randomness4969 · 7 years
Fandom: Supernatural
Word count:3,220
Warnings: MAJOR spoilers throughout the show, main character death,bad John parenting (not necessarily because watching the show I think he’s a bad parent, it just works with this story), possibly inaccurate timeline
Authors Note: My first fic so please tell me what you think, constructive criticism welcome! I got the writing prompt from @casbabydontgoineedyou prompt number 47.
 It all started when you heard a man tell his small child (4 or 5ish? Humans age so quickly it's hard to tell) that Christmas was fake and nothing but large companies looking for easy money. He said it on Christmas eve, for crying out loud. Was it true? Maybe. Were you going to let this parent deal with their own child like any reasonable person (or even nephilim) would? There was no way. So you turned invisible long enough to see what motel they were staying at. It turned out that there was also a baby with them, which only strengthened your resolve. You were going to give these small children a nice Christmas. You waited outside for about three hours before you saw the dad leave. By himself. Furious and still invisible, you went inside to where the little boys were. The baby was crying and the slightly older one looked like he might start, too. You flew to the nearest grocer and picked up some cookies and milk, plus a baby bottle that you shoved in your backpack. When you returned the older one had resorted to bringing the baby makeshift toys including a mop, a couch cushion and a plate with googly eyes stuck to the bottom. You knocked on the front door, and the older one opened the door just a little. “he-hello?” he said thru the tiny opening.
“Hi there,  I just brought some cookies and milk because we had too much downstairs, would you like to help me set some out for Santa?” “my daddy says that Santa is long dead and people only pretend that he's still around so they can make money.” he said matter-of-factually. You let out an exaggerated gasp. “Well with an attitude like that I bet your daddy hasn't even met Santa, but don't worry, you still have a chance.” the boys striking green eyes widened in excitement. “well you can't tell my daddy. You have to pinky promise.” little did the boy know that you had always had a fondness for pinky promises. So after you were sworn to secrecy, you helped the boy set out some cookies for Santa, and even turned a blind eye when a few of them “disappeared”. “hey kiddo, what's your name?” you asked. “Dean. What's yours?” “I'm Y/N. It kinda sounds like there's a hungry baby back there, I have a bottle in my bag plus there's some milk here. Should we feed him?” “yeah, he wouldn't take my sandwich.” These poor children. Their father left them unsupervised and it had been almost a half-an-hour since he left. You had just finished preparing the bottle when you heard the car pull into the parking lot. “Okay Dean, I need you to feed this to the baby because if my aunt finishes making lunch and I'm not there than I'm gonna be in big trouble.” you handed him the bottle and went out the back door. You had no aunt, of course. You had been a loner for about ten years by this point. You gathered various Christmas decorations and waited for nightfall. Once you were sure that it was safe, you began your work. You were wearing a Santa costume for effect more than anything else. Under the tiny tree you had set up you put some baby food, a Nerf gun and darts and a book on good parenting, because you were really trying to drop a hint. You heard an adorable gasp from behind you. “Santa?!” Dean stage whispered. You put a gloved finger to your lips and winked. Then you walked out the door in your pillow-filled suit, oversized boots and itchy wig. You had never been prouder.
You expected to never see the boys again, but when you did, you had to say hello. “Hi there, wanna see a cool trick?” you asked Dean, who was about 7 now. He glanced at his dad as if to ask permission. “I don't know.” “well I'm gonna give you one anyway.” You pulled out a big needle and blew up a balloon. You pushed the needle thru the balloon without popping it, then, to show that your needle was real, you popped the balloon. Dean grinned. You couldn't help but grin back. That was the exact moment you realized that you had made the first friend since...well, a very long time ago. You continued “bumping into” the boys, a few years between each time you checked up on them, and you switched between Sam and Dean regularly. Then one day, there was a minor...complication.
You walked up to the motel with Chinese food in hand, going to deliver it to the boys. You were so excited that you couldn't stop the grin spreading across your face. Then there was a loud crash. You knew, by this point, about hunting. You had invisibly followed Dean on his first hunt. So when you heard Sam cry out in pain, you broke down the door and went to help him. You quickly found a rifle pointed at your eye. Looking at the situation, you realized what had happened. Sam had smashed his shin into a coffee table, knocking over a lamp. Dean was making sure he was okay, and John was pointing a gun at your face. “boys, go outside.” Dean wordlessly nodded while Sam almost protested, but John shot him a look and he turned and went. “Who are you?” he barked. “Y/N, and frankly, I've been waiting a long time for a one on one with you.” you said, crossing your arms. “not because I want to kill you, because while tempting, it would hurt the boys.” “how do you know my boys?” “Well, It's been a long time since I first met them, but the basic premise of the story is that you are a terrible parent and I have been keeping an eye on them.” you snarled. John raised one eyebrow. “Christmas.” it wasn't a question. You nodded, still glaring. “stay away from my family.” he growled. Then he took the boys and left. You had been faced with many challenges in the past, one time you got lost in the Italian catacombs with a wendigo chasing you. You may have been perfectly capably of killing it, but you didn't like feeling like prey. That was nothing compared to watching your only two friends drive away. Six months later you started hunting, mostly out of boredom. A year after that, you were faced with a predicament. You were out on a hunt, it was a vetala. Only one, which was unusual, but you weren't complaining. It had John tied up in a chair, and he was bleeding badly. You, as a nephilim, could fly, but couldn't heal people the way angels could. The vetala ran away, leaving you to decide whether to finish the hunt, or save some dude who didn't even believe in Santa. But it was Dean's dad, and Sam's, too, even if he didn't like it. Dean would be about 16 by now, Sam about 12, and you weren't going to leave them fatherless. You ran over to John and untied him, then flew him as steadily as you could to the hospital. You left him there anonymously, but not before he began to wake up. “Y/N?” he asked. “yeah, it's kind of a long story.” he nodded, then the doctors came to fix him up. You searched around town until you found the b&b that the boys were staying at. You didn't know what you were going to say, but you had to see how they were doing. You knocked on the door. You heard a soft click as the door opened, and simultaneously a gun was cocked behind the door. Most people wouldn't notice the extra click of the safety being switched off, but you had been hunting for almost a year. The door opened just a tiny bit, and you remembered the first time you met Dean. This time it was Sam peeking out thru the opening. Of course, because Dean probably had the gun. “Y/N?” Crap. You hadn't put on any kind of disguise, so of course he would recognize you. “I need to talk to you. Both of you.” you said, looking pointedly at the door that Dean was behind with a gun. “Why?” Sam asked, still not opening the door. “It-it's about your dad.” you said quietly. Dean pulled the door open, much to Sam's surprise. “Is he dead?” “No, but he is in the hospital. He was caught off guard by a vetala and when I found him he was unconscious. The doctor's are going to fix him up, and he'll be fine.” “come on in.” Sam and I both looked at Dean in disbelief. “we need to talk to you.” he said, walking over to the bed and motioning for you to sit in the only chair. Sam still looked unsure, but he went along with Dean anyway. “You've been sort of just around for our entire lives, and we want to know why.” he said quietly. You nodded then went inside and sat in the chair, pretending not to notice the devil's trap on the ceiling. “so...why are you stalking us?” Sam asked. You winced, you hadn't really thought of it as stalking, you just wanted to make sure they were okay. “Well mostly I was concerned because your father is a hunter, and while he's a fairly good hunter...” you struggled to find the words to tell them what you thought without being offensive. “I think he puts saving people over everything. Sometimes even over being a good father.” you finished, realizing that there was no nice way of saying it. “He's kept us alive just fine.” said Dean. You knew that Dean always defended his father, and to an extent you respected that, but you also knew that John had not been the bast father that he could have been. “he left a four year old you to take care of a baby, no instructions or anything. You tried to feed him a sandwich.” you said. “We're both fine. I probably learned something about taking care of a baby. You don't need to keep watch over us constantly. We can take care of ourselves.” “because you've had to!” you yelled. “since the day I first saw you you took care of each other because your dad left you no other choice. If you really want me to leave you alone so badly, than fine!” as soon as words left your mouth, you regretted them. Knowing that they would probably be just fine with this option, you slowly walked out the door. “wait.” you turned, surprised. It was Sam who had spoken. “what is it?” you asked quietly, fully aware that you had yelled at Dean, and you were ashamed. “you were just taking care of us? Why didn't you talk to us?” “I did, several times, but it was only every once in a few years. Bad things tend to find me, and I didn't want to drag you boys into that. You noticed Dean roll his eyes when you called them boys. “did you want to play a board game?” asked Sam. Wait, what? “um, if you'd like?” “I mean, your not evil as far as I can tell. Why not? We have apples to apples or monopoly.” Dean glared. Sam gave him the puppy eyes. He rolled his eyes. “I call the car.” he finally said. “I call the dog.” Sam said grinning. So the three of you played monopoly. Then you just talked, exchanging stories and jokes until John got back. When he did he walked right in without knocking. He immediately saw you. You watched, holding your breath while you waited for his reaction. “I understand that you saved my life, and I'm grateful for that. But when did I ever give you the impression you were welcome here?” “dad.” Sam spoke up. “I invited Y/N in, and we just played monopoly, we didn't cause any trouble.” John looked at you. “Get out.” he said. You looked at the boys, then decided to let this one go. That didn't mean you wouldn't be back, it just meant you would leave for now. You waved goodbye to the boys and left.
Since that day you had been visiting the boys at least once a month, catching up, helping out, and just taking a break from everything. One time you visited and Dean was in a panic. Sam had run away. You didn't necessarily blame him, but you were worried. You eventually calmed Dean down enough to search for Sam. Another time Dean needed relationship advice(first crush). The three of you became best friends, which John did not approve of. Eventually things got pretty crazy. Sam went off to college, Dean stayed with John. John went missing, they looked for him. Then Sam called. “Hello?” you answered. “Y/N?” his voice was shaky. “What's wrong?” you asked gently. “Dean is in the hospital, so is dad. The doctors-” he took a deep breath. “they don't think Dean is going to make it.” “where are you?” after you got the coordinates you flew as fast as your wings could carry you. You went straight to Dean's room, he was unconscious. Tears sprang to your eyes. You heard Sam walk up behind you. “he'll be okay.” he sounded like he was trying to convince himself. “Hey.” you gave him a hug. Not romantic, just two friends leaning on each other for comfort. “Can I have a minute with him?” Sam asked you, looking at Dean. “Yeah. I'll be in the waiting room if you need me.” You waited about an hour before Sam came and tapped you on the shoulder. You followed him to Dean's hospital room. “what do you know about reapers?” he asked. “Well, they can change shape and they lead the dead to where they are supposed to go. That's about it. Why?” he stared at you. Your eyes moved to where Dean was hooked up to several machines. “Oh. Can he stall? If he can stall I might be able to find some lore on reapers.” you looked hopefully up at Sam. “he's doing his best. I'll stay here with him, you go see what you can find.” you nodded. You went to the roof and flew to the library of congress, found the mythology and started looking. Eventually you found a book on reapers, but it took a long time. Maybe more time than Dean had. You flew back to the hospital as fast as your wings could carry you. You arrived to see Dean awake, and John was whispering something to him. Then John turned to leave, but collapsed. You ran to check his pulse, but there was nothing. A coffee hit the floor as Sam rushed to his fathers side. After about two minutes doctors took the body. You tried to comfort the boys but they weren't having it. They needed time to mourn, and you respected that. So you told them to call if they needed anything, even if it was just a game of monopoly.
It wasn't even a week later that the angels found you. They didn't want you messing with fate, so they imprisoned you. Weeks and months passed before you finally managed to escape. You flew around, frantically searching for the boys. You eventually found a payphone and called Dean, heart pounding. “Hello?” you let out a breath of relief. “Dean, it's Y/N.” “What? Where have you been?!” “long story, not my fault, tell you over monopoly. Where are you?” “Monopoly will have to wait. We're saving the world.” he paused for dramatic effect. “also we're in Wyoming.”
