#[ baby penguin para ]
prismstonearchives · 1 year
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ペンギンブラック - Penguin Black Coord
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haus-mom · 3 months
1, 10, 20, 30 and 40! And 9!
aaaa thank you mar!!!! you better believe i'll ask you back! though when this gets posted the questions will already be on your askbox but anyway
who is/are your comfort character(s)?
AUGH I HAVE. A LOT ACTUALLY but if i had to choose a few hmmmmm
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first there's ninten!!! yes that's actually his name. or ken. he's named ken in the novel. any mother/earthbound character would fit but i'm specially attached to ninten because Back Then he used to get characterized as this super silly guy with millions of penguin plushies in his room and he's just. he's a cool dude! his first and only quote in the entire game is at the end, when the adventure is over, he just plops into his bed and falls asleep mid sentence. the penguin thing is kinda canon btw. he loves penguins <3
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then there's neku from twewy!!! i'm trying to go chronologically or i'll get irrevocably lost. met him through kingdom hearts and seeing as his game was on the ds i was like "eh why not" (<- this later led to a life changing experience)
he's such an idiot and i actually hate him a lot <3 (affectionate. like, really affectionate) he's the definition of a closed off edgelord but he grows so much and learns so much and dhsbhdabhjhjbhj
there's another reason why he's here though!!! twewy is played with both screens on the ds, neku being on the lower and his game partner on the upper. but i absolutely sucked at keeping track of both screens so my brother would control the partner so when i see him i smile remembering everytime my brother and i almost broke my ds in half trying to beat sho <3 it was christmas too! yay!
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the fun part about being a fan of this game is that the only official art that came up when i looked him up were a super close up of his face and a spoiler. so i had to go into the game files and get this pic myself.
this is yuuichi mizuoka from re:kinder, he's the last character someone would consider a comfort character, and he basically invented being a princess with a disorder (sort of. heart did it first)
this is also the little guy who went around biting people (like chibita!) and telling you why he's a comfort character would both be extremely spoilery and extremly sad, because i already showed you his introduction and he's just. he's a murder baby, what else do you need? the things that this li'l fella has both gone through and done are unspeakable. he's unfixable. he's also 8 years old.
honestly every parun character (that. that i know of (?) is a comfort character in the sense that if i see them i get all happy and [FLAPS HANDS]
some more than others, like, i can highlight tokimeki, gote, ramu, and if you show me a picture of handa i will actually do the 🥺face irl. does that make topema from henderland no daibouken a comfort character? wait, she actually kinda is, isn't she?
i have some more but this ask would never get actually answered if i listed them all, have the ones from my formative years (11-13 y/o, everyone's formative years, right?) honorable mentions are the second year trio from inago, kasane teto, ryuunosuke naruhodou, minori hanasato, sora kingdomhearts (that's his actual name), takane enomoto... see, this is why we go chronological, otherwise we get confused and forget characters </3
9. which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee?
neither, actually, i don't like coffee and caffeine makes me sleepy, so i normally don't drink any... i don't like tea either, so i'm team third option: chocomilk :D!
10. would you slaughter the rich?
not realistically, because i'm hilariously weak (physically), but i'd gladly watch others slaughter the rich! i'd feel bad doing nothing so i can offer emotional support! i can even dress as a cheerleader. or the cheer squad from osu tatakae ouendan. hell yeah.
20. do you say soda or pop?
les digo FANTA y COCACOLA porque creo que aparte de "bebidas gaseosas" no tenemos ninguna palabra así cortita para definirla, así que en españa (no sé si en alguna parte de latinoamérica tenéis alguna) siempre les decimos como las marcas. creo que rebloggeé hace poco un post sobre marcas teniendo que ceder derechos porque la gente empieza a decirle a los productos como las marcas y me resulta hilarante
when speaking in english i say soda because, despite my (british) teacher's best efforts, i was raised by american youtubers and that cannot be undone. pop is a hilarious word to me because it is what it is. it goes "pop!" when you open it, so it's called pop!
30. is there dishes in your room?
there were two (2) dishes in my room when you sent this ask, but i decided to be a responsible adult and wash them before having dinner. there's a cup here though. from dinner. because i don't feel like leaving it in the sink just yet.
40. did you have any snacks today?
uhhhh, do chewable fruit candies count? when it's exam season i usually have a bag of snacks nearby because the sugar does wonder to my concentration ✨ might be placebo, might be me doing better because i get to have A Little Treat, who knows
(these candies have the flavour written in portuguese, i think, and i was so confused like 'what the fuck is a mirtilo 😭'
cuando vi el limón, que pues, es literalmente limão, quedé como así
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tocadovictor · 2 years
Cons Seat Headrest
Car Seat Headrest é uma grande conspiração musical. 
Começou aproximadamente em 2010 como um projeto musical de Will Toledo. O mesmo tocava todos os instrumentos de suas canções e se encarregava da produção das mesmas. No começo suas músicas pareciam servir mais como experimentos do que canções propriamente ditas, algo que veio a mudar conforme o tempo foi passando. De acordo com Toledo, o nome do projeto foi escolhido para não remeter a nenhuma emoção em particular, assim as pessoas escutariam suas músicas sem concepções prévias de sua sonoridade. O mesmo também faz referência ao fato de que, por um bom tempo, as músicas eram gravadas dentro do carro de Will, com a cabeça do banco de passageiro servindo de capa para algumas de suas gravações—e também aparecendo no videoclipe da música “No Passion”. Parando para pensar, é realmente um nome bem único. Não é bem um nome neutro, mas também não remete a muita coisa. É o encosto para a cabeça de um banco de carro, simplesmente. Talvez não seja um nome tão brilhante, mas acaba por se tornar especial—principalmente após conhecer o background da banda. Suas músicas eram publicadas no site Bandcamp, assim como em outras plataformas como Soundcloud e o site Furaffinity, destinado à sub-cultura furry, composta por fãs de animais antropomórficos. Também foi através desse jeito que o famoso relacionamento do álbum “Twin Fantasy” teve seu início. Ainda é possível acessar o perfil de Will no Furaffinity, apesar de estar restrito apenas para membros registrados no site, e boa parte do seu conteúdo original ter sido privado ou removido pelo menos. Postagens contendo suas canções e algumas breves descrições sobre as mesmas compunham boa parte do perfil. Também haviam alguns desenhos e esboços desenhados por Will.
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Sim, essa foto é meio estranha.
Quando paro para pensar sobre o projeto, percebo que é um bom exemplo de fenômeno da Internet. Uma amostra do poder e liberdade que o acesso aos computadores—e hoje em dia celulares—deram aos usuários para expressarem, exporem e explorarem o que quer que seja, e o que poderiam produzir.Também é o reflexo de duas gerações, em paralelo, que foram criadas com uma exposição constante e não supervisionada da mesma. Will Toledo nunca teria alcançado o patamar em que está sem o auxílio dela, e Car Seat Headrest seria apenas mais um projeto incubado que poderia vir a se tornar um assunto curioso em uma conversa de amigos, ou algo descoberto anos no futuro, como o caso da banda Panchiko. Boa parte  das coisas que saem desse projeto cheiram à internet, e isso é um pouco surreal para mim. Suas letras tem o cheiro dos monitores de tubo brancos e a aura do Windows XP. Todas as vezes que eu escuto o álbum My Back is Killing Me Baby, lembro dos dias inteirinhos que perdia procurando novos jogos em Flash para me divertir. Das animações do Newgrounds e vídeos de humor do Youtube pré-histórico—na época em que os canais podiam colocar wallpapers personalizados em suas páginas iniciais. Muitos vídeos sobre Club Penguin e Pokemon Ruby foram assistidos durante esse período. Pois é. Newgrounds é a associação que fixou na minha mente ao escutar esse álbum. Assim também como os demais álbuns dessa fase inicial da banda me trazem as mais diversas expressões de nostalgia, por mais que tenha conhecido suas músicas há pouco mais de um ano. A estética ainda está lá, intacta. É surreal poder experienciar um pouco todos esses momentos novamente, apenas escutando uma música como “Happy News for Sadness”, que captura perfeitamente, para mim, tudo o que significa esse período. São músicas que soam como a internet. Fluem dela. Carregam seus sentimentos e peculiaridades como em uma cápsula do tempo. É notável também dizer que o projeto passou a ganhar uma atenção após se tornar objeto de “fascínio” pela sessão /mu/ do imageboard 4chan. Car Seat Headrest é um fruto da internet. 
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Eu não consigo descrever o que sinto toda vez que vejo essa capa.
E o que tem de tão interessante nessa banda que fazem os jovens, particularmente aqueles que fazem parte das comunidades Queer e Neuro Divergente obcecados em suas músicas? Ao ponto de seus fãs irem atrás de qualquer vestígio de lost media que possa ser encontrado  em algum snapshot do Wayback Machine?
Diria que todo esse furor vem dos sentimentos que uma mistura de melodias marcantes produzidas em baixa qualidade junto de letras de teor introspectivo, íntimo e embaraçoso—mas legítimos—causam nas pessoas. Ainda mais quando ocorre uma identificação com as situações que estão sendo expressadas nas canções. Não é de se surpreender que a maior parte público do Car Seat Headset consista de pessoas de background parecido com Will.
As letras do projeto são bem escritas. Algumas se saem melhor do que as outras em produzir um efeito de prosa dentro da música. Outras acabam por decepcionar. Boa parte delas possuem sacadas bem pensadas e momentos de destaque que fazem você pensar nelas por um bom tempo após o reprodutor terminar de tocar o álbum. Apesar disso, essas qualidades acabam por se tornarem coadjuvantes para a grande sinceridade que está contida nos relatos e idéias cantados por Will. Seus discos vão expondo a narrativa de sua vida, passando por diversos momentos e situações que entram e saem das ficção. É a interpretação de um universitário cronicamente tímido e com uma notável tendência a ter episódios depressivos—ou ao menos um temperamento melancólico—sobre os eventos que o moldaram ao longo dos anos. Tudo isso é feito como um grande mosaico de histórias e melodias que vão de encontro umas com as outras, produzindo um quadro maior do que realmente é Car Seat Headrest—a arte como fuga. As canções de Will tratam de temas banais e inseguranças típicas de pessoas que viveram essa geração exposta à internet de maneira excessiva, e esse é um dos fatores que mantém tanto a atenção das pessoas ao consumirem sua arte, mas isso é apenas metade do que torna o projeto algo tão marcante. A forma como Will consegue ser sincero sem abandonar suas qualidades artísticas acaba sendo o fator principal. Afinal, suas músicas não são apenas sinceras. Elas são boas. E suas letras também. Algumas são sarcásticas e soam como paródias, como “p.o.w” de “My Back is Killing me Baby”. Uma notória influência de bandas como They Might Be Giants, que serviram de grande inspiração para os discos de Will. Outras são crípticas e criativas, como “Broken Birds (Rest in Pieces)” que constrói diversas imagens em torno do tema de destruição e ruína ao longo de versos desconexos e de natureza ambígua. No meio disso tudo nós temos canções de caráter expositivo como “Nervous Young Inhumans”, com seu famoso monólogo de dois minutos explicando todo o significado da temática do álbum “Twin Fantasy” em um gesto de vulnerabilidade em relação aos ouvintes, e também a pessoa ao qual o álbum foi dedicado. É uma diversidade muito bem vinda. 
São essas as qualidades líricas que tornam Car Seat Headrest um projeto musical tão viciante de se escutar e explorar. Se identificar com algumas de suas situações—um tanto cômicas, um tanto sofríveis—faz parte da brincadeira. Tomar parte de suas tristezas também, de certa forma. 
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Esse cara me lembra alguém...
Ah! Eu também não posso me esquecer do fato de que boa parte dos álbuns foram gravados em baixa fidelidade, o que significa que a produção é um tanto quanto caseira. Isso pode ser um defeito para algumas pessoas, e nesse caso elas podem ignorar toda a discografia que vem antes de “Teens of Denial”, o que é algo ligeiramente comum entre as pessoas que escutam a banda. Para mim, esse fato torna as coisas ainda melhores. Eu gosto de como o improviso dentro da produção musical acaba por ser um charme. Maud Gone, por exemplo, possui um sintetizador sofrível, com um áudio estourado e solo de saxofone quase tão barulhento quanto, e que nitidamente foi gravado com um outro microfone e em outro ambiente. Não preciso nem dizer que essa é uma das minhas músicas favoritas, né? É incrível!
