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"Mimble doesn't feel well? I will not allow that!" Lunaria said as she got to the kitchen to make him an apple tart.
(best wishes! no matter what remember you're amazing!)
Thank you so much! Mimble loves apple tart, especially with custard!
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janzoo · 1 year
Don’t forget I love you kiss from the kissing prompts list! 💙
(Original meme) Thanks for the prompt! And pardon the wait lol. I took a bit with this one, as I haven't quite delved into Aymeric and Drakyr actually saying "I love you" yet. ;) Also I decided to get festive with it! Sorry to post Xmas stuff after Xmas but oh well.
Oh wow this came out even fluffier than I planned - I hope you've got a sweet tooth.
Also on AO3!
"Oh my golly, have a holly jolly Starlight this year!"
Aymeric and Drakyr applauded alongside the audience as the carolers finished. They looked to each other, both of them smiling bright with flushed cheeks and snow softly settling into their hair. Their clapping slowed, then stopped, and the crowd began dispersing around them. Though only a brief, random glimpse at one another, the sudden beauty at the sight of them tied their tongues for a second. In later days to come, they would find the joyous, snow-dusted vision of the other etched firmly in their memories, amongst many. But that day, the day of the Starlight Celebration, they lived the quick, sublime moment in a caught breath and cheeks warm against the evening chill.
"...The, ah, carolers sang well," said Drakyr, the slightest bashful undertone in her voice.
"They did indeed," Aymeric replied. "The only way I imagine they could've improved would be to include you among them."
Drakyr's cheeks flushed further, or at least it felt like it to her. She giggled lightly. "Thank you. Perhaps next year we could do some caroling of our own?"
"Truth be told, I had hoped to do so this year. I apologize that my duties kept us from doing so." Aymeric paused, eyes looking aside. "There was much I hoped to do with you, to truly make your first Ishgardian Starlight as special and as memorable as possible."
"Oh, Aymeric, sweetheart," Drakyr reached up to tip his gaze back towards her. "As much as I would've liked to do...whatever it is that you had planned, 'tis enough for me that we both returned from Gridania in time."
Smiling again, Aymeric took her hand and kissed her knuckles - or at least where her knuckles seemed to be beneath her mittens. She giggled again. He tucked her arm into his.
"Shall we continue?" asked Aymeric. "The carolers were a wonderful diversion, but I've one surprise for you that I managed despite my limited time."
"Lead on - oh! Wait..." Drakyr, having had to look up to talk to Aymeric, noticed something hanging on a streamer above. She pointed with her free hand, one fingertip managing to stand out against the swaddling of her mitten. She continued, playfully, "it looks to me like we've been caught under the mistletoe."
Aymeric followed her finger. "Oh? Ah, so we have." He looked back to her and took both of her hands in his. "I trust you're familiar with this particular tradition."
"I think so," she responded with a wink. Her voice lowered as she continued. "Not that I need a reason to want to kiss you. And don't you forget that, Aymeric. No matter how far away we might be from one another, or what plans might get interrupted..."
Drakyr leaned in - or rather, up, for their kiss. Aymeric met her in the middle. Although Ishgard was conservative when it came to public displays of affection, celebrations like Starlight allowed some leeway, especially with the mistletoe tradition involved. Even so, the two of them found themselves holding their kiss a little longer than propriety allowed.
When they parted, both still leaning and bending towards each other, Drakyr suddenly found she wasn't done speaking. "...don't you forget that I love you."
Her eyes widened, then Aymeric's. Then she shrugged, grinning sheepishly, and kissed him again. Though briefer than the kiss before, Drakyr infused this one with a rush of excited, renewed passion.
"I...I wasn't expecting to say it," she began once they broke away again. "But...I said it. And I'll say it again, because with the gods as my witnesses I mean it: I love you. I love you so much. You give me happiness and strength the likes of which I've never known."
