#@white ppl dont come at me saying shit like white disabled people or white trans people dont get to see themselves as beatiful in media.
honey-stick · 2 years
every so often i realize how much racism has taken a toll on me mentally. i started reading the madame petit manga (no spoilers, im on ch 3) and the main love interest rn is an indian guy, and he's not drawn as disgusting, but as someone so handsome & desirable.
like! look at him!
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he's so dreamy and hot! he looks just like me!
i just have so many feelings bubbling up. he's handsome and looks like me. i can really be seen as beautiful by others? i'm not disgusting for having brown skin? im desirable? my indian features are handsome? traditional clothing doesn't make me weird and ugly? white people have seen themselves as pretty and attractive and desirable all this time?
i've been missing this, i never knew i could be pretty & desired. i know there are many people who have told me im hot and have flirted with me. but it's different here. i havent fully realized im wanted & hot till seeing it reflected back at me.
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nerves-nebula · 3 years
warning: vent about pronoun shit, transphobia/racism
for reference i’m black and use it/its. 
sooo I went to a trans meme subreddit to look at trans memes and one of the first posts I see is a person venting about ppl telling them not to use it/its pronouns. 
anyway comments were mostly ok bUT I saw a weird trend: So basically, POC stop using your race as an excuse to be transphobic challenge :D!
“I have trauma about being called it” and “POC have been called it to dehumanize them” is not the slam dunk you think it is. POC can also use it/its, not every trans person with weird pronouns is white, and white people don’t have to be misgendered by you in order to not be racist. Furthermore I’d say being dehumanized based on something that’s visible is something other minorities can relate to as well (example: physically/visually disabled people) so it’s not like we’re special when it comes to this shit. I’m exhausted. 
Like I know that a lot of POC communities are generally queerphobic, but this a trans subreddit and I see all these people talking about how it’s racist to ask a POC to use your pronouns and like... genuinely how can y’all be this dense. 
moral of the story: why tf did I go to reddit when i could be making toh fanart. 
i’ll probably delete this later cuz i dont want it junking up my blog or triggering me lmao but just know if u think like this uhhhh get off my blog???
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hshouse · 3 years
lightssup tumblr com/post/662634463776407552/ok-but-what-does-harry-holding-bi-or-trans-flags here's the thing tho. Straight ppl dont care. We dont care about WAVING a pride flag bc it doesn't matter to us as much as to queer folks and that's the FACT the tea whatever, and we dont care bc it doesn't affect us and will never do in the same form that affects the real queer community bc we will never go through the same shit and fucked up things/situation than them bc of the society we are in. And IF an straight person does wave a flag it would be in two, three or five occasions but not in EVERY FUCKING SHOW. These idiots are 1. Homophobic 2. Antis who hate the real person that their fave is 3. Willingly avoiding a truth in favor to keep their wattpad novel alive. Ps. I really dont wanna make it look that me as a straight person doesn't care about the lgtbq+ community. I do, I really do but firstly me as a straight person know how this shit would be IF any of them were straight and 2nd I know this is shit and I know ppl aka het teens and antis will say bUt thAt's noT hOw iT rEallY is lmao pls stf that actually how it is bc ppl are selfish and if something doesn't affect them then they dont care about it AT ALL and that's on that. Now just for the giggles, what makes me so sure about the hl situation is that if they were really straight they wouldn't give a shit about pride flags and signs (of any kind) and the situation would be really different. I cant explain it all in an ask but just to point out: Louis would really have a son and be married by this time and Harry probably too something like justin and hailey, pretty sure we will be getting a LOT of pics of a LOT OF things from backstage, we will not EVER for a minute will be getting some come so far princess park shit and you know what? We will actually be getting pics of these two together since day one from hiatus. And of course, IF this straight image was real harry would have been the godfather of Louis' son and yes, we also will be getting pics of freliot all over the place. But guess f what folks.
Hi bby,
THANK YOU for the honesty and perspective. You do not sound like anything but a truthful ally who is self reflective of their position. Thank you. No gay person expects or wants to see every straight person waving a flag on the way to work every day. That’s not the point at all. You hit the nail in the head. He would not be doing that if he was straight. That’s literally the end of the story.
