#<3 maeve trevelyan
niofo · 2 months
i put together the official version of idris' family tree (as in one that they didn't admit who's his actual father). under the cut some more info about the characters.
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1. bann rhiannon was assassinated by her own poisonmaster, who was later revealed to be a crow in disguise. it caused a lot of suspicion in the next bann, who refused to hire a poisonmaster and forced his family to learn about poisons themselves.
2. lucille is 92 and still running the summer balls. there are rumors that lucille is actually dead and replaced by a younger impostor, that she's dead and possessed by a demon, or that she's just an example of trevelyan longevity that would be more common occurrence if they stopped assassinating each other all the time. lucille is a grandmother to lady osher and philiam.
3. meredith was an heir to bann rhiannon and was absolutely not murdered by her younger brother in a hunting accident.
4. bann taliesin was so far the longest running bann trevelyan after he took that position at the ago 28 and lasted for 55 years. he was known for his piety and also incredibly shrewd and ruthless politics that made trevelyans one of the most influential families in ostwick.
5. lady milena cernis was descendant of ferelden immigrant (formerly: czernisz) fur traders who left their homeland after the beginning of orlesian occupation. for what they lacked in noble lineage they made up for in personal fortune and business sense, making it a attractive match for an established family like trevelyans.
6. griffith became a bann at the age of 52, finally succeeding his father. he is considered more straightforward and less ambitious, making the rumors that he managed to assassinate previous bann less likely.
7. alandra vael is an aunt of the current prince of starkhaven, sebastian, and was named after a renown seeker of truth. both families being very pious and chantry-aligned seemed like a perfect match for a side branch of vael, but with the death of alandra's older brother and his sons she became way closer to the throne than anticipated. with her mother-in-law's gold behind her she launched a campaign claiming that prince sebastian was devoted to the chantry and therefore unfit to rule - so far unsuccessful.
8. revered mother morwen received her position thanks to the generous support of parties decisively not related to the trevelyan family.
9. erin received a special permission to join the starkhaven branch of the templar order at the age 13, considered almost too old, but was given credit due to her family piety and excellent education. she reached the position of knight-captain at the age of 34.
10. idris was considered the family disgrace when he discovered his magic at 9, and later when he became senior enchanter specializing in necromancy at 35, and then yet again after joining the mage rebellion. to the outsider's ear it would seem like his worship holy lord inquisitor is an entirely unrelated trevelyan sibling.
11. to continue to strengthen his family's position bann taliesin arranged for a marriage of his grandson rhys and nevarran royal family of pentaghasts, deciding to overlook how mage-infested their ranks are in favor of the high status. rhys' spouse was first meant to be a daughter of recently disgraced member of the family, cassandra. unfortunately rhys was a victim of a tragic hunting accident and before suggesting that cassandra should marry his younger sister, she joined the seekers, which was considered a noble enough goal to let the slight go.
12. maeve was married to cassandra's cousin caspar, and to commemorate the close connection trevelyans had to both pentaghasts and the inquisition she named her daughter after her once almost-bethroded. as rumor goes, if she had a boy, she would name him inquisitor, implying that her uncle was never, in fact, referred to by name amongst the family.
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themournwatcher · 1 year
@fenharel-apologist94 asked the discord group what gift would give our Dragon Age OCs high approval bonus. Here is my mostly comprehensive list >;3
Mahanon Tabris - Pouch of Herbs; A fragrant bundle of herbs commonly used in Ferelden cooking, freshly picked.
Laurent Surana - Token of Favor; A finely embellished kerchief with roses embroidered around the hem.
Iveani Lavellan - Plush Furs; Warm furs from the south of Ferelden to help one stave off the chill while they sleep.
Naoise Cousland - Stray Arrows; Loose arrows plucked off of darkspawn corpses, able to be reused with poison from their blood.
Trystan Hawke - Needle and Thread; A spare sewing needle to patch up holes in clothes or thin blankets.
Jurian Amell - Storybook; A book of fairytales collected from all across Thedas, in one large leather-bound volume.
Arlan Trevelyan - Empty Lyrium Bottles; Perfect for replenishing with more lyrium—or shiny rocks you might find while traveling.
