#[ about mun ]
dcxdpdabbles · 1 month
What's your favorite trope?
I have a lot. In no particular order I tend to look for/write for fics with these things
1. Time travel. (Peggy sues are my favorite)
2. Crack Taken Seriously (The fics under this tag are always some of the best ligature)
3. Alternate Universe/ Dimension Travel (I adore how writers can world build with these)
4. Misunderstanding (not to be confused with miscommunication because that one frustrates me that they refuse to talk it out for drama. But when characters are on two different pages and dont talk for comedy?? Hilarious.)
5. Friends to lovers. (This is just fluffy and I love it. Any form of friendship thaf develops into love like childhood friends to best friends. Just them being buddies)
6. Mutual Pinning (I adore when other characters can tell or even the reader can tell that the two idiots love each other. It's fluffy, and I adore fluff.)
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kingcrossbones · 11 days
which ao3 tag are you?
tagged by @snipersights <3 thank you!
hurt/no comfort you are satan's favorite, most specialist soldier, and I live in fear of you
tagging : @trust-my-glorious-purpose @eyeless-smiles @leviathanhomecooking @iceandironbars @winternightsstar if y'all want ofc, and anyone else that wants to
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midnightmagicks · 2 months
✦ people i'd like to know better ✦
tagged by @avaritia-ffxiv !! Thank yoooou <3
last song i listened to: The Night Does Not Belong To God - Sleep Token Listen to Sleep Token if you haven't they're SO GOOD
favorite color: Yellow! Any shade but pastels are v nice.
currently watching: I usually don't watch shows aksjdald I watch a lot of YouTube nonsense lol But a show I've watched semi recently was Heaven's Official Blessing (season 2)
sweet/savoury/spicy?: Sweet. Sweet all the way. Worst sweet tooth in the world u_u
relationship status: Dating the best person in the world I love him so very much @shadesofblades
last thing you googled: I actually don't wanna say the MOST recent exactly because it'll doxx me lmao but it was a search for local vets for my idiot cat son.
current obsession: Blorbos from FFXIV u_u and lowkey Lethal Company because I have a friend group that plays literally every weekend.
tagging: @shieke @valdiis @briar-ffxiv @naejlas-axe @zaethien @allyennah and anyone else who is interested or I forgot to tag because my brain is made of mashed potato <3 (if y'all want!! No pressure ;;v;;)
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kit-just-kit · 9 months
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*That Kit, as a therapist, has her shit together. She does not lol. Yes she outwardly appears confident, calm, collected but, it only takes a small scratch at the surface to reveal the mess underneath. She's very unconfident concerning her appearance and so, is doing everything she can to stay physically fit and healthy. However, that has not resulted in any kind of 'surgical' or 'aesthetical' help as yet. Also, and this is the bigger issue, she very much suffers from self-doubt about her abilities as a therapist due to how badly the Sebastian debacle reduced her to a shadow of her former self. She tries so hard to get back to where she was, mentally and professionally speaking. But it is a long road*
*Oooooh I would say that the HC I created around her current aversion to marriage and commitment is one of my favourites. Basically, Kit does not thing this is for her, given that she's done it twice and both ended. She figues that she is the common denominator in both failed marriages and so, she should probably stay away from it. It's important especially to any ship-partners to know this because should the subject of getting wed arise, she'll most likely try and wheedle her way away from it. This is NOT an indication that she does not love the other muse, only that she doesn't want to lose them as she did her two previous husbands*
*The one that while Kit is an excellent cook, she can't bake for toffee. Admittedly a complete self-insert because that is, in fact, the case with me and people always comment that someone who can master most cuisines yet can't handle even something as simple as an apple crumble, is apparently hilarious! Useless but I think it's kinda funny too so, there it is!*
*Hmmmm....... for Kit it would be controlling behaviour in a partner, being taken for granted, disrespect, rudeness.
