pinkpruneclodwolf · 3 years
leading onto the Mandela Catalogue vibes thing, i sent this to broken-synchronitity (i think i spelt that wrong-) but i didn't word it properly for crap and started spouting about analogue horror. But the question was:
do you think 60s-90s analogue exists in TWST?
because first i thought that they would've, but with old technology like the ghost camera Crowley/Headmage gave us, there is a chance that magic just had them skip it.
along with the sci-fi kinda tech now in Ignihyde i can say for sure they have advanced a l o t exhibit A. Ortho, but then it was mentioned that Briar Valley/Valley of Thorns haven't really aged much, as you said, allergic to industrialism tho i think some would use it, ableit bad wifi most of the time. also does magic interrupt wifi signals?? if so rip
What i mean from that is that some places might also be late in advancing and might be in the middle ground, or whatever they consider old tech equivalent to 80s analogue.
imagine the twst game franchises and ARGs
what i wanted to know was your thoughts on the first question in the first paragraph sorry for the long rant lmao-
I can def see the vision—i think 60's to 90's anologue existed bc in this Village of Harvest event Idia gets dragged into Epel's little getaway by mentioning an old shoujo anime about building a sled....
I actually believe monsters like alternates existed/exist on the plane of Twst rather than outside of it—if that makes sense—
Lemme explain:
We know about the different classifications of faerie, we've often heard tales of them snatching kids from their homes (something dude in the hoodie does), using food or discovering the names of humans and gaining power over them—why would horrors about that exist when twst sees it in abundance?
If anything an alternate would probably spring up in Diasomnia—and from what we've seen with Lilia and Malleus stopping time and allowing Halloween to persist bc Mally wanted to throw a party for his ghost friends, them intervening is actually slim.
Especially if Malleus is uninvited to the meeting about said alternates.
Fae are allergic to industrialism, and we see this in their aversion to cold steel/iron, which is often used as support beams for buildings.
Its why Briar V/Thorn of V is said to have not progressed. 1: bc fae believe that they'll outlive their issues (referring to @broken-synchronicity) and 2: Because Faeries are the manifestation of nature itself, by humans discovering all these new advances, technological or otherwise, they end up facing the repercussions.
That's another reason why Briar V is so small, expanding would destroy the life around them and actually hinder them—Diasomnia shows barren trees because nature is nature (and its Dorm is in another part of Briar V)
I also def think twst!humans addressed the alternates issue a long time ago??? Bc us humans irl have a fear of uncanny humans (which is why Mandela catalogue is so scary) bc we've encountered beings like Neanderthals and had to fuck them out of existence (which is why some people have more Neanderthal DNA than others)
With monsters being prevalent twst!humans had probably decided that hunting being like alternates were the best course of action—and since they fall under fae classification, that didn't go over well.
I also believe twst is sentient in that alien beings like alternates from Yuu's world would immediately get eradicated just off rip and also off of the "Pruning" theory where twst decides whether or not a race is worth living or not by cutting off branches of time/reality that stagnate twst.
I do think alternates could start popping up with a magical mishap tho—
Leona specializes in ancient curses, there is bound to be someone out there stupid enough to try and summon an alternate (probably to take out royalty, Kalim) and it ends up spiraling into gruesome murders in that area and the subsequent areas after (bc alternates attack multiple areas in the Mandela verse).
So when the alternates start to touch down on The Isles of Sages (where NRC and RSA are located) the Teachers take immediate action.
I think the fourth years could play a part—Malleus too.
I def think one would spawn in Ramshackle just off of bullying Yuu and Grim—i read a story from WickedBee about how Ramshackle got its reputation as haunted.
I actually have nothing to add since the AU is pretty sound, I'm just throwing my theories around.
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I dont know if this was already mentioned, but since ive downloaded the English Twisted Wonderland im going through prologue again.
More proof that humans have evolved to deal with harder hits from beastmen, merfolks, fae and monsters were when:
Ace got hit with one big ass cauldron, i dont think we could survive that without a little brain damage maybe thats why hes so bad in school
How Deuce and Ace both took hits from the Dwarf Mine Monster to get the magicstone/magestone
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Not really Biology AU
but another thing I read on a tumblr post, i dont remember where, Headmaster/Headmage Crowley drank a transformation potion to see how Yuu/MC and Grim fought the ghosts off.
but in chapter 2 (i think) when Jack revealed his UM, Leona said that transformation potions were illegal. Im unsure of where to find original post or who to credit but what are your thoughts on it?
You're right! All things considered, Ace and Deuce proved that they're both rather physically tough compared to the average person from Earth!
Grim describes Ace as being essential crushed under Deuce's cauldron, "flat as a pancake" I think I saw it translated somewhere, meaning it was a pretty hefty sized cauldron, and actual proper cauldrons are fucking heavy, even when empty. Ace coming out of that with maybe some slight bruising instead of some broken ribs and a concussion just shows that he's built different from a normal Earth human.