People need to start being honest with themselves. White folks: are you waving a BLM flag every day? are you? No, you are not. Christians, are you speaking out about islamophobia often? No, you are not. Able body folks, do you actually think every day about how much the world is build to keep disabled people excluded? No, you are not. Pretending you are is just lying online to look woke. And it is because when something is not directly attacking you, your willingness to fight on it is necessarily lower. It’s human nature. Our compassion to ourselves will always outweigh compassion to others. This is not news, this is not a Take. It’s just how stuff works. It’s not bad or good. It’s neutral human behavior. Real activism is not pretending you understand what it feels like to be in that group. It’s not taking front and center. It’s learning, keeping your eyes/ears opening, supporting where your support is meaningful/wanted and changing your and your loved ones’ beliefs/habits.
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kingjasnah · 4 years
actually. actually let’s talk about diversity in fantasy let’s give that a go. im mad and im gonna be that way for a while
don’t want to read all this? fair. tldr: fantasy writers who rely not only on the medieval europe model but also hide behind historical accuracy in 2020 (fuck it, from ‘95 onwards) are lazy and unimaginative and should be held accountable no matter how many white 20 year old dudes jerk off to whatever power fantasy is embedded in the plot. so lets chat about that lads. (slightly) drunk rant under the cut
now prelim shit: we know fantasy is used both as escapism and as a way to deal with various traumas via magical metaphor. staples of the genre. even if jk rowling busted out the laziest and at times offensive metaphor for ww2 and racism ive ever seen, she still adhered to time and true tropes. whatever.
so why have we, in this post game of thrones era, become insanely obsessed with realism? i can hear sixty 20-something year old men crying at me rn like oh ohh oh its based off the war of roses oh wahh all medieval fantasy fiction is based off england and the crusades anyway so women should get raped and people of color should be demonized its not racism its xenophobia and also gay people dont exist and disabled people are systematically killed off and if we stretch the magic fixes mental illness thing a LITTLE further we have straight up eugenics.
we all know where the england but myth thing came from. now the thing about tolkien is that while i will always absolutely love lotr, looking at the LAZY state of fantasy? damn i kinda wish he hadn’t revolutionized the genre. the bitch was still racist. he still didnt give a shit abt women (eowyn was just a vehicle to show how much he fucking hated macbeth anyone holding jrrt up as a feminist icon for that needs to sit the fuck down and explain to me why i can count the woman speaking roles in lotr, a story with a name and fleshed out backstory for every minor character, on one hand but thats! another post). he had something to say abt class with sam i’ll give him that but he is still 100% NOT what we need to hold our standards to in 2020. 
i dont want to talk about old school fantasy, like 80s early 90s cause theres literally no point. its sexist, racist, ableist for sure, this we know. david eddings (not even that old school tbh) can rise from the grave and explain himself to me personally and i still wont forgive him for ehlana. 
so let’s talk historical accuracy. quick question. who the FUCK gives a shit? WHO is this elusive got fan who’s out here like blehh actually??? this method of iron production is TOTALLY anachronistic of the time. ummm these vegetables in this fictional world were NOT native to english soil so how are they here? cause i know this is the classic argument but ive never actually met someone who cared about the lack of dysentery as much as they care abt the women getting raped on screen/page. 
god forbid you have to worldbuild for a second god forbid you can’t rely on the idea of fantasy readers already have in their head god forbid you have an original idea god forbid you spend more than two seconds thinking about ur setting (oh i should mention i dont....really blame GoT for its setting cause of how long ago it was og written but trust me i sure as hell blame grrm for writing a 13 yr old giving ‘consent’ to sex with a grown man within the first couple of chapters) 
If we accept the basic premise of fantasy as escapism, and i AM drunk so i will NOT be finding fuckin. quotes and shit for this but come on tolkien said it himself and as much as i’ll drag him he crafted the simplest and most powerful fantasy metaphors on the board rn. But if we know its escapism. If we know. then who is it escapism for? certainly not for me, the gay brown woman who busted through all of GoT in 10th grade. 