Nomaris Mahariel - Halla Toy; A toy deer carved out of wood and painted white; it almost resembles the Halla of the Dalish.
Maeve Hawke - Riding Boots; A proper lady would not be seen muddying up her fine dress shoes while riding horseback.
In’nan Lavellan- Fragment of Elvish; A fragmented stone with an old elvish inscription upon it, waiting to be translated.
Uhhh if someone else wants to make a tag game of this feel free :3
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owletbears · 4 months
hi hello, I'm heather! ⸻ bg3 enthusiast. rizzard admirer. oc lore buff. (no, seriously, tell me about your ocs)
posting baldur's gate 3 • dragon age • tes tracking #usertogepies
[main blog - my art - my gifs - secondary ocs]
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nimue hawklin • paladin • noble • ♡ gale [main tag ◦ ship tag ◦ inspo]
elith everwood • bard • entertainer • ♡ astarion [main tag ◦ ship tag ◦ inspo]
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*these tags & links are under construction*
world states the tower ◦ the star ♜ THE TOWER ⤵ perrin amell • arcane warrior / blood mage • ♡ zevran [main tag ◦ inspo]
mallory hawke • spirit healer / force mage • ♡ sebastian➞anders [main tag ◦ inspo]
danyla lavellan • necromancer • ♡ solas [main tag ◦ inspo]
★ THE STAR ⤵ eralen mahariel • ranger / bard • ♡ merril [main tag ◦ inspo]
maeve trevelyan • rift mage • ♡ blackwall [main tag ◦ inspo]
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msommers · 3 years
🍁 for the dragon age kiddos, which kind of demon would they least like to come face to face with?
it took me forever to get to these because of limited braincells but here we are! thank you!!! xoxo // send 🍁 + any question you’ve been curious to know about my muse!
MEREDITH — i think she would be Quite unsettled by an envy demon. meredith is excellent at reading people and using what she discovers to predict or influence them and she takes great pride in those skills, and i think she would find it disturbing to have that lens turned on her by a demon that wants to study her not for deductive reasons but for the goal of emulating and eventually becoming her. the thought of a demon presenting her with both memories and entirely fabricated scenarios just to learn how she reacts to and feels about them?? HARD pass on that one, chief. 
MILA — funnily enough i think a desire demon would be mila’s most feared demon. she’s gotten a handle on many of her emotions and had time to work through a lot of the issues/memories that would eat at her, but i don’t think she’d ever be able to prepare herself for the scenarios a desire demon could throw at her when it comes to family. being separated from her child and losing his father, being trapped in the tower for so very many long years, finding a family and home with the warden gang but knowing it will never last because of the taint slowly poisoning them—they’re things that often cause her sorrow, and though she’s able to keep that relatively hidden from others a desire demon would fuckin’ destroy her by conjuring up picture perfect scenes of a happier and softer life that she occasionally longs for.
JAIME — fear demon! big time!! beyond the anger he feels for the life he and other mages were stuck in for so long, he was also deathly scared of the punishments that could come from acting out too much and a fear demon could easily go running with that. the beatings, the dungeons, the threats (and occasional follow-ups he had to see) of the rite of tranquility, the horror stories that they tried to drill into his head about how mages were [somehow] treated worse outside of the circle, etc etc. he’s more soft than he is tough and the poor boy was spooked any time he read about such demons.
GREER — rage :’) not because she’d be scared of what it’d show her, but because she’d be worried that it could actually Get to her. she has been filled with an anger that has grown and grown since the day the templars came for her, by the time she was given the role of leaders of the libertarian's in the keep that anger was fury. a constant simmering rage just waiting to be let loose when given opportunity and it’s something she continues to struggle with even after the “end” of the mage-templar war tbh.
JORINA — oh boy, i think a fear demon would throw jorina off her game for numerous days after an encounter. knowing that it can take the form of things that terrify people, it’d have a hayday with throwing illusions of darkspawn and howe’s men at her from the memories she has of the alienage during the blight. add on top that the way that it can play on her anxieties over chaos and disarray with all kinds of scenarios, oof. she’s gonna file this demon information under “things i’d rather die than encounter” fam
BONUS AU MAEVE FOR FUN :) — the joking answer is desire (the longing to be free, to have love and family and security and maybe a little bit of power), but honestly keep despair demons the Fuck away from her. maeve is love and hope manifested into a 5ft lady with curves made to store the weight of it all, she’d be terrified of a demon that’s the embodiment of complete loss of hope and feeds off of “nightmares tearing away the foundations of self and purpose” no fuckn thanks get OUTTA here
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lethendralis-paints · 4 years
Commissions Schedule (May 2020)
As of now, all the slots are filled. Thank you to all of you for reaching out!