When you finally met up with the Winchesters (and were introduced to Bobby) you were filled in on everything that was going on. “I'm coming with you.” “you could get hurt!” Dean immediately responded. “Well so could you! You are not going by yourselves.” “We have other hunters coming with us. Stay. Here.” We had a silent staring contest. I was sure I was going to win, but then Sam cleared his throat loudly. “we do need all hands on deck.” “She JUST came back. It's been months! She could have died, she could have just left on purpose, we had no idea!” You looked at the floor. “I'll be fine. I'm harder to kill than you think.” “why? Because your not human?!” Dean shouted. Bobby shook his head and left. “I'll come back when you idjits have yourselves sorted out.” he said. “how long have you known?” “a long time. We wanted to wait for you to tell us yourself.” Sam said quietly. “That didn't happen!” Dean yelled. “No it didn't. Because I didn't want you guys to know, for my safety and yours. For the past several months I have been held captive because I'm not human. I wasn't going to drag you into that. I'm sorry I worried you.” Dean suddenly gave you a hug. With a small smile, Sam joined in. “Oh for cryin' out loud.” you heard Bobby say before he grabbed his beer and left again. You managed to detach yourself from the two enormous men. “so, what do you say we play monopoly after we save the world?” you asked. The three of you laughed together.
*after Azazel's death*
Dean was being patched up, despite his insistence that he was fine, it had been a long night. But John had finally made up for some of the mistakes that he had made as a father, and the boys were alive. There was little celebration, but you were in a fairly good mood. You insisted that the next day you would all eat pie and play monopoly, so you flew to Target and picked up the necessary ingredients and the monopoly. The next day you took everyone to the park for a picnic and when everyone was gathered you said “We didn't do a perfect job, but were alive and I'm grateful for that.” the picnic was perfect. An escape from the unfair world and all of the terrible things that had happened. Eventually it was time to go home. You, Sam, and Dean stayed to clean up. You were throwing away the last of the paper plates, laughing at something Sam had said, when you stopped suddenly. Dean looked over immediately to see what was wrong. You looked at the angel blade sticking out of your abdomen. You heard yelling, and watched in slow motion as Sam and Dean rushed to your side. You could feel blood seeping from the wound, and you knew that you weren't going to make it. You looked up at the boys, Dean's striking green eyes were filled with tears. Sam's huge frame looked slumped and broken. You thought of the wondrous friendship you had shared with these two boys. There was so much you wanted to tell them, so many secrets you wished you could share, but all you could manage was “at least-” you coughed up your own blood. “at least we got to play monopoly.” and a tear slipped from your eye as you gave your boys one last smile.
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Dark Secrets
Written from Dean’s POV.
Word Count: ~3,200 (After lyrics)
Warnings: TW-DOMESTIC ABUSE (not described in detail, but it’s made clear that’s what is going on), swearing, angst, minor fluff, pregnant reader.
Pairing: Dean x Reader
A/n- This is for @casbabydontgoineedyou Katie’s 2k challenge. The song I picked was Daughters by John Mayer and my emotion was Sadness. I kinda accidentally went a little darkside with this after reading all the angst this weekend. I had something fluffier planned, but my brain decided otherwise. Sorry not sorry? Please please please read the trigger warnings. If you are not okay with domestic violence, then DO NOT READ this story. This is unbeta’d, so any and all mistakes are my own. Thanks to @queen-of-deans-booty for the title! It's a little bit jumpy, but it all makes sense in my head. I hope you all like it!
A/n 2- Under no circumstances is any of this ever okay. No one deserves this kind of treatment, no matter what. I am including the numbers for the U.S. and U.K. domestic abuse hotlines. If anyone who reads this note needs the number for another country, please contact me. I will not hesitate to help. You can also reach out to any first responder (Firefighter, Police officer, EMS) and they can help you. They will keep you safe. Please don’t make the same mistake I did and stay. It’s never worth it, and it is not your job to “fix” your abuser. Please be aware that the legal information given in this story may not be accurate for every single case.
U.S. Abuse Hotline 1-800-799-7233
                Website: http://www.thehotline.org/ this website has online chats available (7 am-2am Central time) for anyone who can’t talk on the phone. It also has an Escape! button on the top of the page. Click on that if you are in danger of being seen or fear getting caught, and it redirects to your home page immediately; no wait.
U.K. Abuse Helpline 0808 2000 247
                Website: http://www.nationaldomesticviolencehelpline.org.uk/  this website has information on how to help yourself, how to let others know (discreetly) that you need help, and also has resources that you can access (i.e. women’s shelters). I did not see anything for online chats or the same kind of Escape! Button that the American page has, but I may be wrong. My dinosaur computer doesn’t like foreign websites.
Please feel free to contact me about anything. My ask box and messages are always open!
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I know a girl
She puts the color inside of my world
Y/N was one of the best women I’ve ever met. One of the best souls. She was always so kind and forgiving, always seeing the best in others, even monsters. I watched her convince a group of vamps that they have other options, they can live off animal blood instead of human. They don’t need to be monsters and hurt people. And these guys actually did it. They check in with her every now and then and let her know what’s going on. All because she saw people where the rest of us saw soulless beings incapable of good.
She is so pure and good in this world full of evil we live in, and I love her for it. I love her. She’s perfect, really, only she can’t see it. Which is why we’re standing here today. Why I’m kneeling in front of her, begging and pleading for her to come home with me. She is the only person she can’t see the good in; which is ironic, considering how pure she is. Hell, even Cas has commented on how pure and brightly her soul burns. He says it’s entirely untouched by the bad in the world.
Well, it was back then.
I knew something was off the moment I laid eyes on her. She had taken up hunting with her old man, Leo, and new boyfriend, Brandon, about a year or so ago, and looking at her now was like looking at the shed skin of a snake. She looked dull and empty. She didn’t have that glow and sparkle that I fell in love with. When she smiled, it didn’t reach her eyes; and when she laughed, it sounded so hollow.
But, she's just like a maze
Where all of the walls all continually change
And I've done all I can
To stand on her steps with my heart in my hand
Now I'm starting to see
Maybe It's got nothing to do with me
She came up and gave me a hug, squeezing tight, almost as if she was asking me not to let go. Then she looked up and smiled the saddest smile I’ve ever seen. It broke my heart. And then that… that douche nozzle came up behind her and I knew. I knew what was going on right then and there. He was hitting her. Abusing her in the worst ways. What I couldn’t figure out was why her father was allowing it to happen. Until he walked up that is. And then I knew he was in on it. It took everything I had not to beat them both senseless. But I didn’t know if she would come with me, or even feel safe with me after that. So I bit my tongue and was biding my time until I could make this all right for her again.
I finally had a moment alone with her the next day. She was going to the store to get food for the assholes, and I decided to accompany her. As soon as we were a safe distance away from the motel we were all holed up in, I pulled the car over. Turning to her, I noticed she had pulled the sleeves of her shirt down over her hands and was playing with the hem of her too-long and baggy shirt. She had a hole in the thigh of her jeans that looked like it was from running her fingers up and down the same spot over and over again. She won’t even look at me right now.
“Y/N…please look at me honey…” I said as I reached out for her arm. The second my fingers brushed it, she was crying out in pain and yanking her arm away. She hid her face in the corner of the door, cradling her arm against her chest and taking ragged breaths.
“Y/N you need to let me see that. Please tell me what’s going on here!”
She turned to me with a horrified look on her face. “I know what you’re thinking, and you’re wrong. I got hurt on the last hunt we went on. Angry ghost threw me against a bookshelf and I sprained my wrist real bad. That’s why I’m not hunting this time around. Gotta let it rest…” She gave me a half –hearted smile, and I wasn’t buying it for a second.
Doing my best not to frighten her, I slowly reached over and pulled on her sleeve.
“Dean please no. please, just leave it alone… I don’t want you to see-” she broke off into sobs when I revealed a very swollen wrist with a black and blue handprint on it.
Trying not to lose my cool, I gently tugged her shirt off. I gasped when I saw just how bad it was. The bastards were smart enough not to leave bruises where they could be easily seen, minus the handprint on her wrist. Her back and ribcage were both covered in marks. Some of them were so defined; you could see the actual fist marks. Her shoulders, even the top half of her upper arms were littered with an ugly rainbow of purple’s, green’s, and blue’s.
Fathers, be good to your daughters
Daughters will love like you do
Girls become lovers who turn into mothers
So mothers be good to your daughters too
When I was trying to assess just how bad the damage was, she whimpered and wrapped her arms around her stomach. That’s when I realized her belly wasn’t flat like it normally was, and that was the only part of her that wasn’t marked up. I swallowed hard, trying to keep the bile from coming up. I was so repulsed by these two men that I was actually going to be sick.
“Y/N…” I said softly. “Are you… are you pregnant?”
She cried harder as she nodded once. The sound of broken sobs filled the air of the car and I tried my best to hold her together. I knew she had some broken ribs and sobbing like this wasn’t doing her any favors.
I gently stroked her back and hair as I kissed her head. “Shh, baby girl, it’s alright now. You’re safe. I won’t let them touch you ever again.”
I pulled my flannel around her so she didn’t have to put her shirt back on and held her close to me while I drove us to the nearest hospital. I took her inside, where a nurse told me they had to talk to her alone for a few minutes before I would be allowed back in. I called Sam and told him what was going on, made sure he wouldn’t say or do anything to Leo or Mark, just in case she wasn’t ready to face that yet. I wanted to get her to safety first, then we could beat the shit out of these guys.
They finally called me back to be with her after the police talked to us both. She explained to the officer in her room that I was not the one who had hurt her, simply the friend who cared enough to make it stop. A nurse came in as the officer was leaving and began examining Y/N’s bruises. Before long, she had one of those portable x-ray machines in the room and was taking scans of Y/N’s arm and chest. Once she had them, she scurried away to confer with a doctor.
She looked lifeless. Her skin was pale and her hair hung limp around her face. Her eyes were dull and empty now, no longer bright and full of life like they once were. I didn’t think I would be able to feel anything other than rage, but this… This makes me so sad. Sad that she has been dealing with this for the last year, and I wasn’t there to stop it. Sad that she felt stuck, because she had nowhere else to go and was carrying this man’s child. Sad because she was once so bright and full of life, everything you would see in a classic Disney princess; and now she is just…there. She’s not living, she’s simply existing. And I think that is the saddest part of it all.
She sat with her legs hanging off the side of the bed, while she stared at her hands in her lap. Seizing the opportunity of us being alone, I knelt down at her feet, wrapping my hands around the backs of her calves.
“Y/N, you don’t have to do this anymore. You can come with me and Sammy back to the bunker. You’ll have your own space, and we can clear out another room for a nursery. You aren’t alone. I won’t force you to come with us, but I will stop you from going back with Brandon and Leo. Not only are you putting yourself at risk, but you are also putting your baby at risk now. And what happens if the baby comes and they get out of control? I know it’s awful to think like that, but you have to understand the possibilities here. Even the horribly grim ones. So please, please come home with me. I’ll take care of you and that child. I already love you, and I’m positive I won’t be able to keep myself from loving that baby too, so please, let me help you.”
She looked at me with tears in her eyes. “Dean how can you love me? I’m nothing. I don’t deserve any of this. I’m going to be a horrible mother and screw my kid up in the worst ways possible. I’m nobody. I don’t deserve love. I’m not good enough for that.”
Oh, you see that skin?
It's the same she's been standing in
Since the day she saw him walking away
Now she's left cleaning up the mess he made
I slowly moved my hand to cup her cheek, smiling when she didn’t flinch.
“I know you won’t hurt me Dean. Not like they do…” she whispered.
“You’re right. I never will. You know why?” She turned her face up to meet my eyes with her own. “Because you deserve better. You deserve to be doted on and pampered. You deserve to have someone that will make you happy. You deserve to have someone at your side that will always love you no matter what. You are the best person, you are going to be the most wonderful mother to that child, and you are somebody very important. You’re fucking Y/N. You know how badass that chick is? Dude, she got a whole nest of vamps to go vegan! Who does that?! " I exclaimed while she giggled softly. "The best kind of person, that’s who.”
“I need you to tell me again. Tell me you weren’t joking about loving me, and helping me. Tell me you’ll keep me safe and help me raise this baby. ‘Cause if you weren’t serious Dean, I… I don’t know if I could handle that kind of cruelty…”
“Of course! Those are not joking matters, Y/N. Of course I was serious. I love you, and I’ll love this child like my own. Hell, this kid will be mine, no questions asked. I’ve always wanted kids. You can even put me on the birth certificate if you want.”
Just then a radiology tech came in with an ultrasound machine. “Time to take a look at that little human you’re growing Miss Y/L/N! You ready?”
I could tell she was nervous, so I just wrapped her hand in both of mine as she nodded and laid back on the gurney. I watched as she flinched when the cold gel hit her belly, and then as she tensed when the tech pressed on her with the wand.
“Shh it’s okay sweetheart,” I soothed her. “She’s gotta press a little to make sure she can see the baby. She won’t hurt you.”
