horror of a man leaves the ocean once in three years at best LMAO. Second of all, I have a feeling, that the destruction of Yokohama at the hands of influential politicians from a foreign country would have resulted in an international conflict or two~ Like as if random deranged rich Americans arriving in Japan, wreaking havoc over there and destroying the second largest city in the country wasn't bad enough, these Americans just HAD to be super influential businessmen and politicians. Louisa, my dear, I understand that it wasn't your intention, but it's as close to a declaration of war as it can get, you know? Fitzgerald may be ready to do anything to resurrect his dead daughter, but I'm not sure, that the execution of himself and the rest of the Guild at the hands of the Hunting Dogs is something he'd like.
(And here's another funny thing that stems from them being politicians 🤭 As @originalartblog wittily pointed out, Fitzgerald wasting all his money fighting sskk has probably resulted in a market crash and recession over in the USA)
I also have some other questions in regards to this entire plan, such as why did they have to waste Moby-Dick just to destroy Yokohama? Yes, it works in the short term, but in the long term they loose a super powerful fortress with the stealth mode and as the practice shows, you better have a safe base, unless you want another lemon freak to blow it all up. I mean, you could just ask Lovecraft to destroy everything for free. Or, if the device is the only way to stop the giant whale from crashing, why didn't Fitzgerald just take it to a far away bunker or something and waited things out there without the need to spend millions of dollars just to survive the explosion? (And it would have been extremely funny, if during the fight with sskk he just threw the device overboard) But I think I have already rambled for long enough already atxhghbgv XD
The Guild is an even bigger mess than the DOA and I think that's glorious 🙌
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rise-my-angel · 3 months
I find it so funny when people call Jon Snow a bastard as an insult as if the show and book shows that you shouldn’t discriminate people based on their birth. I’m looking at you, targ stans. Like he might be a bastard, but he is a better man than most of the true born Targaryens.
That's the thing, Jon being a bastard isn't just about the secret of his birth. It's all about Jon starting the story as an outcast, and finally finding a place in the world amongst other outcasts and unique people. His early friendly kinship with Tyrion, finding a genuine brother in Sam, befriending people like Grenn, Pyp, Tormund. And how by not looking down on them the way the world does him, he grows into a leader. One of the only leaders who can handle the threat to come.
Jons story isn't about getting passed being a bastard or becoming trueborn named anything. Its about Jon realizing that he became the man he is, while being a bastard. That despite everyone trying to put him down for it, he still pushed passed and rose up. It's about Jon learning being a bastard isn't good or bad, it's simply about the man he strives to become.
Also Targ stans the way they talk about Jon Snow is..odd. They seem to only like him if he can be molded into a Targaryean and nothing else. But he is everything they aren't. They are obsessed with blood purity and blood superiority, ruling through cruelty and fear, obessed with prophecy and status. Jon doesn't care about any of those things.
Also, the Targaryeans are obsessed with their blood purity so much it's led to the rampant, destructive levels of incest which almost caused their house to go extinct. When Rhaenyra very obviously had bastards, instead of fighting for her bastard childrens rights, she got violent and cruel at the insinuation of the truth being told to the point she wanted to torture her young half brother for simply repeating something his mother told him.
Even her kids must know their own mother looks down on them for being bastards, because if she wasn't, she wouldn't be trying to pass them off as trueborn. Jon did not need to be a Stark for Ned to love him and include him as much as he could within the family home. Ned literally raised Jon to be the Kevan to Robbs Tywin. Ned wanted Jon to be Robbs right hand man, his closest advisor. And he never needed Jon to be a Stark to start teaching and preparing him for that.
The Targaryeans don't respect bastards so much it's literally what caused the Blackfyre rebellions. Their stans just don't seem to grasp that all of this shows it is bad to judge someone for being a bastard.
They only care about Jon if he will call himself a Targaryean and be just like Rhaegar. But they miss the point. He only has one name and it's Jon Snow.
Because that is what his father named him, and he never had to become a Stark to grow into the man he is and could become.
But Targ stans don't quite seem to care about the conversation of bastards outside of the very specific times said bastards are directly involved in house Targaryean like in the Dance or the Blackfyres. Otherwise, they flip flop on the matter with Jon because they don't really care about him unless he resigns himself to being a true Targaryean.
Which is SILLY.
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Ok people seemed to really like the last post I made summarizing an unwritten fleshed out worm fanfic I had, so here's another! This one's an altpower and wait where are you going come back its good I swear.
(tw: suicide)
Taylor triggers with Ingenue's power after an incident involving Sophia (who is removed from the wards and not a part of this fic past this), and outs Sophia as a cape since Ingenue can see powers. She's forced into the wards because she has no ability to defend herself, is immensely powerful, and people will want her dead or on their side since she can out every cape in the city. She genuinely has no practical choice besides the Wards here, so she begrudgingly joins. It's not all bad though! She actually makes friends for the first time in so long :)
Her and Missy hang out a lot, and their powers synergize super well since Taylor can make Vista frighteningly powerful. She warms up to Dennis after some patrols, she can make his power non-touch based too! Dauntless is like a mentor figure, they meet up every day so she can make his charge way more powerful, speeding up his growth by like 3 times, and he gives her lots of advice, helps her begin to come out of her shell, and is generally chill. Good times.
So y'all remember that bit about Ingenue's power causing people to go insane in the long term? What if you didn't know about that and you constantly used your power on your friends? Wouldn't that be funny?
Clockblocker is the first to snap. He's on a train when he just decides fuck it, and freezes a pencil in the air. Everyone sitting to the left of him down the length of the train gets impaled by it, just goes clean through. It's covered up as a villain attack, he's ushered off to the asylum, and the wards are just. Really messed up by it. They miss him, they miss his jokes, and they don't get why he did it.
A week passes. Taylor confides in Dauntless about how she feels like it has to be her fault, like everything is, but he reassures her. It's fine, she's done so much good, sometime's people just go bad. Genuinely just a great pep talk, she still misses Dennis but she's grateful she has the rest of her friends and Dauntless is there to cheer her up. She also mentions how it's hard to walk around the city, she keeps seeing villains and she can't do anything about it. She mentioned a few weeks ago that a bunch of them keep going into the same building, but she's helpless and just has to sit by.
That night, Dauntless levels the Medhall building. A few E88 capes were inside and they fight, and he kills them. Everyone else in the building is injured at the least, collateral damage that Dauntless would have cared about before. There's no covering that one up, he's killed dozens. When he's caught more than half the empire is dead, along with upwards of a hundred bystanders, and he's sent to the birdcage.
Taylor doesn't leave her room for a few days. Vista reassures her that it wasn't her fault.
On their next patrol, Missy begs Taylor to use her power to remove her manton limit. Taylor doesn't, but she's pretty sure she sees the pattern now. Vista's going insane. Were the other two this obvious? Should she have noticed? Would everyone be alive if she had? Would she still have friends? How can she tell anyone about this, when she'll be blamed?
She goes to Piggot, pretty much accepting that she'll get birdcaged or something. She's a horrible person, she knows that. She never gets to talk to Piggot, because all the heroes get called into the field to stop an A class threat. Vista is twisting the city around her, killing countless people. She turns bullets back, she extends a knife with her powers like Jack Slash. She's finally proving what she can do, then they'll all see, and they'll respect her and let her fight the way she wants to.
