#<- which is sooooooo fernando to me
skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
Oh I’m so excited by a Don Quijote Au, I’ve been reading it since I was four! (Childrens version, I’m not a super genius just hispanic,) But I would love to see your au!!! Your drawings are so good!
Awww tysm anon!!! I don't know if it's something I'd actually end up drawing, just because I'm not even sure what I could draw for it(I'm not too fond of armor and that's all Don Quixote wears 😭) But as I'm reading the book, I can't stop thinking "yeah I could see Fernando doing this." I think they're just the same breed of ultra dedicated, dramatic maniac with an insane lack of self preservation. Like im not even that far in, and he keeps getting grievously injured and just gets back up and continues his adventures. Its like Fernando going back to racing after getting electrocuted, after having jaw surgery, hand surgery, etc etc. And all those long rambling, dramatic speeches Don Quixote goes on, I'm like, hmm yeah if Nando was in 17th century Spain would act like this. Just everyone around him being like "idk what nonsense this is, but he sounds committed!! I'll humor him ig"
Also a child's version, omg I wish! I enjoy reading it but there's so many references and words that have me 🤨. But tbh it's not too much of a struggle when I just view it as if it's a Monty Python bit djkfkg just the way he goes on and on and everyone around him is like, wow this dude is insane, is so funny
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thegeekerynj · 3 years
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DC’s Future State: The Home Runs, Hits, and outright Strikeouts  
(Or, how Politics and Comics Don’t Mix)
Greetings from somewhen along the fractured timelines, and somewhere in the newly reconstituting Omniverse! Tis’ I, your faithful, but recently missing Fat Guy, finding his way back to a Universe with a keyboard, Intel processor, and something as far from MyFace as possible!
Gentle Readers, when last I had the privilege of gracing these Interwebs, Death Metal #7 had not yet hit the shelves, nor had Dead Earth #6. 
My spin down the ‘rabbit holes’, between the lunacy of the viral insanity that gripped the country, and then, the worries which came out of the COVID Pandemic, had me more focused on depressing issues, than the IMPORTANT THINGS in LIFE…
What DID happen with Wonder Woman? And, What came out of the lunacy of the Metal Saga?
Well, let’s touch on a few of those topics, the second, first.
What happened out of the Metal Saga? Well, we get a view of the Future, or a possible Future, if this is the Final State. We get to see some Characters grow, some disappear, some books remain the same, some will change DRASTICALLY.
We get to hear jokes about the Fifth Generation and how it is a marketing ploy for the Mothership, the United Conglomerated Moneygrab AT&T.
We get a name change from 5G to Future State, without a real concept change.
Oh, and Dan DiDio got fired. So did about half of DC’s regular staff.
But, I digress. 
Anyway, the premise is really simple… It’s Baseball Season! That being the case, I’m going to engage in a game of hybrid game of Sewer Cap Baseball, with each group of books graded as a Single, Double  Triple , Home Run, Out or Side Retired. This will not be an arbitrary judgment, as there will be some criteria to be followed.
Home Runs  Well, a Home Run has to have outstanding artistry and story, the work being exemplary. Plot, characters, premise, everything is crisp, fresh and enjoyable. Writer and Artists have brought the reader to a place where they know the divergent reality is believable, in context.
Triples: If a Home Run is everything hitting on all cylinders, the Triple is the single knock in the engine. The pothole that nags at the Reader, the Idea that makes the Collector say, ‘This was really good…BUTTTTTT…’. Not the hook that leaves you wanting more, it’s the oversized hook that says’I just can’t swallow that’.
Double: A Double has a glaring issue that takes the reader out of the story… Frank Miller ‘300’ style Artwork on “Millie the Model’ type of ‘Well, that was a misfire!’ The story can be exceptional, or the Artwork wonderful, there’s just that GLARING issue that pulls the Reader away.
Single: The GLARING ERROR is extensive, pairing Yo-Yo Ma with Weird Al extensive. Both wonderful, but put together, and too much is lost in translation. The pairing of an ultra detailed writer with a 60’s style artist, who does no backgrounds, except for splash pages.
STRIKE OUT: Something is just BAD. 1985 Secret Wars BAD. Unfinished Kevin Smith Widening Gyre Cliffhanger BAD. Spider Buggy BAD. Not usually one to say something is BAD, I have said I didn’t like certain things. Not liking something does not make it BAD. Something horrifically wrong with it, that makes it BAD.