The tech looked up in shock and seemed to just notice the bruising. “Oh dear I am so sorry! I had no idea. I should have warned you. If it will help you feel more relaxed and safe, I can walk you through what I’m doing before and while I’m doing it. Would that help?”
Y/N just nodded, one stray tear slipping down her cheek. The tech began talking about what she was doing and how she was looking for the baby when finally, a rapid whooshing sound could be heard coming from the monitor.
“That’s your baby’s heartbeat! Baby looks very healthy, a little small for how far along you are, but healthy otherwise. You look about 16 weeks along. A few more weeks and you’ll be able to tell if it’s a boy or a girl! Have you been able to start and prenatal or other vitamins? It’s not a big deal if you haven’t; it just helps us decide what to give you to help you heal faster and take great care of that new little one!”
I was surprised to see Y/N nodding. I didn’t think they would let her take anything. “I’ve managed to take them almost every other day. I had them hidden, and I couldn’t always get to them…” she said very quietly.
“That’s great, dear. You are so brave! You’re gonna be an amazing mother, already protecting that little one the way you do. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.” She got up with a pat on Y/N’s hand and handed her some print-outs of her scan.
As the tech was leaving, one of the nurses and a doctor came in; the doctor was holding x-rays. I was nervous to hear the damage report.
He put the x-rays up on the little light up board and started pointing at some of them. “So, we have good news and bad news, Miss Y/L/N. The good news is, you are going to heal quite nicely thanks to Mr. Tyler getting you to us so quickly. The bad news is, you have 4 broken ribs and a fractured wrist. Now, the wrist will need a cast for about 6 weeks, but the ribs will be a little more painful. Since you are 16 weeks along already, your body is going to be rapidly growing from this point forward. Your ribs are unfortunately not going to heal completely before you have your baby. But we can manage the pain with some medications that are safe for you and baby y/l/n there.”
Y/N just nodded her head in agreement before the doctor continued.
“Now, I know situations like this can be scary, but you need to consider filing charges. And before you say no, let me explain something first. If you file charges, and they go to the D.A., you can speak to her and drop the charges. Once you drop the charges, the state can choose to continue with the case and trial and you may be able to be left out of it 100%. That all being said, I know that is still terrifying. But I urge you to do something that will keep these men out of your life, and more importantly, out of your child’s life. If this is something you cannot do right this moment, I understand. Please note that we do keep your pictures and x-rays on file for at least 1 full year, and you can file charges at any point during that time span.”
Y/N shut down half way through the doctor’s speech. I doubt she even heard the last part. I gave him assurances that she would be safe with me and my brother, as would the child, and he seemed pleased that she trusted me. They wanted to keep her a little while longer and I knew it wouldn’t be long before Leo and Mark started losing their shit. I knew I needed to get her somewhere safe until Sam and I could take care of them.
After another hour, Sam was texting me; they were furious she had been gone so long and he wasn’t sure what to do.
“Y/N, I need you to tell me right now what you want. Do you want to stay with me and Sam? I’m pretty sure that’s what you want, but I can’t make that decision without you saying it. I need you to say it, baby girl.”
“Yes. I want to stay with you Dean.” The tears spilled over her cheeks again. “Please… Please keep us safe Dean. I can handle them. I can deal with it. But this baby won’t be able to. I need… I need this baby to be safe and loved. Please, don’t make me go back to them. I don’t know if I’ll even survive!”
The panic became clear once more as sobs racked her small body and she clutched at her ribs and belly. I wrapped my arms around her as best I could without causing more pain and tried to calm her down. Once she stopped sobbing, she fell asleep against my shoulder. I gently laid her back on the bed so I could call Sam.
“Dean! Where are you man? I don’t know how much longer I can hold these two here. They’re foaming at the mouth to go find her!”
“Yeah well she’s staying with us. They’re not coming anywhere near her again. I don’t care what they do, but you get the hell out of there and go somewhere else. We’ll pick you up.”
“I don’t care what we do Dean, I just wanna get her to safety. I hate this mess.”
“So do I. We’ll all get out of this just fine. Don’t worry. She’s safe with us.”
“I know. I’ll see you soon? I’ll text you where I end up.”
“Sounds good. See you soon.”
I ran a hand down my face as I stood there watching Y/N sleep. It looked peaceful, but I could see the way her face twitched. I knew she was having a nightmare.
So fathers, be good to your daughters
Daughters will love like you do
Girls become lovers who turn into mothers
So mothers be good to your daughters too
I don’t know how things will turn out in the long run. I don’t know if Brandon and Leo will cut their losses and stop looking for her. But I do know that I love her, and this baby, irrevocably. I do know that I won’t let those bastards lay a finger on her ever again. I do know that she will be safe, happy, and loved with me and Sam. She’ll have the best family one could ever hope for in this life, and I’ll spend the rest of my life showing her how a woman should be treated. She’ll never have to go through any of that again.
On behalf of every man
Looking out for every girl
You are the God and weight of her world
So fathers, be good to your daughters
Daughters will love like you do
Girls become lovers who turn into mothers
So mothers be good to your daughters too
So mothers be good to your daughters too
So mothers be good to your daughters too
***So I had a completely different story for this challenge planned in my head, but it wasn’t flowing onto paper. At all. And after threats of turning this whole week into “Angst Appreciation Week” I decided to jump on that bandwagon. Might as well, right? I *may* write a part 2 if y’all like it enough. Let me know what you think!***
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Rebound girl // Jensen Ackles x Reader
Word count: ~5000
Warnings: Anti Danneel (for the purpose of this fiction she had to be a b*tch, but she is not his wife and they don’t have children for this fiction!), language and maybe it’s a bit angsty-ish? but I guess this is it If I’m missing something please let me know!
A/N: This is my entry for @casbabydontgoineedyou ‘s 1k follower challenge, my prompt was “Wait… You think I’m pretty?” (it’ll be bold in the text) and it’s also my first piece of fiction I’m posting here on tumblr! 
A/N 2: Part 2 (and other stories of mine) can soon be found on @not-moose-squad
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Jensen’s POV
Being with Danneel was tiring. She wasn’t the woman I fell in love with two years ago. 
I don’t know when it happened but somehow she changed. She only cared about having my credit card when I was gone – and when I was at home – and about showing off her (fake) happiness. Dee never was someone to post much on social media, but suddenly, when Gen started, so did she. She started urging me to like and comment on her pictures because even Jared can show his love for his wife, so why can’t you? It’s really not that hard, Jensen! I want to be recognized again. Maybe it would be easier if I had your name, Jensen. Don’t you think a wedding in August would be nice?
It was frustrating. She wasn’t my Danneel anymore. When I was at home, Dee didn’t want to spend time with me, she locked herself up in her room, went out on girl’s nights or met up with her brother, yet she was complaining that I was leaving her alone so much. I didn’t know where I went wrong but I knew that I didn’t want to go on like this. Instead of proposing to her I would break up with her, as soon as I was back in Texas.
The next few days were hard on me and everyone on set wondered what was going on with me but I didn’t want to talk about it. Not even with Jared. I knew he was worried about me but I needed time to myself, needed to have this dreaded conversation I would soon be having with Danneel, in my head over and over again. She wouldn’t accept me breaking up with her, I was sure about that. But I didn’t want to spend my life with someone who didn’t want me, but my money and fame. And yet it broke my heart over and over again. I loved this woman. I thought she could have been the one for me.
Maybe it all was my fault. I was gone for almost the whole year, every year, so maybe it was just natural that she had become uninterested in me. The only thing I could give her while I was gone was my money – and some poor face time calls in the evening or only a good night text. Was it my fault? Should I have been more thoughtful?
“FUCK!” I screamed through my trailer and smashed my water bottle across the room. I ran my fingers through my hair and felt tears springing to my eyes.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door to my trailer. I groaned. “Fuck off, Jared. I don’t want to talk!”
The door opened anyway. “Fuck off, yourself, Jensen!” Jared growled back. He sat down on my couch and looked at me expectantly. I sighed.
“Honestly, Jensen, I am so over your shit. You’ve been avoiding all of us for three days and I am not leaving until you talk to me.” And then I told Jared everything.
It’s been three weeks now since I made up my mind. I would definitely end things with Danneel. It broke my heart but I knew it was for the best. The night I had told Jared he agreed with me, said that I would know what was best for me but that he also wasn’t surprised that it had come to this. But on the other hand, Jared has never been a huge fan of Dee. For as long as I have known him he always wanted me to be with (Y/N). (Y/N) was my best friend since kindergarten and basically my soul mate. We were like one person split in two bodies. But never ever have I thought about her in a romantic way and I was sure she felt the same way about me.
Right now I was on my way back to our house in Austin and nervous as fuck. I didn’t know how to start this conversation or what to expect from Dee. But then, when I opened the door, everything changed. Danneel stood there, leaning against the doorframe of the living room. She looked absolutely stunning, wearing a beautiful tight black dress, black tights and high heels. The dress hugged her in all the right places.
“Hi, Babe”, she said seductively and came over to me.
I let my suitcase fall to the floor and hugged her. Her hands rested in my neck, carding them softly in my hair, while mine wandered along her body, eventually resting on her waist.
“I missed you”, she whispered in my ear and began to plant kisses in my neck.
“I missed you, too”, I answered automatically, regretting my words but I was so overwhelmed that I couldn’t say anything else.
Dee kissed me on my lips quickly and then let go of me. “I made you dinner, babe. I hope you’re hungry.” Then she made her way into the kitchen and I was rendered speechless. What was happening? Was she trying to make up for the past few months? Maybe she noticed how we were drifting apart, how she was only after my money, and wanted to work things out. A new light of hope sparked inside of me.
Her head peaked out of the kitchen. “You coming?”
I shook my head and smiled. “Sure, honey.”
At first the evening seemed to be nice. Danneel asked me about my time on set and she seemed truly interested in the stories I told her and her laugh seemed to be honest when I told her how we pranked Misha and Mark Sheppard. It felt like our old times together and I had almost forgotten that I wanted to break up with her. After all it seemed like we could have another chance. But the tables turned when we finished dinner and Dee cleaned the table. She insisted that I’d stay put, “I want this evening to be about you!” she had said, and while she closed the dishwasher she cleared her throat.
“You know, Jay, I was gonna post a picture of our dinner on Instagram and I thought it would be nice if you could comment on it. It doesn’t need to be special, maybe just a heart or a thank you? Just so that people see you appreciated what I did for you.”
I scoffed and bit my lip, making a face. Then I turned towards her. She stood there and looked so innocent, as if she’d asked if I wanted dessert.
“This is what all of this is about? You dressed up and cooked just so could post it on Instagram and get likes?”
She opened her mouth but I cut her off. “You know what, Danneel? I don’t even want to hear it. Of course it was about likes and attention. Everything you’ve done for the past few months was for attention. I am so stupid I fell for you goddamn shit. I… Fuck it, Danneel, I almost believed your shit again!” With that I grabbed the bottle of scotch from the kitchen counter and left. I walked upstairs and locked myself in my bedroom.
Dee yelled my name and asked me to come back but when I didn’t answer she quickly gave up. Then my phone lit up and it was a text saying Can I at least post that picture? All I did was let out a loud groan, then I fell on my bed and started drinking right from the bottle. How could I have been so stupid? I should have known that she must have had something in her mind.
I didn’t know how long it took me to empty the bottle of scotch, I just realized that I started to get tipsy and tipsier and tipsier until the bottle was finally empty and I was drunk as fuck. The world was spinning around me while I was laying flat on my back on my bed. It was then that I decided that I had to talk to Jared; had to tell him how stupid I was for almost falling for Danneels shit again.
I rolled over to grab my phone from my nightstand and almost threw up because everything started to turn even faster. It took me a moment until my view was a bit less blurry and I could see my phone. Unlocking it, I looked for my last chat and dialed the number.
“Jensen? What’s wrong, it’s 1.30 am”, a tired voice said at the other end of the line.
“Padal…Padaleski? I’m so stupid, sooo stupid!” I slurred into my phone, almost choking on the tears that now were harder to suppress.
“I reaaally almos’ b‘lieved her, Jared. Made me dinner’n’stuff, ya know, ma favorite food of all…” a hiccup interrupted me, “of all fugging time, Jared. I thought… reeeeally thought she was gonna make it up to me, ya know? She said she miss”, another hiccup, “said she missed me, Jared. Dunno what I did wrong tho. Jus’ wanted to love her and be loved. Maybe should’a just broken up with her right when I walked into ma house, no back in Vancouver alllready, Jared. Jared ya still there? Talk to me, buddy, need ya to tell me I was bein’ a stupid dumbass for not stickin’ with the plan.”
