#> uta headcanon
eyes-like-obsidian · 1 year
DASH GAMES | what does your muse…
What does your muse smell like? // Uta spends a lot of time outside and especially loves to spend her time in the meadow with flowers. That's why she always has a light floral and sweet earthy scent that is pleasantly reminiscent of summer rain.
What does your muse's hands feel like? // Small and gentle and a bit rough in some places from all the work she has done to survive since she was a child.
What does your muse usually eat in a day? // Lots of vegetables that she has planted in her garden and from which she cooks delicious dishes and always lots of rice to fill her up.
Does your muse have a good singing voice? // Yes she does. Uta's name means song. She loves to hum and sing songs while she works around the house or is gardening.
Does your muse have any bad habits or nervous ticks? // Does talking a lot count? Uta loves to talk its usually not her nervous tick. But if she gets nervous than she talks faster than usual and blushes and also starts to talk non-sense.
What does your muse usually look like/wear? // As a kid she wears an orange-colored kimono with a dark green geometric design,  pink flowers patterned in between, over which a white apron was tied  from her waist down. She also sported a wrap of white cloth around the  crown of her head. Her appearance as an adult was similar, the only notable  difference being that her hair is now almost waist-length and that her apron had been switched for a length of cloth that she tied around her waist in place of an obi.
Is your muse affectionate? How so? // Her love language is touch. You can see it clearly as she always holds her husband hands. And if Uta trust someone she would be not shy to shower them in affection as for cooking for them or do other things. But the most obvious one is to touch someon.
What position does your muse sleep in? // Uta tends to sleep on her side, always in the direction where she can see her loved ones. She doesn't move much, unless she has a nightmare, then she is turning from left to right, murmuring things.
Could you hear your muse in the hallway from another room? // Yes. Sometimes you can hear her talking loudly and laughing and sometimes you hear her humming or singing her favorite tune.
Tagged by the wonderfull @uppermoonkokun <3
Tagging: @sunsblaze @koyuki-the-flower @swordsxandxsakuras @fallesto @ask-demon-senjuro @shinjuro-rengoku-ask @whirling-fangs @takktohomura @nakimex @askaizetsu @sncwhashira @paintoreos @akaza-dono-the-basketball @yoriichitsugikuni-hinokamikagura  @the-muzansama @ask-icedouma @ask-spider-mother-kny @multifacetmuses @ofmistnmoons @shlnlgamls @myflutterwonder @rui-ayaki-lower5 @chibi-yoriichi @myfrillspaythebills @ask-aoi-kanzaki @askobanaiguro @tsukkiakarii @askaigaku
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fluetytooty · 4 months
🏒one piece/zosan hockey au (part 6)🏒
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- these two are coaches for Starwhats team
- they are kinda sorta divorced…
- no one in the team knows they were married
- and when they found out, oh boy, Mihawk was furious he didn’t want to talk about it and didn’t answer any questions
- Shanks on the other hand LOVES talking about Dracule and their years together
- so every time when anyone from the team or staff asks him about it he won’t shut up
- (ok let me tell you how they met)
- they met during one of the games, their teams were opponents, Shanks immediately noticed a very mysterious looking guy on the other side of the court
- and he never before had so much trouble concentrating during the game
- at one moment the crushed into each other (Shanks crushed into Mihawk)
- and everything stopped…
- and here they are, Mihawk laying on the ice and Shanks on top of him SMILING AND BLUSHING
- “sorry, pretty, wanna get a drink after this game?” “no?…” “come on, we’ll have nice wine and dinner😩” “alright. but i’ll choose the wine.”
- and next playing season they are married and kissing during games and filling documents for adoption
- they have two daughters, Uta and Perona, they are at high school rn
- Uta lives with Shanks and Perona with Mihawk
- but they go to same high school (that means they live pretty close)
- Mishanks are good dads!!
- always attend parents meetings and know everything about girls
- it is confusing why they divorced, i’m not sure they know it themselves
- but they still act like old married couple
- always have presents for each other’s birthdays (it helps that their bdays at the same day), have meals at least once a week with daughters, go on family holidays together, sometimes spend weekends together (movie nights with girls and often stay at each other’s houses afterwards)
- one time Luffy and Usopp found photos of them kissing on the internet and asked camera man to film them during kiss cam
- they didn’t notice it at first, but when they did…
- Shanks was ready to make out with Mihawk in from of whole stadium
⬇️previous parts⬇️
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
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liannelara-dracula · 4 months
😍what do they love about their gf? With yomo and uta pretty please when you have time
Hi Love,
Thanks for asking this.