(side note, ingenue's power makes people closer to their shards in this interpretation, which also means they're flat out way more powerful even without her touch after a while)
The heroes are fighting Missy, they're losing, none of them want to hurt her. Missy see's Taylor from across the city, she's using her power to see almost everywhere at once by distorting space. Within seconds, Taylor is next to Missy. She reaches out to touch her, if she can shut down her power then it'll all be ok and Missy can get help and they'll be friends again and it wont be her fault. The space between them is a mile long and a foot thick. Missy doesn't want her help right now, she wants to prove herself to Taylor so Taylor will finally appreciate her power and they can be a team. Taylor tries to look away as Missy kills someone, space is warped so her line of sight is directly on the act. She closes her eyes, and the space between her eyelids is stretched infinitely wide. She watches, unable to stop her, as Missy keeps killing and defending and destroying. Missy begins to try to upend the sea floor, to dump the ocean onto the city. She's taken out before that can happen. How doesn't matter, what matters is Taylor couldn't stop her. The city is in shambles, its her fault, she was RIGHT THERE and she couldn't do anything, she could just watch and watch and watch.
She tells the PRT about how she thinks her power is breaking people. She's banned from touching anyone. They don't do much more, legally speaking she's safe and it wasn't her fault. The rest of the wards don't talk to her anymore. They blame her, just like she knew everyone would. It's her fault everything went to shit. She can't blame them for hating her, she hates herself too. She sneaks out to go on a walk one night, when the hateful looks and resentment get to be too much. She sees a cape. Lung.
Taylor knows her power is practically useless alone, and she walks up to Lung and insults him, provokes him, riles him up to attack her. If she dies here at least she'll be remembered for dying as a hero fighting a villain, rather than someone who corrupts everything they touch. Lung burns her, bad, all over her right side. He lifts her up by the neck and prepares another fireball. This is what she wanted, but she can't do it. She twists his power, reducing his durability and fireproof nature to zero and ramping up his firepower. Lung burns himself to a cinder in seconds, erased by his own power once the protections were gone. Taylor gets burned again in the blaze. She couldn't even commit suicide without hurting anyone else. She couldn't even die without fucking it up. She's alive. Panacea refuses to touch her to heal her, for very understandable reasons.
She goes to the asylum, despite her request for the birdcage.
Filled with guilt, afraid to touch anyone and everyone, blaming herself for everything that happened, avoiding Dennis at lunchtime while he glares at her, closing up and being silent for days on end, haunted by the people Vista forced her to watch die. Her fault, all of it.
And that's the end! Woooo! She's broken forever, no coming back from that one!
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sarnai4 · 2 months
Movie Marathon
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Here are some modern headcanons I have for Dagur when he's watching movies/his reactions afterwards.
Action films: He's memorizing all the best stunts so that he can try them immediately once the movie has ended. If one of these includes a fight scene, he's also planning which one of his friends he's going to have join him in this (probably Snotlout because Hiccup would die).
Comedies: He does better with dark comedies because he always laughs at the wrong spots for the regular ones. They have a sad moment and he's still thinking it's a joke, then wonders why everyone is giving him weird looks. At least with the dark comedies, he's supposed to laugh at someone dying.
Romance: Constantly says something inappropriate so that Astrid and Hiccup are embarrassed. The scene wasn't even intimate, but all his comments and winking would make you think otherwise. The only time he blushes too is when he and Mala are brought up, then he gets a bit bashful, but he also keeps kissing her during the smooching scenes.
Adventure: Will not stop asking Hiccup to go on the same adventure with him as the characters had. The puppy dog eyes don't go away until Hiccup finally agrees, then he gets a giant hug.
Film noir/mystery: Trusts no one, especially the main character. He's convinced the killer is secretly the hero and that the MC is just giving their side of the story to deliberately throw everyone off their trail. He's extra paranoid towards everybody for a minimum of 3 days. Mala's trying to let him know that their friends are not out to get him.
Drama: Finally knows when the sad moments aren't supposed to be laughed at. So, he tears up instead while hugging a pillow. Snotlout sees this as a cue that he can be watery-eyed too without being poked fun at. Now, they're both crying on the sofa because the main character just expressed how much love is had for someone else right before that second person dies.
Western and pirate: Combine action with adventure. This is why Hiccup's on a horse with a cowboy hat and why Snotlout is trying to not be forced to walk the plank.
Suspense/thriller: You thought he was paranoid before with the mystery films? He's not so much suspicious of the others as he is jumpy. This was probably the quietest he's ever been when watching something because he's waiting for that moment when everything goes wrong. The twins definitely take advantage of the jumpiness later, but they might get tackled in retaliation.
True stories: Sits by Fishlegs so that he can fact check that what the movie is saying really is true. They're whispering just about the entire time because Fishy is having as much fun talking about what he knows as Dagur is having learning about it. When the movie ends, they will proceed to geek out about the new information like it's a Gronckle until someone stops them.
Fantasy: Lots of "oohs" if there are impressive visuals. This genre gets his mind going with all the potential creativity, so he becomes disappointed if what actually happens in the story isn't as inventive as what he thought of. He also always thinks the heroes should be more ruthless than they are.
Musicals: Is making a mental note of the best songs so that he can ask Heather to sing them. He'll sing his request until she gives in. Some form of dance/movement is happening during the numbers too. If he's trying to not disturb the others, he's probably bouncing in the seat.
Science fiction: Is torn between being a skeptic and suspending his disbelief. He both scoffs at the overly unrealistic parts, then is impressed by how the characters managed to pull something off without dying. This time, Hiccup is his fact checker if the movie involves some type of engineering.
Horror: He's taking notes. Who let him watch one of these? There will be no stopping him now. He's determined to be even better than the scares he saw in the movie (according to him, they weren't scary and he thought each kill was funny). At least the next week is spent with everyone around him on edge because they don't know when there's going to be a pretend masked slasher coming for them. It's not even Halloween, but it is for them. Mala's not safe either. After Dagur puts a probably harmless snake in their bed, she makes him sleep on the sofa until he's out of his horror phase.
Every movie: Has a big container of some snack. Don't reach in without asking because he will bite off your hand not be happy. He's never on the edge seat because he wants to be able to hug people on both sides. He tries to not talk for the entire thing, but he will absolutely give the characters advice with Snotlout. Expect an in-depth discussion afterwards.
(Update) Decided to write this for whatever reason, so the first part is now on Ao3 and Fanfiction.net under "Movie Marathon" too.
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alltheficsiwant · 2 years
The List (Bucky Barnes x Reader One shot)
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Hiii! This is my entry for @jadedvibes Falling In Love Writing Challenge. I actually have this idea in my head for a while but I was hesitant to write since in my country. We do not have a "Fall Season". We only have rainy and summer season. I had to do a bit of research. I hope you guys likes it and sorry for any errors. - J xxx
Summary: Bucky Barnes knows what's coming when Fall comes. He didn't want to let himself be affected anymore. He wanted a change. So he made plans, a things to do list. He just hope he could go through with it.
Warnings: Fluff and a bit of ANGSTS. Mentions of motorcycle accident and a disabled character is in the story. If you find these triggering please read with caution.
Words: 4.2k
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Bucky has a plan. A list of things to do.
For the first time in over a hundred years that he had lived, despite 70 of them living in captivity, brainwashed and in cryo, he had plans that didn't involve any fighting at all.
This is something Bucky would love to go through over and over again. Even if it's an indication that winter is just closeby. The worst of seasons for him were nightmares that plagued him and raged on furiously as if in a hurry to push Bucky back to the darkness he tried not to drown in. Where the past whispers things that weren’t true but Bucky would believe them, after all the world still sees him that way. Even after the good he tried to do, even after trying to amend his failures and past, even if he has a solid friendship with the new Captain America. Even then, Bucky would happily go through this.
