cinemaocd · 5 months
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Wolf Hall Tea Time
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clarasteam · 2 years
@idlesuperstar reminded me how much I love Murder Must Advertise, and also the wonderful and much missed AJ Hall's post about The Great Nutrax Row (The Mother of All Office Kerfuffles).
GNU legionseagle.
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idlesuperstar · 1 year
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I posted 100 times in 2022
That's 5 more posts than 2021!
28 posts created (28%)
72 posts reblogged (72%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 100 of my posts in 2022
#my wee gifs - 50 posts
#birthday boy - 15 posts
#roger livesey - 5 posts
#orson welles - 4 posts
#vincent price - 3 posts
#our flag means death - 3 posts
#rhys darby - 3 posts
#george sanders - 3 posts
#anton walbrook - 3 posts
#trevor howard - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 130 characters
#it's a testament to how good these books are that jackson has no redeeming features like not a one and you still want to read them
My Top Posts in 2022:
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259 notes - Posted June 4, 2022
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459 notes - Posted March 28, 2022
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489 notes - Posted May 30, 2022
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699 notes - Posted January 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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1,833 notes - Posted March 23, 2022
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brightnshinythings · 2 years
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For @idlesuperstar
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cinemamonamour · 4 years
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Michael Redgrave and Patricia Roc in A Window in London (1940), aka Lady in Distress (US title)
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oldshrewsburyian · 2 years
Hi! Can you recommend any blogs that post about Old Hollywood? Especially wordier ones, looking into the tags, all I can find are people posting gifs/photos, which, although nice, don’t have much of a conversation around them. Thanks for recommending the Errol Flynn Robin Hood, I’ve added it to my to-watch list, and I hope you have a nice day! :)
Hello! I confess that I don't know of existing circles of conversation about old Hollywood on here. However! I suspect that other aficionados (self included) might be very willing to discuss films if invited to do so. I follow @aintthatakick and @idlesuperstar for primarily classic Hollywood content, and the latter's tags are often conversational; @theodoradove's tags are always erudite and delightful. @nitratediva is a purveyor of fine gifs. And I'm probably forgetting some people.
I have an underused Dreamwidth account and a sneaking suspicion that more of the sort of thing you're looking for might be happening over there. But in the meantime, please do feel free to drop by the inbox with related queries/opinions any time. And I would love to hear more of your opinions on The Best Robin Hood once you've seen it.
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sirbogarde · 4 years
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Bela Lugosi, Boris Karloff, and Peter Lorre star in You’ll Find Out (1940) dir. David Butler
At the time of You'll Find Out, Peter Lorre was not yet typecast as a horror actor. Other than Mad Love (1935), most of his film appearances had been in melodramas and mysteries. And ironically enough, he was paid more than Karloff and Lugosi for his participation in this film. From all reports, he got along splendidly with his co-stars, particularly Karloff; the two became lifelong friends. Louise Currie, who plays one of the socialites in You'll Find Out, recalled working with the horror actors in Karloff and Lugosi by Gregory William Mank: "Boris Karloff, interestingly enough, was very quiet. He didn't participate on the set too much - he was, I'd almost say, rather a recluse. I distinctly felt you just didn't run up and start chatting with him! Nor do I remember having too much contact with Peter Lorre, who, as I recall, was a strange little fellow - much the sort he portrayed on the screen! But Bela Lugosi was different. I remember long chats with Lugosi: he was a very educated, polished, interesting man. It was amazing, to me, that he got into the horror end of Hollywood; he could easily have been a serious actor, and have gone in another direction. We had long conversations, which continued on the other films I did with him, The Ape Man [1943] and Voodoo Man [1944]."
@idlesuperstar @josephlosey @melancholyprince
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cinevelophile · 4 years
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BRB just temporarily shredding my heart and re-reading @idlesuperstar and @cinemaocd’s Blimp Fic. IT’S SO GOOD. *sobs*
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Rules: tag 9 ppl you want o know better/catch up with then answer these questions
Tagged by: @paranormal-shitness
3 ships: I don’t ship a lot, or at least not in an organised way; but I have a lot of feelings about The Guns of Navarone. It’s me and @cinemaocd and @idlesuperstar like, that’s the entire fandom.