For me......people trying to convince me to change aspects of Kit to fit what they want from her/the writing. The way this usually presents itself is suggestions that Kit suddenly become bi-curious or attracted to a particular female. Kit loves and adores her female friends whole-heartedly, she is their greatest defender and promoter but, she doesn't harbour any latent romantic or sexual feelings for them. End of story. Those who push this matter with me, or worse try to insinuate that my non-negiotiable stance on it is akin to some form of homophobia, will be blocked sharpish, okay?*
*Her sarcasm, wit and overall lovely demeanour. Though at the same time writing EvilKit gives me the opportunity to portray her as an exact opposite while still keeping her sarky and witty lol*
*Chances are I'm gonna love deep and hard on your muse, even if they are completely horrid and morally reprehensible. That being the case, Kit or EvilKit probably will too lol*
tagged: @wynterlanding (thanks gorgeous!)
tagging: @adsagsona, @brooklynislandgirl, @brokenblondeprincess, @becomelions, @consultingsister, @cardiomyapathy, @coinquinatvs, @daslanv, @dontcxckitup, @ericbrandonrp, @giildedcage, @goodlawman, @hcze, @id1eyouth, @justafleck, @kingofthewebxxx, @little-earthquakes-rp, @laviexenrose, @luckhissoul, @libdemdisaster, @mettleborn, @onlydevilsleft, @pupil-of-law, @propertyofseagate, @ronmanmob, @rugini, @rosystain, @rhaigal, @richardxoliverxmayhew, @sirxnx, @theresastargirl, @therealgamble, @tarnishedhalo, @themxgicman, @whosxafraid, @warxandxplastics, @worldofsenelfy, @xlostparadise (please tag me so I can read your answers?)
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peppy-jester · 3 months
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alias / name. Beanie
birthday. February 13
zodiac sign. Aquarius
height. 5'8 (about 174 cm)
hobbies. Roleplaying, playing video games, drawing... woo! such an interesting hobbies!
favourite colour. Most shades of blue and green
favorite book. Really don't have one, my dyslectic ass won't allow me to finish a book. I read fanfics at times but also listen audiobooks.
last song. Alex Brightman - The Whole "Being Dead Thing"
last film/show. Blue Exorcist; Shimane Illuminati Saga (as tv show), Wonka (as a movie)
recent reads. This thing right here, before that a reply from a friend.
fun fact about me. Is there any fun facts about me? Well I was born Frieday 13th at 3 am ... so see me being some unlucky demon of sorts.
Tagged by; @hellsmayflower Tagging; @rapid-as-sass-in-nation-team @questionablemuses @countlessrealities and you all who lays their eyes on this! You! I see you! Get tagged!
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thefastestaround · 8 months
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name / alias.⠀David or Dave
birthday.⠀⠀⠀October 18th (Yesterday)
zodiac sign. Libra
height. ⠀5'10"
hobbies. Vidja games, writing, running(when not injured), TTRPG
favorite color. Purple
favorite book.⠀ Dune by Frank Herbert
last show. Dimension 20: court of fey and flowers
recent read. Scarlet Witch Annual 1 (2023)
sources of inspiration. A lot of places. 616 and Evolution are my main ones outside of headcanons. My interpretation is also VERY heavily influenced by No Surrender.
story behind url. Self explanatory. He's the fastest around.
Tagged by: @hexsreality
Tagging: @averageborn, @vulpuslunae, @womenofx, @whereisthatwritten, @symbioteburnout, anyone else just tag me
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@huskerdustsimp tagged me to post a picrew and the last song I listened to~
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Tagging: @sanguineradio @angie-long-legs @novasfixations @damnedrainbows and anyone else who wants to lol
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multianime · 8 months
👂for Satoru~~~
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Ah thank you! He's very new still for me, so I wasn't sure how'd he be yet so this means a lot. I can hear Suguru's voice through your writing as well! It's so good!
