#[ OCTOBER 13 ]
typelikeagirl · 1 year
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Happy 3rd Birthday to
“We Bought Every Grinch Costume on Ebay”
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cypherdecypher · 1 year
Animal of the Day!
Pinta Island Giant Tortoise (Chelonoidis abingdonii)
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(Photo by Santiago Piedra)
Extinction Date- 2012
Habitat- Pinta Island
Size (Weight/Length)- 180 kg; 1.8 m
Diet- Cacti; Grasses; Berries; Leaves
Cool Facts- The Pinta Island giant tortoise was only found on Ecuador’s Pinta Island in the Galapagos archipelago. These gentle giants would sleep up to 16 hours a day and spend the rest of their time eating. They would feast on cactus pads and fruit along with coarse grasses. Pinta Island giant tortoises were the top herbivore of Pinta Island and played an important part in dispersing cacti seeds. When explorers and whalers first discovered the Galapagos, they released the slow moving and long living giant tortoises made the perfect meal and killed them in the thousands. Goats were later brought to Pinta Island and destroyed the vegetation the tortoises needed. The last Pinta Island giant tortoise, Lonesome George, was luckily saved and was an estimated 100 years old when he passed away on June 24, 2012. Today, every giant tortoise species that remains in the Galapagos are either endangered or critically endangered. Off site breeding efforts in zoos worldwide has boosted their populations considerably although it’s been a very, very slow process.
Rating- 13/10 (Possible hybrid tortoises remain in zoos today.)
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floridaboiler · 1 year
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October 13th, 2324 will be Beverly Crusher's Birthday!
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Another 301 years!
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dailykafka · 1 year
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— October 13, 1911 / Franz Kafka diaries
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martzx3 · 11 months
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Zimtober day 13, school uniform
Yea yeah so what if I took the uniform from mob psycho so what 😒😒/lh
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hozonkai1 · 1 year
It's My Birthday!!!
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randomfoggytiger · 1 year
Fun Fact!
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Fox Mulder was born on Friday, October 13th (I see what you did there, Chris Carter.)
Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose aired on Friday, October 13th.
This October 13th is on a Friday.
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This photograph, taken October 13, 1932 from the rapidly rising, $250,000,000 Rockefeller Center, shows the Empire State Building dominating the scene. In the left center glows the single light atop the Metropolitan Tower and in the foreground stands the building at 500 Fifth Avenue.
Photo: Associated Press
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stardestroyerss · 1 year
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Adam Driver at the "Ferrari" press conference during the 61st New York Film Festival on October 13, 2023. ✨✨✨
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typelikeagirl · 2 years
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chic-a-gigot · 1 year
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La Mode nationale, no. 41, 13 octobre 1894, Paris. Notre patron découpé. Jaquette croisée, façon tailleur. Bibliothèque nationale de France
Détails et explications du patron découpé:
Le modèle que nous donnons en patron découpé se compose de cinq morceaux:
No. 1. — Devant, croisé avec grand revers; un cran placé dans le haut et un dans le bas l'indiquent;
No. 2. — Le côté; un cran indique son raccord avec le devant;
No. 3. — Les dos ouvert dans le bas et formant patte; 2 crans indiquent le raccord avec le côté;
No. 4. — La manche, dont le dessous est indiqué par un tracé à la roulette.
No. 5. — Le col rabattu; un trait à la roulette indique la brisure;
Cette charmante jaquette est ornée dans le dos et sur la manche par des motifs formant grecque, se faisant en même drap que celui de la jaquette, avec piqûre de chaque côté; on peut les faire aussi avec galon. Pour en faciliter l'exécution, nous donnons en grandeur naturelle le dessin des motifs du dos et de la manche, voir nos gravures nos. 2 et 3 de façon que l'on puisse exécuter soi-même cette garniture en décalquant le dessin et en reportant ensuite sur le drap que l'on découpé.
Métrage: 3 mètres de drap en grande largeur, suffisent pour exécuter cet élégant modèle de jaquette croisée.
The model that we give as a cut-out pattern is made up of five pieces:
No. 1. — Front, crossed with large reverse; a notch placed at the top and one at the bottom indicate this;
No. 2. — The side; a notch indicates its connection with the front;
No. 3. — The backs open at the bottom and forming a tab; 2 notches indicate the connection with the side;
No. 4. — The sleeve, the underside of which is indicated by a dotted line.
No. 5. — The collar turned down; a dotted line indicates the break;
This charming jacket is decorated on the back and on the sleeve with Greek motifs, made from the same cloth as that of the jacket, with stitching on each side; we can also make them with braid. To facilitate execution, we give a life-size drawing of the back and sleeve patterns, see our engravings nos. 2 and 3 so that you can make this trim yourself by tracing the design and then transferring it to the sheet that you cut out.
Yardage: 3 meters of wide-width sheet is enough to make this elegant double-breasted jacket model.
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chalamet-chalamet · 2 years
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“I felt like the first time [we worked together], Luca was paternal with me, and I was in a place in my life where I didn’t know whether I was going to have an acting career, let alone a career in film. I was 20-years-old and I was in a different country, and I didn’t speak the language. He was fatherly with me and protective. This time, it felt like he was brotherly with me and there was more of a trust. Even in developing the script, to be able to have input about the character…[The film is] about not being seen. It’s about being young. It’s about that wonderful thing that happens the first time you’re in love, or the first time you see yourself in love, and you go ‘Oh, wow. Somebody has made me feel worthy.’”
-Timothée Chalamet talking about Luca and ‘Bones and All’ (Total Film Magazine). Thanks to timmy_reading on IG and bonesandallnews on Twitter for the magazine scans.
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floridaboiler · 1 year
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cocoabeloved · 1 year
i'm planning my outfit to go to the eras tour movie now!! i'm only going with my dad and he doesn't listen to taylor but i'm literally so excited to introduce him to her music <3
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BASICALLY i'm gonna wear the cardigan over a lace white tank top with baggy, brown denim jeans, preferably low-waist? along with a black studded belt? then i'll wear the sneakers and a handbag. also a pair of red heart-shaped sunglasses (22!!) and then finally some jewellery. oh and i'm def just going to wear cornrows in my hair tbh. i'm not entirely sure if this is the look i'm going to go with but for now, it is. i def want to go to the film with a more casual/comfy look!! and the bracelets are a necessity🤭
also i'm not going with a specific album theme for my outfit, i'm being pretty neutral about it <3
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