#[ honestly-- it's just a wiser choice for me. i don't know why i didn't make it sooner. i ran a multimuse successfully for /years/ before.
araneitela · 4 months
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Alright, I've been mulling on this for most of the day, and unless a night's sleep changes my mind, I'll be working on returning (remaking) a very old multimuse of mine, that used to be over at iniziare. The blog will be entirely remade, and I'll post it here when it's done!
For those wondering, it will for now house: Guizhong, Yelan, Kafka and Arlecchino. Time to finish up that other WIP theme for this, I suppose! See you guys on the flip-side of this brighter future.
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ilovetheriddler · 4 months
yandere riddler of your choice with a reader whos into the whole stalking thing? thank you and have a good one!
Thank you! Oh, this is an interesting idea! It took me a bit to decide which Riddler would work best with this.... but then I decided that Edward Nashton would be a fun choice since I haven't written for him yet! I hope this is what you wanted! 💚
(2022 Batman) Edward Nashton/The Riddler x F!Reader.
(Declaimer: I don't condone or approve of the actions taken in this story. It is purely a work of fiction.)
Word Count: 682.
Contents: Stalking, Obsessive Behavior.
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Edward could still perfectly recall in exact detail the first day he met you. It was a memory that had burned itself into his mind, and that made his very heart race whenever he thought of it. You had walked into KTMJ, looking for someone to help look over the accounting for your place of employment.
The moment his eyes landed on you, he nearly felt his heart stop. You were perfect, ethereal even, to him. The way your hair framed your face, the brilliant shine in your eyes, the sweet and caring smile you always had, all things he absolutely adored and obsessed over.
"Hello there! Um.. I'm looking for whoever I need to speak with... the place I work at needs someone to look over our finances and our profit records?"
He just simply stared at you silently for a few moments until it finally dawned on him that you were actually speaking to him. He nervously adjusted his glasses slightly.
"...Um... I C-could take a look at that... for you... if you wanted?"
"Thank you! I'd really appreciate it!"
You sat down near his desk. Over the next hour, he looked through the reports and informed you of any discrepancies that your place of employment should be aware of and concerned about. He kept stealing longing glances at you while he worked.
Soon enough, you thanked him for his assistance and left. He felt a mixture of things once you had left. Frustration, disappointment, and an overwhelming need to bask in the warm glow of your presence again.
So, of course, that's why he's currently following you home, staying a decent distance behind you so that you don't notice him, He wouldn't be able to handle it if you found out what he was doing and were disgusted with him, no. He just couldn't risk it. So he always took extra care to not be seen.
Unbeknownst to him, you were actually already aware of the fact that he has been following you home every day. You knew that you should have probably either reported him or confronted him about his behavior. But strangely enough, a part of you didn't really mind.
Maybe he was just shy? At least, that's what you told yourself to justify your bizarre comfort with the situation. You were kind of hoping that he'd eventually work up the nerve to just ask you out. You thought he was quite cute, and he seemed fairly nice, outside of the whole stalking you thing. So you wouldn't mind going out to eat with him or perhaps just seeing a movie even.
But it went further than just him following you home every day. Late at night, you could almost swear that you heard a clicking sound, like what a camera would make. It made your skin crawl slightly, but you kind of liked it for some reason that you couldn't quite pinpoint.
That same clicking was currently going on just outside your window, Edward knew that it was wrong and really creepy of him to be taking pictures of you, which, as far as he was aware, was without your consent. Even though you honestly didn't mind that much, however, he didn't know that. He truly believed that you were none the wiser of his stalking and photo taking.
Eventually, a few hours after you had gone to bed for the evening, Edward slowly made his way back to his apartment, he needed to get these photos printed off so he could put them in the album he had made that was just entirely pictures of you. He loved to stare at them whenever he wasn't able to follow you. They brought him such comfort and joy. There was finally something outside of his riddles that he found joy in within this city.
He printed the pictures out and put them nice and neatly in the album. Before changing and laying down in his bed, he cradled the photo album to his chest, hoping to dream of the one who had stolen his heart so effortlessly.
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mimisempai · 3 years
When you kiss me, you speak to my soul
5 times when Loki receives an unexpected kiss and once when he gives one. (or more)
This story inaugurates a new series.
"Together, for all time, always"
This series is my way out in case our boys don't canonically have a happy ending.Background: After the events of the TV show, all the members of the TVA are aware of their status as variants and decide to work together on a better TVA. The main team is composed of Loki, Mobius, Sylvie and Miss Minute. The rest will come as time goes by. The stories do not necessarily follow each other.
3123 words - Rating G
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"Okay Loki! You know that in order to get your time travel pass, you have to prove that you know the rules perfectly."
Loki, annoyed, rolled his eyes and sighed,
"Honestly, I'm a rehabilitated variant, god of mischief, who saved the TVA from its slavery, that pass should be granted to me without going through any fucking tests!"
Miss Minutes jumped in front of Loki and pointed her little finger in the direction of Loki's nose, "Ttttt a god don't swear! And when the new TVA administration, of which you are a part, put the rules in place, you all decided to start over. With a new, admittedly less rigid, but still regulated basis that you signed up!  Come on, only two more points to validate!"
Loki grumbled, itching to send the little clock flying.
Unperturbed, Miss Minutes continued, "Tell me the basic rules of time travel? "
Loki began to recite in a bored tone, "Do not interact with yourself, do not interact with your ancestors, do not interact with historical figures. Don't interact with the big events in history even if it means not being able to save everyone. Pay attention to small details and use your time wisely.
"Perfect my little Loki!"
"Hey, a little respect Miss Mimi!"
The little clock coughed and Loki noticed a slight flush on her little cheeks.
"Well, then explain to me the three major paradoxes of time travel."
Loki, keeping the same jaded look on his face, recited again, "The Grandfather Paradox, if you go back in time to kill your grandfather, you effectively kill your father, and therefore yourself. The Predestination Paradox is simply when your past self is the very cause of your need to travel back in time. This creates an endless loop of travel, which is why it is also called a closed causal loop. Finally, the Bootstrap Paradox. It occurs when something is returned, often to the traveler himself, negating the need for its creation in the first place."
The little clock jumped all over Loki's desk, clapping!
"Yay my little Loki! You'll be allowed to get your pass validated!"
Loki, happy but irritated by the little machine, asked him, "So that means I don't need your lessons anymore, right?"
Loki rubbed his hands together as he said, "Perfect."