With the surprise having worn off, Aymeric smiled so enthusiastically that tears welled in the corners of his eyes. "And I love you. I...Gods, I recognized my feelings for you some time ago, but voicing them aloud is a...a bliss that I never knew would feel so transcendent. Oh Drakyr, dear Drakyr..."
They kissed for a third time beneath the mistletoe, holding each other close and disregarding propriety on purpose this time. No one seemed to mind.
When they finished, Aymeric kissed the tip of Drakyr's head. "Well now, while any Starlight gift pales in comparison to...to this moment, I still intend to get you to that surprise. For a hint, 'tis almost as sweet as your kiss."
Drakyr's intrigued "ooh" blended into a bit of laughter. "But I bet it's not as sweet as you, huh?" She gently nudged a chuckling Aymeric as she moved to stand at his side. "Lead on. Tonight, I go where you go."
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disciple-of-frost · 1 year
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(In all seriousness, thank you lovely. You are too kind. 💙🖤)
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umbralaether · 2 years
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This card indicates that you should learn to bring about balance, patience and moderation in your life. You should take the middle road, avoiding extremes and maintain a sense of calm.
The WONDERFULLY talented @lunaria-de-borel made me this beautiful piece for Eisha 💜
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e-dragoons · 2 years
"You can't play with my feelings just because you're unsure about yours."
@windup-dragoon: "You can't play with my feelings just because you're unsure about yours." For the angst prompt. 👀
@lunaria-de-borel: "You can't play with my feelings just because you're unsure about yours."
You keep pushing my hand to break my virtual barbies, now it's my turn 😈
[cracks knuckles]
He loved her. 
The realization was a wave crashing over him, drowning him in its wake.
They had been through so much together—pain and loss and fury. Lehna had struck him down when his need for vengeance had overwhelmed him, when his anger had become the only thought on his mind. They had defeated Nidhogg together, as he knew they would the day the eye called to her. He loved her he loved her he loved her. 
Haurchefant’s death had nearly destroyed her. Ysayle’s had nearly destroyed him. 
And then they had nearly destroyed each other. 
He reached down and pulled himself closer to her, so their lips were but an ilm apart. Lehna parted hers, blinking up at him in surprise, and he closed the distance. 
She tasted of pomegranates and the bright sunrise the day after a snowstorm, of hope and life and everything in between. After a moment she tugged on his shirt and he followed, kicking the door closed behind him. He turned them around, pressing her back into the wall as he tasted her more and more and more. 
He had known she loved him. Had always known. But Estinien could hardly carry the weight of his own heart, let alone be responsible for hers—as fragile and delicate as it was. Still, she offered it to him—and he had crushed it between his fingers, and still she had welcomed him back with a smile.
But then she pressed her hands to his chest, pushing him away. Estinien followed her direction immediately, confused. Was this not what she had wanted? Was he too late? And then he stared down at her, watching as her eyes filled with tears.
“Stop,” she said, her voice not much more than a whisper. “I can’t keep doing this.”
That gave him pause. He breathed hard, still catching his breath from their kiss.
“You can’t…” her voice cracked again, and she brought a hand to wipe her face before staring back up at him, this time her face full of an anger he had only seen a few times before. “You can’t play with my feelings just because you’re unsure about yours.”
But he was not unsure–not anymore. “Lehna–”
“Stop.” This time, her voice was firm. She ducked around him, showing her back to him and sweeping her hand toward the door.
If he could only explain to her–
“Please leave,” she said, weaker than before. 
A part of him yelled at him to stay. She would not make him leave. She would hear him out if he tried to talk to her. 
But she deserved better than that. “Okay,” he said, turning to the door. He rested his hand on the doorknob for a moment, gripping it tightly as tears stung in his own eyes. “I’m sorry.”
I love you, he thought. But the words would not come out. They’d been on the tip of his tongue before. Now they tasted like ash. So he left.
This time when he walked away, he looked back.