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pillowxtalk · 3 days
Nine people I'd like to get to know better
last song I listened to: Red Lights - Stray Kids
currently watching: Just some YouTube videos. I would love to watch Bridgerton but I have no Netflix.
spicy/savory/sweet: It really depends on my mood, but I'm not good if the food is too spicy.
relationship status: Single
current obsession(s): Thinking of new muses just for the fun of it, but they won't get added don't worry.
tagged by: @star-paths
tagging: @your-sweet-cookies @vienrose @thesquad-rp @officerconners @united-as-one
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pumpkinyay · 5 days
indie canon & oc multimuse, multiship/multiverse, muses from genshin impact account created on May 29th 2024, written by pumpkin (she/they, 18+)
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Each character has a doc, if you want to learn more about them or how I portray them, feel free to click on their name to see their document. One of the characters you will likely see more often here is Apollo.
OCs: Apollo, Estelle
Genshin: Traveler Aether, Columbina, Abyss Lumine
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My rules may change in the future. I may add more or edit some if I see fit, based on how others will interact with me.
Some of my rps may contain darker topics such as panic attacks, mentions of a family member's death, mentions of blood, depression and more. They will all be properly trigger warned, tagged and put behind a "read more" for viewer discretion. I am open to rping NSFW only with my OC Apollo for the time being.
I'm open to writing with 18- and 18+, but please remember that I'm legally an adult. If you're 18- I won't rp NSFW with you, whether it's here or on discord.
If you prefer rping on discord I'm definitely up for that! Just message me and we'll figure it out.
When I'm talking ooc I will use the tag #pumpkinspeaking or the #ooc tag in order to make things less confusing. At the top of each reply I will put the name of the muse I'm replying as.
No proships, thank you.
Don't push ships on me, please. If you're interested in our characters being shipped, please let me know beforehand so we can discuss it. I will list down below what ships I prefer, but I'm open to discussing others.
Avoid involving me in drama. I don't want want anything to do with it.
In character asks are welcome, please do make sure to specify who you're talking to and who you're talking as.
If I do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, please tell me. I want to respect everyone's boundaries.
Triggers: Incest, pedophilia
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Apollo: at the moment I only ship him with Lyney, because of how interesting I find their dynamic.
Estelle: my preference is Lynette, but I'm open to other wlw ships.
Traveler Aether: Xiao and Wanderer are my go-tos, but I'm open to others, such as him and Ayaka.
Columbina: Arlecchino is my favorite so far, I'd love to try out with other fatui women as well and maybe some other characters. Keep in mind that Columbina is not as innocent as she seems. She's the third harbinger and has done terrible things.
Abyss Lumine: I don't have any particular preference with her. She's very different from Aether and will act cold, especially at the beginning.
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thank you so much for reading all the way through. I can't wait to meet other writers!
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ofstardreamsx · 6 days
I have been loving on Renee Rapp a lot, so happy to play her in a 1x1 setting, or play against her with one of my mature faceclaims! DM if interested!
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a-hell-of-a-time · 7 days
Get to know Jo!
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what's your phone wallpaper: Xianyun (Genshin Impact)
last song you listened to: The World Is Mine - Quartet Night (UtaPri)
currently reading: Bungo Stray Dogs, Akatsuki no Yona/Yona of the Dawn
last movie: Either Maji Love Kingdom (UtaPri) or Digimon the Movie. Again.
what are you wearing right now?: Night tshirt and pj bottoms
how tall are you?: 5'7" ish
piercings / tattoos?: Ear piercings.
glasses / contacts: Glasses for reading/screens/work. Vision sucks.
last thing you ate?: Froot Loops and toast with peanut butter
favorite color: Purple
current obsession: Hellaverse, Genshin Impact, HSR, UtaPri, Pokemon whenever it comes back to me.
do you have a crush right now?: Nope.
favorite fictional character: Andrealphus, Octavia, Reiji Kotobuki (Utapri husband), Elite Four Will and Elite Four Lucian (Pokemon), Kujou Sara (Genshin lesbian wife), Xianyun (Genshin), Screwllum (HSR), Peter White (HNKNA), Sango (InuYasha), Sailor Saturn/Hotaru (Sailor Moon), Wizardmon and Miyako Inoue (Digimon), Waka (Okami), Nathaniel Hawthorne (BSD), and many others on my main rp blog.
last place you travelled: Halifax, I think? I don't travel much tbh.