He began to move his hand, thinking of a spell to cast on the annoying little clock.
A voice whispered in his ear, "Loki... what did we say about spelling those weaker than ourselves?"
Loki turned to Mobius with a pout, "but Mobiuuus, just a little spell!"
Mobius bent down and took the hand with which Loki was about to cast his spell.
He said softly, "These hands do such beautiful magic, it would be such a shame to make them cast second rate spells."
He laid a gentle kiss to the back of Loki's hand and then walked away with a quiet step.
Loki, slightly surprised, touched lightly with his other hand the place where Mobius' lips had lingered.
Then he got up quickly, knocked over his chair and ran behind him.
Miss Minute, who had witnessed the scene, raised her eyes to the sky and returned to her screen.
Mobius was waiting outside the elevator.
Mobius turned around, Loki was coming towards him with a quick step. He looked at his watch and said with a slightly reproachful tone, "You'll really have to learn to be on time!"
Loki, with a cheeky grin on his face, replied, "I find I'm making progress, yesterday I was 13 minutes late and today only 11."
Mobius rolled his eyes and was about to answer him when they were interrupted by the voiceover from the elevator.
"The elevator is momentarily out of order, please use the service stairs."
Mobius walked to the door next to the elevator and held it open, waving his hand towards Loki.
"After you."
Loki walked past him and began to descend the stairs.
Almost arriving at the bottom, Mobius, on Loki's heels, put a hand on his shoulder and turned him to face him.
"What's wrong?" Loki asked him, surprised.
"Nothing's wrong. Everything's fine," Mobius replied softly before taking his face in his hands and leaning in to kiss him.
A few moments later, they separated to catch their breath.
Loki gasped slightly, asking Mobius, "I'm not complaining, but what was that for?"
As they finished descending the stairs Mobius replied, "It was the perfect opportunity to reverse the roles, for once I was the one who had to bend over to kiss you."
Loki was still smiling as they walked through the door.
As they passed by the elevator, the door opened to reveal the other members of their team.
"Huh? Is the elevator fixed yet? We took the stairs because they reported that the elevator was momentarily out of order, like... three minutes ago."
"What? But we got on it three minutes ago, four floors higher than you."
Loki looked back at Mobius with a little doubt.
Mobius replied, "Just because you're the god of mischief, doesn't mean you're the only one who can use it."
"Argh, for crying out loud, dates, more dates, always dates!!!"
Loki rubbed his eyes trying to fight the fatigue that was overtaking him.
He stood up, took a few steps to stretch his legs before returning to his seat and continuing to flip through his files.
"Need a helping hand?"
Mobius put his hand on Loki's shoulder and gently squeezed it before sitting down across from him without waiting for an answer.
He continued, "I know this isn't your favorite part of the job, Loki, but it's part of it and I'm glad to see that despite your reluctance, you're not afraid to pitch in.
Loki grunted, "I just don't think it's fair, Sylvie never has to do this kind of work. She's always out there."
"Have you been traveling through time, through all kinds of apocalypses like her for that long?"
"Hmph!Always the voice of wisdom huh?"
Mobius snickered, "Me? No, of course not, but the wiser of the two of us, that I am."
"You prick!" muttered Loki.
"Hey, I heard that!"
They both immersed themselves in the files.
After two hours, Mobius saw Loki get up.
"I'm going to stretch my legs for two minutes."
Five minutes later he saw a small bowl of salad appear in front of his eyes.
Loki said to him as he sat down, "to make up for my bad mood of earlier."
Mobius put his hand on Loki's forearm, "Loki, there is nothing to forgive.  You are allowed to have mood swings. I'm not asking you to be someone else. But thank you for the consideration."
He ate the salad Loki had brought him while the god got back to work.
A little later, he was disturbed in his research by a light snore, he looked up at the familiar sight of Loki asleep, his head on his crossed arms.
He had a fond smile. He knew that this kind of work must seem tedious to someone like Loki and yet, even though he grumbled and acted like a drama queen on a regular basis, it didn't stop him from working seriously.
Looking at the time, he thought they had worked enough for today.
He stood up and whispered in his partner's ear, "Loki, wake up. It's late. We're done for the day."
As Loki slowly opened his eyes, Mobius placed a kiss on the top of his head before getting up and going to put the files away.
Loki straightened up and was stretching again when Mobius returned.
"Was I dreaming or did you kiss me on the head?"
"Unfortunately my sleeping beauty's lips weren't accessible so I had to settle for kissing the top of her head to get her to wake up."
Mobius winked at her and headed for the door.
He turned and said again, "Are we going home?"
Loki, who still hadn't gotten used to the warmth these few words provoked in him, quickened his pace to join him.
When Mobius arrived at the cafeteria, he saw Loki concentrating at the dessert counter.
He joined him, placing his hand on his lower back to signal his presence.
"You look completely absorbed in the contemplation of these desserts. Do you have a favorite?"
Loki turned his head toward him and grumbled, "There's always so much to choose from. And every time there's a new kind. I don't even know what to choose. In Asgard there was fruit and... fruit."
Mobius was amused every time Loki was faced with this kind of problem. He made it an insurmountable challenge. This time, Mobius offered to help him.
"If you want we'll take several and share."
Loki nodded, " You choose, because I don't know what to take."
"Okay, go sit down, I'll pick and join you."
Mobius took a sample of several desserts, located the table Loki was sitting at and joined him.
They spent the next hour sharing the dessert plate. It was just the two of them left in the cafeteria. Loki was finishing the tiramisu while Mobius was bringing a last spoonful of chocolate mousse to his mouth.
"So, have you made your choice? What's your favorite?"
Loki licked his lips and replied, "Undoubtedly the tiramisu."
He put his spoon down and asked Mobius, "What about you?"
Mobius, who was sitting next to him, moved closer and looking at Loki's lips, murmured softly, "I'm hesitating between the chocolate mousse and the tiramisu."
He closed the distance between them and placed his lips on Loki's. Loki parted his lips and let Mobius explore his mouth with his skilled tongue. Mobius finished the fierce kiss with a light bite on Loki's lower lip, soothing him with a final lick. Then he moved back.
"I think in the end, tiramisu is my favorite."
They had just returned from the mission and were in the locker room.
Loki was putting his things away in his locker. As always after a successful mission, he was so excited that he was talking non-stop.
Replaying the events in detail, and because he was Loki, he didn't hesitate to emphasize the moments when he and Mobius had been particularly good.
The rest of the team was used to it and listened with one ear.