Requests are open
What they love about their GF
Your smile, even if it's just a small one.
Your courage to stay with him no matter how many things happen and no matter how much he's changed.
If you have a talent for writing like poetry.
When you think of him by saying something that he once told you.
The fact that he is able to be vulnerable with you.
Your independence
Your patience, even with every risk he was taking she was right by him.
Your own quirks and ability to have a sense of humor.
How you scrunch your nose as him when you guys are making funny faces at each other.
How you finish his sentences.
Your love and care for others.
Your kindness whether you choose to admit it or not.
How sweet you are even if he is brash.
The small curses under your breath
loves your mysteriousness
If you can fight.
How you can stand your ground.
Your love for exploring
Being open-minded and willing to try new things.
Figuring things out with him and going step by step. He loves that.
He loves it when you both work together.
Ren likes how you can tell what he is thinking.
Loves that you have a passion for what you love and that you are willing to share even if he is so quiet.
Loves that you are calm and not hyperactive.
Your artistic license whether that be in the form of music, or art he loves it.
Your colorful vocabulary and humor.
The fact that you are willing to listen to his dumb ideas. And that you engage in his silly behavior
How he can causally talk to you about his thoughts, philosophy, art, films, or even sex.
That you both can say the same word or phrase at the exact same time.
Your attitude and eye roll. He just loves that you are playful.
Your sensitivity and love for those close to you.
The very sound of your voice sends a rush to him.
He loves it when you hum.
Your scent
Your surprised facial expressions.
Your gentleness with everything.
The softness of your hair
Your forgiveness
How you protect those you love
The way you nurture anything that needs help.
The way you giggle or anything else he likes that very feminine or girly.
Loves that he can bring out the girl in you (idk how to explain that, he's literally a red flag)
Takizawa (ghoul):
Your introverted ness but how you up with him
How you brighten his day with your playful personality
That you are selfless and put others first
Your honesty with him
That you are stubborn
Loves that you are silly even if it doesn't seem like it.
Loves how soft you are with him and no one else.
That you are always willing to hear him out.
After a fight, you check up on him even after apologizing.
˗ˏˋ 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ˎˊ˗ ©𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔~Present
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desisailormoon · 5 months
Eid Mubarak everyone! Some Tokyo Ghoul Halalverse headcanons for the day and some for this month! A lot of these are courtesy of @backgroundcharacterno7 <3
Haise spends his Eid morning stress cooking he forgets to read his verses at least bc he couldn’t go to Eid prayer. If henna is involved Saiko is smudging that shit to play Project Diva on her PSP. Mutsuki is helping Haise in the kitchen to manage the stress and has a hard dysphoria day going to the masjid. Urie would try to work out extra hard after sehri/suhoor and passes out.
Furuta is banned from the masjid because he keeps shouting “I HAVE A BOMB”, sister Rize is nowhere to be found because he cannot lower his gaze.
Hysy Artmask Studio makes bank on chaandrat because he’s doing everyone’s mehendi. Itori reveals a little more skin the more the next Muslim dudebro asks her to wear the hijab.
Eto probably didn’t even bother to celebrate because she’s like “I didn’t even fast all month” but gets push from Hinami and maybe Naki. Naki is still trying to recite Surahs as we speak. It’s going just as well as you think.
Kimi is fighting the WhatsApp aunties all Ramadan, Nishiki keeps trying to lecture Touka about the hijab only to get strangled with one. Hinami and Touka are the ones that have to take care of all the kids on Eid, and at least gets them candy or coffee in smaller doses.
Ayato tried to sit around food throughout his fasts to prove how much of a tough guy he is.
Juuzou goes to Eid prayer and parties for food, Hanbee has to watch him before someone tries to tell Juuzou to move to the ladies section and about how permissible his stitches are. Hanbee is also left to single parent on Eid.
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tg-headcanons · 7 months
I am an Uta dick piercing truther. This is not a headcanon, this is correct
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emeraldtart · 7 months
Shanks visits Buggy and the Cross Guild because they happen to meet. Also because he wants to see the two grandkids (Hawk and Croc) that they apparently have now.
Mihawk punched a tower of bumps onto Shanks' head when he tried to give the two alcohol.
Aside from that, the Seraphims adore him. He's very fun to be around.