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cadrenebula · 1 year
(Please don’t feel obliged to respond, send on or reblog if you are not inclined to do so, but please do accept this as an indication of the wonderfulness of both you and your blog)
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Thank you so much for this. It's been a bit of a crazy week and I needed to see these in my inbox. Much love to you guys and the 1 anon one I had. @mimble-sparklepudding @kepesktribe @spotofmummery @thefrostflower @lunaria-de-borel
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lizarddiary · 2 years
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Nara and Tahla catching up on each other's adventures while drinking some tea.
Another attempt at forbidden magiks(tm), I think this time looks a little bit better. Next time maybe I'll try to make a couple's photoshoot with Nara and Haurchefant!
(Thanks to @lunaria-de-borel for letting me use her house as a setting!)
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starrysnowdrop · 1 year
👀 …someone my muse likes, but doesn’t trust. (For Hali)
💩 …someone my muse dislikes, but admires. (For Yume)
👀 - ((This one was also asked by @lunaria-de-borel!)) Now this one might be a little controversial, perhaps…
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Hali actually likes Urianger, and she has had great conversations with him, especially since he switched to her discipline of Astromancy. They have studied together and they compare notes when they interpret the movement of heavens, and they have taught each other techniques that the other had not yet learned.
However, Hali just can’t seem to trust him, not after he has deceived her and her fellow Scions and WoLs time and time again. He has done it, or this last time he had almost done it, one too many times for Hali. Urianger will have to win her over if she were to place her trust in him ever again.
💩 - Okay, someone Yume dislikes but admires, huh?? Well, only one person comes to mind…
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Yume really doesn’t like Fourchenault, because he acts too much like her own father that banished her from her home, as Fourchenault disowned Alphinaud and Alisaie very much in the same manner that Lord Aino disowns Yume. But yet she can’t help but admire him for being a strong figure that is trying his best to save his own children and as many lives on the star as possible, not to mention that she has recently learned Soumanautics, same discipline as Fourchenault. Her feelings on Fourchenault are a bit complicated as a result.
Thank you so much for the ask @mimble-sparklepudding!! 🥰💖
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lookbluesoup · 2 years
Tagged by @sundered-souls @briar-ffxiv and @lunaria-de-borel which is perfect, I can do one for all three characters! Thanks for the tags :3
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Nahte'to Vhia || romance/friendship arc
you started this story a little hard, or awkward, or stubborn. that's okay. it's harder than it should be to admit, but what you really want is love. that's what your story is all about - not just the act of loving, but the allowance of it. the confession that you do not want to fight or bleed or save the world, but to simply feel the way two hands fit so easily together. you will have two chairs and a table and you will shut your blinds, and you will say the word love without faltering. this is a happy ending, and you do not need to feel guilty. it hurts our hands to fight - never to hold.
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Louisoix de Borel || hero arc
well done - you did things right. this may seem like a boring answer, but i promise it isn't. you believe in goodness and you believe in doing good, and through everything, you work to keep that goodness. you have seen so much blood, and your instinct is always to stitch. you grew and fought and won, and i'm glad you did, because someone had to. i'm glad you kept believing in the world you were trying to save. you are far braver than most could ever be.
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I'lyrha Rinha || tragic hero arc
we all know how this story goes. when it began, you were almost the perfect hero, but almost is never enough. you lacked introspection, or you were too stubborn or vengeful or reckless - as reckless as the world that helped to ruin you. you were not perfect, and that's okay. we knew the story ended in blood and we watched it anyway. we knew you would die in the end and we still couldn't help but love you, just a little bit. at the very least, you are more human than a hero could ever be.
These actually all fit them pretty good I'm impressed xD
Lyrha's art was made by @seasaltandcopper :3 Tagging him, @ronqueesha , @ellastara , and anyone else who would like to! I'm still learning names I'm not sure who all hasn't been tagged yet that wants to do these, but would love it if you ""steal"" it from me! :3
The Quiz Link
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Aymeric conceived a solution,
To avoid Ishgard's dissolution,
He claimed a mandate,
To split church from state,
Due to his robust constitution.
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Disestablishmentarian silliness!
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janzoo · 1 year
💤 - What do they absolutely need to have to fall asleep?