Tagged by: Stole it
Tagging: You there! Steal it!
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lcftcult · 2 months
tagged by: @spidersins yoooo thank you new friend!
tagging: @ciircex @hellcab @primordialhazbinn @allcluia @holyfurnace and anyone else who wants to!
alias / name:  nemo
birthday:  december 22nd
zodiac sign:   capricorn
height:   5'11"
hobbies:  watching tv and movies, cuddling and playing with my cats, sleeping in, learning japanese, and just laying around.
favorite color: blue
favorite book: i do not have one of these
last song:  have a good time here - mariya takeuchi
last film / show:   bluey
inspiration:  i don't know if this counts as inspiration but basically I was trying to convert my ste.ven universe oc's backstory to fit into the world of hazbin hotel? and it seemed kind of like a cult would be the most fitting swap setting wise? instead of being in an army she was born into, it's a cult she was born into. aside from this i really didn't have any other inspiration.
story behind url: well.. black star ultimately was finally able to leave her cult by dying so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
fun fact about me: last summer I went on vacation to Scotland and Ireland with my parents and had a fantastic time! It happened to be during Pride month and just seeing all the decorations and celebrations everywhere was so euphoric and made me so happy that I wanted to cry.
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peppy-jester · 7 days
⸺ 𝐆𝐄𝐓 𝐓𝐎 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖 : Beanie
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• what's your phone wallpaper: On a lock screen it's my cat Sokka, on background otherwise it's Fizzarolli art (obviously)
• last song you listened to: Currently listening... JVG - Rallikansa
• currently reading: Some roleplay replies~
• last movie: Beetlejuice
• what are you wearing right now?: long tank top and boxers
• how tall are you?: 5'7
• piercings / tattoos?: None yet, been thinking actually inking Mammon on my skin at some point when I am not terrified of needles
• glasses / contacts: None actually~
• last thing you ate?: Some toast
• favorite color: Several shades of blue~
• current obsession: Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel, Pokemon
• do you have a crush right now?: Nah bruh
• favorite fictional characters: Fizzarolli, Mammon, Blitz, Castiel, Crowley (from SPN), Beetlejuice, Kyösti Pöysti (only Finns knows)
• last place you traveled: Last trip outside of Finland would have been in Berlin (Germany) but have been doing some traveling around Finland with my sister and her fam.. last place would have been in Haukivuori
tagged by: stole this from @countlessrealities tagging: Ya'll
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1 -Long threads , 3-roleplaying with yourself ,28-your first muse
send a number for me to talk about one of the following topics! : Accepting!
1. I never used to mind them back in the day, namely because I had more time to write when I was back in university (somehow). Now a days I really have to be in the mood to do anything long, and that's because of my exhaustion from work and my undiagnosed neurodivergency that makes it hard for me to focus. I don't mind them, but I need to be in the mood, and that mood tends to be gone more often than not.
3. I like it to a point, but it also frustrates me because I could be writing fic and accomplish the same damn thing, you know? I do like having all my muses interact with each other and think it's fun, yet it sucks because I want that content with other rp'ers, too.
28. My first muse on Tumblr was Will, but my first overall rp muse was Canada from H/talia.
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rpwithoutlimit · 5 months
Hello friends! Alex (or cherry) here! Or as people used to remember me as: @drapetxmaniia.
This is my nostalgia RP sideblog where I shall come now and then when the moment hits. My main blog is @cherryao3nova so that’s who I shall follow as.