SIDE RETIRED: OK, this is a very special category, reserved for the Story That Has Been Done To Death, Didn’t Need To Be Done Again, Yet Here We Are, New Universe, Same Old CRAP!
This is the ‘Superman painted himself with invisible lead paint’ story, the ‘Bat-Shark Repellent in the Utility Belt Story (outside the 60’s camp stories)’…
So Gentle Readers, with all that said, the Pitchers and Catchers are set, the Batters are ready, the Managers are already bitching at the Umpire, sooooooo, Let’s Play Ball!
And remember, the Umpire reserves the right to continue the Game onto another day, as the Sun Goes Down…
First Inning:
Batter UP!
Dark Nights: Death Metal #7
Writer: Scott ‘Skull Crusher’ Snyder  Pencils (PP1-28) Greg ‘Constrictor’ Capullo,  Inks: Jonathan ‘’Gut Punch’ Glapion; Artist (PP 29-36) Yanick ‘Yell Master’ Paquette,  Artist (PP 37-38) Bryan ‘Hatchet Man’ Hitch
‘Tell me our shorts were not this short!
No way! They were MUCH SHORTER!
I will not die by pixie boot. I will not die by…’
This is it folks! The First Batter, or, the End of the Beginning, however the heck you want to look at it.
Gentle Readers, you can’t get to the Future State without first talking about the last issue of the series that brought you there… so, here we go!
Six issues, or, 23 issues, depending on your budget, wallet size, and ability to ‘Just Say NO!’, and here we are, the LAST ISSUE of the Death Metal Saga, which actually started way back in Batman #1 of the REBIRTH reboot, and carried through the METAL / Batman Who Laughs / Year of the Villain… so, the gift that kept on taking!
Anyway, this has been the Longest Long Game, and the Payoff has been SPECTACULAR! 
Constantly swinging between the Battle of the Bat-Families, the Superman Fight Squad and the Last Son, and the one - on - one death match between Wonder Woman and The Batman who Laughs, we get the battle scenes we have craved all along. 
Death, carnage, mayhem, and Jarro… who could ask for - - - What, you want more???? Well, we can add in the Totality, Diana of Themyscira, Goddess, ElseWorld, and finally finding out who was narrating this book for the last 77 years… Ya know, that’s enough.
Not that there isn’t more, I’m just not writing about it here…
Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo have left everything on the field with this book. No regrets, no punches puled, they finished this the way they started, unrelenting, unforgiving, and absolutely unstoppable. 
As a fan, I can say this is one of the few books I really jonesed for over the last year. The months when there was a skip due to the ‘One - offs’, I think I really got the shakes. This was one of the three stories of 2020 that made this Reader sit up and take notice.
As such, I highly recommend this entire series. This issue was fantastic, a fine ending to lead in to a new phase of the DC Universe, and Frickin’ ELSEWORLD!!!
Out of 5🌶        🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶
First Batter - Home Run!
Batting Second…
Generations Shattered  #1 / Generations Forged #1
Writers: Dan Jurgens, Robert Venditti, Andy Schmidt  
Artists: Ivan Reis and Joe Prado, John Romita JR and Danny Miki, Kevin Nowlan, Rags Morales, Doug Braithwaite, Ema Lupacchino and Wade von Grawbadger, Dan Jurgens and Klaus Janson, Yanick Paquette, Bernard Chang, Aaron LoPresti and Matt Ryan, Mike Perkins, Fernando Pasarin and Oclair Albert, Paul Pelletier and Sandra Hope. Colleen Doran, Marco Santucci, Joe Prado, Bryan Hitch and Andrew Currie, Dan Jurgens and Kevin Nowlan
‘I will not spend another day behind bars! Not on Tamaran! Not on Maltus! And not HERE!
Starfire! Don’t!
Not bored now!’
So, What happens when ALL the Timelines are SHATTERED by a Multi-Cosmic Level Event?
Naturally, you send Booster Gold out to recruit an army of tactically important individuals from across the Multiverse, is an attempt to repair and cement the Timelines back together.
And what happens when said Man with a Master Plan and a hovering supercomputer gets himself killed?
Well, that duty now falls to Kamandi, the Last Boy on Earth!