Mobius smiled fondly.
Continuing to babble, Loki followed the rest of the team for the post-mission debriefing.
As he walked out the door, he felt himself being pulled back. Then a hand reached into his hair and pulled out the tie that held it together.
He looked back at Mobius who was putting the rubber band in his pocket.
Mobius walked over to him.
"Why did you do that?"
Mobius replied with a mischievous smile, "Because when you have your hair tied back, I can't do that."
He raised his hand, and pushed behind Loki's ear the strands of hair that fell over Loki's face, letting his hand linger on the god's neck.
" Neither this."
With his hand on the back of Loki's neck, he ran his fingers through Loki's hair to comb it before gently grabbing it and pulling his head back slightly.
Having cleared with this gesture the throat of Loki, he deposited a rain of butterfly kisses.
Loki sighed, his lips parted, "Mobius..."
Mobius moved back again leaving his hand in Loki's hair.
"Nor this."
He raised his second hand and joined it with the first on the back of Loki's neck, tangling his fingers in the long black strands before pressing gently, forcing the god to tilt his head forward. Their lips were so close that each could feel the other's breath. Mobius pressed his lips to Loki's, his fingers clutching his hair as the god's hands found his waist.
Their kiss was long and slow, and when Mobius pulled back, nipping at Loki's bottom lip, He saw that his eyes were clouded and his mouth wide open.
"That's exactly why I like you better with your hair loose."
With a smile, he kissed Loki briefly on the cheek and headed for the locker room door, the bouncy step of one who has just won a victory, oblivious to Loki's hungry stare.
Loki had had enough.
Mobius obviously enjoyed starting fires with Loki and never extinguished them.
Loki was on edge.
Not that Loki didn't appreciate Mobius' spontaneous displays of affection and kisses, the man was extremely inventive and talented, but he felt like a ball of clay in his hands.
His pride as a god of mischief was at stake!
He had to regain the upper hand, just a little, just a few moments.
"Hoho miss Minutes, looks like someone needs to get laid!"
"Hey Syl! I'm just a pure little watch. I don't want to know anything about your sex lives!"
Sylvie sitting with her feet up on Loki's desk fluttered a paper cutter in the air and snickered back, " Which sex life Mimi?"
The watch returned to the screen and grumbled, "Never mind, Loki and Mobius's love life is none of my business! Hmph!"
Loki with his hands on his hips and a dark look in his eyes, muttered to Sylvie, "Don't you have a job to do instead of gossiping with that piece of junk clock?"
"Hey jerk! I heard you!" Shouted the little voice from the monitor.
"It's so much more interesting to watch you mope about your mustachioed prince."
Loki slumped into the other chair, a sulky look on his face.
"It's not so bad though?" asked Sylvie, studying him, her chin on her hand.
Loki told her everything, from the kiss on his hand to the fiery kiss in the locker room.
"And you dare to complain?!" Sylvie asked him, quite irritated, "You have a man who is completely devoted to you, and full of attention for you.  Do you realize how lucky you are?"
"Wait, Syl! It's not that I don't like it. On the contrary, but... argh" Loki tugged at his hair, "I don't know how to say it, before, the Loki before the TVA, I've always been a hedonist who enjoys the pleasures of life, who takes and throws, but now, even though I'm still a hedonist, I don't just want to consume anymore, I want to give too. And right now I feel like I'm the only one receiving."
"Aw, you're cute you know."
"Hey! Don't make fun of me!"
"But no, well just a little bit, but really Loki, the fact that you're thinking about this, shows how much you've evolved right? Have you even tried talking to Mobius about it?"
Loki shook his head, "You know me, I often talk a lot to mask my insecurities and also because I like to listen to myself talk, but anyway what I mean is that when it's serious I'm unable to express myself properly."
"And show him?"
Sylvie rolled her eyes, "Loki, are you the god of mischief or not? You are capable of seducing anyone! Don't embarrass me!"
A few moments later, alone in his office, he thought back to this discussion.
How could he surprise Mobius?
Mobius who knew how to read all his tricks...
Of course! The answer was obvious!
What better way than a direct approach!
He waited for the right moment and went to Mobius' office, sure to find him there.
As he walked through the door, Mobius looked up, a smile blooming on his face as he saw Loki.
"Loki!" He wanted to stand up, Loki stopped him by waving his hand. With one hand he locked the office door and with the other, using a flick of his wrist, he turned Mobius's chair around before walking towards him.
Then, without warning his lover, he straddled Mobius' lap and framed his face with his hands before throwing himself on Mobius' mouth.
Mobius pushed him back slightly and managed to articulate, panting, "Wait, wait, wait Loki! What's the matter with you? Not that I'm against it, but I'm surprised, pleasantly surprised, that you'd take the initiative like this."
Loki with his forehead and lips against Mobius' replied, equally breathless, "The problem is that my lover has been teasing me all week, kissing me everywhere and at any time, and hasn't given me a chance to return the favor, so now you shut up and let me kiss you! It's my turn!"
As Loki resumed the interrupted kiss, Mobius decided, with the last fragment of coherent thought he possessed, that all he had to do was enjoy it. He just ran his hands over Loki's hips pressing him closer until there was no more space between them.
He tried to control the kiss, but Loki would not let him, and finally, after a brief struggle, he gave in to the kiss and the shivers of pleasure that ran down his spine.
He believed to be out of air when Loki moved back slightly and fixed him, the eyes shining with satisfaction, licking his lips like a cat which had just devoured a pot of cream.
They slowly caught their breath and Mobius couldn't help but gently tuck a lock of Loki's hair back behind his ear in a gesture that was becoming more and more familiar.
Loki leaned into Mobius' hand.
"Hey Loki, more seriously," Mobius told him softly, "does it bother you that I'm acting like this? Because you know you can tell me."
Loki sighed, "It doesn't bother me per se, it's just the lack of reciprocity, the fact that I'm receiving a lot and giving nothing."
Mobius shook his head with a smile, "Sweetheart," he couldn't help but notice that Loki seemed to appreciate the endearment, "that's not how it works. When you kissed me just now, did you feel pleasure?"
Loki, indignant, protested, "Yes, of course I-"
Mobius put a finger to his lips.
"It's the same for me, you know. I am aware that in your head the gears are spinning wildly non stop, but in such cases, don't think. Just enjoy it, there's nothing selfish about it."
Loki nodded, then passionately kissed his lover once more, until they were both out of breath again.
