#@ tumblr staff fix up
monstersandmaw · 9 months
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Best news I've seen in a while
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barrymccaulkinem · 2 years
you can remove tumblr live by adding
"www.tumblr.com##.RAEnv www.tumblr.com##.ADlDx"
to your filter list in ublock (omit quotation marks)
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observethewalrus · 1 year
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Tumblr is getting rid of avatars and no longer showing where a reblog comes from in post headers to “afford more room for badges.”
I always felt kinda bad when I was gifted badges and then didn’t use them, cuz people spent actual money on them. So I’m asking, please do not gift me badges, or any other tumblr merch for that matter.
I threw them a bone last year and paid for the ad-free because the ads and blazed softcore porn on the app were infuriating, but I’m canceling it. They’re not getting anything from me anymore. I’ll have to switch back to using the Firefox mobile browser. Hopefully the new dash un-fuckers that are going around will work on mobile.
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r0semultiverse · 6 months
You know what feature we need to bother staff for next? Other people’s posts getting flagged as counting towards “strikes” on our blogs.
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ruanbaijie · 1 year
hey @staff here’s a suggestion: fix the tags instead of the post editor
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windlion · 11 months
all right why are we acting like the sky is falling at tumblr again?
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anoraktrend · 4 months
Tumblr could fix their video player if they wanted. But no, they keep making it worse. The most recent issue is with their AD videos taking over the audio. This shouldn’t happen. It shouldn’t happen with normal videos, it shouldn’t happen with Ad videos especially, because they show up unexpectedly. This is broken.
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sunset-in-ribbons · 1 year
Tumblr live is a wretched little leech clinging to the side of my hellsite that I would very much like removed and released into its natural habitat of, idk, some lake that Facebook dumps hard drives into? Get it out of here.
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silhouettecrow · 7 months
Me, in android-user voice: I would sure love for Tumblr to let me download photos again. (@staff, please, I'm begging, let me download photos again.)
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thediktatortot · 1 year
I keep seeing like 5 different ways that people are wanting to help tumblr, change tumblr or fight against tumblr and I have still yet to see anyone make any concrete ideas as to what it is people are supposed to do in order to keep the site from being monetized & become something it's not.
If the site does not pay off it's debt, it will eventually cease to exist. If you don't petition for change, it will continue to label queer bodies as mature and sexual, continue to remove BIPOC folk from it's premise and continue to allow white supremacists to infiltrate this site.
So what's the options? What are we supposed to do? How are we supposed to change a site without everyone sitting down and actually talking about what change means and how to get there?
I see so many people just tossing out ideas that in theory do work in one way or another, but might not fix all the problems so there HAS to be something that can fix things without disenfranchising half the communities on this site?
There's so many "don't do this, this hurts these people and now your a horrible person for suggesting this thing." When most the people on this site have no idea who most of each other are and why or how it would effect people.
Give actual insight as to what could be done to get Staff to pick up their fucking big boy pants and do their job. Going around and telling people that they are horrible people for trying to suggest a solution or the people who share those solutions in an attempt to help isn't going to help anyone.
This isn't aimed at one post or idea in particular either, I've seen NUMEROUS ideas floating around that in theory could work for one thing or another and all there is, is people shooting these ideas down without actually backing up with something that might work.
Half the people on this site are children who have no idea how websites work on a corporate level, the other half are adults who've been on this site since they were children and just want the site to stay online and not disappear. There's disabled people who need this site (I'm one of them) to keep having a social life, there's artists who need this site to contuse having any form of recognition, there's writers who've got their entire portfolio on here and people who's entire blogs are dedicated to helping queer and trans kids learn about themselves and communities dedicated to finding people like themselves so they don't feel so alone in this world.
So what is it? What are we supposed to do? Without money the site fades away, with strikes you completely disenfranchise entire groups of people, without fighting against the staffs changes, current policies and lack of care about the white supremacists and TERFS that run rampant then people are still going to get harassed, reported into the ground and completely removed from the site for no reasons at all.
So if you have any fucking ideas then please actually tell people because at this point, everyone's trying to not get people to do one thing or another and yet no one is backing up these ideas with actual action that will work.
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cinematicnomad · 8 months
You probably already tried that but just in case..., have you tried to put yourself in private in the parameters (as in, not being able to be found when people write your name in the search bar) ? I know that for some people it had worked to stay like that for a few days when they had lots of bot followers like you do. Worth the try I guess. Good luck!
ah ty anon. i haven't done this yet mainly bc i post gifs and when i had my blog set to private/non-searchable, my gifsets did not show up in the tags. that was a few years ago so it's possible that's not an issue anymore but i'm wary for that reason. if i weren't posting gifsets literally every day i'd probably go that route.
for now, i've been tracking these spam bots and reporting all of them so that i could send this information to support staff (which i just did this evening!). i didn't want to send a generic report without any metrics to back it up bc i didn't want them to brush it off as a non-issue. but 900+ spam followers in 10 days is frankly absurd and hopefully they can't ignore it.
thanks for the suggestion!! if tumblr staff doesn't come back with a plan or some other suggestion, i'll probably resort to this.
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nightmairdragon13 · 2 years
@staff why did you have to change the search page on the app? This sucks! Why did you remove the list of stuff I followed, but put the same scroll-through option on staff picks? Why am I not allowed to have MY followed tags? I don't care about the "today" whatever page. Give me my followed tags back!
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emile-hides · 1 year
Nooo I can't turn the legacy editor off anymore all the posts default to it now even reblogs and it saves which blog you last posted on instead of defaulting to main I'm gonna reblog things onto the wrong blog I can FEEL IT
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Okay wow tumblr live literally refuses to snooze for me excellent job staff you've truly outdone yourselves this time
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talila819 · 1 year
Thanks @staff dashboard preferences work really really great
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And yes I've restarted the app, and it's still there
Also thanks for telling us too get rid of porn, and then putting it right on top of our feed, and even turning it off doesn't make it go away
Good job @staff
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everymlmhybrid · 1 year
dashboard unfucker i'm love you so much baby
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