After all, it brought him to you.
Fall usually is where he starts to prepare to ‘hibernate’ as Sam calls it. Teasing him on it and calling him Ice Bear (Sam explained it was from a cartoon which Bucky tried to watch when Sam wasn't around. He kind of liked it better than being called Tin Man but he wouldn’t admit that.) Between those times, Bucky becomes closed off, silent and irritable to end missions. Sam learned that the hard way when they settled to a routine after the Flag Smashers and John Walker debacle.
Even when he shipped off Bucky to Louisiana so that fall and winter wouldn’t actually bother him. Bucky just knew when the season’s changed. He hates the cold and he just reverts back to prepare for hibernation and isolate himself. So when Fall comes, Bucky tries to soldier on and when Winter finally comes. He retreats to his broken down Brooklyn apartment and just be.
Bucky never really tells Sam what he does during that time. He didn’t want to tell Sam that each night, he had a hard time choosing between suffering a nightmare or having the urge to destroy. He had a hard time controlling the voices inside his head that sounded like him but not at all. Bucky is honestly getting tired of that.
His new therapist, the one he chose for himself after the government told him he can, told him that he could take his time. When he voiced his frustration (something he cannot do before and now he is trying to), the doctor assured him that it's okay not to rush. After all, he now has the power to plan or choose for his life.
So that's what Bucky did, make plans. A list of some sort, he sometimes wishes Yuri was there since he was the one who helped him last time on a personal list he made alongside the list of people he had to apologize to. But that is something that he cannot control.
He created a list one night, a few weeks before October comes. He doesn’t want to stay in, so he has to plan things to do to force himself to go out.
Try to take a walk in the morning.
Be Spontaneous.
Eat in a new place.
Try those pumpkin spice latte
Buy a new book.
Feed the birds in the park.
Meet up with Sam and Torres
Try to meet someone new.
There are a lot of tries but he took his time on his list. It might be short but Bucky was proud of it himself and he was just eager to do the list. He didn't think it would bring him to you. His doll. His best friend. His everything.
It was funny though because coincidentally, you have a list of your own similar to his. You have your own demons to face and like Bucky, you tried to create a list to push yourself out there. 
You bumped into him as Bucky was too busy looking down on his shoes trying not to flinch every few minutes of kids running around the park. While your head was down trying to fumble  with your earphones because you never really got accustomed to how noisy New York is. Though Bucky saw you or more like sensed you before the both of you collided and when he looked up.
He could have easily dodged and went out his way. He has the strength and the speed to do that but he found himself rooted in place as he just stared. Despite everything, he still has a staring problem. He was trying not to do it but there he was caught up on you.
You lifted the earphones on your eye level this time, trying to detangle the knots, your mouth pursed cutely. Your eyes fixated on it and Bucky knew you didn’t see him. Your brows scrunched together cutely and cute little whimpers came out of you. 
“Come on,” You cutely muttered as you pouted at the stubborn earphones. Bucky can’t help the twitching of his mouth as you neared completely oblivious to the 6 foot wall standing still in the middle of the park road.
He doesn’t even know why he stopped or why he let him happen. Maybe because Bucky saw something in you, something in your eyes that looked familiar to him. Despite your worry over your earphones, your eyes still darted to the side when a loud noise caught your attention. Your movements are a bit skittish.
As if you just forced yourself out to walk, just like him. Though Bucky has no time to observe you further because there was a thump against his chest and a small gasp as he looked down at the same time you looked up.
Your eyes wide as the earphones clattered on the ground between the two of you and something else fell off your hands. 
“Oh, I-I’m so—rry,” You trailed off as you stared at him wide eyed. Recognition flashing before your eyes and for a moment Bucky held his breath. Waiting for the fear or disgust or hostility yet you surprised him as your eyes warmed a bit before it became shy. You took a small step back as you put your hands over your chest.
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t watching where I am going– oh! My earphones,” you said as you crouched down but then winced a bit as you clutched onto your right leg. Bucky could hear an audible click that sounded like metal from it.
“I’ll get it for you,” He mumbled as he bent down to retrieve the earphones and not noticing the piece of paper. He picked it up and held it out for you as you thanked him. The earphones, surprisingly untangled now as you looked at in surprise. Bucky continued to stare at you, as you pulled out your phone and plugged it in. Though you had to shift a bit and Bucky heard that audible click again and you winced one more time clutching your right leg.
“Are you okay?” Bucky can’t help but ask as you look back at him surprised and confused. Bucky then motioned to your right leg and you followed it. Something changed in your expression but then it settled into a small shy smile as you looked back at him.
“I think, out of all people, you would know,” You told him as you glanced at his left arm, his metal arm.
Bucky looked down at it and clenched his gloved hand. The plates shifted as he did so, realizing what you were saying. You lost it and Bucky assumed that the metal clicking is your prosthetics.
“I-I’m sorry if you I made—”
“No worries. I should be the one to apologize. You might have been trying to take a quiet stroll and— I’ll just leave you to it,” you said in a small voice as you started to move past him. You limped a bit before it settled into a normal pacing. “Thank you for this!” You waved the earphones and then continued your way.
Bucky watched you go and glanced down at his hand but then he saw something else on the floor. A piece of paper. Curiously he bent down to retrieve it and opened it to see a list almost as similar as his own. Though he can’t help but chuckle. It's more of a reprimanding list than an actual list. He also assumed the name written was yours. The first one is already crossed out.
Take a fucking walk in the park, Y/N
Try to be outgoing, yes? Live a little,
Eat other things rather than those takeouts. STOP BEING LAZY.
Give the pumpkin spice latte a taste. Indulge your brother and his basic ass.
Finally buy that series you wanted.
Try to overcome your fear of pigeons and feed them. Count it as a good deed.
Meet with Patricia and Christine. They have been nagging you not to hibernate again.
This is wishful, fall in love. If someone would take up a girl missing her right leg. Sure.
His brows raised at the last one. Huh. That sounded—
“Hi! Did you see— oh!” Bucky looked up to see back in front of him again. Your eyes wide, your hair a bit disheveled (maybe because you panicked a bit when you couldn't find the paper.), one bud of the earphone already on your eye while the other dangles and you were breathing hard as if you ran. “You saw my list,”
Bucky jumped a bit as he blinked and immediately handed it to you.
“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to read it over. It was just—I’m sorry,” He finished lamely as you took it gingerly from him.
“N-No it’s okay. I was just— this is just— you know what, thank you again,” You stuttered out as Bucky looked at you biting your lip. He felt the twitch in his mouth again. Then you stuffed it in your pocket carefully before turning around.
Now Bucky could have let you walk away but something about this moment pushed him to call out to you. Since number one on his list is finished, maybe moved on to number 2? 2. Be spontaneous.
“Y/N,” he called out your name hoping he was pronouncing it right. You immediately turned around, shock evident on your face.
“Hi,” you answered. It sounded like it was an automatic response judging by the way you said it with a jump. Bucky can’t help but huff out a chuckle before he clears his throat.
“Hi, I’m James Barnes—,” He started.
“I know,” You mumbled. 
Bucky then nodded caught off guard but then he soldiered on. 
“Right, I– ummm– I didn’t mean to know your name or read the list but I also have one,” He stuttered out as he pulled out his little notebook. A small black one, gifted by Sarah. It is where Bucky usually places important things he has to remember and do. He quickly flipped through the pages from the bank account of his pension and money he receives from his work with Sam. Then the numbers of selected people he wanted to contact (For the life of him, he is still having a hard time storing numbers in his phone). Then finally his list.