Shanks learn that Buggy taught the Seraphims to sing and asks Croc what other songs they knew. Hawks was with Zoro to buy groceries and making sure his adoptive father didn't get lost.
And the mini-dile happily sings a song that made Shanks' heart drop.
Spoilers for One Piece: Film Red
It was the last song Uta sang.
Shanks asks where he heard it from.
A nice lady with red and white hair taught it to him. And asked that if he meets Shanks to say that she is at peace now.
And to thank him for loving her until the very end.
In the town, Zoro and Hawk heard a familiar voice singing as the wind blows by.
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captain-astors · 1 year
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For anon.
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youknowwhoiamassbutt · 8 months
A few Uta family headcanons
#1 Growing up, Roger taught Shanks to sing to regulate his emotions. Physical activity never worked for him, only riling him up more or making him cry. Talking about his feelings got overwhelming for the crew, because Shanks could talk for hours, going around in circles, saying the exact same thing five times in different ways. And alcohol was a terrible solution, even if the most common for pirates. So Roger encouraged Shanks to sing any time he felt overwhelming emotions. Shanks was never an amazing singer, but he could keep a tune and he enjoyed it. It became well-known amongst his crews that if a tune could be heard, it was most likely Shanks humming.
This was something Shanks passed on to Uta. Uta was a much better singer, and her love for music went much deeper than just her memories with her dad, but it was definitely a contributing factor. Anytime she found Shanks humming to himself or singing quietly in an empty corner of the ship, she would join in, making it a shared activity. She felt close to Shanks when they'd sing together, and he felt close to her.
Buggy was a fan of Uta's. When he saw her on tv, Luffy rudely disclosing her lineage, he was mad at first, mad that Shanks had a child Buggy didn't know about, mad that Shanks had forced his way into his life in yet another way, mad that something he had grown to love was associated with Shanks in any way; but a part of him was happy to see Shank's love for singing had passed on, especially to a better singer.
#2 Buggy adores Uta. She's perfectly balanced between Shank's endless love and compassion and Buggy's hyper-reactivity and showmanship, and of course, she shares both of their drives. If Buggy and Shanks had created a child in a lab together, Uta would have been the result. Everything Shanks in her is what Buggy adores, and everything Buggy in her is what Shanks adores.
#3 Uta grew up hearing bedtime stories that Shanks would tell her about him and Buggy. He would create fictional love stories to tell her about his lost love. A few examples being: the sun and the moon, a fox and a raccoon, a king and his jester, red and blue dragons, and an ember and snowflake. When she got older, she pieced things together, realizing that Shanks wasn't just telling her made-up stories, but instead explaining his life in contexts that a child could understand. When she finally met Buggy she immediately recognized him from Shanks's stories.
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dontshutupplease · 7 months
I don't know If there was such discussion before, so I will begin it myself anyways. It's a tough topic (at least for me to consider alone) but I am certain some of y'all would be eager to tell your speculations or headcanons. Or tell me that I did not read Tokyo Ghoul carefully lmao (I read it years ago and focused mostly on my favourite characters pqifhiuqehf)
What do you think about the very first kill that a ghoul does? What I mean is - do you believe they twist something in their sanity with doing so? How does it work for them, taking for an example Nishiki who as a child felt absolutely bad for feasting on a human and now he is pretty much fine with it. Or Tsukiyama, he also held some sort of guilt, yet in his adulthood we see him fooling people into to the restaurant where the scrapper plays with their life - for gourmets entertainment. Still, those two can show humanity and empathy. And there's also Ikuma! A ghoul raised by a human, never killed anyone and doesn't want to.
How much each kill influence the mind of a ghoul - a literal born predator? Where does the term "psycho" starts with one and how different is it from a human perspective, because they are also predators, yet they don't feast on kind that seems so similiar. How much social exclusion of them has to do with it?
I would love you to share some of your ideas for each character and their first kill, how did it go and all :D Thank you for your attention <3
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utaprifordays · 3 months
😶‍🌫️Can we start off strong with some NSFW Ren? Dealer's choice.
ᴍᴡᴀʜᴀᴀʜᴀʜ ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ!
-⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ -
ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀʟ ʀᴇɴ sᴍᴜᴛ ʜᴄs!
Corruption kink? Corruption kink...
Seeing someone so innocent succumb to his sinful desires... it's almost too much! Not too much for him to stop, though.
Dresses you up in white lingerie. Says it's a purity thing, but why is there a cutout right there?! He'd laugh and peck your cheek.
