#@ me if you disagree or want me to explain smthn
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Tierlist made by @intrulogical
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etoile-gracieuse · 1 year
im so sorry yall im regressing into all sorts of old obsessions these days.
just saw a post talking abt why dex (and jack at one point) from check please would be banned from aux at parties (im not reblogging bc it is from 2020 and i dont want to argue with anyone i just want to explain why im right LMAO) and all of the reasons they gave were. What. i had a haus of my own, only for a significantly larger team (track not hockey), and i know my experience is not universal and there's definitely someone out there who Also had a team and a team house w big parties that disagrees w everything i say etc etc but like. it is so odd to see people's ideas abt how that goes when it's the complete opposite of my experience
me rambling abt expectations vs reality for music at parties hosted by doofus athletes for doofus athletes below the cut with a short aside about how canon's housing is deeply confusing to me
it's not just party music assumptions that confuse me, it's on all sorts of levels, like the haus being their only team related off campus space. we had... 11?? off campus houses?? and even if you narrow it down to just houses w mens distance runners in it (approx the same number of people as umich's hockey team rosters) then we had 5 houses plus underclassmen in dorms. like the math is not mathing if there's just the 3 bedroom plus attic haus. what 21/22 year old is choosing to live in a traditional dorm. there's just no way your options as an upperclassman are "be lucky enough to be one of Maybe 6 that can squeeze in if several people share rooms" or "live in dorms. hopefully you get a single" when theoretically they should be averaging like 6.5 people per class year. not the point, a gripe i have w canon really anyways, whatever.
but the collective sense of what goes for party music... i get that the canon era is like 2013 to 2018 or so but like i have met some of our class of 2018 alumni. and i feel preeetty confident in saying the below was also true then.
'he would play come on eileen [and get banned]' - im sorry but that was played at LEAST once per party at my athlete frat house, how is that an aux-bannable offense
"they would be like 'we want party music not sea shanties'" - shipping up to boston is a Thing (capital T deserved). and rattlin bog. do you know how many drinks i have finished while listening to/playing rattlin bog. that is a classic drinking game (i double checked to make sure this wasnt invented like right before i hit college or smthn and found a tweet referencing it from 2014). also we did actually several sea shanties at a st pattys party (our aux guy did have to be bullied into it. worth it) though i would not say that that one's a universal experience.
"this absolute ding dong [jack] says 'i like carrie underwood' and is never asked for his input again" - you're telling me you haven't gotten down in a house full of stolen signs that is falling apart at the seams to before he cheats???? i have watched 22 year old 6'7" men stand on tables and truly Perform their hearts out to this song and you're telling me that holster wouldn't pull that shit?
"plays country and gets banned" - see: before he cheats. but also our most popular party theme (aside from disco i think) was farm party. we had hay bales and apple bobbing. our number of international harvester streams hit double digits before midnight. i did not go to college in the south, or in the middle of nowhere, or any of that. even city kids like to get drunk in overalls and cowboy hats singing about farmers' daughters sometimes
"he just plays dad rock" - i think once again people underestimate how hard college kids go for shit like that when theyre drunk. i have watched people pole dance around a basement support beam to billy joel and bruce springsteen before (admittedly not super frequently but also often enough that i think i have 2-3 videos of it happening). ok actually im looking at a dad rock list and. what do you mean people havent danced to queen at parties. or the killers? or the fratellis? no chelsea dagger or henrietta? no american pie at 2am when youre so tired you can hardly keep your eyes open but youre leaning on your friends and swaying enough to call it dancing so it's ok?? no the boys are back in town???
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mallowstep · 2 years
hopefully this isn’t a bother, but you say you believe dnis are ableist. can you explain? i’m not very active on here so if you have ive missed it.
I was going to write you up a whole little essay about this I really was
But look dnis suck. Right now my brain keeps misfiring because my shoulder fucking HURTS and it’s either be aware of it or just. Fuck. Keep losing my train of thought and what I was doing and what’s going on. As I keep doing.
Uh. Fuck.
Right okay. Sorry my back hurts.
So a DNI expects me, someone who can string a sentence together but like. Not exactly flawlessly or easily. Expects me to either. Remember who a post is by. And if I’m allowed to reblog or. Ai y’know what lemme. Mentally.