You patiently watched him fumble and when he looked up. You were already looking down at the list he presented to you. You tilted your head a bit as you read over it.
“I-I was wondering if you know– you want to do it together?” He mumbled as you looked up at him. For a moment the two of you just stared at each other. Bucky now felt himself being drawn in your eyes. He can’t help but admire it as the New York's sun illuminated it making it glow more as you regard him. After a while of you staring, he started to feel the heat on his cheeks. He was tempted to look away but he didn’t. He didn’t want to.
You were silent for a while until your mouth twitched and slowly it lifted to a small smile.
“You are doing your number 2?” You asked him and Bucky couldn't help but return it as he nodded. “Well, lucky. I’m doing mine too,”
Bucky can’t help but chuckle as your pulled out the bud of the earphones out of your ears and stuffed it in your pocket.
“What should we do then James?” You asked as he tucked his notebook inside his pocket. He looked around and sighed. Trying to think of something.
“I don’t know but I would love to have your number first,” He managed to say. Thanking the Gods he didn’t stutter and that made you giggle.
“Smooth,” You told him as you offered your hand. He looked at it confused and you only giggled at him. “I need to put my number in your phone,”
“Oh,” he fumbled around trying to find that damn smartphone Sam forced him to buy in exchange with the flip phone he was using before. He pulled it out and unlocked it.
Quickly you typed in your number but then Bucky heard you gasp.
“What’s wrong?”
“You don’t have any numbers in your contacts?” You said as you looked up. “Aren’t you supposed to have, I don’t know, Captain America’s number?”
“Do you want his number?” Bucky asked and you quickly shook your head.
“Nope, I got the number I want,” you told him as you continued to fiddle with his phone. You gave it back to him and pulled out your phone. He was about to look into it when his screen flashed with someone calling and your name flashed on the screen. Your full name.
“That’s my name, if you want to know,” You pointed out and ended the call. Then you fiddled with yours and turned around to show his name on your phone.
James Barnes :)
“Now you have my number, do you have anything in mind?” You asked as he regarded you for a moment before something came to mind. Something he wanted to do yet didn’t want to do it alone.
“Have you been to the aquarium?”
The rest was history and it has been a year since that happened. The both of you had gone through the list. You both hated pumpkin spice latte (which you boasted against your brother, who grumpily accepted defeat), Bucky discovered his love for Filipino food and you discovered your love for Romanian food. You finally bought the Lord of the Rings series in which you and Buck took turns to read into. Then the spontaneous trip in the Aquarium was a bust(You both decided to go in a different date than the day you both met) because Bucky got recognized and the both of you ended up feeding the pigeons instead (You promised Bucky to not show the video of you screaming for dear life as you tried to feed them. Bucky laughing his ass off for a while since his Louisiana trip).
You both introduced each other to your friend group. In which both sides proceed to tease about you and Bucky. (Until now, a betting pool between the four of them is in the works of when the two would realize their feelings for each other). The two of you remained friends through it all.
It was a great friendship but recently Bucky wanted more. So he made plans, exactly at the beginning of Fall where he met you. He was determined before winter comes that he wouldn’t spend it alone. He might have spent winter last year with you but this year, he is determined not just with you but together with you.
“Hey handsome,” Bucky looked down at you as your voice brought him out of his thoughts. The both of you are cozied up in the living room of his apartment (He had Sam’s help in making it cozier since you had been over too many times to count. Despite knowing he would be teased, he wanted to make this right). He was already going through the list he planned and it was already halfway fall. Halloween was just over and you  had spent the weekend with him last week. 
Now you are doing it again and Bucky is just so happy. Now he had just to go through the last three on his list. He was hoping to get it in order.
Give Y/N the favor from Wakanda.
Take her on a romantic date.
Make Y/N mine and me hers.
He was planning to give you today the prosthetics for your leg because the one you had has been bothering you. (You lost it when a drunk driver ran over a red light and you were riding a motorcycle with your friend. You got your leg fractured into pieces while your friend nearly died but now the two of you are alive and well. Your friend unfortunately lost her sense of taste and feeling while you lost your right leg. Surprisingly, it didn't stop you on riding motorcycles. Making Bucky fall in love with you and your strength.)
It was giving you the hardest time to walk recently and Bucky opted on carrying you around much to your protest (He’s okay with it. He likes it, loves it even, because you snuggle your face on his neck every time he does that,) Though he would have to fly you to Wakanda first to fit in the plates that would connect it. 
But you looked to have plans on your own. You have been particularly skittish around him today, restless even.
“What’s wrong doll?” You looked at him as you chewed your bottom lip. Your brows furrowed as your hands fiddle with his shirt. Bucky’s arms tightened around you as he felt your nervousness. “Are you okay?”
“Y-yeah I just,” You trailed off and then sighed deeply. Your expression shows as if you lost an internal battle before you sat up a bit. Making Bucky let go of you, he almost pouted but then you pulled out something from your pocket. A familiar looking piece of paper and you offered it to him.
“Is this your old list?” He asked as he took it from your hands. You nodded shyly as you looked down and fumbled with your (his) hoodie.
“Yes, I wanted to show you something on it. Open it,” You told him as you bit your lip harder this time. Bucky looked at you for a moment worried at the expression on your face. He has seen that numerous times since the two of you met. The look you always have when a panic is over the horizon and until it's triggered it remains there. 
He decided opening the list would have to be later as he reached to you with his left hand to touch your cheek with his palm. You instantly relaxed on it and nuzzled the metal hand. It still amazed Bucky how you weren’t afraid of it. Like you said you feel much more secure with it.
“I feel safe  with you Bucky, you won’t hurt me,”
Nobody really said those words to him. In addition to Sam, Torres, Sarah and the kids. No one put their trust and faith in him not until you came. Despite knowing what he had done and what his past was. So, when you uttered those words, that is when he knew that he was falling in love with you.  You never were afraid and you always made sure to show that nothing will ever make you leave his side. So he created his list, THE PLAN but something is bothering you since the beginning of September.
“C’mere,” He murmured as you willingly went back to his arms. You winced at the sound your prosthetic leg has made as you curled your legs to lean your whole body against Bucky. Bucky noticed it and as he wrapped his left arm around your waist, his right trailed towards the strap of your prosthetics. “Let’s relax, okay? Let me remove your prosthetics. I could see the start of your panic and I don’t want that for you Doll,” He mumbled.
You blushed at that as you nodded. His right hand quickly removed it as you helped him. An audible click was heard as you breathed a sigh of relief. Bucky took it from you and placed it against the coffee table.
“Thank you Buck,” You mumbled as you then picked the paper back up to hold it down to him. “Now open it please,”
He chuckled as he laid a kiss on your forehead. Something he started to do recently and it always makes you blush just like now. Burying your face against his chest after. He took the paper in his left hand. His arms are finally around you. You were tiny enough that he can still open the paper with his two hands.
“What is it you want me to see? Didn’t we do all of it?” He asked as he carefully opened it. “I thought you framed this,”
His list was framed, with your insistence when the two of you had done it last year and you told him you framed yours. You even showed it to him so he is slightly confused at this.
“That is a modified list, this the list you saw the first time,” You told him and when he finally opened it. He saw that all of it was crossed out except one.
8.This is wishful, fall in love. If someone would take up a girl missing her right leg. Sure.