Last song: I’ve discovered that ambient jazz is a youtube genre, which makes you feel like you’re in a David Lynch roadside cafe
Last movie: Hero, with the subtitles off: my husband was sad and it was 2am and we’ve seen it a billion times, so it was just images and music and motion. I’ve never watched a foreign language film without an attempt to understand the language before, and was a really interesting experience. Definitely something.
Current cravings: enough spoons to finish this craft project. To be alone in the mountains. To own one of these suits by British Nigerian artist Yinka Shonibare which combines Georgian dandy fashion + Nigerian textiles, and saunter into the club wearing one.
Current readings: the Hannibal cookbook. The Picture of Dorian Gray. Master and Commander.
Tagging: i always feel awkward about this bit, despite my deep pleasure when somebody else tags me; but @idlesuperstar and @cinemaocd as I’ve already tagged you; and um, @shellcollector, @werewolftrial, @bbgulrot, @nettlepatchwork, @funereal-disease, @earlgraytay, @gender-trash, @laurusalexandercrown and @gatheringbones
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cinemaocd · 1 year
Unexpected homage to Katharine Hepburn on today her birthday. My heel broke at work so I did the "I was born on the side of a hill" think from Bringing up Baby. Was imitating her crotchety old geezer (affectionate) era when I hobbled all the way to my car (10 minutes in shoes that are NOT broken) and realized I'd forgotten my keys in my office.
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clarasteam · 3 months
catching up
I was tagged by @theletteraesc ❤️
Last song: You Fascinate Me So, sung by Mabel Mercer, from my Flambable playlist
Currently watching: a lot of Father Brown episodes
Three ships: Grant/Strange, Kurt Weill's My Ship ("and of jam and spice there's a paradise in the hold"), Flambeau/Felicia/Monty
Favourite colour: purple? I am bad at colours
Currently reading: @owl-by-night's lovely Father Brown OT3 fic, To Catch a Thief (see ship category above)
Currently consuming: last thing eaten = raspberries and vanilla ice-cream; last thing drunk = rose, lemon verbena and lemon balm tea
First ship: idk - Orsino/Viola|Cesario?
Place of birth: a suburban hospital, so my papers say
Current location: at my kitchen table, comme d'habitude
Last movie: A Canterbury Tale by Powell and Pressburger, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Currently working on: surviving my current state of exhaustion and grief; holding on to whatever moments of joy I can; showing up when I absolutely have to
tagging @owl-by-night @expo63 @idlesuperstar @moonwest @codswalloping if any of you would like to play and haven't done it already
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brightnshinythings · 1 year
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I posted 2,412 times in 2022
1,013 posts created (42%)
1,399 posts reblogged (58%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 81 of my posts in 2022
#30daysauchallenge - 17 posts
#30dayauchallenge - 10 posts
#youtube - 8 posts
#meme - 7 posts
#football - 3 posts
#flashing image warning - 3 posts
#sport - 2 posts
#uk - 2 posts
#benefits - 1 post
#spoilers - 1 post
Longest Tag: 59 characters
#it was either jurassic park or the first addams family film
My Top Posts in 2022:
AU Meme - Day 3 - Medieval
See, I'm finally writing fic for this meme
Fandom: Wrestling Characters: HHH Rating/Warning: gen fic
Medieval AU
He wants to ride out; he longs to ride out.  To defend the kingdom as he has done so often before.
He knows he can't, those days are behind him now, a knight who cannot hold sword, shield or lance is more of a danger to his own side than any opponent, although a civil war is precisely the situation where his experience would be most needed.
Civil wars are the worst of wars, because both sides are aware of the other's weaknesses and driven by whatever rage started the war to attack those weaknesses.
He recognises the tactics of several of the most recent raids against King Vince's strongholds - like so many Helmsley learnt from the Kowalski's Ars Belli Pulchrae but he was taught all the ways to lie and cheat in war, all things the Ars Belli Pulchrae would never have taught, by Sir William of Regal, and the way Duke Tony's raiders attacked the castle at Full Sail, that was pure William.
Helmsley can't claim that he doesn't know what grievances started this war, what has lead so many of his friends to join with the traitor Duke Tony.  He shares so many of them, but he made his choice, years ago, and he'll stay true to it.