If we were discussing a possible commission but you don’t see yourself here, message me and I’ll add you to the list. It’s usually me, who is a dummy with a cheese grater for a brain, so no worries!
(one of you inquired about a painted portrait, but I don’t remember receiving an email conformation. If you’re still up for it, email me!)
1) Rogue Maeve for @ranawaytothedas
1) Inquisitor Trevelyan for Em.K.
3) Dwarf Inquisitor Maria for A. M.
4) Maxwell Trevelyan for @melaena
5) Custom human Inquisitor for @jennserr
6) Maeve and Raven for Cas
7) Fire Genasi DnD char for @midnightprelude​
8) ???
Multas gratias, amicis mei!
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ranawaytothedas · 5 years
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Okay, original plans were to try and write a one-shot for this commission i got from the super talented @for-lovely-things but alas I just don’t have time this week to write and I didn’t want to hold back on this amazing @ockissweek inspired art (i have been sitting on this for days now). 
I really loved working with @for-lovely-things she captured the silly side of Maeve and Alistair’s relationship sooo well. I just can’t with the cuteness.
I do promise the one-shot that goes with this is started I just have not had the time this week to devote to getting it finished! Hopefully over the weekend <3
**Maeve is not a Trevelyan, please refrain from tagging her as such, if you want to know more about Maeve please visit my blog and take a peek at her OC profile**
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gugle1980 · 6 years
3 Things OC Meme
I got tagged by @serafinetheangel ,  to write three things I think of when I think of my OCs :)
Anya Trevelyan: cinnamon, winter, soft
Alexander Trevelyan: fun , charming, gentle
Armin Lavellan: forest, sword, hunter
Kara Maeve Trevelyan:  rogue, trouble, badass
Irene Hawke: Smile, patience, wine
Deniz Hawke: daggers, compassion, dogs
Lyra Cousland: Hair, stubborn, roses
Kyra Cousland: Shy, tears, loyalty
Neven Tabris: duty, pain,  death :(
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servantofclio · 6 years
OC rivals #3, 6, 10, 11, 16, 21, 22?
3. Most humble VS Most arrogant. Most humble: Aderyn Hawke, who mostly doesn’t think she’s anything special at all and just stumbles into fixing problems. Most arrogant: Coran Aeducan, who is a privileged little git and never had a day’s misfortune before his brother turned on him.
6. Most serious VS Silliest. Most serious: likely also Aderyn, who takes her responsibilities and her magic fairly seriously (yes, I know, a serious Hawke, who would have thought it). Silliest: ... huh. This is apparently not a trait I highlight in OCs. I’d have to say maybe Lexa Vakarian, but that’s partly because I wrote her as a kid.
(the above also requested by @bigassmagnet, thank you both!)
10. Biggest eater VS Lightest eater. Biggst eater: Val Shepard, see also biotics’ canonically high metabolism. Lightest eater: Maeve Surana is small and slight and tends to forget to eat when she’s absorbed in something interesting.
I did 11 previously!
16. Most secretive VS Most open. Most secretive: Hm, I have a lot of characters that I think can hold on to secrets. Probably Maeve, again, who actively seeks out ancient lore and then frequently holds onto it because she doesn’t trust other people with it. Most open: Uhhhmmm, Simon Trevelyan is pretty open, though with a few exceptions.
I guess I like my characters to have secrets?
21. Most religious VS Most atheistic. Most religious: Nim Amell, significantly because of her closeness with Leliana. Most atheistic: I don’t think I have any Shepards who are believers.
22. Biggest reader VS Hasn’t touched a book in 3 years. Biggest reader: Maeve and Nim fight it out for control of the library. Hasn’t touched a book: Simon does not read a lot for pleasure as he finds reading slow and difficult.