Bucky looked up at you as you moved and produced a pen of your own. His heart was beating fast as he watched you. Is this--- He had hope and disappointment swirling inside his chest. Hope that whatever you are trying to tell him is the same as the one he is trying to tell you. Then, Disappointment that maybe you fell in love with someone else and he doesn’t know if he could take that. He was in deep with you.
“I wasn’t able to do everything yet but now I have,” You told him as you leaned down and crossed out the last one. Tears gathered in your eyes as you looked up at him. “I love you James,” 
You breathed out and Bucky’s eyes widened. He can’t help but stare as you stare back. Silence enveloped between the two of you. His mind raced but then you blinked. You have mistaken Bucky’s silence as rejection as tears freely fall from your eyes.
“I-I was gearing up to tell you because I have been in love with you for a while. I was afraid that if you d-don’t feel the same way I would lose you. I have to take the chance b-because I don’t want to see you with another woman. B-but it looks like I-I am wrong—”
“I love you,” Bucky finally said, stopping your rant as you looked up. Your eyes wide as tears fall down from it. “Oh doll, I have been gearing up to tell you this too,” He gingerly placed the paper on the coffee table before surging forward to bring you in his arms again.
You sobbed against his chest as he tightened his hold on you. His own tears threatened to come out as he buried his face against your hair inhaling your scent.
“S-say it again Buck,” you mumbled as you looked up at him.
“I love you, Y/N” Bucky said and surged forward, crashing his lips against yours. He cupped your cheeks as his thumb wiped away the tears while you clutched on to him. The two of you kissed for a while before he tilted his head to deepen the kiss. Wanting to taste you. You whimpered and Bucky still felt you crying. So instead, he slowed down the kiss and with one final peck he pulled away. “Oh baby, please stop crying. I love you okay?”
You nodded as you left Bucky to wipe your tears. “I-I was so scared and I-I chickened out numerous times to tell you,” you told him. “I was just relieved,”
“I’m sorry I didn’t speak immediately, doll. You caught me off guard,” Bucky chuckled as he couldn't help but lay a kiss on your cheeks after wiping it. “I was supposed to be the one with a surprise today but of course, you have other plans,”
You giggled at that as you laid a kiss against his jaw. “Sorry about that, thinking about it. We never really did follow the number on your list last year. I crossed out the last one of your list the day we met,” You told him.
Bucky chuckled as he thought of his own list. “Well, you are just doing exactly the same on my list this year babydoll,” He mumbled as he leaned down again to lay a kiss on your lips.
The both of you stayed like that. Kissing and savoring each other until you're pulled away and looked up at him with doe eyes.
“Sorry about ruining your list. I won’t do it next time. I promise. Forgive me?” You asked sweetly as you fluttered your lashes. Bucky can’t help but stare as he thought of a new list for next year. It will surely not be ruined as it was only one thing.
Marry Y/N. Never let her go.
“I’ll accept,” He mused as he put a kiss on your lips before he pulled away. “You’re lucky I love you,”
“I know,”
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buttsnorkeler69420 · 10 months
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presenting: This Bastard
it's EXJ!!!!!!!!! one of @chickennuggetonastick's slime characters. EXJ was originally made for @presidentgun's Goku Royale Original Character Tournament (entered into a post-elimination bracket in Goku 1, and as our main entry in Goku 2) but currently exists in our funny slime rancher headworld.
more character info under the cut! content warning for uh slime abuse
EXJ was originally a tornado slime held on a ranch by a rancher who only cared about money and clout (which included purchasing Secret Styles) and severely neglected their slimes. All the corrals were super overcrowded and there was usually not enough food to go around, so many of the slimes there were either crystallizing or downright feral. Slimes were forced to fight over food or let the crystals overtake them, not knowing when—if ever—they'd wake up again.
On this ranch, EXJ met Jack, a bubbly, optimistic phosphor slime who was this rancher's favorite because he could provide light during nighttime expeditions. Jack tried to help the other slimes on the ranch as much as he could: sharing his food with the others and showing them how to avoid drawing the rancher's ire. EXJ finally found guidance and a supporter in Jack and tried to protect him as much as was possible from inside a corral. But it wasn't enough.
The rancher would often disappear from the ranch for long stints (the reasons for which were unknown to the slimes, but probably involved plort peddling or resource gathering), and unfortunately one of those trips happened to coincide with a serious drought in the Dry Reef. Crops and chicken populations dwindled out and soon enough, with no rancher to make up for it, the ranch's food shortage was exacerbated.
Determined to save his friends from starvation, Jack forwent food entirely and spent all his energy distributing food to all the corrals. This went on for so long that Jack slowly lost his mobility, and faculties to crystallization.
EXJ, having honed hunger as a tool so EXJ could use crystallized body parts as weapons, had cultivated a row of crystals on the ring orbiting EXJ's body so it could be spun around like a buzzsaw. As EXJ watched Jack crystallize in horror, the tornado slime frantically tried to break out of the corral by slamming the spinning blade into the walls. Eventually, EXJ was able to break out of the corral by damaging the ceiling, but by then, it was too late. Jack had been starving for too long and had gone feral—there was none of the slime EXJ remembered; only desperation and hunger could be seen in Jack's eyes as he lunged to attack.
In a fit of rage and anguish, EXJ flew to each and every corral on the ranch, shattering the ceilings to let all the slimes leap out to freedom. It so turned out that the rancher had chosen this very moment to return; they only had enough time to report the incident to 7Zee before EXJ noticed they were back and shredded them to ribbons.
Looting their vacpack, EXJ was able to scrounge up some fruit, and while the other slimes fled, EXJ brought them to Jack and patiently waited for him to recover. He devoured the food quickly, but when the crystals disappeared, his eyes lit up as if he were meeting EXJ for the first time. He didn't seem to remember anything about his time on the ranch at all—even worse, he had forgotten entirely about human cruelty. When more humans, answering the rancher's distress call, arrived to clean up the mess and redistribute what slimes were left to new owners, Jack was horrified when EXJ jumped forward to attack. The sudden fear in his eyes—fear of EXJ, his friend—shook EXJ enough to cause hesitation, leading the two of them to be captured.
They, along with quantum slime omelet, were shuffled around several ranches through the Range Exchange until finally ending up at Zhanpeng's ranch.
I'm planning on making a comic about that last event at some point,,, but for now... funny ball!!!!
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quietbluejay · 2 months
Notes for the crack Loyalist!Lucius AU
Once again just copied with minimal editing from discord. Does it make sense? eh. Is it in character? probably not. Is it silly? yes. Was it fun to play around with? Absolutely.