Nunca foi a intenção final de Will que suas músicas fossem gravadas com recursos tão limitados. Tampouco que a qualidade sonora acabasse por ser tão baixa em fidelidade. Mas isso  é o que ele tinha no momento. Algumas de suas músicas acabaram por servir de esboços para ideias futuras que pudessem ser melhor aproveitadas, principalmente se tratando de seus quatro primeiros álbuns, todos numerados de 1 a 4—como uma espécie de teste, ou preguiça em pensar em um nome—com suas músicas sem sentido e melodias bizarras com pedacinhos de ideias aqui e alí. Seu disco mais famoso, Twin Fantasy foi regravado em 2018, sete anos após seu lançamento original no Bandcamp. Sua escrita foi polida e sua sonoridade retrabalhada—agora em estúdio. O álbum anterior a este, Teens of Denial, também foi produzido de maneira profissional, algo que é fruto do contrato de Will com a gravadora Matador Records em 2015. O disco foi lançado em 2016, mas suas músicas datam até 2014, ano do EP “How to Leave Town”, que contém algumas canções 'descartadas' de Teens of Denial. Esta nova fase da banda foi recebida com grande aceitação por partes do fãs antigos, e também acarretou em uma popularidade inédita ao projeto. Observar essa evolução é incrível. Um exemplo de um sonho que foi alcançado após anos de dedicação e esforço. 
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Um longo caminho até aqui.
A combinação desses fatores é o que torna Car Seat Headrest tão marcante, e também são eles que fazem com que pessoas como eu fiquem tão “viciadas” em explorar o que suas músicas têm a oferecer. Você vai encaixando as peças do quebra-cabeça e descobrindo mais detalhes que compõem toda essa experiência. 
Eu gosto da banda por conta disso, mas mais do que isso. O meu caso tem muito mais a ver com catarse. Sim. Catarse é a palavra certa para descrever a minha relação com esse projeto. 
Não é de se estranhar que eu me conectasse tanto com as músicas desse projeto. Olhando agora de um ponto de vista posterior a todas as emoções que foram canalizadas em cima de suas canções, posso perceber que foi um estágio esperado. Quando escutava as músicas do projeto, sentia que estava sendo ouvido. Muitas de suas situações eram familiares, especialmente se tratando dos sentimentos descritos. Eu também sou tímido, e um pouco ansioso socialmente. Também faço parte da subcultura furry, e tive momentos baixos em minha vida. De natureza depressiva, se assim eu posso chamar. É uma sensação ótima, se sentir conectado com um artista de tal forma. Você acaba se projetando em cima de suas situações, e vai criando elos entre o que pertence a você e o que é apenas uma música. Sempre foram apenas algumas músicas. Boas músicas que fizeram com que eu pudesse vomitar todas as amarguras que eu vinha sentindo durante todos esses anos após o meu término de ensino médio. E sempre foi muito bom, essa sensação viciante, destrutiva. Esse fogo que acende e queima. Vai queimando e fazendo você se sentir mais vivo do que nunca. Um pouco mais surdo por consequência de suas inconsequências, e cada vez mais focado naquilo que te abala. Você escuta, escuta e sente intensamente. Isso é tudo ainda pior quando se está no fundo do poço, e não posso dizer que me lembro com exatidão como foi sentir tudo isso. Já parece um pouco distante, o que é engraçado. 
Essa catarse, essa explosão. Todo esse campo de centeio e trigo é molhado pela chuva forte e acompanhado da grande orquestras de trovões que vão passeando pela atmosfera. Você toma essa chuva de bom grado e se sente feliz por estar vivo. Uma felicidade falsa, fingida. No fundo o que há é indignação. Raiva por tudo o que aconteceu e vai acontecendo. E você quer dançar e pular, mas não pode. Tudo o que você pode fazer é continuar a escutar essa música, e usar toda a sua imaginação para projetar sua pessoa e sentimentos em cima de 8 minutos de melodia. Seu corpo permanece onde está. Andando na rua ou deitado em um quarto escuro. Um colchão como em todos os outros dias, e uma troca de situações.
Esse vício em estar no centro dos meus sentimentos foi o que me fez ficar tão vidrado em Car Seat Headrest. Admito que não foi algo inteligente da minha parte, e eventualmente aprendi a me desconectar dessa ruminação. Posso aproveitar a sensação boa de estar conectado com uma música sem que isso intensifique os meus problemas. Acho que essa é a meta ideal que procuro manter firme na minha consciência quando escuto as músicas que eu amo—aquelas que fazem eu não apenas queimar por dentro, mas brilhar e ferver. Explodir em sentimentos sem deixar eles me devorarem. Não é a coisa mais fácil do mundo de sustentar, mas eu tento fazer o que eu posso, e isso já me deixa um pouco mais feliz.
No momento não estou me sentindo mais tão atraído pelas canções dessa banda como já estive há alguns meses. Gosto delas da mesma forma como antes. Ainda acho elas excelentes, e me vejo impressionado escutando os versos de novo e de novo. Difícil de enjoar, vou te falar, viu!.
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Pássaros quebrados, e acentos ignorados.
Car Seat Headrest foi importante para mim, e me sinto alegre de ter descoberto um projeto musical tão legal e interessante como este. Passei um bom tempo enchendo a paciência dos meus amigos sobre ele, e quase sempre vem uma sensação boa e engraçada quando eu visto a camiseta da banda para sair de casa. O quão surreal é saber que um dos seus artistas favoritos também é furry? Bastante. Ainda mais um tão popular! Acabei me tornando o público alvo de algo por motivos um pouco incomuns. Meio cômico. Muito legal, também.
Minha conclusão? Música é uma arte incrível. Ela tem o potencial de remover nossas máscaras mais profundas e derramar um rio em cima do nosso coração quebrado. É uma espécie de combustível superficial para coisas um pouco mais espirituais. Sempre que escuto ela, acabo me sentindo grato a Deus de poder estar vivo. É muito bom estar vivo. Principalmente agora, e principalmente depois de tudo o que aconteceu.
Mas é apenas música, oras!
Agradeço a todos que dispuseram de tempo para ler este texto até o final. Que Deus abençoe a cada um.
Até mais.
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amlc08 · 6 months
Alimentación 😋
Libros - cuentos
Mi primer libro de palabras sobre alimentos
Young , C. (2016). Mi primer libro de palabras sobre alimentos. Usborne . Usborne .
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Tu bebe
Leire urriaga (2023). Tu bebe, agenda de alimentación complementaria.
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Agenda de alimentación complementaria. Diario para el seguimiento de la alimentación de tu bebe, menu semanal y recetas
Descubre la Agenda de alimentación complementaria. Creado por y para padres y madres para facilitar la introducción de los alimentos en la dieta de tu bebé.
¡Prepárate para sumergirte en la fascinante aventura de la alimentación complementaria! Iniciar esta etapa con tu bebé no es tarea sencilla. Se avecina una avalancha de cambios tanto para tu pequeño como para ti, y hay demasiada información por explorar, además de las ocupaciones del día a día. Aunque no podemos encargarnos de limpiar tu casa ni reducir tus horas de trabajo o aumentar las de sueño; sí podemos ofrecerte una ayudita que simplifique este proceso. Hemos creado este diario para hacer que este proceso de la alimentación complementaria sea más fácil y llevadero para ti.
Frutas ( de la cuna a la luna)
Rubio, Villan, Antonio, Oscar (). Frutas. Kalandraka.
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Animales» reúne una amistosa y heterogénea sucesión de fauna silvestre y salvaje. «Frutas» contiene una selección de sabrosos alimentos procedentes de sus respectivos árboles. Son los nuevos títulos de la colección De la cuna a la luna. Sus destinatarios son niñas y niños de 0 a 3 años, para quienes se han diseñado especialmente estos pictogramas poéticos o poegramas
La comida de lulu
Reid, Camilla (2001). La comida de Lulu. Sm.
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A Lulú le gusta mucho comer pero, ¿sabes cuál es su comida favorita? Un libro que incluye un babero con velcro para abrir y cerrar, miel pegajosa para tocar y un gran picnic.
De la leche al bocadillo: la guía baby led weaning para que tus hijos aprendan a comer de forma saludable y natural
Garcia, Conchi (2021). De la leche al bocadillo. Mr.
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En esta completa guía científicamente documentada encontrarás recursos y consejos
prácticos que te ayudarán a resolver todas tus preguntas sobre la alimentación
complementaria regulada por el bebé, conocida como BLW,
con el propósito de que la hora de la comida sea un momento agradable
y feliz para toda la familia.
Menudo desastre
Almansa, Marta (2023). Menudo desastre. Cuentos ilustrados y libros infantiles
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Sumérgete en el divertido mundo de "Menudo desastre" y descubre la cautivadora travesía del bebé Rob, un auténtico maestro del caos!
En este encantador libro infantil, seguirás las aventuras del bebé Rob mientras aprende explorando la comida. Únete a Rob en su emocionante aventura que nos recuerda que los desastres son simples escalones en el camino del descubrimiento.
Rebosante de momentos que harán reír a niños y mayores, "Menudo desastre" es una alegre celebración de las relaciones familiares y el aprendizaje colaborativo. Perfecto para los más pequeños, preescolares, hermanas y hermanos mayores, adultos y abuelos, esta historia teje una trama de amor incondicional y crecimiento compartido.
Cuentos blanditos - vamos a comer!: cuentos sensoriales con texturas para bebes de o a 3 años
S.A.U, (2023). Vamos a comer. Penguin random house grupo editorial.
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Cuentos blanditos es una nueva colección de ligeros libros de fieltro, con elementos táctiles e imágenes contrastadas, ideales para bebés a partir de 6 meses.
Estos libros están especialmente diseñados para que los bebés disfruten y aprendan tocando, observando, escuchando y sintiendo lo que hacen los animales que protagonizan estas bonitas aventuras.
¡Vamos a comer!
La vaquita traga y el caballito masca. ¿Tú cómo llenas la panza?
Marcelina en la cocina
Iglesias, Gracia (2020). Marcelina en la cocina. Editorial jaguar
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La jirafa Marcelina, que no sabe de cocina, quiere hacer una gran cena que le guste a su sobrina. ¡Ya podéis imaginaros el lío que se va a armar! Sus amigos le aconsejan mil cosas disparatadas y la cena se convierte en una fiesta alocada. ¡Ay, querida Marcelina! ¡Qué desastre de cocina! ¿Cómo lo vas a arreglar? ¡¿Y qué vamos a cenar?!
Títeres de dedo
Son una herramienta versátil en el ámbito educativo ya la vez divertido, que dentro del aprendizaje de hábitos ayudan a promover en entendimiento del por que para la adquisición de capacidades de planificación.
Los títeres de dedo se pueden usar como recurso complementario de historias relacionadas con la higiene, ademas que es una forma activa y divertida para interactuar con los niños.
En este caso al ser el habito de la alimentación los títeres son de frutas
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La canción de la comida saludable - come alimentos saludables
Piensa en lo que comes tú
Y si hace bien a tu salud
Comida sana mama me da
Mas la chatarra me gusta más
De chatarra me llené
Mi pancita empezó a doler
Con la chatarra no me siento bien
Ya saludable comeré
Comida chatarra, comida
Galletas, brownies, pastel
Comida chatarra, comida
Papas, pizza y malteada con miel
Si sólo una probada le das
Puede que no te caiga mal
Pero si comes chatarra de más
Créeme que te arrepentirás
VO: (“¡Buah! ¡Giack! ¡Me siento mal!”)
Hoy como verduras y frutas
La carne y pollo se disfruta
Puede que coma un postrecito
Cuando quiero algo muy rico
VO: (“Como helado”)
Comida chatarra, comida
Galletas, brownies, pastel
Comida chatarra, comida
Papas, pizza y malteada con miel
Si sólo una probada le das
Puede que no te caiga mal
Pero si comes chatarra de más
Créeme que te arrepentirás
VO: (“¡Buah! ¡Giack! ¡Me siento mal!”)