I can totally see Ren playing coy when he's teasing you. An 'accidental' brush of his hand over your thigh, a lingering stare at your chest, it's all chance? Yeah, right.
After a long day at work, Ren offered to give you a massage. Your lover's hands worked away all of the tight muscles and knots right out of your body. It was so effective, you joked about him having a side hustle as a massage therapist.
"I'd have lines going out of the parlor. Not just because of my skill, but this handsome face." Ren purred. Before you could turn and bop him, the idol resumed his massage.
Once he made sure your soreness was thoroughly taken care of, now came phase two. You could have sworn his hands didn't reach this low before... applying pressure right where your thighs met your ass. Ren hummed a tune, keeping the same nonchalant composure he started with. You couldn't help but gasp as his thumbs pressed in deeper, almost meeting your most sensitive parts.
"Aah.. Ren.. what tension is this supposed to release?" You breathed out as he repeated this intrusive massage once more.
Laying face down, you couldn't see the smirk on his lips. "Hm? You feel tension there?" Naughty, little lamb. He whispered under his breath.
(Let me know if you'd like this continued in a full fic!)
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eyes-like-obsidian · 1 year
HC: Since Uta is the japanese word of song I do believe that Uta has a lovely voice and can sing .
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suvidrache · 2 years
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 1,142 / Read it on AO3 / Wattpad
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When Uta wasn't painting or making masks, he would be taking you to various places in Tokyo.
Today, he sat at the desk in his studio, scrolling through the cell phone you had bought him.
He had no reason to buy or use a cellphone, so he never had one until you showed him yours. He loved the bright colors your phone had - you got him his own and taught him how to use it.
Many of the ghouls used landlines, payphones, and sometimes even flip phones when necessary as a means of contact.
The phone you had bought him was a standard for your time, a touchscreen.
He soon grew bored with the little interaction it had provided him. He turned it off as he sat up, each vertebra in his back cracking as he leaned back slightly. He raised his arms, stretching, before rubbing his eyes and rolling his head around.
He stood up and turned around. He walked out of his office and closed the door behind him. He waited, listening for any sounds that you made, but there were none. He breathed in. Your scent was faint - you had left.
But where to?
He walked up the stairs and looked around the bedroom. Nothing.
Your scent had been stronger downstairs.
He walked back downstairs, grabbed his sunglasses, and took the elevator to get to the floor that opened up to the outside world.
He looked around, seeing nothing but the other ghouls and smelling the occasional human that walked by.
He removed his glasses to look around quickly before putting them back on.
Again, nothing. He couldn't track your scent, not when it was so easily mixed in with everyone else's.
He sighed as he went back inside and sat down on the couch.
He didn't want you to be alone in the world. It wasn't safe. He wanted to go back up to his studio, where he knew it was the safest spot.
It was still daylight out, though. You should be just fine. You're an adult.
But what if you're not fine? What if something had happened? You were a human. It wasn't a safe world out there all alone.
"They'll be alright," he said to himself as he laid his head back on the couch and stretched his arms out.
He breathed in and out slowly. You would be just fine, at least until sunset - that is when the real danger appeared.
Lurking during the day, waiting for a naïve and dumb human to make such a careless and stupid mistake. How trusting and kind they were.
Uta's eyes slowly closed as he drifted off to take a short and quick nap. Listening very carefully to your footsteps, waking whenever someone had come closer to him, lifting his head as proof, he truly was awake.
The setting sun's orange rays lit up the inside of the building. Uta stepped outside, breathing out slowly, knowing you were out there somewhere, and he would have to hunt you down, but not knowing where to start first.
He breathed in. Your scent was fresh. So fresh, he had just missed you. How could that be?
He turned around so quickly that the person behind him had no time to react. He apologized as he put a hand on them and gently moved them out of his way.
You held your arms to your chest, making 'shh' noises at your chest as you walked into the building. You had snuck out of the building to bring something home and surprise Uta. Ordinarily, you would have told him where you were going, but this time, you didn't.
You knew he would be upset with your sudden disappearance, but maybe your surprise would be good enough for him to not be upset.
You stepped onto the elevator and pressed the four.
You waited, another man joined you, and when it was your stop, you got off.
You walked into the HySy ArtMask Studio and went straight to Uta's office. It was empty.
Your breath caught in your throat. He had been there when you left, and now he wasn't.
You breathed in, it's ok, he couldn't have left.
You walked up the stairs and looked to the right. If Uta wasn't in his office, he would be on the right painting. He wasn't there.