I'm still thinking about the loyalist!lucius au where eidolon turns him down because it's so much in eidolon's character to do that also after finding out loken somehow survived isstvan iii that means that other people could also have survived, in theory
malcador: im recruiting you to be part of a secret elite unit lucius: i like "elite" malcador: you will get no glory and no recognition lucius: ahkay im out
malcador keeps sending him on extremely flashy suicide missions and lucius keeps surviving the way malcador gets him to agree to the missions is that they're high risk high reward and because they're high visibility impossible missions his name is out there iirc in the original version of this he became Slaanesh's champion anyways, just fighting on the opposite side lucius to various imperials: im going to teach you all about the power of rock like hm realistically tho malcador would try to kill him like not just via suicide mission but more immediately if he went chaos even crackier idea where malcador kills lucius, succeeds and now lucius is malcador
now, this would be an absolute disaster on every possible level especially given this lucius is slaanesh's champion BUT it would be extremely funny but back to the main au idea thinking further on "why malcador wouldn't just kill lucius" he and loken became besties after surviving for months (years???) alone together on isstvan iii
even more crackily he ends up getting an anti-chaos blade i dunno i feel like such a thing SHOULD exist ...eldar weapon this is the man who used a giant alien murder spider leg (very sharp) as a sword when he got trapped on murder spider planet (and got yelled at for it, because it was alien) also a lot of the good magical artefacts/swords have morality requirements and lucius is nnnnnnot going to pass those the most "realistic" way he gets the sword is by killing a craftworld but, tbh, i do not wish to reward this behaviour
…he should derail the plot of Angel Exterminatus from what I understand it involved eldar things and Fulgrim using a whole bunch of eldar soulstones (and also part of Perturabo's soul) to turn himself into a daemon (maybe i should not actually make these plans without reading the book. oh well.)
malcador: your primarch and also perturabo are trying to do something suspicious are you a bad enough dude to stop them? lucius: absolutely malcador: i have every faith that you will succeed after lucius leaves malcador: there's a 99% chance he'll die. FINALLY. maybe lucius gets the soulstones and accidentally trades them to the eldar for the sword like he survives but he's too injured to actually do anything here which is how he gets thanked and they say, lucius' hearts grew three sizes that day
he also wasn't really attached to the sword and then malcador told him not to get rid of it "you're not my real dad!" he said, clutching the sword "no," muttered malcador, "your real dad is trying to turn into a sexy snake" "i have many questions," said loken, who was currently being ignored in the corner.
so in canon loken kind of snapped due to being alone on isstvan iii surrounded only by the bodies of his former comrades is….is lucius somehow his emotional crutch i mean having one person to talk to is loads better than being alone even if that person is someone who hates you and you don't particularly care for either would lucius be the type of person who would like someone being emotionally dependent on him (especially given the beef) or would he be "ew clingy"
lol okay this is a more serious part of the au, i think lucius would have a lot of time for uncomfortable introspection on isstvan iii maybe that's how some of his character development happens
oh no look it's one of my favourite character dynamics garviel loken and lucius, starring in: this is our get-along virus-bombed planet
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redemptioninterlude · 10 hours
💏 from Jade
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50 ways to kiss someone meme ( accepting ) + @wndrbcy // jade random: 41 …because the world is saved.
it's been... a little fucking unreal, let's be honest. jade is dragged, unceremonious, into her world. how she thinks he might regret so much of it now, knowing that he wasn't defending his helpless lover outside that club on what felt like a FATED NIGHT to them both. that she'd been smoking and waiting, purposeful bait until she'd been ready to take on her target for the night. jade had been cover, and pleasure, mixed - her deadly flaw within this. now an accomplice within her life and made to see the ugly unravelling of it. did he wish now that he had never gotten involved with her? did it all click and fall into place, how they could find one another in the strangest places both home and abroad?
i'm an accountant, had felt like a convenient excuse. when asked how that would necessitate in overseas travel, a smile. I'M A VERY EXCELLENT ACCOUNTANT.
( nobody ever wants to talk about numbers. )
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but there he is now, a part of her life. learning, too, which perhaps makes her a little sad, her sweet boy knowing how to use his hands for a more intimate and awful kind of violence. it starts with a gun, then learning how to fight... it's funny. he's pretty good at this, isn't he? at least enough to KEEP UP as she does a job, here and there, enough to keep them moving. "should we retire?" she asks him once without the irony in his voice. he says something something about worrying that she'll get bored.
this job is unexpected. something about killing someone dangerous in a way that threatens the world as it stands before them. "heavy." she murmured, quietly, with a sigh and a shrug of her shoulders. it's enough for him to feel like they could be safe without having to live like this. a choice. isn't that what she thinks he DESERVES to have within his reach? isn't that what he said she had been in the first place? it's the kind of thing that he's had robbed of him, and she didn't want, too, to be another person he was swept up by.
but this is the one that COUNTS. bloody, brutal, she feels something pull uncomfortably within her as she stared outward, her dark eyes finding jade's own with a wan smile. because it was finally over, and wasn't that good? reaching to pull him in a little bit closer, that kiss that felt like relief at the other end of it. she doesn't know who it was that they killed - she just knows that it's enough money to set them up if they need it, a shiver there, with the realization that this? and maybe, perhaps, a little worry too. this really might be over. "now jade. it's all with you now. where you want to go, and... even who you want to go with. i want this to be... your chance to pull to an exit if you need to. i owe you that much."
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bywayofmemory · 1 month
hey for the WIP, tell me about honor. :)
Poor Snacky, you keep missing the ones I know you want!!
Honor is part 3 of Love Keeps Her in the Air, my Firefly Mal/River series that I wrote in the early 2010s before any of you knew me. I actually have it 75% outlined and maybe a third written, but then I moved across the country and got a new job and a new life and just couldn't keep it up, so it languishes on my hard drive. The plot involved Simon and Kaylee's wedding, which would have brought Inara back to the ship and stirred up old jealousies and insecurities in River. Mal would have been bad at soothing them, but eventually (with Inara's aid) they'd have made up.
This bit follows a fight between Mal and River, where she's discovered hiding in the ceiling of the ship crying by Jayne, who for once does his best to be helpful. Funny thing, Jayne was my least favorite character, but he was by far the easiest of them to write. (Also, you can tell just how long ago this was written because it was originally double spaced between sentences. Good lord.)
Sitting down across from her, he eyes the untouched mug. “Waitin' for an invitation to drink it? Don't make me sorry I'm goin' to all this gorram trouble,” he says, and his gruffness stirs up indignation in her, a frowning irritation that for a moment eclipses her sadness. Sipping the tea slowly just to spite him, she reflects, not for the first time, that Jayne may be dumb, but he isn't stupid. Silence spreads across the room, and he's not looking at her but she can hear his mind, distantly, clicking away. “Never did understand the way girlfolk like to go off and blubber over what's got 'em upset,” he says finally, staring into his bottle of beer as if it's got all the answers in the 'verse floating inside. “Now, me, I'm feelin' something I don't like, I gotta be doing somethin', distract myself.” She nods carefully at her tea. “Activity releases chemicals, hormones. Comforts the brain, tires the body. Makes for restfulness.” “Could be that's what you need. I might be willin' to spar a bit with you, if'n you promise not to be takin' my head off. Or grabbing any parts ain't proper to be laying hold of, you understand.” She smiles a bit into her mug, but only shakes her head, amusement rapidly falling from her face. “Aw, hell,” Jayne says, shifting in his chair and looking right at her. “You want me to go beat up Mal for you?” “You couldn't.” He snorts. “Ain't like it's hard. Kaylee could beat up the Capt'n if she really wanted to. Even that wimpy-ass brother of yours laid him flat before.” “True. But he wasn't expecting it then.” She looks up at him, tilting her head. “You don't even know what he did.” “Nah. But I know outta the two of you, I'd rather have him bein' the one who's unhappy.” River frowns. “Jayne,” she says, reaching for his beer, “let's get drunk.”
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rinharu-purple · 2 years
I wasn't expecting to be served so fast, so firstly thank you Papergames for finally giving us Gavin stans some sort of closure and loads of romantic, intimate and peaceful moments!
Please mind that this analysis is based on the translations from here. Please do not forget to support their work🙏🏻
These two chapters have finally broke the curse of badly written Gavin chapters and has too many nostalgia, reveals and love. Let me tell you about my bullet points that stir up my heart sincè days 💖💙
The official CONFESSION
Starting with the obvious scene where MC and Gavin confess their feelings which have been there since they've first met at Loveland high. Not only that but Gavin KNEW about MCs affection all the time! He brushed all the signs off as "coincidences" or "illusions of his mind".