So dni means. Supposed to either remember who it is and if allowed. Or check. Pretend best case it’s a pinned post. Read post. Maybe I know everything on it the it’s easy. Maybe not tho. Maybe has acronyms or issues I don’t know or understand. Or maybe not topic I think important. Or maybe I never talk abt it. But have opinion. Wouldn’t know that.
So read and understand and figure out if I fit. Maybe I don’t use labels the same way. It’s hard. Don’t call myself by labels very often but dnis focus on labels. I only have specific beliefs not fancy word groups. what am I supposed to do. No one ever explains.
I. Fuck. Where am I going. Not great. Okay. Read it have to understand. Maybe I know. If I know ok. Remember what I wanted to do? Maybe? Head hurts. Why bother. Maybe I don’t know how I’m anxious. Hurts bad. Before dnis I assume they block me if they don’t like me. So. Now can’t. All this very time consuming very hard to think about. And just for one post. Just to like one post.
Best case scenario also. Not covering. Uh. Not covering other things. Hard to find links. Inaccessible images. “Standard dni” don’t know what that means no one agrees what it means. Carrds.
And the virtue signaling. If only put fandom issues on dni — does that mean don’t care abt other issues? No but better put all things here. Just in case. Not making a statement isn’t allowed. Doesn’t matter what or why you need to cover it all.
Uh. Right. Uh and anxiety. Some things I have an opinion on. Whole subject banned though. Won’t tell u what. Only talk in private with people I trust. Important to me. But silent. Everything on internet not for sharing. Block people who disagree with me on subject but not on dni.
These parts aren’t ableism as much. Argue bicker etc. point is dnis are work you the user has to do. Not okay. Really. Too much. I need to. It’s taken me. Idk how much time. Lots of time to write this. Should’ve taken less. Want to go on tumblr without this. Want to go on tumblr like reblog not worry about things.
That’s how I use tumblr actually. Don’t worry abt dnis. Other users they block me that’s fine. Can’t remember things. Can’t use tumblr like that. So don’t.
Right hope this makes sense. Maybe someone who can. Maybe someone who is maybe feeling better can add on. Or smthn. Idk I’m. Losing it.
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fencesandfrogs · 2 years
Feel free not to answer these if any are too personal. I'm just a curious person coming over from your War Cats side blog.
Do you have more than one alter that has made themselves known to you? Do they ask permission before switching or is it something that just happens without you knowing? Are you aware when another alter is fronting or only when you return afterwards?
i'm in a chatty mood, so sure!
(plus it might be educational for the moon knight crew lol)
do you have more than one alter that has made themselves known to you?
definitely. there are three of us who are active on tumblr, altho one (current host) doesn't want his name in public yet. *shrug* it's his decision, but it does make talking about him difficult lol
do they ask permission before switching or is it just something that happens without you knowing?
uhhh we rarely even realize we've switched lol.
um...sometimes? earlier today mari was complaining about what i was doing and so i said "well if you care so much YOU can front" and then she was like "okay" and i said "WAIT NO!" and she backed off.
idk, permission feels a little weird. it's more like...we all know what our roles are, and we might disagree on priorities, but if i can at all help it, i'm not gonna try to do mari's job. i'm really, really bad at it.
we're a team. we're not always a functional team, but i can't give "permission" to them. i can consent to leaving front, ig.
yeah, consent feels like a better word?
sometimes you get triggered, or. i kinda want a word that's not trigger for when our brain goes "oop this is a mari activity get mari!" because that's different from when i get triggered in.
Are you aware when another alter is fronting or only when you return afterwards?
uhh i d k how to explain it.
i hate possessive switches they make me feel terrified and out of control and every time we have one i complain about it at length. we don't really know what the deal with them is.
um idk memory is complicated. i...like, okay, have you ever made that really basic type of friendship bracelet where you knot one string around all the others? i can't remember what they're called rn but hopefully you know what i'm talking about.
anyway my point is only one string is visible at a time but all the strings are there.
when we switch, the VAST majority of the time, it doesn't feel like going inside, it feels like changing colours. and then when you switch back to yourself, you don't, like, recognize that time?
we switched like an hour ago or smthn and i remember what "i" was doing before then, and i remember feeling like me, but it no longer feels like me.
so...idk. sometimes we're co-con. sometimes we're not. we have good memory overall, but that doesn't mean it's PERFECT. and.
yeah, idk how to answer this one. we're barely aware of when we switch.