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klc-journei · 7 years
I was tagged by @lafaiette​ <3 for this, which was based off this Dragon Age Zodiac post. But because it’s me, I did my three favorites, instead of doing just my Maeve.
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Maeve Trevelyan - Born 14th of Frostfall || Dragon 9:13
Satinalis: 23rd Harvestmere – 21st Firstfall Affectionate, curious, adaptable, expressive, quick-witted. Sociable and communicative, fascinated by the world and desiring new experiences. Creative and musical. Inquisitive and fun-loving, but can be indecisive or inconsistent.
Wow. Pretty good OP. 
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Kaaras Adaar - 3rd of Harvestmere
Toth: 23rd Kingsway – Born 22nd Harvestmere || Dragon 9:11 Loyal, kind, hardworking, practical, methodical. Pays close attention to detail, conservative and organised. A creator. Desire to serve and please others. Can become overly critical, anxious, or prioritise their work to an unhealthy degree.
Again, OP coming in for a second accurate blow.
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Brandan Trevelyan - 19th of Cloudreach || Dragon 9:09
Eluvia: 21st Drakonis – 19th Cloudreach
Artistic, intuitive, gentle, wise. Willing to help others without promise of return. Empathetic, faithful, and caring. Known for being extremely tolerant. Introverted and quiet. Can become isolated or martyr themselves for others.
LOLOL my Brandy’s not quite up to task along the description of being “artistic” or “introverted and quiet”, but he does key into the other traits listed. He can be just as tolerant as he is rambunctious lol
But 2/3 OP I’m still game. Good work. 
Tagging @picchar, @siriusdraws, @blue-starr-in-the-sky-port, @xfreischutz bc holy cow I’d tag more but it’s almost 1am??
Feel free to also tag me if you decide to do this, you know I’m game for reading about other Inquisitors/ Wardens/ Champions.
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msommers · 3 years
maeve and greer!!
oooh, thank you!! // send me an OC + an alternate love interest for them!
well first of all the sex would be fire, let's get that outta the way. maeve loves to take the reins and spoil her partners in bed because it’s one of her favorite ways to express affection and help them relax when stress is high, which are things that greer desperately needs at times and would be hella grateful for. she gets to have a pretty lady tell her what to do And shower her with sweet words and pleasure?? no downside to be seen here. they’re both open with communicating what they enjoy and what they’d be comfortable exploring, they’d simply be very compatible in this department.
outside of the nasty and the fact they'd firmly have their feet set in the Mage Rights camp in thedas, these two are both filled with great passion that they’d recognize and admire in each other. maeve’s gentleness and empathy would be a great balance for greer’s bluntness and the occasions that her anger cause her to overlook the effects suffering has had on people, where she’d on instinct like to respond with aggressive action but could do with a calmer voice reminding her that not all people require immediate vengeance and in fact need some time to process what has happened. 
i think the biggest con to these two together would be that sometimes they truly do just throw all planning to the side and rush on in, which is bad enough on its own but add in the factor that greer is somebody who struggles to fully accept responsibility for her recklessness and maeve’s ready to apologize the moment after she’s fucked up. many tense moments to be found in that lmfao. i also think maeve might get hurt by greer’s words sometimes, her patience and understanding has limits and sometimes she doesn’t have it in her to excuse away the abrasive nature of greer’s comments. i don’t think any of them are made to be cruel intentionally (unless she’s desperate to have maeve at a distance because she’s specifically trying to dig into a topic greer would like to avoid), but it still hurts so what can you do. 
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ranawaytothedas · 5 years
just a nit-picky little thing
Hey, first off totally appreciate like reblogs of my OC’s things... it makes my soul happy that people like them but here is a little *tiny* nit-picky thing... about my bean of beans... because as you know I love her dearly..
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Maeve is NOT a Trevelyan... like for the purpose of actual gameplay I am forced to have her be called such horrible things... but Maeve is A Witch of the Wilds... she is Morrigan’s sister and one of Flemeth’s daughters... 
I purposefully do not tag her stuff Cullen/Treavelyn because Maeve is not that...as far as I can tell she is a fairly unique OC at least of the active OCs on tumblr and I am kinda proud of that. 