2 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
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For @idlesuperstar
2 notes - Posted June 24, 2022
Fanfic asks: 🖊
@lenny-kosnowski, more than most people, knows I'm impossible and work on multiple WIPs at the same time. At the moment, I'm actively working on a Mission Impossible fic, a Moulin Rouge fic, a Last of the Summer Wine fic, a Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle fic and a Batman fic. As the Batman fic is the one she knows about and has the temporary title of "Exit, pursued by Aunts", I present the most recent paragraph.
"Bruce hadn't considered how bad the worst of it could get, and how his secret identity would make it worse. People said things to Batman that they'd never say to Bruce Wayne, particularly when talking about Bruce Wayne."
3 notes - Posted May 15, 2022
AU Meme - Day 13 - Buddy Cops/Detective
Fandom: Wrestling Characters: Darby Allin, Sting, Ricky Starks and Taz Rating/Warnings: Gen fic
Starks was a loud-mouth braggart. The worst of it was, he was probably as good at being a detective as he thought he was. That was why the Bureau had put him and Hobbs (of course 'and Hobbs') on the drugs running case out of Jacksonville. Darby, meanwhile, knows he's "the posterboy for tweakers" (thank you, Ricky Starks), and you know what, he's sure he'd ace this undercover mission in other circumstances, but he's been given the straightest arrow since Joe Friday as his partner. Darby understands why departmental policy is no-one goes undercover alone, but he knows how he's going to infiltrate the biker gang with a sideline in meth (or the meth gang with a sideline in bikes, opinion varies), but he has no idea how Sting plans to because the man radiates "don't mind me, busy being responsible and good." Everyone knows he ought to be Bureau Chief and the only reason he isn't is because he doesn't want the job, because he doesn't want the IV antacids Taz says are required to cope with the agita that inevitably comes with it. Darby plays his face as strong as he can while Sting turns up on the Friday. In a suit. In a biker bar. It goes as well as expected. "I just want a beer, alright." And it's like Sting straightens up and suddenly realises that Sting is not a small man - not as big as several of the bikers, but serious enough that they aren't going to do anything. Somehow it works, Darby spends more time in the bar, but they just accept Sting as a businessman who has to commute and uses the bar as a good place to break, and maybe spends more time there than he intends, and more money, and more time and money on some of the girls. Darby isn't sure how that slow (really, really slow) but steadily progressing investigation descends into him and Sting fighting their way through the gang and eventually Sting riding a monster truck over all their bikes. He is reasonably sure he heard maniacal laughter out of Sting. He definitely heard Taz laughing. In fact, he's not sure if Taz is ever going to stop laughing. "Are you not surprised?" Because, see also, Straight Arrow Sting turning out to know three monster truck owners well enough to ask to borrow their pride and joys ... "You do know he was like Californian trick surfing champion ... thirty, ... no forty years ago. You don't grow out of that kind of stupid." Well he never!
3 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Eurythmics, Annie Lennox, Dave Stewart - Who's That Girl? (Official Video)
6 notes - Posted July 22, 2022
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cinemamonamour · 6 years
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Michael Redgrave and Anne Todd reading the script of Time Without Pity, 1956, (Source)
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kiev4am · 5 years
Terror/Smiley Fancast
This has been gnawing at my brain since I saw it mentioned in the tags for one of the posts about a possible Le Carre Smiley series starring Jared Harris - I can't find the post again, but I think it must have been @cinemaocd​ or @idlesuperstar​.  Whoever it was, please accept my Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy adaptation starring the cast of The Terror.  It's not strictly an AU, because this is just about whose face & acting fits, but on the other hand some roles overlap rather neatly *cough FitzGuillam cough*
George Smiley - Jared Harris Ann Smiley - Sian Brooke Peter Guillam - Tobias Menzies Control - Clive Russell Oliver Lacon - Richard Sutton Percy Alleline - Alistair Petrie Bill Haydon - Ian Hart Jim Prideaux - John Lynch Connie Sachs - Greta Scacchi Ricki Tarr - Adam Nagaitis Toby Esterhase - Paul Ready Sam Collins - Matthew McNulty Roy Bland - Trystan Gravelle Jerry Westerby - Charles Edwards Fawn - Liam Garrigan Mendel - Declan Hannigan Karla - Ciaran Hinds
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idlesuperstar · 5 years
Fic meme
I was tagged by @cinemaocd​ who has the patience of a saint when it comes to my bullshit procrastination as reader, writer, beta and general human bean. :)
Author Name:
idlesuperstar: yeah I joined stuff late enough that I am happy just using one name everywhere I exist online. So far it hasn’t been a problem (I am unlikely to ever get a proper job again, for a start). 