modern fantasy lit used as an excuse for that white male power fantasy is literally disgusting. calling historical accuracy is so fucking dumb ESPECIALLY cause we, as ppl in the 21st  century, KNOW women have been consistently written out of the story. poc ppl, gay and trans ppl, anyone with a god forbid disability has been WRITTEN out of history as we know it, INCLUDING the fucking war of the roses so HOW can we hold up testimony we know is flawed to support our FICTIONAL. STORY. just to??? support the white power fantasy?? literally noah fence but if you are a white guy who felt really empowered by every time jim butcher described a woman tell me: how do you think that’ll hold up in classic HisToRiCaL fantasy. you think thats a fucking noble pursuit? or are you grima wormtongue out here. 
(side note: jim butcher stop writing challenge i dont need to know abt every woman on page’s nipples. anyone who hides behind subgenre like that? ‘ohhh its a noir story thats why hes sexualizing everyone’ shut the fuck up an author isnt possessed by a fuckin muse and compelled to bust out 500k they have agency and they have choice and they MADE the choice to reserve said will for none of their female characters)
which brings me to point 2: target audience and BOY is the alcohol hitting me rn but WHO is this for? this isnt the fucking 80s we know poc and other marginalized folk read fantasy FOR the escapism. on god ive had a cosmere focused blog for nearly three years and. im just gonna say it im interacted with A LOT of yall and ive managed to talk to VERY few white straight ppl as compared to everyone else. 
like....who deserves to see the metaphor on homophobia or racism. joanne rowling? the bitch who literally tried to sell us happy slaves and the disgusting aids metaphor and the worst case of antisemitic stereotypes i ever saw in an nyt bestseller? yall think that was for US? or was it for the white guilt crowd. 
literally white people can find any book about them that they can relate to. but hmmm maybe theres a reason gay women care so much about stormlight archive’s jasnah kholin, a brown woman who’s heavily coded as wlw. or kaladin, the FIRST fantasy protag ive ever seen with clinical depression. hmm i wonder why a bunch of millennials are vibing all of a sudden. im not saying sanderson is perfect--but its the best ive seen from a white author tbh
maybe theres a reason a lot of poc vibe with a literary way to express trauma, and maybe thats why i specifically get so pissed when its not done well. theres a REASON books about outcasts pushing through and claiming their own lives are popular with people who arent white and straight and able bodied. Junot Diaz had a point. maybe lets STOP catering to those assholes who think theyre joseph campbell’s wet dream personified. ive lost respect SO many authors who are objectively talented. pat rothfuss can write so beautifully that ive cried to bits of name of the wind but literally i will never pick that series up again (not just because of the felurian. women in general tbh. mostly the felurian ngl) cause 1) i personally KNEW men whod jerk off to that shit and 2) there was no need for it there was no plot reason for ANY of that shit 
so like obviously thers an issue with authors of color specifically not getting recognized for fantasy and genre work but on god??????? im still mostly mad at the legions of white authors churning out the same medieval england chosen one books year after fucking year. have an original thought maybe. also im sorry that you as an author lack the basic empathy needed to examine the way that women? or any group of people that youre explicitly writing about see the world and would specifically see YOUR made up world. 
yes your fantasy should be diverse, but more than that it should be kind. if you as a writer cant respect groups of people who deserve it....what the hell are you doing in a genre that traditionally is about finding ways to express injustice through metaphor? tolkien’s hero was sam. fantasy was NEVER about the privileged. yall know who you are so stop acting so fucking entitled. peace out. 
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boojersey · 5 years
cw for like some common lgbt+ topics such as dysphoria violence discrimination etc just. tread carefully if u get triggered easily by bad lgbt experiences
What do you identify as and what are your pronouns? -im a gay trans man and my pronouns are he/him but they/them is also acceptable!