So please, reblog the hell out of Maeve’s stuff but please don’t tag her as a Trevelyan... she is her own unique little self... and the Witch of the Frostbacks.
Thanks! Love you all <3 
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gugle1980 · 7 years
10 OTPs
I was tagged by @amarmeme , thank you lovely! 😚
1. Anya ( I have several versions of Anya) x Cullen Rutherford (Dragon Age)
2. Alexander Trevelyan x Cassandra Pentaghast (Dragon Age)
3. Kara Maeve Trevelyan x Knight Captain Rylen (Dragon Age)
4. Hawke x Fenris (Dragon Age)
5.warden x Alistair Theirin in (Dragon Age)
6. Warden x Zevran Arainai (Dragon Age)
7. Kili x Tauriel (The Hobbit)
8. Casandra Pentaghast x Varric Tethras (Dragon Age)
9. Bethany Hawke x Varric Tethras (Dragon Age)
10. MGIT (modern girl in Thedas) x Cullen Rutherford
I tag : @sassylavellen @princessvicky01 @machatnoir @laraslandlockedblues @uriellactaea @xnolights @kierarutherford @annorarutherford @kagetsukai @shannaraisles @bearly-tolerable @ladydracarysao3
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gugle1980 · 7 years
8 oc facts
1. Post the rules
2. Post 8 facts about your character
3. Tag 8 characters and their creators
4. Tag backs are fine
Kara Maeve Trevelyan
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1. Kara Maeve was born to a servant in house Trevelyan in Ostwick. When she was 18 she accidentally heard a conversation between her mother and Bann Trevelyan and found out that she was his daughter and she was a result of one night affair.Her mother begged her to keep it secret. So she did, until her half brother Alexander Trevelyan also found out that she was his sister and told the rest of the family. He tried to make everyone to accept her as one of the family.
2. Kara Maeve was trained as a rogue since she was 13 years old. At age of 20 she was one of the most highly recommend assassins in Free Marches. She's very skilled in a fight with two daggers and also a crossbow.
3. Kara Maeve is very good friend with Zevran Arainai. She was hired by the Antivan Crows to kill him, of course 😊. But she changed her mind after talking to him. He told her that he was the companion to the HOF, who she admired deeply. Zevran supported Kara Maeve in her decision to join the Inquisition and the continued to meet each other ones in a while.
4. After she found out that her half brother Alexander is the Herald of Andraste, she decided to help him and join the inquisition. She joined him in Crestwood in the battle over Caer Bronach and joined the inquisition formally in the battle in Adamant. After the battle she was assigned as a lieutenant and second in command to Rylen in Griffon Wing.
5. Kara Maeve was seriously wounded by a Vargest, while protecting a group of recruits that arrived to the Western Approach. She was out of conscious for couple of days, and that is when Rylen told her how he feels about her. She didn't believe him))
6. Kara Maeve is obsessed with Rylens hair. Even before they were in relationship, she used to steal his helmet, just to mess with his hair and play with it 😂. He didn't mind, because this is the closest he could be to her for some time 😊
7. Kara Maeve rejected Rylen for almost a year. She couldn't believe that he cares about her, and denied her own feelings for him for a long time. Finally she gave up when they got drunk together, they were talking and joking, and she accidentally said "that is why I love you Rylen" . Rylen even shed a tear or two..... It ended up with lots of kisses.
8. Kara Maeve was fighting with Alexander in the final battle against Corypheus. Rylen disapproved 😂
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gugle1980 · 6 years
Why is Kara-Maeve Trevelyan problematic?
She's very stubborn and very reckless, she tried to take over 3 Vargests by herself and got seriously injured.
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gugle1980 · 7 years
10 songs for your OC’s
I got tagged by @star--nymph, thanks hon!
Rules: Post 10 songs you associate with the OC (s) of your choice, tag some people! Linking the song is up to you!