You sat down on the bed and placed the creature on the bed next to you, giving it gentle pets as it mewed.
Uta threw open the door to the building, not really caring if it got damaged or not.
He breathed in your scent, and something else.
He ran to the elevator. It was taking far too long to get to his floor.
He took the stairwell beside the elevator, and by the time he had opened the door and made it to the fourth floor, the elevator dinged as the doors opened up, waiting for its next passenger.
Uta opened up the door to the store, and you raced down to him.
Your foot had just reached the bottom step when Uta stood in front of you.
He gently took your face in his hands and turned your head to look at him.
You smiled happily as he asked where you had been.
"I have a surprise for you."
His face was emotionless. "What is it?"
"Come on, I'll show you!" You replied, as you took one of his hands in and led him up the stairs.
He breathed in, attempting to 'peek' at the surprise. He got a smell, but wasn't quite sure what it was.
"You know, you scared me when you left suddenly."
"I'm fine and I think this surprise will make up for it!"
You said, smiling at him as you stood next to him.
He looked at you. "Where is it?"
"On the bed."
He looked over at it as the creature made another meow.
He knelt at its level.
"What is this?" He asked as he gently poked its ear.
The creature batted at his hand, not liking being poked.
"It's a kitten!" You said as you sat down next to Uta.
"What's it do?"
"Uh, it's similar to a child."
He began to pet the kitten's head, and the kitten began to purr at the affection.
"Why's it vibrating?"
You couldn't help but laugh at his question before finding your composure and answering his question.
"She likes what you're doing. She's showing how grateful she is for your attention and love."
"I like her. How do we take care of her?"
"Cats can sort of take care of themselves. All we need to do is fill her bowl up with food, keep her water bowl filled, and clean her litter box when it's dirty."
"That's it?"
"Yeah, besides interacting with her."
"That sounds nice. Can we get another?"
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag list: @stygianoir / To join my tag list apply here.
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javaghoul · 1 year
Which of the TG characters shower cold and who showers warm ? ^^
//team cold shower
FINALLY a deep, philosophical question
Ice bath -to- hot shower
Do they even wash tho??
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liannelara-dracula · 9 months
Hello, I love your writing! Can I please request relationship headcanons for Uta from Tokyo ghoul? 😊
Uta Boyfriend Hcs
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Requests are open
🖤The most wholesome yet chaotic couple.
🖤He loves you a whole lot and I say this because he doesn’t keep a girlfriend so that’s why you’re special. Normally Uta will just sleep around or have one-night stands. He won’t go through a relationship, the closet he’s had is friends with benefits but no actual dates or care.
🖤So when he realized he had feelings for you he thought about actually pursuing you, which means he liked you for a long time before asking. So it took him forever, like years, to ask you. Well he didn’t even ask you. He took things slow he didn’t just take you to the bed. He waited to get to something like that because again he actually liked you!
🖤Anyways, Uta doesn’t appear to be affectionate but he’s actually very affectionate (in a needy way) and sexual with you 😂. Its just mostly behind close doors. And he is such a fool for you.
🖤Is constantly attacking you with kisses and hickeys. There are lots of make outs so if Renji walks in on you two he should be surprised.
🖤One of his favorite things is to grab you by your waist with his arm when you walk by him and he’s working at his craft desk and sits you up on his lap or pins you on the desk. Sometimes it’s just to say “hi” and other times it’s just for fun.
🖤A cruel jokester at heart so he is always pranking or trying to scare you. His scaring is something as simple as his hand crawling up your back if you wear a backless top. Or just when you’re home alone and all you feel is someone’s arms wrapped around you. Although sometimes he gets Halloween props to scare you, which isn’t fun.
🖤Gosh and his laugh is so obnoxious and it gives you chills because he will usually just chuckle during something sexual which is already enough to make you embarrassed but this is worse! His laugh is like cynical.
🖤Once you realize it’s a joke you are hitting him in the chest playfully since he pulled you into him. And he loves it when you do that. Even when you nudge him or burry your face into his chest of fear or embarrassment of something.
🖤“This isn’t funny!” You’d pout, with his arm around your waist as he just teases you more.
🖤“Awww, you were scared. You even called for me.” He’d smirk seeing your eyes get watery as you looked away. Of course, he’s attentive to your feelings so he will notice. Though of course, he tried to see if he actually pushed the limits.