How did you discover your sexuality, tell your story?-oh wow i originally thought i was a lesbian because i didnt even know what transgender was i just thought wishing i was a man meant i was butch and then i met my friend donnie in eighth grade who told me he was trans and it was kinda a huge slap in the face but with a sack of gay bricks? and i found out i dont like women through actually having sex with cis women and finally realizing it. really wasnt for me so now im just a gay man as opposed to queer as an umbrella term but i periodically refer to myself as such
Have you experienced being misgendered? What happened and how did you overcome it?-oh yea i literally was misgendered today i just kinda brush it off but it can be hard sometimes especially when people know im trans and do it
Who was the first person you told, how did they react?-i first told donnie about my gender, it was a thing where i went to bed the night i met him and was like  .. wait holy fuck and then the next day i was like BRO HOLY FUCK but sexuality? i dont really know???? it was so long ago it was honestly probably my group of friends on kik that i had in 2013 (u were included in that mister!!!!)
Describe what it was like coming out, what did you feel?-im not actually fully out but the first time someone who was an adult knew about my trans-ness was what really set in for me the fact that i could come out one day; my friends mom referred to me as seance (and like. obviously she respected my gender she has a trans kid) but it was just super jarring bc no adult had known yet abt my identity in any way and as a result i was rlly glad it was nighttime in that car bc i cried almost immediately; the first time i came out on my Own was to my cousin and he laughed in my face so that was pretty damn awful and its kinda funny cuz the bastard is bi so u would think hed have been accepting but n0pe!
If you’re out, how did your parents/guardians/friends react?-im out to my friends now ! and the reception was generally positive bc i think i do an ok job at picking ppl to be around in terms of morals so there was little bad reception
What is one question you hate people asking about your sexuality?-i hate when ppl ask if im gay as in for men or gay as in for women because im trans, i am a man so when i say im gay i feel like that should be easy enough to put 2 and 2 together but when they ask that i feel as if they still view me as a woman
Describe the style of clothing that you most often wear.-emo of the gods themselves it is absolute scene and emo vomit and i love it; its seriously hard for me to wear dresses and skirts without dysphoria and just general discomfort but i own a couple anyway bc theyre cute i just. never wear them
Who are your favourite lgbt+ ships?-my main thing at the moment is gerard/frank/grant morrison bc i love poly fics very dearly and gerard/bert because bert mccracken deserved better than gerawrds internalized homophobia lol
What does makeup mean to you? Do you wear any?-makeup to me is an androgynous thing so i wear eyeshadow a lot and lipstick sometimes, eyeshadow is easier on my eyes than eyeliner bc im allergic to a lot of makeup thats on the heavier side so if i put on eyeliner my eyes will water and burn throughout the day but with eyeshadow im mostly ok; other opinion is that makeup on Anyone can be sexy as hell if they do it for fun and wear literally what they truly want and not just what they think is accepted or what they Should wear
Do you experience dysphoria? If so, how does that affect you?-oh yeah my dysphoria is pretty debilitating if im gonna be honest; i used to have very little problems with it because my hold on reality was loose at best (before i was medicated to clarify) but now that i am almost completely Here my dysphoria is pretty bad and even just like. the knowledge that i have breasts is pretty awful; a few weeks ago i put on an outfit that i have to wear a victorias secret bra to fit properly in and just one look in the mirror had me sobbing and i had to change my clothes before i could leave the house and i havent worn a bra since because just the thought of showing off my chest makes this stark fuckin dread shoot through my veins but i also have dysphoria in regards to my voice that i discussed at my last trans therapy group meeting actually ; my voice has a tendency to bounce around my octave range so sometimes ill be like. excited then hear what i sound like. and ruin it for myself immediately u kno? im not even gonna talk about my dicksphoria bc thats just. awful. 