Yes, this is where we start, in the Time After The Great Disaster, with Kamandi and Tuftan trying to outrun some Bat-Men, and the Great White Goneness (Crisis Energy, Take II), an aged Booster Gold trying to recruit him, then getting swallowed up by the Crisis Energy (™), and Kamandi and a Skeets bracer escaping into the Dimensional Void to continue Booster’s mission…
No, this isn’t a rehash of the Kamandi Challenge from a few years ago, this is the aftermath of Death Metal.
All the Time / Dimensional Lines are in flux, and they can either get repaired, or, if Dominus has his way, only his little pocket dimension will remain.
So, we have Kamandi and Skeets, Starfire (from 1983), John Henry Irons (Steel) (from 1993), Superboy (from the Legion Timeline), Dr. Kimiyo Hoshi (Dr. Light) (from 1987), Sinestro Korugar, the Green Lantern for Sector 1417, Booster Gold, Day 1 in Metropolis, and Batman, circa 1939 versus Dominus’ incarnation of the Linear Men… O.M.A.C, Liri Lee, Rayak the Ravager, Matthew Ryder, Ultra-Humanite, Knockout, Artemis, Eradicator, Major Force, and Nemesis Kid… A virtual Who’s Who of Evil throughout the DC Timelines!
The Goal? Survive, Win, Preserve the hard-fought victory brought by the sacrifice of Diana, or face Oblivion.
A very well written story, presented by some amazing artists, and showcasing others we will be seeing throughout the Future State event. Of some note, the gorgeous pages by Colleen Doran, the work of Kevin Nowlan, Rags Morales, Doug Braithwaite, John Romita JR, Dan Jurgens and Klaus Janson. Some of the pages… ehhh.
A neat tie in, a way to let readers new and old know there are things which need to be fixed, and there are plans underway to do so, and to once again highlight Rip Hunter’s Blackboard!
Out of 5🌶        🌶🌶🌶🌶
Second Batter - Triple
In the Three Hole…
Future State: Kara Zor-El  Superwoman
Writer: Marguerite Bennett   Artist: Marguerite Sauvage
‘I’ve come so far to learn that I can’t control what others think.
And that was another thing i learned from you, my good, grand Greatest Boy, KRYPTO the SUPERDOG.’
The title of this story comes from a quote attributed to Confucius,’Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves’, implying in the seeking of vengeance, one loses themselves, as well.
‘Dig Two Graves’ takes place in the far future, long after the prophesied battle between Clark and Jon Kent, when the son suppliants the father.
Kara has taken those who sought Safe Haven to the Moon, to the Fortress of Solitude there, where she expanded, and reinforced, and made it habitable for those looking to escape the violence.
And she forsook the violence, herself.  
No longer to be called upon as the Protector of Kal-El, a title long gone and forgotten, she has chosen to practice the ideals which her cousin, his son, and she should have been practicing all along.  Consideration, kindness, respect…
And then the idyllic peace is broken.
Marguerite Bennett gives us an extraordinarily beautiful story, one of insight, growth, beginnings and ends. This is a masterful piece, which tells a tale on many levels, which appeals to the most cynical among us (hand raised here), and the youngest, most hopeful at heart.
Paired with the writing is the beauty of Marguerite Sauvage’s artwork, both delicate in places and frenetic in others, telling the tale of the Gardener, the Hero, and the Rescuer. Beautifully rendered, the art carries the words as a tune carries lyric, bringing the Reader through the rises and lulls of the storyline in a beautifully orchestrated dance
Most notable of the story is the coloring, or seeming lack thereof For most of the story, with some exceptions, the most vibrantly colored character is Kara, with the Colonists and the Visitors appearing as pale in comparison ( for the most part, they are white, with pale highlights). 
This story is one of the true highlights of the Future State lineup…
Out of 5🌶        🌶🌶🌶🌶.5
AAAnnnnnnddddddd, It’s outta Here!  
And in the Clean-Up Spot…
Future State: Green Lantern #1-2
Writer: Geoffrey Thorne  Artist: Tom Rainey
Writer: Ryan Cady  Artist: Sam Basti
Writer: Ernie Altbacher  Artist: Clayton Henry
Writer: Josie Campbell  Artist: Andie Tong
Writer: Robert Venditti  Artist: Dexter Soy
‘My name is Beelu Kenz. You won’t have heard of my world.Bit of a Hellscape really. Everything there kills you. The air, the animals, even the dirt.
My people not only live there, we THRIVE. We ADAPT.We’re not the bloody fighters Khundia makes but we’ve got one thing over you. Two things, really.
We’re the BEST Weaponeers in the Spiral Arm. No one can touch us.