Then Loki traced a path of kisses from Mobius' chin to his ear and nibbled on his lobe before whispering, his breath making Mobius shudder, "The rest is for later my love..."
He stood up and headed for the door while swaying his hips, fully aware of the gaze that followed him.
Then before he walked through the door, he threw over his shoulder, with a mischievous smile, "I too can light a fire and make you burn for me."
Not beta'd I hope you enjoyed it 🥰
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sokkadora · 3 years
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fluff prompts!
1. "your hair is so soft..."
2. "it's too cold! come back!"
3. "no i'm not letting you go. it's too early to get out of bed."
4. "c'mere, you can sit in my lap until i'm done working."
5. "i'm not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention."
6. "what? does that feel good?"
7. "just pretend to be my date."
8. "they did it." "no, they did."
9. "it's not a double date, we're just third and fourth wheeling."
10. "no, no, it's alright come here."
11. "look, i know we don't know each other that well, but i'm still worried about you. no one deserves to be alone."
12. "if i could, i would kiss away all of your scars."
13. "your lips are so soft, i could kiss them all day if you'd let me."
14. "mmm . . . you're warm."
15. "you're so cute when you're half asleep like this . . ."
16. "i've had a rough day and honestly all i want right now is a drink and someone to cuddle with."
17. "kind of pretty, aren't they?"
18. "where you go, i go."
19. "you are my dearest friend. my deepest love. you are the best part of me."
20. "you are the sun."
21. "oh, darling, everybody sees how you look at them."
22. "of all the things my hands have held, the best by far is you."
23. "i think you are the sweetest thing."
24. "there's nothing i wouldn't do to keep you safe."
25. "i don't care if the world knows my name, i just want you to remember me."
27. "you deserve more than i could ever give you."
28. "i love you. i know that's not enough, but i do."
29. "you're safe with me, you always will be."
30. "i need you to live... cause if you're gone then, i don't know what the point of it all is anymore."
31. "why do you walk around as if you're somehow less valuable than the rest of the world?"
32. "you'll always have me."
33. "you make me feel safe. like i'm allowed to be anything i want."
34. "i've got you, you're safe."
35. "just rest, i'm here."
36. "you can stay with me tonight."
37. “don’t worry. you always have a way of sneaking into peoples hearts” *kisses cheek*
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angst prompts!
1. "i didn't have anywhere else to go..."
2. "please, i don't know what i'd do without you."
3. "please talk to me about it."
4. "i'm pregnant.
5. "it's not bad to cry. in fact, i think it makes a person stronger."
6. "i think i might be falling in love with you."
7. "shh, you're safe. i won't let you go."
8. "i think i'm in love with you, and i'm terrified."
9. "i'm not gonna leave you. you're never going to have to suffer by yourself again, i promise."
10. "you are weak with love for them."
11. "sacrifice, that's what we do for the people we love."
12. "i thought they'd killed you."
13. "i lost my temper."
14. "i will find them, or i will die trying."
15. "don't you touch them."
16. "these people are my family, and if you hurt them in anyway – i will kill you."
17. "the choices i've made i would make again, for him, no matter the cost."
18. "i'll choose their happiness over mine every time."
19. "that's beyond stupid. they've created a new kind of stupid."
20. "people say that i am heartless."
21. "fight it, or accept it. fear it, or control it."
22. "you save everyone, but who saves you?"
23. "chin up, kid, they'd kill to see you fall."
24. "i'd do anything to be the person you love again."
25. "you make me want to live."
26. "i know i don't deserve forgiveness, but i like the idea that some people think i might."
27. "when i'm in a crowd i just want to melt away and yet, when i'm alone it's somehow worse."
28. "i know i'm not the person you want, but i'm here."
29. "i love you, and i know you may never feel the same. but i'm okay with that."
30. "you're worth more than this."
31. "i see you. i know you feel so invisible all the time, but you're not. not to me."
32. "it's okay to be angry, you're allowed to be upset about what happened to you."
33. "don't you realize you deserve more than this?"
34. "you're not a machine or— or some thing. you're a person, and i'm sorry anyone ever made you feel otherwise."
35. "please, just hold on a little longer. i can't lose you too."
36. "if you won't do it for yourself, then do it for me."
37. "you're bleeding— how long have you been hiding this?!"
38. "sometimes i realize one day i could die, i could just disappear and the world would be none the wiser. there'd be no one to miss me and that terrifies me more than death itself."
39. "i'm not sure i know who i'm supposed to be anymore."
40. "my mind is so loud and i'm afraid it'll never be quiet again."
41. “if you knew who i really was. just how… broken i am. you’d hate me.” — “i already know you. and i love you.”
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smut prompts!
1. "you know, you always look so much better when i mark you up."
2. "you look so good with my hand wrapped around your throat."
3. "how do you feel about adding another person to the mix?"
4. "you'd better be quiet if you don't want to get caught."
5. "you look good all soaking wet."
6. "are you sure that's what you want? i could really hurt you."
7. "i don't care how good it feels you'd better not cum until i tell you to."
8. "look, i'm not into choking but i wouldn't mind if you grabbed me by the neck every once in a while."
9. "i bet you think you're real cute letting them put their hands all over you. we'll see how cute you look later when i get you home."
10. "you don't have to be gentle with me, i don't break easily."
11. "touch yourself for me."
12. "do you think you deserve to be punished?"
13. "you take my fingers so well don't you?"
14. "shut up and take your pants off."
15. "when i get home i expect you to be undressed and waiting on all fours for me."
16. "are you wearing my shirt?"
17. "did i stutter? do as you're told!"
18. "look at you, i've only started using my fingers and you're already shaking."
19. "i can't wait to be on my knees for you later."
20. "oh honey, you know, you really shouldn't tease me."
21. "take it off. slowly."
22. "such a needy little thing, aren't you?"
23. "why don't you go put on something pretty for me?"
24. "kitten, don't make me tell you twice."
25. "do you know how beautiful you are? it's truly distracting."
26. "so desperate for it, aren't you? well, if you want it so bad you'd better start taking it."
27. "please? i'll be good, i promise!"
28. "mmm, good morning to you too."
29. "just pull the car over!"
30. "aww, is my little princess/prince getting shy?"
31. "that tickles."
32. "you know, there wasn't a single thing to eat in the kitchen until you walked in."
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random prompts!
1. "never saw one without the other, did you?"
2. "unique just means alone."
3. "i'm not afraid to die, just wish i could live a little first."
4. "i know i'm a monster, but you look at me like i'm a man."