Comida chatarra, comida
Ahora sé que no me haces bien
Comida saludable, comida
Con ella muy sano estaré
Con ella muy sano estaré
A comer - Peko Panda
Para ser grande
Y ser muy fuerte
Yo me debo alimentar
Con la comida tan nutritiva
Que me prepara mamá
Qué rico pollo
Qué rica carne
Lentejitas y frejol
El arrocito, los tallarines
Y las verduras también
Buenos modales al comer - canciones infantiles
Vamos bebe Juan
Te vamos a ayudar
Ya es hora de cenar
Vamos bebe Juan
Los buenos modales
Te vamos a enseñar
Y cantando aprenderás
Los modales al cenar
Si te haces una mancha,
no tienes que llorar,
la servilleta usarás
y limpio quedaras
tu cara ensucias
Tu sabes que hacer
la servilleta usarás
a la hora de comer
Al tomar la sopa
Cuchara usarás
No vas a derramar comida
Si la sabes usar
Al usar la cuchara
Intenta no sorber
Usa los modales
A la hora de comer
Al masticar
Educado serás
Si muestras tu comida
Al masticar se ve mal
Al dar un mordisco
Intenta no babear
Junta bien los labios
Para masticar
Si agarras un pedazo
Muy grande para ti
Córtalo en pequeñas partes
Como lo hago aquí
Usa el tenedor
Al momento de cortar
Ahora entra en tu boca
Y lo puedes disfrutar
La sopa del bebe - la familia blu
Qué tiene la sopa del Bebé?
¿Será que tiene espinaca?
¿Será que tiene tomate?
¿Será que tiene lentejas?
Qué tiene la sopa del Bebé?
¿Será que tiene harina?
¿Será que tiene mandarina?
¿Será que tiene morrón?
¿Será que tiene un camión?
¿Un camión?
Qué tiene la sopa del Bebé?
¿Será que tiene rabanito?
¿Será que tiene heladito?
¿Será que tiene canela?
¿Será que tiene berenjena?
¡Qué buena!
Qué tiene la sopa del Bebé?
¿Será que tiene batata?
¿Será que tiene calabaza?
¿Será que tiene yacaré?
¿Será que tiene puré?
Qué tiene la sopa del Bebé?
¿Será que tiene maní?
¿Será que tiene jabalí?
¿Será que tiene pirulitos?
1...2...3...1, 2,3....
¿ que tiene la sopa del bebe?
El pequeño loro tiene hambre- baby bus
Pequeño loro tiene hambre
Tiene mucha hambre
¿Qué le gusta comer?
Rica rica comida
Pequeño loro tiene hambre
Tiene mucha hambre
Aquí hay algo dulce
Un pastelito
Pequeño loro tiene hambre
Tiene mucha hambre
Qué le gusta comer?
Rica rica comida
Pequeño loro tiene hambre
Tiene mucha hambre
Aquí hay algo dulce
Un dulce de arcoíris
Pequeño loro tiene hambre
Tiene mucha hambre
¿Qué le gusta comer?
Rica rica comida
Pequeño loro tiene hambre
Tiene mucha hambre
Aquí hay algo dulce
Rico chocolate
Pequeño loro tiene hambre
Tiene mucha hambre
¿Qué le gusta coMer?
Rica rica comida
Pequeño loro tiene hambre
Tiene mucha hambre
Entonces le gusta comer
La comida sana y fresca
A comer!
Así es como
nos lavamos las manos,
lavamos las manos,
lavamos las manos.
Así es como
nos lavamos las manos
antes de comer.
A lavar.
A lavar.
¡A lavar!
Tengo hambre!
¡Yo también!
Así es como
nos sentamos,
nos sentamos,
nos sentamos.
Así es como
nos sentamos
antes de comer.
Nos sentamos.
Nos sentamos.
¡Nos sentamos!
¡Listos para comer!
Así es como usamos
el tenedor,
el tenedor,
el tenedor.
Así es como Usamos el tenedor
Usamos el tenedor
Al comer.
A comer.
A comer.
¡Con tenedor!
Así comemos todo el plato,
todo el plato,
todo el plato.
Así comemos todo el plato
sentados a la mesa.
A comer.
A comer.
¡Todo el plato!
¡Qué delicioso!
Así es como masticamos,
Así es como masticamos
al comer.
Estamos satisfechos!
Así es como
limpiamos los platos,
nuestros platos,
nuestros platos.
Así es como
limpiamos los platos
luego de comer.
A limpiar.
A limpiar.
¡A limpiar!
Terminamos todo!
Mezcla tu sabor - plim plim
Para crecer un montón, ton, ton,
hay que alimentarse bien, bien, bien,
la naturaleza te dará,
fuerza y alegría de verdad.
De muchos colores pueden ser,
frutos naturales
que te ayudan a crecer,
como en la paleta de un pintor,
mezcla tu sabor.
0 notes
pijama26 · 1 year
¿Cuántos bodies necesita un recién nacido al día en verano? Más información en https://pijamaparaninos.blogspot.com/2023/05/Cuantos-bodies-necesita-un-recien-nacido-al-dia-en-verano.html.
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0 notes
b3crew · 1 year
No Borders No Race: Episode 319 | B3 - Boston Bastard Brigade
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King Baby Duck is excited to see some of his favorite bands before leaving Japan. He's also irked over the ones who are finally coming, but after his big move! But he's got a lot of great things to talk about. Hear his thoughts on the film Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, the TV series The Muppets Mayhem, and the anime Insomniacs After School. Plus, KBD wraps up his Boston Calling 2023 edition of the Beantown Sampler!
PLAYLIST (with album/single links):
moumoon - The Best Day (digital single)
BRADIO - Buster! (from the album DANCEHALL MAGIC)
Para Lia - Sunchild (digital single)
ONE OK ROCK - Renegades (from the album Luxury Disease)
Ling Tosite Sigure - alexithymiaspare (from the album last aurorally)
Queens of the Stone Age - Emotion Sickness (from the album In Times New Roman...) [in stores June 16]
Najee Janey - This Ain't The Way (from the Four Agreements EP)
Little Fuss - Hypothetical Girl (digital single)
Chrysalis - Denver (digital single)
SCANDAL - Line of sight (digital single)
PENGUIN RESEARCH - HATENA (from the album Gyakko Biboroku)
Suburban Spell - Bright Gold Cross (from the Falling Down EP) [in stores June 23]
Kitri - Kokorone (digital single)
Click here to listen!
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itshummelswitch · 4 years
KADAM | Squires.
WHEN: May 18th, 2020
WHERE: Squires, the kink club.
WHO: Adam Crawford & Kurt Hummel | @adamthedomapple
EVENT: Adam and Kurt get acquainted, flirt, and play dress up.
As he saw the rest of Kurt's messages, Adam gave an amused smile. He already liked Kurt from the messages he had been sending him and he had a feeling he was gonna like him so much more once he saw him. He walked to his closet and pulled on a tight white shirt and some jeans. He moved to the mirror to look at himself for a moment then pulled on a black vest. "Perfect." He told himself as then turned to leave his apartment. Adam headed to Kurt's apartment, He was anything if not a gentleman so he did come bearing gifts of a bag of tea and biscuits. he raised a hand to knock before fixing himself a bit as he waited.
Getting some time out of his brothers house to socialize felt needed. He needed to prove himself to be a good submissive. He didn't want to be a disappointment. It always made him queasy when he remembered just how his punishment went down. Something that still left him shook. Upon Adam's arrival, he fixes the belt around his hips giving himself one last check in the mirror. The red pants were a nice touch, seemingly painted on compared to being simple frantic sewn together. The black tank top with a polka dot button down over it was very casual but attention grabbing. Something he wanted. He definitely wanted to leave a reminder in Adam's head of who he was. Opening the door, he gives a half bow. "Bonjour, Monsieur. I see you found the place." He grins, standing up straight again. "Should I kneel for you before we go?"
He fiddle with his outfit one more time before he heard the door start to open, Adam and chuckled as the other bowed then there is was . "And Bonjour to you as well, poppet. Uh, here these are for you. I figured you could share it with your brothers if you wanted but I am gonna want to demand you join me for a brew in the future" He informed more then requested. Adam smile grew actually hearing that term. " Hm, it does sound better in person but I do hope I can have you screaming it in the future, darling." He commented with a smirk as the other asked him if he should kneel the Englishman nodded. "Yes, Let me see it, love" He prompted.
Eager to take the little gift, Kurt can't help but to bounce on the balls of his feet where he hugs it against his chest. "Oh, thank you. You're too kind, Monsieur. I of course will share with my brother and even my sisters." Stepping back into the townhouse so he can set it on the nearby bar counter ledge, he returns to the door. Flattery is enough to make his face flush, as he delicately moves to his knees in front of Adam. Remembering to straighten his back, blinking up at the Dominant expectantly. "You wish to hear me scream for you, Monsieur?" He asks, faking innocence. "If you ask it of me, I'll be sure to do that. I am but a humble submissive for your use."
"Of course, love. I'm glad you'll like them."He smiled as Kurt seemed excited about the gifts something about seeing him smile had him wanting to try and have the switch make that expression again a long with of course Adam couldn't wait to see what other faces he could have the beautiful make for him. Adam took a small step back as Kurt lowered himself down to his knees in front of him  and when he looked up at him from that position he almost lost his train of thought. "Oh my poppet, I plan to hear you make so many lovely noises with that lovely mouth of yours." He winked down at him.
Preening from the compliments, Kurt adjusts himself on his knees. It was days ago, but the lasting reminder of his bruised knees scream up at him to be mindful when offering to drop to them again. No matter how charming or good looking the guy was. "I do pride myself in being able to make any noise you may want of me. Would you care for a moan?" Taking the time to let out a moan, sounding from the back of his throat, closing his eyes. "Or would you rather a pleasures sob?" Reaching up with both hands, he trails his fingers down his neck, tilting his head back, getting loud and faking an exaggerated sob, one might hear in a porn video of sorts. "Do you like me begging for you, Monsieur?" Opening his eyes once more, he whimpers. "Please, I'm so ready for you. I've been so good and been craving you all day."
As Kurt started to mention, and then demonstrate the different noises Adam  bit his bottom lip  as the beautiful younger man let out a moan. That sound mixed with his already compelling voice it was music to the Dom's ears. He never took his eyes off of Kurt, he couldn't if he want to as his delicate hands moved down an elegant neck one he could already imagine leaving his mark on. "Honestly, Lovely I want to hear it all and if you continue like that we are not leaving this hallway,Kurt" He half warned the other but it wasn't a complaint. He reached a hand out to lift Kurt's chin up to look at him and stroked his chin. "Stand up,love" Adam instructed him.
Preening at the compliments, the flirting not hurting either, Kurt lifts his chin as the Dominant instructs him to. He was completely enamored with having a Dominant make power moves like that, only building his yearning for more of it. It was like a bad addiction he had now, but he didn't care. This British guy was easy on the eyes and he didn't mind giving his control over him for a few hours. Carefully standing back up when he's told to, straightening and brushing at his pants with a cheeky grin. "Well, as we wouldn't want to miss out on the kink club, I'm ready to go when you are, Monsieur."
Adam let his eyes move over to admire the younger males neck a moment when he did what he told and lifted his chin, Oh, how he could already imagine the other helping him for a performance or two, The wheels were turning with ideas, How perfect of a muse Kurt would make. He was certain he was going to enjoy this every minute of it. Once  Kurt stood up, he nodded approvingly at him. "Good lad. No I suppose wouldn't,love" He smiled at him then raised one of his arms to him before explaining. "I like to wear a beautiful man like yourself on my arm, darling." He told him  with a wink.