And like you said, both boys took a direct hit from the OB monster in the mines; even if we couldn't see how they were hit, at the very least, something that size has to cause some major damage. Yet both of them again came out of that perfectly fine aside from, again, likely some bruising. Neither went to see the nurse, neither complained about being in any major pain.
Ah, the conundrum that is Crowley's use of the transformation potion. Leona stated when Jack used his UM that transformation potions were illegal, but Crowley had explicately used one during the prologue.
But you also have the Octa trio who take a potion regularly to keep their human forms, which definitely qualifies as a kind of transformation potion.
I think it's a rather convoluted law, but I think I might have an idea as to the very basic form of said law;
Transformation potions that turn one into something dangerous are illegal; wicked monsters, great beasts, etc. A large wolf definitely counts. I think particularly if they're long lasting or permanent.
Lesser, temporary potions, like the one that turned Crowley into a mock ghost, or the Octa trio's potions, are likely regulated, but not outright illegal.
I actually headcanoned transformation potions as a form of transitioning for LiT, which would be permanent transformation potions, that, while obviously regulated for medical reasons, would not be illegal.
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I'll be waiting lol
The moment morning arrives it's OVER
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pinkpruneclodwolf · 3 years
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another ask because i refuse to sleep or do my schoolwork,
This kinda is related to a theory i made about Soundtracks being Renownd Music in TWST, but if Yuu/MC knew how to play them on an instrument, lets say a piano or violin.
The piece Yuu/MC played was for shits and giggles, or remembering their time in their world playing this, a disney reference of some sorts or maybe not, kinda messy, but recognizable.
and then you have Headmaster Crowley, Lilia and Malleus (maybe the older ghosts and paintings of NRC) who heard it immediately bombard Yuu/MC with questions, interrogative and maybe blunt, panicked, idk.
It was because that was one a n c i e n t piece of music having historical significance, maybe classified, cursed, forgotten or even forbidden.
Maybe it could have been just a tune Lilia heard in war, or him and Crowley heard as children, and no human knew how to play it. Or it was forbidden and considered to be cursed so a human, beastman or merfolk cant hear it, but then here is MC/Yuu playing it from memory.
and Yuu is just like "Ayo what??? i was just tryna have some fun and relive some home memories- WHAT DO YOU MEAN ITS A SACRED PIECE?! I LEARNT THAT WHEN I WAS 12 FROM A YOUTUBE VIDEO"
I've seen and I think reblogged someone else's variation on this where Yuu sings Disney tunes and they're considered a God because the songs are ancient and taboo and the world around them just reacts to the songs??? It was actually really hilarious, I need to find where it got buried under all this other stuff.
(There is also a tiny part of this premise in LiT, I just haven't quite got to the point it happens)
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Im just going to say i love the Biology AU, and all the thought everyone is putting into it, it interested me since i got into the fandom but im horrible at putting things into to writing let alone words.
Ngl i was confused when the tag had AU in it, but besides that everything in the Biology AU can also be taken from the MC/Yuu's point of view thinking and reading about Twisted Wonderland's World with fae, merfolk, beastmen and even monsters.
And the of things that would be common knowledge in Twst that MC/Yuu dont know crap about but noone bothered to tell them becuase its so common they thought MC/Yuu already knew, and vice versa in some other cases.
thought/ example:
I remember reading somewhere that it was implied MC/Yuu was better in studies than Adeuce and Grim, if not diligent in them, so imagine if they studied really hard for lets say a history test, and got in the 70%s-80%s purely because they missed something that was common knowledge maybe even Grim knew, imagine how bad they wanted to go back in that moment.
Im sorry for this long ask its my first time sending one lmao-
Do not apologize for long asks! 90% of the asks I get for all this science stuff are super long or in multiple parts! That's part of the fun of it!
And it's fine! Go ahead an dump whatever you can into an ask! It doesn't have to make the most sense, I'll post it anyways!
The "AU" part of the tag was because this whole big discussion started as a discussion of an AU where Yuu/MC's biology was vastly different from the Twst residents by human standards, which in turn lead to a discussion on the standard biology of the non-humans in twst, then on to evolution, and now we're here! With this big mess of science! I'm actually quite proud of it!
Now, poor MC getting a poorer grade than Adeuce and Grim because they didn't have some particular common knowledge would be devastating.
No one knows how to adjust education at that level for a person who knows nothing about anything in twst. MC is probably found studying anything they can get their hands on after that. They can't be caught out like that again. Doing good in this school is all they will have if they can't go home. If they do badly, how are they supposed to support themself when they supposedly graduate?
(I'm sorry for turning this into Angst, you probably meant for that to be funny-)
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Idk if anyone has asked yet, but for game exchange I want the first years to play Phasmophobia- I havent played myself, but wathing other people play I imagine chaos and screaming, out of fear or raging you choose
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🤣🤣🤣 No but like, initially they're all screaming in fear, but after they get used to it, they get angry when the ghosts pick them to die.