🖤“Shut up.” You’d say, your hands covering your face. Given how you reacted and how Uta was a sucker for your tears he felt guilty that he made his girl cry, or so he thought. He tends to forget that you love to joke around a lot yourself.
🖤Hearing your little sobs he felt guilty, “Hey, c’mon, I’m sorry baby.” He’d admit taking your hands away from your face only to see you smile and laugh.
🖤“Got you!” You’d laugh, only to make him smirk, “You’re such a liar.” He’d tease before chasing after you around your shared apartment.
🖤You share an apartment, he first gave you the key to his place and the more you spent time together he wanted to move to where you wanted to. But it took a while to convince you to move to the city with him. He’d ask you every day to move in with him.
🖤You are probably an artist yourself so your whole apartment is a studio and has many aesthetic and edgy things.
🖤Like he has candles of naked woman, abstract paintings, photographs of you (preferably nude), plants, and more. ( and he makes more than half of this joke and fully claims that you are his muse.
🖤His nickname for you is "my muse". Like he calls you other things like babe, doll, baby girl or y/n but "my muse" is a special nickname. Mostly because he has never used a creative nickname such as this one. He will rarely use "sweetheart" but he does use it.
🖤If you are an artist get ready for paint wars, color arguments, styling of supplies and the constant request of drawing him naked.
🖤You should also be prepared for all the “sit on my lap while we draw together” times, the drawing games, the “your my muse,” speech, him baringin in your room to ask for critique when your in the bathtub or changing, and the “you are art yourself complements”
🖤When you’re making art he will randomly kiss you which usually catches you of guard and often times make you mess up.
🖤Gosh, when it comes to kissing this man doesn’t let you go, nor let you breathe. He always has his hands on your face which keep you from pulling away, he cups your face and his hands are so much bigger than your face.
🖤Even after he’s given many kisses and you seem to be at loss of energy, he still has plenty of it too keep kissing and make you out of breath. He has a lot more stamina in sex and pda then he lets on.
🖤If the windows are fogged up enough, he writes on the car, "We just fucked" after you two have sex.
🖤Smokes in bed with you while cuddling. He is into drugs and would get you into it for sure.
🖤You trace his tattoos when you cuddle and loves it. He was probably the one to give you your first tattoo. It was probably a little butterfly on your shoulder or chest.
🖤Anyways he is a cuddle monster so you usually become the body pillow but even when he’s not squishing you, you’re the little spoon. Always.
🖤He writes songs and wants you to listen to them. Will write a song about you. In fact, he’d make an album based on your relationship. Always writes messages on the CDs he gives you (like in the photos.)
🖤If you have a significant height difference where you're the shorter one, he loves this. Loves to tease you about your height.
🖤“You’re so tiny.” He’d grin, patting your head in the process whilst you pout.
🖤He rests his chin on your head when he back hugs you. I mean he’ll put things on higher shelf’s if you can’t reach it so then you can ask him.
🖤He’d joke about not seeing you cause he’s taller.
🖤loves bringing you into his chest or torso and then look down at your cute face.
🖤Makes you sit in his lap.
🖤Loves it when you kiss his cheek as a thank you.
🖤Digs your colorful vocabulary too. Its no secret that his partner would curse, however he usually doesn't but is amused by you doing so.
🖤Super playful with you and a dare devil. He will dare you to do things. This was especially before you two were dating and just friends. "Flash the next person you see on the street" he'd laugh.
🖤"Easy," you'd scoff lifting your shirt up to flash a taxi driver.
🖤You once dared him to go streeking, lol.
🖤Likes to take pictures of you two all the time. He has so many of you both being silly instead of being romantic.
🖤Other times they are straight-up sexual. Which he keeps private and to himself.
🖤I mean he has pictures of you two posing shirtless you only have nipple coverings on you, just black x and so does he. But you two are goofing off in the photo.
🖤I mean, you two have suggestive photos where he’ll be gripping your ass or boobs.
🖤He has a lot where you smile too.
🖤Paints you sometimes and he prefers it if your not wearing a lot of clothes. In fact one time he painted you when you were in bed after a night of sex.
🖤This mostly because he thinks you look really hot after that and you look better than anyone else he’s fucked so, he’s definitely painting you.
🖤And when you tried to move he stopped you.
🖤“Uta what is all of this?” You’d say about to move out of bed.
🖤“Don’t move please, I’m not finished.”
🖤You’d smile at this, “okay, I promise I won’t.”