A gentleman. An actual gentleman. That was a rarity. Kurt feels his face go hot as he accepts Adam's arm, slipping his arm through his in a linked state. Hand feeling over the bicep with a thoughtful hum under his breath. "Well, I am certainly flattered that you consider me a beautiful man for you to show off, Monsieur." He preens, follow Adam out of his townhouse. Only taking a pause to close the door behind himself, and then allows Adam to take the lead. "As we're visiting a Kink Club, I should ask if you would prefer me to wear a specific color of a bracelet?" He asks, trying to keep his anticipation down. "Green means I'm there with you to play with everyone who wants a piece. Blue means I only play with who you approve of. Red means I'm off limits, to observe or for my Dom's pleasure only." Gives Adam a gentle poke in the side with his other hand. "And that's you, Monsieur. Aren't I a lucky guy."
Adam felt a little bit of a flutter in his his chest when Kurt accepted and linked his arm with his own and raised a hand to hide a laugh behind as he felt his hand on his arms then moved the hand to cover Kurt's. "Lovely, I do and I would want to show you off to the whole island if I could." He admitted to him as he  led him away from the apartment. He looked to Kurt as he started to explain the Kink club and the rules which he did give some thought to most of them but tonight he wanted the switch to himself and he chuckled. "Oh? It is isn't it? Red just happens to be my favorite color and it would be the perfect addition to that already amazing outfit." Adam grinned. "Oh darling, I feel like the lucky guy." He raised Kurt's hand to his lips to kiss it sweetly.
Kurt felt his chest puff with pride. Adam knew how to make the butterflies in his stomach flutter in response, which was always a nice feeling to have. It only made things better as he felt himself complimented, and then having his hand kissed. Oh. That bringing a pleased smile to his face, cheeks tinting pink. "You have a way with words, Monsieur. Making a boy feel special. Do you use this suave way on all the boys you come into contact with?" Kurt has to ask, smirking a bit with a brow raise, as most guys would sweet talk anything on this island it would seem.
"Do I? I feel like it's a natural response when talking to you,Kurt. I want to use all the beautiful words on you." Adam replied as he ran a thumb against the back of his hand affectionately then looked thoughtful at his question, he laughed. "And truthfully not all of them. I do have a bit of type, If I'm being honest and I do like you Kurt, and you should feel that way. You are absolutely something special. I'm hoping I can make you feel even better as the night play out." He smiled at him
Adam was really striking him all over with his pretty words. But it felt nice. Nice to be complimented and be touched in such a romantic way, even if they weren't romantically involved like that. But for the moment anyway, he could let himself swoon over it as if they were. He couldn't remember the last time he was touched in such a way that wasn't purely sexual. This was gentle, caring, and he was leaning into it with every passing second. Every brush of fingertips against his skin, as he can't help but to lean into the Dominant's side more. Wanting to feel his presence all over. "With how easy it comes to you, Monsieur, I am sure you'll be having me feeling good all night with your charming words alone." Leaning over, he presses a kiss to Adam's cheek right as they stop in front of the club. A quick look at them, as he was being escorted by a Dominant, they were let right in and Kurt accepts the red bracelet around his wrist before dragging the Dom further in. It has many bright lights, really giving it a club feel. The music is loud, and there is a mixture of people dancing, at the bar, or lusting after each other along the bondage wall. Slipping his hand into Adam's, fingers intertwining, he finds an empty spot near the bar to let the scenery be taken in. "What would you like to do first, Monsieur? I am but your humble slave to do your bidding if you ask it of me."
As Kurt leaned into him Adam moved his hand so his fingers linked with his own and he gave him a warm smile feeling a little pride as the other seemed to melt at his affectionate touches and the way Kurt was responding to it.  Adam's lips parted a bit in surprise at the sweet kiss to the cheeks which caused the Dominant to blush at such a gentle gesture. "Well then, in that case, I think I'll keep them coming all night,darling." Adam declared as he wrapped an arm around Kurt's waist and nodded to the guards outside in greeting  and followed Kurt into the club. instantly Adam's eyes went wide seeing the lights and the different couple and patrons around them. "I have to admit, I have never actually been to a normal club." He told him with a laugh. "But this is exciting.Kurt." As the switch asked him what he wanted him to do, Adam  smirked. "Well first--" He firmly but delicately placed his hand under the younger man's chin before leaning into press a kiss to his lips. "This, been wanting do that all night" He admitted with grin as he pulled back then rubbed his chin in thought. "Hm, so many ideas,  well this is a kink bar right? Do they have costumes here,  do you suppose?" He wondered.
Kurt enjoys the firm hand on his chin, forcing him to lift it. It was a subtle dominant touch, but very much appreciated as he is  nothing but a puddle at the other man's touch. Already making him wanting to give Adam the world if he asked him to. After only knowing each other twenty minutes. So this was what infatuated felt like. And it had been years since high school with the Finn incident. The kiss only made it better. Eyes closing as he accepts it, smiling against Adam's lips. It may have been a millisecond in reality, but in his own time and space, it lasted forever. Causing Kurt to cling to Adam's jacket to keep from falling over as his head goes light. A brief kiss, but still almost knocking him off his feet. That was new. "Costumes?" He asks, shaking himself from staring longingly at Adam's mouth. "You want me in a costume, Monsieur? Perhaps if you tell me what you're looking for, I can be sure you get it."
He admired the way Kurt closed his eyes and the way he smiled when he kissed him it was a captivating sight he had only wished he could take a picture in the moment and perhaps save it for later or hang it in a museum. Adam then is a bit startled out of his musings and he lifted an arm to catch Kurt before he could fall. "Oh dear, I'm terribly sorry, darling." He laughed shaking his head at himself for getting a bit distracted by thoughts of the very person he was supposed to be paying attention to. Adam wrinkled his nose and couldn't help but wonder if this was going to be the  thing that sends Kurt running. "Yes, well it's a little bit silly but well I've always had a bit of titanic fantasy I've wanted to play out of course minus the sinking ship  part of course." He tried to explain. "I thought we might play out a scene, and I promise we won't be wearing them long anyways" He winked at him.
Amused, Kurt feels his brows rise into his forehead as he hears what kind of costumes Adam has in mind. Though even after hearing it, he wasn't sure what to make of it. In his mind there was plenty of scenes that he could be referring to. But he wasn't against roleplay, let alone crossdressing, and as an actor himself, he liked a challenge. "Well, I'm sure we can think of something like that, Monsieur. Even if it's just a dress without all the glitz and glam that Rose's outfits usually had." Jerks his head to an area backstage for the dancers, a place he frequented a few times with Sebastian already to know where it was. "Let's see what we can find." Holding Adam's hand still, he takes to weaving through the crowd until they get back to the costume room, pushing inside which was a temperature controlled room and the cooler air felt nice, making him inhale deeply.
"Well, maybe not dress, love." He said as he looked thoughtful as he did try to picture not that Kurt in a dress wouldn't look beautiful. Adam shook his head with a laugh. "No, no dresses." He told him. Adam was relieved that Kurt not only humored his idea but made it better when he led him to the backstage area where the costumes were held. He made sure he had a good grip on the Switches hand as not to get lost or lose him in the crowd. Then breathed in the cool air after the stuffy club air had the Dominant sighing. "Hm, Let's see here " He tapped his finger on his chin as he looked around the room as he spotted something that caught his interest and let go  of Kurt's hand for just a moment to show it to him before he started to explain. "One of my favorite scenes from the movie is when they are in the car." He told him with a soft smile. "I had always wanted to play it out but I've never had someone to play it out with." He winked at him.
Kurt gives a soft snort as Adam releases him inside the room. "Oh. I figured you wanted me to dress like Rose. My mind automatically went to that as it's been a kink I've explored while here." He explains, patiently waiting for Adam to find what he needed to find, being intrigued the whole time. "I would always be into the idea of you driving me to the stars. It sounds peaceful and serene." The Switch hums, swaying his hips slowly. "Very romantic. Which, I am very into. Romance may be second tier here, but I still yearn for it."
Adam laughed at Kurt's comment. "Well yes that is the plan, but probably not a dress." He said thoughtfully. "Maybe." He added with a playful wrinkle of his nose then lifted up a white blouse with white ruffled sleeves and showed to him. "What do you think?Is it Rose-chic?" He asked. "And, I would drive you anywhere you wanted, darling. If only I had a Tardis on hand." He mused then his eyes fell to Kurt's hips a moment before meeting his eyes. He smiled at him. "As I am beginning to notice  but it's not so different from our world. I'm always told romance and chivalry have long gone out of style but I am a bit of an old soul. Also,  it is always nice so I am always happy to meet a fellow romantic here. Helps me not feel so alone." He reasoned.
Taking in the offered costume, Kurt has to press his knuckles against his lips, highly amused by the sight of it. It was precious more so than humorous as he just was getting more intrigued by Adam by the second. He definitely had ideas that were out there, but he wasn't against it. Even if he normally wouldn't wear that anywhere, he could play along. "Very Rose-chic, Monsieur. Yes." He agrees, extending his hands out for the blouse. Stepping behind a privacy divider, he removes his shirt of choice and replaces it with the chosen ruffles instead. Luckily being able to see himself in the mirror, he didn't look that bad. Even so much to hum in approval. "Have to admit, I never watched Doctor Who, Monsieur. My brother did, but I tended to be preoccupied with other things while he watched in if we were in the same room."  He smooths over the blouse again then comes out again, moving towards Adam and sighing. "You're definitely not alone though, Monsieur. I'm not used to the romance being appreciated openly, especially by a Dominant. So I am very relieved to have met you, and get to give you a little something."
Adam saw the amusement on Kurt's face and was gonna maybe switch it out for another shirt  but stopped when he agreed with him and he laughed with him. "I promise you love. I have a feeling you look great whatever you wear.." He told him with a wink and handed him the shirt, stepping back when he went to try it on. "You haven't? Well perhaps we could watch it together sometime. Though I'm not sure I would be any less distracting then your brother." He reasoned and looked up at him when he came out. "Oh that's actually really nice. You look perfect, darling!" He said as he walked over to him and moved a hand to touch his arm and found his hand again as he took it. "And I am happy to have met you,Kurt and I feel like you already have by doing this for me, darling. Kiss me, rose " He smirked playfully as he wrapped an arm around Kurt's waist.
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sooibian · 5 years
Pairing: Kyungsoo x fem!Reader
Description: Loosely inspired by my favorite song from the DMUMT album - 24/7
Genre: Fluff / Soft Angst
A/N: I write terrible Soo fics because I’m always afraid to acknowledge my truest feelings for him. Here, I’ve tried to do better. Also, I may have shed a tear or two (or three) writing the first para at 2 in the morning. Feedback is always appreciated!
Word Count: ~ 900
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gif credits @kumoeto​
The last rays of the afternoon sun fell slanting through the curtains meeting Kyungsoo’s tranquil features in the warmest hues of red and orange. His even breathing served you with a fleeting epiphany - your pursuit of showering him with the finest compliments in his sentient form had never come to fruition. It was the consequence of your innate knowledge of the fact that words could never do him justice. To you, loving Kyungsoo meant being conscious and acquiescing to his potency of flat lining your heart with a goodbye. You squeezed your eyes shut and a silent tear made its way down your cheek as you felt the greatest artist’s muse, picturesque in a sepia frame, stir in his sleep.
His feathery soft fingers gently caressed your bare back, quickening your heartbeat. You drew in a deep breath hoping it would drown the thunderous thump in your chest as you continued to feign sleep. He let you. His velveteen lips met your little smile in a chaste kiss and you curled up against him, nestling your face in his chest. Trying to conceal your exposed body and soul from him, with him. He let you. You shied away from talking about it, the deep purple and blues he painted your skin with. The mysteries of your heart found refuge in Kyungsoo’s tried and true arms and gentle soul. He held you closer re-instilling your belief that you were welcome to stay for as long as your heart desired. You were welcome to stay forever.
You continued to feign sleep. And with a dulcet chuckle, he let you.
You were aware of Kyungsoo’s eyes on you, his unflinching gaze seared your skin. You craftily dodged the lascivious advances of your, now, very drunk senior partner - an office intern playing the sacrificial lamb. Mouthing sorry to the young lad, you rushed to Kyungsoo’s side, finding sanctuary in his arms. His grip on you was very slightly firmer than usual but it was enough for you to take notice. You were familiar with this emotion but to find the faintest hue of green in his angelic brown eyes made you giggle.