This is a mainly a Multi-Doctor blog, with the 13th & 14th Doctors being my main muses. (About Muses) BUT I will also RP 9/11/12 & 15 when the muse hits
This blog will not be following the TimeLess child plot, this blog is also canon-divergent post Spyfall. She DID NOT deactivate the master's perception filter!! I do not see the doctor actually ever doing this!! - She would have knocked him out and ran. She'd have grabbed the Masters tardis, but makes sure to pick him up before the germans can come find him.
It is also a non-flux compliant blog - BUT, This is 'The Star Beast', 'Wild Blue Yonder' and 'The Giggle' canon compliant.
(I can be flexable with all this though if the plot requires it - i somewhat (kinda) know what happened)
I’m a giant Thoschi fan. I ship them together, but if you dont, then I do HC that they were at least VERY close in the academy years. (If not, you know, together during school.)
I won’t always use icons (cause im mostly on mobile) and can write both short or long paras, but I do mostly mirror. Im mutuals only, but you can pop into one of my Feel free to answer an open starter.
About me: Cherry (or Alex); 29+ She/They Enby/AroAce/AuDHD (Main (AO3) blog: @cherryao3nova old RP blog: @drapetxmaniia also RP icon blog: @iconsmadebyalex
Rp may be slow, I don’t always have the spoons/muse/motivation. I work from home and I’m a carer, helping my mom look after my dad. Also my adhd can cause me to jump from thread to thread, so please be patient with me, thank you ☺️ Writing verses under the cut.
MainVerse:This post may be subject to change (Mobile Post) ((each person is separate to each other in this verse)) The doctor is relatively canon, except for the little bits that i don’t agree with.
9th Doctor: Canon 10th Doctor: Canon 11th Doctor: Canon 12th Doctor: The Doctor does not lock missy in the vault, He has her on the TARDIS, yes she cant leave without him with her, but she has his tentative trust while on board and the TARDIS is always watching her every move. 13th: spyfall - she didn’t disable the perception filter - or let the master get taken. - knocks him out and takes him in her TARDIS before the Germans find him. (she can either stop his plan and then leave him with his tardis or have him stay on her tardis and travel with her.) - Or for more angst - just run leaving him to wake in his tardis.
This Verse does not go along with the Timeless child. Or The Flux. As far as the Doctor is concerned Gallifrey is still around. This blog is very Thoschei Friendly.
14th doctor: Canon
15th Doctor: Canon so far, but heavily my own HC/writing till we get more.
HopeVerse: written with immortaljackal,
and Layla’s relationships with the Doctors 9-13.
9th Doctor: (Canon) Relationship wise: the Doctor is best friends with her    10th Doctor: (Canon) Relationship wise: casual flirting starts, pretend marriages when traveling, platonic snuggling, platonic relationship - which get even more clingy after Rose. 11th Doctor: (Canon) Relationship wise: the platonic relationship grows, till he starts to realise that he likes-likes her, and then it turns Into pining till he actually gets the bravery to ask her out and by the time Clara turns up, they are together. 12th Doctor: The Doctor does not lock missy in the vault, He has her on the TARDIS, yes she cant leave without him with her, but she has his tentative trust while on board and the TARDIS is always watching her every move.  (...This has not been explored yet...) Relationship wise: the love grows. This doctor feels very lucky to have Layla. At some point he proposed. And they got married. It’s an adorable stage of the relationship. 13th: spyfall - she didn’t disable the Master’s perception filter. just left him as she gets away. Relationship wise: married couple, shenanigans, very in love, like gosh so cute. Dorks. This Verse does not go along with the Timeless child. As far as the Doctor is concerned Gallifrey is still around. This Verse also leans Quite a bit to EU Who
Flux is a no here as well, but 14 & 15 will follow the canon with the 4 episodes we have had so far.
divergent verses: Any other verse that doesnt fit in these two, will be in this one with their own name. No i will not write the timless child and no i will not write the flux. I havent even watched 13's season 2 so i dont know the whole story there.
And a note on shipping: I will do so only if there is chemestry. And even if you do not wish to write master/doctor, the doc its still very soft for their best friend enemy.
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