(Original meme)
Having been raised a nomad and spent much of her life as an adventurer, Drakyr is cool with camping or sleeping in a wagon. However, she needs a good blanket and pillow - nothing cheap or threadbare. Her pillow is designed for folks with horns, because horns can make laying down awkward lol.
So Drakyr can rough it, but it has to be quality roughing it.
Thanks for the response! :D
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disciple-of-frost · 2 years
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Y'all are too sweet, I can't!
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umbralaether · 2 years
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Went to a beautiful wedding yesterday!! Enjoy my lil vanilla shots ^-^ & congrats to @healersadjust & @linkus611 !!
@yloiseconeillants @lunaria-de-borel @lilbittymonster @hermits-hovel @mythandral @tallbluelady
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ashura02 · 2 years
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Of the three phials of Fantasia that I bought, I decided to use my second (and final, before going back to my original au'ra self) to become a femroe pirate captain.
I just want to add one more thing about her tho,
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I may or may not have a thing for femroes.........
(this last photo is in @lunaria-de-borel 's estate btw (thank you for letting me thrist in your gazebo, hun!))
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theartofashura02 · 2 years
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Yesterday (or maybe even today, depending on your timezome!) day 9th of September was my beloved @lunaria-de-borel birthday! 
This is a fanart of her beautiful Warrior of Light, Lunaria! Go check her stuff, she’s an amazing writer! >w<
Also, if you’re interested in Final Fantasy XIV role-playing stuff, consider following my new RP account, @lizarddiary
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irisopranta · 1 year
What was your first impression of your job mentor(s) and companions (whether canon npc or headcanon), whatever profession(s) you started with? Did these change over time?
FFXIV New Adventurer Asks
((This might be a little long as I will go through all canonical jobs for Iris. Putting all these under the cut.))
First Impressions:
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I've heard of Brother E-Sumi-Yan, after all, I've lived in Gridania all my life. However, interacting with him just reminds me of my dad a bit. He just seems to ramble on about the finer points of conjury. It's whatever, though, it's good to have a refresher on the stuff in any case as I set out on my own.
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If you can heal just well enough and you are able to do what you set out to do then. I get it but to be so disrespectful of the people that want to make sure you can do the best out there is just plain rude. Maybe, this is just an age thing, after all she doesn't look like she any older than 15.
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What's with this guy. I find him collapsed and barely conscious so I decided to heal him. After doing so he thanks me by kidnapping me and start trying to train me with a lance. I'm a conjurer for goodness sake.
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This guy is nice, after all he did save me from my kidnapper. With the shenanigans with that Estinien fellow, it's good to know that all these Ishgardians aren't completely jerks. Anyways, he explained what was going on and why Estinien kidnapped me. In the end he did convince me to become another azure dragoon which I reluctantly agreed to do the training.
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With the Dragonsong war is over I figured to go back to being a healer. However, I found it difficult to commune with nature nowadays. Even the most basic spells were difficult to cast and left me without too much energy after doing so. I figured there might be another way that I could return to my roots as a healer.
Luckily for me, some highborn Ishgardian man was looking to learn about Sharlayan Astrology. After hearing about it, I figured to give it a try and hope that it will allow me to be a healer.
Jannequinard has a good heart, though at times he can be a bit dense. However I am thankful that he is trying to bring in a new way to heal.
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Leveva is such a cinnamon roll. She is a bit strict but with what she has to deal with Jannequinard, I can't blame her. In any case, I will protect this cinnamon roll.
Redolent Rose:
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This guy is a jokester and I love him for it. It's hard to be yourself out in public. Did these change over time?
Some of them did. I think that Sylphie started to understand why the conjurer's guild was telling her that she needs to draw aether from nature. I can appreciate her growth as she learns how to do conjury in a safe manner.
While Estinien was a jerk when I first met him, he does have some soft spots and actually cares deeply for the people around him. Turns out he is a reliable ally at the end of the day.
Thanks for the ask @lunaria-de-borel
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