“Cute”, you daintily leaned in to whisper in his ear.
Searching your eyes, his hand glided to the small of your back, “Let’s get you home.”
Kyungsoo’s demeanor was stoic, impassive. To you, it was uncharted territory. You chose to harmonize with the uncomfortable silence in the car against tracing your steps through a minefield. The divine silver disc floating among the stars kept you company in solitude.
“Your dress!” Kyungsoo almost sounds like he’d solved an incomprehensible problem, catching you off guard.
“Hmm”, you quipped, confused.
“It’s too tight”, his hands clenched around the steering wheel, the beautiful blue-green of his veins now prominent.
Swallowing your anger, you took a glimpse at your reflection in the side-view mirror, your divine friend-in-need not very far behind. A mauve stroke of the vexed artist seated beside you, peeked through your pearl necklace. Your concealer had betrayed you, but intuition hadn’t. Reminiscing the events of yesterday you realized first-times were significant to Kyungsoo. Smiling ruefully, you stole a glance at him, concluding that green just wasn’t his color.
The car came to a soundless halt jolting you out of your trance.
“I’m sorry”, Kyungsoo spoke to your knees.
You lifted his chin with your icy fingers and gazed into his apologetic, glistening, dark eyes, framed by an intricate maroon design along the edges of a rich white background. With a soft smile you exorcised the green-eyed monster. 
“Goodnight”, your low whisper sounded.
“Bye”, he surrendered.
A gentle chime roused the iridescent pixels of your phone screen. ‘I’m sorry :(’ the writing in white read. Tossing the phone on the bed-side table you chuckled to yourself. You gradually drifted off to sleep, hugging your penguin plushie in a fetal position. 
Your doorbell buzzed.
Once, twice, thrice, before you forced your heavy eyelids up. Disoriented, you reached for your phone and pressed the unlock button. 
1:44 a.m.
You groaned, because he always insisted on ringing the doorbell despite having the pass-code to your apartment.
“Kyungsoo, It’s two in the morning!” You whined, sprawling across the couch. Ignoring you, he deftly found his way to your kitchen and fixed himself a cup of coffee and brought you a glass of water only to find you snoring.
“Baby”, his honeyed voice brought you back to consciousness, “I need you to sit up straight for this.”
You physically struggled with his request but with a bit of help, you managed. You took a large gulp of water to avoid seeing eye floaters. Looking at him inquisitively, you nudged him to go on. He knelt in front of you, taking your hands in his, stroking gently with his thumb. It was a while before he spoke.
“Move in with me”, the sound of his voice almost matter-of-factly but you caught a glimpse of yearning in his eyes.
“Is it because -”
Sighing, you joined him on the floor and wrapped your arms around him, your face comfortably resting in the crook of his neck. “Carry me to bed”, you mumbled, “I’ll call in sick and pack my things in the morning.”
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aion-rsa · 3 years
HBO Max New Releases: May 2021
Do not adjust your WiFi settings. No, you are not experiencing a severe case of Deja Streaming-vu. HBO Max’s list of new releases for May 2021 are indeed highlighted by two very recent WarnerMedia hits.
For starters, Tenet finally makes its long-awaited HBO Max this month. Mark your calendars as May 1 is the day that you can finally watch Christopher Nolan’s latest cerebral thriller. Of course, Tenet already had its theatrical release, but obviously that was not really an option for many of us. In addition to Tenet, Wonder Woman 1984 makes its triumphant return to HBO Max this month on May 13. The Wonder Woman sequel already premiered on HBO Max this past December, now it’s getting a second run on the streamer.
In terms of newer originals, May is relatively light for HBO Max. The Jean Smart-starring comedy Hacks premieres on May 13. The latest Adventure Time: Distant Lands special arrives on May 20. May also contains two prominent finales with The Nevers closing out part 1 of its first season on May 15 and Mare of Easttown wrapping up its case on May 30.
It’s also not a big month for Warner Bros. theatrical releases. The only one to speak of is Those Who Wish Me Dead on May 14. Thankfully that will be augmented by some library titles on May 1 including The Interview, Jackie Brown, and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.
Here is everything else to expect in May 2021.
HBO Max New Releases – May 2021
TBA Gomorrah, Season 4 (Max Original) Oslo, (HBO Original Film)
May 1 17 Again, 2009 Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, 2012 (HBO) Anaconda, 1997 Anger Management, 2003 (HBO) Baby Boom, 1987 (HBO) Barry Lyndon, 1975 Black Hawk Down, 2001 The Cable Guy, 1996 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, 2005 Cursed, 2005 (HBO) Daddy Day Care, 2003 Darkest Hour, 2017 (HBO) Darkness, 2004 (Extended Version) (HBO) The Dirty Dozen, 1967 Dumb & Dumber, 1994 Employee Of The Month, 2006 (HBO) Firehouse Dog, 2007 (HBO) Flight of the Intruder, 1991 (HBO) Free Willy, 1993 Frida, 2002 (HBO) Generation Por Que? (HBO) God’s Not Dead, 2014 (HBO) Good Morning, Vietnam, 1987 (HBO) Happy Feet Two, 2011 Happy Feet, 2006 Harley Davidson And The Marlboro Man, 1991 (HBO) Hercules, 1983 (HBO) Igby Goes Down, 2002 (HBO) Igor, 2008 (HBO) Insomnia, 2002 (HBO) The Interview, 2014 Jackie Brown, 1997 Kansas, 1988 (HBO) Magic Mike, 2012 Menace II Society, 1993 Michael, 1996 (HBO) Mortal Kombat, 1995 Movie 43, 2013 (HBO) Muriel’s Wedding, 1995 (HBO) My Baby’s Daddy, 2004 (HBO) Mystery Date, 1991 (HBO) Norbit, 2007 (HBO) Para Rosa (For Rosa) (HBO) Precious, 2009 (HBO) Rabid, 1977 (HBO) Romance & Cigarettes, 2007 (HBO) Rosewater, 2014 (HBO) Rudy, 1993 Rush Hour 2, 2001 Rush Hour 3, 2007 Rush Hour, 1998 Save The Last Dance, 2001 (HBO) Save The Last Dance 2, 2006 (HBO) Senseless, 1998 (HBO) Separate Tables, 1958 (HBO) Serpico, 1974 (HBO) Serving Sara, 2002 (HBO) Summer Rental, 1985 (HBO) Tenet, 2020 (HBO) The Debt, 2010 (HBO) The Immigrant, 2014 (HBO) The Kingdom, 2007 (HBO) The Last Of The Finest, 1990 (HBO) The Perfect Man, 2005 (HBO) The Tuxedo, 2002 (HBO) The Wings Of The Dove, 1997 (HBO) The Witches Of Eastwick, 1987 (HBO) Tomcats, 2001 (HBO) Trust Me, 2014 (HBO) Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Witness Protection, 2012 Varsity Blues, 1999 (HBO) Welcome To Sarajevo, 1997 (HBO) When Harry Met Sally, 1989 Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, 1971 Won’t You Be My Neighbor?, 2018 (HBO) Words And Pictures, 2014 (HBO)
May 2 Uri and Ella, Season 1
May 3 300: Rise of an Empire, 2014 Pray, Obey, Kill — HBO Docu-Series Finale
May 6 Hunger, 2008 Legendary: Season 2 (Max Original) Take Me Out To The Ball Game, 1949 That Damn Michael Che — Max Original Series Premiere West Side Story — TCM CFF Opening Night, 1961
May 7 La Boda De Rosa (Rosa’s Wedding) (HBO)
May 8 Greenland, 2020 (HBO) Re:ZERO — Starting Life in Another World: Season 2, (Subtitled, Episodes 14-25) (Crunchyroll Collection)
May 9 Axios (HBO)
May 10 Jujutsu Kaisen: Season 1, (Subtitled, Episodes 13-24) (Crunchyroll Collection) Race for the White House: Season 2 The Crime of the Century — Two-Part Documentary Premiere (HBO)
May 13 Hacks — Max Original Series Premiere Wonder Woman 1984 — 2020 (HBO)
May 14 Those Who Wish Me Dead — Warner Bros. Film Premiere, 2021
May 15 The Personal History Of David Copperfield, 2020 (HBO) The Nevers: Part 1 Finale (HBO)
May 19 Apple & Onion, Season 2A
May 20 Adventure Time: Distant Lands – Together Again — Max Original The Big Shot with Bethenny — Max Original Season Finale Ellen’s Next Great Designer — Max Original Season Finale Territorio (Close Quarters) (HBO) This Is Life with Lisa Ling: Season 7
May 23 In Treatment: Season 4 Premiere (HBO)
May 25 Cinderella Man, 2005 (HBO) Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel (HBO)
May 26 Curious George, 2006 (HBO)
May 28 A Black Lady Sketch Show: Season 2 Finale (HBO)
May 30 Mare of Easttown: Limited Series Finale (HBO)
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Leaving HBO Max – May 2021
May 11 Mud, 2013
May 13 Bullitt, 1968 The Searchers, 1956 Take Me Out To The Ball Game, 1949 West Side Story, 1961
May 16 Annabelle Comes Home, 2019 (HBO)
May 23 Mortal Kombat, 2021
May 28 The Operative, 2019 (HBO)
May 31 All About My Mother, 1999 All the President’s Men, 1976 Amistad, 1997 (HBO) The Avengers, 1998 The Beguiled, 2017 (HBO) The Bishop’s Wife, 1947 Black Christmas, 2019 (HBO) The Blind Side, 2009 (HBO) Blood Work, 2002 Blue Streak, 1999 Bombshell, 1933 The Book Of Henry, 2011 (HBO) Book Of Shadows: The Blair Witch 2, 2000 The Bridges Of Madison County, 1995 Butterfield 8, 1960 Captain Blood, 1935 Cat On A Hot Tin Roof, 1958 Cats, 2019 (HBO) The Cider House Rules, 1999 (HBO) Cinema Paradiso, 1990 (Director’s Cut) (HBO) Cradle 2 The Grave, 2003 Critical Care, 1997 (HBO) Cruel Intentions, 1999 (HBO) The Dancer Upstairs, 2003 (HBO) Dangerous Liaisons, 1988 The Dead Don’t Die, 2019 (HBO) The Dead Pool, 1988 Death Becomes Her, 1992 (HBO) Defending Your Life, 1991 Dirty Dancing, 1987 (HBO) Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights, 2004 (HBO) Dolores Claiborne, 1995 Doubt, 2008 (HBO) Downhill, 2020 (HBO) Driving Miss Daisy, 1989 Drop Dead Gorgeous, 1999 East Of Eden, 1955 Emma, 1996 (HBO) Emma., 2020 (HBO) A Face In The Crowd, 1957 Father Of The Bride, 1950 Flipped, 2010 Giant, 1956 Heartbreak Ridge, 1986 Hot Fuzz, 2007 (HBO) Hunger, 2008 Jaws, 1975 (HBO) Jaws 2, 1978 (HBO) Jetsons: The Movie, 1990 (HBO) Justice League: Gods And Monsters, 2015 A Kiss Before Dying, 1991 (HBO) The Last King Of Scotland, 2006 (HBO) The Last Kiss, 2006 (HBO) Lego: Justice League: Attack Of The Legion Of Doom!, 2015 Life As We Know It, 2010 Life With Father, 1947 Little Women, 1949 Living Out Loud, 1998 The Long Kiss Goodnight, 1996 Magnum Force, 1973 March Of The Penguins, 2005 The Matrix Reloaded, 2003 The Matrix Revolutions, 2003 The Matrix, 1999 Maverick, 1994 Misery, 1990 (HBO) Mortal Kombat, 1995 Mortal Kombat Annihilation, 1997 Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion’s Revenge, 2020 Nell, 1994 (HBO) Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Always, 2020 (HBO) Papillon, 1973 A Patch Of Blue, 1965 Phantom, 2013 (HBO) Phantom Thread, 2017 (HBO) Project X, 2012 (Extended Version) (HBO) Ray, 2004 (HBO) Richie Rich (Movie), 1994 A Room With A View, 1986 (HBO) Sanctum, 2011 (HBO) Scream, 1996 Scream 2, 1997 Scream 3, 2000 Se7En, 1995 Selena, 1997 Shaun Of The Dead, 2004 (HBO) Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows, 2011 (HBO) Skyline, 2010 (HBO) Snakes On A Plane, 2006 Snow White And The Huntsman, 2012 (Unrated Version) (HBO) Stuart Little, 1999 Stuart Little 2, 2002 The Thin Man, 1934 Tightrope, 1984 True Grit, 2010 (HBO) Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Big Happy Family, 2011 Unforgiven, 1992 Veronica Mars, 2014 Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story, 2007 Who’s Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?, 1966 X-Men: Dark Phoenix, 2019 (HBO) X-Men: First Class, 2011 (HBO) You Can’t Take It With You, 1938
The post HBO Max New Releases: May 2021 appeared first on Den of Geek.