It was quiet for a few seconds and I already wanted to disconnect the call because I thought that Jared wasn’t there anymore when I heard a tired voice say that I was drunk and that I should drink some water and we’d talk in the morning. “I luv ya, buddy. You the best, least I can rely on ya!” and then the call disconnected.
I groaned and shook Danneel’s hand off. “Fuck you!”
“Wow, what a nice way to greet your best friend.”
Immediately I opened my eyes and shot up from my bed, instantly regretting it because it felt like twenty buses hit me at once.
“(Y/N), what are you doing here? Where’s Danneel?” I asked, covering my eyes because it was way too fucking bright in my bedroom.
(Y/N) shrugged. “Haven’t seen her, why?”
Letting myself fall back onto the bed, I sighed. “Do you have an Advil or something? My head is killing me.”
As if she had already known and prepared it before waking me up, she took a glass of water and an Advil from my nightstand. Then (Y/N) looked at the bottle of scotch I downed last night.
“Did you drink all of this?” she asked, nodding in its direction.
I simply nodded, putting the glass back on my nightstand and swallowing the pill.
“Now it makes sense. I was worried about you when you called me last night. You haven’t been this wasted in years. What’s going on, Jay? And why didn’t you tell me that things weren’t going well with Danneel?”
I raised an eyebrow. “What call?”
“You called me this morning at 1.30, Jensen?!”
“No, I did not. I called Jared.”
(Y/N) sighed overdramatically and rolled her eyes. Then she took her phone from my nightstand and showed me her phone list. “Believe me now?”
“Fuck”, I growled, “I am so sorry, (Y/N), I didn’t want to bother you with all of my shit. I’m really sorry!”
(Y/N)’s eyes widened and she shot up from my bed. “Are you being fucking serious right now, Jensen? I am your best friend - at least I thought I was. But obviously you don’t bother talking to me because you think you are a burden? What the hell? Why didn’t you tell me about you and Danneel?” At first (Y/N) had been yelling and I thought my head was gonna burst but then her voice became softer, worry written all over her face.
Looking down on my hands I sighed. “I was… ashamed. You and Jared and Misha…”, I sighed, “you all warned me about her and said that I should be careful and now I seem to get what I deserve for being so stupid.”
For the first time now, I let my tears run freely. I don’t know if it was because I was so hung over or because I couldn’t keep my shit together in front of (Y/N). It felt good to finally let my emotions take over. When I talked to Jared about all this stuff it already helped a lot but with (Y/N) it was different. Both were my best friends but in front of (Y/N) I felt less of a need to keep it together. Breaking in front of her in tough situations like this was somehow easier.
My best friend looked at me and I saw tears shimmering in her eyes as well. “I am so sorry, Jensen”, she whispered, “but you are not stupid. You are in love with her. It is not your fault she didn’t appreciate and love you the way you deserve to be loved.”
(Y/N) came into bed with me and hugged me. I buried my head in the crook of her neck, while she ran her hands soothingly up and down my spine. Then I heard her whisper that she loved me and that eventually, everything was going to be okay.
Reader’s POV
Seeing Jensen like this broke your heart. He didn’t deserve to be treated like this. Yes it was true, you might not have been a big fan of Danneel when she came in Jensen’s life but when you saw them together for the first year of their relationship you thought that they may had a chance. It had shattered your heart because there wasn’t any other thing that you wanted more than being the woman by his side but what mattered the most to you was that Jensen was happy. And at first it seemed like they were.
Danneel tried to attend to as many conventions as possible, she came to visit him in Vancouver and she seemed to accept Jensen’s lifestyle and popularity. It took you a while but you started to accept that she seemed to be the one for him. Yes, it broke your heart. But your friendship meant more to you than anything else and so you settled for that instead of telling him about your feelings and possibly losing him forever.
It didn’t take long and Jensen made up his mind and wanted to propose to her after only one and a half year. But hey, you weren’t the one to judge. It was him who had to make this decision and he seemed genuinely happy. That was six months ago.
Now your best friend – and love of your life – was in your arms and cried because of said woman. It made you hate her. If she had been at their shared home you were sure you would have killed her. Jensen slowly stopped sobbing and you looked down at his tear-stained face. Luckily no new ones were running down his face anymore. He was fast asleep again and a soft smile spread on your face. He looked so peaceful.
You slightly shifted and made yourself more comfortable. You wanted to be there when he woke up. Scrolling through your Instagram feed you liked a few pictures and commented on the new photo Sarah posted of Isabella when you felt yourself drift off to sleep. A small yawn escaped you as you decided that it wouldn’t hurt if you took a short nap as well.
You stirred awake when a phone started buzzing. An arm was draped around your waist and it took you a few seconds to realize where you were. Jensen was lying next to you on his stomach, your legs were intertwined with his and his arm rested on your waist. You smiled. This was certainly a view you could get used to. But on the other hand that’s what you almost always thought no matter what he was doing. Jensen was more than perfect.
The phone had stopped buzzing by now but you checked to see who called you. It was Jared. Normally you would have got up but you were so intertwined with Jensen that you had no chance of getting up without waking him. So you decided to call Jared anyway, you just had to be as quiet as possible.
It rang four times when Jared picked up. “Hey, what’s up?” You whispered.
“(Y/N)? Why are you whispering?” He sounded amused but also a bit concerned.
“I’m lying next to Jensen and he’s asleep. Don’t want to wake him. Why did you call?”
On the other end of the line Jared sighed. “Jay is the reason I called. I haven’t heard from him since he texted me he’s landed safely. How is he?”
You looked over at him. He was drooling a little bit and you giggled. “He’s drooling right now! No, he’s miserable. He couldn’t text you anything. Dee pulled a stunt on him and he just got himself drunk as fuck yesterday. At 1.30 he called me thinking he called you and told me everything. Why didn’t you tell me how bad it was, Jared?”
Jared cleared his throat. “I thought you knew, honestly, (Y/N). You are his best friend as well. I didn’t think he’d keep it from you…”
Next to you, Jensen opened his eyes. “Who you talking to?” His voice was still thick with sleep.
“Gotta go, Jared. See you.” You didn’t wait for him to say anything back and ended the call.
“It was Jared. He wanted to know how you are.”
Jensen mumbled something you couldn’t understand before he turned on his back and stretched. Then he yawned long and loudly before turning on his side, looking at you.
“Wanna get some food? I’m starving.”
You smiled and nodded. He didn’t seem as hung over as he was this morning and you hoped that you could get his mind off Danneel – or more alcohol. Apart from that you were starving as well.
Jensen’s POV 
4 weeks later
I had broken up with Danneel about four weeks ago. It had been hard and she wasn’t all too happy about it but in the end we could talk about it reasonably and she agreed that it was the best for us. We both deserved people who truly loved us and while I did truly love her she admitted that she used to love me but that it had become harder and harder the more time had passed and the more time I had spent in Vancouver.
Despite the rather friendly ending of our relationship I took a week off and tried to keep my mind occupied. I didn’t want to think about her or our house that I left her. I just wanted to get away from everything and anything that reminded me of her. Jared and (Y/N) had been an amazing support for me and (Y/N) even let me move in with her.
(Y/N) was an even better friend than she had been for the past 36 years. When my break was over she even came up to Vancouver with me because she didn’t want to leave me alone yet.
We both laughed a lot when we were together and we reminisced about our childhood memories. I reminded (Y/N) of one story she had long forgotten. We were teenagers and in High School and one of my classmates pretended to have a major crush on (Y/N). (Y/N) was flattered because he was the captain of our school’s football team and basically every girl wanted to be his girlfriend.
I was rather suspicious because I knew him and his friends and how they always turned everything into bets. Even girls. It didn’t take long until (Y/N) agreed to go on a date with him. She didn’t tell me about it because she knew I wouldn’t want her to go. Nevertheless I found out about it and luckily I found them just at the right time. That douchebag was urging her to get into the car with him because he knew that “everyone wants him to be their first”. In that night I had my first fight ever.
(Y/N)’s favorite story was how I pretended to be her boyfriend for four months back when she was in college. There was one creep who just didn’t want to leave her alone and always asked for another date no matter how many times (Y/N) had turned him down before.
It had been a while since (Y/N) and I spent every day together. With me being in Vancouver and her still living in Dallas there weren’t many days we could spend together. Even when I was on hiatus or she had a few days or weeks off, life would sometimes still mess with us. But now that I had spent four weeks with her basically 24/7 because she also came to visit us on set, I got to experience how simple everything was with her. A simplicity that I hadn’t experienced with Danneel. With YN I could just… be.
She was just an amazing woman. Beautiful, smart, witty, honest, funny, fair… I could go on like this forever. But some of the things I started to feel scared me. My heartbeat, for example, that always quickened when she entered the room or when she smiled. Most of the time I just ignored these feelings but I didn’t know if I was imagining it or if they were really getting stronger day by day now. I mean… she had been my friend for 36 years. I couldn’t just fall in love with her now. Right?
For tonight, (Y/N) and I had scheduled a movie night and I was more than looking forward to it. It meant comfy clothes, popcorn and pizza and a lot of fun with her. She was out getting our pizza while I was preparing everything at my flat in Vancouver. The popcorn was done and I put it in two different bowls, one sweetened and the other one salted. Just when I put the bowls down on the table, (Y/N) unlocked the door and came in smiling.
“Babe, I’m home”, she yelled and laughed. It had become our inside joke. A little laugh escaped me as well but it also didn’t go unnoticed by myself that my heartbeat quickened.
“Good, I missed you”, I answered and another laugh shook her body.
“I was gone for 20 minutes. How could you miss me?” She placed the pizzas down on the table and fell next to me on the couch.
I pulled her on my lap and kissed her hair. “You are a wonderful woman. The question should be how I couldn’t miss you!”
She giggled and playfully slapped my hands that I had wrapped around her, wriggling out of my embrace. “Shut it, Ackles. I want to eat!”
I laughed and watched her grabbing her pizza and excitedly cutting it into eight slices. She looked at me from the corner of her eye and smiled, then taking her first bite of her pizza. Grabbing mine and placing it in my lap I asked her what she wanted to watch and she shrugged, not being able to say anything as she was fighting with the mozzarella that was half on her pizza and half in her mouth.
After she swallowed she looked at me. “What do you think of love actually?” She used her puppy eyes on me and I smiled.
“Don’t pull these puppy eyes on me!” I said overdramatically.
(Y/N) smiled knowingly. Her puppy eyes worked perfectly fine on me and I was already looking for love actually on Netflix. I knew she loved that movie and even though I hated it because she forced me to watch it approximately 500 times I loved how much she still enjoyed it.
We soon finished our pizzas and she grabbed one of the popcorn bowls, curling up next to me, with her head in my lap. I didn’t really pay attention to the film but to her. I liked watching her reactions when her favorite actors were on screen or when she was annoyed by the actions of someone in the movie. It was way more exciting to me than actually watching the film.
As she lay there with her head resting in my lap, my fingers traced the skin of her outer thigh lightly in small circles, I felt how her body was covered in soft goose bumps due to what I was doing. It was also then that I really let my eyes roam her body for the first time. Even though I knew that it was somehow wrong I couldn’t help myself. (Y/N) was my best friend since kindergarten, I shouldn’t feel all these things that I started to feel over the past few weeks but here I was, realizing that maybe my missing puzzle piece had been (Y/N) all along.
She was truly beautiful. Her beauty was simple but yet there were so many special things about her. Her beautiful y/e/c eyes that always sparkled when she laughed or talked about something she was passionate about or her hair that she was wearing in a nice up-do today… it actually didn’t matter to me how she was wearing it, she always looked amazing. There were her cute dimples as soon as she smiled and then there was her perfect body. She moved slightly and so her white tank top slid up a bit, giving me a view of her hipbones. Also I just now realized that her red sweatshorts had a Snoopy printed on the left side of her butt. I quietly laughed to myself.
“Nothing”, I answered and laughed.
She turned around, now looking up at me. “Tell me, Ackles, or I’ll leave and you can watch your chick flicks alone!”
Alright, Ackles, here goes nothing. “I just think that you are beautiful.”
(Y/N) sat up with furrowed brows, pausing the film.
“Wait… You think I’m pretty?”