5. "don't look at me like i'm a hero. you'll only disappoint yourself.
6. "sometimes when you look at me it's like...it's like you're staring straight past my flesh and into my soul."
7. "i trust you with my life."
8. "you're more like family to me than my own blood."
9. "i've never had any sort of family before."
10. "your life is far more precious than mine."
11. "i don't care what happens to me. as long as you're safe."
12. "i couldn't say no to you even if i wanted to."
13. "please, let me help you."
14. "just let me do this for you."
15. "you do have something to live for. you have me."
16. "this scar... what happened?"
more to be added (probably) ....
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thedyingmoon · 5 years
🖤 I See My Future Before Me 🖤
"Fire and ice. Night and day. Moon and sun. Twins. They are coming, mama."
Was dear Cassandra's prophecy.
Nine months later, Vergil and Dante came to our life. Finally, the gods have answered our prayers. And so, our happy family just became bigger.
The moment she laid eyes on him, Andromeda took a great liking to Dante. She always played with him, made him laugh, and when he got a bit older, she started showing him how she trained with the Rebellion. She told him a lot of stories of her adventures with the mighty sword. She influenced him too much that he was starting to grow just like her - courageous and strong, both in will and in body.
And as he grew up with Andromeda, Dante became attached with the Rebellion, as well, and the aspect of slaying Demons with it. More so than her that he begged his father for him to have it. And he relented, saying that he could have it at the right time. A few years later, the two started training together. There never was a pair so perfectly matched and balanced than those two.
Vergil, on the other hand, grew up very differently from Dante. While he was equally strong in both will and in body just like his younger brother, he was wiser than him. Much more than most children of his age.
And during those years of growth, he was watched over by none other than the shy and gentle Galatea.
As soon as he was born, the Bearer of The Past stayed with him. She told him lots of stories, read to him William Blake's poetry ( he took a great liking to the poet's Book of Urizen ), and sang to him sweet, sweet lullabies. And above all, she showed him unconditional kindness and gentleness. Just like what I did for her when she was a bit younger. The love I have for her extended to him.
Galatea loved Vergil. So much that she pledged her own life to protect him.
Andromeda for Dante and Galatea for Vergil,...
However, during those years of the twins' growth, Cassandra has become a bit of a recluse. She rarely spoke, rarely ate, and she doesn't play with her younger siblings anymore. She often isolated herself from us, always watching us from afar.
I tried to speak with her, to convince her to open up, and she would only sigh and glance at me with those dark, sorrowful eyes.
As years went by, she became more and more distant, she, herself, becoming a different person, altogether.
She would watch the weather outside, and would stare for hours when it rained or stormed. Her sisters, including the twins, convinced her to be with them, to no avail.
Then, one day, when my husband spoke with her, she simply broke down and cried. She was,... pleading with him, for an unknown reason.
For one last time, she begged him,...
... and on that night, he left us, just like that,...
And Cassandra? She locked herself in her room and cried day and night. I managed to convince her to let me in, to tell me everything she knew.
And that's when I finally found out,...
... the inevitable,...
Vergil, Dante, if you are reading this right now, the Demons might have already killed me. But, do understand that I did it to protect you, to keep you away from your father's enemies.
But, I beg you, please! Do not hate your father. He has a fair reason to leave us. Cassandra told me everything. It has to happen.
You two are the only family I have left. Please, protect each other, have each other's backs. Use the weapons your father gave you, the Yamato and the Rebellion.
Then, find the sisters of Fate. Find Cassandra, Andromeda, and Galatea. They will lend you power - the power to defeat the true enemy. No matter what those people say about them, they are not the enemies. Do not believe them. You need these girls, as much as they need you. They need your help, as much as you need theirs.
And finally, I love you so, so much, my sons. Forgive me for everything.
Vergil and Dante, I love you, so much.
This journal was owned by Eva Sparda.
The Sisters of Fate mysteriously vanished after the demonic attack in Red Grave.
Dante survived the ordeal and used a different name to conceal his true identity from Sparda's enemies.
Vergil, like the Sisters of Fate, vanished that evening.
This is Eva's final journal entry.
You were staring at your own trembling hands, your body feeling tense all over.
The Aspect of The Future has finally shown you how to fulfill the wish.
After so many years of searching, of longing to see that white - haired man in your visions, it has finally come to this,...
You knew that you will be succesful in your mission, yes.
But, deep inside your aching heart, you don't want to do it.
You were so afraid and so confused. You want to shout at the universe, to tell each and everyone who lived in it how unfair your life was. You believed you would have your precious, happy ending. You honestly, achingly, believed that you would be with this man.
But, alas, you were wrong.
For your life, ever since that night you were taken over by the entities that saved you countless of times, belonged to them and to this man, and has never been yours.
And this life you had, you knew you must offer.
You knew everything was inevitable, and, yet, God! You don't want to die just yet. You want to live! You want to live longer,...
Four days prior
Nico and Nero found out, without you even telling them, how V didn't confess to you that evening.
And since then, you two have become even more distant with each other.
Especially V. He stubbornly refused to take breaks, volunteering to do extra rounds of Devil Hunting even if he didn't have to. Even if he looked like he was about to collapse at any given moment. He worked his familiars to the bone, which was very evident with Griffon's complaints. He rarely showed himself to the rest of the crew, and when he did, he never really paid any attention to all of you.
Especially you. He avoided you like the plague, he never even bothered to look at you. And during those times when you had no choice but to lock eyes, he just looked at you with those empty green ones of his, devoid of his usual warmth towards you.
He has become a different person, altogether. And you didn't understand why.
"Well I've heard there was a secret chord
That David played and it pleased the Lord.
But you don't really care for music, do you?
Well it goes like this:
The fourth, the fifth, the minor fall and the major lift,
The baffled king composing Hallelujah!
That afternoon the next day, V simply went out of the van without saying a word. Nero shook his head in disbelief and faced you as you sat on the sofa, listening to that dreary song on the radio.
"Well your faith was strong but you needed proof.
You saw her bathing on the roof,
Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew ya.
She tied you to her kitchen chair,
And she broke your throne and she cut your hair.
And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah!
"Hey, you okay?" The youth carefully asked you as he kneeled in front of you. He sensed your pain, and he hated to watch someone like you suffer in silence - because he knew you did not deserve any of it.
You made an effort to smile at the person who was worried about you, and yet your eyes remained the same - dull, lifeless, melancholic,...
"But baby I've been here before,
I've seen this room and I've walked this floor.