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homospeksuaali · 4 years
Fanfic writer asks
Kiitoksia @hanhan156 tägistä ☺️ Tässä vähän kesti kun yliajattelen? Minä? En koskaan. Mut kiva oli täyttää!
ao3 name: Savagewoman. Vanha lempinimi joka viittaa yhteen mun tatuointiin.
fandoms: Tuntematon sotilas, Glee, Buffy, Harry Potter ja Due South on semmosia joista olen julkaissut. Kirjoitan välillä muitakin, Star Trekillä aloitin. En oo noista mun vanhoista englanninkielisistä ihan valtavan ylpeä kun moni niistä on kirjoitettu kun olin ihan osaamaton kakara, mutta olkoot esillä kun niitä joskus jopa luetaankin.
numbers of fics: 16
fic i spent the most time on: Tyynyjen sota varmaankin? Että joku ottaa vastaan vei myös aikaa. Toki mulla on myös sellaisia jotka on olleet kesken parikymmentä vuotta mutta niistä ei puhuta 😁 Aloitin kirjoittamaan ficciä ennen kuin internet oli edes juttu.
fic i spent the least time on: Why Does It Always Rain On Me? tais olla nopeiten valmis.
longest fic: Että joku ottaa vastaan on toistaiseksi pisin, mutta Sano se (edes) kukkasin menee kyllä ohi sitten kun tulee seuraava kappale.
shortest fic: Lyhyin julkaistu on Image, juuri ja juuri alle kolmesataa sanaa. Joskus on tullut kirjoitettua raapaleita eli tasan sadan sanan ficcejä kyllä.
most hits/most kudos/most comment threads/most bookmarks: Not A Baby Penguin Anymore (Glee)/Polished (HP)/Sano se (edes) kukkasin (Tuntsa)/Not A Baby Penguin Anymore (Glee). Rakastan Tuntsa-fandomia a) paljon ja b) eniten juuri siksi, että sinne kirjoitetuissa jutuissa on aina paras suhde hitteihin ja tykkäyksiin/kommentteihin ❤️
total word count: 31 478. Mä en oo kauhean tuottelias 😁
favourite fic i wrote: Että joku ottaa vastaan on mulle ehkä rakkain. Se oli tosi emotionaalisesti työläs kirjoittaa, mutta varmaan siksi just siitä tuli hyvin tärkeä. Huomasin että mun on yllättävän vaikeaa pistää Lehtoa sille hankaliin ja vieraisiin tilanteisiin, mitä lie suojeluvaistoa. Muutenkin Tuntsa-ficit on erityisen tärkeitä koska ne palautti mun syvän rakkauteni omaan äidinkieleeni taas pinnalle.
fic you want to rewrite/expand on: Oikeastaan tekis mieli ronkkia mun ainakin Canned Heat ja ehkä kans Baby Penguin, molemmissa on tarpeettomia tönkköyksiä. Mut ne on niin vanhoja että niitten editointi tuntuis falskilta joten saavat olla sellaisenaan, mä en muutenkaan usko julkaistujen juttujen editointiin vaan annan historian näkyä. Laajenemaan on lähtenyt ainakin Tyynyjen sota (tänks Hanna 😁) kun sen asetelma antaa paljon tilaa jatkopaloille. Tietty myös traagiset kukot paisuu kuin pullataikina mut se on AU eikä yksittäinen juttu.
share a bit of a wip or a story idea you’re planning on:
Lahtinen laittoi puhelimensa syrjään.
”Mitäs kattelet?”
”Sinua,” Määttä vastasi. ”Olet sinä vaan komia.”
Lahtinen naurahti ja punastui. Ei hän ollut ennen harrastanut punastumista koskaan, mutta kummasti Määttä sai harvoilla sanoillaan hänen verensä kiertämään. Useallakin tavalla.
(Kyllä, tästä tulee sokerista ja söpöä.)
Tägään @neroushalvaus ja @mikaroyhkeys ja toivotan tervetulleeksi muutkin tekemään!
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majoracats · 5 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
More Zootopia headcanons! Yay
1.- En sí me base en los hamsters que tienen un trabajo en una torre propia así que algunos pingüinos que trabajan en oficinas tienen su área de trabajo propia
2.- También hay una jardín de niños para pingüinos con distintas especies de pingüinos como alumnos. También participan en deportes de invierno y natación
3.- En cuanto a las focas pues casi igual al caso de los pingüinos además de que tienen una playa nudista solo para focas donde los cansados trabajadores flojean junto a sus hijos y esposas
4.- Las madres y padres en las tribus de primates mantienen a sus bebés con ellos, agarrandose como los primates reales
5.- Hay un ritual cada cierto año, en donde las parejas y familia redescubren su amor entre ellos y comparten calor, afecto y comida
6.- Si existen los gatos y perros, los gatos sirven como montura para las tribus y actúan como los gatos comunes. Mientras que los perros son mascotas y rastreadores para encontrar comida y rutas efectivas para la caza y transportarse a otras zonas durante los cambios de estación
7.- Yax es de los pocos que conoce la existencia de estas tribus indígenas. Pasa tiempo con ellos para relajarse y acicalarse. Su primer encuentro fue con la chica que lo está acicalando, esta ha aprendido un poco del idioma común en Zootopia y Yax ha aprendido lo suficiente como para saber lo que dice cada tribu.
1.- I am based on hamsters who have a job in their own tower so some penguins that work in offices have their own work area
2.- There is also a kindergarten for penguins with different species of penguins as students. They also participate in winter sports and swimming
3.- As for the seals, it is almost the same as the case of penguins, in addition to having a nudist beach only for seals where the tired workers flock with their children and wives
4.- Mothers and fathers in primate tribes keep their babies with them, clutching like real primates
5.- There is a ritual every year, where couples and family rediscover their love between them and share warmth, affection and food
6.- If there are cats and dogs, cats serve as a mount for the tribes and act like ordinary cats. While dogs are pets and trackers to find food and effective routes for hunting and transported to other areas during seasonal changes
7.- Yax is one of the few who knows the existence of these indigenous tribes. Spend time with them to relax and groom. His first encounter was with the girl who is grooming him, he has learned a little of the common language in Zootopia and Yax has learned enough to know what each tribe says
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madalingkyliemutan · 5 years
Remembering my old Tumblr before I deactivated it (with the same URL). There was a constant anon blogger that I had always talked to. Ang alam ko lang is lalaki sya. He was like a kuya, baby bro, daddy and lolo to me. I remember I told him once that I really wanted a Kuya, it was also on the season when my dad was in the hospital for a number of complications, I also told him about it. Para ko na syang kuya at lolo sa mga life advice nya. Para ko na din syang baby bro pag nagpapaturo sya sa mga irereply nya sa crush nya. Para ko na syang tatay whenever he scolds me pag nagpupuyat ako kakatemple run at 2fuse at wattpad noon. Para ko na syang tito sa pang aasar when he learned that my tito calls me Pengs as in penguin before. Nakakamiss yung may kakwentuhan ka ng ganon. Wala nang filter kasi di mo naman siya kilala at di ka nya kilala. Pero nung bumalik ako sa tumblr, di ko na siya nakita ulit. Deactivated na yung alam kong URL tumblr nya. Sana makamusta ko sya at yung crush nya na super GANDAAAAAAAAAAA (nacrush-an ko din to eh) HAHAHAHHAHA!!! And sana masabi ko sa kanya na sobrang grumpy na ng tatay ko na parang di nagkasakit, sana masabi ko sa kanya na di na ko tinatrash ng jowa ko kasi di ko na jowa yung nababanggit ko sa kanya dati.
And sana he has recovered from leukemia. Sana he lived. Sana he's healthy and happy.
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animefagos · 6 years
Anunciadas cuatro voces más para Hi Score Girl Extra Stage
New Post has been published on https://www.animefagos.com/2019/02/21/anunciadas-cuatro-voces-mas-para-hi-score-girl-extra-stage/
Anunciadas cuatro voces más para Hi Score Girl Extra Stage
El staff de Hi Score Girl Extra Stage, los episodios números 13, 14 y 15 de la adaptación animada del manga Hi Score Girl, de Rensuke Oshikiri, ha anunciado la incorporación de cuatro voces más:
Kenichi Suzumura como Sagat Takadanobaba
Takuma Terashima como Aulbath Ōimachi
Junichi Suwabe como Blanka Kuhombutsu
Y Kensho Ono como Sasquatch.
Anteriormente se anunció la incorporación de
Shiori Izawa como Nikotama
Kenta Miyake como Zangief.
La edición en Blu-ray y DVD de los tres nuevos episodios se pondrá a la venta el 20 de marzo, y tendrá un precio de 9.800 yenes (unos 76 euros). Los nuevos episodios también se podrán ver en marzo vía Netflix.
El anime se estrenó el 14 de julio.
Las voces fueron:
Kōhei Amasaki como Haruo Yaguchi.
Sayumi Suzushiro como Akira Ōno.
Yūki Hirose como Koharu Hidaka.
Kazuyuki Okitsu como Kōtarō Miyao.
Daiki Yamashita como Genta Doi.
Daria Midō como Chihiro Onizuka.
Satomi Arai como Namie Yaguchi.
Shizuka Itou como Moemi Gōda.
Chō como Jiiya.
Chinatsu Akasaki como Makoto Ōno.
Tomokazu Sugita como como profesor del colegio.
Kana Ueda como Tōno-sensei.
Taketora como el padre de Koharu.
Houchu Ohtsuka en la narración.
Yūichi Nakamura como Numata-sensei.
Hiroki Yasumoto como Guile-san.
Yoshiki Yamakawa (Hells, Kill Me Baby, Little Busters!) se encargó de la dirección bajo el estudio J.C. Staff. Tatsuhiko Urahata (Hajime no Ippo, Saki, Tsuredure Children) estuvo a cargo de la composición del anime. Michiru Kuwabata (Penguin no Mondai, Danchi Tomoo) se encargó del diseño de personajes. Yūsuke Suzuki se encargó de la dirección CG. Yoko Shimomura (Street Fighter II, Final Fight, Final Fantasy XV, Hirune Hime: Shiranai Watashi no Monogatari) compuso la música. Yuji Matsukura se encargó de la supervisión de animación. Tomoyasu Sakakibara (Monster Strike The Movie, Kuroshitsuji: Book of the Atlantic) está acreditado como director CGI, y Shogakukan Music & Digital Entertainment se encargó del CGI.
La cantante Etsuko Yakushimaru contribuyó con su tema Hōkago Distraction como ending del anime. El sencillo salió a la venta el 22 de agosto, y el mismo Oshikiri se encargó de ilustrar la cubierta.
El resto del staff es el siguiente:
Dirección de modelaje de personajes: Eri Sekido (SMDE).
Dirección artística: Akira Suzuki.
Color: Miho Kimura.
Dirección de fotografía: Shingo Fukuyo.
Edición: Kentarou Tsubone (REAL-T).
Dirección de sonido: Jin Aketagawa.
Producción de sonido: Magic Capsule.