What is the stupidest thing you’ve heard said about the lgbt+ community?-ohhhhhhhh my god u know what? ive heard..so much .. that im gonna instead take this opportunity to mention my mother genuinely thinks dnd is satanic
What’s your favourite thing about the lgbt+ community?-the fact that were so strong. we are so fucking strong we deal with violence and opposition constantly and at staggering rates yet we stay strong and we continue loving through all of it, whether its in dark corners in secret or loudly in the streets we continue loving and do so with all of our beings because we know its our own truth and well gladly go to hell if it means we got to love on earth (not that everyone believes in hell or the idea that us gays go to hell but my point stands)
What’s your least favourite thing about the lgbt+ community?-we have this audacity to create divide (to the fault of mostly cis white gay men thank u very much) when what we need to do is love each other because we are different but at the end of the day we all need to remain in tandem and as a family or we will never get to where we need to in terms of acceptance and that means being uplifting and protecting our trans sisters of color, our disabled lgbt members, our autistic lgbt members, our anything past cis white gay man because we all need recognition, we all need love, and to exclude any letters of lgbt is to tear ourselves down and set ourselves on fire
Have you ever been to your cities pride event? Why or why not?-no :((( no one would drive me in the past and i dont think ill have a way to get there this year either
Who is your favourite lgbt+ Icon/Advocate/Celebrity?-brian molko! my bisexual, androgynistically-inclined father who birthed me at the tender age of 16 when i found placebo
Have you been in a relationship and how did you meet?-ya theres been a few and i dont rlly like to talk abt my relationships with anyone unless theyre online relationships so im just gonna leave it at that
What is your favourite lgbt+ book?-pantomime by laura lam! its one of if not my favorite book to this day
Have you ever faced discrimination? What happened?-y a every damn day bitch ! example is when i was deadnamed by my psychiatrist while she knows full well what my name is the other day; another is the countless times i get called a lesbian ???? and when strict lesbians ask me out i get a very bad taste in my mouth (i understand full well that sexuality is fluid, these are lesbians that spit the ‘penis is gross blegh’ rhetoric)
Your Favorite lgbt+ movie or show?-uh im just gonna say preacher bc its my favorite show altogether n cass is bi/pan/something similar
Who are some of your favourite lgbt+ bloggers?-@ble3dmagic is my boyfriend in crime (not rlly thats a joke) and @musicalsense​ is my sunburnt Brother
Which lgbt+ slur do you want to reclaim?-queer! i also use f*ggot a lot when talking about myself and my friends that are ok with it
Have you ever gone to a gay bar, or a drag show, how was it?-i went to a drag show and it was so amazing and one of the first times i felt accepted in my own community that i cried
How do you self-identify your gender, and what does that mean to you?-well i identify as a man with no leaning towards womanhood or nonbinaryhood in any way, its just . man . but in terms of Expression i am quite androgynous bc i can rlly appreciate femininity (NOT the same as womanhood) and being a man to me means just that ive always wanted to grow up with that “gender role” like i always wish i was raised as a stereotypical parent would raise a son and ive always been more interested in stereotypically masculine things and people since i can even remember and i feel like puberty was just this unpreventable spiral into something i didnt want. i didnt want it at all . this is tmi but when i got my first period i cried my eyes out bc the idea of being called a Woman repulsed me so much and since i didnt even know that being trans was a concept i was just this scared puppy full of confusion and fear aimed at myself because all the stuff i heard i was supposed to be proud of the change but i wasnt i was so ashamed of it and the idea of being called a woman made me sick to my stomach and i just wish i could go back in time and hold myself and tell me itll be alright 
Are you interested in having children? Why or why not?-absoLutely not i hate kids (and by that i mean i hate being around them and the culture that surrounds having children; i do not treat kids like shit and i do not act like hating children is a personality trait; i get migraines and usually the second a child starts screaming or crying i am on the floor of my brain writhing in dire pain and i have absolutely no desire to support another human life when frankly i cant even support myself; its also just not a lifestyle i want to live)
What identity advice would you give your younger self?-god so fucking much. so fucking much. so many things i wish i could say to myself
What do you think of gender roles in relationships?-i think if someone wants to adhere to them then hell yea go ahead just dont expect others to do it or try to tell other people its a Norm or something; theyre for the most part christian in nature so i dont have any desire to follow them myself, i want a relationship (if any) thats more of a coexistence if that makes sense, like. roommates plus dick
Anything else you want to share about your experience with gender?-i always used to anxiously chew on the idea that my chest dysphoria is just me holding disdain for the shape and size of my breasts but let me tell you. the second i put on my binder for the first time i immediately started crying because i was so overwhelmed by the fact that i was looking at something one step closer to myself and i know full well i am never going to have that doubt again. this week has been exponentially cathartic and therapeutic for me
What is something you wish people know about being lgbt+?-i want the cisheteros to know that nothing they learn about us is new. everything about us has been around for so so long but has been silenced and erased to the point where a lot of us dont even know many things about our rich and beautiful history
Why are proud to be lgbt+?-honestly? its hard for me to not just straight up say im not proud of my identity. its taken me years to stamp down the plain grieving toward my identity and wishing i could have the easier path but frankly? the fact that i am choosing this path of hardship and hell on earth just to be who i truly am i think speaks volumes of my pride in my identity at this point; further back in my archive by a few years my posts are littered with sentiments of bitterness wherein i stated that i hate being trans and not just cis but i like to think ive finished hating myself for my identity. i like to think im proud now. to ask me why is to ask too much of me, all i know now is that i am proud and thats enough for me right now.