- " How you were getting involved in my fights, inexplicable appearing in senior class halls, always passing by..."
- "I realized them all, because I was always looking at you too." to whic MC replies that she has been looking at Gavin and only him.
- " I couldn't even properly confess to you." 😍😍😍
- "I was always bad at saying goodbyes, but then I've realized, it's because I don't want to ever say goodbye to you MC."
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- "You truly are amazing!" (no you are Gavin, you amazing 2d being! I'm not crying, you are crying😭)
The S1 final R&S
Gavin doesn't only tell MC about his feelings but also what he went through after she's left. How he didn't know where to go to after her disappearance, so he just wandered around aimlessly and was ultimately sucked in back to 17 years ago into the current timeline.
You see, as we all know, Gavin doesn't have the insight to the time-space aspect of their universes like the other LIs do, so everything he does is done instinctively, or he is being drawn into different time-space constellations. He follows his instincts and the power of his EVOL. As I mentioned previously, it is now Canon that Gavin is the only LI who gets invited to the Black cabin, not only that but he can also find his way out alone, without MC. This says tremendous things about Gavin's instinctual strength and his emotional bond with MC.
This is solidified by Gavin's revelation as he says that as soon as he got his memories back, the only place he wanted to go to was the exact point where he saw MC off in S1 CH37, being Loveland High 😭
The hidden desire to "Run away together" is not hidden anymore.
In CH 39, Gavin and MC decide to run-away from the chaos and drama. I have to say, personally I loved the scene and how it was designed. MCs kidnapping, Gavin landing on the hood of the car "contemporary superman style" and MC playfully remarking on it. Was a really cute moment and as we know, MC and Gavin's relationship is defined by their unwavering desire to have a peaceful life away from all the stress of the world.
Her wish here is very similar to that from S1 CH19, when she just wants to get old with Gavin together, living an ordinary life... The scene is very cute, funny and romantic all at once 🥰
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"As long as you're in the wind, I can find you."
What shall I say, I adore Gavin's character line and I love the message it conveys, how Gavin's direction is MC and his compass is his EVOL. It's such an existential bond that is hard to severe. Likewise, Gavin is also MCs direction and I love how the chapter revisits MCs request from Gavin to show her the way and the right direction in case she losts her way and how this is finalized by a fantastic scene when Gavin steps back dozens of meters, opens his arms and welcomes MC. Showing her the way, being her "lighthouse" and also her end goal 😉.
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All the cuddles, nuzzle, hugs and the KISS
It's no secret that MC and Gavin's love language is through actions, most particularly via touches and this chapter they spend little to no time not-touching each other. How Gavin refused to let her off of his arms, how they revisit the sceneries of their final moments from S1 in each other arms and flying, how MC nuzzles on his neck, follow the lines of his face, dig her face onto his chest, cling onto his arms, just touch him at any given opportunity.
I was really wondering how this kiss would go as the last one was on the 7th step of the 3rd floor, where according to the school's legend, the couples who have their kiss on this designated spot have eternal love. This time it is another "destiny spot" next to a river, because the sound of water and waterfalls have always been MC and Gavin's reassurance when they were stuck in the black cabin and it was always along the sound of the running water when they expressed each other their love and faith for one another.
Another point is how their kiss is an hommage to S2 CH 11.
Remember this scene? I remember reading it for the first time and feeling my cheeks burning hot by the minute as the scene was fairly intimate and MC was flushing more and more as she felt Gavin's breath on her. Even today I remember how I though to myself "Wait, they are not gonna kiss, are they?" This time, they did and PG did a great job remaking the heat building up between them as they touch by their foreheads, feeling each other's breath. Another hommage is to their "Blind Date" since it was the first time we saw them kissing and MC explained how his kiss felt as though Gavin becomes the reason she breaths and sucks the air out of her lungs... Speaking of deep kisses 💭
Norelle has drawn the scene from S1 CH11 all too good back in the day under the link I shared above (disclaimer: this drawing belongs to norelle, do not repost under any circumstance!!!)
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Some other picks:
Thanking each other...
His voice when he says "Now I can show this scene to you 😍 (It was such a Rin Matsuoka thing to do that I just melted right on the spot 💕)
Their repeated promise to come back safe, no matter what.
Their repeated wish of meeting again, no matter what.
Their repeated reassurance that they are each other's "courage".
Gavin's perfect pronunciation of "new world"
... Because it didn't hurt much for him when he though of her ( ╥ω╥ ):
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And lastly my wishlist for the upcoming chapters:
I'm so glad that after having closure on "the letter", their past in high school has now come in full circle. Now PG can focus on the other meaningful times which took place in their relationship after they reunited. S1 CH15, S2 CH11, S2 CH32 and many more. Please please have them their very final moment somewhere else other than at Loveland High, their relationship has progressed over time, so please don't let them got stuck at their teenage years!
I didn't mind STF team being absent on this chapter and I believe it was the right call to have Gavin and MC alone. Would love to see the next chapters revisiting Eli and Tang next time around ;) and Minor, lest we forget him 💖💖💖
Still waiting for closure to Gavin's relationship with his father, but I'm optimistic that it will happen soon. 😉
More interactions among the LIs and more of saving each other's back, just like Lucien did for Gavin in CH38.
An explanation as to why Gavin is drawn to the Black cabin.
An explanation as to whom the child voice belong to. Remember, this voice told MC not to get too close to Gavin.
Revisiting one of Gavin's most iconic lines "I will accompany you to the very end". (the anime has changed it a little bit, but y'all know what I mean ;) )
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asukaskerian · 2 years
Wait so in the one shot abo does Hashirama get a letter about the Uchiha killing senju that attacked them and hostage of Tobirama just for months later getting a letter from Madara saying he’s marrying him and then even later finding out Tobirama and Madara already have a kid together? Bc one hand in reality that’s so stressful but as a reader it’s also very funny even if I hope Hashirama has mito and Touka to talk about it with lmao
probably madara wants good relations with his future brother in law, so he sends the official "we got attacked unjustly and killed the attackers and took your brother hostage, so there!" and then sneaks him a more complete report with a letter from tobirama (yes he's being treated well yes this is part of madara's scheme to eventually make peace and he's not super sure it'll work but he'll stay put for a while to see how it progresses and he's ok etc. then he probably does give the "real" report of what happened, which is that people from the anti hashirama faction went to kill madara's baby and tobi, of course, loving babies and wanting to support hashirama, intervened and madara understands that this didn't reflect on the senju as a whole but only part of it, but madara can't admit how he knows that because it'll make tobirama look like a traitor if people think he goes around telling their enemies everything about the senju's internal issues.)