Yaguchi Haruo, es un muchacho de sexto en el año 1991 y que vive para los videojuegos. No es popular en la escuela, no es guapo, no es divertido y ni siquiera es simpático. Lo único que se le dan bien, son los videojuegos. Un día, en un salón recreativo, se encuentra a Oono Akira, compañera de clase y que es guapa, inteligente, lista y popular. Ambos jugarán a Street Fighter II, solo para que Haruo pierda 30 partidas seguidas contra la chica, la cual resulta ser invencible en cualquier juego. Akira comenzará a seguir a Haruo en todas sus visitas a los recreativos para pegarle palizas en todo juego existente, algo que al muchacho molestará bastante en un inicio… pero que acabará haciendo que forjen una extraña amistad.
La revista Big Gangan anunció el anime en diciembre de 2013, que ha estado en pausa desde entonces por los problemas legales del mismo con SNK Playmore.
Oshikiri estuvo publicando su manga Hi Score Girl en la revista Big Gangan (Square Enix) desde 2010, pero en 2014 el manga entró en pausa debido a una controversia legal entre SNK Playmore y Square Enix debido al uso sin permiso de varios personajes de videojuegos propiedad de SNK Playmore. Posteriormente los derechos de los propietarios de los personajes se fue aclarando y por ejemplo Bandai Namco y Capcom confirmaron que habían dado su permiso, sin embargo Sega comentaba que a pesar que habían aparecido algunos de sus personajes, sólo había dado permiso para uno de ellos.
Square Enix y SNK Playmore sellaron un acuerdo en agosto de 2015, por el que SNK Playmore retiraba la denuncia contra Square Enix, permitiendo que se pudiera seguir haciendo y vendiendo el manga Hi Score Girl.
En 2016 los cinco primeros volúmenes se reeditaron bajo el Hi Score Girl CONTINUE.
El noveno tomo recopilatorio del manga reveló que la obra finalizará con el décimo tomo recopilatorio. El último capítulo del manga se publicó el 25 de septiembre.
Fuente: ANN.
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itshummelswitch · 4 years
JOKURT | Lights, Camera, Action.
When: May 9th, 2020
Where: Riley Hummel’s house, back bedroom.
Who: Kurt Hummel & Jonah Price | @subitupjonah
Event: Jonah helps Kurt set his cam boy equipment up, dirty talk ensues - obvious lead to sexual contact.
As he had been told by Kurt Hummel himself, Jonah got escorted by the guard called Max to the Dominant's living quarters that he had familiarized himself with by now-- only, he couldn't say he was used to being in the other Hummel's resident, but since that's there the whole thing would be set up, that's where he was being taken, as he had promised to help Kurt with it.
Finally reaching the building, he gave the door a few quick knocks before hiding one of his hands behind his back to conceal the present he had bought for Kurt-- it wasn't much, just something he thought he would consider useful with his new career being a thing. With Riley out of the house and at work, that left Kurt cradling his arm in the new sling provided to him to ensure he didn't get tempted to use it more then he should be. Even if he was stubborn in knowing his arm was fine, he hated getting those death glares by his twin and just agreed to wear it when he was mobile and doing work type things.
Pulling the door open when Jonah arrives, he can't help but to grin. Jonah was always a welcomed face in his opinion, and even getting to see Max again was also great. Waving with the hand tucked in the sling to the guard before waving Jonah in. "Don't worry, this is only a precaution." He indicates the sling while shutting the door. "Getting that out before you ask - I'm fine. Can I get you anything to drink?" When Kurt had told him he had had some kind of injury with his arm, he hadn't expected to see him in a sling, which automatically made him believe the worst before the Switch mader sure to tell him it was only for precaution. "Well, damn, you gotta be more careful, whatever it was that you did. I hope it'll be healed soon", he offered before showing him one of his trademark charming smiles. "Nah, I'm good. I'm here at your service, so.. what do you need me to do? Oh, and..." Bringing out the hand he was hiding behind his back, he handed over a neatly wrapped present to Kurt. "It's for, uh... your new gig. A welcome gift or something", he shrugged. "Thought it might come in handy between breaks." There's a soft laugh as he steps away from the door and journeys further into the foyer with a shake of his head. "It'll heal soon enough in a few weeks. Riley just wants to make sure I'm reminded but time lift anything. I can move it fine." Even making sure he takes his arm out of the sling to make a point, wiggling his fingers, then replaces it again. Even if it made him feel useless and helpless, he had made a promise.
Only the talk of a present gets him peeking again with interest. Accepting the wrapped gift, chewing on his bottom lip as anticipation on what it could be. Awkwardly holding it in his injured hand, he uses his working one to unwrap it, not even hiding the bounce he has while doing it. "Well, as long as you can move it fine, then I guess there's no reason to worry", Jonah points out, feeling somewhat relieved that it wasn't more serious than that. He wasn't about to press more about it though, either, since Kurt now had cleared up the fact that he was fine.
He feels awkward as he lets Kurt open up the present-- it was a bit more expensive than he had intended at first, because he was so used to spending money. Now he had to be more mindful, but it was still easy to forget with his old habit of going on a spending spree. He just hopes that Kurt likes it or that he will at least use it between takes-- a comfortable silk robe that would look any man look good. "I hope the color is right-- I thought they'd bring out your eyes. It's fine if you don't wanna use it, I just figured you'd  be more comfortable with something to wear between gigs or whatever."
Despite the awkward fumbling, Kurt does manage to get the gift unwrapped successfully. Even to take his arm out of the sling again so he can hold up the item, and get a good look at it. It's gorgeous, that much is evident, and clearly not something cheap either. His things rub through the soft fabric as his face splits into a grin, then softens as he's overwhelmed with being so touched at the gesture. It was one of the most useful and better things someone could've given him, and it wasn't even his birthday. Not yet anyway.
Clutching it to his chest, he hums appreciatively and moves in to wrap an arm around Jonah, holding back from kissing him as he remembered the submissive didn't do that with guys. "Thank you so much, handsome. I love it!" Pressing a kiss to Jonah's cheek any way, he steps back to examine the robe again with a giddy bounce.
"I will definitely be wearing this between shots! And afterwards, because it's so soft and I'll be needing some TLC." Running his hands over the fabric again, he encourages Jonah to follow as he starts the walk through the large gothic house to the back slate bedroom. "Thank you. I definitely owe you one for this bad boy. Just, wow....thank you." "Well, it was either that or a monogrammed pillow with your stage name on it, but I realized I don't know of it yet or if you've come up with one, so..." Jonah's grin widened as the Switch pulled him into a hug, and he didn't mind the kiss on his cheek either. "It's nothing. You owe me nothing, I just figured you like fancy clothing and you look good in 'em, too, and I saw this one and thought, hey, he'd totally rock it in this one." Kurt's face is definitely more pink compared to the usual pale. Between Jonah's flattering words and just being pleased he has been thought about and blessed with such a gift, the Switch felt giddy and bubbly. Definitely putting him into a better mood for the day, over whatever cloud was hanging over the house still. Either that or maybe just the gothic interior design was getting to his paranoid way of thinking - hard to tell.
Carefully hanging he robe up in the closet first, as to not wrinkle it, he smoothed over it once last time then directs Jonah to the layout. Riley and him had managed to do some things before he stupidly hurt himself, but aside from the ring lights, the bed still needed to be adjusted.
"I'm going to need you to take your shirt off, because I really want to enjoy watching you do this." Kurt says automatically, sliding up to Jonah's side and giving a point towards the bed. "I have padding that needs to be drilled into the headboard, and my stage name will hang above it." Giving a point to the metal lettering spelling out 'Porcelaina' with the show lights already lining the middle of the entire word. Even if he didn't point it out directly to him, it was hard for Jonah to miss out on the faint flush on Kurt's face, and it was actually pretty fucking adorable to see, and even more so when knowing that he had been the one to cause it.
His eyes studied the room and landed on the set-up. "You're really going all in, huh? This looks awesome. Well done!" He huffs out a laugh when Kurt asks him to take off his shirt and he doesn't hesitate to get rid of it. If Kurt wanted a show, he'd give him a show, even if the show itself would be him helping him finish this set-up. "You've got it, sir. Whatever you need to have done, I'm at your service." He gave him a wink and a salute. "So better start with the drilling and put the lettering up last for a finishing touch-- you got any tools?" Ignoring the sling for now as he refused to be completely helpless to Jonah, Kurt takes a moment to feel his fingers over Jonah's toned muscles with a thoughtful hum. Clearly enjoying it, and feeding into Jonah's ego as best as he could. Only after that does he pull away, and move towards the other end of the room where Riley has left most of the tools. "Yes! All you should need is right here." He carefully stoops to pick the case up, with his good hand of course, and lifts it to the top of the dresser so he could flip it open revealing said tools inside.
"After that's all set up, you and I can mess up the bed and give it a test run." Winking as he relives the knowledge that it had been just about a week since he last got anything sexual, and his body was vibrating with arousal at the thought of doing something. Anything. Being naked with another person, and sharing space was definitely appealing and he has to push down thoughts of it. For now.
Returning his arm to the sling, he then allows Jonah to go ahead and get things situated. Only stepping in to hold something if he needed to with his good hand - still refusing to be completely useless. Even if he was mostly just taking in how Jonah's muscles moved with every shift the submissive made. Wondering how nice it would feel to be wrapped up in those arms. The mention of testing out the bed once they are done setting it up causes Jonah to grin widely before he throws him a wink. "What point would it be if we didn't at least test it out once, huh?" He agrees, and that is more than enough to get him motivated to get started-- he doesn't want to get too distracted and mess this up and disappoint the Switch, even if he is very skillful with  tools.
So he picks up what is needed and gets started with the padding, making sure that it's lined up perfectly to give Kurt the aesthetic that he wants out of this. He asks for Kurt's assistance when it's needed as well and starts drilling, his eyes focused and with the tip of his tongue peaking out between the corner of his lips. Kurt helped where he could. Using his body weight to hold things if need be. It felt odd not to be able to offer assistance like usual, but at least he was doing it. Soothing his inward paranoia on not pulling his weight. Even if only a little. But they got the padding up, and it was a relief. Already the image of how many times that would soften his exhausted and spent post-orgasm body in falling back was one thing down.
"I know it's extra," he states when they move on to the sign. Something much easier to deal with. "But I always liked the aesthetic of having something displayed above a bed in cam shows, so I'm taking advantage." Giving a general point for the blank wall above the bed. "We need four screws to hang this on. So, the most difficult part will be setting it in. Think you can manage that, handsome?" "Hey, if you wanna go extra, you fucking go extra", Jonah assures the Switch as he checks out the results. It looks so much better now than before. "Besides, I like it.  It looks really cool, and it'll help you get the views-- some people enjoy it more when there's a pretty set-up rather than a boring-ass bedroom."
He looks at the wall where the sign is supposed to sit and lets out a low hum as he nods. "I can handle it, babe, I just need to measure and make sure we can get it up straight-- I'm gonna need some of your help, but don't put too much use to your injured arm and tell me right away if it's hurting. I'll try to be quick about it." So he starts lifting up the sign with Kurt's help and tries to get it as straight as possible so he can mark up where the screws are going. With that done, he gives Kurt another charming grin and reaches for the screws to get started on that. Of course Kurt would feel his face heat up again. The flirting was always appreciated, as was the verbal praise. Mentally storing away the fact that he had an affirmation kink for later use, as he steps in to help Jonah with the sign next. Which doesn't take too long either, and his poor arm is spared further from being strained. Small miracles.
By the time the sign is up, Kurt steps back to admire their - or really Jonah's - work with a satisfied sigh. "Yep. Just how I imagined it!" Taking his arm out of the sling, he clasps his hands together under his chin, and presses his knuckles up against his mouth while swaying from side to side. Showing how pleased he was with the set-up. It was real now. It was a thing. He just had to start a schedule and start posting live and video, and it would be official.
"Thank you so much," Kurt sighs after a moment, turning back to Jonah, reaching for him. Not only for an excuse to touch those muscles he'd been staring at, but also just to ground himself again. "How can I possibly return the favor for you?" It doesn't take long to get the sign up, so Jonah makes sure to clean off some of the dust that came from drilling into the wall and then steps back to check out the now finished work. It looks really good. Professional, even. He turns to look at Kurt to take in his reaction, and seeing the way he's gushing about the display makes him grin foolishly. He totally gets it.