My Planet’s called IMSK and when an Imskian wants something to die—-
Two issues, five stories, one central theme carried through both issues… the Oan Lantern of Power has died.
We have John Stewart leading a cadre of Lantern Warriors, in the defense of a planet, against the militant worshippers of the God in Red, a god they believe wants warriors to commit slaughter and carnage in his name.
Stewart and Company teach them three lessons.
The story is marvelous, bringing in some great old names (Salaak, G’NORT!), while weaving a tale of great intrigue and detail which keeps the reader enthralled to the last page.
Next, the Sinestro Corps, taking the Green Lantern Outpost stations, invade the Station in Sector 023, only to find it defended by Jessica Cruz.
Story number three, well, there had to be a Warrior’s Bar Story, didn’t there? Which, of course gives us Guy Gardner.
The fourth story, a team story, puts Keli Quintela, the Teen Lantern and Mogo, the Living Planet, on a mission to find Jo Mullein, the Lantern’s resident detective, in the hopes of finding out the secrets of Keli’s overpowered, obviously alien ‘Power Gauntlet’.
Finally, and obviously necessary, for what collection of stories about the Green Lantern Corps would be complete without it, we get the story of Hal Jordan, and his search for the Lanterns, and  the Guardian’s Homeworld of Oa.
And who he finds when he arrives there…
Every story on point, every character well written, all converging toward, well, we don’t know yet. But we will.
Out of 5🌶        🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶
The windup! The Pitch! The SWING! KRAAAAK!  IT”S IN THE BLEACHERS!!
Batting Fifth
Future State: Legion of Super Heroes #1-2
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis  Artist: Riley Rossmo
‘If I knew this was why you called me here, I would never have come! Not only should the Legion STAY DISBANDED —- The word should NEVER be spoken again!
T —- Tas —-  GAKK!  COFF!
***Listen, I stopped giving out Free Mood Stabilizers a long time ago*** But that wasn’t going the way you wanted!
So, 31st Century, and the known galaxies are KA-Blooie!
RJ Brande is dead, the Legion has been disbanded, and BATTLE LINES have been drawn along loyalties…
Why, you ask?? How???
Well, it seems Post - Death Metal and the Restructuring, there was a traitor in the Legion.
Jan Arrah, Element Lad, has been branded with the label, a branding which carries to all his people.
The result of the treachery, the Planets of the Known Galaxies have been ruined, and left nearly uninhabitable.
Or, was it these people…
Brian Michael Bendis has given us a new future, one in the midst of upheaval, where the United Planets has been disbanded, the Legion is split along loyalties, and whether they want vengeance or redemption.
A well written, engaging story, wonderfully told through some different characters: 
Chuck Taine, Bouncing Boy, taking the battle to the Khunds as they try to colonize the devastated worlds; 
Imra Ardeen, Saturn Girl, trying to bring her beloved Legion back together to fight the real threat to the galaxy, and carrying a secret which is crushing her;
Luornu Durgo, once Triplicate Girl, now trying to find herself after one of her selves has been killed, and afraid to recombine because the pain of missing her is too great to deal with, and other characters we have come to know over the last year.
Where Bendis’ story is the blazing signal fire to light the way toward a stronger future in the DC Multiverse, Riley Rossmo’s Art is the Asbestos Blanket and Aircraft Fire Foam which induces all the cancers and kills it.
I’m sorry. There are times Riley Rossmo’s artwork really works for me. This chaotic styling is perfect within the framework of characters like Bizarro, Constantine, even the JLA, when there are magic or Lobo-like story elements involved. I especially liked his work on the Robin King, the frenetic, chaotic stylings appealed to my senses, made me giggle, and cringe at the same time.
Not here, though. Here, his work pulled me out of the story faster than if I had a tow hook jammed through my nether regions, and it was attached to a hiballin’ Peterbilt turbocharged tractor trailer.
This, Gentle Readers, was painful. It hurt my eyes, on a scale with the COVID News Conference from April 2020. I think I bled. 
I might still be…
I know I cried, because no matter how good the story was, I could not enjoy it.
Out of 5     🌶🌶
Batting Sixth
Future State: Aquaman 1-2
Writer: Brandon Thomas, Artist: Daniel Sampere
‘Is she here?
Have you ever heard that line, or an iteration of it? The Katz’s Deli scene in ‘When Harry Met Sally’, maybe?
This book  was the equivalent.