I shook my head. “No, I don’t think you’re pretty. I think you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”
I took her hands in mine and smiled. “You have the most beautiful eyes and I love how they sparkle when you talk about things that are important to you. And your smile, it’s so wonderful and powerful you could probably stop wars with it… I think, things with Danneel had to come to an end so I could finally see how beautiful you are. Inside and out. I know this must be weird right now, (Y/N), but I think I might… like you. Like really like you.”
She looked at me skeptically and shook her head. A small, but sad, laugh escaped her lips. “You are confused, Jay. You just broke up with Danneel a month ago, I get it. Being single is hard when you’ve been in a relationship for so long and especially when you wanted to propose to her but had to realize she didn’t love you for who you are. But this isn’t you talking. It’s the broken heart.”
It broke my heart. She looked so devastated. As if I had just told her that I would never want to see her again. This was not the reaction I was hoping for.
I cupped her cheek. “Hey, buttercup. It’s not the broken heart that’s talking, it’s me. 100 percent Jensen talking here.” A single tear rolled down her cheek and on my hand. I brushed it away with my thumb, trying to lock eyes with her.
“It’s just…” A soft sob escaped her and it broke my heart to see her like that. If I had known what my words would do to her I would have never said them. “I have hoped to hear these words for such a long time, Jensen, and now you are saying them but I just can’t believe them. Because if I do and I let myself in for this and you realize that I’m not as pretty as you think in the morning or that my laugh is annoying when you hear it at one in the morning because I’m up watching The Big Bang Theory ‘cause I can’t sleep… What if you realize all that and let me go? I would not just lose my boyfriend, I would also lose my best friend.”
I was taken aback by her words and looked at her, not quite knowing what to respond to that at first. It only got worse when she slid away from me to the other end of the couch.
“(Y/N)…”, I started, reaching out for her but she crossed her arms in front of her chest and tucked up her legs and I felt as if she had slapped me across my face. “I have known you for as long as I can think. Don’t you think I don’t know what you look like in the morning? Don’t you remember what happened the last time I caught you watching The Big Bang Theory at one in the morning? I sat down next to you and we laughed together. Please, (Y/N), give this a shot – give us a shot.”
She looked at me like a deer in the headlights and by now tears were running down her cheeks freely. I felt so helpless. When I told her I didn’t know what to expect and I was probably expecting anything but not that. Not in a million years did I imagine that she became a crying mess because of me, my feelings for her… her feelings for me.
(Y/N) vehemently shook her head and got up. “I can’t do this, Jensen. Not like that. You project all of your feelings you had for Danneel onto me. And I don’t want to be your rebound girl, I’m sorry.” Her voice broke at the end and then she suddenly turned around and quickly ran over to the front door.
I got up as quickly as I could but before I could reach her she was out of my door and gone. And there I stood, running my hands through my hair, tears in my eyes, wondering if I had just made the biggest mistake of my life.
Read part 2 here
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afanofmanystuffs · 7 years
I look high, but I'm really just tired
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May 26, 2017
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I am reposting old fic rec lists.  Unfortunately some of the blogs/stories have been removed, but I am still going to list them for historical reference.
Feel free to tag me in ANY fics you post, and see previous weeks’ fic recs HERE
Tender, Loving, Care by @callmesweetheartifyoumeanit   Dean gets hurt on a hunt and after being patched up by a friend he realizes that he wants so much more from her than medical care.
Passing Ships by @ilostmyshoe-79   Sam and Eileen spend a night together after an unplanned meeting. I am sailing this ship hard.
It’s a Not So Terrible Life by @justanothersaltandburn   Dean loves his little sister… Probably more than he should. He also loves his little sister’s boyfriend, Sam. He thinks he’s good at hiding his feelings but… Not so much.
Full of Surprises by @melissaj616   The reader plans a great evening to be with Dean.
Doin’ it Like Sam Winchester by @mysaintsasinner   It’s very hot, and Sam finds you wearing very little in his bed - the coolest place in the bunker.
No Time Like the Present by @pinknerdpanda   Cas sends you to 2014 to help bring Dean back, but you get a bit distracted by Endverse!Cas.
Baby by @saxxxology   You, Sam, and Dean decide to put Baby to yet another test.
Civil War by @blackgirloneshots   You and Dean don’t see eye to eye when it comes to comic book universes.
Are You A Wizard by @docharleythegeekqueen   With encouragement from her friends’ Reader decides to tell Dean Winchester how she feels. Unfortunately, her hopes are seemingly crushed and she turns to alcohol and a mysterious wizard for guidance. Well, she hopes he’s a wizard.
I Like Your Sass by @imagineteamfreewill   The reader is shy and Dean doesn’t understand why she doesn’t talk to him.
God Gave Me You by @jotink78   An old friend comes by to visit the Winchesters and a few secrets are revealed. 
Just Me, Coffee, & My Big Mouth by @lipstickandwhiskey   You can’t leave it alone, so you have to say your piece. All you can do is hope she’ll listen, and that Sam won’t be too upset.
So Close by @whispersandwhiskerburn   Dean has a dream come true with the Reader and it’s so perfect, he doesn’t know whether or not he can believe it.
Dad Bod by @winchester-smut   Dean has a major crush on you, and one comment from Sam has him insecure about it.
Hate to Love You by @casbabydontgoineedyou   You hate Castiel. Or at least, you tell yourself you do. In turn, Castiel feels the same about you. Exactly the same.
Box of Chocolates by @helakkas (on AO3)   Through a series of odd happenings, it becomes increasingly clear that the universe is determined to get Dean and Cas together. Dean very much disagrees.
Go With The Flow by @saxxxology   At a con (VanCon 2013), you and Jared take the opportunity of the fact that both of you are single and more than ready to mingle.
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welldonebeca · 6 years
Say mama, Say dada, Say Jack
Summary: Baby John is about to say his first word, but it is not what you and Dean quite expect. Pairing: Dean x Reader; (+Sam, Donna, Jack, Castiel, Jody and Charlie.) WC: 580 words Warnings: Fluff.
Dean Winchester x Masterlist
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“Shh,” Sam hissed with his eyes glued to the baby in your arms as well as everyone else in the room. “He’s gonna say it.”
Baby John was about to say his first words and everyone was extremely excited.
“Say mama,” you repeated to your son. “Ma-ma.”
“No, no. Say papa,” Dean said slowly by your side, trying to move his attention to him. “Pa-pa.”
The baby boy just looked between the two of you in a very innocent look. He was growing up fast and you just loved him so much.
How you knew he was about to say something? Mom feelings, probably. And Castiel’s help. But mostly mom feelings.
Now, all of you were in the map room and your whole family was waiting to hear what he had to say. Sam has his camera in his hand and was filming everything, Charlie was on her toes and Jody was just staring at you along with Claire, Donna, Castiel and Jack.
“Come on, honey,” you caressed his little hand, the one he’d just lifted while sat on your lap. “Say it.”
His lips moved slowly but no word came out for a moment, until a few seconds later.
“Jack,” he let out, loud and clear as if he meant what he said.
You frowned, as well as Dean.
“Jack,” he repeated happily. “Jack. Jack. Jack.”
The teen boy smiled openly and John quickly moved to his direction, reaching out and making grabby hands into his direction.
“Jack. Jack. Jack.”
Quickly, Jack walked to your side and smiled at him.
“Jack,” your little blonde boy said happily, and everyone just let out exclamations. Some were surprised, some were disappointed, but you and Dean just stared at them in silence.
“Really?!” your boyfriend exclaimed. “Jack?! Come on, kid, I’m your father.”
You shook your head.
“I carried you inside me, boy,” you reminded him, but your son only used your moment of distraction to hold the young Nephilim's shoulders and try to leave your grasp.
You gave him to Jack and everyone just walked out, leaving you two alone.
“Come here,” you pulled Dean as he pouted. “You are not really upset, are you?”
“Maybe,” he muttered. “I mean… He’s my son. I wanted him to say dada.”
You chuckled and Dean took a breath.
“You know what? We will teach the next one how to say mama or papa before Jack gets his hands on them,” he decided, making you snap your head in his direction.
“Next?” you arched him your eyebrows. “How many children do you think we are having?”
“Four?” he questioned with a smile, and you just stared at him. “Come on, Y/N. We need a girl. And another boy. And then another girl.”
You shook your head.
“John is just a baby, Dean, he can’t even walk” you reminded him. “I don’t plan to see myself pregnant in a long time.”
He smiled, rubbing his nose on the skin of your neck.
“I can wait,” he affirmed. “But I still want those four.”
You shook your head.
“Good luck trying to convince me.”
Forever Tags: @andyl394 @ria132love @unicorntrooper @shadowpriestess6 @sebstanchrisevanchickforever19 @magpiegirl80 @mogaruke @maximofftrash @ryantherandomhero @shadowhunter7 @bugalouie @lilpixy25 @nildaebony @wayward-oneshots @thefridgeismybestie @letsdisneythings ( @yourtropegirl ) @rebekahsalvator @emoryhemsworth @nyleveeee @meganwinchester1999 @megasimpleplan4ever @wetrayne @shaelyn102 @feelmyroarrrr Forever SFW tags: @that-one-fanfic-writer @fandomlover2001 @kgbrenner @kanupps06 @waywardemo @amythyststorm33 @amillionfandoms-onlyoneme        Supernatural tags: @afanofmanystuffs @sorenmarie87 @queenofhellisafangirl    @newtospnfandom @drthskyguy @smalltowndivaj @keepthepeace2015 @brooke-supernatural16 @tayrae515 @bunnybaby121115 @the-queen-of-moons (@riversong-sam @casbabydontgoineedyou) @what-we-all-wantt @impossiblepizzapeace @deangirl-samcurious-0124-0502        Supernatural SFW tags:   @thewinterhunter @chloe-skywalker                Dean tags: @evyiione @rockgoddean @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @imagefanfictionlover @its-daydreamer23 @aubreystilinski
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Incy Wincy Spider
Summary: With Sam & Dean away on a hunt, you get to spend a quiet few weeks in the bunker.  Fear only sets in when you discover you’re not entirely alone.......
A/N: Because she’s wonderful and is celebrating her one year Tumblr anniversary and reaching an amazing follower count, the lovely Rev is hosting a Writing Challenge.  She’s given me one of her favourite lines from a fic she’s written and this is what I’ve done with it.  Prompt in bold below.
Word Count: 649
Characters: Reader x Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester (mentioned)
Warnings: None, just mention of a little creepy crawly bug.
“This is ridiculous.  I am an adult and I can handle this on my own. I am a strong, independent woman and I am more than capable of dealing with this!”
That’s what I keep repeating to myself as I stand outside my bedroom, staring at the door, trying to drum up enough courage to go in there and deal with the horrifying creature that is lurking in there.
I should probably explain a few things.  I’m on my own.  I have been for almost two weeks.  Sam and Dean left the bunker to go on a hunt a couple of states away and, as I’m still nursing a handful of bruised ribs after a werewolf threw me into a concrete wall, it was decided that I would stay behind to heal.  So that’s been my life for the last fortnight.  I’ve cleaned the bunker from top to bottom, polished every car in the garage, and catalogued every single one of the many books that Sam and I picked up during our last buying spree.
While I’ve kept busy during the long days, I’ve allowed myself to relax in the evenings.  Pretty much every night has found me curled up on the sofa watching one of the many tv shows that make up my Netflix list.  I’ve almost emptied the case of expensive wine we were given as a thank you for solving a haunting at a winery, and I’ve decimated the secret stash of chocolate that Dean keeps hidden in his underwear drawer!
Long story short, it’s been nice.  Actually it’s been almost blissful – having this time to myself has been a godsend!  Don’t get me wrong, I love those men to death but sometimes a girl just needs to have some space to be herself, time to relax.  I’ve never been more thankful to be injured!
While I’m painting a pretty idyllic picture of how I’ve been wiling away the hours, there has been one slight issue and it explains why I’m standing outside my room at 3am, armed with the biggest cooking pot that I could get my hands on.  
A couple of days after Sam and Dean had left, I was putting some laundry away when I noticed a spider making its way across the floor towards me.  Now put me in front of a demon or a chupacabra and I’ll show no signs of fear but if I see one of those eight-legged little freaks, I will run a mile.  And that’s exactly what I did; I barrelled through the door as quickly as I could, slamming it behind me.  
I haven’t been back in there since that day.  I’ve been sleeping in Dean’s room, borrowing clothes from both him and Sam.  But since I got a call not long ago to let me know that they were almost home, I decided that I really needed to deal with the situation.  They’re going to and to rest when they get back and the last thing I want to do is be under their feet because of something so pathetic!  I’m hoping that the damn thing will be dead by now but just in case it’s not, I’ve grabbed something to trap it under.