Alexander Trevelyan
1. Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger
It's the eye of the tiger It's the thrill of the fight Rising up to the challenge of our rival And the last known survivor Stalks his prey in the night And he's watching us all with the eye of the tiger 
2. Savage Garden - Truly Madly Deeply
I'll be your dream I'll be your wish I'll be your fantasy I'll be your hope I'll be your love Be everything that you need I'll love you more with every breath Truly, madly, deeply do I will be strong I will be faithful 'cause I'm counting on A new beginning A reason for living A deeper meaning, yeah
Anya Trevelyan
3. Mariah Carey - Hero
And then a hero comes along With the strength to carry on And you cast your fears aside And you know you can survive So when you feel like hope is gone Look inside you and be strong And you'll finally see the truth That a hero lies in you
4. LADY IN RED - Chris De Burgh
The lady in red is dancing with me, cheek to cheek, There's nobody here, it's just you and me, It's where I want to be, But I hardly know this beauty by my side, I'll never forget the way you look tonight;
Kara Maeve Trevelyan
5.  Bon Jovi - It's My Life
It's my life And it's now or never 'Cause I ain't gonna live forever I just want to live while I'm alive (It's my life) My heart is like an open highway Like Frankie said I did it my way I just want to live while I'm alive
6. Katy Perry - Roar
I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fire 'Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me roar Louder, louder than a lion 'Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me roar
Armin Lavellan
7. Steppenwolf - Born To Be Wild
Like a true nature's child We were born, born to be wild We can climb so high I never wanna die Born to be wild
8. Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit
With the lights out, it's less dangerous Here we are now, entertain us I feel stupid and contagious Here we are now, entertain us A mulatto An albino A mosquito My libido
Irene Hawke
9.Guns N' Roses - Live And Let Die
When you were young and your heart was an open book You used to say live and let live you know you did you know you did you know you did But if this ever changing world in which we live in Makes you give in and cry Say live and let die Live and let die
Neven Tabris
10. Guns N Roses - Knocking On Heaven's Door
Mama take this badge from me I can't use it anymore It's getting dark too dark to see Feels like I'm knockin' on heaven's door
I tag: @amarmeme @alpheratz1 @princessvicky01 @sewluscious @stregatadallostregatto @windysuspirations @eeksquee @cuckoo-outlawoflove-in-nirvana @novamm66 @kierarutherford @ladynorbert @sayurinitta @kagetsukai @quizzikemen @fadedforyou
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ranawaytothedas · 5 years
My favorite Inkies
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“The Twins” aka The Twinquistion - Mathras and Tamaris Lavellan - The only HC World State where two of my inkies exist at the same time... Mathras is my most recent playthrough and my first male. He is a rouge and thief and he’ll tempt your fate *raises eyebrow* no really he is Rouge and he kinda snarky and sarcastic, flirts with EVERYONE... but really only into Dorian. He is going to romance Dorian. Tamaris is one of my hands down, favorite, Lavellans. She obviously romances Solas and is mage... but she is sweet, kind and wants to fix all the things (most of all the egg...). For reference... Mathras and Solas... not buddy buddy... Mathras wants to crush the egg for hurting his sister. *I am working on FF featuring them* 
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Maeve - Oh sweet Maeve... who I went way overboard with her plotting and backstory. She is a human mage... obviously... but when I made her I was taking a deep dive into Flemeth, Mythal...and The Daughters of Flemeth.... can you guess what I did? Well I HC that she is Morrigan’s little sister... who ran away to follow her sister as child during the events of the 5th Blight. Thus making her one of Flemeth’s daughters... which is way more fun for me to RP than the vanilla Trevelyan backstory. She romances Cullen, which honestly works so well for my little story with her... *I am working on some oneshots and such for her as well...maybe a full story IDK* 
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Nyx - This is actually... basically my first Inkie... I have rerolled her 3 times and each time I just adore her more and more. She is probably the most me of all my inkies, which actually has caused her to not have nearly as many friends as my other inkies. She has her very specific view of the world and she unwavering in the fact that the mages need to be free. In spite of that she is rather good friends with Sera and Bull, probably because I chose Sarcasm quite often with her... She is Solavellan... but in one playthrough I did have her romance Cullen... which was sweet but her personality fits WAY more with Solas. I plan on eventually playing DA4 for the first time with her particular world state (even though I have far better ones now) just because I am that attached to her and want to see her come back like Hawke. *I am not sure if I will actually write for her, because she is basically me and while I enjoy writing a good self-insert fic, I am trying to push myself a bit more with my writing... though I am so not ruling out anything.*
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