I know, it was an Aquaman Book.
How often has an Aquaman Book been Original, or Relevant?
There was Craig Hamilton’s Miniseries in 1985, that gave us the really neat camo Aquaman suit, then there was Flashpoint, and Throne of Atlantis, and the introduction of Kaldur’ahm, or Jackson Hyde, the son of Black Manta.
Now, we have Andy Curry, AquaWoman.
This is a time where less is more. 
Brandon Thomas has given us a two issue story which I have gone back and read 4 times, because it is that good! David Sampere’s artwork is crazy beautiful, so gloriously detailed it leaves the eyes wanting more. 
This is the AquaPerson Story I have been waiting for since the movie… No dumb oversized seahorses, no force waterballs… carnage, and dimension hopping insanity, this makes a fantastic story!
All I can say is, if there is one story you MUST Read, it is this!
Out of 5🌶        🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶
And that ball is GOING, GOING, GONE! They’re gonna find that one out on Sheffield!
Seventh Batter
Future State: The Flash #1-2
Writer: Brandon Vietti   Artist Dale Eaglesham
‘Focus on the Science.
Science reveals Answers. 
Answers build Hope.’
After EVERY Time I picked up a Flash book over the last two years, and constantly getting assaulted with a NEVER-ENDING GODSFORSAKEN Redemption Arc story, what do i see here?
The self-sacrificing hero of the Crisis, the overpowered, no the hero with the broken power structure, who turned Superman into an Anti-Life Zombie by VIBRATING THROUGH HIS ULTRA DENSE BODY, and leaving his fingers inside (uh, GROSS!!, but oh so cool!) now in a REDEMPTION ARC???
Nope! I’m done.
As Pretty as Dale Eaglesham’s artwork is (and it is pretty), This is a MAD Fail for me.
Out of 5🌶        🌶🌶     (if I split the grading this would have a 4.5 for the Artwork… the layouts are imaginative and well done, and the speed scenes are fantastic! This is how the Flash should be done, as artwork)
As the sun starts to dip, and the street lights begin coming on, it’s time to call it a night.
At the end of the First Half of the Innings we have:
4 Home Runs
1 Triple ( a near miss, more for consistency of story and artwork… but points for Nemesis Kid and Major Force!)
1 Out (If I split it, it would have been a HR and a Side Retiring Art Fail)
And an Outright Side Retire
7 sets done, 15 more to do… We’ll start playing at Sunrise tomorrow, make a real day of it!
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
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2005 Chinese Grand Prix - Fernando Alonso(ft. Flavio Briatore)
#not pictured but: CRYING LAUGHING AT THE FACT THAT NANDO SET HIS OWN CAR ON FIRE BY REVVING FOR FUN TOO MUCH 😭😭#and the commentators saying 'well kids will be kids' abt it ^ im having a moment 🥺🥺🥺#not pictured: NANDO SINGING WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS ON THE RADIO 🥺🥺 I DIDNT REALIZE IT WAS FROM THIS RACE IM CRYINGNGGGG#all of the nando/flavio moments....if i speak-#theres just so many things i am staring intently at#SCREAMING CRYING THATS HIS BOY!!!! HIS BOYYYYY!!!!! LOOK AT THEM!!!!!!#im glad no one is around me when i watch race podiums bcs i make so many embarrassing squealing noises AHJDKFLFLLF#hate this podium(/s) bcs its peer-pressuring me into watching 2006 next...ahhhhh i might..#renault nando is just so....hes just sooooooo...he is my blorbo and i want more of him but ahhhh....#its really really so cute to imagine that zhou is somewhere at the racetrack watching nando win the wcc#apologies to ralf and kimi who are also on this podium but not pictured here but this is fernando's podiums theres too much good content#i hate to cut down these gif posts to 10 but then again i cant just post all 20 gifs i did make#speaking of gifs that didnt make it into this post theres one of him holding up '7' which will be included in a dif post!!#anyways im v sad that this journey is over but proud of myself for finishing it and posting all of these#tysm to everyone whos been here since round 1!! its been a lot of fun and i appreciate your support sm heheh#but worry not! the grind never stops! 2005 may be done but theres so many seasons i wanna watch#fernando alonso#fa14#2005 chinese gp#2005 chinese grand prix#renault nando#renault#flavio briatore#f1#formula 1#formula one#we do a little bit of f1#(2005: 19/19 races watched)#<- well that was satisfying to type out! :D
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