Opening the door just enough to peer through the gap, I start to move forward when something touches my shoulder.  Leaping forward through the door, temporarily forgetting about the spider, in an attempt to self-preservation, I drop straight into a fighting stance….only to see Sam standing there laughing up a storm.  But I don’t care.  Adrenaline is flowing though my system and its telling me to run as far away as I can. I just throw the pot I have in my hands in Sam’s general direction while I desperately tell him the spider.  Now that my boys are home, they can deal with it – I’m over being an adult!
Tagging: @waywardimpalawriter  @impatient-witch  @hexparker  @zepppie  @helvonasche  @mysteriouslyme81  @mamaredd123  @madamelibrarian  @chainez-8  @babypieandwhiskey  @supernatural-jackles  @wheresthekillswitch  @jensen-jarpad  @deathtonormalcy56  @thetalesofmooseandsquirrel  @notnaturalanahi  @just-another-busy-fangirl  @casbabydontgoineedyou  @redlipstickandplaid  @jared-padaloveme  @jayankles  @autopistaaningunaparte  @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid  @katymacsupernatural
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summer-binging-spn · 7 years
Just a Human
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Word Count: 840
Warnings: Death, Angst, Sadness, Lucifer gets a little out of character
Pairing: Lucifer x Reader
Tags: @lucifer-in-leather @ravengirl94 @mamaredd123 @myplaceofthingsilove @assbutt-still-in-hell @casbabydontgoineedyou @notnaturalanahi
Author's Note: This is for @thing-you-do-with-that-thing  ‘s week 14 of the 2017 hiatus challenge, I used the dialogue prompt “I never wanted to hurt you.”
You can’t stop the tears now. As you glance from your best friend to the Angel you love you choke back a sob. 
“Y/n,” Lucifer whispers and steps towards you. 
“You killed her,” you cry. 
“I never wanted to hurt you,” he says trying to pull you into his chest. 
“Then why would you kill her? You know how much she meant to me,” you push away from him. 
“She was just a human I never thought it would affect you this much,” he pleads. 
“I’m just a human Lucifer! What if it had been me? What if I had been here instead? What if the demons had found me?” 
“You are not just a human, you are my human. They wouldn’t dare touch you,” he defends weakly. 
“Please leave, if I need something I’ll pray or I’ll go to the bunker,” you mumble. 
“Do not go near the Winchesters,” he warns. 
“Why? They can’t bring any more danger than you,” you whisper. 
“Y/n,” he barks. 
“Go!” you yell and when you turn he’s gone. You sob to yourself and pick your phone up to call the boys. Hopefully they won’t mind helping you. 
“Hello,” Sam answers on the first ring. 
“I need some help,” you sniffle. 
“What’s wrong? Did he hurt you?” Sam demands. 
“No, I need help burning a body,” you mumble. 
“Alright, your place? Is she okay?” He asks. 
“No,” you sob.
“I’m coming,” he says. Ten minutes later he’s in front of you. He wraps her in a sheet and you slowly stand up to follow him outside.
“I told you to stay away from the Winchesters,” Lucifer barks and you jump back.
“I told you to leave me alone,” you whisper.
“Pet, please don’t do this, don’t shut me out,” Lucifer pleads.
“You killed one of my only friends,” you cry.
“She was a casualty, I would never harm you,” he says holding your face in his hands.
“I’m just a human, I could become a casualty,” you whisper and start out the door.
“Y/n, I will never allow you to become a casualty,” he attempts to reassure you.
“Really? How will you constantly watch me and run Hell?” you laugh bitterly.
“I will never let any significant harm come to you,” he says and with a whoosh he’s gone. You follow Sam out through the woods and help him prepare the pyre.
“You okay?” he asks softly.
“I’ve been better,” you mumble and he lights the fire.
“She was a great hunter and friend,” he says, smiling weakly.
“It should be me up there,” you whisper.
“Don’t say that, you couldn’t have known what was going to happen after you left,” Sam says.
“I should have, I should’ve known Lucifer would do this. They hated each other, I just never thought it would lead to this,”
“It’ll be okay,” Sam mumbles and pulls you into a hug. You allow yourself to bury yourself into the younger Winchester’s arms as you cry.
“You should go back to the Bunker,” you sniff after you two get back to the house.
“Will you be okay here by yourself?” he asks, looking towards your house.
“I’ll be fine, it’ll be quiet, but I’ll be fine,” you say, trying to convince yourself.
“Are you sure? The Bunker has plenty of rooms, I’m sure Dean won’t mind,” he offers.
“Thank you Sam, but I need to stay here,” you whisper.
“Alright, if you need anything you call us, okay?”
“I will,” you nod.
“Do you need angel warding symbols?” he asks, glancing around as if Lucifer will pop up anywhere.
“No thank you, I’ll have to face him at some point,” you smile weakly up at Sam.
“Okay, be safe,” he whispers and hugs you before leaving.
“Lucifer, the least you could do is help me clean the mess up,” you whisper, while staring blankly at the blood that has seeped into your rug.
“I’m running Hell, how can I help you clean up?” he asks, crossing his arms.
“In the time it took you to say that you could’ve had this cleaned up,” you motion to the rug.
“True, but why would I want to clean up this mess?” he asks.
“If I clean that up I’ll never get my hands clean,” you whisper and with a snap of his fingers the rug is gone along with the blood.
“I am sorry she died,” he apologizes.
“I know,” you whisper, and with a snap you are sitting in the throne room of Hell.
“Luci, what are we doing in Hell?” you ask softly.
“I am getting you away from that house for a few days,” he says and a throne is sitting beside his.
“Lucifer I just wanna go home and cry,” you mumble.
“I never gave you that option,” he states and leads you to the throne beside his. You glance at the unfamiliar chair and after he sits you settle yourself in his lap.
“This okay?” you mumble into his neck.
“Perfect,” he states, rubbing your back.
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deanandsamsbitch · 7 years
Loving a Broken Man Part 4
A/N: Sorry for the late update. I’ve been busy with work and family stuff and I got sick. So, enjoy part 4! If anyone of you have Wattpad this book is on there too!! Anyway Read!
Word Count: 670
Warning(s): More angst pretty much, heartbroken reader, heartbroken Dean. Fighting. Swearing. That’s it.
Series Summary: Dean signed up to join the army, when he was away fighting, he got injured badly resulting with him coming home with serve injuries and PTSD. Dean refuses for help and ends pushing away his family, friends and the reader.
Your POV: You slammed your laptop quickly after hearing Dean say you two should break up. You then cry into your pillow, you look at your finger and you see his ring, his promise to you, well now broken promise. You take the ring off and you throw it against your wall and it lands on the ground. You couldn’t believe it. You were heartbroken, your heart shattered into a million pieces. You then vowed to stop writing to Dean, skyping him. You were so upset that you decided to cut him out of your life.
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  Dean’s POV: Y/n hung up so quickly on our skype date. I don’t blame her. I basically broke her heart. I’m going home to visit in a couple weeks, I’m gonna explain why she should not be with me anymore. I hope one day she’ll understand and maybe forgive me.
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October 13, 2017
Dean’s POV: I’m back in Lawrence, I saw Sam, my mom and Dad at the airport. We all headed back to our house, there I saw Y/n’s parents.
 Dean: Hey Mr. and Mrs. Y/l/n.
Your dad: Hello Dean.
Dean: How come you two didn’t come to the airport?
Your dad: We didn’t think it be such a big deal to you.
Your mom: Goodbye Dean.
 Your parents then go inside, leaving a very confused Dean. He didn’t know why they were angry with him, then he remembered. He broke your heart.
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Dean then goes to his house, his parents and brother confused. Dean didn’t want to tell them but he knew he had too.
5 hours later
You came home, you went out with some friends, by that they pretty much forced you to go out clubbing. You weren’t in the mood to drink, flirt with other guys or hook up. You then decided to drink and forget about Dean.
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 Dean: I haven’t seen Y/n, is she gone somewhere?
Sam: No clue, I think her friends took her out or something.
 Then a car pulls up to your house, Dean ran to the window like a dog, he sees you getting out, drunk, in a slutty outfit. Dean then runs out of his house and goes to you.
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 Dean: Y/n?
You: Oh you. What do you want?
Dean: Y/n we need to talk.
You: No, we don’t! You broke your promise and my heart! 
You then put the ring back in Dean’s hand, his ring dented after you threw it against your wall.
Dean: Y/n, you don’t understand. You’ll be better without me.
Dean: Y/n, it’s for the best!
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 You then walk inside, you then slam the door, you break down crying, Dean hearing you cry broke his heart.
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 The next Day
 You woke up hung over, your parents talking to someone. You then heard a familiar deep voice. You go downstairs, there you see your parents and Dean.
 Dean: Y/n…
You: Why are you here?
Dean: Your parents let me in, we have to talk.
You: No Dean. There is nothing to talk about. You wanna know why?
Dean: Why?
You: Cause you’re dead to me.
 You go upstairs, slam your bedroom door, after Dean’s facial expression. The words echoing in your head and his head.
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 Cause you’re dead to me.
@abbessolute @angelkurenai @atc74
@becaamm @beckawinchester @bringmesomepie56 @blacktithe7
@casbabydontgoineedyou @chaos-and-the-calm67 @chelsea072498 @curliesallovertheplace
@daydreamingintheimpala @dancingalone21 @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog @deans-princess-crybaby @d-s-winchester
@ellen-reincarnated1967 @eyes-of-a-disney-princess
@faith-in-dean @fallen-haunted-to-the-truth @fictionalabyss @foreversfangirl
@ilostmyshoe-79 @imagining-supernatural @perfectly--imperfect--love–imperfect–love
@jayankles @juicifeur @just-another-busy-fangirl
@kas-not-cas @katymacsupernatural @kittenofdoomage
@lovetusk @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @luci-in-trenchcoats
@mamaredd123 @makenzie0329 @mein1928 @misssamericaschavez @meredith019
@ravengirl94 @reigningqueenofwords
@@sandlee44  @sgarrett49 @spnbaby-67 @spn67-sister @squirrel--moose--giraffe–moose–giraffe @supernotnaturalcas @sup3rnaturalunkn0wn
@trexrambling @thebabeontheback @thing-you-do-with-that-thing  @teamfreewill-imagine
@winchester-writes @winchesterenthusiast @winchestersnco
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Halloween & 1500 Challenge
Hey lovelies, there seem to be more of you popping by for a follow and I appreciate that so much! And you know what… I have a challenge in mind for Halloween! My first challenge was a Halloween last year and it catapulted me into confidence within my ideas and writing, and I made some fantastic friends from it.
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So here I am, paying it forward. But with all that said, I was hoping to release this as a 1.5k follower celebration as well. I'm 20 away, but Halloween is creeping closer and I understand everyone has lives between now and then. So, here’s the plan: I’m going ahead with the challenge, and if I reach my follower count before it’s over, and there’s enough people showing interest, I will add more prompts to celebrate the milestone!
So here’s my challenge:
Below I have Quotes from brilliant movies that are my kinda Halloween! And below that I have Monsters, some internal, some traditional, and some you may not have seen before... I’d like you to pick one from each category and work them into your story as best you can!
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Rules: -Send me an ask with your quote and monster and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. -A keep reading link if it's longer than 500 words. -Keep it SPN -- actors or characters is fine. Shipping is fine. Reader insert is a bonus, just do you! -Warnings for everyone; some don't like smut or horror or graphic scenes! -Mention/tag me (@plaidstiel-wormstache) within your AN and include the tags #HalloweenStories #1500Ghouls -DUE on the 30th of October and I’ll post for Halloweeeeen! -Have fun and don't strain yourself!