You know, I used to live alone before I knew ya.
And I've seen your flag on the marble arch,
And love is not a victory march.
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah!
"Other than my heart slowly falling apart, yes, I'm fine." You sincerely admitted to the boy, knowing full well that it would do you no good to hide your emotions from him.
Nero's eyebrows furrowed as he sighed in dismay. He held your hands and squeezed them as gently as he could. This simple, yet thoughtful, gesture of his made you emotional once more, and with a herculean effort, you held back the tears that longed to pour out since yesterday morning.
"Kyrie bakes the best apple pies in the world, no shit." Nero told you, his voice as calm and as gentle as possible.
"I won't argue with that." Nico agreed as she sat next to you and wrapped a single, protective arm around you. "Kyrie's pies are simply the best."
Nero smiled at her. For once, they weren't arguing. "When this is all over, I'd like you to come live with us in Fortuna for a while. I'm pretty sure Kyrie would love your company."
"Oh, I would love to. Thank you, Nero." You answered with a simple nod.
"And, ah,..." Nero held up his shiny new Breaker made from the materials that Nico got from the Electric Furies that you fought last Saturday, showing you its powerful fist. "... if you want, I can teach V a lesson or two. I'll even offer it free of charge. Just say the word." He graciously offered, then winked at you, his charmingly boyish smile making you giggle.
"Oh, you don't have to but, I'll think about that offer of yours."
"There you go!" Nero cheered for you as he playfully bumped his metal fist against your cheek, making you laugh. "That's it! You look nicer with that smile on your face. I can't wait to introduce you to my Kyrie."
"And I can't wait to finally meet her." You replied as you glanced at both him and Nico, the two people who never left you and stayed with you through this hard time. "I only knew her from Nico's many awesome stories about her but, I haven't actually met her personally."
"Yeah, but first, we have a Dreadnought to kill. Time to move on, Nico!" Nero said as he stood up. He nodded at her, saluted at you playfully, and finally left.
"What does that supposed to mean?"
"Like that. It's time to move on." Nico answered as she went straight to the driver's seat, sat down and fastened her seatbelt. "Honey, let's not wait for the grass to grow! Let's go!"
You hastily went to the passenger's seat and fastened your own seatbelt. Nico nodded, and started the trailer,...
"Well there was a time when you let me know,
What's really going on below.
But now you never show that to me do ya?
But remember when I moved in you,
And the holy dove was moving too,
And every breath we drew was Hallelujah!
"HANG ON TIGHT!" Nico shrieked as she drove the trailer past the ballroom towards the balcony where you had that last, painful conversation with V,...
... where you first met the man who was the cause of all your pain and everything else,...
... where you danced your first and last waltz with the man you loved and achingly missed,...
... where you met the love of your life,...
... where you saw your future.
"THAT'S THE POINT!" Nico answered with a wild smile on her face. "WE HAVE TO MOVE ON, RIGHT?!"
And just like that - she drove through the remains of the glass that separated the ballroom and the balcony and made your way towards the railing,...
"Maybe there's a God above,
But all I've ever learned from love,
Was how to shoot somebody who outdrew ya.
And it's not a cry that you hear at night.
It's not somebody who's seen the light.
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah!
"AAAHHH!" You shrieked as Nico drove straight through the railing, destroying everything in her path, marble, pillar, and all, and made the abused vehicle fly in mid - air,...
You seriously thought that you're going to die. The ground looked far ahead, the things inside the vehicle that weren't attached flew as you went down, down, down towards who knew where,...
Just when the vehicle was about to land, you closed your eyes, feeling as if your whole world would end.
You felt everything around you quake violently, and when you could no longer feel the wild tremors, you opened your eyes and saw a breathtakingly - brand new scenery where the sunlight shone through every last picturesque structure.
Nico and Nero were, indeed, correct. Perhaps they felt that your old base was stifling and harsh.
Perhaps you just needed a breath of fresh air, along with a cleaner, more positive view of the outside world.
"Go get the guy, hon." Nico ordered you as she bumped your shoulder.
"What if he didn't listen to me?"
"Then, try again. And don't stop until he listens to you."
"And what makes you so sure this is gonna work?"
The artisan winked at you as she gave you a knowing smirk. "He loves you, too. I know. He's obvious."
"Is that so?"
The woman rolled her eyes. "You really are slow, aren't you?" She clapped her hands and spoke once more. "Go! Go! There are Demons to kill! The boys are out! No one's gonna see you transform! Except V. Let him see you do it. And while you're at it, tell him how you feel. He won't resist you by then. And that's your last resort! If it doesn't work, I don't know what will."
"Okay! Okay!" You answered as you stood and took your weapons.
"Grab that pretty, skinny ass, woman!"
"Stop. Just, stop,..."
For four days straight, all of you did the same routine. V ( who had a really rough time finding the new location of the van ) was always the first to leave, followed by Nero ( who laughed so unapologetically hard when the poet finally arrived at the trailer about three hours late the next day ).
And you? You always leave after the boys.
During that short time, you got used to the habit of leaving "after the boys" that it has become second nature to you.
And during those times of lonely Devil Hunting, you hoped and prayed that V would show up. As you sliced flesh after Demon flesh, you even envisioned yourself confessing to him. You would first apologize, then tell him how you missed him. After that, you could see yourself saying those words to him.
And then, you would simply smile at the nice and positive thought.
Yes, your situation with V as of the moment looked very dreadful. But, deep inside your heart, you knew that everything's going to be just fine.
Everything's gonna be alright.
It has become your ultimate mantra.
You were reciting it four days after you "moved on" as you killed a Demon, when, all of a sudden,...
"... find me when the time comes."
You heard a soft voice inside your head. You closed your eyes, feeling the entity inside you take over as it began showing you visions.
The moment you were transported to a different place, this time, to a house that was seemingly burning, you saw yourself touching a sword and whispering to it, pleading,...
"Our fates are connected. Our bond will remain unbreakable. Whatever happens, the Yamato will always bring us closer. Find me when the time comes, and then,..."
Just then, the door bursted open, and some menacing creatures entered with all the intention to murder you.
You grabbed the sword and held it high in an effort to guard yourself against the Demons.
"I will wait for as long as it takes. I only ask for one thing: don't forget about me,...
... Vergil."
Everything became blurry, and when everything cleared up, you saw her face once more - the woman who always haunted your dreams.