Fandoms You Write For:
The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp (to quote cinemaocd, we kind of made up a fandom for like six people…) Spooks (specifically Lucas North/Oleg Darshavin), John le Carré. I read about a thousand more fandoms than I write. 
Where You Post:
AO3.  I used to lurk and read on LJ a lot, and I have been around long enough to remember strikethrough and lots of other bad shit, so I cherish the AO3 like the jewel in the internet it is. Also its search functions are fucking amazing. 
Most Popular One-Shot:
Er, well, all my fics are one shots, but all but one are also parts of a series. (Yeah I know). In The Outward Air , the first Lucas North fic I wrote is the most popular, but it’s the first of a (currently) 13+ part series. 
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story:
Er, yeah, I don’t do chapters. Stille Nacht , a christmas Blimp fic I wrote, is the longest one I’ve written, if that counts.
Favourite Story You Wrote:
Oh man, I cannot choose. Just because I love different ones for different reasons, and it depends what fandom head I have on. My favourite lines are in Winter and Night In Disguise, the third Lucas fic of the series.
Story You Were Nervous to Post:
The Unsuitability of Beethoven  which was the first fanfic I ever posted in real and it felt like a massive step. I later rewrote it because it fitted into the Blimp series but I’d written like seven fics chronologically preceding it, so it needed a bit of a tweak. 
How Do You Choose Your Titles:
AHAHAHAHAHAHAH insert picture of cinemaocd facepalming right here, because as she would tell you, I am so bad at choosing titles. It is literally the last thing I do. I usually have a one word working title and then I have to afterwards think of something that works. For the Lucas ones, every title is a quote from a William Blake poem (because me and Lucas we are Blake fanboys) so it means trawling the complete works looking for suitable lines. Yeah, there’s gotta be a better way. 
Do You Outline:
Um, not really. Most of my fics are 3000-10,000 words (ish) and I have an idea already in my head of how they pan out. The Lucas ones are one-per-ep so I don’t have to think about plot (which is good, cos it’s not my strong point). Usually I have the story/conversations/ideas percolating in my brainpan for ages and then I just finally get it down on paper in one go.
33 on AO3. Let’s not discuss how long ago the first one was. 
Well my two series are WIPs in that they are not yet finished. I have at least one more Blimp fic to write, probably two (even more if I ever get my arse into gear). And I am delaying cinemaocd on the next Blimp to post cos it’s hers and I still haven’t done a final beta on it. Which is making me delay getting my fic written even more. 
My Lucas series - I have three fics that are WIPs, for some reason, and none of those are the next one chronologically. :) And my one-off JLC fic is now the first of a trilogy(?) and I’ve got the second fic nearly finished. The third one has a few scenes written, but that’s one that I think does need an outline, because I have to actually write some plot, ffs. 
Coming Soon/Not Yet Started:
Let us not get giddy here, my output rate is ridiculously slow as it is. I have IDEAS about fics all the time in lots of fandoms but I also know myself, and I don’t need any more reasons to not do the stuff I should be doing. 
Do You Accept Prompts:
I would, yeah. But I would also tell people to not hold their breath. :)
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write:
The crisis point of the Lucas North series, ep 8.04 because finally after 13 fics I get to have my OTP in the same fucking room for the first time, and I cannot WAIT. It’s also the most important one so I don’t want to fuck it up. 
ANYONE out there you know I’m shit at tagging people but go for it. 
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sirbogarde · 4 years
I’m screaming I just found out that Marius Goring played Sir Percy in a Scarlet Pimpernel TV show?!!?!? And all the episodes are on youtube?? 
I’m slowly becoming a Marius fan because of A Matter of Life and Death help me 
Both @cinemaocd and @idlesuperstar are partly responsible for my diving into the Archer’s work! Last night I watched Ill Met by Moonlight, which A) is an Archer’s production B) stars Dirk Bogarde and C) stars Marius Goring. Not sure what else I could ask for.
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