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battlestar-royco · 5 years
sj/m gets criticism on both her behavior and her books. And stans still managed to say its bc of misogyny (ironic much). Dont they see the pattern? Like do they seriously believe that everyone decided to just pick on sarah bc she’s a woman. Can’t they use a bit of logic and see that if so many ppl speak up about her and how bad her books are then maybe.... it might be true ?
I’ve seen stans say that anti pick on sarah bc she’s a famous woman. That of she was a man they would leave her alone. But i dont know that many famous men YA writers sooo. And even then like, the books just suck ya know ? Idk i feel like they’re reaching at this point.
Lumping these two together because they’re really similar and they came at about the same time.
Nothing infuriates me more than people reducing constructive criticism to something like discrimination. INTERSECTIONALITY IS A THING FFS. In fandom, white women actors and writers often get a pass for the problematic shit they do and get praised for doing the ABSOLUTE BARE MINIMUM. I’m sure you’ve all seen those posts of Natalie Portman or Jennifer Lawrence or Scarlett Johansson or whoever the fuck conventionally attractive white actress smirking at a camera and being praised for being a feminist by literally not even saying anything, just smirking, at a sexist comment that someone made against them!!! Then those same actors will turn around and participate in whitewashing or cultural appropriation or some mess. Meanwhile, actors and writers of color never get as much support from fans and they have to deal with all the combined racist and sexist trolls (like Kelly Marie Tran, Viola Davis, Danai Gurira, Lupita Nyong’o, Zendaya, and so many more) all while actively calling out discrimination and trying to be role models for their fans. Then when POC/queer fans call out white women, all their white women fans come out of the woodwork to back her up on the basis that the rest of us are all sexist. The same dynamic is happening here with SJ/M: queer fans, disabled fans, and fans of color calling her out for the unacceptable and harmful stuff she puts in her books, and then stans coming at us and saying we’re sexist. No. Also, holy fuck I just LOVE how stans conveniently and repeatedly refuse to acknowledge the fact that while most SJ/M antis focus their blog on SJ/M content, almost all of us have extensive criticism of other writers and fandoms (many of them men/dominated by men), and praise other women in YA constantly. We specifically focus on SJ/M not because she is a woman but because she is the only major YA author who has consistently degraded in writing quality, diversity, and fan treatment throughout her career.
While YES OF COURSE SJ/M gets some incredibly misogynistic criticism (like, when the Q0S TV show announcement came out, a lot of male G0T fans were trolling in the comments making fun of the way she looks and how T0G is just a watered-down “girly” version of G0T), it’s not from antis. Reducing her books to a “girly” or “inferior” series because she is a woman, holding her worldbuilding and plotting to a higher standard because she is a woman, and saying the books are stupid because they have a majority feminine audience would be sexist. Additionally, the sexism lauded at SJ/M throughout her career absolutely does not cancel out the harmful shit she puts in her books! SJ/M antis (at least in my circles) do not criticize SJ/M as a woman. We criticize her work and the themes of abuse, racism, sexism, ableism, transphobia, and more that can be found within her writing. Calling out a white, cishet, privileged woman for the discrimination she puts in her books is NOT sexist. We are under no obligation to support white women who actively contribute to our discrimination.
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