🖤Sometimes you find him painting or sketching something and you usually back hug him before kissing his cheek which he loves. "What are you drawing?" You'd smile.
🖤Anytime you kiss his cheek to say “hi” or “thank you” he really likes it. I mean hell, he even puts his hand on your hip.
🖤It’s one of the ways you greet him when you come home from school/work. Usually he stops everything once he knows you’re home. And he completely focused on you.
🖤Anything you say will be on his mind, and he almost never forgets anything you say.
🖤Though he finds debating with you very fun. Tells you fun encounters he had which are mostly meant to throw you off so that you can just tell him he’s dumb and then laugh about it with him.
🖤He loves making you laugh and he’s pretty good at doing that. I mean it usually leads to you crying because you're laughing so much.
🖤When he teases you, you end up hitting him a lot.
🖤He’s pretty observant of you so notices even the little things, he knows when your upset right off the bat.
🖤You’ll be doing something productive with him and even if you’re acting normal he asks if you’re fine because he knows you. He tries to get your mind off of things sometimes by just talking to you.
🖤When you two have more serious talks he is holding you by the waist, while resting his chin on your head. He rubs your upper arms soothingly
🖤I know most think he’s not big on affection but he can honestly never sit still. He always has a hand on your back, hip, ass, thigh, arm, shoulder, boob, etc. He holds your hand a lot too, especially in public.
🖤Uta isn’t ashamed of PDA he does whatever he wants whenever. So it’s really up to his girlfriend if there’s a limit.
🖤Although he’s more explicit at home with you. I mean he’d literally play games with you just to have sex
🖤But in public he's not ashamed to talk about things with you, like he likes whispering things in your ear to get you to blush. He also likes playfully biting your cheek or ear lobe.
🖤Randomly pulls you away from a crowd just to kiss you and give you hickeys. So many hickeys it’s gonna look like you’ve been badly hurt.
🖤Literally tries to create abstract art of hickies. He’s made them trail into a heart before on your hip.
🖤You’d constantly try to covering up and he’s always teasing you.
🖤“Nice scarf, you plan on always wearing one?”
🖤“Shut up. Maybe I wouldn't have to if you weren't such a leech.” You'd remark.
🖤Buys a lot of crap, and loves to buy you gifts that are such a troll, like a cum rag. One time he bought you a towel that said “cum rag” just for you. “I bought it for when you squirt so I could help you clean up.” He'd say shamelessly to which you'd just hit his arm.
🖤You call him ugly as a joke and gives you the biggest glare ever and he’ll attack you in cuddles or by picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder.
🖤Gosh has tickle-fights a lot, and you never win. He always locks you in many awkward positions and has you squirming.
🖤Uta is very carefree and isn't picky about appearance or have too much preference, he loves all kinds of woman. So he wouldn't care if you are curvy or not, he finds purpose in both.
🖤In fact, if you were flat chested he'd love to tease you about not having boobs. Wholesome of course.
🖤He'd call you a board sometimes to which you just hit his arm, "Shut up, you're even flatter." You'd claim.
🖤Flat or not he still likes grabbing your boobs.
🖤Very overprotective, even if he doesn't always show it. He never really lets you out of his sight, like ever. Even if Uta doesn’t go everywhere with you, he does want to know where you're going just in case.
🖤But he is a little controlling over his girl, and this is mostly because he always feels the need to protect her. He babies his girlfriend a lot, he be littles her often. Which is a sorta is red flag since he thinks you can’t handle things on your own.
🖤He would definitely have an age gap with his partner, say about 5-8 years. Even ten years, where he is older than her. He's not into older women.
🖤Also doesn't surprise you if Uta knew you when you both were younger he just took forever to go out with you.
🖤So he always interviene in a potential fight, when a guy hits on you, etc.
🖤“I told you I can handle it on my own.”
🖤 "No, you can’t."
🖤Even when you’re going into a certain ward he doesn’t let you go alone because he feels like you’ll get hurt.
🖤 "I was just going out."
🖤 "Oh perfect, I'll come with you then." He'd say, grabbing his keys to accompany you.
🖤“Uta, I can go on my own.”
🖤 "It's dangerous, I'm coming with you." He'd insist.
🖤 "I'm not a little girl, I can handle myself. I've walked there many times." You'd eye roll, having enough of his overprotectiveness.
🖤He’d give you one look of disapproval before saying, “Get in the car, Y/n.” He’d place his hands on your shoulders and turn you to the direction of the car before opening the door and nudging you to get inside.