Ok, initially initially, when they're all in the base, they fuck around with how the models move and the physics, which give them a false sense of security due to how goofy it is. Then they start freaking out once the activity starts.
Riddle comes knocking because he can hear Ace and Deuce all the way across the dorm. Everyone is too scared to register Jack actually whimpering. Epel creates new swear words just to express his amount of Nope™️. Sebek's voice is actually horse after they finish.
Yuu is laughing their ass off even as the ghost kills them in game.
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Ok so half baked and kind of stupid shower thought, would zoos exist in twst? and if they did how would the other races react? specifically beastmen and fae.
I'm pretty sure Octanivelle has an fish tank for decoration, and if I remember correctly it was mentioned that it had fishes, so ig merfolk don't really mind it to that extent.
It kind of makes sense that zoos would exist, but I think they would be MUCH better cared for some maybe not ya never know because humans I feel would be communicating with beastmen, and they would maybe feel some remorse for the animals trapped, regardless of prey or predator? Same could go for merfolk.
Sanctuaries are different they try to help injured wild animals back into the wild. Though I feel they would be better funded.
Idk how fae would feel for the situation ill be honest, same with dwarfs.
but then again the humans could just disregard beastmen and merfolk feelings and morals because money.
again messy thought, but what you think?
It makes sense that they might 🤔 I mean, if they have Animal Language magic, and yet Octavinelle dorm has what looks like an aquarium in Mostro Lounge, I'd think a Zoo, or at least an animal sanctuary, would have the capacity to exist.
Beast and merfolk aren't able to directly communicate with animals, they're more human than animal in the first place. That's why an Animal Language class exists. But I suspect that your right in that they're much MUCH better cared for.
Maybe some hold monsters, rather than animals? Like things we'd think of as mythical or fantastical; Cocktarice, unicorn, Chimeras and the like.
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another bad crack idea, for celebration of Mandela Catalogue Vol. 2 and kinda inspired from the ~MandelaCatalogue!yuu AU by sagingflavor on tumblr.~ (idk if i should tag them-)
What if Yuu/MC showed their world analogue horror to the TWST Cast?
even if they weren't transported with their phone, what if it just popped up in Sam's shop? far stretch but it would be kinda funny. they would have to reassure them it wasn't real, but then Yuu/MC themselves would get jumpy.
if we are going with things in analogue horror existing, maybe a DVD or Cassette player and the Cassettes and DVDs/CDs, or even a hard-drive in Sam's Shop, and then they bring it to Crowley so that he can find a way back home for them faster, though I doubt either would want to
how they would connect it to a TWST TV is another issue entirely
----------The actual theory -----------
Also does the like 80s analogue vibe even exist in TWST? video-game wise Idia and some others would have seen a TWST version, but with old magic technology like ghost cameras, did they even have cassettes or CDs/DVDs?
if they didn't they could find some found footage horror on a device in Sam's Shop? depending on how it was made and if it was real or not, if Crowley wasn't finding a way back for MC/Yuu before he will definitely not now. jkjk... unless?
NB - I mean all types of analogue horror, like Analogue Archives, Monument Mythos, Eventide Media Center to Blue Channel: Thalasin, basically not just Mandela Catalogue
I'm sorry I'm just dumping Analogue horror instead of the theory I hope you get the idea tho- this will be horrible if you don't like horror sorry in advance if you dont lol-
I'm not familiar enough with what you're talking about to give a statement, but it does sound interesting! I've heard of Analogue Horror, but I don't think I properly understand what it is. 🤔 I'll have to look into it.
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Okay so I posted this a little later than I expected BUT here he is! My boy! Extra info under the cut :)
OC template by @unfinished-projects-galore!
....and also @horribletimemanagementskills who was waiting for me to post this LMAO
His Unique Magic used to transform him into a monster running on pure instincts, and leaving him almost dead on his feet from the massive drain on his magic. Nowadays, he has no problem controlling the transformation itself and can at least function better once he transforms back into a human.
His magical abilities are quite powerful, though that’s in part due to all of the training he received as a child. Not that it means much now, as his magic reserves haven’t had a decent chance to recover lately.
He used to be able to recover his magic no problem, and while the constant overuse did originally help him learn to conserve magic, his body gradually forgot how to recover magic organically without the help of potions and the like. He’s been trying to relearn how to do so during his time in Twisted Wonderland, though it’s a slow process - think of it as physical therapy.
The scars on his neck go across the back of his neck, though they’re barely visible from the front. If he were to leave his hair down, you wouldn’t see them at all.
The reason his hair is so long is simply because he never really thinks to cut it. It’s a bit of a way for him to mark time, honestly.
He doesn’t sleep well. Period. He does try, granted, but constant nightmares will indeed wear away at both your ability and willingness to sleep. In case you’re wondering...why yes, his nightmares do indeed have to do with his past :)
He wears gloves to at least cover up the scars on his hands. While he doesn’t mind the one on his face (he thinks it makes him look cool) and the one on his neck isn’t easily visible most of the time, he can’t stand looking at the ones on his hands.
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