“Die, you alien shithead!” - Mars Attacks @jessicawritessmut
“What are you wearing?” “Combat boots, a parka, you jerk, who is this? This isn’t funny!” “Yes it is!” - When A Stranger Calls @queencflair
“Some fates are guaranteed, no matter who tries to intervene.” - Practical Magic @wi-deangirl77
“What’s wrong with her?” “Her spell’s not working.” - The Craft @chaosinacoffeecup
“Suck a fuck.” “How does one suck a fuck?” - Donnie Darko @thecuriouscrusader
“She’s the only one who makes any sense around this insane asylum.” - The Nightmare Before Christmas @whispersandwhiskerburn
“We’re looking for the man with the hands.” - Edward Scissorhands @zummar
“What have you done to ___?” “Nothing, why, do you think I should?” - Rocky Horror Picture Show @babypieandwhiskey
“Hello, ____. Come and play with us. Come and play with us, ____. Forever and ever and ever…” - The Shining @demonangelimpala
“Villainy wears many masks, none so dangerous as the mask of virtue.” - Sleepy Hollow @lucilepiewhiskey
“And what makes you think that he was feelings for me?” “The way he never touches you.” - The Village @novakfandoms
“When you lose someone you love, they never really leave you. They just move into a special place in your heart…” “I don’t want him in my heart. I want him here with me.” - Frankenweenie @mandilion76
“I can't live without you. And I won't let you live without me.” - Sleeping with the Enemy @captainemwinchester
“Which would be worse - to live as a monster? Or to die as a good man?” - Shutter Island @faegal04
“You kept your promise. You set me free. Now I can do the same for you.” Corpse Bride  @reigningqueenofwords
Cupid/Eros @captainemwinchester
John’s Death @chaosinacoffeecup
Dean’s fear of giving into the guy he became in Hell @faegal04
Arachne - weaver who challenged Athena and was consequently transformed into a spider @mandilion76
Banshee @reigningqueenofwords
Crocotta - mythical dog-wolf of India or Ethiopia @queencflair
Lamia - child-devouring sea-monster or night-haunting daemon @demonangelimpala
Qareen - a spiritual double inside a person or in a parallel world @jessicawritessmut
Soul Eater @babypieandwhiskey
Wraith @thecuriouscrusader
Sam’s memories of The Cage @novakfandoms
Arae - female spirits of curses, particularly of the curses placed by the dead upon those guilty of their death @zummar
Graeae - three old women with one tooth and one eye among them (aka the Gray Witches/ Gray Sisters) @lucilepiewhiskey
Dryad - tree nymph’s/spirit @wi-deangirl77
Headless Horseman @whispersandwhiskerburn
The biggest THANK YOU to @whispersandwhiskerburn for her constant help in everything I do here, she’s the push I need, the caffeine to my coffee! Thank you, darling!
Tagging a few friends that might be interested in participating or at least boosting: @waywardjoy @wi-deangirl77 @sdavid09 @jalove-wecallhimdean @thegreatficmaster @arryn-nyxx @percywinchester27 @babypieandwhiskey @bringmesomepie56 @trexrambling @blacktithe7 @avasmommy224 @grace-for-sale @kittenofdoomage @wheresthekillswitch @mrswhozeewhatsis @manawhaat @casbabydontgoineedyou @jpadjackles @impala-dreamer @impalaimagining @ellen-reincarnated1967 @dancingalone21
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August 25, 2017
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I am reposting old fic rec lists.  Unfortunately some of the blogs/stories have been removed, but I am still going to list them for historical reference.
Feel free to tag me in ANY fics you post, and see previous weeks’ fic recs HERE
The Blue Butterfly by @ashtray-thief (on AO3)  Jensen is the boss of the Chicago underworld and he always gets what he wants. Unfortunately, the new dancer in his favorite establishment doesn’t seem to know that.
Mind Reader by @bringmesomepie56   Imagine Dean waking up able to read your mind.
Motel Meetup by @casbabydontgoineedyou  You walk in on Sam watching porn, and a light bulb goes off in your head.
No More Shared Rooms by @emilywritesaboutdean   The reader and Sam are on the road working a case with Dean and run into some old friends.
I’m Ready by @impalaimagining   You’ve been waiting a long time to give yourself to someone, and Jensen has respected your decision. You finally decide that it’s time, and Jensen does everything he can to help you through what could prove to be the most painful night of your life.
One Last Time by @saxxxology   It’s Sam’s last night before the big showdown between Michael and Lucifer. You decide that the best way for him to be remembered is by helping him leave a piece of him behind.
The Good Kind of Burn by @teamfreewill-imagine   Sam’s stubble starts to grow out. You have no complaints.
Isn’t She Lovely by @melonshino   Saying Sam was absolutely obsessed with your new daughter was a massive understatement. You knew the moment he laid eyes on her for the first time that she’d stolen his whole heart. Although, if you asked Sam he might have a slightly different answer…
If Mama Ain’t Happy by @mrspadackles   The pregnant reader reminds all of the boys that if mama ain’t happy, no one’s happy.
Salvation by @docharleythegeekqueen   You are trapped in an abusive relationship that you see no escape from until two flannel wearing strangers show up to hustle your boyfriend at the bar one night. What follows is a chance at salvation and hope for a better future.
Never too Far by @impalaimagining   After spending six years overseas with the United States Army, you decide to attend a Supernatural convention. A fan’s question brings an unexpected wave of emotion over Jensen.
Should Have Listened to Dean by @katymacsupernatural   The reader gets herself into a situation.
Stay by @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid   The reader and Jared have a secret relationship but it gets to be too hard.  (Tiny bit of smut but mostly angst.)
I’m Yours by @impala-dreamer   With his wife’s blessing, you spend your free time giving Jared what he really needs.
Iron Heart by @kittenofdoomage   Set in 2023. The world ended, and the population was decimated. Now, Alphas are the most dominant in the gene pool, and Omegas are widely coveted. The reader is an Omega who has been held against her will for ten years, one among many captured Omegas used and sold on. Can Dean save her, or will she save him?
Strictly Professional by @splendidcas   You’ve been Misha’s publicist and personal assistant for the past two years, and despite being in love with him, you have a strictly professional relationship with him. At least that’s what you tell yourself.
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welldonebeca · 6 years
Summary: After your daughter says ‘mama’, Dean tries to make her say ’dada’. Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Word Counting: 240 words Warnings: Parent Dean Winchester, fluff, first words.
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“Say Dada,” Dean insisted with your daughter. “Da-da.” 
“Mama,” she said back in a giggle. 
“No. Dada,” he repeated. “Dada.” 
You filmed the scene in front of you with a smile, trying hard not to laugh. Mary was learning how to speak and had said ‘mama’ days ago, which stuck Dean in a mission of making her say ‘dada’ before leaving the bunker for his next hunting trip. 
Oblivious to his efforts, she reached out and pulled his hair into her strong grip.
“Having fun?” you walked to his side.
“It’s not fair,” he frowned. “She won’t say dada.”
You laughed, making a funny face at your girl, who giggled. 
“Don’t be jealous, I spend a lot more time with her than you do,” you caressed his face for a moment and saw Mary pouting with the corner of your eyes. 
You giggled a bit. She looked so much like Dean, his carbon copy.
“Come here,” you whispered to him, cupping his cheek and bringing him to a kiss. 
Your lips barely touched for more than one second before your daughter complained loudly and when you moved away to look at her, she pulled Dean’s face from yours with an angry look. 
“Dada dada,” she said, scoffing you like you would scoff someone. “Dada!”
You busted into laughter and Dean did the same. 
“She’s jealous,” you said out of breath. “I can’t believe!”
“Who cares?” Dean smiled bouncing her. “She said dada!”
Forever Tags: @andyl394 @ria132love @unicorntrooper @shadowpriestess6 @sebstanchrisevanchickforever19 @magpiegirl80 @mogaruke @maximofftrash @ryantherandomhero @shadowhunter7   @bugalouie @lilpixy25 @nildaebony @wayward-oneshots Forever SFW tags:    @that-one-fanfic-writer @fandomlover2001 @pillow223          Extra tagging: @riversong-sam @casbabydontgoineedyou @yourtropegirl        Supernatural tags: @afanofmanystuffs @sorenmarie87 @queenofhellisafangirl    @newtospnfandom @drthskyguy @smalltowndivaj @keepthepeace2015 @brooke-supernatural16 @julzdec @tayrae515 @bunnybaby121115 @dizwinchester        Supernatural SFW tags:   @thewinterhunter @chloe-skywalker                Dean tags: @evyiione @rockgoddean @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @imagefanfictionlover
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August 25
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Feel free to tag me in ANY fics you post, and see previous week’s fic recs HERE
The Blue Butterfly by @ashtray-thief (on AO3)   Jensen is the boss of the Chicago underworld and he always gets what he wants. Unfortunately, the new dancer in his favorite establishment doesn’t seem to know that.
Mind Reader by @bringmesomepie56    Imagine Dean waking up able to read your mind.
Motel Meetup by @casbabydontgoineedyou    You walk in on Sam watching porn, and a light bulb goes off in your head.
No More Shared Rooms by @emilywritesaboutdean    The reader and Sam are on the road working a case with Dean and run into some old friends.
I’m Ready by @impalaimagining     You’ve been waiting a long time to give yourself to someone, and Jensen has respected your decision. You finally decide that it’s time, and Jensen does everything he can to help you through what could prove to be the most painful night of your life.
One Last Time by @saxxxology    It’s Sam’s last night before the big showdown between Michael and Lucifer. You decide that the best way for him to be remembered is by helping him leave a piece of him behind.
The Good Kind of Burn by @teamfreewill-imagine    Sam’s stubble starts to grow out. You have no complaints.
Isn’t She Lovely by @melonshino    Saying Sam was absolutely obsessed with your new daughter was a massive understatement. You knew the moment he laid eyes on her for the first time that she’d stolen his whole heart. Although, if you asked Sam he might have a slightly different answer…
If Mama Ain’t Happy by @mrspadackles    The pregnant reader reminds all of the boys that if mama ain’t happy, no one’s happy.
Salvation by @docharleythegeekqueen    You are trapped in an abusive relationship that you see no escape from until two flannel wearing strangers show up to hustle your boyfriend at the bar one night. What follows is a chance at salvation and hope for a better future.
Never too Far by @impalaimagining    After spending six years overseas with the United States Army, you decide to attend a Supernatural convention. A fan’s question brings an unexpected wave of emotion over Jensen.
Should Have Listened to Dean by @katymacsupernatural    The reader gets herself into a situation.
Stay by @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid    The reader and Jared have a secret relationship but it gets to be too hard.  (Tiny bit of smut but mostly angst.)
I’m Yours by @impala-dreamer    With his wife’s blessing, you spend your free time giving Jared what he really needs.
Iron Heart by @kittenofdoomage    Set in 2023. The world ended, and the population was decimated. Now, Alphas are the most dominant in the gene pool, and Omegas are widely coveted. The reader is an Omega who has been held against her will for ten years, one among many captured Omegas used and sold on. Can Dean save her, or will she save him?
Strictly Professional by @splendidcas    You’ve been Misha’s publicist and personal assistant for the past two years, and despite being in love with him, you have a strictly professional relationship with him. At least that’s what you tell yourself.
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katymacsupernatural · 7 years
Love at First Video Part 43: Happily Ever After
Misha Collins x Reader
1200 Words
Story Summary: You were a babysitter, but you wanted to be more. Deciding to create a cooking video, you were shocked when it garnered the attention of a well known actor. Soon the attention becomes something neither of you can ignore.
Catch Up Here: Masterpost
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Several Months Later:
Groaning, you pressed your hand to your lower back, needing some sort of relief from the constant pressure to your lower back and bladder. Moving your other hand, you rubbed your swollen belly, smiling slightly when a kicking foot connected with your hand.
"Woah, your a fiesty girl aren't you." You whispered, rubbing your hand up and down your belly, trying to soothe her. "You can come out any day now." You prodded her as you waddled over to the fireplace mantle in your living room. You had the house to yourself for a couple of hours. Gen had the kids over at her place, and Misha was busy filming away.
At first, it had been nice, having the house to yourself. You attempted to get some work done, checking on the nursery Misha had worked so hard on setting up. He was so excited for another girl, and he had outdone himself on the room. But then, an ache settled in, and you weren't comfortable anywhere. You had tried laying down to take a nap, but a tightening in your belly had you back up, pacing the bottom floor. Then, you tried sitting in the living room, your favorite movie playing softly in the background. That lasted all of ten minutes before you needed to be back up and moving around.
So, here you were, walking around, trying to keep your mind off the pain that would travel through you occasionally. You had been warned, by Gen, and your doctors, that this would happen in your last trimester. That you would experience labor like pains, but it wasn't anything to worry about. After 24 hours of them though, you were ready for them to be over, and for your little girl to be here.
Pulling down a photo frame, you stared at the picture taken a couple months ago, gently running your finger along the frame as you remembered the happy time. It was taken a couple of days after your wedding, during the reception Misha made sure that was still held. It had been a beautiful day, with all of your friends and family there in attendance. During the middle of the huge party, Jensen had come up with a huge smile on his face, and a friend at his side. Introducing him as Chris, he had explained it was your wedding present. A chance for wedding pictures that hadn't happened during the actual wedding.