"Please, find him and save him before it's too late! Protect him at all cost. Save him from his death!" She begged you once more. "I' am so sorry, my dear. Fulfill my wish, I beg you,...
... Galatea."
Gala,... tea?
You reached out a hand but, you were too late. She was ripped open by the Demons around her.
Yet, despite that you could still hear her voice inside your head.
"I' am deeply sorry for hiding this for too long. Vergil is dying and you are the only one who could save him. But, in order to do it, you must offer your life,...
... willingly,...
... only then can he fully revive and defeat his enemies.
Forgive me, dear (Y/N). Forgive me."
You opened your eyes in utter shock. However, despite the fact that you just escaped from that unspeakable vision, you were horrified to find yourself in another one wherein you were looking at a pair of bloody, golden eyes,...
"This,... is what f - friends are f - for,..."
You were given no rest as you suddenly found yourself being sucked into another vision and saw yourself running endlessly away from something truly horrific. The thing which wounded those majestic eyes,...
Feeling tired and beaten to the bones, you stopped, only to hear a familiar voice that whispered to you,...
"What evil lurks, I must destroy!"
You felt a sharp pain in your chest, like you were being stabbed. Just like that dream you had,...
But, it wasn't the only pain you felt.
You felt hopelessness, melancholy,
... and above all, heartbreak,...
You jolted from your fearful visions, feeling all your tears pour out.
And who could blame you?
You just saw everything, and you finally have all the answers.
You were staring at your own trembling hands, your body feeling tense all over.
The Aspect of The Future has finally shown you how to fulfill the wish.
After so many years of searching, of longing to see that white - haired man in your visions, it has finally come to this,...
You knew that you will be succesful in your mission, yes.
But, deep inside your aching heart, you don't want to do it.
You were so afraid and so confused. You want to shout at the universe, to tell each and everyone who lived in it how unfair your life was. You believed you would have your precious, happy ending. You honestly, achingly, believed that you would be with this man.
But, alas, you were wrong.
For your life, ever since that night you were taken over by the entities that saved you countless of times, belonged to them and to this man, and has never been yours.
And this life you had, you knew you must offer.
You knew everything was inevitable, and, yet, God! You don't want to die just yet. You want to live! You want to live longer,...
To fulfill her wish, you need to die,...
For him to survive and regain his strength, he must drive that sword through your heart.
For him to defeat his enemies,...
... V,...
... the one you truly loved and vowed to protect,...
... must put an end,...
... to your life.
~ A V X Reader set in an Alternate Universe wherein Nico's trailer defies all laws of physics. 👌
~ Tagging these friends, @heaven-on-a-landslide , @lessy86 , @gxthghoulfriend , @boundbysoul , @ehrzeth , @krazy06 , @diabeticsugarush , @ceruleanworld , and @simmy-ships . 🖤
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nazyalvnskys · 6 years
1) Honestly I don't think Zoya will get power hungry or villainous in the next book. With Juris it's interesting because he's dead, the three Saints are dead, so all Juris can do now to influence Zoya from memory (and I don't think it's him she's connected to but the dragon he merged with). I think people will assume she'll turn evil, but she'll remain good. Zoya thought Juris was a bad person because he killed the dragon but he didn't, he merged with it so the story was a lot more complicated.
i don’t think zoya will turn evil, per se, either, at least not in a way that makes her villainous. the more i think about it, though, the more it makes sense that lb would give zoya the struggle of dealing with having a lot of power in book 2, especially with the number of times zoya’s hunger for power has been mentioned and the way her views on power have been described. it would definitely be an interesting continuation of her arc to have zoya explore the responsibilities and consequences that come with having an abundance of power.
with juris, i’m pretty conflicted. it’s interesting that you mention that it might be the dragon zoya’s truly connected with and that juris has no substantial influence over zoya—zoya describes the feeling of having juris watching over her after she takes his scales as an amplifer, so i think juris is still a presence in her mind that has considerable sway over her decisions.
the more i think about it now, the more likely it seems to me that juris might have an ulterior motive. he’s a saint with hundreds, if not thousands, of years of life experience, and i have no doubts that he’d be able to deceive zoya into thinking that he means the best for her when, really, he’s working for himself. lb even writes this in the annotations of chapter 17:
(Juris) I’d chop off my left wing just to hear my stomach growl or taste wine again or take a piss out a window.
(LB) And he would.
this might just be to emphasize the pain of the half-life that the saints are forced to live in the fold, but what if there’s something else behind that line? maybe juris is more than just tired of living a half-existence in what is essentially a purgatory, and if he’d give up his own limb just to experience mundane feelings, he could definitely sacrifice more in order to acheive loftier goals (such as restoring the grisha to their “former glory,” as he mentiones numerous times). if the darkling can survive as a part of nikolai for this long, why can’t juris, who is much older, wiser, and more experienced, do the same with zoya?
OR MAYBE i’m just reading way too far into this and juris is as he seems: a Wholesome mentor figure who just wants to see zoya succeed.
but, at the very least, i’m forseeing zoya’s conflict with power as a direct result of juris’s input. he does state on multiple occasions that he would like to see zoya become queen, even urging her to take the ravkan throne for herself. he also mentions the “making at the heart of the world” now being accessible to zoya, which may or may not include merzost. zoya’s ambition + her yearning for power + actual power + juris’s encouragement? a choice combination for lots of internal AND external conflict.
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yes! i would hate to see zoya go through so much only to lose her newfound powers at the end. alina losing her powers made at least some sense in her arc; zoya losing her powers would be a lot more debatable. we do know, though, that zoya learned how to control fire and water (and pushed herself into fabrikating) instead of having new powers bestowed upon her, so she probably won’t lose those aspects of her new abilities. as cool as it is that zoya has a new amplifier and might be able to shapeshift, though, i won’t be surprised if she ends up having to separate from juris if he turns out to have sinister intentions. (as nikolai says, she’d still be strong without amplifiers!)
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mimisempai · 3 years
I love you too much to let you go
Mobius says to himself that he did what he had to do to make Loki happy... fortunately he will come back to his senses and open his eyes.
Tumblr request : how about a break up and then forgiveness story?
Honestly I never write break-ups, I am not fond making "my" characters suffer. I won't be doing it again anytime soon, but I hope I've met the challenge.
1428 words - Rating G
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Mobius rubbed his eyes, stretched, and slowly sat up. He reached out to the other side, out of habit. The space next to him was empty. Because Mobius did the right thing.
He stood up, walked to the bathroom and turned on the light. He looked at his reflection in the mirror without seeing it.