🖤“Seriously? I’m fine.”
🖤“You have to understand something, my girl is my responsibility.” he'd argue.
🖤Speaking of which when he gets jealous, he gets jealous!
🖤He will act very calm with you but between him and other guy he becomes a completely different person. When he’s jealous he asks a lot of questions which even leads him to sound a little snarky which catches your attention. Although he will be very quiet if he's not asking you questions.
🖤You question if things are okay but he brushes it off. As your lover he usually tries to gain reassurance through affection. He sometimes fights with you about this but it's not always.
🖤It's not pretty when you both fight, well, he may seem like a good boyfriend, but your relationship can be abusive. Especially if the two of you are ghouls, abuse is different than the way humans would see it. Either one, ghoul relationships tend to have toxicity. I won't dive deep into this but I think that there are forms of abuse that ghouls may revert to even with their partners, this doesn't have to mean physical, even verbal abuse because again, they are not human. They do not have the same mentality as human beings. If his partner is human its very likely that she has felt abused or mistreated once or twice, if not more in their relationship just by what has said.
🖤For instance, in a really bad argument, he may revert to a threat such as "eating her" when he first met her instead of keeping her around.
🖤If she's a half-breed he'd make harsh comments about her upbringing and if she was a ghoul just like him he'd tell her to not be so soft.
🖤Though he doesn't show his barsh nature to you (he hardly does) if he ever is angry enough, he might. This once led you to call him a monster because he wasn't the same person you had come to know.
🖤He will try to apologize to you after some deep thought, but it takes forever for you to just get to that step with him. There have been numerous times when you've cried yourself to sleep or ignored him for weeks. There are many relapses in this relationship because he is hard to love.
🖤Aside from this, he would do anything for the girl he loves. He's practically blind for her.
˗ˏˋ 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ˎˊ˗ ©𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔~Present
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Hope you are doing well. May I request Yandere! Uta hc? 😘
Oh yeah. I hope u are doing well too
Yandere Uta headcanon (remake)
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Uta would be a possessive, slightly sadistic and obsessive yandere.
Someone once said that you have to suffer for the sake of art.
And you are indeed suffering because of Uta's art.
Uta would fall in love with you instantly.
There was just something about you.
Uta really can't explain it.
But just looking at you gives him immense inspiration to create art.
And of course Uta wants you for himself.
Maybe you talk a couple of times before the kidnapping.
Uta is really possessive and she doesn't want to share.
If you were free some other Ghoul could eat you.
That wouldn't be a good thing, would it?
Uta thinks all your feelings are beautiful.
So don't be surprised if he just starts sketching something when you're angry or crying.
Yes, he also thinks your pain is beautiful.
Uta is a little sadist.
Don't get into trouble with him.
It's always at least a broken bone.
If Uta let you out with him in public he would be really possessive.
Always have a hand on you and you would have some his clothes.
But Uta won't let you out.
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tg-headcanons · 4 months
Any Uta canons?
Uta is, biologically speaking, incorrect. He is double jointed, and his body tried to compensate for frequent dislocations by building up muscle tissue close to his joints, and now his limbs seem slightly mismatched and his motions are very jerky due to this unusual construction
There ain’t any gender in this thing. Uta is firmly in the camp of “that’s a weird thing humans do and I’m not doing that,” but will assume gender titles or dress the part because he sees it as a mask or an outfit made specifically to interact with humans
He mostly does his own piercings and tattoos, and does some wild stretches to reach spaces no one should be able to reach on himself. He buys Ukaku shards from Touka for it, and has gotten So Many Infections from using ink not intended for it but refuses to stop
He purrs constantly. He can do it on command and just likes how it feels in his throat, so he produces a long steady purr for a lot of the day. If someone around him finds it annoying, they’ll do it louder
Developing a kakuja was rough on them and they got IKFD, Intravenous Kagune Formation Disorder, an issue where his overabundance of RC tries to form kagune at random points in his body causing internal damage that he can heal from, but isn’t pleasant. He and his partners try to steal RC suppressants when they can to treat it, but there’s not much they can do. On days when it’s really bad and he can’t move much, Yomo and Itori take turns staying with him
Due to his permanent kakugans, his day vision is absolute shit and he relies more on smell and hearing. This has caused him to develop the habit of sniffing at people and things like a dog to take in as much information as possible. It started because he was trying to make up for the loss of sight, but seeing how uncomfortable it makes most people now he’s doing it on purpose
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