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musette22 · 3 years
Hii sry to bring this up again I'm not the same anon who asked about this before andyour answer was very nice and ofc you can be critical about it and everything, I feel like you didn't address the main thing the anon mentioned which was that you are criticizing negatively without actually watching the show Heck I have critical opinions about the show for sure my stand on disney/marv is exactly the same as yours I think, but I feel like you should watch smthn if you're going to criticize
While I understand what you mean, I think it’s a bit more complicated than that! (also the fact that you say I’m ‘criticising negatively’ indicates to me that maybe I didn’t make the point I was trying to make in my last ask as well as I wanted to). I also understand why, at this point, it may seem like I have all these ‘negative’ opinions on tfatws, but that’s actually not the case! That’s mostly just a result of people coming to me with things that are bothering them about it, that I then respond to - and in this particular case, me reblogging a thing that I have a strong personal opinion about. However, I’m fully supportive of the good and fun parts of it, and of all my pals who are loving it so far!!
Just for the record, while I haven’t seen every episode back to front, I’ve seen plenty of clips and gifsets that have allowed me to form an opinion, at least on this particular aspect we’ve been discussing. I also make sure to read a couple of reviews every Friday to stay up to date, and I have a lot of people coming to talk to me to discuss certain things about the show every week, both positive and negative (I’m seeing plenty of both, and I think that, while I don’t talk about the show a lot on my blog, it does reflect both. There is room for both!) 
It’s similar to how there are a lot of movies and books that I haven’t seen or read and yet I’ve seen or heard enough about to have formed the opinion that I don’t agree with certain aspects of them. I don’t have to watch ‘Music’ by Sia to understand it’s not propagating something I stand by, because people with more expertise on the subject than I have, have (in my opinion) quite convincingly explained what (in their opinion) is wrong with it - in fact, this is one of the purposes of writing and reading critiques of pieces of media! The thing that started this particular discussion we’re having now was a Twitter thread by a licensed therapist explaining why, in her opinion, she didn’t think the subject of Bucky’s therapy was handled as well as it could have been in tfatws, and as someone who has been on the receiving end of therapy, and who has seen said therapy scenes, I found myself agreeing with that particular opinion - and I expressed that in what I think was a respectful way. Yes, I agree that often it’s best to form opinions based on what you’ve seen with your own two eyes, but it’s not the only or always the best way to do it. I’m familiar enough with Marvel/Disney and the way they tend to handle certain topics, and sometimes not being as involved and viewing something from a distance can help, too.
And just as a final remark, and then I’m going to stop discussing this for the moment, but I feel like some people are viewing me voicing some opinions on certain aspects as the show as me attacking the whole show, which really isn’t the same thing, I assure you!! I’ve always been critical of certain aspects of Marvel movies and shows, this is not an exception. Again, you’re free to disagree with me, and I’m not forcing anyone to read my opinions, which is why I tag them so they can be filtered! But it is my blog, and I don’t really like being told what I should or shouldn’t express on it, you know? Please, by all means, filter the tag, and like I said, if you still are uncomfortable or disagree, don’t hesitate to unfollow. I understand, and I just want people to do their thing the way they want to - and that includes myself! Thanks for understanding <3
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kikidoyaluhme · 8 years
everyones shading you...
yeah ik i see it. iont rly care though i’m just laughing at the people saying im defending cole bc he’s my fave but i always “tear down poc and women” bitch where. all i said was let people do what they want. i don’t like cole nor do i hate him, why would i tear down people of colour and women ? i am both of those that doesn’t make any sense. maybe  i worded the post wrong i just wanted to say let people do whatever, yall do so why can’t others ??? but whatever. all i want is for people to stop making assumptions about me. yall don’t know me. stop calling me white bc i’m not, stop tryna tell me cole’s my fave bc he aint ??? and stop tryna say all i do is defend my white faves and attack people of colour when i don’t defend or attack either. i rly couldn’t care less about problematic celebrities -- whatever race they are. if i want someone as my fav or if i wanna use someone as an fc, i will and their “problematicness” ain’t finna stop me. yall need to grow the fuck up if you didn’t like something i said why not message me and be like “hey this sounds weird what did u mean”, i wouldve explained, we couldve had a civil convo and probably agreed to disagreed and that would be it but instead yall took the immature way out. imagine being 18+ and responding to a post saying smthn you don’t like with a meme for notes instead of initiating a conversation with the op and coming to an understanding. 
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