(madara of course reads that letter before allowing tobi to send it but apart from ranting that it WILL work he allows the disrespect of criticizing his great idea and doesn't censor it XD)
hashirama is very stressed out. but also, he knows his brother, so this "i went and got myself involved because 1. i didn't trust madara to protect his own child and 2. i trust and respect your great plan so much, brother". it sounds... doubtful to him. like, if that were the case he'd have taken the time to go to hashirama and ask him what he wanted to do and THEN ONLY he would have maybe said "ok give me a squad loyal to you and i'll go and fix it". that's the regular way to handle war issues that are NOT super deeply personal and make you irrational!
also all of tobi's armor is still in his bedroom so wtf.
so he goes to touka and mito and they all three of them wtf and worry for a while. but letters keep coming, about reparations for that unfair attack, and non-agression agreements in certain areas (everybody ends up liking that they can all go to the market in Middle Town without getting into a fight every time), and tobirama doesn't say very much in his letters but sometimes he'll mention a new kimono madara got him because all he had was the clothes on his back and hand-me-downs from izuna, which are too short and generally suck, oh and madara's heir gave him a flower yesterday --
he's allowed to hang out with madara's heir!! gasp. madara really must trust him, what happened?! but this is a big relief to hashirama that his brother wasn't locked away and only sees a jailer twice a day or whatever.
like a week before madara finally makes his marriage request, tobirama sends his brother a super secret portrait of the uchiha ruling family he did, with tsurugi's white hair lock front and center and her chin up and eyes all narrowed in doubt.
hashirama: oh how nice. i guess the analysts will want to look at --
touka: *CHOKES* oh my fucking god this is a kawarama face under itama hair.
she's older! she remembers them so young better than hashi does. but once she has pointed it out. how the fuck. how the fuck?????
mito: :X so uh how old is that kid again
anyway it's CHAOS in the family for like a week and then the marriage offer comes which is chaos again for a brand new reason.
but also hashirama cries a lot because his little niece is alive and not stillborn after all and he could never feel like he'd managed to reach tobirama in his grief so he's very relieved in some way. like, very D: that he wasn't told what really happened but also very relieved that tobi gets to hang out with the daughter he had to give up after all.
also, niece. aaaa. ;__;
... he's very confused as to whether tobi and madara DID have a secret love affair that tobi sacrificed for love of his clan. because tobi having a random one night stand with madara doesn't really make sense but tobi falling in love with The Uchiha and letting that advance to having enough sex to get pregnant when his fertility is so bad doesn't make sense either. mito has to remind him that he probably doesn't want the gory details yet.
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alchemistdetective · 7 months
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Well, it's done
Thoughts below the line, but
tl;dr: I have very mixed feelings with Fontaine, and Sumeru's story is still the high point for me
But basically my chapter review is:
Act 1 and Act 2 are AMAZING
Act 3 and Act 4 are... questionable
Act 5 (Final) is really good, but the conclusion left me a bit sour
Major spoilers under the cut :D
First of all, the bad stuff:
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They really did Childe so dirty, my god
We spent a quarter of the time trying to find for him, only to come up with nothing, then he comes out showing to fight the Whale, then just disappears off, and when we see him again, Skirk just... yeets him off, which is pretty funny, but still asjlhajsld
And to top it all off, Traveler just giving his Vision to the Knave is just
Childe has stated she doesn't trust her much, and the Knave even said that she's just using his disappearance and guilty verdict as leverage for her own goals, and Traveler just gave his vision to her???
Like in most our journey, Traveler has this hate streak for the Fatui, and even when Childe kept saying how much he's willing to help, even if he has questionable motives back in Liyue and not exactly harmless, he's more open and upfront with his intentions with us than, say, the Knave
D-... does the Traveler really think the Knave would definitely not do anything with Childe's vision, nothing suspicious at all?
The Fortress
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I love the environment in the prison but... this might be a hot take, but you can just remove the entire prison arc in the game, and it... wouldn't change anything
Like we were investigating the secret rules, the culture of the prison, even the flying boat at the basement, and while it's fascinating... it fits more as a World Quest than an actual Archon quest stretching two arcs
Because in the end of Act 3 and 4, we... were involved with... next to nothing
Like god, at the climax of Act 4, when the Primordial Sea was bursting out, with Wrio and Chlorinde watching everything, we just... ran to the basement, saw everything, then... ran... out without doing anything, then Neuv steps in, like
Even the Knave was telling us "So you found out Childe escaped, so did he die?" and even we went "uhh", and we're back to square 1
And when Masequerade of the Guilty came along, it's like finding Childe wasn't even in our priority anymore, like the writers just gave up on that, like... we still have no idea who was the one who accused Childe in the first place, which led him into his guilty verdict
The good Stuff:
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Mihoyo REALLY upped their Cinematics and cutscenes, filled with CGs, camera angles... They're even much better than Honkai 3rd's now, I would say, and you can tell that they absolutely went 1000% with this Arc, and you can tell with how the information is presented
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Like the extreme subtelity of the camera angle in the cutscenes is just absolute masterclass, and it really, really shows
Neuv and Furina
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I'm REALLY sure everyone already knows this by now about how magnificently well written these two are, and god, I actually sobbed a bit with Furina's story, so I don't need to go over everything
I placed a bet before Fontaine released that Furina wasn't really Focalors, and I was... kind of right, her actually not being the Hydro Archon and all, but god, she really is playing the part of the jester, being happy on the outside but crushed inside
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And Neuv, the poor guy really had to just stand and watch everything, even dragging the woman he sees someone like a daughter to court, and it spiraled into such a whirlpool of a mess
It felt like his mood and tone of voice kind of changed in the final act, and I'm just glad the poor guy finally gets his break in the end
🙌 Oratrice Mecanique D'analyse Cardinale 🙌
Navia, Silver and Melus
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I... actually... haven't seen many people talk about her, but she's probably my favourite in Fontaine, thinking about it
She's the most relatable person in the group, imperfect, has reactions you completely expect from a normal human being, she has every right to be angry at Neuv, even when we knew what happened as time goes on OTL
God, she's like Lyse in FF14, except she's written super well, like... I kind of argue she's the most 'human' character in Genshin? Everyone else is human too, but I really feel like relating to Navia the most
Silver and Melus are the MVPs in the story :D
Acts 1 and 2
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we get CGs like this, and technically even if it's false information, it's so funny to see Lyney being physical DPS lajsHAJAJLSSAGas
Uncovering the cases, running around and looking at the mysteries, seeing everything unfold one by one... was pretty much amazing, and I was kind of sad we didn't really have anything like that in Act 3 and 4, since we're pretty much running around Prison most of the time
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I also don't need to talk about this part too, that was such an unexpected twist, and Mihoyo went SUPER hard on it
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But yeah, overall
Fontaine good, exploration in the overworld is my favourite out of all the regions, but my god I'm still kind of salty about how the Archon quest treated Childe
The cutscenes involving him were super good with the whale, but it felt like he was just tossed at the wayside, and it felt like the middle part of the Archon quest is extremely padded out
Still had fun though, especially with friend watching :D
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spaceshiporion · 9 months
Had maybe a bit of trouble watching Castlevania Nocturne, actually.
I had to get used to a lot of new characters I wasn't familiar with, and I caught myself doing other things at the time to finish it.
Because of that I probably missed a ton, but here's some cool parts I liked though.
Under the cut for spoilers:
-Maria's summoning fighting was a highlight!
-That scene where the lady almost kills his friend who got turned into a demon. The fact she didn't kill him actually makes that scene so much more interesting. I guess the sanity of the demons might stay a theme in the story.
-That scene with the 3 lady's caught my attention, maybe cause that's how Richter got his bandana, or maybe it was some good lighthearted character writing outside of fighting, which I guess I need to keep invested.
-Juste was there?? Guess playing a GBA game on the WiiU virtual console payed off! Hopefully they show 1 flashback of when he was a still a young fella. Or at least give him back the red coat. That looked awesome.
-Juste mentioning his friend Maxim? That was most of his arc, so good. I actually remember him from playing.
-That vampire lady keeping the head was kind of funny. Kinda sad she wasn't a full on villain comic relief character.
-The eclipse scene caught my attention a lot, which is good. It's nice to finally see the stakes become involved.
-I literally knew Alucard was coming, but the way he looked even more angelic now was really cool.
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