Grateful for the chance, you had posed in front of the old wooden barn, with Misha, with the kids, even with your friends. It had been fun, and you had so many amazing pictures from the opportunity. But one had quickly become your favorite, the one in your hands. It had you and Misha in the center. Misha had you in his arms, bridal style, while Maison and West stood on each side of you. You had a huge smile on your face, laughing as Misha tickled you. On each side of the kids stood Jared and his family, and Jensen and his. It was  the main people that you considered important in your life, and everyone seemed so happy and carefree. It sat on your mantle, in a place of honor, where everyone could see.
As you went to place it back on it's rightful place, an extremely painful cramp went through you, and the picture slipped through your hands as you went to clutch your stomach. Hearing the shattering of the glass, you could only double over as you felt a warm, wet trickling down your legs. "Not the best timing." You muttered as you wobbled your way to where your phone was laying. As you dialed Misha, you heard a car pulling up in your driveway. With nothing but ringing on the other end of the line, you heard footsteps rushing through the garage, before two small bodies were standing in front of you. "Mom!" West exclaimed, with Gen right behind him. "Can we spend the night with the Padalecki's?" He asked you, stumbling over their last name. "They promised we could roast marshmallows on their fire pit!"
"Y/N?" Gen asked, her face full of concern as she came over to you, placing her hand on your shoulder.
"I think it's time." You whispered, not wanting to alarm the kids. "And Misha won't be done filming for another couple of hours."
She nodded, pulling her phone out and sending off a quick text message. "Don't worry. We will work this out. Jared's at home with our kids, I'll have him meet us at the hospital, and he can take them all home. We'll call the studio, and they will let Misha know, and he will meet us there as soon as possible."
You nodded, taking deep breaths. "Now, do you have a bag packed and ready to go? I know it's a little early, but..." She said, and you pointed to a small bag that was placed near the door.
"Yeah, Misha made me pack that over a month ago, just to be prepared." You told her, and she told West to grab it while she guided you out the door, and into her car.
"Looks like you guys will be spending the night after all. We just need to make a quick stop, and then Jared will be there to get you." She explained to the kids as she buckled them into the car.
"Is Mom okay?" You heard West whisper to Gen before she shut the door.
"Yeah, she is. I just think your new little sister is on her way." She explained before she pulled out of the driveway. "Jared is calling the studio, and then he will meet us. Everything will work out. Now, take deep breaths."
Keeping your eyes closed, you followed her directions, your contractions still far enough apart that you knew it would be awhile before your daughter would be born.
Luckily, the hospital was only a short drive from your house, and soon Gen was parking close to the entrance. You pulled yourself out of the car, as Gen undid the kids. Soon West was holding your hand as Gen carried a sleepy Maison along with your bag.
If you’re enjoying this and my other stories, consider buying me a Kofi :)
Misha Collins Tags:@pastapizzacheesedragon @castiel-savvy18 @abtmnt @trixie537 @jeepangel @a-girl-who-loves-disney @riversong-sam @sortaathief
Love at First Video Tags: @casbabydontgoineedyou @xdifsx @ronnie248-blog @just-another-busy-fangirl @aly-birleanu @dancingcapricorn @pancake-pages @bowtiesarecool6288 @ariethegreat98 @graceis-lost-at-last @chillnadia @earthtokace @fandomlover03 @posiemax @winvhesters @jenna-luke @emycakes4457 @fangirl-who-dreams @avc212 @mandylove1000 @amheimb @tbuggles4me @bookchic20  @ellen-reincarnated1967  @tiffanycaruso @assbutt-still-in-hell @yer-a-wizerd-harry @supernatural-screams @thebookisbtr @potter-super-who @thebookisbtr  @swiftart @snarkpunsandsarcasm
Forever Tags(Closed): @simplycheyenneautumn @nerdybookwormsinger @generalgoldfishldrm @just-another-busy-fangirl @saoirsewhittle @summer-binging-spn @pizzarollpatrol @createdbybadappreciation @percussiongirl2017 @trashforwinchesters @freakintasticfan @jensen-gal @bohowitch @amanda-teaches @loricwizardbluetoastedcake @jensen-gal @babydanixox @bea789 @fangirl1802 @chelsea072498 @moosesamdeancasbees @maui137 @evyiione @supernatural-jackles @keelzy2 @eringva @16wiishes @zombiewerewolfqueen @mrsbatesmotel53 @wayward-girl @mogaruke @cornflax01 @myplaceofthingsilove @tatortot2701 @livingasafangirl @be-amaziing @castielhasthetardis @wonderange @atc74 @vvinch3st3r @likesiriusly @cascar24 @jayankles @li-ssu @destiel-addict-forever @sgarrett49 @a-bouquet-of-fandoms @edward-lover18 @danslittlecurl @pancake-pages @iwriteaboutdean @artisticpoet @pretty-fortune @padackles2010 @procratsinator @andreaaalove @docharleythegeekqueen @bradygabrielle-blog @sandlee44 @juatanotherbandgirl @ria132love @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes @oneshoeshort @extreme-supernatural-lover @ohgodjensen @mellowlandrunaway @brunettechick @beltz2016 @cascar24 @benjerry707 @beyourownbeautifulmistake @jenna-luke @bambinovak @camelotandastronauts @imboredsueme @winchester-writes @hunterpuff @ginamsmith @quiverhope @magicalunicorn84 @gloria1097  @littleblue5mcdork @cantsleepian @nanie5 @anxuanpham @superbadassnatural @karlee-fay-my-wayward-son @iliketowrite02 @mrssamfuckingwinchester @dixonsvixon2017 @haleyhay96 @saveprettydays @gaia4life @captainemwinchester @thoughtsoftheantagonist @eileenlikesyou-maybe @emoryhemsworth @inlovewithbja  @waywardmoeyy @darthdeziewok @roxyspearing @upon-a-girl @iriyelle @tokentransboy @sammysgirl1997 @the--blackdahlia @criesateverything @captainaudreystark  @captainradicalpassion @sgtbxckybxrnes @freddy-fuckboy-tammy @randomthings077 @love-untiltheresnoloveleft @mysterious398-deactivated201709 @crystal923 @sai-kida134 @emmazach @ithinkimadorable-67​ @spn-dscc @dslocum89 @angelsandwinchesters @naviwhite @disneychic8​ @brooke-supernatural16​ @eiskeks202​ @katelynbkool​ @tardis-full-of-fallen-angels​ @rosegoldquintis​ @buffytheangelslayer​ @hollandisstilinski​ @essie1876​ @hetsgrinch​ @spnbaby67​ @tunadean​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @boxywrites​ @spnbaby-67​ @mariahoedt​ @goldenolaf25​
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Pranks & Violence
A/N: It’s the last week of Hiatus 2017!  So for the final week of the Hiatus Writing Challenge being hosted by @thing-you-do-with-that-thing, I’ve knocked up this short crack-filled fic.
Summary: Playing pranks is never a good idea as Sam finds out first-hand. 
Word Count: 417
Characters: Sam Winchester x Reader, Dean Winchester
Warnings: Little bit of violence but all entirely deserved.
“You idiots can bang on the door for as long as you like, but I’m not coming out.  I am not leaving this space until I can sort out this absolute bloody disaster.”
The pounding of fists on your bedroom door got louder as both Sam and Dean tried to get you to leave the sanctuary of the only place in the entire bunker that you now considered to be safe.  As he started to get more irritated with you, Dean raised his voice which soon found its way to your ears.
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“Come on Y/N.  This is so not the time or place for this. We have to get on the road.  We promised Bobby that we’d be there before sundown.”
“Then have fun on that long journey without me!  I cannot go outside looking like this.”
What sounded distinctly like a giggle echoed in the hallway.  Just hearing the laughter of the man that was the sole cause of your current predicament was enough to boil your blood. An overwhelming sense of anger gave you all the motivation you needed to jump to your feet and pull the door open. The force with which you did so caused Sam, who had been leaning on the door, to fall down ending up in a heap at your feet.  As he raised his head to look at you, a fit of fresh laughter erupted from him and it was all you could do not to slap the smirk right off his face as he mocked the problem you were facing.  
“Sam, I swear to god that if you don’t shut the hell up, I am going to cause you so much pain.  This is all your fault – dammit, don’t you know when to end a prank war?!”
Quickly getting back to standing position, Sam tried to regain some form of self-control.  
“I’m sorry Y/N.  Honestly, I never meant for it to go so far.”
“YOU PUT PINK DYE IN MY SHAMPOO!  I look like I’ve got a pile of cotton candy on my head.  How am I going to put the fear of god into whatever it is we’re hunting when I look so ridiculous?”
“But you look so cute, princess.”
Six words.  Six words was all it took for the last vestiges of calmness to leave your body and for you to swing into action.  The last thing Sam felt before he fell to the floor again was the sting as your fist connected with his nose.
Tagging: @waywardimpalawriter  @eileenlikesyou-maybe @hexparker  @zepppie  @helvonasche  @mysteriouslyme81 @mamaredd123  @madamelibrarian  @chainez-8  @babypieandwhiskey  @supernatural-jackles @wheresthekillswitch @jensen-jarpad  @deathtonormalcy56 @thetalesofmooseandsquirrel  @notnaturalanahi  @just-another-busy-fangirl  @casbabydontgoineedyou @redlipstickandplaid  @jared-padaloveme @jayankles @autopistaaningunaparte  @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @katymacsupernatural
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summer-binging-spn · 7 years
Stay Calm?
Word Count: 500-ish?
Warnings: Mentions of Gabriel’s death, Panic, Slight Violence?
Pairing: Gabriel x Reader
Tags: @ravengirl94 @mamaredd123 @myplaceofthingsilove @assbutt-still-in-hell @casbabydontgoineedyou @notnaturalanahi
Author's Note: This is for @thing-you-do-with-that-thing  ‘s week 11 of the 2017 hiatus challenge. The prompt I used was the dialogue prompt, “I’m alive… I can tell because of the pain.”
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“Gabe where are you?” you ask, walking through the bunker, looking for your boyfriend. Since he got back you’ve been panicky and begged him not to leave the bunker for extended periods of time. He usually compromises and takes you for an hour or two, never longer.
“Gabriel this isn’t funny,” you say as you open another door.
“Sam have you seen Gabe?” you ask as you walk through the library.
“Not since this morning,” he says as he flips the page. Your hands are sweating and your heart is racing as you continue the search.
“Gabe please,” you pray softly.
“Hey, you alright?” Dean asks softly, stopping you from going any further into the bunker.
“No, I can’t find Gabe,” you cry, tears leaking from your eyes.
“I’m sure he’s around here somewhere. Just stay calm,” Dean says and pulls you into a hug, Dean was the one who helped you through his death.
“What if he’s in trouble? How can I stay calm?” you whisper.
“He’s not, he wouldn’t have gone far, he knows how much you worry,” he reassures you and walks towards the library.
“Gabriel please, please come back I’m worried,” you cry softly.
“Heya Sugar,” a voice says from behind you. You let out a small scream and turn punching whomever in the face.
“Oh,” he grunts and falls.
“Gabe I’m so sorry,” you say and get in the floor beside him.
“Are you okay?” you ask running your hands through his hair.
“I’m alive… I can tell because of the pain,” he grunts, rubbing his face.
“You’re so dramatic,” you mumble.
“It hurts,” he mumbles.
“You’re an archangel I’m sure you’ll be fine,” you blush and he starts laughing.
“I’m fine, the hit hurt. I’m glad to know that you’ve got it in you,” he says and sits up beside you.
“I worry about you,” you mumble and bury yourself into his chest.
“I know, I’m an archangel I can take care of myself. And this little rinky dink place is giving me cabin fever. I’m used to travelling and having fun all the time, this isn’t normal for me,” he whispers into your hair.
“I’m sorry I just can’t live without you,”
“I know, but Luci’s not going after me anymore and Dad’s got his eye on me,” he promises.
“I worry and I’m sorry, I will not see you dead like that again I just can’t,” you whisper, his dead body flashing through your mind.
“Don’t think about it, I’m here now,” he pleads, pulling your chin up.
“It’s all I think about, losing you,”
“I’m not going anywhere, not until you get sick of me,” he says softly.
“I’ll never get sick of you,” you say cuddling closer to him.
“You say that now but you’ve never seen me on karaoke night,” he grins.
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