"Dude, that was nothing. I'm just glad I could be of help, and if there's anything else you need, let me know." He raises an eyebrow at the Switch and lets his eyes travel to the hand on his muscles before they return to gaze back at Kurt's face. Not missing a beat, he takes a step forward, his hand moving to the side of Kurt's neck, letting his knuckles slide slowly down his skin. "I believe you wanted a test run..." he suggests. It's a split second flash in the Switches eyes. Something quick like a light switch. But he doesn't miss the indication as the hand touches him oh so gently. It's all he needs before biting his lip, hooking his fingers into the belt loops of Jonah's jeans and pulling him back towards the bed.
Giving an enthusiastic shove on the submissive to make him sit then lie down, Kurt doesn't waste much time in undoing Jonah's pants and tugging them all the way off. "Should I stuff your underwear in your mouth now?" He asks, hands traveling up Jonah's thighs slowly as he climbs an hovers over the other on the bed. A knee pressing right between Jonah's legs, just enough to tease. "Or should I let you beg for me?" He gets the exact reaction that he had expected to get out of Kurt, so Jonah lets out a pleased hum as he is being grabbed by the loops of his jeans, only to get pushed down onto the bed with not much effort. He likes the fact that Kurt isn't wasting any time, which only indicates that he wants this, and has probably wanted this for some time-- and Jonah wasn't going to lie, he has felt some kind of attraction for the switch as well, and now they were finally getting somewhere after all the teasing and flirting.
He smirks as he watches Kurt remove his pants, and huffs out a laugh over his enthusiasm and then his question, causing Jonah to immediately grab onto Kurt's chin as he gives him a teasing smile. "I don't know how I'm supposed to take your cock down my throat with my underwear being in the way, sir."
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edsonlnoe · 2 years
Premios ⬤ 21 | Elegibles
10 Things We Should Do Before We Break Up | 200 Meters | Aan Shab | The Addams Family 2 | Adolescentes | After We Fell | El Agente Topo | Ainbo: Spirit of the Amazon | Alelí | All My Life | Alva | Amare Amaro | Ammonite | Annette | Antlers | Aos Olhos de Ernesto | Army of the Dead | The Assistant | L’Autre Continent | Awake | Bad Trip | Bajocero | Barb and Star Go to Vista del Mar | Beckett | Becoming Cousteau | O Beijo no Asfalto | La Belle Époque | Billie Eilish: The World’s a Little Blurry | Black Bird | Black Water: Abyss | Black Widow | Blanco en Blanco | Bliss | Bo Burnham: Inside | Bombay Rose | The Boss Baby: Family Business | Boss Level | Boy Meets Boy | Britney vs Spears | Bruised | Buñuel en el laberinto de las tortugas | Burning | Camille | Campo | La Casa | Chaos Walking | Charter | Cherry | Cinderella | Clifford The Big Red Dog | Coda | El Comediante | Coming 2 America | Concrete Cowboy | The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It | Cosas Imposibles | Cosas Que No Hacemos | Os Conselhos da Noite | The Courier | Cowboys | Crisis | Cruella | Cry Macho | Danyka | Dear Evan Hansen | El Despertar de las Hormigas | Deux Moi | The Dig | Dime Cuando Tú | La Diosa del Asfalto | The Disciple | Un Divan Á Tunis | Divino Amor | De Dødes Tjern | Don’t Breathe 2 | Don’t Look Up | Don’t Tell A Soul | Drømmebyggerne | Druk | Dune | Dylda | È Stata la Mano di Dio | Les Éblouis | Edge of the World | Encounter | Errante Corazón | Escape Room 2: Tournament of Champions | Été 85 | Eternals | F9 | La Fameuse Invasion des Ours en Sicile | The Father | Fatherhood | Fátima | Fear Street Part One: 1994 | Fear Street Part Two: 1978 | Fear Street Part Three: 1666 | Felicità | Feral | La Fiera y la Fiesta | Final Account | Finch | Finding ‘Ohana | First Cow | Fondeados | The Forever Purge | Framing Britney Spears | Free Guy | French Exit | Fuego Adentro | Los Fuertes | Fuimos Canciones | Fukushima 50 | Georgetown | Ghostbusters: Afterlife | Ghost Lab | Ghost Tropic | The Glorias | Godzilla vs Kong | The Green Knight | Greta | Grudge | The Guilty | Halloween Kills | The Harder They Fall | Harriet | Les Héros Ne Meurent Jamais | He’s All That | Hijo de Monarcas | Hitman’s Wife's Bodyguard | Hotel Transylvania: Transformania | How to Build A Girl | I Care A Lot | I Carry You With Me | The Ice Road | In the Heights | Infinite | Intrusion | Josep | Judas and the Black Messiah | Jungle Cruise | Kağıttan Hayatlar | Kajillionaire | Kate | Khorsid | The King’s Man | King Richard | Laberinto Yo’eme | Land | Lamb | The Last Duel | Last Night in Soho | Leona | Life In A Year | Little Fish | Little Joe | The Little Things | La Llorona | Los Lobos | Locked Down | Long Weekend | Love and Monsters | Love Hard | Lúa Vermella | Luca | Lux Æterna | Madeline’s Madeline | Malcolm & Marie | Malignant | La Mami | The Map of Tiny Perfect Things | Matthias et Maxime | The Matrix Resurrections | The Mauritanian | A Menina Que Matou os Pais | O Menino Que Matou Meus Pais | Minari | Mi piel, luminosa | The Miseducation of Cameron Post | Misha and the Wolves | Miss Juneteenth | The Mitchells vs the Machines | Monster | Monster Hunter | Monstri | Mortal Kombat | Moxie | My Salinger Year | My Spy | Le Mystère Henri Pick | Muerte al Verano | Nam-mae wui Yeo-reum-bam | Negra | The Nest | News of the World | Ni Héroe Ni Traidor | The Night House | Night Teeth | No Time to Die | Nobody | Noche de Fuego | Nomadland | Notas para no olvidar | Notturno | Nuestras Madres | Ocho de Cada Diez | Old | One Night in Miami… | Ophelia | Our Friend | Outside the Wire | Oxygen | La Paloma y el Lobo | Passing | Paw Patrol: The Movie | Pelé | Una Película de Policías | Penguin Bloom | The Personal History of David Copperfield | Pieces of a Woman | Pinocchio | Playing Cupid | A Portuguesa | Possessor | The Power of the Dog | Pray Away | Príncipe de Paz | Promising Young Woman | The Protégé | Queen & Slim | Querência | A Quiet Place Part II | Rafiki | Raya and the Last Dragon | Red | Red Notice | Relic | Reminiscence | Un Rescate de Huevitos | The Rescue | Río Verde | Rizi | Ron’s Gone Wrong | Run | Saint Maud | Säsong | Schumacher | Se Escuchan Aullidos | Sea Fever | Seberg | Selva Trágica | Seungriho | Shadow in the Cloud | Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings | Shiva Baby | Silent Night | Sing 2 | Single All the Way | Skyfire | Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins | Le Sommet des Dieux | Sorry We Missed You | Space Jam: A New Legacy | Spiral | Spirit Untamed | Spitak | The Starling | Stowaway | Stray | The Suicide Squad | Sulla Stessa Onda | Supernova | Swan Song | Sweet Girl | Tell It to the Bees | The Tender Bar | Tengo Miedo Torero | There’s Someone Inside Your House | Things Heard & Seen | Those Who Wish Me Dead | Thunder Force | Tick, Tick… Boom! | Tinta Bruta | Titane | To All the Boys: Always and Forever | Todo lo Invisible | Tom & Jerry | The Tomorrow War | Top End Wedding | Tu Mérites Un Amour | The Tragedy of Macbeth | Três Verões | Trois Jours et Une Vie | True History of the Kelly Gang | The Ultimate Playlist of Noise | Undine | The Unforgivable | The Unholy | The United States vs. Billie Holiday | Venom: Let There Be Carnage | La Vérité | Vif-Argent | La Virgen de Agosto | Visión Nocturna | Vitalina Varela | Volverte A Ver | Wander Darkly | Wan Mei Shian Zai Shi | The Weekend | West Side Story | When Tomatoes Met Wagner | The White Tiger | Wild Indian | Wild Mountain Thyme | Wir | Without Remorse | The Woman in the Window | Words On Bathroom Walls | The World to Come | Worth | Wrath of Man | Yakuza Princess | Yermo | Yes Day | Yes, God, Yes! | Zhong Guo Ji Zhang | Zola
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laresearchette · 3 years
Friday, March 11, 2022 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
NETFLIX CANADA THE ADAM PROJECT THE FLASH (Season 8, New episode) FORMULA 1: DRIVE TO SURVIVE (Season 4) LIFE AFTER DEATH WITH TYLER HENRY ONCE UPON A TIME… HAPPILY NEVER AFTER THE PERFECT PAIRING WINTER PARALYMPIC GAMES (SN1) 10:00am: Morning Coverage (CBC) 2:00pm: Sled hockey - semifinals, wheelchair curling - semifinals,para alpine skiing - women's giant slalom, para biathlon - men's and women's 12.5 km - sitting / standing / vision impaired, Beijing Today. (CBC) 11:30pm: Para sled hockey - semifinal game, wheelchair curling - bronze medal match
CURLING (TSN) 10:30am: 2022 Time Hortons Brier: Tiebreaker (TSN) 2:30pm: 2022 Time Hortons Brier: Playoff 1 (TSN/TSN4) 8:30pm: 2022 Time Hortons Brier: Playoff 2
NLL LACROSSE (TSN) 6:00pm: Albany FireWolves vs. Halifax Thunderbirds
CHL HOCKEY (TSN5) 7:00pm: Shawinigan Cataractes vs. Victoriaville Tigres
NHL HOCKEY (SNWest/SNPacific) 7:00pm: Knights vs. Penguins (TSN3) 7:30pm: Jets vs. Islanders (SNPacific) 10:00pm: Capitals vs. Canucks
NBA BASKETBALL (SN1) 7:00pm: Cavaliers vs. 76ers (SN1/SNOntario/SNEast) 9:00pm: Raptors vs. Suns
ALL OUR RELATIONS (APTN) 7:00pm: Cree artist George Littlechild's paintings are in museum and private collections around the world.
marketplace (CBC) 8:00pm: Unpacking Mover Nightmares: Secret trackers and hidden cameras reveal new spin on alleged mover ripoffs.
WRITTEN IN THE STARS (City TV) 8:00pm:  Kelsey's magazine approves her article about a sceptic's take on horoscopes and love. She's teamed up with astrology guru, Carter, to write about a local meteor shower festival, and through fate they discover that love can be written in the stars.
MORNING SHOW MYSTERIES: A MURDER IN MIND  (Super Channel Heart & Home) 8:00pm: Cookbook author Billie Blessings is excited when friend Katie Sanders appears as a guest host on her show, but being a TV star can't save Katie from falling under suspicion of murder.
ARCTIC VETS (CBC) 8:30pm: The vets are checking up on the most endangered animals in their care, while aging lynx Bijou is behaving abnormally due to potential kidney failure.
THE NATURE OF THINGS (CBC) 9:00pm: How the Wild Things Sleep:  Unraveling the secrets of the most extreme sleepers of the animal kingdom; answering why and how animals sleep, how they deal with sleep deprivation and if animals dream.
THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF DURBAN (Slice) 9:00pm: Kgomotso's successful launch of her brand Lelapa sets the stage for the arrival of LaConco. BEST SELLERS (Crave) 9:00pm: In a last-ditch effort to save the boutique publishing house her father has left her, an ambitious young editor goes on a book tour with a bitter, booze-addled author who put the company on the map decades ago.
LUXOR (Super Channel Fuse) 9:00pm:  When British aid worker Hana returns to the ancient city of Luxor, she meets former lover Sultan. As she wanders, haunted by the familiar place, she struggles to reconcile her past choices with the uncertainty of the present.
THE YEAR OF SPECTACULAR MEN (Crave) 10:45pm: A chronicle of the romantic relationships of a recent college graduate.
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