"I just think it's wiser to stop things before they go too far."
"We've been together for over a year, we've already gone too far." had replied Loki
"I am old and mortal. You have your whole life ahead of you and I do not wish to stand in your way. "
"In my way? But what way Mobius?" Mobius could sense the incomprehension in Loki's voice.
"I do not wish to be a burden to you."
"Mobius, how can you say that?" The voice was now pleading
"I'm saying that we should... that it's in our best interest to..."
"You're breaking up with me. Say it."
"Yes I want us to break up, before it hurts too much."
He saw Loki's features contort with anger. His gaze was as cold as ice.
"You'll thank me eventually...it's the right thing to do."
"How can I thank you when you are sacrificing me on the altar of your integrity, sacrificing our love on the altar of your fear.I thought you said I had the choice to do what I wanted with my life, but do you realize you just took that choice away from me? Who is now the scared little boy?"
Mobius answered nothing and stood in the middle of the living room until Loki walked out, closing the door, gently, without slamming it.
Mobius lived through that day and the next. The apartment was filled with Loki's absence, and Mobius spent more time at work to avoid feeling it. He told himself that Loki's things should be packed, but the thought of touching anything that evoked his presence made him sick.
"Go home!" HB ordered him when she realized that Mobius hardly ever went home and slept in his office.
"This is not my home anymore..." muttered Mobius.
"It's your fault" HB knew all about their breakup and had called Mobius an idiot more than once. "Go to sleep and especially get yourself a wash!"
"I'm sorry," Mobius said. He straightened up and went home.
Once the door was closed, he leaned on it and let himself slide against it. After a few seconds, he realized he was not alone and heard voices coming from the living room.
"Loki, did you even read all those books?" asked a voice Mobius knew. Casey.
"Almost all of them," Loki said with a tired tone, and Mobius froze, "The ones I didn't read were from Mobius, who..."
It was me who read them aloud to both of us.
"It must be nice to have someone take care of you like that."
"Yeah it is... unbelievable," Loki said, and Mobius could hear the clenching of his teeth.
"Mobius is great," Casey replied, "Everyone loves him."
"Sometimes that's not enough," Loki answered softly.
Casey didn't seem to hear him and continued, "To think that before he met you it was Loki-this or Loki-that, and even more so, after he met you it was the same. For anyone who knew Mobius, like me, it was crystal clear that he was completely dedicated to you. He had never put his head on the line for anyone like you."
"Shut up," Loki muttered. Mobius put his head in his hands.
What have I done?
"When you left, when you followed the variant, it wasn't the same. I'd never seen him like that in all the time I've known him. He hardly slept at all, until we found you."
"Mobius loves me, I know that," Loki said softly. "It's just... Like I told you, apparently that's not enough for him. It's not enough for him to fight."
"Loki," Casey continued, "I know most people think I'm an idiot. But you kept talking to me and being nice. So why are you letting him break up with you? You have to fight for him. You love each other. Everyone can see it, the young recruits when they hear about you, they call you the Time Lovers. For three days you've been a shadow of yourself."
"I'll have to find another light then," Loki blurted out.
Casey didn't respond and sighed.
Mobius decided it was time to make his presence known. He cleared his throat and walked toward the living room. "Good evening."
"Mobius!" Loki turned around. "I was, uh, packing up some stuff. I thought you'd be home later."
"I decided to come home early today."
Mobius realized that Loki was indeed a shadow of himself as Casey had said, and Mobius was to be blamed. The magnitude of his mistake was clear to him. He took a step towards Loki, then became aware of Casey's presence.
"Casey... do you-"
"I'm leaving." he paused, looked at Loki and said without letting out a sound, "Fight for it."
Loki nodded and Casey left.
Mobius waited for the front door to close.
"Loki, I'm sorry, I think I made a big mistake."
"You think?" Loki replied in a bitter tone.
"I'm sure of it. I lost faith in us for a while because I overheard a conversation that I probably shouldn't have. People were comparing us and saying how I was no good for you. That I was holding you back. I could only see my flaws, I could only see how I could possibly hurt you. I didn't realize...I didn't know...I couldn't see what I could offer you anymore." Mobius could no longer hold back his words, nor his tears, so desperate was he to convince Loki.
"I love you with all my being, Loki. Without you, nothing has any meaning, taste, flavor, light. And I realize that I am no longer able to live without you, so even if it makes me selfish, please Loki, come back to me."
Loki approached him and took his hand, "Mobius, how can you believe that you are not good for me? You trusted me when in the eyes of the universe I was anything but trustworthy, you saw the good in me when I had done nothing but evil, you made me want to become good, to become trustworthy, to become as you saw me. If you are not good for me, then no one is. How can you think you are holding me back when you have set me free and because of you I am no longer tied to the ground by my destiny." Tears were also running down Loki's cheeks. He continued, his voice trembling, "Even as you broke up with me I knew you loved me and I didn't stop loving you."
"Loki, I'm so sorry for the harm I may have done, for acting like a fool."
Loki shook his head, "You acted like a real idiot, but the harm you did was to both of us. You know, for a long time I thought I'd be the one to do the first stupid thing, to say the wrong thing or do the wrong thing to make you want to leave me. I didn't think you would do it alone."
"I apologize with all my heart Loki."
Mobius took Loki's face in his hands and with his forehead against his, eyes in eyes, he said in a clear voice.
"I love you."
"For all time"
"So we don't break up then?" joked Loki, who leaned in until his mouth was inches from Mobius'.
Mobius closed the distance then kissed Loki long and hard.
When they parted, Loki said softly, "I love you. I love everything about you. And I can't stand one more day of life without you. It's been a hell of a few days Mobius. I forgive you with all my heart but don't let this kind of thing break us up like this again. We've trusted each other since the very beginning, so trust me too when you doubt yourself."
"Thank you." whispered Mobius, exhaling with relief.
Loki took Mobius by the hand and led him to the couch, where he sat Mobius down, then got into his favorite position, his head in Mobius' lap, this time facing Mobius and wrapped his long arms around his waist before whispering against his stomach, "Don't ever do that to me again, Mobius. It was worse than the day I found out I was adopted, I thought my heart was being ripped out."
"Never again," Mobius promised, "I swear it to you." He leaned over and placed a long kiss on Loki's forehead.
They stayed like that for a long time, savoring the moment.
Their love had survived. _________
Whole series of oneshots here : X
As always, bear with me as it is not beta'd I hope you enjoyed it 🥰
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